“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.” Since 1882 ~ Successor to The Poseyville News and The New Harmony Times • New Harmony, Indiana Posey County’s locally-owned newspaper
Tuesday December 14, 2010
The Posey County News now has a Business Facebook page. Many of the pictures that are taken but are not published are available for viewing and printing at Facebook: Posey County News. Please add us as friends and feel free to use the pictures for personal use.
DCP deadline is June 1 Greg Knowles, County Executive Director of the Posey County FSA, reminds producers that June 1, 2011, is the deadline for enrolling in the 2011 DCP program or the 2011 ACRE program. All signatures of producers receiving a share in DCP/ACRE payments are required by the June 1st deadline. It is important producers contact the Posey County FSA office to set up appointments. Also wheat certification is also going on. The deadline to certify your wheat is May 31, 2011, and planting dates are required. If you have any questions, please contact the Posey County FSA Office at (812) 838-4191, ext. 2.
Chamber Choir on TV
Bell ringers needed The Salvation Army’s annual Red Kettle Campaign will be held in Mount Vernon on Saturday, December 18 at Wesselman’s and McKim’s IGA from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. About 40 volunteers are needed to work in groups of 2 or 3 for a 2-hour shift. Call Beth Russell at 838-6875 to volunteer.
MVJHS holds food drive The Mount Vernon Junior High Student Council and Builders Club are spearheading two super ways for the students to help out during this holiday season. The annual Food Pantry collection is being sponsored by the Student Council and the collection began Monday and will conclude on December 15.
Volume 129 Edition 50
Poseyville’s Town clerk Lupfer, Officer Gomez resign
PCN on Facebook
The Mount Vernon Senior High School Chamber Choir will appear in the Channel 44 television broadcast of “High School Holidays”. Featuring area high school choirs, the program will include a variety of seasonal choral music. Dana Taylor notes, “it is always a pleasure to participate in activities like this and affords community members an opportunity to hear what vocal music programs do. It is also good for school music and for our students.” Broadcast times are Dec. 24 at 11:30 p.m. and Midnight and Dec. 25th at noon and 12:30 p.m. on CBS44 in High Definition. It will also be broadcast on Dec. 24 at 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on My44 The Chamber Choir features Josie Brown, Melanie Davis, Carly Gray, Katelyn Herrenbruck, Michelle Huff, Kate Higgins, Kirstie Keene, Carynn Koch, Jenna Rueger, Amy Seifert, Kaci Turner and Michelle Walker. The ensemble is directed by Dana Taylor and is accompanied by Teresa Bloodworth.
(USPS 439-500)
The Mount Vernon FFA was part of the Christmas Shop with a Cop festivities Saturday morning sponsored by the Mount Vernon Fraternal Order of Police. Members handed out fruit bags from the club’s fruit sale to each child at the festivities. Members visiting with Santa Claus are Andrea Seifert, Alex DeKemper, Rebecca Miller, Jennifer Axton, Ryan Ritzert, Justin Dickhaut, and Victor Wells. Mount Vernon officially welcomed the Christmas season with a parade. Photo by Terri Koch
Ambulance study given green light By Dave Pearce It is official. Posey County Commissioners voted on Tuesday to contract the Missouri-based Ludwig Group to do a study to help determine the future of ambulance service in Posey County. In a unanimous vote, the commissioners voted to take the highest bid of the three under consideration, $7,500, from Ludwig to conduct the study. The Group will then add an additional $1,500 to the cost to make a presentation once the study is completed. Commissioners suggested that the results of the study be presented in a public format, perhaps at the Posey County Community Center and in the evening to encourage public attendance. It is estimated that the study will take four to six weeks and the results can be presented following the completion of the study. While defending the choice of taking the most expensive of the three bids submitted, commissioner Jim Alsop indicated “sometimes you get what you pay for.” From all indications, the selected company provides the most complete and comprehensive information and comes highly recommended from other counties, some in Indiana . Alsop indicated that from all he has been able to determine, there was no study done when the ambulances were placed in 1975. “We want to have an objective eye look at the county and although it is not the cheapest, it is
the best,” Alsop said. Commission President Scott Moye indicated that adding a fourth ambulance to the county fleet could be one of the options. While the ambulance issue has become an emotional issue at times, Moye said he understands the emotion when it comes to the lives and health of residents of Posey County . “I can assure you we are not playing games with the EMS service in Posey County ,” Moye stated with resolve. The public presentation of the results of the study are scheduled to be presented in the first quarter of 2011. Economic development and ambulance service could go hand in hand and they did in the Tuesday meeting. The Commissioners heard that a final draft of an economic development plan was presented in a public hearing on November 30. The $5,600 cost of the grant was paid by the Economic Development Coalition and grant writer Brian O’Neill has indicated he feels the plan was wellreceived. “This plan is like a roadmap for us to move ahead,” Alsop said. “It has been needed for a long time and I think it is just another step in putting Posey County on the Economic Development map.” Pruitt indicated that Posey’s proximity to the Ohio River, the fact that the Southwind Port is
Continued on Page A6
By Valerie Werkmeister Poseyville needs a new Town Clerk-Treasurer. Town Council President Bruce Baker announced that Chris Lupfer resigned from her position effective December 6, citing personal reasons. Baker explained he notified the Posey County Clerk’s office to begin the process to find a new clerk/treasurer. Indiana Code 3-13-11 outlines the procedure that must be followed in order to fill Lupfer’s position. The process starts with the notification of David Butler, the Posey County Democratic Party Chairman. Butler must then notify John Sherretz and Bill Hopf who jointly serve as the precinct committeemen. They must call a caucus. The code states a caucus must be held no later than 30 days after the vacancy occurs. Chief Deputy Julie Mayo has assumed Lupfer’s duties until someone is appointed. Town Council members, Danny Fallowfield, Steve Ahrens and Baker accepted Lupfer’s resignation and approved Mayo’s appointment. Town Marshall Doug Saltzman also announced the resignation of part-time police officer, Jose Gomez. Saltzman stated Gomez resigned due to unforeseen circumstances. Council members accepted his resignation. Council members also approved a new gas tracker rate with a five percent increase for the Poseyville Utility office during the consumption months of November, December and January. Utility customers will notice the increase during the billing months of December, January and February. Poseyville Fire Department Chief Mike Crawford informed council members that an emergency button was recently installed outside the fire station. When pressed, the button will notify Posey County Dispatch and page an ambulance for the emergency. Crawford also stated he had received notification that a $50,000 grant request from the Federal Emergency Management Agency had been denied. Crawford was hoping to use the funds towards the purchase of extrication equipment. There has also been no word on whether the fire department will be the recipient of a $150,000 OCRA (Office of Community and Rural Affairs) grant. The grant is needed to purchase a new rescue truck for the department that serves the northern Posey County area. Responses were due out December 10, but Baker informed the council and audience members that they may not hear who the final grant recipient is until December 30. Council members did approve a request for new fire department gear pending a review of year-end remaining funds. The council also congratulated Chris Neaveill for receiving his paramedic certification. Life Scout, Jonathan Cook, of Wadesville Boy Scout Troop 390 addressed the council to ask for possible Eagle Scout project ideas. He explained he would like to work on a project to achieve the rank of Eagle before he turns 18 next August. After some discussion, council members agreed that a landscaping project at the Poseyville Community Center would be mutually beneficial for both parties. Cook will keep in contact with council members as plans evolve. The final meeting for 2010 has been set for Monday, December 20, at 4:30 p.m. at the Poseyville Community Center.
Leaf collection deadline set The last day for fall leaf collection in Mount Vernon has been set for Dec. 17.
Yearbook preorders taken Pre-orders for the Mount Vernon Junior High School yearbook are currently being taken through December 17. Cost will be $15. Students received an order form from their advisory last week. If they have misplaced the order form, they need to pick up a new one from the office.
Sports passes available The following All-Sports Passes and Season passes are on sale in the high school athletic office: Basketball Pass - good for any 10 Varsity High School games and all Freshman game Adults $30, Students $25; Winter/ Spring All-Sport Passes - good for all Winter and Spring High School Athletic Events Adults $40 Students - $30
Rappite Royalty Members of the New Harmony homecoming court are, front row: Hannah Williams, Hayleigh Hatch, Samantha Ricketts, Paige Patterson, Isaac Parmenter, Stacia Hempfling, Sandra Hall, and Andrea Smotherman. Middle row: Kelsey Owen, Kendall Morris, Vanessa McKinney, Blair Morris, Queen Sarah Smotherman, Anna Busler, Abbey Deckard, Kim Alldredge, and Alyssa Scherzinger. In the back row are AJ Eaton, Luke Allison, Levi Hoehn, Blayne Worman, Andrew McDaniel, Kris Scarafia, Stephen Murray, Zach Sollman, Elliott Lange, Clint Mathews, and Kyle Whitmore. Photo by Dave Pearce
Inside this issue...
Retrospective................ A5 Legals........................... B8 Classifieds .............. B9-10
Go to www.poseycountynews.com Community........... A7 Social...................... A6 Deaths.................. A3 Sports.................. B1-7 School................... A9 Business/Ag .......... A8
PAGE A2 • DECEMBER 14, 2010
‘Truth for mature humans’ was written for me, not by me My wife knows me as well as anyone. As I checked early morning email this week, I had received a “forward” from her that she knew I would appreciate. Several of the items related directly to me while other related indi- TRUTH... STRANGER rectly. As I read down the list, al- THAN though this is not my origi- FICTION nal work, much of it could BY DAVE be. The email was entitled PEARCE “Truths for Mature Humans.” 1. I think part of a best friend’s job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die. 2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. 3. I totally take back all those times I didn’t want to nap when I was younger. 4. There is great need for a sarcasm font. 5. How the heck are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet? 6. Was learning cursive really necessary? 7. Map Quest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I’m pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood. 8. Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died. 9. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at least kind of tired. 10. Bad decisions make good stories. 11. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren’t going to do anything productive for the rest of the day. 12. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don’t want to have to restart my collection...again. 13. I’m always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want
to save any changes to my ten-page technical report that I swear I did not make any changes to. 14. I keep some people’s phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call. 15. I think the freezer deserves a light as well. 16. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay. 17. I wish Google Maps had an “Avoid Ghetto” routing option. 18. I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger. 19. How many times is it appropriate to say “What?” before you just nod and smile because you still didn’t hear or understand a word they said? 20. I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers and sisters! 21. Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty, and you can wear them forever. 22. Sometimes I’ll look down at my watch three consecutive times and still not know what time it is. 23. Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey - but I’d bet everyone can find and push the snooze button from three feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time, every time! 24. The first testicular guard, the “Cup,” was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974. That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that
Diabetes month has new meaning November was Diabetes Awareness Month, and did I ever become aware of diabetes then. After several months of unexplainable fatigue, I finally saw my doctor about it around Thanksgiving. He ordered FOR THE a standard blood work-up RECORD and, as a result, could hand me the diagnosis of type 2 BY PAM diabetes. ROBINSON The diagnosis has forced me to take stock of my lifestyle, much as one does at the New Year. I’ve always eaten whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. To be healthy requires me to make different dietary choices, especially since, for now, my doctor wants me to manage my diabetes through diet and exercise alone. Fortunately, God is blessing me with understanding and helpful earth angels. Foremost is my dietician. When I saw Jane a little over a week after my diagnosis, I was pleased to report my blood sugar level had dropped. I found out I had also already dropped four pounds when I stepped on her scales. I confided that I’d eaten very little to achieve those goals. Jane taught me how to limit and count my carbohydrates and load up on protein and green vegetables so I could satisfy my hunger and still keep my blood sugar levels down. It’s been a relief—and a joy—to once again eat an entire meal. Jane also knows flattery is the surest form of bribery. (I’m sure she earned an A plus in psychology.) She looked at my husband Jim, complimented him on his appearance and suggested he start counting carbs also to keep his lean physique. As a result, Jim is now eating a low-carb diet right along with me. He isn’t diabetic, so he can indulge in around
180 grams of carbs daily whereas I need to stick to 135 grams of carbs divided among three meals. He is acting like a regular health nut now and is providing great support for me. Next time, I think I’ll take my teenage daughter Jessica to my appointment. She’s having a hard time buying into the whole health routine, but I know Jane could convince her of its value. Jane can rival any cheer coach in pep sessions. Another good friend, Jim’s boss Kay Giles, lent us an exercise bike to spare us the expense of one right here at Christmas. I’m working toward building up to a 30-minute ride each day. My brief jaunts plant me squarely in front of the television with the rest of my family, so I’m reaching another goal of spending more time with Jim and Jessica in activities they enjoy. All in all, my diabetes diagnosis has been an act of grace. I’d wanted to lose weight, but just couldn’t get motivated to do it. Now I have the perfect excuse for saying no to an abundance of holiday treats. When anyone can lose weight during Christmas, it’s cause for great celebration (like a shopping spree when I lose a pant size). Jim and Jessica are health conscious now, even if Jessica can’t see any real benefit to it at the moment. Although I wouldn’t choose to have diabetes, I’m counting it as a gift this Christmas season. It’s teaching me to value my health and to care for my body. It’s allowing me to help my family members to maintain their health. It’s put me in touch with some generous neighbors. Perhaps by this time next year, my little family will be happy about our lifestyle change as well.
their brain is also important. Then I added a couple of my own: 25 Did you ever know anyone who 25. “stopped to think” and forgot to start again? 26. What is “The first thing you know?”
Given more time, I’m sure I could come up with at least this many more. With the temperature at 11 degrees and ice on the ground, I might have time to give it a go this week. If you think of any good ones, let me know. Email me at Dpearce263@aol.com.
Guest Editorial
Making Friends Without Facebook Children’s Book Teaches Kids About Friendships Outside of Cyberspace Back when Marilyn Randall was a kid, she didn’t have to send a friend request in order to become someone’s friend. “When I see kids with their heads buried in laptops, or texting on cell phones, it disturbs me to think of how technology has changed the way our kids socialize,” said Randall, who has authored a series of children’s books on friendships including For Faithful Friends, The Best of Best Friends and Share From the Heart (www.marilynrandall.com). “Our social networks are actually raising our kids to be extremely unsocial, and I think it’s changing society for the worse.” Randall’s point is that the way kids make friends, and learn how to value those friendships, becomes the way they look at friendship as they grow to adulthood. If the only socialization that our kids learn is from cyberspace, friendships will become less valuable in their lives, and as disposable as email. “If we allow our kids to learn that all you need to do to make and keep friends is to click ‘accept friend request,’ then we’re devaluing the power of friendship,” she added. “Conversely, if all they have to do to end a friendship is click on ‘block user,’
then friendships become fleeting and easy to discard without a second thought. It also causes this ‘all about me’ mentality, prompting many children to grow up without consideration for others because they haven’t learned to properly interact with others.” Randall wants children to learn about friendship outside of cyberspace, more like the last generation of kids who grew up without PDAs and ready access to Internet social networks. “When I was a kid, we didn’t have cyberspace,” Randall said. “The only space we knew was where the astronauts went and the space in our backyards. We didn’t meet in chat rooms. We met at the park or the playground. And we didn’t just talk -- we played and we interacted and we learned about the world around us through experiences together. I’m afraid the next generation of kids will miss out on that socialization because of their dependence on technology to manage their friendships.” Randall’s tips for parents who want to help their kids better value their friendships include: Balance Cyberspace with Real Life -- If your kids use social networks, make sure they actually get together with their online friends
once a week to do something. Take the time to make your home available, even if their friends simply come over to share a pizza. Help your kids balance cyberspace with the real world. Limit Internet Use -- A generation ago, parents would limit the amount of television they would allow their kids to watch, and monitor what they watched. Place time limits on the time your kids spend online in the same way, and monitor which sites they use to chat with their friends. Set An Example -- Show your kids how you interact with your friends, and show them the value those long term friendships have in your life. If your kids see that you have long-term, close and fulfilling friendships with others, they’ll emulate those kinds of relationships in their lives. “It’s ironic to me how the existence of all these different communication technologies has actually managed to make us feel more distant from each other,” Randall added. “We all have multiple email addresses, online profiles and cell phones, but somehow we feel more far apart than ever before. Maybe what we need to do is teach our kids to put the computer down, and go outside and play with their friends.”
Letter to the Editor Security Requires A Strong Military Letter to the Editor: The Obama administration is contemplating major reductions in the Defense Department budget to help cut into the huge deficits incurred by the President and his Washington cronies. They plan on reducing our conventional military forces, and increase special operations units to combat the terrorist threats around the world. An increase in special operations forces is warranted to target terrorist organizations, including al Qaida, the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas and other radical Islamic extremists in a number of countries. Additionally, large scale conventional military operations are necessary to pacify areas in host countries that house the terrorists, and staging bases are needed to launch targeted operations against the terrorists. Let’s not forget about the threats posed by the large ground forces of Iran; the North
Korean army poised against South Korea; and the massive Chinese Communist conventional forces available to threaten Taiwan, Japan and other Asian countries. Due to its vibrant economy, which is growing 10% annually, China has embarked on a significant upgrade of its land forces and strategic weapons systems, and has implemented a naval shipbuilding program that includes aircraft carriers and submarines. Russia is also upgrading its military. We need to maintain robust military forces, both special operations and conventional forces, to combat terrorist organizations and deter countries from hosting terrorists, and to oppose the forces of totalitarian regimes in the world that threaten our national security and the security of our allies. History has taught us military weakness is the breeding ground for wars. Donald A. Moskowitz
Gavel Gamut’s “The Law’s Delay” When Shakespeare had Hamlet recite the most famous soliloquy in English literature he covered the waterfront from unrequited love to insolent public officials. And he was probably thinking of his own frustration with the legal system when he included “the law’s delay.” “To be or not to be …. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time … The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay, the insolence of office … When he himself might his quietus make with a bare bodkin (a knife).” Act III, scene 1 In other words, why put up with all that life throws at us when we have the means to check ourselves out? Of course, most of us are just like Hamlet. We may talk a good game but actually doing something that drastic is another matter. However, we do have the power to address some of Shakespeare’s concerns. Take the law’s delay for instance. It is unquestioned that if you go to court for any kind of legal relief your case
has a 95% chance, or higher, of being settled out of court.
GAVEL GAMUT BY JUDGE JIM REDWINE And, since law suits can hang around for years (the law’s delay), before they are settled, perhaps we should try to get cases settled early. Or, perhaps we should try to settle our differences before we go to court. That is the impetus behind a growing movement in American courts to get people to talk instead of fight. If judges can give citizens a framework that encourages early resolution of differences, our society can spend more time on solving our larger problems such as unemployment and mortgage foreclosures, both of which are at alarming highs. Starting January 1, 2011 Posey County’s judges and the Bar Association are, with the imprimatur of the Indiana Supreme Court, initiat-
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Home Country Slim Randles
ing a new phase in the push to help parents and spouses save time, heartache and money. Should you be one of the approximately 50% of our population impacted by a domestic relations case, you may want to save this column for future reference. Beginning at the first of the year, with all post-dissolution or post-paternity matters, in order to help assuage emotions and achieve harmony, before a new petition to modify or an information for contempt is filed, the parties must try to resolve their problems before filing in court. Forms will be available in the Clerk’s office and Posey County’s attorneys are already aware of the procedural requirements. It is the design of the program to avoid “the law’s delay”, save time and money and help soothe hurt feelings between people who once were in love but now are estranged. This system has worked well in other places and should help Posey County’s citizens deal better with their old lives so that their present and future lives are happier.
We watched the fence growing, growing even as the snow fell, and there was bile and envy oozing from several pores in town. This was the rich guy’s fence. The rich guy and his wife moved to our quiet little town to spend weekends. Their real home is two hours away in the city. He owns a factory or store or something down there. But here they bought that five acres on the edge of town and had people from the city come up and build their vacation home. They paid the builders to stay down at the Empress Motel while they worked, too. Well, the house was finished toward the end of summer, and they’ve been up here several times since. Seem like nice enough folks. But the fence .… The rich guy had no fence around the five acres, you see, and he had no firewood. So he decided to kill two birds with one stone and have some firewood cutters build a firewood
fence, about four feet high, around his little country estate. So we watched, as load
by load the fence grew; first across the front of the property and then turning a corner to go back toward the rear of his property. A firewood fence. Dud did some figuring down at the Mule Barn the other day. Dud always was handy with figures. “As I see it, he has one fireplace in that whole house,” Dud says, “and he doesn’t need it to heat the
house. They had a propane furnace put in. So, if he burns that fireplace continuously every weekend during winter, figuring winter lasts until about April, give or take, I figure it’ll take him 93 years to run out of fence.” Those of us who cut and haul our own wood, and use it to heat the house, at first said nasty things about the rich guy. This fence was really gilding the lily, of course. But then we started taking friends from out of town to see it. “You think you’ve seen a fence?” we’d say. “I’ll show you one for the books.” Brought to you by www. BoogieBeads.com. Unique, handmade jewelry for your loved ones.
THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS (USPS 439500) is published weekly for $30 per year ($34 for all non-Posey County zip codes) by Pearmor Publishing LLC, P.O. Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631. Periodicals postage paid at Mount Vernon, Indiana. Editor: David Pearce Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Posey County News P.O. Box 397 New Harmony, IN 47631
N.H. OFFICE MANAGER MICHELLE GIBSON news1@poseycountynews.com
DECEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE A3
OBITUARIES E Candy Lynn Reed Candy Lynn Reed, 49, of New Harmony, Ind., died on Monday, Dec. 6, 2010, at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville, Indiana. Candy was born in Rock Island, Ill., to Franklin and Nancy Cunningham Miner on December 9, 1960. Candy loved to spend time with all of her friends and family members, she also enjoyed going to Kevin’s basketball games. She was preceded in death by her father, Franklin Douglas Miner and her brother Rodney Miner. She is survived by her husband, Kevin Reed, her daughter, Kayleigh Reed, her son, Kevin Reed II, all of New Harmony, Ind., her foster daughter, Trisha Germain of Carmi, Ill., her mother, Nancy Cunningham Miner of Logansport, Ind., her brother Frank Miner of Logansport, her sisters and brother in laws, Robin and CJ Rozzi of Logansport and Vicky and Ken Pytlic of Springhill, Fla. Funeral services were held on Friday, Dec.10, 2010, at Werry Funeral Home-New Harmony Chapel at 11 a.m., with burial in Maple Hill Cemetery in New Harmony, Ind. Friends called at the Werry Funeral Home on Thursday, December 9, 2010, from 4 until 8 p.m. Memorial contributions may be made to American Diabetes Association, 3700 Bellemeade Ave., Evansville, Indiana 47714.
Harold W. Johnson
Debra K. Crawford Debra K. (Moog) Crawford, 55, passed away on Monday, December 6, 2010 at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville. She was born on August 14, 1955 in Evansville, Ind., to William and Beverly (Hardin) Moog. Debra was a past member of Church of God Mission. She had worked for Adco, Walt’s Drive Away and Bristol Myers. She enjoyed playing bingo, camping, fishing and spending time with her family. Debra is preceded in death by her mother, Beverly and her siblings. Debra is survived by her husband, Rodney Crawford of Mount Vernon; sons, Michael Witt and his wife Kristy of Mount Vernon, Anthony Vanway and his wife Theresa of Boonville; her father, William “Red” Moog of Mount Vernon; five grandchildren, Dylan Vanway, Douglas Calhoun, Michael Witt, Jacob Witt, and Samantha Witt; step brothers, Jerry Moog, Tim Moog and Billy Moog, Jr.; step sisters, Heather Moog, Dawn Poole, Karen Burks, and Cindy Davis; aunts; uncles; and cousins. Services were held at 1 p.m. on Friday, December 10, 2010, at Schneider Funeral Home, 512 Main St. in Mount Vernon with the Rev. Leon Clark officiating and burial to follow in Bellefontaine Cemetery. Visitation was held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Dec. 10, 2010, at the funeral home. Condolences may be made online at www.schneiderfuneralhome.com.
Harold W. Johnson, 92, died Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2011, at Transcendent Healthcare of Owensville. He was born on December 27, 1917, in Gibson County to Alexander and Pearl ( Horath) Johnson. Harold was a farmer and owned a grocery store at Upper Hills. He is survived by a daughter, Virgie Penner; sons, Darwin and Deon Johnson; six grandchildren; 10 greatgrandchildren and five great-great grandchildren: sisters, Imogene Glover, Marcia Williams; a brother, Joe Johnson. He was preceded in death by his parents, brothers, Kenneth, Owen, Nolan Johnson. Graveside services were held at 2 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 10,2010, at Maumee Cemetery. Visitation will be from noon till service time at Holders Funeral Home in Owensville. Condolences may be made online at www.holdersfuneralhome.com
Funeral Planning ... Before the Need Arises
Margaret Davis Poshard Margaret Lucille “Marcille” Davis Poshard, 83, passed away Sunday, Dec. 5, 2010 at the Hospice Care Center at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville, Ind. She was preceded in death by her parents, Pierre and Erette (Tanner) Evans and her brother, Milan Evans. She is survived by her three children: Russell Davis, Evansville, Ind., Sue Ellen (Willie) Ramsay, Lexington, Ky., and Richard (Delores) Davis, Henderson, Ky. She is also survived by grandchildren: Andrea (Don) Masterson, Kristi (Robert) Raley, Kelly (Chris) Hazelwood, Henderson, Ky., Laura Ramsay, and Evan Ramsay, Lexington, Ky. and six great grandchildren. She was a graduate of Poseyville High School, attended Evansville College, and worked for Dowell Chemical Company where she became their first female Field Service Manager, and Ken’s Pump & Supply in Henderson. She was a Kentucky Colonel and a member of the American Legion Auxiliary and Order of the Eastern Star. Funeral services were held at 1 p.m. on Wed., Dec. 8, 2010, at Werry Funeral Home, Poseyville, Ind., with burial in the Poseyville Cemetery in Poseyville, Ind., with the Rev. Paul Huntsman officiating. Visitation was from 10 a.m. until service time on Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2010, at the funeral home.
Norval “Bud” E. Dickens, Sr. Norval “Bud” E. Dickens, Sr. of Mount Vernon, Ind., died Wednesday morning December 8, 2010, at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville. He was born on July 24, 1926, in Mount Vernon, the son of Audie and Ruby (Gillan) Dickens. He married Thelma R. Allison in 1947 and she preceded him in death on May 5, 2010. Dickens was a lifelong Posey County resident and had worked in the oil fields for several companies. He served in the U.S. Navy during WWII; was a member of the F.O. Eagles 1717 of Mount Vernon ; American Legion Post 1141 of New Haven , Ill. ; the Mount Vernon Conservation Club; and was an avid fisherman and hunter. He especially enjoyed playing poker and slot machines. He is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, Norval E. and Lynn Dickens, Jr. and Roy L. and Beverley Dickens of Alabama; one daughter and son-inlaw, Vicki and Ricky Wiggins of Mount Vernon; seven grandchildren and seventeen great-grandchildren; and two brothers, Frank and Virgel Dickens of Mount Vernon. He was preceded in death by one brother, Charles Dickens and two sisters, Katherine Dossett and Pearl Greenwell. Private services were held. Austin-Stendeback Family Funeral Home in Mount Vernon was in charge of arrangements. On-line condolences may be left at www.austinfuneralhome.com.
Geneva M. Simpson Geneva M. Simpson, 89, passed away Friday, Dec. 10, 2010, at New Harmonie Healthcare in New Harmony, Ind. She was born at Martin Station in Vanderburgh County, Indiana, the youngest of 12 children to Louis and Katherine (Hack) Hill on 4 1921. 1921 March 4, Geneva was a homemaker and spent her entire life caring for her family. She was a loving mother and grandmother. She was a member of the Griffin Christian Church and in later years the New Harmony Christian Church. Her favorite pastime was quilting and crocheting. Surviving are her daughter: Lana Kraft of Poseyville, Ind.; seven grandchildren: Sheryl Riley of Hardin, Ky., Steve Compton of Poseyville, Ind., Jeff Creek of Poseyville, Ind., Mark Creek of Tampa, Fla., Tina Kraft of The Woodlands, Texas, Kari Kraft and Krista Lindenberg of Evansville, Ind.; nine greatgrandchildren; eight great-great grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. She also leaves her extended family at New Harmonie Healthcare who gave her so much love and care. She was preceded in death by her parents, sisters and brothers; her husband: Loyd Simpson and two daughters: Janet Compton and Gloria Creek. Funeral services will be 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2010, at Werry Funeral Home, Poseyville, Ind., with burial in the Poseyville Cemetery in Poseyville, Ind., with the Rev. Harry Wheatcroft officiating. Visitation will be from 1 p.m. until service time Tuesday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions can be made to the church of your choice or the National Kidney Foundation, 30 East 33rd Street, New York, NY 10016.
CHRIS’ PHARMACY 511 Main Street New Harmony, IN 47631 We participate in most insurance plans. Call us to verify participation even if we are not listed in your insurance brochures. Mon-Fri 9-6 Sat. 9-4 Phone: (812) 682-3044 E-mail: chrisrph@evansville.net
J.L. Hirsch • 8 W. Main St. • Poseyville Prices effective Dec 14th thru Dec 18th Libby’s
2/$ 00
2 Green Giant $ 99 Asparagus............................ 1 French’s $ 19 Fried Onions ................... 3 Dole $ 39 Pineapple ..................... 1 Ocean Spray $ 29 Cranberry Sauce .................... 1 Dole $ 29 Mandarin Oranges ........... 1 Winter comes to Posey Campbell’s The first real blast of winter hit Posey County this weekend 2/$ 69 Cream of Mushroom Soup...... 1 as nearly three inches of snow were recorded on Sunday. To further complicate matters, temperatures which were Campbell’s 2/$ 69 in the mid 40s around 6 p.m. on Saturday had plummetted Cream of Chicken Soup......... 1 into the low 20s by Sunday morning to accompany the snow. College Inn Winds measured at 35 miles per hour at times made the snow $ 79 particularly hazardous as drifts covered several area roadBroth ........................... 2 ways. Monday’s high temperature was 15. Velveeta & Shells Indiana 65 betweeen Wadesville and Poseyville was closed $ 19 Pasta Side ........................... 2 for about an hour Sunday evening as a tractor-trailer had jack-knifed. On Monday morning, as many as five cars were Luzianne $ 89 still reported to be in ditches along Highway 65 and Stierly Tea Bags ............... 1 Road near Poseyville. Vess Indiana State Police at Evansville kept very busy yester$ 29 day responding to numerous crashes throughout the entire Cola ........................... 2 district. The Evansville District is responsible for patrolling HyTop $ 99 Knox, Pike, Gibson, Posey, Vanderburgh and Warrick counSugar ........................... 2 ties. Troopers kept especially busy on I-64, I-164 and U.S. 41. Crisco $ 49 As of 4:30 a.m. Monday morning, Indiana State Police are Vegetable Oil ................. 3 still reporting all roadways to be slick and hazardous. TroopPam ers encourage motorists to travel only if necessary. Troopers $ 99 also want to remind motorists the importance of removing Nonstick Vegetable Spray ......... 1 their vehicles from the roadway after a crash if at all posGold Medal $ 69 sible. Flour ............................ 1 For Indiana road and weather conditions, citizens are Pillsbury reminded to utilize www.travelwise.in.gov or 1-800-261$ 89 7623. Brownie Supreme ................... 1 Keebler $ 49 Ready Crust ......................... 1 Nabisco $ 99 Snack Crackers ..................... 2 Nabisco $ 99 Chips Ahoy........................... 2 Jello 2/$ 49 Geletin ............................. 1 Jet Puf $ 19 Marshmallow Creme................ 1 Jet Puf $ 29 Marshmallows ....................... 1 Heinz 2/$ 00 Gravy .............................. 3 Kraft $ 89 Dressing .............................. 2 Praire Famrs $ 49 Whipping Cream .............. 1 Vegetables ................ 15 oz.
6 oz.
20 oz.
15 oz.
46 oz.
Family Size
12 pk.
Robert Joseph Daly Robert Joseph Daly, 80, of Mount Vernon, Ind., passed away Saturday, December 11, 2010, at his home. He worked at Western Electric as an installer for many years. Bob served in the United States Army in the Korean War from 1947~1952. He was a member of the Ameri American Legion Post #5 in Mt. Vernon, Indiana. Bob is survived by: Sons, R.J. Daly and his wife, Edith, of Henderson, Ky., Richard A. Daly and his wife, Lesta Mae, of Evansville, Ind., daughter, Kelly A. Vogel and her husband, Chad, of Evansville, Ind., grandchildren, Dustin Daly, Christy Jo Harrison, Latenna M. Daly, Casey Daly, Rachael Daly, Tia Nickells and her husband, George, Kyle Daly, Michael L. Stinson, Steven R. Stinson; great grandchildren, Kyla Carpenter, Taylor and Abby Harrison, Lilly Nickells and Ayden Stinson; and sister, Judith Mitchell, of S.C. Bob was preceded in death by his wife, of 56 years, Nancy C. Daly; son, David W. Daly; great-granddaughter, Cassandra Daly; great-grandson, Austin Snodgrass; father, Joseph Francise Daly; mother, Ethel (Humble) Daly Donaldson; and three sisters, Mary Polston, Rita Young and Betty Jo Hoffman. Funeral services will be held 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 15, 2010, at Browning Funeral Home, 738 Diamond Ave., Evansville, Indiana. Burial will be held at Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery where the Owen Dunn Post 5 American Legion will conduct military rites. Friends may visit from 10:00 a.m. until service time on Wednesday. Memorial contributions may be made to Tri State Multiple Sclerosis Association, 909 A S. Kenmore Dr., Evansville, IN 47714. Condolences may be made online at www.brown ingfuneral.com.
5 lb.
48 oz.
5 lb.
8 oz.
MORE IN-STORE SPECIALS We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities And Correct PrintingErrors.
$ 69
4 Beef $ 99 Minute Steak.................... 3 Sausage $ 89 Homemade...................... 2 Field $ 99 Bacon ............................ 2 Field $ 99 Ham Sausage ................. 1 Field $ 09 Chili Roll .............................. 2 Sirloin Steak .................... 1 lb. 1 lb.
1 lb.
1 lb.
1 lb.
2/$ 00
2 Pillsbury $ 99 Pet Ritz Pie Shells .................. 1 Mrs. Smith’s $ 99 Pies ................................... 3 Rhodes $ 49 Dinner Rolls .................... 3 Rhodes $ 49 Cinnamon Rolls ....................... 3 Sister Shubert $ 89 Parkhouse Rolls....................... 2 Pepperidge Farms $ 29 Garlic and Cheese Bread ............. 2 Ore-Ida $ 69 Potatoes ............................... 2 Cool Whip $ 49 Whipped Topping ............... 1 Grand’s $ 59 Biscuits ............................... 1 HyTop $ 69 Crescent Rolls ....................... 1 Kraft $ 99 Chez Whiz .................... 2 Kraft $ 99 Grated Parmesan .............. 2 Kraft $ 29 American Singles ............ 2 Kraft $ 89 Phildelphia Cream Cheese ... 1 Kraft $ 69 Shredded Cheese.............. 2 Praire Farms $ 39 Half and Half ......................... 1 Praire Farms $ 19 Butter ................................. 3 Frozen Vegetables ....... 16 oz.
48 ct.
8 oz.
15 oz.
8 oz.
12 oz.
8 oz.
7 oz.
PAGE A4 • DECEMBER 14, 2010
CHURCH C HURCH HURCH Sharon Cox warms up Mount Vernon’s At The Cross mission the keyboard while Troy Burnett prepares to sing with the children: (L to expecting a very busy holiday season R) Nicot Burnett, the son (adopted from Haiti) of Troy and Cathy Burnett ; Bailey Cox, the daughter of Charles and Tommie Cox; and Mathania Burnett, the daughter (also adopted from Haiti) of Troy and Cathy Burnett. Those pictured are part of the Point Township Church of the Nazarene group who brought homecooked Christmas dinner and entertainment for residents of Mount Vernon's Cloverleaf Apartments on Thursday night, December 9. In addition to the gift of song, the children gave handmade Christmas ornaments to the residents present. Point Township Church has blessed Cloverleaf with a Christmas meal and program for three years now. Photo by Jim Robinson.
A Mount Vernon, Ind., pastor’s passion for serving the less fortunate has resulted in the establishment of a downtown mission that offers free meals four days a week to anyone who comes in hungry. The Rev. Meyers Hyman, pastor of First Church of the Nazarene, is the founder and operator of At The Cross Mission, located at 301 Main Street in Mount Vernon. Hyman formerly owned and operated an ice cream store, Penguin Pete’s, at that location, which is across the street from the Posey County Courthouse. “I saw so many people who were down on their luck and hungry,” the Rev. Hyman said,” that it just made my heart ache. On November 18, 2007, we served 15 free meals, and we’ve been doing it ever since.” Eventually, Penguin Pete’s was officially closed and the site became At The Cross Mission. Hyman said that At The Cross Mission served 8,018 free meals in 2008 and serves an average of 75 meals each night they are open now. The facility is open from 5 until 7 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Guests are not required to identify themselves or answer any questions. They may simply come in, sit down and eat.
At The Cross Mission has no paid employees, Hyman said. Everyone who cooks, cleans or waits tables at the facility does so on a volunteer basis. Even so, Hyman said, the main problem is obtaining adequate funding for the operation. “Some members of our congregation, as well as others, will come in and eat with us and leave a donation,” he said, “and we have donation jars in several locations around town.” Also, Hyman stated that there are three other pastors who have expressed interest in helping out with the mission. At The Cross Mission is still in its early stages of development, Hyman insists. He added that he envisions adding counseling services, substance abuse counseling, and emergency housing for homeless men, women and families, youth services and help for victims of domestic violence in the future. He said, “I know these are just a vision for now, but they are areas of need here in Mount Vernon , and with God’s help I believe we can do something about them.” Hyman also has a food pantry that is open on Saturdays noon until 2 p.m. at 303 Main Street in Mount Vernon.
Sermon of the Week: All I Want for Christmas is Peace Rev. Doris Beckerman Poseyville Christian Church, Disciples of Christ Peace of mind, peace of spirit, peace in my heart and peace in the world--Peace. That is what I ask Santa for every year. Every Advent at Poseyville Christian Church we have a special Sunday when we have a church dinner after worship. We always have a big decorated cake which says, “Happy Birthday, Jesus”. After the children (and others) gather around the cake, we all sing, “Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Jesus, Happy Birthday to You!” Then, Santa comes and sits by the Christmas tree, and we take turns sitting on his lap and telling him what we want for Christmas. And every year I ask for the same thing—Peace on Earth. On that special Sunday, Jacob’s Village residents are our guests for worship, and
the dinner and the Birthday Party for Jesus. Since our regular Santa has not had such good health, one of the Jacob’s Village residents comes as Santa. On those Sundays, we always have a special spirit of peace with us, but after the party is over and the Jacob’s Village residents have gone back home, I begin yearning for Peace all over again. For me at least, feeling at peace has to do with my feelings of personal safety. Here in the rural Mid-west, we probably take for granted the peace we know each night that we can go to sleep and rest assured that the world around us will be pretty much just as it was when we went to bed that night. I know one place I can go to help me find peace is Scripture. The letter to the Romans in Chapter 15 is one place to go if you are looking for peace. Bangkok, Thailand is one city on earth where there is
no guarantee of peace. There are parts of that city where foreigners are not safe, not even riding in a taxi. Sharon and her husband Keith have been missionaries in Thailand for 19 years. They live & work in the city of Bangkok where they are the directors of a school to prepare persons for teaching & preaching ministries in the church. You may remember the news of the riots which occurred in Bangkok last spring. Some of Keith & Sharon’s experiences during that siege were frightening, and did not contribute at all to their personal sense of safety and peace. They report that in the past, protestors would assemble in other parts of the city, closer to government offices and headquarters. But this time things were different. Those extremely violent protests of last spring took place 1 1/4 miles from their apartment, and during the worst con-
flicts, came to a quarter of a mile away from their home. It just happened that the coordinator of their campus in Myanmar, along with his sister, arrived in Bangkok just as the worst violence heated up. When the 2 visiting missionaries arrived, they went to stay at the guesthouse where they always did. But when they got out of the taxi, there was gunfire close by, & they had to duck for cover. Then they discovered that their guesthouse already was closed. So they went to a different one. As they got out of the taxi, there was gunfire, and they had to duck for cover. Soon after checking in, the electricity and water were cut off, & the owner ran through the house yelling, “We must evacuate immediately!” They fled with what they could carry, and ran for safety before that guest house was burned to the ground. 3 days later, they were able to call Keith, and said that they
were going to take a taxi to the airport. But Keith warned them that that would be too dangerous. Keith knew the back way to the airport so they were able to avoid the areas of greatest danger. Keith kept his cool. He says, “There are so many promises in scripture for peace and safety which we can go to in times of danger.” The first scripture Keith quotes for peace & safety is Psalm 91, known as “The Psalm of Protection”. Read Psalm 91 any time you feel endangered, physically or spiritually. When you read these words from Psalm 91 in the CEV (Contemporary English Version), see if you don’t feel more at peace: “God will command his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will carry you in their arms...” This kind of protection isn’t for just anyone. The end of Psalm 91 tells who is protected: “The Lord says,
‘If you love me and truly know who I am, I will rescue you and keep you safe.’” Here’s another scripture which reminds us of the assurance of peace & safety which is ours when we know the Lord and the Lord knows us. It’s from Psalm 46 (CEV)—“We won’t be afraid! Let the earth tremble and the mountains tumble into the deepest sea. Let the ocean roar and foam, and its raging waves shake the mountains…The Lord all powerful is with us.” Keith says, “No matter where you are, the safest place to be is in the middle of God’s will.” Romans 15:13 (CEV) says it this way: “God…will bless you with complete happiness and peace because of your faith.” Come to Jesus. Confide in Him as to why you do not feel at peace in your soul. He cares about you, and wants you to tell Him so he can help you.
DECEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE A5
Posey Historical Society considers signage, biography of historical events By Pam Robinson The Mount Vernon Board of Public Works and Safety took action on a number of legal items at its Thursday, December 2, meeting. Foremost was the approval of the contract on Phase II of the combined sewer overflow and wastewater treatment plant improvement project. The board voted to proceed with the project and authorized Mayor John Tucker to sign the contract. The board voted to accept the one bid submitted by Russell’s Excavating in the amount of $4,800 for the demolition of a modular home at 404 W. Ninth Street. The bid had been opened at the board’s previous meeting and referred to legal counsel. The board opened three quotes received on the repair of a building at 108 W. Second Street: 1) Charles Lawrence Homes, $3,785 plus $1,500 for additional masonry and stucco work for a total of $5,285; 2) KMI, LLC, $12,200; 3) Steve Koester Masonry, Inc., $10,635. The board voted to accept the low quote, if it meets specifications, after a review by the Building Commissioner for Dilapidated Buildings Sher-
ry Willis and City Attorney Beth McFadin Higgins. Finally, Clerk-Treasurer Cristi Sitzman informed the board that a claim for Universal Valuation will appear in a few months. The bill covers the work to update city building values and to record the addition and removal of buildings. Sitzman wanted all city departments to be aware of the forthcoming bill, which will be divided among the departments. In other business: •The board consented for Wastewater Superintendent Rodney Givens to investigate the motor type needed as a replacement on his department’s white 2004 Dodge truck before purchase. •Wastewater Superintendent Givens reported that the new permit had come in from the state and will be effective January 1, 2011. •Street Commissioner Roy Maynard reported the last day for leaf collection is Friday, December 17. He added that the new dump truck has been equipped with the salt spreader and snow plow and is ready for any snow that falls. He said the beet juice is ready to go as well along with a
Happy Birthday Announcements December 14 - Connie Armstrong, Dr. Edward Murphy, Brody Laws December 15 - Joel Robinson, Keith Mespeedon, Brian Huebner, Isaac Field, Sandy Williams, Blair Williams December 16 - Jim Johnson, Tim Wiley, Norma Houghton, Amy Kissel December 17 - Silver Nelson, Winter Nelson, Deborah Parker, Keith Lockwood, Adam Bousquet, Frank Peterlin December 18 - Ginny Andry, Laura Benet, An-
drew Guido, Martha Honaker, Camilla Herring, Diana Mathews, Kayle Orpurt December 19 - Kyle J. Davis, Virginia Huff, Judy Maurer, Rebecca Reynolds, Zach Rutledge December 20 - Zachary DeLong, Bruce Heriges, Tim Hoehn, V. Alizah Johnson, Nick Jones, Sara Jane Kirkpatrick, Randall Little, Julie Offerman, Mark Rodriguez, John Spradley, Erica Thomas, John “Red” Welker, Colin Wasson, Kenny Williams, Edna Mae Schneider
The County Cookbook Selection by Zach Straw
Baked Ziti
CRUST INGREDIENTS 1 pound ziti (can sub penne) pasta Olive oil 1 pound bulk Italian sausage or ground beef or pork 1 large onion, chopped 3-4 garlic cloves, chopped 1 Tbsp fresh rosemary (or basil), minced 1 Tbsp Italian seasoning 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1 large jar of marinara sauce (about 32 ounces) or make your own tomato sauce • 1/2 pound of mozzarella cheese, grated • 1 heaping cup of ricotta cheese • 1 cup grated parmesan or pecorino cheese • • • • • • • • •
DIRECTIONS 1. Bring a large pot of water to a strong boil. Add about a tablespoon of salt for every 2 quarts of water. Add the pasta and boil, uncovered, until the pasta is al dente—edible but still a little firm. Drain the pasta through a colander. Toss with a little olive oil so the pasta does not stick together while you make the sauce. 2. Pour a tablespoon or so of olive oil into a large sauté pan on medium-high to heat. When the oil is hot, add the bulk sausage or ground meat. Do not crowd the pan (work in batches if needed). Break up any large chunks of sausage as it cooks. Brown well. Don’t stir that often or it will be more difficult for the meat to brown. If you are using ground beef or pork instead of sausage, add a little salt. 3. When the meat is mostly browned, add the onions and stir well to combine. Sauté everything until the onions are translucent and beginning to brown, about 4-5 minutes. Add the garlic, rosemary or basil, Italian seasoning and red pepper flakes and stir to combine. Cook 1 minute, then add the tomato sauce and stir well. Bring to a simmer. 4. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Spread a thin layer of sauce in the bottom of a 9x13-inch casserole pan, then dot the surface with half the ricotta cheese. Ladle in some sauce with the pasta, mix it well and add the pasta into the casserole. 5. Pour the rest of the sauce over the pasta, dot the remaining ricotta cheese over the pasta, and sprinkle on top both the mozzarella and the Parmesan cheese. Bake in the oven until the top is nicely browned, about 20 minutes. Serves at least 8.
stockpile of salt. In addition, he reported that he had a signed quote for the Water Street striping and is now waiting on them to mobilize. He said he would also have the handicapped parking on E. Second Street painted with the city’s permission. •Board member Steve Fuelling asked board member Becky Higgins, president of the Posey County Historical Society, to think about important events from the city’s past that could be placed on signs at the riverfront. The idea is to display a picture of the event accompanied by a brief history. The Board of Public Works and Safety will meet again on Thursday, December 16, 2010, at 4 p.m. in the City Hall Annex.
Out n’ About Christmas time is getting very near. There are many people who will have plenty this Christmas, and then there are others who won’t be so fortunate. For those who are less fortunate we pray for better times. Our health and happiness is most important and we pray that all will be blessed this year. I happened to have an old newsletter that had the History of Christmas toys in it. Here it is: Greek and Roman children of early Christian times were often given puppet (dolls even as now) These dolls were handmade, with jointed, moveable limbs, and a hole in the head. A string passed thru the hole and connected to the arms and legs turning the doll into a marionette. Christmas meant a new supply of rattles and tops for little ones in the middle ages. In the 12th and 13thcenturies little girls who requested dolls for Christmas usually had to settle for crude clay dolls. The little boys of that era “when knighthood was in rouge" got toy horses and knights as gifts .At the the Louvre Museum in Paris, there’s a Medieval Knight on horseback-just like, the ancestor of our toy soldier. Children in the royal family had doll furniture made from gold or silver lie the Princess had. In 1,000AD some of the toys had clockworks in them so they could do different things. And yes, in 1914 the famous Tinkertoy was by an Evanston, Illinois stonemason named Charles Pajeau. One of the hardest things a youngest faces nowadays is learning good manners without “seeing” any good manners. There is one endeavor where you can start at the top and that is digging a hole. It was Tuesday November 30th that my daughter, Janet from Oklahoma called me. Rev. Doris called and had a very good phone prayer. On Wednesday December 1stJanet, Bonnie, and Judy all called on the phone to
Left to right: Tracy Will, admissions director of the Mount Vernon Nursing and Rehab Center and resident Carlton Dodge watch with interest during the facility’s wreath auction. Photo by Tammy Bergstrom
Auction proceeds benefit Alzheimer’s research By Tammy Bergstrom The temperature may have seemed cold on the outside of the Mount Vernon Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Wednesday night but inside, the feeling was warm and inviting and full of hope. Over forty beautiful wreaths were placed up for bid during the Center’s Live Wreath Auction. Many local businesses and individuals donated the wreaths, including eight year old Alexis Camp who donated a beautiful wreath with
the h hhelp l off hher Nana. Auctioneer i Dennis i Clark from Sohn and Associates steered the evening’s auction which saw beautiful Christmas wreaths as well as some floral swags and even a wreath centerpiece. At the end of the auction, Mount Vernon Nursing and Rehab Director Emily Diedrich thanked everyone for their support and for giving the gift of hope. Proceeds from the auction will go towards finding a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease.
By Jesse Butler check on me. Thursday December 2nd Janet, Betty, Judy and Peggy Powasnich all called me. Peggy is still seeing several Doctors and we hope we will know more soon. Friday Dec. 3rd Janet, Judy, and Betty called me and Billy was here to visit. Sunday December 5th we got a very light snow which soon went away. I missed church and Sharon Matsel called to check on me since I wasn’t at church. Carol Marhenholtz was here later and brought me some chicken and potato wedges which I appreciated. Betty then came in a few minutes bringing me more dinner. Frankie and Sue Mauch and Judy called me. Monday December 6th Jesse Montgomery came and took me to Deaconess Clinic for blood work, x-ray, and check up. Judy and Bill
brought me back home later in the day. Tuesday Bill Thompson called about my report. Janet and Bonnie Sue called me and Billy was here. Betty and Jesse came later with food and we had the evening meal together. Wednesday December 8th Janet, Bonnie, Betty, and Judy all called me. Thursday December 9th, Janet, Bonnie, and Jesse M. all called to check on me. December 11, 2010 my granddaughter-in-law, Laura Thompson graduated from USI. Several of her family members were there to celebrate with her. I was unable to attend this event, but was able to watch her graduate on video. We are all so proud of her accomplishments and blessed to have her as a part of our family. My grandson, Jordan
Montgomery and family Amie, Corey, and little Cayden were here for a quick visit. They were home to celebrate Christmas with the Montgomery's and also to attend the funeral of Amie's grandfather. I was able to speak with Jordan on the phone while he was here. The family was very glad o see them, and we are all very sorry for Amie's loss, and would ask for prayers for her and her family. Inside joke between a good friend and me - By the way Kim Higgins, being in the hospital doesn’t stop Out and About. Jesse Butler sends this article from Deaconess Hospital. Prayers for Jesse would be welcomed at this time. Be in the church of your choice this Sunday. If you do not regularly attend church, find one this Sunday to attend in honor of Jesse.
Pages of the Past compiled by Tammy Bergstrom 10 YEARS AGO, December 12, 2000
25 YEARS AGO, December 14, 1985
Anita Underwood, the daughter of Sherry and Rick Underwood was crowned as New harmony’s Basketball Homecoming Queen during Friday night’s homecoming festivities. The Rappites beat Cannelton 68-49. It was the first win of the season. A 4.0 earthquake shook the Tri-State area at around 8:09 a.m. Thursday morning. The epicenter of the earthquake was located on the Posey-Vanderburgh County line in Kasson. Best wishes to Robert and Jessie Nesler of Griffin as they celebrate their 72nd wedding anniversary. Congratulations to Kibbie and Phyllis Payne as they celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. Karl and Janet Johnson of Mount Vernon proudly announce the engagement of their daughter, Andrea Michelle to Matthew McFadin of Mount Vernon. North Elementary in Poseyville have recently formed their first Student Council group.
Several members of the North Posey High School Speech team placed very well in their annual speech meet. Finishing in first place were Chris Berkeley (poetry) and Andrea Crawford (Original Oratory). The North Posey team finished third overall. Tim Pierce, a senior at Mount Vernon High School was named the county’s DAR Good Citizen. Susan Lancaster, daughter of James Lancaster and the late Shirley Lancaster will become the bride of Kevin Burkett, son of Paul and Mary Beth Burkett of Mount Vernon in a wedding later this month. Adding to the joy of the season, the Wadesville Christian Church carolers have been traveling through the countryside entertaining the elderly and shut-ins with Christmas hymns and carols. The Griffin Ruritan Club is sponsoring a Christmas Lights Contest in Bethel Township. Everyone is encouraged to light up for the holidays.
Johnson’s Grocery will be celebrating their grand opening this week. The store is located three miles south of Johnson and seven miles north of Poseyville off of Indiana 165. Donn Simpson of Cynthiana suffered a broken finger when he caught it on the chute of the mailbox in front of the town’s post office. He neglected to remove his finger in time as he was mailing his Christmas letters.. The Mount Vernon Wildcats beat the North Posey Vikings 72-51, handing the Vikings their fifth loss. In an earlier game, the Vikings scalped the Owensville Kickapoos, 53-39. Keith Murphy, center and forward for the North Posey Vikings re injured his bad knee during a game against Central and will now probably be out for the remainder of the season. Miss Miskel Wolfinger from SIGECO gave a very interesting demonstration on making Christmas decorations to the North Posey chapter of F.H.A.
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Charles Lawrence Homes Questions? Call (812) 838-3204 230 West Grant Street Mount Vernon, INdiana 47620
DECEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE A6
Couple to celebrate 50th wedding anniversary By Pam Robinson Retired Army Major Larry R. Moore, formerly of New Harmony, and Rose Marie (Robinson) Moore, formerly of Point Township in Mount Vernon, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their home in Knoxville, Tenn., on Friday, November 19. As Major Moore relates, he saw the long view of their relationship upon first sight of his lifelong love. Returning in June 1960 from an Army assignment in South Korea en route to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Moore met Rose Robinson at Sam Noon’s Dairy Queen on E. Fourth Street in Mount Vernon. “I knew immediately upon talking with Rose for several days that a strong chemistry was present and good things were to come from our initial encounter,” Moore states. “She was very beautiful with a great and friendly personality— then, as now. From that day forward, the love between Rose and me flourished even though I was stationed several states away. We maintained contact via letters, telephone calls and my making long trips home to Posey County to see her. She wore my ring around her neck.” In fact, the Private First Class in the Army’s military police corps hitchhiked every nine days from the Fort Bragg military base to Mount Vernon. He recalls the trip took 21 hours on the road (no interstate) each way with half the trip covered in darkness and early mornings. Yet, far tougher than the road trip was building up his courage to ask Harry Lee Robinson for his daughter’s hand in marriage. “I will never forget that evening with Rose and her mom Marie (Yeida) Robinson standing nearby in the kitchen door leading into the living room of the old home place,” Moore recalls. “It is now beyond a 50-year history, and how great it has been to be married to an awesome lady like Rose. She has been, and still remains, my solid partner and my best friend.” The Moores’ two children were born on military bases. The firstborn, Kim, entered the world at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Ala., on November 1, 1961, shortly before their first wedding anniversary. Their son Gregg was next born in Munich, Germany, in 1964. There are three grandchildren, all boys. The oldest, Larry Ashley Moore, serves in the Department of Homeland Security in the United States Coast Guard as a member of a Coast Guard cutter in the Eastern Atlantic. Next in line, Private Dakota Shane Blankenship is assigned to the 101st Airborne (Airmobile) Division, 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment stationed in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban. Grandson Greggory Scott Moore II attends college near his home in Georgia. Moore cherishes the “many memorable and enjoyable moments” in his marriage to Rose. He especially appreciates her willingness to shoulder responsibility for their family. For example, he praises her for preparing and clearing by inspection their government quarters in Nuremburg, Germany, while he was keeping a military commitment in the United States. Passing inspection was just the beginning of her journey to rejoin her husband in the States and move on to the next military assignment. “She sold the family car, updated the passports and then obtained a flight port call to the United States, getting herself
History of Mater Dei book available A historical account of the past 60 years of Mater Dei High School is now available in a book, “For God, For Country, For Mater Dei.” The book is chronological, and a global snapshot describes what was happening in the world during each decade. This coffee table book highlights each class year at Mater Dei, and contains over 300 pictures and approximately 200 pages. To purchase a book, an order form is available on the home page of the school website: www.materdeiwildcates.com. Makes a great Christmas gift or a great gift anytime.
Clara Rose Cater Jake and Lindsey Cater of Evansville are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Clara Rose, born Nov. 12, 2010, at Deaconess Gateway Women’s Hospital. She weighed 8 pounds., 14 oz., and was 21 1/2 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Malcolm and Rose Overton of Poseyville. Paternal grandparents are Donald and the late Tammy Cater of Cynthiana.
New Year’s Eve Dance set V.F.W. Post 6576 will host a New Year’s Eve Dance at the Wadesville Post. With a light lunch from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Music by Hybrid Country from 8:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Retired Army Major Larry and Rose Marie Moore Coffee and donuts at midnight. and our two small kids with loads of luggage to the FrankAdmission is $30 per couple. Also the Post will visit the furt, Germany, military terminal for an international flight New Harmony Nursing Home at 2:30 p.m. on Dec. 11 with home landing in Indianapolis,” Moore remembers. “Some gifts and songs. would say, ‘No big thing!’ However, Rose was only 21 years of age in a foreign country for the first time—and by herself. Legion to host New Year’s Eve party This was an awesome international feat when most Posey The American Legion Post 5 will have a New Years Eve County residents back then viewed going to Evansville as a party this year. The party will run from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. with major decision.” music by “Kraft Works”. The event will be open to the pubWhen Moore was assigned to a war zone in Vietnam, lic. Tickets are now available on a first come first serve basis. Rose ran the entire family for a year. There will be a shrimp cocktail and steak dinner special servLikewise, Moore’s beloved Rose managed well her du- ing from 5 - 9 p.m. ties as a U.S. Army officer’s wife. She was responsible for orientation to Army life of officers’ wives whose husbands were under command of Major Moore while in Munich and Eugene Mumford of Griffin, Ind., is the recipient of this Nuremberg, Germany, as well as in the United States. “She year’s Richard G. Lugar Distinguished Student Leadership performed her duties and responsibilities involving very Award. Mumford was presented the award Saturday during the anformal and informal office wife command activities in an nual Lugar Symposium for Tomorrow’s Leaders at the Uniexemplary manner,” Moore says. The Moores retired from active military service and relo- versity of Indianapolis. An International Baccalaureate candidate at Signature cated to Knoxville, Tenn., in 1978. Their civilian employment took them to Martin Marietta and Lockheed Martin, School in Evansville, Mumford was one of about 400 top respectively, for 20 years. They then retired a second time, high school juniors statewide who attended the symposium only to establish their home business, East Tennessee Buf- last year. They were invited to apply for the award, which comes falo Bobs Distributorship (big game jerky) in 2003. The with a $500 cash prize. husband-wife team has roughly 82 displays located in sevFor a chance to win, a recipient must have at least a 3.0 eral counties and towns with products in some high profile cumulative GPA, demonstrate leadership skills and show a chain stores and in convenience stores. commitment to serving others. “For two people who didn’t fully finish high school in Mumford is the son of Bishop and Elizabeth Mumford and Posey County until years later to be married over 50 years is serving his second year as president of his school’s Global and to establish our own business in 2003, we thank God,” Volunteers. Moore comments. “It has been a great trip in life. I’m very, He is a 4-H member, a volunteer in Vanderburgh County very blessed for having met Rose Robinson of Point Town- Teen Court and performs in multiple music groups at school. ship and being accepted by her family as a son-in-law and He also spent six weeks over the summer in Jordan studybrother-in-law.” ing through a State Department scholarship.
Eugene Mumford is honored
Posey author to release new book
Local author Sandy Andrews (Morris) has released her first book. Sandy a Posey County resident for most of her life has written a historical fictional novel for young adults. “Best Friends” 1860 is a story of four teenagers in Ambulance, from Page 1A Southern Indiana on the Waalready operating, and the fact that Interstate 64 runs through bash River, between New the northern end of the county are reasons why Posey County is an economically viable community. But while the commissioners voted to spend money on an ambulance study, savings seemed to be the primary subject of the Tuesday meeting. It was announced that EMS director Larry Robb had received a superior rating. The Indiana Department of Homeland Security, based on that rating, has paid for homeland security radio equipment and also a storage container for the county. The dollar amount of the grant is $3,750. The Commissioners signed an agreement for Posey County to take the lead (because of population in the area) for a grant for Wabash Valley Levee Improvements. The amount of the grant is $3,936,920 with a matching amount of $11,000, which has already been paid. The Commissioners voted to accept the three-year bid from Schultheis Insurance and Andy Weintraut for the county’s liability and workmen’s compensation. There is no price increase from the agreement for the past three year term. Weintraut assured the commissioners that if there were a price increase, since his is an independent agency, he would shop around on the county’s behalf. It was announced that the county has secured a grant for 34 new computers and 34 monitors already placed in the court and clerk system. In addition, another nearly $10,000 in savings for the county have been found by Charles Chamness with more work ongoing. The laptops for the police cars are in and will be installed this week. It was announced that the Christmas luncheon for the Court house staff will be held on December 14 at the Mount Vernon American Legion Post. It was announced that $3.9 million was spend on road repairs during the past year in Posey County . That total does not include the amount that Abengoa and the Railroad substation has spent in the West Franklin area. It was approved to open the Hovey House on Sunday, Dec. 12 for the District 76 State Representative recount. As was announced in last week’s edition of the Posey County News, an ordinance was approved making the sale or public use of synthetic Cannabinoids illegal in Posey county once the ordinance has been properly advertised. Common brand names are “K2: or “Spice.” The Commissioners will meet again on Tuesday, Dec. 21, at 9 a.m. at the Hovey House.
Cut your own family Christmas Tree! Phillipstown Christmas Tree Farm Open Daily week of Thanksgiving thru Dec. 19th 9 a.m. -5 p.m. Wreaths & Garland Available
(618) 966-3641
Harmony and Mount Vernon, Ind. Four teenagers, one Dawn a thirteen year old free negro girl, Zane a sixteen year old young man, Rae also thirteen and her cousin Beth fourteen. Beth comes to visit Rae for the summer in 1860 from her plantation home just north of Savannah, Georgia.
These four become best friends while having lots of tfun that summer. But, the best adventure is when they find Stella a run1a1way slave and her two brothers. With the help of an Indian names Long Star, they get Stella and her brothers further north. Thus starting their own branch of the under
Ground Railraod. This adventure changes all of their lives. Sandy would love to meet you and have yo come see her new book. She will be having a book sigining on Sat., Dec. 18 at Borders Book Store on 6401 E. Lloyd Expressway, Evansvill, Ind. from 4 - 6 p.m.
DECEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE A7
Wolfgang Ensemble and Singers Christmas Concerts set for December 17, 19 The Wolfgang Classical Ensemble & Singers, conducted by Dennis Noon, will present two concerts during the Christmas Season. The Evansville, Ind. concert will be at Old North UMC, 4201 Stringtown Road, on Friday evening, December 17 at 7:30. The Mount Vernon, Ind., concert will be at First UMC’s Wesley Hall, 601 Main St., on Sunday evening, December 19 at 7:30. The concerts are free, but a free will offering will be accepted. The 54 instrumentalists and singers will present a program of classical selections including, “Burst of Flame” concert
march by Richard Bowles, “The Ride of the Valkyries” by Richard Wagner, “Rondo for Clarinet” by Von Weber with soloist Michon Hemenway, “Sleigh Ride” by Leroy Anderson, “From the New World, 1st Mvt” by Anton Dvorak, “Panis Angelicus” by Ce’sar Franck with tenor soloist Barton Huffaker. Christmas selections from “Messiah” by George F. Handel featuring soloists Tim Ahlemeyer, Linda Hawley, Constance Wheeler and Angelika Clark. The Wolfgang Classical Wind Ensemble was organized in the summer of 2006 and in September 2008 the Wolfgang Singers
were added to the ensemble. With the addition of 2 violinists this season, the Director is now actively recruiting string players to expand the Wolfgang into a complete Orchestra with Chorus. Wolfgang Ensemble and Singers’ express purpose is “rehearsing and performing in a group of equally talented adults and advanced students.” You are invited to join us for the Spring Season, with rehearsals at Wesley Hall in Mt. Vernon, beginning the first week of February 2011. We play challenging classical music, but allow ample rehearsal time for new players to regain their skills. Adult players are expected
to have a minimum of 6 years past playing experience, and youth players must audition and study privately. Vocalists are required to have a good voice and be able to read music. Membership acceptance is contingent upon instrumentation and vocal needs as determined by the conductor. Wolfgang is a selfsupporting organization with dues and donations. Musicians interested in performing with Wolfgang, please contact the director, Dennis Noon at 812-838-4481 or danoon@ insightbb.com. For more information visit their web site at: http://www.noonsmusic.com/id21.html.
Jaime Eickhoff (front left) stands with Pam and Craig Lowery while Habitat Volunteer of the Year Jim Bartlett (back left) and Gary White bring up the rear. The group posed after the dedication of Eickhoff’s new Habitat home in Mount Vernon on Wednesday, December 8. The Lowerys and White, also Mount Vernon Habitat home owners, have encouraged Eickhoff and volunteered during the building of her home this fall.
Tercera Club News
Geraldine Becker, front left, enjoys a visit with her family during the Ford Home’s annual Christmas Open House held Sunday. The event was well-attended despite less Tercera women’s club met than ideal weather conditions. Just behind Becker is her granddaughter Amy Will and on December 8th at the home at far left in rear is Scott Becker. Photo by Dave Pearce of Mary Beth Williams with Maggie Rapp, Gayle Blunier, Sherry Harvey and MeBy Stanley Campbell lissa Rynkiewich serving as co-hostesses. The evening Teen Time “Sew Happy” is a bi- and professional talent. You started with President Gayle Drop in for Teen Time weekly gathering of craft- need not live in the Mount Blunier calling the meeting on Mondays after school ers - we will meet at 10 a.m. Vernon area to participate, to order. Members recited at 3:30 p.m. Each and ev- This month our remaining display and promote your the pledges to the American ery Monday - unless the li- meeting will be on Decem- work. We are now accepting and Christian flags as well brary is closed - there will ber 22 at 10 a.m. - unless the requests for this free gallery as the Club Collect. Sixteen be games, crafts and tons library is closed. If you quilt, space for March and April members and sixteen guests were in attendance. of fun for youth in grades knit, do tatting, crochet, etc. of 2011. President Blunier read 6- 12. come and join the fun. Library Hours Early Closure Christmas Closing Alexandrian Public Li- the letter that she sent to The library will be closThe library will be closed brary is open Monday - the Posey County Commising early on December 14 December 23, 24, and 25 for Thursday from 9 a.m. to 8 sioners regarding the need at 5 p.m. the Christmas holidays. p.m., Fri-day-Saturday from for ambulance coverage for northern Posey County. Patron Appreciation Art Gallery 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday The club received a thank Days Attention Artists: In or- 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. For addiyou for the donations to The Alexandrian Public der to expand our service tional information about li- the local school’s Nurses Library cordially invites to the community, the Al- brary services or to register Funds. you and your friends to at- exandrian Public Library for a library program call The slate of officers for tend our Pa-tron Appre- has created a wall gallery 838-3286 or you can visit 2011 was voted on and acciation Days celebration on for artists to display their our website at http://www. cepted by the members. December 20, 21 and 22. work in our foyer. We are apl.lib.in.us . You can now Officers for 2011 will be Sew Happy in search of local amateur find us on Face-book. Jone Maier, President; Mary
APL News
WMI News An American Christmas- Saint Nicholas Meets Father Christmas (Second of 3 articles) In 1608 on the occasion of the second Christmas at Jamestown, Captain John Smith wrote: “Wherever an Englishman may be, and in whatever part of the world, he must keep Christmas with feasting and merriment!” With the exception of the Puritans, this was a fair statement. Churches and homes in colonial Virginia were decked with ivy, holly and rosemary for the season. Shooting, hunting and dancing along with lavish feasts were a staple in the great plantation houses. The Yule log was the largest and greenest log that could be found for it had to burn for the 12 days of Christmas. On many plantations, the slaves did not work as long as the log burned. In colonial towns like Williamsburg, carolers walked for house-to-house singing songs from medieval England like God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman and Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly. The carolers were greeted with a traditional English drink made of cream, eggs and brandy. Today, we call it eggnog. George Washington greeted his Christmas guests with eggnog made with equal parts of whiskey, sherry and the best Jamaica rum. At other houses, carolers
might be offered a combination of spiced ale and wine with crabapples, even older in origin then eggnog. The drink was wassail. Wassail was so much a part of Christmas that wassailing came to mean caroling. The word wassail comes from an old Nordic legend in which the toast “Waisheel” is made. Waisheel means “Be thou well!” Like wassail and the Yule log, Father Christmas comes from Germanic pagan tradition brought to England by invading German tribes that remained and settled on the island. Yule was the Germanic pagan festival celebrated in late December. During Yule a great log was brought in and burned in the fireplace. Its purpose was to give maximum light and heat at the coldest, darkest time of the year. During the Yule festival, the god Odin would fly through the sky on his horse and leave presents for good children. In return the children would leave carrots for his horse. As the Germanic people throughout Europe embraced Christianity, Yule was absorbed into the celebration of Christmas also celebrated in late December. And in England, Odin became Father Christmas. Dressed in green and fly-
ing through the night sky on his horse, Father Christmas was no saint. He was jolly and full of life, ready to celebrate the season to the utmost. Father Christmas was forever immortalized as the Spirit of Christmas Present in Charles Dickens’ Christmas Carol. As the colonies became states and the United States began to grow, pushing ever westward, people of various traditions were brought together, and Christmas traditions were borrowed and merged and altered. So it was that St. Nicholas met Father Christmas. The Dutch custom of celebrating St. Nicholas and Christmas separately was dropped. St. Nicholas began coming on Christmas Eve. Over time St. Nichols became more jolly and fun loving and less formal than a bishop or saint. Eventually, Father Christmas and St. Nicolas both lost their names to an Americanized version of the Dutch San Claas (St. Nicholas) Still, it took one very important event to complete the change of San Claas into Santa Claus. In 1823, Clement Moore’s “A visit from St. Nicholas” was published in a New York newspaper, and from two separate traditions, Santa Claus was born. The sleigh, reindeer, bag of
Jane Kight, Vice-President; Gayle Blunier, Secretary; Sue Wassmer, Treasurer and Sherry Harvey, Historian. The meeting was adjourned and the members and guests then enjoyed a meal of hors doeuvers and sweets. The main event for the evening was the Annual Christmas Auction. Again this year, there were many and varied items to be auctioned off. The auction was again a huge success. The proceeds from this auction are used to fund scholarships for North Posey seniors. Tercera had five new members join the club. The new members are Becky Nottingham, Chris Kellams,
By Mary Jane Kight Fran Wood, Ramona Gatewood and Debbie Mauck. Tercera welcomes anyone to attend our meetings. If you are interested, please contact one of the members for information. Regular meeting night is the second Wednesday of each month.
Stretch St tc your holiday dollar at
Margaret’s Resale H165 Poseyville, IN For info call 874-2159
By Sherry Graves
toys, clothes, chubbiness and beard – everything that is Santa Claus was there. St. Nicholas and Father Christmas took a backseat to the new American Santa Claus. Yet throughout the 19th century, Santa Claus was drawn in various ways with no consensus on how he looked. But in the 1930’s the American company, Coca Cola, launched a campaign to get people to drink coke year round. They hired artist Haddon Sundblom to produce Coca Cola ads featuring Santa Claus drinking coke. Using Clement Moore’s poem as a reference, for the next 30 years Sundblom gave us the image of Santa Claus we embrace today in one Coca Cola ad after another. It is fair to say that Santa Claus is as American as apple pie. Although today he is known to children around the world, Santa Claus is a product of the American melting pot. It is true that his background is part Christian and part pagan, but even his pagan part is the result of people searching for light in a dark world. And as the embodiment of the spirit of giving and with the ever-present wish of a Merry Christmas on his lips, Santa Claus is truly part of an American Christmas.
The Posey Humane Society During the Christmas season supporters will be able to specify how they would like their donations to be used. Look for our Giving Trees currently located at Dr. Zieren’s office (Hawthorne Animal Clinic), the office of Dr. Sarah Appel, and The Posey County Co-Op in Mt. Vernon. Take a tag from the tree in the amount you’d like to donate and mark how you want your gift to be used. Envelopes are supplied as well as donation boxes. Please help a homeless animal have a warmer, loving experience. Roscoe is approx 1 - 2 year old American Staffordshire Terg He was rier mix. He is approx 50lbs and is a medium sized dog. abandoned along with two other dogs. Roscoe gets along with other male dogs when properly introduced and does good with kids. Roscoe doesn’t seem to mind cats. He loves going Roscoe on walks and stretching. He is crate ate te on his shots. He is conco contrained. Roscoe is neutered and up to date shes are growing inward sidered special needs because his eyelashes inwards. ire a little It doesnt affect his vision but does require little extra care as hhis eyes tend to collect dirt and debris. Tyler y and Fiona are two adult declawed cats looking for a h home. They are both approximately 2 y years old and are spayed/neutered as w as up to date on their shots. Even well those these two extra large cats might those l look like couch potatoes - they have a Tyler and Fiona pplayf side as well. These two can be playful ad pted for a special adopted pecial price p ice of $ 35 for the pair. For more information on Roscoe, R Tyler, Fiona or the many other animals at the shelter or to make a donation: visit www. poseyhumane.org or call 812-838-3211. The shelter is located at 6500 Leonard Rd in Mt. Vernon, IN.
~ 6500 Leonard Road, Mt. Vernon, IN. ~ PHS hours are from 12:00 – 6:00 Thursday-Sunday. Appointments for viewing or for surrenders may be made on other days by calling 838-3211. Go to www.poseyhumane.org for more information on events and to view other animals available for adoption.
PAGE A8 • DECEMBER 14, 2010
Gala raises money for Gilda’s Club
Julie Clayton presents the check for $57,151.15 to Randy Moore of Gilda’s Club Evansville. Also shown are Gayla Gubler, Sherry Spindler, Jim Wittman and Phil Offerman of the event committee and Marcia Forston, Denise Greenwell and Penne Gambrall of Gilda’s Club Evansville. Photo submitted
FFA NEWS Amanda Bender: Reporter As we near the end of the year, the North Posey FFA Chapter and its 62 members would like to thank the community for all their support of and generosity towards this past year’s activities and fundraisers. We are truly grateful for all the individuals and businesses that have provided equipment and supplies to help make the test plot a success. This is
By Amanda Bender a yearly activity that greatly aids our chapter financially so that we may attend various contests along with State and National Conventions We want to thank those who purchased fruit this year. Once again this year we cooperated with the Class of 2013 to sell fruit. In years past, we have also sold fruit with the Varsity Club and Business Professionals of America. Sales this year were every bit as strong as last year, which
should make us one of the top 10 fruit selling chapters in the State of Indiana. Fruit sales are important for our chapter. Our fruit broker is required to send $.80 per case sold to the Indiana FFA Association as a donation in our name. This is a tremendous financial boost for the Association, and our chapter doesn’t have to make any additional donation to the Association. Once again thank you for your tremendous support.
Representatives from Gilda’s Club Evansville were presented with a $57,151.15 poster-sized check today at a celebration held at Hacienda restaurant in Evansville. This is the largest single donation yet received by the organization, a local affiliate of the national Gilda’s Club which provides services for all who are living with cancer. Julie Clayton, Director of Administration of Regency Properties (the events’ lead sponsor), gave the check to Randy Moore, who serves as a founding board member of the organization. Julie was chairman of the Cross Pointe Family Fair and the Gala for Gilda’s Club, held this year during the weekend of October 15 and 16 at Cross Pointe Commerce
Center on Evansville’s east side Many Evansville businesses supported the Events, including Platinum level sponsors Kenny Kent Toyota, Oncology Hematology Associates, Old National Bank, and Vectren. Shoe Carnival hosted the Gala at their corporate headquarters on Friday, October 15. The Gala was attended by hundreds of paying guests, and raised thousands of dollars via a silent auction and other festive activities. The second annual Cross Pointe Family Fair was held the next day on Columbia and Bentee Wes Streets in Cross Pointe. Several thousand area residents attended the fair, enjoying activities for children and families. The free Fair featured a “Grillin’ for
Gilda’s” barbeque cookoff where over 20 teams competed for prizes, live entertainment, food and business vendors, and a dozen inflatables for kids. The two events combined raised over $57,150 from donations and sponsorships. The events also gave Gilda’s Club Evansville the opportunity to gain recognition for their organization which will provide social and emotional support for anyone affected by any kind of cancer. This support includes the family and friends of the person with cancer. Currently Gilda’s Club Evansville is finalizing plans for a clubhouse where services will be offered at no charge. For further information contact: Randy Moore: RMoore@wtvw.com
Solid Waste holiday closures announced The Posey County Solid Waste District office will be closed Thursday, December 23, Friday, December 24, Monday, December 27, and Monday, January 3. The New
Harmony Recycling Center will be closed Friday, December 24. All recycling centers – Mount Vernon, Marrs, Cynthiana, Poseyville, and New Harmony – will be
closed Saturday, December 25 and Saturday, January 1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! For more information, contact the District at 838-1613.
Commissioners announce annual appointments During the Posey County Commiissioners meeting held on Tuesday, the county made the following appointments. HEALTH BOARD James Rice (4 Year Term) AREA PLAN COMMISSION--James Alsop (1 Year Term) ALEXANDRIAN PUBLIC LIBRARY--Julie Greathouse (4 Year Term) CARNEGIE LIBRARY BOARD--Vicki Emge (4 Year Term) COUNTY ATTORNEY-Bamberger, Foreman, Oswald & Hahn (1Year Term) FOUR RIVERS RC&D COUNCIL--John Sherretz (2 Year Term) ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER--Charles Mobley (1 Year Term) COLISEUM BOARD-Eugene McCoy (1 Year Term); Donald Renschler (1 Year Term); Charles Seibert (1 Year Term) BUILDING AUTHORITY BOARD-Don Mercer (1 Year Term) VETERANS SERVICE OFFICER--Eugene McCoy (1 Year Term) POSEY COUNTY REDEVELOPMENT-J. Michael Ashworth (1 Year Term); Robert Rust (1 Year Term); J.C. Egli (1 Year Term); James Scarafia (2 Year Term) E-911 ADVISORY BOARD--Roger Waters (1 Year Term); Charles Thomp-
son (1 Year Term); Greg Oeth (1 Year Term); Ralph Weinzapfel (1 Year Term); Tim Compton (1 Year Term); Dana Allyn (1 Year Term); Larry Robb (1 Year Term) BOARD OF FAMILY AND CHILDREN SERVICES-Scott Moye (1 Year Term) COMMON CONSTRUCTION WAGE BOARD-Gary Thiem – Industry (1 Year Term); Larry Scott (1 Year Term); Still looking for replacement for Charles Seibert DESIGNATE NEWSPAPERS-Posey County News (1 Year Term); Mt. Vernon Democrat (1 Year Term) ADA COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE-Terry Penn (1 Year Term); David Angermeier (1 Year Term); Sharon Roberts (1 Year Term); Judy Heberer (1 Year Term) BUILDING COMMISSIONER-Ed Batteiger (1 Year Term) POSEY COUNTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENTStephen Schenk (1 Year) BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS/COUNCIL EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTKeely Winiger (1 Year Term) MAINTENANCE CREW Sharon Carr (1 Year Term); Ann Higgs (1 Year Term); John Hoehn (1 Year Term) DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTLarry Robb (1 Year Term) BOARD OF REVIEW-Bil-
ly Ray Butler (1 Year Term); Don Oeth (1 Year Term); Still looking for replacement for Gary Saalweachter (1 Year Term) ABC BOARD-Keith Weedman (1 Year Term) WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD-Dennis Kiesel (1 Year Term); Robert Stemple (1 Year Term) DIRECTOR OF EMSCharles Thompson (1 Year Term) DIRECTOR E-911-Gary Cullman (1 Year Term) GRIFFIN-BETHEL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTStill looking for replacement for Jack Compton (4 Year Term) REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY-Richard Maier (3 Year Term); Richard Noelle (3 Year Term); Still looking for replacement for John Schmitzer (3 Year Term) COMMISSIONER PRESIDENT- Scott Moye (1 Year Term) COMMISSIONER VICEPRESIDENT-James Alsop (1 Year Term) EMA ADVISORY BOARD-Jay Price (1 Year Term) COMPTON DITCH DRAINAGE & REPAIR UNIT--Ronald Eimer (1 Year Term) ECONOMIC COALITION DEVELOPMENTScott Moye (1 Year Term); Michelle Hudson (1 Year Term)
Front Row L to R: Austin Bender, Sentinel, Jourdan Bender, Vice President, Chad Axton, President, Nichole Perry, Secretary, Brianna Perry, Treasurer, and Amanda Bender, Reporter. 2nd Row L to R (bent): Teela Temme, Cecelia Robertson, Jordan Lyke, Melanie Phillips, Kayla Hoenert, Brooke Sturgell, Abby Bender, Misty Watson, Emma Werry, Lindsay Calvert. 3rd Row L to R (standing): Kelsey Teel, Kassi Gray, Kyle Stearns, Tylie Robertson, Anna Will, Jacob Sturgell, Kylen Lohman, Olivia Goebel, Mike Helfert, Maddie Herrmann, Daniel Motz. 4th Row L to R: Connor Motz, Aaron Lupfer, Clint Cox, Jacob Gries, Nick Heldt, Jacob Bender, Michael Bender, Griffin Motz, Kenzi Motz, Peyton Eyer, Nathan Stewart, Dustin Graulich, Bradley Barrett, Ryan Gish, Jacob Kercher, Nathan Wiley, Cory Pharr, Carl Seib, Logan Seng. Back Row L to R: Dale Bender, Andrew Reich, Hunter Motz, Derek Collins, Josh Beck, Liam Matthew, Tyler Higginson. Not Pictured: John Cook, Greg Englert, Reed Heathcotte, Dakota Hurt, Derek Voegel. Photo submitted
Posey County youth help United Way Keith Spurgeon, chairman of the 2010 United Way of Posey County campaign, announced today that the campaign drive has raised 97% of the $620,000 goal. He said “We have reached 97% of the goal because of the generosity of the Posey County community. A successful campaign means being able to have services available when the community needs them. Remember that contributions stay in our community to provide those services, and please contribute to make a difference in our community.” United Way of Posey County agencies receiving funds this year are: Albion Fellows Bacon Center, American Red Cross Posey County Chapter, Boy Scouts of America Buffalo Trace Council, Catholic Charities, Children’s Learning Center, Christian Church Day Care Center, Community Emergency Assistance, ECHO Community Health Care, Family Matters, Homeless Shelter of Mt. Vernon, Indiana Legal Services, Lam-
pion Center, Mental Health America, New Harmony Ministry Association, Posey County Council on Aging, Posey County Rehabilitation Services, Rehabilitation Center, Salvation Army, Visiting Nurse Association of Southwestern Indiana, WNIN Radio Reading Program, and Willow Tree of Posey County. Contributions also help to fund United Way programs such as the local Gifts In Kind program and Information and Referral Assistance, 2-1-1, which is the easy-to-remember telephone number for access to information about resources and assistance in Posey County, and the prescription drug discount program. During the fall of each year, Children’s Learning Center families are challenged to support the United Way by donating their loose change to their Penny Olympics contest. Each classroom provides a decorated container to hold donations in the name of each room. Pennies are counted at the end of each
day so everyone can be aware of the leaders each day. The campaign lasts one week, and the children compete with each other to have their room come out on top. All profits are then forwarded directly to the United Way to support community programs. The message from the children at the Children’s Learning Center is that every little bit counts. No amount to give to the United Way of Posey County is too small. In the northern part of Posey County, the Grade 7 class at St. Wendel School is involved in helping their community. The class has chosen the United Way of Posey County to be its service project for the 20102011 school year. The class has been generous in its support of the United Way of Posey County. You can contact the United Way of Posey County at 838-3637 or uwposey@sbcglobal.net for more information or to get involved. Contributions can be sent to P.O. Box 562, Mount Vernon, Indiana 47620.
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Santa Claus gave sleigh rides to five-year-old Adrianna Neave and six-month old Brooklynn Bradley during Christmas in Mount Vernon at the Community Center on Saturday morning. Santa’s helper is Michael Smith. Photo by Terri Koch
Members of the Zion Nursery Center’s Pre-K class dance around their buddy, Frosty during the Center’s Christmas Program Sunday afternoon. Photo by Tammy Bergstrom New Harmony School Board members stand together to honor Ken Meyer for 22 Mount Vernon man faces charges after traveling 116 mph years of service during his last board meeting December 9. Pictured from left are BrenA Mount Vernon, Ind., alcohol, according to a po- motor vehicle while intoxida Butman, board attorney David Givens, Jim Scarafia, Ken Meyer, Jim Eagan, Jason man is facing several charg- lice report. cated and reckless driving. Wilson and superintendent Fran Thoele. Photo by Valerie Werkmeister es after Indiana State PoHarmon was arrested and He is currently being held at lice reported him driving at charged with operating a the Posey County Jail. 116 mph in a 60 mph speed Insurance benefits continue to be sticky point in teacher talks zone. Trooper Ted Clamme was By Valerie Werkmeister selves to education for that long,”Scarafia operating a stationary raIn an attempt to alleviate a bit of the sting said. dar just after midnight this New Harmony teachers, staff and adminis“It’s been a real honor to serve on a school morning on Indiana 62 near tration will feel from increased health insur- board. I’ve had fun sometimes. It’s been dif- Mohr Road when he spotted ance costs, school board members approved ficult sometimes. I’ve made friends and I’ve a 2008 Mitsubishi traveling a one-time $499.20 contribution to eligible lost some friends. But, it’s been a real plea- west at a high rate of speed. employee’s health savings accounts (HAS) sure,” Meyer stated. Radar indicated the car was during Thursday’s New Harmony School Scarafia presented him with a gift on be- going 116 mph. Board meeting. half of the board and a cake celebration was Clamme stopped the car Superintendent Fran Thoele explained held in his honor following the meeting. and spoke to the driver, that the school’s health insurance plan no The board approved Escraft as the liabil- Gregory W. Harmon, 60, of longer offers a PPO plan and the most af- ity and worker compensation insurance pro- 229 W. Second St. in Mount fordable policy brings high deductibles to vider at a cost of $16,009. Thoele noted this Vernon. During the conits policyholders. Teachers and board mem- was a decrease from the previous $17,101 versation, Clamme said he bers approved adding an HSA option to their premium. Dental Health Options was also smelled alcohol and an inSection 125 Cafeteria Plan. approved as the dental insurance provider. vestigation revealed Harmon Natalie Nenneker, a member of the Pre-K class at Zion Rick Johnson represented the teachers’ Thoele asked the board to accept a $2,400 was over the legal limit for Nursery Center sings out on Jingle Bells during the Cenunion and stated that while they appreciated grant from Fuel Up and Play 60. The grant ter’s Christmas Program on a snowy Sunday afternoon. the contribution, they were disappointed will allow the school’s cafeteria to explore Photo by Tammy Bergstrom with the plan that was offered. healthy options as food choices to students. School Board member Ken Meyer was Thoele also highlighted a possible capital honored for 22 years of service to the board. fund project for next summer that would inThoele read a lengthy list of highlights and volve re-sanding and painting the gym floor. STUDENT OF THE MONTH achievements on Meyers’ behalf. He served She stated she will have a consultation on as board president for 15 years and the first that project this week. NICHOLE MARIE teacher he approved to hire full-time was In other business, the board approved: PERRY Lois Gray who became a National Teacher •hiring Mark Parmenter as a volunteer Date Of Birth: of the Year. He joined the board just as the sponsor of the student chess club. 7/9/1992 new school came into full operation. He im•Hiring Allen Buck and Joe Ettensohn Grade: mediately faced concerns about the chiller, as volunteer high school boys basketball Senior – 12th Grade energy maintenance and stains on the new coaches cafeteria floor. Later, in October 2009, he •Hiring Ann Duvall as 5/7 teacher for the Parent/Guardian(s): would be a part of the celebration retiring second semester Dave and Luann Perry the debt on that new school. •Fundraisers of spring picture sales for Hobbies / Community During his tenure, he served with Ivan the students and t-shirts for the athletics/pep Involvement: Alsop, James Smith, Kenneth Weinzapfel, club. Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, Carolyn Stone, Chris Gwaltney, Tom Smith, •Offering an Advanced Food and NutriFFA, 4-H, National Honor Society, Student Council, Brenda Butman, Jim Scarafia, Jeff Smother- tion class with a book charge of $5 and a Peers Project, St. Mary’s Volunteer, St. Paul’s UMC member man, Jason Wilson and Jim Eagan. Personal Finance Class with a book charge He also graduated 364 students includ- of $9.65. ing Eagan in 1989, his son, Joe, in 1996, •A donation from the Kiwanis Club in the his daughter, Kathy, in 1998 and son, John, amount of $538.20 to be used towards the in 2001. He has attended 269 regular meet- Washington, D.C. trip. ings and 150 special meetings and work sesThe next regular meeting of the New Har2 CAR GARAGE 1 1/2 CAR GARAGE sions. mony School Board will be held on January 16’ X 7’ “It takes a special person to dedicate them- 13, 2011, at 6 p.m. $ 9’ X 7’ $ Overhead Overhead Hannah Seifert winds Door Door up one of the toy soldiers during the Wooden Soldier March at the Zion Nursery 4 CAR GARAGE Center’s Pre-K Christmas 3 CAR GARAGE 2-16’ X 7’ Program. Photo by Tammy 16’x 7’ & Overhead $ $ 9’ X 7’ Doors Bergstrom
New Harmony honors outgoing member Meyer
MVJHS music Stop by the Performing Arts Center at Mount Vernon Junior High School on Tuesday, December 14, at 7 p.m.. and be treated to an evening of holiday music. The vocal and instrumental students will entertain in this joyous celebration of music. So put it on your calendar and join in the holiday spirit!
Farmersville Elementary students earned a Limousine ride and lunch at McDonalds from Bill Sykes of Pearl Fundraising for selling 20 tubs of cookie dough during our recent fundraiser. Front Row: Cooper Collins, Ryli Bulla, Taylor Jarvis, Sydney Redman, and Kaelyn Canary. Back Row: Alexis Anderson, Maci Potter, Abbie Peerman, Isaac Howell, Conner King, Donaven Krack, Lera Wilson, Blake McFadin and Dalton Kuhn Photo submitted
Adam Ruddell prepares to make his way onto the dance floor with his date Brittany Gee at the North Posey Snowball.
North Posey senior Orry Weiss prepares to enjoy his final Snowball Dance with date Jamie Deuerling.
NP Booster Club truck raffle tickets now on sale North Posey Athletic Booster Club will hold its annual vehicle raffle on Friday, February 18, 2011, at the final boys’ basketball game for the season. Proceeds from the raffle are used to fund expenses of the athletic and academic teams. Thanks to Express-
way Auto Group for their sponsorship of this event. The raffle winner will select their choice of a 2010 vehicle: Chevrolet Camaro, Dodge Challenger, Ford MustangDodge Ram Quad Cab SLT 4x4, Chevrolet Silverado Extended Cab LT 4x4, Ford F-150 Supercab
XLT 4x4, Jeep Wrangler 4x4, or $20,000 cash. Tickets can be purchased at North Posey High School, all Expressway Auto stores, local businesses, at boys’ & girls’ high school home basketball games, or by contacting Tim Schmitt at 812-622-0300.
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PAGE A10 • DECEMBER 14, 2010
Bruce Hensley and Kathy Osburn enjoy the Temple Aires during the Holiday Ball held at Thrall’s Opera House on Saturday night. Photo by Dave Pearce
Derek King of the Mount Vernon Marching Wildcats leads the vocal portion of the parade to bring Santa Claus Four-year-old Skylar Adler checks out Santa Claus very closely while nine-month-old to downtown Mount Vernon for the Kairi Thompson sits quietly during Christmas in Mount Vernon Saturday morning at the Community Center. Photo by Terri Koch party at the Community Center.
Tyler Roos, Little Mister River Days, and Autumn Schaffer, Little Miss River Days, helped out Santa Claus during Christmas in Mount Vernon at the Community Center on Saturday morning.
Lilly Melendez, 6, shows off her Shih Tzu Travel Bag, while five-year-old Caitlin Melendez proudly displays Alfred Savia, Director of the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra shows the passion with which he directed Hanher Littlest Pet Shop, gifts from Santa Claus during Shop del’s Messiah on Sunday afternoon at the Granary in New Harmony. The performance was part of the Under the with a Cop festivities sponsored by the Mount Vernon Beams concert series and was in special memory of Jane Blaffer Ower. At right is soloist Jennifer Lane, MezzoFraternal Order of Police. Photo by Terri Koch Soprano. Photo by Dave Pearce
Cloverleaf, director given extraordinary marks by U. S. HUD By Pam Robinson Terri Austin, Executive Director of Cloverleaf Apartments in Mount Vernon, has received a special gift this Christmas season—a gift several years in the making. She opened a letter from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, in Washington, D.C., this past Tuesday that recognizes Cloverleaf with the High Performer Award. It is the
most prestigious award the federal agency can bestow on a housing authority. Out of 63 housing authorities In the State of Indiana, Austin states, only 20 have been honored with the High Performer Award. She adds that fewer than six have been honored this way in the Tri-State. Although Cloverleaf has met HUD standards during its 35-year history, this year marks the first time in over 10 years
that the facility has achieved the High Performer Award under much more stringent requirements than in the past. “Since I came here [five years ago in February], it’s been my goal to achieve High Performer status,” Austin says. “I’ve finally reached my goal. I still don’t want it to sound like it’s a personal achievement. I’ve worked hard, but I have a great staff backing
me. I couldn’t do it without them.” Austin explains that HUD surveyors rate facilities on a 100 point scale covering performance in four areas: financial, management, resident satisfaction and physical. Financial performance is reviewed every year while HUD assesses management, resident satisfaction and physical upkeep once every two years. HUD ranks facilities with their overall score
Terri Austin (far left), Executive Director of the Mount Vernon Housing Authority, in Mount Vernon, stands with her award-winning Cloverleaf staff: (L to R) Danette Higdon, Glenda Bullard and Leroy Lindenberg. The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development recently bestowed its most prestigious award for a housing authority on the facility, the High Performer Award. Cloverleaf is one of only 20 out of 63 housing authorities in the State of Indiana to earn this distinction. Photo by Pam Robinson.
every two years also. Any facility scoring above 90 points earns the High Performer Award. Cloverleaf scored 91 out of 100 points. “The last time we were surveyed, we received 74 points, which is standard. That just goes to show you the huge jump we’ve made,” Austin comments. Physical upkeep is, by far, the toughest category to master in the HUD survey. Standards are demanding and exacting. “There was a mortar crack on one brick at the top of the [four-story] building,” Austin states. “It was the only crack found in the whole building. We had points deducted for it.” She attributes the soundness of the Cloverleaf building and the beauty of the grounds to her maintenance staff, Leroy Lindenberg and Danette Higdon. “They go above and beyond what is required. They will even take out the trash for residents who leave it beside their doors because they can’t make it outside with it. They’ll say, ‘We’re going that way anyhow.’ That’s just one small example [of their service to the residents].” The seven-member Board
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of Directors for Cloverleaf earns Austin’s appreciation as well. “The board backs me 100 percent,” she states. “They’ve never worked against me.” That board includes President Andy Weintraut, Vice President and Cloverleaf resident Shirley Kinchloe, Bob Webster, Walt Brunton, Joyce Babillis, Sue Boerner and Debbie Scott. Their excitement about Cloverleaf’s High Performer Award is contagious. Weintraut acknowledges, “I’ve never been more proud of Terri and her group. It’s very difficult to get this high score that says we’re performing at the highest level possible. It’s not just a facility we think highly of; HUD thinks highly of it, too.” He also recalls his late mother’s residency at Cloverleaf. “I never worried about my mom’s safety or security. The building was also spotless every time I walked in it. Cloverleaf gave me peace of mind about my mom. Almost everyone, the seniors and other qualifying residents, has seen a marked improvement in their quality of life once they come to Cloverleaf. It’s the bestkept secret in Mount Vernon. We offer a facility of its kind that isn’t matched in Evansville. Everyone from the Mayor on down should be proud of its place in our community.” Shirley Kinchloe, Vice President of the Cloverleaf board, speaks for all her fellow residents when she comments, “We’re very proud of Terri and her achievements. We have a great staff here. They are there for all of us. We’re very proud to live here.” Austin insists, “We’re where we need to be [in terms of performance]. The High Performer Award is hard-earned and well-deserved.”
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DECEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE A11
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Vikings win another close one, beat Patriots 57-54
North Posey’s Cooper Martin shows resolve going up against a tallerdefender during the Viking win over Heritage Hills on Friday night. Photo by Dave Pearce
By Dave Pearce The North Posey Vikings are learning how to win close games. As a matter of fact, their first two home games have been decided by three points and Coach Matt Wadsworth believes the experience of playing in close games could come in handy down the road. The Vikings are now 3-0 while the Patriots fell to 1-2. On Friday night, it was the Pocket Athletic Conference opener and the Vikings managed to hold on and defeat the Heritage Hills Patriots 57-54. But nothing came easy for the Vikings. The Patriots are a team with a lot of size and are muchimproved over last season. Many Posey County residents will remember twins Damon and Devon Wahl, who moved from Mount Vernon to Heritage Hills several years ago. They are now 6-foot-2 and 6-foot-3 juniors who are complemented by 6-foot-6 bulky senior Garrett VanKirk and a total of eight players 6-foot-2 or taller. “This is a team that is going to win a lot of basketball games before the year is over,” Wadsworth said of the Patriots. “This was one of those games that we looked toward back in September and asked out coaching staff how we were going to keep them off the boards and how we were going to keep them from dominating us inside. They run good set plays and get the ball into the post. Our post play was one of our question marks going into the season. Tonight, that was the strength of our team. ” The Vikings answered that question on Friday night as Cooper Martin stepped up to the plate with 15 points to help lead his team to the win. “Cooper had 15 points and Cameron Calvert had 11 points and Eric Wargel had three,” Wadsworth explained. “So we scored just as much inside as we did outside tonight. Going forward, that’s a real positive for us. We are establishing a post game and we are finding our post defender.” One prime example was late in the game when the Viking lead had been cut to one, the Vikings set up and out-of-bounds play that had apparently been well-scouted. “They knew exactly what we were going to do because their coach was shouting out exactly what we were running,” Wadsworth said. “Cooper set a great screen and rolled back to the basket and hit the basket. That was something we worked on in practice that carried over to the ballgame. But that play was not the only thing that carried over from practice. Wadsworth said Martin finally showed Viking fans on game night what he sees from the 6-foot-4 senior every day in practice. But Wadsworth used the night to work on one of the funda-
Under the watchful eye of North Posey Coach Matt Wadsworth, Nick Scheller looks for an open teammate during Friday night’s PAC win. Photo by Dave Pearce mentals of his offense. “We knew going into the season that we were going to have to get better at screening,” Wadsworth explained. “Our offense revolves around structured cuts and what we tried to get around more to tonight was a motion offense that wasn’t as patterned as our other offense to give our guys more freedom.” And sophomore Nick Neidig saw more action than he has in the first couple of games, primarily due to his defense. “When we go back and look at the films of the games, Nick
Continued on Page B3
Rappites thump Cannelton, Day School returns the favor By Steve Joos The New Harmony boys’ basketball team got to look at one-sided scores from both sides over the weekend. On Friday, the Rappites drained 12 threepointers while rolling over the visiting Cannelton Bulldogs 92-56 in their homecoming game. Then Saturday rolled around and the Rappites were rolled over at Day School 70-44. On Friday night, the Rappites were in some ways forced to take what Cannelton gave them---and how. New Harmony filled it up from outside to the tune of 12 three-pointers as they routed the visiting Bulldogs 92-56 in their homecoming game. “Cannelton’s coach tells me that their whole thing is shooting the three,” coach Jim Little explained. “They want to shoot 30 a game. Our plan wasn’t to shoot the three, but we had 12 tonight and they were good shots. I tried to run a play, but they were giving us stuff, drives and threes. I was tickled that everytime Cannelton changed defenses our kids adjusted to them.” The Rappites have a play called “Syracuse” where they try and isolate Andrew McDaniel or an open shooter, but against Cannelton, they couldn’t run the play because the defense was leaving open shots for the Rappites. The Bulldogs went to a man-to-man defense in the second and the Rappites were able to take advantage of that and seemed to build on a game they already seemed to have
had in hand. After spotting the Bulldogs the first points of the game, New Harmony reeled off 13 unanswered points to open a 13-2 lead. Levi Hoehn started things off by hitting one of two free throws to put New Harmony on the scoreboard. McDaniel intercepted a Cannelton pass on the Bulldogs’ next possession and took it in for a layup which gave New Harmony a 3-2 advantage. The Rappites never looked back after that, as McDaniel completed a three-point play and took in a steal for the next five Rappite tallies and then Kyle Whitmore adding to the surge with a three-pointer and a bucket off a feed from another McDaniel steal. Cannelton was able to get a few points back, but they trailed 22-10 after the first quarter. The offense was more even in the second quarter, but the Rappites stretched the lead to 45-30 at halftime. The Rappites started the third quarter on yet another roll, scoring the first 11 points of the second half, making the tally 56-30. It was 70-41 entering the final eight minutes. McDaniel pumped in 17 points, but the rest of the Rappites also stepped up. “Blayne (Worman) had his breakout game,” Little said. “Kyle Whitmore had his breakout game, with a double-double. Kris Scarafia had a double-double with double assists and points. Andrew McDaniel had another double-double. Clint Mathews had a good game, he’s been just going in there and whacking people. Anytime you put in 90 points, you have to be happy.”
The team wanted to go for the century mark, but Little didn’t want to run up the score, although when Cannelton’s Cody Lawlin stayed in the game, he had to keep a stronger player in the contest. Worman scored a game-high 25 point to
make the homecoming game something of a coming-out party, while Whitmore added 23 and Kris Scarafia 14 to give the Rappites four players in double figures. Matthews added
Continued on Page B2
New Harmony’s Kyle Whitmore drives to the basket after a steal during the Rappites’ homecoming win over Cannelton on Friday night. Photo by Dave Pearce
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PAGE B2 • DECEMBER 14, 2010
Lady ‘Cats bring down Titans By Steve Joos They had the Mount Vernon girls’ basketball team buried Thursday night at Gibson Southern, especially after The Lady Titans had gone up by 13 points early in the fourth quarter. Things were a little different when the game ended. Jacey Ritzert’s rebound bucket with 15.8 seconds left in the game gave the Lady Wildcats their only lead of the night and then the defense made it stand up for a 43-42 victory, Mount Vernon’s second of the week, and second where they conceded highpoint honors to a member of the opposition. The Lady Titans’ Maggie Ritter led all scorers in Thursday’s game, while Mater Dei freshman Maura Muensterman was lights out Tuesday, pouring in 29 points for the Evansville school. Despite that performance, the Lady Wildcats from Mount Vernon came out on top for the first time since 2004, winning 65-52. The Lady Wildcats were enroute to a split for most of the game Thursday, as they struggled with Gibson Southern’s defense and deliberate style offensively. Coach Steve Mitchell Mount Vernon junior Amy Seifert goes up for two of her didn’t think his team played ten points during Tuesday’s home game against the Wild- that well and partly complicats of Mater Dei. The Wildcats raised their record to 6-1 mented Gibson Southern for after this week’s wins against Mater Dei and the tenthPlease see Page B4 ranked Gibson Southern Titans. Photo by Terri Koch
Rappites, from Page B1 six points, Hoehn five and A.J. Eaton two. Worman drained five three-pointers, while Whitmore dropped in four. Lawlin paced Cannelton with 22 points, while Spencer Herzog added 18. The Rappites also won the reserve game, but in a little more of a horse race, nipping Cannelton 36-34. Sollman led the reserves with nine points, while Matthews added six. Whitmore and Lange each put in four points, while Hoehn, Murray and Each all scored three each. The late Glenn Scherzinger, a longtime scorekeeper and timekeeper for the Rappite boys’ team, was honored prior to the game Friday. A plaque in honor of Scherzinger, who died last summer, will be placed next to the one honoring former
coach and athletic director Larry Kahle in the school gym. A plate will also be placed at the scorer’s table where Scherzinger spent so many games. The presentation was made to Scherzinger’s widow, Margaret Scherzinger and their children, Wes and Alyssa, prior to Friday’s game. The Rappites celebrated homecoming on Friday and then went to Day School, where they got schooled for the most part. New Harmony was able to make a game of it in the first quarter, but they still trailed 17-13. “They played bad, I coached bad,” Little said. “This game is one of those things I don’t know how to explain.” Little didn’t think his team prepared very well for Day School, while the Eagles
came out and played very well. The Eagles were just starting to soar, however, first stretching the lead to 27-20 at halftime before really taking flight in the second half. Day School led 40-27 after three quarters. The Eagles hit double figures while shutting down McDaniel defensively, limiting the senior forward to just four points. Worman led the Rappites with 17 points, but it wasn’t enough as Ethan Black pumped in 23 and Alex Hanke added 22 for Day School, while Basel Allaw added 17. Whitmore and Scarafia each put in seven points for the Rappites, who suffered their second loss of the season, while Hoehn added four and Matthews three. The Eagles also took the reserve game 67-26.
King brings British flavor to giving Jan King, office manager at Trinity United Church of Christ in Mount Vernon, lives out the Christian message of love and service all year long. Three years ago, her daughter Victoria suffered a major stroke that left her physically incapable of caring for her small son, Kevin, now seven years old. King and her husband George did the only thing their hearts could imagine: they opened their home to their grandson and started a second generation of childrearing. No wonder King is the goto person now for the Annual Posey County Christmas Assistance Program. Her heart is moved to action for those in need. She organizes the entire Christmas angel tree ministry in Posey County churches, companies and civic organizations. She recruits and assists volunteers with administering the program from the time the township trustees Trinand
For Your Convenience: Please stop by and visit our new Mount Vernon office branch! It is located next to Floors and Walls on East 4th Street in Mount Vernon.
Additionally we now offer a
free facebook page that contains photos that we are unable to fit in our normal publication.
The family of Glenn Scherzinger remembers him as a plaque was awarded in his honor at Friday night’s New Harmony homecoming. Photo by Dave Pearce
ity UCC receive applications for Christmas presents to the time the gifts are delivered to their grateful recipients. Trinity UCC has been in charge of the Christmas assistance program for six years now, and King has managed the efforts all three years of her tenure as church office manager. During her 20s, King first came to this country in 1978 from her native Horley, England a small village south of land, London. She and her British boyfriend traveled together to
see the Daytona 200 motorbike races. The next year, she and her boyfriend found jobs in Evansville, but American George King ultimately won her hand in marriage in 1979. They’ve made their home in Mount Vernon ever since then. The couple has three children: Victoria (30), Brian (28) and Matthew (17). They enjoy reading in their spare time although Jan prefers fiction fiction (novels) while George sticks with nonfiction works.
Posey Lanes Recap League: Expressway Jolleytime High Game High Series 1. Anita Goff 203 1. Anita Goff 557 2. Kathy Ridley 201 2. Pete Rohlman 553 3. Tina Sutton 201 3. Kathy Ridley 530 4. Wanda Redman 195 4. Tina Sutton 526 5. Sharon Rush 194 5. Wanda Redman 525 League: Mini Access Storage High Game High Series 1. Marcia Lange 211 1. Marcia Lange 535 2. Valerie Stratton 201 2. Pam Hickey 527 3. Pam Hickey 189 3. Valerie Stratton 513 4. Gaylynn Reese 173 4. Debbie Boarman 469 5. Debbie Boarman 168 5. Gaylynn Reese 450 League: Men’s Major High Game High Series 1. Brandon Thomas 289 1. Dile Wilson 732 2. Dile Wilson 279 2. Steve Zink 724 3. Jim Burton 259 3. Brandon Thomas 690 4. Steve Zink 258 4. Shawn Ricketts 672 5. Cory Kohlmeyer 257 5. Cory Koylmeyer 659 League: First Bank High Game High Series 1. Valerie Stratton 201 1. Valerie Stratton 576 2. Judy Goodwin 198 2. Michelle Sollman 510 3. Lou Cameron 184 3. Pete Rohlman 494 4. Michelle Sollman 182 4. Martha Phillips 491 5. Pete Rohlman 178 5. Sandy Seitz 455 League: T.M.I. Hotshots High Game High Series 1. Sandy Wilson 203 1. Sandy Wilson 536 2. Gaylynn Reese 192 2. Joyce Jackson 510 3. Carole Doherty 183 3. Gaylynn Reese 496 4. Joyce Jackson 181 4. Carole Doherty 492 5. Diana Carnahan 175 5. Diana Carnahan 467 League: Men’s Commercial High Game High Game 1. Joe Newton 278 1. Dile Wilson 744 2. Jason Maxfield 268 2. Greg Brown 682 3. Dile Wilson 265 3. Cory Kohlmeyer 664 4. Pat Riordan 256 4. John Fleenor 645 5. Darrell Brown 253 5. John Deppen 645 League: Jr.-Sr. High League: Elementary 1. Matt Strupp 236 1. Gary Griffin 213 2. D.A. Wilson 230 2. Mathew Crafton 148 3. Taylor Erwin 220 3. Samantha Smith 136 4. Caleb Cox 206 4. Jack Valier 125 5. Logan Cox 206 5. Triston Boerner 124 League: Bumpers High Game 1. Auston Oeth 152 2. Lauren Carr 100
Stemple named to Colts academic All Star team Rack up another honor for Mount Vernon High School quarterback Jason Stemple. The senior signal caller has been selected for the Indianapolis Colts’ academic All-Star team a prestigious honor which encompasses all five statewide football classes. Stemple is among 12 offensive and 12 defensive players who are chosen for the honor and will be recognized at a future Colts game. Stemple is the third Wildcat to be chosen for the Colts’ Academic All-Star team, joining Dustin Boyer (2005) and Zach Smorch (2007). Former North Posey standout Matt Hostettler was selected in 2004. “I am very proud to have had three selections to this team,” Wildcats’ coach Paul Maier said. “I think it really shows the strong academic and athletic programs here at Mount Vernon.”
DECEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE B3
Second half lapse does in Vikings
North Posey’s Nichole Perry makes her way to the basket between three Southridge defenders and is fouled during first half action at Southridge. The Lady Vikings were almost as cold as the weather, losing 55-32. Photo by Dave Pearce By Dave Pearce The North Posey Lady Vikings were looking for a win. Having won only one game so far this season, the Vikings headed to Southridge this week in search of their second victory. It turned out to be a bad place to go searching for a win as the Lady Raiders handed the Lady Vikes their fifth loss. And they did it convincingly, 55-32. It became evident very early that the Lady Vikings were going to depend on Nichole Perry for their scoring. And despite a good night for Perry, the Vikings are going to have to have other players step up if they plan to become a better basketball team. Coach Tracey Stroud believes the team is getting better, just maybe not as fast
as he had hoped. The Raiders jumped out to a 10-2 lead and owned the boards in the early going. Senior guard Katelyn Esche picked up her second foul in the first three minutes of the contest and her first half was essentially over. But despite the foul problems, the Lady Vikings fought back and when Perry’s 3-pointer swished with eight seconds to go in the first period, the lady Vikings were back to within 16-9. But Lisa Garris picked up her second personal in the first minute of the second period and Stroud was forced to go to his bench deep and often the remainder of the half. The Raiders hit a 3-pointer to start the second period to take a 19-9 lead. The Lady Raiders built the lead to 24-9; however, the Lady
Vikings outscored the Lady Raiders 11-4 in the final six minutes of the quarter to pull to within 28-20 at the half. But Perry had 13 of the Vikings’ 20 and the Southridge coaching staff was aware of who was keeping the Vikings in the game. Still, Stroud felt that his team had fought back and had high hopes for the second half. “I was pretty happy going into the half only eight points down with Lisa and Katelyn sitting on the bench with foul trouble the biggest part of the first half,” Stroud said. “With those two coming back in, we thought we could pressure their guards and get some turnovers. We did get some turnovers but we just never had the line-up in to take advantage of them consistently.” The Lady Raiders had other ideas. They ran off the
first seven points of the second half as the Lady Vikings were giving up too many second and third shots at the basket. Caitlin Herrmann finally broke the ice for the Vikings with a rebound bucket to pull to within 35-22. “In the first half, we had been patient on offense and were making several passes and getting a good shot,” Stround explained. “But in that second half, we came down the floor and made one or two passes and threw up a shot. Not that they were not open, but they were not good shots. They were just average shots and last year, we had some people inside who could come up with those misses, but this year, we have to make every possession count.” Esche then hit one of two free throws and Perry got a steal and a lay-up to pull to within 10 at 35-25 but that’s as close as the Lady Vikings would get. The Lady Raiders scored 11 of the next 13 points to put the game out of reach 46-27 at the end of three quarters. “The most disappointing thing about this is that Southridge might have been a little better than we are but there’s no way they are 20 points better than we are,” Stroud said emphatically. “We are just a play here or there from being a pretty good basketball team. We just have to keep working and keep trying hard every time out.” Stroud said the team has been working on hand skills because it seems his team is getting a hand on the rebounds but are unable to bring the rebound down strong. “I feel like right now we are underachieving and that’s the part that hurts the most,” Stroud said. “We are close to being a good team. We just have do some little things to get us over the hump.” The Vikings were led by Perry with 18 while Kendyl Ahrens and Katelyn Esche had five each and Herrmann and Garris had two each. In the reserve game, the Lady Vikings led 14-4 at half-time, but a 3-pointer well beyond the arc sent the game into overtime where the Lady Vikings fell.
Mount Vernon wins battle of winless county freshman teams By Steve Joos Prior to Wednesday’s game with North Posey, Mount Vernon freshman boys’ basketball coach Doug Blair said that something had to give, since both teams went into the game looking for their first win of the season. When the game ended, the Wildcat frosh was no longer 0-for-the season. Collin Knight’s five-foot jumper with 4.1 seconds left in the game gave the freshman Wildcats their first win of the season 36-34 over their county rivals. The freshman Wildcats have been working on their defensive footwork and ball movement and it paid off against North Posey, Blair said. “I thought we did an excellent job of pressuring out front,” Blair said. “I think we got them (North Posey) playing at maybe a quicker pace than they wanted to.” Despite the loss, North Posey coach Jeremy Schipp thought his team played better than in their earlier games this season and that’s what
he’s looking for. “They’ve improved since our last game,” Schipp said. “That’s our goal for the whole season that we come out and we make improvements. We can get better, I can get better at coaching, they can get better at the mental things that they need to do, so that we can get better as the season goes on.” The Viking frosh wasn’t physical enough on the help side and that enabled Mount Vernon to penetrate. Schipp was pleased that the team’s intensity picked up and that their timing and knowledge of the plays was better. “It’s a smart group of kids and they really work hard,” the coach said. “Part of me wishes they weren’t so good and had a little bit of a mean streak in them and that might bring out more of the intensity.” Mount Vernon was trying to get North Posey into some hurried shots and have a better shot at rebounding, Blair said, which they hoped would result in a quicker pace. That the game would come
down to the closing moments should have been expected, considering the way both teams battled throughout the early going. North Posey spotted the frosh Cats an early 6-2 lead, only to close out the first quarter with a 7-1 run and take a 9-7 lead after the opening chapter. Christian Jones opened the second quarter with a bucket to make the score 11-7 Vikings, but then Mount Vernon went on a roll of its own, outscoring North Posey 9-2 to reclaim control. Mount Vernon led 18-16 at halftime, but back came the Vikings, scoring the first six points of the third quarter to open a 22-18 lead. They wound up getting out of the third quarter with a 28-26 advantage when Michael Bender put in a late bucket. Bender finished the night with a game-high 13 points, but just when it seemed like North Posey would take control of the game, Mount Vernon reasserted itself and vice-versa. A layup at the outset of the fourth quarter gave North
cated that might have been a blessing in disguise. “Dillon ran that two spot for us all last year so that put him into a position where he is comfortable,” Wadsworth said of the ploy. “Really, we didn’t miss a beat in that situation.” And Wadsworth did not want to leave out the play of Jourdan Cox, a junior who was forced to handle the basketball a lot more than usual. “The two 3-pointers that he hit were really big,” Wadsworth said. “As a player, you have to be confident. Those shots he took were open and one was off a post feed inside-out. He just stepped into it and hit it. Those were two big baskets he hit.” The Vikings’ largest lead of the night came with about 3:30 remaining in the third
period when Calvert grabbed a loose board and stuck it back in to give the Vikings a 42-31 lead. But a Heritage Hills out-of-bounds settled the team and they answered off a set play for a threepoint basket and only once after that did the Vikings lead by as much as eight. The home team led 43-40 heading into the final period. Heritage Hills pulled to within one point twice in the final period, once at 48-47 and again at 51-50. But successive baskets inside by Martin raised that lead to 55-50 and the Vikings held on. On Friday, the Vikings will host rival Mater Dei and will travel to Pike Central on Saturday for a 5 p.m. game (our time). The varsity game will begin at 6:30 Central time.
Vikings, from Page B1 is very solid defensively for us,” Wadsworth said. He gets himself into the right spots and he is 6-foot-3 and athletic. He is one of those guys who makes good defenders.” As for Neidig scoring, Wadsworth indicated that he is a sophomore playing varsity basketball for the first time, just like Wes Harness. “We don’t need a lot of scoring out of those guys,” Wadsworth said. While the game was close, Heritage Hills moved out to a 15-13 lead at the end of the first period only to have the Vikings fight back to take a 30-27 lead into half-time. One defensive tactic was obvious. The Patriots were trying to keep the ball out of guard Dillon Davenport’s hands. But Wadsworth indi-
Posey a 30-26 lead, only to have Austin Sitzman score the next four points and forge another deadlock. A bucket by Jacob Brenton put North Posey in front, and Colton Irvin tied the score. Reed Gertesen downed a pair of free throws to give North Posey the lead again and Sitzman tied. This all continued until Knight drove the lane with time running out. Blair saw some improvement with his team defensively, but also thought that the Wildcats were a step slow inside, especially in dealing with Bender. North Posey applied some pressure defense, but Mount Vernon picked up its footwork and went after the middle more often, Blair added. “I think tonight the kids played more relaxed,” the coach explained. “There were some mistakes, but tonight I think we played through our mistakes.” Blair thinks his team will play better as they get used to playing together this season. Saltzman paced Mount Vernon with 10 points, while Knight and Trevor Veeck each had six. Irvin and Austin Guthrie each had two points. In addition to Bender, North Posey got nine points from Gertesen and six from
Brenton. Jones added four and Griffin Motz two. The rest of Mount Vernon’s freshman team for this season includes Ryan Goeltz, Jade Kopp, Bryce Newman
and Levi Shannon. The rest of the North Posey freshman team consists of Austin Aright, Carl Brown, Zach Carl, Drake Davenport and Mitchell Heldt.
North Posey freshman Reed Gerteisen gets ahead of the pack during a freshman basketball game this week against Wood memorial. Photo by Dave Pearce
1-81 1-812-486-8902
PAGE B4 • DECEMBER 14, 2010
Lady Cats, from Page B2 taking the Lady Cats out of their rhythm by their deliberate offense and defense. “They took us out of some things that we wanted to do,” Mitchell said. “They’re so patient, that they keep cutting and moving until they got a layup, so Gibson Southern had a lot to do with that.” The Lady Cats had their moments, as they recovered from a brutal start to pull to within a point late in the second quarter and then tie the game early in the third chapter, but each time the Lady Titans came up with an answer, leading 41-34 with three minutes to go in the game. Carynn Koch cut that gap to 41-36 on a driving layup with 1:16 to go and drew a foul, but couldn’t convert the free throw. About 20 seconds later, Mount Vernon grabbed a rebound when Gibson Southern’s Brianna Spindler missed the front end of a one-and-bonus. Ritzert dove the lane with 41.2 ticks left on the clock and was fouled by Spindler, who then slammed the ball on the court drawing a technical foul. Ritzert and Megan Randall took four free throw attempts and only hit two of them, which still left Mount Vernon down by three points, but may have been part of the game’s turning point. “The technical foul was huge,” Mitchell said. “That gave us four free throws and the ball. I don’t think we hit but two of the four, but we got the ball back and then we scored, so that was huge, I’m sure that (Spindler) just got caught up in the emotion.” The Lady Cats got the ball back and Ritzert was fouled again. The sophomore forward promptly hit both free throws, cutting the gap to 41-40. Krimson Chamberlain’s charity toss with 25.7 seconds left in the game stretched the lead back to two points, but Lauren Stemple drew a foul with 18.6 seconds to go. She made the first free throw, but missed the second. Mount Vernon got the ball, work for a shot, missed that one, but Ritzert got the second carom and banked on in for what proved to be the game winner. “I’ve got to give my girls credit,” Mitchell said. “We were kind of frustrated with things and they just kept hanging in there and keep plugging until we find a way to win and they found a way to win. I’m real proud of them, even though we didn’t play our best to get a win when you don’t play your best is good.” Ritzert’s shot capped a comeback from a 13-point 37-24 deficit early in the fourth quarter. A Dixon free throw, a putback by the sophomore guard and five more points pulled the Lady Wildcats to within five points at 37-32 with 3:48 to go in the game, but buckets by Spindler and Rachel Senesemeier opened a 41-32 advantage with under two minutes to play. But this time, the Lady Cats were able to comeback. The Lady Titans kept cutting and passing the ball in search of a layup and it seemed to be effective, especially in the first quarter, as they held Mount Vernon scoreless until Ritzert banked in a shot with 2:30 left in the opening chapter. It would be another seven minutes before the Lady Cats would score again, this time on a three-pointer by Dixon. The Lady Titans took their time in the first eight minutes (Gibson Southern broke the ice with 3:36 let in the first quarter on a bucket by Ritter) and led 8-2 at the break. They stretched it 12-2 before Dixon connected. From there, Mount Vernon picked it up a bit offensively, outscoring the Lady Titans 8-2 over the next two minutes and closing the gap to 14-13 on a pair of Randall free throws with 1:34 to play. Ritter answered by knocking down a jumper with 4.9 ticks left on the clock and the halftime score was 16-13 Lady Titans. Mitchell felt that his team was intimidated early in the game and were knocked back on their heels at first by Gibson Southern’s pressure. Ritzert led the Lady Cats with 12 points, while Dixon added nine and Koch six. Stemple and Randall each put in five, while Amy Seifert added four. That effort overcame three Lady Titans in double figures, led by Ritter’s game-high 14 points. Spindler and Haley Taylor each added 10 points. The news wasn’t as good for the reserve game, won by the Lady Titans 29-20. Baylee Schelhorn paced the Lady Wildcat reserves with six points, while Brittany Wilson and Charlotte Roberts each put in four. Rachel Cash and Shelby Ritzert scored three points each. On Tuesday, Mount Vernon shook off 29 points from freshman Maura Muensterman and slugged visiting Mater Dei 6552. Mount Vernon went on a 10-3 run late in the second quarter Tuesday, which turned a 13-12 Mater Dei lead into a 27-23 Mount Vernon edge at the intermission. Then the home team went to a half-court trap in the second half to pull away from Mater Dei. “We got some steals and maybe helped get Mater Dei out of their rhythm from the first half,” Mitchell said. “It gave us a chance to get some easy baskets and stretch the lead out, so the half-court trap is what got us going.” Mount Vernon had overtaken Mater Dei in the second quarter, going up by six points, but Muensterman scored off a steal just before halftime and cut the lead back to four points. Mount Vernon came out quickly in the third quarter, as Koch scored twice, sandwiched around a turnaround jumper by Randall, to open a 10-point lead. Muensterman drained a three-pointer for Mater Dei’s first points of the second half, but Randall converted a three-point play and Stemple added a driving layup as Mount Vernon built a 40-28 advantage and stretched it to 15 points before ending the chapter with a 48-36 lead. Mount Vernon needed to develop some patience offensively in the second quarter and once they developed that along with some high-low moves and a few trips to the free throw line, they were able to take the lead. The guards were also able to penetrate and that opened things up, Mitchell added. Mount Vernon countered Muensterman with a little offensive balance in the form of three players in double figures. Leading the way were Randall and Ritzert, each with 18 points, while Seifert put in 10. Koch didn’t hit double figures, but at times it only seemed that way, according to the coach. “I was real proud of the way Amy Seifert come off the bench and scored,” Mitchell ssaid. “Megan (Randall) was aggressive going to the basket. Maybe Carynn didn’t score in double figures, she was on the end of a lot of those high-low passes and she was getting the ball inside to Jacey a lot of those times. It’s like Carynn getting into double figures for all the assists she had.” As for Muensterman, Mitchell wasn’t looking forward to facing her for the next three years, complimenting her on her ability to get the ball off the dribble and elevate the play of her teammates. But on Tuesday, Muensterman and her supporting cast couldn’t beat Mount Vernon’s ensemble. Koch scored eight points and Stemple seven, while Dixon and Jenny Koch each added two. Casey Jochim gave Mater Dei two players in double figures with 13 points. The Mater Dei reserves edged Mount Vernon 26-24 in the preliminary.
Lady Cats game with Carmi rescheduled The Mount Vernon Lady Wildcats home-court girls’ basketball game with Carmi set for set for Monday night was postponed due to the weather. The game has been moved to Tuesday, Jan. 25, with the reserve game to tip off at 6 p.m.
Lady Rappites step up game, win again By Steve Joos os The New Harmony girls’ basketball team had won three games over the past two seasons. After the first part of last week they had already won that many. But then they traveled to Oakland City. The good news came early in the week for the Lady Rappites, as they matched their victory output for the past two seasons combined just seven games into the campaign, but hit a wall Thursday at Wood Memorial, falling 62-21. The Lady Rappites dominated the first half at Albion, but then had to stave off a second-half rally by the homestanding Edwards County Lady Lions, scoring the last seven points of the game to salt away a 39-31 victory in Albion. And it was the youngsters who came through in the clutch. “It was our freshmen who stepped up in the fourth quarter,” coach Jennifer Toopes said. “Alyssa Scherzinger played the last three minutes and played the best game I’ve seen her play. She had three steals, big steals in the last two minuses of the game.” Those steals were crucial as New Harmony had to hold off Edwards County’s comeback bid, but Toopes was concerned about how the game was called down the stretch. The Lady Rappites stormed out to a 14-4 lead after the first quarter, as they scored the first 11 points of the game. It was 24-10 at halftime, but ECHS limited New Harmony to four free throws in the third chapter and melted eight points off the deficit and trailed 28-22 heading into the final period. The Lady Rappites struggled on the perimeter at Albion, which forced them to go to the inside and enabled Edwards County to get in front of the basket. Toopes counted 30 blocked shots in the game on the part of the Lady Lions, but New Harmony was still able to get the points when needed, as Kendall Morris converted a pair of fire throws and Kelsey Owen put back a rebound to keep them in front 32-25 with 5:30 to go in the game. The Lady Lions responded with six unanswered points, cutting the lead to 32-31 when Ashley Garner stole the ball and took it the dis-
tance for a layup with 2:45 left on the clock. After Toopes called a time out, the Lady Rappites went about putting the game away. Owen hit a driving layup to open a 34-31 lead, then Alyssa Scherzinger stole the ball and fed it to Morgan Matthews for another bucket, which put the Lady Rappites in front by five points. Madison Worman and Owen combined to sink three of four charity tosses down the stretch to finish things off for New Harmony. Worman and Owen were both sidelined by injuries, with Worman rolling an ankle four minutes into the contest. She didn’t return until four minutes were left in the game and still finished the night with nine points. Owen had her legs taken out from under her while on a fast break in the second quarter. She made the basket and drew a foul, but couldn’t shoot the free throw. Brianna Suttles completed the three-point play. Toopes thought that her team was more aggressive against ECHS than they were in the first meeting between the two teams, adding that New Harmony was more familiar with the Lady Lions’ personnel and were better able to form a game plan. That aggressiveness enabled the Lady Rappites to jump out to the big lead, but Edwards County matched that aggressiveness in the second half. “The posts are finally working, the guards are moving the ball and the shots are falling,” Toopes said. “The girls are having a blast, the fans are into the games and (reserve coach Shaw) Wor-
man and I are so proud of the girls. Tonight we learned how to play a physical game and come out with the win.” Morris and Matthews paced the Lady Rappites with 12 points each, while Worman added nine and Owen four. Scherzinger and Suttles each put in one. Garner led the Lady Lions with 12 points, while Twyla Reid put in 10. The reserves won for the second time with a 21-12 victory in the preliminary. Matthews’ eight points paced the reserves, while Scherzinger and Owen each put in four, Worman three and Scherzinger two. Wood Memorial took control early in Thursday’s game, leading 18-8 after the first quarter, 34-14 at halftime and 47-20 after three quarters. The disadvantages of playing and coaching at a small school may have had something to do with the Lady Rappites’ struggles at Wood Memorial, according to Toopes, since the team couldn’t practice that often due to the school and band commitments. The coach went on to say that it’s good to have players of the ability that practice can be called
off, but the layoff definitely hurt the team. “It was an off night for us,” the coach said. “We couldn’t get any offense set up and I feel like we took a step back, which is what I hadn’t expected. We played so well in the previous three games and have improved every game.” Matthews led New Harmony with nine points, while Owen added six. Worman, Scherzinger and Winter Nelson each put in two points. The reserve Lady Rappites suffered their first loss of the season in the preliminary, falling to the Lady Trojans 24-17. Matthews also paced the reserves with seven points, while Worman added six and Sondra Hall two. Scherzinger and Suttles each chipped in a point. “Morgan Matthews has been struggling with her shot this year, however, she was the high scorer for both the reserves and varsity against Wood Memorial,” Toopes said. “Her shot is looking much better and she is gaining confidence. She also showed huge leadership on the floor by helping balance the floor to set the offense and setting up the press breaker.”
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DECEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE B5
Members of the North Posey Junior High eighth grade girls basketball team are, Coach Leah Stormont, Erika Lewis, Taylor Tranklin, Rachel Ungetheim, Brooke Bender, Aubrey Members of the North Posey Junior High seventh grade girls’ basketball team are, in Cummings, and Maddie Koester. Despite Ungethiem’s six points, four rebounds and two blocks, the Lady Vikings were defeated 33-20 this week in basketball action against the front, Brandi Carnes, Shelbi Newcomer, Morgan Alvey, Loryn Lewis, Abbi Voegel, and Fort Branch Twigs. Bender had six points and two steals while Franklin had five points, Madeline Pfister. In back are Kayla Sanford, Brooklynn Hamman, Celeste Hill, Jenny Scheller, Katrina Carl, and coach Sandy Horn. two steals and a block. Koester had three points and five steals. Photo by Dave Pearce
Members of the Mount Vernon Junior High School girls’ seventh grade basketball team Members of the Mount Vernon Junior High eighth grade girls’ basketball team are, are, in front, Olivia Martin, Abree Oden, Rachel Rohlman, and Haylee Ford. In row two in front, Hollie Robinson, Stefanie Bulla, Kelsey Dees, Trini Rosas, and Ja’Leight Jarvis. are Katie Culley, Bailey Redman, Madison Cross, Savannah Bush, Ashley Walls, and Al- In back are Coach Keely Hoehn, Lauren Higgins, Kellen Ray, Kaycie Collins, Erin Wolf, yssa Smolsky. In back are Brittany Gross, September Smiley, Mara Canada, Megan Mc- December Davis, and Abby Randall. Photo by Dave Pearce Carty, Hadlee Whoberry, Alexis Nall, Ellen Denning, and Madison Simpson and Coach Stars fifth grade 2-0 against New Harmony Michelle Johnston. Photo by Dave Pearce On December 6 the fifth grade Stars played the Rappites at New Harmony. The Stars had a 41-20 victory over New Harmony. Austin Pearison led the team with ten points. Several starters contributed to the win; Jack Conrad nine, Brandon Hammon eight, Isaiah Lehman five, Grant Parker four, AJ Reynolds three, and Wyatt Cartwright two. Stars Second in South Gibson Tourney The fifth and six grade Stars traveled to Haubstadt to participate in South Gibson Tourney. The fifth grade went into the winner’s bracket by defeating Owensville 17-10. Brandon Hammon had a great game scoring 13 points. David Bender and AJ Reynolds added two each. The fifth grade lost in championship game to Haubstadt. Brandon Hammon, Austin Pearison, and Wyatt Cartwright each scored two points each. The sixth grade advanced by defeating Owensville 31-16 in the first game of the tourney. Dalton Rankin led the team with 14 points, Zach Scheller added five, Ethan Morlock and Christian Liebhart each added four, Drake Williams three and Dylan Rankin one. The sixth grade also lost to Haubstadt in the championship game. Dalton Rankin and Drake Williams scored four each. The Stars are back in action on December 15 against corporation rival, South Terrace Panthers at North Posey High School gymnasium. The fifth grade plays at 6 p.m., followed Members of the Mount Vernon Junior High School Bobcat eighth grade boys’ basketball team are, in front, Charlie Sch- by the sixth grade. neider, Mitchell Jackson, Austin Krizan, Hunter Wilson, Logan Brown, and Wyatt Dixon. In back are Mgr. Garrett Kitter- Eighth graders move to 5-2 with split The Mount Vernon Junior High Bobcat eighth grade team is man, Cody Mobley, Hunter Brooks, Ty Hurley, Levi Duckworth, JT Doerflein, Brandon Merrick, and Noah Roberts. 5-2 after action this week. On Thursday, Sec. 2, the Bobcats traveled to North Posey where they came away with a 41-25 win. Austin Krizan led the team with 10 points and four assists, while JT Doerflein had nine rebounds, and Jacob Norman had four steals. Then on Saturday, Dec. 4, the Bobcats played two games, defeating Washington 46-45 on a 20-foot buzzer-beater by Austin Krizan. Cody Mobley led the team with 21 points. In the other game, Vincennes got the best of the eighth graders, defeating the Bobcats 48-36. Mobley again led the team with eight points while Norman had seven rebounds. Mitchell Jackson led the team with three assists while Norman and Krizan had two steals apiece. The team is scheduled to face Princeton on Tuesday and Castle North on Thursday.
Eighth grade boys beaten by Fort Branch The North Posey Junior High eighth grade boys dropped a 39-28 decision to Fort Branch this wee. The scored was tied at six at the end of the first period and the game was close most of the way through. Fort Branch outscored the eighth graders 11-5 in the final period to gain the win. Viking Coach Bob Gentil said the key to the game was his team’s inability to take care of the basketball, resulting in 18 turnovers. Members of the Mount Vernon Junior High School seventh grade boys’ basketball team are, in front, Luke Steinhart, BraDamon Cardin led the team with 10 points while James dy Clements, Bryce Krizan, Jordan Crabtree, Luke Rusher, Kaleb Grabert, Alex Vantlin, and Adam Grabert. In back are Marshall had seven an Derek Lindauer had five. Bo Cox, Gabe Adams, Jimmy Peck, Damon Collins, Zack Peerman, Zack French, Austin Sailer, JD Collins, and Mgr. Hanson Cox. Drew Cumbee, and Gabe Mayer each added two points
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PAGE B6 • DECEMBER 14, 2010
Rappites to play for a cure representative of the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Center in Evansville. Fans will receive packets of information from the Susan G. Komen Center and will be asked for donations throughout the game. The first 100 fans to arrive at the game will receive a pink gift. The cheerleaders will be tossing out additional pink gifts during half time. “We’ve been encouraging our athletes to support charity without taking away from their academics or their athletics,” Farrar states. “This event is a way to promote breast cancer awareness and for everyone at the game to have fun.”
Tale of two halves keep Wildcats on short end By Steve Joos A tale of two halves, two games and two losses for the Mount Vernon boys’ basketball team. The second loss especially hurt, as Wildcats let a 14point halftime lead get away and lost to visiting North Saturday 71-63. That followed a 74-58 defeat at the hands of the visiting Boonville Pioneers Friday where they struggled in the first half. Coach Gary Wilsey was especially dismayed by his team’s troubles against North. “I’m a positive person and that’s what I want out of my players,” Wilsey said. “But by the same token, people try to be tougher than they really are, so yes, it stings. It stings when you lose one like this and that’s what I told (the team).” Everything the Wildcats do is a learning experience, Wilsey said, and as rough as the lesson might be from Saturday’s game, the Cats will learn from it. Wilsey complimented North for its comeback, but he warned the team at halftime that the Huskies were going to come at the Wildcats in a fast furious manner and that’s what led to the Huskies’ comeback. “You could feel it coming on,” Wilsey said. “You could feel that onslaught coming and we did everything we could to try and stop it. We were there for a awhile, but unfortunately, it continued to get away from us.” That onslaught started early, as North scored the first 10 points for the third quarter and trimmed that 43-29 bulge down to four. Buckets by Jacob Steinhart and Austin Goebel kicked the lead back up to eight points, but an 8-2 Husky run pulled the Evansville school back to within a bucket at 49-47. Steinhart’s 12-footer stretched the lead back to four at 51-47, but North’s Andres Hunter buried a three-punter to cut the lead to one point and Tyoke Pauley scored of a steal with 58.9 seconds left in the period to put North on top 52-51. The two teams traded free throws over the next minute and North remained in front 5352 entering the last quarter. The game was still a contest early in the fourth quarter, as Brian Koch restored Mount Vernon’s lead with a pair of free throws and Troy Paris tied the game at 56-56 on two charity tosses, but the Cats could never get back in front after that. Steinhart rolled in a shot with 1:29 left in the game and closed the gap to 62-61, but
North closed things out on a 9-2 run. For the first half and the early part of the second, it looked as if the Cats were going to follow up this week with a repeat of the opening week of the season: a tough loss one night, then a win over an Evansville school the next. Goebel broke open what had been a close game in the opening chapter by draining a three-pointer as Mount Vernon reeled off eight unanswered points and took a 23-14 lead after the opening chapter. The Wildcats picked up where they left off in the second chapter, as a bucket by Aaron Straub, two free shows by the senior guard and an 18-footer by Geobel stretched the lead to 29-14 before the Huskies scored, ending a 12-0 Wildcat run. “I think the thing that we did best is attack,” Wilsey said. “We’ve had a bad habit of coming out slow out of the gate. We’d start out slow and we just wanted that sense of urgency. I like what we’re doing, this was a learning experience and we’ll come back and get ready for Memorial.” Steinhart paced Mount Vernon with 19 points, while Paris and Goebel each put in 10. River VanZant gave Mount Vernon a lift off the bench to the tune of nine points, while Straub added six, Koch five and Stemple four. Wilsey was pleased with Stemple’s floor game and his efforts on defense. Jay’von Gilmore led the Huskies with 27 points, while Pauley stuck in 13. Bryce Newnan scored 15 points and Jevin Redman added 13 as the Wildcat reserves won the preliminary 60-57. Collin Varner and Will Russell each added eight points, while Van Zant and Drake McNamara each put in six. Bryan Dick and J.T. Silvers each added two. Friday’s game was also a tale of two halves, only this time the Wildcats dug themselves into an early hole, falling behind 41-20 in the first half before losing to the Pioneers 74-58 in their Big Eight Conference opener. “The second half was the one redeeming quality,” Wilsey said. “In the first half, we just stood around and Boonville really came on and attacked and really got us back on our heels.” The Cats never recovered from a 22-6 first quarter attack unleashed by Boonville. They came back a little bit after the intermission, trimming two points off the lead in the third quarter, but they still trailed 61-42 entering the
fourth quarter. Steinhart led the Cats in scoring with 17 points, while Van Zant, Dick and Straub each put in six, Stemple five and Paris four. McNamara and Andy Renshaw each
scored three points, while Redman and Varner each chipped in two. Brandon Morton paced the Pioneers with 26 points, while Ryan Helfert added 18. The Wildcat reserves were
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50-40 winners, as McNamara led a balanced attack with 11 points. Van Zant and Dick each scored nine points, while Varner added seven and Redman six. Russell chipped in four points.
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North Posey High School wrestling coach Chad Hoehn shouts instructions to one of his wrestlers during action. Mount Vernon junior Troy Paris goes up for two points in Saturday nights contest Tyler Stock led the team this weekend with an undefeated day. Photo by Dave Pearce against North High School. Photo by Terri Koch
By Pam Robinson New Harmony School ‘s varsity athletes will play for the race—the race to cure breast cancer—at both the girls and boys basketball games on Friday, December 17, starting at 6 p.m. Athletic Director Tabby Farrar says their opponent, Frederick Fraize School, from Cloverport, Kentucky, will join in the race as well. All athletes on both teams will wear pink socks and pink wrist bands with the approval of the Indiana High School Athletic Association, or IHSAA. In addition, players on both teams have signed a pink basketball that will be presented along with all donations to a
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DECEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE B7
Wildcat swimmers swim well against tough competition The Mount Vernon girls’ swim team may still be a bit ahead of the boys. At least that’s what Saturday’s Noblesville Invitational meet sort of showed. The Lady Wet Wildcats were second in the meet with 339 points, well behind the hosts’ 459, while the boys came in third with 249 points. It was a good day for both teams, according to coach Larry Zoller. “The girls swam well,” Zoller said. “We broke a number of meet records. We were very happy with the way the girls swam at Noblesville.” The big difference in the girls’ meets may have been the relays, where Noblesville took two of three races, but Mount Vernon’s win in the 200-medley relay may have been the difference in what Zoller considered the real battle of the day, between the Lady Wet Cats and Cincinnati Sycamore, for second place (the Ohio school was third among the girls with 299 points). The team of Kelsey Turner, Erica McCormick, Kasey Gerst and Mary Klueh won the medley relay in 1:51.82, beating the old mark of 1:52.88, set by Mount Vernon at the 2009 meet. McCormick was a double winner, taking the 200-individual medley in 2:11.79, and the 100-breaststroke in 1:04.96 (breaking her old mark of 1:05.63). Turner was also a double winner and she broke records, taking the 100-freestyle in :54.39 (slightly better than Marley Crape’s mark) and the 100-backstroke in :59.98, surpassing the old mark of 1:00.43, which she also set last year. This was Turner’s third sub-
minute freestyle of the season. Gerst also registered a personal best in the 100-butterfly, as did Melissa Lara, while Emily Harris had a personal best in the 100freestyle. The boys also swam well, but they may have been hampered Wade Mobley was disqualified in one race due to a questionable false start call. He recovered from that mishap to win the 100-breastroke in 1:04.43, while Reid Mobley was a double winner, taking the 100-backstroke (in a record :55.70) and the 200-IM (2:01.37). The Mobleys were also part of the blueribbon winning 200-medley relay team, which set another rerecord with a time of 1:43.33. Zoller was also pleased with the efforts of Jordan Wooten, who took third in the 50-freestyle with one of his best times of the season, and Zach Hellenberg, who also registered a personal best in his race. The Wet Cats spent the night in Noblesville Friday due to the time schedule and followed a much different, more strenuous training schedule in preparation for their meet at Castle Thursday. That may have hampered the team at Paradise, as both teams fell, the girls 100-86 and the boys, 127-59. Zoller thought that the teams competed well under the circumstances, adding that the secondary swimmers on the girls’ team did not step as well as expected. He was also pleased with the efforts of Reid Mobley, who swam the 100-freestyle in :49.5 and is currently ranked among the top 10 in the state in that event.
The coach also felt that the performance of both teams at Noblesville shows that they can be a threat at the state meet later this season. Lafayette Harrison was fourth in the girls’ meet at Noblesville with 206 points, followed by Terre Haute North (158), Whiteland (150), Lafayette Jeff (128), Richmond (120), Anderson (96) and Marion (72). Sycamore edged Noblesville to win the boys’ meet 384-378, while Mount Vernon edged West Lafayette Harrison (224) for third place. Anderson was fifth with 214 points, followed by Richmond (166), Lafayette Jeff (145), Terre Haute North (119), Whiteland (117) and Marion (34). Noblesville Invitational girls’ meet 200-medley relay: 1) Mount Vernon (Turner, McCormick, Gerst, Klueh) 1:51.82; 200IM: McCormick (first) 2:11.79; 50-freestyle: Klueh (seventh) :26.58; 100-butterfly: Gerst (third) 1:02.01, Lara (seventh) 1:06.62; 100freestyle: Turner (first) :54.39, Amy Steele (seventh) :58.12; 200-freestyle relay: 2) Mount Vernon( stele, Caitlin Isaac, McCormick, Klueh) 1;45.67; 100-backstorke: Turner (first) :59.98Samantha Reese (eighth) 1:07.83; 100breaststroke: McCormick (first) 1:04.96. Klueh (third) 1:10.82; 400-freestyle relay: 2) Mount Vernon (Steele, Gerst, Turner, Lara) 3:52.25. Boys: 200-medley relay: 1) Mount Vernon (R. Mobley, Jacob Poole, W. Mobley, Wooten) 1:43.33; 200-IM: R. Mobley (first) 2:01.37; 50-freestyle: Wooten (third) :23.24; 100-breestyle: Poole (fifth) :56.35; 200-freestyle relay: 4) Mount Vernon (W. Mobley, Clint Weimer, Hellenberg, Wooten) 1:35.81; 100-backstroke: R. Mobley (first) :55.70; 100-breaststroke: R. Mobley
(first) 1:04.43, Wooten (sixth) 1:07.18; 400freestyle relay: 4) Mount Vernon (Poole, Hellenberg. Weimer, R. Mobley) 3:29.05. Castle 100, Mount Vernon 86 (girls) 200-medley relay: 1) Mount Vernon (Turner, Lara, McCormick, Klueh) 1;53.19; 200-freesyrtle: Steele (third) 2:04.98, Harris (fourth) 2;13.10; 200-IM: Klueh (first) 2:17.66, Lara (fourth) 2;26.82; 50-freestyle: McCormick (first) :24.84, Reese (fourth) :27.50; Diving: Katie McDonald (third) 143.65; 100-butterfly: Gerst (first) 1:02.13, Steele (fourth) 1:04.67; 100-frrestyle: Turner (second) :53.61, Harris (fourth) 1:00.21; 500-freestykle: Gerst (second) 5;51.90, Chelsea Huber (third) 5:56.97; 200-freestyle relay: 2) Mount Vernon (Steele, Klueh, Gerst, McCormick) 1;42.68; 100backstroke: Turner (first) 1:00.65, Lara (third) 1:06.69; 100-breaststroke: McCormick (first) 1;05.23, Klueh (second) 1:09.88; 400-freestyle relay: 2) Mount Vernon (Harris, Gerst, Steele, turner) 3:49.32. Castle 127, Mount Vernon 59 (Boys) 200-freestyle relay: 2) Mount Vernon (R. Mobley, Poole, W. Mobley, Wooten) 1;43.21; 200-freestyle: Nicholas Loehr (fourth) 1:55.69; 50-reestyle: Wooten (second) :23.47, Hellenberg (third) :23.18; Diving: Kyle Smith (third) 146.55, Luke Whaley (fourth) 108.30; 100butterfly: Poole (second) :56.50; 100-freestyle: R. Mobley (first) :49.39, Hellenberg (fourth) :54.01; 500-freestyle: Loehr (third) 5;13.45; 200-freestyle relay: 2) Mount Vernon (Wooten, Poole, W. Mobley, R. Mobley) 1:32.31; 100-backstroke: Hopper (forth) 1;06.12; 100breaststroke: Wooten (second) 1:07.89; 400freestyle relay: 2) Mount Vernon (Poole, W. Mobley, Hellenberg, R. Mobley) 3;25.63.
Wildcat wrestlers enjoy success at Princeton The Mount Vernon wrestling team didn’t have a good night when Memorial came calling last week, but they made up for it when Saturday rolled around. Wildcats coach Todd Gilpin went to Princeton Saturday expecting a sweep of the invitational meet and that’s what his team did, rolling over Washington 51-21, Princeton 40-24, Boonville 45-27, Mount Carmel 75-6 and Vincennes 72-6, in a mini-Big Eight Conference meet. “We wrestled well at Princeton,” Gilpin said. “We wrestled as well as we have all year.” There wasn’t any secret to how the Cats improved, the coach said, they just went Eleven-year-old Jacob Howard of the MTV Swim Team swam in the 200-yard free- out and wrestled better, winstyle race during the Candy Cane Classic held at the Mount Vernon pool recently. ning close matches in the last About 500 swimmers from nine local swim teams participated in the annual event. five seconds instead of losing them. Photo by Terri Koch
Six Cats were perfect on the day, including Jon Hoehn, Andrew Konrath, Jordan Dallas, Blake Marshall, Tyler Osborne and Jacob Ewers. As for what Saturday’s performance might suggest about where the Cats would fit in the Big Eight, Gilpin was quick to point out hat winning the conference depends on the entire team. “The kids everybody knows will show up and do well,” he said. “But it’s the kids with the worst record on the team that determines the championship. If they come out and get points for you, your team has a good chance.” The Cats ran into trouble on Tuesday, losing 39-19 to visiting Memorial. “We didn’t look good,” Gilpin said. “That hasn’t been us for the last four years. We lost matches in the third period, we got out-toughed, we
got out-hearted, we got outwrestled.” Gilpin took responsibility for the team’s struggles, citing the lack of preparation on the part of his team. Memorial came into the meet ranked fourth among the state’s smaller schools, but that was of little solace to the Wildcats’ coach. “Look at all the close matches we lost,” he said. “If we win the close matches, we win the dual. We weren’t the aggressor, we didn’t wrestle with the most heart and have to fix that.” For the most part, Gilpin thought that the team wrestled hard and there were several winners, but it was just a rough night for Mount Vernon, from the coach on down. The Cats are now off until the Mater Dei Classic after Christmas.
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PAGE B8 • DECEMBER 14, 2010
Arrests and Complaints Arrests December 3 Bruce Whitten—Evansville—Strangulation, Domestic Battery—MVPD December 6 Myron Cook—Mount Vernon—Possession of Methamphetamine, Obstructing Justice, Possession of Schedule IV, False Informing—MVPD December 8 Stephanie Powers— Evansville—Attempted Manufacture of Methamphetamine, Possession of Precursors with the Intent to Manufacture Methamphetamine, Attempted Theft, Trespass, Possession Over 30 grams of Precursors— PCS James Brown—Evansville—Attempted Manufacture of Methamphetamine, Possession of Precursors with the Intent to Manufacture Methamphetamine, Attempted Theft, Trespass, Possession Over 30 grams of Precursors—PCS Complaints November 29 9:49 a.m.—Standby— Needing a standby while her son’s wife gets her belongings from the home— Lang Road, Wadesville 10:16 a.m.—Theft— Copper wiring stolen from farm equipment. Not sure when it happened, it had to be sometime last week— East of Griffin, Griffin 11:22 a.m.—VIN Inspection—1996 Saturn mobile home—Big Pine Dr, Evansville 1:28 p.m.—Vandalism— Small building on back side of property has been broken into. Advised this happened two weeks ago. Advised he has reported the windows broken out, now has found someone has knocked down old out house and set it on fire. Also advised someone has stolen his newspapers— Old SR 62, Mount Vernon 1:42 p.m.—Welfare Check—Caller is with construction job on Thomas Drive. Has listened and watch the neighbor hit her small child and yell and scream at her different times while he has been there. He would like a deputy to check on the little girl—Thomas Dr, Mount Vernon
2:07 p.m.—Information—Requesting information in reference to the murder of Thomas G. Forsythe that happened in Posey County near the Wabash River in August of 1983— Posey County Area, Mount Vernon 6:33 p.m.—Car-Deer— Over $1,000 of damage, gold Chevy truck—St. Phillips Road, Mount Vernon 4:37 p.m.—911 Hangup—Static on line, busy on call back—Somers Road, New Harmony 6:44—Suspicious— Advised about 2:00 p.m. someone in a brown car was at her residence. Advised they were there about 45 minutes and walked into the side door of her house and came back out. Advised she was at the neighbor’s house and was too scared to go see who it was. Contact made with subject that lives there, she advised that she had walked the child into the house to discipline her, she just made her sit down, child screamed because she did not want to do it. Child was granddaughter. Child did not have any signs of abuse—Thomas Drive, Evansville 8:53 p.m.—Trespassing—Saw headlights going through his yard, vehicle is now at another house— Zoar Church Rd, Mount Vernon November 30 6:04 a.m.—Alarm— Front door—Middle Mount Vernon Road, Evansville 7:50 a.m.—VIN Inspection—Semi trailer—Crab Orchard Rd, Mount Vernon 8:16 a.m.—Theft—A pedal tractor, antiques, several things missing. Footprints around the area. A breaking and entering was made on November 27, 2010, someone broke in, nothing was taken then. Could tell someone had been there. Requesting a deputy—Raines Road, Mount Vernon 12:05 p.m.—Theft— Copper wire taken off irrigation equipment—Griffin area, Griffin 1:11 p.m.—Suspicious— Advised female subject in a white vehicle, Illinois
plate, is having some type of altercation with another female subject. Advised female subject is trying to get female subject into her car and other female is running all over the roadway. Unsure what is going on— Hwy 69, New Harmony 4:02 p.m.—Custodial— Stepmother of the kids came onto her property, would like to speak with a deputy—Watertank, Poseyville 4:29 p.m.—Reckless— Grey Mazda all over the roadway, possible texting while driving—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon December 1 1:10 a.m.—Alarm— Panic alarm and burglar alarm, patio door, garage motion—N Church St, Poseyville 5:55 a.m.—Reckless— White Mercedes all over the highway. Going approximately 20 mph, heading into Cynthiana from the Moto Mart area—Hwy 65, Cynthiana 8:03 a.m.—Welfare Check—Caller is at a residence to pick up a fridge for the electric company. Door open to the house, two vehicles in the driveway. Caller tried to call the residence, is ringing busy. Caller is going to sit in the driveway and wait for an officer. Caller thinks it is odd; no one is home with the lights on and cars at home. Subject called back, homeowner showed up, everything is okay— Bufkin-Springfield Road, Mount Vernon December 2 2:42 a.m.—Public Intoxication—Advised possible intoxicated male subject driving a black Chevy truck. Advised almost took out front of building. Advised vehicle is running. Male subject is leaned over steering wheel—Busler’s, Evansville 3:37 a.m.—Suspicious— Truck puling a trailer, trailer plate light is out, going to advise subject—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon 4:00 a.m.—Alarm— Front motion—H&R Pharmacy, Poseyville 6:52 a.m.—Accident— Caller advised vehicle hit a guardrail, flashing lights are on, didn’t see anyone in the
Legal Ads 2010-180 Board of Commissioners of Posey County Ordinance No: 2010-12-07-01 AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SALE OF SUBSTANCES CONTAINING SYNTHETIC CANNABINOIDS OR THEIR USE IN PUBLIC FACILITIES WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of Posey County have been made aware that substances containing synthetic cannabinoids, which include substances containing one or more of the following chemical compounds. 1. (6aR, 10aR)-9-(hydroxymethyl)-6,6-dimethyi-3-(2methyloctan-2-yI)-6a, 7,10,10a-tetrahydrobenzo[c]chromen-1-ol, also known as HU-210; 2. 1-Pentyl-3-(1-naphthoyl)indole, also known as JWH-018; 3. 1-Butyl-3-(1-naphthoyl)indole, also known as JWH-073; or 4. Any other equivalent compound or derivative (“Products”) have been marketed, sold, and offered for sale to the residents of Posey County, including minors; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Posey County and various elected and law enforcement officials have noted an increased use of such Products, currently marketed and sold under the name of K2 and Spice; and WHEREAS, Indiana law provides that the County Executive may enact Ordinances to promote and protect the safety, health and welfare of its citizenry; and WHEREAS, The Products containing synthetic cannabinoids have not been tested by the Food and Drug Administration (U.S. Department of Agriculture) or other government agency for human consumption and may contain chemicals detrimental to the health and welfare of those who may ingest them; and
cap plate—K&B Auto parking lot, Mount Vernon 9:58 p.m.—Reckless— Blue GMC pickup all over the road, ran off the road three or four times. Passing Ford Road now—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon December 5 7:17 a.m.—Department of Natural Resources— Deer stuck in cross fencing on the highway—Hwy 69, New Harmony 9:56 a.m.—Suspicious— Caller picked up a bottle that was on the side of the road at Bellefontaine and Lower New Harmony. Took it to address given and opened it and it has a.m.monia in it. He put it in the yard and would like someone to pick it up—Bufkin Springfield Road, Mount Vernon 9:57 a.m.—VIN Inspection—2nd check on vin— Seibert and Leonard Road, Mount Vernon 10:45 a.m.—Vandalism—2007 Dodge dually with concrete block thrown through back window and the block is still in seat. He is requesting an officer—S St. Phillips Road, Mount Vernon 11:17 a.m.—Trespassing—2 male subjects walked onto his property to hunt on the State property. They told him they did not have to get off that property and got smart with the caller. Called back stating that they just left and went by his home address in a dark blue Dodge—Slim Bottom Road, Mount Vernon 6:54 p.m.—Theft— Someone has stolen the gas out of her vehicle. Does not need to speak with an officer—Gross Road, Mount Vernon 7:13 p.m.—Theft—Will be out with Fort Branch unit in reference to stolen vehicle—Mackey Ferry Road, Mount Vernon 9:07 p.m.—Suspicious— Caller advised she has a restraining order against male subject. She knows he has been in the area within the past 24 hours—Hwy 66, Wadesville 10:16 p.m.—Accident— Son called her advising that he had an accident and to call the cops and bring him a jacket—St. Phillips Road, Evansville 11:04 p.m.—Alarm— Ziggy’s Pub, west door—W Main St., Poseyville 11:48 p.m.—Alarm— Front door—H&R Phar-
vehicle—Hwy 66, City not listed 8:32 a.m.—Suspicious— Caller advised black Ford F -150 super crew 4x4 truck just sitting in the area with the lights on. When caller drove off, they took off. Request extra patrol in the area due to break-in in the area—Alldredge Road, Mount Vernon 10:52 a.m.—Alarm— Patio door—N Church St, Poseyville 8:23 p.m.—Car-Deer— Hit a deer, vehicle is still in the roadway at the intersection. Unsure if vehicle is drive able, over $1,000 worth of damage—Winternheimer and Stierley Road, Mount Vernon December 3 7:06 a.m.—Alarm— Showing motion hall— Hwy 65, Cynthiana 7:29 a.m.—Leaking Load—Red semi pulling trailer, hauling gravel that is not covered. Advised gravel is falling off and hitting vehicles—Hwy 66, Evansville 1:53 p.m.—Restraining Violation—Would like to speak with officer about violation of restraining order against male subject—E Grandview, Evansville 6:14 p.m.—Reckless— White Ford or Mercury, possibly Crown Vic, driving at high rate of speed, about 80-90 mph—I 64, Poseyville 8:41 p.m.—Accident— Advised have one vehicle on its side, unsure if injuries. Call back, advised they have one injury, minor cut to the head—I 64, Griffin 8:56 p.m.—Suspicious— Advised vehicle on side of the road with flashers, unsure if vehicle broke down—I 64, Poseyville December 4 12:25 a.m.—Vandalism—Caller advised that someone has thrown a large rock through the back window of her 2008 Mazda. Would like a deputy to call her cell when they arrive. Happened sometime between 9:30 and now— Kramers Drive, Mount Vernon 8:06 a.m.—VIN Inspection—2000 atv—Denzer Rd, Evansville 8:18 a.m.—Theft—Copper wiring stolen from 2 different irrigation equipment—Griffin Rd, Griffin 8:47 p.m.—Suspicious— Black Cadillac with handi-
Legal Ads 2010-178 NOTICE OF UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION NO. 65C01-1012-EU-103 IN THE POSEY CIRCUIT COURT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY J. O’DELL, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that MICHAEL A. KEMMERLING was on the 2nd day of December, 2010, appointed as Personal Representative of the Estate of MARY J. O’DELL, Deceased, who died testate on November 16, 2010 and was authorized to proceed with the administration of said decedent’s estate without Court Supervision. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the office of the Clerk of this Court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. DATED at Mt. Vernon, Indiana, this 2nd day of December, 2010.
WHEREAS, medical studies and treatises note deleterious health risks and adverse effects associated with synthetic cannabinoids and the Products; and
DONNA K. BUTLER, Clerk, Circuit Court of Posey County, Indiana By: Brittney Givens Deputy
WHEREAS, several states and municipalities throughout the United States have banned the Products and synthetic cannabinoids as a danger to public health and welfare; and WHEREAS, the smoke emanating from the burning or incineration of the Products may cause adverse effects on bystanders or those in the vicinity of such activity; and
Published in the Posey County News on December 14 & 21, 2010.
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Posey County believe it is in the best interests of its citizens to prohibit the sale, marketing, or offering for sale of the Products within Posey County, Indiana, to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens and children of Posey County.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of Posey County, Indiana, as follows: 1. Products containing synthetic cannabinoids (“Products”), such as K2/ Spice, or similar products which contain one or more of the following chemical compounds: (1) (6aR, 10aR)-9-(hydroxymethyl)-6,6-dimethyl-3-(2methyloctan- 2-yl)-6a,7,10,10atetrahydrobenzo[c]chromen-1-ol, also known as HU-210; (2) 1-Pentyl-3-(1-naphthoyl)indole, also known as JWH-018; (3) 1-Butyl-3-(1-naphthoyl)indole, also known as JWH-073;Or (4) Any other equivalent compound or derivative shall not be sold, marketed, or offered for sale within Posey County, Indiana; and 2. Products containing synthetic cannabinoids (“Products”) may not be burned, incinerated or ignited in any public place or on any property owned, leased or controlled by Posey County. . Persons or entities violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to the penalty imposed for a Class B infraction, as set forth in Indiana Code 34-28-5-4. Accordingly, this ordinance shall be enforced by the provisions of Indiana Code 34-28-5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon publication pursuant to Indiana Law. ALL OF WHICH IS ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Posey county, Indiana, this 7thday of December, 2010. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF POSEY COUNTY W. Scott Moye W. Scott Moye James Alsop James Alsop John Sherretz John Sherretz Approved as to form: Adam Farrar Adam Farrar, County Attorney Published in the Posey County News December 14 & 21, 2010.
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macy, Poseyville December 6 5:44 a.m.—Alarm—Burglar alarm—Granary, New Harmony 10:36 a.m.—Theft— Copper wiring stolen from irrigation equipment. Has happened in the last two weeks—Off of Motz Road, Griffin 11:23 a.m.—Theft— Someone used his phone and stole SIM card out of it and it had $42.50 left on it. Named male subject is the one that caller stated did this. This occurred sometime in November. Caller had to get new SIM car and they told him to report it. Caller also just talked to Prosecutor’s Office and they told him to make a police report then go the steps to prosecute because this is theft—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon 10:05 p.m.—Information—Picked up a male and female subject on Hwy 69 by WSI who say they are 18 year (name). Caller is not sure if they are 18. Not sure if they are runaways or what the situation is. The subjects are just telling her that they are walking to Arizona to be with the females boyfriend and their Mom kicked them out of the house when they turned 18—Mount Vernon Circuit Court Felony/Misdemeanor Cassie Debose, 28, Eldorado, IL. Ct. 1- Unlawful Possession or Use of a Legend Drug, Class D Felony; Ct. 2- Public Indecency, Class A Misdemeanor; Ct. 3- Public Intoxication, Class B Misdemeanor. Fine and costs are waived. 14 days Posey County Jail. Brent Jeffries, 28, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Dealing in Methamphetamine, Class B Felony; Ct. 2- Illegal Possession of Anhydrous Ammonia or Ammonia Solution, Class D Felony; Ct. 3- Possession of Chemical Reagents or Precursors with Intent to Manufacture a Controlled Substance, Class D Felony. Ct. 2 and 3 are dismissed. $1.00 plus costs, restitution for cleanup fees in the amount of $77.02. Six years Indiana Department of Corrections. Jason Poole, 26, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Dealing in Methamphetamine, Class B Felony; Ct. 2- Possession of Chemical Reagents or Precursors With Intent to Manufacture a Controlled Substance, Class C Felony; Ct. 3- Possession of Methamphetamine, Class B Felony. Ct. 2 is dismissed. $1 plus costs, $200 countermeasure fee, restitution for clean-up fees in the amount of $216.88, two years probation and fee. Eight years Indiana Department of Corrections, all suspended except six years. Jared A. Schmidt, 20, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Illegal Consumption of an Alcoholic Beverage, Class C Misdemeanor; Ct. 2Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, Class A Misdemeanor. Ct. 2 is dismissed.$1 plus costs, counseling, one year probation and fees. 60 days Posey County Jail, suspended.
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ATTORNEY: William H. Bender 7 W. Main Street, P.O. Box 430 Poseyville, Indiana, 47633 Phone: (812) 874-3636, (812) 985-2102 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF POSEY COUNTY, INDIANA. In the matter of the estate of Elmer Gene Sanders, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that, Stephanie R. Mills and Dennis a. Mills, were on the 29th day of November, 2010, appointed personal representatives of the estate of George R. Mills, deceased, who died on November 15th 2010. All persons having claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the office of the clerk of this court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Mt. Vernon, Indiana, this 29 day of November, 2010. Donna K. Butler Donna K. Butler, Clerk Posey Circuit Court Jamie L. Simpson Deputy Published in the Posey County News on December 14 & 21, 2010.
Arrests and Complaints Continued... Seth Wrinkles, 24, Evansville. Ct. 1- Possession of Marijuana, Class A Misdemeanor; Ct. 2- Resisting Law Enforcement, Class A Misdemeanor; Ct. 3- Visiting a Common Nuisance, Class B Misdemeanor. Ct. 1 and 2 are dismissed. $1 plus costs, one year probation and fees, counseling. 180 days Posey County Jail, suspended.
Orley Yarber, 57, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Possession of Methamphetamine, Class D Felony; Ct. 2- Possession of Marijuana, Class A Misdemeanor. Ct. 2 is dismissed. $1 plus costs, $200 countermeasure fee. Six months Indiana Department of Corrections, consecutive. Orley Yarber, 57, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Unlawful Possession or Use of a Leg-
end Drug, Class D Felony; Ct. 2- Invasion of Privacy, Class A Misdemeanor; Ct. 3- Residential Entry, Class D Felony. Ct. 1 is dismissed. $1 plus costs. Six months Indiana Department of Corrections, consecutive. Orley Yarber, 57, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Residential Entry, Class D Felony; Ct. 2- Battery, Class B Misdemeanor. Dismissed.
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CHILDREN’S LEARNING CENTER OF POSEY COUNTY Our children’s daycare center is seeking new part-time employees to assist with end of day closing procedures. Applications are available at The Children’s Learning Center at 2100 West Fourth Street in Mt. Vernon. Additional information may be obtained by calling the 12/14 Learning Center at 838-3312. Compassion ~ It’s how we care.
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MATT HAYDEN December 16, 1983 – May 3, 2010
Matt, from the moment you opened your twinkling blue eyes till you took your last breath you lived life to its fullest. You were an inspiration, a loving husband, proud father, amazing son, goofy little brother, playful uncle, and a true friend! You touched so many lives and are sincerely missed by many.
Happy Birthday Arthur Claude Reynolds December 20, 1920
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Real Estate FOR SALE 170 N NIX AVE POSEYVILLE Brick home with four bedrooms. Home is located on a quiet dead-end street in the newer part of Poseyville. The lot is flat and provides plenty of potential for outdoor activities. This is a great affordable family home with a lot of living space including a large great-room and eat-in kitchen. Furnace and A/C new in 2003. $103,000 Call Randy at 985-9072
7925 PETERS RD WADESVILLE Very nice country home on 3 acres with a pole barn. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, Dining area, Den/Office, and all appliances included. Master bath offers a Garden Tub and separate shower with a double vanity. House is all electric with a wood fireplace in the livingroom. Pole barn has electric and has plumbing for a bathroom. This property is perfect for horses, riding ATV’s, or just enjoying the outdoors. Only $119,900 Call Randy at 985-9072
7312 MAIN ST WADESVILLE Home with possibilities - Setup this home however you like. The current owners have 4 bedrooms, but the home could have 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, an office, and 2 living-rooms along with the eat-in kitchen. Attached is a 2 bay block garage with tall ceilings and a large carport. Owners are offering to leave all window treatments, large play-set, and all appliances. This home would be great for a large family and the garage area is perfect for those who like to project or need extra storage. Just $134,000 Call Randy at 985-9072
ICAN Continued...
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Lowrey Organ: w/ 2 keyboards, 13 foot pedals, a rhythm setDrivers - Flatbed OWN- & Benefits! Call a recruiter ting, tape player, matching seat, and many more features. Dec- ER OPERATORS Up to TODAY! 877-882-6537 orative and fully functioning. $99.00 firm (812)673-4939 or $1000 Sign on Bonus. Earn www.oakleytransport.com (812)449-1895 $1.85/mi or more! No age DRIVERS - Owner Op?/?? restriction on tractors/trail- erators. $5,000 Sign-On Boers. CRST Malone 866- nus. Highest Paid Dedicated Real Estate Continued 349-6256 www.JoinMa- Runs. Paid FSC on loaded & empty miles. Home lone.com Building for Sale, Presbyterian Church Cynthiana, Ind. OfDrivers - FOOD TANK- Daily. Ask about our lease fers received until December 29, 2010. (812)568-8409. 12/28 ER DRIVERS NEEDED. to purchase program. Call OTR positions available Comtrak at 866-722-0291, NOW! CDL-A w/ Tanker or apply at www.comtraklWadesville - 4300 Moye Rd. 4.21 acres! 3 BR 2 BA in 1901 REQ’D. Outstanding pay ogistics.com sq. ft. 2-story updated farm house. 1 pole barn (40x105) with workshop. 1quonset hut. 1 car detached garage and 3 grain Puzzles bins. Priced under appraised value at $225,000. Call 81212/14 453-4534.
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Misc. Services
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Last Weeks Solution
Real Estate
Sudoku and Crossword
Sudoku of the Week
Wonderfully maintained 1 1/2 story 3 bedroom house with 3 full baths. Includes scenic view of community lake. House is located on a private spot on dead end cul-de-sac. Finished bonus room can serve as 4th bedroom, office, playroom, or additional storage. As a bonus all new windows in 2008 plus some modernization to the kitchen and bathrooms. Priced at $135,000. Call Andy at 449-8444
The solution to last week’s puzzle:
HOUSE ON 2.9 ACRES Very nice 2005 modular home with open floor plan located on 2.9 acres. This home has 3 bedrooms ,2 full baths, Dining area, Breakfast nook, Master-bath with garden tub, above ground pool with deck, and a children’s play-set. The lot is mostly cleared except for mature trees creating a beautiful country setting. Owner is including a small tractor with several implements. ONLY $90,000 Call RANDY 985-9072 for an Appointment.
139 N CHURCH ST POSEYVILLE 1738 sq ft home includes 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, large living-room, and a very nice kitchen next to a dining area and large 2 car garage and full basement. While this 1957 home offers some nostalgic remembrances, it has since been recently upgraded by the current owner. The original home was added on to in 1998. The garage is heated/cooled and offers a 1/2 bath. The basement offers 2 unfinished storage rooms. Nearly 500 square feet has been finished and makes for a very comfortable TV room and office area. With high vaulted ceilings, ample storage room, and a beautiful setting this is sure to be a nice family home in Posey County. REDUCED TO JUST $145,000 Call Randy at 985-9072
148 MAIN ST. POSEYVILLE Updated Poseyville home with a large kitchen and lots of cabinet space. Home has laminate flooring, 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths. The buyer of this home will also have the opportunity to purchase an investment property located on the property that currently has a tenant. Includes 2 bedroom rental house for family or to help make your payments.”. ONLY $120,000 Call Randy at 985-9072
FOR RENT Large 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment. New Furnace/central air. Stove and Fridge included. Washer and Dryer Hookups. Large bedrooms, living room has hardwood floors. Lawn care, trash and water included. Located at the corner of Highway 66 and St. Phillips Rd. $500/mo. SORRY NO PETS. Call 812-457-7645.
Andy Rudolph Tri County Realty 1-812-449-8444 1-812-426-1426
Crossword of the Week CLUES ACROSS 1. Dodge truck model 4. Launch, note or mattress 7. 22nd Greek letter 10. Elderly 12. Sheep genus 14. Swiss river 15. Pulsate repeatedly 17. Not gained or won 18. Red organic pigment containing iron 19. Mother of Ishmael 20. Financial gains 22. Point midway between E and SE 23. Strikingly appropriate 25. Examine with care 28. Indian for carrying sling 31. Saddle horse 32. 92860 33. A field of mowed grass 34. Animal for heavy loads 39. Transport, usually in a truck 40. Protoctist 41. An eagle’s nest 42. More massive & firm 45. Public squares 48. Type of paint base 49. Daman and ___, India 51. Anesthetized
54. 55120 56. A person who inherits 58. Indian frock 59. Training by multiple repetitions 60. Dentist’s group 61. Not crazy 62. Opposed to prefix 63. Spanish Mister 64. Preceded
65. Obtained CLUES DOWN 1. Ripening early 2. Struck with fear or dread 3. Combination of two companies 4. A person active in party politics 5. River in England
6. Flat circular plate 7. Pause in a line of verse 8. The thigh of a hog 9. Wrath 11. Arrived extinct 13. Opposite of go 16. Shouts of approval 18. Hailed 21. Of I 24. Opposite of starboard 26. Past participle of “saw” 27. Point that is one point N of due E 29. One who examines methodically 30. Davenports 34. Aegle marmelos fruit 35. About Eurasia 36. Stained with blood 37. Tangelo fruit 38. Vituperated 39. Come to pass 43. Outer border strip 44. Island in Venice 46. In the year of Our Lord 47. Impertinence 50. Not set afire 52. Afrikaans 53. European sea eagle 55. Macaws 56. Birthed 57. Tokyo
401-1607 Wheels, Sunroof, Pearl OLDS 2000- Intrigue White with Camel Top WE BUY LOW MILEAGE VEHICLES Town leather, s.roof, clean, and Interior. $17,995. Kenny Kent Toyota 00. drives good, good on P12427A 812-469-6279 gas $2700 offer Toll Free 1-866-845-9419 www.poseycountynews.com • Serving the county since 812-618-6736 www.kennykent.com igna02K, 995. 0
“Where The Viper Sits High In The Sky” Plus tax, title, license & $2,000 cash or trade Subject to credit approval at 72 months at 5.5% interest.
1882 • The Posey County News
December 14, 2010 • Page B11
To w n Miles, nroof, ition! etallic 6990! 2-228-
Leath8, 59k ,990! 2-831-
Town 00
MKX ,900.
th KY
Drive it for ONLY
Economy Economy Economy
17,995 Plus tax and fees.
2010 FORD FOCUS SE #F14652A
/mo. 39 month lease
• Air Con Conditioning nditionin ng • Po Power Mirrors k • Tilt il Wheel • Power Locks
2011 Ford Fiesta 4 Dr. SE. $1,865 due at signing, plus applicable taxes & fees. With approved credit. Subject to availability.
2010 Ford Taurus
2010 Ford Escape
2010 Lincoln MKS
2010 Sport Trac
Ford certified, leather, factory chrome wheels $28,431 Lincoln certified, leather, loaded..........$36,912
2010 Mercury Grand Marquis
Auto, leather, power seat, factory warranty$18,995
Auto, leather, power sunroof................$20,995 Limited, 4x4............................................$33,994
2010 Ford Edge SEL
2010 Lincoln Town Car
2010 Lincoln MKT
2009 Mercedes
2008 Ford Expedition 4x4
2009 Mercury Sable
2008 Saturn VUE
All power, save thousands.........................$29,995 E350, loaded .............................................$38,872 Leather, power sunroof, factory warranty $18,412
2008 Ford Fusion SEL
Ford certified, leather, local trade ........$17,311
2008 Ford Mustang GT
Auto, leather, factory chrome wheels..$23,912
2008 Mercury Milan SEL
Leather, power sunroof, loaded............$16,995
2007 Ford Fusion
V6, leather, power sunroof....................$14,883
2007 Mercury Milan
All power................................................$14,992
2007 Volvo S-80
Leather, low miles, local trade. .................$20,993
2006 Toyota Avalon
2006 BMW 325i
Leather, roof, local trade...........................$19,994
2006 Nissan 350Z
Chrome wheels, low miles, local trade......$19,994
2004 Jaguar X-Type
Auto, leather, power sunroof, very nice$10,887
2003 Lincoln Town Car
Cartier Edition .......................................$12,225
2001 Mazda Miata
2dr. conv..................................................... $8,917
1997 Mercury Cougar
Auto, air, oldie but goodie....................... $2,995
Drive it for ONLY
All power, loaded, local trade...............$16,222
2007 Lincoln MKX
Auto, leather, priced to sell...................$25,995
2007 Chevy Avalanche
Auto, air, 36,000 miles, local trade .......$25,996
2007 Ford Edge SEL Plus
Auto, factory chrome wheels, leather..$19,991
2007 Mercury Mountainieer
2007 Lincoln MKX
Plus tax and fees.
6,995 & UNDER!
2005 Chevy Impala ............................................V/6, automatic 2005 Nissan Sentra..................................automatic, gas saver 2001 Chrysler P.T. Cruiser .............................76k miles, nice 2001 Buick Century ...................................................automatic 1999 Mercury Grand Marquis............................... all power 1994 Toyota Corolla DLX ....................................... gas sipper 1991 Lincoln Town Car ................................... cartier, loaded
Many, Many MORE!
Leather, sunroof, like new ........................$26,887
2006 Ford F250 Powerstroke 4x4 Lariat, loaded, local trade .....................$24,222 2006 Chevy Trailblazer 4x4...........................................................$12,222 2005 Chrysler Pacifica Touring! ..................................................$11,993 2005 Ford F150 SuperCab 4x4 Leather, loaded, local trade ......................$22,583 2003 Chevy Silverado 4x4 Auto, air, power windows & locks, local trade$13,714 2002 Ford Ranger Automatic ................................................... $7,995 2000 Dodge Caravan Auto, air, V6, local trade.......................... $4,994 1994 Ford F150 4x4 Auto, V8, local trade................................ $5,995
Leather, navigation, roof...........................$39,442 Leather, power sunroof, bucket seats .$34,914
TRUCKS & SUVs 2003 Ford E-250 Cargo Van 2000 2000 2000 1997 1995 1994
.................................................... Dodge Caravan............................................................. V6 Dodge Durango 4x4 ............automatic, a/c, local trade Mazda MPV ................................................. V6, automatic Toyota Tacoma Ext. Cab 4x4 . automatic, local trade Chevy Extended Cab ..................................................... Ford F150 4x4 XLT ...................... all power, local trade
Many, Many MORE!
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