The Posey County News, September 21 2010

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Welcome to Poseyville’s Autumnfest Sept. 25-26


“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.” Since 1882 ~ Successor to The Poseyville News and The New Harmony Times • New Harmony, Indiana

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Tuesday September 21, 2010

Posey County’s locally-owned newspaper

Volume 129 Edition 38

Council denies abatement issue requests Haunted Hallway at North The Haunted Hallway, sponsored by the North Elementary PTO will be held during the Poseyville Autumnfest. Props by Gore Galore make this event a must see. The event will be held Sat., Sept. 25, 2010, from 7- 9 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the entrance of the North Elementary Library. Tickets are $3 apiece or $5 for two. Lights-on tours are available.

MVHS Class of ‘50 meets The Mount Vernon Senior High School Class of 1950 will be having their sixty class reunion on Saturday, September 25 at the Moose Lodge in Mount Vernon. Pictures and punch will be at 5:30 p.m. with the dinner following at 6 p.m. If you would like to attend, please contact Wanda Griess at 838-3518 to make your reservations.

By Dave Pearce Just when Posey County officials and officials from Aventine thought things could not be more complicated, they did just that at Tuesday morning’s Posey County Council meeting. The Council denied an abatement for Bristol Myers during the same meeting. The Council voted unanimously to deny a 15-day extension for the completion of the local Aventine plant for abatement purposes. Later in the meeting, the Council voted 5-3 to deny an abatement for Bristol-Myers who had recently completed an addition to the Mount Vernon site. Bristol Myers representatives claimed that they could not come before the Council (as is required for abatement consideration in Posey County) before the expansion was completed

because of the potential risk of exposing the nature of the facility. Bristol Myers is one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies and animal experimentation is carried on at the Mount Vernon site. Aventine Plant Construction Supervisor Jeff See told the council and those in attendance that the company was attempting to do everything in its power to abide by the terms of the original abatement. He told the council that as of Sept. 1, 2010, the company had spent $255.5 million on the facility. He also told the council that three large contracts had recently been awarded to local contractor Industrial Contractors and the 43 employees were already in place and that over 20 of them are residents of Posey County. He also said that offers of employment for five other positions had been declined by Posey County

residents. Following See’s presentation, Jennifer Keppler of the law firm of Berger and Berger told the council that members need to make sure that Aventine’s statements are true, stating that she did not believe Aventine was employing as many Posey County residents as it claimed. Keppler told the council in an earlier meeting that she was representing “some residents of Posey County.” Her firm also represents several local labor unions. During the discussion, Council member Bud Parkinson, who has been aligned with local labor unions in opposition to the awarding of abatements to Aventine, indicated his continued belief that Aventine has not done what he be-

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Mount Vernon awarded $6.5 million grant for sewer work

Viking Class of 85 meets

By Pam Robinson Mount Vernon Mayor John Tucker received much-anticipated news on Friday, September 17: The City of Mount Vernon has been awarded a federal community block development grant of $6,572,000 administered by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs, or OCRA. Tucker said the grant will fund around half of the estimated $12 million Phase II sewer project. Mandated by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, or IDEM, along with the EPA, Phase II will correct two combination sewer overflows, or CSOs, at Mill Creek by the city garage and near the wastewater treatment plant itself. Tucker explained that the CSOs occur during heavy rains when storm water and sewer sanitation at the same drain overflow, depositing raw sewage in Mill Creek and the Ohio River. The City of Mount Vernon has received the state and federal mandate to correct these CSOs within five years. Pulling out

North Posey’s Class of ‘85 is having its 25th class reunion on October 23, 2010 at the Feed Mill restaurant. An informal reception with appetizers and cocktails will begin at 7 p.m. The cost is $10 per person. Please RSVP by October 1. Please contact Paula Stewart at if you have any questions, or if you have not received your invitation.

Flag ceremony set Troop #386 and the American Legion will be having a flag retirement ceremony for American and MIA-POW flags at the Scout Cabin in Murphy Park on November 6, 2010. If you have any flags you can drop them off at 912 E. Steammill or at the American Legion.

School reunion planned Upper Hills-Wabash Township School Reunion will be Sunday, September 26 at 11 a.m. at the Owensville Communtiy Center. Lunch carry-in at noon. Remind your classmates and friends. All are welcome. Bring some early pictures of your time in school.

Caravan meets The Harmony Chapel Church of the Nazarene invited youngsters from around New Harmony to attend Caravan on Thursday evenings from 6 until 7:30 p.m. each week. A meal is served each week with a lesson to follow. One Thursday a month is a special fun night. If you have questions or your child needs a ride, please call 812-550-2222.

Ham dinner slated The Relay for Life team of the All Star Merchants are once again sponsoring the annual Poseyville Autumnfest Ham Dinner on Sunday, Sept. 26, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Poseyville Community Center. The meal includes new potatoes, green beans, cooked apples, a dessert and a drink. The price is $7.50 for adults and chicken tenders will be available for children for a cost of $4. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society.

Historical Society meets The Posey County Historical Society will meet on Saturday, Sept. 25 at 10 a.m. at the Pioneer Village at Solitude where Jerry and Marsha King will take PCHS members and friends on a tour, following the regular monthly business meeting of the Society. After the tour at Solitude the group will travel to JPeg Ranch at the invitation of James and Peg Redwine for a picnic. In order to be able to provide a head count for the hosts, those who are planning to come are asked to call Becky Higgins at 204-7388 or Judy Whitten 643-0091 no later than Wednesday, September 22.

Evansville resident Carter McCord, enjoys painting his version of a zoo on his flower pot at the Hoosier Salon and Gallery during Sunday’s Kunstfeat. Photo by Dave Pearce

Even Santa chips in to help PCCF auction By Pam Robinson St. Philip native David Belcher has donated a special item for the Posey County Community Foundation For Good For Ever Auction on Thursday, October 28: an evening with his long-time friend, Santa Claus. Belcher met Santa in 2002 when working with Santa’s helpers at Evansville’s Pavilion. From then on, he has remained close to Santa, often engaging him to visit deserving boys and girls across the Tri-State. Children will know when they’ve met the real Santa. He’s dressed in layers to accommodate his Christmas Eve trip to varying climates around the world. Over his pants and jacket, he wears a shin-length cape. Atop the cape rests a shoulder-length stole. On his left hand, he wears a solid gold ring bearing his image, his eyes twinkling with diamonds. His ring is engraved with Baby Jesus in the manger on one side and Christmas candy canes on the other side. Around his belt, he carries his black leather strap of sleigh bells bearing the names of his reindeer. His walking stick pays another tribute to his nine reindeer with a hand-carved likeness of each one, including Rudolph. Like Santa, Belcher believes, “You can’t do too much for kids.” Eleven and a half years ago, he retired after 35 years of service with Bristol-Myers Squibb. Once retired, he joined Evansville’s Hadi Temple and since then has made 261 trips to transport kids to the Shrine Hospital in St. Louis. He holds the record as the most prolific driver at the Hadi Temple. Belcher’s donation of an evening with Santa is one of 15 live auction items that will go to the high bidder. In addition, over 70 silent auction items will be featured. All proceeds from the For Good For Ever Auction will be placed in the Posey County Community Foundation’s Administrative Endowment Fund. This auction will be your chance to do a little holiday shopping and to support your Foundation all at the same time. The doors of the 4-H Community Center in New Harmony will open at 5:00 p.m. The evening begins with a catered dinner and entertainment from Clift the Drifter. The silent auction will start at 6:30 p.m. followed by the live auction. Tickets are $25 per person. A complete list of all auction items, along with ticket information, is on the PCCF website at www.poseycommunityfoundation.

Continued on Page A8 Corrections and clarifications: In last week’s issue of the Posey County News, we ran a story about Amy Stephens opening a new photography studio in Poseyville. In the story, we stated that she believed the building had also been a photography studio in the past. This was an error. Also, in last week’s edition, in the Mount Vernon School Board meeting report, we reported that “School Board hopeful Kim Jackson questioned if this (insurance) increase meant a raise for the district’s educators. Jackson indicated that her question was “Is the increase in the Sants Claus, disguised here as David Belcher, is one of the many insurance premium going to be passed from the employer to the employee?” who will help the Posey County Community Foundation Auction. We strive to provide accurate news stories and we apologize for the error. Photo by Pam Robinson

Inside this issue...


Continued on Page A8

Retrospective................ A5 Community........... A7 Social..................... A6 Legals........................... B8 Deaths................... A3 Sports.................. B1-6 Classifieds ............... B9-10 School......... A8 & B7 Business................. A9

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