The Posey County News - January 18, 2011 Edition

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“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.” Since 1882 ~ Successor or ttoo The The Poseyville Poseyviille N News ews aand nd T The he N New ew Harmony Harmony T Times imes • New Harmony, Indiana Ind dianaa

Tuesday T d J January 18, 18 2011

Posey County’s P C t ’ locally llocally-owned lly-owned d newspaper

(USPS PS 439-500) 439-5500) V l e 130 Volume 0 Edi Edition i 3

New board takes reins at Mount Vernon PCN on Facebook The Posey County News now has a Business Facebook page. Many of the pictures that are taken but are not published are available for viewing and printing at Facebook: Posey County News. Please add us as friends and feel free to use the pictures for personal use.

DCP deadline is June 1 Greg Knowles, County Executive Director of the Posey County FSA, reminds producers that June 1, 2011, is the deadline for enrolling in the 2011 DCP program or the 2011 ACRE program. It is important producers contact the Posey County FSA office to set up appointments. Also wheat certification is also going on. The deadline to certify your wheat is May 31, 2011, and planting dates are required. If you have any questions, please contact the Posey County FSA Office at (812) 838-4191, ext. 2.

Nominations sought Leadership Evansville is hosting is 16th annual Celebration of Leadership Awards and is seeking nominations from the public for individuals, youth, organizations, businesses that go beyond the call of duty to assist those in need and make our community a better place to live. To nominate go to Award nominations are due Jan. 19, 2011. The Celebration of Leadership Award Ceremony will be held on March 17, 2011 at 6 p.m. at the Centre in Downtown Evansville. If you do not have Internet access, call 812-425-3828.

MVHS registration set Mount Vernon Junior High eighth graders will soon be involved in the registration process for high school. Below is a summary of the specific steps: February 7: Counselors will visit students in the social studies classes. February 10: Student convocation at 8:20 A.M. in PAC. February 14: Parent meeting in High School Cafeteria, 6:30 P.M. to learn about requirements. After the above three steps, the parents and the student will select the appropriate coursework to satisfy the needs and goals. For questions, please call the school’s counselors.

By Pam Robinson The first order of business was the swearing in ceremony for the three newly elected board members—Heather Allyn, Brian Jeffries and Kathy Weinzapfel—at the Tuesday, January 4, meeting of the Mount Vernon School Board. Shortly afterward, the board voted unanimously to take a 5.5 percent reduction in compensation to match the 5.5 percent total pay reduction of teachers and administrators in the Metropolitan School District, or MSD, or Mount Vernon. Board members had received $2,000 per year, $112 for the second regular meeting of each month and $62 for special meetings. Now, board members will receive $1,889 per year, $106 for the second regular meeting of each month and $59 for special meetings. The board will continue to receive the mileage reimbursement of 44 cents a mile, well below the mileage reimbursement allowance of 51 cents set by the Internal Revenue Service. Superintendent Tom Kopatich welcomed the new board members, saying, “Congratulations. I’d like to thank all of you for stepping forward and taking positions that are going to be very challenging—the finances of education alone. I do appreciate you stepping forward and being

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Standing behind this year’s Mount Vernon School Board President Beth McFadin Higgins and last year’s Board President Randy Boyer (seated) are L to R new board members Secretary Kathy Weinzapfel, Vice President Heather Allyn and Brian Jeffries. Photo by Pam Robinson.

Bruce Baker re-elected president in Poseyville By Valerie Werkmeister For almost a quarter of a century, Bruce Baker has served Poseyville as a member of the town council. And, following the council’s January 12 meeting, Baker was elected by fellow council members Ron Fallowfield and Steve Ahrens to serve as president. This will mark Baker’s 23rd year at the council’s helm. “I just want everyone to know all the progress that’s been made under his leadership,” Fallowfield stated. Baker thanked Fallowfield and Ahrens for their support claiming the work has been a team effort. Diana Powell was introduced as the new Poseyville ClerkTreasurer. She presided over her first meeting. Powell was placed in office after a caucus was held following former Clerk-Treasurer

Chris Lupfer’s abrupt resignation in December. Ken Gorbett reported that they are still waiting on key pieces of equipment at the new wastewater treatment facility before it is ready to go online. They hope to have the plant operational this spring. Volunteer Fire Department Chief Michael Crawford presented two new applicants for the board’s approval. Katherine Kern and Jason Knowles were approved pending favorable background checks that still must be completed. Crawford announced that the fire department will hold an open house on April 9. A fundraising letter on behalf of the department will soon be mailed to North Posey residents. The department intends to raise as much money as possible towards the purchase of a new rescue truck.

Council members also approved a request by Crawford to install a new tile floor in the meeting room at a cost of $1,800. The work will be completed prior to the open house. A hearing for the grant application will be held in February. This will be the third time the department will attempt the grant request and they hope it will be their last. Public support has been key and February’s hearing will be no different. The department will heavily rely on public input and comments to continue in the grant application process. Council members complimented the town’s street department employees on their excellent work doing snow removal. Baker stated he had even received compliments from citizens on the good job town employees had done. Ahrens stated

New board member takes oath in New Harmony

Robinson Board meets The Robinson Township Board will meet at the Robinson Township Trustee’s office located at 201 Schroeder Road S., Wadesville, Ind 47638 on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 5:30 p.m.

Parks and Rec meets The Mount Vernon Black Township Park & Recreation Department would like to announce their meeting schedule for the upcoming year 2011. The Parks Board meetings will be held the third Thursday of every month, at 6 p.m. at the Kiwanis Senior Citizen Center, these meetings are always open to the public.

Historical Society meets The Posey County Historical Society will have its first meeting of the new year on Saturday, January 22 at 10 a.m. The meeting will take place in Room A at Alexandrian Library in Mt. Vernon. The group will be discussing a busy calendar of upcoming events. Members and friends are invited to the meeting. Dues ($10) are now being collected for 2011.

Legion Post 278 meets Poseyville American Legion Post #278 will meet Thursday, January 20 at 7:30 p.m.

School Attorney David Givens administers the oath of office to (L to R) re-elected President Jim Scarafia and Secretary Brenda Butman and first-term member Curt Schmitt at Thursday’s meeting of the New Harmony School Board. Photo by Pam Robinson.

By Pam Robinson Attorney David Givens administered the oath of office to re-elected members Brenda Butman and Jim Scarafia and to newly elected member Curt Schmitt at Thursday’s meeting of the New Harmony School Board. Housekeeping then ensued. Members voted to retain last year’s officers: President Jim Scarafia, Vice President Jason Wilson and Secretary Brenda Butman. Board compensation was held to last year’s rates--$1,000 per year with $50 paid for special called meetings. Meetings will continue to be held on the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. in the school media center. David Givens was appointed school corporation attorney for another year, and Paula Schmitt will continue as school corporation treasurer. All board members will serve on the board of finance with Jim Eagan acting as president and Curt Schmitt as secretary. The board of

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Sheriff’s pay is now legal By Dave Pearce For some time, the Posey County Sheriff’s salary has been operating out of line with policies and procedures in place for the office. At Tuesday’s Posey County Council meeting, newly-elected Posey County Sheriff Greg Oeth took steps to bring that salary back within the proper guidelines as he signed his contract as sheriff of Posey County. The net amount the county will pay the new sheriff will actually be less than his predecessor. Oeth indicated that by accepting the statute amount, it prevents a costly negotiation process. Although the base pay will increase, the increase was more than offset by the fact that the new sheriff has declined medical health insurance coverage paid for by the county, making the agreement easy for both sides.

With Councilmen Ton Schneider and Ralph Weinzapfel not present at the meeting, the group corrected a problem they realized they had with appointing members to different boards prior to the installment of the new council and the new year. At the suggestion of President Bob Gentil, the group re-affirmed they appointments they had made prior to the January meeting with the exception of Alan Blackburn to the Area Plan Commission. Blackburn said that he would voluntarily step down from his appointment to the commission and Mattingly was voted to take Blackburn’s place on that board for a oneyear term. In other action: •The board signed the declaratory resolution for the abatement for Little Joscelyn Cissell enjoys the New Harmony Fire Department Bristol Myers. A representative of the company is expected to attend bean supper at the Posey County Community Center held on Saturthe next meeting. day. Photo by Brittney Redman

Inside this issue...


he also received compliments on their professionalism during oncall responses. The council passed ordinance 2011-01-12-01, vacating a portion of a street north of lots seven and 18 in Northern Acres Subdivision. The ordinance passed on the first reading since it was passed by unanimous vote and there were no fines or penalties involved with the ordinance. The council also approved reappointing Larry Droege to the Economic Development committee. His term was due to expire in February. Baker stated he would contact Droege to make sure he wanted to continue to serve on the committee. The next regular Poseyville Town Council meeting will be held February 16, at 4:30 p.m. at the Poseyville Community Center.

Retrospective.................. A4 Legals.......................... B8-9 Classifieds ................. B6-7

Go to Community........... A5 Social...................... A5 Deaths................... A3 Sports................... B1-5 School................... A6 Business/Ag .......... A6


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