By Lois Mittino Gray City vehicles were the main focus of the August 25, Mount Vernon Board of Works and Public Safety Meeting. Both the city fire and police departments are working to get new transportation to ensure safety and citizen protection. With supply side issues all around the nation, it’s always difficult to know when they can finally get them rolling down the road.
One jailed as investigation continues in Mount Vernon
“I decided to run for Posey County Sheriff because I live here, my family lives here and my step-son goes to school her,” Riney explained. “I have spent the last 30 years working for the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Of-fice and I love what I do. I offer 30 years of knowledge, know how, resources and experience.”
Sergeant/ Detective Chandler, Detective Wilson, Sergeant Clamme, Sergeant Staggs, Trooper Roberts, and Trooper Vennekotter, Indiana State PoliceAssisting Agencies: Mount Vernon Police and Posey County Sheriff’s Office
“I served on a submarine in the Navy. I bet you if we
Photo by Dave
Enjoying the Bingo at Saint Philip School cafeteria on Saturday evening are three generations, left to right, Heather Weber, Tina Spindler, and Jeanette Wolf.
Indiana Democratic Auditor Candidate ZeNai Brooks talks with Jeff Greenwell at the JFK Dinner this week. Photo provided Indiana State Trooper Doug Roberts watches for traffic while Mount Vernon officers Colton Givens, Leo Gonzales, and Caleb McDaniel look over the scene and ISP Trooper Alec Vennekotter takes notes at the scene just west of Mount Vernon where two sustained gunshot wounds on Friday.
(USPS 439-500) SINCE 1882 Successor to The Poseyville News & New Harmony Times P CTT This Copy Especially Reserved For: Tuesday, August 30, 2022August 30, 2022 $1.00$1.00 Volume 142Volume 142 Edition 35Edition 35 COMMEMORATINGCOMMEMORATING5050YEARSSINCETHEYEARSSINCETHE BULL ISLAND ROCK FEST Continued on Page A9 See Page A12See A12 Continued on Page A9
Mount Vernon works to resolve transportation problems
Hoosier Promise Tour starts here
Melissa Wade Indiana State Treasurer candidate Daniel Elliott talks with Posey County Commissioner Candidate Greg Newman and Posey County Assessor candidate Nancy Hoehn following the Cream the Candidates held Sunday at the Granary in New Harmony. Photo by Dave Pearce
“During this time I became a Communications Instructor, a state certified Firearms Instructor and a Medical Instructor,” he said. “I am currently a guest instructor at the ILEA. In my career I completed SWAT training at Camp Attebury, I am a certified ALERRT Instructor, ERASE certified and currently on the Southern Indiana Honor Flight Medical team.
A chassis for a new 2022 midsize-pumper truck that has been ordered by the Fire Department for over a year finally is built. Fire Chief Wes Dixon said he received a call the day before that it is finished and sitting in a lot in Louisville, Kentucky waiting on delivery. He speculated it may be delivered within the next two weeks. Now, he needs to start the bid process to finish building the top onto the chassis with the fire pump and equipment. He told board members he has the specs already complete. Dixon estimates it will be over $60,000 and at that figure, does need to be bid out. Mayor Bill Curtis reminded him he will need to advertise the bids in the next week or two, and the ad will have to run twice. When complete, this truck will replace the 1989 Engine Number One and be the new Engine One of the Cityfleet.Police Chief Andrew Rush reported on progress acquiring a new police vehicle. He brought in two quotes from local agencies for the purchase. Dodge quoted $39,400; and Ford quoted $50,080; Chevy did not quote as the vehicles are not in their system yet. These figures do not include a trade-in. The department does not have any extra vehicles at this time to trade. It was discussed that they really need to have one or two, in case of a car being down or in for maintenance. Curtis and the other board members agreed it was a good idea, especially when one is down for maintenance.Curtis stated the city van they use for city travel is really getting some age on it. He and former Police Chief Alldredge had discussed the possibility of using one of the old, good police vehicles for that purpose, instead of doing a Rushtrade-in.added the department currently has two vehicles sitting at a business, the OnDuty Depot, waiting to be equipped. “The Evansville Police Department takes all of their vehicles to the same location and when
He said his goal, if elected, is to “get Republicans and Democrats to respect each other, to talk together.”
By Trisha L. Lopez Posey County hosted the state’s top Democratic party hopefuls on Thursday evening at the annual JFK Dinner which launched the party’s Hoosier Promise Tour at the Mount Vernon High School cafeteria. United States Senate Candidate Tom McDermott, United States House Candidate Ray McCormick, Indiana Secretary of State Candidate Destiny Wells, Indiana Auditor Candidate ZeNai Brooks, Indiana Treasurer Candidate Jessica McClellan and Indiana Representative Candidate Kathy Ryback addressed a packed house of party supporters, talking about platform issues and the need to move Indiana from a red state to a purple state. Party leaders urged attendees to connect with voters and reach across the aisle to inspire change. McDermott, who sat down for an interview prior to the start of the event, said he grew up with a Republican father and a Democratic mother. The fourterm mayor of Hammond, Ind. and Navy submarine veteran, said he’s been “bridging the gap between those two for a while.”
Photo by Dave Pearce
Special to the News A Mount Vernon woman has been arrested and charged with attempted murder, aggravated battery and battery by means of a deadly weapon.OnFriday night, August 26, at approximately 8:42, Posey County 911 Dispatch received a call from a residence located at 160 SR 62 West in Mount Vernon reference to a man and a woman who had been shot. Moments later, Mount Vernon Police arrived and located Herbert Wade, 58, on the living room floor with a gunshot wound. Melissa Wade, 48, was in a rear bedroom with a gunshot wound. A male juvenile relative was also inside the residence during the shooting, but he was not injured. Indiana State Police detectives are currently investigating the shooting. According to detectives, Herbert and Melissa Wade are married and were involved in an argument when Melissa Wade allegedly shot Herbert Wade in the chest with a handgun. Detectives believe Melissa accidently shot herself in the leg. They were both transported to Deaconess Midtown Hospital in Evansville. Herbert Wade is currently being treated for life threatening injuries. Melissa Wade is currently being treated for non-life-threateningThisinjuries.isan ongoing investigation and further information will be released as it becomes Investigatingavailable.Officers:
Riney makes sheriff bid Special to the News Vanderburgh County Deputy Sheriff Tobin Riney is running for Posey County Sheriff as an Independent. Riney made the announcement several weeks ago but was recognized at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner Thursday evening in Mount Vernon.
Riney said that his plans, if elected as the Sheriff, are to improve training, offer more training and develop a good working relationship between the Sheriff’s Office, Fire, EMS, the Mount Vernon Police Department and the residents of Posey County. “I am a firm believer in having an open door policy,” he explained. “I am currently working with our School Resources Deputies on how to obtain grants for full time SRO’s. Eighteen years of his career has been spent spent working in the former and current jail. He graduated from the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy in 2010. Since then he has worked the road, transports and courts.

Let there be lightGG JB
Resident Letter to the Editor Posey Solar Project decison leaves questions
S W C M P / E D P E E T B O S D B C P V D M C Y Ph. 812-682-3950 PO Box 397 • 510 Main Street New Harmony, IN 47631 Fax www.poseycountynews.com812-682-3944
I will start by stating that I am not opposed to green energy or specifically Solar for this letter, but that industrial Solar Projects must be constructed in the right area to collect the most energy and disrupt the least amount of people.
The Posey County News - USPS 439500 is published weekly for $48 in-state and $53 out-of-state by Pearmor Publishing LLC, PO Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631. Periodicals postage paid at Mount Vernon, Indiana Publisher: Dave Pearce Postmaster: Shawn Medley Send address changes to: The Posey County News, PO Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631
On August 08, 2022 the FBI executed a search warrant at former President Donald Trump’s residence, Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida. That is about the extent of what we in the general public know about the situation. There is a great deal of speculation about the process but very little of that speculation is likely to be unbiased. The search of any former president’s home would of necessity be embroiled in competing political interests. Many important issues are in play and countless questions arise. We in the general public may be greatly affected by the search and the motivations for it or there may be no great significance to our democracy. We do not yet know the basis for the search or the reasoning of those who sought, granted or executed it. And that is unacceptable as almost always, our interests as a nation are better served by more factually correct information than less. A lack of transparency engenders suspicion and confusion. In a country so at odds over Donald Trump, more light is best. Careful release of information may be called for but it is more likely that the greatest harm to our country will result from suspicions raised by in camera legal proceedings. There are good reasons our Founders saw Great Britain’s use of General Warrants and Writs of Assistance as cause for Revolution. The Fourth Amendment to our Constitution was adopted to protect our right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. It requires “an Affidavit of Probable Cause supported by Oath or Affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” I do not ascribe to the fear our country is near another revolution. However, I do think we should seek to benefit from the wisdom of those who fomented the first one. Was the search of Donald Trump’s home called for by the facts? Were those who made the call properly motivated? Was the Fourth Amendment followed? Perhaps it was in America’s best interests to search Mar-a-Lago. Maybe evidence of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” was secreted in the premises. If so, then a search was not only justified, it was required. However, until the secrecy is removed and the light of justice is brought to bear, the citizenry is in the dark. And that dark might lead to more harm than the revelation of some uncomfortable documents.Formore Gavel Gamut articles go to www. Or “Like/Follow” us on Facebook & Twitter at JPegOsageRanch.
Someone can please fact check me on this one, but I heard that the decommission funds that the solar company is putting into a bond for the county - ONLY must or can be used if the ENTIRE project is being shut down. For instance, if a parcel burns, or has wind damage and is no longer producing energy, but is a complete mess. Is anyone responsible for cleaning it up, or does it sit like that for years until the entire project is being decommissioned?Weare still waiting on the decision from the DNR if they will allow the project to move forward. One of the main concerns of the DNR is the tile work in the fields where solar is going to be installed. To help explain what tile is, the landowners dig trenches (usually 24-36 inches) and bury a tube that allows excess water to seep in, and that tube carries the water to a ditch or other water way. These systems help maintain the soil to be properly drained. Many of these tiles were laid by hand by past generations. Those tiles were made of clay and can easily be broken when the ground is disturbed near those tiles. When those tiles get broke, water travelling through the tile is forced upward and turns the soil above it into a liquid mud that goes back into the tile leaving a sink hole in the field. That mud flows to the waterway, where it will settle and disrupt the flow of water in the future. The solar company has stated they will repair all tiles that they break. If they are trenching, laying power lines underground, they will be able to see any tiles that they break and make a repair. But, if they are driving steel beams directly into the ground for tens of thousands of solar panels, how will they know if they have broken a tile or not. If they are close to the tile, the force may crack it but not break it and the damage may take years to show up. As far as I know, from knowledge passed down from my dad who was a farmer of our land, there is no map of these clay tiles laid many years ago. I understand that in recent years, new tiles are laid with GPS and very good maps of those fields are available. Most of the fields in this area have the original clay tiles. When they go to remove (decommission) the steel girders from the ground, it is again going to disrupt the ground at the level of these tiles. Who will repair these tiles at that time? Who is going to clean out the ditches and waterways when all the sediment is dumped into them from broken tiles now and after the project? Hopefully the DNR will recognize the magnitude of this concern and have this project move to areas that do not have buried tiles which will not affect the natural watershed. The solar company promoted the fact that this 1400 acres is less than one per cent of Posey County farm ground. But this is some of the most productive ground in the county. Why can’t this project be placed on recovered coal mine land or less productive soil? CenterPoint owns a lot of land around the A.B. Brown power plant. If CenterPoint is getting government kickbacks, why are they not using their own land to set panels? When I think about an Industrial Solar Project, I think of a one very large area where no homes or roads are encompassed. Why does this project scatter over many miles in individual fields? There are non-participating homeowners in the project design that will have solar on ALL FOUR SIDES of their home. Some will have three sides, and many will have one and two sides of their homestead. Each of these solar panel fields will have to have border fencing, a visual screen of plants in front of non-participating homes and transmission lines to get the power to the main power grid and stations. Why was this project not considered somewhere else as one big project that would not affect so many homeowners? There were other options that would produce the same amount of energy, and NO ONE would have to be affected. As far as the APC, I do not see how you will be able to deny any other applicant that applies for a permit in this county to build something on land they own. When it was stated, while voting, that two members’ vote were “yes” because landowners have rights to do with their property as they choose, how can you now tell someone else they cannot build something on their own property. You can say it will disturb the neighbors, decrease others property value, damage others property, or create a nuisance, but we demonstrated time and time again how this project will do the same to those already living in the proposed area - and you turned a blind eye to us. I am not saying your job is easy or that I would want it, but you have opened a door that is going to be difficult to shut.To sum up the feelings of those living in Marrs township that opposed this project, we feel we were betrayed by parts of our county government. We, being mostly farmers and single-family residences, came into this fight completely unprepared for what was going to happen. The hope that ethics and being a good neighbor (as we were raised) would prevail was wrong. Companies with deep pockets and expensive lawyers rolled over us with no concern about what was ethically right or wrong. They have come into our county, somehow bypassed our normal approval system, and now are lining their pockets with millions of dollars. That will NOT be staying within our county. Truly, how much is the county going to profit from this project? A project of this size and nature, that affects so many established homeowners, should have been placed on the election ballet in the fall to let the citizens of this county vote instead of some appointed members of the APC. Since the APC approved the project, and there is not another step, there is not much that can stop it now. If it does get built, I pray for my children and grandchildren because they will be left to clean up this mess and hope that they can return it to the productive farm fields that it once used to be 30-50 years from now. For those in the area affected. Please take lots of pictures now so the next generation can see the beautiful countryside we used to Nickhave.Seifert Marrs Township
The views and opinions expressed on this page are solely those of the original authors and shall not be considered the official position of The Posey County News and shall not be considered to be, or be relied upon as, a formal interpretation. Any content provided by our authors are of their opinion, and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything.
W / R L G G R T L
Southern Indiana, Posey County, especially Marrs Township, has some of the highest producing crop land in the region. It is also home to many residential homesteads. But recently our county voted to allow a 1400-acre solar project (Spread out over miles based on what landowners signed up) to take away this prime producing land and convert it to Solar arrays. This part of the country is known for Ice Storms, some snow, hail and damaging winds. None of which are good for solar panels. To say that I am a little disappointed in the Posey County government (specifically the Area Planning Commission and the County Council), would be an understatement. As you are probably aware, the Area Planning Commission voted to approve the 1400 acre “Solar Farm” in Marrs Township on August 15, 2022. I have many questions that have not been answered, so I am going to post them here to see if someone can shed some light on why this wasMyallowed.understanding is that the normal process for any large construction project, like this solar project, begins with the Area Planning Commission to ensure that the proposed project has met all the ordinances, they have filed all the necessary paperwork and that the project does not harm the residents of the county. After the APC approves the project plans, the project will be presented to the County Council Commissioners and the Posey County Council that they have met the requirements of the county. The Council then will vote to allow the project to move forward or not. The County Council vote is based on what those elected members feel their constituents would want. For some reason, yet to be known to the public, the final step did not happen. The APC made the final decision to approve or deny. The big issue, the APC is an appointed committee. The citizens of the county have no say on who is appointed to these seats. The County Council and Council Commissioners ARE voted into office. This project was approved, against the wishes of many residences, by people we did not elect to make this kind of decision. How can a project of this size that affects so many residences of this county, go outside the process? There are many rumors floating around, but I would like someone to answer thisThepublicly.votewas approved by a margin of 5-3. A 4-4 vote would not have passed. There were 2 APC members that stated when they made their vote, that they had to say APPROVE because the solar company had met ALL the requirements of the ordinances and had filed all the necessary papers. It is the job of the APC to do that. Even if they do not feel the project would be a benefit to the county. That is the role of the County Council. The solar company was very diligent in making sure they had met all the requirements and would probably have sued the county if it did not pass. This put the APC members who were against this project in a very tough situation. It was also stated that they were voting YES for landowner rights. Landowners should have the ability to do what they want with the land they own if it does not negatively affect neighbors. I commend the three members who voted “no” for listening to the people who were born, raised, lived, moved to, and raised families in this beautiful county. Several comments were shared during the final meeting which has me scratching my head. The APC was very happy that the Solar company was going to remove the Topsoil, and “retain” it as much as possible on the property from where it was removed. So, the landowner will get their own soil put back when the project is decommissioned 30-50 years from now. 1. If they remove 6-12 inches of valuable Topsoil from a 50-acre field, how high will that pile have to be where solar panels are not being installed? 2. If they remove the fertile topsoil, then plant “native” grasses, do they really expect that those seed will germinate and produce a healthy ground cover? The likelihood is that noxious weeds will take over and will spread those weed seeds to adjoining non-participating land. 3. After this valuable topsoil has been piled up for 30-50 years, will the quality of that soil even be close to what it was before? Has there ever been any studies onOnethis?of the people opposed to the project stated to the APC during the public portion of the final meeting, that they had heard one of the members from the northern part of the county say, they would approve it “as long as it is NOT in my backyard”. The opposing person went on to say that when Windmills were being studied in the northern part of the county, it was fought very hard, and it got voted down. That was later clarified by the president of the APC that the wind companies had never filed so it was not voted on. While that may be accurate, let’s look at the rest of the facts. The APC members were designing and modifying the Wind and Solar ordinances for the county when they heard that Wind Farms were looking at northern Posey County. They set the parameters at 2.5 times the height (including the blades) of non-participating landowners property line. That made it nearly impossible for wind to be built so the company decided to look elsewhere. BUT in April 2021, when the Solar company was negotiating to build in the southern part of the county, the APC CHANGED the setback distance from the leading edge of a non-participating residence (home) to 300 feet in the solar ordinance because their “Solar Lawyer” from out of the county informed them that no solar company would come to the county with larger restrictions. It is only 100 foot from a non-participating owners property line. For those that do not seem to think this is a big deal, let’s put that into an example that is easier to visualize. If you lived in County Club Estates and had a beautiful view of the golf course, which you do not own, but you purchased your home because of that wonderful view. Then someone decides to no longer have a golf course but decides to change it to an industrial solar project. It will be 300 ft (the length of a football field) from your house (not the edge of your yard) and it will have a fence around it. They can only make the panels 15 ft tall but that is more than the height of the backboard in basketball. Do you think the value of your home would drop with a change like this, even though that property owner has landowner rights to do it, as the APC states? The solar company says it will not lower your home value. How would you feel sitting out on your back deck now, listening to the hum of solar panel and tilt motors, getting the increased 5-plus degrees in temperature around a solar project, getting the reflection of sun off the panels instead of the wonderful view you had before? That is what the homeowners in southern Marrs township will be going through. Not even considering the months and years of construction equipment pounding steel beams in the ground, moving dirt (creating dust for months) and hundreds of construction workers (not from the area) roaming around near their yards where their children are playing outside. The damage to the roads and surrounding area that we have seen on other solar projects is immense. Personal vehicles get damaged from the road conditions and the solar company will NOT claim responsibility. I’m confident that those who might try to sell their home with an industrial solar project 300 feet from the foundation of their home (not the property line) will NOT get top dollar for the largest investment most of them have made. Where are the rights of those land (home) owners? House value guarantees were discussed, but the APC members were convinced by the solar group that values would not drop, so that did not happen. Please explain to me how this is possible.
Our Federal Government just signed a multi-billion-dollar Inflation Reduction Act. This Act was communicated to the public that it would provide billions of dollars to expand our green energy, and lower energy costs to the customer. My question is Who is getting this money? Does the Solar company building the project get this money? How does that help the citizens of Posey County, when they will take that additional profit back to their corporate office in another state? Does CenterPoint get it? The county or landowners? CenterPoint is known for passing along costs to the customers. I would like to see where and how much those funds will reduce the add-ons to my energy bill. As a side note, there are billions of dollars in this Inflation Reduction Act for power companies to switch from coal to natural gas. I am guessing that CenterPoint will be getting those funds for the A.B Power Plant that is also in Marrs Township near this project. It is in the process of converting. But they already have the customer rate increase approved from the state for that project. Will we see that reduced since the taxpayers are already paying for the change?

Linda June King, 74, of Mount Vernon, Ind., passed away August 25, 2022 at Deaconess Midtown Hospital. She was born November 2, 1947 in Mount Vernon, Ind., to the late Paul, Jr. and Lola Virginia “Jenny” (Strickland) Barnes. Linda was a toll bridge worker for Wabash Memorial Bridge for over 20 years. She enjoyed working crossword puzzles, playing video games and watching movies. Linda was anxiously awaiting the new Avatar movie to be released. She truly loved herShefamily.was preceded in death by her daughter, Kendra Shively; brothers, Roger, Kenneth and Roy Barnes. She is survived by her grandchildren, Aaron Shively (Alliyah Brock) and Shelby Shively; her very good friend who was like a sister, Sally Thompson; several nieces and nephews. No services are being held at this Memorialtime. contributions may be made to the funeral home to help defray final expenses.Condolences may be made online at
Erik W. Strieter Milburn “Meb” Alan Jackson, 82, passed away on August 26, 2022 at home with his family. Meb passed away on his 61st wedding anniversary to his beloved wife Cynthia Price Jackson. He was born on August 15, 1940 to the late Wilburn and Eunice Jackson.Meb grew up on a farm and continued his career farming in Mt. Vernon, Ind. He served in the Indiana Army National Guard. He retired from farming and has spent the past 30 years
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Linda June King
Steve Kerzan Erik W. Strieter, 75, of Evansville, Ind., passed away on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at his home. Erik was born in Indianapolis, Ind., on October 7, 1946 to the late Paul V. and Jacqueline J. (Forrest) Strieter.Erik was a graduate of Central High School and Evansville College earning a degree in electrical engineering. He was proud to receive his professional engineering license in 1989. Erik retired from General Electric after 28 years of service. He was a man of strong faith and was a former member of Trinity Lutheran Church on Illinois Street. Erik and Brenda became faithful members of Immanuel Lutheran Church. He was a true gentleman, always bringing out the good in people. Erik worked tirelessly in the Hunter Chase community for the last eight years, making it a better place for all of the residents. He loved running and never missed an opportunity to support his grandchildren. He enjoyed having his family around him and the many family trips to Gulf Shores, Ala.Erik is survived by his wife of 55 years, Brenda (Rickard) Strieter; his children, Stephanie Strieter Kolb (Kraig) and Scott Strieter all of Evansville, Ind.; grandchildren, Kaleigh Kolb Dimmett (Cuda), Kennedy Kolb, Konner Kolb, Savannah Strieter and Shelby Strieter; sisters, Patricia Schillumeit and Pauline Simmons; and brother, George Strieter.
Memorial contributions may be made to Saint John’s Episcopal Church in Mount Vernon, Ind., or a charity of choice. ognaCracker Bologna 12oz12oz $2.09
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James “Jimmy” William Boyd, 43, of Evansville, Ind., passed away Friday, August 19, 2022. Jimmy was born in Evansville, Ind., on September 28, 1978 to David and Peggy (Wright) Gaines. He was a 1997 graduate of North Posey High School. Jimmy was passionate about his work as a carpenter. He enjoyed spending time in nature and the peacefulness of the river. Jimmy loved bonfires and being with his family. He had a great sense of humor, a heart of gold, and will be remembered for his generous spirit. Jimmy is survived by his daughter, Larissa Boyd of Fort Branch, Ind.; sons, Mateo Boyd of Alaska, Daymond Boyd of Evansville, Ind., and Tristian Juarez of El Paso, Texas; mother, Peggy (Wright) Gaines of Evansville, Ind.; father, David Gaines of Evansville, Ind.; sisters, Melodie Becker (Gerard) of Saint Charles, Mo., Christina Coon (David) of Horse Branch, Ky., Julie Jost of Newburgh, Ind., Julia Wilder of Owensville, Ind., and Jennifer Gaines of Owensville, Ind.; brothers, Timothy Boyd (Tara) of Cynthiana, Ind., and Todd Boyd of Evansville, Ind.; grandparents, Willie and Bobbie Wright of Cynthiana, Ind.; second mother, Mary Yearwood of Evansville, Ind.; and several nieces and nephews.Jimmy was preceded in death by his sister, Janice Gaines and nephew, Devin Coon.Acelebration of Jimmy’s life was held at 10:30 a.m., on Friday, August 26, 2022 at Browning Funeral Home, 738 Diamond Avenue, Evansville, IN 47711 with Pastor James Mullins offi ciating.Friends visited from 9 a.m., until service time on Friday at Browning Funeral Home.Memorial contributions may be made to the family’s GoFundMe to help with funeral expenses,
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Doris Jean (Ogura) Carlton, 88, of Cynthiana, Ind., passed away at her home on Sunday, August 21, 2022. She was born on January 15, 1934 to Alice Lena Cheshire Ogura and Jitsusah (James) Ogura in Evansville, Ind. Doris had been married for 68 years to Donald Carlton until his death on December 26,Doris2021. was a graduate of Reitz High School in Evansville. She was always an active person. After retiring from Peerless Pottery, she became an avid golfer. She had been a member of the women’s 18 hole leagues at both Fendrich and Cambridge Golf Courses at various times. She was always working in her yard or in her home. She loved bird watching and feeding her birds. She enjoyed reupholstering her furniture, reading her library books and had discovered playing games, especially Wordle on her new IPAD. She enjoyed playing all kinds of card games. She was in bridge clubs with her friends throughout the years. Doris was very talented. She always enjoyed decorating and creating her own Christmas decorations and wreaths and for her family as well. She enjoyed sewing. Doris did everything with gusto, including driving her car. She is survived by her three daughters, Cindy (Stan) Martin of Cynthiana, Vicki (George) Highsmith of Kingsland, Ga., and Kelly Carlton (Joe) Fredrich of Evansville. She is also known as Gram to three grandchildren, Lindsay Knight, Tysun and Troy Strader, eight grandchildren, Madison and Abbigael Knight, Alivea and Reanna Summers, Hunter Payton, Landon and Konner Strader and two great-great-grandchildren, whom she loved dearly, Elijah Knight and Dahlia Petrig and several nieces and nephews. Doris was preceded in death by her husband, Donald (December 26, 2021), her sisters, Betty Mosrie, Katie Gooch and Dolores Mayes, two brothers, Jim and Walter Ogura and parents Alice Lena Cheshire Ogura and Jitsusah (James) Ogura. A memorial service was held at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, August 26, 2022 at Alexander West Chapel officiated by Pastor Bill Altman. Friends visited 3 p.m. until service time at the funeral home. Private burial at Alexander Memorial Park will be held at a later Condolencesdate.may be offered at
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Bill FuneralDenning,Director
Tom Schneider Funeral Director
Erik was preceded in death by his parents. A celebration of Erik’s life was held at 10 a.m., on Monday, August 29, 2022 at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1925 Volkman Road, Evansville, IN 47725 with Pastor Kirk Horstmeyer officiating. Burial will follow at Lutheran FriendsCemetery.visited from 12 noon until 6 p.m., on Sunday, August 28, 2022 at Browning Funeral Home, 738 Diamond Avenue, Evansville, IN 47711 and again from 9 a.m., until service time on Monday at the church. Memorial contributions may be made to Immanuel Lutheran Church. Erik’s family would like to thank Dr. April Toelle, Deaconess Palliative Care and Deaconess Hospice for the care and kindness shown to Erik over the last few months.Condolences may be made online at
Swanson Homestyle Dinners Dinners 16oz16oz $4.29
Doris Jean Carlton Steve Kerzan went home to be with the Lord on August 23, 2022. Steve was born April 23, 1947 in Bicknell, Ind. The son of Paul and Lovanna Kerzan. He was married to Cheryl (Essary)Kerzan for over 28 years and shared their life together until her death on September 13, 2021. Steve was a devoted husband, father, grandfather andStevegreat-grandfather.workedforthe State of Indiana for well over 20 years and the City of Indianapolis for almost 30 years. Most notably being Chief Building Inspector. Steve was preceded in death by his parents, his wife Cheryl and his grandson Anthony Dilcher. He is survived by his children Karen (Brian) Hayden, Ryan Joseph (Janie) Kerzan, Anthony Stephen (Auleen) Kerzan. Brothers Don (Judy) Kerzan, Bob (Carol) Kerzan, Kenny (Linda) Kerzan, Sister-in-law Chawn Essary (Lawrence Tully), Nieces Cayce Carte and Courtny (Michael) Clayton. Grandchildren Savanna Dilcher, Stevi Hayden, Ella and Levi Kerzan, Harleigh and Baileah Hayden. Jahvon and Meah Gibbs, James and Joseph Carte, Devon Denny, Aidyn and Brynnon Clayton. A private family graveside service will be held and then a celebration of life for Steve and Cheryl. A date in September is still being decided. We invite all family and friends to come and share fellowship, love and memories of them both. In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that you donate to the villefavoritefoundation.orghttps://glioblastoma-ortoyourcharity.SimpleCremationEvans-isentrustedwithcare.
traveling the United States with his family in his beloved RV and Jeep. He was fortunate to live in Mount Vernon, Ind., Naples, Fla., Lolo, Mont., and most recently Santa Claus, Ind. He was preceded in death by his siblings, Venita Hanks, and Darwin Jackson.Mebpassed away surrounded by a family of multiple generations that loved him. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Cynthia Jackson; two daughters, Susan Jackson Anderson (Evan) and Kimberly Jackson Nelson (Tom); grandchildren; Vishuddha Jackson (Breanna), Jayleigh Flood (Connor), Victoria Nelson, and Joshua Nelson; great-grandchildren, Luca, Ren, and Narayan; siblings, Donna Fuelling, Rita McKinney, Thresa Deig; several nieces and nephews.Arrangements are being handled by Schneider Funeral Home in Mount Vernon, Ind., with private services being held at a later date for the family.
$4.99 Kraft Cheez Whiz Whiz 15oz15oz $4.69 Dutch Farms Cream Cheese Bar 8oz8oz $2.29 Dutch Farms Cheese Chunk 8oz8oz $2.59 Dutch Farms Shredded Cheese 8oz8oz $2.59 Gordos Cheese DipCheese 16oz16oz $3.99 Daisy Cottage Cheese Cheese 16oz16oz $2.49 Prairie Farms Sour Cream 16oz16oz $2.19 I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter ......... 2pg2pg $4.79 I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter ....... 15oz15oz $4.79 Kraft Miracle Whip SqueezeMiracle 12oz12oz $2.99 Hunt’s KetchupKetchup 20oz20oz $1.29 Mt. Olive P Picklesckles 24oz24oz $2.99 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities and Correct Printing Errors. J.L . Hirsch CompanyJ.L. Hirsch Prices effective 8-31 through 9-6 8 W. Main St. Poseyville 812-874-2719
Honoring the Memory of Your Loved One Personalized funeral services, burials & cremations, pre-planning As a locally owned and operated funeral home, we take our commitment to your family personally. We value your trust in us, and it is our honor to help you through your time of sorrow with compassionate service, professional guidance and a dignified tribute to your loved one. Locally Owned & Operated Serving all of Posey County and the Westside of Evansville 512 Main Street | Mount Vernon 812-838-4331
James William Boyd

River Days planned for Sept. 9-10
help us celebrate!
on Saturday,
Big Tent Show Next Week - Mount Vernon is fortunate in having with us all next week, beginning Monday, September 4, Choate’s Comedians, featuring Mae Choate, emotional leading lady in a repertoire of successes. The show will arrive here Sunday afternoon and will pitch their tent on the Robinson lot on College Avenue, between Second and Third streets. The advance man, Mr. Choate said that admission will be 10 cents, but our show is worth five times as much. Posey County Horseman Assaulted At Carmi Fair Gus Benton, Posey County horseman, was in serious condition for several days at Carmi, Illinois, following an assault on him by a driver at the Carmi fairgrounds Thursday afternoon. The assault occurred just after the second heat of the pace. Benton was driving his own horse, Borman H., when Mr. Walton - first whipped Mr. Benton’s horse - and then struck Benton across the forehead just above the left eye with the butt-end of his whip. An operation was performed Saturday by Dr. Sibley of Carmi and Mr. Benton is slowly recovering. Large Crowd at Salem Church - The committee in charge of the afternoon picnic and chicken supper, given at Salem Church on the UpperEvansville - Mount Vernon Road Sunday were well pleased with the response of the people. One of the largest crowds ever assembled on the grounds was present on this day to partake of the splendid dinner and enjoy the entertainment. Shortly after four, the large tent under which the tables were spread was open and the people were admitted. The tables were laden with fine fried chicken, country ham, pies, cakes, and many other good things to eat. The meal was splendidly prepared and enjoyed. During the evening, music was furnished by a string orchestra. The affair was a financial success and both the committee and good ladies of the Church are to be congratulated.
North Posey Class of 1972 held their 50th reunion at the Knight’s of Saint John in Saint Wendel August 2022. After all. Fifty classmates and guests were in attendance. Pictured front row sitting l to r: Lonnie Whalan, Dennis Schmitt, Carolyn Hopf Higginson, Jeanne Strange Wilderman, Larry Schmitt, and Dennis MaCurdy. Second row l to r: Patty Glover Knowles, Dennis Donner, Sandy Stallings, Terri Droege Souders, Pam Miller Carroll, Sylvia Reich Dillworth, Rachel Hostettler Villines, Mark Scheller, Vicki Butler Thiem, Exa Kay Lindsey, Janet Hirsch Price, Carla Garten Bullock, Jim Paul, and Steve Will. Third row, l to r: Jude Blankenberger, Judy Scheller Tenison, Rick Tenison, Joe Hisch, Frank Wildeman, Allen Barritt, Marilyn Fullerton Hedrick, Judy Rietman Cox, Kim Higginson, Jim Embrey, Debbie Harper Piechocki, Phyllis Bender McChesney, Pam Ebert Kuester, Marilyn Marse Rogers, Scherri Weatherholt Arens, Cindy Carlton Martin, and Susan Simpson Chattin. Back row l to r: David Donner, Greg Curry, Dennis Helfert, Harold Dillworth, Glen Yancy, Kenny Seibert, Larry Lingafelter, Jim Boyle, Bob Burkett, Phil Bender, Mike Kimmerling, Mike Heldt, and Jim Koester. Photo supplied
a chicken and pork chop dinner, games of trivia from world news and school happenings of 1972 was enjoyed by
Happy 90th Charles Come andCome Open
Stephens Parish House 318 Main Street New Harmony, Ind.
The Smoke on the Ohio KCBS BBQ Competition is in their 14th year with River Days and will once again have smokers from near and far competing for the best tasting, mouth-watering BBQ this side of the Mississippi.River Days is excited to partner with the American Legion Post 5 in bringing back the
Dr. Hasting’s Zebroids - Through the courtesy of E. Kreutzinger we have received a copy of the New York Evening Post wherein they editorially commented on the Zebroids being bred in Posey County by Dr. W.E. Hasting. The article follows: “Out in Mount Vernon Indiana, Dr. Hasting is developing a race of stiff competitors for the Fordson Tractor by mating Arabian males and African zebras. The result of this interesting cross is the zebroid, a handsome, striped animal much like the mule in size and contour. Handsome, though zebroids may be, they are built for work and not for show. They pull the enterprising doctor’s plow through the rich loam of Posey County, the extreme toe of the Indiana boot. Highly resistant to heat and fatigue, they out-do the mule on the bottom lands. Unless zebroids develop ailments at present unnoticed, the prediction is that they will live far longer than horses or mules. The parent zebra lives in its native habitat to the ripe old age of 75, unless polished off by its enemies. The expectation is that American Zebroids will reach an age of 50 in good condition, thereby more than doubling the usual lifespan of a horse. The zebra in his wildness is hard to handle, but his zebroid offspring are said to inherit the gentleness of the dam along with the sire’s tough strength. If the new animal is acclimatized, that success will be merely one more indication that animal husbandry still has a long way to go before the full possibilities of the science are exhausted.”
and help us celebrate!
4 pm
The Poseyville Autumnfest committee is looking for contestants for the Poseyville Autumnfest Pageant to be held on Saturday, September 24, 2021, at 11 a.m. Young ladies in grades seven-nine will vie for Autumnfest Princess and ladies in grades 10-12 will vie for Autumnfest Queen. A $50 award will be given to the Princess and a $100 award will be given to the Queen at the end of their reign. Ladies must live in the North Posey School district or attend North Posey Jr. High or North Posey High School. Private school and home school students areThereeligible.will be an informational meeting September 8, at the Poseyville Community Center at 6:30 p.m. Entry forms can be picked up at North Posey Junior and Senior High School offices or at Click on the Autumnfest link. For more information contact Mary Korff at 812-673-4607.
Whoppers, Liars, sought for contest
Half-Pot Drawing that awarded over $3,600 to a lucky winner last year. Tickets will be on sale Looksoon.formore information as it is available such as registration forms for both parades and the Little Miss and Mr. Pageant on the website www.mtvernonriverddays or on our Facebook page Mt. Vernon River Days. River Days is still accepting craft/info/ food vendors and Smoke on the Ohio still has room for more BBQ teams. All applications can be found on our website about River Days or being a vendor or sponsor please contact us thru Facebook, our website or 812-483-2922.
House House
The Mount Vernon River Days planning committee is thrilled to celebrate their 15th Anniversary on Friday and Saturday, September 9-10, 2022. Returning are fan favorites such as fireworks, inflatables, parades, Little Miss and Mr. Pageant, Car Show, Bike Show, antique tractors and much more. Of course, craft and food vendors will be there for all your shopping and munchy needs.
This program is open to Posey County residents only. Children infant to age 18 (must be in high school) are eligible for the program. Applications are available at Family Matters, County Trustee’s Offices, and many area churches. All completed applications must be returned to the Family Matters, Trustee’s office, or Trinity United Church of Christ at 505 Mulberry Street, Mount Vernon, Indiana. The application deadline is Wednesday, October 12 by Noon. Don’t delay in getting you completed application turned in before the deadline. Eligible families with children will be notified by mail by early December when and where to pick up the gifts for their children.
HCP J K National and Local News 100 Years Ago News From The Western Star, August 31, 1922 - Mount Vernon SUBSCRIBE TODAY AND SAVE!! 812-682-3950 PAGE A4 - THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS RR AUGUST 30, 2022
Autumnfest Pageant seeks contestants
Note: We look forward to attending the sausage supper at Salem every year in November. Supper At Zion’s Church - The 6 p.m., dinner at Zion’s Church (Lippe) in Robinson Township was enjoyed by persons from all sections of the county. A number from this city drove up to partake of a good, old country dinner such that only the good ladies of “Old Robinson” could prepare. The large tables fairly groaned under their burden of weight of the eats, but after the large, hungry crowd was seated the weight was lightened considerably. The proceeds from the dinner will be used in church affairs and the committee is thankful to those who patronized them.
The 34th Annual ‘Big Whopper Liar’s contest is rapidly approaching. If you have a story you would like to share that’s not on the up and up or enjoy listening to some farfetched stories, the place to be is Murphy Auditorium, 419 Tavern Street in New Harmony, Ind., at 7 p.m., Saturday, September 17, 2022. Bring the entire family and join us for an exciting evening in the finest of storytelling entertainment with special guests ‘Clif the Drifter’ and other celebrities. Admission for the contest is $10 per person. So…see if you can catch a ‘Whopper’ or maybe throw one yourself. For your entry form, tickets or more information please contact: Jeff Fleming: 618-395-8491; Jeff Greenwell: 812-457-7076; and A. Scott Huck: 812-963-5198. Tickets will also be available at Murphy Auditorium Night of Show. PC Christmas Assistance Program applications now available
Coming Events Elk’s’ Event - The Elk’s “Big Fun Festival” is scheduled September 18 to 23. A week of real fun is in store for everyone. Show Boat Is Coming - The Emerson Show Boat, Golden Rod, the largest boat on the river, will be in Mount Vernon, Saturday, September 9, presenting a high class comedy drama with music, songs, and melody. Big Street Dance - Arrangements are being made for a big street dance to be given by the Mount Vernon Band on Labor Day night in this city. All-Day Picnic and Dance - An announcement which will be met with delight was made by Harry Lohse, Monday when he stated that he would give an all-day picnic, moonlight dance and serve big chicken sandwiches on Labor Day at his store in Point Township. Church Membership Received At Zoarville - Next Sunday at Zoar M.E. Church a class of ten members will be publically examined and received into the church. They are: G. Hinnenkamp, J. Hargrove, M. Collier, F. Cullman, L. Cullman, E. Roos, R. Schmidt, R. Topper, and H. and W. Benner News Briefs And Personals Wheel Comes Off Car - While traveling south on Main Street Monday morning, the left rear wheel on Dr. Sugg’s Dodge Sedan came off the car. Nelson Kelley is Captain - Nelson E. Kelley has returned from the summer Naval School at Culver, Indiana. While there, he was captain of the champion rowing crew. Birth - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Frailey, Tuesday, a son. Sick List - Mrs. Andrew Benner is reported on the sick list and Mrs. Mary Kuhn is suffering from bronchial troubles. J.L. Keeling is suffering with his foot caused by stepping on a nail. Visits To The City - Allen Hanshoe of Griffin was in the city Monday as the guest of Percy Vines. Visits Away From The City - William Brite, Misses Lillian Deusner, Anna May Brite, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gish motored to Morganfield, Ky., Sunday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Porter Gish and family. Sunday Visit - Mr. And Mrs. Henry Orth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Deig and family. Marriage - Miss Lillian Davis and Mr. Otis Overland of Newburgh were married at the General Baptist Church Monday evening. News 125 Years Ago - The L&N Railroad is erecting a large water tank for their locomotives just west of their depot. Marriage Licenses - Jas. Westfall and Lulu Jacques; Culley and Rosa Hewey; Cox and Betty Wade; Charles York and Ella Kinchloe; Wm. Barton and Daisy Carter. Mon., September 5, 2St.
Note: Dr. Hasting’s Zebroids (for Mike and Nancy), Big Tent Show, Posey County Horseman assaulted at Carmi, Large Crowd at Salem Church, Supper at Zion’s church, small news items and many news briefs and personals.

Glenda Potter
September 1 - John Reynolds, Martha Wilkinson, Ron Bradford, Ryan Gross, Isaac Underwood, Vickie Campbell, Bonnie Brown, Ashlynn DeLap, Glenda Potter, Eric Morlock
Interested persons are encouraged to call for an appointment at 812-874-2029. The office is open on Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. No Friday hours. Her email is Dr. Alesia Brown and the apnea mouth device.
August 31 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. - Dungeons and Dragons - Join us for a short campaign. Bring dice and character sheets if you have them, some will be provided if you don’t. Registration is required. We will be in the Ohio Meeting Room.
September 3 Diana Parker, Matthew Austin, Paul R. Cowgill, Courtney Wiggins, Casey Logan, Cindy Effinger, Nancy Hempfling, Herb Patton, dNikkia Cato
September 6 at 3:30 p.m. - Teen Advisory Board (TAB) - Come out to discuss plans for Mini Con and other fun fall programs. We’ll also have snacks, and collage making materials and other crafts available during this program. September 7 at 6 p.m. - Wander the World-Australia - Wander the World, an armchair travel and culture series hosted by Marissa and Joan. This month we “visit” Australia.
“Sometimes he would not breathe and then gasp and wake up. He had many health issues associated with sleep apnea, such as heart problems, high blood pressure and diabetes. I would watch him and wonder, what can I do to help him? I decided to get more education and took the two-year course offered by the American Academy of Dental Sleep MedicineBrown(AADSM).”isatotal believer in the efficacy of the oral appliance to treat the sleep apnea condition which causes those afflicted with the condition to wake up gasping for breath and snoring. She is the only accredited dentist offering Oral Appliance Therapy in Posey and Gibson Counties. At present, the standard treatment for sleep apnea is a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. “Sleeping with a CPAP machine, which includes a face mask, tubing, and a constantly running motor, can be difficult and many users are unaware that an effective and comfortable alternative treatment is available to them,” said Brown. The AADSM estimates that up to 50 percent of sleep apnea patients do not comply with or tolerate CPAP.
THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS - PAGE A5SSAUGUST 30, 2022 We want to honor the veterans in our area. Bring-in or email your veteran photos. poseycountynews.comoffice@ The Posey County News 606 B Main Street New Harmony, IN 47631
August 31 - Megan Leigh Embrey, Phillona Gross, Eloise Pfister, Mitchell McGhee, James P. Werry, Patricia Deckard, Faye Durcholz, Megan Leigh, Stacey Gamblin, Robert F Lange, Judy Mittino, Gerald Burgdorf, Esther Stone, Dorothy Walker, Phyllis Sotille, George Burgdorf, Bud Martin, James Carey, Deborah Claxton, Gene Moore
The family and staff of Printcrafters would like to thank the Posey County Community for their condolences during the recent loss of our owner Harriette Alley As always, we will continue to provide the area with the highest quality printing services as your ‘Hometown Printers’ Printcrafters, Inc. 304 W. 4th St., Mt. Vernon, IN SEPT.BIRTHDAYHAPPY82ND1
New Dental Sleep Solution office set to open in Poseyville
A dozen trivia enthusiasts attended the Alexandrian Public Library’s first Trivia night. Front row, l to r: Nancy Hastings, Lori Schutz, Lois Gray, and Terri Powell. Back row, l to r: Tammy Loehr, Barb Enderson, Janeane Vickers, Keely Vickers, Kathy Gerth, Jim Gray, and Andrew and Taylor Blackwell. Jim and Lois, “Team J Lo” won first place. The library hopes to make Trivia there a monthly event. Photo supplied
August 30 - Carl Maertz, Barbara Marriott, Doyle Marriott, Abby Jo Creek, Ashley R. Deckard, Barbara Fisher Dixon, Debbie Johnson, Miranda Johnson, Ashley Gray, Billy Gray, Cindy Craig, Becky Smyth, Melba Hines
September 2 - Kyle Lang, David Fisher, Debra Johnson, Laura N. Martin, Julie Brown, Zakkery Austen Muncy, Whitney Rose York, Brian Lowery, Margaret Pierce, George Folz
APL News 1335 E. 4th Street | Mount Vernon, IN 812-838-2248 | ~AntiqueCollectable~Vintage/Cars,TrucksandSUVsGasPumpsandBicycles~VintageSignage/Advertisements
September 4 - Jean Hadley, Margaret Blank, Megan Watson, Carolyn Hoffman, Molly Reynolds, Brian Simkins, Jennifer Wilson, Oliver Maudlin, Haley Rutledge, Sydney Redman, Kelcey Ricketts, Trudy Mitchell, Jeff Reynolds, Linda Walls, David goldman Jr.
September 5 - Connie Pearce, Nancy Hempfling, Charles E. Huck, Clara Weinzapfel, Bill Scruggs, Whitney McGrew, Alexander Powers, Justin Uhde, Josh Uhde, Gladys Burklow, Charles Huck If you have a name to be included, please send to: Posey County News, P.O. Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631, or email:
September 1 and 8 at 3:30 p.m.Laughs and Crafts - There will be jokes, activities, stories, and a craft. Registration for students going into kindergarten to fifth grade will be required. If the registration is full, please join the waiting list.
August 30 at 10:30 a.m. - Preschool Story Time - Join us in-person at the library at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays from August 16 to September 27. There will be stories and rhymes and activities. Registration for children ages three to five is required and begins August 1. If the registration is full, please join the waiting list.
Sermon of the Week - What Matters
Brown’s alternative is a mouth guard-like device worn only during sleep to maintain an open, unobstructed airway. Patients like the oral device therapy because it is comfortable, easy to wear, quiet, portable, and easy to care for. “This treatment option offers a higher rate of patient compliance than CPAP. I work with my patients and their sleep physicians to identify the right style of appliance device, and then I custom fit them to each patient and adjust as needed,” she explained. “A certified sleep physician needs to make the sleep apnea diagnosis and refer the patient to me for custom fabrication of an appliance.” Positioning of the jaw is key to the proper fit in opening up the airway. ”Do you remember the first step of giving CPR? It is to pull the jaw forward and open so to position the airway open. In sleep apnea, the airway is obstructed when our internal structures fall back and close off our airway.Untreated sleep apnea has many side effects associated with the constant waking up. It strains the heart and leads to strokes, heart failure, and high blood pressure. Other problems may be diabetes, GERD reflux, loss of libido, and frequent trips to the bathroom. Snoring in some patients may be so loud and strong as to make the curtains go back and forth—remember those old cartoons? Most Medicare Plans pay 100 percent of the cost of this appliance and it is a covered service for most private insurance companies. If you feel you or someone you know may be suffering from sleep apnea make an appointment at Poseyville Dental Sleep solution and Brown and her friendly staff will get you the help you need by referring you to a local sleep physician at Deaconess Sleep Center, Saint Vincents or Wabash Valley Hospitals. The personable, friendly dentist received her license in 1998 at the University of Louisville and did her undergrad work at Murray State University in Kentucky. She started working with Dr. James Hammelman in Poseyville in 1999 and purchased his practice in 2002. “I’ve been active in the community since then,” she said. She lives in Wadesville with her husband, two children, sixteen horses, cats, and a bullAsmastiff.proponents of the product, she and her husband both use the device at night as well as her mother. “It’s too late to help my dad as he’s passed on,” she said wistfully.
September 6 and 13 at 10:30 a.m.Preschool Story Time - There will be stories and rhymes and activities. Registration for children ages three to five is required and begins August 1. If the registration is full, please join the waiting list.
By Lois Mittino Gray Having trouble getting a good night’s sleep? Do you often fall asleep during the day or riding in the car? Do you snore so loud it frustrates your mate to no end? If so, Poseyville dentist, Dr. Alesia Brown, would like to help you get a more satisfying sleep and end the pattern. She opened her Poseyville Dental Sleep Solution business at 15 North Cale Street about a year and a half ago and has helped over a hundred patients get a better sleep. It is presently located in her dental office, but she plans to move it across the street soon behind the former Lockwoods store. The building is being refurbished and will be ready to go in a fewBrown,weeks.adentist practicing in the community since 1999, became interested in the new oral appliance therapy available to treat sleep apnea when she watched her dad sleep.
September 1 and 8 at 10 a.m. - Adult Drawing and Watercolor WorkshopThis free series is for anyone wishing to learn or perfect skills in drawing or watercolor. There are a few seats still available. If you have questions or would like to take part call 812-838-3286. Must provide your own art supplies for this program.
GERTON AUTO SALES ~We appraise classic vehicles ~ Bro. Terry Atchison Mark 12:30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. Early morning finds me on my deck, contemplating my past and what is left of my future. My green tea brews in my cup while my thoughts return to another time, a simpler time; a time when we knew that God blessed America. I was born five years after the end of World War II. We had a hand pump next to the kitchen sink, and our toilet was outside... a “two holer”. We washed ourselves in the kitchen. No TV, but we did listen to the old radio shows, many of which later arrived on the “little screen”. We didn’t have much money, but we were a happy family. Fluffy white clouds float by above me as I take the first sip of my green tea. Mmm, good. I remember that when I went outside back then, that there was always a faint odor of a wood fire or coal fire in the air. Yep. I still love those odors. Family ties seemed much stronger back then. Our meals were always with the whole family. We had family reunions on a regular basis and communicated often, mostly by handwritten letters. We went to the library as a family and checked out books, then returned home to fruits and nuts, snacking as each one found satisfaction in their choice of reading material. Friendships seemed to mean more at that time too. We knew that we could count on our friends, true friends, as we counted on our family. A handshake was as good as a signed contract. We took each other at theirMoreword.tea and contemplation. Times change. Customs change. Routines and habits change, and sadly, people change. Our evolution in life becomes affected by outside events that we have no control over. What used to be acceptable is now unacceptable, or vice versa. We adapt, we learn, we act, wanting to be a good cog meshing in the big wheel. But what really matters in all of the chaos? Our relationship with God is paramount. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Paul says that what really matters is God’s new creation, “the family of people who trust in Jesus and learn to love God and others through the power of the Spirit.” Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. So some people say what matters most for them are relationships, experiences, memories... things that can’t be replaced. I understand where they are coming from and I can relate. Our world has come a long way, with many bumps, curves, and sometimes even crashes. Every person has their own “What Matters”. For me, it is my trying to make a difference for God, sharing His love. Time for another cup of green tea. Amen
September 5 - Labor Day - The library will be closed all day. September 6 and 13 at 10 a.m. - Apple Tech 101 with Kristen Lowry - Kristen Lowry of Purdue Extension will help you learn to get the most out of your Apple devices. Bring your device along for questions. Please note that this is the first in a series of programs on this subject.

“Mount Vernon and Posey County have been very good to me,” Black said. “I hope I’ve always done good for them, you know. I appreciate the years of service with us.” Black said he has many stories from his time with the business, but he said the story that stands out most is the time he was able to utilize his medical training to help a couple while on a towing job
My favorite memory during school would have to be when we beat Heritage Hills in football my sophomore year, and watching the excitement of my team when we won. What do you enjoy doing (out of school activities and/or for fun) during your free time? I enjoy baseball and football. I also enjoy hunting and fishing. What advice would you share with younger elementary or middle school students? My advice would be to enjoy it while it lasts. It might seem like forever at the time, but when it’s almost over, you’ll wish you could do it all over again. What plans do you have for the future?
PC Sheriff’s Merit Board to meet The Posey County Sheriff’s Merit Board will meet on September 7, 2022 at the Sheriff’s Office in Mount Vernon at 9:30 a.m. Saint Philip Famous Burgoo The Saint Philip Famous BURGOO will be held on Sunday, September 25, 2022. Burgoo sales will begin at 7 a.m. with drive-thru and carry-out only. There will be no inside dining. Along with the Burgoo sales there will be a raffle with the Grand Prize of $20,000 along with 23 other cash prizes. Only 3,000 tickets will be sold and you need not be present to win. The tickets are $20 each. The burgoo and raffle are sponsored by the Saint Philip Men’s Club. Saint Philip is located six miles West of Evansville out Upper Mount Vernon Road or West on the Lloyd Expressway to the Saint Philip Road sign. All containers are provided. License No. 002601.
Saint Wendel Social Come join the fun on Saturday, September 10, from 5 until 9 p.m., and Sunday, September 11, from 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. Pork chop dinner on Saturday and country chicken dinner on Sunday. Drive thru available on Sunday. Carry-out both days. Bingo and raffle available.
New Harmony American Legion New Harmony American Legion Post 370 has ended its Breakfast Service. We want to thank everyone who made it a success and look forward to seeing you during our lunch and dinner services from Wednesday through Sunday starting at Noon. Our facebook page (https:// has our
Events may be added by email or call 812-682-3950
PC Historical upcoming schedule
On Saturday, September 3, the Historical Society will be hosting the 50th Anniversary of Bull Island, a rock festival that took place on Labor Day Weekend of 1972 near Griffin, Ind., on Bull Island, an event that drew between 200,000 and 300,000 people. There will be an exhibit of many historical items that have been donated and collected by the Society, which will be on display at the American Legion in Mount Vernon, at the corners of Second and Walnut streets. On October 22, the Society will have a celebration of its own, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Posey County Historical Society. On August 20, the Society will participate in the United Federal Community Days in Mount Vernon.
Weekly Wildcat Payne Healy
Tell me about your family. I have four siblings. They are all younger than me. My mom is a teacher at North Posey, and my dad works at EBN. My family is very active, and we are always busy. What do you enjoy doing (out of school activities and/or for fun) during your free time? I like hanging out with my friends and family during my free time. What advice would you share with younger elementary or middle school students? Never give up on what you want to do in life. What is a fun fact about you that people may not know? I am the oldest on both sides of my family. What is your favorite quote and why? “Everything happens for a reason.” This is my favorite quote because you never know what will happen, so you always have to be ready for anything. It is evident that despite adversity with an unfortunate injury, Renee found a way to be creative and persevere, so she could still take part in her passion, Volleyball. Thank you Renee for all of the work you do behind the scenes for our Volleyball team. The work does not go unnoticed!
Keck-Gonnerman Meeting Keck-Gonnerman meeting takes place the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m., at their building located at the fairgrounds.
AA Meetings set for Thursdays AA meetings are held on Thursdays at 7 p.m. at the Lighthouse Assembly of God.
Pictured are New Life Rescue and Adoption volunteers at the 2022 Wiener Dog Races on Saturday at Ellis Park in Henderson, Ky. The Posey County-based rescue was one of several rescue groups on hand at the track’s entrance for the 100th running of the fanfavorite fundraising event. Proceeds from commemorative t-shirt sales will be donated to New Life, New Hope, PAAWs, Feline Fix and the Vanderburgh Humane Society. Left to right are: Kelli Alldredge, Ross Taylor, Lesli Weyer (with foster Moxie), Laura Bohler, Linda Clifford (with pet and “foster fail” Peaches), Ashly Bishop and Ella Dale. Photo by Trisha L. Lopez Helping with cooking duties at this week’s HR Farm Equipment gettogether at the Posey County Fairgrounds are, left to right, Travis Beuligman, Mike Stolz, Neal Beuligman, Bob House, John Beuligman, Ryan Beuligman, and Larry Droege. Photo by Dave Pearce
IMM ramping up for Salute to Veterans of WWII It’s that time of year when the Indiana Military Museum (IMM) is ramping up for Salute to the Veterans of WWII event. This is our biggest and probably most popular event. Join us on Saturday, September 3 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., and Sunday, September 4 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. The event will take place at the IMM, 715 South Sixth Street, Vincennes, Ind. Musuem Admission $8 for adults, $5 children, seniors and veterans $1 discount. WWII free admission, parking $3.
menu and closing times.
dft Tllbf t T ll b Viking Pride Renee Schickel
On June 18, 2022, Tammy Spindler was involved in an ATV accident causing serious injury to her spinal cord resulting in paralysis. To raise funds, a benefit dinner and dance will be held on October 22, 2022 at Saint James Madden Hall. Auctions will also be held at this event. Tickets are $30 per person and may be purchased by contacting: Gayle Spindler 812-664-8984, Barb Barrett 812-664-4140, or Vicki Spindler 812-550-8030. Any donation of items for the auction would be greatly appreciated and can be made by contacting one of the following: Joan Livers 812-568-8157 or Carol Schmidt 812-453-3781.
By Trisha L. Lopez A Mount Vernon towing company is under new ownership.Black’s Towing, located at 600 Wolflin St., was recently purchased by Austin and Sara Westerfield after longtime owners Brian and Yvonne Black decided the time had come to step away. Brian Black had a stroke four years ago. Black said he’s spent the past four years working to rehabilitate and he is “really concentrating” on getting stronger. Black started his career as a registered nurse, but said he became burnt out and desired a change. He got into the towing business with a friend which ultimately led to his family opening Black’s Towing nearly 25 years ago.
This week’s Viking Pride features senior Renee Schickel. Renee is a manager for the North Posey Volleyball team. She helps the team with all of the behindthe-scenes work to make everything run smoothly both during practices and games.Here is more about Renee:Tell me about yourself.
AA Meetings to be held on Mondays AA meetings are held on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Wadesville.
Welcome to the Weekly Wildcat where we highlight a Mount Vernon High School student and their involvement in both their school and community. Payne Healy is a senior and is a member of both the football and baseball teams. Tell me about yourself. My name is Payne Healy. I am a senior at Mount Vernon High School. I play football and baseball. Tell me about your family. My family consists of my twin sister, Alex, my mom, Ginger, and my dad, Chris. They all are very helpful and have always pushed me to be my best. I couldn’t do what I am doing without their help through the years. I am very thankful for them and couldn’t ask for a better family. How do you think your previous season of football went? I feel that our last football season went very well. We had a great season and a great team. We only lost to one team the whole season and it was the future state champions. What is a fun fact about you that many people don’t know? In my free time, I like to go fishing. What words do you live by? Everything happens for a reason. What is a funny or your favorite mem-
I am a senior at North Posey, have four siblings, and participate in school activities such as Student Council and National Honor Society. How long have you been in the activity? I have played volleyball since fourth grade. I started managing my junior and senior years because of my back injury. Tell me about your role, responsibilities, and/or involvement in this activity. I help the coach with whatever she needs. I also do book some games. Essentially, I do whatever our coach needs me to do. What do you enjoy most about the activity? I like being a part of the team and watching the girls play. What keeps you interested and involved in your activity? The girls who play and the coaches keep me involved in the activity.
Black’s Towing has new owner
klWildt h thtlttl Wild t th t l t t
NH Recycling Center Summer Hours The center is open Wednesdays from 2 until 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m., until noon.
Poseyville Yard Waste Site sets hours Hours are Wednesdays, 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., and Saturdays, 12:30 until 4:30 p.m. No lawn care businesses, please. For more information, contact the Posey County Solid Waste District at 812-838-1613.
ory that relates to your involvement at school or the community?
Trinity UCC AA Meets on Saturdays AA meetings are held on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. and will continue until further notice. Join us at Trinity UCC in Mount Vernon and enter through the back.
My plans for the future are to go to college and become a middle school history teacher. I also hope to become a baseball coach. Payne Healy is not only a kind person, but also a tremendous athlete with a family who is always there to support him. His strength of character make him a positive role model for underclassmen. Payne and the Mount Vernon varsity football team would greatly appreciate your support at their home game this Friday against the Princeton Tigers. Go Cats.
several years ago. Black said he was coming from church on a Sunday when he was contacted by one of his drivers who was having trouble pulling a vehicle out of a ditch. “I thought, ‘Well, I’ll run out there right quick.’ and when I got there, I showed him how to get (the vehicle) out of the ditch. Here comes this guy, driving up, and slid almost into the cop car that was out there. The cop was sitting out there, too. (The driver) drug this woman out of the passenger seat and laid her on the ground. The cop was on the phone and the radio at the same time. When I walked up there, the woman was not blue, she was gray. She was dead. She had no pulse. She’s not breathing at all. I instructed (the man) to give her breaths and I did the CPR. After about three minutes, she coughed. I said ‘Ok. Let alone.’ She started pinking up and here comes the ambulance. This lady was dead. When she coughed that one time, she came out of it,” Black said. Westerfield is the former owner of A.W. Dirt Works, an excavating company. He said he ended his excavating business to “start this new journey.” Westerfield said he grew up around an uncle that owned a towing business in Bowling Green, Ky. and “always wanted to own a towing company.” He moved to Mount Vernon six years“I’mago.looking forward to helping out the people in Posey County,” he said. “I have literally been around the towing business since I was“Weborn.”offer full roadside assistance, towing and recovery, in Mount Vernon. We have four trucks and a roadside assistance truck now,” Westerfield said. He said Black’s Towing can handle light to medium duty towing and recovery jobs, “unlocks, jump starts, tire changes and fuel delivery.”Westerfield changed the name from Black’s Automotive and Towing to Black’s Towing LLC, but said he’s retained the business’s phone number, staff and dedication to quality service. “We’re just new faces with the same number,” Westerfield said.
Marrs Burgoo needs volunteers Save the date of Saturday, October 1, for the 62nd annual Marrs burgoo. This event will be a pre-sale and drive through event. To volunteer contact atgoebel@att. net or
Benefit Dinner, Dance for Spindler
Celebrate Recovery on Thursdays Co-ed Celebrate Recovery group meets on Thursday evenings at 5 p.m., at the Beyond the Walls Campus, 424 Vine Street, Mount Vernon.

Devin Morgan - Henderson, Ky. - Controlled Substance, Resisting Law Enforcement, Theft, Unlawful Entry of Motor Vehicle, Dealing in Marijuana - MVPDBenajah GahaganEvansville - Driving While Suspended, Possession of Marijuana, Driving While Suspended Resulting in Injury - PCS August 19 Daniel Long - Mount Vernon - Official Misconduct, Battery - ISP August 20 Diamond Spinks - Mount Vernon - Operating While Intoxicated - MVPD Grover NeaveillPoseyville - Possession of Paraphernalia, Possession of Methamphetamine - MVPD August 22 Coty Burton - Owensboro, Ky. - Warrant, Operating a Vehicle With Alcohol Concentration Equivalent to .15 or More (motion to impose judgment of conviction)MistiPCSFelker - Providence, Ky. - Warrant, Possession of Methamphetamine, Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Paraphernalia - PCS Troy Vaughn - Mount Vernon - Operating While Intoxicated - PCS Complaints
2022-252TOTHE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Sheriff Sale File number: 65-22-0018-SS Date & Time of Sale: Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 1:00 pm Sale Location: Posey County Sheriff’s Office lobby, 1201 O’Donnell Road Judgment to be Satisfied: $143,154.28 Cause Number: 65D01-2202-MF-000045 Plaintiff: PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC Cause Number: 65D01-2202-MF-000045 Defendant: ERIC LAMONT GRIFFITH By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me, directed from the Clerk of Superior/Circuit Court of Posey County County Indiana, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said DECREE, with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder at the date, time and location listed above, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate, a certain tract or parcel of land described as follows: The North Half of Lot Forty-Seven (47) in Cale’s Enlargement of Poseyville, Indiana. Also, Lot Forty-eight in (48) Cale’s Enlargement of Poseyville, Posey County, Indiana. EXCEPTING THEREFROM part of Lot Forty-eight (48) of Cale’s Enlargement to the Town of Poseyville, Posey County, Indiana and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot Forty-eight (48) of the Cale’s Enlargement to the Town of Poseyville, Indiana; thence South 89 Degrees 55 Minutes East along and upon the North line of said Lot Forty-eight (48) a distance of Fortynine and Sixtythree Hundredths (49.63) feet to a point; thence South 00 Degrees 17 Minutes East and parallel with the West line of said Lot Forty-eight (48) a distance of Sixty-nine and Ninety-one Hundredths (69.91) feet to a point; thence South 89 Degrees 55 Minutes East and parallel with the North line of said Lot Forty-eight (48) a distance of Thirty and Eighty-four Hundredths (30.84) feet to a point; thence South 00 Degrees 17 Minutes East and parallel with the East line of said Lot Forty-eight (48) a distance of Sixty-two and Nine Hundredths (62.09) feet to a point on the South line of said Lot Fortyeight (48); thence North 89 Degrees 55 Minutes West along and upon the :South line of said Lot Forty-eight (48) a distance of Eighty and Forty-three Hundredths (80.43) feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot forty-eight (48), thence North 00 Degrees 17 Minutes West along and upon the West line of said Lot Forty-eight (48) a distance of One Hundred Thirty-two (132) feet to the place of beginning. Commonly Known as: 39 SOUTH CHURCH STREET, POSEYVILLE, IN 47633 Parcel No. 65-23-19-116-001.000-012 Together with rents, issues, income and profits thereof, this sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. In accordance to the requirements of IC 32-29-7-3, this Notice shall also represent service of Notice of Sale of this real estate upon the owners. * An entire Sheriff’s Sale may be cancelled due to inclement weather or other county emergencies. If the entire Sheriff’s Sale is cancelled, each parcel will be cancelled. Each parcel will be assigned to the next available sale (normally 2 months from original sale). This will allow compliance with Indiana Code concerning posting, publication, and serving time frames. Also, new Sheriff’s Sale fees will be assessed and the parcels will be automatically re-advertised. The plaintiff will be responsible for the new fees and advertising costs. David M Bengs, Plaintiff’s Attorney Thomas E. Latham, Sheriff Attorney No. 16646-20 Marinosci Law Group, PC By: Kaitlyn Kittinger, Administrative Assistant 455 West Lincolnway, Suite B Phone: 812-838-1321 Valparaiso, IN 46385 (219) 386-4700 Robb Township The Sheriff’s Department does not warrant the accuracy of the commonly known address published herein. Published in the Posey County News on August 23, August 30, September 6, 2022 - hspaxlp 2022-255 Legal Notice St. Peter’s United Methodist church, 2800 Saint Philips Road, Evansville, IN 47712 will have a vote on disaffliation from the United Methodist church on September, 11 at 3:30 pm. All members are encouraged to attend. Published in the Posey County News on August 30, 2022 - hspaxlp 2022-256Request for Proposals The Southwest Workforce Investment Board is soliciting bids to procure a single entity to provide audit and tax services. The Southwest Workforce Investment Board is a nonprofit organization, serving 9 counties in Indiana, providing oversight of the region’s public employment and training system. Specific information as to qualification and application requirements may be obtained at Proposals are due by 12:00 p.m. Eastern time, September 16, 2022, by email at All questions regarding this Request for Proposal (RFP) may be submitted in writing to Carla Crowe by email at before August 31, 2022. Published in the Posey County News on August 30, 2022 - hspaxlp
Continued on Page A8 2022-264
The Mt. Vernon Housing Authority will be accepting bids for a 1985 John Deere 650 Tractor with 975 hours. Items included with the tractor are a 1995 Woods RM360 5’ grooming style mower with 540 PTO to V-belt Drive with 4 gauge wheels on mower deck, a grader blade with a 3 point hitch and a Y, cab. Sold as is. Tractor can be viewed from 9am-3pm, Monday-Friday starting on 9/1/2022-9/15/2022. Bids can be dropped off or mailed to Mt. Vernon Housing Authority, Attn: 650 Tractor Bid, 1500 Jefferson Street, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620. Bids must be in a sealed envelope. All bids must be turned in by 9/16/2022 by 3pm. Published in the Posey County News on August 30, September 6, 2022 - hspaxlp
K. Subcontractor and Materials List: The bidder shall include with the Proposal Form the subcontractors and major material suppliers which the bidder will be using on the project. Once submitted, the bidder may not change a proposed subcontractor without Owner approval. Bidders should submit the Subcontractor/Material Supplier List with their bid.
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed Bids for the construction of the Mount Vernon Water Street Lift Station Replacement Project will be received by the City of Mount Vernon, Indiana, at the City Hall Annex, 520 Main Street, Mount Vernon, IN until 3:00 P.M. CST on October 19, 2022. The Bids received will be “publicly” opened and read on October 20, 2022, at a the regularly scheduled public meeting at 9:00 A.M. CST. The project consists of a new 2500 GPM capacity lift station, including new wet well, pumps, and valve vault, re-routing existing utilities, new electrical building and controls. Bids will be received for a single prime Contract. Bids shall be on a unit price basis, as indicated in the Bid Form. The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is: Lochmueller Group, 6200 Vogel Road, Evansville IN 47715. Contact Andy Sucharitakul P.E. at 812-479-6200 and if you have any questions Prospective Bidders may examine the Bidding Documents at the Issuing Office. Appointments can be made on Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8:00 A.M – 5:00 P.M and copies of the Bidding Documents can be obtained from the Issuing Office as described below. Printed copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from the Issuing Office, during the hours indicated above, upon non-refundable payment of $60.00 for each set. Contact Lochmueller Group to receive plans and specifications at 812-759-4123. Checks for Bidding Documents shall be payable to “Lochmueller Group, Inc.”. Upon request and receipt of the document payment indicated above plus a non-refundable shipping charge, the Issuing Office will transmit the Bidding Documents via delivery service. The shipping charge amount will depend on the shipping method selected by the prospective Bidder. Electronic bidding documents are also available upon request and receipt of payment. The date that the Bidding Documents are transmitted by the Issuing Office will be considered the Bidder’s date of receipt of the Bidding Documents. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available from the Issuing Office. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including Addenda if any, obtained from sources other than the Issuing Office. A pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 A.M. CST local time on October 7, 2022 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, 410 Old Highway 69 S, Mount Vernon, IN. Attendance at the pre-bid conference is recommended. The cut off to submit questions is on October 12th at 5:00 P.M. CST Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bidders shall submit proof of qualifications to perform the Work as described in the Instructions to Bidders. Owner: City of Mount Vernon By: Cristi Sitzman, Clerk Treasurer Published in the Posey County News on August 30, September 6, 2022 - hspaxlp
2022-249 Boiler Replacement and HVAC Upgrades Project No. 2208-259 Posey County Court House Mt. Vernon, Indiana INVITATION TO BID A. Sealed Proposals for the furnishing of all materials and the performance of all labor in accordance with the contract documents for the project referenced herein will be received at the Office of the Posey County Auditor, 126 East 3rd Street, Suite 220, Mt. Vernon, Indiana until 4:00 PM (local time CST) on September 16, 2022 or bids may be dropped off at the Hovey House, 330 Walnut Street, Mt. Vernon, Indiana on September 19, 2022 by 8:00 AM (local time CST). Any bids received after the designated time will be returned unopened. Bids shall be delivered in sealed envelopes bearing the name and address of bidder and indicating identification of the project.
And Commonly known as: 1308 Old Beech Rd, New Harmony, IN 47631.
END OF INVITATION TO BID Published in the Posey County News on August 23, August 30, 2022 - hspaxlp 2022-251 SUMMONS - SERVICE BY PUBLICATION STATEDLC#:D284-87OFINDIANA ) IN THE POSEY SUPERIOR COURT )SS: COUNTY OF POSEY ) CAUSE NO.:65D01-2111-MF-000425
This Summons by Publication is specifically directed to the following named Defendants whose whereabouts are known to me: Chester Crum, John D. Crum as Guardian of Chester F. Crum, and Occupant(s) of 1308 Old Beech Rd, New Harmony, IN 47631 This Summons by Publication is also specifically directed to the following named Defendants whose whereabouts are unknown to me: Chester Crum (Deceased) & The Unknown Heirs at Law of Chester Crum, Deceased In addition to the above named Defendants being served by this Summons, there may be other Defendants who have an interest in this lawsuit. If you have a claim for relief against the Plaintiff arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. You must answer the Complaint in writing, by you or your attorney, on or before the 6th day of, October, 2022 (the same being within thirty (30) days after the Third Notice of Suit), and if you fail to do so, a judgment will be entered against you for what the Plaintiff has demanded.
Amber Dean - Evansville - Warrant, Possession of Paraphernalia (failure to appear) - PCS John Wolk - EvansvillePossession of Hypodermic Syringe or Needle - PCS August 18
DOYLE & FOUTTY, P.C. By David M. Johnson
Stephanie Gallo - Evansville - Operating While IntoxicatedMargaretISPHeckmanMount Vernon - Operating While Intoxicated - ISP August 15 Clayton Cullen - Edwardsville, Ill. - Operating While Intoxicated - ISP August 16
August 13 9:54 a.m. - Property Damage - Meet with caller reference his neighbor 11:04 a.m. - Theft - Has video of a subject placing a lower price sticker over a more expensive item and the item being stolen - Main Street, Mount Vernon 1:31 p.m. - Domestic Violence - Advised female subject punched caller in ribs. Advised trying to make him leave - Mulberry Street, Mount Vernon 2:37 p.m. - theft - Sold a car to male subject and male subject stated he needed money to come get the vehicle and would pay caller back. Caller advised he cashapped money to subject and then subject blocked him. Caller advised it was $50 - Ryan Lane, Evansville 6:28 p.m. - Harassment - Caller advised a group of juveniles were making fun of her for not being able to stand and for what she is wearing. They threw rocks at her - Eighth/Locust Street, Mount Vernon 7:11 p.m. - Theft-motorcycle - 2007 Suzuki DR 650 stolen from father’s barnFord Road, Mount Vernon 7:54 p.m. - Theft - Shed looks as if it were gone through. Missing greatgrandfather’s typewriterFifth Street, Mount Vernon 10:01 p.m. - Suspicious - Dog was barking at something in the backyard. When caller’s son went to door he saw two - three people running away from the garage - Wolflin Street, Mount Vernon10:02 p.m. - SuspiciousTeenagers acting suspicious. Throwing rocks at cars. Looks as if they might be drinking - I 64, Griffin 11:14 p.m. - Suspicious - Half naked woman trying to enter the residence. 11:23 p.m. - Subject has moved to another address, on the porch. 11:27 p.m. - Advised a female was in her vehicle about half hour ago. Girl got out of back seat and advised looking for male subject then ran towards Main Street. Long dark hair with red top and dark pants. 11:59 p.m. - Attempted break-in;
N. Each bidder shall visit the site of the proposed work and become fully acquainted with conditions as they exist so the Bidder may fully understand the facilities, difficulties, and restrictions related to the execution of the work under contract. Bidder shall also thoroughly examine and be familiar with the Drawings and Project Manual. Failure or omission of any Bidder to receive or examine any form, instrument or document or to visit the site and to become acquainted with existing conditions shall in no way relieve the Bidder from any obligation with respect to the Bidder’s Bid Proposal.
O. The Architect shall not be responsible for oral, telephonic instructions or any other verbal explanations or interpretations of the Construction Documents. Every request for such interpretation shall be made in writing and addressed and forwarded to Ron Steinhart, Hafer, 21 SE Third Street, Suite 800, Evansville, IN 47708. No inquiry received within 5 days of the date fixed for opening of the Bids will be given consideration. Every interpretation made to a Bidder shall be in the form of an Addendum to the Contract Documents which, if issued, shall be sent as promptly as is practical to all persons to whom Contract documents have been issued. All such Addenda shall become part of the Contract Documents and must be acknowledged on the Bid Proposal Form as having been received and included as part of the Bid Proposal.
B. The term Project as used herein shall refer to: Boiler Replacement and HVAC Upgrades Posey County Court House Mt. Vernon, Indiana C. The term Owner as used herein shall refer to: Posey County Commissioners 126 East 3rd Street, Room 220 Mt. Vernon, Indiana 47620 D. The term Architect as used herein shall refer to: SuiteHafer800 21 Southeast Third Street Evansville, Indiana 47708 E. Proposals for the work as indicated on the contract documents will be received as follows: • Unified Bid Package: Base Bid shall include general construction, mechanical construction and electrical construction.F.Construction shall be in full accordance with the Bidding Documents, which may be examined by prospective bidders at the following location: 21HaferSE Third Street, Suite 800 Evansville, Indiana 47708 G. Copies of the Plans and Specifications may be obtained from MACO – Evansville Blue, 600 Court Street, Evansville, Indiana 47708 (812) 464-8108 or by accessing website using your company’s active account information. If your company is not currently registered, you may do so by clicking “Register for an account”. Registered account holders may download digital files for a nominal fee. Bidders may purchase up to two printed sets of bidding documents by paying a refundable deposit of $100.00 per set ordered. Deposit checks shall be made out to “Hafer”. a. Amount of the deposit for up to three sets of bidding documents may be refunded in full when the Plans and Specifications have been returned to MACO – Evansville Blue within ten (10) days after time set for receiving bids and in good re-usable condition. If the Plans and Specifications are returned after this ten (10) day period or in unusable condition, the deposit will be forfeited. b. One (1) set of bidding documents consists of one (1) Project Manual and one (1) Complete Set of Drawings. H. After award of contract, the contractor shall be furnished with FOUR (4) sets of plans and specifications.
Legal Advertising and Court News THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS - PAGE A7LLAUGUST 30, 2022
L. Pre-Bid Meeting: A Pre-Bid Meeting will be conducted at the project site on August 24, 2022 at 1:00 PM local time (CST). Bidders are encouraged to attend.
REVERSE MORTGAGE FUNDING LLC, ) Plaintiff, ) vs. )) CHESTER CRUM (DECEASED, ) THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW OF CHESTER ) CRUM, DECEASED, ) JOHN D. CRUM AS GUARDIAN OF CHESTER ) F. CRUM AND ) OCCUPANT(S) OF 1308 OLD BEECH RD, NEW ) HARMONY, IN 47631, )) Defendants. ) NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Indiana to the Defendants above named, and any other person who may be concerned: You are notified that you have been sued in the Court above named. The nature of the suit against you is an Amended Complaint on Note and for Foreclosure of Home Equity Conversion Mortgage on the following described real estate: Being part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 5 South, Range 13 West, lying in Lynn Township, Posey County, Indiana, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the East half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 5 South, Range 13 West; thence measuring S 87° 40’ E, along and upon the North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 29, a distance of 335.38 feet to a point; thence measuring S 1° 37’ 30” W, for a distance of 168.13 feet to a point in the center of the Old Beech Cemetery Road; thence N 86° 23’ 30” W, along the center of the Old Beech Cemetery Road, 170.07 feet to a point; thence N 77° 09’ 30” W, along the center of said Road, 50 feet to a point; thence N 63° 10’ W, along the center of said Road 49.97 feet to a point; thence N 47° 59’ W, along the center of said road, 50 feet to a point; thence N 38° 33’ W, along the center of said road, 50.09 feet to a point; thence N 44° 12’ W, along the center of said road, 50 feet to a point; thence N 63° 47’ 30” W, along the center of said road, 50 feet to a point; thence N 80° 21’ W, along the center of said road, 91.84 feet to a point; thence S 87° 40’ E, for a distance of 172.11 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.23 acres, more or less.
Posey County Superior Court Sheryl Seifert S. Brent Potter (10900-49) Tina M. Caylor (30994-49) David M. Johnson (30354-45) Alan W. McEwan (24051-49) Matthew L. Foutty (20886-49) Craig D. Doyle (4783-49) Jessica S. Owens (26533-49) DOYLE & FOUTTY, P.C. 41 E Washington St., Suite 400 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317-264-5000 Fax:Published317-264-5400inthePosey County News on August 23, August 30, September 6, 2022 - hspaxlp
M. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and alternates and unit prices if requested in the Bid Forms. It may consider the qualifications and experience of Subcontractors and other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of material or equipment) proposed for those portions of the work for which the identity of Subcontractors and other persons and organizations must be submitted as specified in the “Information for Bidders”. It may conduct such investigations as it deems necessary to establish the responsibility, qualifications and final ability of the bidders, proposed Subcontractors and other persons and organizations to do the work in accordance with the Contract Documents to Owner’s satisfaction within the prescribed time. Owner reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder who does not pass any such evaluation to Owner’s satisfaction.
I. A bid may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days following the time and date designated for the receipt of bids.J. All work shall meet requirements of the drawings, specifications and other Contract Documents prepared by Hafer.
Item 3: Install a frost proof drain valve near the base of the riser pipe, complete with a locking device.
Item 17: Install a compliant 42” high handrail system around the circumference of the tank roof, complete with intermediate rail, toe board and a swing gate at the junction of the shell-to-knuckle roof access ladder and tank roof.
Item 20: Pressure wash the tank interior with biodegradable detergent injection (minimum 3,500 psi at 3.0 gpm) then remove all loose rust and scale with wire brushes and hand scrapers in accordance with SSPC#2 (hand tool cleaning), spot prime and apply one (1) finish coat of acrylic paint. Replace the existing logo on the side of the bowl.
Item 1: Grout around the base of the tank foundation connections. Seal foundations with a sealant.
Item 13: Post Confined Space Entry signs on primary and secondary roof hatches. (2)
Item 15: Install a float type liquid level indicator (E & F type)
Published in the Posey County News on August 30, September 6, 2022 - hspaxlp 2022-260 Notice to Taxpayers of Proposed Additional Appropriations Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Posey County that the proper legal officers of The Posey County Council will meet at 330 Walnut Street, Mt. Vernon, Indiana, on September 13, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. to consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year. Name of Fund Purpose Intended Amount Infraction Deferral Part-Time $10,000.00 Infraction Deferral Equipment $10,896.00 Federal Forfeiture Equipment $1,744.64 Convention Visitor and Tourism Advertising $10,000.00 County General Coroner/Autopsy $10,000.00 E-911 Overtime $27,561.00 County General Area Plan/Legal Services $1,968.75 County General Legal Services $45,000.00 County General EMS/Overtime $100,000.00 Cumulative Bridge Contractual Services $58,491.81 Sheriff Reserve Operating Supplies $500.00 LIT Public Safety Vehicle Repair and Maintenance $2842.58 Sheriff K9 Training $75.00 Sheriff Firearms Firearms $1,000.00 Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard. The additional appropriations as finally approved will be referred to the Department of Local Government Financing. The Department will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriations within (15) days of receipt of a certified copy of the action taken at the above meeting. Maegen L. Greenwell Posey County Auditor Published in the Posey County News on August 30, 2022 - hspaxlp 2022-261 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of POSEYVILLE CIVIL TOWN, Posey County Indiana officers of that the proper legal Poseyville Town Board will consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year at their Regular meeting place at 38 W Main Street, Poseyville, at 5:30 PM on the 13th day of September, 2022 Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard. The additional appropriations as finally made will be referred to the Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF). The DLGF will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriation made within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a Certified Copy of the action Fundtaken Name: LOCAL INC, TAX Amount Major Budget Classifications: Personal Services $Supplies $Other Services $Capital Outlays $ 100,000 Township Assistance $Debt Service $Total for LOCAL INC. TAX Fund $ 100,000 Published in the Posey County News on August 30, 2022 - hspaxlp 2022-262 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Marrs Township, Posey County, Indiana, that the proper legal officers will consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year at their regular meeting place at 6701 West Franklin Road, at 6 o’clock p.m., on the 13th day of September, 2022. Fund Name: General Major Budget Classification: Capital Outlays $25,000.00 TOTAL for General Fund: $25,000.00 Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard. The additional appropriations as finally made will be referred to the Department of Local Government Finance (Department). The Department will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriations within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a Certified Copy of the action taken.
Debris generated from repairs and/or painting will be placed in containers provided by the owner and to be disposed of by the owner.
Post Fall Protection Required sign at base of exterior tower access ladder.
The City of Mt. Vernon has the right to reject any and all bids. Published in the Posey County News on August 30, September 6, 2022 - hspaxlp
2022-259 NOTICE OF UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION NO. 65C01-2207-EU-000049 IN THE POSEY CIRCUIT COURT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS WANNEMUEHLER, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that Mindy Wannemuehler was on August 19, 2022, appointed as Personal Representative of the Estate of Thomas Wannemuehler, Deceased, who died intestate on April 10, 2022, and was authorized to proceed with the administration of said decedent’s estate without Court Supervision. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the office of the Clerk of this Court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. DATED at Mt. Vernon, Indiana on 08/23/2022. Kay Kilgore, Clerk, Superior Court of Posey County, IndianaBy:DonnaDeputyCurtis
Item 9 Install a swing gate at the junction of the tower access and structural girder.
Item 11: Install two (2) 30” shell manways 180 apart.
11:59 p.m. - Someone may be in the backyard. 12:13 a.m. - Believes female is in her house - Seventh Street, Mount Vernon August 14 4:39 p.m. - Trespassing - Reference tenant has not left residence after 72 hour eviction was served - Upper Upton Road, Mount Vernon August 15 12:34 a.m. - Suspicious - Got home at 5 a.m. this morning, apartment door was unlocked. Thirty minutes ago, he got home again and has marks all over door and dents. Has pictures on his phone - James Drive, Mount Vernon 7:37 a.m. - General Complaint - Caller stated that someone broke into her car last night. Caller stated that when she went out to her vehicle, everything was moved around and her vehicle was trashed. Caller stated that whoever broke in also dropped a vape. On call back, caller stated she located a pill bottle, with name on it - Second Street, Mount Vernon11:52 a.m. - Suspicious - Caller stated that there is a subject holding back a female from running into the roadway. Caller stated that the female has now ran into the eastbound lanes and the other subject is following. Second call: Advised mother and daughter physically fighting - I-64, Griffin 12:32 p.m. - General Complaint - Caller stated that she went out to her vehicle and noticed that it looked like someone went through it. Caller stated that she cleaned up the mess but is now missing her social security card and her Indiana driver’s license - Second Street, Mount Vernon 1:35 p.m. - Citizen Assist - Caller advised he reported a vehicle stolen last week. Vehicle has been recovered from Hopkinsville. He advised they have been cleaning it out due to the subjects who stole it trashing the vehicle. He advised he has found check books and drug paraphernalia. He is requesting an 7:10officerp.m.-
Item 7: Install a cable type ladder safety device on the exterior tower access ladder. install a lockable ladder guard on exterior tower access ladder.
Dated August 16, 2022 Stan Weinzapfel, Fiscal Officer Published in the Posey County News on August 30, 2022 - hspaxlp 2022-263 Nix Metals (with corporate offices at 129 Fletchall Avenue, Poseyville, Indiana 47633) is submitting an NOI letter for our facility (located at 6751 Frontage Road, Poseyville, Indiana 47633) to notify the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements under 327 IAC 15-6 to discharge storm water exposed to industrial activities. Run-off from the facility will discharge to an unnamed tributary of the Black River. Questions or comments should be directed to Mr. Cole Eckert at the above mentioned Nix Metals corporate address. Published in the Posey County News on August 30, September 6, 2022 - hspaxlp
Allyson R. Breeden Hannah M. Dill, IN #33993-53 Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC One Main Street, Suite 201 One Main Street, Suite 201 Evansville, IN 47708-1473 Evansville, IN 47708 Ph: 812-452-3510 Ph: (812) 452-3517 Fax: 812-421-4936 Fax: (812) 421-4936 Email: Email: Attorney for Personal Representative Attorney for Personal 127855.174640/8838806.1Representative
Item 12: Install davit slides on both shell manways (x2)
Item 2: Clean the area around the anchor bolts, tighten the anchor nuts to specifications, then tack weld on the circumference of the nut-to-base plate connections and bolt to nut connections.
Item 18: Install a 30” secondary roof hatch 180 from primary hatch. Item 19: Install a compliant interior access ladder complete with standoffs every 10” on center at the secondary roof hatch.
Item 23: Install a cable type ladder safety system on interior riser access ladder. Item 24: sandblast all rusted and abraded interior areas to SSPC-SP10 (Near white) and brush blast all remaining interior areas to SSPC-SP7; then apply one (1) coat of epoxy primer to all areas sandblasted to #10, stripe coat all weld seams, and apply an epoxy liner to the entire tank, to achieve 8 to 10 mils of total dry film thickness. Total mil thickness will include a combination of the existing and new coating. All welders must be certified in accordance with ASME section IX code.
Item 14: Install compliant interior bowl access ladders complete with standoffs every 10” on center at the suggested primary and secondary shell manways. Install cable type ladder safety devices on primary and secondary bowl access ladder.
Item 6: Install a flapper valve and new screen on the overflow pipe elbow.
Item 10: Drill additional weep holes in balcony floor.
Item 4: Replace 20” manway with a 24” manway.
Item 22: Install a compliant safety grill over the riser pipe opening.
Tank will be drained by owner.
Breaking and Entering - Got home and back door is open - Third Street, Mount Vernon August 16 10:27 a.m. - Property Damage - Caller advised a subject in an older, black Crown Victoria keeps coming onto the property and doing donuts. They are the vehicle is going to cause damage to the pipes that are above ground - Fourth Street, Mount Vernon 11:11 a.m. - Controlled Substance Problem - White Buick Century with male and female subjects are smoking something that is not a cigarette in the vehicle with a child in the backseatFourth Street, Mount Vernon 1:08 p.m. - Property Damage - Caller stated that someone spray painted the number two twice by her car - Pearl Street, Mount Vernon 3:02 p.m. - Theft - Caller stated that there are subjects in the store that they have on video cameras stealing items. Caller stated that the subjects are back in the store and they would like them ban from the propertyFourth Street, Mount Vernon 4:35 p.m. - Disturbing the Peace - Caller advised there are a few subjects arguing in a garage. Advised it sounds like two males and she also heard a female screamingCanal Street, Mount Vernon 5:45 p.m. - MessageCaller stated that his neighbor told him that one of his pill bottles was found at a residence where someone stole items from a vehicle - Second Street, Mount Vernon6:22 p.m. - MessageCaller stated that a black Nissan SUV has driven by his house about 80 times today. Caller stated that while he was talking to his neighbor, the SUV came by and tried to steal his $800 dog - Seventh Street, Mount Vernon7:20 p.m. - MessageReference earlier incident on Canal, juvenile that was there advised a gun pulled on him at the scene - Fifth Street, Mount Vernon 8:48 p.m. - Fight - People fighting down the street. Second caller advised who it was. Advised one is holding a baby and things are being slammed around - Sycamore August 17 6:59 a.m. - Theft - Advised truck window broken, two watermelons taken and other produce - Fourth/Chestnut Street, Mount Vernon 7:43 a.m. - MessageRequest to speak to an officer. Advised that someone was walking along the street. Caller’s dogs then approached the person and the person kicked one of the dogs. Caller advised it was one of her neighbor’s. She wants to know what her options are - John Avenue, New Harmony 12 p.m. - Theft-Automobile - Advised 98 Harley Davidson was stolen last night - Second Street, Mount Vernon4:22 p.m. - Breaking and Entering - Advised her house was broken into. Caller advised there is a broken item and things have been gone through - Goodman Road, New Harmony August 18 6:51 a.m. - Fight - Advised male subject yelling at female in the street - Lynn Drive, Mount Vernon 8:01 a.m. - Domestic Violence - Caller advised his girlfriend is yelling at him and his son - Nettleton Street, Mount Vernon 10:19 a.m. - Breaking and Entering - Advised someone has broken into cabin - Smith Diamond Road, Mount Vernon August 19 5:31 a.m. - Theft - Caller advised that his truck was broken into - William Keck Bypass, Mount Vernon 8:51 a.m. - Criminal Mischief - Vehicle was broken into last night - Uebelhack Road, Mount Vernon 9:06 a.m. - Theft - Advised there is a subject at the register that is trespassingFourth Street, Mount Vernon 3:13 p.m. - Breaking and Entering - Advised female subject is in back yard trying to break into house. There are two other people with her - Eastgate Drive, Mount Vernon4:53 p.m. - Fight - Caller advised her son was just jumped by other male juvenile at the library - Ninth Street, Mount Vernon 5:50 p.m. - Counterfeit Money - Caller advised they just had someone give them a fake $100 - Fourth Street, Mount Vernon 7:44 p.m. - Juvenile Problem - Group of juveniles aiming a gun at cars. AR style - SR 66, Wadesville August 20 12:14 a.m. - Disturbing the Peace - Customer came in and threw drink and caused a scene. Outside, tan four-door car - Fourth Street, Mount Vernon 5:31 p.m. - Disturbing the Peace - Caller stated that there is a male at her neighbor’s property. Caller stated that the residence that he is at no one is supposed to be there. Caller stated that the residence has caught fire. Owner would like the law sent - Griffin Road, New Harmony7:41p.m. - AssaultPregnant female got hit - O’Donnell Road, Mount Vernon10:01 p.m. - AssaultSubject is currently upstairs from caller. Advised he jumped him while caller was in the car with him. Is on the run from Vanderburgh Safe House. Caller can hear subject outside yelling still and threatening him - Old Blairsville Road, Wadesville Civil U.S. Bank National Association as Trustee for the CIM Trust 2021-NR2 Mortgage v. The Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Rebecca S. Roos AKA Rebecca Roos and their unknown creditors; and the unknown executor, administrator, or personal representative of the Estate of Rebecca S. Roos AKA RebeccaProfessionalRoos and Business Collections, LLC v. ScarletteExpresswayRodenbergFord-Mercury of Mount Vernon v. Donald Wilson, Tammie Wilson LVNV Funding, LLC v. ThomasMountWhiteVernon Mobile Home Park, LLC v . Michael Cobin, Any and all Unknown Tenants and OccupantsFifth Third Bank, N.A. v. RoyCherylAddisonRay v. Jimmy SchweikartResurgent Receivables, LLC v. Jesse Uziekalla Resurgent Receivables, LLC v. Rebekah Gregory Resurgent Receivables, LLC v. Eric Dockery Midland Credit Management, Incorporated v. Tina BrakieBrandon Bullard v. DennisHarbin,Robb LLC as Assignee of Aaron’s, Incorporated v. TassyDarrellKirkpatrickPaddock, Tonya Paddock v. Brian Heartwell, StephanieMichaelHeartwellWilliams v. KayvaughnBankUnitedEdwardsN.A. v. Matthew Pritchett, Ohio Valley CoalExpresswayCompany Ford-Mercury of Mount Vernon v. MatthewProfessionalLawler and Business Collections v. Charlyn HanmoreLVNV Funding, LLC v. JessieHoosierWillisAccounts Service v. Heather Bremer Hoosier Accounts Service v. Pamela Burton Horton and McBride Investment, Larry Horton, Andrew McBride v. Fred Esche Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC v. Kaci Jacob Derick Bulkley Motors, LLC d/b/a Expressway Jeep Chrysler Dodge v. Terry CookDeaconess Hospital, Incorporated v. Hailey Malone a/k/a Hailey Nicole Capps Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union v. ChristopherAlstadtParmleyPlumbing Service, Incorporated v. Jason Gish Professional and Business 2022-258 The City of Mt. Vernon Water Works is seeking bids for work on the Keck Water Tower located at 1900 West 4th St. Mt. Vernon Indiana 47620. All sealed bids must be delivered to The Clerk Treasurer’s Office located at 520 Main St Mt. Vernon. Bids must be received by 2:00 PM 9/21 and will be opened at the 6:30 PM Water Utility Board meeting 9/21 located at the Hovey House, 330 Walnut Mt. Vernon. Bidder to provide all labor, material, equipment, and insurance necessary to complete the following on one (1) 100,000-gallon elevated storage tank (120’6” HWL x 94’6” LWL)
PAGE A8 - THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS LL AUGUST 30, 2022 Legal Advertising and Court News continued Continued on Page A10
Item 8: Remove the coax from the exterior access ladder and secure it to the tank with standoffs.
Item 16: Replace the cable type ladder safety device on the shell-to-knuckle roof access ladder.
Item 21: Install a passive cathodic protection system.
Item 5: Install Davit arm on riser manway
Wells, a combat veteran who enlisted in the Army National Guard after the September 11 attacks and currently serves as a lieutenant colonel in military intelligence, shared her passion for protecting the integrity of elections. She said she was raised in a conservative town and called herself the “black sheep” of her family with a “lifetime of training in talking across the aisle.” She talked about her desire to see her son, who turned 3 on Friday, stay in Indiana as a ninth generation Hoosier.
did a poll of political demographics on my sub, I was serving with 75 percent Republicans and I’m a Democrat. These Republicans trusted me with their lives as I trusted them with mine. If something went wrong, we were quick to help each other and support each other. And then, in the real world, I get out here and I meet a Republican and they hate me and they want me to fail. It’s just not how I grew up. It’s not how I operate and it’s not how I think things should operate and that’s what it’s going right now,” McDermott said. He said the refusal to put people before politics has become a roadblock to progress. McDermott talked about traveling around the state and getting to know Hoosiers in his bid to challenge Republican Senator Todd Young. He said his Grateful Dead fandom says a lot about his personality. “I think the Grateful Dead is happy music. It’s peaceful music. It’s hard to be angry at anything.”Hetalked about reproductive rights and the importance of legal precedent. The Notre Dame law school grad said the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs Wade “makes me fearful for what comes next.”
“I don’t want him to feel like he succumbed to the battle of state’s rights as a Hoosier and needed to move away to provide a better state for his family. That is what is on the line this year,” Wells said. “You asked me why I’m running for secretary of state. I don’t need to run for the fancy office. That’s fine. This office should be boring, but after 2020 it is boring no longer. This office is where democracy will either continue to thrive or it will slip into darkness. It will die and an autocracy will start to rule states like Indiana.”
McCormick, a lifetime farmer dedicated to conservation, said he enjoys meeting with Hoosiers on the campaign trail.
“People of southwestern Indiana are fabulous. You get to go to parades and walk up in people’s yards, shake their hands and ask them what’s on their mind. They want hope that things are going to get better. They don’t ask me to do things for them. They ask me to help our country. There’s something about the way they look you in the eye and hold your hand that they’re concerned about the direction our country is going in,” McCormick said. “I think Liz Cheney said it best. She said ‘This ain’t no joke.’ It truly shocked me. I mean, we’d all thought about it, but our democracy is in peril. What people believe, what people say, what politicians will do to stay in office…they put their careers as politicians ahead of our country. That’s got to stop. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat or a Republican. You do the right thing. You stay to your word. That’s one thing we learned in my family growing up on a farm. Honesty is everything. That’s who you are as a person. You don’t lie. If what you’ve got to say is going to hurt, you still speak the truth. I think that a lot of people get that in this country. A lot of people that are here tonight believe the same thing. Honesty is the key part of saving our democracy.”
Board member Andy Hoehn asked if Rush talked with Tom’s CB about equipping the cars? Mayor Curtis replied yes, they have in the past, but the issue is the additional insurance that the city requires. Chief Rush stated he understands they have used local companies in the past, and as for Tom’s they would also need to be able to install cages, lights, etc. “With a business like On-Duty, this is their specialty, this is what they do so they have everything.”The chief agreed to check with some other agencies to see who they use and check out other possible dealers. Mayor Curtis said they had used someone local before, Aaron Heidinger, but he may haveGoingmoved.back to the two quotes brought in, Board member Hoehn asked if both vehicles quoted were comparable vehicles? “A $10,000 difference in amount is a big difference,” he observed. Rush replied yes they were, they requested vinyl seats and a spotlight and one of these quotes is for a base police package vehicle. Mayor Curtis noted the difference in price is quite a bit, but this is also not the first time this has happened. The price is also the state bid price. “I feel a good not-toexceed amount would be $51,000, when all is said and done. The vehicle would be a 2023 and the sooner we can get on the list, the sooner the dealer can get it ordered,” the Chief pointed out. Hoehn made a motion that Chief Rush proceed with the quote from Dodge, notto-exceed $51,000. It was seconded by Board member David Dodd and carried unanimously.Inotherdepartment reports and--Dixonbusiness:reported, since the last meeting, there were 27 runs; three of those were car accidents and three were fires. The remainder were medical runs. Audience member Paula Rudibaugh told him the fixed Hedges storm siren is really working well. --Rush reported, since their meeting two weeks ago, there have been nine car accidents; 19 animal complaints; 26 traffic offenses; and 146 other calls for service. He clarified that the 19 animal complaints covered various situations, such as an abandoned iguana, and only eight of those complaints were actual dog issues.--Utilities Superintendent Chuck Gray told the board that his crews have been doing some general plant maintenance; and on the east side of town, they have cleaned 2,536 feet of main. He concluded by stating the line to the plant will be finished up as soon as Roger Carr returns. Mayor Curtis stated he believes the bids are out on the new lift station. Mayor Curtis added it will go to the paper today, with publication the next two
McClellan said her drive comes from “caring about Indiana. That’s where it comes from. That’s where it starts.”
‘Mount Vernon’ continued from Page A1 they purchase, it is usually several at a time. We are behind them right now in the line for service. When I contacted them, I was told that Mount Vernon’s vehicles may not be ready until midSeptember,” he explained.
McClellan shared Wells’ vision for protecting democracy at all levels of state and local government. McClellan, an Indiana University journalism grad who serves as the Monroe County treasurer, is passionate about the impact that local government can make on Hoosier lives.
Classmates of North Posey High School Class of 1960 Jim Fathera and Mary McGrew rehash old times on Saturday morning. Photo by Dave Pearce
Secretary of State Libertarian candidate Jeff Maurer drove from Carmel to participate in the Cream the Candidates event sponsored by Indiana Farm Bureau on Sunday afternoon at the Granary in New Harmony. Here, he is served ice cream by Bryce Dyehouse, Alaina Allyn, Gabe Satori, and Carlton Redman. Photo by Dave Pearce
“Using that line of thought, they can attack same sex marriage, contraceptives, interracial marriage. These discussions are happening. I’m not saying it’s going anywhere, but they are having discussions. Stuff we talked about in the 40s and 50s,” McDermott said. McDermott addressed the need to protect the environment and promote green energy, but said it is important to find a way to coexist with farming families who do not want to lose their agricultural way of life. “As mayor for the last 20 years, the hardest thing to get any community to do is change the way they’ve done business for a long time, especially when you’re talking about something that’s such a staple,” McDermott said. “Hopefully we can peacefully coexist with a green economy and still respect our agriculture. I think that’s something we should strive for. It’s one of the things I love about coming down here is the rolling hills and the beautiful farms. We don’t want that to go away. Farming and agriculture are so important in Posey County and southern Indiana. At the same time, we need to change the way we’re operating. Personally, I believe the Earth is warming. Weather patterns are changing. Lakes are drying up. Rivers are drying up. We need to do something about that because we have children and we’re going to be turning this world over to them and to our grandchildren. We want to make sure that we give them the Earth that we inherited. I think it’s changing and it’s incumbent upon us to do something, but I don’t think it’s incumbent upon us to wipe out the farms in Posey County. Hopefully there’s a middle ground that we can live with.” Brooks, a former University of Louisville track athlete, told attendees about her competitive spirit and the need to adapt to “Evenwin.asa church and as a person of faith, I’ve been trying to tell people that we have an opportunity to re-brand what a person of faith is supposed to look like. I think the other party has kind of taken it, but they don’t have a monopoly on what it looks like to be a person of faith,” Brooks said. “Regardless if you are a Christian or if you are a Jew or a Muslim or a member of any other religious sect, I think the commonality is that we believe that we have to operate in love, in grace and forgiveness…care about people and make sure people have the resources they need,” said Brooks, who works as a CPA for Cummins and is married to a pastor. She said she wants to bring accountability and credibility to the state auditor’s office and stand for Hoosiers that have been“Oneunderrepresented.partyiscontrolling all the decisions from the beginning to the end. We need to get more people in there from this side of the ticket to add checks and balances, to add a voice for the people. We’re sitting on this surplus. Are we reinvesting that back in communities? When I’m going around the state, I’m hearing from people. I’m hearing from our rural farmers. I’m hearing from you guys. I’m hearing from black and brown communities. We don’t really have everything that we need. Our state is suffering when it comes to food and health care and education. There’s not enough money being put back into these things that can really change the way we are living. Unfortunately, I don’t know if a $100 or $200 refund is going to do it,” Brooks said, drawing laughter from the crowd. “How can we have a larger impact on people? That’s what I’m trying to bring to the office.”
‘Promise’ continued from Page A1
Manning one of the tables at the H&R event on Friday are Jess Gries, Christian Rice, Katie Bunnage, Bridget Grigsby, and Amy Fisher. Photo by Dave Pearce
THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS - PAGE A9NNAUGUST 30, 2022 SQUARE AVAILABLEFOOTAGEFORLEASEReynoldsBusinessBuilding 27 W. Main St., Poseyville Contact HR Pharmacy for details Ask for Joe 812-874-2815
“Part of my story is that I was a domestic violence survivor. I did use a lot of services. I was briefly homeless. My boyfriend was in jail. All of a sudden I was just thrown into this environment of needing a lot of help. I have lived through that. I learned a lot about what somebody in that kind of position needs, what kind of support they need. A lot of people are in need. Sometimes they take the wrong fork in the road, but you can come back from that with the right kind of support. It started with me in county government. I was like ‘this really helps people,’” McClellan said. She said she hopes to generate excitement about voting to encourage others to make their voices heard. “I really want to get people excited to vote. I want to get my message out there. I want (Hoosiers) to hear a message that resounds with them. I don’t want it to be about party. I want it to be about caring for Indiana. If you hear something that you like, that you want in your county or in your life, vote for me. If you don’t, you can vote for somebody else. It’s about voting. We’ve got to keep Hoosiers interested in voting,” McClellan said in an interview before the meeting. “I’m a little bit younger. I’m an energetic female. I feel like that gives people a little “She’s just like us. She’s a mom.’ I call myself the gay midwestern mom. ‘She’s just a gay midwestern mom and she’s running for state treasurer.’”
Jessica and Mario Orlando were the guests of honor at the groundbreaking ceremony Friday afternoon for the Habitat for Humanity build at 80 Oak Street in Poseyville. The former North Posey Viking couple has six children and the home will have six bedrooms. The Orlandos will do 300 hours of work equity as part of the arrangement for their new home. Photo by Lois Mittino Gray Mount Vernon residents Eric Butz and Christian Rodriguez sell handcrafted items at the Artisan Market in New Harmony on Saturday morning. Photo by Dave Pearce

The North Posey Class of 1970 will celebrate their 50th Class Reunion (plus 2 for COVID) on Saturday, September 17 at the Red Wagon in Poseyville. There will be a tour of North Posey High School at 4 p.m. Social hour will start at 5 p.m. at the Red Wagon with dinner to follow at 6. Friday, September 16, our class will be recognized at the home football game. Our Class will be seated in a designated area. We hope to see you at all events. If you have questions, please contact Sharon Voegel at 812874-3154 (home) or 812-781-0309 (cell) or Eileen Embrey at 812-455-3102. All information will also be available on our Class Facebook page - North Posey Class of 1970.
MVHS Class of ‘60 to hold 80th Birthday Party MVHS class of 1960 is preparing for our 80th birthday celebration. Because of the pandemic in 2020 we were unable to have our 60th class reunion, so we decided to have an 80th birthday party to celebrate us. Whoop whoop. The party will be held on Saturday, September 10, 2022 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Western Hills Country Club. Invitations will be mailed. Cost is $30 per person. Reservations must be received by August 10, 2022. Any questions please contact Marti (Keitel) Maddix 812-760-9424. Hope to see you there. NPHS Class of ‘67 reunion set for September 17
The North Posey High School Class of 1967 Reunion will be held Saturday, September 17 at Hornville Tavern, 2607 West Baseline Road, Evansville. Get together from 5 until 6 p.m., class picture at 6 p.m., and dinner to follow around 6:30 p.m.Reservations must be made by Friday, July 1, money due by Thursday, September 1. Cost is $35 per person with a cash bar. Send your reservations with a check payable to NP class of ‘67 to: Irma Donner, 2805 Donner Road, Wadesville, IN 47638. Any questions call or email: Irma Donner 812-457-5390, idonner@ or Cindy Byrd 812-760-9157,
MVHS Class of ‘62 holds Reunion Mount Vernon High School’s class of 1962 will have their 60th reunion on Saturday, September 17, at 12 noon, at the Senior Citizen building on Eighth Street. There will be no charge. The MEAL IS FREE. Please call Dee Ann at 812-8383449 or email her at by September 1.
We would love to invite all classmates, teachers and alumni of Mount Vernon High School. Spread the word so we can spend some time together. Hope to see you there.
Class Reunions
NPHS Class of ‘97 to hold 25th Reunion
Court News continued
NPHS Class of ‘70 to hold 50th Reunion
The MVHS class of 1970 committee is also asking for help from the community in locating the following classmates that we have lost contact with since graduation: Marlena Kaye Church, Terry L. Cox, Roger A. Cross, Raymond C. Goodman, Gary Morris Graddy, Dennis L. Gross, Ralph D. Lutz, Michael Roger McNeil, Kathy S. Moyer Moll, Richard L. Reed, John L. Ricketts, Richard Carl Rogers, Roger L. Saltzman, Debra
MVHS Class of ‘82 to hold 40th Reunion The Mount Vernon Class of 1982 will hold their 40th reunion September 17, 2022 from 5 p.m. - ? at Hawg ‘N Sauce, 6580 Leonard Road, Mount Vernon. Class photo will be taken at 6 p.m., Schelhorn Band will begin at 7 p.m., and food and drink will be available for purchase. Please email the reunion committee at for more information or private message Cheryl Reich or Liz Culley on Facebook.
The North Posey High School Class of 1997 will celebrate their 25th reunion on September 24 with a Family Picnic at Harmonie State Park Cherry Hill Shelter from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. On Friday, September 24 class mates can enjoy a school tour and tailgating from 5-7 p.m., and the football homecoming game at 7 p.m. Also on Saturday, Trivia Night will be held at Silver Bell in Saint Wendel with Mr. Rynk. For more information contact Scott Singleton 317-903-8682.
MVHS Class of ‘68 holds ‘Homecoming’ The Class of ‘68 will be hosting our Second Homecoming on October 1, 2022 from 6-11 p.m. The Meet and Greet will be held at the American Legion Post 5, 203 Walnut, in Mount Vernon, There will be a cash bar. Snacks will be provided by the class and the kitchen will be open until 8:30 p.m., for anyone that would like to order food.
MVHS Class of ‘70 hosts Meet and Greet Due to the pandemic, the 50th class reunion was canceled. Mount Vernon High School Class of ‘70 is hosting a Meet and Greet as part of their 70th Birthday weekend celebration. The Meet and Greet will be held Friday, September 16, 2022 at the American Legion located at 203 Walnut in Mount Vernon from 6 to 10 p.m. There will be a cash bar. Snacks will be provided and the kitchen will be open until 8:30 p.m. for anyone who would like to order food. All classmates, teachers and alumni of Mount Vernon High School are invited to attend. The 70th Birthday Bash Dinner will be held Saturday, September 17, 2022 at Bally’s Hotel in Evansville, Indiana. Deadline for making reservations is July 31, 2022.
Jean Scott, Mary J. Schockley Nobles, Rosanna M. Stewart Russ, Greg Ward, and Maurice Sonny Wood.Ifyou have any information that can help us, please contact Linda Deig at 812-459-6754.
Collections, LLC v. Tracy WilkersonProfessional and Business Collections, LLC v. Traci WallerProfessional and Business Collections, LLC v. Joshua OsborneProfessional and Business Collections, LLC v. Kacie Schneck, Jordan Schneck Professional and Business Collections, LLC v. Pamela Jones, Frederick Jones Cavalry SPV I, LLC v. PepperLVNVYoderFunding, LLC v. Kathleen Robbins Global Lending Services, LLC v. Gregory Hartwell Paula K. Hoehn v. Tamela BlandPHH Mortgage Corporation v. Jerry Wade, Midland Credit Management, Incorporated, The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development LVNV Funding, LLC v. TrudyJesseRobinsonW.Shadley v. Mary K.TDFlavellBank USA, N.A. v. Jan TaylorRepublic Finance, LLC v. StacyGregHaleClausheide v. Dan Ko Selective Insurance Company of America v. Trinity Tucker f/k/a Trinity Becker Bradley King v. Thea Bemis
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PUBLISHER’S NOTICE The Posey County News respects diversity and equal opportunity and will accept advertising for housing and employment that strive to meet the scope of all applicable laws. When possible, we will, before rejecting an ad, offer suggestions to help convey an inclusive intent. Minor changes can often make a difference in the tone of the ad and will show both the newspaper’s and advertiser’s intent to comply with discrimination laws. The Posey County News reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising.Housing: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.”

Bull Island Boogie Three Hundred Thousand People Jammed Up In The Road, Tryin’ To Find A Place Where They Could See The Boogie Show. Move Over Brother Wont’cha Let This Van On Through. We Trucked Up From Tennessee To Bring Some Songs To You. With An Axle Hittin’ Bottom From The Riders Up On The Top We Came To Do It With You, Who Knows When We Will Stop ...
Boogie-BoogieChorus: To The Bull Island Band Boogie-Boogie Just As Hard As You Can. We Setup Our Own Tent City Out Behind The Stand . Shared A Case Of Warm Falls City With The Other Bands. Out In Front The Heats Uncannin’ Somethin’ ForTh’ Stone. We’re Runnin’ Out Of Beer Back Here. Man, When Do We Go On. Marooned On An Island, We Got No Place To Go. We Have To Take A Chopper For To Leave This Rock ‘N Roll And All This Boogie-Boogie... With The Bull Island Band Boogie-Boogie Just As Hard As You Can Light The Fires And Hold Your Flashlights High Unto The Air. Let The 747 Know That We’re Still Here. The Bands All Play The Same 01’ Song, But The Crowd Keeps Goin’ Wild . Lady In A Blanket, Wont’cha Comfort Me A While. Some Were Carried Off, While The Others Carried On. It Won’t Be Time For Us To Play Until The Crack Of Dawn. Then We’ll Boogie-Boogie... With The Bull Island Band
Tuesday, August 30, 2022 2022TT P C N Join our Team! Sign on Bonus - Benefits Package 920 Main Street New Harmony, IN 47631 Phone: 812-682-4675 | Apply today! The Charles Ford Retirement Communities is seeking Qualified Nursing Personnel to join our dynamic team of caring professionals Eligible individuals will receive: $1,000 SIGN-ON BONUS After 90 Days of Full-Time Employment, in Good Standing. COMPETITIVE BENEFITS PACKAGE EVENING & WEEKEND INCENTIVE PACKAGE “I’m blessed to be a caregiver at Charles Ford. With flexible hours, paid time off, vacation time, sick time, and a 401k retirement fund – what more could you want?” - Tracy Madison Bromm

North Posey quarterback Liam Stone gets great protection to allow time to scramble and pick up the yardage needed for a first down during Friday night’s win over Princeton. Photo by Dave Pearce
By Trisha L. Lopez It was a tale of two halves at Memorial Field on Friday as Mount Vernon football squared off against South Spencer in the Wildcats home opener. Mount Vernon’s defense struggled out of the gate. A pair of off-side penalties and some big plays by South Spencer seniors quarterback Nathan Hurt and receiver Kyle OImstead marched the Rebels down the field. The Wildcats defense rallied and looked poised to stall the drive, but a fourth and one yard Hurt pass drew a pass interference call against the Cats, setting the Rebels up on Mount Vernon’s 20-yard line. A tackle by junior Beau Baldwin cost the Rebels two yards and senior Payne Healy and junior Abe Thomas wreaked havoc on third down, forcing the Rebels to settle for a field goal after a seven minute opening drive. Mount Vernon’s offense had no such difficulties. Freshman Shane Krieger recovered the Rebels onside kick to set the Cats up with great field position. A first snap handoff from junior Nicot Burnett to junior Kortez Stewart led to a 69-yard touchdown. An extra point from junior Grant Doherty followed and the Cats were on top 7-3 with just 20 seconds having passed on the clock. Mount Vernon got the ball back a minute later after a strong defensive effort forced a quick four and out for the Rebels. A Mount Vernon touchdown by junior Caleb Tyus was called back because of a penalty, but the Wildcats quickly rebounded with a touchdown down the seam from Burnett to junior Jackson Clowers. Doherty connected again and Mount Vernon extended its lead, 14-3 with two minutes remaining in the first quarter. South Spencer opened the second quarter in a big way. The Rebels scored early, recovered their own onside kick and found the end zone again, shrinking Mount Vernon’s lead to three with just under 10 minutes to play in the half. Mount Vernon moved the chains quickly with plays by Burnett and Tyus. A Burnett run on third down set Stewart up for his second touchdown of the night. Doherty’s third extra point gave Mount Vernon a 21-17 lead. The Wildcats defense shut the Rebels down on the next series, but Olmstead picked off a Burnett pass and South Spencer scored again…the Rebels third touchdown of the quarter…to retake the lead 24-21 with 1:20 remaining in the half. Burnett found Tyus and freshman Nash Hostetter to move the ball down the field and a five-yard Burnett keeper put the Wildcats back on top. Doherty’s kick was automatic and the Cats went into the break with a 28-24 advantage. Mount Vernon dominated the second half on both sides of theAnball.early turnover on downs did little to stifle the Wildcats momentum.TheCatsdefense held South Spencer scoreless in the third quarter. A near takeaway by Tyus, a tackle for loss and a quarterback takedown by junior Parker Willard forced a South Spencer punt. Clowers found the endzone on a 52-yard pass play minutes later. Doherty’s fifth extra point of the night gave the Wildcats a 35-24 lead with two minutes left in the quarter. The Rebels offense struggled. An interception by Krieger put the Wildcats back in scoring position. Stewart bulldozed through the Rebels defensive line and added another Wildcats touchdown. Doherty’s sixth extra point was just as solid as the five before and Mount Vernon stretched its lead, 42-24. South Spencer’s offensive woes continued. They couldn’t gain any ground and were forced to punt. The punt was blocked by freshman Brady Schickel, giving the Wildcats good field position to start the fourth quarter. A five-yard pass from Burnett to Hostetter for a quarter-opening touchdown and Doherty’s seventh extra point put the Cats on top, 49-24.Mount Vernon’s defense found the end zone on the next series. Hurt was sacked by Thomas on first down. Schickel forced a fumble on the next play, popping the ball to Willard who ran 67 yards for the Wildcats final score. Doherty came through again, going a perfect eight for eight on the night. The Rebels added a rushing touchdown late, but they couldn’t overcome the Wildcats advantage. Mount Vernon picked up its first win of 2022, 56-30. The Wildcats racked up 349 total yards of offense. Stewart led all rushers with 105 yards and three touchdowns on 14 carries. Burnett had 53 yards on the ground with a touchdown on eight carries. Senior Colton Lippe had two carries for six yards. Burnett completed 12 of 16 passes for 184 yards and three touchdowns. He had one interception. Clowers led the Cats air game with four catches for two touchdowns and 106 yards. Tyus had four catches for 53 yards and Hostetter had three catches for 24 yards and a touchdown. Tyus and Clowers led the Cats defense with five tackles each. Thomas had four tackles and two sacks. Willard had 3.5 tackles and one sack. Healy had three tackles. Senior Colton Lippe had 2.5 tackles. Sophomore Colten Schneider had two tackles and two sacks. Burnett had two tackles. Baldwin had 1.5 tackles. Krieger had one tackle and one 10-yard interception. Schickel had one tackle and one sack. Freshman Grant Lippe, sophomore Winston Howell, senior Brady Ford, freshman Ryder Snodgrass, freshman Gage Hayden and Hostetter had one tackle each. Mount Vernon (1-1) will face Princeton (0-2) at home on Friday. The Tigers fell to Forest Park, 26-8, in week one and North Posey, 53-14, in week two. The Wildcats led the way throughout the teams’ 2021 matchup en route to a 47-7 Mount Vernon victory. Jackson Clowers looks to find some running room during Friday night’s decisive win over South Spencer. Photo by Garry Beeson
Vikings overpower Tigers on both sides of the ball, 53-14
TAKE A LOOK, WE’RE JUST MINUTES AWAY! 1501 McDowell Rd. Evansville, Indiana 1-812-985-9955 S P O R T SPORTSS Tuesday, August 30, 202230, 2022 Volume 142Volume 142 Edition 35Edition 35 SINCE 1882 Successor to The Poseyville News & New Harmony Times P C NN TT Continued on Page B7 JUST ASK US, WE MIGHT HAVE IT. 1-812-838-5200 BUSINESS HOURS: Monday - Friday: 7am - 5pm Saturday: 8am - 12pm MOUNT VERNON AUTO PARTS YES!YES! WE ARE OPEN! and ready to serve alland to serve all of Posey CountyPosey County (With any luck, you just might see the owner!) Come See Us For All Your Lawn Mower And Lawn Tractor Parts Needs We carry:We carry: 1100 E. 4th St., Mount Vernon, IN 47620 Since 1946 • Locally Owned • Founded by Robert E. Green JeffreyAgent/OwnerGreenwell Smart Retirement Solutions LLC 126 East 2nd Street, Mount Vernon, IN 47620 Welcome to Medicare! Licensed in IN, IL, KY References available upon request Not affiliated with any government ClassAttentionagencyof‘76 Re Reduce the confusion and the stress, get advice from a local professional with over 20 years of experience. There is no charge to you for the service. Call Today 812-457-7076
By Dave Pearce The North Posey Vikings got into the end zone quickly and then often during Friday night’s 53-14 win over the Princeton Tigers at Joe Gengelbach Field in Poseyville.TheVikings realized that turn-about is fair play as they took the opening kick-off, in the hands of Jed Galvin, into the end zone for a 6-0 lead just 12 seconds into the contest. Although the extra point was missed, it gave the Vikings the start they needed, unlike last week’s opener at South Spencer where the Rebels returned the Viking’s opening kick-off for a touchdown.Coach Waylon Schenk agreed that it is better to do it to someone else than to have it done to you. And talking to the players after the game, his message was consistent. The Vikings dominated the statistics with 455 yard of offense while holding the Tigers to only 63. Stone hit on 10-of-13 passed and the Vikings rushed for 299 yards. The Viking defense held the Tigers without a completion in six attempts. The Tigers finished the night with only two first downs to 27 for the Vikings.“Don’t be satisfied,” Schenk warned his team following the game. “Don’t be satisfied and don’t become complacent.”TheVikings looked anything but satisfied and complacent as they put a second touchdown in the first quarter when Liam’s Stone’s pass to Kaedyn Stewart was complete and Kaleb Herke hit the extra point. But then it happened. Usually steadyhanded back Jed Galvin gave up a fumble on the Vikings’ own 20 and Tiger Kaleb Ice ran it into the end zone to put the Tigers on the board, also in the first quarter. Ronnie Rodocker’s kick brought the Tigers back to within 13-7 with under a minute left in the first quarter. The second quarter was different. The Vikings dominated both sides of the ball as Kolton Gardner punched one in from seven yards out just a little under two minutes into the second quarter, to put the Vikings ahead 20-14. “Kolton Gardner has made himself a football player,” Scheck said of Gardner. “He played a lot of jayvee last year and dedicated himself to the weight room. He’s our glue right now and can play any of four or five positions and plays all special teams. Jed Galvin is a good back but Colton Gardner is too. It’s nice to have them both. Jace Gauer can run the ball too.” Six minutes later, Galvin again found the end zone on a 14-yard run to extend the Viking lead to 26-14. Then, after a strong defensive stand, Stone four Jackson Graff in stride in the corner of the end zone and Graff found a way to make the catch and get both feet down in the end zone to give the Vikings a 32-7 lead at the half in what could be termed an overall overpowering performance. Despite missing four of five extra points in the first half, Schenk was not surprised at his team’s performance.Following the game, Schenk said he thought the Vikings would be able to handle the Tigers as he believes North Posey to be a much stronger team this year. “We know we are young and our kids have been told they are young,” Schenk said. “We know we graduated a lot last year but the expectation hasn’t changed. This is a special group…not many seniors but they are prettyTerhunespecial.”and Gammon are the anchor for a group of 15 linemen in practice every day.However, the Tigers ran the second half kick-off back for their second score of the night and when Rodocker tacked on the extra point, the Tigers were back to within 32-14.But that was the last legitimate scoring opportunity the Tigers would have. The Viking defense stepped up and the Vikings offense did what it is capable of doing. Just over a minute in the quarter, Stone found Galvin for a 68yard touchdown and Herke’s extra point gave the Vikings their cushion back at 39-14. “Our defense played a pretty good game but we wish we would have played better on special teams,” Schenk said. “But overall, the outcome was what we expected if we played up to ourJustcapabilities.”forgood measure, the Vikings added two more scores in the third quarter, the first on a Gardner oneyard touchdown run and the other on a Stone seven-yard run gallop into the end zone. Herke regained the extra point magic in the second half, nailing all three extra points to give the Vikings a 53-14 lead. The offense was explosive at times on Friday night and Schenk said his team has been playing offense at a fast tempo. Going 10-of-13 through the air could give an indication the Vikings might be a threat in the air. Right now, Schenk believes the run game is ahead of the passing game but the passing game is catching up and has been effective when needed. “Liam is a really good thrower,” Schenk said of Stone. “We are seeing some glimpses of how good he can be in the pass game. For us to be as good as we can be, he will have to be able to throw the ball some.” In each of the first two games, the Vikings have played very fast. Scheck explained the reasoning behind that.
Don't try to make these important decisions alone, online or on the phone with a stranger. Let a local professional help you. (MVHS Class of ‘75)
Wildcats come alive in second half

PAGE B2 - THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS AUGUST 30, 2022 Pay for performance Good at your job? We recognize that and reward it with a great pay for performance Hutsonbonus. knows the right tool is important. We give techs a $1,000 each year to add to your tool box. And they are yours to keep! $1,000/yr tool allowance Continuous Training We set a clear career path to let you know the different levels and what it takes to climb the ranks. Opportunities for growth

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The Mount Vernon High School Lady Wildcat Cross Country team continued its improvement at the annual Dennis Bays Invitational hosted by Evansville Harrison High School on Saturday. After a week of hard practice, the girls toed the line in the hot sun at Angel Mounds and still showed great improvement in finishing 15th out of 23 schools. It was sophomore Brynn Davis’ turn to lead the ‘Cats as she finished in 56th place completing the course in over two minutes faster than last weekend at Boonville (and two minutes faster than a year ago at this same race). Sophomore Avery Stills ran second for the ‘Cats for the second race in a row running nearly seven seconds faster than last weekend and a minute-and-a-half faster than she ran the course a year ago. Running third for Mount Vernon was junior Krissy Bazan and just two seconds behind her was fellow junior Ashley Lilleston who both finished the course in the top half at 66th and 67th out of 140 competitors. Running an outstanding race for only her second 5K of her career, freshman Ellie Blackburn was fifth for Mount Vernon dropping nearly two minutes off her time from last weekend. This again put the first to fidth split right at two minutes.Rounding out the competitors for the Wildcats were sophomore Izzy Zieren who battled the same heat a year ago, but finished the course four minutes faster this season. Competing in their first 5K races were juniors Destin Gentry and freshman Avery Fritschle. Not only was this their first race, it was the furthest they have run at one time as they are also members of the MVHS Fall Sideline Cheer team. “I’m excited to see what they will accomplish after a few more weeks of practice and a few more 5K’s under their belts,” Wildcat Coach Leigh Latshaw said. “Proving that working hard and being sore during the week can still produce positive results on race day, these ladies continue to improve,” Latshaw continued. “As we continue to get stronger and the temps cool off toward championship season, the sky’s the limit for these ladies.” The team will be back in action Thursday at the Alan Hopewell Class Invitational hosted by Gibson Southern. The races will be broken up into Frosh/Soph and Junior/ Senior for both boys and girls.In a similar fashion, the top four teams at the Dennis Bays Invitational were the same on both the boys and girls sides with only the order changing. Proving they remain at the top of the southwestern Indiana cross country scene, South Knox edged past both Reitz and Tell City in taking top honors on MountSaturday.Vernon fought hard to earn an 18th place of 25 schools represented at the annual Dennis Bays Invitational at Angel Mounds. Evansville Harrison hosts this meet with the majority of the SIAC and PAC schoolsSophomorerepresented. Hayden Deckard stayed within striking distance of his mentor Carson Tucker through the first half of the race. Taking advantage of his opportunity, he surged past his teammate and finished the 5K race 30 seconds faster than a week ago to break the 20-minute barrier and finish in 54th place. Tucker pushed through six places ahead of where he finished a year ago just seven seconds off of that pace. Moving up 16 spots from a year ago was senior Ethan Sutfin as he finished in 82nd place out of over 200 runners. Running 12 seconds faster than last weekend was freshman Mason Hagan who just missed out on a top half finish with his gutsy performance. Scoring fifth for the Wildcats was freshman Ryan“LikeMcCollum.thegirls, the boys put in a hard week of practice that found them sore and tired, but they still fought to improve upon either last weekend or from a year ago at this same race,” Latshaw said. “Their hard work will pay off when the time comes to start a taper as we enter the championship portion of theLikeseason.”the girls, the Wildcat boys will compete at the Alan Hopewell Invitational Thursday at Gibson Southern.
THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS - PAGE B3SSAUGUST 30, 2022 Come Enjoy “A Taste of Ol’ Mexico”
Wildcat boys soccer keeps streak alive, girls also win Special to the News The Mount Vernon High School boys’ soccer team remained undefeated with an 8-1 victory over the Southridge Raiders Saturday afternoon.JuniorAndrew Santoro started the day’s scoring early with his first goal of the season in the opening minute. Fellow junior Grant Doherty was credited with the assist. The two juniors connected again minutes later with Doherty scoring this time and Santoro getting the assist. Doherty got his second goal of the game a few minutes later with junior Logan Dutkiewicz getting the assist. After those three early goals, the Wildcats hit a bit of a lull and didn’t score again in the first half. After the break, Mount Vernon continued their scoring ways. Doherty completed his second hat trick of the season off an assist from senior Luke Schelhorn. Santoro added his second goal of the day off an assist from senior Rylan Paul. Sophomore James Basden got in on the scoring action after that with his second goal of the season with the assist going to senior Ben Glueckert. Basden added a second goal later from Santoro. Paul ended the day’s scoring moments before the final whistle with Basden picking up the assist. The Cats allowed a second half goal for the first time this season, but other than that played a strong defensive game. Senior Conner Willis shutout the Raiders in the first half. Senior Jarrett Dye lead the defense on the day.The Wildcats look to continue their great start on Wednesday when they travel to Mount Carmel. In girls soccer action at Mount Vernon, Maty Burnett scored eight goals on the way to an 11-1 victory over Southridge over the weekend. Olivia Robels, Valerie Thompson, and Ella Spoon also contributed a goal apiece. Spoon finished with a pair of assists as did Maddie Maier. Robles, Lera Wilson, and Reagan Sullivan all has assists in the sevenassist performance.
Special to the News
Vikings also won the team scores at the South Spencer Invitational. Elle Jo Johnson finished third overall with a time of 22:15. Olivia Esche placed fourth overall with a time of 22:18. A few places back was Abigail Pardon with a time of 23:54 and Makennah Delph with a time of 24:15. Also finishing for the Lady Vikings was Abby Hessler with a time of 26:19, Katelyn Seibert with a time of 28:11, and Abby Rittichier with a time of 29:39.
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Mount Vernon Wildcat Maty Burnett scored eight goals helping her team on their way to an 11-1 soccer win over the weekend. MOUNT VERNON ATHLETE OF THE WEEK MATY
Viking XC teams are first at South Spencer Invitational
Andrew Santoro, a Mount Vernon Wildcat junior, scored his first goal of the season to help the Wildcats remain undefeated at 5-0. Photo by Garry Beeson North Posey’s Gavin Wheeler competes at the Dennis Bays Invitational over the weekend. Photo provided
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Last Thursday afternoon, the North Posey boys’ and girls’ cross-country team competed in the South Spencer Invitational. Competing in this invitational were South Spencer, Tecumseh, Evansville Christian, Evansville Bosse and North Posey. In the boys’ race, North Posey won the team scores and claimed the top three places. Viking senior Gavin Wheeler was the overall winner of the five-kilometer race with a time of 18:47. This was Wheeler’s first ever overall win of a race. Kade Buecher finished second with a time of 19:25 and Evan Tuley in third place with a time of 19:46. Also finishing and only a few spots behind the top three runners were Ayden Hessler with a time of 21:48 and Cole Newcomer with a time of The21:46.Lady
Last Saturday morning, the North Posey cross country team ran in the Dennis Bays Warrior Invitational at Angel Mounds. This event had 25 teams competing at this invitational. For the boys’ race, South Knox won as a team with a low score of 83 points. Jackson Nolan from Evansville Reitz was the boys’ overall winner with a time of 16:18. North Posey boys placed twelfth as a team with 368 points. Leading the Vikings boys’ team were Gavin Wheeler coming in twentyeighth place with a time of 18:27, while Kade Buecher finished thirtieth with a time of In18:30.the girl’s race, South Knox won as a team with a low score of 55 points. Xavery Weisman from Pike Central was the overall winner of the girls race with a time of 19:02. North Posey girls’ team had a great day and placed fifth as a team with a score of 189 points. Leading the Lady Vikings was Elle Jo Johnson with an eleventh-place finish in a time of 21:29. Olivia Esche placed twenty-first with a time of 22:36. Boys Meet Team Scores: South Knox 83, Evansville Reitz 87, Tell City 94, Castle 116, Evansville Central 126, Evansville North 141, Evansville Memorial 191, Signature 221, Evansville Mater Dei 221, Barr-Reeve 248, Pike Central 291, North Posey 368, Evansville Harrison 389, Boonville 419, Tecumseh 424, Owensboro 433, Vincennes Lincoln 435, Mount Vernon 441, Evansville Christian 528 North Posey: 28. Gavin Wheeler 18:27; 30. Kade Buecher 18:30; 91. Ayden Hessler 21:22; 108. Evan Tuley 22:49; 111. Cole Newcomer 22:57 Girls TeamMeetScores: South Knox 55, Tell City 93, Castle 163, Evansville Reitz 170, North Posey 189, Evansville Memorial 199, Southridge 205, Evansville Mater Dei 222, Owensboro 228, Barr-Reeve 237, Pike Central 244, Boonville 257, Evansville North 262, Signature 329, Mount Vernon 333, Vincennes Lincoln 415 North Posey: 11. Elle Jo Johnson 21:29; 21. Olivia Esche 22:36; 38. Makennah Delph 23:48; 40. Abigail Pardon 24:01; 79. Abby Hessler 27:09; 83. Abby Rittichier 27:54; 91. Katelyn Seibert 29:07
SPONSORED WITH PRIDE BY HOEHN PLASTICS INC. 812-874-2612 • 11481 CO RD 925, POSEYVILLE Wholesale Plastics, Polymers & Resins North Posey sophomore Jed Galvin finished with nearly 100 yards on the ground and another 80 in the air in the win over Princeton. NORTH POSEY ATHLETE OF THE WEEK JED GALVIN
Wildcat XC teams compete
By Chris Morlan A very good week of running for the North Posey cross-country teams. First off, the Vikings went to the South Spencer Invitational on Thursday with both boys’ and girls’ teams winning the team scores. Last Saturday, North Posey competed in the Dennis Bays Warrior Invitational at Angel Mounds in Evansville. This meet had every school in the local area participating along with one team from Illinois and another from Kentucky.

Lady Viking golf falls to Titans
The North Posey girls’ golf team played at home last Thursday night at Cambridge Golf Course against the Gibson Southern Lady Titans. This was supposed to be a triangular meet including Southridge which did not show for the match. Gibson Southern dominated the match and claimed the top four spots. Haley Hughes won the match with 38 shots. Adryauna Redden finished second with 42 shots, followed by Vanessa Schmitt in third place with 43 shots, Madilyn Sperling in fourth place with 45 shots and Katelyn Walker in seventh place with 55 shots. North Posey freshman Makenzie Mills placed fifth and shot a 52 on the nine-hole course. Allison Werkmeister finished sixth overall with 56 shots. Tori Abernathy finished eighth with 58 shots and Ava Biggs placed ninth with 68 shots on the day. “I am happy to see continuing improvements from the girls,” North Posey coach Morgan Daly said. “We played a strong team today, but our girls stuck with it and played their game. They had some really nice shots and made adjustments throughout the night. I’m excited to see how the rest of the season plays out with the PACs and sectionals coming up.”
Leading the Lady Vikings were Erin Hoehn with six kills, Sybil Renshaw with six aces, Kaity Oakley with one block, and Addie Fullop with 13Northassists.Posey 3, Evansville Bosse25-18,0 25-5, 25-3 Kills (25): Erin Hoehn 6, Kaity Oakley 4, Ashleigh Blankenship 3, Addie Fullop 3, Siri Fullop 3, Brooklyn Goedde 2, Ella Weatherholt 2, Carly Douglas 1, Sybil Renshaw 1 Aces (15): Sybil Renshaw 6, Ashton Elpers 3, Addie Fullop 3, Siri Fullop 1, Erin Hoehn 1, Ella Weatherholt 1 Blocks (1): Kaity Oakley 1 Assists (19): Addie Fullop 13, Siri Fullop 4, Brooklyn Goedde 1, Ashton Elpers 1 This week, the Lady Vikings will play on Wednesday at home against South Knox with the junior varsity game at 5 p.m. and the varsity match played around 6:30 p.m. On Thursday, North Posey will play at Heritage Hills with junior varsity playing at 5:30 p.m. and varsity game beginning around 7 p.m.
Lady Vikings defeat Tell City
By Chris Morlan
By Chris Morlan The North Posey Volleyball team was in action last Tuesday night at home against Evansville Bosse Lady Bulldogs. In the first set, North Posey had to play tough because Bosse refused to go away. North Posey put the first set to rest with a 25-18 win. In the second and third sets, North Posey dominated each match by the final scores of 25-5 and 25-3. North Posey improved their season record to three wins and two losses. Bosse fell to 0-4 on the year.
By Chris Morlan This past week did not start off so well for the North Posey girls’ soccer team. By the end of the week, North Posey was going in the right direction. Last Monday, a very good Gibson Southern team beat the Lady Vikings 8-0. On Thursday, North Posey went on the road to play South Spencer. North Posey played a better game but lost 2-0. North Posey took a long road trip last Saturday morning to play against Tell City and won by the final score of 4-1. For the season, North Posey improved their record to one win and threeGibsonlosses.Southern 8, North Posey 0: The first home game of the season was underway last Monday evening when the North Posey Lady Vikings took on the Gibson Southern Lady Titans. This was a conference matchup. Prior to this game, North Posey was 0-1 on the season, while Gibson Southern was undefeated at 3-0. This game totally went in Gibson Southern’s direction for an 8-0 win. The Lady Titans have a very good team. They dribble the ball well, make good passes and always know where their teammates are on the field. It was veryNorthimpressive.Poseystruggled from the start and never could find a rhythm or consistency at any time of this game. Gibson Southern scored four goals in the first half, and four more in the second half. The Lady Vikings was limited to three shots on goal for the game. Gibson Southern had 19 shots on goal. Riley Bryant from Gibson Southern had three goals in the game. Lady Viking goalkeeper Ady Gamblin had 13 saves in this matchup. South Spencer 2, North Posey 0: The Lady Vikings went on the road last Thursday night to Reo, Indiana to play against the South Spencer Lady Rebels. The Lady Vikings still in search of their first win of the season came up short and lost by the final score of 2-0. For the season, North Posey fell to 0-3. “We began the match pretty flat and with little confidence,” North Posey coach Derek Sweeney said. “We’re still finding our match fitness, intensity, and systems of play. There have been several changes in our depth this season and are working hard to bring all the piecesSouthtogether.”Spencer scored both goals in the second half. North Posey as a team attempted eight shots at the goals versus the Lady Rebels with sixteen shots on goal. Goalkeeper Addy Gamblin had 14 saves for North Posey. “Addy is proving to be one heck of an athlete,” Coach Sweeney said. “She embodies the Viking spirit, never gives up, and strives forInsuccess.”thegame, Reagan Koester led the Lady Vikings with four shots. Zoe Bippus, Shaina Farrar, Lora Commens, and Jessica Glaser each had one shot in the game. North Posey 4, Tell City 1: Last Saturday morning, the Lady Vikings went to Tell City and defeated the Lady Marksmen by the score of 4-1. This was North Posey’s first win of the season. North Posey as a team had 21 shots on goal in this game. “The ladies applied our systems of play much better today and it helped create more connectivity and combination play through the middle and final thirds,” coach Sweeney said. “We had four goals on the day. The back line showed very well, and it was a real treat to see them work as a unit. Junior Makenna Bryant, sophomore Laney Owens, junior Sam Rhew, and senior Kylea DeVoy held Tell City to only one goal and did a wonderful job of building out of the back. Goalkeeper Addy Gamblin had a great game at the net. Gamblin had five saves in this matchup. Scoring goals for the Lady Vikings were Zoe Bippus, Mason Ashby, Kayla Jones, and Makali Carter. Leading the Lady Vikings in shots were Reagan Koester and Makali Carter with five each, Aubrey Brandenstein had four shots in the game. Sweeney said, “the team continues to grow each day and will keep putting in the work to prepare for sectionals. We want to thank Tell City’s coaches and players, the referees, and all the supporters that made the trip.”
Viking seniors Brooklyn Goedde and Erin Hoehn block this spike attempt back onto Bosse’s side of the court during an easy win this week. Photo by Dave Pearce
PAGE B4 - THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS AUGUST 30, 2022 Call Ashley today at (812)985-9955 Email: 1501 McDowell Rd., Evansville, IN 47712 Do you have concerns with now with COVID-19? We may have the answer. STILL COMMITTED TO SERVING TODAY’S GREATEST GENERATION!
North Posey volleyball sweeps Bosse in three matches
The Lady Vikings competes this Tuesday at Cambridge Golf Course against Pike Central in a dual match beginning at 4:30 p.m. On Thursday, North Posey plays again at Cambridge against the Washington Lady Hatchets with a tee time of 4 p.m. This Saturday, the Lady Vikings close out the week with the Pocket Athletic Conference Championship at Country Oaks Golf Course in Montgomery, Indiana starting at 7 a.m.


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Viking boys soccer comes up short in three well played games
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Posey Solar would like to thank Posey County government, and
the rest of the season. They will win many games. There defensive back field is solid, and opponents better figure out where sophomore Dylan Helfert is on the field. Helfert will give upcoming opponents a fit throughout this Southseason.Spencer 3, North Posey 0: The Vikings were back in action last Thursday night at home against the South Spencer Rebels. Both teams were winless prior to this matchup. The first half remained scoreless after the first forty minutes of play. This game was still at 0-0 with 25 minutes left in the second half. Then South Spencer scored three goals in the closing of this match to win 3-0. South Spencer improved to 1-3 on the season, while North Posey fell to 0-3. South Spencer had Cale Donoho, Noah Brunner, and Vincent Mayfield each score a goal in this game. “Tough game, backs played strong again, under a lot of pressure,” North Posey coach Catherine Broshears said. “Zander Pickens played in goal and had a solid first performance. Team is still learning, and it will take time to get them moving offensively. I was happy with the effort. They always play with heart and desire to Tellwin.”City 3, North Posey 2: This matchup was a close battle that could have gone to either team. North Posey came up short when the time expired. The Vikings played a great game and look to be playing in the right direction for the remainder of the season. Scoring goals for the Vikings was Troy Droege and Caleb Goebel. Droege’s goal came from a penalty kick, and that was his first goal scored for the season. Goebel goal was his first score of his high school career. “Very even match. Made good strides with style of play,” coach Broshears said. “The team is getting better. We had more possession and attack than in past games.”
Kaleb Herke makes a run following a pass from Braylon Games during this week’s soccer match against South Spencer. Photo by Dave Pearce Wildcat volleyball moves to 6-2 Special to the News The Mount Vernon Wildcat volleyball team put on an impressive performance over the weekend. The girls gained a pair of Pocket Athletic Conference wins at Washington as they faced the host Hatchets and also South Spencer on the day. The Lady Wildcats did not give up a set in defeating South Spencer by scores of 25-13, 25-16, and 25-9. In the other varsity match, the Wildcats defeated the Hatchets by scores of 25-29, 25-20, andAgainst25-7. the Hatchets, Kaleigh Kelley led the team with 10 kills while Mallory Nurrenbern hand eight and Arlissa Sharber added seven. Sydney Deig had three while Hannah Seifert had two and Cassidy jones had one. The Wildcats had eight aces against Washington with Kelley, Sharber, and Haley Duffey contributing two apiece. Nurrenbern and Jones had one apiece. Deig and Sifert each had a pair of solo blocks while Kelley and Sharber had one apiece. Kelley and Sharber also had one block assist apiece. Brooke Sledd, the conference leader in digs, finished with 14 and Nurrenbern had 12. Duffey finished with five and Kelley added one. The digs were well distributed as Sledd had eight while Kelley and Duffey had six apiece. Nurrenbern and Jones had four digs apiece while Seifert added one. On the day, the Lady Wildcats went to 2-0 against South Spencer and Washington. Nurrenbern led the offense with 19 kills and Kelley added 15 kills, Sharber had 12 and Jones hadJones11. also had six aces on the day. Brooke Sledd led the defense with 29 digs, Hannah Seifert added three blocks to the defense. Kaleigh Kelley had 37 assists. The reserve team also won their matches, defeating Washington 2-1 and South Spencer 2-0. Sydney Deig puts this ball on the floor for the Wildcats. Photo by Garry Beeson
Drew Heckert Financial Advisor 431 E Fourth Street Mt Vernon, IN 47620 812-838-0555
By Chris Morlan A busy slate for the North Posey boys’ soccer team. Last Monday, the Vikings played at home and lost a close match to Gibson Southern. Then On Thursday, North Posey lost another home game to South Spencer 3-0. On Saturday morning, the Vikings traveled to Tell City to take on the Marksmen. North Posey came up short and fell 3-2. For the season, the Vikings are now 0-4. Gibson Southern 3, North Posey 0: Two bad foul calls that could have been missed by the referees took the wind out of the Vikings last Monday night in their home opener. Late in the second half, Gibson Southern led 1-0. The Titans made two penalty kicks with 8:27 and 5:57 left in the game to extend their lead to 3-0 and get the win. North Posey was in this game to that point and played well. In the first half, Blake Elpers from Gibson Southern scored a goal at the 30:55 mark of the game. North Posey freshman Zach Colgrove played a great game at goalkeeper and looks to securing that position for many years to come. Colgrove had thirteen saves on fifteen shots on goal. For the game, North Posey had five shots on goal. Gibson Southern had 18 shots on goal. If North Posey plays this intense
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THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS - PAGE B7AUGUST 30, 2022 ‘Viking football’ continued from Page B1 VIEW FULL AD AT MYPRICELESSFOODS.COM. CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK! PRICES VALID WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31 THRU TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 440 PLAZA DR.MT. VERNON, IN FRESH MEATS MATCH!MIX&BUY SAVE5$5 SAVE $5 AT CHECKOUT WHEN YOU BUY 5 PAR TICIPATING ITEMS. SweetBi-ColorCorn WatermelonsSeedless 4.50ea.3.583/$112 OriginalOz. SlicedSmithfieldBacon 4 Lbs. or more USDA Inspected Boneless Beef Ribeye Steaks 6.98 lb. USDA CHOICE RIBEYES 9.98lb. CLIP COUPONS MYPRICELESSFOODS.COMAT USE UP TO 1X IN ONE TRANSACTION Sale price without Digital Coupon $2.28 WITH $1.00 OFF 2 DIGITAL COUPON 1.78 59 Oz. Select Varieties Florida’sLemonadeNatural USE UP TO 1X IN ONE TRANSACTION Sale price without Digital Coupon $2.26 WITH $1.00 OFF 4 DIGITAL COUPON 2.01 21.5-28 Oz. Select Varieties Bush’s Best Baked Beans USE UP TO 5X IN ONE TRANSACTION Sale price without Digital Coupon $2.27 WITH 50¢ OFF 1 DIGITAL COUPON 1.77 10 Ct. Select Varieties JammersKool-Aid USE UP TO 5X IN ONE TRANSACTION Sale price without Digital Coupon $2.62 WITH 50¢ OFF 1 DIGITAL COUPON 2.12 24-32 Oz. Select Varieties Mt.PicklesOlive 52 SelectOz. Varieties JuiceSimply$2.28-1.28$1.00 48 SelectOz. Varieties IceBreyersCream$3.18-$1.00 WHEN YOU BUY 5 PARTICIPATING ITEMS 2.18 17.96-30.88 Oz. Select Varieties $PizzaFreschetta4.54-$1.003.54 12 SelectPk. Varieties YogurtDrinkableDanimals$5.16-$1.00 WHEN YOU BUY 5 4.16 6 SelectCt. Varieties NoveltiesKlondike$3.18-$1.00 WHEN YOU BUY 5 PARTICIPATING ITEMS 2.18 N Kraft $ShellsorMacaroniDeluxe&CheeseVelveeta&Cheese3.57-$1.00 WHEN YOU BUY 5 2.57 SwBi FRIDAYSEPTEMBERSATURDAY2-3,2022 SALEDAY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST SA SEPTEMBER 2 16 SelectOz. Varieties Field MeatFischer’sorFranksBolognoraSliced 113 2ONLYDAYS Standard Pride 73% GroundFreshLeanBeef 271LB 2ONLYDAYS SOLD IN 5 LB. CHUBS FOR $13.55 EA 36 Oz. Taylor WithVegetableFarmsTrayDip798 2ONLYDAYS JeffreyAgent/OwnerGreenwell Smart Retirement Solutions LLC 126 East 2nd Street Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 Welcome to Medicare! Licensed in IN, IL, KY References available upon request Not affiliated with any government agency Class1975!of Reduce the confusion and the stress, get advice from a local professional with over 20 years of experience. There is no charge to you for the service. Call Today 812-457-7076 Don't try to make these important decisions alone, online or on the phone with a stranger. Let a local professional help you. (MVHS Class of ‘75)/Furniturefetchersfurniturefetchers@gmail.comwww.furniturefetchers.com117SKentuckyAve,SuiteA117S.KentuckyAve.,SuiteAEvansville,IN47714Evansville,IN47714ProfessionalProfessionalMovingMovingReliableReliableInsuredInsuredSafeSafeProfessionalMovingReliableInsuredSafe
“I’m probably going too fast for them right now but we are trying to push them into shape,” he said. “We’re the same way in practice and I believe we have played ourselves into pretty good shape. Now we have to work on the execution part. We have to continue to get better each week and if we do that, this group can do some special things.” Neither team could find the end zone in the final period as they substituted freely and gave valuable playing time to other members of the team. Galvin led the team with 83 yards on the ground while Stone had 80. Gardner finished with 48 yards and Jace Gauer had 44 yards, despite sitting out much of the game with an injury. Darious Vincent finished with 30 yards and Graff had 14.Through the air, Galvin had 97 yards, Stewart had 32, and Graff had “Jackson27.Graff is a pretty special player, as well,” Schenk said. “We haven’t had to use him that much so far but we know that when we need big plays down the field, we can count on him. He’s a tight end playing wide receiver. He has great hands. Stewart is a threat, as well,” Matthew Stump had the Vikings’ only punt, good for 36 yards. Galvin had two kick-off returns for a total of 96 yards. “We are going to get better as we go and we are going to have to because the competition is going to get tougher,” Schenk said. But of the 42 players, 40 of them will be coming back next year. We have a chance to be a special group.” Despite getting off to a 2-0 start, the Vikings will have a big assignment on their hands when they travel to Southridge on Friday evening to take on the Raiders in a rare 6:30 contest.
Boys TeamMeetScores: Castle 55, South Knox 60, Gibson Southern 131, Perry Heights 131, Evansville Memorial 148, Evansville Mater Dei 189, North Posey 191, Plaza Park 205, Princeton 222, Helfrich Park 225, St. James 237, Evansville Christian 248, Evansville Day School 349 Overall Top 5: 1. Carter Zieren-Mount Vernon 11:12; 2. Isaac Singleton-South Knox 11:49; 3. Nathan Whitacre-Castle 12:00; 4. Eli Morris-Castle 12:12; 5. Evan Atkinson-Plaza ParkNorth12:14Posey Junior High: 28. Ethan Seibert 13:27; 29. Warren Bowers 13:28; 31. Blake Schmitt 13:32; 41. Jacob Nellis 14:11; 62. Evan Beuligmann 15:46; 80. Sam Engelbright 16:45; 82. Kolt Buecher 18:35 Mount Vernon Junior High: 1. Carter Zieren 11:12; 37. Braxden Walker 13:50 Girls TeamMeetScores: Gibson Southern 55, Castle 76, Princeton 109, Mount Vernon 115, Evansville Memorial 116, North Posey 124, South Knox 133, Helfrich Park 136 Overall Top 5: 1. Isabel Land-Castle 13:12; 2. Lily SchmittGibson Southern 13:58; 3. Grace Detweiler-South Knox 14:07; 4. Lucy Scherer-Gibson Southern 14:16; 5. Ava Hessler-North Posey 14:28 Mount Vernon Junior High: 7. Emerson Walker 14:45; 13. Olivia Staib 15:12; 21. Madison Cooper 15:44; 24. Makayla Schneider 15:51; 50. Isabella Benthall 18:26; 51. Amanda Evans 18:34; 52. Maddie Abel 18:44; 54. Elizabeth Flores 19:41 North Posey Junior High: 5. Ava Hessler 14:28; 11. Rowen Engelbright 15:08; 28. Gwyn Beuligmann 16:04; 33. Raela Cullum 16:17; 47. Jaylee Gardner 17:50; 49. Braelyn Barrett 18:14; 55. Mia Hoops 19:46
Greeting appreciative customers at the Posey County Fairgrounds this week are H & R Agri-Power employees Nick Rust, Tyler Lightner, Manager Jeff Grant, and Bill Schmitt. Photo by Dave Pearce
NPJHS hosts 13-team Viking Charge cross country meet By Chris Morlan A big event took place last Saturday morning on the campus of North Posey. The Viking Charge cross country race brought in eighteen local schools to participate in this Junior High/Middle School event. Gibson Southern Middle School won as a team in the girls race with an overall low score of 55 points. Mount Vernon Junior High placed fourth with 115 points, and North Posey finished sixth with 124 points. The overall winner of the girls’ race was Isabel Land from Castle Middle School with a time of 13:12. Top finishers for Mount Vernon were Emerson Walker in seventh place with a time of 14:45 and Olivia Staib in thirteenth place with a time of 15:12. For North Posey, Ava Hessler finished fifth with a time of 14:28 and Rowen Engelbrecht placing eleventh with a time of Winning15:08.theboys’ meet as a team was Castle Middle School with a low score of 55 points. North Posey Junior High placed seventh with 191 points. The overall winner of the boys’ race was Carter Zieren from Mount Vernon Junior High with a time of 11:12. The top finishers for North Posey were Ethan Seibert placing twenty-eighth in a time of 13:27, and Warren Bowers in twenty-ninth place with a time of 13:28.