The Posey County News - April 5 2011 Edition

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“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.”


Since 1882 ~ Successor to The Poseyville News and The New Harmony Times • New Harmony, IN Posey County’s locally-owned newspaper

Tuesday April 5, 2011

(USPS 439-500)

Volume 130 Edition 15

Ambulance study results raise even more questions

Rural Stewartsville resident Walter Broadhead stands amid a crowd at the Posey County Community Center expressing his opinion of the ambulance situation in Posey County. Photo by Dave Pearce By Dave Pearce response of those who spoke out at Posey County and they are willing While it wasn’t what the study last week’s meeting indicates that to raise taxes enough to pay for it. recommended, the overwhelming they favor a fourth ambulance in That is the message that was

put forward at a joint meeting of the Posey County Commissioners and the Posey County Council last week. The meeting was held on Tuesday evening at the Posey County Community Center at 6 p.m. The Community Center served as a “center” of the majority of the county’s population as well as a building large enough to house the anticipated attendance. Organizers were not disappointed in the turnout as two busloads chartered a bus from Poseyville and others crowded in. More than 300 people were on hand to hear the results of a study done by Gary Ludwig of The Ludwig Group regarding the solution to an ongoing problem of equal ambulance response time for all Posey County residents. While the results of the study were neatly packaged and presented, it was obvious right away that the presenter who was in charge

By Dave Pearce It has to go down as one of the largest Republican gatherings in many years in Posey County. On Thursday evening, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels addressed some 200 people who were in attendance at the annual Lincoln Day Dinner. This year, the dinner was moved to the New Harmony Business and Convention center because of the anticipated attendance. Prior to the dinner, the governor told a few friends and supporters that he is proud of what his administration and the people of Indiana have been able to achieve during his six years in the governor’s mansion. Coming off of right shoulder rotator cup surgery just six weeks ago, the governor shook hands with friends mostly with his left hand, stating that healing is progressing well but not fast enough for him. An ardent fitness advocate, he admits the surgery has slowed him down a little. When asked what question he would most like to be asked but never is, the governor responded with curious interest. “I’d like to be asked about what is different in Indiana now than six

clearly are more solvent. We have paid our debts and not only have we caught up our bills but we have paid down 40 percent of our debt. We are seen across the country as one of the strongest financial states.”

of the study had very little to no knowledge of Posey County, it’s layout, or its location in relation to other areas. After one question, Ludwig asked what was the location of Cynthiana and on another question, asked for help on a question regarding Posey County’s proximity to Evansville. But Ludwig indicated that he presented the outcome of the study based on the information he was instructed to use by Posey County EMS Director Chuck Thompson. Ludwig indicated that Thompson was his only contact during the study and that finances were not considered a part of the equation’s outcome. Ludwig also acknowledged that adding a fourth ambulance to be located in the county was not a part of the study. That being said, Ludwig’s suggested solution to the ambulance

Continued on Page A2

Daniels touts education reform at Lincoln Dinner

Espenlaub reunion set

The Espenlaub Reunion will be held on Sunday, April 10th at Zion United Church of Christ on Ford and Copperline Road, Mount Vernon, with a basket dinner at noon. For more information, contact Ruth Redman at 812-673-4627

Mission Fundraiser set

The Holy Smokers annual Mission Funraiser will be held Saturday, April 16 at Harvestime Temple, 101 Roosevelt Dr., Mount Vernon, Ind. Slab of ribs $20, Loin $25. Pick up at the church from 1 - 3 p.m.

Outdoor gospel concert set

On Saturday, August 27, New Harmonie Healthcare Center is planning an out door Country Gospel event to raise money for the Alzheimer Association. We are asking for your help to get us started. Items needed: Tents, Volunteers to set up tents, chairs, park cars and removal of all items after the event. If you have a group that would like to help please call Sandy Morris at 812-845-2312. If your group or organization would like to participate in the entertainment for that evening please contact Sandy.

McNamara, Tomes to appear

The Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana will host the third in the series of Meet Your Legislator events in Posey County on Saturday, April 9 at the Poseyville Community Center. Event will begin at 9 a.m. Representative Wendy McNamara and Senator Jim Tomes will be in attendance.

NHS registration set

Parents wishing to register new students for New Harmony School’s next school year may come to the office anytime to do so. These would be new preschool, kindergarten, and other students new to the school.

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels talks with local businessman Scott Pugsley of Evergreen Drilling who recently relocated his business from nearby Illinois to Indiana. Photo by Dave Pearce years ago,” The governor responded. “I think there are some profound differences.” “I think we are a much more jobfriendly, growth-friendly, businessfriendly state,” Daniels said. “We

But just as importantly, Daniels pointed out that he believes Indiana is now seen as a leader in a variety of areas.

Continued on Page A2

Saint Wendel loses landmark, gathering place By Dave Pearce Although an official cause has not been determined, the cause will not change the outcome. The fire that destroyed St. Wendel’s Dutch Korner on Friday night burned the landmark to the ground and chances are, it will not be rebuilt, at least not at the current site. “It is almost like a funeral…a funeral for a building, not a person,” lifelong St. Wendel resident Steve Luigs said Sunday afternoon as he respectfully sifted through a few of the ruins. “See all these people driving by here. It is like they are paying their last respects.” A long line of cars and trucks drove slowly past the structure on Sunday afternoon, some pausing to take pictures but most with just somber looks on their faces.

And although the building is gone, many memories will live on for those residents of the close-knit German-American community on the eastern edge of Posey County. “There are just so many things that have happened down through the years here,” Luigs said, shaking his head. “It is almost like losing a friend. As time goes on, you will think about something and want to ask a question but no one will be here to give you the answer.” But like Luigs, his friend Randy Fehrenbacher sifted through the rubble with a heavy heart and a bit more purpose. The emotional Fehrenbacher indicated he was looking for any sign of “Frog’s Chair.”

Continued on Page A4

Demo women to meet

The Posey County Democratic Women’s Club will hold its annual Democrat Card Party on Tuesday, April 5, 2011, at 6:30 p.m., at the St. Matthew School Gym in Mount Vernon. Everyone is invited to attend. Cost of admission is $2.

Elks to host dinner

The Mount Vernon Elks Lodge will be selling take-out dinners on Friday, April 8, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday, April 9, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. They will be serving grilled pork chops and fish fillets with potato salad and baked beans. Price is $7 per plate. Please place orders by calling Susan @ 838-3361 or contact any Elk member.

GOP women to meet

The Posey County Republican Women’s Club is hosting their Card Party on Tuesday, April 12 at 6 p.m. at the Elks Home, 131 E. Fourth Street in Mount Vernon.


Randy Fehrencacher sifts through the rubble on Sunday afternoon looking for any part of a chair that was designated in honor of his brother who died earlier this year. Just above, left, an unidentified patron looks forward to brighter days. Photos by Dave Pearce

Inside this issue... Retrospective ................. A4 Legals .......................... B8-9 Classifieds .............. B11-12

Go to Community ........... A5 Social ...................... A6 Deaths ................... A3 Sports .............. B1-8 School ..... A7,9-12,15 Business/Ag ............ A8



APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE A2

Governor visits New Harmony, y from Page g 1A “We are looked to in transportation, property taxes, health care, and I hope soon, education,” Daniels said. “I would sum it up by saying that I believe that Indiana has become a state that leads change instead of a state that trails the pact and responds to change.” Throughout the evening, Daniels indicated with no reservation that he is not happy with education in Indiana and plans to do everything he can over the next year-and-a-half to make a difference in that area. “Immediately in front of us is the chance to improve public education,” he said. “Indiana can be a leader here. Things that are going on around the country about everywhere…we believe we can do all of them and we can do them in a comprehensive way that others have not. I would very much like to see public education

reform itself to get more money in the classroom to reduce the overhead costs and get more money into the classrooms to pay teachers and apply it at the point of academics.” Daniels saved some of his feeling regarding the current structure of education in Indiana for the main speech. “We are going to take a huge step forward for teacher quality. It is the most senseless and unfair system conceivable that we operate under today,” Daniels said. “Seniority rules everything…last in, first out. We have ‘Teachers of the Year’ being fired or laid off or demoted simply because they haven’t lived long enough. We must start rewarding the best teachers.” Daniels said that statistics have proven that teacher quality is 20 times more important than the next vital

At top, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels makes a point during his speech. Just above, Daniels greets a group of local well-wishers in a reception prior to the speech. Photos by Dave Pearce

Ambulance, from Page 1A

Gary Ludwig, of The Ludwig Group, gives the results of the ambulance study to a less-than-recpetive audience this week at the Posey county Community Center. Photo by Dave Pearce

factor in education. “The sad statistic is that most teachers in Indiana were not evaluated at all last year or in any recent year,” Daniels said. “I don’t know how you run your business but I would bet that you don’t let years go by and never give a performance review. When they were reviewed, over 99 percent were found effective yet only one-third of our kids can pass the national assessments in reading and math. We have a great chance to do better. I hate the fact that some people look at the younger teachers with disdain for making them look bad.” Daniels continued that he would like to continue with more local government reform, cutting out unnecessary expenditures for positions that he believes have outlived their usefulness. “I think township government has seen its day. It was useful at one time but…” Daniels said. He also indicated he would like to see a continued change in the jobs climate of the state leading to more money in Hoosier pockets. “It has just been reported by the Census Bureau that last year, we were number eight in America in income growth,” Daniels said. “We were the only state in the northeastern Midwest in that category. I want that to be a pattern year after year of income growth so Hoosiers can become more prosperous than we have been.” But has the recent boycott by Indiana Democrats put

problem was to move the ambulance now stationed in Poseyville to a new Blairsville station. With one ambulance in Mount Vernon and one in New Harmony, Ludwig said that would provide the fastest response time for the areas where the largest number of calls had come from during the past year. However, Ludwig’s solution apparently pleased no one at the meeting. Posey County councilmen and commissioners must now decide if those who spoke at the meeting are indeed the voice of the majority as a new ambulance in the county would cost somewhere in the vicinity of $500,000 for the first year and another $300,000 per year in each year after. It would almost certainly mean a .025 percent tax increase. More than one patron expressed the opinion that you can’t put a price on a life. Marrs Township Fire Chief Larry Schenk indicated that citizens should thank him because he is the reason that this type of meeting was being held. Schenk said he had been attending county meetings for several years requesting that ambulance coverage be provided for his taxpaying friends and neighbors in Marrs Township. Any plan short of a fourth ambulance still leaves a wide portion of the Marrs Township area uncovered in the 15-minute response time area. Because of the widespread rural population of Posey County, there were no solutions that would provide what medical professionals would consider “good” results. According to U.S today, there is no real evidence of an average time. There is a study however of the 50 largest cities that says their average response time is 6 minutes, or around that. The national average response time for a Basic Life Support ambulance is 10 minutes. Paramedics are 1215 minutes. The solutions presented by the Ludwig group would suggest that response times for the areas with the greatest number of calls in Posey County would be 15 minutes or under. Ludwig told those in attendance that biological death occurs in approximately six minutes after a heart attack. Several residents, including Sheryl Seib, representing the Indiana Farm Bureau, indicated that Posey County residents want, need, and deserve adequate ambulance coverage and are willing to pay for it. In a prepared statement, Seib said she spoke as a representative of the Posey County Farm Bureau Board of Directors. “We represent the largest group of landowners in the county. Our membership is predominantly made up of rural Posey County families. Who knows better the need of medical assistance than one of the most dangerous occupations in the United States,” Seib said. “The need for the best possible treatment as well as quick response time is critical to the farming population. You hear the ads on TV that minutes count when you are having a heart attack. That statement is so true when a person in Mount Vernon needs medical attention. But it is also true of the child who is injured in an accident on Interstate 64 in Poseyville, Griffin, or Cynthiana.” Seib went on to tell those in attendance that the decision as to where to place the ambulance is not a north, south, east or west issue but that it is a Posey County issue. “We place the same value on a life whether it is in Point Township or Smith Township, both rural areas,” Seib continued. “Getting to those families in need is what we want our taxpayer dollars to provide.” Seib went on to say that if another ambulance is needed to adequately protect and serve the entire county with a reasonable response time, the group encourages the property tax replacement credit of one-quart of one percent be assessed to replace property tax and a quarter of a percent be used for public safety.”

the current house session so far behind that it cannot make up for the lost time? “It cost us some time but they can make it up,” Daniels said. “While the house Democrats were lounging in Illinois, the others, including senate Democrats, were busy and a lot of agreements and compromise and modifications to bills were made. House Democrats forfeited a chance to be involved in a lot of that. But we can still do great things and finish on time.” Daniels began his speech by stating that there’s probably no place in the state he would rather visit than Posey County and that he looks for any reason to visit the county. He also commented that there’s no other place, per capita, in the state that he has visited more than Posey County. He then shared some humor from his recent appearance at the Press Club. During that meeting, he teased President Obama stating that because of his recent surgery and being from Indiana, he is now relegated to clinging either to his gun or his Bible, but not both. “After watching our senate Democrats camp out in your home state for the past five or six weeks, people who vote ‘present’ are starting to look citizenly,” Daniels told the president. Daniels took at least one jab at himself during the appearance, stating that with all the people out there jockeying for position for a presidential primary, he has to like his chances. “If anyone is built for jockeying, it has to be me.”

Marrs Township Fire Chief Larry Schenk addresses the group. Seib said that her organization has crunched the numbers and the tax increase would generate approximately $900,000, according to an Indiana Farm Bureau tax specialist. “We are willing to talk funding, if that is what is required,” Seib said. “No one wants an added tax but if that is what is needed to provide county-wide ambulance service, then we, as a board, unanimously support it.” Seib said that on a personal note, she and her husband have done the math and it would mean a personal increase of some $350 annually but indicates that amount is a small price to pay for the possibility of saving a life. Numerous others spoke, voicing similar opinions. Northern Posey County representatives Walter Broadhead, Patti Wilson, and Chuck Pearison, who have attended several county meetings regarding the matter, spoke on behalf of keeping the ambulance in Poseyville. They indicated no problem with allowing Marrs Township, which already has housing in two places for such an ambulance, to have a new ambulance. No one who spoke indicated that they saw any positives in placing the ambulance in Blairsville, where new housing would also have to be built. But according to Thompson, staffing is also an issue already in Posey County and that a “chase” car already sits idle because help cannot be hired to man it. Thompson indicated that low salaries are probably the greatest reason for a shortage of Posey County workers. However, he also indicated that other emergency service providers are also having problems with keeping full staffs. Commission president Scott Moye indicated that while the county does not pay as much as neighboring counties, Posey County does provide benefits for ambulance employees. So while it appeared to be the overwhelming majority opinion of those who attended the meeting, county fathers must now decide if, when, and how the ambulance service will be put into place. It is not built into this year’s budget and would have to be done as an “additional appropriation” with approval from the state to be placed anytime soon. The budget is not prepared again until August and such a large addition to the budget, again, would have to be approved by the state. One person asked if an ambulance fund could be started at a local bank and Moye indicated he did not know if the state would allow use of such a fund. County Council President Bob Gentil indicated in closing that if the Posey County Commissioners voted to get the ambulance, it would be his group’s job to try and find the funding. The topic is expected to dominate the next few meetings of the county bodies.


APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE A3


Jane Ellyn Malone

Judith Anne Bybee

On March 30, 2011, at 2:26 p.m. at Deaconess Hospice Care Center Jack L. Schley, 79, of Wadesville, (formerly Evansville) went home to be with the Lord. He served four years in the United States Navy in the Korean War and was a member of the Wadesville General Baptist Church. He retired from Whirlpool after 26 years in management and was a member of the Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rite and Hadi Shrine. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Janet Fenwich and son, Kelly Clark. He is survived by his wife, Barbara (Mayes) Schley, four daughters: Karen (Schley) and Frank Feldman of Evansville, Carol (Clark) and Bob Smith of Cincinnati, Ohio, Donna (Clark) and Mike Jeffers of Poseyville and Lisa (Schley) and Alan Brown of Evansville. Thirteen grandchildren and several great-grandchildren also survive. A memorial service was held on Saturday, April 2, 2011, at the Wadesville General Baptist Church at 2 p.m. The family requests a contribution to the church in place of flowers.

Jane Ellyn Malone, 74, of Evansville, passed away Wed., March 23, 2011, at her home. She was born June 25, 1936, in Evansville, Ind. Jane was a member of Order of the Eastern Star Sunbeam Chapter #1 and Tri-State Genealogy Society. She was of the Methodist faith. Jane graduated from Griffin High School in 1954 and DeVry’s School of Beauty Culture in 1955. She owned and operated Jane’s Beauty Shop in Mt. Vernon for 17 years. She graduated from LPN School of Nursing, then later earned her RN from the University of Evansville School of Nursing. She was retired from Welborn Hospital after 25 years as a nurse. She spent many years traveling and working on family history. Jane was preceded in death by her parents, Uel and Lois Malone. She is survived by her sister, Patricia Hancock (Tom); niece, Lisa Daugherty (Ernie); and nephew, Scott Hancock (Jane); greatnieces, Rachel and Sara Daugherty; and great-nephew, Ryan Daugherty; all of Griffin, Ind.; and cousins. Services were held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 29, 2011, at Alexander Memorial Park, Heritage Chapel, with entombment following. Friends visited from 1 p.m. until service time at Heritage Chapel. Memorial contributions may be made to Willard Library, 21 First Avenue, Evansville, Ind., 47710. Condolences may be made online atwww.

Judith Anne (Straw) Bybee, 61, passed away Friday, March 25, 2011, at Transcendent Healthcare of Owensville. She was born in Princeton, Ind., on Jan. 5, 1950, the daughter of Curtis Orville and Beulah Irene (Moore) Straw. Survivors include her daughter, Shannon (Mark) Smith of Lewisburg, Ky.; three grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; two step-grandchildren; five step-great-grandchildren; three brothers, Donald, James and Curtis Lee Straw; and three sisters, Lydia Farmer, Martha Barker and Sharon Dillon. She was preceded in death by her parents, a daughter, Susan Straw and a sister, Phyllis Jean Varner. A memorial service was held Friday April 1, at 7 p.m. at Holders Funeral Home in Owensville. The Rev. Bart Newton officiated. Inurnment took place in the Maumee Cemetery at a later date. Visitation was from 5 p.m. until the service time at the funeral home.

Sister Mary Sharon Hoehn Sister Mary Sharon Hoehn, 85, Monastery Immaculate Conception, Ferdinand, died at 3:45 p.m., Saturday, April 2, at the monastery. She was born in Mount Vernon, Ind., 0n Feb. 21, 1926, to Herman and Cecilia (Maurer) Hoehn. Surviving are two sisters, Clarissa, Mount VerAgnes Cincinnati, Cincinnati Ohio; nieces and nephews; non; and Agnes, and members of her religious community. She was preceded in death by her parents, her brothers Herman, Jr., Joseph, Paul, Simon, and Pat, and her sisters Mary Louise French, Sister Irene Hoehn, OSB, and Dorothy Weinzapfel. She entered the Sisters of St. Benedict in 1945, made her temporary monastic profession in 1947, and her perpetual monastic profession in 1950. Beginning in 1949, she taught in Evansville at St. Theresa School, where she later served as principal, St. Joseph School, and Mater Dei High School, and at schools in Rockport, Montgomery, Dale, and Ferdinand. She established and worked in Religious Education programs at parishes in Dubois County and Fort Campbell, Kentucky. She served as a hospital chaplain in Evanston, Illinois, a librarian at Loyola University in Chicago, and secretary and pastoral assistant at Evanston Hospital in Chicago. She also performed support services at the monastery, and most recently served in the ministry of prayer. Visitation was be from 3 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. EDT Monday, followed by a wake service at 7 p.m. EDT at the monastery. Visitation continues Tuesday from 2 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. EDT, followed by the funeral Mass at 4:30 p.m. EDT at the monastery. Becher Funeral Home in Ferdinand is in charge of the arrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to the Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand.

CHRIS’ PHARMACY 511 Main Street New Harmony, IN 47631 We participate in most insurance plans. Call us to verify participation even if we are not listed in your insurance brochures. Mon-Fri 9-6 Sat. 9-4 Phone: (812) 682-3044 E-mail:

John (Jack) A. Logan John (Jack) A. Logan, 87, passed away at his home on Christmas Day 2010. He was preceded in death by his loving wife Dorita J. (Fisher) Logan, two daughters, Cynthia (Chumley) Powell and Kathy (Chumley) WagnerHobbs, one Grandson, Jonathan Winebarger, F Mitchell Logan and an sister M. Lena Vaupel. brother F. Surviving Jack are three daughters, Linda (Steve) Butler of Wadesville, Ind., Melissa Swain of Grayville, Illinois and Jacquelyn (Mike) Baxter of Mount Vernon, Ind., brother Melvin (Gerta) Logan of San Marcos, Calif., two sisters, Ermine “Erma” Clifford of Marion, Ky., and S. Virginia “Ginny” Andry of New Harmony, Ind., his brother in law Ed Vaupel of New Harmony, a close family friend, Michelle Langston Jackson, nine grandchildren, seven great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Interment services will be held at 1 p.m. on Thurs., April 7, 2011, at Maple Hill Cemetery in New Harmony, Ind., with military rites being conducted by American Legion Post # 370.

J.L. Hirsch • 8 W. Main St. • Poseyville

Man charged in local pharmacy burglaries is sentenced Posey County Sheriff Greg Oeth announced the sentencing of John N. Feldman in the Federal District Court at Evansville for charges stemming from a series of 2010 pharmacy burglaries along with the subsequent distribution of stolen narcotics. Feldman, 33, of Evansville, was sentenced by United States District Chief Judge Richard L. Young to seven years in prison for his role in the related drug distribution/pharmacy burglary conspiracies. These federal charges arose from investigations into a series of pharmacy burglaries occurring throughout

the tri-state area of Southern Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky. Feldman and his co-defendant, Melissa Maynard, committed the burglaries, typically targeting small, locally owned pharmacies, and focusing on the theft of oxycodone and lortab tablets. Oeth stated “during the course of these criminal activities, Feldman was responsible for the burglary or attempted burglary of 13 establishments. Included in this crime spree were pharmacies in Poseyville, New Harmony, and Mount Vernon.” The

burglaries and theft were investigated jointly by the Posey County Sheriff’s Dept., Indiana State Police, Poseyville, New Harmony, and Mount Vernon Police Departments, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In total the burglaries involved the theft of over 27,000 tablets of various prescription medications, most of which contained the extremely powerful and heavily abused narcotic painkillers oxycodone and hydrocodone. The dollar losses sustained by the pharmacies were in excess of $25,000. Feldman

distributed the stolen drugs to illicit customers in and around the Evansville area. In addition to the prison term, Chief Judge Young also imposed a term of three years’ supervised release upon the defendant following the terms of completion for his sentence. Feldman was also ordered to make restitution to the victim pharmacies as a condition of supervised release. Oeth said the sentencing for Maynard is currently scheduled before Chief Judge Young in District Court in Evansville, on June 20, 2011, at 3 p.m.

Prices effective April 5th thru April 9th

Van Camp


89 Capri Sun $ 79 Juice Drinks .................. 2 Juicy Juice $ 29 100% Juice Drink ............ 3 Kool Aid $ 79 Jammers ............................. 2 Black Top 2/$ 00 Pink Salmon ...................... 5 No Yolk $ 19 Noodles............................... 1 Wacky Mac $ 29 Pasta.................................. 1 Kraft $ 99 Mac............................. 2 Plein Air Paint Out planned for New Harmony April 14-16 Easy Hamburger Helper $ 29 The Thirteenth Annual Plein Air Paint Out, the “First Brush of double feature movie presentation at the Harmonie Haus Cinema Pasta Entree ......................... 1 Spring,” will run April 14 – 16 in New Harmony, with some of at 2 p.m. The movies to be shown are “The Artists of Brown Tuna Helper the artists arriving as early as Monday, April 11, for special artists’ County” by Lyn Letsinger-Miller and “Plein Air Painting in $ 29 workshops. Provence” with Ian Roberts. Pasta Entree ......................... 1 Public events, launched in conjunction with the Paint Out, beOn Thursday evening at 7 p.m., a lecture and reception will be Chicken Helper gin at the annual Field to Finish exhibit and reception on Wednes- held at the Rapp-Owen Granary. Nationally known Hoosier art$ 29 Pasta Entree ......................... 1 day, April 13, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Hoosier Salon New Harmo- ist, C.W. Mundy, will speak on “The Seven Foundational Truths.” ny Gallery, 507 Church Street. The Field to Finish reception and Mundy ranks among the most important American impressionists Pebbles $ 89 awards program provide an excellent opportunity for the public to painters, today. Cereal................................ 2 meet with the artists and discuss their work. Every piece of art in Wrapping up the Paint Out on Saturday, April 16, from 9 a.m. Quaker Life the exhibit was started at last year’s Paint Out as a field study, and to 12 noon is the annual Plein Air Paint Out Art Sale to be held $ 99 then completed during the year in the artist’s studio. Thus, the art at the Ribeyre Gymnasium in downtown New Harmony. The Cereal................................. 2 is described as “field to finish.” The exhibit is juried and artist’s art sale offers the public an opportunity to view and purchase art Captain Crunch awards will be presented at 6 p.m., that evening. created at the Paint Out, along with other pieces the artists bring $ 99 Cereal................................. 2 The public is also invited to attend the Thursday, April 14, to sell. Betty Crocker 2/$ 00 Fruit Snacks ...................... 4 Betty Crocker $ 29 Cake Mix ............................. 1 Betty Crocker $ 39 Fudge Brownies ..................... 1 Aunt Jemima $ 69 Pancake Mix ......................... 2 Betty Crocker $ 69 Frosting ............................... 1 Aunt Jemima $ 89 Syrup ................................. 2 Nabisco Ritz Chips $ 99 Toasted Chips ....................... 2 Pringles 2/$ 00 Potato Crisps ..................... 3 A-1 $ 29 Steak Marinade ..................... 2 Mars Brand 2/$ 15 Candy Bars ....................... 1 CONCERT SPONSOR


Pittsburg Tank & Tower


This activity made possible, in part, by the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana, the Indiana Arts Commission, and the National Endowment for the

Pork and Beans .............. 15 oz. 10 pk.

64 oz.


$ 99

6 $ 99 Chili Roll .............................. 1 Field $ 99 Finest Bacon................... 2 Field $ 99 Ham Sausage ................. 1 Louis Kemp $ 69 Crab Delight ......................... 1 Ribeye Steak .................. 1 lb.


1 lb.

1 lb.

Banquet $ TV Dinners ........................... Green Giant $ Steamers ......................12 oz. Pepperidge Farms $ Cakes ................................. HyTop Whipped Topping ............ 8 oz. Praire Farms $ Ice Cream .................... 1 gal. North Star $ Old Fashioned Cones ............ HyTop Texas Biscuits ...................... Nestle $ Chocolate Chip Cookies ........... Velveeta $ Slices .........................12 oz. HyTop $ Cream Cheese ............... 8 oz. Praire Farms $ Cottage Cheese .............. 24 oz. Reddi Whip $ Whipped Topping ...................

109 139 299 99¢ 559 299 99¢ 299 329 129 299 249


2/$ 00

5 Ziploc 2/$ 00 Freezer Bags ..................... 5 HyTop $ 49 Party Cups ........................... 1 Charmin $ 79 Toilet Paper .................... 4 Storage Bags .....................

9 roll


VA L U M A RT We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities And Correct Printing Errors.


APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE A4

RETROSPECT Dutch Korner, from Page 1A Luigs went on to explain that Fehrenbacher had lost his 55-year-old brother a few months ago and that his brother, Glenn “Frog” Fehrenbacher had been an almost daily visitor to the Dutch Korner ever since he graduated from high school. “Frog” had a chair that he always sat in when he visited the establishment. And, upon his death, the owners of the bar placed the chair in the corner of the bar and covered it, allowing no one else to sit in it. “This is about where it would have been,” Fehrenbacher told Luigs. “But it doesn’t look like there is much of a chance of finding it.” It took fire departments about two hours to get the two-alarm fire under control at the Dutch Korner Tavern on St. Wendel Road. The fire broke out just before 12:30 a.m. Saturday morning. Due to the building’s age, six fire departments from around the area responded. Residents say they’ve lost more than just the historic building, they’ve lost a vital part of their community. The tavern is a building that has a rich history. Most recently it was a restaurant and bar, but had been a popular stop for stage coaches, a hotel, and even a grocery store. “We were always told that if a fire ever started in the building, it would be gone.”

Luigs said. “It was because it was so old and the way it was built.” The modern history of the Dutch Korner began in the early 1970s when Rietman’s (Grocery) Store occupied a part of the building. Eventually, Rietman’s sold out and a group from the area remodeled the facility. But it wasn’t until the building was bought by Keith Schile and Darlene Rogge in 1989 that it became a thriving business again. “They had really built it back up again,” Luigs explained. “They really brought it back to life again.” German Township Volunteer Fire Department Chief John M. Buckman III said the building was built in 1850 and was used as a stagecoach stop, hotel, grocery and tavern. But more than a building was lost, according to Luigs. “It was the kind of place that if someone didn’t come in on a particular day, everyone would ask about them,” Luigs said. “And there are a group of retired men who met up here several mornings a week to play clabber. But once the lunch crowd started coming in, they would all head home.” But the retired gentlemen were not the only ones who enjoyed clabber. A clabber league ran at the tavern each year for about three months during the winter. And Luigs recalls when Schile’s mother, once a cook at the tavern, fin-

ished her work, she always wanted the patrons to hang around and play clabber with her. But St. Wendel has not been particularly lucky when it comes to taverns. According to some older residents of the area, a tavern known as “Raben’s” which was located adjacent to the Dutch Korner property, was a total loss in a fire about 60 or 70 years ago. Then, about 25 years ago, the Silver Bell, which has since been rebuilt, caught on fire and was a total loss. Nine firefighters were injured in that blaze making firefighters particularly cautious when fighting this blaze. Because of the tavern’s proximity to St. Wendel School, it likely will not be rebuilt, at least not on the current site. A state law prohibits the building of a tavern within 1000 feet of a school. “There are just so many memories here,” Luigs said. “I can remember when last call was 12:30 but it seemed like they could never get them out of here until about 2:30 a.m.” “It was just that kind of place,” Luigs said. “There are a whole lot of people who have a lot of fond memories of the Dutch Korner.”

Pages of the Past compiled by Tammy Bergstrom 10 YEARS AGO,



April 3, 2001

April 2, 1986

April 7, 1961

Colonel Ronald D. Yaggi, a 1973 graduate of Mount Vernon Senior High School, was recently promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the United States Air Force. He is the son of John and the late Bonnie Yaggi of Mount Vernon. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Koester of St. Wendel as they celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Harvestime Temple in Mount Vernon would like to invite the community to attend their Easter production, “It Took A Lamb” on April 11 or April 13. Four students from New Harmony won awards in the Tri-State regional Science and Engineering Fair. They are Jordan Knudson, Mary Smith, Anne Marie Gish, and Riley Trela. Cub Scout Pack 387 held their annual Pinewood Derby at the Griffin Ruritan. Winners include first place-Adam Martin, second place-Paul Martin, third place-Chris Seibert, and Aaron Lupferbest car design.

Over 150 professional and amateur horsemen are expected to participate in this year’s Mumford Horse Trials held at Mumford Farms in Griffin, Indiana. Participants will compete in three events- dressage, cross country, and stadium jumping. 150 students from Missy’s Dancers will present their annual Spring Recital on April 25 in the North Posey auditorium. Let’s go shopping at J. L. Hirsch Co.- Sweet Sue Chicken and Dumplings-99 cents, Jeno’s Pizzas-99 cents, Town House Crackers-$1.59, Musselman Apple Sauce-2 for 99 cents, Pictsweet Frozen Corn, Peas, or Mixed Vegetables-69 cents. The Old Fashion Butcher Shoppe in Evansville, Indiana will be celebrating their second anniversary on April 5. Engagements announced: Susan Weedman to Douglas Parker, Billie Sue Butler to Stephan Sawyer, Joella Farr to Gordon Harris

Seniors from North Posey High School will be washing cars at several locations including Hopf’s Mobil, Joe’s Texaco, Artie’s Standard, Geisler and Simpson’s, and Vance’s Service Station. The cost will be $1.50 per car. The North Posey music department will present their Spring Music Festival later this month. The reserve band and the concert band will delight those in attendance with a variety of musical numbers. Elaine Lindsey, Ann Little, Judy Butler, and Martha Giles will also present a majorette twirling routine. A record low temperature of 28 degrees was registered early Easter Sunday morning, April 2, 1961. Later in the day the mercury climbed to 53 degrees. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whelan of Poseyville would like to announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Lois Marie to Mr. Johnnie L. Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Creek of Poseyville.

Featured Animal of The Posey County Humane Society





Funeral Planning ... Before the Need Arises

Pictured are Sabic employees who planted 25 trees on Friday at Terrace 5 along the Mount Vernon riverfront: Christos Karanikas, Jean Francois Morizur, Husnu Alidedeoglu, Navin Asthana, Niles Rosenquist, Srinivas Siripurapu, Emily He, Kaushal Gandhi, Amit Kulkarni, Tim Ding and Wei Zhao. Not pictured are Tom Guggenheim, Paul Sybert and Rama Konduri, who had stepped out to bring trees and tools. Photo by Pam Robinson.

Naomi Sego to sing this week at Fair Haven Church Southern Gospel Legend Naomi Sego will be in concert with her group Naomi & The Segos April 8 at Fair Haven Christ Fellowship in Cynthiana. Since joining The Sego Brothers in 1958, Naomi has enjoyed a long, successful career as one of gospel music’s most prominent female vocalists. The Sego Brothers & Naomi gained national attention in the late 1950’s with their first radio hit, Satisfied With Me. They were also the first group in gospel music history to sell

Happy Birthday Announcements April 5 - Carrie Proctor, Neil Smith, Therese Fitzhugh, Jennifer Slagle and

FA M I L I A R • T R U S T E D • R E L I A B L E

It will still be under warranty when he’s in high school. Every Frigidaire furnace comes with a 10-year warranty on all parts and Frigidaire’s Quality Pledge. Call us today. Because the last thing we want on your mind when you think about the future is a new furnace.

The County Cookbook

Prepare the cold... DEALERfor IMPRINT Call us today to have your furnace cleaned and inspected: 1-812-838-5604 Ask us for warranty details or visit

Irish Colcannon Mashed Potatoes

Ian Kurzendoerfer, Scott Roales, Marty Crispino April 6 - Samantha Alsop, Braden Schipp, Janet Robb, Millie Robb, Sue A. Maricle, Ashli Oglesby, Mary Jones and Grace York April 7 - Ted Rutherford and Cecile T. Effinger April 8 - Joe Meyer, Trent Creek and Jean Ann Hofman April 9 -Frank Cici, Angie Webber and Tracy Sollman April 10- Stephanie Koester, Darin Patton, Avanel Foster and Clem Penrose April 11 - Bill WilINGREDIENTS liams, Matthew Robin- • 4 russet potatoes (2 to 2 1/2 pounds), son, Sean Gebhard, Howpeeled and cut into large chunks ard Gebhard, Josephine • Salt Hirsman, Lydia Deckard, • 5-6 Tbsp unsalted butter (with more butter for serving) Jayden Hulsey and Chris • 3 lightly packed cups of chopped kale, cabbage, chard, Kissel or other leafy green If you have a name to • 3 green onions (including the green onion greens), be included in the birthday minced (about 1/2 cup) calendar, please send to: • 1 cup milk or cream Posey County News, P.O. • Optional: Diced cooked bacon Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631, or email: news@ DIRECTIONS 1. Put the potatoes in a medium pot and cover with cold water by at least an inch. Add 2 tablespoons of salt, and bring JUST ASK US, WE MIGHT HAVE IT. to a boil. Boil until the potatoes are fork tender (15 to 20 Have Questions for us? minutes). Drain in a colander. Call 1-812-838-5200 2. Return the pot to the stove and set over medium-high heat. Melt the butter in the pot and once it’s hot, add the greens. Cook the greens for 3-4 minutes, or until they are MOUNT VERNON wilted and have given off some of their water. Add the AUTO PARTS green onions and cook 1 minute more. 3. Pour in the milk or cream, mix well, and add the potatoes. OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday: Reduce the heat to medium. Use a fork or potato masher 7:30am - 5pm and mash the potatoes, mixing them up with the greens. Saturday: Add (optional diced cooked bacon and) salt to taste and 7:30am - 1:30pm serve hot, with a knob of butter in the center. LOCALLY OWNED Prep time: 10 minutes • Cook time: 25 minutes JUST ASK US, WE MIGHT HAVE IT. Serves 4 as a side dish. JUST ASK US, WE MIGHT HAVE IT.

Call us today and see what we can do for you! 812-838-5604

Trademark Frigidaire used under license

more than one million copies of a gospel recording with Sorry, I Never Knew You. Naomi Sego was inducted into the Southern Gospel Music Association Hall of Fame in 2001. This free concert will begin at 7 p.m., during which a freewill offering will be taken.

Selection by Zach Straw


Belladonna is a 2 year old female siamese mix with blue eyes. She is up to date on all her shots. The Posey Humane Society is still full to the brim and unable to accept new animals until we find homes for the ones we are currently housing. Now is a great time to take advantage of the Passion for Pets sale on all animals that are already spayed or neutered. Call 838-3211 to arrange a time to look at your future pet. General public hours are Friday noon - 6:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm.

PAGE A5 • APRIL 5, 2011



The Newcomers Club recently held their Spring Charity auction on March 17, 2011 during the monthly luncheon/meeting held at Western Hills Country Club, with proceeds given to local charities. All items are donated by members and a number of items are handmade by memebers themselves. Some of the more recent charities served by the club are residents of Mount Vernon Nursing and Rehab, Humaine Society, and the Red Cross. If you are new in the area and would like to meet new friends and find out more about the community, call Melanie Edling at 838-2819 for more information. From left to right: Jamie Watt, Charlotte Crowell, Melanie Edling, Becky Boggs, Jan Marker, Gail Mauro, Diana Odde and Claudette Platz. Photo submitted

Master Gardener Demonstration Day set for April 16 The Southwestern Indiana Master Gardener Association (SWIMGA), a nonprofit organization of over 325 active area members trained thru Purdue, will be hosting a Demonstration Day at the Master Gardener Display Garden on Saturday, April 16, 2011 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the State Hospital grounds, 3501 Lloyd Expressway, adjacent to the Boy Scout Headquarters. All demonstrations will

last approximately a half hour each and are free and open to the public. The main focus of the Master Gardener program is to educate the public. The Demonstration will cover: 9 a.m. Growing and Decorating Gourds by Debbie Goedde, 10 a.m. Container Gardening by Marcia Onnybecker, 11 a.m. Vegetables to grow in Southwestern Indiana by David Hames, 12 noon Lasagne Gardening by

Jim Bratt. All demonstrations are taught by Master Gardeners. Additional Information: Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer gardening questions. Contacts: Sandra Jewel at 812-471-0657 or or Publicity chairperson Delores Mason at 812-477-7378 or delores.mason@insightbb. com. Website:

North Elementary to hold Spring Book Fair North Elementary will host it's annual Sping Book Fair on April 11-15, 2011. The fair will feature specially prices books, educational products, classics and current bestsellers. The book fair profits go toward helping the school in many areas and needs, including the purchase of books for their library. The fair theme is "Book Fair Carnival, Your Ticket to Read." It will be open Monday-Friday from 8-3. Our

APL News

special events are Grandparents Night on Monday, 4/11 from 5-7pm and Family Night on Friday, 4/15 from 6:30-8:30. Family Night will be held along with the Spring Carnival. There will be lots of activities for the children and you can shop for books at the same time. All children must be accompanied by an adult. We will also be accepting donations now through the end of the fair for our "One for Books" program. You can

By Stanley Campbell

Library Silent Auction April 8 and 9 from 12 to 5 p.m. Instead of a book sale this April, the library will host a public silent auction. The auction will feature framed posters that formerly hung in the meeting rooms and surplus furniture and technology from the library. There are plenty of fantastic deals here. National Library Week April 10 to 16 during regular library hours. Stop by and tell us why you love your library and enter to win a gift card! Enjoy some snacks and goodies – on us. Teen Time April 11 at 3:30 p.m. Cool Cake Pops - Mmmm…cake. On a stick. Come and decorate ‘em … and then eat ‘em. Drop in for Teen Time every other Monday after school. For those in grades 6- 12. Sew Happy April 13 and 27 at 10 a.m. “Sew Happy” is a gather-

ing of crafters - we meet at 10 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month unless the library is closed. If you quilt, knit, do tatting, crochet, etc. come and join the fun. Digital Photography 101 April 14 at 6:30 p.m. Join Hilary Scheller as she gives you the basics - and beyond the basics - of using your digital camera. Tips, tricks and ideas will all be shared. No registration needed to attend this program. Library Hours Alexandrian Public Library is open Monday Thursday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday-Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. For additional information about library services or to register for a library program call 838-3286 or you can visit our website at http://www. . You can now find us on Facebook.

donate loose change, $1 or any amount, and your name will be displayed at the fair. The money collected will be matched by Scholastic and used to help three National Programs: Kids In Distressed Situations, Toys for Tots, and National Center for Family Literacy. Our money collected will be used to help purchase a book for children from each classroom. Our local businesses will have their annual opportunity to donate on behalf of their business. This is always a successful program that I enjoy being part of each year. Watch for our business article after the fair. We extend an invitation to the community to attend this book fair and see what books you can supply your family with! If you have any questions, please contact Kim Williams at (812)874-2012. We look forward to seeing you at the fair.

The Spanish and Latin teams of Mount Vernon Senior High traveled to University of Southern Indiana on Thursday, March 31, 2011, to participate in academic competition answering questions involving vocabulary and derivatives, grammar, mythology and literature, history and civilization. The Spanish students pictured left to right, front to back include teacher Cara Peralta, Michelle Josey, Layton Hopper, *Haley Wright, *Cole Raney, *Megan Montgomery, *Ryan Pharr and *Whitney Gordon. The *asterisk notes those who were on the sixth-place winning team. There was a field of 15 schools. This was the 26th annual World Languages competition.

WMI News

By Sherry Graves

Library Silent Auction April 8 and 9 from 12 to 5 p.m. Instead of a book sale this April, the library will host a public silent auction. The auction will feature framed posters that formerly hung in the meeting rooms and surplus furniture and technology from the library. There are plenty of fantastic deals here. National Library Week April 10 to 16 during regular library hours. Stop by and tell us why you love your library and enter to win a gift card! Enjoy some snacks and goodies – on us. Teen Time

April 11 at 3:30 p.m. Cool Cake Pops - Mmmm…cake. On a stick. Come and decorate ‘em … and then eat ‘em. Drop in for Teen Time every other Monday after school. For those in grades 6- 12. Sew Happy April 13 and 27 at 10 a.m. “Sew Happy” is a gathering of crafters - we meet at 10 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month unless the library is closed. If you quilt, knit, do tatting, crochet, etc. come and join the fun. Digital Photography 101 April 14 at 6:30 p.m. Join Hilary Scheller as she gives

Terri Branson’s fourth grade science students at Marrs participated in the Journey North Tulip project by planting red emperor tulips in November. We were excited to see them emerge in February and even more excited to see them in bloom this week! Readers can watch as tulips across the United States bloom as spring arrives at the following web site: Mrs. Moran's class.

Stewartsville Alumni Reunion set for April 16 The blooming of the trees and early spring flowers are not the only signs of Spring. As you have noticed Alumni Associations are planning their annual get togethers and that inlcudes the Stewartsville Alumni. This will be the 95th reunion. Our oldest living member was in the class of 1933. You should have received your invitation by now. We will be meeting on Saturday evening April 16, 2011 at the Reynolds Club House in Stewartsville. Social time will be from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. with dinner being served at 6:30

p.m. The Youth Group of the Stweartsville Methodist Church will serve the meal. Cost of the meal is $10 and Alumni dues are $2. Reservations are needed by Aril 9, 2011 and checks should be made payable to Stewartsville Alumni Association. If you have not received an invite and lived in the Stewartsville area you may make a reservatio by contacting Phyllis Meir Cox at 1-618-966-3418 or Betty Ann Alexander at 1-812-423-7379. We will have a short meeting after the meal and then you will have more time to reminice.

Tales & Scales celebrates 25th year with Photo Safari Contest This spring, Tales & Scales celebrates its 25th Anniversary of igniting, nurturing, and

fully engaging the imaginations of young people through musictelling! You are invited


to renew your commitment to children and families of the tri-state community by participating in a month long, Tales & Scales sponsored Digital Photo Safari of John James Audubon Park in Henderson Kentucky. Beginning with the wildflower blossoms of early April and concluding with the great Ohio Valley Birding Festival during the last week of April, this event offers many opportunities for amateur shutterbugs of all ages to capture the beauty of this local natural treasure at its spring peak. All photos must be taken at John James Audubon Park


The First Annual



you the basics - and beyond the basics - of using your digital camera. Tips, tricks and ideas will all be shared. No registration needed to attend this program. Library Hours Alexandrian Public Library is open Monday Thursday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday-Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. For additional information about library services or to register for a library program call 838-3286 or you can visit our website at http://www. . You can now find us on Facebook.



in Henderson, Ky. between 9 a.m. on April 1, 2011 and 9 a.m. on April 30, 2011. All photos must be digitally submitted (film photos can be scanned) and each submission must be accompanied by a separate entry form and $25 entry fee. From all images submitted, 25 finalists will be selected from which three winners will be chosen. Each winner will receive a cash prize of $100 and one of those winners will be chosen as the Grand Prize Winner and receive a Canon EOS Digital camera valued at over $600. Visit for complete details, rules, and registration information. Founded in Evansville in 1986, Tales & Scales provides musictelling performances, which blend music, story, theater, and creative movement, and educational workshops to young people throughout southern Indiana, Kentucky, and southern IL in schools, performing arts centers, libraries, and festivals. The Photo Safari is one of a series of anniversary year celebrations planned this year with the upcoming Silver Anniversary Gala scheduled for June 18th. For more information, visit www.talesand

PAGE A6 • APRIL 5, 2011


SOCIAL S OCI L OCIAL Kiwanis Spaghetti Supper April 12 Kiwanis Spaghetti Supper will be April 12, from 5 - 7 p.m. at the Ribeyre Gymnasium Annex. Adults $10 and children 12 and under $5. Menu: Spaghetti with Mama Petrina's Meat Gravy (red sauce) Bread Sticks, Salad, Ice cream, drinks.

North Elementary PTO Spring Carnival set Cameron James Fisher Sean and Amy Fisher of St. Wendel, Ind. are proud to announce the birth of their son, Cameron James, born February 11, 2011, at The Women’s Hospital, Newburgh, Ind. Cameron weighed 6 lbs., 13 oz., and was 20 in. long. Maternal grandparents are Mike and Phyillis Clem of Cynthiana, Ind. Paternal grandparents are Bob and Vickie Fisher of Wadesville, Ind. Maternal great-grandparents are Eugene and Mildred Martin of Cynthiana, Ind. Paternal great-grandparents are Jeanne Fisher of Poseyville, Ind. Cameron was welcomed home by his 3-year-old sister, Audrey.

The North Elementary PTO Spring Carnival will be held Friday, April 15, 2011 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at North Elementary School. The Carnival is open to the public. There will be games, snacks, face painting, a free scavenger hunt, the Book Fair, and - NEW this year - a pie eating contest. Mark your calendars for this family fun event.

The faculty and staff at St. Wendel School put the Diocesan theme 'Make A Difference' into practice by serving a meal for the United Caring Shelter on March 6, 2011. They cooked and served a hot meal to almost 200 needy people in Evansville. (from left to right): Jane Herr, Ray Herr, Sarah Head, Mandy Randolph, Diana Carithers, Ron Pittman, and Patricia Kippes. Photo submitted

Kevin Petty graduates basic training St. Philip Ladies Card Party set Air Force Airman 1st Class toward an associate in apKevin B. Petty graduated plied science degree through from basic military training the Community College of at Lackland Air the Air Force. Force Base, San Petty earned Antonio, Texas. distinction as an The airman honor graduate. He completed an is the son of Kevin intensive, eightPetty of Blackburn week program that Road, Mount Verincluded training non, Ind. in military disciThe airman pline and studies, graduated from a Air Force core home school provalues, physical gram in 2004, and Kevin Petty fitness, and basic received a master's warfare principles and skills. degree in 2010 from ColoAirmen who complete ba- rado Technical University, sic training earn four credits Denver.

Museum High School Art Show runs through April 17 Now in its 48th year, the high school art show, presented in partnership with the Evansville Museum Guild, continues the tradition of honoring young artists from our region. Students currently enrolled in Grades 9 through 12 in public and private schools in Vanderburgh, Warrick, Pike, Posey, and Gibson Counties in Indiana will enter work in the categories of painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, jewelry, textiles, ceramics, photography and commercial design. The March 17 – April 17 Old Gallery exhibition will open to the public on Friday, March 18. Volunteers from the Museum Guild and Museum Docent Association organized 805 entries for review by this year’s juror, Brian Lee Whisenhunt, Director of the Swope Art Museum in Terre Haute, Indiana. 111 works were chosen for the show. Since becoming the tenth executive director of the

Swope Art Museum in June 2008, Whisenhunt has concentrated on refining the Museum’s exhibition schedule, public programs and community profile. Whisenhunt received his Master of Arts degree in art history from the University of Oklahoma and wrote his thesis on earthworks, large-scale sculpture in the landscape from the late 1960s and early 1970s. He has worked in museum education for more than ten years and enjoys the challenge of helping people connect with works of art. Whisenhunt began his professional career at the Wichita Art Museum as director of education. He then became the first manager of public programs at the Blanton Museum of Art at the University of Texas, the largest university art museum in the United States, where he was in charge of the development of a new menu of programs for the institution when it opened a new building in 2006.

Book featuring Robin Hill now on sale The Posey County Historical Society is currently selling copies of the book, “The Treasure of Belden Place” by local author Frances Cavanah. Cavanah wrote the fictional story as a children’s mystery in 1928 and used Robin Hill in Mount Vernon as the setting, describing

the house and the grounds as it once appeared. Last fall during the house tours at Robin Hill, many people voiced an interest in obtaining a copy of the book. Copies of the book cost $20 (tax included) and can be purchased by calling Becky Higgins at 204-7388.

The Annual St. Philip Ladies Club Spring Card Party will be on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Philip Center. The doors will open at 6 p.m. There will be a Chinese Auction, Special Raffle, Theme Basket Raffle and a beautiful “A Circle of Flowers” quilt will be raffled. There will also be a tasting table of casseroles, appetizers, salads and desserts. The kitchen will offer breadsticks, chicken salad and ham salad sandwiches, vegetables/dip and fruitldip. For more information or tickets call: Becky at 985-2897 or Sue at 985-5082.

MV Elks pork chop dinner set The Mount Vernon Elks Lodge will be selling takeout dinners on Friday, April 8, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. and Saturday, April 9, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. They will be serving grilled pork chops and fish fillets with potato salad and baked beans. Price is $7 per plate. Please place orders by

Viking Express now open Tired of winter? Don’t worry spring is here. The Viking Express returns this spring with new clothing for all Viking fans. The spring sale features new neon tshirts and hoodies which are available in regular and youth sizes. The sale also includes returning products such as v-neck pullovers, micro poly jackets, track warm-ups, and stadium seats. The sale dates are March 28 – April 11. Pick up dates

are April 27-28. Order forms can be printed and products viewed at www.northposey., select North Posey High School and then click on the Viking Express tab at the top of the page. If there are any questions please call North Posey High School at 673-6611 and leave a message for the Business Tech Lab. Please support North Posey High School and the Viking Express this spring.

calling Susan @ 838-3361 or contact any Elk member. Orders may be picked up at the Lodge or delivery will be available (minimum or- Willard Library annual Book Sale June 4 der required). Mark your calendars now perbacks 4 for $1, children’s Proceeds will go to help fund local Elks projects for Willard Library's Annual books 10 for $1, and all other Book Sale on June 4 from 9 material 4 for $1. and charities throughout the a.m - 2 p.m. Because of these incredibly year. This year's sale features low prices, there will be no the lowest sale prices in its 36 bag sale this year. The sale is across the street year history. This is Evansville The spring book fair at Mount Vernon Junior High School area’s largest 1 day book sale from Willard Library, but the will be April 11 through the following Monday, and all stu- featuring large collections library will be open on Saturdents will have opportunities to visit the book fair. The theme of fiction, history (especially day 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. for your for the spring fair is “Get Your Ticket to Read!” The book fair Civil War, WWII), and fishing convenience. Event Location: Across the also corresponds with National Library Week. Parents, please will be of special interest. Street from Willard Library: In response to the continfeel free to stop by the school and visit from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. There will be books for all ages. Proceeds from the ued economic recovery, prices Fire & Rain Productions, 40 have been greatly reduced this First Ave., Evansville, Ind spring book fair are used to buy additional books and other year only. 47710. materials for the media center and the classroom libraries. Hardbacks 2 for $1, pa-

MV Junior High book sale set

Alexandrian Public Library book sale postponed, silent auction planned The Friends of the Alexandrian Public Library has made the decision to postpone their bi-annual book sale, a key fundraiser that helps pay for extra services at the library, slated for Saturday, April 9 and Sunday, April 10 until further notice. This event has been postponed, sadly, due to the limited number

of books donated to the organization to make the sale the large-scale event the public has come to expect. Instead of the book sale, the library will host a silent auction Friday, April 8 and Saturday, April 9 from noon to 5 p.m. The auction will feature framed posters that formerly hung in the meet-

ing rooms and surplus furniture and technology from the library. Book donations will continue to be accepted at the library in the hope that the Friends will be able to offer a book sale later in the year. The Friends regret any inconvenience this may have caused.

Homeless Shelter continues to need donations The Mount Vernon Homeless Shelter offers a hand up not a hand out to families in Posey County. Any family that has children and at least one adult working in the household can be eligible and apply to enter the shelter at the Black

Township Trustee Office .The economy is creating sad situations for families in the community. If there is an organization of any kind looking for a service project, the Mount Vernon Homeless Shelter is in dire need of the follow-

ing items; laundry detergent, fabric softener, paper towels, shampoo, toilet paper, deodorant, feminine products, any type of cleaning supplies, along with razors, dish soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste. Any products can be

dropped off at the Black Township Trustee Office at 5773 Industrial Road in Mount Vernon, Indiana, (838-3851) or at St. Matthew’s Church Office at 421 Mulberry Street in Mount Vernon, Monday thru Thursday from 8:30 until 4 p.m.

Artists to Lead Art Workshops in New Harmony The New Harmony Plein Air Paint Out is sponsoring two Artist Workshops in conjunction with the 13th Annual “First Brush of Spring,” which runs April 14 through April 16. Beginning on Monday, April 11, acclaimed Indiana artist, C. W. Mundy, will conduct a five-day workshop, “Still Life Painting,” beginning at 9 a.m. at the RappOwen Granary. Mundy ranks among the most important American impressionists painters, today. No matter the subject matter, be it a battle-scarred working fishing boat in Gloucester Harbor, a petite ballerina executing a graceful pas des deux, a delicate pink vase in a structured still life, or a

moody English landscape, Mundy’s aggressive, often soft-edged painterly style is very much his own. Born in Indianapolis, Mundy received his undergraduate degree in art from Ball State University and his Masters of Fine Art at Long Beach State in Los Angeles. Over the years he has received numerous awards from his participation in both regional and national juried exhibits, including the prestigious Hoosier Salon. He was awarded the honor of Signature Membership in Oil Painters of America in 1993. Most recently, his plein air landscapes done in France, Italy, Spain, New England and most recently, Martha’s Vineyard, have received critical acclaim. Mundy’s work is displayed in the Indiana State Museum,

Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame, the University of Louisville Hall of Fame and Indianapolis 500, as well as many private and corporate collections. A four-day workshop, “Plein Air Painting in Provence,” will be taught by Todd Williams and begins at 9 a.m. on Monday, April 11, at the Barn Abbey in New Harmony. Todd Williams was born in the small farming community of Central City, Nebraska. Since his childhood, he has been aware of the natural beauty of the world around him, an awareness that he continues to cultivate through his art of painting. After studying painting and illustration at the Kansas City Art

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Institute, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, Williams went on to be an in-house senior artist/ designer for Hallmark Cards and DaySpring Cards. Today, Williams excels in his ability to paint all subject matter using spontaneous brushwork and creative virtuosity. Most of the time, he can be found en plein air. Through this discipline he has found his own recognizable voice, which is now becoming his signature style. Williams’ work has been exhibited across the U.S. in gallery, museum, and invitational exhibitions, such as the Gilcrease Museum, the Great Plains Art Museum, Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Settlers West Gallery, The Maynard Dixon Museum, Cincinnati’s Great American Artists Exhibition, and the Oil Painters of America National and Regional Exhibitions, where he has been honored with the prestigious status of Signature Member. Registration for the fiveday C.W. Mundy Workshop is $750. The four-day Todd Williams Workshop is $400 for members of the Hoosier Salon or Indiana Plein Air Painters Association (IPAPA), and $450 for non-members. To register for the workshops, call the Hoosier Salon at 317-253-5340, or register online at www.hoosiersalon. org. More information about the instructor/ artists and their works may be found on their websites at www.cwmundy. com and


St. Philip’s Fish Fry set for April 15 The St. Philip’s Men’s Club will be hosting a Fish Fry on April 15, 2011 from 5-7:30 p.m. Carry outs will be available until 7 p.m. Dinners are $8

for adults and $4 for children, and includes fried fish, macaroni and cheese, slaw, baked beans, and cornbread. Everyone is welcomed to attend.

JUMW to host program The Johnson United Methodist Women will be having a program given by Darvin Barnes on the Bible story of Rebecca. If you do not know Col. Barnes, he is a very informed student of the Bible and we are all looking forward

to his interpretation of this challenging Biblical book. The program will start at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 7, in the church fellowship hail. Refreshments will be served following Col. Barnes’ presentation. Please join us.

CHURCH C HURCH N HURCH NEWS NE EW Gospel concert at Fair Haven set for April 8 Wadesville Christian to host egg hunt Wadesville Christian Church is sponsoring a community-wide Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 23, 2011, starting at 12 noon, at the Church. All children, from newborn through the sixth grade, are invited to hunt for eggs filled with candy and certificates for prizes. There will also be a drawing for a winner of the Grand Prize.

Holy Week services at Our Savior Lutheran Church The public is invited to participate in Holy Week services at Our Savior Lutheran Curch, 1102 Jill St., right behind CVS Pharmacy, in Carmi. Palm Sunday Service will be held at 9 a.m. Sunday,

April 17. Maundy Thursday Service will be held 7 p.m., April 21, and Good Friday Tennebrae Service will be held 7 p.m. on April 22. Easter morning will begin with a complimentary breakfast followed by Divine Service at

9:30 a.m., April 24. For more information, contact Pastor Spooner at (618) 384-5291. Our Food Bank wil be open from 9 a.m. - Noon on Tuesday, April 26 and Thursday, April 28. We hope you will join us.

Mount Zion to host annual egg hunt Mount Zion General Baptist Church will be holding their annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 16 at the church located at 1425 Oliver Road, Wadesville. Registration will begin at 10:30 a.m., with the egg hunt beginning at 11 a.m. Candy and prizes will be given out in three age groups starting from preschool age through the fifth grade. Lunch will be

On Friday, April 8, at 7 p.m. , there will be a Southern Gospel concert featuring "Naomi and the Segos" at Fair Haven Christ Fellowship on hwy 68 W in Cynthiana, Indiana.

No admission fee. A free will offering will be taken. Naomi's past experience includes several years performing with the Gaithers. Everyone is invited to come and join us.

St. John’s pork chop lunch fundraiser set for April 8 On Friday April 8 St. John’s Episcopal Church is hosting its 9th Annual Pork Chop Lunch to benefit the American Cancer Society, Relay For Life. Each packaged lunch includes Darrin Seitz’s Famous Slo-Smoked Mo Better Pork Chop Sand-

wich, with Darrin's personal barbeque sauce on the side. The lunch also comes with baked beans, potato salad, and pickle and onions for only $7. Our tent will be located in the parking lot of Auto Zone on the corner of 4th and Mill Streets. We will be selling

lunches from 11 a.m. until we run out. These great lunches sell out fast, so we highly recommend that you call the church today, at 838-5445 to reserve your lunches, or fax an order to 838-4881, or e-mail your order to

St. Matthew Church and School to host Mardi Gras style party The St. Matthew School Benefit Auction will be Saturday, April 9 at the Posey County Community Center. The silent auction begins at 5 p.m., followed by a dinner and live auction The auction will benefit St. Matthew School, specifically to raise money to upgrade the computers. Tickets are available for $25 per person. This includes dinner, beer, wine

served at the conclusion of the egg hunt. A “special” visitor will be there to greet the children and to have free pictures taken with them by WDR Design Photography. Please In observance of Good Fribring your children out for an “eggstra” speday, the Mount Vernon Miniscial day of fun, food, and fellowship. If you terial Association invites you have any questions you can call Rick Sellers to a Good Friday service on at 781-9298 or Diane Johnson at 682-3317. April 22. The service will be held at St. John’s Episcopal Church located at 602 Mulused children’s sizes new- Church is located approxi- berry Street in Mount Vernon. born through 18, for area mately 2.5 miles north of Worship will begin at 12:05 families needing assis- Poseyville on Highway 165. p.m. and last approximately tance. All items have been For more information call 50 minutes. Once again, laundered and are in excel- (812) 963-6266 or (812) Frank Liberti will be leading lent condition. Jackets and 454-1797. a community choir at the serCome enjoy a cup of cof- vice. If you wish to share your shoes are available in limfee and check-out the large musical talents and participate ited sizes. Old Union Christian selection. in the choir, contact Frank at

and soft drinks. A special Mardi Gras drink will also be available. The meal will be catered by Hawg ’N’ Sauce and includes smoked chicken, green beans, salad, red beans with rice, jambalaya, cake and ice cream, and hot chicken wings. Previous auction proceeds have funded items such as adding a security system, roof repairs, school window replacement, walk-in cooler

installation, and boiler replacement. Some of the most notable items up for auction include a Wabash River inner tube trip, an adult Ohio River excursion, an adult hayride, a “Clay Killers” trap shoot, a bourbon tasting party, sports memorabilia, homemade wines and goodies, Cardinals tickets, and furniture. Call the church office at 838-2535 to reserve a spot.

Community Good Friday Service April 22

Children’s clothing bank spring opening set The Spring Opening of “The Clothes Hanger,” a children’s clothing bank at Old Union Christian Church, is set for Saturday, April 16, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the church basement. The store provides free clothing, new and gently

APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE A7

838-5343 or Reverend Allen Rutherford of St. John’s Episcopal Church at 838-5445. The Mount Vernon Ministerial Association is an ecumenical organization consisting of members from several local churches and is dedicated to ministering to the local community. Our mission is to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community. In past years association members helped found the Mount Vernon Food Pantry, Community Emergency Assistance Board, and the

Prison Ministry at the county jail. The MVMA also is the sponsoring organization for the high school Baccalaureate ceremony. While still active in supporting these ministries, MVMA also actively supports Habitat for Humanity, Neighbor to Neighbor, and other worthwhile endeavors. If you desire more information, you can find us on Facebook. However at this time, we would be blessed if you joined us at the Good Friday worship service.

Third May, MercyMe highlight Christian music to be presented at Indiana State Fair in August Two powerhouse Christian music groups have been added to a growing Indiana State Fair concert line-up in the Hoosier Lottery Grandstand as Third Day and MercyMe bring their inspirational

sounds to the stage Wednesday, Aug. 10 at 7:30 p.m. From its first album in 1996 to its 15th j g , album released just a few months ago, been be en rockin’ rroc ocki oc kin’ ki n’ audiences n’ aud aud udie die i nc ienc nces es Third Day has been

and rackin’ up awards consistently for 15 years. Known not only as a great Christian Band, but also as an incredible rock band, p y have played p y Mac Powell and company t millions mil illi lion li onss off fans on ffan anss in an i sold sold ld outt arenas all ll to

over the world. The group’s latest album, “Move,” features the chart-topping single “Make Your Move” to go along with prey Name,” , “Mountain vious #1 hits “Call My Be of God,” “I Believe” and others.

HONOR ROLL Mount Vernon Senior High School GRADE 9 High Honors

Bledsoe, Caitlin Denning, Madison Duckworth, Courtney Evans, Andrew Hoehn, Adam Hopper, Livia Keating, Riley Knight, Collin Mccarty, Hannah Mcclarney, Mackenzie Parker, Tara Pharr, Taylor Salaman, Hayley Searcy, Emily Sease, Olivia Shannon, Levi Sheffer, Todd Stephens-Emerson, Miche

Stratton, Mackenzie Suar, Julian Wilson, Dane Maroon Honors Beeson, Craig Blankenship, Brian Bremer, Heather Burkhart, Zoe Caswell, Megan Chase, Cody Clark, Shawna Crissup, Austin Davis, Melanie Denning, Austin Evans, Megan Fischback, Merrie

Goeltz, Ryan Gonzalez-Gomez, Hoskins, Cara Magruder, Nicholas Martin, Olivia May, Hillary Mccloud, Adam Mcdonald, Katelynn Newman, Bryce Nolan, Brandon Postletheweight, Reese, SaMantha Ritzert, Shelby Schmitt, Brendon Seifert, Mathew Thorbecke, Whitney Tomlinson, Alexie Veeck, Trevor Watzlavik, Elizabeth Gray Honors Adams, Brittany Alldredge, Faith Biggs, Haley Bilyeu, Cody Cannato, Micheal Clark, Michael Cutsinger, Sean Dick, Victoria Elliott, Destiny Evans, Christina Gerst, Kasey Goforth, Eli Gordon, Jacob Guinn, Brooke Guthrie, Austin Hadley, Marshall Irvin, Colton

Isaac, Craig Johnson, Kinsey Kershaw, Alexandria Konrath, Charity Lamar, Jessica Littlepage, Winnie Magruder, Ryan Mays, ShAwn Mckinney, Kristopher Meador, Matthew Mercer, Austin O’neil, Sara Petrig, Amber Pyle, Mariah Reinitz, Cassidy Riddick, Taylor Rodenberg, Joshua Rohlman, Luke Salmon, Courtney Schmidt, Taylor Simpkins, Brooke Sitzman, Austin Snodgrass, Madison Strobel, Cheyenne Summers, Brooke Swain, Zachary Thorne, Haley Threet, Allison Tice Iii, John Tidwell, Erica Wacker, Mercedes Whaley, Jacob Wilson, Devyn Winiger, Erica Rose Woolsey, Ian Christophe Wright, Nicholas James

GRADE 10 High Honors

Canada, Ross Carnahan, Maverick Collins, Tiffany Costello, Camry Cox, Kate Dick, Craig Englert, Tristan Hawley, Nicole Higgins, Andrew Huff, Michelle Kingery, Jeffrey Kuksenko, Ilya Mader, Olivia Maier, Margaret Reeves, Seth Schisler, Cally Stemple, Lauren Vanzant, Ethan Williamson, Zackarie Maroon Honors Birchler, Haylee Blunt, Allyson Burden, Taylor Cash, Rachel Collins, Alex Cotner, Timothy Damm, Elizabeth Dausman, Hank Deig, Alivia Denning, Whitney Dewar, Samantha Duckworth, Sarah Jackson, Sarah

Keitel, Cassandra Koch, Brian Lang, Kendal Maier, Torsten Martin, Megan Mcbride, Martha Mcnamara, Drake Murphy, Olivia Oeth, Destiney Oeth, Summer Oschman, Olivia Pepper, StephAn Pharr, Mark Redman, Jevin Reynolds, Molly Ritzert, Jacey Rutledge, Hunter Rynkiewich, Michael Schroeder, Claire Cathe Scott, Kelsey Rose Seifert, Andrea Marie Silvers, John Thomas A Stewart, Sierra Nicole Tanner, Tylyn Michele Turner, Kelsey Michelle Vanzant, River Mackenzi Wallis, Brittany Nicole Webber, Brooke Lachelle Wilson, Brittany Alexis Wolf, Seth Vincent Gray Honors Allyn, Devon Anderson, Kayla Birch, Phorest Bottomley, Colton

Bruce, Allyson Burns, John Culley, Shelby Cullman, Dixon, Jade Duckworth, Demi Eaton, Montana Ford, Clay Gross, Kara Heckman, Meckenzie Juncker, Stephanie Kennedy, Autumn King, Jessica Logan, Kasey Mobley, Wade Neri-Gomez, Fernando Pace, Sara Puckett, Austin Redman, Harli Reese, Alexander Reynolds, Steven Robison, Darren Russell, David Sacco, Lauren Schelhorn, Bailee Schenk, Edward Thompson, Cassandra Tolliver, Caroline Varner, Collin Werner, Samantha Wilkerson, Shelby Willis, Lexi Woods, Kyle York, Kacie

GRADE 11 High Honors

Dekemper, Alex Dick, Ryan Griffin, Ivy Hopper, Layton Mauro, Cindy Mcdonald, Megan Pharr, Ryan Riedford, Bernard Riedford, Jenna Seifert, Amy Wolfe, Kassidy Maroon Honors Adams, Kurt Ash, Bailey Baldwin, Olivia Bates, Jordan Blanford, Stephan Clark, Chavandra Crabtree, Curtis Ford, Rhylee Fuelling, Ashton Godinez, Martin Goebel, Austin Goff, Ashleigh Guggenheim, John

Harris, Emily Hollar, Katherine Hollar, Sabrina Josey, Michelle Klueh, Mary Lamar, Rachael Martin, Erica Mccormick, Erika Montgomery, Megan Moore, Damien Moore, SaMantha Norman, John Norrington, Mary Paris, Timothy Perkins, Joshua Pharr, Erin Pyle, Hannah Randall, Megan Shannon, Kinsley Shilova, Valeria Steele, Amy Summers, Audrey Theodosis, Nicholas Vanover, Abbie Walters, Kamilah Weintraut, Alexandria Wulff, Reginald

Gray Honors Allbright, Kay-Leigh Bilskie, Kurtis Bingman, Cadie Bourne, Kendyl Brooks, Brittany Cox, Caleb Dickhaut, Justin Grabert, Lauren Hamm, Kathryn Hoskins, Carissa Jones, Ashton Jones, Brandon Konrath, Grace Loehr, Nicholas Mobley, Reid Oliver, Samuel Reinitz, Joseph Ries, Brianna Ritzert, Sean Roberts, Aaron Roberts, Charlotte Schmidt, Austin Simpkins, Jared Springer, Brianna Stallings, Jessica West, Nicholas

GRADE 12 High Honors

Abad, Andrew Barton, David Corressell, Kevin Deig, Zachary Fink, Peter Hasting, Diane Keene, Kirstie Koch, Carynn Koch, Jennifer Lane, Chatham Menghini, Esther Oberle, Daniel Peck, Veronica Reeves, Christy Schu, Samantha Smith, Kimberly Stallings, Clayton Stemple, Jason Turner, Kaci Wannemuehler, Bet Wheatcroft, Jordan Maroon Honors Albin, Zachary Barton, John Bean, Rachel Boyle, Spencer Bradford, Johnathan Chastain Iii, Jerry Choate, Aaron Duckworth, Kyle Estes, Corey Gordon, Whitney

Gray, Carly Harris, Bo Henshaw, Kevin Herrenbruck, Katelyn Higgins, Kate Huber, Chelsea Keitel, Lee Kester, Amanda Knight, Ashley Kuhlenschmidt, Lintzenich, Diane Marshall, Blake Mccallister, Lacey Oeth, Haley Puntney, Marissa Redman, Carley Roth, Matthew Rueger, Jenna Rusher, Rachel Rutledge, Taylor Sheffer, Kyle Steinhart, Jacob Taylor, Zachary Uhde, Justin Volz, Dexter Wade, Mackenzie Watzlavik, Daniel Wilson, Dile Woods, Allyson Wright, Haley Zickmund, Benjamin Gray Honors Boerner, Megan Brown, Josulynne

Chase, Damon Claybrooke, Dylan Cole, David Cross, Lindsey Damm, Isaac David, Oryn Davis, Timothy Ewers, Jacob Falb, Alyssa Felty, Shannon Granderson, Kathryn Hatton, Kristin Hellenberg, Zachary Hollar, Jami Irons, Kira Isaac, Caitlin Key, James Kuper, Andrew Logan, Dakota Lovelace, Lyke, Virginia Nickell, Janna O’connell Iv, Edward Parmley-Rutledge, Powell, Lindsay Rowe, Samantha Rubenacker, Dylan Searcy, Ellen Smith, Krystal Talley, Kayla Terbrack, William Trafford, Dustin Trammel, Chelsey Turpen, Samuel Wooten, Jordan


PAGE A8 • APRIL 5, 2011


SCHOOL PC Community Foundation Awards Lilly Endowment Scholarship and Alternate The Posey County Commu- relief Mission trip, Hoosier nity Foundation announced Boys State, Mount Vernon today that the 2011 Lilly En- Food Pantry, the Solar Energy dowment CommuYouth Group, and nity Scholarship the Mount Verwill be awarded non High School to Dile Wilson. Art Show. DurNichole Perry has ing the academic been named as the year, Dile worked alternate, and she for Posey Lanes will receive a $500 in Mount Vernon. scholarship from During the sumthe Community mer months, he Foundation. continued to work Dile Wilson, son for Posey Lanes Dile Wilson of Tracy and Dile while cashierWilson of Mount Vernon, is a ing and stocking for Meurer senior at Mount Vernon High Fields Produce Stand. Dile School. He has applied to Ball was a member of the bowling, State University, St. Francis track, and baseball teams. and Indiana University-PurNichole Perry, daughter of due University Indianapolis Luann and David Turner of with plans to study Anima- Poseyville, is a senior at North tion. During his high school Posey High School. She has career, Dile was a member of applied to Butler University, the National Honor Society, University of Indianapolis the Spanish Club, the Fellow- and the University of Evansship of Christian Athletes, and ville to study Pre-medicine. Leadership in Sports while During her high school caparticipating in the Challenge reer, Nichole has been a memLeadership Seminar his fresh- ber of FFA(Future Farmers of man and junior years. Dur- America) freshman through ing the last four years, Dile senior years, National Honors was involved with a flood Society sophomore through

rs, Student Council senior years, man through senior her freshman year, Peerss Project sophomore nior years through senior years, and Student Liaison her freshman through senior years. Nichole has been a volunteer at St. Mary’s Elberfeld clinic, Youth Basketball and Soccer camps, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, and Relay for Life. She was a member of the basketball, soccer, tennis, and track teams at North Posey High School. Nichole has worked as a farm hand during the summer and as a soccer referee during the academic year. The Foundation’s scholarship committee evaluated applicants based on academic achievement, involvement in community and school activities, work experience and written essays. After the interview process, the committee submitted its nominees to Independent Colleges of Indiana (ICI) for final review and approval. ICI, a nonprofit corporation representing 31 regionally accredited degree granting, nonprofit, private

Mount Vernon high School Senior D.A. Wilson is congratulated by members of the Posey County Community Foundation Board as he accepts a Lilly Scholarship. Pictured are Herb Curry, Jeff Greenwell, Terri Austin, and Julie Eickhoff, along with Wilson. Photo by Dave Pearce colleges and universities in wide. for providing scholarships to Indiana, oversees statewide Jeff Greenwell, chair of outstanding seniors in Posey administration of the Lilly the scholarship committee, County,” said Greenwell. Endowment Community thanked the committee for the For more information reScholarship program. The tremendous job they did in re- garding the Lilly Endowment scholarships are the result of viewing and selecting the can- Community Scholarship or a statewide Lilly Endowment didates, noting their difficulty the Posey County Community initiative to help Hoosier in selecting the recipients and Foundation, contact the Founstudents reach higher levels alternates from among the 23 dation office at (812) 838of education. Indiana ranks applicants. “They were all 0288 or visit www.poseycomamong the lowest states in the bright and deserving students, The percentage of residents over and we wish we could have Posey County Community the age of 25 with a bachelor’s provided a full scholarship to Foundation is a member of will be required to have one degree. A total of 142 scholar- each of them. We owe Lilly the Community Foundation of the required doses of polio ships are to be awarded state- Endowment a big thank-you Alliance in Evansville. vaccine given on or after the fourth birthday, and at least six months after the previous dose. All sixth through twelfth grades students will be required to have two doses of varicella vaccine, given on or after the first birthday, and separated by age-appropriate intervals as defined by the CDC, or a history of chickenpox disease documented by the parent/guardian. All sixth through twelfth grade students will be reMrs. Branson’s Fourth grade science students at Marrs participated in the Journey quired to have one dose of tetanus-diphtheria-acellular North Tulip project by planting red emperor tulips in November. We were excited to pertussis vaccine (Tdap) see them emerge in February and even more excited to see them in bloom this week! given on or after the tenth Readers can watch as tulips across the United States bloom as spring arrives at the following web site: Mrs. Branson's class. birthday. All sixth through twelfth grade students will be required to have one dose of The cast for the Mount Vernon Junior mance dates are Friday, April 15, at 7 p.m. meningococcal conjugate High School musical this spring - Enchanted and Sat., April 19, at 3 p.m. More informavaccine (MCV4). Sleeping Beauty - has been determined. 56 tion will be provided as we get closer to the Please bring shot records students have roles in the production. Perfor- production dates. for each child receiving immunizations.

Posey County immunization clinics announced The Posey County Health Department will hold an immunization clinic Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at the Coliseum in Mount Vernon from 2-6 p.m. and Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at North Elementary School in Poseyville from 3-5 p.m. An appointment is not needed for these clinics. Required immunization

additions for the 2010-2011 school year are as follows: All Kindergarten students will be required to have two doses of varicella vaccine, given on or after the first birthday and separated by three months, or a history of chickenpox disease documented by a physician. All Kindergarten students

NORTH POSEY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT OF THE MONTH CAMERON SAILER CALVERT Date Of Birth: 8/10/92 Grade: Senior – 12th Grade Parent/Guardian(s): Casey and Lisa Calvert Hobbies / Community Involvement: Varsity Basketball, Varsity Football, National Honor Society, BPA, member of Posey County Young Life, member of Zion Lippe Church.

MVJHS to perform Sleeping Beauty April 19

MVHS after prom seeks donations

The 2011 Mount Vernon High School After Prom will be held this year following the prom on April 16, 2011. This is a drug and alcohol free after

prom party, beginning at 12 a.m. and lasting until 3 a.m. We are in need of your support once again in the form of cash donations and volunteers. This

worthwhile event cannot happen without the support of the community. If you wish to help out in any way, please call Cathy Schroeder at 838-2244.

MSD of MV Kindergarten registration begins April 12 On Tuesday, April 12, 2011, the Metropolitan School District of Mt. Vernon will be conducting Kindergarten Registration. Fullday Kindergarten will be offered beginning with the 2011-12 school year. Children whose fifth birth date occurs on or before August 1 may enroll in Kindergarten. You will need your child’s birth certificate and a current copy of his/her immunization history to com-

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plete enrollment information. To register, please go to your elementary school on April 12 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. If you have any questions, please call your child’s school. Farmersville Elementary School Mr. David Frye. Principal 4065 Highway 69 S Mt. Vernon, Ind. 47620 812/838-6593 (phone) 812/838-4826 (fax) Marrs

Elementary School Mr. Greg DeWeese, Principal 9201 Highway 62 Mt. Vernon, Ind. 47620 812/985-2082 (phone) 812/985-9453 (fax) West Elementary School Mr. Paul Swanson, Principal 1105W. Fourth St. Mt. Vernon, Ind. 47620 812/833-2072 (phone) 812/833-2095 (fax)


APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE A9


Dennis Banks, new Refinery Manager

Senator Tomes welcomed area students as legislative pages. (left to right) Sen. Jim Tomes, Makala and Blake Selke of Mount Vernon and Forrest Gottman of Mount Vernon. Photo submitted

CountryMark is pleased to successively as the Director announce the recent hiring of Operations, Operations of Dennis Banks as manager Complex Manager, and Staff of the company’s Process Engineer refinery at Mount at Valero’s Texas Vernon, Ind. In City facility. this role, Banks Banks also has will be responsible refining experifor overseeing all ence with Fronrefinery manufactier, Marathon, turing and mainteand Exxon Mobil. nance operations A native of Defor CountryMark. troit, Mich., he “Dennis’s techreceived his deDennis Banks nical, managerial, gree in chemical and operational experience engineering from Louisiana gives him the breadth of State University. background we needed for Banks began his new pothis position,” said Country- sition on with CountryMark Mark Senior Vice President on February 3. He stated John Deaton. “We were par- that two of his primary obticularly pleased with his ex- jectives were to operate the pertise in staff development. company’s refinery in a safe, He complements our group efficient, and environmenwell, and we’re looking forward to having him as part of our team.” The Chamber of ComBanks comes to Country- merce of Southwest Indiana Mark with a wealth of refin- will host the third in the seing operations experience. ries of Meet Your LegislaHis most recent position was tor events in Posey County as Director of Operational on Saturday, April 9 at the Excellence for Valero En- Poseyville Community Cenergy in San Antonio, Texas. ter. The event will begin at Before that, he had served 9 a.m. Representative Wen-

tally responsible manner, and to continue to provide long-term value to CountryMark member-owners and employees. “This is an excellent opportunity for me and my family to be part of a refining organization that refines and distributes fuel to the heartland of America,” said Banks. “In my career, I’ve never been associated with a facility that actually ran 100 percent American crude, harvested from our own soil. I’m very pleased to have this unique and awesome opportunity.” Banks is married with three children, ages 9, 6, and 3. His family will be joining him in Mount Vernon in the near future.

Meet Your Legislators April 9 dy McNamara and Senator Jim Tomes will be in attendance. This event is open to everyone and is free of charge. For more information or with questions, contact Tiffani Weatherford at 812.838.3639 or by email at

The Latin students are pictured here with their first place blue ribbons and plaque (left to right) include Chatham Lane, David Barton, Mackenzie Nesbitt, Darren Robison, and John Barton. Chatham and David were also on the first-place winning teams in 2010. The Spanish and Latin teams of Mount Vernon Senior High traveled to University of Southern Indiana on Thursday, March 31, 2011, to participate in academic competition answering questions involving vocabulary and derivatives, gramThe Posey County Democratic Women’s ments, including home-made cookies and mar, mythology and literature, history and civilization. This was the 26th annual Club will hold its annual Democrat Card candy, chips, and soft drinks, will be availWorld Languages competition. Party on Tuesday, April 5, 2011, at 6:30 p.m., able. at the St.Matthew School Gym in Mount VerCost of admission is $2, and there will be non. Everyone is invited to attend. many door prizes, a silent auction, and a rafState Sen. Jim Tomes pages start the day in orien- Tuesdays and Thursdays This year’s card party theme is “The Color fle with $450 in cash prizes. (R-Wadesville) recently tation before touring the his- throughout session, Tomes of Freedom is Red, White, and Blue”. The Call Elizabeth Baier at 838-3757 or 838welcomed the following toric Statehouse. Through- said. evening will feature barbecue. Other refresh- 5808 or Becky Higgins at 204-7388 for info. area students as legislative out the day, pages spend pages: time in the Senate Chamber Joseph Lutz, son of New observing the introduction Harmony resident Joan of bills, listening to debates By Amanda Bender, Lutz and student at Memo- and delivering important Reporter rial High School; Blake messages among senators The North Posey chapter and Makala Selke, children and staff. of FFA held its annual Parof Mount Vernon residents “This program is not only ent/Member Awards BanDana and Audrey Selke and a wonderful opportunity quet on Thursday, March students at Mount Vernon for our young people, but 31st in the high school High School; and Forrest important for Indiana gov- cafeteria. A meal was preGottman, son of Mount Ver- ernment as well, because it pared by Leeca Dillman, non residents Terry and Lo- brings the textbook to life Sharon Travers, Stacy Ahretta Gottman and student at and shows students how rens, and Nancy Dougan. Mount Vernon Junior High citizens can work with law- We would like to thank the School. makers to constructively cafeteria staff for taking the During the legislative ses- improve our communities time to prepare the wondersion, pages spend one day and state,” Tomes said. ful meal. The banquet is at the Statehouse working Students in grades six held annually to honor FFA FFA Chapter Meeting Team who placed second at the District 10 Career Developwith their senator and Sen- through 12 are invited to members and their achieve- ment Event. They qualified for Section 4 competition which means they are in the ate staff. Tomes said student serve as pages on Mondays, ments for the past year. Top 24 in the State. Left to Right: Anna Will, Kayla Hoenert, Brooke Sturgell, Chad The awards were as fol- Axton, Brianna Perry, Abby Bender, Amanda Bender and Nichole Perry. lows: Chad Axton, Jourdan Bend- Kassi Gray, Jacob Gries, Senior Welding, and Jordan Star Greenhands er, Nichole Perry, Brianna Nick Heldt, Kayla Hoen- Lyke in the both the Public Ryan Gish and Daniel Perry, Amanda Bender, ert, Brianna Perry, Cecelia Speaking and Essay conMotz Austin Bender, Kayla Hoe- Robertson, Tylie Robert- test. Proficiency metals FFA Scholarship nert, Abby Bender son, Kyle Stearns, Brooke were awarded to Carl Seib, Nichole Perry, Amanda American Degrees Sturgell, Jacob Sturgell, Jourdan Bender, Austin Bender, Jourdan Bender, Kyle Hoenert, Olivia Eis- Derek Voegel, Nathan Bender, Brooke Sturgell, and Chad Axton terhold, Alex Bender Wiley, Anna Will, Logan Anna Will, Brianna Perry, Service Awards Fruit State Degrees Seng and Kayla Hoenert. The Kayla Hoenert, Top Fruit Carl Seib, Jourdan Bender Awards were handed out Novice Chapter Meeting Seller, Nathan Wiley and Greenhand Degrees for the District 10 CDE’s Team placed second in the Chad Axton Brad Barrett, Josh Beck, Ja- that were held in March District and qualified for Accomplishment cob Bender, Michael Bend- as well as soils, forestry, the Section contest; while Awards er, Lindsay Calvert, Derek livestock, and dairy judg- the Chapter Meeting Team Cheyenne Bellwood, Top Collins, Greg Englert, ing events the past year. also placed second in the Relay for Life Seller, Carl Ryan Gish, Olivia Goebel, Dakota Hurt place second District qualifying them for Senator Tomes welcomed area students as legislative Seib and Ethan Heldt Dustin Graulich, Mike in the Natural Resources the Section IV contest. pages. (left to right) Sen. Jim Tomes and Joseph Lutz of Dekalb Helfert, Maddie Herrmann, Demonstration. NichSpecial awards for the New Harmony. Photo submitted Accomplishment Tyler Higginson, Dakota ole Perry placed first in evening included Mr. Alvin Amanda Bender Hurt, Kylen Lohman, Jor- the Secretary’s Book and Axton and Mr. Brad WalCargill Mental Atti- dan Lyke, Liam Mathew, Brianna Perry first in the lace being named the Hontude Nichole Perry Connor Motz, Daniel Motz, Treasurer’s Book. Kayla orary Chapter Farmer. The Star Chapter Farmer Cory Pharr, Nathan Stew- Hoenert and Misty Watson Extra Effort Award was Chad Axton art, Teela Temme, Emma received second place for presented to Seib Farms. Star Chapter Werry, Kelsey Teel the chapter’s scrapbook. The chapter would like to Agribusiness Chapter Degrees Also competing in contest thank all those who attendCarl Seib Abby Bender, Dale Bender, were Derek Collins—Ju- ed the banquet to support Retiring Officers Clint Cox, Peyton Eyer, nior Welding, Carl Seib— the members.

Democratic Women’s Club Party set

Local students serve as pages for State Sen. Jim Tomes

FFA Award winners announced at Banquet

Craig Tooley speaks at U of E Engineer Banquet Craig Tooley was the guest speaker at the University of Evansville's 14th annual Engineer's Week Banquet which was held in Eykamp Hall in the Ridgeway University Center. Craig is currently NASA's project manager

for the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Flight Project which is responsible for providing the nation's next generation of polar orbiting weather and climate science satellites in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration. During his career at NASA Craig has served as the Mission Manager and Mechanical Engineering Lead for 5 successful Shuttle borne, solar science Spartan missions. Craig recently com-

pleted his assignment as the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) project manager at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. He was responsible for the development and execution of the LRO mission for NASA's Exploration Systems Mission Directorate. LRO was developed in-house at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, was launched on June 18th, 2009 and is successfully operating in lunar orbit. Craig and his wife Terri (both graduates of Evansville’s Harrison High School and the University of Evansville) reside in Greenbelt, Maryland with their two daughters, Ursula and Maia. Craig is the son of the late Margarite (Mimi) Tooley and the late John R.Tooley (Dean of Engineering and Computer Science at UE from 1974 until his death in 1995). Craig’s wife Terri is the daughter of Don and Priscilla Rutledge of Evansville, formerly of Poseyville.


APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE A10

HONOR ROLL Farmersville Elementary School High Honors Julia Kingery Dalton Kuhn Trevor Loehr Blake McFadin

GRADE 1 Alex Carlisle Braxton Daws Isaiah Forsee Derek Hollinger Isaac Howell

Conner McKinney Abbie Peerman

Honor Roll

Alexis Anderson Lane Branson

Conner King Donaven Krack Abbey Mavrick Isaiah McFadden Lucas Medley

High Honors

Honor Roll

Haley Curtis Nathan Duffey Hannah Durham Sam Heckman Kevin King Kaitlyn Mansfield Paige Robinson Josh Robison Jenna Veatch Savannah Weatherford

William Ayers Lauren Carr Lexus Chavez Seth Dewar Braden Dike Kylee Dowden Parker Ford Jamie Glover Jacob Herrington Alex Keitel

Katana Alumbaugh Tiffany Bradley Nathaniel Cole Alayna Courey Logan Crawford Jacob Defur Landon Guthrie


Hagan Hollinger Kaileigh Krieger Isaac Morton Emily Silvers Katie Tanner Nathan Tanner

Hayley Kueber Kelsey Lang Johnathon McFadden Aaron Nobles Jadyn Ricketts Kelcey Ricketts Kyle Simpson Megan Simpson Jackson Thomas Brock Veatch Emily Williams

Honor Roll

Sophia Bottomley Halyn Boyd Ellie Bush Mark Chamness Taylor Collins Alivia Krie Savannah Loehr

Luke Marvel Allison Peralta Alex Reynolds Ethan Ricketts Claudia Robinson Eric Slygh Katelyn Swain Austin Williams

High Honors Tristan Boerner Adam Carlisle Maiya Courey Ariel Robison

Chloe Farley Alysa Gelarden Hannah Lang Journie Lannert Kassandra Ludlow

Honor Roll

Tyler Beeson


High Honors

Honor Roll

Matthew Crafton Emily Duckworth Riley Hollinger Alison Simpson

Mia Baker Chandler Bond Cody Cameron John Chamness Angelica Cole

Dante Dowden Hallie Fisher Sadie Hobbs Kailyn Kaufmann Jenna Kingery Chayton Lawrence

Cailee Nobles Addie Robinson Seth Sharber Tyler Walls Grace Womack Danielle Minton Kaelen Rice Haley Ritzert Andrew Schmitt

Marrs Elementary School GRADE 3

High Honors

Kaylee Hahn Bryson Henn Colin Long Caleigh Love Lillie Montgomery

Brock Wilsey

Grant Allyn Jjordan Ambrose Kristen Earhart Nate Gmutza

Honor Roll Breckan Austin Jaxson Dye

A Honor Roll Megan Baehl Cody Devine Kayla Hoenert Katelyn Martin

Anna Will

High Honors Jacob Bender Kendall Beuligmann Kendra Brandenstein Brianna Brown Jordan Butler Alexander Butts Margaret Camp Stephanie Cook Megan Durchholz Jace Gentil Allison Koester Katelyn Lehman Nicholas Neidig Courtney Newman

A Honor Roll

GRADE 4 Sam Thomas Jaycie Tucker Reid Veatch


Willis Heldt


High Honors

North Posey High School Cont.

Skylar Phelps Caleb Stolz Elizabeth Strawn Emma Strawn Nathan Wagner

Austin Bender Pascal Maier Jared Melliff

High Honors Megan Bender Joseph Bretz Jourdan Cox Kelsey Deputy Lindsey Droege Mary Gibbs Kassi Gray Sally Harsh

Andrew Helfrich Charles Hempfling Joseph Hoover Bryce Koester Jillian. Koester Deana Lindauer Eric Miller Haylee Moore

Nina Bippus Meredith Crawford Cora Epley Ben Hausmann Daniel Jones Kylie Miller Jake Mitchell Salome Roysdon

Zoey Scates Bralyn Shripka

Honor Roll


High Honors Kate Adams Nathan Burke Dawson Brantley Madison Bulkley Lauren Earhart Joseph Julian Sarah Kelley Devin Singer

Buddy Curl Seth Doerflein Bonnie Fischbach Alexis Gansman Adam Gore Luke Harris Emily Juncker Nate Morgan Kailyn Nolan

Michael Adler Zachary Batteiger Leah Bilskie D.J. Brakie Hayley Buchanan Cody Slaton Landon Upshaw Harrison Wells

Kyle Buchanan Audrey Dausman Hannah Devine Madison Fields Katie Johnson Jalen Josey Kelsey Moffett

Honor Roll Emily Albin Lillie Blankenship Joshua Blunk Whitney Brown

Katelyn Montgomery

Maddy Plough

Zakari Plouchard Emily Rexing Justin Reitman Janell Schirtzinger Maci Selke Kaytlyn Shell Cameron Turpin

Kaitlyn Rice Hope Sinnett Conner Sledd Macy Snodgrass Seth Stolz Olivia Trent Amanda Tyler Brian Suttles Ashley Underwood


Alexandra Adams

A Honor Roll Nathan Buchanan Cameron Calvert Drew Cunningham Jessica Norrick Melanie Phillips Joseph Priest

High Honors

New Harmony Jr./Sr. High School Honors

Kimberly Amick Chad Axton Amanda Bender Jourdan Bender Jonathan Boettcher Dillon Davenport Kaylee Durchholz Katelyn Esche Jordan Fisher Autumn Johnson Brian Kaetzel Tessa Livers David Maile


High Honor Roll

Tyler Wright

Logan Willman

High Honors

Kelsey Owen

Jolle Blevins Addison Lange

Alyssa Scherzinger



Thomas Stegall Madison Worman

GRADE 10 Kendall Morris

High Honors Sarah Smotherman

Morgan Mathews Caleb McDaniel

Holly Walden


Kyle Whitmore




High Honors

Grafton Grimm

Hunter Alkire Annellse Brown

Morgan Baize

Jacob Parmenter

High Honors Taylor Baize Joseph Blevins

Honor Roll Cheyenne Angermeier Rhiannon Bailey Sara Elbel Olivea Glaser Brooklynn Hamman Kendra Harris Celeste Hill Austin Lane Jacob Louis McLain Derek Motz

Briana Suttles

New Harmony Elementary School

High Honors

Honor Roll Abigail Bender Amy Brandenstein Courtney Crowder Caleb Dessauer Michael Gillispie Wesley Harness Nicholas Heldt

GRADE 11 Corey. Buchanan Dillion Burchett Johnathan Cook Megan Cumbee Jamie Deuerling Emily Droste Payton Eyer Brakston Farrar Alexandra Hanmore Caitlin Herrmann Andrew Jordan Madison Livers Lauren Merideth Sarah Muntzer Austin O’Risky Morgan Parton Nathan Phipps Megan Redman Christopher Rieke Jessica Smith Michael Sybert Sarah Szubinski

Colton Motz Shane Neumann Damien Porter Charles Schapker Kurt Parker Seibert Tyler Shemwell Wendi Simpson Whitney Sims Kyle Stearns Morgan Stierley Teng Fatt Tan Natalie Thomas Derek Voegel Casey Voelker Cody Voelker Jordan Wassmer Samantha Wittgen

Honor Roll April Adler Valerie Barton Alex Beard


Sally Fahrlander Johnathon Webber Ty Wright



Mackenzie Atkins Grace Jolley Dylan Owen Dylan Peerman



Dillon Farrar Hannah Jolley

Luke Emory Aaron Garcia Lisa Garris Brandon Hoehn Aaron Lupfer Cole Musgrave Michael Penner William Rasch Andrew Reich Addison Schmitt Shelley Schmitt Carl Seib Logan Seng Preston Stokes Emily Tepool Joseph Trapp Zackary Turpin Ethan Vaupel Misty Watson Anthony Webb Nicole Woolston

Cooper Martin Jessica Mason Jenna Morlock Lucas Morrow Hunter Motz Lucas Neuffer Dallas Parson Nichole Perry Kirsten Ratcliff Nicholas Scheller Brandon Spahn Byron Todd Alex Wade Eric Wargel

Honor Roll Kendyl Ahrens Haley Allen Caleb Brown Cody Bryant Ty Butler Kelby Chambon Sydney Davis


Kendall Wilson

High Honors

Alec Werry Ashley Whitfield Sydney Wilderman

North Posey Jr. High School


High Honors

Kyle Voegel



High Honors

Jeffrey Hunt Christopher Jenkins Mitchell Kuhn Austin Little Kaylen Lohman Jordan Lyke Colton Martin Katlynn Mayer Erika McAlister Christopher O’Risky Taylor Patton Morgan Penner Chelsea Pfister Rachel Rogers Megan Roy Rachel Scheller Chad Seibert Tessa Stephens Tyler Stolz Olivia Summers Aaron Tarbell Jaylyn Thornburg Kathryn Woolston

Eric O’Risky Brianna Perry Tylie Robertson Paige Rogers Micah Ruholl Mallory Schmitt Miranda Schmitt Melissa Schorr Megan Schroeder Marguerite Sherretz Brooke Sturgell

Jordyn Miller Bailey Shumate

High Honor Roll Brooke Bender Julia Kavanaugh Madison Koester

Honor Roll Terri Alexander Abigail Compton Aubrey Cummings Hailee Elderkin Madison Feldhake Taylor Franklin Jordan Frymire Jascie Gish Kari Hoenert Hannah Hostettler

Luke Brown Sara Daugherty Jacob Dillworth Miranda Johnson Paige Johnson Lucas Mayer Austin Orlik Grant Scheller Jennifer Scheller Alex Taylor Lydia Vaupel Brandon Williams Loryn Willis

Shelbi Newcomer Cale O’Risky Quentin Petrig Madeline Pfister Haley Rutledge Rachel Stephens Abigail Voegel Conner Voegel Maxwell Wright

Honorable Mention Kenneth Adams Robyn Bender

GRADE 8 Lance Inkenbrandt Rebecca Korff Derek Lindauer James Marshall Jasmine Martin Gabriel Mayer Kaitlyn Newman Breanna Owens Katelin Schroeder Jessica Wilkins

Honorable Mention Madison Butler Andrew Cumbee Dominique DePriest

Blayke Dillman Allyssa Elpers Madison Elpers Noelle Emge Lauren Gibbs Andrew Herrmann Kiley Hopf Emma Jennings Alex McAlister Alexis Preske Austin Ramsey Makayla Saalweachter Nicole Thorbecke Holt Will Justin Woolston Shelby Yarbor

South Terrace School North Posey High School GRADE 9

A Honor Roll Olivia Goebel

Mitchell Heldt Aaron Korff

High Honors Shelby Ackerman Michael Bender Nora Beuligmann Benjamin Blankenberger Jace Brandenstein Rachael Bretz Lindsay Calvert Zackery Carl Hannah Craig Kendall Crowder Drake Davenport Lindsey Ferguson Reed Gerteisen Jacob Goedde Hannah Harness Ellie Herrmann

Min Young Kang Allison Lupfer Shane Martin Dora Meyer Alexis Morlock Rebekah Phipps Amy Priest Jonah Quirk Cody Ungetheim Emma Werry Jordan Werry Madison Werry Chase Wilderman Dylan Wright

Honor Roll

Tyler Barthlow Jacob Brenton Joseph Deuerling Austin Enright Caleb Galey Dallas Glover Hayley Harness

Honor Roll 4.0 - 3.5 Camron Cotton

Madelaine Herrmann Christian Jones Adam Martin Anthony Morrow Mackenzie Morrow Daniel Motz Griffin Motz Quinn Musgrave Darren O’Risky Mackenzie Orlik Bailey Porter William Powell Sara Saum Ashley Schorr Hannah Seng William Shook Anthony Sims Marlee Sims Trey Staples Hayden Walker Griffin Wiethop

Honor Roll 4.0 - 3.5 Hannah Beshears


Audrey Gallagher Shane Harris Adam Herrmann Rachel Jennings

Kole Johnson Lauren Koester Mariah McKinney Marissa McKinney

Cooper Motz Elise O’Risky Alexandra Stump Nathaniel Wescott

GRADE 5 Justin Cummings Jordan Goedde Drake Rogers


Honor Roll 4.0 - 3. 5 Lucas Broughton

Emily Elbrink Elise Lewis Isaac Mayer

Samuel Morrow Ethan Rose Kendra Schorr

Shelby Scott Anna Stock



APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE A11

HONOR ROLL Mount Vernon Junior High School

West Elementary School




Angel, Mercedes Bailey, Jacob Bethel, Austin Brooks, Taylor Crawford Jr, Wallace. Curtis, Tanner Davis, Melanie Davis, Tyler Duckworth, Adam Evans, Rachel Forsee, Samantha Gerard, Natalie Ghrist, Todd Gilpin, Tatiana Goad, Haley Gottman, Forrest Grabert, Brittney Green, Brooke Gross, Chase Juncker, Alyssa Koch, Jillian Krieger, Rachel Lambright, Corinna Maier, CamerOn Mcclarney, Chance Mcnamara, Drew Montgomery, Macey Peerman, Dalton Schroeder, Scott Selke, Makala Distinguished

Blankenship, Lane Canada, Mara Carner, Christian Crabtree, Jordan Culley, Katelyn Denning, Ellen Denning, Kameron Duckworth, Jake Evans, Lauren Fulton, Zen Goebel, Alexandra Keitel, Emily Mader, Jarod Mccloud, Kelley Nall, Alexis Papenmeier, Christian Seifert, Naomi Steinhart, Luke Zwiefka, Shyann Maroon Honors Bailey, Hannah Cannato, Jared Collins, Damon Collins, James Crawford, Claudia Culley, Taylor Duckworth, Wyatt Faver, Daniele

Vantlin, Shane Walker, Teena Woods, Caleb Maroon Honors Arendt, Sydney Crocker, Emily Dewig, Damien Fisher, Jody Flessner, Allison Goff, Dalton Guthrie, Dylan Jackson, Blake Jackson, Collin Jesch, Kiara Latham, Breanna Latshaw, Cade Marshall Iii, James Miller, Emily Nolan, Nathan Paris, Walker Pate, Collin Pfeiffer, Delaney Ragsdale, Matthew Ricketts, Ashlee Ripple, Wade Rutledge, Morgan Schaefer, Whitney Schmidt, Hannah Schneider, Claire Seifert, Moriah Stevens, Alyssa Sturgeon, Gordon Talley, Cooper

Tanner, Trey Thompson, John Watzlavik, Sarah Zoch, Matthew White Honors Allbright, Joseph Boyd, Valerie Brakie, Austin Bremer, Evan Carron, Christiana Collins-Little, Zachary Crissup, Jacob Dewar, Zachary Dick, Joseph Edmonson Jr, Jerrid Hensley, Bryan Johnson, Jacob Lakins, James Earl Lane, Kyler Mcintyre, Gavyn Niehaus, Collin Nobles, Celeste Potter, Kort Powell, Madison Quinzer, Savannah Reynolds, Trinity Ries, Madison Seifert, MaRtin Sucharitakul, Bailey Thomas, Justin Thompson, Luke Veeck, Mitchell West, Chase

Glover, Drew Godinez, Alex Grabert, Kaleb Irick, Sydney Keitel, Katelyn Keller, Noah King, Denise Krizan, Bryce Lang, Kyle Lara, Alicia Maxfield, Jalen May, Ellen Mercer, Joselyn Pyle, Gabrielle Rohlman, Rachel Rusher, Luke Salaman, Noah Simpson, Madison Steward, Bryce Trombly, Megan Whoberry, Hadlee Zenker, Anna White Honors Almaraz, Martha Anderson, Skye Axton, Alex Bonham, Kole Bush, Savannah Cox, Hansen Cross, Hannah Cross, Madison

Fischbach, Anita Fisher, Miranda French, Zachary Grabert, Adam Hamlin, Alyssa Kingery, Justin Ladnier, Jacob Lee, Cassidy Lockhart, Emma Long, Brady Mccarty, Megan Miller, Ryan Norris, Tess Nurrenbern, Jonathan Oden, Abree Peck, James Railey, Kaitlyn Reynolds, Kristina Rushing, Brittany Russell, Cole Russell, Cydney Sailer, Austin Schirtzinger, Jillian Snodgrass, Riley Tapley, Emily Thurman, Delaina Turner, Hayley Vantlin, Alexander Wagner, Lauren Weisling, Braedon Wilson, Blake

Higgins, Lauren Hurley, Tyler Jackson, Mitchell Krizan, Austin Mcgary, David Miller Ii, Donald Montgomery, Austin Murphy, Briar Neikirk, Alexandra Raibley, Gwenyth Reeves, Logan REynolds, Colten Rheinhardt, David Rice, Caleb Ripple, Luke Roberts, Noah Robinson, Hollie Roy, Dillon Sigler, Brock Slocum, Ryker Talkington, Zane Tucker, Katie West, Jacey Wilkerson, Lindsay Wilson, Hunter Wrobel, Brianna Ziegler, Sydney Zoch, Morgan White Honors Adams, Andrew Allyn, Zackary Attebery, Eric Brown Ii, Darrell Brown, Tarah

Brown, Zoee Bruno, Kelsey Bulla, Stefanie Davis, December Dekemper, Blake Griffin, Anna Gross, Caitlin Hamilton, James Harmon, Shawna Huff, Kaitlyn Johnson, Andrew Jones, Cassandra Laubner, Zachary Martin, Joshua Mccune, Devin Metcalf, Antonia Normington, Abbie Paddock, Chelsea Pfeiffer, Melissa Ray, Kellen Redman, Isaac Riordan, Shelby Rosas, Anthony Russell, Morgan Schmuck, Cheyenne Scott, Kaylee Seib, Madison Sellers, Tyler Stevens, Benjamin Trevino, Justin Turner, Keith Waddell, Toni Whaley, Kaitlin Whoberry, Payton

St. Wendel Elementary School GRADE 5 High Honors Claudia Duncan Mitch Hall Jack Heldt Lindsey Koester

Claire Muensterman Kathryn Muensterman Jaylyn Sweeney

Hannah Adler Arionna Collins Sylvester Folz

Honor Roll

GRADE 6 High Honors Abigail Abernathy Kaitlyn Blankenberger Kevin Blankenberger Aubrey Dyson Tyler Effinger Luke Gries Noah Gries

Honor Roll Faith Barker Tristyn Barton Sean Brock Johnathon Chaffin Ethan Cordle Lucas Crissup Nick Curtis Wade Dixon Jasmine Emerson Elizabeth Green

High Honors

Ben Varner Emma Weilbrenner Mitchell Wilson

Zane Augulis Adam Blunt Logan Culley Megan Ghrist Clara Hawley Jonathan Hueftle Bailie Kimmel Nicole Tucker

Emma Hazlett Joni Henderson Tre’ Holmes Tommy Kelley Bailey Miller Dylan Murray Gavin Padgett Brooke Pate Brent Ricketts Brock Ricketts Zach Rutledge

Lindsay Rye Brandon Schafer Nicholas Schaefer Myra Schutz Chase Thomas Dakota Walden Mary Watson Judy Yang Chase Yeida

GRADE 4 Gabi Gilpin Jayce Hamilton Teddy Henderson Elizabeth Kershaw Dyllan King Samantha Kuhl Emily McCarty Morgan Miller Rachel Price Camron Ricketts

Honor Roll Alliyah Brock Tobi Clark Jake Claxton Avion Collins Valerie Cox

Hannah Robinson Haley Russell Timothy Santoro Ty Sims Logan Sitzman Clara Spickler Tory Thompson Amber Walker


High Honors Jackson Baldwin Brandon Long Max Parkinson Ethan Raibley Nathan Reeves Jack Valier Jordan Williams

Honor Roll

Dealia Carlino Jalayna Chaffin Caroline Cox Carley Curtis Hannah Denning Travis Driver Nathan Fischer Christian Gilbert Jacqueline Godinez

Lauren Green Kyleigh Head Katelyn Hines Tristan Howard Kirston Jewell Lyndsay Keitel Dylan Lively Jaren Maxfield Micala McHargue

Bryce Mitchell Nicole Reese Jake Robinson Sarah Rutledge Rush Slocum Adrian Thompson Elizabeth Walker


GRADE 8 Distinguished Baker, Drew Brooks, Hunter Brown, Katelyn Burke, Rachel Collins, Kaysie Dick, Andrea Goad, Riley Hampton-Rainey, Walter Hollar, Matthew Kissinger, Kurt Mcconville, Austin Merrick, Brandon Quinzer, Alexandria Randall, Abigail Robinson, Jessica Weilbrenner, Ellie Wolf, Erin Maroon Honors Baggett, Clara Baker, Kyle Baldwin, Grace Bieber, Dean Burnett, Kaleb Colson, Austin Cox, Logan Davis, Natasha Dickhaut, Aaron Dixon, Wyatt Duckworth, Levi Garman, Erin Goings, Lucas

High Honors Corbin Berger Dylan Clark Demi Collins Pake Davis Gary Esche Kayanna French Maggie Jones Zack Jones Gabe Thomas Lauren Valier

Veronica Inkenbrandt Joel Kelley Hannah Ogg Ali Spahn Kurtis Wilderman. Honor Roll Stephen Barnett Brandey Bender

Rachel Goedde Brandon Grider Kyle Luigs Ashley Rexing Noah Scheller Emily Schmitt Michaela Weiss.

GRADE 7 High Honors Bailey Bender Allison Graff Lauren Jarboe Jarrod Koester

Travis Koester Valerie Muensterman Allison Reker Jonathan Wilderman Serena Wilderman

High Honors Amanda Blankenberger Ethan Buchanan Samantha Crofts Billie Cullison

Samantha Luigs Bryce Martin Megan Reker Elizabeth Schapker Victoria Schickel

Erin Will Honor Roll Jace Elpers Jacob Schmitt Kalah Schu

GRADE 8 Honor Roll Mark Blankenberger Jessica Gries Nick Gries Logan Jarboe


Saint Matthew School Blue & White Lauren Boeke Will Collins

GRADE 1 Shelby Corbin Emily Gagnon Matthias Gates

Olivia Gerton Dru Henderson Aiden Jolley

Grace Maxwell Ashton McCarty


Blue & White

Sarah Griffin Lexus Jernigan

Hank Denning

Kennah Keller


Blue & White Macy Allen Delayne Henderson

Jackson May Hannah Nurrenbern Madison O’Daniel

Kenzie Paul Jackson Rapp Drew Scates

Emma Yarber


Blue & White

High Honors

Maggie Collins Ellee Cox Mark Garman William Gerton Jonathan Harper Danner Latshaw Maria Turner

Ellee Cox Mark Garman William Gerton Jonathan Harper

Blue & White

High Honors


Gary Griffin Noah Rapp Johnathan West

Johnathan West

Gary Griffin Noah Rapp

Riley Dickens Kyle Krieger Danner Latshaw Luke McGennis Maria Turner

Honors Maggie Collins GRADE 5

Saint Philip School GRADE 5

High Honors Robbie Helfrich Lindsay Merkley Logan Riney

Honors Andrew Weis

Brooke Berry Lindsey Fleck Jake Martin

Madelyn Maurer Amber Wells


High Honors


Kyle Norman Grant Weiss

Brady Allen Natalie Blair Stephanie Folz

High Honors Abby Burnett Lauren French Sydney Maurer

High Honors Marie Folz Gabby Kempf Mikail Parkinson

Emily Goodin Zachary Kempf Grace McCann Andrei Parrent

GRADE 7 Brett Weinzapfel

Elizabeth Seng Sarah Wannemuehler Tara Wargel


Hunter Carr Allison M. Folz Drew Folz

GRADE 8 Megan Wildeman Nicholas Buedel Andrew Folz Honors Anthony Glaser Sam Bassemier Patrick Helfrich

Samantha Vaughn

Tyler Moll Isaac Weinzapfel Haley Winiger

North Elementary School GRADE 4

Honor Roll Luke Braddam Kenzie Brandenstein Logan Bryant

Korynn Englert Keeli Farrar Kameron Kendall Bryce Kiesel

Matthew Lane Jacob Lingafelter Richard Meyer Jarrett Motz

Jacob Newman Caleb Wassmer Melissa Wilson Hailey Woods


Honor Roll Zackery Baehl David Bender Kayla Brown Hailee Campbell Wyatt Cartwright

Honor Roll Glen Alexander Ally Brandenstein Kamryn Brandenstein Jacob Brune

Skylar Bryant Ryne Bunting Cidney Colbert Andrew Cook

Jackson Conrad Mayli Englert Brandon Hamman Ashley Hartig Isaiah Lehman Ashlyn McWilliams

Grant Parker Stephanie Patton Danielle Perry Austin Reynolds Maryn Rose Christine Scheller

Adam Schmitt William Talley Asia Thomas

GRADE 6 Elena Cowgill Ryan Daugherty Michael DeShields Mikayla Fare James Fife Kayla Garrett Zachary Goebel Skylynn Hartig Jade Hill Devin Kiesel

Payton Latham Cristian Liebhart Amanda Marshall Carson Martin Johnna Mitchell Ethan Morlock Hayley Poe Stephanie Porter Dalton Rankin Mia Schmitt

Wyatt Tepool Hannah Voegel Joshua Wiggins Alexis Will Drake Williams Emily Willis Arial Wilson Emma Woods



APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE A12

New Harmony School Junior-Senior Prom 2011

Stephen Murray far left, Luke Allison, Morgan Mathews (blue), Abbey Deckard, Samantha Golden, Anna Busler, Alex Bellig, Winter Nelson, Don Kensell, Kendall Morris, and Anthony Stoke.

Dylan Kaufman and Alex Hanmore enjoy New Harmony’s prom.

The Senior Picture has become a tradition at the New Harmony School prom. At left, pictured are, front row Levi Hoehn and Jena Wade. In the second row are Winter Nelson, Pat Hyatt, Blair Morris, Sarah Smotherman, Anna Busler, Blayne Worman, Samantha Golden, Silver Nelson, and Briana Suttles. In the back row are Stephen Murray, Kris Scarafia, Thomas Craig, Andrew McDaniel, and Luke Allison. This year’s prom theme was Mardi Gras and the prom was a big hit, as was the grand march held in front of the Granary prior to the beginning of the big event. Photos by Dave Pearce

Kendall Morris dancing with Stephen Murray and Clint Mathews (back to camera) dancing with Sarah Smotherman.

Samantha Golden, on the left, is escorted by Andrew McDaniel, middle. McDaniel also Blair Morris and Jena Wade learn quickly that it is much easier to dance, have fun, and be escorted Anna Busler, on the right. comfortable without the high heels.

The Junior Picture has become a tradition at the New Harmony School prom. At right, pictured are, Front Row A.J. Eaton and Abbey Deckard. In the second row are Dylan Kennedy, Dan Tron, Haley Binkley. In the back row are Dylan Kaufman, Jordan Kennedy, Elliott Lange, Zach Sollman, and Cody Seib

Morgan Mathews, Sarah Smotherman, Kaila Winerberger, Kelsey Owen, Clint Mathews, behind girls, have their picture taken by Kris Scarafia taking pic, Luke Allison , and Stephen Murray.


APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE A13

Posey County 4-H Clubs come together to ‘Share the Fun’ Hoosier Boosters take top position Members of the Hoosier Boosters 4-H Club won the blue ribbon at Share the Fun this week at the Posey County Fairgrounds. Pictured are, front row, left to right, Caitlyn Creek, Derek Motz, Mike DeShields, Dei Mitchell, Mali Englert, Nichole Perry, Shelby Cash, and Nathan Willman. (Standing from left) Kailin Crawford, Luke Brown, Daniel Motz, Mikayla DeShields, Abbi Vogel, Logan Willman, Danielle Perry, Baylee Willman, Abby Bender, Robyn Bender, Amanda Bender, Travis Cash (far right). Participated but not pictured: Kyle Perry, Cameron Tepool, Raygen Mitchell, and Mallory Motz.

Tarty Tuckers Advance to next level The Tarty Tuckers were runner’s-up in the Share the Fun group competition this week and will move ahead to regional competition. Members of the Tarty Tuckers at right are, First Row, Faith Morlock, Sam Payne, Paul Goins, Emily Fortune, Isabel Glaser, and Melissa Wilson. Second row: Emma Morlock, Mackenzie Arms, Kalyn Farrar, Ariona Collins, Kaitlyn Blankenberger, Jillian Morlock, and Reed Heathcotte. In the back row are Josh Beck, Dakota Hurt, Benjamin Blankenberger, Olivea Glaser, Dale Bender

Mrs. Peacock (Brianna Perry) and Watson (Nichole PerSnow White, AKA Kari Hoenert, talks to the dwarfs about the enjoyment she has experienced in 4-H. The skit ry) do their version of Clue. Photo by Roger Heathcotte name was Snow White and the 4-H Dwarfs. Photo by Roger Heathcotte

From left to right, Olivea Glaser, Dale Bender, Josh Beck, Dakota Hurt, Reed Heathcotte, Benjamin Blankenberger, and Isabel Glaser participate in the runner-up skit. Photo by Roger Heathcotte

Megan Petty plays the violin during her act, “Cattle in Benjamin Blankenberger and Matthew Zoch receive Morgan Zoch dances to “Come Fly With Me” during the Cane” during the 4-H Share the Fun this week at the a 4-H trip during Share the Fun competition at the Posey Share the Fun this week held at the Posey County FairPosey County Fairgrounds. Photo by Roger Heathcotte County Fairgrounds this week. Photo by Roger Heathcotte grounds Community Center. Photo by Roger Heathcotte


APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE A14


The days of free rides are over, be prepared to ante up My opinion this week is probably not going to make me one of the most popular people in Posey County. Hey, I may not even be a popular person in my own home. But after the happenings of the past few weeks, I’m beginning to realize something. The days of free rides TRUTH... are over. STRANGER I have never labeled myself THAN as a member of one politi- FICTION cal party or the other. While BY DAVE I will admit that I have not PEARCE always been a big fan of Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, I had the pleasure of spending some time with him this week. And what he had to say made good sense. I have realized for a long time that you can’t continue to spend more than you have coming in. It doesn’t work for my budget or your budget. So when that happens, something has to give. No, it is never easy to give up some of the things we have been accustomed to. However, if it means the difference between going under and staying afloat, I can eat hamburger a few more nights and leave off the steak. Have you ever had a teacher or your child had a teacher that you, your child, and the teacher all know that he or she should have retired a long time ago? Generally, under the plan that teachers have worked for many years, they are able to retire much earlier than other members of the general public anyhow. That’s one attraction to the profession. That

and the fact that teachers have holidays and summers off. Teaching is an honorable profession. In most other businesses in the world, when you stop performing, you stop getting paid. In either of my two jobs, if I don’t perform, I do not get paid. I have no problem with that. After all, if I cannot live at the level I feel I should making the money I am making, it is my responsibility to go out and get a different job with higher pay. But with jobs as scarce as they are, we know that going out and getting a new job isn’t as easy as it once was. But my point of this whole thing is why should a member of any profession be allowed to ride the coattails of longevity for continued employment and pay increases? The governor has a point. Who else can go along for years without an evaluation yet know that, regardless of their performance, their job is secure because they have been there longer than someone who is, perhaps, willing to give it more of an effort and achieve more? Before any of my teacher friends decide to shoot, I will have to say that I take my hat off to the teachers in the Mount Vernon School system. And, generally, teachers are some of the nicest and most caring people in the world. I wouldn’t choose to be a teacher of most children today because of the parents

who send those students to school each day. But teachers do not get this choice. Earlier this year, in an effort to help a bad situation, Mount Vernon teachers voted to take a pay cut. They did it as a bargaining group and despite having lost some jobs the previous year, the pay cut will help everyone. I have an appreciation for School Supt. Tom Kopatich who came up with the idea of “buying out” some of the teachers who have been there the longest in an effort to save money for the school. But I believe even that will probably not be status quo in the long run. I believe the free lunch is about over for those teachers whose retirement is overdue or who should be in another profession anyhow. They cling to a job because they have had it for a long time. Teaching is the only profession that allows this to go on. In the real world, we all have circumstances which we cannot control. Are all my newspaper customers happy each week when the paper comes out? Never. Do all the salesmen at the dealership get the same level of clientele who are trying to buy a vehicle? Definitely not. Is every teacher going to get students who are exactly the same intellectually every year? Of course not. But over time, improvement should be expected and evaluations should be done to make sure this is happening.. As I attended the meeting this week at the 4-H center on keeping an ambulance in Poseyville and perhaps getting a new one

in Marrs Township, it again made me realize that the days of the free lunches are over. People everywhere are realizing that you simply cannot continue to spend more than you make. Is it easy to stop that lifestyle? No, definitely not. Is it imperative that Americans realize that we must stop this? Definitely. Person after person stood up and indicated they would be willing to pay their fair share for another ambulance in the county. What is more precious than life? Who can put a price on a life…especially if it is yours? Everyone who knows me very well knows that I could be the first to cry about the hand that life has dealt me at times. Is it fair? I don’t think so. Did that change anything? No, I don’t think so. But for me, it has given me a new drive and determination to be able to do some things I probably never would have ever attempted had my life been a smooth, steady stream. I’ve certainly learned that “If it doesn’t kill you, it will make you stronger.” So, world, welcome to the troubled waters. Welcome to where you have to work for or pay for what you get. Welcome to the realization that life is not fair. Welcome to reality. It doesn’t take long in a crisis to find out who your friends are. Just this week, I saw a plaque that said, “Your real friends are those who run your direction when everyone else is running the other way.” Jobs and ambulances are like friendships. They come with a price. Question is, are you prepared to ante up?

You have to admire a law man in high heels...for a cause Posey County Prosecutor Travis Clowers and Posey County Sheriff Greg Oeth are wearing high heels on Tuesday, April 12, to make a statement. These two dignitaries are humbling themselves to participate in the 10th annual international men’s march known as Walk a Mile In Her Shoes® to stop rape, FOR THE sexual assault and gender RECORD (domestic) violence. The walk starts at 5:30 p.m. at BY PAM USI and coincides with ROBINSON Sexual Assault Awareness Month. “I’m nervous. I’ve never walked in high heels before,” admits Clowers, a first-time participant in the walk. “At the same time, I’m excited to be a part of something that gets awareness out into the community about sexual assault and domestic violence.” Clowers is passionate about putting an end to violence against women. The Walk a Mile In Her Shoes® event is just one step toward that goal. Even before then, on Thursday, April 7, he is holding a press conference at 1 p.m. to announce Posey County’s participation in a multi-county sexual assault response team, or SART. In addition, April 10 – 16 will be declared Crime Victims’ Rights Week in Posey County. The press conference will end with the release of 50 helium balloons to raise community awareness about the problem of sexual assault and domestic violence. Clowers stresses that victims of sexual assault and domestic violence aren’t typically harmed by strangers, but by husbands, fiancés, boyfriends, acquaintances. As a result, violence against women is widely underreported. The SART will bring together specially trained law enforcement officers, victim advocates, prosecutors and hospital personnel not only to raise awareness about the prevalence of violence against women, but also—and more important— to provide a compassionate, timely response to victims of sexual assault. The SART provides a safe haven for victims to come forward, assured there is support for them as they deal with their trauma. “From the prosecutors’ perspective, it [the SART] im-

proves the effectiveness of our prosecution,” Clowers explains. “It ensures the safe handling of evidence, support and other resources for the victims and encourages proper response by the police. It’s a really good thing to be a part of. I’m excited.” Clowers appreciates the close working relationship between the prosecutor’s office and Willow Tree of Posey County as well. Although a date hasn’t been set yet, a yard

Gavel Gamut’s “Tinsel Valley” Instead of barges lined up across from the riverfront perhaps a large sign proclaiming southern Indiana the new “Tinsel Town” would be more appropriate. We had “Eight Men Out”, in 1987, “A League of Their Own”, in 1992, then “Daylight”, in 2010. Now, we have the new, original and locally written and produced “Green River Road: An Outlaw’s Tale” being shot right here in the Ohio-Wabash Valley. Louie Iaccarino graduated from Evansville’s Memorial High School in 2005 then took his acting and directing talents to Hollywood where he honed his craft for several years before returning home to create his first feature length film. Louie, with friends Paul Straw and Jason Elliott, also from Evansville, and several more area artists and technicians are weaving an exciting story of local political intrigue, corruption and murder. Posey County is well represented by Diana Schmitt from Poseyville, along with Anne Schmitzer and Jennifer (Bayer) Bacon from Mt. Vernon. You might, also,

see Posey County extras, Sam and Shirley Blankenship, and even Peg Redwine, paying rapt attention

GAVEL GAMUT BY JUDGE JIM REDWINE in the riveting courtroom scenes. There is, also, a New Harmony participant whose nefarious character is snuffed out by the film’s main antagonist, Vanderburgh County ex-sheriff and current River City Mayor, Quintin McCall. Upon hearing that this Posey County character was to meet his demise, one local attorney opined this news might warm the hearts of numerous court attendees. Surely he was in jest. And southern Illinois can be proud of its native son, Mark Clem, who plays the starring role of Sheriff/Mayor Quintin McCall who eliminates several cast members including our New Harmony unfortunate. Scenes have been shot

812-682-3950 • 641 3rd St. • New Harmony, IN 47631 812-838-9920 • 607 E 4th St. • Mount Vernon, IN 47620 FAX 812-682-3944 •

sale will be held in a few months to benefit Willow Tree’s assistance to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. “The end goal is to break the cycle of the assault and the violence,” Clowers says. For that reason, he and Sheriff Greg Oeth will take a little ribbing about walking a mile in high heels. “It’s not going to be very pretty,” Clowers says, “but it’s going to be effective in getting people’s attention.”

Letter to the Editor at Deaconess Hospital, the riverboat and the old Vanderburgh County Courthouse. Several other locations throughout southern Indiana, including some in New Harmony, will soon have film crews and actors involved in car and foot chases as well as death and mayhem. You may well see the movie being crafted when you least expect it. Iaccarino expects to complete most filming by May of 2011, but the editing will most likely not be concluded until August or September. As to when and where you will have the opportunity to view “Green River Road: An Outlaw’s Tale” and to read more about our own feature length film, there will be much more information, “coming soon to a newspaper near you.”

Subscribe today. Call us now at: 1-812-682-3950 Only $30 per year* In-County Resident Price

Thanks for making Relay for Life 5K a success The Relay for Life 5K committee would like to thank those who helped make Johnnie Sue’s Lace Up Against Cancer a great success on Saturday March 19. We would like to thank our sponsors, those who donated, our participants, volunteers, Mount Vernon street department, local EMT, and the City of Mount Vernon.

Because of everyone’s support we were able to raise over $5000 for the American Cancer Society. We hope to see everyone continue their support by attending the Mount Vernon Relay for Life on Saturday June 4, 2011 at 8 a.m. at the high school track. Relay for Life 5K Committee

Honor Special Women Mother’s Day is a day we treasure as a chance to remember and acknowledge our mothers. It’s also a perfect time to think about other special women who have touched our lives in a positive way---grandmothers, daughters, sisters, friends, and teachers, just to name a few. Buying a gift that appropriately expresses our appreciation is sometimes difficult, so we want to offer an alternative or addition to a traditional gift. Take this opportunity to honor the special women in your life with a gift that will make a lasting difference in the lives of our community’s women and children---a donation in their name to the Women’s Fund of Posey County, a part of the Posey County Community Foundation. In honor of this special





day, the Women’s Fund of Posey County is celebrating the kindness, courage, warmth and love of all mothers by raising money for this cause. Donations of all sizes have helped to build this permanent resource for local programs that benefit women and children. These gifts are never spent. Instead, they are prudently invested and earn income that is awarded as grants every year. Last year, the fund awarded grants total-

ing $6,250. Please consider a gift in honor of Mother’s Day. Your gift can be in memory or in honor of your mother and other special women in your life. Gifts can be made by calling 838-0288 or by going on the Foundation’s website. A note acknowledging your gift will be sent according to your wishes. With Best Regards, Kim Keene, Chair Women’s Fund of Posey County, PCCF

THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS (USPS 439500) is published weekly for $30 per year ($34 for all non-Posey County zip codes) by Pearmor Publishing LLC, P.O. Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631. Periodicals postage paid at Mount Vernon, Indiana. Editor: David Pearce Postmaster: Donna Hoheimer (Interim) Send address changes to: The Posey County News P.O. Box 397 New Harmony, IN 47631






APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE A15

New Harmony School crowns prom royalty for 2011

New Harmony High School juniors were crowned prince and princess suring the New Harmony School senior Levi Hoehn was crowned prom king and Jena Wade was crowned prom queen during festivities at the Granary on Saturday evening. Photo junior-senior prom held Saturday eveing at the Granary. A.J. Eaton and Abbey Deckard are this year’s royalty. Photo by Dave Pearce by Dave Pearce

All-day kindergarten unanimously passes at Mount Vernon By Pam Robinson The Mount Vernon School Board agreed unanimously last Tuesday that the time for full day kindergarten is now. Their decision was timed to allow the news to get out before the Kindergarten Roundup on Tuesday, April 12, when parents will be enrolling their kindergarten-age children at all three elementary schools. Superintendent Tom Kopatich repeated that little, if any, money from the general fund will be needed to finance the new full day kindergarten. Instead, he said that the majority of money to fund the program will come from state kindergarten grant monies. He emphasized that the benefits of full day kindergarten for students will outweigh drawing on any general fund monies—If such a measure should become necessary to help finance full day kindergarten. He also commended school district employees for their part in breathing life into an ailing budget. Kopatich noted the sacrifice of teachers and staff in taking a 5.5 percent pay cut. He had high praise of custodial and maintenance workers for sharing the same pay cut, with the board proving this addendum to the Teamsters’ contract on Tuesday as well. The pay reduction will be put into place by August 2011. Otherwise, Kopatich noted that 32 certified employees and nine noncertified employees have responded to the early retirement incentive. The savings will be used to offset further expected cuts to the budget by the state legislature. In other business:

•The board adopted revisions to the policy dealing with employee assignment and transfer. The policy includes changes to involuntary transfers for certified employees dealing with seniority. Whereas transfers had been based upon building seniority, they will now be based upon district seniority. The local chapter of the National Education Association, or NEA, supports the policy. •The board approved the following Sunday activities: a high school art guild field trip to Indianapolis on Saturday, April 30, extending into Sunday, May 1; the Mount Vernon Cub Baseball’s use of the baseball field only for rain dates that fall on Sundays between April 3 through May 29; and Trinity United Church of Christ’s use of the Hedges Central playground for an Easter egg hunt on Sunday, April 17. •Kopatich announced that the Mount Vernon High School marketing class is reviewing a marketing plan for the Hedges Central building. He noted that there is a lot of interest in the building, both within the community and from outside groups, such as Ivy Tech. •Kopatich shared a state police report concerning 2010 school bus crashes in Indiana. He commended all bus drivers in the three Posey County school districts for their record: no incidents were reported in Posey County. •The proposed school year calendar for 2011-2012 was distributed to the board for review. Superintendent Kopatich explained that although the board usually reviews the calendars for three academic years at once, the calendars for 2012-

2013 and 2013-2014 would be considered later since state legislation could change how those calendars are developed. •The following students were recognized for their achievements: the ten students winning awards at the Evansville Museum’s 48th Regional High School Art show—MecKensie Heckman (third place, drawing and a merit award), Johnathon Rye (second place, graphic design), Jami Hollar (third place, mixed media), Dalton Marshall (first place, photography), Sabrina Hollar (first place, textiles), Erica Martin (second place, textiles), Amanda Kester (third place, textiles), Carissa Hoskins (merit award) and Cassie Thompson (merit award); Carynn Koch for being named to the All Southwestern Indiana girls’ basketball team; Jacob Steinhart for being named to the Boys’ Big 8 All Conference basketball team; Claire Schroeder for being elected as the Southwest district representative for the Indiana Association of Student Councils; Noah Keller, Austin Stallings and Payton Whoberry for their conference championships in respective weight classes in the Southern Indiana Junior High Athletic Conference wrestling meet. •The board recognized Paul Maier, teacher and head football coach, for being presented the Leaders in Sportsmanship Award at the Celebration of Leadership awards program in Evansville. The Mount Vernon School Board will meet again Monday, April 18, 2011, at 5:45 p.m. in the junior high media center.

Mauck named Trooper of the Year Posey County native and Indiana State Trooper Korey Mauck, 28, was selected as the “Evansville District Trooper of the Year” for 2010. Superintendant Paul Whitesell, Ph.D., presented Mauck with his award this morning at the Indiana State Police Annual Awards Ceremony held at the Indiana State Police Post in Indianapolis. Trooper Mauck is a threeyear veteran and primarily patrols the late shift in Vanderburgh County. During 2010, Mauck arrested 44 intoxicated drivers and arrested 56 other persons for various

Korey Mauck criminal offenses. In an attempt to reduce crashes, injuries and fatalities on Indiana roadways, Trooper Mauck issued 562 traffic tickets and 884 traffic warnings. Trooper Mauck is a member of the

explosive ordnance disposal team, a defensive tactics instructor and a field training officer. “Mauck’s all around enforcement efforts and outstanding overall performance during 2010 earned him this award,” said Lieutenant Dennis Marshall, Commander of the Evansville District. The “Life Awards” were presented to the top DUI (Driving Under the Influence) enforcement officer for each of the 14 Indiana State Police posts. Trooper Korey Mauck also received the “Life Award” after he led the Evansville District with 44 DUI arrests during 2010.

River Days seeks planning committee help Brothers Nathan Freyberger, Kyle Freyberge, and Nicholas Freyberger walk to the front of St. Wendel Church on Sunday afternoon to celebrate the Eagle Scout ceremony of Kyle. Photo by Dave Pearce

Freyberger attains rank of Eagle Scout Kyle Freyberger.completed his eagle project by restoring the storage building at the rear of the Knights of St. John home in Saint Wendel. The total restoration took over 285 man hours and cost approximately $2500 which was raised through donation obtained by Kyle. Freyberger is the son of Doug and Julie Freyberger and Pam Frey.

Under the leadership of Chairman Larry Williams, a committee of interested Posey County citizens has already begun work on the 2011 Mount Vernon River Days, which will take place Sept. 9, 10 and 11 on Mt. Vernon’s Riverfront. Popular events from last year will again be featured, including historic demonstrations, vendors, food booths, Smoke on the Ohio, children’s activities, Family Feud, parades, Little Miss & Mr. Contest, all kinds of music and, of course, fireworks. A new feature this year will be a program booklet which will contain historical infor-

mation, a schedule of events and a Munchy Map. This booklet will give sponsors an opportunity not only to be a booster of the River Days event, but also to advertise their businesses in this community-pride festival. Anyone interested in joining the committee or who is just interested in learning more about this year’s event is invited to come to the next meeting on Tuesday, April 19, at 6 p.m. at the Lions’ Clubhouse off Hwy. 62W. Further information is available from Larry Williams (453-6690) or Vice Chair Becky Higgins (204-7388).

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Page A16 • April 5, 2011

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tilt steering,–CD Player #659066M blue, steering wheel audio controls, tilt steering, CD Player

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2010 Kia Soul Sport #74742M – silver, wheels, auxiliary input jack, steering 2010 KiaalloySoul Sport wheel audio controls, suspension #74742M – silver, alloysport wheels, auxiliary input jack, steering wheel audio controls, sport suspension SUNROOF WAS: $19,990 SUNROOF

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APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE B1

PAGE B2 • APRIL 5, 2011



New Coach Scott Reid looks for continued success at North Posey By Steve Joos High school spring sports teams in Indiana are given a certain amount of time (two weeks) to prepare for their respective seasons and sometimes that window is hampered by rough weather conditions and spring break. The North Posey baseball team was able to overcome a lot of that this season, and they have been able to get things done during practice. “They’re looking pretty good,” first-year coach Scott Reid said. “You’ve got limited time to get a lot of things done, but we’ve got a pretty veteran group, they know what’s expected, they police themselves in many ways. They know what needs to be done and they get it done. The seniors make sure everyone knows what they’re supposed to be doing.” The Vikings did some good things in their pre-season scrimmage and their season opener, Reid added. Depth on the mound will be a major plus for the Vikings this season, with Nick Scheller a legitimate ace at the top of the rotation. “I’ve never really seen

Members of the North Posey High School baseball team this year are, in front, Wes Harness, Colton Martin, Cody Voelker, Jared Melliff, Nathan Phipps, Casey Voelker, Austin Bender, and John Champlain. In row two are Coach Steve Kavanaugh, Coach Scott Reid, Nick Scheller, Jourdan Bender, K.D. Patton, Cooper Martin, Eric Wargel, Brandon Spahn, Shane Neuman, Colton Motz, Shane Hopf, Coach Carl, Coach Wiggins, and Coach Neuman. Photo courtesy of Straub Photography him throw better than he has to start the season,” Reed said. “He pitched well at Gibson Southern and then came in and shut the door on Southridge (in the team’s season opener). There’s a lot to be impressed with there in his velocity and the way he works so quickly. He does a better than average job for a high school pitcher. He does those things well above av-

erage and that’s why he’s an ace.” K.D. Patton is a good number two starter, with Brandon Spahn and Shane Newman, who came back from a two-year absence due to cancer and threw a scoreless sixth inning against Gibson Southern. Senior Shane Hopf, sophomore Colton Martin and left-hander Cody Voelker will also help out.

“The point is that we’ve got depth in our pitching rotation,” Reed said.”And at the top of that rotation, you’ve got two good arms (Scheller and Patton) and I think defensively, we’re strong up the middle, especially in the infield with Scheller and (Jared) Meliff.” Catching might be a question mark, while there’s competition at the corners and in

the outfield. Reed also thinks the team will be able to hit the ball eventually. Replacing graduated seniors Jason Stoneberger and Chris Patton will be among the things the Vikings will have to work on with Martin and junior Casey Voelker competing for the starting spot. Casey Voelker has especially been dedicated to im-

proving, Reid said, noting the amount of time the junior spends in practice by himself, working on blocking the plate and throwing, but Martin is also a hard-nosed player who needs to continue to get better. The bats may be a different story, however. “I don’t know how we

Please see Page B3

Improvement will be the measuring stick for Mount Vernon softball By Steve Joos Defensively, the Mount Vernon softball team is in pretty good shape. Offensively, well…the Lady Wildcats have some work to do. At least that’s how coach Jeff Crabtree is looking at things as the Lady Cats try to improve on last year’s 10-15 record. Crabtree would like to see the 15 losses become 15 wins, but the Lady Wildcats’ coach isn’t all that specific about a victory total, he does expect improvement, however. In an early season outing against live competition, the Lady Cats were stronger one area than they were in another, but not in the ones the coach thought they would be. “Defensively, we looked pretty good,” Crabtree said after a recent scrimmage against Reitz. “This was our fifth time on the dirt this spring. This was our fifth time on the dirt and I had us for no errors.” Offensively?

Members of the Mount Vernon Softball team, are, in front: Livia Hopper, Ashleigh Goff, Cally Schisler, Brittany Wilson, Rhylee Ford, Kira Irons, Tylyn Tanner, Elizabeth Damm, Abbey Oden, and Megan Boerner. In back are Coach Bruce Denning, Coach Jerod Offerman, Erica Winiger, Amy Seifert, Megan Montgomery, Kay-Leigh Allbright, Madison Denning, Brooke Webber, MacKenzie Stratton, Andrea Seifert, Coach Tim Alcorn, and Coach Jeff Crabtree. Photo by Dave Koch just 17 girls out for softball The Lady Cats still need “We saw a lot of junk and a to a lack of outdoor practice, stance. The Lady Cats were able and they will rely on some some work, which disap- little bit of speed. They threw but things have been the other pointed Crabtree since the a lot of different pitches at way around. The scrimmage to field bunts cleanly, which younger players to take up team had been working on us and we mainly struggled was Mount Vernon’s first ex- the coach considers an im- part of the slack this year. posure to live pitching and provement over last year, but They have been working hitting and conditioning with the off-speed stuff.” since Christmas and he exCrabtree thought that the that may have been another getting bunts down were an- hard in practice and should have a deeper pitching staff pected better. Lady Wildcats were going to reason for their struggles at other story. Mount Vernon has a num“Reitz threw four different start out better with the bats the plate, Crabtree added. Please see Page B3 Take bunting, for in- bers problem this year, with pitchers at us,” Crabtree said. and struggle defensively due

Young Mount Vernon squad hopes to improve, be competitive By Steve Joos The Mount Vernon baseball team is having its share of ups and downs as they prepare for the new season. “We’ve had roughly 10 days of practice,” coach Paul Quinzer said. “Actually, we’ve got nine days in. We got the scrimmage in (recently against Reitz). We’ve got a little bit of work to do.” The Wildcats looked the same against the Panthers as they have in practice. Mount Vernon will have a young team this season and they made some of the mental mistakes one associates with youth in the scrimmage. Quinzer thinks that his team can compete physically, but he’s concerned about a lack of aggressiveness on the part of his team, especially at the plate. “We’re going to have a pretty decent infield,” the

coach said. “We’ll field the ball pretty good. We have a couple of decent starters on the hill that can throw strikes for us. Again to repeat on our weaknesses, we’re not as experienced as we have been in the past and hopefully, we’ll get some of that real quick.” Then there’s that lack of aggressiveness, which is most pronounced at the dish. “We’re taking too many fastballs down the middle of the plate,” the coach explained. “Watching them go by, not swinging that them. If the pitcher’s wild, that’s good, but Reitz was throwing strikes (at the scrimmage) and we were taking a bunch of them.” The Cats are getting some leadership from the seven upperclassmen on this year’s roster. Aaron Roberts is back in left field, while fellow junior Troy Paris is back at third. They will also be the

Members of the Mount Vernon High School baseball team this year are, in front, Ross Canada, Austin Doerflein, Aaron Roberts, Bo Harris, Aaron Choate, River VanZant, and Hank Dausman. In back are Clay Ford, Jason Stemple, Troy Paris, Peter Fink, Caleb Hames, Drake McNamara, and Jevin Redman. Photo by Dave Koch Cats’ three-four hitters, with first baseman Bo Harris part of that mix, providing the

team’s power and RBI potential. Senior Jason Stemple is a

third-year returning starter at shortstop and he will get in some innings on the mound.

Stemple will be the team’s

Please see Page B3

Veteran Vikings struggle finding their ‘mojo’ in early part of season By Steve Joos/Dave Pearce The North Posey softball team has some experienced players on this year’s team and they’ve got plenty of players, period. But the Lady Vikings came out of the frying pan right into the fire in their first three games this week, losing 1-0 to Evansville North before bouncing back to defeat previously undefeated (5-0) Henderson County. Then the Lady dropped a tough 5-4 decision to Carmi on Saturday. After the loss to North, North Posey Coach Gary Gentil knew his team was not fire-tested and the loss was not a huge surprise as the Vikings just are not hitting the ball well so early in the season. But some of that changed against the Lady Colonels on Friday evening in the cold wind as the Vikings fought back from a 2-0 deficit to claim a 3-2 victory over the visitors.

Members of the North Posey High School girls softball team in numerical order: #1 Kater Martin, #2 Courtney Crowder, #3 Kendall Crowder, #4 Asley Schorr, #6 McKenna Corn, #7 Jordan Wassmer, #8 Deana Lindauer, #9 Ally Elpers, #10 Sadie Fife, #11 Amy Brandenstein, #12 Kayla Hoenert, #13 Shelley Schmitt, #15 Lisa Garris, #16 Anna Will, #17 Kelsey Everley, #18 Megan Baehl, #19 Taylor Patton, #20 Kendyl Ahrens, #21 Hayley Harness, #22 Maddie Herrmann, #23 Morgan Stierley and #25 Megan Redman. Photo courtesy of Straub Photography “What we really liked seeing tonight was that we had the ‘bite’ back in us,” Gentil said. “We had some things

going on out there with the wind and some other obstacles in the first two innings.” North Posey pitcher Shel-

ley Schmitt did not have her best ‘stuff’ early in the Henderson County game as a cold strong wind out of the

north played havoc with the game. But as the wind settled later in the game, so did the lady Vikings.

Shelley was frustrated at herself in the first couple

Please see Page B3



Wildcat softball, from Page B2 this season with four different hurlers who have been hitting their spots, but with just four freshmen to replace the graduated seniors, Crabtree is concerned about the numbers. But he has also seen the team work hard in practice and should be ready to go when the season starts. They will be spending a little more time against live pitching. With a sophomore and two freshmen making up the nucleus of the Lady Cats’ staff, the bats will be able to face plenty of pitching in practice. “We’ve got a lefthander and two righties,” Crabtree explained. “We’ve got a hard thrower and a junk thrower, so we can mix it

up and run them in and out.” Like everyone else, the weather has hampered by the blustery weather, which has kept them off the field for most of the preseason. The numbers may be low, but Mount Vernon apparently has most of its starting positions filled. The Lady Cats are solid at third base with sophomore Amy Seifert, who hit .545 and earned All-Big Eight Conference horns. Sophomore Brittany Wilson is back at shortstop, while senior Kira Irons holds down second and junior Riley Ford is at first base. Abby Oden and Meagan Montgomery will split the duties behind the plate and Tylan Tanner is back in the outfield (she and Wilson

nearly joined Seifert on the all-conference squad last year as freshmen). “Our right field and left field are still to be determined,” the coach said. “So we’re pretty solid in the defensive part. And we will be offensively; we just need a little time working with live pitching.” Boonville and Gibson Southern will be among the team’s tougher competition this season, as well as Heritage Hills, Forest Park and North Posey. Central should be one of the best teams in Evansville, although Reitz looked good in the scrimmage (and they have 23 girls out for softball). So what is he looking for as far as Mount Vernon is concerned? “We finished up 10-15 last year in the reg-

ular season,” Crabtee said. “We lost a couple of girls, but we return the heart of our order and a couple freshmen have helped out, I’m expecting better things for us. I don’t want to put a number on it, but I’m expecting better things.” Bruce Denning is an addition to the Mount Vernon coaching staff this season, joining Tim Alcorn and Jerod Offerman. Denning will be mainly working with the Lady Wildcat pitchers. Crabtree thinks the Lady Cats will have an exciting team this season and hopes the fans will turn out. And they’ll definitely try to be better than 10-15. The bats may need a little work, but the

But in the beginning, it appeared that the Lady Colonels were going to have their way with the Vikings. They were making contact, putting the ball in play and making the Vikings make the plays. A couple of errors cost the Vikings as they gave up single runs in both the second and third innings.

“We went through the line-up and when we got to the bottom of the line-up, it was evident that we were battling every pitch,” Gentil said. “I knew that our girls were in the game at that point.” Lisa Garris served notice early that she had the timing down. Although her sharplyhit line drive in her first at bat was caught, the next time the Lady Colonels were not as fortunate as she ripped another drive that was out of the reach of her defenders. “Deana Lindauer had a big hit in there and then (Megan) Redman and (Morgan) Stierley had some nice at-bats and got some walks,” Gentil said. “Then Lisa Garris got a nice place hit and we had a bunch of people who followed right behind her. The fourth, fifth, and sixth innings, everyone battled up there, I can’t single out any one person.” Henderson County is a quality program and this was a big win for the North Posey program, according to the coach. Henderson County High is the largest school (enrollment-wise) in the area, with nearly 2700 students. There are 22 girls on the Lady Vikings’ roster this season, with a good number of returning players back from last season’s Regional championship team and they’re working hard to prepare for this season, according to their coach. “The girls are working very hard,” coach Gary Gentil said. “They’re covering some of the basics of things we wanted to cover so far and so far, we’re at the point where we’re ready to play a game. We’re tired of playing each other and we want to see if what we’ve been going over, if we’re smooth with it or if there are things we need to work on. But all in all, we’re pleased with how hard the girls have been working.”

Pitcher Schelley Schmitt leads the way, but some of those familiar faces will be in different places. Morgan Steirley moved from right field to behind the plate, while Amy Brandenstein takes over for the graduated Alyssa Like at second base. Kelsey Everley moves to left field and Jordan Wassmer heads for right. Allie Elpers has been the team’s designated hitter, but she’s on the disabled list due to shoulder surgery. Gentil hopes to have her back this season. Taylor Patton is pushing the other outfield candidates, while Meagan Baehl is improving behind the plate, pushing Steirley. “We’ve got a lot of quality pitchers around the Tri-State area,” Gentil said. “So it’s basically everybody feeling each other out and moving forward.” The team will have to work on getting ready to face live pitching and finding their comfort zones at the plate and in the field, the coach added. And who will some of the tougher teams on North Posey’s schedule be? One may want to ask who some of the Lady Vikings’ easier opponents will be. It won’t take as long. “I think Gibson Southern is going to be very tough this year,” Gentil said. “You’ve got South Spencer, who will be very good and have a lot of people returning who were on a team that competed for the conference championship last year. Tecumseh will have a very good pitcher back this season and this year, they have a lot of experience coming back. Gibson Southern graduated a lot of people, but they will have a lot of potential. Then you’ve got Mater Dei and Forest Park. In the pre-season rankings, 14 of the 26 teams on our schedule are ranked in the state, so we’ve got a tough schedule.”

“I you look down our schedule, you’ll find that Heritage Hills is going to be very solid. Among the Big Eight Conference teams on our schedule, Mount Vernon is going to be very tough, a great county rival, Vincennes Lincoln and all the Evansville schools, along with Mater Dei and Memorial. You look at our schedule and it’s pretty legit. There aren’t any games where we can just go in there and take the night off and coast, because that’s not going to happen.”

A Gibson Southern graduate, Reed is familiar with North Posey’s program and its reputation for hard-nosed, competitive play and his goals for this season resemble that. These goals include a 20-win season, a conference title and a deep postseason run. Reed coached at Knox and Boonville before spending the last four years in administration at Logootee. He is looking forward to working with the team this season.

Viking softball, from Page B2 of innings but there are 26 people right here who believe that she is one of the best in the area, Gentil said. “But what is good about this group is that they are experienced and they stayed in there and then good things came with that tonight. We are always behind her.”

Wildcat Baseball, from Page B2 vocal leader, as will second-year catcher Aaron Choate. Stemple and Choate will be the team’s leaders and will hold down the top batters in the lineup. Senior Caleb Hames is the team’s top pitcher, Quinzer added. The rest of the team is in a little bit of flux. Second base will be held down by sophomore Jevin Redman, who may need to pick things up at the plate, while another sophomore, River VanZant, will be a bit more established in center field, but he still lacks experience overall. Right field is much more unsettled, Quinzer added, with no one penciled in right now.

Quinzer doesn’t know who the Wildcats’ strongest competition is going to be right now, adding that with the team as young as it is this season, everyone could be difficult for Mount Vernon. “I expect us to get better,” he said. “Projections are tough. We got better at the end of last year, we beat some teams and we had a shot at winning the Sectional championship. I see that as something we’ll strive for this year.” The Cats should be able to do that, but for now, they have some work to do.

Register to "Become an Outdoors Woman" Attention women who already love outdoor sports. Attention women would like to try them. Attention women who want to improve their ability to do them under expert supervision and instruction. Your place is the Becoming an Outdoors-Woman workshop, April 29-May 1, at Ross Camp in West Lafayette. The 17th annual workshop is limited to the first 100 women, 18 years old or

older, who register at www. The fee is $175. The program is designed for women to learn outdoor skills in a relaxed, low-pressure environment. Activities range from shooting clay targets, paddling a canoe, catching a trophy bass, becoming a campfire gourmet cook, making a fur hat, and spotting rare wild birds, to learning to call turkey. Participants design their own outdoor experience to

match their interests. The workshop is for women who have never tried these activities, but have hoped for an opportunity to learn; who have tried them but are beginners hoping to improve; or know how to do some of the activities, but would like to try new ones. Women who enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded individuals and who seek time away to reconnect with nature are also prime candidates for BOW.

Viking Baseball, from Page B2 going to score runs right now,” Reid said. “I just haven’t seen enough being the first year for me. This is my first year and I don’t know if we’re going to struggle or not.” Austin Bender is back as a utility infielder, while another senior, Jordan Bender, will provide leadership on the infield. Spahn had a clutch double against Southridge, while Cooper Martin turned in some good plays defensively and Eric Wargel played well at first base and drove in a key run against the

APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE B3

Raiders. The Vikings have a good mix of youngsters and upperclassmen and Reid just hopes they’ll continue to play well together. The team’s toughest competition may come from some of the teams they’ll also face in the Sectional. South Spencer is receiving votes in the state rankings, as are Forest Park, Tell City and Mater Dei. Three of those squads are also Pocket Athletic Conference foes.

Purple Aces to face Butler in first game at new Evansville Arena The Butler Bulldogs may be headed to the Final Four, but when they faced off against the University of Evansville last November at Hinkle Fieldhouse, the Purple Aces walked away with a 71-68 overtime victory; Evansville’s first win over an eventual Final Four team. Today, Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel announced that the University of Evansville men’s basketball team will take on the Butler Bulldogs in the Aces’ first regular season game at the new Evansville arena on November 12, 2011. The game will also be one of the highlights of UE’s homecoming weekend. “The Aces are going to have an amazing start to their inaugural season at Evansville’s new arena. Not only is this going to be a great game for the fans and teams alike, but it will also be a terrific way to showcase the new arena and all it has to offer,” said Mayor Weinzapfel.

Evansville has now played a regular season game against a team that advanced to the Final Four three years in a row: North Carolina in 2009 and Butler in 2010 and 2011. Overall, the Purple Aces have played 10 games against teams that went on to the Final Four that season. "We have always enjoyed our competition with Butler over many years. It is very fitting that we are able

to play them in the opening regular season game. I am confident everyone who attends the game will enjoy the game and the ambiance of the arena," said John Stanley, Director of Athletics, University of Evansville. There have been 116 games between the University of Evansville and Butler since their first match-up in the 1920-‘21 season. The Purple Aces lead the series

61-56. The two teams have played in each of the last five seasons, and 13 of the last 15. "The Evansville-Butler series has been good for both schools for a long time, and it's a series that we hope continues for many years to come. There's no doubt they will have a very good team again next season, and that's an extra incentive for our players to work hard during

the off-season to get ready for the first game of the year in November," said Marty Simmons, Head Coach, University of Evansville men’s basketball team. The Purple Aces will have another big game in November 2011 when they take on the Indiana University Hoosiers at the new arena. It will be the second in a three-game series that will wrap up in Bloomington

during the 2013-‘14 season. The first game took place in Bloomington on November 21, 2010, with IU winning 67-54. The new 290,000-square foot Evansville arena will be the home court for the University of Evansville Purple Aces men’s and women’s basketball teams. The arena will be the region’s center for sports and entertainment, designed to host basketball,


Black River ATV Poker Run ~ Satur day, April 9, 2011 ~

Starts and Ends at Black River Spot Shoot Grounds: Approximate 20 mile Run. $10 for 1 rider or $15 for 2 riders Prizes: $200 Best Hand • $50 Worst Hand Check-in Time: 10:30am • Start Time: 12 Noon Lunch Available: BBQ Sandwich - Drink - Chips $6.00 • Coffee $1 per cup.


PAGE B4 • APRIL 5, 2011


SPOR SPORTS P RTS Posey Lanes Recap League: Expressway Ford High Game High Series 1. Teresa Weir 210 1. Kathy Ridley 512 2. Kathy Ridley 188 2. Dorothy Rueger 507 3. Helena LInck 183 3. Anita Goff 506 4. Tina Sutton 183 4. Helena Linck 503 5. Dorothy Rueger 183 5. Tina Sutton 501 League: Access Storage High Game High Series 1. Debbie Boarman 191 1. Martha Phillips 494 2. Betty Uebelhack 186 2. Sandy Wilson 483 3. Sandy Wilson 178 3. Debbie Boarman 476 4. Martha Phillips 171 4. Donna Anderson 457 5. Marcia Lange 164 5. Betty Uebelhack 455 League: Men’s Major High Game High Series 1. Chris Oeth 267 1. Dile Wilson 724 2. Dile Wilson 254 2. Chris Oeth 642 3. Justin Wyatt 245 3. Cory Kohlmeyer 631 4. Greg Wagner 234 4. Bob Henderson 626 5. Bob Henderson 234 5. Ray Boerner 603 League: First Bank 1. Martha Phillips 203 1. Marge Cordle 547 2. Donna Bratcher 201 2. Debbie Boarman 487 3. Beth Robinson 191 3. Wanda Redman 482 4. Marge Cordle 191 4. Nancy Renschler 475 5. Teresa Weir 186 5. Martha Phillips 473 League: T.M.I. 1. G. Steele 218 1. Dana Deckard 531 2. Joyce Johnson 205 2. Gaylynn Reese 536 3. Mary Phillips 200 3. Mary Phillips 521 4. Gaylynn Reese 190 4. Sandy Seitz 506 5. Dana Deckard 186 5. G. Steele 492 League: Men’s Commercial 1. Cory Kohlmeyer 259 1. Jerry Ricketts 705 2. Jerry Ricketts 249 2. Cory Kohlmeyer 631 3. Greg Brown 245 3. Greg Brown 609 4. Dave Little 225 4. Shawn Goodwin 609 5. Mike Schnorr 225 5. Joe Anderson 609 League: Jr.-Sr. High League: Elementary 1. Andy Kuper 237 1. Gary Griffin 147 2. D.A. Wilson 202 2. Ben Varner 146 3. Hollie Robinson 194 3. Tristan Boerner 135 4. Matt Strupp 193 4. Jordan Carr 131 5. Sam Caroll 186 5. Jake Robinson 111 League: Bumpers High Game 1. Luke Holder 124 2. A. Bommarito 108 3. Kyle Holder 105 4. Lauren Carr 101

Like earns All-GRAC and Region 24 honors Courtesy of Justin Hatten Sports Editor Olney Central College freshman Alyssa Like was selected to the 2011 All Great Rivers Athletic Conference and Region 24 teams. The 5’7” guard from Poseyville, Inc. averaged 12.1 points, 6.1 rebounds, 2.8 assists and 2.8 steals per game for the Lady Blue Knights, who finished 11-19 overall (6-10 in the GRAC). She shot 45 percent from three-point range (45of-100) and 80 percent from the free-throw line (61-of-76). “I am extremely proud of Alyssa this season,” OCC head coach Clint Burris said. “She showed a tremendous amoun tof growth throughout the year. I knew she was going to have a special year when she put up 19 points and pulled down nine rebounds in her first college game against nationally-ranked Parkland College. “Alyssa is the kind of player that’s first in the gym, the last to leave and is always in the fitness center running and working out after practice. She’s the definition of a gym rat.”

Former MV basketball player named Coach of the Year Jeff Embrey, a former Wildcat basketball standout from the class of 1981, recently was named the 20102011 Second Region Basketball Coach Of The Year by the Regions Basketball Coaches Association. The 2nd regions is made of up of 4 districts and 16 schools, this is the second time out of the past 3 years

he has been honored with this prestigious award. In 14 years of head coaching he as received 4 Coaches of the Year Awards. Embrey is the head coach at Lyon County in Eddyville, Ky. and, he also got his 200th career win this past season. Embrey has coached at Barr Reeve

Members of the Mount Vernon Junior Varsity Baseball team are, in front, John Tice III, Taylor Riddick, Ryan Goeltz, John Young, Trevor Veeck, Craig Isaac, Tim Cotner, Seth Reeves, and Collin Varner. In

Spring swim program resumes today at MVJHS The Mount Vernon Metropolitan School District has announced its spring aquatic program for 2011. Open swimming resumes on March 29 and continues through May 17 each Tuesday from 7:30-9 p.m. at the Junior High pool. The admission fee is $2 per person. Adult fitness swimming also continues daily when school is in session from 7:15-8 a.m. Registrations are now being taken for the spring session of the swim classes. To register by mail, write on a sheet of paper the name of the

person enrolling in the class, the name of the class, first choice of time and session and your phone number. Enclose a check for proper amount made out to Mount Vernon High School and send to the aquatic director, Mount Vernon Junior High School, 701 Title Factory Road, Mount Vernon, IN, 47620. To register in person, register with the secretary at the Junior High office between 7:30 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fees should be paid at this time. Classes include:

-Tots’ swim for threethrough five-year-old children: Saturday, 10:15-10:50 a.m. -Red Cross Swim Instruction (levels One-Five): Saturdays, 11-11:50 a.m. (levels One-Three and Four); Saturdays 12 noon-12:50 p.m. (levels One-Three and Five) -Red Cross Swim Instruction (level Six): Saturdays 1010:50 a.m. Each of these classes run from April 2-May 21. Enrollment fee is $25 per session, with a minimum enrollment of six. -Water Safety Instructor:

Lingafelter rolls to first college baseball win Former North Posey baseball standout Mason Lingafelter earned the first win of his collegiate career Tuesday as the Indiana University-Southeast Grenadiers rolled over Miami-Hamilton 12-2 at Hamilton, Ohio. Lingafelter struck out five and walled one

in two hitless innings of shutout relief. For the season, he has a 1-1 record with a 6.75 earned-run average in five and one-third innings. The freshman hurler has four walks and five strikeouts in six relief appearances.

Park and Recreation Youth Baseball registration set The Mount Vernon Parks and Recreation is currently taking registrations for Tball & Boys and Girls Pitching Machine. The Deadline to register is Friday, April 15 at 5 p.m. Download registration forms at www. or stop by 118 Main St to register. League info is posted below. Intro to T-ball 4 yr olds 5/1/06-4/30/07 $25--$15 additional child T-ball

Like scored a season-high 24 points Februrary 14 in OCC’s 74-71 double-over-time win at home over Southwestern Illinois. She had a 17-rebound performance February 12 at the Dungeon against Rend Lake (an 81-77 OCC win). “When Alyssa first arrived on campus, we fixed some things with her jump shot and it proved to work as she finished the season ranked 16th in the country in three-poing field-goal percentage. She also ranked 49th in steals and 50th in free-throw percentage. “I know they aren’t the hightest rankings but it’s an honor to be in the top 50 in the country in any category, let alone three separate stats.” Like is successful in the classroom as well, carrying a 3.75 GPA. “Alyssa is preparing herself for veterinary shool, which is her life-long passions,” Burris said. “It’s a testament to her hard work to be named to the AllGRAC and All-Region 24 teams. She deserves it and we’re looking forward to what type of year she can have next year. Alyssa will have a chance to play ball at the next level.”

5-6 yr olds 5/1/04-4/30/06 $25--$15 additional child Boys Pitching Machine 7-8 yr olds 5/1/02-4/30/04 $35--$20 additional child Girls Pitching Machine 7-10 yr olds 5/1/00-4/30/04 $35--$20 additional child

Monday and Wednesdays, 6-9 p.m. April 13-May 9. The enrollment fee is $50 per session plus a separate check for $40 made out to the Red Cross for books. The minimum enrollment is six students. For more information, contact Mount Vernon Junior High School at 833-2077. The Mount Vernon MTV Swim Team is also open to any interested swimmers. For more information, contact coach Larry Zoller at 453-2758 (cell phone) or 833-2077.

M-Club banquet set The Mount Vernon M-Club will host is Hall of Fame banquet and induction ceremonies Saturday, April 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. Athletes named were to the Hall’s 37th class include Chris McClatchy (Class of 1997) and four members of the Class of 200, including Nicole Gladish, Brad Hall, Kathryn Has child and Crystal Stock. The 1999 boys’ track and 2000 girls’ track teams will also be honored. Tickets are $14 each and are on sale at the school athletic office or by calling Jack Higgins at 838-3149.

High School under former New Harmony coach Dave Omar, Mitchell Ind., Austin Ind. before moving to Kentucky to take the Trigg County job. He was there for 5 years before moving on to Lyon County. Jeff resides in Eddyville, Ky. with his wife Breely and sons Jacob, Jeffrey and Mark.

back are Craig Beeson, Joe Irvin, Bryce Newman, Kris McKinney, Clay Ford, Austin Doerflein, Ross Canada, Hank Dausman, and J.T. Silvers. Photo by Dave Koch



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APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE B5


Members of the North Posey High School reserve baseball team are, in front, Taylor Brown, Christian Jones, Zack Carl, Jacob Bender, Griffin Wiethop, and Dylan Wright. In row two are Ryan Gish, Michael Bender, Connor Motz, Joey Deuerling,

Reed Gerteisen, and Zach Scheller. In back are Coach Scott Reid, Tyler Stolz, Kyle Vogel, Tyler Brenton, Nick Heldt, Alec Werry, and Chris Orisky and Coach Steve Cavanaugh. Photo courtesy of Straub Photography

PAGE B6 • APRIL 5, 2011


Lady Wildcats looking to take matches ‘one at a time’ By Steve Joos It’s been a rough preseason for the spring high school sports teams in Southwestern Indiana. Inclement weather has limited outdoor practice time and has made settling on starting lineups very difficult. That’s been part of the problem for the Mount Vernon girls’ tennis team. The Lady Wildcats were forced indoors to take their team picture recently and that’s been sort of indicative of the challenges they’ve faced in preparing for the season. “They’ve looked pretty good in practice so far,” secondyear coach Steve Schroeder, who is sharing the coaching duties with Mike Sollmon this year, explained. “We’re just playing singles matches and trying to play some doubles matches to see who’s compatible for playing doubles and what girls we have lined up for singles spots.” The coaches have some strong girls up front, but even there, the competition is strong, Sollman said. A lot will depend on who can get through the challenge matches prior to the Lady Wildcats’ first match of the season, which is set for Tuesday against Gibson Southern, Schroeder said. Schroeder’s daughter, Claire Schroeder, is clearly one of the team’s top two players, along with Jenna Reidford. After that, the team is pretty close and with the windy, cool conditions during practice, it’s been difficult for the team to get outside and work on their games, the coaches said. “So far, it (the weather) has been a challenge,” Schroeder said. “We’ll just have to play through it, make the best of it and be ready come first match-time.” Sollman said that the team has been forced to practice in the gym and there are limits to what can be done under those circumstances. Jasper will be among the most formidable opponent for the Lady Cats, as will Castle and Central, the coaches said. The rest of the Sectional field could be tough Schroeder said, especially North Posey. What kind of expectations will the coaches have for this year’s team?

Members of the Mount Vernon Girls Tennis team are, in front, Sara O’Neil, Audrey Summers, Ashley Knight, Claire Schroeder, and Kinsley Shannon. In the middle row are Brianna Ries, Paige Knowles, Lauren Sacco, Jenna Riedford, and Hayley Salaman. In back are Coach Mike Salaman, Zoe Burkhart, Lexi Willis, Devon Allyn, Lizzie Watzlavik, and Coach Steve Schroeder. Photo by Dave Koch “One match at a time,” Schoreder said. “We’ve got a fairly young team,” Sollmon said. “We’ve only got two seniors on the whole team, so it’ll be interesting to see how it all works out. I think there’s a lot of room for improvement.”

Sollmon played tennis most of his whole life and hopes to instill a love for competition, win or lose, in the team. A naitvie of Mount Carmel, Sollmon lived in California for 10 years before returning to this area. He plays in an Evansville league and works in Mount Vernon.

Lady Vikings hoping hard work puts them up to the challenge By Steve Joos Brandon Barrett is in his fourth season as girls’ tennis coach at North Posey and he is impressed with the makeup of this year’s team. “This is the most balanced team I’ve seen in those four years,” Barrett explained. “They’re doing a really good job. We’ve been having challenge matches and everybody’s been really close in their set scores. It’s been a tough decision who’s going to be playing varsity.” With nine girls chasing seven varsity spots and the talent level so close, making those final decisions will be difficult, Barrett said. Experience is one of the things that the Lady Vikings will have going for them as six of the players from last year’s squad are back and that’s one of the things Barrett likes about this year’s team. As for weaknesses, he’s yet to find one. Wendi Simpson and Kendyl Reidford are set for doubles, while Nicole Perry

and Katelyn Esche will split time between singles and doubles. Meagan Durcholz is out for her first full season on the varsity and she has done a very good job in practice, Barrett said. Natalie Thomas will be set in singles. They will have to face a schedule which includes tough competition from Mater Dei and Mount Vernon (each of whom will also loom large come Sectional time) and Southridge, Forest Park and possibly Gibson Southern in the Pocket Athletic Conference. The goals for this year’s team are relatively basic, according to the coach. “We always have a goal of winning Sectional, of course,” Barrett said. “That will be the goal again for this year. Having a winning record for the team and have all the girls have winning records. That’s pretty basic.” But given the Lady Vikings’ level of returning talent and balance, they should be up to the challenge.

Members of the North Posey High School girls’ tennis team are, in front, Madison Werry, Hannah Harness, Jordan Butler, Kaylen Lohman, Erika McKalister, and Miranda Schmitt. In row two are Megan Durcholz, Wendi Simpson, Jillian Koester, Jaylen Thornburg, Brianna Perry, Brianna Brown, and Shelby Ackerman. In back are Coach Brandon Barrett, Natalie Thomas, Katelyn Esche, Nichole Perry, Kendall Reidford, Lindsey Droege, and Coach Beuligmann. Photo courtesy of Straub Photography

Members of the New Harmony softball team in numberical order: #1 Andrea Smotherman, #2 Madison Worman, #3 Kaila Winerberger, #4 Hannah Williams, #5 Alyssa Scherzinger, #6 Samantha Ricketts, #7 Kelsey Owen, #12 Abbey Deckard, #13 Morgan Mathews, #14 Brittany Rister, #15 Hayleigh Hatch, #21 Holly Walden, #24 Stacia Hempfling, #25 Kendal Morris, #33 Sandra Hall and #44 Briana Suttles.

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APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE B7


Potential almost unlimited for upstart Lady Rappite softball team By Steve Joos They’re young, but they’ve got potential, at least according to the coach. After all, he’s seen them since they were playing youth softball. The New Harmony High School softball team is getting ready for the new season and coach Jeff Moore is excited about what the future might hold for a group he’s been working with since their Rural Girls’ League days. “They’re very impressive,” Moore said. “I’m probably going to start five sophomores and four freshmen. I’ve got one senior and one junior. As far as the whole team, I think we’re coming along. We’ve got some new pieces, but this is our good team that we had in Rural Girls, so expectations are pretty high.”

The senior and junior are both recuperating from surgery and minor injuries that they suffered prior to the season, so that means the underclassmen will get a good look in the early going (such as the all-freshman and sophomore starting lineup for the first few games). The Lady Rappites will be able to hit the ball, an ability they’ve shown in practice so far. Pitching depth will also be a plus, as Moore will go from one pitcher at his disposal last season to three in 2011. Each of the pitchers can throw strikes, Moore added. As for the defense, once Moore gets everyone back, they should be pretty good. Kelsey Owen and Morgan Matthews are among the keys to this season, but Moore says that all 16 girls on the roster will play

a role. “Kelsey will be the sparkplug that we lacked last year,” the coach said. “She just makes us go. She’s a pretty good girl and she’s got a chance to play somewhere else beyond high school.” The team will have to work on its fielding, the coach said, and even though the team has promise, they’re still young and inexperienced. “Hannah Williams can just can throw strikes,” Moore said. “But that’s what I’ve got to adjust. I’ve got to get her to hit spots. She can’t just throw it down the middle, because the high school kids are going to hit that. She’s working on her changeup, she’s coming around, so if we get her, we’ll have three pretty solid pitchers.” The talented (but young) Lady Rappites

will learn by going up against teams like Boonville (they play a doubleheader against the perennial powerhouse) Tecumseh, Mount Vernon and Wood Memorial. “Everybody’s better than we were last year,” according to the coach. “We’ll win more games than we did last year. This is the team we had a couple of years ago when we beat Oakland City, Lynnville and all of those teams. I know it’s a big difference Rural Girls to high school, but I don’t see why this team can’t compete for a Sectional title.” That will be tough, but Moore said that if the Lady Rappites play their game, they should be competetive. He challenged the team to do what they’re capable of doing and he wants the community to come out support the Lady Rappites.

Blend of experience, youth leaves first-year coach with high hopes By Steve Joos There are four seniors on this year’s North Posey boys’ golf team, along with a pair of sophomores who will help anchor the link-

sters, something which new coach Levi Cox is going to find helpful as he gets the Vikings ready for the new season. “We have 11 kids out this season,” Cox

Members of the North Posey High School boys’ golf team are, in front, Josh Easterling, Seth Elderkin, Austin Enright, and Eric O’Risky. In row two are Corey Lingafelter, Eli Cox, Alex Maile, Andrew Reich, Clint Cox, Ty Butler, Alex Wade, and Dylan Krohn. Photo courtesy of Straub Photography

said. “We have four seniors and hopefully, we’ll lean on a little bit of their leadership to help inspire the team a little bit. We’ve got a couple of sophomores who we have to lean on a little more than we have in the past. We’re hoping to use them as anchors and we’re hoping for a fun season.” Experience in the form of senior leadership, will be strength for North Posey this season, but Cox even thinks that the inexperience on the squad might also be beneficial since they won’t be as pressured by some of the tournament settings or the dual meets. The team has been striking the ball well and they have been able to get in some practice during the pre-season, despite some of the inclement weather. And what does the team have to work on? The usual and in golf, that means putting and chipping. “The short game,” Cox said. “As always, the short game, putting and chipping. The same old, same old, just the typical type of stuff that people struggle with in golf.” In addition to Clint Cox and Ty Butler, the team’s top two players are Dylan Krohn and Alex Wade. They will be relied on for senior leadership and experience, while some soph-

omores offer anchors as productive three and four scorers. Freshman Josh Easterling will provide some help. As in any team sport, everyone will help carry some of the load for the Vikings on the golf course, coach Cox said. Part of that load will be staying competitive with teams like Heritage Hills in the Pocket Athletic Conference and area squads like Mount Vernon outside the PAC. The Evansville teams will also be formidable, especially North, while Cox felt that Gibson Southern (which shares Cambridge as a home course with North Posey) will be another major PAC foe. What kind of expectations does Cox have for his first North Posey team? “As far as goals, we keep those to ourselves,” the coach said. “As a team, we’ve talked about those goals. What I will tell you is that we hope to have a special season this year and do something North Posey hasn’t done before.” A former Viking link standout, Cox is currently working as an assistant club professional at the McDonald Golf Course in Evansville, but he hopes his team at Cambridge has some fun as well.

Local Ducks Unlimited Chapter achieves President’s Elite status The Evansville Chapter of Ducks Unlimited was named a President’s Elite chapter today, a designation reserved for chapters that raise $100,000 or more annually for DU’s habitat conservation work. This is the first time the Evansville Chapter has attained this honor. “To be among the President’s Elite signifies an over-and-above commitment by these chapters to raise significant funds for DU’s conservation mission,” DU

President John Pope said. “These chapters have set the standard for what is possible with DU’s fundraising efforts.” The Evansville DU Chapter is one of 43 DU chapters to achieve President’s Elite status this year. DU’s grassroots system – with more than 2,700 chapters nationwide − has become a model for other conservation organizations worldwide and has helped conserve more than 12 million acres of waterfowl habitat

since 1937. “In raising more than $100,000 for DU’s conservation mission, the President’s Elite chapters have placed themselves at the very top of DU’s grassroots fundraising system,” Jim West, DU’s chief fundraising officer, said. “I would personally like to thank each of these chapters for their passion for conservation and their exemplary leadership.” Ducks Unlimited is the world’s larg-

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PAGE B8 • APRIL 5, 2011



Mount Vernon track teams counting on strength in numbers By Steve Joos The coaches are excited about the numbers on both Mount Vernon track teams this season. They’re also excited about the prospects of both the Wildcat boys’ and girls’ cinder squads. There’s one big thing Mount Vernon boys’ track coach Steve Brenton likes about this year’s team. The numbers. “We’ve got 25 kids out,” Brenotn said “That’s the most we’ve had out since I’ve taken over the program for (former coach Don) Sellers and this is my sixth year. Ten seniors, too. That’s always a good thing to see when you’ve got a lot of seniors. Usually, you’ve only got two or three seniors, but this year, we’ve got 10.” The team is doing well and accomplishing a lot in practice, according to the coach. First senior Aaron Straub is showing some promise, as are juniors Tyler Ritzert, Jon Hoehn and Ryan Dick. “We’re pretty solid in all areas,” Brenton said. “We lose Skylar Davis in the hurdles, but we’ve got Timmy Davis, Skylar’s little brother, to step up and replace Skylar. (Ken) Renshaw’s back in the distance races D.A. Wilson’s back in the 800-meters, (Will) Terbeck’s back in the sprints and Teddy O’Connell’s back in the throws. (Dylan) Reubenacker’s back in the high jump and the throws, so we got all the areas covered. I don’t know how good we’ll be, but we got all the areas covered.” Depth has been a problem area for Mount Vernon in the past, but Brenton is hoping that the increased numbers on this year’s team will alleviate some of that this season and that the large number of freshmen and sophomores will be able to register forth-, fifth- and sixth-place finishes in the bigger meets, helping the Cats in the team standings at those meets. Harrison is down slightly this year, but they’re still Harrison and the Warriors (Mount Vernon’s first opponent) will again be among the Wildcats’ most formidable foes. Princeton won’t be as good (four-time state qualifier Keena Johnson has graduated), but they will be among the best in the Big Eight Conference along

Members of the Mount Vernon High School Girls Track team are, in front, Taylor Cullman, Lacey Johnson, Jenny Koch, Oryn David, Chelsea Huber, Erika McCormick, and Lauren Stemple. In the middle row are Ellen Searcy, Kasey Gerst, Chelsea Bell, Tiffany Collins, Samantha Alsop, Martha McBride, Michelle Josey, Caitlin Isaac, Kenzie McClarney, and Montana Eaton. In back are Jenny Lyke, Ellen Foster, Kate Cox, Brooke Simpkins, Maggie Maier, Olivia Baldwin, Katie McDonald, Ashton Fuelling, Nicole Hawley, Sarah Duckworth, and Camry Costello. Photo by Dave Koch with Jasper and Washington, but Brenton is hoping that his team will be right there with them. “This kids have been talking since day one about getting their picture on the wall (as a conference champion),” Brenton said. “They haven’t won a conference championship and if they’re seniors, this is the last chance for a lot of them. They’ve been wanting to win a Sectional.” To that end, the team has been motivated and is working hard in practice. They have to avoid injury and keep getting better, but Brenton thinks they have a

chance. There are even more girls out for track this season (31, to be exact) and coach Jackie Maier is just as pleased with their preseason performances, as well. “We’re real positive,” Maier said. “We’ve got a real good group, they’re working hard and that’s about you can ask for.” Like the boys, the team’s strength is in the numbers for the Lady Cats, while many of those numbers are a lot younger. The inexperience will be a weakness, Maier added. “We’re still looking for hurdlers,” she said. “We’re

still looking for, well we’ve go Ellen Foster, but she’s just a freshman and she’s our only high jumper. We know she can high jump, but we need a little depth.” The same is true in the hurdles, where Ashton Fuelling has the ability, but she’s back up a number of athletes who are interested in the event, but not that experienced. In short, there are some events where Mount Vernon is going to have to find some competitors, Maier said. There are five seniors on the Mount Vernon roster, led by Jenny Koch (a dominant presence on the team for

each of the last three seasons), Lacey Johnson and Jenny Lyke in the throws. That good senior leadership is complemented by junior Erica McCormick (who set a school record in the 800meters last year), as well as most of last year’s 400-meter relay team which qualified for the Regional meet and a talented freshman group, as well as a strong contingent of 10 sophomores. “I feel real positive about it (the team’s chances),” Maier said. “I feel real excited about it. I’m not sure we’re ready to compete, but we’re ready to give it a try.”

And who will be the Lady Cats’ toughest competition? “As always, Castle is going to dominate again,” the coach said “As well as some of the Evansville teams, like Memorial. They’re a real powerhouse. I don’t think it will be a lot different from last year.” The Lady Wildcats’ goal for this season is to win the Big Eight (they were a close second last year, mainly due to Jasper’s depth). It’s an obtainable goal and Maier thinks they’re capable of it. For one thing, they’re deeper this season. And for that matter, so are the boys.

Members of the Mount Vernon High School Boys Track team are, in front, Zach Albin, Aric White, Jacob Whaley, Dane Wilson, Adam Hoehn, Ryan Dick, TJ Davis, and Bryan Gillenwater. In the middle row are Ethan VanZant, Drew Tolbert, Collin Knight, Michael Cannato, Will Terbrack, Alex DeKemper, Logan Pace, and Will Stevens. In back are Sean Ritzert, DA Wilson, Dylan Rubenacker, Teddy O’Connell, Aaron Straub, Ken Renshaw, Jon Hoehn, and Tyler Ritzert. Not pictured is Nick West. Photo by Dave Koch

LEGAL Arrests and Complaints Arrests March 25 Norman Strupp—Mount Vernon—Invasion of Privacy—MVPD March 26 Thomas Double—Mount Vernon—Operating While Intoxicated—ISP March 27 Kyle Billings—Mount Vernon—Minor Consuming Alcohol—PCS March 28 Aaron Boehman—Mount Vernon—Operating While Intoxicated—PCS March 30 Tina Jarvis—Mount Vernon—Battery With Bodily Injury--MVPD Complaints March 22 3:23 p.m.—Suspicious— Caller advised about four juveniles on the bridge threw a child’s bicycle off the bride into traffic. Possibly wearing t-shirts. Received another call, advised bicycle in the highway. Received another call in advising they are throwing more things off the bridge. Three male subjects underneath it and one girl. Female caller called in advising there is a girl’s bicycle sitting off the freeway in the eastbound lane before the 12 mm—I 64, Mount Vernon 3:26 p.m.—Motorist Assist—Blue 4-door Buick off the road with flashers on. Two male subjects sitting outside on the grass—I 64, Poseyville

4:58 p.m.—Wanted Person—Would like an officer to check residence for a wanted subject out of their county—Caborn Road, Mount Vernon 5:17 p.m.—VIN Inspection—1987 Mustang—Randall Lane, Mount Vernon March 23 8:29 a.m.—911 Hangup—No answer on two call backs. Made contact with male subject advising everything was okay—Diane Drive, Wadesville 4:01 p.m.—VIN Inspection—2001 Daewoo Legacy model—Rippy Road, Mount Vernon 5:09 p.m.—Reckless— White Intrepid, cutting vehicles off on Hwy 69, just turned on Springfield— Mount Vernon 6:39 p.m.—Vandalism— Advised a white Dodge Ram truck is stuck in the field. Has been tearing up fields in the area. Caller is in the area now—Raben Road and Whipple Creek, Mount Vernon 6:47 p.m.—Road Hazard—Tree across the road, tree is in power lines. Subjects are trying to pass through—Mary Anderson, Wadesville 7:29 p.m.—Alarm— Warehouse overhead door— Mackey Ferry Road 7:35 p.m.—Reckless— Red Chevy truck, 2005 club cab, long wheel base, teenagers, weaving all over the road, passing on curves, speeding—165, Poseyville 7:48 p.m.—Accident— Accident with injuries—

Ford and Waterstone, Mount Vernon 9:26 p.m.—Reckless— White, newer model Ford Mustang. Subjects were stumbling around in the parking lot—Fletchall, Poseyville 10:46 p.m.—Vandalism— Red Chevy truck driving through the cemetery running over tombstones. Subject is now at the dead end of James Road—James Road, New Harmony March 24 1:40 a.m.—Suspicious— Caller advised a 4-door car in the area has drove by twice and is now going down the lane next to his house. Would like a deputy to check the area—Downen Road, Wadesville 3:48 p.m.—Reckless— Old Datsun Pickup, red, ran red light, passing cars on the shoulder and speeding— Hwy 62, mount Vernon 4:50 p.m.—Reckless— Black Impala, speeding, Illinois plates—Hwy 69, Mount Vernon 6:31 p.m.—Reckless— Caller advised a black Civic was trying to pass recklessly with other vehicles around the caller’s car—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon 7:27 p.m.—Reckless— White Chrysler, Illinois plate. Caller advised vehicle had no taillights and was blinking their high/low beams back and forth—Hwy 66, Wadesville 7:36 p.m.—Theft—Advised a male subject took his nieces silver BMX bicycle a couple days ago. He is want-

ing something done about it—S West Franklin, Mount Vernon 10:46 p.m.—Suspicious— Caller advised there was a subject downstairs that the caller saw get hit by a male subject. Caller advised the male subject had left in a red Monte Carlo, unsure of a direction of travel. Spoke with the female subject that was assaulted. She advised she knew the male subject that beat her up but requested no law or ems. Received a call from a male subject, advised the subject is back at this time. Contacted caller back, advised they have female in apartment. Advised she is not wanting a deputy at this time but caller feels they need tom come and that she needs an a.m.bulance—Old Blairsville Road, Wadesville March 25 3:089 a.m.—Suspicious— Foot pursuit—Fourth and Chestnut, Mount Vernon 11:33 a.m.—Theft—Caller advised on Thanksgiving, subjects had pried the doors open and stolen some items. Advised someone now has stolen his keys. Just wants this on file—Darnell School Road, Mount Vernon 7:20 p.m.—Reckless— Black SUV driving with no lights—I 64, Poseyville 7:31 p.m.—Alarm— Hallway motion—Meadow Lane, New Harmony March 26 7:44 a.m.—Suspicious— Open door on the Chapel— Cemetery—Griffin 10:06 a.m.—Alarm—En-

try door from the garage— Hwy 68, Cynthiana 10:23 a.m.—Road Hazard—Semi lost some articles off truck. The truck has pulled over near St. Joe Rd in Vanderburgh County but some of the pieces are on the road near Parker Settlement—Hwy 66, Wadesville 2:09 p.m.—VIN Inspection—1994 Fleetwood— Schissler, Evansville 2:23 p.m.—Vandalism— Subject came home from vacation and his mailbox is missing and his Marshall’s Disposal trash can is missing. Advised caller that it may be under the Overpass at I 64 and Pumpkin Run Road. Deputy found articles there earlier this morning—Pumpkin Run Road, Poseyville 5:18 p.m.—Runaway Juvenile—Old Hwy 66, Wadesville March 27 12:13 a.m.—Information—Caller stated there is a large party and there are drunk kids leaving—Mary Anderson Road, Wadesville 12:33 a.m.—Accident— One vehicle accident. Female subject, air bags deployed. Caller thought she had hit pretty hard, could be injured—I 64, Cynthiana 4:37 a.m.—Road Hazard—Caller advised there is a big roll of something in the middle of the interstate. He advised it was approximately 8 foot long and 4 foot tall—I 64, Cynthiana 5:21 a.m.—Alarm— Warehousing Services, east pedestrian door—Mackey Ferry, Mount Vernon

6:21 a.m.—Accident— First curve out of Poseyville by the Co-op. Looks like a Jeep has hit a tree. There is a lot of debris in the roadway. Had her children with her and didn’t feel comfortable stopping and checking the area—Hwy 68, Poseyville 1:55 p.m.—Suspicious— Would like a deputy to come check out his vehicle with the dog. Loaned his truck out and thinks he has smelled drugs in the vehicle since he got it back—Mount Vernon 3:07 p.m.—Alarm—Burglar alarm—W Wabash Toll Bridge, Mount Vernon 10:44 p.m.—Suspicious— Advised there is a male subject that came to their station asking for a blanket. When told no he started cussing them and walked off. Advised subject is sleeping under the canopy at the bank across from St. Phillips Inn, stated he is security. Subject has a hoodie on and sunglasses. Caller would like deputies to check St. Phillips Inn and also the equipment at the fire station—Mount Vernon March 28 10;13 p.m.—Alarm—Dining room motion—Feedmill, Frontage Road, Poseyville 11:30 p.m.—Suspicious— Young male knocked on caller’s door, said friend had kicked him out of vehicle. Subject used caller’s phone to call his mother. She is supposed to be coming to pick him up from New Harmony. Caller looked outside and the subject was trying to break into caller’s truck.


APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE B9

LEGAL Arrests and Complaints Continued Subject ran towards the highway. Only description is a young white male wearing jeans. Caller doesn’t need to talk to a deputy, wants the area checked, doesn’t want anyone else’s vehicles bothered—Solitude Lane, Mount Vernon March 29 2:55 a.m.—Information— Busler’s, Evansville 8:45 p.m.—Miscellaneous—Caller advised she can hear a female screaming in the woods. Screaming for help. Caller advised there’s houses behind her but doesn’t know where it’s coming from—Parker Rd, Wadesville 10:02p.m.—Suspicious— Caller advises she’s heard a noise three times that sounds like someone is trying to break into her house—Weilbrenner, Mount Vernon 11:44 p.m.—Disturbance—Caller advised he needs help with his wife. He advised she was looking for a red flashlight and she couldn’t find it so she started smashing things in the house. Isn’t physical towards him,

he just needs help with the situation—Hausman Road, Mount Vernon Traffic Violations for January 31, 2011 Reatta L. Aldredge, 27, Louisville, Ky., following too close, failure to appear; Ruben Almaraz-Sandoval, 39, Owensboro, Ky., no valid license, $5.50 plus costs; Lawrence S. Bailey, 44, Manitowoc, Wisc., 71/65, $5.50 plus costs; Glendall R. Bickwermert, 51, Owensboro, Ky., 75/65, dismissed; David J. Blythe, 30, Mt. Carmel, Ill., 64/55, $5.50 plus costs; Donald R. Bradley, 47, Mount Vernon, no insurance, $5.50 plus costs; Donald R. Bradley, 47, Mount Vernon, expired license plate, $5.50 plus costs, costs suspended; Weston N. Brandenstein, 20, Evansville, failure to yield right of way, $5.50 plus costs; Alexandra N. Brown, 23, Mount Vernon, 65/55, dismissed; Nigeria Brown, 30, Kankakee, Ill., no insurance, dismissed; Ashlyn M. Cherry, 21, Evansville, driving while suspended,

failure to appear. Kevin D. Conklin, 28, Evansville, 76/60, $10.50 plus costs; Cody R. Cox, 17, Poseyville, green light violation, $5.50 plus costs; Lawrence C. Culton, 27, St. Louis, Mo., 86/70, failure to appear; Michael L. Davidson, 47, Mount Vernon, expired driver’s license, $5.50 plus costs; Michael L. Davidson, 47, Mount Vernon, disregard stop sign, $5.50 plus costs; John W. Dean, 53, Black Jack, Mo., 64/55, a.m.ended to 60/55, $5.50 plus costs; Jonathan D. Delano, 26, Evansville, driving while suspended, failure to appear; Kristina D. Dell, 27, Evansville, 65/55, $5.50 plus costs; Keith A. Dooley, 35, Ripon, Calif., 65/55, $5.50 plus costs; Barbara L. Downen, 25, Shawneetown, Ill., expired plates, dismissed; Jamie R. Dunnermann, 25, Moscow Mills, Mo., 86/70, $10.50 plus costs. Anthonie T. Fisher, 23, Blairsville, failure to signal turn, $5.50 plus costs; Kelly Forston, 31, Evansville, driving while suspended,


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) ) ) ) ) ) )


CAUSE NO: 65C01-1102-PL-000050

SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION TO: Defendants Ralph Wade, Robert D. Wade, Jerry R, Wade, and John Doe(s) 1-10, whose whereabouts are unknown, and any other Defendants who assert incomplete service: 1. You have been sued in the Posey Circuit Court, Indiana under Cause No. 65C01-1102-PL-000050, in a lawsuit captioned Ports of Indiana v. Campbell Resources, Inc., Tuco Operating Partners, Inc., Paul G. Wade, Wanda J Wade, Ralph Wade, Robert D. Wade, Jerry K Wade, James Schouman d/b/a Buford Oil Company, Inc., Buford Oil Company, Inc., and John Does 1-10 (“Lawsuit’). 2. The Lawsuit is, inter altia, a quiet title action brought by Plaintiff Ports of Indiana to quiet title in certain of its land and halt the unlawful interference and activities of Defendants, who erroneously contend they possess purported oil and gas leasehold rights in Plaintiff’s property pursuant to thrce (3) leases, two of which leases expired nearly a decade ago, and the third of which has been largely terminated by its own terms and is now limited to a ten (10) acre area, Plaintiff is requesting that the Court quiet title to its property and issue declaratory judgment confirming the extinguishment of the expired two leaseholds and limited applicability of the third lease. Plaintiff is also seeking damages caused to the property attributable to the potentially unlawful activities of Tuco, Buford Oil, Campbell, and/or James Schouman d/b/a Buford Oil. 3. You have been named as a Defendant to the Lawsuit to answer for any interest(s) you may assert in Plaintiffs property, which is described more fully in Plaintiffs Complaint. 4. You must answer the complaint in writing, by you or your attorney, within thirty (30) days after the third notice of this action is published, and if you fail to do so a judgment will be entered against you for what the Plaintiff has demanded. DATED: March 14, 2011 Betty B. Postletheweight Clerk, Posey County Court


Respectfully Submitted, ICE MILLER LLP Phillip L. Bayl Phillip L. Bayl, Atty. No. 3769-49 Michael A. Wukmer, Atty. No. 2223-49 Rabeh M. A. Soofi, Atty. No. 25100-71A Attorneys for Plaintiff, Ports of Indiana

dismissed; Kelly L. Forston, 31, Evansville, 69/55, $5.50 plus costs; Terry A. Garbs, 60, Washington, MO, 65/55, $5.50 plus costs; Justin L. Gilliam, 18, Carmi, Ill., 65/55, failure to appear; Danny J. Givens, 61, Mount Vernon, 72/55, failure to appear; Jody W. Harl, 29, Evansville, 63/50, $5.50 plus costs; Terrance M. Hedger, 33, Harrisburg, Ill., 74/65, $5.50 plus costs; Jeremiah M. Hicks, 35, Godfrey, Ill., 88/70, $10.50 plus costs; Chad A. Hogan, 24, Evansville, 79/60, $10.50 plus costs; Kristy J. Hogan, 32, Mount Vernon, no valid license, $5.50 plus costs; Brandon Neil Holtzclaw, 23, Ruston, LA, 77/60, $10.50 plus costs. Ernest L. Hudson, 60, 74/65, Nicholasville, Ky., 74/65, $5.50 plus costs; Kristene M. Hyder, 23, Oak Harbor, Wash., 74/60, $5.50 plus costs; Patrick S. Jeffreys, 30, Frankfort, Ky., 85/70, $5.50 plus costs; Christopher S. Jolley, 27, Mount Vernon, failure to signal turn, failure to appear; Christopher S. Jolley, 27, Mount Vernon, driving while suspended, failure to appear; Bradley O. Keefer, 33, Evansville, 70/60, failure to appear; James V. Keith, 52, Mount Vernon, Possession of Paraphernalia, $6 plus costs; James V. Keith, 52, Mount Vernon, False/fictitious registration, $5.50 plus costs, costs suspended; Victoria M. Kerns, 23, Norris City, Ill., 74/55, $10.50 plus costs; Pawan N. Khosla, 58, Baltimore, Md., disregarding police officer direct-traffic, $5.50 plus costs. Brian E. King, 33, Lawrence, Kan., 80/70, $5.50 plus costs; Kyle King, 26, Mount Vernon, driving while suspended, dismissed; Austin A. Lage, 19, Valley Park, Mo., 83/55, failure to appear; Mark A. Lahay, 46, Columbia, Mo., 95/70, $15.50 plus costs; Mark A.

Lahay, 46, Columbia, Mo., unsafe lane movement, dismissed; Mark A. Lahay, 46, Columbia, Mo., following too closely, dismissed; Tamika M. Liebhart, 45, Poseyville, 70/55, $5.50 plus costs; Justin J. Luecke, 19, Grayville, Ill., failure to yield to emergency vehicle, $5.50 plus costs; Kathy M. Lyell, 49, Poseyville, 70/55, failure to appear; Brent A. Martin, 32, Louisville, Ky., 80/70, $5.50 plus costs; Neil D. Martin, 28, Evansville, failure to reduce speed and proceed, $5.50 plus costs; Jessica L. Merillat, 23, Bradley, 81/55, $20.50 plus costs. Eric L. Merkley, 20, Wadesville, 55/40, $5.50 plus costs; Cory A. Miller, 21, New Haven, Ill., no registration plate, $5.50 plus costs; Matthew A. Mills, 21, Evansville, 70/55, $5.50 plus costs; Matthew A. Mills, 21, Evansville, driving while suspended, dismissed; Lawrence Miner, 39, Deltona, Fla., 74/65, $5.50 plus costs; Davis M. Moleski, 30, St. Louis, Mo., failure to yield to emergency vehicle, $10.50 plus costs; Myron Murphy, 46, Poseyville, driving while suspended, dismissed; Kevin D. Myers, 23, Pleasant Hill, Mo., 80/70, $5.50 plus costs; Stephen Nedberg, 24, Hobart, 85/60, $15.50 plus costs; Daniel S. Newman, 22, Mount Vernon, disregarding stop sign, $5.50 plus costs; Dien V. Nguyen, 40, Louisville, KY, 80/70, failure to appear; Rachel M. Oldham, 28, Norris City, Ill., 75/60, failure to appear. Ronnie K. Overton, 53, Mount Vernon, no registration plate, failure to appear; Ronnie K. Overton, 53, Mount Vernon, no insurance, failure to appear; Kevin D. Owen, 17, Mount Vernon, expired license plate, dismissed; Joseph B. Peek, 28, Evansville, 83/60, failure to appear; Brittany D. Perkins, 24, St. Louis,

2011-050 Notice to Taxpayers of Proposed Additional Appropriations Notice is hereby give the taxpayers of New Harmony, Posey County, Indiana, that the proper legal officer of New Harmony at their regular meeting place at Town Hall, 520 E. Church St., New Harmony, at 7:00 p.m. on April 21, 2011, will consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year. Amount Fund Name: Motor Vehicle Highway Fund Major Budget Class or Account Number: 361 — Repairs & Maintenance


TOTAL for Motor Vehicle Highway Fund:


Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard. The additional appropriation as finally approved will be referred to the Department of Local Government Financing. The Department will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriation within (15) days of receipt of a Certified Copy of the action taken.

Published in the Posey County News on April 5, 2011. Published in the Posey County News on April 5, 2011.


Published in the Posey County News on March 29, April 5 & 12, 2011.

Mo., 89/70, $10.50 plus costs; David A. Phillips, 48, Evansville, disregarding stop sign, $5.50 plus costs; Alan L. Pittman, 62, Mount Vernon, failure to signal lane change, $5.50 plus costs; Gary Plyler, 48, Fairmont City, Penn., 70/55, $5.50 plus costs; Kevin W. Pounds, 41, Bogalusa, LA, 74/60, $5.50 plus costs; Wesley K. Raymer, 32, Shawneetown, Ill., 73/60, $5.50 plus costs; Adam C. Reas, 28, Sellersburg, 85/70, failure to appear; Gabriel M. Reynolds, 40, Wadesville, 60/40, $10.50 plus costs. Brian K. Richardson, 31, Evansville, 70/55, $5.50 plus costs; Ryan P. Robison, 19, Evansville, 70/55, $5.50 plus costs; Jamie Rodems, 23, Lexington, KY, 95/70, $15.50 plus costs; Jose M. Rodriguez, 36, Mount Vernon, 73/55, $10.50 plus costs; Timothy L. Rohrer, 56, West Plains, MO, 65/55, $5.50 plus costs; Marc L. Rutherford, 38, Paoli, 72/60, failure to appear; James R. Schmitt, 27, Mount Vernon, operating without license on person, dismissed; Lucas J. Schu, 27, Evansville, 73/60, $5.50 plus costs; Brandon L. Sears, 30, Evansville, 73/60, failure to appear; Richard A. Shepherd, 31, St. Louis, Mo., 70/55, $5.50 plus costs; Ryan Shockley, 29, Evansville, driving left of center, $5.50 plus costs; Esef Sibalo, 43, Bowling Green, Ky., 74/65, $5.50 plus costs. Alyssa J. Smith, 16, Newburgh, 75/60, $5.50 plus costs; Cory W. Smith, 21, Newburgh, 70/55, $5.50 plus costs; Charles J. Stone, 27, Evansville, 64/55, failure to appear; Derek Strickland, Poseyville, 40/25, failure to appear; Charles W. Thompson, 50, Louisville, Ky., 75/65, failure to appear; John T. Tucker, 38, Evansville, operating motor vehicle without registration, dismissed; Bulas H. Volner, 38, Mountain Grove, Mo., 70/60, $5.50 plus costs; Raymond A. Walter, 43, Ziegler, Ill., 70/60, $5.50 plus costs; Shana L. Washington, 26, Springfield, Mo., 104/70, failure to appear; Zachery Waters, 19, Mount Vernon, driving while suspended, dismissed; Emily E. Weil, 22, Evansville, 73/55, $10.50 plus costs; Theresa E. White, 25, Paris, Ark., 85/70, $5.50 plus costs. Kevin C. Willis, 24, Veedersburg, 77/60, $10.50 plus costs; Haley R. Wright, 18, New Harmony, no insurance, dismissed; Crystal A. York, 19, Mount Vernon, throwing a lighted cigarette, $6 plus costs.

PAGE B10 • APRIL 5, 2011



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119 S. Locust • Poseyville, IN


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Self Defense - Martial Arts 11/30

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CLASSIFIED ADS Page 1 of 2 Yard Sales

Real Estate

Saturday, April 9, 2011 8 a.m.- ?. 1015 West Fourth Street. Mount Vernon, Indiana. Antiques, home decor, house wares, linens, bedside commode, wheelchair, cedar chest, furniture, armoire, tools, 4 inch vise, grills, turkey fryer, smoker, pipe wrenches, 1940 wheel balancer, grinding wheels, fencing, toys, clothes, TV, vacuum. NO EARLY SALES! RAIN 4/5 DATE 4-12-11

1 A c re !

Mt Vernon: 5024 Alysia St. $197,900 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1,887 sqft! Becky Demastus 457-9345


Sunday, April 10: 12noon-2


0 0 9 , 7 3 1 $ Reduced $12,000!

2011 Westridge ~ 3 BR, 2.5 BA, 2,546 sf

Team Mileham Performance Counts!


Tanya Hachmeister 568-2502

Rick Mileham 453-1068

OPEN HOUSE Sunday, April 10, 2011

Visit for more Team Mileham open houses this week! ge nd Rid Lakela

ge nd Rid la e k a L

5601 Tahoe Dr.

5350 Cumberland

OPEN 1-3: WALK OUT BASEMENT! Remarkable 4 BR,

OPEN 1-3: 1.04 ACRES!

4 BR, 2.5 BA, plus a full unfinished walkout basement & 2.5 car attached garage. Lakefront! $295,194 Dir: W on Hwy 62 to Mt. Vernon, N on Tile Factory Road, L onto Tahoe at Lakeland Ridge. MLS-180473

3.5 BA brick ranch, Lakefront home with new wood flooring! Open living space creates this warm inviting home $319,486 Dir: Hwy 62 west, N on Tile Factory, E into Lakeland Sub, Left on Cumberland MLS179923

Team Mileham Performance Counts!

453-1068 Tanya Hachmeister 568-2502

Rick Mileham 453-1068

Special Ads



The Walter Hisch family want to thank everyone who visited, mailed cards, offered prayers, and sent donations upon the passing of our Dad and brother. We are grateful to be in a community of caring people.


His children: Steve, Tom, Mark, Paul, Jim, Charles, Mary George, Linda TenBarge, Laura Huelsman, Carol Collins, Vicky Berneking and his brother Joe Hisch

For Rent / Lease 2BR, 2BA House for rent in Poseyville. 17 W. Fletchall. Section 8 approved. Call 575-9206. 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath home in Mount Vernon. Finished basement. Remodeled Kit w/dishwasher & Microwave. Many other updates. $925/mo. Call 422-2431 4/19


2 bedroom house for rent. 146w Main Street, Poseyville. Recently updated. Very nice. Central air. $550 per month. $550 deposit. No Pets. References required. Call 812tfn 470-7871

APARTMENTS FOR RENT Apartment Living At Its Best 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments 3 Bedroom Townhouses • Total Electric • Water Included • Appliances Furnished • Laundry Facility on Site • Rent Based on Income • Immediate Occupancy with Approved Application

Your Home Should Be Your Castle! For information contact:

Southwind Apartments 465 W. 9th St. Mt. Vernon, IN 47620

Phone (812) 838-2088 See this page online at: POSEYCOUNTYNEWS.COM

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A NEW PLACE TO CALL HOME? PLEASANTVIEW OF CYNTHIANA Nice, Safe, Clean Affordable Housing... See What We Have For You And Your Family! * * * * * * * *

1 Bedroom Apartments Available Laundry Facilities on site Off Street Parking Stove & Refrigerator Furnished Rental Assistance Available Rent Based Income Warm, Cozy, Friendly Atmosphere Equal Housing Opportunity


10356 Poplar Street • Cynthiana, IN 47612 Jim Fetscher • Site Manager • (812) 845-3535 Call For Application -Immediate Occupancy for Qualified Applicant

APRIL 5, 2011 • PAGE B11

PAGE B12 • APRIL 5, 2011



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• Deadline for all display advertising is Thursday at 12 noon • Deadline for all classified listings is Thursday at 12 noon • Cancellation notices for all advertising must be given no later than Friday at 10:30 a.m.

Real Estate


Furniture for Sale

WALLET FOUND: at the corner of Lockwood Store in Poseyville, on March 19th around 10:30am. Call 812-874-3308 and describe/identify to claim. 4/12

Tractor Service

7KLQNLQJ RI VHOOLQJ \RXU IDUP" It can be a tough decision to make, but it can also be a really good one. Sohn & Associates recently

auctioned a family farm in Gibson County for over $11,300 per acre. We have the buyers!

~ SMALL TRACTOR SERVICE ~ Garden, Tilling, Rock, Dirt, Move and Spread. Reasonable rates. Phone: (812) 781-1904 or (812) 270-0603. Ask for 4/26 Gary.


“Providing safe & reliable transportation services since 1955”

Now Hiring:

Real Estate FOR SALE

We offer our Drivers: • Security by working for a premier family-owned trucking company • Consistent Dedicated Routes • Quality/Regular Home Time (3-4 nights a week travel with some weekends) • Competitive Compensation and Benefits


2 Bedroom 1 bath home with over 1000 sq ft on a large 97x175 lot on a quaint street in Poseyville just blocks from Main St. House has full unfinished basement and attached carport on the rear of home. House has replacement windows, high efficiency heat and air, newer kitchen cabinetry, remodeled bathroom etc. $68,000. Call Andy 449-8444

170 N NIX AVE  POSEYVILLE Brick home with four bedrooms. Home is located on a quiet dead-end street in the newer part of Poseyville. The lot is flat and provides plenty of potential for outdoor activities. This is a great affordable family home with a lot of living space including a large great-room and eat-in kitchen. Furnace and A/C new in 2003. Only $99,000. Call Randy at 985-9072

87 W MAIN ST.  POSEYVILLE LOOK OUT: TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! Bank Owned home to be sold as is. 30’x24’ like new detached garage. 35’ x 14’ concrete patio. Some replacement windows. ONLY $29,900. Call Tony 457-2643

55 S CHURCH ST.  POSEYVILLE There is plenty of room to grow with this older home. 2 bedrooms on the main floor and 1 full bath that was new in 06’. Also new in 06’ is the laundry room which includes Fahrenbacher cabinets. The upstairs is not finished and is not included in the square footage. A lot of work has already been put into this home. A/C, Furnace, duct work& water heater all new in 03’. A new roof was put on in 04’. The windows, siding, and exterior work was done in 05’. This home is all electric. Also included with the home is a 10’ x 12’ yard barn and an enclosed 256 sq. ft. front porch. The basement is mostly unfinished and has been waterproofed. $79,900 Call Randy 985-9072

11617 BOBERG RD  POSEY VAND COUNTY LINE This home may qualify for 100% financing. Beautiful country setting on over an acre. Huge 18 x 28 family room that leads out to the brick patio with a very nice view of the back yard. Property includes a 20 x 26 detached garage and a wood barn. This home has had many upgrades and updates, it is very clean and modern inside and out. Only $132,000. Call Randy 985-9072

7925 PETERS RD WADESVILLE Very nice country home on 3 acres with a pole barn. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, Dining area, Den/Office, and all appliances included. Master bath offers a Garden Tub and separate shower with a double vanity. House is all electric with a wood fireplace in the livingroom. Pole barn has electric and has plumbing for a bathroom. This property is perfect for horses, riding ATV’s, or just enjoying the outdoors. Only $119,900 Call Randy at 985-9072

Andy Rudolph Tri County Realty 1-812-449-8444 1-812-426-1426

Visit us online at: for sports, news, photos, classified and more!

Special Ads



1995 DODGE CARAVAN. 114K mi. New tires, brakes rotors. Daily driver. 812and rot 205-5413. 205 54 4/5

To the MVHS Class of 1974, Thank you for the bricks added to the high school in memory of Mark (Class of 1974), Jon (Class of 1985), and Bill (Class of 1951). It was so thoughtful of you and touched our hearts deeply.

Dry Box & Flat Bed Truck Drivers

Candidates must have a valid Class A CDL plus experience.

Apply Today! Online:

Call 800.428.6640

& talk to Mike (x-246) or Tim (x-256) today!


Clara, Rick, Rob David and Family

SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. The Mt. Vernon-Black Township Parks and Recreation Department is now accepting applications for the summer. Positions include at Brittlebank Pool – Assistant manager, lifeguards, concession workers, ticket takers, cashiers, pool maintenance and water safety instructors. Must be able to work weekends and flexible hours. Other positions include grounds crew (mainly weedeating). Applications can be picked up at the Parks Office, 118 Main Street or online at www. Deadline to apply is Friday, April 8th. 4/5

Buildings and Construction Weatherly Construction Services, Inc. Bonded and Insured. Mining Construction Pipeline * Erosion Control Site Development * Cleaning Ditch Clean-out Free estimates Tim (618) 926-6135 4/19

8Pc. Bedroom set. Brand New. Cherry finish W/Queen Pillow Top mattress set. $699 Better Hurry 812-483-5029 tfn

DJ/Karaoke equipment for sale in good condition. Call 8384/26 3610.

Sign-On Bonus!

&2 $&

3 Pc King Pillow Top mattress set Still in plastic w/warranty Great Deal $199 812-4014675

Audio Equipment


Auction What You Own With Sohn!


2 Pc Queen Pillow Top mattress set. New! In plastic $129 Sacrifice 812-401-4675

Help Wanted

Call today for a free consultation!

Great country home with almost 3000 sq ft of living space in this wonderful country setting surrounded by farm fields. Home boasts 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths, a large greatroom, sunroom/sitting room, unfinished basement, detached block garage, above ground pool with maintance free deck, hardwood floors. Really its too much to list. Come out and see it all for yourself. $245,000 Call Andy 449-8444

6Pc Living Room set SOFA LOVESEAT RECLINER Stain resistant Micro-Fiber All New Can separate $679 812483-5029

Lawnwork WORK WANTED: Grass cutting, power washing, yard clean up, decks, porches, and yard barns, garden tilling and flower beds and odd jobs. Call (812) 549-5487 4/19

2002 FORD WINDSTAR SEL. 92K mi. Leather, all power, DVD. Excellent Condition inside and out. 459-4209 4/12

SUBSCRIBE: Call Today... 812-682-3950 Puzzles

Last Weeks Solution


Advertisers: Please check the first insertion of your ad for any errors. The Posey County News will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion. Advertisers should report any error immediately for correction of next insertion. Call 812682-3950 or 812-682-3951 or FAX correction to 812-682-3944.

Sudoku and Crossword

Sudoku of the Week


The solution to last week’s puzzle:

FOR SALE Post Frame Building Materials Kits-Built Buildings - Trusses 24’x24’ Pkg Kit: $3,441.00 24’x32’ Built Bldg: $7,442.00 Call B&A: 1-812-683-4600 See website for more details: 2/1 - tfn

Alpine Engineered Trusses: 24’ Truss, 4’ OC, 1’ Overhang $39.95. Get a free quote on any size trusses! Call B&A at 866-683-4646 4/12

Crossword of the Week CLUES ACROSS 1. Obstructed water 7. Brewed beverage 11. Cellulose nitrate 12. Wheel shaft 13. A large and scholarly book 14. Rated horsepower (abbr.) 15. Soviet ballistic missile 16. Book of tickets 18. Off the usual track 20. Puckered fabric finish 21. Jewish state 23. A neutral fat 24. Lesotho currency 25. Indigenous people of India 26. Single Lens Reflex 27. Near (abbr.) 29. Partridge Family’s Susan 30. Point midway between NE and E 31. Pekoe or green 33. Atomic #37 34. CNN’s Turner 35. Thou ____ sinned 37. Midget suckermouths 39. Fitzgerald & Cinder


41. Stirring implements 43. Food consumers 44. Facial planes 46. The far east 47. Harvest 48. A matt of grass and roots 51. One stride 52. Paris airport 53. Foes

55. Mama ____, rock singer 56. Following the first thing CLUES DOWN 1. 1086 English survey 2. Narrow ridge in rugged mountains 3. Doctor designation 4. Russian commune

5. Ethiopia (abbr.) 6. Leave 7. Count _____, jazz legend 8. Spreadsheet software 9. 12th Jewish month 10. Actor Foxx 11. Take into account 13. Camera support 16. Corporal (abbr.) 17. Settled onto 19. Lacking courage 21. Malady 22. Made painful to the touch 26. Her heart was ___ __ it 28. Real properties 32. Not awake 36. Small lake 38. Thrashes 40. Obsolete jet airplane 41. Cachets 42. Samuel _____, diarist 43. Stain for studying cell structure 44. Crocodile (abbr.) 45. Queen of the gods 49. Being a single unit 50. Last month 54. 24th state



Chuck Gray shows leadership for one of the ‘dirtiest jobs’ in Posey County Mount Vernon Water Superintendent Chuck Gray issued the last citywide boil order in November 2005, after just nine months on the job. Although his department may need to issue a small localized boil order from time to time now, Gray is relieved the days of announcing a city-wide boil order every three months are behind him. His improvements to our water system have gained national notice. In June, he will travel to Washington, D.C., to the American Water Works Association conference and receive the prestigious Building Energy and Local Leadership, or BELL, award from the Energy Solutions Leadership Council. The council was particularly impressed with Gray’s accomplishments in such

a small community as Mount Vernon. Perhaps working his way up from the trenches has inspired Gray to be an overachiever. He started working for the city in 2000 as a part-time sanitation worker. At night, he worked on a second degree in computer science. (His first degree came from a Bible college, where he prepared for ministry, the focus of his previous life.) In 2001, he welcomed the opportunity to become a meter reader for the water department. From there, he became a water plant operator and earned the three licenses required to run a water plant. Appointed street commissioner in 2004, he served as the head of the street department and the water department until he became water

superintendent only in March 2005. Mount Vernon residents will remember the Zombie Walk held last year at Halloween, another pet project for Gray, who believes strongly in disaster preparedness. The walk not only informed residents about disaster

preparedness, but also brought in donations for the Mount Vernon Food Pantry and raised money for the United Way. Equally commendable, Gray and his crew at the water department put together the foundation for the Vietnam Moving Wall exhibited in Mount

Vernon last September. Gray and his wife Tammy have celebrated 20 years of marriage. They are proud of their three children. Carly is a senior at Mount Vernon High School, or MVHS, and a member of the specialty female singing group, Angelus. Her

younger brother Elijah, a freshman at MVHS, performed in the high school musical, “Curtains,� and is a member of The Cul, which, Gray explains, is the male counterpart of Angelus. Their oldest child, daughter Fonda, has three children of her own, ages 3, 8 and 10.

Notice for Seniors Do You Want To Hear Better? Beltone, the MOST TRUSTED NAME IN HEARING AIDS, wishes to test a remarkable new hearing instrument in the area. This offer is free of charge and you are under no obligation.The revolutionary 100% Digital instruments use the latest technology to comfortably and almost invisibly help you hear more clearly. This technology solves the “stopped up ears�, “head in a barrel� sensation some people experience, and has been clinically demonstrated to improve hearing in noisy environments. If you wish to participate, you will be required to have your hearing tested in our office FREE OF CHARGE to determine candidacy.

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Evansville Courier & Press | The Gleaner | Sunday, April 3, 2011

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Benefits of hearing aids vary by type and degree of healring loss, noise environment, accuracy of hearing avaluation and proper fit.

Benefits of hearing aids vary by type and degree of hearing loss, noise environment, accuracy of hearing evaluation and proper fit.

PLACE AN AD ONLINE: or CALL: Evansville Courier & Press 812-461-1200; The Gleaner 270-826-1600 ADVERTISER: BELTONE HEARING

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Expressway Auto Mall of America

Intersection of the Lloyd Expressway and I169 Bypass, Mt. Vernon, Indiana

*Prices exclude tax and destination. Dealer retains all applicable rebates including In-Market Retention Bonus. ^36 month lease payment. Excludes tax, doc fee, and ďŹ rst payment. Must qualify for all rebates. +On select models with approved credit. See dealer for details.


Page B14 • April 5, 2011

The Posey County News • Serving the county since 1882 •

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The Posey County News P.O. Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631

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