Letters to Santa Inside!
“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.” Since 1882 ~ Successor to The Poseyville News and The New Harmony Times • New Harmony, Indiana Posey County’s locally-owned newspaper
(USPS 439-500)
Tuesday December 21, 2010
Volume 129 Edition 51
Unified school employees make commitment
Teachers, personnel agree to 5 percent pay cut ‘for the good of the students’ By Dave Pearce “No person was ever honored for what he received. He was honored for what he gave.” – Calvin Coolidge Employees of the Mount Vernon School Corporation have agreed to make a substantial gift to the students and the Mount Vernon community. Beginning with the 2011 school year, employees across the board will be taking a 5 percent salary cut to help the corporation remain in solid financial shape. This follows two years of no pay increases and a year of a .55 percent decrease last year. The end result will be a $500,000 reoccurring savings per year. “The first thing I want people to know is that this was not something the teachers had to do and it is not something that was easy for them to do” MSD School Supt. Tom Kopatich said while making the announcement. “They did it because they believe in the school, the community and the students.” Kopatich went on to praise the staff for excellence in performance indicators measured
by the state. “The performance in our school is so high that we cannot fall into an academic probation,” Kopatich exclaimed. “Taking a 5.55 percent pay cut is very painful for anyone in the community in tough economic times. But our teachers are willing to do this because they believe in what they do. I believe that their insurance went up a little bit this year, too.” Kopatich indicated that every group in the corporation from administration down has agreed to the decrease except the custodians and the bus drivers. The offer will be made to them when it is time for renewal of their contracts. He indicated that in the past, the two groups have worked together in taking increases and he would expect them to work together when taking the decreases. The second major part of the announcement is that the school will initiate a retirement package using one-time funds provided by the Stimulus Package that must be spent on classroom instruction. In an effort to help
bring down payroll costs, a one-time “retirement incentive” payment of $25,000 will be offered to some 50 teachers who are currently eligible for retirement. Kopatich explained that a one-time payment of $10,000 had been offered about a year ago but that few teachers took advantage at that time because of the rising cost of health insurance. This one-time $25,000 payout should pay for about two years of health insurance for the average retired employee. Using these “one-time” funds wisely could create a potential first-year savings in excess of $2 million, depending on the number of people who decide to take the “buy-out.” A minimum of 20 certified personnel members must agree to the retirement within the next 24 months for the plan to be effective. The more teachers who take advantage of the package, the more savings there will be for the school corporation as the teachers who are eligible for retirement are at the top of the pay scale. They would be replaced with teachers who, of course, will be less experi-
DCP deadline is June 1 Greg Knowles, County Executive Director of the Posey County FSA, reminds producers that June 1, 2011, is the deadline for enrolling in the 2011 DCP program or the 2011 ACRE program. All signatures of producers receiving a share in DCP/ACRE payments are required by the June deadline. It is important producers contact the Posey County FSA office to set up appointments. Also wheat certification is also going on. The deadline to certify your wheat is May 31, 2011, and planting dates are required. If you have any questions, please contact the Posey County FSA Office at (812) 838-4191, ext. 2.
Chamber Choir on TV The Mount Vernon Senior High School Chamber Choir will appear in the Channel 44 television broadcast of “High School Holidays.” Featuring area high school choirs, the program will include a variety of seasonal choral music. Dana Taylor notes, “it is always a pleasure to participate in activities like this and affords community members an opportunity to hear what vocal music programs do. It is also good for school music and for our students.” Broadcast times are Dec. 24 at 11:30 p.m. and Midnight and Dec. 25th at noon and 12:30 p.m. on CBS44 in High Definition. It will also be broadcast on Dec. 24 at 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on My44 The Chamber Choir features Josie Brown, Melanie Davis, Carly Gray, Katelyn Herrenbruck, Michelle Huff, Kate Higgins, Kirstie Keene, Carynn Koch, Jenna Rueger, Amy Seifert, Kaci Turner and Michelle Walker. The ensemble is directed by Dana Taylor and is accompanied by Teresa Bloodworth.
By Dave Pearce State elections officials have certified Republican Wendy McNamara as the winner in the tight Indiana House District 76 race after a recount held at Posey County’s Hovey House this week. “Words cannot capture the gratitude for and great joy of working with outstanding members of the Posey County community throughout my campaign. Getting to know the struggles and triumphs of our community has been an inspiration,” McNamara said this weekend. “Those experiences will be of great value as I get to work. I look forward to the opportunity to serve Southwestern Indiana and the constituents of House District 76.” Now that a recount in the race has been finished, the Indiana Election Commission, a three-person panel headed by Republican Secretary of State Todd Rokita, made the results official during a meeting Saturday at the Statehouse. Out of more than 18,000 that were cast, McNamara’s victory over Democratic state Sen. Bob Deig ended up being by a mere four votes. But while Deig offered his congratulations to his opponent, he also issued a challenge. “I want to congratulate my opponent, but would ask one thing of her. She presently is an administrator with the EVSC and has a 180 contract and a salary of nearly $80,000. She will now be in session from January to May and that is the main part of the EVSC school year,” Deig said. “She will be in session in Indianapolis for nearly 120 days of her 180-day school contract. If the school district can do without her for that long, they either need to hire someone else to take her place or eliminate her position. I ask that she resign her position from her taxpayer-funded position and work for the people of District 76 as the elected representative.” When asked to comment on Deig’s request, McNamara retorted that she is an administrator in the Vanderburgh County School Corporation that works year-round. She indicated she is not on a teacher’s contract of 180 days, as Deig had stated. More importantly, McNamara continued, has Mr. Deig asked the same of Pat Bauer, Kreg Battles, Terry Gooden, and Dave Cheatham just to mention a few Democrats. There are several educational professionals in the General Assembly, and having a part-time legislature allows persons from all walks of life to serve their state. Having such an unreasonable request would surely limit our legislative body and possibly diminish the field of qualified servants to our State. “When I was elected to the Indiana State Senate four years ago, I was the Facility Director with the Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library,” Deig stated. “I decided at that time to resign my position and work full time for my constituents.” But McNamara indicated that Deig is and has been employed with Energy Systems Group. Following the recount, the commission’s certification of McNamara’s victory was expected because after their review of all but three of the disputed ballots, she had a seven-vote lead. According to a news release from the secretary of state’s office, those three votes were disqualified. Jolly little fellow, Ace Cox, one and one-half, of Poseyville was all smiles in his Santa suit while attending a Christmas program at Continued on Page A6 North Elementary on Friday. Photo by Valerie Werkmeister
Wadesville’s Brown ready for a ‘normal’ Christmas
Sports passes available The following All-Sports Passes and Season passes are on sale in the high school athletic office: Basketball Pass - good for any 10 Varsity High School games and all Freshman game Adults $30, Students $25; Winter/ Spring All-Sport Passes - good for all Winter and Spring High School Athletic Events Adults $40 Students - $30
Makensie Brown
By Pam Robinson Wadesville’s Makensie Brown shares the dreams of a typical 10year-old when asked what’s on her Christmas wish list—an iPod touch and her very own cell phone. Yet, Makensie’s life has been anything but typical. Just last year, when most children heard about visions of sugar plums dancing through their heads, Makensie dealt with electrodes bulging from her scalp. This surgical procedure preceded a second surgery to remove a part of the right front lobe of her brain as a treatment for tuberous sclerosis, the growth of benign tumors in the brain, and the petit mal seizures it caused. Makensie’s seizures started when
she was only six months old. “When she was a baby, if she was sitting up, she would slowly fall to the right side,” explains Makensie’s mom, Julie Brown. “As she got older, she would do the same thing, but would not fall. If she was eating or drinking or whatever, she would continue to try and do those things. Her right hand and arm would just be shaking, and she wouldn’t get the cup or the food to her mouth. If she was writing, she would continue to try to do so, but the pencil might hit the paper and be just scribbles. She always remained conscious, and I would talk to her during the seizures. She would usually try to answer me, but would not always remember what I said when the
Inside this issue...
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Deig salutes McNamara as winner in Dist. 76, asks her for year-round pledge
PCN on Facebook The Posey County News now has a Business Facebook page. Many of the pictures that are taken but are not published are available for viewing and printing at Facebook: Posey County News. Please add us as friends and feel free to use the pictures for personal use.
enced but will come in considerably lower on the pay scale. “Yes, we would be losing teachers with many years of classroom experience but there is always a price to pay in a situation such as this,” Kopatich explained. “But, that will allow us to be very selective as to who we hire to replace these teachers, if replacement is necessary. Furthermore, it would give us an opportunity to hire teachers from area universities who want to stay in the area.” Kopatich indicated that while the average teacher salary in Mount Vernon has been higher than some areas, so has the number of years of classroom experience for teachers. As a matter of fact, Kopatich indicated that on average, Mount Vernon teachers have seven years more experience than counterparts in other counties. Kopatich said that when the referendum in Posey County failed last year, as referendums in several parts of the state did, the teachers,
Retrospective................ A5 Legals........................... B10 Classifieds .............. B11-12
seizure was over. A typical seizure would last anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds.” The Browns met Dr. Jesus Eric Pina Garza through the Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in Nashville, Tenn. Garza treated Makensie with a variety of medications and controlled her seizures until just two weeks before school started in August 2009. “Makensie was having up to 30 seizures a day then, and medication wouldn’t stop them,” recalls Mom Julie. “In September, we started talking about surgery.” By October, neuropsychologist Craig Roof was called in to Makensie’s case, and by
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