“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.” Since 1882 ~ Successor to The Poseyville News and The New Harmony Times • New Harmony, Indiana Posey County’s locally-owned newspaper
Tuesday October 12, 2010
Volume 129 Edition 41
Kershaw faces 60 years in death of Posey Co. man
Flag ceremony set Troop #386 and the American Legion will be having a flag retirement ceremony for American and MIA-POW flags at the Scout Cabin in Murphy Park on November 6, 2010. If you have any flags you can drop them off at 912 E. Steammill or at the American Legion.
Oak Grove meeting The annual Oak Grove Cemetery meeting will be Monday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. at the Old Union Christian Church.
Help your local Fire Dept. The Poseyville Volunteer Fire Department needs public support to apply for a grant for a new rescue truck. The public hearing will be held on Tuesday, October 12, at 6:30 p.m. in the Poseyville Community Center. This is the second time the fire department has applied for the grant. The public is urged to attend to express the need for this new truck. A decision will be made in early December whether the fire department will be awarded the grant or not.
Former Mount Vernon school teacher Nonie Robison shows off one of the books written on Mount Vernon’s Robin Hill during this weekend’s open house to benefit Young Life. The public turned out to support the event as over one thousand people toured the home over Saturday and Sunday. Photo by Dave Pearce
Demo women to meet The Posey County Democratic Women’s Club will hold its Democrat Rally and Chicken Supper on Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010, at 6:30 p.m., at the VFW Post in Wadesville. Bob Deig, Democratic candidate for State Representative, District 76, will be the featured speaker. All Democratic candidates will be introduced. Everyone is invited to attend. Tickets for the meal are $2 and may be purchased from Democratic precinct committeepersons or candidates or may be purchased at the door.
Tri Kappa sales begin Tri Kappa Gamma PSI Sorority is currently selling Pecans and Nuts again this year. All proceeds go directly back into the community to assist local families and projects year around. All nuts come in a one-pound resealable bag and can be frozen easily. Prices are as follows: Pecan Halves $9, Pecan Pieces $8.50, Chocolate Pecans $9, White Chocolate Pecans $9, Praline Pecans $9, Cashews $9, and Roasted & Salted Pecans $9 Orders will be taken until November 1. Delivery will occur after November 18. Payment is due on November 1. For more information, call Amber Doty at 838-5494 to place an order.
Harvest weekend crafts The Harvest Weekend Craft Fair, scheduled for October 16 at Harmonie State Park is rapidly approaching. The event will be held from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the Harmonie State Park Pool parking lot. There will be crafts, food, lots of activities, a Dutch oven cookoff, a petting zoo, as well as free activities for children. Local fire departments will host activities and antique tractors will be on display. The gate fee will be $3 for everyone on that Saturday. Hayrides will be available in the campground from 6 until 9 p.m. A live band will be playing at the pool during the show. Everyone is welcome!
Elks offer scholarships The Elks National Foundation will award 500 Most Valuable Student scholarships to deserving high school seniors across the United States. Applications may be downloaded from www.elks.org/enf/ scholars. All completed applications must be received on or before December 1, 2010. Completed applications can be dropped off at the Mount Vernon Elks Lodge at 131 E. Fourth Street between 4 and 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. They may be also be mailed to: Connie Seifert, 5411 Waterstone Drive, Mount Vernon, IN 47620 Questions, please call Connie at 985-0877. High school guidance counselors have been given information packets for these awards also.
Tonya and Trey Huber (L) with NHS homebound teacher Rita Reynolds get back together after the Hubers returned from the Grand Canyon. Photo by Pam Robinson.
Huber enjoys trip of a lifetime By Pam Robinson New Harmony sixth grader Trey Huber paid a rare visit to his class on Thursday, September 23, to share photos and information and souvenirs from his recent Grand Canyon trip—a wish granted by Evansville’s Wish Upon A Star organization. The community celebrated as the 11-year-old and his parents, Kevin and Tonya, left from New Harmony School in a limousine for Evansville’s Dress Regional Airport on Monday, September 13, headed to Grand Canyon Resort, where they stayed until the following Sunday, September 19. Trey reported on his three major activities during his week-long stay at the Grand Canyon: the desert view from a glass enclosed tower along the canyon rim, a two-hour horseback riding excursion at the resort, and a day-long safari in nearby Camp Verde, Ariz. Although he had emailed photos and Skyped his classmates and homebound teacher, Rita Reynolds, during his trip, they listened attentively as he described climate and canyon, landforms and lizards. He ended his presentation by giving each of his classmates a rock from the area
and his teacher a rock keychain. Reynolds offers cutting edge education year-round through Skype and email to Trey, whose condition causes him to tire easily and to be susceptible to infection. Diagnosed with common variable immune deficiency, or CVID, in spring this year, Trey’s body doesn’t make antibodies. His mom Tonya says, for example, just a day at by the pool exhausts him. His fatigue prevented him from making the trek down into the Grand Canyon. Still, he delighted in spotting the Colorado River looking like a snake from an observation tower and in his brief night-time jeep ride around the rim. Likewise, he enjoyed his horseback outing, but it paled in comparison to the Camp Verde safari. Trey fed white tigers, laughed when Chili Pepper the ostrich nibbled at his mom’s pants and marveled at Boom Boom the rhinoceros, his favorite animal on the safari. As a VIP guest, he even ate lunch with select animals, including goats in a pen next to him
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New Harmony hopeful for grant By Pam Robinson New Harmony community leaders and residents turned out in full support on Monday, October 4, for the second public hearing regarding the grant application for the proposed new fire and emergency medical services station. The application will be submitted to the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs, or OCRA, on October 22. Grant award announcements will be made December 10. New Harmony residents are encouraged to send letters of support for the grant application by October 19 to New Harmony Clerk-Treasurer Karla Atkins at P.O. Box 340, New Harmony, Ind. 47631. The application is the second New Harmony has submitted to ask for funding of the fire and emergency medical services station. If successful, the Town will receive $500,000 from OCRA and will supply $146,700 in matching funds for a total project cost of $646,700. According to documents distributed at the hearing, all of the $500,000 grant will be used for construction costs. The $146,700 matching funds will be used as follows: $54,800 for constructions costs; $46,900 for professional fees; $5,000 for labor
On October 5, 2010, a Mount Vernon man was sentenced in Clark Superior Court. Judge Vicki L. Carmichael conducted a sentencing hearing in the Clark Superior Court. She considered letters from the David family and from Lisa Kershaw, On November 21, 2009, officers responded to 420 Coronado, Mount Vernon, Indiana. Officers found the body of Jon David on the floor of the master bedroom. Lisa Kershaw was interviewed. She related that her ex-husband Lee Kershaw had entered the home in the early morning hours and opened fire. The weapon was later determined to be SKS Rifle. Five shots were fired into the bed and headboard. Taylor Rogers, Kershaw’s 17year- old-son, was present in the home at the time of the shooting. Lee Kershaw fled the jurisdiction eventually going to Acapulco, Mexico. He turned himself into authorities and was transported to Phoenix Arizona where he made a confession to the police regarding the shooting. The case was transferred to the Clark County Superior Court, Judge Carmichael, due to pre-trial publicity. Kershaw was charged with Murder and Attempted Murder. Murder has a possible range of penalties from 45 to 65 years with an advisory sentence of 55 years. Attempted Murder has a penalty range of from 20 to 50 years. Defense counsel offered several reports from Dr. Louis Cady during the progression of the case, asking for additional mental health testing. On August 24, 2010, Kershaw pled guilty to Voluntary Manslaughter and Attempted Voluntary Manslaughter. Both crimes have a possible penalty range of 20 to 50 years with an advisory sentence of 30 years. William Gooden, defense counsel, argued for a mitigated sentence and concutent time. He listed the statutory mitigators which he believed applied in the case. He also quoted extensively from reports prepared by Dr. Cady. Jodi Uebelhack, Prosecutor, provided the Court with a Sentencing Recommendation listing the aggravators and mitigators that applied in the case. The State requested an advisory sentence of thirty years for each crime. The State argued that those sentences should run consecutive due to multiple victims. The State noted that Mr. Kershaw’s mental health status was considered at the time the State agreed to pleas to Voluntary Manslaughter and not Murder. Kershaw should not be entitled to additional mitigation for his psychiatric disorder. Judge Carmichael cited that a child under the age of 18 was present in the home at the time of the crime as an aggravating factor. She found that Kershaw’s lack of a prior criminal record was a mitigator. She found that they balanced each other out and sentenced Kershaw to the advisory sentence of thirty years for each count. She found on the record that his mental health status was not entitled to any further mitigation because it was taken into account in the plea negotiation. Judge Carmichael ordered the sentences to run consecutive for a total of 60 years due to multiple victims.
Chili cook-off set New Harmony Parks, Recreation and Tree Board is stirring up competition with its Chili Cook-Off and Arbor Day celebration Saturday afternoon, October 16, in Murphy Park. Nine local teams have signed on to dice, spice and serve home-made chili for the Parks Board’s fundraising event. The public is invited to Murphy Park for the Arbor Day Celebration and tree-planting at 3 p.m., Saturday, followed by the official chili taste-and-vote at 5 p.m. The golf-cart and familyfriendly event offers food, drinks, games, music and a bonfire.
standards; $2,000 for environmental review; and $38,000 for administration. The $146,700 in matching funds will be provided by the Town General Funds ($133,200) and by the Posey County Community Foundation ($13,500). Debbie Bennett-Stearsman of the Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana facilitated the hearing, opening the floor first to Bud Erny of Erny & Associates, P.C., the Vincennes architect for the project. Then, she held the microphone for each supporter to speak, ensuring all comments would be heard for the record. The minutes of the hearing as well as the entire application for OCRA will be available on October 22 at New Harmony Town Hall. Erny discussed the floor plan for the proposed steel frame structure. The fire and ambulance station is, he said, almost a cube, measuring 82 x 80 with a total of 6,560 sq. ft. He explained that 4,388 sq. ft. will be used for apparatus and will feature three drive-through bays. The administrative area will be 26x82, with two separate entrances for fire and emergency medical person-
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Inside this issue...
(USPS 439-500)
Retrospective................ A5 Community........... A7 Social..................... A6 Legals...................... B9-10 Deaths................... A3 Sports.................. B1-8 Classifieds ............. B11-13 School................... A8 Business/Ag .......... A9
Mount Vernon drum major Andrew Abad presents the Best Drum Major award to North Posey’s drum major after the Mount Vernon Marching Band Invitational on Saturday morning. Photo by Dave Koch
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