“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.” Since 1882 ~ Successor to The Poseyville News and The New Harmony Times • New Harmony, Indiana Posey County’s locally-owned newspaper
(USPS 439-500)
Tuesday October 26, 2010
Volume 129 Edition 43
Ambulance talk dominates county meeting Flag ceremony set Troop #386 and the American Legion will be having a flag retirement ceremony for American and MIA-POW flags at the Scout Cabin in Murphy Park on November 6, 2010 at 3:30. If you have any flags you can drop them off at 912 E. Steammill or at the American Legion.
Tri Kappa sales begin Tri Kappa Gamma PSI Sorority is currently selling Pecans and Nuts again this year. All proceeds go directly back into the community to assist local families and projects year around. All nuts come in a one-pound resealable bag and can be frozen easily. Prices are as follows: Pecan Halves $9, Pecan Pieces $8.50, Chocolate Pecans $9, White Chocolate Pecans $9, Praline Pecans $9, Cashews $9, and Roasted & Salted Pecans $9 Orders will be taken until November 1. Delivery will occur after November 18. Payment is due on November 1. For more information, call Amber Doty at 838-5494 to place an order.
By Dave Pearce Full time ambulance service throughout Posey County continued to be a point of interest and perhaps even contention at this week’s Posey County Commissioner’s meeting. Some northern Posey County residents were joined at Tuesday’s meeting by Marrs Township Fire Department representative Larry Schenk as a discussion continued on the recent shuffle of ambulance service between the two stations. Church Pearison, representing residents of northern Posey County, asked the commissioners what
played in the decision to take the ambulance out of Poseyville for even part time. Another northern Posey resident Greg Foster appeared and told the commissioners that he had suffered a heart attack at the corner of Highway 165 and High School Road and had it not been for the prompt response of the ambulance service, he indicated he would not be there addressing the group. Cynthiana resident Rex Yarbor was also on hand to express his belief that the county needs to strongly reconsider the decision not to have the ambulance in Poseyville full time.
Pearison indicated a time line since 1975, when funeral directors discontinued ambulance service to Posey County. He said that in Octo-
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Technology updates are OK’d By Dave Pearce While the discussion of the ambulance in Poseyville devoured most of the first hour of the Posey County Commissioners’ meeting on Tuesday, the discussion eventually gave way to talk of bringing Posey County “up to snuff” technologically. While hearing members of the head table’s words has always been a problem at the Hovey House meeting room, the Posey County Commis-
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New Harmony Town Council called sideshow circus, legal action vowed
Elks offer scholarships The Elks National Foundation will award 500 Most Valuable Student scholarships to deserving high school seniors across the United States. Applications may be downloaded from www.elks.org/enf/ scholars. All completed applications must be received on or before December 1, 2010. Completed applications can be dropped off at the Mount Vernon Elks Lodge at 131 E. Fourth Street between 4 and 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. They may be also be mailed to: Connie Seifert, 5411 Waterstone Drive, Mount Vernon, IN 47620 Questions, please call Connie at 985-0877. High school guidance counselors have been given information packets for these awards also.
MVHS needs costumes The MVHS Theater is seeking donations of adult period clothing and accessories (hats, shoes, coats, gloves, costume jewelry, etc.). Men’s clothing is especially needed. We will gladly take apparel from any time period, but for the next musical, our focus is on 1890’s-style western clothing and 1950’s evening wear. Please call Teresa Bloodworth (204-1843) or Regina Maier (4300250) for more information.
Trick or treat at St. Francis Everyone is invited to come Trunk or Treat with us on Halloween from 2 - 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 31 at St. Francis Church parking lot in Poseyville. Vote on your favorite decorated vehicle and visit the many vehicles on hand for your safe candy treats! Want to decorate your vehicle and participate also? Contact Jeri Ziliak at 449-7445.
Nathan Schening wasn’t clowning around when painting a pumpkin Saturday afternoon at the Annual Pumpkin Festival held in the Mount Vernon Park & Recreation Community Center. Nathan was awarded Best Overall in the costume contest. Photo by Pam Robinson.
Football gesture praised by board By Pam Robinson It’s news that bears repeating: Mount Vernon High School football coach Paul Maier, his coaching staff and his team deserve the recognition bestowed on them for their great display of character and sportsmanship at the Friday, October 15, home game against Jasper High School. Superintendent Tom Kopatich commended Maier, the staff and players with a viewing at the Monday, October 18, meeting of the Mount Vernon School Board of the YouTube video that captured the event. Prepared by Jasper as a tribute to the entire Mount Vernon football club, the video features a jubilant Zach
Beckman, Jasper’s “Z-Man,” spiking the ball as he runs 59 yards to score a touchdown against Mount Vernon. The moment was heartwarming for the Jasper community since Beckman is a special player with Down’s syndrome. The touchdown is the highlight of his football career. The video is still available for viewing at www.youtube.com when Zach Beckman is entered in the search box. At the Monday night board meeting, Superintendent Kopatich said he had already received over 30 emails celebrating Maier, his coaching staff and team.
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Canned good needed The North Posey High School National Honor Society will be Trick or Treating for Canned Goods Wednesday, October 27 in the evening. All goods will go to a local food bank.
‘Cat band boosters meet The Mount Vernon Band Boosters will meet Tuesday, November 2 at 7 p.m. in the high school band room. This will be the last meeting before the marching band goes to Mid-States Finals in Cincinatti on November 6. Parents of all marching band members are asked to attend.
Graves to speak Sherri Graves of the Workingmen’s Institute in New Harmony will be the guest speaker at the regular monthly meeting of the Posey County Historical Society on Saturday, October 30. The meeting will take place at Alexandrian Public Library in Mt. Vernon at 10 a.m. All members, as well as friends, are invited to attend.
Kelli Alldredge takes a break with Boogar (L) and Big Max (R), star obedience dogs from the Tri-State K-9 University founded by Bobbi Jo Bottomley. The trio provided higher education for canines at the Annual Posey Humane Society Tails & Trails Dog Walk at Harmonie State Park on Saturday. Photo by Pam Robinson.
Inside this issue...
ber of 1975, following much study and discussion, an ambulance was delivered to Posey County and that the Town of Poseyville agreed to
Retrospective................ A5 Community........... A7 Social..................... A6 Legals...................... B7-9 Deaths................... A3 Sports.................. B1-6 Classifieds ............. B10-12 School................... A8 Business/Ag .......... A9
By Pam Robinson Once again last Thursday evening, New Harmony resident Gary Owen sought to change the New Harmony Town Council’s decision denying him a sewer fee waiver for property at 1115 Linwood Avenue. Owen brought photos of another resident’s structure excluded from the sewer fee that he says is similar to the one on his own property. After brief discussion among Owen, council and Town Attorney Nathan Maudlin, Maudlin addressed Owen: “You’re saying that your situation is similar to this one here that you brought the pictures of, and this person was granted a waiver and you were not. Is that a correct statement of your issue?” Owen agreed. “And what I’m saying,” Maudlin answered, “is that the board made a finding that this was not an improved lot because of that structure not being permanent whereas in your situation, they made a finding that your lot is improved because the structure is permanent.” He answered Owen that the finding was made based upon personal knowledge. Councilwoman Karen Walker explained that every lot and every building in question were visited in over a year of research. Walker said there were discrepancies in the way sewer fees had been charged and council was seeking to make charges fair to everyone. “I’m just going to be up front and tell you I’m going to pursue legal action,” Owen responded. Councilwoman Walker acknowledged that Owen had told council his intentions at last month’s council meeting, and council was expecting legal action. Discussion ended when Owen left, saying, “This is a big sideshow circus. All you need is a tent for the bearded lady and a bear on a bicycle.” In other business: •The board granted sewer fee waivers to Historic New Harmony for a number of unimproved lots on Arthur, Church, North and Tavern streets. It was agreed sewer fees applied to 409 Church Street. •Renetta Baer presented the board with a plan for housing and sterilizing feral cats in New Harmony. The plan is under review. •The board named David VanLaningham and David Cartlidge to the Maple Hill Cemetery Board. •Greg Wilson was thanked for putting in the flagpole and replacing the flag when necessary (three times so far) at the Maple Hill Cemetery. Wilson performs these acts of kindness at his own expense. •It was announced that New Harmony is one of three towns chosen by the State of Indiana to have an updated inventory of street trees next May and June. •The street department asks for patience in the collection of leaves, hampered by the dry weather conditions. In addition, it was announced that the restrooms at Murphy Park will close again this year in Novem-
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