“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.” Since 1882 ~ Successor to The Poseyville News and The New Harmony Times • New Harmony, IN Posey County’s locally-owned newspaper
Tuesday May 22, 2012
(USPS 439-500)
Volume 132 Edition 21
New Harmony Bridge slated to close for good May 29 By Dave Pearce Portions courtesy of the Evansville Courier This will be some Memorial Day for residents of the New Harmony area. As if the closing of New Harmony School was not enough of a blow to the Town of New Harmony, in an emergency meeting Sunday night, the White County (Ill.) Bridge Commission members voted to close the aging span at noon May 29 — the day after Memorial Day. “It is very disappointing,” New Harmony Town Council President David Campbell
said on Monday morning. “Yes, it will restrict access to New Harmony from that direction but New Harmony will always be what New Harmony is. It is a quiet place where people come to reflect. The lack of a bridge is not going to change what New Harmony is.” Campbell said the announcement does not exhaust all possible options to keep the bridge open and he is hopeful that something can be done. However, since the engineering study has come back, it appears that most of the possibilities have been exhausted. Campbell acknowledged the tireless work of former University of Southern Indiana
President David Rice in his attempts to keep the bridge open. But Bridge Commission member Jim Clark said the closure is in response to the results of an April 29 inspection of the bridge by nine engineers. Sunday night’s meeting was attended by members Jim Clark and David Rice. Spud Egbert was not able to attend. New Harmony School’s final graduation exercises will be held on Thursday evening, May 24, just five days before the closing of the bridge. “They found problems with the crossbeams that connect with the outside girders,”
Clark said. “They have deteriorated more than we thought.” The inspection was carried out by four engineers from the Indiana Department of Transportation, one from the Illinois DOT, two federal inspectors and two engineers from the bridge commission. The engineers began their inspection on the approach to the bridge from the Indiana side. The “arms-length” inspection was carried out from a bucket truck. Inspectors used chipping hammers to remove rust and corrosion to inspect the steel beams. “There are
Continued on Page A7
Vanderburgh woman faces four years for hitting, spitting on Posey officers
Your help needed The Posey County Sheriff’s Department is investigating an incident that occurred Sunday May 13, in the area of Denzer and St. Philips Road. Anyone having information regarding a person (or persons) who were discharging firearms in the area of Denzer and St. Philips Road during the evening hours of Sunday May 13, is asked to contact the Sheriff’s Office at 838-1321.
Tests positive for Hepatitis
Memorial Services slated The following Memorial Day Services will be held Monday, May 28 by the members of the American Legion Post #370 of New Harmony, Ind.: 9 a.m. Maple Hill (New Harmony), 9:30 a.m. Mt. Pleasant Cemetery (Griffin), 10 a.m. Bethesdia Cemetery, 10:30 a.m. Stewartsville Cemetery, 11 a.m. New Memorial next to Town Hall on Church Street in New Harmony Everyone is welcome to attend these services. For more info call 682-3873
Former North Posey School Supt. Ernie Rapp presents the traditional school bell to retiring teacher Pat Hewig during a reception in her honor Sunday afternoon at The Red Wagon in Poseyville. Hewig is completing her 40th year in teaching. She is a fourth generation teacher. Photo by Dave Pearce
‘Win-win’ reached for New Harmony School By Dave Pearce According to information released this week, an agreement has been reached that will allow the New Harmony School Building to remain a viable part of the New Harmony Community for two more years. North Posey School Supt. Dr. Todd Camp, working with North Posey School Board President Joe Neidig, New Harmony School Board President Jim Scarafia, and New Harmony Town Council President David Campbell, have reached an agreement that would allow the Head Start program to remain in the school for two more years. The additional time could allow members of the community to have input as to how the building could be used in the future. Maintenance alone on the school building could range annually from $40,000 to $80,000 per year, barring unexpected expenses. Campbell recently appeared before the Posey County Council seeking $40,000 in funds for helping with expenses. According to Campbell, the response from the Council is another reason the school and town leaders have put their heads together to come to an agreement. “Ultimately, the Town of New Harmony wants to maintain control of property,” both Neidig and Campbell conceded. Under the proposed agreement, the Town of New Harmony would lease the building to the North Posey School Corporation for $50,000 per year for a period of two years. All parties involved agree the solution is a win-win.
Demos to host golf outing The Posey County Democrats will be holding their annual Golf Scramble on June 9, 2012 at CountryMark Course beginning at 8 a.m. To get your team registered or get additional information, please call 682-3083 or 480-3875.
Demo benefit slated A Benefit Reception will be held on May 23, 2012 for John R. Gregg for Governor of Indiana. Reception will be held at Western Hills Country Club in Mount Vernon from 5 until 7 p.m. For reservations please RSVP to: Elizabeth Murphy at (317) 698-1293 or Democrat Chairman Ed Adams at 8380035.
Legion to host Memorial Poseyville American Legion Post 278 will hold a Memorial Service at the Community Center at 10 a.m. on Monday May 28 with a joint service at the Memorial with Wadesville VFW at 11 a.m.
New Harmony will maintain control of the building and property while the building will continue to be used, for a period of two years, and the agreement will give the community some time to come up with some other viable options for the school. Campbell indicated that it could be similar to the situation at Hedges School in Mount Vernon which closed last year. Several tenants have moved into that building and it appears to have a bright future. Under the agreement reached with North Posey, the North Posey School system would have had a fouryear obligation to maintain the building and with the Head Start Program remaining in the building, the school corporation would have only to help subsidize only a portion of the facility. North Posey will have complete rights to the inside of the building from a leaseholder’s standpoint. New Harmony attorney Nathan Maudlin is vacationing in Scotland this week while North Posey attorney Bill Bender has been working on the agreement with Maudlin, primarily by email. The agreement was signed on Monday afternoon. “It’s a good thing for North Posey but it is a good thing also for the Town of New Harmony because ultimately, they want control of the building,” Neidig concluded. “This agreement will allow us to focus on operating the Metropolitan School District of North Posey for the common good of the students and the community.”
Lewis bids farewell to North Posey School Board
Next Step recital in June Next Step Dance Academy will be holding a recital ‘Dancing Across America’ at Central High School on June 2 at 6 p.m. and June 3 at 2 p.m. For more info on call 874-2433 or visit www.nextstepdanceandcheer.com .
Demo Women to meet The Democratic Women’s Club will meet at Weinzapfel’s on Thursday, May 24, at 7 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend.
Kiwanis golf scheduled Poseyville Kiwanis will be holding it’s annual golf scramble on the last Saturday in July. July 28, 2012. If you would like to take part check out our web page or contact a member.
Call-out meeting set The next call-out meeting for candidates for the Posey County Fair queen, duchess, and princess will be held on June 4 at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Posey County Community Center. For more information, call Katie Beste at 838-1331.
By Valerie Werkmeister For nearly a quarter of a century, Larry Lewis has been looking out for the best interests of North Posey students. After June 30, that will all come to an end. Lewis has decided to resign from his post on the MSD of North Posey School Board. He read an emotional resignation letter during last week’s May 14, board meeting. He cited his reason for leaving due to the consolidation of New Harmony School Corporation with North Posey’s. “As a member of the MSD of North Posey five-member school board, I am vacating my position to allow a representative of the New Harmony School Board a position on the consolidated board,” Lewis said. Lewis added that he felt it was in the best interests of North Posey schools and the community to make the move. He was elected in May 1988 and has helped oversee many major school renovation projects including the addition of air conditioning at the high school and elementary schools as well as the new band room. He was also proud to serve when the last wing of the junior
Larry Lewis high was added in 1995-96. Other than Superintendent Dr. Todd Camp, he has served with three other superintendents including Byron Brenton, Ernie Rapp and John Wood. Board president Joe Neidig thanked Lewis for his years of dedicated service. Two new administrative positions were created at Camp’s request. Board members approved a project manager and Curriculum, Testing and Secondary Evalua-
tor position. The project manager will oversee the summer projects including the high school science wing renovations, the North Elementary (NE) fifth and sixth grade wing renovation, the HVAC computer renovation at NE and the tennis, track and parking lot improvements at the high school. The project manager will also work toward a resolution with the water problems at the junior high and high school. The Curriculum, Testing and Secondary Evaluator position was created out of a need to ensure compliance with state regulations regarding ever-changing curriculum mandates, to review data from state mandated testing and assist each building principal with the new state evaluation system procedures known as RISE. RISE is the new law that evaluates teachers in an objective way to provide feedback on their teaching skills. It will provide school corporation with the flexibility to pay teachers based on their experience and performance in the classroom. To assist with these assessments,
Continued on Page A7
Inside this issue...
Retrospective ................. A5 Legals........................ A9-10 Classifieds ................... C4-5
By Dave Pearce A Vanderburgh County woman who had been recently released from jail learned this week that she will now be facing four more years behind bars. She was sentenced on May 14 and pled guilty to charges of Battery by Body Waste, Battery Resulting in Bodily Injury, Resisting Law Enforcement, Disorderly Conduct, and Public Intoxication. According to information released from Posey County Nichoel Roy Prosecutor Travis Clowers, the sentence is the result of an incident which occurred on Feb. 18, 2012, at 4817 Slim Pond Road in Posey County. According to the Probable Cause Affidavit, Nichoel A. Roy, whose home address was listed as 2937 Broadway Ave., Evansville, Ind., was arrested after Posey County Sheriff Deputy Bill Denning responded to a call at the residence of Jeff Wilkerson on Slim Pond Road. Denning said when he arrived at the residence, he saw Wilkerson sitting on the front steps of the porch of his home. Denning stated that he made repeated attempts to get Roy’s attention as she stood over Wilkerson and cursed and yelled at him. Denning indicated that Roy disregarded his pleas that he was a member of the sheriff’s department and that she should turn around and face him. After repeated attempts, Denning said he take her arm and walk her down the steps and asked her numerous times to calm down. He immediately noticed a strong smell of alcohol and was having trouble even standing up. Wilkerson told sheriff’s deputies that Roy was a friend of his brother’s and he had only agreed to let her come to his property because she indicated she had no place else to go after being released from jail. By this time, Sheriff’s Deputy Dustin Seitz had arrived at the scene in an effort to help Denning and the woman. But the woman was intoxicated and continued to yell and curse at Wilkerson. A few minutes later, two other sheriff’s deputies arrived and noticed that Roy had urinated on her clothing. She was informed she was being arrested for disorderly conduct. Despite vocal and physical resistence, the two assisting deputies were eventually got Roy into the back seat of a patrol car but she refused to allow deputies to buckle her into the seat. Denning said two deputies attempted to buckle the seat belt while he got into the front seat of the car, attempting to buckle the belt. Denning said Roy lunged at him and then spit in his face, spraying saliva on his eyebrow, the brim of his hat , and the collar of his shirt. Denning then left the vehicle to get a spit hood but when he re-
Continued on Page A3
Go to www.poseycountynews.com Community ........... A4 Social ...................... A6 Deaths ................... A3 Sports ................... B1-6 School.................... A8 Bus/Ag.................... A9
PAGE A2 • MAY 22, 2012
Preschool lessons: they are not just for kids The life of a particular preschool child has been on my mind all week after talking with Jan Nesbitt, retiring director of Susanna Wesley Preschool in Mount Vernon. About 13 years ago this fall, at age 3 (going on age 4), my daughter Jessica attended Susanna Wesley Preschool. We both learned important life lessons from her early childhood education. I’d like to say I remember all of Jessica’s preschool days vividly. Honestly, though, one day stands out among all the rest. A couple of weeks into the school year, lead teacher Michelle Wheaton pulled me aside after class. “Jessica needs to work on sharing,” she told me plainly. I felt my face flush. Jessica’s two big brothers are, after all, 20 years her senior. Both of them had started families of their own by the time Jessica turned three. After what seemed like an interminable silence, I sputtered something like, “It’s because she’s like an only child.” I was thinking far worse: “Jes-
sica needs to share. She’s not satisfied with enough. She’s headed for a life of crime.”
LIVING FOR THE JOURNEY BY PAM ROBINSON Mrs. Wheaton seemed to read my overreacting mind when she emphasized, “They ALL have to work on sharing. They’ll learn.” Her remark didn’t really calm me. “Dear God,” I thought, “there goes our future.” Older than the average mother, my middle-aged self wanted nothing more than to be the perfect parent and raise the perfect child. I was puzzled about where I’d gone wrong. “What about her time in daycare,” I wondered. “What about those play dates with her church pals?” I never thought I’d have to say it, but my child needed to get a social life.
As the weeks sped by, ALL the children indeed learned to share. Much to my relief, Jessica was no exception. When preschool graduation rolled around, ALL the children, including my darling daughter, knew how to pass the snacks and to take a proper turn. As every mature adult knows, such social knowledge benefits a child as much as mastering the pre-K curriculum. Nice guys may finish last in the cut-throat competitive world of six figures or higher, but most of us live in a different world. We earn far less and live by the Golden Rule. We all can afford to look out for one another. We are wise to teach our children that a selfish brat is liked no more than a smartaleck. Jessica learned this valuable lesson, of course, as much from the responses of her peers as from adult teaching. Kids gravitate toward their kind, thoughtful playmates. As with her academics, Jessica (and her friends) mastered the social graces at an earlier age than I did.
Guest Editorial: Jim Tomes
Please remember on Memorial Day “And so my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” This famous phrase — spoken by former President John F. Kennedy — is echoed by the intentions and actions of our country’s service members every day. May is a month for honoring the brave men and women of the past and present who serve our great country in uniform. We just observed Armed Forces Week, May 12-19, and are preparing to celebrate Memorial Day on May 28. I have a deep appreciation for the sacrifices these great Americans make for our freedoms, because the feeling of responsibility to one’s country runs in my family. I am proud to have served with the 101st Airborne in Vietnam, myself, along with many young soldiers during that war. More than 1,532 Indiana service members lost their lives and 300,000 were wounded during that time. It is very satisfying to see our nation now recognizing and paying honor to those who serve. Even though it’s been 36 years since the last of these veterans returned home, Indiana formally recognized those men for the first time in state history this year — dedicating March 30 as “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.” Today, I say thank you, Vietnam Vets, for your service. I consider myself lucky to also be the proud father of two Hoosier service members — one of my daughters served in the U.S. Army at the rank of staff sergeant and my son served in the Marines for four years at the rank of sergeant. He is now an active first lieutenant in the Indiana National Guard. I can relate to Hoosier parents who watch their children put their lives on hold — and, often,
Gavel Gamut’s Men do not form book clubs. Book clubs are exclusive to the gender that brought us via curiosity and temptation to forbidden fruit. Men feel no need to gather around glasses of chardonnay in living rooms and restaurants to discuss fictional activities of fictional characters. Women are drawn to discuss the improbable exploits and foibles of flawed detectives, attorneys and adventurers at odds with kinky antagonists. Whereas men are satisfied to read about such maladjusted misanthropes alone, women, such as Peg, my sister, Jane, and our neighbor, Bonnie, are compelled to filter their analyses through several fellow distaffers. It is as if they cannot justify investing countless hours devouring thin characters disjointedly popping in and out of nonsequitus plots unless they are reassured their friends are similarly engaged. Men feel no need to have other men, or anyone for that matter, bless their opinions with positive reinforcement. First of all, they have no doubt they are right regardless of the
on the line — for our country. It’s amazing to see the passion this younger generation has to serve, also during a time of war that has received much scrutiny. During “Operation Iraqi Freedom” and “Operation Enduring Freedom” alone, we’ve seen more than 6,300 U.S. military casualties. Today, I say thank you, young veterans, for your service. Still, there are many more we can thank for the selfless sacrifices they’ve made for us — for you and for me, for our families and for future generations of Americans to come. Thank you, World War Veterans, for your service. Thank you, Korean War Veterans, for your service. Thank you, Gulf War Veterans, for your service. Thank you, proud parents, wives and loved ones, for the sacrifices you make. I could go on and on, but the point is simple: Let’s honor these individuals for all they’ve done. Let’s honor them for asking what they could do to make our country a better place — to make the world a better place. Today, I call on Hoosiers to really take the time to pause and reflect — take a break from your busy lives and ask yourselves, “What can I do for my country?” Not everyone has the calling to serve in the military. But, we can find small ways to thank those who do and remember those who did. Maybe it’s laying a wreath on a service member’s grave. Maybe it’s sending a care package overseas to encourage those currently fighting for us. Maybe it’s literally saying “thank you” when you see veterans or their families out and about. Let’s take the time to honor those brave men and women we’ve lost and those who are still serving us today. May God bless our veterans, military members and their families.
GAVEL GAMUT BY JUDGE JIM REDWINE important things to do. For example, there are ball games, fishing trips, golf trips, hunting, and beating a drum in the forest, none of which require talking. Of course, they do often require beer. That brings us to the common denominator of all women’s book clubs, wine. Apparently there are certain rules that must be followed by any covey of literary ladies and rule number one is no conversation can occur until both a book and a bottle of wine are opened. Peg’s book club, which is actually an electronic Nook club, includes our daughter, Heather, and several other family members. They meet once a month; apparently this is another rule as my sister’s club and Bonnie’s too follow this rigid
812-682-3950 • PO Box 397 • New Harmony, IN 47631 FAX 812-682-3944 • www.PoseyCountyNews.com
the dubious honor of teaching relational boundary lines at the same time she was pointing out coloring book boundary lines. Aged 5 and 6 years old, my classmates and I, even if a bit older than Jessica and her peers, learned quickly enough how to stay within the lines. We ALL, the best I can remember, survived this important rite of passage and in due time were promoted to second grade. The fun had just begun. Now perhaps more than ever, we need safe, creative places like Susanna Wesley to foster cooperation in our kids. Children as well as
Hoosiers to recognize dedication of emergency medical services To focus Hoosiers’ attention on the commitment emergency medical personnel make to the communities they serve, the Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) is joining national, regional, state and local organizations to support EMS providers. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has proclaimed the week of May 20-26, 2012 as Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week to recognize the countless lives saved by quality early medical treatment from the men and women of the emergency medical services community. This year’s theme is "EMS: More Than a Job: A Calling.” “EMS week brings together local communities and medical personnel to promote safety and honor the dedication of those who provide the day-to-day lifesaving services of medicine’s front line,” said IDHS Chief of Staff Mike Garvey. “It also provides an opportunity for individuals and families to reinforce safety precautions like wearing bike helmets.” Garvey is an EMS professional with more than 30 years of experience. The EMS system in Indiana is regulated by the state EMS Commission, a governor-appointed board whose policies and procedures are supported by IDHS. IDHS provides training and credentials to all first responders throughout the state, and certifies training institutions and all emergency medical transports. Regular
inspections are conducted to ensure that all required medical equipment on those transport vehicles is present and properly maintained. Emergency care personnel, including emergency physicians, emergency nurses, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, firefighters, educators and administrators, engage in many hours of specialized training to improve their lifesaving skills. Members of emergency medical services teams are available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week to respond to the needs of their communities, greatly improving the survival rate and recovery of those who experience sudden illness or severe injury. For more information about Emergency Medical Services and tips on how you can help emergency care personnel, visit www.in.gov/ dhs/3177.htm<http://www. in.gov/dhs/3177.htm For general safety and disaster preparedness information, visit www.GetPrepared. in.gov
Letters to the Editor PCCF Women’s Fund Thanks Posey County The Posey County Community Foundation (PCCF) Women’s Fund thanks Posey County for the tremendous response to our first Garden Walk. This fundraiser was a great success, providing about $1,600 to fund grants to programs that give opportunities, encouragement, knowledge, and hope to women and children in Posey County. The Women’s Fund thanks Carol and Mike Smith, Joyce Stevens, Mary Ann and Steve Fuelling, Nancy and John Case, Judy and Don Heberer, and St. John’s Episcopal Church for sharing their gardens/ homes. We appreciate their time to prepare for and help host the event. We thank the
following businesses for selling tickets and/or donating door prizes: Golden Rose, Hastings Plants, Mt. Vernon Flower Shop, Guilty Pleasures, Little Crazy Daisy, McKim’s IGA, and Compton’s Flowers. The Women’s Fund would also like to extend our appreciation to the Posey County News for publicizing the Garden Walk event and continued support of the PCCF and Women’s Fund. Thank you Posey County for supporting our first Garden Walk in a big way and helping our organization provide grants for women and children. Marcie Miller Chairman,Garden Walk PCCF Women’s Fund
Guest Editorial: Ann Rains
schedule. Jane’s club includes friends she has enjoyed and relied upon for many years. They have shared good and tough times and are like an extended family. Bonnie’s group has met in various homes and sundry places and has expanded their activities beyond the discussion of books. In fact, I am aware they have invited interesting authors of fine novels as guest speakers; I applaud their opinions in this regard. But let’s return to the phenomenon of why there are only female book clubs. Perhaps the answer can be found by considering the historical differences between men and women. In order to narrow the issues why don’t we just concentrate on one representative couple, Peg and me. If we had been living in Alexandria, Egypt in 48 BC when the library burned, our likely differing reactions might shed some light on the issue of female only book clubs. Peg would have been devastated, but, if the Olympics had been on at that time, I would not have noticed until the games were concluded.
from under the floor to drain it away from the house. Also, before the floor is poured, a 6 mil or better plastic sheathing should be laid to act as a vapor barrier. Both the outside and the inside of the poured concrete walls need to be waterproofed. Styrofoam panels, two inches or thicker, are placed against the outside of the walls after they are waterproofed. Next gravel, a foot in width, is poured into the space up to the ground level. Drainage, drainage, drainage! Important if you are living in a basement, which is essentially what a berm house is. I studied the land and sun movements a year before building. Placement for passive solar heating was important since the front of the house would have large windows to capture the lower ray’s of the winter sun. A two foot overhang shielded the windows in the summer. There were no windows across the back of the house. Instead, solar tubes were installed in the roof. These are domed tubes with refractory plates in them that bring an amazing amount of light into a dark area. My friends who used my windowless bathroom in the daytime were always asking me how to turn off the lights. Two by fours were placed on their two inch sides and a sub flooring was laid. But not until the plumbing was placed under the sub flooring. Some berm houses have plumbing under the poured
adults spend so much time in solitary pursuits—plugging in the earphones and listening to the iPod or playing a computer game. Experts wonder now if we ALL spend more time with “virtual” friends, for example, on the cellphone or Facebook than with real companions. In our attempts to negotiate the fast track, perhaps we should consider, as author Robert Fulghum has suggested, holding hands to cross the street. It may be as much an advantage as interacting with our GPS for proper direction. We might then look more closely at where we’re actually going.
Guest Column: IDHS
“Your berm house must be toasty warm and keep your fuel heating costs nominal,” I said enviously to an acquaintance who lives close to Mt. Vernon. Her reply was, “No, it’s hard to heat.” My thoughts were, oh no, it wasn’t built right. A berm house built properly is an extremely energy efficient house. I began collecting and reading books about berm and underground houses back in the 70’s. There are some important aspects of building a berm house that I‘ve learned. Mother Earth News has a plethora of books on the subject listed on the internet. Research was important before building my “green sanctuary.” A berm house is not an underground house. The biggest difference is in the roof. Soil or sod is placed on a steel reinforced roof for an underground house. Most berm houses look like a conventional house from the front. The style of the roof can vary but nontheless there will be no goats on a berm house roof. For a berm house to be energy efficient and safe to live in, care must be taken. Moisture and air quality can be major problems. Before a concrete floor is poured, piping for a radon removal system should be installed, even here in Indiana. If you look at radon spots on a map, SW Indiana has its fair share. As in any newer built house, pipes should be installed to remove water
“ The Book Club ” facts and, secondly, they do not wish to listen to anyone else opine; there are more
Since my siblings are two decades older than I am, I, too, was raised like an only child. Until my inauguration to school in first grade, I had little exposure to kids other than my nieces and nephews, close to my age. The one time I attended a preschool friend’s birthday party, I woke up covered in hives the next day. Watching televised classes of preschool children on “Romper Room” just hadn’t prepared me for group activity. Of course, that incident happened long ago—near the time of stone wheels. My beloved first grade teacher, Mrs. Rush, received
concrete floor or overhead under the roof. The pipes under the sub flooring seemed best to me since the pipes would not freeze and would be more easily accessible if the need arose. Instead of trying to wallboard the concrete walls, I applied a colored stucco. No mold was going to creep and grow behind concealed spaces! During the years I lived in my berm house I used only one-fourth tank of fuel and a cord of wood to heat it each winter. And the winter low temperatures averaged in the 20’s F. If I were to build again, geothermal heating would be a strong consideration. There was no need for an air conditioner in the summer. When the inside and the outside temperature reached the same--usually about 70 degrees, I closed the insulated curtains to keep out the early morning sun. Phenomenal energy savings! Although I wished and dreamed about it, there was no earthly way to bring my berm house back to Indiana with me. It would have worked well here. Where are we advised to seek safety during tornado warnings? Right, the basement. When I see all the tornado damage in Oklahoma and elsewhere and the people talking of rebuilding, I wonder what they could build that would be as safe as a berm house. A berm house may not be possible in most towns, or could it? Could a berm house village be in the future?
MAY 22, 2012 • PAGE A3
OBITUARIES James H. Schutz James H. Schutz, 84, passed away on Monday, May 14, 2012 at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville. He was born on July 27, 1927 in Posey County, Ind. to Dan and Martha (Wallace) Schutz. Jim was a member of Mount Vernon General ne met a stranger and loved Baptist Church Church. He had never the company of others. Jim enjoyed fellowship with his family and especially loved spending time with his grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Ruby (Chamberlain) Schutz; son, David William Schutz; brothers, John and Eugene Schutz; and his sister, Lavada Coghill. Jim is survived by his daughters, Martha Kelle (David) of Princeton, Ind., and Jayne – Ann Beeson (Jeff) of Prattville, Ala.; sons, Alan Schutz (Yulonda), and Harold Schutz (Melanie); sister, Norma Price all of Mount Vernon; grandchildren, Sarah Capehart (Randy), Nathan Kelle (Leanne), Josh Beeson (Olivia), Melissa Beeson, Stephanie Potter (Mark), Jason Schutz, Matthew and Marc Schutz; great grandchildren, Jenna and Marissa Capehart, Jonathan and Rebekah Kelle, Maci and Maddox Potter, Myra Anne, David and Jaxon Schutz. Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. on Thursday, May 17, 2012 at Schneider Funeral Home 512 Main St. in Mount Vernon with Pastor Matt Watson officiating. Burial followed in Black Cemetery. Visitation was from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society. Condolences may be made online at www.schneiderfuneralhome.com
Rita E. Bilderback Rita Elizabeth Bilderback, 87, born to George and Mary (Cattee) Hillbert on May 24, 1924, in Pond Creek, Ohio, passed away Wednesday, May 16, 2012, at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville, Ind. Formerly of Griffin, Ind.; she was a loving mother and grandmother and retired from Deaconess Hospital in 1975 as an Orthopedic Technician. Surviving are her children: John Arthur Bilderback of St. Wendel, Ind., Debra Leigh Simpson of Posey County, Ind., Steven Franklin Bilderback of Ft. Branch, Ind., Beverly Kay Hartley of Somerville, Ind., Allen Lee Bilderback of Holland, Ind., and Sandra Sue Beck of Petersburg, Ind.; one sister Vivian of Illinois; 13 grandchildren; 17 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild. Preceding her in death were her parents, her husband Frank Bilderback in 1998 and 12 brothers and sisters. Funeral services will be 10 a.m., Saturday, May 26, 2012, at Werry Funeral Home in Poseyville, Ind., with burial in the Poseyville Cemetery. Father Ed Schnur will officiate. Visitation will be from 8:30 a.m., Saturday, May 26, 2012, until service time at the funeral home. A Memorial Mass will be celebrated at 6 p.m., Monday, June 4, 2012 at Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Poseyville, Ind. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Wadesville Fire Department, PO Box 180, Wadesville, Ind., 47638. Condolences may be made at www.werryfuneralhomes.com.
Mary Nation Mary J. Nation, age 98 of Mount Vernon, Ind., died Sunday morning May 20, 2012 at the Mt. Vernon Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. She was born November 18, 1913 in Morganfield, KY, the daughter of Boyd Harrison and Maude (Blackburn) Mosley. She married Homer Earl Nation and he preceded her in death. Mary was a homemaker, she enjoyed gardening and loved her animals. She also loved her family very much. She is survived by five sons and daughters-in-law, James H. and Sue Nation and Roger A. and Doris Nation all of Evansville, Donald E. Nation and Edward L. and Kay Nation all of Mt. Vernon and Michael E. Nation of Deland, FL; one daughter, Judy Thompson of Mt. Vernon; one brother, James Mosley of Mt. Vernon; numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren also survive. She was preceded in death by her husband, 3 sons, Roy, Ivan and Billy Nation; 2 daughters, Betty McGraw and Dorothy Southard; 2 infants, Robert Lee and Carolyn Sue Nation and 2 sisters, Anna May Coburn and Kathryn Blackburn. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. on Wednesday May 23, 2012 at the Austin~Stendeback Family Funeral Home in Mt. Vernon with burial in Moores Cemetery. Visitation will be from 1 p.m. until service time. Online condolences may be left at stendebackfamilyfuneralhome.com
Malcolm Eagleson
Rita DeLuca Rita Antoinette DeLuca, 83, passed away on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at Mount Vernon Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. She was born on May 24, 1928 in Philadelphia, Pa. to Thomas and Clara (Triffeletti) Reilly. Rita was a member of St. Matthew Catholic Church where she was involved in the Women’s Fellowship Group. In her earlier career Rita was a member of the Corps DeBallet Radio City Music Hall in New York. She served as past President and Secretary of Cloverleaf Tenant Association. Rita enjoyed reading and knitting. She was preceded in death by her parents; and her brother, Thomas Reilly. Rita is survived by her son, Joseph DeLuca; daughters, Vallorie Adamaitis (John) all of Mount Vernon; Stephanie Smith (Glenn) of Berlin, N.J.; sisters in law, Josephine Livote of Manorville, N.Y. and Joan Reilly of Mt. Laurel, N.J.; grandchildren, Jennifer Gardner, Daniel Adamaitis, Laura Thirion, Sunday Dugan, Erin Davis, Brett and Jared Smith; great grandchildren, Alexis Camp, Zachary, Hunter, and Wesley Davis. Funeral mass was held at 10 a.m. on Friday, May 18, 2012 at St. Matthew Catholic Church, 421 Mulberry St. in Mount Vernon with Fr. James Sauer officiating. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to Mission Teens at P.O. Box 52 Norma, N.J. 08347. Condolences may be made online at www.schneiderfuneralhome.com
Malcolm Eagleson, age 64, passed away March 24, 2012, in Savannah, Georgia. He is survived by his sons Eric, Evan and Erin (Michelle); three grandchildren, Sean, Ian and Lily; his mother, Jean Eagleson; and brothers, James (Deborah) and Tom (Cindy); and sister, Marilyn Griffin (Dale); and his good friend, Joy Wainwright. He was preceded in death by his father, Eugene M. Eagleson; and infant son Sean. A Memorial Graveside Service will be held at 9 a.m. on Monday, May 28 at Stewartsville Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Stewartsville Cemetey.
Gerald C. Railey Gerald C. Railey, 66, passed away Saturday, May 19, 2012, at his residence in Mount Vernon. He was born on February 8, 1946, in Mattoon, Ky., to Vernon and Zelia (Corey) Railey. Gerald was a truck driver for Farm Boy and had worked for Short Milling for over 23 i others h andd paryears. He spent over 20 years mentoring ticipating in Alcoholics Anonymous. His passion in life was listening to Hank Williams, Jr. and Sr. and spending time on the road riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle. He is survived by his wife of 47 years, Sue (Tyson) Railey, son, Bo Jack Railey (Stephanie) of Brownsburg, Ind.; daughters, Julie Kissinger (Jim, Jr.) of Mount Vernon; Cathy Behler (Brett) of Westfield, Ind.; grandchildren, Alex and Faith Kissinger, Coleman Railey, Nicholas and Henry Behler; brother, Jackie; and sisters, Kate and Sue. Private services are being held at Schneider Funeral Home 512 Main St. in Mount Vernon. Burial will follow in Black Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Alcoholics Anonymous (Alacon) at 761 E. Columbia Evansville, IN 47711. Condolences may be made online at www.schneiderfuneralhome.com
Woman sentenced. from Page 1A two deputies began taking Roy to the Posey County Jail and after some evidence, started toward the jail. On the way to the jail, Roy was able to get out of the handcuffs and had slapped one of the deputies on the side of his head. The vehicle was stopped and the deputies were able to get the woman back under control. The group continued to the jail where Roy registered a .34 blood alcohol content. She was then taken to Deaconess Hospital to be evaluated to get medical clearance for booking into the Posey County Jail. Denning later learned that the woman is infected with Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B infection can be spread through having contact with the blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and other body fluids of someone who already has a hepatitis B infection. Infection can be spread through: Direct contact with blood in health care settings; Sexual contact with an infected person; Tattoo or acupuncture with unclean needles or instruments; Shared needles during drug use; or Shared personal items (such as toothbrushes, razors, and nail clippers) with an infected person.
Most of the damage from the hepatitis B virus occurs because of the way the body responds to the infection. When the body’s immune system detects the infection, it sends out special cells to fight it off. However, these disease-fighting cells can lead to liver inflammation. “Due to the seriousness of the crime, my office did not negotiate any type of plea agreement with the defendant,” Clowers said in a prepared statement. “She ultimately pled guilty to each count without a plea agreement.” She was sentenced by Judge James Redwine to four years on Count 1. Oneand-a-half years on count 2, One year on count 3, and six months each on counts four and five. All the sentences will run concurrently, however, all of her sentence will be served in prison. Clowers said several law enforcement officers attended the sentencing hearing to show their support for fellow officer Denning. “It is my hope that the defendant’s sentence will serve as a warning to anyone who believes they can hit, spit on, or attack law enforcement in any way,” Clowers stated. “It simply will not be tolerated.”
CHRIS’ PHARMACY 511 Main Street New Harmony, IN 47631 We participate in most insurance plans. Call us to verify participation even if we are not listed in your insurance brochures. Mon-Fri 9-6 Sat. 9-4 Phone: (812) 682-3044 E-mail: chrisrph@evansville.net
J.L. Hirsch • 8 W. Main St. • Poseyville
Prices effective May 23 through May 29 VanCamp
Pork n’ Beans ................ 15 oz
89¢ Suddenly $ 19 Salad.................................. 1 Hamburger Helper $ 19 Entree................................. 1 Tuna Helper $ 19 Entree................................. 1 Chicken Helper $ 19 Entree ............................... 1 Country Time $ 29 Lemonade on the Go ......... 3 Country Time $ 29 Lemonade ...................... 3 Nabisco $ 59 Oreo ................................. 3 Pringles $ 59 Chips ................................. 1 Jello 2/$ 69 Gelaten ..................... 1 Jet Puf $ 39 Marshmellow Creme.......... 1 Jet Puf $ 49 Marshmellows ....................... 1 Hunt $ 29 Ketchup ....................... 1 French’s $ 99 Mustard ...................... 1 Kraft ¢ Bar BQ Sauce. ..................... 99 A-1 $ 89 Steak Sauce .................. 3 Country Bob’s $ 49 Sauce .......................... 3 A-1 $ 29 Steak Marinades ................... 2 Kraft $ 49 Dressing ............................. 2 Mario $ 49 Stuffed Olives ...................... 1 Mario $ 49 Pitted Ripe Olives ................... 1 Mt. Olive $ 99 Sweet Gerkins ....................... 1 Mt. Olive $ 99 Sandwich Slices ..................... 1 Mt. Olive $ 99 Kasher Dill Spears ................. 1 Heinz $ 49 57 Sauce ............................ 3 8 qt
3 oz
7 oz
24 oz
20 oz
23 oz
............................ lb
Beef Lean Ground Beef
............. 1lb
Oscar Meyer Bacon ............................. 1lb
$ 99
7 $ 99 3 $ 99 3
99¢ Eckrich 2/$ 00 Cheese Franks .................. 3 Eckrich 2/$ 00 Bologna ................... 3 Eckich 2/$ 00 Grillers / Smoked Sausage ..... 4 Franks Reg + Jumbo
16 oz
$ 99
2 Sara Lee $ 99 Oven Fresh Pies ............ 4 Cool Whip $ 09 Topping ...................... 1 Praire Farms $ 99 Ice Cream ..................... 5 North Star $ 39 Old Fashion Cones .............. 3 Pillsbury $ 99 Breadsticks ......................... 1 Pillsbury $ 99 Pizza Crust .......................... 1 Kraft $ 59 Chez Whip .......................... 3 Kraft $ 89 American Singles ............. 2 Philadelphia $ 69 Regular Cream Cheese ....... 1 Kraft $ 99 Shredded Cheese .......... 2 Parkay $ 99 Squeeze Oleo ....................... 1 Tropicana $ 39 Orange Juice ................. 3 Pizza Rolls
................... 40 ct 37 oz
8 oz
1 gal
12 oz
8 oz
7-8 oz
59 oz
ERA 2x Detergent ..................... 50 oz
Charmin Toilet Paper ................... 9 roll
$ 99
3 $ 29 5
We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities And Correct Printing Errors.
MAY 22, 2012 • PAGE A4
Director Cheryl Seib and her pre-schoolers of Kinder Schule, Wadesville, Ind., sang for the residents at New Harmonie Healthcare Center, Friday, May 18 in honor of National Nursing Home Week. Photo submitted
Pages of the Past
Compilation by Haylee Moore
May 14, 2002 Posey County News Jim Folz defeated Sheriff Buchanan in the Democratic Primary Election. Becky Smyth first grade teacher at New Harmony plans to retire after the school year. A two year old Gothic cottage on North Street in New Harmony was recently saved from the demolition by the Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana. Jennifer Taylor and Marty Watson annouced their engagement and approaching wedding. Anna and George Boyles celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Former MVHS student Katie Boarman was named most valuable and outstanding swimmer at SMSU.
May 13, 1987 Posey County News For the second year North Posey could have two valedictorians of the Senior Class when commencement ceremonies are held. Shelly Hoenert and Dan King are neck and neck in the running. Poseyville water and sewage may see an increase in their utility bill while some may decrease. The North Posey Junior High Academic Pentathlon team recently competed with Mount Vernon Junior and New Harmony. North Posey finsihed first place in the Super Quiz. James and Elaine Bulter of Poseyville announce the birth of their daughter Amanda Rose born April 27.
Happy Birthday Announcements May 11, 1961 Posey County News Jack Wiley, Poseyville, who will graduate from Purdue University in June, has accepted a half-time assistantship at the University of Illinois. Deadline for turning in property tax assessing forms is May 15. A North Posey school merger plan recommended by the Posey County School Reorganization Committee was voted down by a magin of 241 votes. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Seib, Cynthiana, announced the birth of a daughter Jo Ann, Eleven top-ranked students of North Posey Jr-Sr. High attended the second annual Scholarship Banquet of General Electric C. in Mount Vernon.
May 22 - Joberta Campbell, Kelsey Ellen Georgeson, Kendra Crumbacher, Thomas Kohlmeyer, Sandra Stallings, Nancy Wilson Burns, Konner Schmitt and Wendy Deckard, Keith Schroeder May 23 - Marilyn Brauser, Jonathon Ryan, Mary Lou Mercer, Michael Welker, Tammy Gish May 24 - Roger Brown, Marie Sweeney, Tristan Huebner and Talmage Lee, Ethan Purkiser, Rober Fenton May 25 - Donna John-
son, Forrest W. Thompson, Herb Fox, Tony Tepool and Michelle Peterlin. May 26 - Julie Hidbrader, Joy E. Cowgill, Janet Lorence, Donna Brauser, Logan Turner and Brittni Pollard. Joanie Spillane, Amanda Beuligmann and Bill Lang May 27 - Thomas Craig, Jeanne Burns, Roslyn Morrow, Joan Racine Hunckler and Angie Weightman and Alice Morris, Cole F. Maricle May 28 - Fred
Hagedorn, Leroy Kohlmeher, Lee Clawson, Doug Reynolds and Danielle Underwood If you have a name to be included in the birthday calendar, please send to: Posey County News, P.O. Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631 or email: news1@ poseycountynews.com.
At right: Helen White of Mount Vernon enjoys a clabber game at the Posey County Council on Aging Senior Center. White recently celebrated her 90th birthday and enjoys the activities for seniors at PCCA's Mount Vernon facility. Photo by Pam Robinson
PCPP News Please visit us on Sundays at Pet Food center north (in the Target complex at North Park) between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., where you can see many of the dogs from our shelter available for adoption. Call us for our latest adoption days schedule or to check on which dogs we will be bringing that week. Please visit our pc pound puppies facebook page for the most up-to-date information. The shelter is very full! If you are looking for a dog, or can take one to foster, please give us a call at 483-4341 or send an email. New at shelter / available dog • Tan and white pitbull mix male, picked up 5/12 on Mulberry St. in Mt. Vernon. Very friendly. • Matilda is an older boxer girl who loves people and
gets along with other dogs. She has been at the shelter since November and needs a home to call her own and a family to love her. She is a happy girl! She is up to date on all her vetting, spayed, heartworm negative, and microchipped. Can you take her into your heart and home? Please visit the evansville lost pets facebook page if you have lost or found a dog. New animals are posted there daily. For a complete listing of dogs at the shelter, please go to www.pcpoundpuppies. petfinder.com . You may also see pictures of all the dogs on display at Dr. Jason Zieren's office or in the window at Pet Food Center North. For our DOGS, we need: • Treats, Bones / Rawhides!! • Dog Toys! The dogs particularly LOVE playing
with Kongs, Nylabones & other non-destructible toys! Heavy Duty Dog Leashes We always, always, always need dog leashes! Dog Crates We always, always need crates, most especially the wire, collapsible ones that fold flat. Extra large, large, and medium plastic crates are also always needed. Dog Food Dry food, please, prefer Purina Dog Chow! Gas Cards! We have to drive long distances to the pet adoptions every week, not to mention transports. Gift Cards to Pet Food Center or other pet supply Mount Vernon’s Jordan Weil gives a thumbs up following his pull at the Keck-Gonnerman stores. Relay for Life pull Sunday afternoon at the Posey County Fairgrounds. Photo by Dave Pearce
Featured Animal of The Posey County Humane Society
Featured Recipe Chosen by Haylee Moore
Corned Beef Hash
Boog is a 1 year old male beagle mix. He is black/tan with white.
Radar is a 1 year old male orange tabby.
Call The Posey Humane Society at 838-3211 to arrange a time to look at your future pet. General public hours are Mon - Tue 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Wed - Fri 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. Sat 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Sunday Closed
• • • • • •
INGREDIENTS 2-3 Tbsp unsalted butter 1 medium onion, finely chopped (about 1 cup) 2-3 cups finely chopped, cooked corned beef 2-3 cups chopped cooked potatoes, preferably Yukon gold Salt and pepper Chopped fresh parsley
DIRECTIONS 1. Heat butter in a large skillet (preferably cast iron) on medium heat. Add the onion and cook a few minutes, until translucent. 2. Mix in the chopped corned beef and potatoes. Spread out evenly over the pan. Increase the heat to high or medium high and press down on the mixture with a metal spatula. 3. Do not stir the potatoes and corned beef, but let them brown. If you hear them sizzling, this is good. Use a metal spatula to peak underneath and see if they are browning. If nicely browned, use the spatula to flip sections over in the pan so that they brown on the other side. Press down again with the spatula. If there is too much sticking, you can add a little more butter to the pan. Continue to cook in this manner until the potatoes and the corned beef are nicely browned. 4. Remove from heat, stir in chopped parsley. Add plenty of freshly ground black pepper, and add salt to taste. Serve with fried or poached eggs for breakfast. Yield: Serves 4-6
The family of Dorothy A. Foster will be celebrating her 100th Birthday on June 6th, 2012. Since this is a milestone that very few of us will reach, our family would like to gather together at Burdette Park on May 26thh to honor this wonderful mother and auntie. I admire my mother because she was de-termined to graduate high school. It mightt not seem like a lot to us now, but back in thee 1920’s there were no black high schools inn Mt. Vernon. Blacks were only given an 8thh grade education and everyone had to travel too Evansville, IN to complete their high schooll years. In addition to that they had to furnishh their own transportation to and from schooll every day. So each day was a test of her de-termination to complete her education whichh she did at Lincoln High School. My mother also did not marry young likee most women of her time. She waited until she was 24 years old (that would make her almost an old maid according to statistics) when she married my father John Fred Foster. She was a woman that did not give under peer pressure, but
waited until she found what she wanted. She raised 5 children, Barbara, Fred Louis, Sandy, Albert and Darlene (me - baby girl) with a soft hand and a loving h heart. All the nieces and nephews knew that A Aunt Dorothy’s house was a place to eat and p anytime they wanted. To all the neighplay b borhood children the name Ms. Foster (she r required respect) was a place of refuge to enj your summer vacations. To this day she joy s loves the children because she bypasses still m and asks where the grandbabies are. me My mother may not have had a Masters, or D Doctors degrees, written a book, won the Nob prize or won any awards that I can think ble o but what she taught me about character of, a giving of yourself to others will be with and m always. This woman, my mother, Dorome t Foster is 100 years old. Thank you Mom thy f all ll the h wisdom i for and laughs you have given us. Because we never recognize great people until they are gone, I wanted to give you your flowers while you are yet living.
PAGE A5 • MAY 15, 2012
COMMUNITY Hoosier Salon seeking NH Alumni Artwork The Hoosier Salon is seeking the artwork of living or deceased alumni of New Harmony School for a special “NHS Alumni Exhibit” at the Hoosier Salon New Harmony Gallery. Anyone who attended New Harmony Schools at any time during their school years, even if they did not graduate from New Harmony, are eligible to participate. This exhibit will be on display at the gallery during
the “Century of Smiles” weekend of celebration for observance of the 100th anniversary of the New Harmony Alumni Association. This tribute to alumni artists will be on display beginning on Friday, May 25 through Sunday, May 27. Artists (both professional and nonprofessional) are invited to exhibit their work. Family members or friends who have artwork of New Harmony alumni are asked to
PC Veterans of Foreign War Post 6576 News
Serving fish at the Owen Dunn American Legion Realy for Life fish fry Sunday are, left to right, Rita Bradford. Anna Stoll, Bonn ie Young, Lori Cameron, Mary Ann McGennis, and Leacca Wilson. Photo by Dave Pearce
Carnegie Library News Thanks to everyone who supported our book sale. We have a new book club for readers age 9-13. Jaxon’s Book Club will meet on Wednesday May 23, 2012 at 3:00 pm. The book selection this month is Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz. Copies are available at the library. Please join us for Sidewalk Painting on Thursday May 24, 2012 at 2:00. Please wear clothing suitable for a painting activity. We will be closed Monday
WMI News Well, May has just raced past, and the beautiful springtime weather continues to make New Harmony a beautiful place to be. We are in the midst of planning the WMI Summer Library program, designed to keep kids reading all summer long. The theme of this summer’s program is “Dream Big: READ!” There will be a number of programs in June and July that should pique the interest of youngsters to pursue more information –
By Amy Effinger
May 28, 2012 to celebrate Memorial Day. Regular business hours resume on Tuesday May 29, 2012. Our June calendar is available. Stop in and pick one up. Also check our Facebook page so you always know what’s happening at the library. Children’s story times continue weekly on Mondays at 11:30 am for pre-K children and Tuesdays at 4:00 pm for school-aged children. Recently we made Mother’s Day gifts and modeling clay.
Check out our Facebook page for a link showing our young book lovers’ recent activities. We are busy preparing for the summer reading program. Kickoff for the Summer Reading Program will be on Saturday, June 2. We will be having a party with a make your own sundae station from 12-4. We hope to see you soon at the Poseyville Carnegie Public Library; your library for information, programs, technology and entertainment.
At our meeting on Thursday, May 10 we donated $25 to the Wadesville Fire Department to help them get a grant to expand their department. The schedule for our Memorial Day services at six cemeteries on Monday, May 20 was also set: Meet
loan the art to the gallery to be included in this special exhibit. The artwork may be for sale or for display only, but it needs to be framed and ready to hang. Three dimensional artwork such as sculptures and ceramics are also welcome. To participate and arrange for delivery of the art, contact the gallery director, Maggie Rapp, at 812-459985 or hoosiersalon@sbcglobal.net.
By Jim Crowder
in St.Wendel at 7:30 a.m., St.Joe at 8:15, St.Wendel at 9:15, Cynthiana at 10, Poseyville at 11, Wadesville at 11:45, and Mt.Zion at 12:15. We will return to post home for a luncheon. On Sunday, May 20 the V.F.W. 8th District will have a District meeting at Tell
City post to conduct regular business and election of District Officers for 20122013. Our post will take donations for Buddy Poppies on Saturday, May 26. Next regular meeting will be on Thursday, June 14 at 7:30 p.m.
Hoosier Salon holds Watercolor Workshop The Hoosier Salon New Harmony Gallery is sponsoring a Children’s Summer Art Program. Because of the great demand, enrollment is limited to children who attend a Posey County school or whose parent or grandparent is a resident of Posey County. For ages 9 through 13, artist Robert Pote will teach
a two day Watercolor Workshop on July 11 and 12. The morning session is from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and the afternoon session from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Each class is limited to 12 participants and they must choose a morning or afternoon session. Hoosier Salon children’s programs are offered free to all children and all sup-
plies are furnished. Funding for the programs are made possible by a grant from the Robert Lee Blaffer Foundation and from civic groups such as Kappa, Kappa, Kappa, Inc and the Tercera Club of Poseyville. For more information or to enroll a child, call the gallery director, Maggie Rapp, at (812) 459-9851.
By Steve Cochran which we’ll have available in books. Library Lil Storytime continues to take place each Thursday night from 6:307:30. Children from kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to come and listen to stories, share stories of their own, sing songs, engage in craft activities, and check out books. We have a very good time together, and look forward to seeing new faces. Visitors to the Working Men’s Institute will be able
to see illustrated haikus submitted by New Harmony School students as a part of National Poetry Month in April. Thanks to all students who submitted their work! I continue to be impressed by the quality of the poetry, and I think you will, too, when you come by to look at them. WMI is open TuesdayThursday from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; and Sunday from noon – 4. It is Lori Redman, Katy Lang, Andrea McFadin and Cathy DeFur get popcorn ready closed on Mondays. for Field Day at Farmersville School on Friday. Photo by Zach Straw
Historic New Harmony Happenings By Missy Parkinson Historic New Harmony’s New Lanark intern has arrived in Scotland! Catherine Carver is the 2012 recipient of a sixweek Global Engagement Internship in New Lanark, Scotland. Catherine is a history major at USI, with a minor in anthropology. She will be a senior this next year. The goal of University of Southern Indiana’s Global Engagement Internship program is to provide opportunities for students to gain a better understanding of global issues and challenges that impact the world. Catherine will be working at the UNESCO World Heritage Site in Scotland May 10 through June 22. She will help develop a public search room to support access to New Lanark’s collec-
APL News Summer Storytime Registration for Summer Storytimes is now underway. The next storytimes session will begin June 4 and will run through July 17. The schedule is as follows: Babies/Toddlers Storytimes - Mondays or Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. or Monday at 10:30 a.m. - Rhymes, fingerplays, music, and stories for children ages birth to 36 mos. and their caregivers. Preschool Storytimes Mondays or Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. - Stories, music, activities, and crafts for children ages 3 to 5 years. Parents are welcome, but not required to attend. The Laughs and Crafts Club - Thursdays at 2 p.m. This is a special club for kids who are entering kindergarten through fifth grade! Come to the meetings and enjoy stories, games, activities, and crafts. Registration required. Basic Knitting Cheryl Carroll will be at the library to demonstrate how to stitch during our Basic Knitting Program 24 at 10 a.m. She will teach casting on, knit and purl, and biding off techniques. Yarn will be provided and a limited number of size 8 needles will be available to borrow from the library. No registration is necessary but space is lim-
tion of photographs, maps, drawings, and documents. The work will connect the New Lanark collection to the collections housed at USI’s David L. Rice Library and in New Harmony, Indiana. New Lanark and New Harmony are connected through the life and work of Robert Owen. While in Scotland, Catherine plans to visit Glasgow and Edinburgh, and London, England. In Edinburgh, she will spend time at the National Archives researching her family history, which has been traced there. Catherine will work with a faculty mentor to maintain a record of her experience and complete a final project. Carver plans to focus her project on issues of public health, edu-
cation, and poverty reduction in relation to New Harmony, New Lanark, and the world today. She also plans to host a blog and share pictures during her internship. She will present her experiences at the Global Engagement Forum in late 2012 at USI and at other venues upon her return. To learn more about Catherine’s internship experience in New Lanark, follow her blog: http://catherinesnewlanarkadventure.blogspot.com/. Historic New Harmony is a unified program of the University of Southern Indiana and the Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites. For information call 812/682-4488 or email harmony@usi. edu.
By Stanley Campbell ited. Busy Hands “Busy Hands” is a gathering of crafters - we meet at 10 a.m. on May 24 - unless the library is closed. If you quilt, knit, do tatting, crochet, etc. come and join the fun. Memorial Day The library will be closed on May 28. Kick-Off Party Our summer reading program kicks-off May 30 at 6 p.m. with refreshments and magician Don Baggett. No tickets or registration required. Picture Posey Pictures May 30 is the final day to submit your photographs to
be displayed at the Alexandrian Public Library during River Days September 7, 8 and 9, 2012 and have them placed in a book. Register your email address with us at apl_core@ hotmail.com and receive your very own special expanded issues of our newsletter the APL Core plus bulletins about programming of interest to adults electronically. Art Gallery Attention Artists: In order to expand our service to the community, the Alexandrian Public Library has created a wall gallery for artists to display their work in our foyer. We are in search of lo-
cal amateur and professional talent. You need not live in the Mount Vernon area to participate, display and promote your work. We are now accepting requests for use of this free gallery space. Library Hours Alexandrian Public Library is open Monday Thursday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday-Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. For additional information about library services or to register for a library program call 838-3286 or you can visit our website at http://www.apl.lib.in.us . You can find us on Facebook.
Posey County Farm Bureau Inc is again proud to sponsor the WADESVILLE FARMERS MARKET beginning Thursday, May 31st through August 30th, from 3-6 p.m. in the empty lot across from Subway Sandwiches on highway 66.
We also encourage everyone to try these other farmers markets: • MT. VERNON • Starting Tuesday, June 19th from 2pm - 6 p.m. (next to McDonalds)
TDS Telecom offers the following local exchange telecommunications services to all customers throughout its serving area: – Voice grade access to the public switched network; – Local exchange service; – Dual tone multi-frequency signal; – Single party service; – Access to emergency service; – Access to operator services; – Access to interexchange service; – Access to directory assistance; and – Toll blocking without charge to qualified low income customers. Below are the monthly rates for local exchange service:
• POSEYVILLE • Starting Saturday May 12th from 9am. - 1 pm. (by the water tower)
Exchange Elnora Poseyville & Wadesville
Residential Monthly Rate*
Business Monthly Rate*
$20.45 $14.70
$30.75 $25.95
Monthly discounts are available to residential customers meeting certain low income criteria. For more information, contact TDS Telecom toll-free at 1-888-CALL-TDS.
• NEW HARMONY • Saturdays from 9am. - 1 pm. (at Church Park, across from the WMI Library)
Sponsored by your local POSEY COUNTY FARM BUREAU, INC.
*The above rates do not include charges for long distance, operator services, Directory Assistance, 911 emergency service, optional local calling plans, mandatory local mileage or zone charges, or other state and federal taxes/surcharges. 121728INCCSI/4-12/7472
PAGE A6 • MAY 22, 2012
SOCIAL Brittlebank pool to open May 25 Brittlebank Pool will Open May 25 at 11 a.m. May is Water Safety Month so we will offer a special on opening day everyone can swim for $1.50 We also would like to encourage everyone to sign up for swim Lessons
Swim lesson will start June 4 for a 4 week session the cost is $30. We are taking Brittlebank swim team registrations now as well Swim team practice starts May 29 for further information contact the pool at 838-4586
Robb Township to hold Class Reunion Attendees of the Robb Township School in Poseyville will hold their 37th Annual Alumni Reunion on Saturday, June 9, at 5 p.m. at the St. Francis Cafeteria in Poseyville. Brecken Eli Barrett For reservations, please send $15 to Billie Sue Robinson, Brandon and Jill Barrett of Wadesville are proud to an- 314 Greenfield Road, Evansville, Ind. 47715 by June 1. nounce the birth of their son, Brecken Eli, born April 26, 2012. 2012, at Deaconess Women’s Hospital. Brecken weighed 9 lbs., 3 oz. and was 20 3/4 in. long. Maternal grandparents are Jim and Brenda Cornaire of The New Harmony Mason Band” playing from Cynthiana. Great grandparents are Doyle and Dolores MarAlumni Dance will be Fri- 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. No cover vel of Poseyville. Paternal grandparents are John and Teri Rusty and Monica Emerson Barrett of Owensville. Great-Grandparents are Bill and Ag- day, May 25 at the Ameri- charge. Open to public on Friday, nes Williams of Haubstadt; and Bob and the late Geraldine can Legion Post #370, 516 Rusty and Monica Emerson, Wadesville, will celebrate Barrett of Owensville. Brecken was welcomed home by his Church Street, New Har- May 26 & 27 from noon to their 25th wedding anniversary May 23, 2012 on a vacation mony, Ind. 47631. “Scott close. older brother, Brennan (3) and sister, Braelyn (2). trip to Northern Indiana. Rusty Emerson and Monica Garrett Mullins were married May 23, 1987 in Houston, Texas where they lived until 2008. Monica works at the Alexandrian Public Library in "Smoke on the Ohio," in sweet smoky aroma of slow sell any type of BBQ to the as many as 25 teams will be Mt. Vernon and Rusty works at Q-Services in Evansville. its fourth year, has become cooked BBQ as these teams public and are not limited signed up by the August 20, The couple have two children: Jennifer Busbey; husband a crowd favorite with visi- are competing for both cash to the three competition cat- 2012 deadline. Last year 16 Amos, and son Cory Mullins. They also have two grandchiltors to Mount Vernon River and unique trophies; but, egories; teams in the past teams competed. dren, Derek and Chelsea Van Matre, all of Union, Mo. Days. The barbecue cookoff most of all, some will walk have sold slabs of ribs, half Teams will move in on In lieu of gifts, Rusty and Monica are asking family and is back again in 2012 with as away knowing that they chickens, BBQ sandwiches, Thursday night, September friends to donate canned goods to the Mount Vernon Food many as 25 teams "Smokin’ beat those that were up for smoked pork chops...all of 6 and be ready for competi- Pantry. & Serving." the challenge," Adams re- competition quality. Selling tion and selling to the public Ed Adams is the coordina- marked. will take place on both Fri- by the time the River Days tor of Smoke on the Ohio, Judging will be in three day and Saturday, September Festival opens at 11 a.m. on The 6th Annual Children’s and Patricia Gosh invite the which will be located on Wa- categories: ribs, chicken and 7 and 8. They will not be sell- Friday, September 7. Doll Tea Party on Saturday, children to join them for a ter Street just a few hundred pork butts. Judging results ing on Sunday. "Smoke on the Ohio" is May 26 will be hosted by the wonderful afternoon where yards from the "Beautiful will be announced on the Adams may be reached via just one of the many events Ohio." main stage at 3:30 p.m. on email at adamsed85@yahoo. that will be taking place on Hoosier Salon New Harmony they can learn a little about "The whole downtown Saturday. com or by phone at 812- Mount Vernon’s Riverfront Gallery located at 507 Church the work of artists who paint children and dolls, enjoy area will be overcome by the The teams are allowed to 838-0035. It is hoped that on Friday, Saturday, and Street. The event will begin at 2 cookie painting, and snack on Sunday, September 7, 8, and p.m. and will conclude about lemonade and ice cream. 9. There is no cost for this Larry Williams is chair- 4 p.m. Children age 4 and older accompanied by a parent, event which is sponsored in man of River Days this year. grandparent or guardian are part by the New Harmony Tri Kay Kilgore (483-2922) is chairman of Events and invited to dress up and bring Kappa Associates. To register Entertainment, and Nancy their favorite doll or stuffed a child, call the gallery director, Maggie Rapp, at (812) Hoehn (499-4234) is chair- animal to the party. The hostesses Peggy Rapp 459-9851. man of Food Booths.
New Harmony Alumni Dance set
MV River Days ‘Smoke on the Ohio’ entry deadline set for August 20
Doll Tea Party set for May 26
Blood donation opportunities June 3, 10
Martha Ziegler, Kay Austin, and Lillian Randall show off some of the crafts on sale Sunday during a fundraiser for Zion-Lippe United Church of Christ. Funds are being raised to build a new kitchen at the church. Photo by Dave Pearce
Indiana Sheriff’s Youth Leadership Camp Program Posey County Sheriff Greg Oeth has announced the 33rd annual Indiana Sheriff's Youth Leadership Camp Program. Two camp sessions will held be this year for interested students. Pine Creek Camp in Pine Village, (Warren County) will serve as a campsite for the northern portion of Indiana. Dates for the Pine Creek Camp are June 13 through June 15. Waycross Episcopal Camp in Morgantown, (Brown County)
will serve as the location for the southern portion of Indiana. Dates for the Waycross Episcopal Camp are July 10 through July 12. The Sheriff's Youth Leadership Camp is a program provided by the Indiana Sheriffs' Association for boys and girls currently in the 7th or 8th grade, who might have an interest in learning more about possible careers in law enforcement or the field of criminal justice. The camps provide a
very meaningful experience and develop relationships with other campers from throughout the state and numerous county sheriff officers who serve as counselors and instructors. Any boy or girl in the 7th or 8th grade who would like to attend or have more information about the camps should contact Sheriff Oeth or their school counselor. Posey County Sheriff Administrative Offices can be reached at 812-838-3541.
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World Blood Donor Day is a day set aside to celebrate those who donate blood and help save lives without expecting anything in return. It is also a day to raise awareness about how a safe and stable supply of blood products is vital for hospitals and patients. The theme this year is “Every blood donor is a hero” and focuses on the idea that every one of us can become a hero by giving life saving blood. While recognizing the silent and unsung heroes who help save lives every day through their blood donations, the theme also strongly encour-
ages more people all over the world to donate blood voluntarily and regularly. For more information about World Blood Donor Day, visit wbdd.org. How to Donate Blood Simply call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit redcrossblood.org to make an appointment or for more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license, or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with paren-
tal permission in some states), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements. Opportunities: Posey County June 3, 7:30 - 11:30 a.m., St. Philip Catholic Church, 3500 S. St. Phillip Road, Mount Vernon and June 10, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., St. Wendel Catholic Church, 4725 Saint Wendel Cynthiana Road, Wadesville
Angela Mason book signing events May 19, 22 Angela Mason, Author of Death Rides the Sky: The Story of the 1925 Tri-State Tornado is having a book signing coming up in the Posey County and Vanderburgh Counties. Mason will be at the Posey County Historical Society in Mount Vernon, presenting and signing May 19 from 10 to 1 p.m. There will be a book signing from 2 to 4 p.m. on May 19 at the Barnes and Noble in Evansville. Angela will also be visiting North Posey Junior High, May 22 the presentation will begins at 12:30, there will also be books and t-shirts available for sale.
Southern Illinois author Angela Mason speaks to the Posey County Historical Society on Saturday morning. Mason discussed highlights from her book, "Death Rides the Sky," an account of the 1925 Tri-State Tornado, better known in these parts as the Griffin Tornado. Photo by Pam Robinson
North Posey to hold 30 year Class Reunion North Posey Class of 1982 will hold their 30th Reunion on Saturday, August 11, 2012, from 7 - 11 p.m. at RiRa’s located on Evansville’s Riverfront one block west of Casino Aztar. The cost is $27.50 per person. To RSVP or for any questions, please contact Robb Webb at rob_webb@ floridalift.com or Jerri (Hill) Hatfield at j.hatfield@insightbb.com
North Posey to hold 20 year Class Reunion North Posey’s Class of 1992 will be having their 20-year class reunion on Saturday, July 28 at the Silver Bell Restaurant in St. Wendel, Indiana. The reunion will kick off with Happy Hour at 7 p.m., followed by a meal at 8 p.m. We are in need of addresses for our classmates. Please email Rachelle Poe (Lutz) at loots213@yahoo.com with your current address and any questions. Invitations will be sent out to all classmates in early June.
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MAY 22, 2012 • PAGE A7
George and Loretta Schroeder talk with Doris Medcalf during the Zion-Lippe kitchGriffin Reutter, 7, and Mason Ruetter, 3, enjoy some of the food at the Zion-Lippe en fundraiser held at the church on Sunday afternoon. Photo by Dave Pearce fundraiser held on Sunday at the church. Photo by Dave Pearce
North Posey School Board. from Page 1A the board approved the purchase of a Harmony Staff Assessment Tool. Camp explained it will allow the administrators to complete evaluations using a wireless device. The initial software will cost $2,800 and will require a $1,000 annual maintenance fee. In other business, the board approved offering high school summer school in government, supervised agricultural experience and band if there is enough need. A minimum of 15 students is required for each class. Wireless internet access will now be available at NE and South Terrace (ST). The board approved the $36,619 infrastructure purchase. The district will also purchase a licensing agreement for Microsoft Office Pro for $5,486. This will enable all district computers to operate on the most current version of soft-
ware. Board members also approved the following: •Textbook rental fees for the upcoming school year •Two new high school math textbooks due to a change in state mandated curriculum •Erin Koester’s request to apply for the Welborn Baptist Foundation’s HEROES grant for the upcoming school year. The grant will help provide a wellness plan for students, teachers and families within the district. •A three-year maintenance service contract with Trane to monitor the district’s chillers at a cost of $14,671 each year. •Brandon Barrett’s request to use the tennis courts to conduct tennis camps for boys and girls on June 11-13. •Natalie Barnard’s request to host a volleyball camp for girls in kindergarten through eighth grade on July 16-19.
Operation Overboard June 27 - 29 You're invited to dive in with Mt Zion General Baptist Church for Operation Overboard: Dare to Go Deep With God! Come explore God's underwater universe with us as we discover what it means to have deep faith in God. For more information about our Vacation Bible School, or to register, call Serena Tenbarge at 812-306-4346, email tenbarge2000@live.com, or go to overboard.cokesburyvbs. com/mtzionchurch for early registration! June 27 to June 29th ffrom 6-8:30 p.m. "Faith is the reality of what we hope for, the proof of what we don't see." Hebrews 11:1, CEB
•Mike Wassmer’s request to attend the state FFA convention June 18-20 at Purdue University and the national convention October 24-27 in Indianapolis. •A request by Marilyn Rogers to take eight Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) to compete in the National Leadership Conference in Orlando, FL on June 19-23. Transportation is being provided by the Southwest Indiana Area Health Education Center. Students are currently holding fundraisers to cover their additional expenses. •Jennifer Neidig’s request to take students to the IHSAA Leadership Conference in Plainfield on June 18 and 19. •Kevin Smith’s request to take the varsity baseball team
on an overnight trip to Martinsville, Ind., May 18 and 19 to play in a double-header. Smith was also approved as the varsity boys’ basketball assistant coach. •Tracy Stroud’s request to take the girls’ basketball team to Vincennes basketball camp June 24-27. •Kevin Wassmer’s request to take the girls’ golf team on an overnight trip to the Fuzzy Zoeller golf invitational on July 31 in Sellersburg, IN. •Kelly Carlton’s reqest to spend $2,400 in ExtraCurricular funds (ECA) to purchase two ACTIV boards for classrooms and $1,200 to purchase pre-school playground equipment. •Steve Kavanaugh’s request to spend $6,068.50 in ECA funds to purchase LCD
Trinity UCC holding auditions in May
Bridge, from Page 1A
Trinity United Church of Christ, Mount Vernon, announces auditions for Days in Babylon, a five-act play with one younger adult and one adult male actor (one serious role and one humorous). Skills in improv and interaction with audience necessary. Two flexibly scheduled rehearsals. Five performances are mornings June 18-22. Call 457-3665 to schedule audition in May.
Harmony Road to perform at New Music Café On Friday, May 25, 2012, from 7 - 9 p.m., stop by New Harmony’s newest venue, the Music Café, to enjoy dessert, coffee and the lush vocals of Harmony Road. New Harmony based Harmony Road features singer/songwriters Randy Pease, Jan Morris, and Liz Reynolds Mumford. The group covers genres from Americana to
folk, rock, Celtic, country, and blues, with both original and cover songs. The Music Café is located in St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church’s new Parish House at 512 Granary Street. The concert is sponsored by St. Stephen’s Church and part of the “Century of Smiles” 100th Anniversary Celebration Weekend com-
PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT/POLICY STATEMENT SPONSORS USING SCHOOL/CENSUS DATA SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY NUTRITION PROGRAMS The At The Cross Mission Inc today announced plans to participate in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). Free meals will be made available to all children 18 years of age and under and to persons over 18 years who are enrolled in a state-approved educational program for the mentally or physically disabled. Free meals will be provided to all children without charge and are the same for all children. There will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. It is the policy of the Indiana Department of Education not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability, in its programs, activities, or employment policies as required by the Indiana Civil Rights Laws (I.C. 22-9-1), Title VI and VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964), the Equal Pay Act of 1973, Title IX (Educational Amendments), Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 USCS 12101,et.seq.). Inquires regarding compliance by the Indiana Department of Education with Title IX and other civil rights laws may be directed to the Human Resources Director, Indiana Department of Education, 151 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis, INnd. 46204, or by telephone to 317-2326610, or the Director of the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 111 North Canal Street, Suite 1053, Chicago, Ill. 60606-7204. Dr. Tony Bennett, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Free meals will be served at the old Hedges School, 716 Locust St., Mount Vernon--- 8th Street at Door #9 beginning May 24, 2012 and ending August 14, 2012. For further information contact Myers Hyman at 812838-9670.
memorating the New Harmony School Alumni Association’s existence since 1912. Many other events including dinners, dances, an Alumni parade, Sunday church service and afternoon Alumni concert will take place over the three day celebration. Open to the public, this Music Café event is family friendly with no entry fee (but donations will be accepted.) Come when you can, stay as long as you like.
projectors and promethean boards for several classes. •Michael Travers was hired as the junior varsity boys’ basketball coach and Jeremy Schipp was hired as the freshmen boys’ basketball coach. The will split the stipend three ways with Kevin Smith. •Lauren Akin and Amy Root were hired to fill the science openings at the high school. •Kathy Petrig will transfer from ST to the junior high to fill the special education position vacated by Shari Luebbe. •Shirley Koonce and Debra Lyke were hired as new bus drivers. •Chris Barker will serve as the seventh grade football coach and Nick Berry will lead the eighth grade football
are problems all along the bridge,” Clark said. “Overall, the cost to make repairs was more than we could imagine.” One of Clark’s biggest concerns is the possibility the commission could be sued if the bridge fails and someone is injured or killed. “Some have been very bullheaded about closing the bridge,” Clark said. “The fact is, with the information we have been provided about the condition of the bridge, we could be sued through errors and omissions.” Rice, chairman of the commission, said engineers have estimated the bridge needs about $8.4 million in repairs. Clark said he believes the bridge could be made safe with about $2 million in repairs. “We could put the understructure in good condition and it would last a few years,” Clark said. “However, we would still have an old bridge that is substandard in width, with an old deck that is rotting.” The bridge deck is extremely rough and cannot be made smoother by milling, Clark said. He says the reinforcement bars in the deck are too close to the surface to allow milling. There is currently a 25 mph speed limit on the bridge, and vehicles are asked to keep a 300-foot separation. The commission chose not to close the bridge immediately in order to notify state and local agencies of closure. “First, we need time to get the signs up on both sides of the river,” Clark said. “Next, we have to notify all of the area ambulance
team •Stacy Conyers will transfer from New Harmony as a special education aid and transportation driver. •A resignation by Matt Gantner as the junior high activities coordinator. •Jerry Wassmer’s request to retire after 17 years as custodian. Camp advised the board members that graduation ceremonies will take place on May 25, at 6 p.m. Dr. Barbara Williams, a 1983 North Posey graduate and Director of Occupational Therapy at the University of Southern Indiana will be the keynote speaker. The next school board meeting will be held on Monday, June 11, at 6:30 p.m. in the corporation office.
services and fire departments that the bridge is no longer available.” Clark added that he hopes an agreement can be made with the White County Ambulance service to handle emergency calls on Ribeyre Island, which is in Posey County, Ind., but only accessible through White County, Ill. The New Harmony Bridge opened to traffic in 1930. In 1941, Congress established the three-member bridge commission and handed it control of the bridge. In 1998, Congress eliminated the mechanism that allows for appointments to the commission. If the current members were to quit or die, the bridge would have to close because there would be no one left to oversee its operation. On September 25, 2007, the bridge was closed after inspectors found a crack in a support pier on the west side of the bridge. The closure lasted 8 months, reopening in April 2008. The four-span bridge links Illinois Route 14 in White County to Indiana 66 in Posey County. The deck is only 20 feet wide with a 36-ton load limit. Farmers, farm service companies, oil producers and Illinois residents commuting to jobs in Evansville routinely use the bridge. When the bridge closes, travelers crossing the Wabash River will be forced to use either the Interstate 64 bridge south of Grayville or the bridge that links Illinois Route 141 to Indiana 62 west of Mount Vernon, Ind.
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MAY 22, 2012 • PAGE A8
SCHOOL NPHS Academic teams successful at State Competition On May 5, 2012, five of North Posey’s Academic Super Bowl teams competed at State Finals at Purdue University’s Loeb Playhouse. No other school in the state qualified five teams for State competition. The English team, coached by Matthew Carnagua, won sixth place. Team members are Stephanie Cook, Courtney Newman, Amy Priest,
Dora Meyer, and Julia Kavanaugh. The social studies team, coached by Mike Kuhn, won third place. Team members are Charles Hempfling, Kyle Stearns, Micah Ruholl, and A.J. Sims. The science team, coached by Marilyn Rogers, also won third place. Team members are Cody Devine, Whitney Sims, Breanna Owens, Terri Alexander, Holt Will, and Gabe
Mayer. The interdisciplinary team won second place in the State. Team members are Eric Miller, Charles Hempfling, Cody Devine, and Amy Priest. Finally, the Fine Arts team, coached by Maria Gantner and Carrie Schmitt, won first place in the State. Team members are Eric Miller, Jamie Allen, Aaron Korff, and A.J. Morlock. Congratulations, students.
North Posey Fine Arts team, coached by Maria Gantner and Carrie Schmitt, recently won first place in the State. Above are team members Aaron Korff, Eric Miller, Coach Carrie Schmitt, A.J Morlock and Jamie Allen. Photo Submitted
MVHS valedictorian McDonald to attend IU Megan Mca full tuition Donald will academic be graduating scholarship from Mount from Indiana Vernon High U n i v e r s i t y. School on May She will be at25, 2012 as tending with one of the valeplans to major dictorians and in pre-medihonor students. cine and she Megan will atwill also be a Megan McDonald tend IU on valemember of the dictorian, Hutton Honors co-ed cheerleading squad. College scholarship, and Megan’s cheer tewm wi-
ill be cheering at all home football games and all home basketball games for the Hoosiers. Megan has been involved with competitive all-star cheerleading since the age of 5 and cheered for the Mount Vernon Wildcats for her 4 years of high school, serving as captain her junior and senior years. We want to wish Megan and the Hoosiers the best of luck.
New Harmony School Beta Club members (L to R) front row: Joseph Blevins, Grace Jolley, Mackenzie Atkins, Rebecca Hunter, Jordyn Miller, Taylor Baize, Lydia Spann, and Jacob Parmenter. Second row: Alexandra Adams, Hannah Jolley, Tyler Wright, Kaitlyn Newman, Jessica Deckard-Mills, Kendall Wilson, Tristan Bolte, and Dylan Owen. Photo submitted
New Harmony Super Citizen Award (L-R) top row- Elliott Lange, Madison Worman, Jordan Lyke and Kaitlyn Newman. Middle row - Crafton Grimm, Ivan Heinlin, Haley Wilson, Joanie Spillane and Lydie Spann. Bottom row - Lydie Deckard, Iva Lowe, Rhodes, and State Rep. Wendy McNamara. Photo by Betty Barnett
Seniors were given a seal of the State of Indiana by State Representative Wendy McNamara. (L-R) top row- Dan Tron, Zachary Sollman, A.J. Eaton, and Elliott Lange. Middle row - Cody Seib, Tyler Evans, Jordan Kennedy, Vanessa Mckinney and Abbey Deckard. Bottom row - Dylan Kennedy, Devin Nixon-Davis, Haley Binkley, and State Rep. Wendy McNamara. Photo by Betty Barnett
Members of the National Honor Society for New Harmony School are (L to R) front row, Alyssa Scherzinger, Alicia Blackwell, Jolie Blevins and Kendall Morris. Second row: Madison Worman, Kelsey Owen, Thomas Stegall, Kyle Whitmore, Holly Walden, and Addison Lange. Photo submitted
Local University of Evansville students to study abroad
The following local residents are among 35 UE students who began classes today at Harlaxton, housed in a 100-room Victorian manor in the English countryside: Shannon Dick of Mount Vernon, a graduate of Mount Vernon Senior High School who is majoring in Pre Physical Therapy Katie Schmidt of Mount Getting her Citizen award was Lydie Deckard with her mother, Angela Deckard, with Vernon, a graduate of Mount (L) State Rep. Wendy McNamara and (R) Superintendent Fran Thoele. Photo by Betty Vernon Senior High School Barnett who is majoring in Nursing
"For more than 40 years, studying at Harlaxton College has been a definitive part of the University of Evansville experience. Where else can students live and study in a grand manor house, travel throughout the United Kingdom and Europe on weekends, and form lasting ties with local residents?" said Earl Kirk, UE director of study abroad. "We're thrilled to provide this life-transforming educational experience for these local stu-
dents, and we wish all of the Summer 2012 Harlaxton students a summer of learning, discovery, and growth." The five-week summer session at Harlaxton includes a range of classes in the liberal arts and pre-professional studies. Optional weekend trips to destinations such as London, Paris, York, Cambridge, and Edinburgh provide students with opportunities to engage the culture in Britain and beyond.
MAY 22, 2012 • PAGE A9
BUSINESS Legals dominate Mount Vernon Council meeting By Pam Robinson Legals dominated the Mount Vernon City Council meeting on Monday, May 14. After a brief public hearing with no comments, council passed the second reading, then suspended the rules and also passed the third reading for ordinance 12-08, calling for $320,000 in additional appropriations from the county optional income tax, or COIT, fund. Of the total appropriations, $300,000 will cover engineering services, including the entire $202,000 grant match for Phase 2 of riverfront development, and $20,000 will boost the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund. Council also approved resolution 1209 for a temporary loan in the amount of $250,000 from the Rainy Day Fund. Of that total, $200,000 will be placed in the General Fund while $50,000 will be placed in the Parks and Recreation budget. Rezoning ordinance 12-07 was approved as well after council passed it on second reading, suspended the rules, and also passed it on third reading. The ordinance calls for the rezoning of the old Tygart Funeral Home property from office back to residential. Later, Councilwoman Becky Higgins cast the sole “no” vote on first reading of the ordinance to move city council meetings to alternating Thursdays as specified for board of works meetings. Council will decide if it needs to meet the two additional meetings per year after board of works. Finally, council passed on first reading an ordinance to replace angled parking spaces at the exit to the Posey County Courthouse
with parallel parking. In other business: • Council cancelled its second meeting of the month scheduled for Monday, May 28, in observance of the Memorial Day holiday. • It was the consensus of council when acting as Water Utility Board that Water Superintendent Chuck Gray proceed with hiring Tim Grist as meter reader. It was noted that Grist has completed all background checks with good results. • Signs will be posted at the riverfront to remind dog owners, “Clean up after your dog.” Council will look into the feasibility of also setting up doggie stations with bags for disposing of dog waste. • Upon the recommendation of City Attorney Beth McFadin Higgins, council decided against an ordinance to regulate the operation of motorized wheelchairs and similar devices since the Americans with Disability Act says these devices may go wherever people safely walk. • It was announced that GAF will purchase, and the street department will post, directional signs to help semi-truck drivers find their way to GAF. Complaints have come to council that truckers are losing their way and ending up on West Lincoln, Emmick, Lawrence and Vista—all strictly residential streets. The Mount Vernon City Council will meet again Monday, June 11, 2012, 7 p.m. in the City Hall Annex. The meeting scheduled for Monday, May 28, has been cancelled in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.
Local food drive results help community About 4300 pounds of food were collected during the National Association of Letter Carriers’ Food Drive last Saturday in Mount Vernon. All food items will remain in the Mount Vernon area for distribution, and the items collected in this food drive will make a big differ-
ence here in Mount Vernon for the next few months. Postal employees wish to thank the rural and city letter carriers and the volunteers from the United Way of Posey County that helped collect the food, the volunteers at the food pantry, and the community for their generous donations.
There was a food drive in New Harmony this year also. Food items could be put in a box at the post office and were collected each day by United Way of Posey County volunteers. Items remain in the New Harmony area for distribution. According to volunteers, 116 pounds of food were collected.
Brian Hunt picks up trash Friday with a new dump truck. Brian is learning how to pick up the new trash cans New Harmony got for each home in town. Photo by Betty Barnett
United Way to offer Workshop June 21 The United Way of Posey County is pleased to announce a workshop designed to help nonprofit organizations increase their knowledge of how to get the best possible results for their programs and organization by measuring results or outcomes. The workshop, offered in cooperation with the Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network, will be Thursday, June 21, 2012, from 5:30 to 7:15 p.m. at the Alexandrian Public Library, 115 West Fifth Street, Mount Vernon, Indiana. Refreshments will
be provided. The presenter is June Miller, who has been involved in training for over 20 years, is trained in board governance by Board Source, and is a Certified Training Professional. Attendance is open to all area nonprofit organizations for a registration fee of $10 per person. Staff, Board members, and volunteers of member agencies of the United Way of Posey County are eligible for scholarships provided by the United Way of Posey County and may attend at no cost. Registration
is required for all attendees. The deadline for registration is June 14. Call the United Way of Posey County at 8383637 or email to uwposey@ sbcglobal.net for more information, and to register for the workshop. You will learn more about why grantmakers and other funders are requiring outcomes measurement, a workable definition of outcomes, and how to use outcomes measurement to improve your programs and organization and receive more funding.
Rudolph completes course of Auctioneering Andy Rudolph Broker/ automobiles, real estate, farm Owner of Tri County Realty sales, fine art, general auctions from Evansville has success- and a host of other types of fully completed auctions as well the course of as advertising, study at the Repmarketing, compert School of munications, Auctioneering, business develheadquartered opment, legal in Indianapolis, and financial asIndiana. The propects of the aucgram is a 10 day tion business. intensive course Faculty for covering all phasthe course is sees of the auction lected from among Andy Rudolph business which inthe nation’s most clude the selling of antiques, well-known and respected
auctioneers. Also included in the training are actual live auctions that are sold by the students during their course of training. Andy Rudolph is now one of the thousands of auctioneers educated throughout the world by the Reppert School of Auctioneering since its inception in 1921. Andy Rudolph has earned a Reppert Diploma, the sign of excellence in the field of auctioneering, and is now available to accept assignments in the auction business.
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USDA's Farm Service Agency announces report deadlines Julia A. Wickard, State Executive Director of USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) in Indiana today reminded producers to submit their annual report of acreage to their local FSA county office to meet FSA program eligibility requirements. "Producers must file their reports accurately and timely for all crops and land uses, including prevented and failed acreage, to ensure they receive the maximum FSA program benefits possible," said Wickard. “FSA’s employees stand ready to assist producers during the busy spring season.” Accurate acreage reports are necessary to determine and maintain eligibility for most programs administered by FSA, such as the Direct and Counter-Cyclical Payment Program (DCP) and the Average Crop Revenue Election Program (ACRE). Further, these acreage reports allow producers to provide current information about crops planted and land use. This information can greatly assist producers in demonstrating eligibility for future conservation and disaster relief. Acreage reports are considered timely filed when completed by the applicable final crop reporting deadline. General crop reporting deadlines for Indiana are: • May 31 – Fall and spring seeded small grains in Southern Indiana (see attached map) • July 15 – Spring seeded crops and CRP for entire state • July 15 – Fall and spring
seeded small grains in Northern Indiana (see attached map) Prevented acreage must be reported within 15 calendar days after the final planting date. Failed acreage must be reported before the disposition of the crop. Producers should contact their county FSA office if they are uncertain about reporting deadlines. Late-filed provisions may be available to producers who are unable to meet the reporting deadline as required.
Reports filed after the established deadline must meet certain requirements to be accepted and may be charged late fees. Producers should visit their county FSA office to complete acreage reporting. For questions on this or any FSA program, including specific crop reporting deadlines and planting dates, producers should contact their county FSA office. More information on FSA programs is available at: www.fsa.usda.gov.
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MAY 22, 2012 • PAGE B1
Lady Viking tennis team wins first sectional title ever By Steve Joos Shelby Ackerman had a rough go of it at last week’s Mount Vernon Sectional girls’ tennis tournament. The North Posey first singles players ran into two of the area’s toughest, losing to Central’s Jessica Kim on Thursday and Claire Alvey of Mater Dei Friday. They will be playing in the individual tournament from here on out. Ackerman will be with her teammates—in the Evansville Regional. The Lady Vikings rallied to win the first Sectional girls’ tennis title in school history Friday, taking the last three spots to clinch a 3-2 upset victory over defending champion Mater Dei at the Mount Vernon Junior High courts. That followed a 3-2 win over Central in Thursday’s semifinals. The North Posey boys have won four Sectionals, but this was the first for the Lady Vikings. “All of my girls did well,” Coach Brandon Barrett said. “At one and two singles, we struggled, but they went out and they tried their best. Two doubles had a really close one. I knew we had to win that second set tie break. We would have been in trouble if it went to a third set. Bri Brown at third singles did an unbelievable job against a four-year varsity starter at singles and she’s only been playing varsity singles for six matches.” Kendall Reidford and Wendi Simpson pulled out a 7-5, 3-6, 6-2 decision over Victoria Richmond and Jenna Smith at first doubles Friday afternoon to clinch the crown for North Posey, capping their comeback. Alvey made quick work of Ackerman at first singles, winning 6-1, 6-1, while Katherine Bender was even more dominating at second singles, beating Natalie Thomas 6-0, 6-0, but then the Lady Vikings started their comeback, winning almost in order. Bri Brown started the rally, beating Emily McAtee 7-6(75), 6-1 at third singles, finishing off her Lady Wildcat opponent just seconds before the second doubles duo of Lindsey Droege and Megan Durcholz finished off Megan Steinkamp and Jamie Logel 7-5, 7-6(7-5) to turn what was a 2-0 deficit into a 2-2 tie. Barrett switched Brown to singles five matches prior to the Sectional and that decision paid off, as she took a first-set tiebreaker and then put away McAtee. Reidford and Simpson played their second straight three-
Members of the North Posey first-ever girls sectional championship team are Shelby Ackerman, Natalie Thomas, Megan Durchholz, Brianna Brown, Kendall Reidford, Wendi Simpson, Lindsey Droege, and Coach Brandon Barrett setter Friday, but Barrett had no doubt that his first doubles Kim put away Ackerman 6-1, 6-0 at first singles, but then duo would get the job done and they did. the rest of the teams went to work. Simpson and Reidford had been playing together for three Brown topped Hilary Smith 6-1, 6-2 at third singles, while years, but got into a down stretch midway through the season, Thomas outlasted Kaci Nisswandt 6-3, 7-5 at third singles so Barrett broke them up for a bit. When they were reunited and then North Posey once again got a tough three-set win late in the season, they played a lot better together. at first singles to clinch the meet, as Simpson and Reidford “I knew we got the draw we wanted,” he said. “That was posted a 6-4, 5-7, 6-1 decision over Lily Weaver and Melissa a rough one against Mike Owen and Central. When the par- Lytle. ings came out, we wanted a draw against Central and then we “(Kim) had been a number one singles the last two seawanted a chance to take out the champions and that’s how it sons” Barrett said of the first singles match. “Shelby beat her worked out.” early in the season, but she’s a different player today. She was The Lady Vikings took two singles spots and first doubles Continued on Page B2 on Thursday as they nipped the Lady Bears 3-2.
New Harmony Lady Rappites win final regular-season tourney By Steve Joos “If you don’t hit, you can’t win.” That’s been New Harmony softball coach Jeff Moore’s mantra all season and that was the case early last week when Boonville came calling. The visiting Boonville Lady Pioneers struck for seven runs in the top of the first inning and never looked back as they routed the Lady Rappites 12-0 in five innings under the 10-run rule “If you don’t get any hits, you’re not going to win the game,” Moore said. “And (Boonville’s pitcher) no-hit us. She didn’t give up a hit. We had seven or eight base runners, but we couldn’t get the hit when we needed it.” It’s a mantra that New Harmony fans are probably tired of hearing, Moore said, but it has been all too often the case this year, the coach said. The Lady Rappites were swinging, but they weren’t able to make contact or when they did, were simply hitting pop-ups or grounders against a hurler that Moore didn’t think was all that fast, but had a good change-up and that may have kept the team off balance. And they were in a deep hole early in the contest, as Boonville followed up the seven-
run first inning with three more in the top of the second to lead 10-0. New Harmony twice loaded the bases, in the second inning on walks to Abby Deckard, Madison Worman and Jessica DeckardMills, but Alyssa Scherzinger struck out to end that threat. They juiced the sacks again in the fourth, on three straight two out walks, only to have a pop fly to short end that threat. Two more runs in the top of the fifth salted the game away for the Lady Pioneers. Moore felt bad for the team, adding that the Lady Rappites are a better team than their record suggests. “We scored the outfield back and they hit several right in front of us,” Moore said. “We moved them in and they hit several over our heads. You can’t win.” Errors were another problem, Moore added. After a series of multiple miscues cost the Lady Rappites both ends of a doubleheader at Shoals, the infield committed more errors against Boonville. The team may be distracted by some outside concerns, the coach said, most prominently the closing of school, but he added that
Continued on Page B3
Members of the last New Harmony Girls’ Softball Team pose for a picture after winning the final regular season tournament to be played by a New Harmony team. The girls won their tournament. Photo submitted
Mount Vernon Wildcat Harris to swim, study in Birmingham By Steve Joos Birmingham Southern College will have its first swim team this fall and Mount Vernon’s Emily Harris will be part of it. Harris signed a national letter of intent on Wednesday to attend the Division III school in Birmingham, Ala., and swim for the new Lady Panthers’ team this winter. “It was an opportunity for me to get ready for med school,” Harris, who plans to major in biology and pre-medicine, said. “It’s a brand new team that’s starting next year.” Mount Vernon swim coach Larry Zoller said that the coaches are projecting Harris in the 50-, 100- and 200-yard freestyles, adding that the new team and Division III level are areas where she will be very competitive. “I know that Division III swimming is close to what we do here,” Harris said, citing Mount Vernon’s Emily Harris signs her letter of intent to swim for Birmingham- Mount Vernon’s stringent training regimen. Southern College in Birmingham, Ala. Looking on are her mother Nancy, Mount Vernon “I’ll be ready because of that and I think I’ll head swim coach Larry Zoeller, and her father Wes. Photo by Dave Koch
be competitive because of that.” Harris chose BSC over Murray State and Kentucky, both of which she considered for academics only. She is the daughter of Wes and Nancy Harris. “It’s a brand new program,” Zoller said. “The coach there (Toby Wilcox) used to coach at (the University of Evansville) and we know him from there. It’s going to be a great opportunity for Emily to compete at the level she’ll be successful at.” Harris hasn’t been the state meet threat other swimmers have, Zoller said, but she has been very important to our success and the Lady Wet Wildcats’ ability to compete at a high level. She comes on well with the taper, the coach added, explaining that she will now contribute earlier in the season.
Continued on Page B3
Three from North Posey to study, play football at Rose-Hulman By Steve Joos Colton Motz, Bryce Koester and Kurt Siebert all want to be engineers. Rose Hulman Institute is one of the best engineering schools in the country. So all made it public on Tuesday that they will be “Engineers.” Only in this case, “Engineers” is in reference to the Terre Haute school’s football team. The three North Posey gridiron standouts announced their intentions to attend Rose Hulman and play for the Engineers. “I’ve always wanted to be an engineer,” Motz, quarterback for the Vikings’ 6-1 PAC champions, said. “And I knew that Rose is the number one engineering school in the country. And when they offered football, I knew that’s where I wanted to go.” The Engineers run the spread offense, which is similar to the one run at North Posey. Their quarterback this year, Mitch Snyder, will be a senior, so Motz hopes to work hard this season and earn more playing time in the future. Motz connected on 125 of 206 passes working out of North Posey’s spread offense this season, racking up 1,561 passing yards and 17 touchdowns, while completing 60.7 percent of his throws, a single-season record. The captain of the AllNorth Posey Viking footballl players and scholars Kurt Seibert, Colton Motz, and Bryce Koester made their college choice Pocket Athletic Conference team’s offensive unit graduates as official this week. They will accept scholarships from Rose-Hulman and play for the Engineers. Photo by Dave Pearce Continued on Page B2
PAGE B2 • MAY 22, 2012
Viking tennis, from Page 1A
North Posey seniors and No. 1 doubles partners Wendi Simpson and Kendall Reidford prepare for the next point during their sectional championship win over defending champion Mater Dei. Photo by Ty Butler hitting angles, she was hit- season, with Brown at third amount of improvement ting it in and Shelby just singles and it seemed to over the last few weeks of work against Central. the regular season, according couldn’t stop her.” The Lady Vikings had to the coach. Barrett went back to the a considerable The last week and a half lineup he used early in the shown has given the Lady Vikings a lot of momentum, something Barrett felt, but didn’t say anything about that to the team at the time. Barrett complimented Mater Dei for their strong effort, the kind that’s to be expected from a defending champion, adding that he was concerned about it at first, but then his team started playing hard. The Lady Vikings now head for a Tuesday Regional match up with 16-1 Gibson Southern, which blanked Wood Memorial 5-0 on Thursday to capture the
Princeton Sectional. The finals at the new North tennis courts will be played Wednesday night, with the winner advancing to Semistate action Saturday at Jasper. North Posey tuned up for the Sectional by nipping South Knox 3-2 at home earlier in the week. Ackerman had a better time against the Lady Spartans, beating Megan Brink 6-1, 6-0 at first singles, while Thomas was a 6-2, 6-0 winner over Haley Burch at second singles. North Posey didn’t fare as well at third singles on the other hand, with Bri Perry dropping a 6-1, 6-3 decision to Bailey Dillon. The two teams also split at doubles, with Brown pairing up with Droege at second doubles for a 6-4, 6-2 win over Cassie Rehwald and Laura Rustl, while Durcholz moved to first doubles. That wasn’t as successful, as she and Reidford fell to Alyssa Koby and Katie Gray 6-3, 7-5. “We really didn’t have any problems with (South Knox),” Barrett said. “The last week-and-a-half has given us a lot of momentum. We just were playing well down the stretch and I knew we had something special going on.” The Lady Viking reserves closed out their season with a 5-2 victory over South Knox. Sometimes tennis scores can be deceiving. A 3-2 meet can be pretty much cut and dried, while a 5-0 victory can be hotly contested if the spots are close. That may not have been the case in some of the Lady Vikings’ last meets of the regular season. The Lady Vikings started off by blanking Wood Memorial 5-0 and then came back to shut out Bosse 5-0, before beating Heritage Hills 4-1. The scores of both of the early matches suggested that neither was very competitive. The Lady Trojans had a few moments, but not that many. Reidford and Simpson gave up a few sets early and then topped Gina Strickland
and Rachel Wilkins 6-2, 6-0, at first doubles, which was also how Thomas took her second doubles match over Shelby McGregor. Ackerman and Brown each gave up two games, but they still controlled their matches, as Ackerman beat Rebecca Mullen 6-1, 6-1 at first singles and Brown was a 6-1, 6-1 winner over Sara Hornby at third singles. Droege and Durcholz posted a 6-0, 6-0 victory over Alex Houchin and Audrey Tepe at second doubles. The North Posey reserves whitewashed Wood Memorial 2-0 in their meet. The Lady Vikings then slammed the door on Bosse, beating the visitors 5-0. The Lady Bulldogs provided the Lady Vikings’ top two singles players with the toughest tests of the night, if one can consider 6-1, 6-0 a test. That was the score as Ackerman dispatched Mikhalia Hamilton at first singles and Thomas beat Sheaven Harrelson at second singles. Everybody else won 6-0, 6-0. That was the score as Brown topped Alexis Medina at third singles, Reidford and Simpson whitewashed Brittney Avera and Shauna Purdy at first doubles and Droege and Durcholz blanked Lucy Jackson and Cassie Pollard at second doubles. The Lady Viking reserves also hauled out the whitewash for an 8-0 win over Bosse. Things were a little tighter in the makeup meet with the visiting Lady Patriots. First singles went to Heritage Hills, as Bridget Butcher topped Ackerman 6-3, 6-1, while Emmi Stark pushed Thomas to three sets at second singles, before the Lady Viking could pull out a 2-6, 7-5, 6-4 victory. But the further down the score sheet, the stronger the Lady Vikings performed. Brown took over in th second set and polished off Allison Barron 6-4, 6-1 at third singles, while Rediford and Simpson topped Alyssa Begle and Jessica Deller at first singles 6-2, 6-0. Droege and Durcholz also
needed some time to warm up, but then they dispatched Megan Boehm and Morgan Schafer at second doubles 6-3,6-0. Heritage Hills also got a lick in during the reserve meet, won by the Lady Vikings 4-1. The three wins followed a pair of tough Pocket Athletic Conference losses in recent meets The Lady Vikings took both doubles spots, but the Forest Park Lady Rangers swept the singles early in the week. That simple math adds up to a 3-2 victory for the visiting Lady Rangers, and then Gibson Southern blanked North Posey 5-0. Brown pulsed the Lady Titans’ Haley Decker to three sets, but it wasn’t enough as she dropped a 6-2,3-6,7-6(4) decision at third singles in what proved to be North Posey’s closest spot against the visiting Lady Titans. Thomas also put up a fight at second singles before falling to Alison Goedde 6-3,7-5, while the rest of the spots were progressively more favorable to Gibson Southern. The first doubles combo of Rachel Sensmeier and Alyssa Kiesel posted a 6-2, 6-3 decision over Reidford and Durcholz, while Sydney Fenton and Mariah Chamberlain were 6-2, 6-2 winners over Droege and Simpson. At first singles, Kori Titzer was a 6-1, 6-1 winner over Ackerman. Against the Lady Rangers, Reidford and Durcholz were 6-3, 6-0 winners over Amelia Ebert and Rachel Hentrup at first doubles, while Droege and Brown dispatched Jordan Buechler and Kereston Hochesang 7-5, 6-2 at second doubles. Ackerman put up the toughest fight at first singles, but fell to Samantha Hopf 7-6(6), 6-0. Thomas also put up a battle in the first before falling to Alexa Lange 7-5, 6-1 at second singles, while Amie Weyer faced Simpson at third singles and posted a 6-0, 6-4 victory. It was good news, bad news week for the Lady Viking reserves, as they defeated Forest Park 5-2, but lost to Gibson Southern 4-1.
Posey County News to sponsor golf camp at MAC
The Posey County News will sponsor the Mount Vernon Multi-Activity Center Summer Golf Clinics June 11-15, with camp hours from 9-10 a.m. for ages nine and under, 10:15-11:15 a.m. for ages 1012 and 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. for ages 13 and up. Unlimited range balls will be provided and all aspects of the game will be covered. There will be daily contests and
each participant will receive a free t-shirt. Sponsors for this year’s clinics are the Posey County News, Warehouse Services Incorporated (WSI) and the Mount Vernon Multi-Activity Center. Instructors for the clinics will be New Harmony golf coach Rick Johnson, former Mount Vernon coach Tom McNamara and Heath Rigsby, PGA pro at Western Hills Country Club.
Three to attend Rose-Hulman, from Page 1A
Mount Vernon’s No. 1 singles player Claire Schroeder competes in the sectional. Photo by Dave Koch
as the Vikings’ career leader in completions and attempts (329-619), passing yards (4,128) and touchdowns (39). Motz also rushed for five touchdowns, second
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most on the team this season. He plans to major in civil engineering, with a minor in environmental engineering. The son of Layne and Amy Motz of Wadesville, Colton chose Rose-Hulman over Murray State and Southern Illinois. In addition to always knowing he wanted to be an engineer and recognizing Rose-Hulman’s reputation as an engineering school, Seibert has some other reasons for choosing the Terre Haute school. “I have a brother (Anthony Seibert) up there and I’ve been to the school and I like it,” he explained. “I also now it’s the number-one rated school in the country, so if I want to get a good education, that’s it.” The Engineers will need some help on their defensive line this season, which is where Seibert earned an All-PAC honorable mention in 2011. He was third on the team with 32 solo tack-
Costs for the clinics are $45 per participant, with $35 for each addition family member. For more information, contact coach McNamara at 480-9627 (cell phone), or call the MAC Center at 8385623. All skill levels are invited. Last year’s participants were as young as four years old, McNamara said, adding that the 2011 clinics had a turnout of 50 participants.
les and registered 19 assists this season, sharing second place with Alex Goebel. Seibert pressured opposition quarterbacks five times with a sack, while also causing a fumble and turning in three tackles which resulted in six yards in losses. Seibert chose Rose-Hulman over the University of Evansville, where he had been accepted before opting for Rose Hulman. Kurt is the son of Patrick and Susan Seibert of New Harmony. He will dual major in mechanical and electrical engineering. Koester also has family connections to Rose-Hulman (his uncle, Tim Wilson, was valedictorian there) and has been looking at a career in engineering since junior high school. He will play on the offensive line, at either guard or tackle, with his size (fivefoot-10, 230 pounds) making guard more of a possibility. The son of Wadesville residents Edwin and Julie Koester, Bryce chose RoseHulman over Southern Indiana. He will major in civil engineering. All three players felt that playing at North Posey helped them prepare for college. “Coach (Joe) Gengelbach always taught us to work hard,” Motz said. “I learned to love the game and so I feel like the hard work I’ve put in all four years with Coach Gengelbach is going to help me at Rose-Hulman.” Playing football at North Posey has built a love for the game in Koester and it has helped him become a better technical football player, he said. Although he’ll be an offensive lineman, Koester
registered 16 solo tackles and nine assists for the Vikings this season. Seibert also praised Gengelbach for efforts in teaching football to him and his teammates. He also enjoyed playing with his friends, but is looking forward to the new experience of playing in college. Of course, some of his college teammates may look a little bit familiar. For his part, the coach said that he would miss the three seniors. “They’ve been a tremendous part of our program for the last three years,” Gengelbach said. “When we look around and what had to replace off each team, when you have three kids who have the ability to play, you have to look around and look for some younger kids to step up and fill in those places for us.” Gengelbach praised the seniors’ ability to work together and work with younger players as well as their leadership abilities and intelligence. “They’re going to help (Rose-Hulman),” Gengelbach said. “There’s a place that they’re going to be able to work into. When they go from high school, you’ve got that extra step and you’re going to take a year where you have to mature into what that college wants or what that university wants, but these kids will adapt very well.” The Division III Engineers were 5-5 under Coach Jeff Sokol last season, going 5-3 in the Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference. That was the eighth straight season that Rose-Hulman finished with a .500 or better record.
PAGE B3 • MAY 22, 2012
North Posey golf team struggles
The Mount Vernon Boys Track Team pulled out a squeaker win in the Big 8 Conference Meet, surprising the team, coaches and parents. Conference Champion team members are, front: Sage Irons and Collin Knight. Second row: Adam Hoehn, Mike Rynkiewich, Charlie Schneider, Ryan Dick and Dane Wilson. Third row: Isaac Redman, Michael Cannato, Craig Issac, Jon Hoehn, Alex DeKemper, Lucas Goings, and Brian Murphy. Back row: Devin McCune, Austin Stallings, Sean Ritzert, Levi Duckworth, Austin Guthrie, Craig Dick, and Hunter Brooks. Photo submitted.
Harris, from Page B1 “College swimming doesn’t depend on the taper,” Zoller said. “They look for a dual meet season to be competitive and that’s
something Emily will have to learn how to do.” A great end-of the -season swimmer, Harris will have to bring that to the
earlier part of the year now, Zoller said, and swim faster in the middle. But the school is a great fit for Harris both aca-
demically and athletically, Zoller added. “I know that she’ll do well there,” he said. “We wanted her to go to a
It was a rough week for the North Posey boys’ golf team. The Vikings lost three times, including a third place finish behind their county rivals from Mount Vernon early in the week. The Wildcats shot a 170 at Cambridge, 10 strokes behind North (160), but well ahead of the North Posey score of 217. Mount Vernon’s foursome outshot the North Posey team (nothing new there), as Brandon Lauderdale shot a 40 and Trevor Grant a 42 to pace the Wildcats. Mitchell Jackson and Andrew Higgins each carded 44s to round out the foursome, both finishing one stroke ahead of North Posey’s low man, Josh Easterling (45). Darren O’Risky carded a 51 for North Posey, while Ty Stock (56) and Chase Wildeman (65) rounded out the foursome. The Huskies’ Landon Smith fired a 38 to claim medalist honors. Things didn’t get much better for the Vikings later in the week, as they dropped a 181-222 decision to visiting Signature on Friday. Once again, it was one foursome coming in before the other foursome, as the Signature contingent all made it to the clubhouse ahead of the Vikings, who didn’t have a golfer shoot lower than Esterling’s 50. Kane Stratman paced Signature with a 41. The rest of the team was a little better bunched together, as O’Risky and Stock each registered 57s, and Wildeman carded a 58.
school where her academics would come first. She wants to have a good coach and that’s the opportunity she’ll have at Birmingham
Southern.” But it will be a program that Harris will be growing with, from the ground floor.
Lady Rappites, from Page B1 they would keep trying. The Lady Rappites’ game with Wood Memorial set for Friday was cancelled due to a lack of available pitching. Number two hurler Kelsey Owen was unable to pitch Friday, which would have left top pitcher Morgan Matthews on the mound for the game with the Lady Trojans, as well as two tournament games, Moore said. •The hits started coming Saturday, as the Lady Rappites closed out the last home softball season in school history by sweeping their invitational tournament. Morgan Matthews was big on the mound and at the plate, tossing four-hitter as New Harmony blanked Agape Christian 10-0 in five innings for the championship. The junior also collected three hits, capping a day where she went seven for eight at the dish. “Everybody hit the ball, ‘’ Moore said. “Everybody contributed to the effort.” The Lady Rappites played what Moore called their best game of the season in the tourney opener, as 12-2 rout of Cannelton which lasted six innings due to the 10-run rule. “We actually hit the ball,” the coach said. “We had 13 hits, scored 12 runs and one er-
ror. That was the most important thing.” Morgan Matthews went the distance and gave new meaning to the phrase ”a pitcher helping her own cause” by collecting four hits and getting on base five times. Matthews hit two doubles and two triples, including one of the longest balls ever hit at the New Harmony softball field, a shot of the top of the center field fence on the fly. “She’s our number three hitter,” Moore said. “She’s meat. We hit the ball, when you hit the ball, you score runs.” Matthews’ blast came in the top of the first inning, as the Lady Rappites were scoring five runs and basically putting the game away. After the Lady Bulldogs scored a pair of runs in the bottom of the first, New Harmony pulled away gradually and Matthews shut the door. The lone Lady Rappite error led to one of those Cannelton runs. New Harmony then scored a run here, a run there and finally built a 10-run lead on an RBI single by Worman in the top of the sixth inning. Everyone got a lesson one hit in the game. Kendall Wilson banged out a pair of hits against Cannelton, as did Kendall Morris.
Sports Menu Tuesday, May 22 SOFTBALL: Mount Vernon vs. Princeton (Class 3A Boonville Sectional), Class 1A Tecumseh Sectional championship, North Posey vs. Tell City (Class 2A Forest Park Sectional; TRACK: Mount Vernon and North Posey at the Evansville Regional girls’ meet; GIRLS’ TENNIS: North Posey vs. Gibson Southern at the Evansville Regional (North High School courts); MOUNT VERNON YOUTH BASEBALL: Harrison Two at St. Wendel (Bronco), St. Wendel Two at St. Joe One, West Terrace Yankees at Mount Venron One (Pinto League); NORTH POSEY YOUTH BASEBALL: Cynthiana vs. Poseyville Red, South Terrace vs. Wadesville (Major League) Wednesday, May 23 SOFTBALL: Class 2A Sectional at Forest Park, Class 3A Sectional at Boonville; BASEBALL: Class 3A Evansville Sectional; GIRLS’ TENNIS: Evansville Regional finals; MOUNT VERNON YOUTH BASEBALL: St. Wendel at Harrison Two (Pony); SOUTH GIBSON BABE RUTH BASEBALL: St. Wendel at Owensville, North Posey Red at VFW, Princeton White at North Posey Black; RURAL GIRLS’ SOFTBALL: Fort Branch One at Poseyville One (U-12) Thursday, May 24 BASEBALL: North Posey vs. Perry Central (Class 2A Southridge Sectional); SOFTBALL: Class 3A Sectional championship at Boonville, Class 2A Forest Park Sectional championship; TRACK: Mount Vernon at the Evansville Regional boys’ meet; MOUNT VERNON YOUTH BASEBALL: McCutchanville White at St. Wendel (Bronco), Mount Vernon One at St. Wendel (Mustang), St. Wendel One at Mount Vernon Two (Pinto); NORTH POSEY YOUTH BASEBALL: Cynthiana vs. Poseyville Black, Poseyville Red vs. South Terrace (Major League); RURAL GIRLS’ SOFTBALL: Poseyville One at German One (U10), Poseyville One at Mount Vernon One (U-12). Saturday, May 26 GIRLS’TENNIS: Terre Haute Semistate; MOUNT VERNON YOUTH BASEBALL: Stringtown One at St. Wendel (Mustang), WSIL One at St. Wendel One (Pinto); SOUTH GIBSON BABE RUTH BASEBALL: North Posey Black at Legion, Princeton White at St. Wendel, Owensville at North Posey Red. Monday, May 28 BASEBALL: Mount Vernon vs. Gibson (Class 3A Evansville Sectional), Class 2A Sectional semifinals and championship at Southridge, Class 3A Evansville Sectional championship.
The coach hoped this would give the girls some confidence heading into Monday’s Sectional opener. While acknowledging the difficulty of the task ahead (New Harmony drew defending
state champion Tecumseh), he also wanted his team to make the trip with confidence after winning the tournament and playing well in their last six games. The Lady Rappites took a 4-8 record into the Sectional.
ECTA offers summer tennis lessons The Evansville Community Tennis Association is offering two summer tennis camps at the MVJHS tennis courts. The first session is Monday-Wednesday June 4- June 13 and the second is Monday- Wednesday July
9 -18. There will be two groups, one for ages 7-11 at 6 p.m. and the other is for ages 12-17 at 7 p.m. The cost for one session is $30. For more information or to register please call Anna Hazlett at 471-2788 or 430-4890.
Viking Tennis Camp June 11-13 The boy’s and girl’s tennis camp will take place June 11-June 13 at the North Posey High School tennis courts. June 15 will be a rain make-up day. The cost will be $20. The fundamentals of tennis will be stressed such as proper grips, fore-hands, back-hands, and serves. Several current varsity and jv players will be on hand to assist at the camp. Below are the grades and times we will meet. A t-shirt will be included in the camp price. Please make sure your camper brings a bottle of water. On the first day, if it is raining or has recently rained, we will meet the next day. The deadline to mail form is June 4, 2012 (to be guaranteed a t-shirt, I must have the form by May 23.) If you have paid for
the camp but your child does not attend, a refund will not be given. • Girls Grades 4-6 (Upcoming school year grade): 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. • Girls Grades 7-9 (Upcoming school year grade): 8:45 a.m.-9:45 a.m. • Boys Grades 4-9 (Upcoming school year grade): 10 a.m.-11 a.m. If you have questions, please call Coach Barrett at (812) 250-6676 or email: northposeytennis@gmail.com Make Checks Payable to Brandon Barrett and mail to: Brandon Barrett 2600 Black Oak Ct. Wadesville, IN 47638
Viking softball splits with Big Eight powerhouses By Dave Pearce The North Posey Lady Vikings prepared for their sectional tournament this week in a big way, splitting games with two perennial state powers. The Vikings beat up on long-time state contender Washington to the tune of 11-1 in six innings earlier in the week. On Saturday, one of Class 3A’s highlyranked teams, the Boonville Pioneers, jumped on the Vikings early and took a 10-2 win. Against Washington on senior night, the Vikings took charge early and finished off the Hatchets in the sixth inning. “The girls had 13 hits. Morgan Stierley was 2-for-3 while Elpers was 2-for-4 and Amy Brandenstein was 2-for-3,” Gentil said. “Megan Redman was on base three times and Deana Lindauer got on base all four times.” The Vikings did what they had to do to close things out an inning early and celebrate senior night before planning to travel to Boonville on Saturday. “We just had a rough start against Boonville,” North Posey Coach Gary Gentil said. “We played pretty good defense, really, but those first two innings, their power just went crazy on our pitching. We actually turned three double plays in that game. We made some very good defensive plays in that game. ” The Lady Pioneers, known for several appearances in the state finals, found the Viking pitching to their liking as they hammered out six runs in the first two innings, including two monster home runs, that took the air out of the Vikings. But despite the score, Gentil was proud that his team continued to play good defense and continued to battle against one of the area’s best teams. The Vikings got a run in the fourth and a run in the fifth against the Pioneers but had baserunners in all innings except the first and the seventh. Megan Redman got on base twice and managed a rare stolen base on the Pioneers. “That just doesn’t happen very often against them,” Gentil said.
Deana Lindauer was also 1-for-3 at the plate while also reaching on an error. Ally Elpers got on all three times she was at bat, walking twice and singling in her other plate appearance. Haylee Harness also had a hit and scored a run. Even Boonville Coach Mike Wilson was impressed with the play of his team, particularly his pitcher. “Mike said that in the past couple of games, she has really found her groove,” Gentil said of the Boonville Coach’s comments. “She looked really good the first five innings.” After the Vikings picked up a couple of hits on the started, Boonville brought in their No. 2 pitcher to close out the contest. “We got on base seven times against Chapman (Boonville’s ace) and that shows we were getting some good at-bats against a very good pitcher,” Gentil said. “We had runners on third two times and runners on second and third one other time.” The Lady Vikings will now enter sectional play on Tuesday where they will face Tell City. The Lady Marksmen have knocked the Lady Vikes out of the tournament each of the past two seasons but Gentil feels his team is prepared this year and is playing much better defense. “We like playing Boonville at this time of the season because they are a top-notch team because they believe if they can get past Gibson Southern in their tough sectional, they can get back to state,” Gentil said. “I was pleased with what I saw this weekend. We have been working really hard on defense and our girls understand they have to work the count. And, they have been playing defense awfully well.” The Lady Vikings will have a tough road to hoe if they are to win the title as Forest Park and South Spencer open the tournament on Monday and the Vikings will face Tell City before Southridge and Mater Dei on Tuesday. The two winners on Tuesday will square off on Wednesday with the championship to be decided on Thursday.
A school record in the mile relay was the big highlight as the girls finished sixth in Tuesday’s girls’ meet, scoring 66 points at Tell City. The team of McKenzie Orlik, Emma Werry, Tylie Robertson and Megan Bender ran the 1,600-meter relay in 4:16.46, beating the old school record by two seconds. The Lady Vikings picked up four runner-up spots, two of them by Bender, but otherwise the emphasis was on personal improvement and preparing for this week’s Sectional meet. Southridge nipped Forest Park for the team title, scoring 129 and one-half points, compared to 123 and one-half for the Lady Rangers.
Gibson Southern was a distant third with 78 points, followed by Heritage Hills (75 and one-half) and Tell City (74 and one-half). Rounding out the field were Pike Central (44), Tecumseh (25 and one-half) and South Spencer (three and one-half). Now, What about the boys’ meet? Don’t ask. North Posey only scored three points and finished ninth in the meet. With mainstay Mitchell Kuhn sidelined by a hip flexor, the Vikings could only manage a pair of low finishes in two relays.
Relay record highlights Vikings’ PAC meet
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PAGE B4 • MAY 22, 2012
Vikings take three of four in final week of regular season
North Posey junior Colton Martin has become a staple of the North Posey pitching staff this season. The Viking staff will have to be deep if they are to have a chance to win the tough Southridge sectional. Photo by Dave Pearce of four games. The Vikings ble-header with the MarBy Dave Pearce The North Posey baseball finish the regular-season tinsville Artesians near Vikings concluded a very with a 19-7 record and a Indianapolis on Saturday. successful regular season No. 9 ranking in the final Despite the split with the Class 5A school, Smith was under Coach Kevin Smith poll of the season. The Vikings split a dou- convinced that his team did this week, taking three out
not have their “A” game on Saturday and perhaps on a better day, could have swept the double-header. But as much as anything, Smith wanted to get some work for his pitchers as he used six pitchers during the contests. The Vikings were able to win the first game 4-2 before dropping the night-cap 4-3 after entering the bottom of the seventh inning with a 3-2 lead. Despite having only three hits in the opener, the Vikings were able to find a way to win. After giving up a two-run homer in the first inning, the Vikings found their backs against the wall. But as they have so many times this year, they responded. “Cody Voelker delivered a big two-run double in the seventh that put us ahead 3-2 and that was really the biggest play of the game,” Smith said of the opener. “”We really battled all day yesterday, even though we weren’t really at our best.” Kyle Voegel pitched a strong game against Martinsville and picked up the win while Shane Neumann got the save. Jared Meliff had the Vikings’ only other hit in the contest. Although Smith refused to use the long trip as an excuse, the Vikings were on a bus well over three hours on the way to Martinsville and had little time to prepare for the games, once they did arrive. “I was very pleased with our pitching staff and we were able to throw six guys,” Smith said. “These games were kind of a tuneup for sectionals coming up this week. We were not going to overwork our pitchers. Martinsville pitched well against us and our of-
fense just wasn’t up to what it has been. It was just a long, draining day.” In the second game, the Vikings led 3-2 going into the bottom of the seventh inning and in a very unlikely turn of events, after giving up a double to the first batter, the Vikings made back-to-back throwing errors on the infield to allow the winning runs to score. Martinsville scored the first two runs of the second game in the bottom of the fifth inning. “We walked a guy and then hit two batters and then they had a two-run double,” Smith said. “But we came back in the sixth and got a run when Austin Bender’s sacrifice scored Zach Scheller.” The Vikings took the lead in the top of the seventh when Meliff led off with a double. He scored and later, Wes harness scored to give the Vikings the lead. “I think we just kind of ran out of gas at that point in time, after riding on a bus for nearly four hours and playing 14 innings of baseball,” Smith said. “It was obvious we were tired and maybe we were thinking a little about the three-and-ahalf hour bus ride home. It was a long day for the kids but I thought we battled and stayed in contention, giving ourselves a chance to win the second game late but I just thought we ran out of gas. I was pleased that we battled as hard as we did for as long as we did.” Earlier in the week, the Vikings defeated Washington by a 10-7 count on Monday before shutting out Tecumseh 7-0 on Tuesday. The Vikings and the Hatchets each had eight hits in the game but the Vikings
were able to string some hits together to come up with a big four-run fourth inning. “They came back and scored a run in the top of the sixth but Colton Motz was able to shut them down with a 1-2-3 inning in the top of the seventh to get the win,” Smith said. “That was a nice win to get on the road on another long trip. Motz also had three RBIs for the day. Tyler Stoltz started the game and only gave up two runs in the first four innings. Kyle Voegel also pitched in the middle innings.” On senior night at home, senior Shane Neumann had a complete 7-0 shutout in what Smith referred to as one of the best team approaches to the game he has ever been a part of. “We had a six-run fourth inning to open things up,” Smith said. “In the Tecumseh game, in my 13 years around high school baseball, I thought our kids had the best approach at the plate. We laid off of pitches that were out of the zone and we let the curve balls fall short. We ended up getting nine hits that night.” Colton Martin led the team, going 2-for-3 with three RBIs and Meliff was 2-for-3 with a pair of RBIs. Kyle Voegel was 2-for-4 with a double and an RBI. Casey Voelker also went 2-for-3 on the night. “We had a lot of offense spread up and down the line-up that night,” Smith said. “We had seven runs on nine hits.” The Vikings will open their post season against a red hot Perry Central team. Earlier in the season, the Vikings won a very good one-run ballgame in Perry County.
St. Wendel is off to terrific start in Babe Ruth league April, shot down in May. Well, that doesn’t really describe Jacob McLain’s first week of the South Gibson Babe Ruth baseball
season, but it might come close. McClain pitched a no-hitter in the St. Wendel Babe Ruth team’s season opener,
a 20-0 romp over Oakland City, but on Saturday, things weren’t as successful, as McClain took the decision in St. Wendel’s first loss of the season, 9-3 at the hands of Fort Branch VFW. That’s life? Actually that’s more like baseball. St. Wendel came back in their next game and shut out North Posey Black 6-0 at the Athletic Club field. Wildeman and Cumbee combined to shut out Black, with Wildeman going five innings. On Wednesday, the opposition finally got to a St. Wendel pitcher, as visiting Princeton Red touched Martin for two runs, but just like clockwork, Cumbee came on after five innings and shut the door as St. Wendel posted a 6-2 victory. St. Wendel opened its season in rousing fashion with a 20-0 victory in six innings at Oakland City. McCain threw a no-hitter, fanning six with two walks. He helped himself out at the plate with three hits and a stolen base. The St. Wendel hurler scored four runs and drove in one. Bryce Martin also collected three hits and scored three runs, with a pair of stolen bases and two RBI’s. Drew Cumbee, Curtis Wildeman, Jake Wenderoth, Klan Jourdan and Noah Scheller each banged out a pair of hits. Cumbee tripled and scored three runs, while stealing a pair of bases and driving in a run. Jourdan doubled, drove in a run and scored two, while Wildeman scored two runs and drove in a pair. Wenderoth and Scheller each drove
in three runs and Scheller scored one. Josh Elpers dabbled, scored two runs and drove in two, while stealing two bases. Kyle Luigs singled, scored a run and drove in one, while Josh Cook stole a pair of bases and drove in two. The North Posey teams played a Saturday doubleheader at the high school baseball field Saturday, with Black outslugging Haubstadt Merchants 14-7 in the nightcap after Red dropped an 8-6 batter with Haubstadt Legion in the opener. So, what was the er, word from Black coach Damien Word? “Improvement,” Word said. “Improvement, we’re working on it, we’re moving forward. Signs of improvement tonight. We hit the ball well, we put the ball in play, and we were really aggressive offensively. The pitching was a lot better.” While improvement was the key word in the sense that the coaches saw improvement, it was also a key in the need for improvement, especially on the defensive side.
“When we score runs like we did today, it’s okay,” Word said. “But we’re going to have to tighten the screws on defense.” Austin Graves cracked three triples, while James Marshall belted a pair of doubles and Ethan Morlock drove in two runs. Jared Hostettler also had two hits. Black outslugged Oakland City 18-13 on Wednesday and no, the North Posey team did not play good defense and shake off three missed extra points to preserve the win, but the pitching struggled after Graves pitched two solid innings and the team jumped out to a 9-0 lead. “We wound up taking a 9-0 lead into the third inning and walking everybody,” Word said. “It was a dogfight after that, we traded punches, but fortunately, we were able to come out on top.” Against St. Wendel, Black had a number of runners on third base with less than two outs, but couldn’t produce, as Wildeman was just slow enough to keep Black’s hitters off balance.
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By Steve Joos That’s life, that’s what all the people say, or so Frank Sinatra used to sing. You’re riding high in
Poseyville Red baseball player Ethan Rose takes his turn at the plate during recent Babe Ruth baseball action. Photo by Dave Pearce
PAGE B5 â&#x20AC;˘ MAY 22, 2012
Western Hills Country Club 2012 Amateur Classic Tournament Championship Flight
1 2 3 T4 T4 T6 T6 A-Flight
1 T2 T2 T4 T4 T6 T6 T6 B-Flight
1 2 T3 T3 T3 T6 T6 T6 C-Flight
1 2 3 4 5 T6 T6 D-Flight
1 2 T3 T3 5 6
Bolling, Derek Hancock, Matt Bolling, Brad Mathews, Drew Delong, Dave Glisson, Greg Wehner, Mark
68/64 68/69 68/70 69/71 70/70 72/73 74/71
Grant, Charlie Zeller, Jim Ritchell, Heath Weil, John Bolling, Bryson Nord, George Cheaney, Jim Parker, John
75/73 75/73 77/71 75/74 76/73 76/74 77/73 78/72
Turpin, Dave Heath, Tim Smith, Tim Hurt, Lion McCaslin, Josh Hall, Art Cullman, Denny Clark, Phil
82/74 80/77 87/71 80/78 80/78 80/80 80/80 83/77
Williams, Larry Jung, Kenny Rohlman, John Redman, Jason Jackson, Reed Wheatcroft, Mike Bruce, David
85/77 85/82 86/82 85/84 86/84 87/84 89/82
Marshall, Rick Wade, Trev Daniel, Mike Hall, Brad Magruder, Steve Oliver, Alex
92/85 94/85 92/90 92/90 94/89 95/89
132 137 138 140 140 145 145
148 148 148 149 149 150 150 150
156 157 158 158 158 160 160 160
Mount Vernonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ryan Goeltz tries to beat the throw home during the Mount Vernon Invitational on Saturday morning. Photo by Dave Koch
Wildcats fall in Invitational title contest
162 167 168 169 170 171 171
177 179 182 182 183 184
Saturday Closet to Pin 2 or 11 Bolling, Bryson 8 or 17 Terry, Ryan S d Cl t t Pi
By Steve Joos Things were really going well for the Mount Vernon baseball team last week. The Wildcats had won three games, scored 53 runs, beaten two teams by the 10-run rule and had reached the championship game of their own invitational tournament, where they promptly plated four runs in the bottom of the first inning. And then came the end of the week. After opening with a bang in the title game, Mount Vernon relaxed over the next six innings, which let the Gibson Southern Titans back into the contest, which they eventually won 8-5, claiming the invite crown. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I felt like we started out good today, swinging bat against Rivet,â&#x20AC;? Coach Paul Quinzer said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rivet kind of helped us with errors in the field; Troy Paris threw a really nice game, kept the ball down and threw strikes with all his pitches.â&#x20AC;? Mount Vernon crushed the Patriots 20-0 in the tourney opener, which was called after five innings under the 10run rule. But what about the finale? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We go through nine hitters, score four runs and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s funny about baseball,â&#x20AC;? Quinzer explained. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You relax, just kind of like you turn off the switch or something and whenever you relax, that allows the other team to get back in the ball game and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what we did tonight.â&#x20AC;? River VanZant tripled, Jevin Redman walked and Paris was hit by a pitch, loading the bases with nobody out in the bottom of the first inning, leaving some to speculate on just how short Titans
pitcher Kenn Romershauhsenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s night on the mound would be. Clay Ford fanned, but Romerhausen then plunked Aaron Roberts, forcing in VanZant. Trevor Veeck fouled out, leaving the Titans one out away from escaping the jam and maybe claiming a moral victory, but Drake McNamara and Craig Beeson each cracked RBI singles to douse that prospect. So things appeared to be going well f or the Cats, at least for a little while. VanZant singled to open the bottom of the second, but then Redman grounded into a double play and that may have taken some of the wind out of Mount Vernonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sails, especially after starting pitcher Ross Canada blew through the Titans, retiring them in order in the top of the inning. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had a double play,â&#x20AC;? Quinzer said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had several poor at-bats, where weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d go up there and hack away at a pitch, we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a strike on us and we were swinging away at bad pitches. I think that gave Gibson Southern and (Romerhausen) a chance to get through those middle innings. Then all of a sudden, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re in the sixth inning and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re realizing that â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;hmm, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re behind.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? Quinzer credited Gibson Southern with scrapping back in the later innings to get the win. A walk, Alex Smithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s single, a bunt and sacrifice fly gave the Titans a run in the top of the fourth inning. But then an infield hit and a misplayed bunt let in two more tallies, pulling Gibson Southern to within a run at 4-3. Two innings later, the Titans cashed
in on five innings of hanging around. Garrett Elpers reached to open the top of the sixth after a misplayed bunt, stole second and scored the tying run on a single by Tyler Ziliak, who stole second and went to third when Reed Oing reached on an error. A force play let in the go-ahead run and another two-out single put Gibson Southern up by two 6-4. The Cats managed to get one run back in the bottom of the sixth when McNamara doubled, Hank Dausmann walked and Bryce Newman bunted his way on, but that was all they could get, when Gibson Southern tacked on a pair of insurance runs in the top of the seventh. The Titans especially gave the Cats trouble when they got their bunts down. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We knew they liked to bunt,â&#x20AC;? Quinzer said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They showed it the first ball game. I thought we would have been better prepared; I thought we were better prepared. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be working on this week.â&#x20AC;? As for the rest of the week, Mount Vernon came into Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tourney with wins at North 12-6 on Tuesday and a 17-4 rout at Wood Memorial Thursday. Everyone hit the ball in each game Quinzer said, adding that the Wildcats rallied from a 5-0 deficit in the first inning to overtake the Huskies at McCutchanville. Paris pitched five strong innings against North, he and Canada turned in good relief outings at Wood to back up Dausman.
TOBACCO HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-8pm and Sun 10am-5pm 1929 E Morgan. Corner of Morgan & Weinbach. 812-470-7830
NOW OPEN!!! New Harmony golfer Drew Mathew tees off during the Western Hills Invitational held over the weekend. Photo by Dave Pearce
MV Soccer club holding sign-ups The Mount Vernon Soccer Booster Club is holding Cub Team sign ups for the boys and girls teams on Thursday May 24 and Tuesday May 29 at 5:30 at the Alexandrian Public Library. Interested players going into grades 5-8 for the 2012/2013 school year are eligible. For more information, please contact Scot Keller at 480-0348 or email mvcubsoccer@gmail.com.
Fishing Derby set for Brittlebank Park CORNER OF
The fifth annual Kids Fishing Derby will be held on Saturday, June 2, from 9-11 a.m., at Brittlebank Park. This is a catch and release program and prizes will be awarded. The Derby is open to children age 15 and under. All children under 12 should have a parent present. Participants are asked to provide their own bait. Indiana Free Fishing weekend is June 2-3, and families are encouraged to stay and fish after the Derby. No fishing license will be required this weekend only. For further information, call Mount Vernon Parks and Recreation at 838-3691.
NPHS Girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Volleyball Camp July 16 - July 19 North Posey High Schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Volleyball Team will be hosting a volleyball camp for any girl interested in participating. The camp will be divided into two groups. Players who are currently in kindergarten through fourth graders are invited to attend camp on Monday, July 16 through Thursday July 19, from 8 a.m. until 9:45 a.m. Girls currently in 5th through 7th grade are invited to attend Monday, July 16
to Thursday July 19, from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. The North Posey High School Volleyball Team will be in attendance to interact and assist in showing the younger players how to correctly pass, set, and serve along with many other important volleyball skills. The cost is $25. Please make all checks payable to North Posey High School Volleyball. Thank you for your support and we hope to see you this summer!
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PAGE B6 • MAY 22, 2012
Posey County’s personal bests not good enough to move to regional
Mount Vernon senior Jon Hoehn was barely edged out by Harrison to take a close second in the Central Sectional. Hoehn will meet his Harrison counterpart again in the Central regional competition on Thursday for a re-match. Photo by Terri Koch By Steve Joos this week’s Regional with a second place finWhen the public address announcer at ish in the 400-meter dash, posting a time of Central Stadium gets ready to announce the :51.9 in the meet at Central Stadium. top four finishers in the events at the EvansIt was a rough night for both county ville school’s Sectional boys’ track meet, he teams, as the Wildcats finished tenth in the leads off with “punching their tickets to the meet with 29 points, while the Vikings were Regional are…” 11th with a meager two tallies. Only one of those tickets was issued to an Hoehn nearly won the 400-dash, accordathlete from Posey County Thursday night. ing to Wildcats coach Steve Brenton. Mount Vernon’s Jon Hoehn advanced to “They had to review it in the press box,”
Brenton said. “It was a photo finish. He got second. I thought his first hundred meters was a little too slow, his next hundred was fantastic and his last hundred, I don’t know if he saw that kid (Tracy Smith of Harrison) even saw him, he was so fast. Jon ran well. You don’t get second in this Sectional without running fast, but he’s going to have to do better if he’s going to get out of the Regional.” The rest of the team had a number of close calls, Brenton said. The 3,200-meter relay team ran a close fifth, while sophomore Austin Guthrie did well for his age in both hurdles races, taking sixth in 110-meter hurdles and fifth in the 300. Another freshman, Isaac Redman, was an impressive fifth in the high jump, while Sage Irons was eighth in the 1,600-meters. “It’s what I tell the kids,” Brenton said. “If you win a medal here (at Evansville), you’ve earned something.” Mount Vernon nearly got out in another race, as the Wildcats finished fifth in the 1,600-meter relay by a few hundredths of a second. Ryan Dick recovered 15 meters on Mitchell Mountain of Reitz in the last leg, but just missed punching his ticket to the Regional. The Vikings had several personal best performances, but some familiar obstacles resulted in just two points for North Posey, as the 3,200- and 400-meter relay teams each finished eighth in their events. “It’s been the same all season,” Coach Kevin Gengelbach said. “We’re going against good competition; we had several (personal bests) again. We’re young, we’re learning how to run, the throws and sprinters need to get in the weight room and the distance runners need to get out and get some miles. There’s potential there, we just need to work hard and turn it into something good.” The Vikings were suffering from the loss of junior Mitchell Kuhn, who missed the
Sectional and Pocket Athletic Conference meets due to a hip flexer suffered during a make-up meet prior to the PAC. Gengelbach said that Kuhn might have scored some points and advanced as an individual, but might not have helped the team that much. There was also a lot better competition at Evansville than at the conference. “We had p.b.’s there, we had p.b.’s at the conference,” Gengelbach said. “We just ran into some really good competition this year.” Gengelbach hopes that the returning performers will use the personal bests as a positive and use that to work on their events during the summer. If they can improve, hopefully some of the Vikings will punch some tickets to next year’s Regional. And speaking of punching tickets to the Regional, Harrison got a group rate for their return trip to Central Stadium, winning the Sectional with 142 points, nearly 50 better than runner-up Castle (93). Mater Dei was a distant third with 62 tallies, while North (59) and Memorial (55 and one-half) rounded out the top five. Boonville was sixth with 51 points, nipping Central (49), while Reitz (43 and onehalf) and Bosse (38) came in ahead of the Wildcats and Vikings. Evansville Sectional boys’ meet: 400-dash: 2) Hoehn (MV) :51.19; 1,600run: 8) Irons (MV) 4:47.57; 110-hurdles: 6) Guthrie (MV) :15.84; 300-hurdles: 5) Guthrie (MV) :42.77; 400-relay: 7) Mount Vernon (Craig Dick, Guthrie, Devin McCune, Redman) :46.06, 8) North Posey (Nathan Allison, Jacob Gries, Lance Inkenbrandt, Cory Kern) :48.93; 1,600-relay: 5) Mount Vernon (Hunter Brooks, Michael Cannato, Alex DeKemper, Dick) 3:33.08; 3,200-relay: 5) Mount Vernon (Cannato, Dick, Adam Hoehn, J. Hoehn) 8:55.36, 8) North Posey (Ben Blankenberger, Jonah Cobb, Florian Efforth, Mitchell Heldt) 10:15.77; Long jump: 6) Redman (MV) 19’10 ¼”.
County sends nine to girls track regional at Central
Megan Bender competes in the 400 in the sectional. She will compete in this week’s regional. Photo by Dave Pearce
By Steve Joos Two records were broken in Tuesday’s Mount Vernon Sectional girls’ track meet. Taylor Willey of Central posted a new mark in the 300-meter low hurdles with a time of 2:13.24, breaking her old mark of 2:14.74 from last year, while Zuriel Saunders of Castle won the high jump with a five-foot, six and one-half inch leap, a quarter inch better than the long-standing mark of 5-6 and a quarter set by Harrison’s Kayla Tucker. Oh, and nine girls from Mount Vernon and North Posey advanced to this week’s Evansville Regional girls’ meet. The Lady Wildcats were fourth in the team standings with 64 points, while the Lady Vikings scored 29 and came in eighth. “We ran really well,” Lady Vikings coach Leah Stormont said. “We have three girls advancing to Regionals, which is one more than last year and that’s exciting.” Megan Bender finished second in the 100-meter dash, Emma Werry was fourth in the 300-low hurdles and Olivia Goebel was fourth in the 3,200-meters, each of which was expected, according to Stormont. Goebel was also five seconds short of advancing in the 1,600-meters. “We’re placing where we’re supposed to,” Stormont said. “This group improved every single meet. Each year, we’ve gotten better and it’s shown in all their hard work.” Bender advanced to the state meet last year, while another girl competed at Central Stadium, so having more qualifiers is a plus, the coach added. Right now, the main idea is to compete and see what happens. The two returnees are back and they will just go to the Regionals, compete and see what happens. “The effort is always there,” Stormont said. “The competition’s a little stiffer here at Sectionals, so I think our mentality has to be a little tougher here than at (the Pocket Athletic Conference meet).” A week after setting the school record in the 1,600-meter relay, the Lady Vikings fell back a bit, finishing out of the money with a time of 4:31.90.
Bender was one of five county athletes to take second in their respective events. Mount Vernon had the other four, with Kellen Ray getting second in the 300-hurdles, joining Werry in that event. “We were fourth as a team and I’m very pleased with that,” Mount Vernon coach Jackie Maier said. “We made a lot of choices; we did not load up on the events. The girls really ran hard for me at the conference and we really did some re-arranging and ran kids only one or two events for the most part, so I’m very pleased. We had some good performances.” And some of those girls did fairly well in the event they participated in. Ellen Foster was second in the high jump and fourth in the long jump, while Erika McCormick brought home a red ribbon in the 800-meters. Toni Waddell finished in the same place in the 1,600. The Lady Wildcats’ 3,200-meter relay squad brought home a third place finish in their race. “Ellen’s a competitor,” Maier said. “She’s fun to watch.” The coach had compliments for several of the qualifiers, including some surprising information on the qualifying hurdler. “Kellen Ray actually was in the middle heat of the 300-hurdles,” Maier explained. “Ad she ended up placing second, so she will advance to the Regional out of the slower heat, so that’s fantastic. She has not run the 300-hurdle race this season (she ran it in the season opener). We knew she had great potential, however, she wanted to run the 200 and that’s almost an impossible double. We decided that the 300-hurdles would be the better race, so we ran her in that and I was proud of her efforts.” Kaysie Collins and Cheyenne Strobel didn’t advance out of the discus throw, but they made the finals and did place, which was a big boost for the two first-year throwers. Maggie Maier and Nicole Hawley also placed in the pole vault. Ray and Foster were also part of the 400-meter relay team, with
Lauren Stemple and Abby Randall, which also finished third to move on, just missing a school record (a personal best :51.68, fivehundredths of a second off the school mark). Maier felt that it was tough to compare the Sectional with the Big Eight, adding the team rose to the occasion at the Sectional as well. As for Regional goals, they’re the same: advance as many to the State meet as possible. McCormick made it last year, but the competition will be much tougher. McCormick cut five seconds off her time in the 800, while the other Mount Vernon seniors, Ashton Fuelling posted a personal best in the 100-hurdles, and Megan Randall will go to the Regional as an alternate in the 3,200-relay. The evening belonged to Memorial, as the Lady Tigers scored 152 points to win the meet, while North came in second with 112 and Castle was even further back in third place with 78 points. After Mount Vernon, Mater Dei nipped Bosse 51-50 for fourth place, while Harrison (36) was fifth and Reitz (29) eighth, just five points behind the Lady Vikings. Rounding out the field were Central (17), Boonville (six) and Signature (four). Mount Vernon Sectional: 200-dash: 7) McKenzie Orlik (NP) :28.67; 400-dash: 2) Bender (NP) 1:01.14, 6) A. Randall (MV) 1:04.51; 800-run: 2) McCormick (MV) 2:23.00; 1,600-run: 2) Waddell (MV) 5:34.54; 5) Olivia Goebel (NP) 5;40.35; 3,200-run: 4) Goebel (NP) 12:27.04; 300-hurdles: 2) Ray (MV) :37.90, 4) Werry (NP) :48.86; 400-relay: 3) Mount Vernon (Ray, Foster, Stemple, A. Randall) :51.68; 1,600-relay: 7) Mount Vernon (Montana Eaton, Foster, Stemple, A, Randall) 4:19.14; 3,200-relay: 4) Mount Vernon (Eaton, Stemple, McCormick, Waddell) 10:27.60; High jump: 2) Foster (MV) 5’2”; Pole vault: 5) M. Maier (MV) 9’0”, 8) Hawley (MV) 7’0”; Long jump: 4) Foster (MV) 16’6 1/2 ”; Shot put: 8) Caitlin Herrmann (NP) 31’6”; Discus: 5) Collins (MV) 91’8”, 8) Strobel (MV) 85’11”.
Mount Vernon boys’ golf team is seventh at Washington Invitational The Mount Vernon boys’ golf team was seventh in the standings, but number one in another important area at Saturday’s Washington Invitational tournament. The Wildcats carded a score of 337, three strokes better than eighth place Reitz and best among the four Evansville Sectional teams competing at the Country Oaks Golf Course. Central (360) was 13th in the meet, while Boonville (381) brought up the rear with the 15-team field. “That’s what we told the kids after the meet,” Coach Doug Blair said. “We finished ahead of everyone we played that we would face in the Sectional. None of the four major teams that we’d face were there (such as North, Memorial, Castle or Harrison), but the main thing is we were in the top 10 and we finished ahead of some of the teams we’ll be
facing.” What was the big difference for the Cats, but by the barest of margins? Just about everything. Trevor Grant shot an 80 to pace Cats, while Todd Sheffer carded an 84, but that 1-2 combination had a two-point edge over the top two Panthers and that may have been enough. Reitz’s number three man also shot an 85, two stroke better than Joe Reinitz’s 86, tying the two teams for seventh, but Andrew Higgins fired an 87 and that was one stroke better than the number-four Panther, giving Mount Vernon a score of 337. Mitchell Jackson added a 96 for Mount Vernon. Blair said that the length of Country Oaks (some of the holes were 7,000 yards) ham-
pered his team, but playing a course like that, as well as Christmas Lake (where the Cats played the Big Eight Conference meet) would better prepare them for Fendrich. Jasper shot a 306 to win the meet, led by medalist Will Seger’s 72. Vincennes (318) was second, while Heritage Hills nipped Linton-Stockton 323-325 for third place and Zionsville (330) rounded out the top five. The link Cats came in four strokes behind sixth-place Washington (333). Southridge (340) and Princeton (348) rounded out the top ten, followed by Northview (351) and
North Knox (357).West Washington finished 14th with a score of 370. While Mount Vernon didn’t face the Huskies at Country Oaks, they did play North in a triangular earlier in the week at Cambridge pitting Mount Vernon against North and their county rivals from North Posey. The team struggles with the layout at Cambridge and that may have been a factor which cost the Cats the meet (they were second 160-170, with the Vikings carding a 217), but the team was close to North and hung with them at times.
Vikings draw Perry Central, Wildcats get a bye Baseball Sectionals will open Wednesday throughout Indiana, but the Mount Vernon Wildcats will wait a bit. They’ll wait until Memorial Day, in fact. The Indiana High School Athletic Association drew the pairings for its diamond Sectionals Tuesday, with the Cats drawing a bye in the Class 3A Evansville Sectional, which means their postseason won’t get underway until Memorial Day (May 28) with a game against Gibson Southern at Braun Stadium on the University of Evansville campus. The first pitch is set for approximately 12:30 p.m. The North Posey Vikings start their postseason on Thursday, when they take on Perry Central in the third contest of the Class 2A Southridge Sectional, set for approximately 5:30 p.m. at League Stadium in Huntingburg.
Sectional action at the Braun starts Wednesday night at 5 p.m., when Bosse and Memorial square off, followed by a contest between Princeton and Boonville. Those winners will meet at 10 a.m. on Memorial Day. Southridge has a seven-team Sectional, which opens with a single game Wednesday night pitting Tell City and Forest Park at 6 p.m. The host Raiders will face Mater Dei in the first game Thursday night, with winner taking on North Posey or Perry Central in Monday’s second game, while the Tell City-Forest Park winner faces South Spencer in the first game on Memorial Day. The championships of both Sectionals will be crowned on Memorial Day night, with games starting at 7 p.m.
The U12 Southern Ind Vipers Take the Title in Boonville. The Spring Swing Tournament held in Boonville this weekend pitted the Downstate Rippers vs Southern IN Vipers in U12 fastpitch softball. The Vipers beat the Rippers twice in 7 innings in the finals, 3-1 and 3-2 to take first place. Front Row, L-R: Anna Stock, Mallory Lowe, Molly Will, Mia Schmitt, Taleah Teel Sec Row: Elise Lewis, Tabby Klem, Cidney Colbert, Jaime Nurrenbern, Casey Heldt, Maddie Duncan, Kaitlyn Blankenburger Coaches: Tim Schmitt, Chad Will (not pictured Jack Lowe and Dave Duncan)
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uring the past 26 years, u Jan J Nesbitt has served 313 children c as a teacher and enrolled over 1,000 as the en enro director dire di re at Susanna Wesley Preschool in Mount Vernon. Even as she boxes her personal effects to close out her term as director this Friday, May 25, she is already looking back over her shoulder and hopes to substitute teach for new director Lisa Frye this fall. “I will miss it all,” Nesbitt confesses. “I enjoy the kids. I enjoy the office work. Planning the activities for them can be fun—anticipating how they will grow and change from a certain activity.” Early childhood education has always been Nesbitt’s first love. She ran her own preschool for five years in her native New York State until her husband Allen was transferred to Mount Vernon with Bristol-Myers Squibb. The whole family moved in July 1985, and Nesbitt started teaching at Susanna Wesley in September the same year. She remained a teacher until 1997 when Amy Enloe passed her the director’s baton in a very smooth transition. “When Amy was the director, she also taught when I was teaching. When she would need help occasionally here in the office, I would sit in with her,” Nesbitt recalls. “She taught me while she was in here. I would work a day in the office while she was teaching, and then I’d teach the opposite days.” An effective teacher, nonetheless, Nesbitt describes herself as “an Eeyore-type person.” Her love for working with the kids helped her to overcome her natural shyness. “Dealing with or talking with people
is hard for me. I’m really shy,” she admits. “I don’t have this bubbly personality. When I went to college, they said all my preparation and ideas were great, but they would never give me A’s in dramatics. I overcame that shyness. I found out I could.” Indeed, Nesbitt’s eyes and face light up whenever she talks about the children. “Some people are nurses; some people deal with adults. I just love children,” she says. “They’re exciting. Every year, there’s a different batch. It’s just fun to see them change and to grow. At the beginning of the year, you’re tearing your hair out, thinking you’ll never get anywhere. At the end, you’re saying, ‘Oh, wow! Look at these kids! They’re so special! I know this makes a big difference in their schooling when they get to kindergarten and have D EN ER this under EV R their belt. The teachers know when the kids have been to preschool.” Nesbitt insists graduating kids
with good social and academic skills erases the pain of any long days in the classroom. “It’s like childbirth: you just remember the good and
Heidi is one of eight grandchildren born to the four children of Allen and Jan Nesbitt. Their three daughters— Julie Cotner, Robin Price and Lisa Wallis—all live in this area while their son Wade lives in nearby Ohio. In fact, Julie has worked as a teacher under her mother’s direction at Susanna Wesley Preschool. The whole family looks forward to spending more time together at a certain lakeside cabin. Needless to say, Nesbitt cannot step 2012 away from her duties without encouraging parents to consider enrolling their preschool-aged children now for the August class at Susanna Wesley by calling 838-2835. She promises the highest quality of learning for the little ones. “It’s a wonderful school. The tuition is very, very reasonable. I know economic times are tough, but it’s such a boost to the kids who come. It opens up all kinds of new avenues READ Y FOR to them. We work hard with the Indiana state standards for kindergarten to help the children in those areas,” she states. “We give them a chance to be with their peers and run and jump and play as well as work with academics.” TOP PHOTO AND STORY BY PAM ROBINSON OTHER PHOTOS AND DESIGN BY ZACH STRAW SEE MORE OF THIS SET ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE
the fun days,” she comments. “You just get worn down sometimes, feeling you can’t think of another interesting way to do the same thing. The staff is all good and dedicated people, too. They’re all here because they care about the kids. Nobody is here because of the money.” When she considers enrollment data, Nesbitt feels especially rewarded for her efforts. Former graduates, now parents, are bringing their children to Susanna Wesley Preschool, founded in 1983. “It speaks to the longevity of the school and the dedication of the parents to our place,” she states. One of Nesbitt’s greatest joys upon retirement will be conversations with her oldest granddaughter Heidi, an elementary education major with a reading minor at the University of Evansville. “We love to talk picture books,” she relates.
MAY 22, 2012 • PAGE C2
LEGALS Court News Superior Court Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Kelly Morrow Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Candace Overstreet Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. David Coon Philip Angermeier vs. Carl Yarbourgh Nicholas Volz vs. LeeAnn Irvin Jessie Tyler vs. Mike Schroeder Reeves Feed and Grain, LLC vs. John Lindsay, Valerie Blue Larry Scott, Casey Scott vs. Edwin Higdon Capital One Bank (USA) vs. Tim Stevens Capital One Bank (USA) vs. David Knapp Midland Funding, LLC vs. Dana Cohlmeyer Midland Funding, LLC vs. Harrison Whitler American Acceptance Company, LLC vs. Bob Boyer GE Capital Retail Bank vs. John Swift Midland Funding, LLC vs. Linda Phillips Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. vs. Robert Woods Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. vs. Dennis Ricketts Thomas Benton, Russell Benton, Kimberly Benton vs. Mary Eimer, William Ford United Consulting Engineers, Incorporated vs. The Board of Commissioners of The County of Posey Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Incorporated vs. John Lewis, LHR, Incorporated Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. vs. Richard Davis, Lisa Davis JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. vs. Jason Venecz Fifth Third Mortgage Company vs. Richard Davis, Lisa Davis, Occupant(s) of 10759 Main St., Cynthiana, IN 47612-9595 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Successor by Merger to Wachovia Bank, N.A. vs. Thomas Manzi, Patra Healey, Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. Marriage Applications Allan James Camat Keown, 25, Cynthiana and Danae Ann Chambers, 20, Mount Vernon Nicholas Robert Wathen, 26, Cynthiana and Courtney Ann Turner, 23, Cynthiana
Thomas Gary Leonard, 58, Philpot, KY and Mary Carmelita Johnson, 58, Owensboro, KY David Starling Thompson, 47, Mount Vernon and Barbara Helen Breeze, 50, Mount Vernon Caleb Charles Harvey, 24, New Harmony and Tiffany Marie Brenner, 27, Mount Vernon Joe Edward Gamble, 56, Evansville and Justina Rose Klenck, 48, Wadesville Jason Michael Knowles, 22, Poseyville and Heather Renee Crawford, 28, Poseyville Brock Adam Will, 27, Cassie Mae Allen, 24, Poseyville Matthew Scott Houchin, 20, Mount Vernon and Amanda Louise Abel, 30, Mount Vernon Ronald David Lampton, 20, Mount Vernon and Stephanie Alexandria Krouse, 18, Mount Vernon Curtis Mark Eisner, 34, Mount Vernon and Angela Gail Capeheart, 34, Mount Vernon Richard Wayne Bryant, 63, Mount Vernon and Rhonda Jean Thompson, 63, Mount Vernon John Lawerence Perkins, 27, Ft. Branch and Shalonda Maree Newcomb, 26, Poseyville Daniel Timothy Konrath, 28, Evansville and Erin Christine Larty, 24, Mount Vernon Douglas Alan Hurstell, 35, Mount Vernon and Lauren Ashley Tessendorf, 23, Newburgh Steven F. King, 34, Mount Vernon and Angela L. Schu, 34, Mount Vernon Devon Allen Cole, 20, Poseyville and Latasha Lynn Setzer, 18, Poseyville Patrick Lawrence Wathen, 29, Wadesville and Lindsy Nicole Edens, 28, Wadesville Kevin Jay Geddes, 28, Poseyville and Ruby Michele Hutchinson, 24, Cynthiana Christopher Alan Cole, 22, Mount Vernon and Allyn Adrianne Byrer, 22, Mount Vernon Jared C. Schmitt, 30, Wadesville and Christy Metcalf, 32, Wadesville Brody Lee Scott, 21, Mount Vernon and Jessica Alene Risher, 22, Mount Vernon Charles Lewis Thomas, 68,
Legals 2012-070
NOTICE OF ESTABLISHMENT OF BRANCH BANK OFFICE Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 303 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Rules and Regulations, that The CSB State Bank to be known as CSB State Bank, P.O. Box 280, Poseyville, Indiana 47633, has made application to the FDIC, The Indiana Department of Financial Institutions and other regulatory authorities to establish a branch banking office located at 201 West 4th Street, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file his or her comments in writing with the Regional Director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at its Regional Office (300 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 1700, Chicago, Illinois 60606) within 15 days of the date of this publication. The period may be extended by the Regional Director for good cause. The non-confidential portions of the application are on file at the appropriate FDIC Office and are available for public inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of the non-confidential portion of the application file will be made available upon request. A schedule of charges for such copies can be obtained from the Regional Office. Published in the Posey County News on May 22, 2012
New Harmony and Goldia A. Shephard, 65, New Harmony Nathan Ryan Bickers, 36, Cynthiana and Shanna Lynn O’Brien, 32, Cynthiana David L. Russell, 40, Mount Vernon and Jennifer L. Bowman, 35, Mount Vernon Michael Francis Reich, 26, Evansville and Bree Ann Kinard, 20, Mount Vernon Circuit Court Felony/Misdemeanor Joseph Barton, 22, Evansville. Theft, Class D Felony. $1.00 plus costs, 18 months probation and fees. 18 months Indiana Department of Corrections, suspended. Jana Jones, 45, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Dealing in a Schedule II Controlled Substance, Class A Felony; Ct. 2- Dealing in a Schedule II Controlled Substance, Class A Felony; Ct. 3- Maintaining a Common Nuisance, Class D Felony. Ct. 3 is dismissed. $1.00 plus costs, $200.00 countermeasure fee. 7 years Indiana Department of Corrections, concurrent, Tyron Porter, 22, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Dealing in a Look-a-Like Substance, Class C Felony; Ct. 2- Dealing in a Substance Represented to be a Controlled Substance, Class D Felony; Ct. 3- Receiving Stolen Property, Class D Felony. Ct. 2 and 3 are dismissed. 4 years Indiana Department of Corrections. Margaret Stanley, 47, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Dealing in Methamphetamine, Class A Felony; Ct. 2Dealing in Methamphetamine, Class B Felony; Ct. 3- (Conspiracy) Dealing in Methamphetamine, Class B Felony. Ct. 1 and 3 are dismissed. 10 years Indiana Department of Corrections. Arrests May 10 Jeffery Bulla—Mount Vernon—Warrant- Ct. 1, 2Battery Resulting in Bodily Injury, Class D Felony (Failure to Appear)--PCS Seth Schmittler—Mount Vernon—WarrantPossession of a Controlled Substance, Possession of Marijuana (Petition to Revoke)--PCS Richard Keeper—Mount Vernon—Warrant-Possession of Methamphetamine (Petition to Revoke)--PCS Tobias Payne—Mount Vernon—Writ of Attachment (Civil case)--PCS May 11 Kevin Hogan—Mount Vernon—Driving While Suspended—PCS Ryan O’Brian— Poseyville—Disorderly Conduct, Intimidation— PCS
The Board of Zoning Appeals for the Town of New Harmony will meet on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall located at 520 E. Church St., New Harmony, IN. The purpose of this meeting shall be to review a request to use the premises at 520 Granary St., New Harmony, IN as a vacation or guest house. The public is urged to attend. Board of Zoning Appeals Town of New Harmony April 13, 2012
Matthew Burgdorf— Evansville—Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated—PCS William Reynolds— Mount Vernon—WarrantSexual Battery, Battery Resulting in Bodily Injury—PCS May 13
Posted: Clerk-Treasurer’s Office New Harmony Post Office Fifth Third Bank in New Harmony Published in the Posey County News on May 22, 2012
Jane Schoening—Mount Vernon—Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated— MVPD
2012-067 NOTICE TO BIDDERS April 30, 2012 PROJECT: Ports of Indiana-Mount Vernon – Rail Rehabilitation, 2012 Contract 41203-C Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for Rail Rehabilitation, 2012, Contract 41203-C, at the Port of Indiana-Mount Vernon, will be received at the office of the Port of Indiana-Mount Vernon, 2751 Bluff Road, Mount Vernon, IN, 47620, from bidders until 1:30 p.m., Central Daylight Time on June 5, 2012, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the conference room of the port administration building. Bids shall be submitted on the proper bid form and delivered in sealed envelopes bearing the name and address of the bidders as described in the Instructions to Bidders, which accompanies the specifications. A Bidder’s Bond, made payable to the “PORTS OF INDIANA” must be enclosed with the bid. Said bond shall be in the minimum amount of five percent (5%) of the maximum bid. The contract for this work shall be awarded or rejected as soon as possible, but in no case later than sixty (60) calendar days from the date of opening bids, unless the 60th day shall fall on Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday in which event said time shall be extended to the next working day. The Ports of Indiana reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Project Specifications will be available to contractors on and after May 8, 2012 at the Port of Indiana – Mt. Vernon. A charge of $50.00 (non-refundable) will be made for these documents. CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS ONLY WILL BE ACCEPTED MADE PAYABLE TO THE PORTS OF INDIANA. Published in the Posey County News on May 15 & 22, 2012
Complaints May 7 1:57 a.m.—Reckless— Silver Mercedes passed the caller going very fast—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon 2:44 a.m.—Information—Subject that went to the hospital, parked his truck in a no parking area. Caller told him it was okay. Wanted to make sure the Town Marshall and deputies knew it was okay for the truck to be parked there. It is a white Dodge—Poseyville Fire Station, Poseyville 7:30 a.m.—Juvenile Problem—15 year-old out of control. Pulled a knife on mother. Daughter is in her room now. Still has the knife with her—Shadywood Lane, Mount Vernon 8:10 a.m.—Accident—1 vehicle, 2011 Ford Edge— Sauerkraut Lane area, Mount Vernon 9:18 a.m.—Suspicious— White t-shirt and jeans, blonde medium length hair, beard. Just looks very confused. Had been in the area for at least a half hour— Hwy 66, Wadesville 12:34 p.m.—Juvenile Problem—Yellow t-shirt and black leggings, 15 yearold female got out of car while mother was still driving, so she pulled over and now is walking on the side of the road. Mother keeps circling around so no one picks her up. Received a call from the juvenile, said her mom left her there on the highway. Her mom drove off. Juvenile advised she can see her mom’s car down the road. She said her mom slammed on the brakes and told her to get out of the car, so she got out—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon 12:58 p.m.—Information—Subject moving a trailer from the trailer park on Leonard Road and they are losing insulation all over the road. He talked to the male subject and he told caller that he would clean it up. Just wants to make sure it is done—Mount Vernon 9:45 p.m.—Harassment—Advised ex-boyfriend is throwing things against back half of home. Advised male subject will be running through West School—Lee Dr, Mount Vernon 11:04 p.m.—Disturbance—Got a call from male subject, stated his neighbor is still shooting at him—Church St, Cynthiana 11:23 p.m.—Disturbance—Caller advised that a lady is shooting a pellet gun or BB gun at him. Stated this time it came very close. Caller called back again and advised that the lady has not shot at him again but he has not seen an officer yet— Church St, Cynthiana May 8 7:06 a.m.—Accident— No injuries, 2 vehicles— Fourwheel Dr, Mount Vernon 7:53 a.m.—Road Hazard—Truck on a jack has been at this intersection since yesterday—Base/ Dunn Cemetery Road, Mount Vernon 5:51 p.m.—Explosives— Large cottage on lake, several subjects there advised they have had explosive materials in the past. Caller just heard a loud explosion that just rattled the windows of her residence. Received another call saying they just heard another explosion— Lang Road and Hwy 66, Poseyville May 9 3:11 a.m.—Information—Subject sleeping in vehicle—Red Wagon parking lot, Poseyville 9:13 a.m.—Reckless— Caller advised a black SUV vehicle, speeding up and down the road. Caller advised that she is concerned for the safety of children and animals on this road— Turner Road, Mount Vernon 10:54 a.m.—Found Property—Driver’s license and credit cards—E Main St, Poseyville
Gabi Boerner climbs the Jungle Gym at Sherburne Park on Friday. Photo by Zach Straw 3:39 p.m.—Drugs—Resident found possible meth lab materials in road in a sack—Deer Run, Evansville 10:33 p.m.—Agency Assist—Advised has a VA vet from Marion walking back to Illinois to VA hospital. Advised will be dropping off in our county. Needing taken to Illinois line if possible. Wearing jeans, denim shirt and red bandana— Leonard Road, Mount Vernon 11:58 p.m.—Domestic—Caller advised there is a male and female on Cougar Drive being loud and they’re outside. Doesn’t know who they are but believes it is some kind of domestic dispute. Been escalating for awhile—Cougar Dr, Evansville May 10 8:12 a.m.—Alarm—Residence, billiards room door, front hallway motion—Buchanan Road, Mount Vernon 8:34 a.m.—VIN Inspection—2004 Chevy truck— Ford Road, Mount Vernon 9:09 a.m.—VIN Inspection—2004 Mazda—Lower Mt. Vernon Road, Mount Vernon 1:59 p.m.—Wanted Person—Male subject has a warrant—Circuit Court, Mount Vernon 2:10 p.m.—Extra Patrol—Speeding vehicle in this area, narrow road, taking up a lot of the road. Employees are complaining about drivers—Welborn Road, Mount Vernon 2:32 p.m.—VIN Inspection—Homemade trailer— Vienna Road, Wadesville 3:13 p.m.—VIN Inspection—Camper—Lang Road, Poseyville 3:41 p.m.—Reckless— Yellow Mustang, child not in car seat and driving reckless—Hwy 69, Mount Vernon 7:05 p.m.—Medical—34 year-old having seizures. Abrasion on knee and cheek. Is conscious and breathing—Main Village Apartments, Mount Vernon 7:32 p.m.—Suspicious— Friend kicked her out of car while it was moving. Purple Grand A.m.. Pulled her by her hair—165 and Highschool Road, Poseyville 8:20 p.m.—Chemical Spill—Tanker truck drove by 10 or 15 minutes ago heading east and it was leaking something and left a cloud of smoke and an odor in the house—Curtis Road, Mount Vernon 8:38 p.m.—Suspicious— Two subjects messing with the tanks by entrance—By railroad tracks at Co-OP, Mount Vernon 9:44 p.m.—Suspicious— Gray or brown crew cab keeps driving by. Thinks they are going to pick someone up. Subject in vehicle noticed the caller watching them so they just keep driving by and not stopping— Winery Road at the Co-Op, Wadesville 10:24 p.m.—Car/Deer— Westbound on Hwy 62, no injuries. Deer is deceased in the middle of the highway—Mount Vernon May 11 7:23 a.m.—Accident— Caller advised a red truck, car/deer. Guy is out of the truck. He is bleeding. Front
end damage—Downen and Hwy 66, Wadesville · 10:30 a.m.—Citizen Dispute—Having problem with customer—One Stop Express, Poseyville 12:57 p.m.—Wanted Person—Caller states that male subject maybe at (name) residence—Hwy 69, Mount Vernon 1:53 p.m.—Accident— Motorcycle, has injuries—I 64, 13 mm, Poseyville 4:19 p.m.—Threatening—Male subject threatening to beat them up. He is there now. Could hear a lot of yelling coming from residence on Locust near Locust and Pine across from nursing home. Called back and advised male subject walking away from that residence on Cale St. Wearing black cut-off shirt and athletic shorts, walking with a female wearing all white— Locust St, Poseyville 4:58 p.m.—Extra Patrol—A lot of speeders and reckless driving from 2:00 p.m. and later—Welborn and Smith Diamond Road, Mount Vernon 5:56 p.m.—Accident— Caller was not involved, vehicles black truck and red car. Unknown injuries. Another call and advised she was rear-ended by another subject. No injuries. They are in the roadway—hwy 66, Poseyville 10:43 p.m.—Theft—Subjects outside trying to break into her car. Alarm sounded on car. Older dark colored car. Unsure of any damages—South St. Phillips Road, Mount Vernon 11:50 p.m.—Suspicious—Advised she has been egged twice in the last two years. She advised her sons just came home stating there was a group of juveniles walking around the subdivision carrying several egg cartons. Just requesting area to be checked—S Eastgate Dr, Mount Vernon May 12 12:24 a.m.—Information—Was intimidated by a subject at Twin Lakes Mobile Home Park around 6 or 7 this evening. Caller advised he didn’t want his kids around when he spoke with an officer so he had to wait to call—Busler’s, Evansville 8:52 a.m.—Welfare Check—80’s older Chevy pickup, one occupant. Advised subject has his head on the steering wheel— Hwy 69, New Harmony 12:04 p.m.—Traffic Hazard—The turning arrow in the westbound lane has a red arrow that caller advised he almost turned into the incoming traffic. Caller advised that the eastbound traffic is not stopping but the left turn arrow is red. Was advised this is a turn light and is meant for vehicles not to turn when red— St. Phillips Road and Hwy 62, Mount Vernon 2:12 p.m.—VIN Inspection—Utility trailer—St. Phillips Road S, Mount Vernon 3:17 p.m.—Alarm— Residence, burglary, great room—Ford N, Mount Vernon 3:55 p.m.—Reckless— Extended cab Dodge Ram, silver, cutting vehicles off— Wolfinger Road, Mount Vernon
PAGE C3 • MAY 15, 2012
Thank You
For Allowing Shrode Agency To Be Of Service To Posey County For Over 85 Years. REDUCED
D! L O S 6800 Laura Court 3 br, 2 1/2 ba, 1.21 A on lake $309,900. MLS #187185
8395 Bald Knob Rd. 3 br, 1 1/2 ba, pole barn, garage $79,900. MLS #188123
1512 Cole Avenue 3 br, 2 ba, 2-car garage $19,000. MLS #186723
1 Dogwood Place 4 br, 3. 2 ba, 3 car gar $474,900. MLS #176387
3860 E. Blackford Rd. 4 br, 5 ba, 1.147 acre $389,000. MLS #187633
230 W. 8th St. 3-5 br, bsmt, 2 car gar $68,500. MLS#185194
1251 Tanglewood 5 br, 3 1/2 ba, 1 1. 2 story brick $259,900. MLS #186391
1708 Greenbriar 5 br, 3 1/ 2 ba, updated kitchen $219,900. MLS #189381
5635 High Tower 4 br, 2 ba, 2.5 car garage $189,500. MLS #189396
3687 N Caborn Rd 3-5 br, 3 ba, 2 1/2 car gar $179,900. MLS #181939
300 Kennedy Drive 3 br, 2 1/2 ba, 4 1/2 car att gar. $169,900. MLS# 190819
D! L O S 6725 N Sauerkraut Lane 4 br, 3 ba, 10 acres $189,900. MLS #188883
D! L O S 745 W Hwy 62 3 br, 2 ba brick ranch $164,900. MLS #189256
2120 Bridges Lane 4-5 br, 3 ba, 4 car gar $159,900. MLS #185011
1229 Mockingbird 3 br, 2 ba, inground pool $154,900. MLS #184421
727 E. Lincoln 3 br, 2 ba, 1200 sq. ft. $59,000. MLS #187564
428 E. 4th St. Great Commercial Space $132,000. MLS #179774
745 Smith Road 3-4 br, 2 ba, full bsmt $105,900. MLS #177124
613 East 9th Street 3 br, 1 1/ 2 ba, close to scchools $89,900. MLS #189450
2500 Holler Road 3 br, 2 1/ 2 ba, 2 1/2 car gar $86,900. MLS #180644
115 N. Sawmill Remodeled 3 br, 1 1/2 ba $86,400. MLS #185911
626 Mulberry 3 br, 2 ba 2 1/2 car gar $84,900. MLS #180416
D! L O S 840 Magnolia 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths $94,500. MLS #188193
1620 Terrace Drive 4 br, 2 1/ 2 ba, 2 1/ 2 car gar $106,650. MLS #185638
Shrode Agency will match $1 for every $2 donated to the Mt. Vernon Food Pantry up to $1,000. Make checks payable to the Mt. Vernon Food Pantry and send them to: Shrode Agency Inc., PO Box 805, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 D! L O S 631 E 5th St 3 br, 2 full ba, lg kitchen $82,900. MLS #184203
1501 Greenfield Dr. 10.1 A building site with lake, private lane $79,900. MLS #183396
330 Vista 3 br, 1 1/2 ba, gar + full bsmt. $74,900. MLS #190710
6.636 Acres Off Middle Mt. Vernon Rd. $74,900. MLS #175052
1232 Oriole Circle 4 br, 3 ba, 2 1/ 2 car gar $149,900. MLS #184270
927 E. 5th Street 3-4 br, 1 1/ 2 ba, new roof & carpet $73,900. MLS #187601
1121 E. 2nd Street 2 br, 1 ba, large garage $47,500. MLS #187556
421 W 2nd Street 4 br, 1 ba, 1 1/ 2 car det gar $44,900. MLS #164847
1927 Hathaway 2 br, 1 ba, det gar $44,500. MLS #189392
D! L O S 408 Main St., Owensville 3 br, 1 ba, great garage $52,500. MLS #188698
423 Canal 3 br, 1 1/ 2 ba, det gar $50,900. MLS #184938
133 Cub Cove 2-3 br, 2 ba, 2000+ sq ft $239,900. MLS #184978
D! L O S 2623 Virginia Street 4 br, 1 ba, fenced yard $41,000. MLS #189404
227 Pearl 3 br, 1210 sq ft, det gar $39,900. MLS #164841
415 W. 3rd St. 4 br, 1 ba, 1532 sq ft $38,900. MLS #164844
2108 N. Heidelbach 4 br, 2 ba, two story home $32,500. MLS #189287
910 French Road 3 br, 2 ba, 1566 sq. ft. $29,000. MLS #187563
9201 Meghan Ct., Westside 3 br, 2 ba, 1865 sq ft $155,900. MLS #184668
3320 Lower New Harmony Rd 5+ acres off paved county road $27,900. MLS #188990
329 W. 8th Street Up to $3000 Closing Cost Allow. $17,000. MLS #177711
1112 W. 2nd St. 2 bedroom, 2 ba $16,900. MLS #164842
1102 / 1104 Locust St. Duplex with 2 br, 2 ba each unit $10,00. MLS #164846
501 Jackson Ave. 3 br, 1 ba, corner lot $4,900. MLS #189176
D! L O S 423 W 8th Street 2 br, 1 ba, new flooring $38,900. MLS #170492
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MAY 22, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ PAGE C4
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C&K INDUSTRIAL IS HIRING! â&#x20AC;˘ CDL â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bâ&#x20AC;? OPERATORS $15.50/hr â&#x20AC;˘ LABORERS $11.30/hr We offer advancement opportunity, paid training, 401k & medical benefits. Apply at: www.ckindustrial.com or send resume: jobs10@ckindustrial.com Drivers/Laborers Position Attn: 2019 South Kentucky St. Evansville, IN 47714 5/22 No phone calls please. EOE
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WAREHOUSE POSITION Full time position with a local firm, day shift. Must be detailed oriented. Responsibilities include Shipping, Receiving, Stocking and Packaging. 401k RETIREMENT PLAN MEDICAL & LIFE INSURANCE DENTAL INSURANCE PAID VACATION 8 PAID HOLIDAYS If you are looking for employment with good benefits and working conditions, come join our team! Apply in person with resumeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. 8900 Hwy 65. Cynthiana IN 47612 EOE
Equipment Company, Inc.
JL Farm Equipment, your local Case IH dealer, is accepting employment applications for an Agricultural Mechanic. Applicants must have their own tools and have an understanding of hydraulic and 12-volt electrical systems. The individual we are seeking will have a positive attitude and be willing to learn. Good communication and computer skills are preferred. This person will be responsible for working on all types of agriculture equipment both in the field and in the shop. JL Farm Equipment will offer the qualified individual a competitive starting salary plus several benefits including: medical insurance, 401K, paid vacation and holidays, overtime pay and uniforms. Interested applicants may apply in person, or send your resume by mail or email to: agshop@jlfarm.com 5/22
SERVER / PART-TIME KITCHEN HELP needed at Western Hills Country Club. Contact 812-8385/23 5631 for more info.
New Jobs â&#x20AC;&#x201C; New Wages â&#x20AC;&#x201C; New Opportunities
Experienced carpenter needed. Must have driver license & pass drug test. Job offers health & life insurance. Pay varies with experience. Apply at Shephard Services. 5/23
Temporary, Full & Part-Time Work Available! â&#x20AC;˘ SITE SUPERVISORS SECURITYâ&#x20AC;˘ OFFICERS ACCOUNT MANAGER â&#x20AC;˘
Apply online at www.securitasjobs.com EOE â&#x20AC;˘ M/F/D/V Questions? Call: (812) 477-8295
PRODUCTION COORDINATOR The successful candidate will have a B.S. degree, at least 5 years experience in manufacturing or social services field and supervisory experience. Individual will have a desire to assist individuals with disabilities to develop their vocational skills. Must have a working knowledge of Word and Excel. Qualified applicants may send resume to: Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center, 3701 Bellemeade Ave. Evansville, IN 47714, Attn: Human Resource Director Fax: 812-4372621 Email: TTaylor@evansvillerehab.com 5/29
Public Service Announcement
Pursuant to IC-32-34-1-28(a) legal notice is hereby given to the people and entities listed below who appear to be owners of unclaimed property, which is presumed to be abandoned and has been recently reported to the Indiana Attorney General's OďŹ&#x192;ce for the year 2010 only. Names and addresses that appear in this publication are listed alphabetically by the county of last known address on record, as submitted by the remitting holder. The website www.IndianaUnclaimed.com contains a complete list of all properties currently held by the state. Unclaimed Property is not physical real estate or vehicles. It is personal property or monies that have registered inactive in a holder's account (IC 32-34-1-8) for a set period of time. Such funds may include savings and checking account balances, unpaid wages, insurance proceeds, safe deposit box contents, stocks & dividends, and utility deposits. When attempts to contact the owner have been unsuccessful, the holder is required by law to report and remit the property to the Indiana Attorney Generalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s OďŹ&#x192;ce which will act as custodian of the funds for 25 years. Thereafter, all remaining unclaimed funds and obligations shall be transferred to the State's general fund. A person or entity having a legal interest in these properties may obtain more information by visiting www.IndianaUnclaimed.com or by calling the Attorney Generalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Unclaimed Property Division toll free at 1-866-IN-CLAIM (1-866-462-5246) for instructions on how to submit a claim. All claims must be supported by proof of rightful ownership or legitimate representation and state approved identiďŹ cation. Searching for and claiming property is a free public service provided by the Indiana Attorney General.
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Real Estate
For Rent / Lease Apartment Living At Its Best 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments 3 Bedroom Townhouses â&#x20AC;˘ Total Electric â&#x20AC;˘ Water Included â&#x20AC;˘ Appliances Furnished â&#x20AC;˘ Laundry Facility on Site â&#x20AC;˘ Rent Based on Income â&#x20AC;˘ Immediate Occupancy with Approved Application
Priced at $409,900 %$5% (/3(56 Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021; EDUE HOSHUV#HUD FRP
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Southwind Apartments 465 W. 9th St. Mt. Vernon, IN 47620
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New Home close to USI on one acre still in Posey County. Home has walk out basement with third bathroom roughed in. Custom cabinets. Ceramic in wet areas. Laundry room on main level . Lots of privacy. Room for barn or other out building. Just 199,900 Call Andy 449-8444
Indiana Classified Advertising Network (ICAN) Ads $1,200 New Driver bonus for CDL drivers! Great rates, quick settlement, flexible schedule. Call 1-866-7641601 or go to www.QualityDriveAway.com today! CLASS A CDL DRIVERS NEEDED Midwest Regional 38-40 CPM Paid Orientation Paid from 1st Dispatch Full Benefits $1,500 SIGN-ON ONLINE TRANSPORT 877997-8999 www.DriveForOnline.com Attention FLATBED Drivers: Great Starting Pay & Benefits. Fuel, Safety & Referral Bonuses. Home Weekends. Call & apply for a new career with gypsumexpress.com. 866-317-6556 ext. 7. DRIVERS! Stone Belt Freight puts drivers first!
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PLEASANTVIEW OF CYNTHIANA Nice, Safe, Clean Affordable Housing... See What We Have For You And Your Family!
Brick home 10 minutes west of Evansville in Eastlake Subdivision. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths with brick fireplace in large living room. Backyard is fenced and includes a yard barn and gazebo for enjoying the fall air. Home is vacant and available for immediate possession. $117,900 Call Tony 457-2643
* * * * * * * *
Andy Rudolph Tri County Realty T 1-812-449-8444 1-812-426-1426
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Competitive pay! Home weekends! Excellent Benefits! Pre-loaded trailers. Call Kelsy, 888-272-0961. Flatbed Drivers New Pay Scale - Start @ .37cpm. Up to .04cpm Mileage Bonus. Home Weekends. Insurance & 401K. Apply @ Boydandsons.com 800-648-9915 25 Driver Trainees Needed! Learn to drive for Stevens
Automobiles 2010 Star Cart Qualifies as low speed vehicle. Excellent condition Dark Blue. $5,500 OBO. 812-4993749 6/5
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The solution to last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s puzzle:
The family of Paul Malone would like to thank the nurses and staff at New Harmonie Healthcare for the love, kindness and compassion they showed to our loved one. Also a thank you to Doctor Burkett, and our family, friends and neighbors who sent flowers, brought food, and stood by us through this difficult time... God bless all of you. SINCERELY MRS. NADINE MALONE AND ALL THE CHILDREN
Furniture QUEEN PILLOW TOP mattress set. Brand New. In plastic $129 Sacrifice 812-401-4675
Full or Twin Pillow Top mattress set. New. $109 Can deliver 812-483-5029
8Pc. Bedroom Set. Still in boxes. Cherry finish. Includes Queen Pillow Top mattress set. $659 812-483-5029
King Pillow Top mattress set New! w/warranty $219 812401-4675
Cherry Sleigh Bed. Solid Wood Queen pillow top mattress set. Sacrifice $399 812598-3268
6Pc Living Room SOFA LOVESEAT RECLINER Stain resistant. Micro-Fiber. All New! Can separate $679 812483-3570
Crossword of the Week CLUES ACROSS 1. One point E of due S 4. Picture border 7. Having negative qualities 10. Inner surface of the hand 12. Spanish appetizers 14. Large burrowing rodent of S and C Am. 15. A profane state 16. Sharp narrow mountain ridge 17. Cain and __ 18. Tranquil, calm 20. Removes writing 22. A Mississippi tributary 23. Exactly suitable 24. Extended blockade 26. Encomium 29. Dreaming eye movement 30. Principle vein 35. Japanese apricot 36. ___ Speedwagon: band 37. Fish eggs 38. Ethiopian capital 43. Considerate care 44. Units of loudness 45. Yemen capital 48. Body fluid circulation tube 49. Actress Lupino 50. Gets up 53. Moved contrary to the current
56. Stretched tight 57. Dark brownish black 59. Syrian goat hair fabrics 61. One of the Great Lakes 62. Gull-like jaegers 63. Taps gently 64. Hamiltonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bill 65. One point N of due E 66. No (Scottish) CLUES DOWN
1. Seaport (abbr.) 2. Bleats 3. Czech & German River 4. Female horse 5. Large tailless primate 6. Modern London gallery 7. Baseballâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ruth 8. Breezes through 9. Decaliter 11. Genus uria 12. Built for two
13. Mexican menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shawl 14. Pale & soft in color 19. Records the brainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s electric currents 21. Three banded armadillo 24. Plant germ 25. Relating to imides 27. Main artery 28. City in north-central Zambia 29. Royal Military Academy 31. Shape of a sphere 32. Earl Grey or Orange Pekoe 33. Fireplace shelf 34. Old world, new 39. Request attendance 40. Oceans 41. Determine the court costs of 42. Digressions 46. Form a sum 47. Greek river nymphs 50. Swiss river 51. Laying waste 52. Japanese rice beer 53. Ardor 54. Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1st UN delegate 55. Aba ____ Honeymoon 56. Vietnamese offensive 58. Slang term for man or boy 60. Point midway between S and SE
PAGE C6 • MAY 22, 2012
Steve and Mary Ann Fuelling work behind the scenes for Mount Vernon Steve and Mary Ann (Lang) Fuelling have extended deep roots in Mount Vernon, choosing to remain in their birthplace. Raised in rural Mount Vernon, Mary Ann moved with her husband and children onto Mulberry Street and has lived there, in one home or another, ever since. A townie, Steve and his nine siblings were born and raised right in the city limits. Both are retired teachers from the Metropolitan School District of Mount Vernon. Mary Ann taught 5th grade at West until 2005, just a few years after Steve retired in 2001 from 30 years of teaching mathematics at Mount Vernon High School. Now, they work tirelessly behind the scenes to help create a hometown in which all residents can take pride. Now in his fifth year (the start of his second elected term) as city councilman, Steve remains grateful to have served on the riverfront silo demolition committee with fellow members Joe Winiger and Steve Koenig. His reward was seeing the silos come down last year after two years of work to help secure donations and a grant to cinch the project. Likewise, he has been instrumental, if invisible to the public, in the very visible beautification of the riverfront, Phase 1 and Phase 2—the landscaping of the garden terraces and now the building of the amphitheater. Along
with Mike Smith of Vectren and Terry Gottman of Gottman Electric in Mount Vernon, for example, Steve made sure the riverfront shone even in the darkness with the installation of street lights along the ever-expanding park. In addition, he has literally spent time in the trenches as street chairman for city council, taking a handson approach to understanding the projects of city street commissioner Roy Maynard. “When I ran for city council,” Steve comments, “I had two goals. I wanted to save the city money wherever I could and to help take the burden off the Mayor, no matter the political party in power.” Likewise, Mary Ann has pulled her own duty in the trenches. A member of the Mount Vernon Garden Club, she is also a founding member of the Main Street Tree Committee, working closely with Vectren, Sabic and individual donors to bring over 40 trees to the city in the past two years alone. She serves also on the Southwest Indiana Azalea Trail Project, which has placed 300 azaleas at the sites of public nonprofit organizations around town since 2010 and is working on establishing an azalea walking path through downtown. Her work continues in maintaining the trees and plants. She, Judy Heberer and Cindy Naab must often clean the dirt out from under their nails: they weed and
water, fertilize and mulch all the greenery and flowers. Along with Steve, Mary Ann also completed the course at Wesselman Park Nature Center to become a Master Naturalist, putting in hours of volunteer work, primarily at Harmonie State Park. Married 16 years, the Fuellings choose to stay in the great outdoors even in their leisure. They love spending time with
their blended family of four children and seven grandchildren at the rustic cabin Steve built in Robinson Township. They maintain and enjoy walking the grounds, where they planted 400 trees. Another passion for Steve is long distance motorcycle riding. As anyone can see, the Fuellings’ retirement hasn’t meant they lead retiring lives.
Above Left: Siron Creswell and George Hawkins spend Friday Morning fishing at the Mount Vernon Riverfront. Above Right: Andrew Maynard, Walker Ousley, Tyson Boerner, Elijah Maynard, Gabi Boerner and Katie Ousley visit Sherburne Park in Mount Vernon for a fun time on the playground followed by a picnic. Photos on this page by Zach Straw. See more of these sets on our Facebook page! Below: Katie Ousley smiles big before the picnic on Friday morning.
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Or Purchase for $20,925* 2.9% APR for up to 60 Months* available
5600 Division Street • Evansville, IN • www.kennykent.com • 1-800-321-5368
*Camry LE - Lease for 36 months. $0 down payment, $0 Security Deposit. First month’s lease payment, plus tax, license and one time charge of $99.50 dealer fee due a signing. Or choose 2.9% for 60 months with 60 monthly payments of $17.95 for each $1,000 borrowed. FWD, 4 cylinder, 6 speed automatic. With approved credit. In stock units only, prices/payments/leases after all available rebates. Cash back incentives, special TMCC leases,TMCC aprs and Manufacturer’s Rebates may not be combined. Dealer keeps all applicable Toyota rebates and incentives. Dealer not responsible for printing/pricing errors. **Available on the purchase or lease of a New untitled Toyota Camry (excluding Hybrid models), Corolla, Matrix, RAV4, Tacoma or Yaris qualify for the College Graduate $1,000 Rebate Program, for people with a qualifying degree earned in the past 2 years. Rebate must be used as down payment or applied to the ‘Amount Due at Lease Signing or Delivery.’ No money down and no monthly payments for the first 90 days on select finance programs on all new untitled Toyota vehicles. Terms and restrictions apply. See your participating dealer for details. Offer ends 01/02/13. †Complimentary Auto Care Maintenance Program Provided by Toyota Financial Services with purchase or lease of any new Toyota. Covers normal factory scheduled service. Plan is 2 years or 25k miles, whichever comes first. The new Toyota vehicle cannot be part of a rental or commercial fleet or a livery or taxi vehicle. See participating Toyota dealer for details. Expires 05/31/12.