September 14 2010

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KUSTFEST in New Harmony: September 18th & 19th See pages A13-14 for map.


“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.” Since 1882 ~ Successor to The Poseyville News and The New Harmony Times • New Harmony, Indiana Posey County’s locally-owned newspaper

(USPS 439-500)

Tuesday September 14, 2010

Volume 129 Edition 37

Mixed feelings greet Aventine completion PCCF benefit auction set Join your friends at the Posey County Community Foundation for the first annual benefit auction, For Good, For Ever on October 28 at 5:30 p.m. at the Posey County Community Center. Help celebrate with foundation board members and other attendees who are committed to our community’s future. Tickets are $25 per person. Ticket includes dinner and entertainment with a cash bar. Get yours by stopping by the Foundation office, calling 812-838-0288, or online at our website

By Dave Pearce When the Aventine Ethanol production plant goes on line in late September, not everyone in Posey County will be thrilled. While most (if not all) are happy to have the additional 55 jobs the plant will bring to the county, many will be sorry to see the 290 to 300 construction workers at the plant leave their community. A new Chinese restaurant has gotten a healthy start due to its proximity to the worksite. Other established restaurants and grocers will also miss the workers, as will the two Mount Vernon motels who have housed many of the workers

who have been on the project for the past few months. Local businesses and suppliers have felt the positive effects of the project at a time when the economy was not so bright. “I’m anxious to get the reports and see what effect the workers have had on the local sales tax revenue,” See said. “I will go out on a limb and say that I believe we are going to see a pretty large increase in sales taxes in this area in the time these workers have been here.” But Site Supt. Jeff See indicated on Wednesday morning the water tanks at the site are now filled with Mount Vernon City Water and the

first 35 workers (Under Phase One) have been hired and are already in training on-site. They will have six to eight weeks of training. Phase Two of the plan calls for the doubling of the plant’s capacity. But according to See, current market conditions could mean that the next phase of the plant could be quite a ways down the road. “Gasoline has decreased and oil is lower than it was back in 2007,” See said. “Right now there’s a 10 percent wall on the blend content of ethanol. We’re hoping that we can get a favorable EPA ruling sometime in 2011, so we can see that number go up to 12 or maybe even

The Mount Vernon High School Class of 1961 will meet on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall of the First Presbyterian Church of Mount Vernon, 120 E. Sixth Street to plan the 50th Reunion. Please contact one of the following classmates if you have any questions: Ruth (Jeffries) Fosse at 812-422-5609, Diane (Feldbusch) Heberer at 812-838-0154, or Sondra (Naab) McNamara at 812-838-4020.

Annexation also becomes an issue

By Pam Robinson The Mount Vernon School Board renewed the district’s group insurance plans for the 2010-11 plan year at the Tuesday, September 7, meeting. Director of Business and Technology, Loren Evans, brought the news of a rate increase for both health and dental insurance. The increase will mean finding another $25,000 in the General Fund since

By Valerie Werkmeister A shortfall in ambulance coverage has raised the ire of members of the Poseyville Town Council. During their regular meeting Wednesday, September 8, council member, Ron Fallowfield, voiced his concerns about the current time coverage Poseyville and other northen Posey County communities are slated. Fallowfield explained that every week, Poseyville is left without an ambulance for two, 24-hour shifts and one, eight-hour shift. During that time, the ambulance is at Marrs Elementary. Posey County has a total of three ambulances that service the entire county. One ambulance stays in the south end covering Mount Vernon. The other ambulance is in New Harmony, which leaves the third to split time between Marrs and Poseyville. Fallowfield recently expressed his concerns to the Posey County Commissioners. He stated he received an e-mail noting the commissioners are pleased with the current set-up and do not plan to make any changes. “Marrs is seven miles from Evansville. We, at the north end, are the furthest from the hospital. When someone is in need of an ambulance here, we have to wait 20-23 minutes for them to come from Marrs and then there’s another 20-25 minute drive to the closest hospital in Evansville,” Fallowfield said. Poseyville Town Council President Bruce Baker shared his sentiments. “We, the members of the Poseyville Town Council, want better service for Poseyville and the surrounding area. We are just asking that they do something better,” Baker said. Julie Mayo announced that gas rates decreased 22 percent. The new rate will be effective for the consumption months of August, September and October. In addition to this month’s bill, Poseyville utility patrons will receive letters regarding the upcoming leaf removal. Residents should rake leaves to street curbs and not directly into the street. Anyone caught violating this request may face a fine. The Utility Department will have a booth set-up at the Autumnfest. Mayo stated that people are encouraged to stop by after Sunday’s parade to register for a chance to win a Feed Mill gift certificate. Preliminary plans are already underway for the Safe Routes to School program. The council learned last month that they had been awarded $150,000 in grant money to construct sidewalks, a marked school zone and install flashing lights.

Continued on Page A8

Continued on Page A8

Cook-off with apples

Cruise-in planned Kiwanis Club of Poseyville will have a Cruise In on Saturday, September 25 starting at 6 pm in the North Elementary parking lot. The first 25 vehicles will receive dash plaques. For more information please contact Matt at 874-2024

Imagination Station Imagination Station’s 10th anniversary is here! The playground fund is accepting baskets, gift cards, etc for silent auction & rededication party at Alexandrian Public Library Sept. 26. Please contact me to make a donation to help with its upkeep. The playground has provided 10 years of service for families to date and hopefully, we will be able to sustain its existence for many more years. We already have commitments for baskets from some businesses and candidates. This opportunity to open to everyone. We would use your help. Thank you for your consideration.

Tercera to sponsor The Tercera Club will be sponsoring the Poseyville Autumn Fest Flea Market & Bake Sale to benefit North Posey Scholarships on Saturday, September 25, from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. at 32 NW Locust Street.

MVHS Class of ‘50 meets The Mount Vernon Senior High School Class of 1950 will be having their sixty class reunion on Saturday, September 25 at the Moose Lodge in Mount Vernon. Pictures and punch will be at 5:30 p.m. with the dinner following at 6 p.m. If you would like to attend, please contact Wanda Griess at 838-3518 to make your reservations.

The 2010 Little Miss River Days Autumn Schaffe, daughter of Denny and Angie Schaffer, and 2010 Little Mister River Days Tyler Roos, son of Brian and Cheryl Roos. Photo by Terri Koch

High School Road may get attention By Dave Pearce Anyone who has traveled High School Road at North Posey High School is aware that the road is unsafe. Little to no shoulder in places on an already-narrow road does and should cause concern for parents and students alike who travel the road regularly. Accidents on the stretch have gotten the attention of the Posey County Commissioners. Steve Schenk, over Posey County’s roads, has asked the commissioners to look into getting financial help to solve the problem. The first step to getting some sort of funding

through the Local Technical Assistance Program is a Road Safety Audit. The audit was performed on August 24 and to no one’s surprise, the road was found to have plenty of room for improvements. Findings included the need for: 1. Pavement markings are worn beyond visible. 2. School zone speed reductions. 3. Stop signs in appropriate places. Other things were cited as well. Shoulder improvements should be

Continued on Page A8

Elizabeth Cox

Mount Vernon looks for truancy solution By Pam Robinson While the Mount Vernon school board continues to look for ways to use monies efficiently, the district felt even more effects of state funding cuts recently. MSD Mount Vernon School Supt. Tom Kopatich noted the district no longer has an attendance officer. Those responsibilities have been added to the load for assistant principals and school social workers. He is hopeful Check and Connect will help with lower the district’s 6 percent dropout rate since 2 to 3 percent of that rate is attributed to truancy. The board approved a new program, Check and Connect, for the Mount Vernon High School during this week’s meeting.. Check and Connect will be started in collaboration with the federally funded Safe Schools Healthy Students program as well as the Mount Vernon Police Department, or MVPD, and will address school attendance issues. Captain Dana Allyn of the MVPD and a social work intern at the University of Southern

Indiana will serve in the role of attendance monitor. No General Fund monies will be used since the Safe Schools Healthy Students initiative is providing reimbursement up to $5,000 to the Mount Vernon Police Department for Allyn’s on-duty time. Kopatich expects Allyn to work with 15 to 20 students and their families. Likewise, the board applauded Sheila Stewart after her announcement that church leaders and community organizations, including Youth Emergency Services, or YES, the YMCA and Big Brothers Big Sisters, will open a family resource center for at-risk students and their families. Volunteers will meet with students at the Alexandrian Public Library every Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Stewart said the center will provide tutoring and counseling services. Kopatich encouraged Stewart to contact Dr. Cynthia Smith, the Director of the Safe Schools Healthy Students program, and offered his help if needed.

Schools feel Unidentified man jumps from bridge more ripples By Dave Pearce The name had not been reOn Monday morning, Sept. leased at press time, however, 13, 2010, emergency personnel a check of the Indiana Vander- from state cuts from Posey County responded to a call at the Wabash River Bridge in New Harmony. Reportedly, an unknown subject had parked his car on the bridge and had jumped off the bridge. According to a Posey County Sheriff’s Deputy at the scene, local ambulance personnel had arrived prior to law enforcement and the man had swam to shore and had been taken to Deaconess Hospital in Evansville.

burgh county license plate came back to a resident of Libertyville, Ill. Upon closer examination, the plate was traced to a residence on Brooklyn Street in Evasnville. According to the deputy, the individual had been seen New harmony’s Maple Hill Cemetery just moments before the man had jumped from the bridge. The incident remains under investigation.

Inside this issue...


Continued on Page A2

Poseyville Council is upset about part time ambulance

Class of ‘61 to meet

This year’s theme for the recipe bake off will be apple! It will be on Sat., September 25. Entries will be accepted from 9-11:30 am with judging at noon. Must have apple as one of the ingredients. Please bring your finished entry to the Poseyville Community Center. Only entries presented on disposable containers will be accepted. Exhibitors name and phone number must be clearly marked on the bottom of the container. The judges will select the top three entries. Prizes will be awarded. All entries will become property of the Kiwanis for sale in slices or pieces after the judging. The judge’s decision is final. Happy Baking. For more information call Kristy at 874-2024

15 percent ethanol. That would obviously create a larger demand.” Local reporters were invited to the site this week to watch as officials presented a check to the Posey County Humane Society. See indicated that at each of the sites he has overseen, there has been a fundraiser held on the site and that fundraising was held only on the site with no outside solicitation. The workers at the site donated $3000 in money as well as some other items to the Society. “This plant was more challenging than normal considering this plant

Retrospective................ A5 Community........... A7 Social..................... A6 Legals........................... B8 Deaths................... A3 Sports.................. B1-6 Classifieds ............... B9-11 School................... A8 Business................. A9

Go to


PAGE A2 • SEPTEMBER 14, 2010


Aventine, from Page 1A

Members of the New Harmony community came together on Sunday afternoon at the Granary to honor outgoing St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Pastor Martha Honaker as she will be leaving the New harmony Church soon. She plans to return to the hills of North Carolina. Here she talks with Wayne and Terri Hall. Photo by Dave Pearce

Paid for by Susan Gooden

was in an idle state for so long,” See said of Aventine’s Mount Vernon site. “We’re in the conditioning start-up phase of the plant and we are starting up motors that drive the process to ensure that they will start from the computer. The computer sends a start signal to the motor to make sure it will start and we have to check it for proper rotation as we hook it up to whatever it is supposed to drive. It is a very important part of the program and it is working very well so far.” The original schedule called for Aventine to start-up last week under See’s post-bankruptcy guidance. However, the start-up date was pushed up to October 25 and it appears that things will be right on schedule. Vectren has now energized the substation and there is permanent power into the plant. “The original drive for that Sept. 7 startup was for an EPA Environmental regulation that since we have started back up with construction, they have re-issued that to give us the time they claim they mean us to have by the original regulation,” See explained. See said that early numbers on local corn production have been a little lower than the company had hoped for with the drought bringing average yields back down to the 150 bushels-per-acre vicinity.

“We’ve noticed that our neighbors (namely Consolidated Grain and Barge) are beginning to stockpile corn outside and I am assuming that is for us,” See said. The target date for the total completion of the Mount Vernon plant is November 17. The road lighting and other things that are not necessities for plant operation can be completed between the start-up and the Nov. 17 completion target. Once the plant is complete and up and running, company officials will be required to appear before Posey County officials to make sure they have done everything required to qualify for the abatements which lured the plant to Mount Vernon. “We are actively working on that. We met with the county council last month and plan to meet with them again this month,” See said. “We are in the process of meeting the requirements as someone from the assessor’s office will be out here next week to go through and assess the value of our property. The assessment must be done prior to the actual approval of the abatement. We have hired the majority of our employees locally and we’ve tried to do all the things they have asked us to do so I am confident. It is the right thing and critical for our balance sheet going forward.”

Presenting a check to the Posey County Humane Society on behalf of the companies that have been involved with the completion of the Aventine plant on Mount Vernon’s east side are project manager Jeff See, Sheila Duncan, Chad Warner, Jane Blacfkledge, Sarah Apple, and Ryan Nader. Photo by Dave Pearce

On November 2, 2010 the voters of Posey County will elect a prosecutor to serve our great community. There is a growing consensus among residents that new leadership is needed in this office. I believe that my values, experience, and energy make me the person for the job...

MY GOALS AS COUNTY PROSECUTOR: • Make prosecution of serious and dangerous felonies top priority over misdemeanor •

• •

and Protecting off P Posey C County ffrom serious and dangerous d traffi ffic cases. P i the h citizens ii i dd felonies will be my main concern. Take a stand against meth labs and those who sell drugs in our community. Meth use is an epidemic in Posey County. I believe one way to counteract this problem is to be aggressive and prosecute "meth cooks" to the fullest extent. Posey County deserves a prosecutor who will tackle this problem head-on. Increase communication and cooperation with local law enforcement. The officers in this county work hard to protect and serve. As prosecutor, I will work closely with law enforcement to help officers acheive their goals. I will be available for officers 24 hours a day to consult on cases and investigations. Increase child support collections for single parents in our county. I have seen first hand the struggles of single parents not recieving child support and I will make increasing collections a top priority. Reach out to the community and increase citizen involvement in community safety programs. I believe that residents taking ownership and an active role in community safety programs, such as Neighborhood Watch, makes for a stronger and safer community.

VOTE TRAVIS CLOWERS FOR POSEY COUNTY PROSECUTOR Paid for by y Travis Clowers for Posey y County y Prosecutor Committee


SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE A3

OBITUARIES Ermal P. Geiss Ermal P Geiss ,93, passed peacefully September 7 at his home. A charter member of the Central Intelligence Agency, High School valedictorian in Wadesville Ind., received BS Degree in Business from Indiana University and a Master of Arts Degree in In Internal Affairs from George Washington University and a graduate of the National War College 1962. Prior to World War II, a Special Agent in the Department of Agriculture, Mr. Geiss received investigative training under the tutelage of the former FBI Agent, Donald Nicholson who served on the squad which captured John Dillinger. During WWII he served in General Mac Arthur’s Headquarters for two year as Chief of Counter Intelligence, for which he received the Bronze Star metal. He concluded his active duty in Tokyo, Japan as Lt. Col. In the office of Asst. Chief of Staff G-2 Gen. Wiloughby. He served as Trustee, Member of Administrative Boards and other key positions in the three Methodist churches in Virginia. He is survived by his wife of 70 years Irene, his son Philip, his wife Kimberly and their sons Jonathan and Joseph . Visitation and Memorial services were at D Funeral Home. Burial will be forthcoming at Arlington Cemetery.

James Alldredge James Sherman Alldredge, 83, passed away Wednesday, Sept. 8, 2010, at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville. He was born in Posey County, Ind., on May 2, 1927, to Walter and Rosie (Green) Alldredge. Jim was a Navy veteran He had worked in the th oil field for many years eran. and retired from B & W in Mount Vernon in 1979. He enjoyed fishing, camping, and being outdoors. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife of 47 years, Mary (Turner) Alldredge; his sister, Cecil Blackburn; and his brother, Hershel “Buck” Alldredge. He is survived his sister Sarah Turner of Mount Vernon, Ind., as well as several nieces and nephews. Funeral service were held at 10 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 10, 2010, at Schneider Funeral Home, 512 Main St. in Mount Vernon, Ind.m with the Rev. Leon Clark officiating and burial to follow at Bellefontaine cemetery. Visitation was held from 4 until 7 p.m. on Thursday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Church of God Mission.

Olivia Laura Griese Olivia Laura Griese, 93, of Mt. Vernon, passed away Wednesday, September 8, 2010, at Pine Haven Health and Rehabilitation Center. Mrs. Griese was a member of Zion United Church of Christ - Lippe and the Women’s Guild at the church. She i hand. h d She Sh enjoyed j d was always there to lend a helping working in her yard, especially her flower and vegetable garden and was glad to give away the vegetables she grew. For may years it was a tradition that her family gather at her and her husband’s home for Sunday supper. Surviving Mrs. Griese are her daughter and sonin-law, Jeanette and David Hunter of Wadesville; her son and daughter-in-law, Dennis and Marsha Griese of Evansville; one sister, Emma Marie Griese of Evansville; and four grandchildren, Kimberly (David) Rowe, Kristopher (Jennifer) Griese, Kurt (Jennifer) Hunter and Clint Hunter. Olivia was preceded in death by her husband of 59 years, Howard Griese in 1999; her sister and brotherin-law, Alvina and George Esche and brother-in-law, Warren Griese. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, September 13, 2010, at Zion United Church of Christ Lippe, Rev. Jay Warren officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Friends may visit from 1 until 6 p.m. Sunday at Pierre Funeral Home, 2601 W. Franklin Street, and from 9 a.m. until service time on Monday at the church. Memorial contributions may be made to Zion United Church of Christ - Lippe. Condolences may be made online at

Virgil Phillips Virgil Phillips, age 90, of Mount Vernon, Ind., died Thursday afternoon Sept. 9, 2010, at the Mount Vernon Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Mount Vernon. He was born October 8, 1919 in Barlow, Ky., the son of Lee and Hettie (Holder) Phillips. He married Mary Tinsley in 1951. Virgil was a retired deck hand at Mount Vernon Barge Service. He is survived by one son and daughter-in-law, Rodney and Cheryl Phillips of Mount Vernon; two grandchildren, Ryan and Andrea Phillips; and one greatgrandson, Isiah Phillips. He was preceded in death by his wife Mary on October 16, 2009; two brothers and three sisters. A private family burial will be held at Bellefontaine Cemetery in Mount Vernon. The Austin~Stendeback Family Funeral Home in Mount Vernon is in charge of arrangements. Online condolences may be left at

Robert E. Jenkins Sarah E. (Goforth) Joseph Sarah E. (Goforth) Joseph, 82, passed away Friday, Sept. 10, 2010, at Mount Vernon Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. She was born in Little Rock, Ark., on July 16, 1928, to Preston and Florence (Causey) Goforth. Sarah had worked at Medco--Mount Vernon Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and had also worked at Wesselmans as a Produce Clerk. She enjoyed doing crossword puzzles and loved to read. She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers, Alfred and Lew Van Goforth; sisters, Mary Ann Burchell Shasteen, Mayme Downen Langlois Williams, and Martha Frost. Sarah is survived by her son, Alan Carver Joseph of Henderson, Ky.; daughters, Barbara Lee Williams (James) of Mount Vernon, Ind., and Donna Rae Peck (John Sr.) of San Diago, Calif. Eight grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren also survive. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2010, at Schneider Funeral Home, 512 Main St. in Mount Vernon with the Rev. Tom Buffington officiating. Burial will follow in Bellefontaine Cemetery. Visitation was held from 4 until 8 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 13, 2010 and on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2010, from noon until service time at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society or the American Diabetes Association.

Gerald L. Kelley Gerald L. (Jerry) Kelley, 74, passed away Friday September 10, at his home in FortBranch. Jerry was born in Owensville on September 6, 1936 to the late Samuel and Hazel (Garrett) Kelley. maint He was a retired maintenance man from Gibson Southern High School and was presently working for Boyd Grain. Jerry is survived by his wife of 53 years Helen Marie (Rogers) Kelley, two daughters, Kimberly (Kim) Barrett and Karen (Broc) Garrett; a son, Larry (Lisa) Carter all of Fort Branch; grandchildren, Bradley Kelley, Shane Barrett, Jamie and Jacob Carter, Michael, Zachary and Andrea Garrett; 7 great-grandchildren; three sisters, Carolyn Wilkerson of Haubstadt, Sue Locke of Georgia and Judy Butcher of Santa Claus; a brother, Ronald Kelley of Griffin; several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, a son Keith Kelley in 1983 and a sister Anna Lou Garrett in 2009. Services were held at 10 a.m. Monday September 13, at Holders Funeral Home in Owensville. He was buried in the Walnut Hill Cemetery near Fort Branch. The Rev. Dennis Mosby officiated the service. Visitation was from 4 - 8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Expressions of sympathy may be made online at

Robert E. Jenkins, age 76, of Murray Kentucky, died Thursday, September 2, 2010 at 3:18 p.m. at the Lourdes Hospital in Paducah Kentucky. Mr. Jenkins was a retired purchasing agent with Chrysler Corporation for 35 years. He was born Nov. 9, 1933 in Fort Branch, Indiana. He is survived by his wife, Esther Wright Jenkins of Murray, Ky., married Oct. 16, 2003 in Murray, Ky., four daughters, four daughters, Roberta Cooley of Crestwood, Mo., Shelli Adams (Randy) of Mt. Vernon, Ind., Joi Ellen Dollar (Ken) of Chesterfield, Mo., Emmile Atchison of Troy, Mo., two sons, Joe Jenkins (Lora) of Poseyville, Ind., Stanton Jenkins (Jo Ann) of Vacaville, Ca., sister, Jo Ann Wade (Ron) of Fort Branch, Ind., also 24 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his first wife, Anna Marie Jenkins, parents, Charles “ Doc” and Grace Mueller Jenkins, brother, Paul Kenneth “PK” Jenkins, and sister, Joyce Fischer. Funeral services were held Monday, September 6, 2010 at 11:30 a.m. at the J.H. Churchill Funeral Home, Pastor Mike Douglass officiated the service, and burial was in the Murray Memorial Gardens. Visitation was held Monday, September 6, 2010 from 10 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. at the funeral home. Expressions of sympathy may go to Murray Calloway Co. Hospital Hospice House Building fund 803 Poplar St. Murray, Ky. 42071. Online condolences can be left at






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J.L. Hirsch • 8 W. Main St. • Poseyville Prices effective September 14th thru 18th Cheerios $ Cereal......................... 8.9 oz. Multi Grain Cheerios $ Cereal........................... 9 oz. Gold Grahams $ Cereal..........................12 oz. Cocoa Puffs $ Cereal........................11.8 oz. Total $ Cereal..........................10 oz. Lucky Charms $ Cereal........................11.5 oz. Nature Valley $ Granola Bars ........................ FiberOne $ Snack Bars........................... Crystal Light $ Drink Mix ............................. Duncan Hines $ Cake Mix ............................. Duncan Hines $ Frosting ............................... Duncan Hines $ Brownie Mix .......................... Hungry Jack $ Variety Potatoes..................... Double Q $ Salmon ..................... 14.75 oz. NoYolk $ Noodles............................... Velveeta & Shells $ Pasta & Cheese Mix ............... Shake-n-Bake $ Breading/Coating ................... Oven-Fry $ Breading/Coating ................... Pringles 2/$ Potato Crisps ..................... Old El Pasa $ Taco Shells .......................... Old El Pasa $ Refried Beans ................16 oz. Old El Pasa $ Chunky Salsa .................16 oz. Old El Pasa $ Taco Sauce ...................16 oz.


2 229 229 229 229 229 249 249 289 139 169 169 119 229 109 229 199 219 300 129 109 149 199




$ 69

3 ¢ Leg Quarters.................... 69 Emge $ 29 Bacon ................................. 3 Emge $ 39 Franks ................................ 1 Emge $ 99 Sausage ........................ 1 Emge $ 69 Bologna......................... 1 Emge $ 19 Cracker Bologna .................... 2 Minute Steak................... 1 lb.


1 lb.

1 lb.

1 lb.

Mama Rosa 7” Pizza ............................... Emge $ Corn Dogs............................ TGIF 2/$ Appetizers......................... Lean Cuisine 2/$ Select Dinners ..................... Westpac $ Vegetables .....................16 oz. Pepperidge Farms $ Garlic Bread ........................... Praire Farms $ Ice Cream .................... 1/2 gal. Kraft Cheese $ Deluxe American Slices .....16 oz. Philadelphia $ Cream Cheese ................ 8 oz. Praire Farms Dip .............................. 8 oz. Praire Farms $ Cottage Cheese ..............16 oz. Praire Farms Sour Cream .......................... Dole $ Orange Juice ........................

79¢ 199 500 500 119 219 299 439 189 79¢ 159 79¢ 249

Joy Dish Detergent ...............30 oz.

Kleenex Facial Tissues ............... 200 ct.

Charmin Toilet Tissue ........ 12 double rolls

$ 09

2 $ 69 1 $ 99 7





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PAGE A4 • SEPTEMBER 14, 2010


CHURC CHURCH Nazarene to host chicken dinner The Point Township Nazarene Church will be hosting their annual chicken supper from 4-7 p.m. on Saturday, September 25, 2010 at the church located at 12611 Bonebank Road in Mount Vernon. The dinner will include 1/4 ffried i d chicken, hi k d dumplings, li d dressing, i mashed h d potatoes, corn, green beans, slaw, dessert, bread, tea, and coffee. Carry outs are also available. Adults are $9 and children (ages 4-10) are $4.50. Children 3 years and under are free. There will also be a country store with cakes, candy, crafts, cookies, and pies.

Poseyville Autumnfest Car Cruise In Kiwanis Club of Poseyville will have a Cruise In on Saturday, September 25 starting at 6 pm in the North Elementary parking lot. The first 25 vehicles will receive dash plaques. For more information please contact Matt at 874-2024.Imagination Station’s 10th anniversary is here! The playground fund is accepting baskets, gift cards, etc for silent auction & rededication party at Alexandrian Public Library Sept. 26th. Please contact me to make a donation to help with its upkeep. The playground has provided 10 years of service for families to date & hopefully, we will be able to sustain its existence for many more years. We already have committments for baskets from some businesses and candidates. This opportunity to Seventeen members of the Mount Vernon General Baptist Church headed for Branson, Missouri last week for a open to everyone! We would use your help! Thank you for Senior’s Retreat sponsored by the General Baptist Ministries. Over 150 people from the Mid-west area attended your consideration.

the 3 day event. While in Branson, the Mount Vernon group enjoyed the sights and sounds of the city, some great food, and were inspired by several guest speakers. Pictured (L to R) front row: Della Meador, Bonnie Bergstrom, Look Good… Feel Better Women currently undergoing treatment for cancer or who Sharon Kueber, Brenda Willis, Freda Foley, Rosie Witt, Lloyd Juncker, and Mildred Juncker. (L to R) back row: Tammy Bergstrom, Millie Dike, Bob Dike, Bob Kueber, Clint Willis, Jack Minick, Judy Minick, John Keitel, have been within the past year are eligible for a Look Good… Feel Better program at the First United Methodist Church in Barbara Keitel, The Rev. Franklin Dumond, and Winda Dumond. Photo submitted by Tammy Bergstrom.

Mount Vernon Riverfront project is a go By Pam Robinson The Mount Vernon Board of Public Works and Safety approved the contract with Bernardin Lochmueller and Associates, or BLA, for Phase 2, survey and design, of the riverfront development project at the Thursday, September 9, meeting. The vote authorizes Mayor John Tucker and Clerk-Treasurer Cristi SItzman to sign off on the contract. BLA representative Judy Dicus Thomann explained the contract covers the design phase for the silo area and down to the river next to Sherburne Park. She pointed out some of the features included in the design: an interactive water area, lookout point, trail heads and an amphitheatre with utilities. She stated the project will cross Water Street into Main Street. Thomann commended the city on the project, funded through an 80/20 matching grant in the amount of $900,000 awarded by the Indiana Department of Trans-

portation, or INDOT. Mayor Tucker emphasized that no property tax dollars will be used for this project; instead, the money will come from others areas such as the economic development income tax, or EDIT, State Gaming Fund and Rainy Day Fund. Tucker noted that BLA was the engineer for Phase 1 of the riverfront development project, recently completed ahead of schedule and under budget. In other business: •Once again, David Wiginton of 530 W. Second St. appeared before the board seeking redress for damages resulting from the city police breaking in his front door early this year after someone reportedly called 911 about an overdose and gave his address. Wiginton stated he believes the city has an ethical, if not a legal, responsibility to pay for the damages. The city insurance carrier has denied Wiginton’s claim and suggested he might file a claim with his homeowner’s insurance or seek damages

from the person placing the 911 call. Mayor Tucker suggested also that Wiginton might file in small claims court. So far, Wiginton has refused any of these alternatives. He said he would be at the Monday, September 13, meeting of the Mount Vernon City Council and at the next Board of Works meeting as well. •The board approved a request to waive a weed notice for billing at 907 E. Fifth Street, property owned by Andrei Sharygin. •The board declared surplus old gloves and coats at the fire department and agreed they could now be donated to the Posey County Drug Task Force. •The board approved the use of the city vehicle and credit card for Danny Moss of the wastewater and sewer department to attend a recertification class on October 7. •Mayor Tucker extended sympathies to Wastewater Superintendent Rodney Givens and his family on the loss of his father, former Waste-

water Superintendent Carlton “Tiny” Waller, noted as a great public servant and city employee. The Mount Vernon Board of Public Works and Safety will meet again on Thursday, September 23, 2010, at 4 p.m. in the City Hall Annex.

Mount Vernon. The program provides information and cosmetic advice to women battling cancer. This training includes handson instruction on makeup, skin care and suggestion for using wigs, turbans and scarves. It also includes tips on nail care while undergoing treatment. Cosmetics are provided for your personal make-over. This program is free of charge and facilitated by trained, licensed cosmetologists who are all American Cancer Society volunteers. Registration is required two weeks prior to the event that is scheduled for Monday, September 20, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Contact Alice Simmons at 812-874-3118 or the American Cancer Society in Evansville at 1-800-543-5245.

Poseyville Christian to hold raffle for Autumnfest You won't want to miss the Poseyville Christian Church booth this year at Autumnfest on September 25 & 26 at the Community Center. There will be fun, games and prizes for children and adults of all ages. Along with our Corn

Hole Game, Fish Bowl for live goldfish, and Ring Toss for 2 Liter drinks, we will be having a Raffle for a 40" Flat Screen TV. Tickets are $5 dollars per ticket, and $1 dollar from every ticket goes to God's Storehouse Food Pantry. So come and join the fun

and activities, or just stop by to say hello. Poseyville Christian Church, 6 E. Main Street., corner of Main & Cale Streets. Friendly and Welcoming. Community Outdoor Worship, Sunday at 10 a.m. at the Community Center

Christmas Assistance Program gets underway Trinity United Church of Christ will again coordinate the 2010 Posey County Christmas Assistance Program sponsored by the Mount Vernon/New Harmony Ministerial Association. Local companies, organizations, and individuals as well as other churches are being encouraged to consider sponsoring children in need during the coming holiday season. Sponsor applica-

tions and donor information and guideline sheets have been mailed. Completed applications should be faxed or mailed to Trinity UCC. Trinity utilizes a centralized database to coordinate the distribution of holiday assistance in order to avoid duplication and reach the maximum number of families in need. For anyone who wises to give a monetary donation or cannot shop for

gifts, committee members from Trinity will provide shopping service. Organizations wishing to participate are asked to respond no later than Friday, October 23, so that children’s requests can be distributed and gifts can be purchased. The Christmas Assistance Program has been very successful for several years because of the giving spirit of many people in this community.

Applications now accepted for Christmas assistance Applications for the 2010 Posey County Christmas Assistance Program sponsored by the Mount Vernon/New Harmony Ministerial Association are now available from the office of Trinity United Church of Christ or from the Black Township Trustee’s Office. Children under the age of 18 are eligible as well as Enjoying the South Terrace open house this week are Alex Goetz, Clay Will, Hannah those who are 18, as long as Will, Amy Will, Jeff Will, Annie Goetz, and Scott Fitts. Photo by Dave Pearce they are full-time students

in high school. The deadline for completed applications is 2:30 p.m. on November 5, 2010. Applications may be turned in at either Trinity or the Black Township Trustee’s Office. No applications will be accepted after that time. Families will be notified of date(s) that gifts may be picked up. Changes in address or telephone number after an application has been submitted

should be reported to Trinity Church at 838-3805. This program would not be possible without the generous donations of time and treasure from individuals, businesses, churches, and other organizations. In 2009, approximately 541 children benefited from all these efforts to provide them a joyous Christmas. For more information, contact Trinity Church at 838-3805.

Sermon of the week: Old Arkansas farmers advice By Pastor Matt Watson, Mount Vernon General Baptist Church

I am from Arkansas. And no, that’s not a start to a joke! I was born in Arkansas and

have found that state to be filled with common sense wisdom—wisdom rooted in Judeo-Christian ethic of the Bible. Thomas Paine once said: ‘common sense is not so common.’ A friend emailed me this article a few months ago. Perhaps we can all profit from these sayings? • When you wallow with the pigs, expect to get dirty. • Life is simpler when you plow around the stump. • A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor. • Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads. • It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge. • Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway. • Don’t judge folks by their

relatives. • Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. • If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’! • Always drink upstream from the herd. • If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around • Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he’s too old to fight, he’ll just kill you. The Jewish fathers in the faith made famous the art of commentary on the Scripture. Midrash was a way of interpreting biblical stories that go beyond simple distillation of religious, legal or moral teachings. Midrash fills the gap left in events and person-

alities that are only hinted at. Consider the following a sort of reverse midrash. In order, here are some biblical phrases that illuminate this “Old Arkansas Farmers Advice.” • “Do not be misled, ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’” 1 Cor. 15:33 • “(Do not) promote controversies rather than God’s work—which is by faith.” 1 Ti 1:4 • “The sting of death is sin… but… He gives us the victory through… Jesus.” 1 Cor. 15: 56-7 • “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” Eph. 4:26 • “In your anger do not sin.” Eph. 4:26 • “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” Matt. 6:27


Saturday & Sunday: September 25 & 26, at the Community Center

Saturday, aturday, September 18th, 201 2010

P.C.C. Autumnfest Booth Don’t miss our GAMES and PRIZES Corn Hole Game, Fishing for Livee Goldfish, dfis , R Ring ingg Tos Toss ss ffor 22-Liter i D it Drinks! nks! s!!

Win BIG in our RAFFLE Trinity UCC 505 Mulberry St., Mt. Vernon Serving from 4:00 til 7:30 p.m. Tickets: Adult $8 Children (up to 10): $4 Carryouts start at 11 a.m. Call 838-3805 for more info.

Raffle of a 40” ELEMENT Flat Screen HDTV V w 1yr 1y warranty. y $5 for one ticket, or $10 for three ti tickets. cke One dollar out of every 5 dollars will go too G God s God’s Storehouse Food Pantry, and 3 dollars out of every 10 dollars will go to the Food Pantry.

POSEYVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 6 E. Main Street, Corner of Main & Cale Streets. Community Outdoor Worship: Sunday the 26th, 10am at the Community Center.

• “Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him(!)” Ge. 4:8 • “Be still and know that (the LORD) is God.” Ps. 46:10 • “We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin.” 1 Jn 5:18 • “the water (Jesus) give(s)… will become in him a spring… to eternal life.” John 4:14 • “(Jesus) did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life... for many.” Matt. 20:28 • “Rehoboam rejected the advice the elders gave… and consulted the young men.” 1 Ki 4:8 I hope you will open yourself up to learn from people from all different walks of life. Wisdom, if it proves to be wisdom at all, can be tracked back to the original wise guy. I hope you will learn from the sages of the ages whether the carrier is “An Old Arkansas Farmer” or someone else. Wisdom is wisdom. And it takes wisdom to apply wisdom. So get wise in God’s Word and you will be better equipped with the wisdom it will take to apply the wisdom you hear day-by-day. If you don’t have a local church to call home, we welcome you any Sunday at 10:30 am. To learn more go to Pastor Matt serves at Mt. Vernon General Baptist Church. He loves his three girls, trout fishing, playing basketball, coffee and the tv show “24.”


SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE A5

RETROSPECT R ETROSPECT What are the top five healthiest fruits

Beverly Taylor (L) and Gerald Taylor (R) help prepare supplies at New Harmonie Healthcare Center to ship overseas to SFC Nathan Stone, (of Griffin In) 1-502D Bravo Company in Kandar Province, Afghanistan. Gerald is a Navy Veteran of 20 years and Beverly is a retired United States Postal worker. Over 100 pounds of supplies were collected at New Harmonie Healthcare center for the Troops. Photo submitted

Pages of the Past compiled by Tammy Bergstrom 10 YEARS AGO, September 12, 2000

25 YEARS AGO, September 11, 1985

50 YEARS AGO, September 16, 1960

The Monroe County Courthouse was the scene for what has been called the Great Limestone Debate II between Eighth District Congressman John Hostettler and his challenger, Dr. Paul Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stratton are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter, Amanda to James Nellis, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nellis of Evansville. Angela Cash became the bride of Matthew Geer in a 3 p.m. ceremony at the Methodist Church in Cynthiana. Father Michael Madden celebrated his 25th ordination anniversary with an anniversary Mass followed by a reception and open house. Family, friends, and members of St. Matthew’s parish attended the event. Curves For Women has opened a new fitness and weight loss center in Mount Vernon at the North Main Plaza. The Lady Rappites Volleyball team played like a championship squad, defeating the Lady Patriots of Vincennes Rivet, 15-4 and 15-7.

A new ice cream parlor/ doughnut shop owned by Gene Brown is coming to the corner of Locust and Fletchall Streets in Poseyville. Donald Baier of Mount Vernon will be sworn in as judge of Posey County in ceremonies on Monday, September 16 at the courthouse. Ron Neuman has just began working as a court administrator of the Posey County Circuit Court. DeWayne Edward Wilhite of Wadesville recently enlisted in the United States Air Force’s delayed enlistment program. DeWayne is scheduled to begin active duty in the regular Air Force on June 25, 1986. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Wilhite. Julie A. Hirsch, M.D. has begun her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the IU Medical Center in Indianapolis. She is the daughter of Robert and Kathryn Hirsch of Poseyville. Funerals were held this week for Myrtle Martin, 93; Alberta French, 54; and Mary Wilhite, 71.

In an effort to purchase new uniforms for the North Posey Jr.-Sr. High School band, members of the North Posey Music Club will be having a sale of old uniforms, band equipment, and accessories. All proceeds from the sale will be used to fund this project. Officers for the 1960-61 Posey County 4-H Junior Leaders have recently been elected as follows: president, James Kohlmeyer; vice president, Carolyn Graddy; secretary, Sue Hunter; treasurer, Laverne Hoenert; devotional leader, Jeanette Griese; song leaders, Gail Scherzinger and Mary K. Bottomley; recreation leaders, Penny Williams and Diana Southwood; and news reporter, Susan Blackburn. Miss Molly Thomas and Mr. Arthur Ray Niehaus were married by Rev. Ellis Cowling in the parsonage of the Poseyville Christian Church. Miss Rosalee Weis and Mr. Harold Neumann became husband and wife in a double ring ceremony at the St. Wendel Catholic Church.

The County Cookbook Selection by Zach Straw

Buttermilk Fried Chicken

INGREDIENTS • 1 (3 pound) fryer (Not broilers or roasting bird), cut into pieces • 2 cups buttermilk • 1 large onion, sliced • 1/4 cup chopped mixed fresh herbs (parsley, tarragon, thyme) or a teaspoon each of the dried herbs. • 1/2 teaspoon paprika • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper • 2 cups flour • 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt • 1/2 teaspoon onion salt • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper • Salt and pepper • 2 cups grapeseed oil, or other high smoke-point oil such as canola oil, or peanut oil DIRECTIONS 1. Soak chicken overnight (at least 8 hours and up to two days) in buttermilk with onions, herbs, paprika, and cayenne pepper. (Regarding the use of buttermilk, there have been good results from soaking chicken in plain yogurt instead of buttermilk.) 2. Drain in colander, leaving some herbs on chicken. In a large paper or plastic (sturdy) bag, mix flour with seasonings. Meanwhile, heat 2 cups oil in a large, heavy-bottomed skillet (cast iron, stainless steel, or anodized aluminum - something that can take the heat) on medium high heat until a pinch of flour starts to sizzle when dropped in the hot oil (but not so hot that the pan is smoking). Remember when working with hot oil, always have a pan lid close by. 3. Place chicken pieces in bag with flour and shake until thoroughly coated. Add chicken to hot pan and fry on 1 side for 12-15 minutes, until golden brown, and then use tongs to turn the pieces over and fry for another 10-12 minutes, again until golden brown. Be careful to keep the oil hot enough to fry the chicken, but not so high as it burns the chicken. To do this on our electric stove we have to alternate the settings between high to medium high several times while we are cooking. 4. Use tongs to remove chicken from pan. Place on a rack over a cookie sheet or broiling pan for the excess oil to drain. Add more salt and pepper to taste. Yields: 4 Servings

Out n’ About Due to not feeling well last Sunday, I did not get the Out ‘N About written so we will try this week. We are glad to see a little cooler weather after the hot days in July, August, and some in September. It is very dry. Do you know much about Indiana which, I call Southern Indiana “the garden spot of the country.” Indiana is 270 miles long and 140 miles wide. The geographic center of Indiana is located in Marion County, 14 miles North of Indianapolis. Indiana is bordered by Lake Michigan and Michigan in the North, Kentucky in the South, on the East side is Ohio, and Illinois is on the West. Indiana covers 36,420 square miles making it the 38th largest of the 50 states. 35,870 square miles is covered by land and 550 square miles is covered by water. The highest point in Indiana is Hoosier Hill in Franklin Township, it is 12,057 feet above sea level. The lowest point is 320 feet above sea level where the Wabash and the Ohio Rivers meet near Mt. Vernon. The region of the state with the most hills is in Southern Indiana. Elsewhere in the past three weeks, Tuesday August 24, my nephew and niece Dick and Pat Brandenstein from Winchester, TN, were here to visit. They had been to California to their son AJ’s wedding, which they said was very nice. We had a great time visiting together and while they were here they treated me to dinner with them at Patty’s (Harold’s) Restaurant. They always enjoy the delicious food at Patty’s. August 25, Betty and Bonnie from Mt. Vernon were here to visit, to do the laundry, and to mow. Ronnie and Beverly Ellis stopped by to visit on this same day. I always enjoy them too. August 26, my cousin from Metropolis, IL Bessie Helm called me to tell me her husband Floyd had just got home from the hospital after surgery. He is gradually improving. Friday, August 27, I drove to New Harmony to the nurs-

Expert reveals how eating the wrong fruits can be worse than eating none at all. An apple a day just doesn’t cut it anymore, and too many apples could make you fat. That’s the advice of Iva Young, a nutritional expert who warns that the wrong kinds of fruits can actually do more harm than good. So, which fruits offer the biggest health boost? Young named the following fruits, all of which are comparatively low in sugar, as her top five: Raspberries - Raspberries are an excellent source of fiber, offering 30 percent of our recommended daily value, 8 grams per serving. Raspberries are also a rich source of vitamin C, with about 50 percent of our daily value. In addition, they are a rich source of manganese, delivering 60 percent of what we should have each day. Raspberries rank near the top of all fruits for antioxidant strength and contain many anti-disease properties if consumed regularly, helping to fight against inflammation, chronic pain, cancer, cardiovascular disease,

diabetes, allergies, age-related cognitive decline and eyesight degeneration associated with aging. Blackberries - Blackberries are notable for their high nutritional contents of dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, and manganese. Blackberries are well-ranked for having strong antioxidant levels, and they also contain copious amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Kiwi - Kiwi is a rich source of vitamin C and vitamin K, which is a natural blood thinner. It’s also a good source of potassium, just slightly less than that of a banana. Potassium is one of those nutrients that’s absolutely essential for heart health, yet many people don’t get nearly enough. Kiwi also delivers a mild laxative effect, possibly because of the high level of dietary fiber. Strawberries - Strawberries are low in calories compared to many other fruits, and are a good source of fiber. They are also an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids, promoting lots of antioxidant activity in the body.

Oranges - Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin A and C, along with powerful antioxidants. Oranges also provide a good source of fiber when the pulp is consumed. The white pith of the orange also contains flavonoids, and some doctors are even using extracts from the pith to help fight certain types of cancer. “Sugar is also something that you should keep your eye on, because it affects the health of your teeth and the functioning of your hormones, specifically leptin,” she added. “Leptin is the important hormone responsible for telling the body that you should stop eating. With excess amounts of sugar in your body, the amount of leptin is diminished, which causes you to overeat. Excess sugar also has been known to cause intestinal issues increasing the chances of bloating, which causes your stomach to stick out and look like you have extra fat. That’s how consuming too many sugarrich fruits can actually make you look fat, and make you feel less healthy than if you didn’t eat any fruits at all.”

Diabetic Clinic set for September 21 Everyone is cordially invited to attend a Diabetic Clinic on Tuesday, September 21st at 6 p.m. at the South Gibson Medical Clinic. The guest speaker will be Shon Nelson

BS RPSGT, Sleep Technologist for Gibson General Hospital. He will be speaking about Diabetes and Sleep Apnea. There will be a question/answer section as well as

refreshments and free blood screenings. Call 812-7534181 if you have any questions concerning the clinic. The clinic is being sponsored by HLS Home Medical.

Happy Birthday Announcements September 14 - Allison Loveridge, Julie Ungetheim, Cameron McCoy, Barbara McConnell, William P. Wagner, Collin Knight, Barbara Roddy, Roger Rutledge, Vicki Thiem, Tammy Pollard and Cathy Jo Webb September 15 - Barry Zwahlen, Misty Wilson, Greg Hidbrader, Jared Blaylock, Jackie Logan Baxter, Angela K. Gibbens, Chris Saltzman, Mark Trela and Elliott Lange September 16 - Terry

McCleave Jr., Andrew Wilson, Scott Crumbacher and Roger Butler September 17- Bob Duckworth, Jason Benton, Karin Rivoir, Kayla E. Garrett, Terry Hutchinson, Cody Peerman, Doris Reynolds, Robert Scott Deckard, Jennifer Ann Burks, Justin Orth and Sarah Goedde September 18 - Ben Parker, Caitlyn Dawn Creek, Lesha McCoy, Melissa Peerman, Ryan Straw, Cade Lansdell and Naomi

Seifert, Jenna Gibson September 19- Frances Wehr, Rosemary Alsop, Luke Stolz and Amanda Burkemper September 20- Meredith Kay Atkins, Ann Greenfield, Randy Fick, Linda Hawley, Judy Alsop and Wayne Hall If you have a name to be included in the birthday calendar, please send to: Posey County News, P.O. Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631 or email: news1@

Wednesday, September 8, at about 8:45am I saw the fire truck, ambulance, and police car at my neighbor Tom Cook’s home. Mrs. Cook fell while going out her front door. She fell on her face and was taken to the hospital. We are hoping for a quick and complete recovery. Billy was here for a short time. Also on Wednesday, Steve Butler was here to visit. Thursday was a nice day and I rode my bicycle for a short time. The lack of energy kept me from riding further. Later in the afternoon, Betty and Jesse Montgomery were here to visit. Friday I talked to Janet in Oklahoma for awhile. She said they have had rain there. Saturday, September 11, which is the 9th anniversary of the terrible terrorist attack at the twin towers where 3,800 innocent people lost their lives. We pray nothing like that will ever happen again. Thank you to our armed forces for all of the service you do. Also, thank you to our fire fighters and police men who protect us. This day was also River Days in Mt. Vernon. I enjoyed

seeing so many friends. At 5:30 was the parade which was nice. I also stayed for the fireworks at 8:00pm at the river front. It was also very good. I drove back home after the fireworks at 8:30. I slept well after the tiresome day. Sunday morning I was at church at Poseyville Christian. The attendance was low, but we had a great service with Rev. Doris’s sermon and Stay Arhen’s scripture reading and prayer, and the choir lead by Justin Schulmpf with Janie Montgomery at the piano. If you are looking for a place to worship, I urge you to come to Poseyville Christian where you are always welcome. Remember, the family that prays together stays together. Poseyville’s gas price as of Sunday 9/12 is $2.69 9/10. Poseyville’s past three week’s precipitation is Monday, August 30th .15.”; September 10th .21”; Saturday, September 11th .05.” So the past three week’s total is only .41.” Don’t forget our Poseyville Autumn Fest. I plan to be there Saturday, September 25 and Sunday, September 26.

By Jesse Butler ing home and visited with several residents while there. They are always glad to have visitors. Verlin Effinger had just been taken to the hospital but is back there now and according to his brother, Tom he is doing better now. We have been friends for many years. After leaving the nursing home, I went on to Bonnie and Jim Straw’s home in Mt. Vernon where several of our families had dinner together. Then, Saturday, Betty, Bonnie, and Jim were here to go to the Poseyville town yard sale and to visit me. Zachary and Audra were here later to visit. Later in the afternoon, I went to Owensville to visit my sister-in-law Lorena Wilder. My daughter Janet called me on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. She is always good to check on me. Bonnie called me Wednesday, September 1 and Janet also called me. Then Janet called me September 2 to tell me that Donavon and their son David Fravel were visiting them. Saturday, September 4, I went to Owensville to visit Lorena and while there, Daryl Wayne, Cathy, Stephanie, and their daughter and son-in-law and their 20 month old son came from Nobelsville to visit Lorena. Lorena’s daughter Janavieve was there also. We all had a great visit together. Both Janet and Judy called me on this day. All four of my daughters called me Monday, September 6. My cousin, Sue Albin from Evansville came to Poseyville cemetery to decorate her father’s (Woodrow Roberts) grave and then came to my house for a nice visit. Then, Tuesday, Janet, Bonnie, and Judy all called me and Judy and Betty came here in the evening and we went to the Feed Mill Restaurant for the evening meal, which was delicious. As we rode around the country side we noticed the beautiful view in the sky just after the sun set. I also got a letter from a friend, Mary John Reid from Duncan, OK. She writes a very interesting letter.


Holy Angels pork chop dinner planned

SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE A6


During the Kunsfest, Holy Angels Catholic Church will be hosting their annual pork chop dinner. The pork chop dinner will be held on Saturday, September 18, 2010, at the Catholic Community Center from 4-6 p.m. Included in the dinner along with Dewig’s smoked pork loin chops will be sauerkraut, au gratin potatoes, fresh corn on the cob, seasoned green beans, cinnamon applesauce, homemade desserts, hot rolls, tea and lemonade, even hot dogs for the kids. Adult plates are $10 and children are $6.

Clock celebration set September 25 The Ribeyre Gym Restoration Group is hosting “Rock Around The Clock” to help celebrate their clock restoration project. The event will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2010 with a barbecue din-

ner in the gym from 5-7 p.m. Adults are $10 each, with kids 12 and under $7 each. A free dance in the streets will follow the dinner from 8-10:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend.

St. Philip Burgoo set for September 26 The St. Philip Famous Burgoo and Raffle will be held on Sunday September 26, 2010. Drive thru and carry-outs begin at 7:30 a.m. Bring your own container for carry-outs or containers are available for a nominal fee. Cafeteria dining is from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. featuring Burgoo, hamburgers, pies and drinks. The drawing for the raffle be-

gins at 1:30 p.m. for the grand prize of $20,000 and 20 other prizes. You can get tickets for a donation of only $20 with only 3,000 tickets being sold. You do not need to be present to win. St. Philip is located on Hudson Eli Wade St. Philip Road 6 miles west Trev and Susie Wade of Westfield, Indiana are pleased to of Evansville out Upper Mt. announce the arrival of their second child, Hudson Eli. He Vernon Road or West on the was born April 22, 2010 at Clarian North Medical Center Lloyd Expressway to the St. in Carmel and weighed seven pounds, nine ounces and was Philip Road sign. 20.5 inches long. Hudson joins big sister Marin. Paternal grandparents are Paul and Wanda Wade of Mount Vernon and maternal grandparents are Carl and Glenda Niemembers and guests. Must man of Greensburg, Indiana. Paternal great grandparents are be 21. the late Ralph and Lucille Wade and the late Johnnie and There will be an Open Sybil Mason. House on Saturday, September 18 at 9 a.m.

American Legion to host band The Rock & Roll band, Hard Sunday, will be at the American Legion Post #370 in New Harmony on Friday, September 17 at 10 p.m. for

Brat cookout sale September 30 New Harmonie Healthcare is having a Brat Cookout Sale on September 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the New Harmonie Healthcare Center, 251 Hwy 66, New Harmony, Ind. The cost is a $6 donation. All proceeds will be donated to the Alzheimer Association Memory Walk. Lunch in-

cludes: brat, chips and drink. Call ahead orders: 682-4104. Ask about buying a $1 chance ticket on our gift baskets, over six different prize baskets are available to win. Winning tickets drawing will be on October 22. Tickets are available at New Harmonie Healthcare in the Social Service Office.

Baby photo contest set for Fall Festival week Right to Life of Posey County will be sponsoring a Baby Photo Contest, and the photos will be displayed at the West Side Nut Club Fall Festival - October 4- 9. Prizes for all contestants: U.S. Savings Bonds for First Three Places. Entry Rules: Children < 2 years old. Must have birthday on or after Oct. 3, 2008. Submit: 5X7 photo size - Photo MUST accompany $10 entry fee.

Kenneth & Donna (Reinitz) Overton Kenneth and Donna will celebrate their 50th anniversary with an Open House on Sunday, September 19th from 2-4 p.m. at the Harmony Chapel-Church of the Nazarene located at the corner of Brewery and Steammill Streets, New Harmony, Indiana. The couple requests no gifts, please. Kenneth and Donna (Reinitz) Overton were married on September 17, 1960 at the home of Reverend Junior Wallace in Gibson Count, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Overton have two daughters; Diana (Donnie) Mathews of New Harmony, Indiana and Kathy (Matt) Hoehn of Bangkok, Thailand. They have seven grandchildren; Sarah, Drew, Clinton and Morgan Mathews and Ezekiel, Luke and Jeremiah Hoehn. Kenneth retired in 1997 from GE – Mt Vernon, Indiana after 28 years. Donna worked as a bookkeeper at Posey County Farm Bureau Co-op before becoming a full-time mother and homemaker.

Winner by popular vote. 100 votes per $1 Accepting photos: Sunday, October 3 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Life Choices Maternity and Youth Home Parking Lot, Corner of Indiana St. & 12th Ave., and Monday, Oct. 4 from 10 a.m. until all slots are filled at Right to Life of Posey County Booth #74 Questions? 812- 7819293

Your news is always welcome here! Please email Or call 682-3950 or in Mount Vernon, call 838-9920

Little Miss and Mister River Days 2010, Autumn Schaffer and Tyler Roos enjoyed the view from atop a convertible at the beginning of the River Days parade Saturday night. Photo by Tammy Bergstrom

Mount Vernon Skating Rink opens today The Mount Vernon Community Center/Skating Rink will open for the season on September 14, 2010 at noon. The community center will be open during the following hours:

POSEYVILLE AUTUMNFEST 2010 SCHEDULE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH 6:00 to 10:00 am: Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast 9:00 am: Food Booths, Flea Market and Craft Booths Open 9:00 am to 11:30 am: Apple Recipe Bake Off Registration 10:00 am to 6:00 pm: Door Prize Drawings on (center stage) 11:00 am: Autumnfest Princess & Miss Autumnfest Contest on (Center Stage) 11:00 am: Inflatable Rides Open 12:15 pm: Sale of slices / Apple recipe bake off 1:00 pm: Little Mr. & Miss, Contest (Center Stage) 4:30 pm: Cruise-in Start 6:00 pm: Inflatable Rides Closed 7:00 to 8:30 pm: Comedian: Mike Clark

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH 10:00 to 11:00 am: Community Praise and Worship Service (Center Stage) 11:00 to 6:30 pm: Prize Drawing (Center Stage) 11:30 am: Inflatable Rides Open 2:00 pm: Inflatable Rides Close 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm: Kiddy Parade (Main Street) 3:00 pm: Parade on Main Street Theme: Dedication to Community 4:00 pm: Inflatable Rides Open 4:15 pm: Parade Trophies Awarded (Center Stage) 6:00 pm: Inflatable Rides Close

Poseyville Autumnfest Little Miss & Mr. Contest September 25, 2010 at 1 p.m. The Posey County Junior Women’s Club is proud to sponsor the Little Miss & Mr. Contest. It will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 1:00 P.M. This event is for girls and boys ages 4 to 7. All contestants’ names will be placed in a box and the winners, 1 boy and 1 girl, will be drawn out. Little Miss will receive a crown and Little Mr. will receive a trophy. Each will receive a $50 savings bond. Contestants must be present to win. Winners need to be available to ride in a float at the Sunday parade. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY MONDAY, SEPT. 20. Please mail entry blank and a $5.00 entry fee to: Posey Co. Jr. Women’s Club C/O Kristy Schmitt 9901 Blake Rd. Wadesville, IN 47638 For questions call 963-3019 NAME: __________________________________________________ AGE: ______ PARENTS: _______________________________________ PHONE: ____________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________ SCHOOL ATTENDING: ________________________________________________ HOBBIES: ____________________________________________________________ WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? ____________________ BROTHERS &/OR SISTERS: _____________________________________________

Sun. & Mon. -----Closed Tues. & Thurs.-noon-8 p.m. Wed, Fri & Sat.-10 a.m.-6 p.m. Please note that when school is not in session, the enter will open at 10 a.m. Call the Community Center at 838-0066 for more information. During regular Community Center hours admission is free and supervision is provided for children to use

the skate floor, basketball goals, pool table, pin-pong and air hockey tables. Concessions are also available (prices are posted). The Skating Rink is available for private skating parties for your child’s next birthday. The rental fee is $125 for a 2 hour party and is available on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evening and Sunday afternoons. Call Ruth at 8380066 for more information.

Special events at the Community Center are: Pumpkin Festival, Saturday, October 23 at 1 p.m. and Christmas Party, December 18 at 1 p.m. For information regarding special events at the community center please call 838-0066. You can visit online at or e-mail mvparksandrec@ for further information.

Jr. Women’s Club baby photo contest set The Posey County Jr. Women’s Club will have the Annual Baby Photo Contest at the Autumnfest Booth again this year. Anyone interested in entering their beautiful baby (under the age of 12 months) in the event must send a registration form to the address below. The baby photos will be displayed at Hirsch’s Store in Poseyville the week prior to the Autumnfest. The photos will be moved to the Jr. Women’s Club booth on Saturday morning September 25 and voting will expire on Sunday,September 26 at 2:00 p.m. The winner will be announced after

the Parade Awards located at the Community Center. Each entrant will receive a certificate of participation along with a consolation prize. The winner will receive a $50 savings bond donated by a local bank, a gift certificate donated by Carolyn Higginson for their “1st Birthday Cake” and a $100 gift certificate to Toys To Treasure in Evansville. Second place winner will receive a gift certificate from Carolyn Higginson for their “1st Birthday Cake” and a $25 gift certificate to Toys to Treasure. All of the proceeds made from this event will go to-

wards the Carol Renee Lamar Scholarship Fund and then to a selected graduate or graduates from North Posey High School in the Spring. Registration deadline is Saturday September 18; no late registrations will be accepted. Simply mail your 4” x 6” photo of your baby and the attached form to: Leeanna Wassmer C/O Posey County Jr. Women’s Club Baby Photo Contest 7401 Wassmer Road Poseyville, IN 47633 Questions call Leeanna Wassmer @ 874-2671 or Lori Motz @ 874-2775.

POSEY COUNTY JR. WOMEN’S CLUB BABY PHOTO CONTEST FORM Child’s Name: __________________________________________________________ Parents Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________________________ Birthdate: ______________________________________________________________


SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE A7


Larry and Sharon Stroud talk with Dennis and Patty Avery at the St. Wendel Social on Sunday. Avery was later the guest speaker at the Posey County Democratic Women’s Club picnic. Photo by Dave Pearce

Habitat Humanity Woman Build looking for volunteers Women across the Tristate are coming together September 11 - October 2 to build a home for a family in need as part of the Glenwood Community Development Initiative. Be a part of it! Help build the house of Dr. Terry South is one of the doctors who will be leaving Saturday to go to Africa for two weeks to take treatment and medicine to the children there. Dr. South is a M.D. at Evansville Medical Center North. Photo by Betty Barnett

PC Junior Women’s Club to hold sale and raffle The Posey County Jr. Women’s Club will be selling Kuchens again at this year’s Poseyville Autumnfest, September 25 and 26. We will have cherry, cinnamon, and peach again for $5.50 each. Our proceeds go

to our Carol Renee Lamar Scholarship Fund. Please come by our booth and help support the Jr. Women’s Club of Posey County and enjoy the wonderful Autumnfest. They will also be raffling

off a TV this year. Tickets will sell for $1 each or 6 tickets for $5 or 15 for $10. So stop by the Jr. Women’s Club booth at the Autumnfest on September 25 & 26, and take your chance on a TV.

Pierce, Kessler, Blackburn, and Russell family reunion planned The descendents of Charles Kessler and Nancy Ann Roberts will hold their reunion Sunday, September 26 at the Senior Citizens Center in Mount Vernon from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Relatives include the John Pierce, Elizabeth Blackburn and James Kessler families,

WMI News If you’re not in the mood to get out of the house or have friends and family that live far away, there is always something to enjoy at www. Miss a weekly news article? It’s there. Not been able to keep up with our construction project? Take a virtual tour of the construction site, and find out what is going on. You won’t even have to wear a hard hat. Want to browse the shelves of the library? Click on Athena and you can even peruse what is in our stacks and the

as well as the Frank and Emily Russell family descendents of Enfield, Illinois. All members and friends of these families are invited to attend this year’s celebration. Guests are asked to bring a covered dish or dessert and drinks. Lunch will be served at 1 p.m. and

the afternoon will be spent catching up on family news. Pictures will be taken and information on the family history will also be discussed. Please contact Don Pierce at (812)459-7006 for directions or information. See you at the reunion.

By Sherri Graves archives. And speaking of the archives, check out our finding aids and digitized collections. Read a civil war letter, or find out what people were reading in the earliest New Harmony newspapers. Have a friend who has never visited the WMI? Invite them to take a virtual tour. Remember the good old days. Reminisce with the Our Town Series and visit New Harmony of yesteryear. Have a bored young reader? Remember BookFlix. It’s a fun way to get the little

ones to read. In the middle of a big report? Just click on Inspire and go to Indiana’s huge database. Find what you need for that report whether you are in grade school or graduate school. Have a question? Remember, you can email the librarian anytime. Whether you are young or old, in New Harmony or the other side of the world, your virtual WMI is here to serve you better. For questions about this article or other subjects call 682-4806 or visit us at www.

St. Philip Burgoo coming September 26 It’s time to round up the kettles. Every year near harvest time, the members of the St. Philip Men’s Club gather to prepare and sell their famous burgoo. This year’s sale is Sept. 26, and the reputation of the soupy concoction has spread far and wide. Burgoo has been simmering annually at St. Philip for 50 years or so. It’s been the primary fund-raiser of the Men’s Club since 1958; before then, it was cooked at the church’s annual summer social. The church’s men’s club owns a 750 gallon kettle but 20 more kettles are needed to cook the 1200+ gallons of burgoo the club dishes out each year. Farmers used to loan the kettles they used for rendering lard and cooking liver sausage. Now the Men’s Club have all their own kettles which were purchased at various times. St. Philip’s burgoo (either BUR-go or bur-GOO, depending on who is talking) is composed of chicken and beef, carrots, potatoes, onions, cabbage, tomato juice, canned corn, navy beans, butter beans, pepper, salt, sugar and allspice. This list of ingredients is as much as Ron Folz will divulge. The exact seasoning and amount of ingredients is secret and Jeff Wildeman is the only person allowed to measure the spices and place them in cloth bags to season the burgoo. The secret to making good burgoo is making it good. That’s all I’m allowed to tell you,” Wildeman said.

One thing he will say is that the burgoo tastes the same every year, unlike burgoo made during frontier times, when every meat and vegetable available was thrown into the pot. “We don’t change a thing,” he said. Most of the meat and vegetables are bought now, whereas years ago parishioners donated most of the chicken, beef and vegetables. Each year preparations begin on Friday evening. The meat is stewed and the vegetables are washed, peeled and ground. The guys work through the night. Early Saturday morning volunteers set up all the kettles and clean them, take the chicken off the bones and grind it and the stewed beef. They then carefully parcel the ingredients to be added to each of the 21 kettles lined up in the back of the church. The actual cooking begins around 11 p.m. after the meat and vegetables have been added along with the cloth bags containing the spices and the secret ingredient. Burgoo veterans have their jobs down pat. Some grind cabbage and vegetables, some stew the meats and others run the automatic potato peeler. The large kettle is equipped with an automatic stirring device, but it’s an all night vigil with the smaller kettles. It isn’t difficult finding volunteers because the event has turned into a social affair. There is no discrimination----teenagers, children and friends of club members offer their assistance. The volunteers stir until early Sunday morning when

Folz pronounces the burgoo ready for sale. The burgoo sells fast and is usually gone before noon except for the soup that is held back to be sold in the cafeteria. The Men’s Club would like to make more but they can handle making only so much. Dan Horstman, publicity chairman for the club, says that this is the sort of project that builds relationships and fellowship and brings about a spirit of cooperation and working together. St. Philip is a close-knit parish with hard working members. The response to the burgoo has been great with people coming from Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee and other places to get the famous St. Philip Burgoo. To sweeten the day, a raffle will climax the event at 1:30 p.m. The grand prize of $20,000 and 20 other prizes will be given away. The tickets are $20 donation for each ticket with only 3,000 tickets being sold. You need not be present to win. (License# 119376) - The sale of burgoo begins at 7:30 a.m. Drive thru and carry-out patrons should bring their own containers or one can be purchased for a small fee. A lunch of burgoo, hamburgers, pie and drinks is sold in the St. Philip Center during the sale of burgoo outside. Volunteers help in the dining room, too. Philip is located 6 miles west of Evansville on St. Philip Road.

APL News Database Show Join Adult Services Librarian, Patty Vahey on September 16 at 6:30 p.m. or Septem-ber 18 at 10 a.m. as she demonstrates how to utilize “Free” access databases available from the library website. Those taking part in this program are asked to have their library card with them. This program is free. Legos Club This is a monthly club for anyone age 6 and older who loves working with Legos. Each meeting we will be building things from Legos. The first meeting will be September 21 at 3:30 p.m. Registration is required. Author Visit Local author Rick Reed will discuss his books: Blood Trail and Cruelest Cut on September 23 at 6:30 p.m. Sergeant Rick Reed (Retired) is a twenty-plus-year veteran police de-tective. During his career he successfully inves-

Amanda Bratcher in Shadewood Place or bring food or serve food or be a greeter. . . .all are welcome! Go to our web site www. or Facebook page for full information or to sign up. We

want all Tri-state women to be a part of this. Donations of $10 or more make you a part of our Link by Link program. Call 423-5623 to learn more about Evansville Women Build.

By Stanley Campbell tigated numerous high-profile criminal cases, including a serial killer who claimed thirteen victims before strangling and dis-membering his fourteenth and last victim. He recounted that story in his acclaimed true-crime book, Blood Trail. Family Storytime Moms, dads, caregivers, and kids of all ages are welcome! It’s as easy as ABC and fun, too. Join us September 28 at 6 p.m. as we view Chicka Chicka Boom Boom on video, climb the letters up a coconut tree and paint with letters. James Whitcomb Riley Lee Ann Wambach as Elizabeth Riley, the mother of James Whitcomb Riley, talks about his childhood and his poems on September 30 at 6:30 p.m. This program is free and open to all ages. Used Books Needed Our book sale is coming up in November and we still need

donated books. The Friends of the APL are accepting all pocket size and larger paperback fiction, all non-fiction books in paperback and hardback, audiotapes, CDs, DVDs, VHSs and graphic novels for their next book sale. All items must be clean, dry, mold-free, and have their original covers. Donations will be accepted during regular library hours. Gift Donations Gift donations in the form of cash are used to provide books and other useful materials for the library. Unless specified, donations made to the library will be used where there is the greatest need. If you wish to make a gift donation please fill out the printable Gift Form found on our website: www.apl.lib. Print out the form, fill it in, and mail the form along with your gift donation to: Alexandrian Public Library, 115 West Fifth Street, Mount Vernon, Indiana 47620.

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September 24, 9am to 2 pm September 25, 9am to 7 pm September 26, 9am to 5 pm NEW SPECIAL GUESTS: • Estun-Bah (Apache) World famous hoop dancer & Native flute music • Rose Simpson (Santa Clara Pueblo) Musician & Artist • Daniel Bigay (Cherokee) Unique artist & Flute musician • Nelson Garcia (Kewa) Accomplished Silversmith NATIVE AMERICAN DAYS IS SIGNIFICANT BECAUSE: • Brings nationally-recognized artists and musicians to the tri-state • Highlights a thriving culture that continues today • Provides area residents the rare opportunity to not only see and purchase fine Native American art and music, but meet premier artists and musicians and learn first-hand how they interpret their heritage through their art form. • Brings many Natives from various tribes together to teach others about their culture. ANGEL MOUNDS STATE HISTORIC SITE 8215 Pollack Avenue Evansville, IN 47715 Questions? Call us at: 1-812-853-3956


SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE A8

SCHOOL Autumnfest to have breakfast kick-off Come join the Kiwanis Club of Poseyville at the anual Pancake Breakfast, Sep. 25 at 6 a.m. and help kick off the Poseyville Autumnfest The Saturday and Sunday menu consists of pancakes, sausage, milk, orange juice, and coffe…all you can eat for just $5. Proceeds help the children in the North Posey County area.The Autumfest will have food booths, bingo, games, entertainment, and more. Everyone will have a good time.

“Dancin’ in the Streets” at Kunstfest

The River City Quartet from Henderson, Ky., delighted the crowd during the nondenominational worship service Sunday morning during the Mount Vernon River Days. (L toR) are Mark Preschool screening clinic announced Pictured Ross, Seth Lindsay, Greg Preschool Screening Clinics to assess developmental Lindsay, and Jamie Layton. skills, speech/language skills, vision and hearing are offered to children ages 3-5 at no cost to the parent. The Preschool Screening Clinic will be held on Monday, September 27, 2010 in the Posey County Special Services Office at Hedges Central Elementary School. Please call the Posey County Special Services Office to schedule an appointment at 812-838-5516 or 800-779-6927.

A new addition to New Harmony’s Kunstfest this year deserves its own announcement. The New Harmony Business Associates and the New Harmony School Booster Club are co-sponsoring “Dancin’ in the Streets,” Saturday evening, September 18, 2010, during New Harmony’s Kunstfest Festival. New Harmony’s own Mickey Grimm, Molly Felder, Marv Daniels and friends will be playing on Main and Tavern Streets 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Mickey, Molly and Marv are reuniting after playing together for years in the past. We heard them last in New Harmony at the Red Geranium Restaurant’s Patio Jams in 2008. It will be a nice reunion concert before their November Santa Fe Sky Chief Musical Train Trip from Los Angeles through the Grand Canyon in November of this year. For more information on Mickey & Molly, you can visit During the Dancin in the Streets, the New Harmony High School Booster Club will sell and serve hot dogs and soft drinks and raffle a “half a hog” from Dewigs Meats Haubstadt. 80 pounds of pre-packaged pork for $5 a chance. This prize is valued at $200. The concert is free but donations will be appreciated by “passing the hat” for the band. Drive your golf cart or bring your lawn chairs, but who will need them with this musical crew, we all will be “Dancin’ in the streets.” If you would like more information about Kunstfest visit to download a complete schedule of events.

County, from Page 1A part of a larger project and there are sight distance issues. There is currently a lack of driver education. The firm indicated that they have already talked to school officials regarding the possibility of flagmen to facilitate the flow of traffic at peak times. Schenk told commissioners that it would take about $40,000 to begin to correct the problem and the grant for which the county would apply is a 10 percent matching grant. Commissioners gave their OK to begin the grant application with the county providing the 10 percent match. Schenk pointed out that the grant is a competitive grant and there are no assurances that the funds will be granted but this is the first step in the right direction. While one road is getting individual attention, it was announced that the State has indicated that it will be eliminating the jobs at the toll booth on Indiana Route 62 at the bridge crossing into Illinois. The workers will be replaced by an unmanned toll booth. The change will begin on Sept. 21 at 9 a.m. with no remaining employees after the first of the year. In other business: •After opening five bids for the replacement of bridge RN23 on Pfeiffer Road in Posey County, the work was awarded to Ragle Construction, located in Newburgh, for a total bid of $499,900. Bids were also submitted by Mount Vernon’s Russell Excavating ($514,000), as well as D.K. Parker of New Harmony ($535,000), Blankenberger Bros. ($545,000) and CLR of Vincennes ($592,805). •The proposal for painting in the Posey County Recorder’s Office was awarded to J.A.M. Painting at a cost of $2,250. The work will be done after hours as a conveniece to workers and the public. •Schenk announced that chipping and sealing is still going on around the county and that the repaving of Darnell School Road has been completed. Schenk noted that the public should be aware that the cost of paving is $81,000 per mile. •The Commissioners agreed to sell the old ambulance recently taken out of service for $5000 to St. Mary’s Surgery Center. •The commissioners announced the planned retirement of long-time employee Elizabeth Cox. A reception was held Friday at the office. Sept. 10 was the last day for Cox who has worked in the office for more than 25 years. •A report was given of the animal control officer. In the month of August, 48 complaints were received with 10 animals picked up, one bite, none euthanized, and no rabies tests.

Rachel Wheaton becomes member of NSCS Rachel Wheaton of Mount Vernon, Indiana has accepted membership in the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS). Rachel will be honored during an Induction Convocation this fall on the campus of DePauw University. “NSCS is more than just a symbol of academic achievement. Membership gives students access to a number of amazing benefits including career and networking resources, scholarships, travel and service projects both on campus and in the

community,” says Stephen E. Loflin, NSCS executive director. NSCS is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and is the nation’s only interdisciplinary honors organization for first and second year college students. Membership is by invitation only, based on grade point average and class standing. NSCS has more than 750,000 lifetime members and 270 chapters in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

The West fifth grade float was a big River Days hit. Pictured, front row kneeling left to right: Kelsey Nash, Madison Venecz, Sarah Rutledge, Caroline Cox, Kyle Topper, and Tyler King (standing with arms up). Secondnd Row: Laurissa Williamson, Skylar Coburn, Jalayna Chaffin (behind the float in same row) Cameron Topper, Caleb Krouse, Hunter Murphy, and Ethan Raibley. Back row: Mrs. McDonald looking to her left - Darra Brown, Malia Crawford, and Madison Cox.

School, from Page 1A it was not budgeted. For a single health plan, the district’s premium costs will rise from $344 a month to $374, just below the monthly insurance cap of $375. Evans noted that in spite of the rate increase, premiums are still lower than they were five years ago. School Board hopeful Kim Jackson questioned if this increase meant a raise for the district’s educators. Evans explained that teachers were still honoring their one-half percent pay decrease and would see an increase in premiums as well under the approved plans. Only those employees enrolling in the single base health plan will be completely covered by the school district. Teachers with a family base health plan will be paying an additional $75 per month for the plan beginning October 1. The particulars of the insurance plans follow. In the second year of a three-year contract, Welborn Health Plans will provide health insurance at a 7.91 percent increase in premium with revised plan benefits. Those revisions include an approximately $5 increase in copay for doctor’s office visits and prescriptions. Evans noted the increase saved employees more than 2 percent in even higher premiums. Additional revisions comply with the national healthcare reform: no lifetime maximum of benefits and the coverage of dependents until age 26. Dental insurance will continue with HRI Dental on a oneyear renewable contract with a 6 percent increase in premium. Again, Evans pointed out in spite of the increase, insurance premiums remain lower than they were a few years ago. There was no increase in premium for life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance and in long-term disability insurance. Employees may still opt to “buy up” from a $500 to a $100 deductible and to receive family coverage, but they will pick up the increase in costs. The school district’s insurance committee recommended the insurance plans be adopted. That committee, Evans said, is composed of representatives from all employee groups, certified and non-certified—for example, teachers and teacher’s aides, secretaries and administration, retirees and bus drivers.

Evans underscored that the state insurance plan has been reviewed for the past several years, but it is much higher than plans adopted—this year, over 60 percent higher—and offers lesser benefits. In other business: •The board held public hearing regarding the Capital Projects Fund Plan and the Bus Replacement Plan. No public comments were forthcoming. The plans will be adopted at the Monday, September 20, school board meeting. •The board approved payment of vouchers by the Mount Vernon of Posey County Multi-School Building Corporation in the amount of $22,538.20. Kopatich noted the vouchers covered sidewalks at Farmersville and West, a drain at West and light sensors at Farmersville and West. •The board adopted a resolution for the use of the Capital Projects Fund emergency allocation to cover additional costs in the amount of $6,000 for repair to the Mount Vernon Junior High School chiller. It was noted that the chiller had far outlasted its warranty since it was the original placed in the junior high at its construction. As a result, insurance does not cover the repair. •The board confirmed the employment of Curtis McCarty as a school district bus driver and of Deborah Claxton, Lori Holder and Jennifer Ritzert as cafeteria workers. In addition, the board accepted the resignation of Becky DeKemper for one-half sponsorship of the pom pom squad and of Donald Mercer as a school district bus driver—both effective immediately. Finally, under personnel items, the board granted a nonpaid leave of absence, commencing the afternoon of November 4 through December 31, 2010, to Sandy Stillwagoner at the junior high. •The board granted permission to the Mount Vernon High School Jazz Band to perform at the rededication of the Imagination Station on Sunday, September 26, 2010, at the Alexandrian Public Library. The Mount Vernon School Board will meet again Monday, September 20, 2010, at 5:45 p.m. in the junior high media center. At this meeting, patrons can learn official enrollment counts, receive a Farmersville roof update and hear about Spring ISTEP results.

Poseyville, from Page 1A Fallowfield stated the engineering should be completed by the end of the year with construction beginning in the spring and complete before the start of the next school year. Fallowfield explained the route has not been finalized yet. The proposed plan is to construct a sidewalk at the school on the south side of Fletchall Street down to Sharp Street. From there, the sidewalk will be constructed on the east side of Sharp Street and continue south before ending near the railroad tracks. Flashing lights to mark the school zone will be installed at the intersections of Sharp and Fletchall Streets and also at Walker and Fletchall Streets. The speed in the school zone is 20 mph. A marked cross-walk will also be painted in front of the school on Fletchall St. Immediately following the regular meeting, a public hearing was held regarding the proposed annexation of the land at the north end of town where the Feed Mill and The First Bank of Carmi are located as well as two acres of land on Indiana Street owned by Jeremy Schipp. Representatives from both businesses attended the public hearing to voice their displeasure about the annexation. Brent Tharp addressed the council first on behalf of the Feed Mill stating, “It’s a new property, it doesn’t have its feet on the ground yet. We would just like to ask if you could give us a little more time.” Tharp stated that it can take up to five years before most new restaurants begin to see a profit. For the record, Baker clarified that if the annexation is approved, taxes will accrue in 2011 and be payable in May and November 2012.

Feed Mill owners Dave and Jane Reising also addressed the council. Jane questioned whether Poseyville benefitted from any of the sales tax the restaurant must pay. Baker answered that while the town did not benefit from sales tax, it does receive a small percentage of the local option income tax. Baker stated the county determines the amount each community receives on local option income tax is determined by population. Poseyville receives $3,168 per month. Jane also pointed out that the Feed Mill employs many local residents and the town benefits by having a nice social place for people to gather. “I just feel a little disappointed that the town couldn’t have waited a little longer before doing this,” she said. Dave echoed her sentiments adding, “I would like the town to reconsider annexation at this time.” Jim McDonald spoke to the council on behalf of First Bank. He expressed his appreciation for how well the community has embraced the bank. “We’ve spent a lot of money to improve the looks as people exit the interstate. I just want everyone to keep in mind the investment that has already been made when considering this annexation,” he said. If the annexation is approved, the Feed Mill property alone will generate an estimated additional $4,867 annually. No figures were available for the First Bank or Schipp properties. Baker stated the board will take all the information into advisement. No official decision will be made until the next meeting, Tuesday, October 12, at 4:30 p.m. at the Poseyville Community Center.




America celebrates United States Constitution

Lee Mourer, an officer of DAR, looks over the shoulder of Mount Vernon Mayor, John Tucker, as he signs the Proclamation for Constitution Week. Photo submitted Friday, September 17, 2010, begins the national celebration of Constitution Week. The weeklong commemoration of America’s most important document

is one of our country’s least known official observances. Our Constitution stands as a testament to the tenacity of Americans throughout history to maintain their liberties

and freedom, and to ensure those unalienable rights to every American. The tradition of celebratcelebrat ing the Constitution was started many years ago by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). In 1955, the Daughters petitioned Congress to set aside September 17-23 annually to be dedicated for the observance of Constitution Week. The resolution was later adopted by the U.S. Congress and signed into Public Law #915 on August 2, 1956 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The aims of the celebration are to (1) emphasize citizens’ responsibilities for protecting and defending the Constitution, preserving it for posterity; (2) inform the people that the Constitution is the basis for America’s great heritage and the foundation for our way of

life; and (3) encourage the study of the historical events which led to the framing of Septem the Constitution in September 1787. The United States of America functions as a Republic under the Constitution, which is the oldest document still in active use that outlines the self-government of a people. This landmark idea that men had the inalienable right as individuals to be free and live their lives under their own governance was the impetus of the American Revolution. Today, the Constitution stands as an icon of freedom for people around the world. "We must remember and teach that those who wrote the Constitution believed that no government can create freedom, but that government must guard freedom rather than encroach upon

the freedoms of its people" stated Merry Ann T. Wright, President General of the DAR "The Constitution by DAR. itself cannot guarantee liberty. A nation’s people can remain free only by being responsible citizens who are willing to learn about the rights of each arm of government and require that each is accountable for its own function. Therefore, Constitution Week is the perfect opportunity to read and study this great document which is the safeguard of our American liberties. We encourage all citizens across the country to take time this week to guard that which is committed to us by our forefathers... our freedom." DAR has served America for 120 years as its foremost cheerleader. In 1928, the Daughters began work on a building

C as a memorial to the ConPo stitution. John Russell Pope, M architect of the Jefferson Memorial was commissioned commissio morial, to design the performing arts center, known as DAR Constitution Hall. Today, DAR Constitution Hall is the only structure erected in tribute to the Constitution of the United States of America. Known as the largest women’s patriotic organization in the world, DAR has over 165,000 members with approximately 3,000 chapters in all 50 states and 11 foreign countries. The DAR has long promoted patriotism through commemorative celebrations, memorials, scholarships and activities for children, and programs for new immigrants. For more information about DAR and its programs visit www.dar. org or call (202) 628-1776.

Squirrel bites West Elementary School student’s mother By Pam Robinson Things got a little squirrely at West Elementary School this past Friday, September 10. West mom Amber Doty was attacked by a squirrel while she waited underneath the front awning to enter the school and drop off papers for her second-grade son Caleb. Doty said as she waited, two women came out of the front doors and said, “Look at the squirrel.” When Doty turned to look, the squirrel jumped on her

right ankle and started biting and scratching her. As soon as she kicked the squirrel off her leg, the women pulled Doty inside the doors to safety. The squirrel continued in pursuit of his victim and leaped on the outside door handles. Office personnel attended to Doty, who was sent to the county health nurse and referred to a doctor. Doty’s puncture wounds and scratches have been treated with antibiotics and a topical cream.

No stitches were required. Doty reported that animal control officer Terry Penn and West Principal Paul Swanson captured the squirrel. She said the animal was being sent to the lab yesterday to determine if it had rabies. If the squirrel was rabid, Doty

will need to take a series of shots for treatment. She admitted she was just trying not to think about that scenario. “My leg is a little sore,” Doty commented on Sunday night. “I’m just very glad this didn’t happen to a child.”

More than 50 farmers enjoyed the ag breakfast this week at the Posey County Community Center. At right, Consolidated Grain and Barge’s Frank Chapman talks to farmers regarding what they can expect in farm prices with the drought this year. Below, Marvin Redman cooks sausage that goes with the eggs, biscuits and gravy served at the breakfast. Photos by Dave Pearce

United Way kicks off 2010 campaign The United Way of Posey County will start its 2010 Campaign with a kick-off breakfast Thursday, September 16th at 8:00 A.M. at the Alexandrian Public Library, 115 West Fifth Street, Mount Vernon, Indiana. The breakfast is sponsored by Old National Bank. At the kick-off, Leigh Ann Latshaw, Mount Vernon High School teacher and NEA President, will be the featured speaker. This year, St. Philip Catholic School is one of the Pacesetters for the United Way campaign. They will run their United Way campaign during August and results are announced at the United Way of Posey County campaign kick-off on September 16. Their early support and enthusiasm will get this year’s campaign off to a good start. St. Philip Catholic School is located about one mile from the Posey/Vanderburgh County Line in Posey County. It is a parochial school of about 230 students in grades pre-school through 8. The school is nestled in the heart

of the St. Philip Community and is home to many people, old and young, both for religious purposes and social purposes. They have many gatherings and events that bring the community together and ensure a sense of belonging and acceptance to everyone. St. Philip is excited to be a Pacesetter for the United Way Campaign again this year, and hopes that their contributions will support the foundation and help show their commitment to helping others in and around our community. For the first time ever, this year six Posey County schools will be Pacesetters in the United Way of Posey County campaign. Keith Spurgeon, campaign chairman, said “We are proud of our schools in Posey County, and we are excited about their community involvement as Pacesetters in our United Way campaign.” Please call the United Way at 838-3637 or email to for more information, or to make a reservation.

Owensville breaks ground on a new healthcare facility “September 8, 2010 marks the groundbreaking on a new clinic for Owensville, Indiana that will significantly improve the scope of healthcare that is offered in this community”, according to Tom O’Niones, President and Owner of Transcendent Healthcare, whose Owensville health care facility will be the host for the new clinic. Owensville, which has not had a physician practice in the community since the passing of long-time resident physician, Dr. Dickenson, has had to turn to neighboring communities for many of the health care services that many towns may take for granted. With the completion of its new facility late this year, being built as an addition to Transcendent Healthcare of Owensville on Highway 165 West, that will no longer be the case. O’Niones had originally planned on adding a 2,000 square foot addition to the facility’s current rehabilitation space for the physical, and occupational therapy and speech-language pathology services that are provided to the residents there. However, after consulting with Owensville community leaders and colleagues in the industry, the plan has evolved into a full service clinic offering those same therapies, on an outpatient basis to the community at large. To help meet the primary care needs of the community, the clinic will also staff a nurse practitioner under the professional supervision of one or more licensed physicians practicing within the communities which border Owensville. Transcendent Healthcare of Owensville is no stranger to rehabilitation services. The facility currently provides in excess of 25 treatments, in the three aforementioned disciplines, each day to its residents. Expanding the services on an outpatient basis is new to Owensville and is usually only attempted in much larger

communities. Meanwhile, the presence of the nurse practitioner, recognized by licensure as a midlevel provider with the authority to prescribe medicine and authorize treatment, will mean that residents, both of the facility and of the community at large, will ultimately stay in town for many of these services. The presence of the practitioner allows the services to be provided more economically, while making sure that patients are afforded the oversight of a physician for morecomplex clinical decisions. “After meeting with physicians and leaders in our community,” O’Niones added, “it became apparent to me that if health care services are going to grow here in Owensville, we are going to have to do our part. We already provide healthcare services in this community- seven days a

week, 24 hours a day.” The medical community has embraced the project and several physicians have stepped forward to help guide and plan for the clinic. Transcendent of Owensville Medical Director, Quentin Emerson, M.D., whose office is in nearby Ft. Branch, is a longtime Owensville resident. Dr. Emerson has been championing the need for a mid-level practitioner in Owensville for quite some time. Dr. Bruce Brink, Jr., D.O. is a third generation physician in nearby Princeton, who currently utilizes nurse practitioners in his own practice and at Tulip Tree, a community-based clinic in Ft. Branch where he serves as Medical Director. According to O’Niones, “Both Dr. Brink and Dr. Emerson have been instrumental in helping us to make this a reality.”





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PAGE A10 • SEPTEMBER 14, 2010



Flying away on a wing and a prayer takes new meaning Even birds survive on a wing and a prayer sometimes. One injured bird, a turkey vulture, managed with one good wing to land on the front porch of my friends Jessica FOR THE and Hugh Thompson, situat- RECORD ed on Church Street in New Harmony. As my editor Dave BY PAM Pearce notes each week, the ROBINSON truth is stranger than fiction, and Jessica testifies this bird landing ranks up there as the strangest thing she’s ever seen. First of all, how does a wounded buzzard end up on a front porch in New Harmony? Jessica figures this tough ole bird she named Veronica likely got hit by a car and hobbled for several miles. Veronica alerted Jessica and Hugh to her presence by rapping on the front glass. When they spotted her, she was momentarily frightened and moved to their

next door neighbor’s front porch and rapped her head on his glass. Getting no answer, she moved toward another neighbor’s home, where Hugh contained her in a large outdoor rubber trash can secured with a wire lid held down by a rock. The rock turned out too light to hold Veronica. After a series of sightings, Hugh finally contained Veronica in the trash can again, this time securing the wire with a heavier rock. He wanted to make sure Veronica kept at least one wing intact. Once they saved Veronica, the Thompsons were then faced with another pressing question. What do you do to help a wounded buzzard that shows up on your front porch? Raptors like Veronica are protected birds, so Jessica and Hugh called the local office

of the Department of Natural Resources at Harmonie State Park. They were referred to Conservation Officer Paul Axton. From Axton, Jessica and Hugh learned a bit about the amazing work of wildlife rehabbers. Fortunately, for the sake of the animals and the humans involved, not just anybody can be a wildlife rehabber. When Axton receives a call about a wounded animal, he himself picks up the animal and first delivers it to Highland Veterinary Clinic in Evansville, a federally licensed rehab clinic, for an assessment of the animal’s condition. Once the exam is complete, a federally licensed wildlife rehabber nurses the animal back to full health. These volunteers must possess the expertise to qualify for the license permitting them to participate in wildlife rehabilitation. They must be screened by authorities and document their qualifications. When I talked with Axton, he directed me

to the Indiana Division of Fish and Wildlife website for a listing of the wildlife rehabbers in the area. It turns out Posey County has no one licensed as a wildlife rehabber to date. Vanderburgh County has only three wildlife rehabbers. Axton says it’s always good to find more qualified people to assist with wildlife rehabilitation. The same day Axton picked up Veronica from the Thompsons, he had already rescued an injured red-tailed hawk. It’s remarkable to count on licensed individuals with the expertise and patience to work with wounded animals. The wildlife rehabbers are unsung heroes, deserving our thanks for the work they do in helping animals free of charge. After all, a turkey vulture might just end up on our own front porch one day. Jessica and Hugh Thompson can vouch their prayers were answered when Veronica moved to the animal hospital.

Letters to the Editor State of Indiana Proclamation

City of Mount Vernon Proclamation

TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS MAY COME, GREETINGS: WHEREAS, direct support professionals are the primary providers of publicly funded long term support and services for thousands of individuals in Indiana; and WHEREAS, a direct support professional must build a close, trusted relationship with an individual with disabilities and ensure their basic health and safety needs are met, as well as provide support to address their daily living needs; and WHEREAS, a direct support professional provides essential support to help keep an individual with disabilities connected to their family and community, to live meaningful, successful lives, and to avoid more costly institutional care; and WHEREAS, direct support professionals work and pay taxes, thus playing an important part in Indiana’s economy; and WHEREAS, current research shows that high turnover and vacancy rates in the profession adversely affects the quality of support to individuals with disabilities, and there is a documented critical and growing need for direct support professionals; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr, Governor of the State of Indiana, do hereby proclaim September 13-17, 2010 as DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONALS RECOGNITION WEEK in the State of Indiana, and invite all citizens to duly note this occasion. By the Governor: M. E. Daniels, Jr.

WHEREAS, September 17, 2010 marks the two hundred and twenty-third Anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention; and WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to officially recognize this magnificent Document and the anniversary of its creation; and WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to officially recognize the patriotic celebrations which will commemorate the occasion; and WHEREAS, public law 915 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the President of the United States of America designating September 17 through 23 as constitution week; NOW, THEREFORE, I, John M. Tucker by the virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Mount Vernon do hereby proclaim the week of September 17 through 23 as CONSTITUTION WEEK and urge all citizens to study the Constitution, and reflect on the privilege of being an American with all the rights and responsibilities which that privilege involves. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City to be affixed the Great Seal of the City of Mount Vernon on the seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord two thousand ten. John M. Tucker, Mayor City of Mount Vernon

Machinist jobs hold the key to an unexpected future According to the recent Manpower Inc. survey of 35,000 employers, skilled trades positions are the hardest to fill despite an urgent need, and the company's 2010 Talent Shortage Survey named the U.S as one of the countries where employers ranked skilled trades as their No. 1 or No. 2 hiring challenge. According to the Department of Labor Statistics the machining industries are expected to decline by 3% over the next decade but skilled machinists are retiring at a rate that far exceeds any downturn in business the industry may experience. The net result is there is a steady need for machinists to fill the openings left by the retirees and not enough warm bodies to fill these job openings. "Machinist jobs in the blue collar industries earn the same money as middle managers with a bachelor degree in the white collar industries, but they do it without a four year degree" according to Julia Gangloff, CEO of "The road to becoming a skilled trades person in the machining industry used to strictly be through an apprenticeship program but is now just as likely to take the path of a trade school." Some companies prefer to hire machinists that have trained through their in-house apprenticeship programs. These programs are registered with the US Department of Labor and a list is available through their website. Trade schools offer both certificate programs and Associate in Applied Science degrees in Machining trades. Entry level CNC machine operators may need

Gavel Gamut’s In his book, The Ox-Bow Incident, Walter Clark wrote about lynch mob motivation: “Why are we riding up here, twenty-eight of us, when every one of us would rather be doing something else? …. We’re doing it because we’re in the pack, because we’re afraid not to be in the pack. We don’t dare show our pack weakness; we don’t dare resist the pack.” Signet Classics p. 106 Clark was explaining why people who did not want to lynch someone often ended up being part of a lynch mob. Persons who would never resort to murder on their own may be unable to resist group murder. In his work, The Jungle, Rudyard Kipling captures the essence of this dilemma: “The strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack.” People who believe in justice and are ashamed of group violence are often powerless to resist the force of a lynch mob. The irony is that often every member of

“The Pack”

such vigilante groups would rather let the law handle the situation. This is so even

GAVEL GAMUT BY JUDGE JIM REDWINE though we frequently disagree with or are dissatisfied with the legal system. My guess is that the Posey County lynch mob of October 1878 that murdered seven Negro men and the Posey County lynch mob of October 1882 that crushed the skull of Hume Redman were made up of otherwise normal people who were too weak to resist public opinion. Of course, the most interesting question for each of us is: How would we act in a similar situation? What if we were in Nazi Germany in the 1940’s or in Zionist Israel today? Would we resist wrongs or accede to them? It is not difficult to condemn the actions of others from a safe distance. But would we have the strength of character to oppose our

Main Office: 641 S Third Street • New Harmony, IN 47631 Satellite Office: 613 E Fourth Street • Mount Vernon, IN 47620 812-682-3950 • FAX 812-682-3944

only a couple of weeks of on-the-job training to reach proficiency while set-up operators and cnc programmers may need experience and formal training to write or modify programs. "The good news is that an employer may want to invest in an employee's future by paying for their education once they get a foot in the door and start adding value to the bottom line because it's a win-win situation for everyone. " "If the unemployed and underemployed are unsure about a job as a machinist or cnc programmer they should keep in mind the blue collar industries are where robotics and lasers came into everyday use. It's not their granddaddy's dirty, smoke choked factory anymore," Ms. Gangloff advised. "Check it out. It could be the most lucrative job move they make." A link to the Depart of Labor's list of Apprenticeship Employers by State and County is available on the website, along with salary information by area and job listings. Julia Gangloff is CEO of MachinistJobSite. com, an online jobsite dedicated to bringing HR and Recruiting services to small and medium manufacturers in the Machining Industries and the Workforce that keeps them functional. is part of the network, serving the recruiting needs of the manufacturing and construction industries since 1999. Julie Gangloff

Home Country

friends and neighbors who may be caught up in the frenzy of prejudice, ignorance and hatred? I know of at least one local person who has done so. When I read Mt. Vernon resident Sam Blankenship’s thoughtful and courageous letter to the editor about the “Ground-Zero Mosque”, I thought of the mob mentality from 1878 and 1882. As Mr. Blankenship said in his letter of August 25, 2010: “Some urge that the deaths at the Twin Towers call for a suspension of the Constitution. I say that the deaths at the Twin Towers related to the sacrifices of our soldiers and their families demand that we renew our commitment to the ideals that both built the Twin Towers and inspired the sacrifices endured by our country.” As October 2010 nears, the events of October 1878 and October 1882 seem almost as fresh as those of today. We may wish to look more closely at the actions of our ancestors and ourselves in the light of the hysteria of both times.

Sweet transition from the heat, from the work, from the hard, rough edges of life. On we go now to autumn, to black, lacy leaves and twigs standing out against an orange sky. The mornings now have that coolness, that chill that tells us we once again have made it through the heat and toil and can sit back now and then and reflect on things. We can think now of family, of children growing and learning. We can think of loved ones growing old and feeble, but even more beloved as we realize what treasures they are to us. We can think back on childhood memories of lazy mornings in church, when the droning kept us in constant danger of sleep, of the smell of coffee, of the taste of purloined doughnuts and the sweet frosting on them. We can think back to the fires of spring, when we found that love is not only terrible, but terribly exciting, too. We can reflect on moments so sacred they live only within our souls and are never expressed, because no one is good enough to put





Slim Randles

the right words to them. We look at red barns and horses starting to shag up


for winter. We think of the woods, and the deer, and the creeks running pure clear and cold with fish and quiet. The evenings now, the silent fall evenings when we see the first star come out right over the town where it has always been and we once again ask ourselves if it has always been this way and do we make a difference, or

is this simply a chance for our souls to slide through a beautiful time known as life. We settle down now to an earlier bed time, to a later getting up time, to savoring the heat of the morning coffee as well as the smell and the taste. We look around, now that the fever of summer work has abated, and we notice people and pets and neighbors that are precious to us, and we give a little smile and nod, which means, “I love you, too.” ---------Sponsored by: www. Farm direct, delicious, California navel & Valencia oranges.

THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS (USPS 439500) is published weekly for $30 per year ($34 for all non-Posey County zip codes) by Pearmor Publishing LLC, P.O. Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631. Periodicals postage paid at Mount Vernon, Indiana. Editor: David Pearce Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Posey County News P.O. Box 397 New Harmony, IN 47631








Mount Vernon River Days 2010 reigning “Little” royalty: Second runner up Grace Lueder, daughter of Mark and Jamie Lueder; first runner-up Sydney Deno, daughter of Ben and Rachel Deno; Little Miss Autumn Schaffer, daughter of Denny and Angie Schaffer; Little Mister Tyler Roos, son of Brian and Cheryl Roos; first runner-up Cole Bilskie, son of Wayne and Pam Bilskie; and second runner-up, Mason Suits, son of Shane and Lindsey Suits. Photo by Terri Koch

A pouring rain does not deter Veteran Bob Ward as he plays the bugle as the American flag is raised during Opening Ceremonies of the Rivers Days festival in Mount Vernon. Photo by Terri Koch

With the flags proudly waving in the breeze, the American Legion Color Guard, Owen Dunn Post #5 proudly Valerie Howell and her son, Isaac enjoy listening to the presents the colors to lead the 2010 River Days Parade. The Color Guard also took home the first place award for River City Quartet during the River Days Worship Serthe marching division. Photo by Terri Koch vice. Photo by Tammy Bergstrom

Following the American Legion Color Guard are Posey County Heroes William Singing ‘bout “Family”, Summer Oeth and Demi Moore, get the Karaoke night start(Butch) Dieterle, Silver Star Recipient, and Thomas Harp, POW/Purple Heart Recipi- ed at the River Days event hosted by Mt. Vernon icons Steve Mitchell and Keith Oeth. ent. Photo by Terri Koch Photo by Terri Koch


Bridgette Cox paints the face of one of the youngsters who attended this week’s Emma Carney plays one of the games during the New harmony Nazarene Church’s opening night of the Caravan program held in New Harmony. The program is held on Caravan held this week. The program is open to all residents of New Harmony and is Thursday evening and offers a meal for the youngsters at the Nazarene Church. held on Thursday evening this year.




William Thurnall, 2, of Bridgeport, enjoys the food.

Morgan, Will, Rodney, and Anna Arnold enjoy family fun at the St. Wendel Social.

Kaison Zwickel, 3, of Indianapolis, puts his ticket in for a toy.

Duane and Zelda Koester talk with Father Ed Schnur.

Gigi Render, Chris Lindauer, and Dan Schmitt place their tickets in the tubs.

St. Wendel students Jessica Gries and Mark Blankenberger collect items for the Humane Society.

Shirley Reidford, Alice Chamberlain, and Agnes Williams watch the cards they bought from Alvin Gates, Jr.

Jack Heldt asks his mother, Brenda, for guidance.

All photos on this page by Dave Pearce Eleanor Buchanan buys a ticket from Jim Tomes at the St. Wendel Social.


SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE A13

Chili Cookers wanted for Parks Board fundraiser in New Harmony

New Harmony Parks, Recreation and Tree Board is signing up teams to compete in its Chili Cook-Off and Arbor Day celebration hosted Saturday afternoon, October 16, in Murphy Park. The afternoon-to-evening event is an extension of the town’s annual Arbor Day gathering with two added perks: Arbor Day is now a town-wide fall party and a way to generate funds for parks and tree-related projects in New Harmony. The Board is seeking chili chefs who are willing to cook for a good cause and bragging

rights. Rules for entering the inaugural competition are simple: teams need at least two people with a spirited team name, and need to prepare at least five gallons of chili. The definition of chili is broad and all conceivable varieties are acceptable. To register for one of the competition slots, teams should complete the Chili Cook-Off form – available at New Harmony town hall -- and return it by Friday, September 24. For the event, Chili teams will be set up Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. in designated cook-sites

Kunstfest 2010 Information

near the Murphy Park shelter, where they will have three hours to cook their best kettle of “anything goes” chili. At five p.m., the public is invited for the official chili taste-and-vote. Taste tickets will be sold two for a dollar, and the public will choose the winner with their taste buds and tickets. “People’s choice champs” will be awarded fabulous prizes and a spirit stick will go to the cook team with the best theme. While the chili simmers, the town is invited to join the annual Arbor Day celebration being

held in Murphy Park, beginning at 3 p.m. at the shelter. With the assistance of the local Boy Scout Troupe No. 386, a short program will include announcements of the New Harmony School Arbor Day art competition winners, a renewal of New Harmony’s official Tree City designation, and the 2010 Arbor Day tree-planting. This year’s Arbor Day tree -- and the art contest theme -- is the red maple. A young red maple, chosen from the growing stock in New Harmony’s Street RELeaf tree nursery, will replace an old

Murphy Park maple lost to disease. The tree was a late-fall 2009 donation to New Harmony’s justestablished tree nursery. It thrived during the nursery’s first year, and will be the first tree transplanted into town. Among many other donors and volunteers, the Parks Board thanks Sally Roth for the gift of this tree. A Chili Cook-Off in the park during the Arbor Day celebration came up as the best way to showcase one of the town’s great recreational spots. It’s also a fun way to financially support a beautiful tree canopy and great parks

in New Harmony. Sandwiches, chips, drinks, desserts and chili-fixings will be sold by the Parks Board, and live local music and a bon-fire are planned. New Harmony Arbor Day Celebration in Murphy Park Schedule: Saturday, October 16 2 p.m. Chili Cook-Off teams set up 3 p.m. Arbor Day program in Murphy Park Shelter 5 p.m. Public chili-tasting, live music and games To register as a cook team, visit New Harmony town hall before September 24.


New Harmony School Board report Within 30 minutes, the New Harmony School Board wrapped up its Thursday, September 9, meeting. First on the docket was approval of the 2011 budget and all related documents. A bit later, two votes approved personnel matters under consideration. First, the board accepted the resignation of Emily Pruitt as junior high volleyball coach and of Jerry Williams as baseball coach. With the same vote, the board approved 10 extra hours for Carrie Parmenter, hired E. Norman Wynn as junior varsity basketball coach and approved Deanna DeVoy as grade school volleyball volunteer. In a separate vote, the board approved five extra hours for Shelly Eagan with board member Jim Eagan abstaining from the vote. In other business: • The board approved plac-

ing policies on review. • The board approved the following fundraisers: yearbook, PAT Fazoli spaghetti night, class of 2016 healthy snack sale and class of 2012 Kunstfest booth. • The board approved an extracurricular activity account for the fourth grade field trip and accounts for the classes of 2014, 2015 and 2016. • The board voted to accept the following donations: an anonymous donation of $100 for the class of 2012, a $250 donation from Deaconess Hospital for athletics and a donation of volleyball socks from Bill Loveridge. The next regular meeting of the New Harmony School Board will be held on Thursday, October 14, 2010, at 6 p.m. in the school media center.

SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE A10

Enrollment continues to climb at USI

The University of Southern Indiana reports another record enrollment as of Friday, September 3, at the end of the 2010 fall registration. This year's count is 10,702, the largest enrollment ever for the University. Last year's enrollment reached 10,516. USI continues to attract transfer students and retain current students, showing increased numbers among the upper classes. The sophomore count is 2,023--155 more than last year, 1,894 juniors, 219 more, and 2,244 seniors, 69 more. The majority of transfer students are coming from state-wide Ivy Tech Community College and Vincennes University. Ivy Tech Community College transfers reached 163 while 87 transfers are coming from Vincennes University. The first-year class count is 2,098, a slight increase over last year's firstyear total. Graduate students increased to 259. "In talking to students and parents, it's clear the enthusiasm for being a part of the University community is high," said Dr. Ronald S. Rochon, provost. "Retention and graduation rates

Kunstfest 2010 Information Continued...

are improving, and USI students have a definitive understanding of what they want from their educational experience." Rochon, who is new to the provost post this year, met many parents during Welcome Week activities. "The legacy of USI is building," Rochon said. "Parents proudly said this is my second or third child to attend USI. Families are seeing the dedication USI has to helping students and USI's commitment to provide expertise and leadership for issues impacting the region." First-year students are better prepared with more than 10 percent ranked in the top 10 percent of the senior class and 32 percent ranked in the top 25 percent of the high school class. More than 64 percent of the freshmen live on campus. This fall, a majority of students or 8,381 are full-time, taking 12 or more credit hours. The female-to-male ration continues to be about 60-40, though the rate of increase of male students outpaced the increase in female students. USI students are more ethnically diverse. The number of African Ameri-

cans who enrolled increased to 585 and the number of Hispanics who enrolled increased to 181. Most of the students are under 25 years of age, but 24 percent are over 25 years of age. The number of international students increased to 196 representing 67 countries. Students hail from throughout Indiana, with Vanderburgh County, the home county of USI, having the highest number of students. The contiguous counties of Posey, Warrick, and Gibson, follow close behind. Students are from 90 Indiana counties and 41 other states. Residence Life at USI offers apartments and residence halls for 3,000 students. The staff reports housing is at 96 percent occupancy. The University secured supplemental housing from a commercial apartment complex to meet demand. Enrollment through the years 2010 10,702 2005 10,004 2000 9,012 The ten-year enrollment increase from fall 2000 to fall 2010 is nearly nineteen percent.


SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE A15

Amy Stephens Photography to celebrate grand opening studio at 32 N. Locust Street, was recently Leeanna Wassmer’s Hair and Tanning Salon. When Leeanna retired in March, Stephens made her move to open her own studio. Coincidentally, she believes the building was once a photography studio before. Stephens really got her start in photography by the help of her friend, Jude Williams. “I have always loved photography and have always taken pictures. But, in 2001, I began helping Jude who shot all the baby pictures at St. Mary’s,” she says. Williams is the photographer who took the newborn photos to a new level by introducing creative props such as angel wings while taking pictures. Stephens’ own talent and “photographer’s eye” comes natural. She has taught herself the finer points of photography, lighting and the computer photo editing program, Photoshop. Sometimes, the best teacher is life experience and practice. She enjoys photographing babies and children and also does senior portraits, maternity and family portraits. Although she has the new studio, she has many favorite spots in New Harmony where she loves to photograph. For senior portraits, she often goes to the individual’s farm or home to make it more personalized. She has even used her own garden as a backdrop for pictures. It’s those life experiences taken from her own family that has helped foster her talent

Story and photo by Valerie Werkmeister Moms often wear many hats. Mother, wife, maid, nurse, chauffeur, cheerleader (for those with kids in sports or band) and the list could go on and on. For Amy Stephens, her collection of hats also includes talented author and professional photographer. Many North Posey friends have had their families’ or children’s picture taken by Stephens, a Gibson Southern High School graduate who grew up in the Poseyville area. Now, she has her own Poseyville studio and will hold a grand opening celebration during Poseyville’s Autumnfest weekend on Saturday, September 25. Although she has held the keys to her new studio location since mid-May, she had to delay plans to officially open after her mom, Vicki Dillon, suffered a stroke May 18. Stephens normally boasts a fast turn-around time on her finished product, but it was difficult to meet her own strict deadline schedule during the time of her mother’s illness. “I appreciated the patience from my loyal customers, because things just weren’t being done in my normal timeframe,” she said. Stephens has been taking pictures with her aunt, Bobbi Ziliak, in Haubstadt studio since 2003. Last December, they decided to split and Stephens began the quest of looking for her own place. The building she has acquired for her

and creativity. In 2006, she wrote a book studio is open by appointment only at 874entitled, “It’s Gonna Be a Great Day,” spe- 2140. The open house will be held from cifically for her middle daughter, Rachel. 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. She welcomes everyone “At the time, she was struggling with to stop by for refreshments and enter for a separation anxiety while going to school. I chance to win photo packages. Samples of tried several techniques and ultimately just her work can be viewed on Facebook by kept encouraging her by positive thinking searching for Amy Stephens Photography. and telling her that she was going to have a great day,” Stephens said. Thus, the idea for the book was born. In addition to photography, she has always loved to write. She researched online to find a publisher and eventually published the book through Author House. She donated several copies of the book to CJ’s Bus and the book is also sold at Barnes & Noble and She was recently contacted with the exciting news that Borders Book Stores is also carrying her book. Fans will be treated to more books as she has already penned her second book and has plans to work on a third as well. Stephens is often invited to read her book in classrooms, which she also enjoys. Stephens and husband of 16 years, Mark, have two other daughters, Tessa and Meredith. The studio is close to their home and she enjoys the ability to work Photographer and Author Amy Stevens takes a on photo editing and scheduling appointments from home. The breif moment to have her picture taken.

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PAGE A16 • SEPTEMBER 14, 2010


Mt. Vernon River Days 2010 honored Posey County Heroes for serving our nation in the military or our state and county emergency teams including Greg Knowles, Leonard Kuhn, Jim Hirsch, Robert J. Blackburn, Lloyd Juncker, David Juncker, Stephen Johnson, Jonathan Hancock, Jim Williams, Donnie Sutton, Ken Spindler, Brandon Webber, Charles Anderson, and Paul Axton. Photo by Dave Koch.

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Wilcats score early, often to put Alices away, 35-14 By Steve Joos Jason Stemple is the main cog in the wheel for the Mount Vernon football team, but each week, it seems as if there’s always someone different to help him get the Wildcats a win, or at least try to. Aaron Choate and Tim Davis were the sidekicks of the week Friday night at Vincennes, Choate playing one of his strongest defensive games of the seasons and Davis piling up a combined total of 136 yards on the ground and through the air as the Wildcats snapped back from a tough loss to Mount Carmel by traveling to Vincennes and smacking the Alices 35-14 for their first Big Eight Conference win of the season. “All in all, we played pretty well,” coach Paul Maier said. “Had we stuck with our gameplan and just kept throwing the ball, we could have put more points on the board, but it’s also important to get the younger kids in there and let them gain some experience, since they’re our future.” The Cats took advantage of some Vincennes miscues to start deep in the Alices’ territory and strike for 21 second-quarter points enroute to a 28-0 halftime lead. While the defense bent at times, it didn’t break. But did it ever bend. Vincennes took the opening kickoff and held the ball for the first eight minutes of the game, only to have the drive stall out on the Mount Vernon 23-yard line, while the Cats needed roughly half that among of time to put four touchdowns on the scoreboard. The Wildcats needed just 32 plays to put those points on the board, about half their normal effort, Maier explained, while they only racked up 297 yards in total offense.

Stemple had his usual night, completing 10 of 14 passes for 180 yards and four touchdowns, with Davis hauling in five of those passes for 101 yards and a touchdown, while getting the team’s only rushing score and picking up 35 yards on the ground. Davis took a Stemple pass 36 yards for a clutch first down on the Cats’ initial drive of the night, a 77yard march that culminated with Davis’ eight-yard run for the only score of the night. The first of five Zac Deig extra point kicks made the score 7-0 Wildcats with 1:36 left in the first quarter. In the second chapter, the Wildcats got plenty of breaks which led to plenty of points. First, Choate blocked a punt on the Alices’ 15-yard line with 9:49 to go in the quarter. Seven seconds later, Stemple found Will Terbeck in the end zone. One play, six points, the Deig extra point made it 14-0 Wildcats. On Vincennes’ next drive, Logan Pace picked off a pass and got it back to the Mount Vernon 41-yard line. Davis caught two of three receptions as the Cats moved the ball to Vincennes’ four, only to be whistled for holding on first and goal. The infraction moved them back to the 19. No problem, as Stemple promptly connected with Aaron Straub for six points and a 21-0 Wildcat bulge. When Deig wasn’t kicking extra points, he was burying Vincennes deep in their own territory on kickoffs. Touchbacks were the order of the day on his first three kickoffs and the Alices could only get the fourth out to their 10-yard line. After the Wildcat defense stopped them on that possession, Terbeck brought the punt back to Vincennes’ 27-yard line and on the first play from scrimmage, it was Stemple

to Davis for what proved to be the last score of the first half (a 55-yard field goal try by Deig was short at the second quarter ended). Straub hauled in a five-yard scoring pass from Stemple with 8:06 to go in the third quarter and Deig’s kick closed out the offense for Mount Vernon. In spite of the Wildcats’ strong performance overall, Maier still saw some reasons for concern. For openers, the team was whistled nine times for 87 yards worth of penalties and the defense sometimes gave up more yardage than they should have. The coach was concerned about the team’s approach to the game prior to the contest and was happy with the win, but didn’t feel the team was all that sharp at times. “We killed ourselves (with penalties),” Maier said. “That just showed lack of mental focus, a lack of being ready to go, ready to play.” But Maier was glad to get a win, especially after a tough loss and especially since that victory gave the Cats a 1-1 Big Eight Conference record. Maier thought that the Cats gave up too much defensively and that the reserves could have done better against the Alices later in the game. Vincennes finally got on the board with eight seconds left in the third quarter when Jake Stone hauled in a 25-yard pass from Gunnar Hutchison. They scored again in the fourth quarter on a four-yard run by Bradeon Hardin with 1:45 left in the game. The coach was not happy with Vincennes ability to catch Mount Vernon off guard at times on the play action pass and added that the team still has plenty to work on, especially the reserves. But they got the win, nailing it

down very quickly. CATS 35, ALICES 14 SCORE BY QUARTERS MV 7 21 7 0-35 V 0 0 7 7-14 INDIVIDUAL SCORING FIRST QUARTER MV- Davis 8 run (Deig kick). SECOND QUARTER MV-Terbeck 15 pass from Stemple (Deig kick). MV-Straub 18 pass from Stemple (Deig kick). MV-Davis 27 pass from Stemple (Deig kick). THIRD QUARTER MV-Davis 5 pass from Stemple (Deig kick). V-Stone 25 pass from Hutchison (Ballinger kick). FOURTH QUARTER V-Hardin 4 run (Ballinger kick). TEAM STATISTICS MV V First downs 10 13 Rushes-yds. 23-117 41-154 Passing yds. 180 78 Comp.-att.-int. 10-15-0 7-17-1 Punts-avg. yds. 2-42.5 3-26.7 Fumbles-lost 2-0 1-0 Penalties-yds. 9-87 3-25 TEAM STATISTICS RUSHING Mount Vernon: Davis 5-35, Stemple 5-35, Roberts 4-27, Rynkiewich 4-12, Terbeck 1-7, Isaac 3-4, Smith 1-minus 3. Vincennes: 15-72, Toole 22-66, Mount Vernon’s Will Terbeck Hutchison 4-16. shows the concentration necesPASSING sary to make the big catches. PhoMount Vernon: Stemple 10-14-0to by Dave Pearce 180, Isaac 0-1-0-0. Vincennes: Hutchison 7-16-1-78, SUBSCRIBE TO THE Toole 0-1-0-0. POSEY COUNTY NEWS RECEIVING Mount Vernon: Davis 5-101, THIS WEEK AND GET Straub 3-46, Hoehn 1-18, Terbeck A FREE 8X10 PRINT OF 1-5. ANY SPORTS PICTURE! Vincennes: stone 4-48, Daniels CALL 812-682-3950 2-18, Toole 1-15.

Vikings are ‘Messmerized’ by Southridge, fall 20-6 By Dave Pearce About 10 seconds into Friday night’s big Pocket Athletic Conference football game at North Posey, Viking fans could sense that this was not going to be a very good night for the home team. The North Posey-Southridge game began at 6:30 because of the time difference and the travel difference. But it was evident from the start, at least one team was ready to play… and it didn’t appear to be the Vikings. The opening kick-off was taken inside the 10 and up the heart of the North Posey defense all the way to near the North Posey 20, a 67-yard return. Then, on the first play from scrimmage, Raider quarterback Elliot Prusz hit Brandon Gasser for 23 yards and the score. Twenty seconds into the game, the Vikings were behind 6-0. Things never really improved significantly, despite the fact that the Vikings earned opportunities. But it seemed that each of the opportunities was squandered. “I hope we wake up a little bit because I think we are a lot better than what we are playing,” Viking skipper Joe Gengelbach said following the disappointing loss. “Like I have have told the kids the last two weeks. We need to eliminate a lot of mistakes and have some people to step up and take the bull by the horns out on the field for us and help us through some of the rough times. At times we play well and then there are times where we just seem like we are completely in another world.” Friday night must have been one of those times. The Vikings were held to a mere 50 yards on the ground but were able to gain 186 yards through the air on 15-of-23 passing by junior quarterback Colton Motz. But it seemed each time the Vikings appeared poised to make a move, a critical mistake would cost them another opportunity. But early on, there were few opportunities. After going three-and-out on their first possession, the Raiders put the ball on the ground and seemed content to run through, around, and over the Viking defense. With 4:59 remaining in the first quarter, Adam Messmer ran up the gut for five yards and the score and the Raiders led 12-0. The 2-point conversion was good and the Raiders led 14-0. On the ensuing kick-off Conner Cain attempted to field the kick and mishandled it. He was, however, able to fall on the ball and the Vikings took over on the 33. Two plays later, the Vikings were intercepted on the 42. The North Posey defense, led by Cameron Calvert, finally stepped up and with 10:29 remaining in the second period, the Vikings took over on downs after Calvert sacked the quarterback on a fourth-and-6 on the Viking 26. For a minute it appeared North Posey was ready to play. Motz completed a pass to Jared Reidford and a pass interference moved the ball to the 48. Wes Harness had runs of five yards and four yards before Calvert followed a line surge for the first down. Motz then hit Jourdan Cox on the 25 and it appeared the Vikings were in business.

North Posey sophomore Wes Harness takes the hand-off from Colton Motz and fights for yardage during Friday night’s loss to Souothridge. Photo by Dave Pearce But the Raider defense stepped up. The Vikings ran three plays for a total of three yards and on fourth-and seven at the 22, Motz was sacked and the Raiders took over with 7:40 remaining in the half. “We had a good week of practice and I really thought we were ready to play,” Gengelbach said. “We practiced hard and I thought we had a good mental attitude before the game. That early score can be a deflator but we have talked about that. Teams are going to make plays like that and you have to work your way through them. You have to let that one go and step it up and make some things happen for you. We let them have the ball way too much in the first half. They got out of some third-and-long situations.” The Raiders were content to keep the ball on the ground and ate up most of the remainder of the half. Before they went to the locker room, however, the Raiders converted on a thirdand-10 right up the middle with 1:05 remaining. It took only one play for Messmer to score again and the Raiders held a 20-0 half-time lead after the 2-point conversion failed. One of the highlights of the night and half-time was when long-time Viking supporter Jean Fehribach won the $310 half-pot and donated $200 of it back to the program. The Vikings failed to get back into the game after taking the second half kick-off out to the 42. Calvert gained five and Motz hit Harness at the Southridge 43. Motz then hit Nick Neidig at the 36 and followed that up with a 3-yard run for a first down at the 33. After an incomplete pass, Motz ran for four more before Calvert bulled his way inside the 10.

“We came out in the second half and had the ball on the six and a great opportunity and we have another error from a snap and then another fumble,” he said. “But we fought back and forced a couple of fumbles but didn’t get either one of them. We made some nice plays be right at the end of the play we had a turnover. We just did too many things to take ourselves out of the game.” On first down, it appeared the Motz to Reidford connection had worked but at the last second, the ball was stripped away and the Vikings were unable to convert, again hurting themselves. After another incomplete pass, the Vikings fumbled on back-to-back downs and Southridge took over on the 19 with 6:53 remaining. “We made an awful lot of mistakes, a lot more mistakes than I thought we should have made,” Gengelbach said. “We’ve got a lot of young kids but they have all played and this is the fourth game. By this time, a lot of the mental errors…coverages blown and being lined up wrong, those are just a matter of concentration. Physical errors are going to occur but the mental errors need to stop.” The Viking defense again held after Southridge had worked its way down to the Viking 18. Then Motz hit Neidig for 11, and then Harness for 28 more to the 40. Casey Voelker caught a pass for 11 and Harness again got the first down. Then Neidig made up for an offsides by going up big in

Continued on Page B4



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PAGE B2 • SEPTEMBER 14, 2010


Members of the North Posey golf team are all smiles along with Coach Kevin Wassmer. The team won its first PAC title in only its third year of competition. Photo by Dave Pearce

North Posey’s girls win PAC golf championship




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By Dave Pearce For North Posey girls golf coach Kevin Wassmer, Saturday’s Pocket Athletic Conference championship did not come as a total surprise. But to most of the other schools in the PAC, it probably did. With only five golfers out and in only the second year of a full competitive team, Wassmer helped the team to the championship by encouraging them to do the best they could do. “We did a pretty good job,” Wassmer said of his team. “I thought we had a pretty good chance but you just never know how everyone is going to play.” But the match, played at Oakland City, was far from a run-away. After nine holes, the Lady Vikings held a slim one-stroke lead over alwaystough Southridge. “It was tight and I talked to all the girls individually and let them know how tight it was and they all responded,” Wassmer said. “They all had better back nine scores than front. I think they were a little nervous because they did have a real good chance to win.” Kendyl Ahrens led the team with a 91 and within three strokes of medalist

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honors. But the fact that the top four golfers were within six strokes of each other was the key for the team. Allie Koester shot a 93 and Maggie Camp had a 95 and Kelsey Teel had a 97. Wassmer said the team has played well most of the year, placing second at a recent invitational in Madisonville, Ky. The team had also beaten each of the other teams on the conference in dual meets but team scores in a conference situation are a totally different story. Wassmer said he was proud of the way his team responded to the challenge. “We have also beaten Mater Dei, Bosse, and Harrison and we play Evansville Signature School this week so we have had a really good year,” Wassmer said. “We beat the teams we probably should have beat but North Knox and Washington beat us pretty good but I think Washington is ranked pretty high.” So does this mean that the Vikings could be one of the teams to get out of the Evansville Sectional. While Wassmer admits it would take a monumental effort, it is not impossible. “That would be tough because Castle came up and beat North and everyone for the SIAC title on Saturday,” Wassmer said. “Castle, Memorial and North are all going to be there so it will be very tough.” Final scores and standings from the PAC meet are as follows: Oakland City Golf Club Team: North Posey 376, Southridge 385, Gibson Southern 410, Pike Central 431, Forest Park 441, South Spencer 454,Tell City 468. North Posey: Kendyl Ahrens 91,Allison Koester 93, Maggy Camp 95, Kelsey Teel 97. Southridge: Allison Bounds 91, Sarah Lange 95, Shelby Kippenbrock 102, Jessica Oser 97. Gibson Southern: Morgan Kelley 95, Allysa Woehler 98, Nikki Wilderman 100, Jordan King 117. Pike Central: Ali Henson 88, Katelyn Heaton 113, Miranda Merter 114,Trisha Nalley 116. Forest Park: Lori Weyer 98, Brittany Dounhauer 112, Brianna Englert 112, Amie Weyer 118. South Spencer: Kara Sermersheim 101, Jenna Hayes 110, Casey Sermersheim 128, Chandra Schroeder 115. Tell City: CJ Fentress 109, Jessica Ballman 113,Amber Fentress 105, Jenny Hess 129.

Kunstfest celebration is Sept. 18-19 The New Harmony Business Associates are busy planning the 29th annual Kunstfest celebration for Sept. 18 and 19. The 2010 Kunstfest T-shirts will be sporting a new look this year. The shirts are red with Kunstfest, New Harmony, Ind. on the front and the German flag on the back. Sizes range from small to 2XL and all sizes are $12 each. The shirts are available for purchase at The Antique Showrooms In The Mews 531 Church Street (682-3490), Antique Emporium 525 Church Street (682-3407) and Chic & Tiques located at 512 Main Street (682-3352)


SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE B3


Mount Vernon takes North Posey twice, Invite title

Megan martin serves up a winner for the Wildcats in their win at North Posey. Photo by Dave Pearce By Steve Joos The Mount Vernon volleyball team beat one of its county rivals twice last week, but the rival came back the second time and helped out the Lady Wildcats. Mount Vernon topped the North Posey Lady Vikings 2517, 25-15 Saturday at the Lady Wildcats’ Invitational tournament, but North Posey helped the Lady Cats clinch their first invitational title in 18 years by beating Southridge 21-25, 28-6, 15-13 in Saturday’s final match. North Posey needed to score at least 35 points in the match to put the Lady Cats past Barr-Reeve on a tiebreaker. Lady Wildcats’ coach Andi Allford wasn’t happy with the way her team played in their opener (a 25-22, 25-18 loss to Southridge), but thought they got better as the day went on. “Southridge has a very good team,” Allford said. “And I don’t think we were awake or prepared to do the things we were supposed to do. Overall though, I was pleased. BarrReeve has an awesome team with great hitters and great defense, but the girls really stepped up.” The coach was especially pleased to see her team step up against a strong, more aggressive team like Barr Reeve. Allford thought that the other Lady Vikings were much more competitive than in Tuesday’s contest, but her team was also more aggressive and made more progress than in the earlier contest. If Allford saw progress, Lady Vikings coach Gary Gentil wanted to see more consistency, but he felt Saturday was an improvement. “This was the best back-to-back three matches that we’ve had all year,” Gentil said after the Lady Vikings won for just the third time this season by beating the Lady Raiders. “We were more consistent. We still had some problems at times with different places, but they played a lot better, more consistent today.” North Posey was moving the ball and covering well in each contest and they were ahead in their third set against Barr Reeve, only to have the Montgomery County team score the last four points to win the match.

The Lady Cats had two different servers who were giving North Posey problems, Gentil said, adding that his team tried to do a better job of recovering in each set, cutting the firstset deficit to four points before the Lady Cats pulled away. The improvement finally seemed to pay off against Southridge, as North Posey won the second set on a tiebreaker and then held them off in the third contest. Composure was the key against Barr-Reeve, the coach added. “Against good teams, we play really aggressive and hard,” Allford said. “We try not to let the score be our focus, we make our performance the focus. We play mini-games to five and try to win that set of five points.” Barr Reeve climbed to within a point with the Lady Cats at match point in the second set, but a blocking error put the Lady Cats over the top, giving them a 25-21, 25-23 victory. Under that same scenario in their contest, North Posey wasn’t able to finish things off and came up short 25-20, 2025, 15-12. Allford praised her team for its overall play, led by Carynn Koch’s strong inside play and Jacey Ritzert’s improved front row play. “I know I’ve had a lot of disappointment with our progress,” the coach said. “But I feel as if today is a big growing point for us.” As well as an accomplishment the Lady Cats hadn’t managed since 1992. Ritzert paced the team with nine kills against Barr-Reeve, while Koch, Meagan Martin and Brittany Wallis each registered two aces. Koch had two blocks, Martin 22 assists and Lauren Stemple three digs. Koch served 10 straight points in the first set against North Posey to help put away the Lady Vikings, as she and Ritzert each registered 10 kills against North Posey. Koch also had three blocks and four digs against North Posey, while Martin served two aces and turned in 25 assists. Against Southridge, Koch put in six kills and three blocks, while Meagan Montgomery served a pair of aces. Martin had 15 assists and Stemple 11 digs. North Posey bounced back from losses to Mount Vernon and Barr Reeve to beat Southridge 21-25, 28-26, 25-15 and salvage one match on the day. The Lady Viking reserves brought home first place in the reserve tourney, despite a 25-14, 25-23 loss to the Lady Wildcats. North Posey defeated Southridge 25-14, 25-13, and Barr Reeve 25-19, 25-16 to claim the title. Mount Vernon went 0-3 in the reserve tourney, losing to Southridge 25-15, 25-18 and Barr-Reeve 25-19, 25-16. Barr Reeve won its match over Southridge 25-16, 25-14, while the varsity match between the two went to the Lady Raiders 25-14, 25-23. In the first meeting between the two teams, consistency was a concern for both coaches, but it was Mount Vernon that got the better of it, winning 25-15, 23-25, 25-14, 25-17. The Lady Cats picked up the pace in the last two sets and picked up their eight win of the year, nearly coming back from a big deficit in the second game. But once again, Allford was happier with the win than she was the way the team played. “They’re still doing what it takes to win games,” the Mount Vernon coach said. “But what coaches need to progress and to compete on a higher level, they’re not doing that.” The growth that comes with each match is lacking a bit, Allford said, adding that the Lady Wildcats played better at the end of each set, but she was concerned about the slower starts at the outset of each set, the coach explained. The Lady Wildcats won each of their sets by comfortable margins, but it didn’t always look that easy, especially in the first two games. North Posey took a 4-1 lead in the opening set, holding on until Koch dished up six unanswered tallies to give Mount Vernon a 12-8 lead. A double hit call on North Posey with Mount Vernon holding a 12-9 lead enabled the Lady Cats to break open that contest. That was one key to the first game, according to Gentil, who added that things got away from the Lady Vikings in the last two sets. “We just couldn’t get any consistency,” the coach said. “In the first game and the second game we played hard. The intensity came in, we played a lot better and moved a lot better. In that third game, Mount Vernon just pushed that game to a faster pace

Kendall Reidford and Katelyn Esche get their signals crossed as both go for the ball during this week’s loss to Mount Vernon. Photo by Dave Pearce than we were used to and we couldn’t react to it. We were on our heels most of the night.” After nearly erasing a seven-point deficit in the second game, the Lady Cats served the first seven points of the third set and never looked back, leading by as many a nine points before posting a 25-14 win. The fourth game was a lot more competitive in the early stages, with North Posey coming back from an early 5-2 gap to take a 7-5 lead on a Mount Vernon hitting error. The Lady Cats reclaimed the lead and were up 13-9 when North Posey was called for four hits. The Lady Vikings got the ball back, but Kendall Reidford sent her first serve into the net. The ball went back to Mount Vernon and the Lady Wildcats went from there to take control of the game and the match. That error wasn’t as much of a game-changer, but Allford said that her team was able to take advantage of the Lady Vikings’ errors. “I do see a little improvement with each game,” she said. “That’s a big thing. I want to see them get better every time out.” Koch was once again an inside force for the Lady Cats, with three aces, six blocks and 17 kills. Stemple turned in five digs, while Martin had 37 assists. More consistency was the key to North Posey’s success in the second game, Gentil added. “Right now, we have to keep a high level of play because we’re playing at the varsity level,” Gentil said. “It’s going to be that way. But we’ll keep working and trying to improve.” Reidford, Katelyn Esche and Megan Durcholz each had an ace for the Lady Vikings, while Esche helped out with another 10 assists. Wendi Simpson had five kills, while Caitlin Herrmann added four blocks and six digs. The reserve Lady Cats won their match 25-17, 25-18. On Thursday, the Lady Cats notched another Big Eight win with a 25-14, 24-14, 23-25, 25-21 decision at Boonville. “That was a very exciting game,” the coach said. “This was a team that we targeted and we set out a goal to take them in three and it went to four, so we didn’t meet our goal in that, but it was exciting to see the girls get fired up and play aggressively. I was pleased.” Koch and Ritzert each had 14 kills for the Lady Wildcats, while Koch had five aces and nine blocks. Martin turned in 36 assists. The reserves weren’t as fortunate, losing 25-19, 25-23. The Lady Vikings traveled to Memorial Thursday night and came up short, losing 25-3, 25-15, 25-4. Gentil had no comment on the match. Durcholz had five kills in the match, while Esche turned in nine assists. Kelsey Everley had seven digs. The reserve meet went to the Lady Tigers 27-25, 25-23.

Members of the North Posey Junior High seventh grade volleyball team are, in front, Members of the North Posey Junior High School eighth grade volleyball team are, in front, Coach Jenna Denstorff. In row one are Garrett Gamblin, Brooke Bender, Madi Alyssa Nicholson, Brandi Carner, Blake Gamblin, Abbi Voegel, and Robyn Bender. In Elpers, Maddie Feldhake, and Kari Hoenert. In back are Jasmine Martin, Rachel Un- back are Coach Shannon Schickel, Haley Rutledge, Cheyenne Angermeier, Kendra getheim, Lauren Gibbs, Hailee Elderkin, and Taylor Griffin. Photo by Dave Pearce Harris, Morgan Alvey, Abby Vaupel and Jenny Scheller. Photo by Dave Pearce

Members of the Mount Vernon Junior High School seventh grade volleyball team are, in front, Tess Norris, Miranda Fisher, Emily Gillans, Taylor Culley, and Katie Culley. In the middle row: Abree Oden, Madison Simpson, Bailey Redman, Ashley Walls, Madison Cross, and Alex Goebel. In back are Coach Lisa Dixon, Mara Canada, Alexis Nall, Lauren Evans, Ellen Denning, Shy Zweifka, and manager Allysa Hamblin. Photo by Dave Pearce

Members of the Mount Vernon Junior High School eighth grade volleyball team are, in front, Andrea Dick, Ellie Weilbrenner, December Davis, and Kaitlyn Whaley. In the second row are Samantha Greenwell, Kellen Ray, Abby Randall, Kaysie Collins, Katie Tucker, and Breanna Morris. Standing in the back are Breanna Wrobel, Brianna Ritzert, Jacey West, Kyli Gross, Coach Keely Hoehn, and manager Shelby Riordan. Photo by Dave Pearce

PAGE B4 • SEPTEMBER 14, 2010


Vikings, g from Page g B1 Things will get no easier for the Vikings as they will take their 2-2 record into Lincoln City Friday night to face the Heritage Hills Patriots. Southridge is also 2-2. The Patriots were 13-7 losers at Jasper on Friday night. Gametime Friday is 7 p.m. The Patriots have scored 163 points and have given up only 13 in their first four games. They are 3-1.




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Members of the North Posey Junior High eighth grade football team are, in front, Michael Sims, Andrew Cumbee, Derek Lindauer, Lance Inkenbrandt, Dylan Renshaw, Cody Reutter, and Jared Hostettler. In the middle row are Chris Reynolds, Clifford Hunter, Aaron Droste, Paul Szubinski, Andy Herrmann, Jared Payne, Cory Kern, and Coach Rob Deters. In back are Coach Vince McClure, James Marshall, Coach Justin Wagner, Blayke Dillman, Zack Wargel, Justin Orth, Coach Jody Cumbee, and Quinten Phillips. Not pictured: Austin Schmitt. Photo by Dave Pearce

end zone on the next play to snag what would be the only North Posey score of the night at the 9:06 mark. The extra point try failed and although the Vikings threatened again, a fumble on the Southridge 15 with 5:21 remaining pretty much sealed the deal. Harness finished with 33 yards on the ground and Calvert had 21. Motz hit six different receivers as Neidig caught six for 42 yards, Reidford had three for 51, Calvert had three for 24, Harness had two for 37, Cox had two for 20, and Voelker’s completion went for 12. The Vikings had five fumbles, losing three of those. Motz was intercepted twice. Messmer finished with 168 yards on 27 carries for Southridge and the Raiders threw only five passes, completing two for 39 yards. Luke Morrow led the defense with nine tackles and two assists while Alex Maile had six and three assists. Cain had five tackles and four assists while Cox and Anthony Webb had six tackles apiece. Brandon Baum, Neidig, and Austin Little had three apiece while Calvert had two. Reidford, Chris O’Risky, Tanner Hobgood, and Harness all had a tackle apiece.


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3 CAR GARAGE Members of the seventh grade North Posey Junior High football team are, in front, Austin Orlik, Willy Howard, Josh Elpers, Travis Koester, Derek Motz, Nathan Teel, and Josh Cooke. In the middle row are Jake O’Risky, Cale O’Risky, Austin Graves, Tim Peterson, Luke Brown, Darrin Huntsman, Dalton Epley, and Coach Rob Deters.. In back are Coach Vince McClure, Preston Reese, Coach Justin Wagner, Grant Scheller, Jacob McLain, Coach Jody Cumbee, and Dalton Rankin. Photo by Dave Pearce

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North Posey Junior High cross country team competes On Saturday, September 11th, the North Posey Junior High School cross country team participated in the Mater Dei Middle School Invitational at the University of Southern Indiana. There were 59 boys and 44 girls running in the Varsity race and the teams included: Boonville, Castle, Perry Heights, Pla-

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za Park, Mater Dei, Memorial, North Posey, and Tell City. The individual results are as follows: Boys Team - 8th place (186 points), 26th place - Alex Taylor (7th grade), 39th place - Zach Goebel (6th grade), 42nd place - Jarrod Koester (7th grade), 49th place - Jonah Cobb (8th grade), 54th place - Derrick

Davis (6th grade)Girls Team - no team score 30th place - Erin Will (7th grade), 37th place - Sydney Feldhake (8th grade) 42nd place - Hannah Straw (7th grade) On Saturday, September 18th at 9:40 (eastern standard time) our team will compete in the South Knox Cross Country Invitational for the first time.



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SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE B5

Wildcat soccer team hits a double-bump in the road By Steve Joos Mount Vernon girls’ soccer coach Liz Castle was hoping for better at this point of the season. The Lady Wildcats are 5-4 on the year after running into a pair of buzz saws last week, losing to Big Eight Conference heavyweights Washington and Jasper. Four different Lady Hatchets succored goals Saturday and three others each had two assists as the Washington routed Mount Vernon 10-0, after the Lady Wildcats came up short against Jasper Tuesday 7-1. “It’s tough to have two teams like that (Jasper and Washington) back to back,” Castle said. “We had some chances against Washington and for the first 10 minutes, we were competitive with them. They scored one goal and that started the flood.” The Lady Hatchets went from there to score seven goals over the next half-hour, building a 7-0 halftime lead. Sandy Bryant, Brandy Ramaj, Olivia Myers and Madi Heacock each booted in two goals for Washington, while Myers, Bryant and Claire Hatton each had two assists. “Washington plays together and they play all year long on travel teams,” Castle said. “We have a few girls who play on travel Mount Vernon’s Kate Cox maintains control of this dribble as she passes into Jasper’s teams all year around, but most of our girls territory during this week’s conference match-up with the visiting Wildcats. Mount Ver- don’t. That’s why Washington so much betnon’s offense was literally shut down this week as three soccer powerhouses came to ter right now, but we did have some opportunities to score and we had a few chances.” town. Photo by Terri Koch

Depth was another problem as Mount Vernon didn’t have enough players to contend with a much stronger Lady Hatchet squad. Some of those chances either took a wrong bounce or hit in the wrong place. One shot was deflected away by the Lady Hatchet goalkeeper. Katie Hammer and Olivia Sherman had all the goals, while Ramaj, Heacock and Jerrica Perkins each registered assists. The two reserve teams played to a scoreless tie in a half Saturday. Maria Baier scored three goals and Elizabeth Theil added two more Tuesday as Jasper rolled over visiting Mount Vernon 7-1. Megan Randall had the only goal of the night for Mount Vernon, with Jenny Koch adding the assist. The score Tuesday night was one-sided, but it was a bit of an improvement over last year’s game, where Jasper posted a 14-2 victory, Castle said. “We had some easier games early in the season and this was our tough stretch,” the coach said. We have some games coming up that I think we can win, but if we don’t play up to our capabilities, we could struggle.” Castle’s goal of a 14-win season has already fallen by the wayside, she said, adding that the team still has a chance to be very successful if it can learn to take advantage of its chances and take charge of games earlier.

Mount Vernon boys’ soccer has trouble finding the net By Steve Joos The Mount Vernon boys’ soccer team is heading in the right direction, they’re just not getting there fast enough. At least that was coach Travis Kaiser’s feelings after the Wildcats went 0-2-1 last week, wrapping things with a scoreless tie at Tell City. “We continue to play hard,” Kaiser said. “But we still need to find a way to get the ball into the back of the net.” The Cats have consistently played hard throughout the season, Kaiser said, but they have struggled offensively with impatience. Mount Vernon only score on goal in last week’s games, came on a shot by Kyle Sheffer early in the Cats’ 2-1 loss at Mount Carmel. The team has worked on slowing down their ball movement and trying to pass it more while widening the field, but they still haven’t converted any shots, Kaiser said, mainly because they’re still a little too impatient. The team had a number of chances to score against the Marksmen, but just weren’t able to get it in the back of the net. Defensively, the Cats played a much better game Saturday despite losing center-midfielders Matt Kuhlenschmidt and Nick Theodosis (Kuhlenschmidt is out for the year with a broken leg, while Theodosis is down until the end of the week) and basically losing a third starter with the move of goalkeeper Zac Deig to the center-midfield. Kaiser is pleased with the way the team is playing and thinks they’re heading in the right direction. He’d just like to see them get there a little quicker. Kaiser thought his team played better Thursday despite the 5-0 loss to visiting Gibson Southern. “We played hard,” he said. “This was prob-

ably one of the better games we’ve played this year. I know it was a 5-0 loss, but as far as moving the ball around, we moved it around a little bit better than normal, instead of just ‘kick it around, kick it around.’ We’re starting to check to the ball better and moving the ball better.” Now the Cats just have to tie up a few loose ends. For one thing, they have to get it in the net. The Titans’ first few goals were mainly banked shots off the net that bounced their way, while Mount Vernon continued to have trouble keeping possession of the ball, although they did improve on it against the Titans. Matt Wallinger and Brody DeWeese each hit a pair of goals for the Titans, with DeWeese adding two assists. Both Wallinger and DeWeese connected on direct kicks, Wallinger late in the first half to give Gibson Southern a 2-0 halftime lead. Thursday’s game was Kaiser’s first after sitting out two contests following a red card in the Wildcat reserves’ 1-0 loss to Washington on Sept. 7. Things were even more physical Tuesday, as Mount Vernon fell at Mount Carmel 2-1. Sheffer booted in the Cats’ lone goal against the Aces in a battle where several players drew cards. That score came in the eighth minute of the game and put Mount Vernon up 1-0 momentarily. Clayton Richison answered off a pass from Pete Condol on the Aces’ next possession to tie the game and then Condol scored off a pass from Tyler Shaw to give Mount Carmel the lead in the 40th minute. The Cats fell to Central 5-3 despite two goals and an assist from Volz. Sheffer had Mount Vernon senior Dylan Rubenacker marches down the field in control as Gibthe other goal, while Deig helped out on two son Southern defender tries to get in front of the ball during Thursday’s home game goals. for the Wildcats. Photo by Terri Koch

Lady Wildcats claim third in Big Eight Golf meet

The Mount Vernon High School Girls Golf Team took third place in the Big Eight Conference match on Saturday. Members of the team who played are Left to right - Kayleigh Allbright, Veronica Peck, Chloe Wannemuehler, Kendyl Bourne, and Amy Steele. By Steve Joos There’s an old adage in golf, “you drive for show and putt for dough.” The Mount Vernon girls’ golf team wasn’t playing for dough last week, but they are definitely rounding into shape just in time for a big payoff. The question is, will it be enough to get them far in the postseason? The Lady Wildcats shot some of their best rounds of the year on Saturday, but Jasper and Washington shot even better, leaving Mount Vernon in third place in the Big Eight Conference meet at the par 70 Thunderbolt Pass golf course in Washington. On Thursday, the link Lady Cats turned in their best dual-meet round of the season, only to meet up with a deadeye Reitz Lady Panther foursome, going down 154170 at Countrymark. All seven lady Wildcats broke 50 as Mount Vernon started its week Tuesday with a 181-205 win over visiting Signature School, also at CountryMark. The secret to the Lady Cats’ recent success? A better short game, of course, according to coach

Dave Bell. “Chipping and putting,” Bell said. “The short game, that’s what’s important. The girls have been working on it a lot and they’re starting to improve.” For example, Amy Steele has been working on her short game almost exclusively and saw her scores improve, shooting an 84 for one of her better 18-hole rounds Saturday at the conference meet, according to Bell, who added that each of the girls better their scores after making the turn at Thunderbolt Pass. Kendyl Bourne fashioned an 81 and earned honorable

mention All-Big Eight Conference honors, while Kay Leigh Albright added an 86 and Roni Peck an 87 as the Lady Cats hit the ball well and lowered their scores after shaking off the butterflies and making the turn, but they just couldn’t catch Jasper and Washington. Jasper won the championship with a score of 299, while the Lady Hatchets were second with 317. Mount Vernon, meanwhile, was comfortably in third place, 22 strokes in front of fourth-place Boonville (360). Mount Carmel (361), Princeton (372) and Vincennes (388) rounded out

the field. Even hotter competition may be the rub as far the team’s standings are concerned. Thursday’s round may have been a very good one for Mount Vernon, but Reitz shot the lights out at CountryMark, paced by Chanice Young’s three-under par 32 and shot down Mount Vernon. Bourne fired a 38 and each of the Lady Cats were under 50, but it wasn’t enough as two Lady Panthers broke 40 (Meagan Gower was the other with a 39). Allbright fired a 43, Peck a 44 and Bailey Ash 45 to round out what under any other circumstances would have been a very strong foursome. Steele shot a 48 against Reitz, while Chloe Wannemuhler carded a 50 and Carly Redman a 55. Wannemuhler shot a 97 at the conference meet. Depth may be another secret weapon for Mount Vernon, as different members of the team will step up in order to help out. Redman paced the team Tuesday with a 42 for medalist honors against Signature. Bourne fired a 45 and Wannemuhler a 46, while Peck, Ash and Allbright each fired 48s.

Annie Dixon shot a 51 to pace Signature. Bell is optimistic about Mount Vernon’s chances this weekend, but he’s also cautious. It all depends on who else shows up. The Lady Wildcats won two recent triangular meets, shooting a 185 to beat Princeton (195) at Evansville‘s Fendrich Golf Course. Bosse did not have enough for a team score. That was the first of two victories over the Lady Tigers, who also came in third behind the Lady Cats (187) and homestanding Mount Carmel (196) with a 207. Peck carded a 44 to pace the Lady Cats at Mount Carmel. Bourne finished with a 45, Albright a 48 and Wannemuhler a 50, rounding out the Mount Vernon foursome. Redman fired a 51 in her first meet back from mononucleosis complicated by double pneumonia, while Ash fired a 53. Mount Carmel had just two girls under 50 (Ravyn Rogers with 46 and Allie Dean with a 48), while Princeton’s Taylor Holley carded a 44 and

shared medalist honors with Peck. All four Lady Wildcats broke 50 at Fendrich, the site of this weekend’s Evansville Sectional. Bourne and Wannemuhler shared team medalist honors by each shooting 45s, while Albright fired a 47 and Ash a 48. Holley shot a 48 to lead Princeton, while Laura Egan carded a 52 for Bosse. The Lady Wildcats finished second in a triangular at Helfrich, posting a score of 213 to finish between Castle (188) and Central (232). Bourne led the Lady Wildcats with a 49, while Albright added a 51, Ash a 56 and Steele a 57. Bourne shook off a double bogey on the first hole and shot a 39 in leading the Lady Cats to a 195-204 victory at Boonville, earning medalist honors with a 39. Two Lady Pioneers, Shelby Schneider (41) and Shelby Shoulders (47) got between Bourne and number-two Lady Wildcat Albright’s 49, but Wannemuehler (53) and Steele (54) helped provide a close foursome for Mount Vernon.

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SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE B6

Reserve Vikings impressive in 46-8 win over Gibson Southern The Gibson Southern JV football team won the toss and chose to defer to the second half, and that was about that last thing that went right for them as the North Posey’s JV dominated them through four quarters Tuesday on the Vikings’ home turf. In a 22-point outburst, North Posey scored early and often in the first period with Alec Werry connecting on a 73-yard catch and run to Jacob Bender to start things off. A Werry to Bender conversion pass made the score 8 – 0 with 8:32 left in the first quarter. Just two minutes later, the Vikings struck again this time on a 36-yard TD run by Eric O’Risky over the right side of Gibson Southern’s defense. “The blocking on that play was beautiful,” Coach Michael Kuhn said. “The left side of our offensive line caved them down and the downfield blocking set up a perfect wall,” he added. Derek Voegel added the

two-point conversion run to make the score 16 – 0 North Posey. But the Vikings were still not finished their firstquarter scoring barrage as Dylan Wright tacked on a 13-yard catch and run from Werry with 1:29 left in the quarter. This time the conversion pass failed, but North Posey was now up 22 – 0 at the end of the quarter. In the second quarter Tyler Adkins’ sack of the Gibson Southern quarterback Matthew Harpenau set up the next Viking touchdown as Werry found Mitchell Kuhn for a 34-yard strike with 7:55 left in the first half. An Eric O’Risky run made the score 30 – 0 in favor of North Posey. Neither team could score again as the Vikings substituted freely given plenty of players precious gametime experience. “We were able to get almost every player in the game for significant minutes,” said JV Coach Patrick Rose. “It as a great opportunity to play different combi-

nations and see what they do together.” The third quarter opened with a Gibson Southern kick-off return for a touchdown by Kurt Kramer. Kramer, newly converted to runningback from the line, scampered down Gibson Southern’s sideline 67 yards for the score. His two-point conversion run with 9:28 remaining made the score 30 – 8 in favor of North Posey, but prevented a shutout. North Posey first got on the board in the second half on Tyson Paris’ 17-yard scamper around the right end with 6:58 left in the quarter. His scoring run was set up by Eric O’Risky’s long run along the left sideline. Voegel’s 2-point conversion run made the score 38 – 8 in favor of the Vikings. Paris struck pay dirt again on a nifty 25-yard run with 1:42 remaining in the quarter. Werry added the two-point conversion run to end the scoring at 46 – 8. In the first three games for North Posey,

Alec Werry has thrown for ten touchdown passes with only two interceptions. In the fourth quarter Jacob Bender filled in nicely at quarterback Werry for the first time this season and promptly marched the Vikings down to the one yard line where time was allowed to expire. Werry had a busy night quarterbacking the team for three quarters, playing some cornerback on defense, kicking, and punting, (although the Vikings, like the Titans never punted.) “I thought everybody played well in this game,” Kuhn said. “It’s always better to play with confidence and we are hoping this carries over into our next game.” The JV Vikings were to be in action at Southridge on Monday, Sept. 13 at 6 p.m. NPHS JV VIKING FOOTBALL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2010 1 2 3 4 F GS 0 0 8 0 8 NP 22 8 16 0 46 Scoring by quarter: 1st Quarter: 73-yard pass from Alec Werry to Jacob Bender, 2-pt. conversion pass Werry to Bender good, 8 – 0 NP 8:32; 36-yard run Eric O’Risky, Derek Voegel

conversion run good, 16 – 0 NP 6:25; 13-yard pass from Werry to Dylan Wright, conversion pass no good, 22 – 0 NP 1:29 2nd Quarter: 34-yard pass from Werry to Mitchell Kuhn, Eric O’Risky conversion run good, 30 – 0 NP 9:28 3rd Quarter: Kurt Kramer 67-yard kickoff return for Gibson Southern, Kramer conversion run good 9:28 30 – 8 NP; 17-yard run Tyson Paris, Voegel conversion run

38 – 8 6:58; 25-yard run Paris, Werry conversion run 1:42 46 – 8 4th Quarter: No scoring Selected defensive stats: Derek Voegel 2 tackles, 4 assists; Jacob Bender 3 tackles 3 assists, 2 deflections; Clinton Cox 3 tackles 1 assist; Tyler Adkins 5 tackles 2 assists 1 sack; Nick Heldt 3 tackles 2 assists; Mitchell Kuhn 2 tackles 2 assists 1 sack; Darren O’Risky 2 tackles 3 assists, Dylan Wright 3 tackles 3 assists, Kolby Lary 2 tackles 3 assists

Viking reserve Dylan Wright manages to elude a pair of would-be Gibson Southern tacklers during this week’s 48-8 win over the Titans. Photo courtesy of Joe Neidig

Lady Titans run away from field The Mount Vernon Junior High School girls’ cross country team finished fourth in the recent South Gibson “Early Bird” meet, scoring 119 points. Naomi Seifert paced the Lady Bobcats and all county runners by finishing eighth overall with a time of 14:32. Rachel Rothman (15:33) was Members of the North Posey Junior High cross country team are, in front, Zach 11th, while Savannah Roy Goebel, Erin Will, Hannah Straw, and Derrick Davis. In back are Sydney Feldhake, (16:20) and Kelly McJarrod Koester, Gabe Mayer, Johan Cobb, and Alex Taylor. Photo by Dave Pearce Cloud (16:22) came in 27-

28. Brooke Green (17:12) and Erin Wolf (17:14) went 37-38 for the Lady Bobcats, while Grace Baldwin (17:47) was 43rd, Madison Reis (19:26) 56th and Quineshia Washington (19:54) 58th. North Posey did not have enough runners for a team score in the girls’ meet. Erin Will had the junior high Lady Vikings’ best finish, coming in 41st with a time of 17:33, with Syd-

ney Feldrake (17:37) right behind in 42nd. Hannah Straw (18:49) was 50th to round out the North Posey contingent. Gibson Southern ran away and hid from the rest of the field, winning with 24 points. Evansville Christian School was a distant second with 105, followed by Perry Heights (113). Mater Dei (130) and South Spencer (216) rounded out the field.

Posey cross country teams continue to work to get better By Steve Joos If the scarecrow only had a brain, the Tin Woodsman only had a heart and the Lady Wildcats only had enough runners for a full team. The Lady Wildcats put a full girls’ cross country team on the course for the first time this season, but like the rest of the Posey County contingent at the University of Southern Indiana course, they were back in the pack at Saturday’s Mater Dei Invitaitonal meet. The Lady Cats were 11th overall with 251 points. Hunter Motz was fifth among the boys with a time of 16:41.59, but the rest of the Vikings struggled as North Posey came in tenth with 275 points. The Mount Vernon boys were seventh with 176 points, finishing between Reitz (160) and Harrison (196). Signature School was ninth with 204 points, while the Vikings only finished ahead of Bosse (335) in the team standings. Two county runners, both from North Posey, finished

among the top runners Saturday, as Motz was a mainstay in the boys’ race and Olivia Goebel was the highest county finisher in the grail race, coming through the chute in 19th place with a time of 22:51. North Posey was nine in the girls’ race with 220 points. Brianna Reis had the highest finish for the now-complete Lady Wildcats’ team, as she came in 32nd with a time of 23:35. Rachel Cash, running in her first meet, was 55th (26:08). Olivia Baldwin (27:10) was 61st, Ashton Fuelling (28:00) 65th and Cally Schissler (28:27) 70th to round out the Lady Wildcat contingent. Goebel was another lonely long distance runner, at least as far as he teammates were concerned, although the next two Lady Vikings were in the top 50: Jessica Smith (24:10) in 41st place and Haley Lamar (25:16) in 48th. Meagan Bender (28:16) was 67th and Jaylyn Thornburg (29:19) 75th to round out North Posey’s top five, while Jillian Koester (31:52) was 87th.

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Reitz finished between the Lady Vikings and Lady Cats in ninth place with 225 points. Memorial was an easy winner in the girls’ race with 33 points, more than doubling the score on second-place Bedford North Lawrence (69). Central (90), North (111) and Harrison (116) rounded out the top five, Mater Dei was sixth with 139 points, while Castle (174) finished ahead of the Lady Vikings. As for the boys, only one other Posey County runner made the top 25, Mount Vernon’s Ken Renshaw (18:29) in 24th place. D.A. Wilson (18:50) and Ryan Dick (18:52) were 36-37 for the Cats, while Bryce Newman (19:12) was 43rd and Sean Ritzert (19:37) 51st to round out the Mount Vernon top five. Rounding out the Mount Vernon contingent were Dane Wilson (20:02) in 62nd place, Collin Knight (20:29) in 73rd, Adam Hoehn (22:35) in 114th, Jeff Powell (22;5) in 118th and D.J. Dickens (25:28) in 143rd. Motz saw even fewer familiar faces, as Ty Shemwell was North Posey’s number-two runner—in 96th place with a time of 21:37. Jonah Quirk (22:35) was 115th, followed by Shane Martin (23:08) and Nathan Buchanan (23:13) at 124-125. Lucas Neuffer (23:32) was 129th, Keegan Stratton (24:00) 134th and Will Heldt (25:07) 142nd. Saturday’s meet seemed to follow a pattern for the county harriers. Take the recent Hopewell Invitaitonals at Gibson Southern, for instance. North Posey, for instance brought up the rear in the boys’ meet, but the Vikings had Motz, who came in fourth overall with a time of 16:42.40, 22 seconds behind Perry Central’s Eric Schreiber, who won the race in 16:20.35. Individually, they were back in the pack, but the Mount Vernon boys made out pretty well in the team standings, finishing fourth with 130 points. But even there, the Wildcats didn’t do that poorly, placing two runners in the top 20 and a third in the top 25. Renshaw had the Cats’ best individual finish, coming in 18th place with a time of 17:49.45, with D.A. Wilson (17:56.13) right behind him in 19th place and Dick (18:00.40) was 21st. Newman (18:47.14) was 35th and Ritzert (18:52.25) 37th to round out the Wildcats’ top five. Dane Wilson (18:54.56) was 39th and Knight (19:41.71) 59th to round out the Wildcat boys. Hoehn was 20th in the reserve race with a time of 21:44.05, while Powell (22:44.54) came in 27th. Mount Vernon was 20 points behind third-place Heritage Hills (110 points) and seven in front of fifth-place Tell City (137). Perry Central won the meet with 38 points, well ahead of runner-up Memorial (71). North Posey finished 12th in the meet with 338 points, but that wasn’t he biggest thing coach Jessica Ivy took from the meet. Five of the next six Viking runners were in a pack that finished fourth from the bottom of the 90-runner field. Quirk (21:07.48) was 82nd, Wes Conner (22:08.75) was 83rd, Shemwell (22:17.00) 84th, Buchanan (22:1761) 85th and Neuffer (22:19.08) 86th. The team’s seventh runner, Tyler Sims (23:59.99) came in 90th place. Martin led the Viking reserves by finishing in 28th place with a time of 22:46.58. Stratton (24:26.46) was 34th and Heldt (24:41.40) 36th. The North Posey girls also showed improvement, as Smith (23:23.12) and Goebel (23:27.27) better their times while cracking the top 40. Smith was 37th overall and Goebel 40th for the top two finishes among county harriers. The Lady Vikings finished 11th in the girls’ race with 296 points, four behind 10th-place Pike Central (292) and well in front of 12th-place Vincennes (324). Mount Venron is still lacking enough runners for a girls’ team. Lamar (24:26.58) finished 53rd for the Lady Vikings, while Thornburg (28:06.72) was 81st and Bender (29:41.09) came in 84th to round out the contingent. Once again, Mount Vernon was a runner short of a full girls’ team. Reis was 49th for the Lady Wildcats’ best individual finish, while Baldwin (25:32.58) was 62nd, Schisler (27:12.90) 74th and Fuelling (27:33.52) 77th.


SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE B7


SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE B8

Arrests and Complaints Arrests September 3 Charles Bean—Mount Vernon—Operating While Intoxicated—PCS September 4 Robert McCarty—Mount Vernon—Public Intoxication— MVPD Christopher Master—Mount Vernon—Domestic Battery— MVPD September 6 Betty Schneider—Mount Vernon—Theft, Possession of Schedule IV Controlled Substance—MVPD September 7 Cody Brown—Poseyville— Invasion of Privacy—PCS Jon Schmitt—Mount Vernon—Public Intoxication— MVPD Matthew Terbush— Ta.m.pico, IL.—Driving While Intoxicated, Prior, Breath Test Refusal—ISP September 8 Sierra Burton—Mount Vernon—Warrant-Dealing in Metha.m.pheta.m.ine, Possession of Metha.m.pheta.m.ine— MVPD Willia.m. Ricketts—Mount Vernon—Warrant-Forgery, Pe-

tition to Revoke—MVPD Brian Brakie—Mount Vernon—Warrant-Petition to Revoke Release on Recognizance—MVPD Norman Strupp—Mount Vernon—Invasion of Privacy— MVPD September 9 Jason Poole—Mount Vernon—Warrant-Dealing in Metha.m.pheta.m.ine, Possession of Metha.m.pheta.m.ine, Possession of Chemical Reagents or Precursors with Intent to Manufacture Controlled Substance—ISP Dustin Schoening—Mount Vernon—Driving While Suspended--PCS Complaints August 31 3:47 p.m.—Suspicious— Blue GMC Suburban following bus 18 through entire route. Thought this was suspicious, wanted it reported—W. Franklin and Lower MT. Vernon, Mount Vernon September 1 4:36 a.m.—Theft—Caller was with male subject and female subject earlier and they have taken the caller’s Playstation III and house keys.

Legal Ads 2010-138 Bioanalytical Systems, Inc. (2701 Kent Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47906) is submitting a Notice of Intent to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements of 327 IAC 15-5 to discharge storm water from the construction activities associated with the construction of an onsite wastewater disposal system located at 10424 Middle Mount Vernon Road, Mount Vernon, IN 47620, in Posey County, IN. Stormwater runoff from this project location is tributary to an unnamed ditch that is tributary to Wolf Creek. Questions or comments regarding this project should be directed to Chris Plantenga of Bioanalytical Systems, Inc. Published in the Posey County News on September 14, 2010.

2010-136 PROJECT: Mount Vernon — Mooring Structure Repairs Contract 41002-C Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for Mooring Structure Repairs, 2010, Contract 41002-C, at the Port of Indiana-Mount Vernon, will be received at the office of the Port of Indiana-Mount Vernon, 2751 Bluff Road, Mount Vernon, Ind., 47620, from bidders until 1:00 p.m., Central Daylight Time on Sep. 29, 2010, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the conference room of the port administration building. Bids shall be submitted on the proper bid form and delivered in sealed envelopes bearing the name and address of the bidders, all as described in the Instructions to Bidders, which accompanies the specifications. A Bidder’s Bond, made payable to the PORTS OF INDIANA must be enclosed with the bid. Said bond shall be in the minimum amount of five percent (5%) of the maximum bid. The contract for this work shall be awarded or rejected as soon as possible, but in no case later than sixty (60) calendar days from the date of opening bids, unless the 60 day shall fall on Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday in which event said time shall be extended to the next working day. The Ports of Indiana reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The specifications prepared for the Ports of Indiana will be available to the contractors interested in bidding on the project at the office of the Ports of Indiana, located at the Port of Indiana- Mount Vernon on and after Sep. 9, 2010. A charge of $50.00 (non-refundable) will be made for these documents. CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS ONLY WILL BE ACCEPTED MADE PAYABLE TO THE PORTS OF INDIANA. For more information, contact the Ports of Indiana Engineering Department at (219) 787-8636. Published in the Posey County News September 7 & 14, 2010.

Subjects are holding the items for ransom, they want some of the female subjects things back. Caller would like to talk to a deputy about this theft— Busler’s area, Evansville 3:19 p.m.—Theft—Head of a fundraiser progra.m. at the school for selling gift caRoads had $2,500.00 of gift caRoads missing. Wal-Mart gift caRoads. Contacted WalMart and found out 3 of the gift caRoads were taken, wants to talk to an officer. Caller called back and said that everything has been accounted for. There was a misunderstanding and they have not been stolen—St. Wendel School, Stewartsville 5:59 p.m.—Shots Fired— Neighbor is shooting, shots hit the barn, wants to speak with a deputy—Springfield Road, Mount Vernon 6:50 p.m.—Domestic—Caller advised husband hit her in her face. Took off in caller’s vehicle and advised he was going to kill himself and blow the car up. Red Chevy 95 Beretta. Enroute to drop off on Franklin Street in Evansville. Caller did not know the exact address, dropping child off to female subject. Later advised male subject returned to the residence—Elk Trail, Evansville 9:57 p.m.—Standby— Would like a deputy to meet at daughter’s residence. Daughter has talked to attorney and she told her she could leave the residence with the child. Male subject has come home and won’t let daughter leave. Caller would like a deputy to meet at daughter’s residence. Call back advised male subject at this residence left, caller has daughter and granddaughter—Downen Road, Wadesville September 2 12:21 a.m.—Suspicious— Subjects standing by a go-kart, when they saw caller coming they took off. Received 2nd call from another caller, advised heavy set kids in white shorts lighting fires and putting them out. Caller advised it’s the gravel road behind the mobile home park—Twin Lakes Mobile Home Park, Evansville 1:15 a.m.—Suspicious— Caller advised someone tried to break into her front door around 12:58 a.m.. Caller advised there are da.m.ages to her steel door. Caller advised she wants an officer to look at her door— St. Francis, Poseyville 2:18 a.m.—Accident—Elderly female, can’t tell if she is hurt or not—Hwy 65, Cynthiana 9:58 a.m.—Vandalism— Caller wants officer asap. He was vandalized again and he wants pictures taken—Shore-

2010-137 NOTICE OF ADOPTION Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Consolidated School Town of New Harmony & Harmony Township School Corporation of Posey County, Indiana, that the Board of School Trustees has established a Capital Projects Fund and adopted a plan under l.C.20-46-6-5. The following is a general outline of the proposed plan: CURRENT EXPENDITURES: 1) Land Acquisition and Development 2) Professional Services 3) Education Specifications Development 4) Building Acquisition, Construction, and Improvement (Includes 45200 and 45300) 5) Rental of Buildings, Facilities and Equipment 6) Purchase of Mobile or Fixed Equipment 7) Emergency Allocations (Other facilities Acquisition and Construction) 8) Utilities (Maintenance of Buildings) 9) Maintenance of Equipment 10) Sports Facility 11) Property or casualty Insurance 12) Other Operation and Maintenance of Plant 13) Technology Instruction - Related Technology Administrative Technology Services SUB-TOTAL CURRENT EXPENDITURES 14) Allocation for Future Projects IS) Transfer From One Fund to Another TOTAL EXPENDITURES, ALLOC, & TRANSFERS SOURCES AND ESTIMATES OF REVENUE I) Projected January 1 Cash Balance 2) Less Encumbrances Carried Forward From Previous Year 3) Estimated cash balance available for plan (Line l-Line2) 4) Property tax revenue 5) Auto Excise,CVET and FIT receipts 6) Other revenue (interest income) TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN (Add lines 3,4,5,6) Estimated property tax rate to fund plan Based upon as assessed valuation of:

2011 25,000 -

2012 2,000 5,000 5,000

2013 2,000 5000 5,000

107,000 4,500 57,636 25,000 38,966 15,000 6,000 20,000 -

71,200 10,000 50,000 25,000 40,000 15,000 10,000 20,000 -

71,200 10,000 50,000 25,000 40,000 15,000 10,000 20,000 -

44,875 343,977 400,000 743,977

117,600 370,800 400,000 770,800 400,000 344,800 26,000 -

117,600 370,800 400,000 770,800 400,000 343,800 27,000 -

770,800 0.8620 40,000,000

770,800 0.8595 40,000,000

251,718 251,718 466,397 25,862 743,977 1.1660 40,000,000

This notice includes allocations for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 for the following construction projects: Building

Allocation 2011

Allocation 2012

Allocation 2013

Allocations as specified above will be duly subject to objection during the period stated in this Notice of Adoption. TO BE PUBLISHED IN YEARS AFTER THE FIRST YEAR This notice includes allocations for the years 2011. 2012 and 2013 for the following construction projects, which have previously been subject to the taxpayer objections.


Allocation 2011

Allocation 2012

Allocation 2013

Allocations as specified above will be duly subject to objection during the period stated in this Notice of Adoption. Ten or more taxpayers in the school corporation who will be affected by the plan may file a petition with the County Auditor of Posey County County, not later than ten (10) days after the publication of this notice, selling forth their objections to the plan. Upon filing of the petition, the County Auditor shall immediately certify the same to the Department of Local Government Finance, which Department will fix a date and conduct a public hearing on the plan before issuing its approval or disapproval thereof. (Show names and titles of Board Members) BOARD PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER Published in the Posey County News September 14, 2010.

Jim Scarafia Jason Wilson Brenda Butman Jim Eagan Ken Meyer

line Road, Wadesville 11:14 a.m.—Theft—GoCart, blue with red Subaru motor, saws and other large tools stolen from our garage, had to happen sometime last night after 9:00 p.m.. Went to get tools out just now and found all of these things gone—Schuessler Road, Mount Vernon 3:06 p.m.—Accident—2 vehicle accident, no injuries— North Posey High School Parking Lot, Poseyville September 3 9:40 a.m.—Information— Caller advised a young girl called 911 from a cell last night on the playground. Caller advised there is another child in the area threatening to kill the kids at the daycare—Wadesville Church Day Care, Wadesville 10:56 a.m.—Suspicious— Gray, small older Nissan. Male driver and has a beer—Seibert Ln, Mount Vernon 11:46 a.m.—Theft—Caller wants to speak with officer about a theft—Mount Vernon 12:47 p.m.—Information— Report of stolen Harley Davidson soft tail, believe to be in the possession of (na.m.e) male subject who lives in the bottoms and is friends with (na.m.e) male subject. Another male subject is believed to be alternating VINs on vehicles— Mount Vernon 3:42p.m.—Reckless—White Chevy Caprice all over the roadway, possibly impaired— Hwy 66, Wadesville 3:49 p.m.—VIN Inspection—Motor home—S Main, Griffin 5:58 p.m.—Accident—1 vehicle, unsure of injuries, hit a tree—St. Phillips Road S, Mount Vernon 7:33 p.m.—Theft—Caller wants to talk to deputy again in reference vehicle being stolen Sunday by female subject. Advised he spoke with deputy earlier and advised tires were slashed on vehicle. Wanted to let officers know she is out at Oliver-Springfield Road—Stierley Road, Wadesville 11:23 p.m.—Theft—Caller advised she had a bottle with 4-5 (na.m.e) pills and some taken approximately 20 minutes ago. She advised there has been a lot of traffic in the area, doesn’t know who took them. No forced entry, her doors were unlocked and now they are locked—Upper MT. Vernon Road, Mount Vernon September 4 1:29 a.m.—Suspicious— Checking on a vehicle—St. Phillips Road, Mount Vernon 1:36 a.m.—Domestic— Caller advised his girlfriend’s fa.m.ily is at the above address and there is a physical domestic—Big Pine, Evansville 2:16 a.m.—Fa.m.ily Fight—20 year old son has been drinking and he’s out of

control and throwing things. Called back and advised that everything is okay and they no longer need an officer—W Main, Poseyville 11:27 a.m.—Harassment— Female subject, who is caller’s ex-husband’s fiancé, keeps calling and harassing caller and telling her to leave her fiancé alone. Caller has children with ex and female things she still wants ex—Heritage Dr, Mount Vernon 2:06 p.m.—Fraud—Subject attempting to buy or sell a vehicle and told him to wire money thru Western Union. He contacted EBay and they told him that this was a sca.m. and told him to contact law enforcement—Mount Vernon 9:28 p.m.—Theft—Caller advised she had money taken out of her vehicle last night. Vehicle was unlocked. She was told to speak with a supervisor today and now wants to file a police report—Westech Fence, Mount Vernon 10:40 p.m.—Threatening— Caller advised her son is at a drinking party and he’s been threatened by several subjects at this party. Caller advised she’s riding her bike to this house because her son has her car. She’s unsure of the address but will advise when she gets there. She’s called back and advised that she’s told him to leave the house and he can’t. He’s in the basement and there are several guys down there that won’t let him leave. Called back and advised a lot of the subjects left when she got there. Still wants to make a report and talk to deputies—Downen Road, Wadesville 10:27 p.m.—Suspicious— Caller advised there was a homeless black man in the store earlier that they had to ask to leave. One of her employees called her and advised that he’s now hanging around the dumpster—Busler’s, Evansville September 5 12:01 a.m.—Assault—Caller advised she was hit in the eye by an 18-19 year old and the caller is only 17. She was threatening to beat her up earlier at a football ga.m.e. Didn’t happen at this residence, happened in a vehicle. The caller is at a friend’s house and that is where they are going—Country Lane Road, Wadesville 1:29 a.m.—ATV—Caller can hear one 4-wheeler in the area and it’s really loud. Can’t tell if it’s north or south of Hwy 62 but he believes that it’s north. He advised it’s spitting rocks and he doesn’t think they should be out this time of night—Raben Road, Mount Vernon 5:21 a.m.—Accident— Silver/gold Nissan Altima, one vehicle accident. No injuries—I 64, Poseyville 11:10 a.m.—Hit and Run—2

vehicles, one vehicle left the scene. Silver Pontiac Grand A.m., left scene heading north on Rexing Road. Caller witnessed the accident—Hwy 66 and Rexing Road, Evansville 6:02 p.m.—Domestic— Friend’s boyfriend or baby’s Dad is beating on her, punched her in the stomach—Mount Vernon 6:17 p.m.—Domestic— Caller advised that her mother’s boyfriend is beating her and destroying her truck—Grossman, Mount Vernon 7:55 p.m.—Car-Deer—07 Toyota Corolla, black—I 64, Griffin 10:42 p.m.—Standby— Caller advised that his ex-wife is throwing his stuff out. He advised she’s already called in on him once this evening because he has her keys. He wants an officer there so he can give her keys back and he can get his stuff—BlackfoRoad Road, Mount Vernon September 6 1:55 a.m.—Car-Deer— Hit a deer, 2002 Chrysler Sebring, lots of passenger side da.m.age—Old Hwy 69, Mount Vernon 5:52 a.m.—Alarm— Back door alarm—Main St, Poseyville 5:15 a.m.—Agency Assist— Female subject isn’t answering phone, possibly some type of telephone trouble. She needs to contact Volunteers asap. Volunteers of A.m.erica make sure subjects are home that are now on probation. Caller has been calling the subject since 4:30 a.m.—Davis Road, Mount Vernon 6:34 a.m.—Information— Caller advised he’s been advised that there is a white Mustang getting fuel at their station and no one has authorization to do so—BTFR Station 1, Mount Vernon 1:39 p.m.—Road HazaRoad—Horses in the middle of the road—Main St, Stewartsville 3:38 p.m.—Impaired Driver—No information—Mary Anderson, Mount Vernon 3:51 p.m.—Alarm— Panic alarm—N Church St, Poseyville 9:01 p.m.—Reckless—Caller advised there is a high school age male subject that drives through his area at high rates of speed and it’s a gravel road. He advised the subject drives a red, white and blue 80’s model Toyota and it happens between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.. Caller advised he’s spoken with the subject’s step dad and it hasn’t done any good— Black Chapel Road, Poseyville 11:287 p.m.—Threatening— Caller advised she is receiving threatening calls and text messages from male subject— Princeton ST, Wadesville

(Schile), 120 hours public service, 1 year probation and fees, curfew orders. 1 year Posey County Jail, suspended. Stephen M. Harrington, 23, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Possession of a Controlled Substance, Class D Felony; Ct. 2- Driving While Suspended, Class A Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, $200 countermeasure fee, counseling, driver’s license suspended 90 days, 9 months probation and fees. Ct. 1- 18 months Indiana Department of Corrections, all suspended except 9 months in the Posey County Community Corrections Program; Ct. 2- 10 days Posey County Jail, suspended. Stephen M. Harrington, 23, Mount Vernon. Purchase of More Than 3 Grams of Precursors in a Week, Class C Misdemeanor. Petition to Revoke Sentence. Withdrawn. Probation terminated. Molly A. Hayes, 27, Mount Vernon. Battery Resulting in Bodily Injury, Class A Misdemeanor. Dismissed. Ushanda Johnson, 42, Mount Vernon. Driving While Suspended, Class A Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, driver’s license suspended 90 days, 1 year probation and fees. 30 days Posey County Jail, all suspended except 2 days. Susanna G. Kester, 45, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Battery, Class B Misdemeanor; Ct. 2- Battery Resulting in Bodily Injury, Class A Misdemeanor. Dismissed. Taylor B. Kincheloe, 22, Mount Vernon. Failure to Stop After Accident Resulting in Non-Vehicle Damage, Class B Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, counseling, 180 days probation and fees. 180 days Posey County Jail, suspended. Timothy A. Lear, 21, New Harmony. Ct. 1- Criminal Mischief, Class B Misdemeanor; Ct.

2- Disorderly Conduct, Class B Misdemeanor. Petition to Revoke. Probation terminated. 30 days Posey County Jail. Matthew J. Nolan, 25, Enfield, Ill.. Battery Resulting in Bodily Injury, Class A Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, no contact with Ann Gamblin, restitution to Ann Gamblin in the amount of $1,084.99, counseling, 1 year probation and fees. 1 year Posey County Jail, suspended. John E. Owen, Sr., 42, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Dealing in Methamphetamine, Class B Felony; Ct. 2- Possession of Marijuana, Class A Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, $200 countermeasure fee, 2 years probation and fees. Ct. 1- 8 years Indiana Department of Correction; Ct. 2- 1 year Posey County Jail, concurrent, all suspended except 6 years. Scott E. Pfingston, 32, Evansville. Driving While Suspended, Class A Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, 180 days probation and fees, Driver’s license suspended 90 days. 180 days Posey County Jail, suspended. Monica Powell, 36, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1, 2- Possession of a Controlled Substance, Class D Felony. Judgment of Conviction entered as a Class A Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, $200 countermeasure fee, counseling, 1 year probation and fees. 1 year Posey County Jail, all suspended except 30 days. Alexander J. Priest, 22, Evansville. Ct. 1- Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated Endangering a Person, Class A Misdemeanor; Ct. 2- Possession of Marijuana, Class A Misdemeanor. Ct. 1- Petition to Revoke; Ct. 2- Motion to Impose Judgment of Conviction. Civil Judgment entered for the Mount Vernon Police Department in the amount of $151.95, probation is terminated, balance of fees are waived.

Court News Superior Court Felony/Misdemeanor Brandyn Alan Cox, 18, Mount Vernon. Operating a Motor Vehicle Without a License, Class C Misdemeanor. Fine and costs suspended. Jameson Allen Cox, 21, Poseyville. Ct. 1- Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated Endangering a Person, Class A Misdemeanor; Ct. 2- Operating a Vehicle With an Alcohol Concentration Equivalent of .15% or More, Class A Misdemeanor; Ct. 3- Operating While Intoxicated Endangering a Person, Class D Felony. Ct. 2 is dismissed. $1 plus costs, $200 countermeasure fee, counseling, driver’s license suspended 1 year, 1 year probation and fees. 18 months Indiana Department of Corrections, all suspended except 6 months. Jameson Allen Cox, 21, Poseyville. Ct. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- Theft, Class D Felony. Petition to Revoke. Probation is terminated. 6 months Indiana Department of Corrections, consecutive Mary Davis, age not available, Mount Vernon. Battery, Class B Misdemeanor. Dismissed. John E. Gahl, 48, Evansville. Ct. 1- Dealing in Methamphetamine, Class B Felony; Ct. 2- Illegal Possession of Anhydrous Ammonia or Ammonia Solution, Class D Felony. $1 plus costs, $60.09 in restitution to Posey County Narcotics Unit, counseling, 2 years probation and fees. Ct. 1- 8 years Indiana Department of Corrections, all suspended except 6 years; Ct. 26 months Indiana Department of Corrections. Laura J. Harmon, 27, CaveIn-Rock, Ill.. Ct. 1, 2- Possession of a Controlled Substance, Class D Felony. Fine and costs are waived, counseling, parenting classes, no contact with Damian Schile or Natasha Payne



SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE B9

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* 80’ x 143’ Lot * Four bedrooms – two upstairs and two on the ground level * Kitchen with double oven, cooktop, refrigerator & dishwasher * Dining Room * Living room with bay window & fireplace * Two full bathrooms plus a shower in the basement * Sunroom * Large basement with kitchenette, laundry, den & storage * Split air-conditioning systems (one with Aprilaire electronic cleaner), central heat * Attached garage with electric opener * Fenced and landscaped backyard with renovated patio wall and gas grill * Hardwood and wall-to-wall carpet * Other features: security system, storage in attic, antique light fixtures

Car - Antiques – Collectibles - Art – Furniture & Appliances China, pottery and porcelain by Hall, RS Germany, Norwood, Lenox, Roseville, Staffordshire, Rookwood, Vernon Kilns, Henriot Quimper, Royal Doulton, Spode, Royal Vienna, Wedgewood and others; “blue willow� china; Bennington and others; Louisville stoneware and other stoneware; enamel boxes by Limoges & Staffordshire; figurines by Goebel, Anri, Schmid, Boehm, Royal Copenhagen & Lasko Ipansky; piano babies; crystal by Mikasa & Lalique; depression and carnival glass; stemware; pewter; copper tub; baskets; “Danny O’Day� dummy; Madame Alexander collection; Coke tray; paintings and prints by Charles Hirsch and other 2006 Cadillac DTS Luxury III – artists; frames; art supplies; quilts; linens; books; clocks; mirrors.

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GREAT JOB! We would like to thank all the workers on site ro who helped us exceed our goal. Your generosity o the th t allowed us to make a $3000.00 donation to MT. VERNON POSEY HUMANE SOCIETY Special Thanks to: nc. Aventine Renewable Energy, Inc. Industrial Contractors, Inc Cindy Horton ed, Everyone’s efforts were greatly appreciated, Sheila Duncan and Jeff See


FROM THE FAMILY OF CHARLES “CHARLIE� THOMSPSON: We would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the many relatives, neighbors and friends for the acts of kindness shown to us during Dad’s recent illness. Your prayers, cards, calls visits, flowers, memorial donations and food meant so much to us. To Pastors Raymond Tucker and Matthew Watson of Mount Vernon General Baptist Church and to the ladies of the church who prepared a lovely luncheon for us. To Doctor Gordon Bogel and his associates for their dedication and excellent caregiving over the many years. Words cannot express our feeling to the Mount Vernon Nursing and Rehab Center who greeted “Charles� with such love and caring in his last week. Lastly, thanks to Bill Stendeback and his staff at AustinStendeback Family Funeral Home. MAY GOD BLESS YOU! MARY IRENE AND ORVILLE LINDSEY AND FAMILY, ELEANOR “ELLIE� HOGAN


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Upcoming g Events

PAGE B10 • SEPTEMBER 14, 2010










Saturday, Sept. 18 • 10 am - Noon New Harmony $89,900 624 East South Street • 2-3 br with basement, immed poss • 30x24 2 1/2 car gar + office/workshop • Newer kitchen with all appliances Call Michelle Hudson @ 457-4928.

Sat., Sept. 18 • 12:30 am - 2:30 pm New Harmony $149,900 404 N. East Street • Remodeled 3 bedroom on corner lot • Living & formal dining, rec rm, bsmt • Beautiful eat-in kitchen, 3 car garage Call Michelle Hudson @ 457-4928

Sun., Sept. 19 • Noon - 1:30 pm Mt. Vernon $79,900 531 E. 3rd Street • 4 br, 1 1/2 ba w/garage & fenced yard • 1900 sq ft of living space + bsmt • Updated kitchen incl appliances Call Michelle Hudson @ 457-4928.




TO PLACE AN AD: CALL 1-812-682-3950 OR EMAIL: Real Estate Auction

PUBLIC LAND AUCTION Sun., Sept. 19 • 1:45 - 3:15 pm Mt. Vernon $109,900 928 East Lincoln • One-owner brick ranch, corner lot • 2 1/2 car gar, 3 br, liv & fam rm, frplc • Remdl kit, lovely yard, patio & gardens Call Michelle Hudson @ 457-4928.

Sun., Sept. 19 • 3:30 - 5 pm Mt. Vernon $194,900 2009 Greenbrier • 3 lg BR, 2 1/2 BA, over 2400 sq ft • Kit w/Corian counters, all appliances • 2 1/2 car gar, corner lot, landscaped Call Michelle Hudson @ 457-4928.

Mt. Vernon $65,000 421 W. 2nd Street • 4 bedroom, one bath • Lots of space - 2176 sq ft • Nice large lot, detached garage Call Monica Kittinger @ 457-9993




Mt. Vernon $52,000 415 W. 3rd Street • Large 1 1/2 story home • Updates: siding, roof, windows, doors • 4 bedroom, one bath Call Monica Kittinger @ 457-9993

Mt. Vernon $49,900 423 W. 8th Street • 2 br, large fenced lot, full bsmt • Remodeled kit, immediate Poss • Shop bldg, updates, home warranty Call Delene Schmitz @ 483-0785

Mt. Vernon $49,900 227 Pearl St. • Cute 1 1/2 story home • 3 bedrooms, one bath • Detached garage, covered porch Call Monica Kittinger @ 457-9993




TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st at 6:00 PM 500+/- ACRES-OFFERED in 3 TRACTS & COMBO’s POINT TOWNSHIP - POSEY COUNTY, IN “MACKEY BEND” SOUTHWEST of MT VERNON, IN & JUST WEST OF HOVEY LAKE-FRONTING ON THE WABASH RIVER CONVENIENTLY LOCATED NEAR SHAWNEETOWN & NEW HAVEN, IL AND UNIONTOWN & MORGANFIELD, KY FANTASTIC HUNTING & RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITY/DUCKS-GEESE-MONSTER BUCKSTURKEY-MORE! Here is your chance to purchase what Indiana Game & Fish calls one of the “Magnificent Seven Waterfowl Picks in Indiana….Tens of thousands of ducks and geese often populate this area.” Whether you are a professional outfitter, hunting club, investor, or just an outdoor enthusiast, please do not miss this one-of-a-kind opportunity!

Auction Location: The auction will be conducted at the Beulah Lodge #578 1121 West 4th Street on the west side of Mt. Vernon, IN Property Access: The current access to the property is via the Wabash River. Public boat ramps can be found just south of Hovey Lake, in Old Shawneetown, IL & New Haven, IL. Tract #1: Will consist of 71+/- acres originally known as the “Double Tree” property. It offers over 800’ of frontage on the Wabash River with approximately 15 acres being wooded. Some excavation work has been performed on this tract to maximize waterfowl hunting. Tract #2: Consists of approximately 256.25 acres originally known as the “Keck” farm. It offers approximately 1,750’ of river frontage. Nearly $30,000 of excavation work has been performed over the years to maximize waterfowl hunting on this tract! Over 100 acres was planted in trees around ten years ago.Tract #3: Offers 170.57+/- acres with nearly 2,500’ of river frontage. Approximately 40 acres is heavily wooded and is the home to many monster bucks! Note: Tracts 1 & 3 are part of the Floodplain Easement Program and Tract 2 is part of the Wetlands Reserve Program. For additional information on these programs, please call or visit our website. TERMS: No Buyer’s Premium! A 10% deposit will be required, with he balance due & payable at closing within 45 days. The property is being sold on an “as-is, where-is” basis. SELLERS: Steven Hahn & Don Meisler




1 P RIORIT Y for pictures & more information

Mt. Vernon $42,000 1112 W. 2nd St. • 2 bedroom, one bath • 1238 square feet • Great home or investment Call Monica Kittinger @ 457-9993

Mt. Vernon $25,000 1102/1104 Locust St. • Currently used as duplex • 2 bedrooms, 1 bath each unit • Easily converted to 1 family home Call Monica Kittinger @ 457-9993



Mt. Vernon $22,000 214 Munchoff St. • 2 bedroom, one bath home • Large rooms, attached garage • Beautiful wood trim Call Monica Kittinger @ 457-9993

Don Sohn # AU01000328, Trent Sohn #AU1970006, Dennis Woolston #AU01047267, Doug Emig #AU10700088, Dennis Clark #AU01026786, Auctioneers

Auction What You Own With Sohn!

Real Estate Continued 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2003 Manufactured Home on 3 acres in Poseyville. Quiet country setting. Home is approximately 1600sqft. With covered front porch, back patio, detatched 2.5 Car Garage and lots of nice concrete work. Call 812-5687531 for more information. 10/5

Mt. Vernon $22,000 418 West 3rd St. • Cute 2 bedroom, one bath home • 1028 square feet • Detached garage Call Monica Kittinger @ 457-9993

Mt. Vernon $22,000 414 West 2nd St. • Nice home or investment property • Large covered porch • 2 bedroom, one bath, det. garage Call Monica Kittinger @ 457-9993

Mt. Vernon $549,900 1 Dogwood Place • Quality custom built 2-story w/bsmt • 6180 sq ft, 4 br, 3/2 ba, 36x22 pool • Bonus rm, office, 3 car garage, wd flrs Call Michelle Hudson @ 457-4928.


Mt. Vernon $469,000 2 Old Orchard • 5 br, 4 1/2 ba, 2 story home on lake • 5500+ sq ft, finished walk-out bsmt • Custom Features throughout!! Call Michelle Hudson @ 457-4928.

West Side Evansville $419,900 1800 West Summit • 4 br, 3 1/2 ba, 2.2 acre lot, bsmt *3380 sq ft, frplc 3 1/2 car garage *18x36 heated pool, irrigation sys Call Julia Vantlin @ 455-0461

Mt. Vernon $174,900 1210 Cherry Hills • 3 br/3 ba, full bsmt, 2 master suites • 2577 total sq ft, fam rm, fireplace • Patio w/hot tub, corner lot, 2 car gar Call Michelle Hudson @ 457-4928.

Gorgeous 3/2 home with laminate living and hall/08! Lighting/09! Kitchen w/island, built-in desk, big pantry & eat-in breakfast! Appliance package & fridge/09! 2 1/2+ detached garage/04 w/9ft back door. Shed/03. Yard nicely treed & deck/07! 1/2 acre lot! $114,900! CALL LAIRD DAVIS TODAY! POSEY COUNTY REALTY, INC. ~ DIRECT 812-598-1052

Real Estate FOR SALE 11617 BOBERG RD

Mt. Vernon $144,900 1651 Holler Road • 3 br, 2 ba home on almost 3 acres • Kit w/Pergo & entertaining space • 2+ car gar, full walkout basement Call Monica Kittinger @ 457-9993

Mt. Vernon $129,900 300 Roosevelt • 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 1/2 car garage • 1672 sq ft, screened porch, dual fireplace • Corner lot, oversized bath, warranty Call Julia Vantlin @ 455-0461

Mt. Vernon $116,900 745 Smith Road • Near country club golf course & park • Brick ranch, 3-4 br/2 full ba, fam rm • Full bsmt, 2 1/2 car gar, Home Warranty Call Delene Schmitz @ 483-0785

Zero Down - Eligible buyers could own this home which qualifies for a USDA mortgage and requires no down payment. 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage, and a brick patio overlooking more than an acre of yard. The interior of this home is practically new. $132,000 call RANDY 985-9072 today for an appointment.


Mt. Vernon $112,900 1841 Allyn Drive • Remodeled brick ranch, 3 br, 2 full ba • Family room w/firepl, 2.5 car att gar • SELLER SAYS SELL NOW! Call Delene Schmitz @ 483-0785

Wadesville $107,900 8720 Boberg Rd. • 2 BR remodeled home on 1 acre • 2 car gar, shop area, brick patio • Beautiful private county setting Call Julia Vantlin @ 455-0461

Mt. Vernon $79,900 212 N. Main Street • 3 br residence, warehouse w/garage door • Storefront w/bath, Main St entrance • Great visibility and rental income! Call Linda Dickens @ 455-1490

CALL FOR MORE INFO ON THESE GREAT PROPERTIES Mt. Vernon $69,900 421 E. 3rd Street • Great price, 1550+ sqft, 2/3 br, 1 1/2 ba • High ceilings, wrought iron fence • 24 x 24 gar w/ shelves & workbench Call Julia Vantlin @ 455-0461

Mt. Vernon $34,900 600 E. 5th Street • 2 - 3 br, 1222 sq ft, living room • Kitchen, laundry, storage shed • Newer windows, doors, carpeting Call Loretta Englebright @ 431-8458

4753 Ranes Orchard Road


3 br, 2 1/2 ba

1708 Greenbrier Circle


4-5 br, 3 full ba

1105 Tanglewood Drive


4 br, 3 1/2 ba

4110 Blackford Road


4 br, 2 ba

1451 Springfield Road


3 br, 2 ba

11327 Gumble Road


Make An Offer!!

607 N County Line Road


3 br, 2 1/2 ba

624 Raintree Circle


3 br, 2 1/2 ba

310 The Riviera


4 br, 2 ba

729 Smith Road


3-4 br, 1 1/2 ba

4312 E Blackford Road


2 br, 1 ba, 1.07A

830 Canal Street


3 br, 1 ba

331 East Grant Street


2 br, 1 ba

1018 East Sycamore


2 br, 1 ba

330 Mulberry


3 br, 1 1/2 ba

Residential Lot



Acreage between MV & Eíville


6.636 acres

Very nice 2005 modular home with open floor plan located on 2.9 acres. This home has 3 bedrooms ,2 full baths, Dining area, Breakfast nook, Master-bath with garden tub, above ground pool with deck, and a children’s playset. The lot is mostly cleared except for mature trees creating a beautiful country setting. Owner is including a small tractor with several implements. ONLY $94,900 Call RANDY 985-9072 for an Appointment.

139 N CHURCH ST  POSEYVILLE 1738 sq ft home includes 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, large living-room, and a very nice kitchen next to a dining area and large 2 car garage and full basement. While this 1957 home offers some nostalgic remembrances, it has since been recently upgraded by the current owner. The original home was added on to in 1998. The garage is heated/cooled and offers a 1/2 bath. The basement offers 2 unfinished storage rooms. Nearly 500 square feet has been finished and makes for a very comfortable TV room and office area. With high vaulted ceilings, ample storage room, and a beautiful setting this is sure to be a nice family home in Posey County. REDUCED TO JUST $145,000 Call Randy at 985-9072

148 MAIN ST.  POSEYVILLE Updated Poseyville home with a large kitchen and lots of cabinet space. Home has laminate flooring, 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths. The buyer of this home will also have the opportunity to purchase an investment property located on the property that currently has a tenant. ONLY $120,000 Call Randy at 985-9072

FOR RENT Large 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment. New Furnace/central air. Stove and Fridge included. Washer and Dryer Hookups. Large bedrooms, living room has hardwood floors. Lawn care, trash and water included. Located at the corner of Highway 66 and St. Phillips Rd. $500/ mo. SORRY NO PETS. Call 812-457-7645.

Andy Rudolph Linda L. Dickens 455-1490

Loretta Englebright 431-8458

Michelle Hudson 457-4928

Ken Johnson 985-3280

Monica Kittinger 838-9802

Delene Schmitz 483-0785

(812) 838-4479 431 E. 4TH ST. • MT. VERNON, IN

Julia Vantlin 455-0461

Tri County Realty 1-812-449-8444 1-812-426-1426



CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED RATES: • No refunds or cash credit will be given for ads cancelled before the scheduled issue(s). Happy / Special Ads: • One column picture ad $20.00 • Two column picture ad $30.00

SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE B11

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• Deadline for all display advertising is Thursday at 12 noon • Deadline for all classified listings is Thursday at 12 noon • Cancellation notices for all advertising must be given no later than Friday at 10:30 a.m.

Furniture for Sale


2 Pc Queen Pillow Top mattress set. New! In plastic $129 Sacrifice 812-401-4675

3 Pc King Pillow Top mattress set Still in plastic w/warranty Great Deal $199 812-401-4675

8Pc. Bedroom set. Brand New. Cherry finish W/Queen Pillow Top mattress set. $699 Better Hurry 812-483-5029

6Pc Living Room set SOFA LOVESEAT RECLINER Stain resistant Micro-Fiber All New Can separate $679 812-483-5029 tfn


Custom Cabinets AMISH CABINET SHOP NEEDING WORK: Mention ad and will INSTALL FOR FREE for a limited time!!! Get quotes online: or by phone: 812-254-3244. Take a look at our display set in Evansville Black Buggy Restaurant! 9/21

Yard, Garage, Rummage Sales and Misc.

Real Estate Continued EXCELLENT commercial/personal property in historic New Harmony with 1,728 ft2. The upstairs is a nice two bedroom apartment, and the main floor is ideal for a retail shop or could be easily converted to living space. The property has been well maintained, and the owner is willing to help with build-out costs if needed. Located at 1023 Church Street and cost of only $29,500! Call 812-480-0500.

Real Estate WANTED Wanted: 10+/- Acres. At least 3 tillable/pasture. Leave Message: 812-783-2608 9/14

Subscribe Call 682-3950


Help Wanted Looking for talented daytime bartender/waitress. Call for details @ Ziggy’s pub 1-812-87410/5 2170. Experience necessary! ASSEMBLERS/PRODUCTION: Full-time openings with benefits. Must be dependable, able to maintain the pace of a high-speed assembly line and willing to work any shift. Apply in person: 10/21 Champion Laboratories, Inc. 200 S. 4th Street, Albion, IL. Rest Area Attendant: SIRS, Inc. desires to hire quality-oriented and dependable persons to man our Rest Area site on Interstate 64 at Griffin. Part-time positions available, Days and Evenings available through the week and weekends. Position responsible for light janitorial, grounds keeping, monitoring, and information/referral for travelers. Private office available at each site to provide security and privacy. Perfect for the student or those wanting to supplement a fixed income. For more information contact: Ernie at 812-851-3110 or Kathy 9/14 at 812-367-1883. E/O/E

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST. Dental and computer experience preferred. Flexible hours: 24-32 per week. For self-motivated, well organized person. Please send resumé to Doctor Volz, 1900W Fourth Street, Mount Vernon, IN. 9/14 Place your Help Wanted ad today! Call us at 812-6823950

FLEA MARKET AND BAKE SALE Sat. Sept. 25th, 8am to 3pm at 32 NW Locust Street. SPONSORED BY: Tercera Club to benefit North Posey Scholarships Puzzles


Operations Offering Competitive wages, Family Medical, Dental, Vision, 401K Plan, Vacation and Incentives.

Poseyville-2 BR apartment for rent. Washer/Dryer hook-up. $475 per month. $475 deposit. 1 yr. Lease. No pets. 812-431-1651. 9/14

Send Resume to: CONSOLIDATED GRAIN & BARGE P.O. Box 289 Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 Attn: Human Resource

Big Creek Apartments are now accepting applications for nice 1 bedroom apartments. Call 812985-9652 10/12

Consolidated Grain and Barge is an Equal Opportunity Employer

New Harmony - 2 BR Duplex. Includes Appliances, town utilities, carport. Rent negotiable. Accepting Section 8. Call us at 812-682-4861. 9/14

APARTMENTS FOR RENT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A NEW PLACE TO CALL HOME? PLEASANTVIEW OF CYNTHIANA Nice, Safe, Clean Affordable Housing... See What We Have For You And Your Family! * * * * * * * *

1 Bedroom Apartments Available Laundry Facilities on site Off Street Parking Stove & Refrigerator Furnished Rental Assistance Available Rent Based Income Warm, Cozy, Friendly Atmosphere Equal Housing Opportunity


10356 Poplar Street • Cynthiana, IN 47612 Jim Fetscher • Site Manager • (812) 845-3535 Call For Application -Immediate Occupancy for Qualified Applicant






CALL US AT: 812-491-1783

Last Weeks Solution


Apartment Living At Its Best Sudoku and Crossword

1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments 3 Bedroom Townhouses • Total Electric • Water Included • Appliances Furnished • Laundry Facility on Site • Rent Based on Income • Immediate Occupancy with Approved Application

Sudoku of the Week


The solution to last week’s puzzle:

Your Home Should Be Your Castle! For information contact:

Southwind Apartments 465 W. 9th St. Mt. Vernon, IN 47620

Phone (812) 838-2088

Crossword of the Week CLUES ACROSS 1. Licensed accountant 4. Oil production measure (abbr.) 7. An accountant certified by the state 10. Perceived with attention 12. Paddles 14. Radioactivity unit 15. Typical geese 17. Murres genus 18. G____le: wrestle with 19. Bills of fare 22. Having vision, not blind 23. Alternative musical passage 24. Formerly (archaic) 25. Surprise greatly 26. Japanese apricot tree 27. Reichsmark 28. VI 29. European swift genus 31. Article 32. Unit of time (abbr.) 33. Happy 35. Stage sceneries 37. Grandmothers 39. Military greeting 41. Lake Champlain fortica-


tion 45. Friends (French) 46. Undercover agent 47. Belonging to actress Moore 48. Mature female deer 49. Wan 50. Hyphen

51. The last part of a sequence 52. Pitch 53. A pig enclosure CLUES DOWN 1. Pessimistic investor 2. Force units 3. Leaseholder 4. Town (French)

5. ____trooper: soldier 6. Albanian river 7. Skulls 8. Native of New Guinea 9. Automatic Data Processing System 11. Controlling influences 13. 1994 Skating champion Yuka 16. Increases a bet 18. Reorganized 20. Cause to become undone 21. Manuscripts (abbr.) 28. White collar compensation 29. Haffez al-_____, Syrian president 30. Skinned an orange 33. Shadow arm on a sundial 34. Digital audio tape 36. Leaf pores 38. ____lified: made easier 39. Derisive face 40. Strat_____: expert planner 41. Disappear slowly 42. Hair or wool or fur of an animal 43. Cor____: Toyota model 44. With fireplace residue

PAGE B12 • SEPTEMBER 14, 2010



For all of your Business Directory needs Call: 1-812-682-3950 Email: or Fax 1-812-682-3944




Entertainment Limit one per visit

Home Improvement/Maintenance/Construction

Hunting Supplies Expires 12-31-10


Call for your Roofing needs!


Bathroom remodeling • Room Additions Concrete porches & driveways Roofing • Cabinets • New Homes



Charles Lawrence Homes Inc. 1-812-838-3204

Mt Vernon, IN • 838-3874 6401 Lower New Harmony Rd

Specialty Cakes

Automotive Sales/ Repair / Towing Services


Personal Care

Customized Services

Brenda’s Beauty Shoppe


119 S. Locust • Poseyville, IN


Home Improvement/Maintenance/Construction

Kueber Cabinet Shop

Jerry & Venita

Custom Built Cabinets. Cabinet Refacing and Countertops

Highway 65 • Cynthiana, IN (one mile North of I-64)

845-2860 Furniture Specialties:



Brenda Garris

Repair Refinish Chair Tightening, Chair Caning

Owner/Operator 10/31

Phone (812) 963-5700



Carmi Country Club



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Maintenance & Remodeling • Free Estimates • Insured Services Need minor repairs or home advisement? Call me.

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Self Defense - Martial Arts

Customized Services 11/30


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Custom embroidery for your school, group, team, club, organization or corporation.

8900 HWY 65 • Cynthiana, IN Toll Free: 1-800-776-1194 • Fax: 1-800-776-1199




SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 • PAGE B13


Jeff and Susie Colson, always willing to lend a helping hand Mount Vernon River Days. They don’t just warm a pew on Sunday mornings. The Colsons are also bringing up their son in the way he should go. As long as I can remember, they have made sure Austin was involved in Christian education. He has learned kindness, courtesy and impeccable manners from his parents. His interests range from membership in the Mount Vernon Swim Club to musical performance on a variety of instruments—piano, percussion and xylophone. He performs with both the Mount Vernon Junior High School Band and the Wolfgang Ensemble. In spite of his full schedule as an 8th grade student,

he still mows the church yard. The Colsons celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary this summer. A transplant to his wife’s hometown of Mount Vernon, Jeff has worked the same number of years for Sabic. Susie is well known in the Farmersville Elementary School cafeteria, where she has served for six years. In their leisure, the whole family enjoys boating and water skiing. Jeff is a motorcycle and dirt bike enthusiast and still makes the time to go fishing with Austin. This family could teach reality TV what constitutes a real family – love and availability and sincere faith in God.




*�Number one selling brand� is based on syndicated Irwin Broh Research (commercial landscapers) as well as independent consumer research of 2009 U.S. sales and market share data for the gasoline-powered handheld outdoor power equipment category combined sales to consumers and commercial landscapers.

Our #1 selling chain saw model










Photo and story by Pam Robinson Jeff and Susie Colson of Mount Vernon live just up the street from our family. Modest and humble, they resist the limelight, but their good actions deserve attention. If for no other reason, I admire Susie for the time and talent she’s lavished on cakes created for all of my daughter Jessica’s special occasions. Yet, this couple is especially sweet to me for all their church work and their fine upbringing of their son Austin, just a few months older than my daughter. Members of St. John’s Episcopal Church, the Colsons understand the dedicated Christian is committed to action. Jeff serves as junior warden, overseeing all church maintenance, and is a member of the vestry, a church council group. Susie teaches Sunday school for preschool and elementary children. Just recently, she also became assistant church secretary. It’s a job well suited to her, for she never fails to offer a kind word when she sees someone. Through their church, they have participated in Habitat for Humanity builds, Relay for Life and




With Purchase of the MS 290, MS 311, or MS 391 chain saw.


Offer valid through 12/25/10 at participating dealers while supplies last.

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Stone & Stemle Inc. 71 St. Francis Ave. Poseyville 812-874-2233 Available at participating dealers while supplies last. Š 2010 STIHL BES10-842-91101-9 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! CALL 812-682-3950

PAGE B14 • SEPTEMBER 14, 2010


New Harmonie


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ARE YOU TIRED OF TRYING TO KEEP UP A HOME ALONE? Have you considered The Ford Home recently? You may or may not be aware that The Ford Home no longer requires you to turn over any of your assets to become a resident. Rooms are available for monthly rental and we are currently taking applications. You only pay a deposit equal to one month’s rent and then pay your monthly rent just as you would if you rented an apartment. There is no long term lease required; ired;; only onlyy a 30 day notice. The only prerequisite is that you pass our physical requirements. Please take a minute to consider the possibilities. We have so much to offer! . Box 395


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LOCALLY OWNED We at O’Risky Excavating will strive to provide top quality professional Excavating, Concrete, and Demolition services with customer and personal satisfaction as the motivation. We will measure our performance with customer base and d company growth. th We W will ill return t home to our families knowing that we did our job with the highest level of safety, honor, integrity, and character that we as a team can achieve!




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