Welcome to Poseyville’s Autumnfest Sept. 25-26
“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.” Since 1882 ~ Successor to The Poseyville News and The New Harmony Times • New Harmony, Indiana
(USPS 439-500)
Tuesday September 21, 2010
Posey County’s locally-owned newspaper
Volume 129 Edition 38
Council denies abatement issue requests Haunted Hallway at North The Haunted Hallway, sponsored by the North Elementary PTO will be held during the Poseyville Autumnfest. Props by Gore Galore make this event a must see. The event will be held Sat., Sept. 25, 2010, from 7- 9 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the entrance of the North Elementary Library. Tickets are $3 apiece or $5 for two. Lights-on tours are available.
MVHS Class of ‘50 meets The Mount Vernon Senior High School Class of 1950 will be having their sixty class reunion on Saturday, September 25 at the Moose Lodge in Mount Vernon. Pictures and punch will be at 5:30 p.m. with the dinner following at 6 p.m. If you would like to attend, please contact Wanda Griess at 838-3518 to make your reservations.
By Dave Pearce Just when Posey County officials and officials from Aventine thought things could not be more complicated, they did just that at Tuesday morning’s Posey County Council meeting. The Council denied an abatement for Bristol Myers during the same meeting. The Council voted unanimously to deny a 15-day extension for the completion of the local Aventine plant for abatement purposes. Later in the meeting, the Council voted 5-3 to deny an abatement for Bristol-Myers who had recently completed an addition to the Mount Vernon site. Bristol Myers representatives claimed that they could not come before the Council (as is required for abatement consideration in Posey County) before the expansion was completed
because of the potential risk of exposing the nature of the facility. Bristol Myers is one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies and animal experimentation is carried on at the Mount Vernon site. Aventine Plant Construction Supervisor Jeff See told the council and those in attendance that the company was attempting to do everything in its power to abide by the terms of the original abatement. He told the council that as of Sept. 1, 2010, the company had spent $255.5 million on the facility. He also told the council that three large contracts had recently been awarded to local contractor Industrial Contractors and the 43 employees were already in place and that over 20 of them are residents of Posey County. He also said that offers of employment for five other positions had been declined by Posey County
residents. Following See’s presentation, Jennifer Keppler of the law firm of Berger and Berger told the council that members need to make sure that Aventine’s statements are true, stating that she did not believe Aventine was employing as many Posey County residents as it claimed. Keppler told the council in an earlier meeting that she was representing “some residents of Posey County.” Her firm also represents several local labor unions. During the discussion, Council member Bud Parkinson, who has been aligned with local labor unions in opposition to the awarding of abatements to Aventine, indicated his continued belief that Aventine has not done what he be-
Continued on Page A8
Mount Vernon awarded $6.5 million grant for sewer work
Viking Class of 85 meets
By Pam Robinson Mount Vernon Mayor John Tucker received much-anticipated news on Friday, September 17: The City of Mount Vernon has been awarded a federal community block development grant of $6,572,000 administered by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs, or OCRA. Tucker said the grant will fund around half of the estimated $12 million Phase II sewer project. Mandated by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, or IDEM, along with the EPA, Phase II will correct two combination sewer overflows, or CSOs, at Mill Creek by the city garage and near the wastewater treatment plant itself. Tucker explained that the CSOs occur during heavy rains when storm water and sewer sanitation at the same drain overflow, depositing raw sewage in Mill Creek and the Ohio River. The City of Mount Vernon has received the state and federal mandate to correct these CSOs within five years. Pulling out
North Posey’s Class of ‘85 is having its 25th class reunion on October 23, 2010 at the Feed Mill restaurant. An informal reception with appetizers and cocktails will begin at 7 p.m. The cost is $10 per person. Please RSVP by October 1. Please contact Paula Stewart at paulak.stewart@yahoo.com if you have any questions, or if you have not received your invitation.
Flag ceremony set Troop #386 and the American Legion will be having a flag retirement ceremony for American and MIA-POW flags at the Scout Cabin in Murphy Park on November 6, 2010. If you have any flags you can drop them off at 912 E. Steammill or at the American Legion.
School reunion planned Upper Hills-Wabash Township School Reunion will be Sunday, September 26 at 11 a.m. at the Owensville Communtiy Center. Lunch carry-in at noon. Remind your classmates and friends. All are welcome. Bring some early pictures of your time in school.
Caravan meets The Harmony Chapel Church of the Nazarene invited youngsters from around New Harmony to attend Caravan on Thursday evenings from 6 until 7:30 p.m. each week. A meal is served each week with a lesson to follow. One Thursday a month is a special fun night. If you have questions or your child needs a ride, please call 812-550-2222.
Ham dinner slated The Relay for Life team of the All Star Merchants are once again sponsoring the annual Poseyville Autumnfest Ham Dinner on Sunday, Sept. 26, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Poseyville Community Center. The meal includes new potatoes, green beans, cooked apples, a dessert and a drink. The price is $7.50 for adults and chicken tenders will be available for children for a cost of $4. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society.
Historical Society meets The Posey County Historical Society will meet on Saturday, Sept. 25 at 10 a.m. at the Pioneer Village at Solitude where Jerry and Marsha King will take PCHS members and friends on a tour, following the regular monthly business meeting of the Society. After the tour at Solitude the group will travel to JPeg Ranch at the invitation of James and Peg Redwine for a picnic. In order to be able to provide a head count for the hosts, those who are planning to come are asked to call Becky Higgins at 204-7388 or Judy Whitten 643-0091 no later than Wednesday, September 22.
Evansville resident Carter McCord, enjoys painting his version of a zoo on his flower pot at the Hoosier Salon and Gallery during Sunday’s Kunstfeat. Photo by Dave Pearce
Even Santa chips in to help PCCF auction By Pam Robinson St. Philip native David Belcher has donated a special item for the Posey County Community Foundation For Good For Ever Auction on Thursday, October 28: an evening with his long-time friend, Santa Claus. Belcher met Santa in 2002 when working with Santa’s helpers at Evansville’s Pavilion. From then on, he has remained close to Santa, often engaging him to visit deserving boys and girls across the Tri-State. Children will know when they’ve met the real Santa. He’s dressed in layers to accommodate his Christmas Eve trip to varying climates around the world. Over his pants and jacket, he wears a shin-length cape. Atop the cape rests a shoulder-length stole. On his left hand, he wears a solid gold ring bearing his image, his eyes twinkling with diamonds. His ring is engraved with Baby Jesus in the manger on one side and Christmas candy canes on the other side. Around his belt, he carries his black leather strap of sleigh bells bearing the names of his reindeer. His walking stick pays another tribute to his nine reindeer with a hand-carved likeness of each one, including Rudolph. Like Santa, Belcher believes, “You can’t do too much for kids.” Eleven and a half years ago, he retired after 35 years of service with Bristol-Myers Squibb. Once retired, he joined Evansville’s Hadi Temple and since then has made 261 trips to transport kids to the Shrine Hospital in St. Louis. He holds the record as the most prolific driver at the Hadi Temple. Belcher’s donation of an evening with Santa is one of 15 live auction items that will go to the high bidder. In addition, over 70 silent auction items will be featured. All proceeds from the For Good For Ever Auction will be placed in the Posey County Community Foundation’s Administrative Endowment Fund. This auction will be your chance to do a little holiday shopping and to support your Foundation all at the same time. The doors of the 4-H Community Center in New Harmony will open at 5:00 p.m. The evening begins with a catered dinner and entertainment from Clift the Drifter. The silent auction will start at 6:30 p.m. followed by the live auction. Tickets are $25 per person. A complete list of all auction items, along with ticket information, is on the PCCF website at www.poseycommunityfoundation.
Continued on Page A8 Corrections and clarifications: In last week’s issue of the Posey County News, we ran a story about Amy Stephens opening a new photography studio in Poseyville. In the story, we stated that she believed the building had also been a photography studio in the past. This was an error. Also, in last week’s edition, in the Mount Vernon School Board meeting report, we reported that “School Board hopeful Kim Jackson questioned if this (insurance) increase meant a raise for the district’s educators. Jackson indicated that her question was “Is the increase in the Sants Claus, disguised here as David Belcher, is one of the many insurance premium going to be passed from the employer to the employee?” who will help the Posey County Community Foundation Auction. We strive to provide accurate news stories and we apologize for the error. Photo by Pam Robinson
Inside this issue...
Continued on Page A8
Retrospective................ A5 Community........... A7 Social..................... A6 Legals........................... B8 Deaths................... A3 Sports.................. B1-6 Classifieds ............... B9-10 School......... A8 & B7 Business................. A9
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PAGE A2 • SEPTEMBER 21, 2010
Stories are better told from first-hand perspective Often after a joke that doesn’t seem all that funny, you’ll hear, “I guess you had to be there.” Or sometimes when you will hear someone telling how exciting or how funny something was that they witnessed, you TRUTH... will hear the same thing. I STRANGER understand what it means THAN but this week, I learned first FICTION hand just how important it is BY DAVE to “be there.” PEARCE At the Posey County News, we make every effort to make it, in person, to every city, school, and county meeting in Posey County. While some papers and other news sources survive on what we old-timers call “absentee reporting,” there is nothing like being there to tell the story. Regular attendance also gives one a better sense of the overall picture rather than the occasional “snapshot” you get from many sources. With my schedule, I get very little time to get away. And even when I do go, it is often filled with cell phone calls and laptop conversations and usually is not all that beneficial. It is always good to get away but, again, it is always so important “to be there.” I took advantage of a great opportunity this past week. Local gospel musician Ryan Seaton is setting out on a solo career. The local group, The Conquerers Quartet with at least two Stewartsville musicians, appeared with Seaton at the National Quartet Convention held this past week in Louisville, Ky. The highlight of the week was listening to probable-GOP presidential candidate Sarah Palin as she addressed more than 10,000 at
Freedom Hall. Candidates for political office at all levels throw themselves out to the national media to become “new raw meat.” Regardless of the party affiliation, everyone who is willing to turn their lives into a literal circus by running for public office is either to be admired or tested for brain damage. If there is a flaw in your past, present or future, someone will be there to find it. And how many flawless people are left out there? Palin talked about the circus that her life has become since the call came from John McCain a couple of years ago. She told several stories of incidents which became headline news almost immediately. She began with the “borrowed wardrobe.” As many will remember, the decision to call Palin came at the 11th hour. Palin said that it was all she could do to make a decision, then make arrangements to get to the places she needed to be, arrange for her family and their well-being, and head off to the convention. During the question-answer session following her speech, she was asked if she would do things the same way again. Her answer was that she would;, however, she would make sure she had time to pack this time to give the media something else to talk about. She then relayed the story of her twoyear-old Downs Syndrome child. She said that with her, it was never a choice as to whether or not to have the child, but it did
take some time to prepare herself, mentally and physically. That is why she told no one outside of a few intimate friends and family of her pregnancy until she was in her seventh month. She learned of the probability of Downs Syndrome in the twelfth week. Since the baby came five weeks early, the media knew of the pregnancy for only three weeks. Stories immediately surfaced that it could not possibly be her child since she had been pregnant only three weeks. I try to keep an open mind when it comes to politics. I award my vote to the individual rather than the party. For someone who does as much public speaking as Palin, I was a little surprised at how rough the start was. Seeking common ground with the Southern Gospel fans in attendance, she insisted that she loves “country” music and mispronounced the names of a couple of the more prominent country gospel groups. But once she became comfortable, you learned right away that this is a woman with strong convictions who does not mind sharing them. While you or I may not agree with everything she stands for or has to say, you have to admire anyone who is willing to face the controversial questions without the usual political “circle talk.” She takes little time to tell you where she stands on an issue. She spoke for about 45 minutes and I was glad I had made the trip. It is not every day that I hear a former vice-presidential candidate speak. Connie and I enjoyed the day or two away and I really did refuse to answer my cell phone while we were away. I did spend just
a few minutes each night replying to emails I received while I was out of the offices. But once I got home, I realized what I had missed while I had been gone. The United Way Breakfast was on Wednesday and there were several other events that took place while I was gone including the North PoseyHeritage Hills football game and the Field of Dreams Marching Band Invitational at North Posey. When I got back and sat down to write the stories, I immediately realized the importance of “being there.” You can get all the quotes and input from individuals who attended the events but unless you are there, it is so tough to put emphasis and feeling into a story. It is impossible to write your best and give all the details because you simply weren’t there to see and hear them with your own eyes and ears. I have to admit that I enjoyed my minivacation. We ate supper with our son one evening and, overall, it was an enjoyable trip. But I have realized that just looking at the score on a sheet of paper doesn’t allow me to experience the passion and the excitement of the events I missed. Palin is aware there are people who believe her to be no more than a “ditz.” She is aware that there are people who think of her as an “air head.” However, it could be just another case of “you have to be there.” If you are still convinced that she is nothing more than an airhead with nothing important to say, please let me know the next time someone offers you $50,000 for a 45minute speech. I’ll be happy to come and take a listen.
Poetry provides artistic escape, a way of expression Poets have always seemed larger than life to me. To me, the ability to pack emotion and thought into just a few words rates as talent of the highest order. No poet myself, I ad- FOR THE mire those who lend expres- RECORD sion to our deepest-felt truths and especially enjoy hearing BY PAM poems read aloud. ROBINSON So with great anticipation, I sat recently on a Friday night with my poet friend Jessica Thompson as we waited for the Lexington, Ky., Gypsy Poetry Slam to begin. The Gypsy Poetry Slam was part of the Kentucky Women Writers Conference, and it was a new event for me. All I knew was poets would perform their own work and the audience would help to decide the champion, who would receive a $300 cash prize.
The half dozen poets, aged 20-something to 40-something, performed from memory with enthusiasm and passion. The poetry slam consisted of prepared soliloquies, mini-movies, if you will. At the end of each performance, judges from the audience held up a card, like at the Olympics, with their rating—7.5, 8.2, 9.7 or the elusive perfect 10 –while the rest of the audience booed in disagreement or stomped our feet and applauded in approval. Poets performed for three minutes each in two rounds with the high score declaring the winner. Four-time National Poetry Slam Champion, Patricia Smith, was the headliner. She gave a dazzling performance for the competitors to emulate. It was an evening of great entertainment even for an old
nonfiction writer like me. A young red-haired woman from Oklahoma named Lauren, my favorite, won the poetry slam. Two days later, I saw her again, and she signed a copy of her book of poetry for me. I treasure it as much as my copy of the national bestseller “The Zookeeper’s Wife” signed by visiting author Diane Ackerman. I respect Lauren‘s courage to continue writing poetry. After all, as upcoming young author Heather Sellers was obliged to answer when asked why she switched from writing poetry to writing memoir, “I want to sell books.” Most American readers want little, if anything, to do with poetry. A world without poetry would be like a world bereft of art or music—ugly. I know people who get along without poetry (or art and music, for that matter), but I marvel at their self-imposed deprivation. (I know peo-
ple who don’t floss either, but they obviously don’t see Dr. Volz—or care about mouth scum.) Not only does poetry reveal truths about life, but it also provides escape from boredom. I’ve heard people complain about their difficulty in understanding poems. They might think of them as word teasers, like the crossword puzzle. If for nothing else, poems are good for slowing the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Other poems are there just for the sheer pleasure of rolling words off the tongue, like “Jabberwocky.” All provide a deeper appreciation of the spoken and written word. Words shape our world. It’s up to us if we choose our words so we build a window with a view or stare at a blank wall. As the 19th century poet John Keats wrote, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”
Your Letter is Welcome! Please email dpearce263@aol.com. Or fax 682-3944 Home Country It actually took three hours for the story to make a complete circuit of the valley. We were surprised. Normally, it takes about 20 minutes. It must have been the humidity. Unlike the stories to be found in our beloved Valley Weekly Miracle, this story didn’t have to be checked for accuracy, spelled right, proofread, set in type or printed. No one had to put a bunch of them in a machine,
Gavel Gamut’s “Rumors Confirmed” The story that a young Negro man was thrown alive into the fire box of a steam engine in October 1878 has been generally accepted as true but hard to confirm, until now. During one week of that October one hundred and thirty-two years ago, seven Posey County AfricanAmerican men were murdered by several groups of white men in our county. One man was shot and then stuffed into the hollow trunk of a tree. One was cut into pieces and thrown into an outhouse. Four were lynched on the campus of the courthouse. And one was, according to one eyewitness, burned to death in a steam engine. On August 15, 2010 at about 6:15 p.m. Peg and I were at the post office in New Harmony when Basil Stratton approached our vehicle and introduced himself. Basil had read my accounts of the events of 1878 and wanted to tell me what
his grandfather had told him on two separate occasions. Basil now lives on the old Griffin Road and is a mem-
GAVEL GAMUT BY JUDGE JIM REDWINE ber of the New Harmony American Legion Post which is next to the post office. He was on his way to the Legion when he saw me waiting in the car while Peg mailed some letters. After introducing himself, Mr. Stratton told me he was born in Posey County in 1937 and had graduated from high school here then immediately joined the Marines. Basil’s maternal grandfather, Walker M. Bennett, was born in 1868 and was ten years old when he was with four white men at the railroad depot in October 1878. Basil either was not told or does not remem-
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ber the names of the white men. His grandfather told him the white men were angry because they believed the black man had murdered his pregnant, white girlfriend. According to the news accounts of that time, the white prostitute, Annie Mc Cool, had been murdered in September 1878, allegedly by her “Negro paramour” because she was pregnant. Walker Bennett told Basil that the men captured the black man near the train depot that was located where the Mt. Vernon Thrift Shop is now. They threw him into the fire box, but because his body did not conduct sufficient heat, the train engine would not run. What was left of the body had to be removed and replaced with coal. I asked Basil if he minded if I wrote about his grandfather’s account and he told me, “No”. He said his grandfather thought what the men did was justified by
what they believed the black man had done. Of course, Basil did not agree but, as he told me, things were different then. But Basil thought it was important for the truth to come out. An irony pointed out to me by Basil was the coincidence of where the young Black man was killed and where President Harry S. Truman’s Whistle Stop Campaign stopped in 1948. President Truman spoke from his train car at the Mt. Vernon depot. Of course, it was President Truman who, by his Presidential Executive Order, integrated the United States armed forces on July 26, 1948. Next week another eyewitness account of the events of October 1878 will be discussed. If you have the time and inclination to follow along, we will meet again. And should anyone else have information about these events, please let me know. It is a small county and I am pretty easy to find.
Slim Randles
either. But then, how many times does the V.W. Miracle get a story this hot? It began at 9 a.m. dur-
ing the post-breakfast coffee break at the philosophy counter of the Mule Barn coffee shop. Our chamber of commerce, Delbert McLain, popped in to tell us of a proposed project so unbelievably fabulous that mere life here in the valley would never be the same again. “A group of Spanish investors,” Delbert said, wiping the foam from his lips, “are looking into the concept of a proposed subdivision out by the dump. This, my friends, would be Outside Money coming to the valley.” “What will they call the place, Del?” asked Doc. “Basura Vista Estates,” Delbert said. “That’s Spanish, you know.” That was at nine. Shortly
after that, the members of the world dilemma think tank went to jobs and gardens and wherever someone would tolerate them and met again at the Mule Barn for lunch at noon. But Dud, in the meantime, asked his wife what “basura” meant. Anita said it was pronounced Basra and was a city in Iraq. Anita went to the Curl Up ‘N Dye beauty salon for a tune-up and told Evelyn about the new subdivision. Evelyn told the next three ladies to get “done,” and one of them told several people at the supermarket. So at noon, with a quorum of philosophers present at the Mule Barn, it surprised few when Bert walked up to the guys and said, “Have you heard? A bunch of terrorists are going to build a training camp out by the dump and move in tanks and helicopters!” Let’s see the Valley Weekly Miracle beat that. ---------Sponsored by: www. pearsonranch.com. Farm direct, delicious, California navel & Valencia oranges.
THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS (USPS 439500) is published weekly for $30 per year ($34 for all non-Posey County zip codes) by Pearmor Publishing LLC, P.O. Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631. Periodicals postage paid at Mount Vernon, Indiana. Editor: David Pearce Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Posey County News P.O. Box 397 New Harmony, IN 47631
N.H. OFFICE MANAGER MICHELLE GIBSON news1@poseycountynews.com
SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE A3
OBITUARIES Verlin Effinger Verlin Lawrence Effinger, 89, of Poseyville, Ind., passed away at 3:55 p.m., Monday, Sept. 13, 2010, at New Harmonie Healthcare Center in New Harmony, Ind. He was born to Leo and Amanda (Bender) Effinger on March 31, 1921, in Poseyville, Ind. He was i d iin P ill andd graduated d raised Poseyville from Poseyville High School. Verlin was a Navy Seabee in WWII, proudly serving three years, four months and six days in the South Pacific and enjoyed sharing war stories with those he served with. He also enjoyed hunting, fishing, working in his garden, riding in his golf cart and spending time with family and friends. Surviving are one son: Ronnie (Beverly) Ellis of Poseyville; a brother: Thomas Effinger of Poseyville; three grandchildren: Danny (Donna) Ellis of Wadesville, Becky (Dennis) Kiesel of Poseyville and Amy (Rick) Orman of Evansville; six great grandchildren: Erin (Brett) Mullis, Tara (Tim) Morrow, Britni Ellis, Devin Kiesel, Bryce Kiesel and Grant Orman; four great great grandchildren: McKenzie & Kage Morrow and Paige & Vanessa Mullis; as well as several nieces and nephews. Preceding him in death were his parents and his wife of 56 years Ruby Marie Effinger in August 2007. Graveside services were held at 2 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 16, 2010, at the Poseyville Cemetery with the Rev. John Matsel officiating. Visitation was held from 1 p.m. until service time Thursday at the Werry Funeral Home, Poseyville Chapel.
Habitat help sought By Pam Robinson The 2010 Habitat Build is underway in Mount Vernon. Black Township Trustee Secretary Jaime Eickhoff, approved applicant for the build, has just recently put in her 150 hours of “sweat equity,” the volunteer labor required to select a house style. The single mom of three daughters will now see and help with the building of her “Parade” style home, a one-story home with an open floor plan and a wraparound porch, at 913 E. Second Street. Volunteer Build Coordinator Jim Bartlett expects the home to be under roof by October 1 and completed and ready for inspection by October 30. With the building permit issued, workers removed two diseased trees from the property last week. This week, workers will be digging and pouring the foundation, and early next week, they will lay the block foundation. All this preliminary work leads up to Saturday, September 25, the first full day of the build. Bartlett is recruiting 20-25 people to split into two crews for the first day of the build. One crew will build the floor system and lay the floor joists while the other builds the framing components for the outside walls as well as the long center interior wall. He is especially interested in securing the commitment of two area carpenters. An additional four or five people will be needed to finish the walls on the following Tuesday, September 28. A crew from Warehouse Services, Inc., or WSI, will set the trusses, deck the roof and lay down black paper on Wednesday, September 29. Bartlett is hoping Constructor Ryan Harms and his crew will follow with laying down the shingles and installing the roof vents and drip edge on Thursday, September 30. Additional volunteers will be needed on the five Saturdays and a few weekdays following the Saturday, September 25, building start date. As in the past, Bartlett hopes local churches will provide lunch every Saturday of the build. Work commences at 7 a.m., with an 11 a.m. lunch break, and finishes around 4 p.m. Bartlett is asking for volunteers to donate the electrical and plumbing work for the home. The donation is worth $2,000 toward the cost of the build for each of the services. Volunteers may contact Bartlett at 838-2597 and are asked to go the Evansville Habitat website at www.evansvillehabitat. org to register online. Tax-deductible donations are also being accepted to raise the $40,000 still needed to cover the cost of the build.
Robert M. Barrett
Lloyd E. Shelby
Robert Morris Barrett, 72 of Muscatine, Iowa, died Sunday, Sept. 12, 2010 at his home. He was born on April 11, 1938, in Evansville, Ind., the son of Dr.Robert and Bertha (Thomas) Barrett. He married LaRita Jones on March 8, 1961. She preceded him in death on September 12, 2005. Barrett served in the U.S. Army as a helicopter mechanic. He lived in Muscatine for 25 years and worked at Grain Processing Corporation in the Quality Control Department retiring in 2005. He was a ham radio operator; he liked to play guitar and the keyboard and loved music. He also enjoyed golf. He is survived by two daughters, Donna L. Becker of Evansville and Sandra F. Barrett of Eldridge, Iowa; and one grandson, Justin Becker of Evansville. He was preceded in death by his parents and his wife. Memorial services were held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010, at the Austin-Stendeback Family Funeral Home in Mount Vernon. Visitation will be from 9 a.m. until the time of the service. Burial will be in Bellefontaine Cemetery with military rites conducted by Owen-Dunn Post No. 5. On-line condolences may be left at www.austinfuneralhome.com.
William T. Meeks William T. Meeks, age 79, of Mount Vernon, Ind., passed away Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010, at the Mount Vernon Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Bill was born April 15, 1931, in Rockport, Ind., to the late Wilbur and Alliene (Barton) Meeks. Meeks had worked for ars before his retirement Bristol Myers-Squibb for 37 years in 1991. Bill was a member of Zion United Church of Christ at Lippe, American Legion Owen Dunn Post #5 and the Robinson Township Conservation Club. He was a 1951 graduate of Reitz High School, a member of the R-Men’s Varsity Club and a varsity member of the state football team. Bill was a veteran of the United States Army having served in the Korean War from 1951 to 1953. Meeks enjoyed skeet shooting, fishing, carpentry and watching IU Basketball. Bill went on many fishing trips to Canada with his brother Bob and was very proud of his many handmade canes which he was able to use during his illness. Surviving Bill are his wife of 55 years, Aletha (Dickhaut) Meeks; his brother, Robert Meeks of Chandler, Ind.; two sisters, Vernell Morris of Evansville and Betty Shaw of Orlando, Fla., and many nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, Meeks was preceded in death by a brother, Marion Meeks who died in WWII and two sisters, Emogene Meeks and Ann Burnhardt. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Thursday at Zion United Church of Christ at Lippe, with the Rev. Jay Warren officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Friends may visit with the family from 3 until 8 p.m. on Wednesday at Pierre Funeral Home, 2601 W. Franklin Street and from 9 a.m. until service time on Thursday at the church. The family would like to thank the staff at the Mount Vernon Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and Dr. Mark Browning and his supportive staff at the Westside office for their compassion and care during Bill’s illness. Memorial contributions may be made to the Zion United Church of Christ at Lippe Memorial Fund. Condolences may be made online at www.pierrefuneralhome.com.
Mount Vernon Neighborhood h d Watch W t h meeting ti sett The Mount Vernon Police Department wants to inform citizens that there will be a Neighborhood Watch meeting on September 30, 2010 at 7 p.m. It will be held at the Hovey House located at 330 Walnut Street in the Commissioner’s meeting room. This meeting is intended for any resident of City Council District 1, represented by Councilwoman Rita Askren, who would like to learn more about the Neighborhood Watch program. Some of the areas in this district are Water St., Second St., Third St., Fourth St. and Fifth St. If you have questions as to
whether this meeting would include your neighborhood contact the Mount Vernon Police Department at 812838-8705. Representatives from the Mount Vernon Police Department, Posey County EMA-Indiana Department of Homeland Security, and elected city officials will be present for the program. There will be statistical data concerning police calls in these areas, information on home protection and security tips on preventing burglary and vandalism, as well as other information that residents may find useful. It is hoped that the event
Mount Vernon man charged with Rape On September 11, 2010 at about 2:53 a.m. Mount Vernon Police Officers Thomas Rueger and Allen Middleton responded to 430 West Second Street regarding a female who had been injured and had gone to this residence to request assistance. Officers located the female victim. The victim had multiple contusions, missing chunks of hair, glass shavings in her head, and swelling of the face, arms and legs. The victim told the officers that 43 year old Christopher Master of 411 West 2nd Street, Mount Vernon, Ind. had beaten and raped her. Officers went to 411 West 2nd Street to conduct a further investigation. Officers noted two pools of blood, large clumps of hair that had been pulled out, and a gum-
ball machine which was broken into pieces by the front door. Christopher Master was not located at this time. Due to the victims medical injuries she was taken to the hospital for medical treatment and to have a sexual assault kit completed. On September 11, 2010 an arrest warrant was issued for Christopher Master for 1 count of Rape a Class A felony and 1 count of Criminal Deviate conduct a class A felony. Mount Vernon Police Captain, Dana Allyn and Officer Ben Bohleber located Christopher Master at 432 West 5th Street at about 4:25 p.m. on September 11. Mr Master was taken into custody on the warrant and lodged in the Posey County Jail. Bond was set at $300,000.
Lloyd E. Shelby, age 86 of Mount Vernon, Ind., went to be with the Lord on Sunday afternoon September 19, 2010, at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville. He was born October 22, 1923, in the Griffin bottoms, the son of William Edward and Golda Lee (Jobe) Shelby. He married Doris Maynard. Lloyd retired from General Electric as a Maintenance Tech. He was known throughout the area for his knowledge of John Deere two cylinder tractors. He is survived by his son and daughter-in-law, Don and Karla Shelby of Mount Vernon; brother and sisterin-law, Charles and Martha Shelby of New Harmony; sister-in-law, Betty and husband Curt Mabry and brother-in-law, Don and wife Sarah Maynard; step-grandchildren, Stacy and Jason Hardin, step great-granddaughter, Emma Jane Hardin and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife Doris. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday September 22, 2010, at the Austin~Stendeback Family Funeral Home at 1330 E. Fourth St. in Mount Vernon with burial in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery near Bufkin. Visitation will be from 4-8 p.m. on Tuesday at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorials are suggested to the New Harmonie Healthcare Center. The family would like to send their appreciation to the wonderful staff at the New Harmonie Healthcare Center and also the morning shift at the Mount Vernon Dairy Queen for the special attention they gave Lloyd. Online condolences may be left at austinfuneralhome. com
will be a success and the police department will be sponsoring additional meetings in other neighborhoods during the year. Anyone with ques-
tions about the program may contact Chief Grant Beloat at the Mount Vernon Police Department by calling 812838-8705.
Funeral Planning ... Before the Need Arises
SOME SIMPLE DRIVING TIPS: • Be Alert! Slow Down! • Stay Back At Least 50 Feet When Following Farm Equipment! • Be Patient • Make Sure You Are Clear • Enjoy Your Drive! If You Have To Slow Down, It Only Takes Six Minutes Of Your Time, Almost The Same As Waiting At Two Traffic Lights!
CHRIS’ PHARMACY 511 Main Street New Harmony, IN 47631 We participate in most insurance plans. Call us to verify participation even if we are not listed in your insurance brochures. Mon-Fri 9-6 Sat. 9-4 Phone: (812) 682-3044 E-mail: chrisrph@evansville.net
J.L. Hirsch • 8 W. Main St. • Poseyville Prices effective September 21st thru 25th Joan of Arc Chili Beans ........................... Joan of Arc Kidney Beans ........................ Libby Corn................................... Libby Peas .................................. Libby Green Beans......................... Starkist Tuna .................................. Creamette $ Pastas .......................... 5 oz. Creamette $ Pastas ................................ Post $ Honeycomb .................12.5 oz. Post $ Raisin Bran ...................20 oz. Post $ Golden Crisps ....................... Post $ Pebbles Cereal ...................... Post $ Honey Bunches of Oats ............ Vess $ Cola ........................... 12 pkg. Criso $ Oil ..............................48 oz. Pillsbury $ Fudge Brownie ..............19 oz. Hungry Jack $ Pancake Mix ..................32 oz. Nabisco $ Graham Crakcers ................... Log Cabin $ Syrup ................................. Taco Bell $ Shells ................................. Taco Bell Refried Beans ................ 16 oz. Taco Bell Seasoning ............................ Taco Bell $ Taco Sauce .....................8 oz. Cousin Willie $ Popcorn .............................. Vista 2/$ Cookies ...........................
89 89¢ 79¢ 79¢ 79¢ 99¢ 119 269 269 269 269 269 269 229 349 149 189 349 329 159 99¢ 69¢ 109 119 200
We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities AND Correct Printing Errors.
$ 49
2 $ 19 Lean Ground................... 3 Field $ 99 Chili Rolls ............................ 1 Louis Kemp $ 69 Crab Delight ......................... 1 Round Steak ................... 1 lb.
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$ 29
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12 oz.
59 oz.
64 oz.
Purex 2x $ 99 Ultra ............................50 oz. Kleenex Cottonelle $ 19 Ultra Duble Roll Toilet Tissue ....
2 3
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PAGE A4 • SEPTEMBER 21, 2010
GENERAL NEWS & CHURCH CHURC Cynthiana native Seaton to perform local concert
Local gospel music artist Ryan Seaton talks with fans at his booth at last week’s national Quartet Convention.
Seeds from the Sower By Michael A. Guido A man was wheeled into the operating room. Everything was in readiness for his surgery. Just as the surgeon was about to make the incision,
he noticed a paper taped to the patient’s body. Bending over, he read one word: “Think.� That’s good advice for all of us. But someone has said,
“Five percent of the people think, ten percent think they think, and the rest would rather die than think.� Thoughts are powerful. Businesses, cities, nations
and destinies follow them. That’s why the Psalmist said to the Lord, “I thought about the wrong direction in which I was headed, and turned around and came running back to You.�
St. Francis Relay team plans annual Christmas Bazaar The St. Francis Relay for Life team and friends will be sponsoring their 3rd Annual Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, November 20 from 9 – 3 p.m. in the Church cafeteria. Please note the date change. Lots of vendors will be on hand so you can get some early Christmas shopping done. We offer hand-
made crafts, jewelry, scrapbooking, baked goods, homemade candy, hair bows, jams and jellies and more. We also welcome home business vendors such as Avon, Tupperware, Mary Kay, jewelry, etc. Tables are $10 each and benefit Relay for Life. If you are interested, please contact Jeri Ziliak at 449-7445.
Imagination Station is remarkable legacy When dignitaries from the Mount Vernon community cut the ribbon in front of the gates of the Imagination Station at College Park Sunday, September 26, the event will signal the beginning of a new era of commitment to the future. Everyone is invited to attend the tenth year anniversary celebration and fund raiser for the Imagination Station at
College Park. The event will be held Sunday, September 26 from 1 to 4 p.m. in front of the Imagination Station entrance adjacent to the Alexandrian Public Library parking lot. “The Imagination Station is the result of remarkable public cooperation,� said Alexandrian Public Library director Marissa Priddis. The Imagination Station
at College Park, Mount Vernon’s’ accessible play space, has been in service to the community for ten years. The first ribbon cutting took place at the completion of the playground on October 8, 2000. Community leaders spearheaded by the Alexandrian Public Library board of trustees, the Friends of the Alexandrian Public Library, Sabic and the town of Mount Vernon all are coming together to rededicate the park to area youth. “It is gratifying to see so many individuals and companies come together for our children,� says Friends of the Alexandrian Public Library president Kathy Nelson. “This project shows how much the community cares.� These days with television, video games and Internet it is hard to imagine kids going to a park to exercise their bodies and their imaginations. Yet they still do in Mount Vernon, Indiana. It is all due to the efforts of a community wide project undertaken ten years ago on 14,000 square feet of ground donated by the Alexandrian Public Library.
Ample parking for the park is available on the residential streets on the northern and western sides of the park and in the library parking lot on the southern. The park is open from dawn to dusk seven days a week. Community leaders and individuals all came together in 2000 to construct over the course of five days, October 4 to 8, what would be called “The Imagination Station at College Park� for the benefit of the community youth. All aspects of the $100,000 construction project relied on donations of money, tools, time and materials from all over Mount Vernon. A $10,000 grant was provided by the Build Indiana Funds. Like mostly wooden structures the Imagination Station had, despite the best best efforts of volunteers, not endured the effects of weather and continual use over the years without notable damage. A few activities have even been damaged to an extent that they were removed. But efforts have been unerway since early August 2010 to restore the park to its former glory.
Saturday & Sunday: September 25 & 26, at the Community Center
P.C.C. Autumnfest Booth Don’t miss our GAMES and PRIZES Corn Hole Game, Fishing for Livee Goldfish, dfis , R Ring ingg Tos Toss ss ffor 22-Liter i D it Drinks! nks! s!!
Win BIG in our RAFFLE Raffle of a 40� ELEMENT Flat Screen HDTV V w 11yr y warranty. y $5 for one ticket, or $10 for three ti tickets. cke One dollar out of every 5 dollars will go too G God s God’s Storehouse Food Pantry, and 3 dollars out of every 10 dollars will go to the Food Pantry. 6 E. Main Street, Corner of Main & Cale Streets. Community Outdoor Worship: Sunday the 26th, 10am at the Community Center.
The Woman of Zion are hosting their 2nd annual Fall Bazaar on Saturday, October 9 from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Zion-Lippe United Church of Christ at 9000 Copperline Road in Mount Vernon. There will be quilted items, baked goods, frozen home-
made meals and lots of misc. items. From Hwy 62 go north on Ford Rd. to Copperline to church or from Hwy 66 go south on St. Phillips Rd., right on Copperline or south on Stierly Rd. and left on Copperline. Everyone is welcome.
Point Church hosts chicken dinner The Point Township Nazarene Church will be hosting their annual chicken supper from 4-7 p.m. on Saturday, September 25, 2010 at the church located at 12611 Bonebank Road in Mount Vernon. The dinner will include 1/4 fried chicken, dumplings, dressing, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, slaw, dessert, bread, tea, and coffee. Carry outs are also available. Adults are $9 and children (ages 4-10) are $4.50. Children 3 years and under are free. There will also be a country store with cakes, candy, crafts, cookies, and pies.
Mt. Zion to have booth at Autumnfest On September 24 and 25, Mt. Zion Church will once again be having a booth at the Poseyville Autumnfest. Last year (our first year at the Autumnfest) we were able to meet people in the community and raise about $500 for the new building. It was definitely a positive learning experience. This year we will be selling baked goods, soft drinks and water, have face paint-
ing and a small game for the kids. There will a sign-up sheets at church on Sunday for anyone and everyone who is willing and able to make baked goods or spend time at the booth. All proceeds we receive will be put toward the new building. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, please don't hesitate to call me. Katie Lutton (812) 568-5980.
Poseyville Christian to hold raffle for Autumnfest Posey You won't w want to miss Pos the Poseyville Christian Chur booth this year at Church Autuumnf Autumnfest on September 25 & 26 at the Community Center. Center. Th here will be fun, games There ppriz for children and andd prizes adultts of all ages. adults Al long with our Corn Along
Applications for the 2010 Posey County Christmas Assisstance Program sponsoredd by the Mount Vernon/ New Harmony Ministerial Association are now avail-
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Woman of Zion Fall Bazaar set
Hole Game, Fish Bowl for live goldfish, and Ring Toss for 2 Liter drinks, we will be having a Raffle for a 40" Flat Screen TV. Tickets are $5 dollars per ticket, and $1 dollar from every ticket goes to God's Storehouse Food Pantry. So come and join the fun
and activities, or just stop by to say hello. Poseyville Christian Church, 6 E. Main Street., corner of Main & Cale Streets. Friendly and Welcoming. Community Outdoor Worship, Sunday at 10 a.m. at the Community Center
Applications Ap ppl now accepted for Christmas assistance
For tickets:
Grammy Nominated artist Ryan Seaton, who charmed fans all over the world during his tenure with Ernie Haase and Signature Sound will perform at Christian Fellowship Church on October 3, 2010.. Seaton who embarked on his solo career in June will sing songs from his first project, “The Stage is Bare.� The album is reminiscent of the Crooners’ style of the 1950s and has been to compared to secular artists such as Frank Sinatra and Michael Buble’. The concert for Seaton is a homecoming having been on tour from North Carolina to California in the last few months. “I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to sing at CFC. It is my home church and I love the people. I cannot wait to perform for all my friends and family at such a wonderful place of worship.� Seaton’s official CD release party and debut concert took place in Louisville, Ky. on Friday, June 4, 2010. Ryan’s solo career has taken off and created lots of buzz in the Christian music industry. Seaton has already been featured on Trinity Broadcast Network with over one-million viewers as well as being featured in an upcoming issue of Singing News Magazine. Seaton has partnered with Crossroad’s Distribution to place his products in retail locations as well as provide radio support. Ryan has also been named a spokesperson for Compassion International, a non-profit whose mission is to release children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enables them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults. “I feel honored that Compassion International has entrusted me to be a voice for the organization,� comments Seaton. “I cannot even begin to comprehend the level poverty that these children face everyday. If I can educate the public about Compassion then I can help the kids.� Tickets for this special evening are available online at www. itickets.com or at Christian Fellowship Church 4100 Millersburg Road, Evansville, Ind. 47725 Phone: 812-867-6464 or The Vineyard Christian Bookstore 5721 E. Virginia Street, Evansville, IN 47715 Phone: 812-479-8777. For further information go to www.ryanseaton.com.
able from the office of Trinity United Church of Christ or from the Black Township Trustee’s Office. Children under the age of 18 are eligible as well as those who are 18, as long as they are full-time students in high school. The deadline for completed applications is 2:30 p.m. on November 5, 2010. Applications may be turned in at either Trinity or the Black Township Trustee’s Office. No applications will be accepted after that time. Families will be notified of date(s) that gifts may
be picked up. Changes in address or telephone number after an application has been submitted should be reported to Trinity Church at 8383805. This program would not be possible without the generous donations of time and treasure from individuals, businesses, churches, and other organizations. In 2009, approximately 541 children benefited from all these efforts to provide them a joyous Christmas. For more information, contact Trinity Church at 8383805.
SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE A5
RETROSPECT September immunization mmunization cliniccs scheduled September Immunization Clinics have been scheduled at the following locations: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 -- 3-5 p.m. -- North Elementary School -- Poseyville Wednesday, September 22, 2010 -- 2-6 p.m. -- Coliseum --Mount Vernon, Indiana Required immunizations additions for the 2010-2011 school year are as follows: All Preschool and Kindergarten students will be required to have two doses of varicella vaccine, given on or after the first birthday and separated by three months, or a history of chickenpox disease documented by a physician. All Kindergarten students will be required to have aone of the required doses of polio vaccine given on or after the fourth birthday,
and at least 6 months after the previous dose. All 6th-12th grade students will be required to have 2 doses of variella vaccine ,given on or after the first birthday, and separated by age-appropriate intervals as defined by the CDC, or a history of chickenpox disease documented by the parent/guardian. All 6th-12th grade students will be required to have 1 dose of tetanus-diphtheriaacellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap) given on or after the 10th birthday. All 6th-12th grade students will be required to have 1 dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4). No appointment is needed for the immunization clinics but please bring shot records with you.
Diabetic Clinic set for September 21 Everyone is cordially invited to attend a Diabetic Clinic on Tuesday, September 21st at 6 p.m. at the South Gibson Medical Clinic. The guest speaker will be Shon Nelson
BS RPSGT, Sleep Technologist for Gibson General Hospital. He will be speaking about Diabetes and Sleep Apnea. There will be a question/answer section as well as
refreshments and free blood screenings. Call 812-7534181 if you have any questions concerning the clinic. The clinic is being sponsored by HLS Home Medical.
Pages of the Past compiled by Tammy Bergstrom 10 YEARS AGO, September 19, 2000
25 YEARS AGO, September 18, 1985
50 YEARS AGO, September 23, 1960
Mary Evelyn Overton Moore and Jim Irvin were united in marriage at the courthouse in Mount Vernon on September 1. The bride will be 80 years old on December 20. Jessica Caze became the bride of Darryl Chamberlain in a 3 p.m. ceremony in Eddyville, Kentucky. Ivan and Rosemary Alsop will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house at Thrall’s Opera House in New Harmony. The twelfth annual Big Whopper Contest was held at Murphy Auditorium. Bill Jennings of Olney, Illinois came in first place. Other participants included Hack Mitchell, Althea Rhodes, Jeff Miller, Neil Beste, Pat Hand, Scott Huck, Richard Wilburn, Mark Davis, David Ries, Daniel Greenwell, Gerald Benton, and Joel Brumley. The Old Dam Community Band from Newburgh, Indiana will entertain folks at this year’s Poseyville Autumnfest. Jeff Sokeland of Blairsville landed a 70 foot, 50 inch blue catfish from the Wabash River near Mt. Carmel, Illinois.
The New Harmony Spinners and Weavers Guild will hold their second annual fashion show at Thrall’s Opera House during the Kunsfest. Garments of wool, cotton, silk, and linen will be featured. by weavers from throughout Southern Indiana and Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. John Bilderback of St. Wendel are the proud parents of a new daughter, Halley Alane Bilderback. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gene Williams of Henderson, Kentucky are the proud parents of a new daughter, Katie Danielle. Grandparents are Gene and Dorothy Williams of Poseyville, Ed and Margaret Walz and Harold and Emogene Bridgewater, all of New Harmony. Toni Weinzapfel and Tony Brandenstein are happy to announce their engagement and approaching marriage. Rosemary Barger and Joe Anderson, two North Posey High School seniors have been named 1986 National Merit Scholarship semi-fi-
The Poseyville Kiwanis will hold their annual Kids’ Day this Saturday. There will be lots of activities for the kids including tricycle races, greased pig chase, tug of war, sack races, and the pet, bicycle, tricycle, and doll parade. Lots of good food will also be available. Mrs. Phyllis Wilson has recently joined the staff of the Cynthiana State Bank as a bookkeeper. Postmaster General Arthur Summerfield announced that a new post office will be built on the southeast corner of Locust and Second Streets in Poseyville. About 15,000 free admission tickets are available on a first come, first served basis to see Vice President Richard M. Nixon when he makes a stop in Evansville next month. Mr. Gary Wiggins and Miss Mariko Yoshida were united in marriage in a ceremony held in Kanagawa, Japan on August 10. The wedding took place on the groom’s twenty-second birthday. Evansville College reported a record 480 freshmen registering for fall classes this semester.
Posey Historical Society plans meeting The Posey County Historical Society will meet on Saturday, Sept. 25 at 10 a.m. at the Pioneer Village at Solitude where Pictured are (L to R) Front row: Molley Garrison, COTA; Tina Howton, Area Jerry and Marsha King Director of Rehabilitation; Hattie Fetcher, resident; Natalie Young, PT; Kim Hayes, will take PCHS members COTA; back row: Michanne Smiddy, PTA; Michael Neal, OT; Alita Storey, SLP; Tom and friends on a tour, folO'Niones, President and Owner; Julie Langan, OT and Jennifer Robinson, PTA
Groundbreaking for new health care facility set “September 8, 2010 marks the ground breaking on a new clinic for Owensville, Indiana that will significantly improve the scope of health care that is offered in this community”, according to Tom O’Niones, President and Owner of Transcendent Health care, whose Owensville health care facility will be the host for the new clinic. Owensville, which has not had a physician practice in the community since the passing of long-time resident physician, Dr. Dickenson, has had to turn to neighboring communities for many of the health care services that many towns may take for granted. With the completion of its new facility late this year, being built as an addition to Transcendent Health care of Owensville on Highway 165 West, that will no longer be the case. O’Niones had originally planned on adding a 2,000 square foot addition to the facility’s current rehabilitation space for the physical, and occupational therapy and speech-language pathology services that are provided to the residents there. However, after consulting with Owensville community leaders and colleagues in the industry, the plan has evolved into a full service clinic offering those same therapies, on an outpatient basis to the community at large. To help meet the primary care needs of the community, the clinic will also staff a nurse practitioner under the professional supervision of one or more licensed physicians practicing within the communities which border Owensville. Transcendent Health care of Owensville is no stranger to rehabilitation services. The facility currently provides in excess of 25 treatments, in the three aforementioned disciplines, each day to its residents. Expanding the services on an outpatient basis is new to Owensville and is usually only attempted in much larger communities. Meanwhile, the presence of the nurse practitioner, recognized as a licensed mid-level provider with the authority to prescribe medicine and authorize treatment, will mean that residents, both of the facility and of the community at large, will ultimately stay in town for many of these services. The presence of the practitioner allows the services to
be provided more economically, while making sure that patients are afforded the oversight of a physician for more-complex clinical decisions. “After meeting with physicians and leaders in our community,” O’Niones added, “it became apparent to me that if health care services are going to grow here in Owensville, we are going to have to do our part. We already provide health care services in this communityseven days a week, 24 hours a day.” The medical community has embraced the project and several physicians have stepped forward to help guide and plan for the clinic. Transcendent of Owensville Medical Director, Quentin Emerson, M.D., whose office is in nearby Ft. Branch, is a long-time Owensville
resident. Dr. Emerson has been championing the need for a mid-level practitioner in Owensville for quite some time. Dr. Bruce Brink, Jr., D.O. is a third generation physician in nearby Princeton, who currently utilizes nurse practitioners in his own practice and at Tulip Tree, a community-based clinic in Ft. Branch where he serves as Medical Director. According to O’Niones, “Both Dr. Brink and Dr. Emerson have been instrumental in helping us to make this a reality.” Formal business arrangements among the providers have not been completed but all are in agreement that the services are much needed within the community and have committed to forging the appropriate relationships to make them happen.
The County Cookbook Selection by Zach Straw
Banana Cookies
lowing the regular monthly business meeting of the Society. After the tour at Solitude the group will travel to JPeg Ranch at the invitation of James and Peg Redwine for a picnic. In order to be able
to provide a head count for the hosts, those who are planning to come are asked to call Becky Higgins at 204-7388 or Judy Whitten 643-0091 no later than Wednesday, September 22.
Happy Birthday Announcements September 21 - John Schneider, Jody Giles, Noah D. Weiss, Brent Coleman September 22 - Judy Helfrich Brown, Jayne Anne Crowley, Trent Van Haaften and Dorothy Reuger September 25 - Samantha Golden
September 26 - Richard Hoffman, Pat Simkins, Scott Mobley and Megan Newton September 27 - Dallas Travers, Alexandra Alsop, Terry Goodwin, Dirk D. Huck, Hannah N. Winebarger, Terry Goodwin, Marguarette McSpeedon, Judy Blair Nix, Kris For-
tune, Kevin Zenthoefer, Nancy Knight, Nic Pierce, Heather Martin and Amy Effinger If you have a name to be included in the birthday calendar, please send to: Posey County News, P.O. Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631 or email: news1@ poseycountynews.com
You are Invited to the 28th Annual...
Native American Days A culmination of everything Angel Mounds has to offer! offe
September 24, 9am to 2 pm September 25, 9am to 7 pm September 26, 9am to 5 pm NEW SPECIAL GUESTS: • Estun-Bah (Apache) World famous hoop dancer & Native flute music • Rose Simpson (Santa Clara Pueblo) Musician & Artist • Daniel Bigay (Cherokee) Unique artist & Flute musician • Nelson Garcia (Kewa) Accomplished Silversmith
• • • • • • • • • • •
INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup of unsalted butter, room temperature 1 cup of sugar 1 egg, room temperature 1 cup of mashed bananas (about 2 ½ large bananas) 1 teaspoon of baking soda 2 cups of flour pinch of salt 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon of ground mace or nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon of ground cloves 1 cup of pecans (or substitute for sliced almonds, walnuts, or chocolate chips)
DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the egg and continue to beat until the mixture is light and fluffy. 2. In a bowl, mix the mashed bananas and baking soda. Let sit for 2 minutes. The baking soda will react with the acid in the bananas which in turn will give the cookies their lift and rise. 3. Mix the banana mixture into the butter mixture. Mix together the flour, salt, and spices and sift into the butter and banana mixture and mix until just combined. 4. Fold into the batter the pecans or chocolate chips if using. Drop in dollops onto parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Bake for 11-13 minutes or until nicely golden brown. Let cool on wire racks. Yields: about 30 cookies
NATIVE AMERICAN DAYS IS SIGNIFICANT BECAUSE: • Brings nationally-recognized artists and musicians to the tri-state • Highlights a thriving culture that continues today • Provides area residents the rare opportunity to not only see and purchase fine Native American art and music, but meet premier artists and musicians and learn first-hand how they interpret their heritage through their art form. • Brings many Natives from various tribes together to teach others about their culture. ANGEL MOUNDS STATE HISTORIC SITE 8215 Pollack Avenue Evansville, IN 47715 Questions? Call us at: 1-812-853-3956 www.angelmounds.org
SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE A6
SOCIAL Clock celebration n set September 25 The Ribeyre Gym Restoration Group is hosting “Rock Around The Clock” to help celebrate their clock restoration project. The event will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2010 with a barbecue din-
ner in the gym from 5-7 p.m. Adults are $10 each, with kids 12 and under $7 each. A free dance in the streets will follow the dinner from 8-10:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend.
St. Philip Burgoo set for September 26 The St. Philip Famous Burgoo and Raffle will be held on Sunday September 26, 2010. Drive thru and carry-outs begin at 7:30 a.m. Bring your own container for carry-outs or containers are available for a nominal fee. Cafeteria dining is from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. featuring Burgoo, hamburgers, pies and drinks. The drawing for the raffle begins at 1:30
p.m. for the grand prize of $20,000 and 20 other prizes. You can get tickets for a donation of only $20 with only 3,000 tickets being sold. You do not need to be present to win. St. Philip is located on St. Philip Road 6 miles west of Evansville out Upper Mt. Vernon Road or West on the Lloyd Expressway to the St. Philip Road sign.
Brat cookout sale September 30 New Harmonie Healthcare is having a Brat Cookout Sale on September 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the New Harmonie Healthcare Center, 251 Hwy 66, New Harmony, Ind. The cost is a $6 donation. All proceeds will be donated to the Alzheimer Association Memory Walk. Lunch in-
cludes: brat, chips and drink. Call ahead orders: 682-4104. Ask about buying a $1 chance ticket on our gift baskets, over six different prize baskets are available to win. Winning tickets drawing will be on October 22. Tickets are available at New Harmonie Healthcare in the Social Service Office.
Glenn Henry Bender Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bender of Poseyville would like to announce the birth of their son, Glenn Henry Bender. Glenn was born on July 28, 2010 at The Women’s Hospital in Newburgh, Ind. He weighted 6 pounds and 5 ounces and measured 18 ¾ inches long. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Miller of Chandler, Ind. Paternal grandparents are Mrs. Mariam Bender and the late Ivan Bender of Poseyville. Glenn was welcomed home by his three big sisters Amanda, Abby, and Robyn.
Poseyville Autumnfest Recipe Bake Off
This year’s theme for the recipe bake off will be Apple! It will be on Saturday, September 25. Entries will be accepted from 9-11:30 am with judging at noon. Must have APPLE as one of the ingredients! Please bring your finished entry to the Poseyville Center. Only enPoseyville Autumnfest Car Cruise In Community tries presented on disposable Kiwanis Club of Poseyville will have a Cruise In on Satur- containers will be accepted. day, September 25 starting at 6 pm in the North Elementary parking lot. The first 25 vehicles will receive dash plaques. For Haunted Hallway more information please contact Matt at 874-2024.Imagination Station’s 10th anniversary is here! The playground fund September 25 is accepting baskets, gift cards, etc for silent auction & redediDon’t miss the Haunted cation party at Alexandrian Public Library Sept. 26th. Please contact me to make a donation to help with its upkeep. The Hallway on Saturday, Sepplayground has provided 10 years of service for families to tember 25, 2010 at 7 - 9 p.m. date & hopefully, we will be able to sustain its existence for sponsored by the North Elmany more years. We already have committments for baskets ementary PTO during the from some businesses and candidates. This opportunity to Poseyville Autumnfest. Props by Gore Galore open to everyone! We would use your help! Thank you for make this event a must see. your consideration. Tickets sold at the Entrance of the North Elementary Library. $3 for one ticket or $5 for two tickets. Lightson tours available.
Exhibitors name and phone number must be clearly marked on the bottom of the container. The judges will select the top 3 entries. Prizes will be awarded. All entries will become property of the Kiwanis for sale in slices or pieces after the judging. The judge’s decision is final. Happy Baking!! For more information please contact Kristy at 874-2024.
Ivan and Rosemary Alsop Ivan and Rosemary Alsop plan to celebrate their sixtieth wedding anniversary on Sunday, September 26 with a reception at the Ribeyre Gymnasium Annex in New Harmony from 1 to 3 p.m. Friends are invited. The couple requests no gifts. Alsop and the former Rosemary Cleveland were married September 30, 1950 at Hatfield Methodist Church in Hatfield, Ind. They are the parents of Pat Wilson, Jim Alsop and Melissa Peerman of New Harmony, Steve Alsop of Evansville and the late Gary Alsop. They have 12 grandchildren and 2 greatgrandchildren. Ivan Alsop retired from D.K. Parker Construction Co. as General Manager and Rosemary continues to serve as Secretary of Johnson United Methodist Church.
Tercera club to host Flea Market Autumnfest to have breakfast kick-off The Poseyville Autumn Fest will host a Flea Market and Bake Sale on Sat. Sept 25, from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. at 32 NW Locust Street in Poseyville. The event is sponsored by Tercera Club to benefit North Posey Scholarships
Come join the Kiwanis Club of Poseyville at the anual Pancake Breakfast, Sep. 25 at 6 a.m. and help kick off the Poseyville Autumnfest The Saturday and Sunday menu consists of pancakes, sausage, milk, orange juice,
and coffe…all you can eat for just $5. Proceeds help the children in the North Posey County area.The Autumfest will have food booths, bingo, games, entertainment, and more. Everyone will have a good time.
Baby photo contest set for Fall Festival week Right to Life of Posey County will be sponsoring a Baby Photo Contest, and the photos will be displayed at the West Side Nut Club Fall Festival - October 4- 9. Prizes for all contestants: U.S. Savings Bonds for First Three Places. Entry Rules: Children < 2 years old. Must have birthday on or after Oct. 3, 2008. Submit: 5X7 photo size - Photo MUST accompany $10 entry fee.
Winner by popular vote. 100 votes per $1 Accepting photos: Sunday, October 3 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Life Choices Maternity and Youth Home Parking Lot, Corner of Indiana St. & 12th Ave., and Monday, Oct. 4 from 10 a.m. until all slots are filled at Right to Life of Posey County Booth #74 Questions? 812- 7819293 www.evansvilleforlife.com
New Harmony town wide sale October 2 New Harmony will be having a Town-Wide Yard Sale on Saturday, October 2. Maps will be available on Friday, Oct. 1. You can pay $5 by Setpember 29 to be put on the map and cover newspaper ads and flyers. Contact Old Mill Mart. This will be held in conjunction with the car show and flea market.
POSEYVILLE AUTUMNFEST 2010 SCHEDULE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH 6:00 to 10:00 am: Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast 9:00 am: Food Booths, Flea Market and Craft Booths Open 9:00 am to 11:30 am: Apple Recipe Bake Off Registration 10:00 am to 6:00 pm: Door Prize Drawings on (center stage) 11:00 am: Autumnfest Princess & Miss Autumnfest Contest on (Center Stage) 11:00 am: Inflatable Rides Open 12:15 pm: Sale of slices / Apple recipe bake off 1:00 pm: Little Mr. & Miss, Contest (Center Stage) 4:30 pm: Cruise-in Start 6:00 pm: Inflatable Rides Closed 7:00 to 8:30 pm: Comedian: Mike Clark
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH 10:00 to 11:00 am: Community Praise and Worship Service (Center Stage) 11:00 to 6:30 pm: Prize Drawing (Center Stage) 11:30 am: Inflatable Rides Open 2:00 pm: Inflatable Rides Close 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm: Kiddy Parade (Main Street) 3:00 pm: Parade on Main Street Theme: Dedication to Community 4:00 pm: Inflatable Rides Open 4:15 pm: Parade Trophies Awarded (Center Stage) 6:00 pm: Inflatable Rides Close
Poseyville Autumnfest Little Miss & Mr. Contest September 25, 2010 at 1 p.m. The Posey County Junior Women’s Club is proud to sponsor the Little Miss & Mr. Contest. It will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 1:00 P.M. This event is for girls and boys ages 4 to 7. All contestants’ names will be placed in a box and the winners, 1 boy and 1 girl, will be drawn out. Little Miss will receive a crown and Little Mr. will receive a trophy. Each will receive a $50 savings bond. Contestants must be present to win. Winners need to be available to ride in a float at the Sunday parade. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY MONDAY, SEPT. 20. Please mail entry blank and a $5.00 entry fee to: Posey Co. Jr. Women’s Club C/O Kristy Schmitt 9901 Blake Rd. Wadesville, IN 47638 For questions call 963-3019 NAME: __________________________________________________ AGE: ______ PARENTS: _______________________________________ PHONE: ____________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________ SCHOOL ATTENDING: ________________________________________________ HOBBIES: ____________________________________________________________ WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? ____________________ BROTHERS &/OR SISTERS: _____________________________________________
Some of Posey County’s royalty pose for a picture before the start of the River Days parade. Pictured are (L to R) Junior Little Mister Posey County Joshua Dill, Little Mister Posey County Jonathan Dill, Little Miss Posey County Addyson Lingafelter, and Junior Little Miss Posey County Audrey Goodman. Photo by Meloney Goodman
Jr. Women’s Club baby photo contest set The Posey County Jr. Women’s Club will have the Annual Baby Photo Contest at the Autumnfest Booth again this year. Anyone interested in entering their beautiful baby (under the age of 12 months) in the event must send a registration form to the address below. The baby photos will be displayed at Hirsch’s Store in Poseyville the week prior to the Autumnfest. The photos will be moved to the Jr. Women’s Club booth on Saturday morning September 25 and voting will expire on Sunday,September 26 at 2:00 p.m. The winner will be announced after
the Parade Awards located at the Community Center. Each entrant will receive a certificate of participation along with a consolation prize. The winner will receive a $50 savings bond donated by a local bank, a gift certificate donated by Carolyn Higginson for their “1st Birthday Cake” and a $100 gift certificate to Toys To Treasure in Evansville. Second place winner will receive a gift certificate from Carolyn Higginson for their “1st Birthday Cake” and a $25 gift certificate to Toys to Treasure. All of the proceeds made from this event will go to-
wards the Carol Renee Lamar Scholarship Fund and then to a selected graduate or graduates from North Posey High School in the Spring. Registration deadline is Saturday September 18; no late registrations will be accepted. Simply mail your 4” x 6” photo of your baby and the attached form to: Leeanna Wassmer C/O Posey County Jr. Women’s Club Baby Photo Contest 7401 Wassmer Road Poseyville, IN 47633 Questions call Leeanna Wassmer @ 874-2671 or Lori Motz @ 874-2775.
POSEY COUNTY JR. WOMEN’S CLUB BABY PHOTO CONTEST FORM Child’s Name: __________________________________________________________ Parents Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________________________ Birthdate: ______________________________________________________________
SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE A7
Local Boy Scout Troop does their ‘Good Turn For America’ here From barn raisings to soup kitchens, ordinary Americans have always made an extraordinary difference in the lives of their neighbors by lend-
ing a helping hand, and - as the Scout slogan states - doing a good turn daily. Today, America needs the service of its citizens more than ever to
helpp overcome hunger, lack of adequate shelter, and poor lth. health. Since the Boy Scout’s inception in 1910, members
Troop 390 of Wadesville, Ind., recently did their “Good Turn For America” Pictured are members of the group, front row, Mr. Ebert. second row Hunter Clifford, Ed Poag, Maggi Shook, Max Chanley, Owen Spears, Colten Owens, Austin Spears, Christian Poag, Tracy
St. Wendel News Seventh Grade Homeroom teacher: Sam Watkins The St. Wendel Catholic School celebrated Constitution Day on September 17 with students wearing red, white, and blue in recognition of the signing of the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787. All classes learned about the Preamble of the Constitution with the fifth thru eighth grade classes reciting the Preamble during the all-school assembly. The Pledge of Allegiance was led
support materials and had a class debate about why delegates should or should not have signed the Constitution in 1787. The class discussed the ratification process and had an opportunity to sign the Constitution, if they chose, and to discuss what it means to sign or not sign since there was not a Bill of Rights at that time. The lesson was written by their teacher while attending a Summer Institute at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.
PC Junior Women’s Club to hold sale and raffle The Posey County Jr. Women’s Club will be selling Kuchens again at this year’s Poseyville Autumnfest, September 25 and 26. We will have cherry, cinnamon, and peach again for $5.50 each. Our proceeds go
to our Carol Renee Lamar Scholarship Fund. Please come by our booth and help support the Jr. Women’s Club of Posey County and enjoy the wonderful Autumnfest. They will also be raffling
Tercera News Tercera women’s club met on September 8 at the home of Barb Reynolds with Donna Heath, Sandy Krietenstein and Jone Maier serving as cohostesses. The event for the evening was a German Dinner. The members enjoyed a meal consisting of salad, mashed potatoes and pork and sauerkraut. Dessert for the evening was German Chocolate Cake and Strudel. Members recited the pledges to the American and Christian flags as well as the Club Collect. Thirteen members
off a TV this year. Tickets will sell for $1 each or 6 tickets for $5 or 15 for $10. So stop by the Jr. Women’s Club booth at the Autumnfest on September 25 & 26, and take your chance on a TV.
By Mary Jane Knight
and one guest were present. Tercera will be participating in the Poseyville Autumn Fest again this year. There will be a flea market/bake sale on Saturday, September 25 from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. The location for this event will be 32 Northwest Locust Street. Proceeds from this event are used for two $750 scholarships for graduating North Posey seniors. Also setting up at our location will be Larry Blunier. He will be selling Nascar items. Officers for 2011 will be
Jone Maier, President; Mary Jane Kight, Vice-President; Gayle Blunier, Secretary; Sue Wassmer, Treasurer and Sherry Harvey, Historian. Next meeting will be October 13 at 7 p.m. at the home of Sandy Krietenstein. Guests are welcome. Please contact any member if you wish to attend. Tercera welcomes anyone to attend our meetings. If you are interested, please contact one of the members for information. Regular meeting night is the second Wednesday of each month.
Pierce, Kessler, Blackburn, and Russell family reunion planned The descendents of Charles Kessler and Nancy Ann Roberts will hold their reunion Sunday, September 26 at the Senior Citizens Center in Mount Vernon from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Relatives include the John Pierce, Elizabeth Blackburn and James Kessler families,
WMI News Fall is a great time to catch up on your reading. The Working Men’s Institute has a good book waiting for you. Here are some of the brand new books on our shelves. Read Eat, Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. You may have seen the movie. Now read the book. Follow one woman’s adventure to find herself as she travels across Italy, India and Indonesia. Jonathan Franzen’s fourth novel, Freedom, takes a look at the struggles of twentyfirst century life. Francine Prose, reviewer for O, The Oprah Magazine calls it: “Dazzling … Electric … There’s something thrilling, heartening, and inspiring about seeing life revealed so accurately, so transparently and finally, so forgivingly. James Patterson will thrill readers with The Postcard Killers. Faye Kellerman,
as well as the Frank and Emily Russell family descendents of Enfield, Illinois. All members and friends of these families are invited to attend this year’s celebration. Guests are asked to bring a covered dish or dessert and drinks. Lunch will be served at 1 p.m. and
the afternoon will be spent catching up on family news. Pictures will be taken and information on the family history will also be discussed. Please contact Don Pierce at (812)459-7006 for directions or information. See you at the reunion.
By Sherri Graves Sandra Brown and Kathy Reichs will keep you on the edge of your seat with their latest suspense novels, Hangman, Tough Customer and Spider Bones. All three books are large print. The suspense never ends with large print selections Far Cry by John Harvey and The Dead Lie Down by Sophie Hannah. Fans of Philippa Gregory (The Other Boleyn Girl) will enjoy her historical novels set during England’s War of the Roses, The Red Queen
history in mind, the BSA has developed a service initiative - Good Turn for America. What began with a singular act of service on a foggy Lon-
Burks, and Tyler Shook. Third Row is Rick Burks, Derick Collins, Austin Orlik, Shawn Burks, Derrick Motz, Daniel Motz, Linda Clifford, Toni Owens, and Mike Tenbarge. In the fourth row are Tina Spears, Austin Scherer and Terry Chanley.
By Sam Watkins
by Student Council members Eli Schapker, Amanda Blankenberger, and Billie Cullison. The Prayer Petition was read by Social Studies teacher Sam Watkins. The fifth and eighth grade History Class viewed a video that gave a brief explanation of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. They also reviewed the position of two delegates, John Jay and Elbridge Gerry who disagreed about ratifying the Constitution. They reviewed
have learned to live the principles of the Scout Oath and Law through community services and “helping other people at all times.” With that
and The White Queen. Gregory makes history come alive in here acclaimed novels. The WMI is always adding to our collection by purchasing new books. If you have gently used books, especially best sellers, consider donating them to the WMI. It’s a great service to the community. If you have a suggestion for books you’d like to see on the shelves, drop us a card, email us or stop by and remember, there’s always a good book at your library.
APL News Author Visit Local author Rick Reed will discuss his books: Blood Trail and Cruelest Cut on September 23 at 6:30 p.m. Sergeant Rick Reed (Retired) is a twenty-plus-year veteran police detective. During his career, he successfully investigated numerous high-profile criminal cases, including a serial killer who claimed thirteen victims before strangling and dismembering his fourteenth and last victim. He recounted that story in his acclaimed true-crime book, Blood Trail. Imagination Station There will be a rededication of the Imagination Station at College Park Sunday, September 26 from 1to 4 p.m. in front of the Imagination Station entrance adjacent to the Alexandrian Public Li-
don night quickly evolved into daily Good Turns and then into more encompassing national initiatives. These have included selling war bonds, collecting rubber and scrap metal, growing victory gardens during World War II, and more recently, Scouting for Food. We now have the opportunity to raise our levels of community service and increase awareness of the Scouting program within our neighborhoods. Nationally, the Boy Scouts of America has partnered with The Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, the American Red Cross, the American Cancer Society, America’s Second Harvest, and the Department of Homeland Security to increase our efforts in meeting the challenges of the 21st century. Good Turn for America will build on our members’ and participants’ current service efforts and will also include important partnerships with other community service organizations. These partnerships will provide many additional avenues for all of our members and participants to provide community service in their neighborhoods.
By Stanley Campbell brary parking lot. Family Storytime Moms, dads, caregivers, and kids of all ages are welcome! It’s as easy as ABC and fun, too. Join us September 28 at 6 p.m. as we view Chicka Chicka Boom Boom on video, climb the letters up a coconut tree and paint with letters. James Whitcomb Riley Lee Ann Wambach as Elizabeth Riley, the mother of James Whitcomb Riley, talks about his childhood and his poems on September 30 at 6:30 p.m. This program is free and open to all ages. Used Books Needed Our book sale is coming up in November and we still need donated books. The Friends of the APL are accepting all pocket size and larger paperback fiction, all non-fiction
books in paperback and hardback, audiotapes, CDs, DVDs, VHSs and graphic novels for their next book sale. All items must be clean, dry, mold-free, and have their original covers. Donations will be accepted during regular library hours. Gift Donations Gift donations in the form of cash are used to provide books and other useful materials for the library. Unless specified, donations made to the library will be used where there is the greatest need. If you wish to make a gift donation please fill out the printable Gift Form found on our website: www.apl.lib. in.us. Print out the form, fill it in, and mail the form along with your gift donation to: Alexandrian Public Library, 115 West Fifth Street, Mount Vernon, Indiana 47620.
PCCF, from Page 1A org/auction. “We are so excited to be able to raise money for sustaining our Foundation and for the Administrative Endowment Fund while having fun,” says Julie Eickhoff, Director of the Posey County Community Foundation, or PCCF. “Community foundations are at the heart of our cities and towns. We know the places of need in our area, and we can direct resources to address those needs.” The PCCF administers 78 charitable funds established by individuals, families, businesses, civic groups and agencies to improve the quality of life in Posey County. Founded in 1992, the Foundation is a charitable organization formed to strengthen our community by awarding grants to local nonprofits and scholarships to students, by bringing individuals together to address community needs, and by offering personalized charitable gift planning services to its donors. Sponsors of the auction include Posey County News, SABIC Innovative Plastics, Warehouse Services, Inc., Win Energy, Vanguard Alarms, Map Oil Company, Inc., Bamberger Attorneys, Bankers Life and Casualty Company, Printcrafters, Altstadt Office City, Wilson Auction and Realty, Herb Curry Inc. and anonymous donors. You’d better watch out! Santa may just be spying to see if you’re naughty or nice when you attend.
SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE A8
SCHOOL New Harmony School Board handles routine items By Pam Robinson Within 30 minutes, the New Harmony School Board wrapped up its Thursday, September 9, meeting. First on the docket was approval of the 2011 budget and all related documents. A bit later, two votes approved personnel matters under consideration. First, the board accepted the resignation of Emily Pruitt as junior high volleyball coach and of Jerry Williams as baseball coach. With the same vote, the board approved 10 extra hours for Carrie Parmenter, hired E. Norman Wynn as junior varsity basketball coach and approved Deanna DeVoy as grade school volleyball volunteer. In a separate vote, the board approved five extra hours for Shelly Eagan with board member Jim Eagan abstaining from the vote. In other business:
•The board approved placing policies on review. •The board approved the following fundraisers: yearbook, PAT Fazoli spaghetti night, class of 2016 healthy snack sale and class of 2012 Kunstfest booth. •The board approved an extracurricular activity account for the fourth grade field trip and accounts for the classes of 2014, 2015 and 2016. •The board voted to accept the following donations: an anonymous donation of $100 for the class of 2012, a $250 donation from Deaconess Hospital for athletics and a donation of volleyball socks from Bill Loveridge. The next regular meeting of the New Harmony School Board will be held on Thursday, October 14, 2010, at 6 p.m. in the school media center.
Grant, from Page 1A a past issue of the Evansville Courier & Press, Tucker says he wants to comply with the mandate in a timely manner to avoid fines such as the City of Evansville faces—up to $37,500 a day—for similar problems. Indeed, city officials allowed for Bernardin Lochmueller & Associates to complete the engineering on Phase II so the project would be “shovel-ready.” Tucker said that action helped the city in the scoring for the grant. Tucker expects the bidding process to begin in March 2011, so Phase II construction will be a reality next year. Phase II will provide ad-
ditional pump stations, almost 5,000 feet of new sewer lines, new storage tanks and an updated treatment plant, doubling its capacity to prepare for future economic development. Tucker said residents will have the “blow softened” in increased sewer rates because of the $6.5 million grant along with the revenue expected from Aventine for its water and sewer usage. “We worked hard to secure this grant in order to insure the least impact on the residents while meeting the demands that this mandate has put on Mount Vernon,” Tucker said.
Brett Polage graduates from pilot training Air Force First Lieutenant Brett Polage graduated from Advanced Multi Engine Pilot Training on August 13, 2010 from the Naval Air Station at Corpus Christi, Texas. He will be stationed
at Ramstein AFB, Germany, flying the C130J plane. Brett is a 2004 graduate of Mount Vernon Senior High School and the son of Cindy and Chuck Polage of Mount Vernon.
Preschool screening clinic announced Preschool h l Screening S i Clinics Cli i to assess developmental d l l skills, speech/language skills, vision and hearing are offered to children ages 3-5 at no cost to the parent. The Preschool Screening Clinic will be held on Monday, September 27, 2010 in the Posey County Special Services Office at Hedges Central Elementary School. Please call the Posey County Special Services Office to schedule an appointment at 812-838-5516 or 800-779-6927. The Mount Vernon High School Class of 1961 will meet on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Mount Vernon Fellowship Hall to plan their fiftieth class reunion. The fellowship hall is located at 120 East Sixth Street in Mount Vernon. Please contact one of the following classmates if you have questions: Ruth (Jeffries) Fosse at (812)422-5609, Diane (Feldbusch) Heberer at (8120 8838-0154, or Sondra (Naab) McNamara at (812) 838-4020.
North Posey to begin community project Starting September 20, North Posey High School Business Tech Lab Class is sponsoring a community service project and needs any and all pairs of old or new shoes. Students will send all pairs of shoes to the charity Soles4Souls. Soles4Souls is a Nashville, Tenn. based charity that donates shoes free of charge to people in need, regardless of race, religion, class or any other criteria. Since 2005, Soles4Souls
has distributed 10 million pairs of shoes to over 125 countries. There are millions of shoeless people in the world who are in need of any pairs of shoes. It is estimated there are 1.5 billion shoes in American closets and most are just sitting there. Believe it or not, your shoes will make a difference. Staring September 20 -24 please bring or send your pairs of shoes and help North Posey High School in their campaign to help shoe the world.
West open house attendance winners from L to R: Jonathan Robb, first grade Mrs. Reeves, Haley Krouse, second grade Mrs. Berridge, McKenzie Pickerill, fifth grade Mrs. McDonald. These students received a “Movie/Game Night” basket to share with their families. Photo submitted
Council, from page 1A should have been done in order to receive the abatements. Just prior to the vote, Posey County Council President Bob Gentil indicated that it is his belief that the county does not want to be able to tell companies how to run their businesses. He also admitted that the county probably has a weakness in the area of tax phase-ins and he asked for a committee to help address the issue. “We don’t want to be ‘branded’ as unfriendly to business,” Gentil said. “There are businesses out there right now looking for a way to eliminate Mount Vernon (Posey County) from their list of potential sites. All they are asking for is an extension of time.” “What I am recommending is that we allow tax abatement of 95 percent on what has been done as of Sept. 1,” Gentil continued. “Are we going to please labor? Probably not. Are we going to please Aventine? Probably not.” The Council was informed that as they requested, representatives from the assessor’s office had performed a walk-through last week at the Aventine site and 95 percent of the plant was completed as of Sept. 1, 2010. But Parker spoke again in opposition to the allowance of the abatement and another short discussion ensued. Councilman Alan Blackburn read a sentence from the original abatement agreement that said the machines would be operating by now. Although See had told the council that the machines were being tested and would be ready to go on-line
in just a few days, Blackburn retorted that the machines were not in full operation by the original date of the agreement and that the extension of time should not be granted. With little more said, the council then voted unanimously to deny approval of the extension. However, with the denial of the extension, a form from the assessor’s office was placed in the file that shows the plant at 95 percent completion as of the Sept. 1, 2010, walk-through. The Aventine ethanol production plant which is almost completed on Mount Vernon’s east side first became complex when the original Aventine Company fell victim to tough economic times and was forced to file bankruptcy. Tax abatements that had been brought before the county had been negotiated with the pre-bankruptcy company. The construction site sat idle for over a year while oil prices stabilized and the company attempted to right the ship and finish Posey County’s second ethanol plant. But the underlying issue was Aventine’s decision to
hire an out-of-state contractor to complete the remaining 15 to 20 percent of the plant. Some 80 percent of the work on the plant had been done by local union labor prior to the bankruptcy. Aventine claimed that Fagen, Inc., was the best in the industry at building ethanol plants and they were fighting not only a local deadline but also an Environmental Protection Agency deadline for completion of the plant. Upon the plant’s anticipated completion, company officials must once again come before the Council to comply with form CF1, a completion form for those seeking abatements. The final decision as to Aventine’s abatement eligibility will be determined at that time. In other action: •The Council approved an additional $25,000 of the requested $50,000 for pauper’s attorney fees and another $5,000 for jury trial. The Council was told that there is already $1,500 in claims awaiting payment and that the county is already $11,000 in arrears for pauper attorney’s fees. •The Council appropriated
$450,000 from the highway fund into contractural services to pay for the recent completion of the paving of Ford Road and Darnell School Road. •The Council approved the second reading of a salary ordinance that would address the hiring of new county employees. New employees would be hired in at 90 percent of the current salary and the other 10 percent would be paid over time. Currently, new hires are hired in at 100 percent of the salary scale, meaning that someone could hire in and make the exact same amount as an employee who had been doing the same job for 10 years. •The Council approved the first reading of the Posey County Solid Waste management district and the Griffin-Bethel Township budget. The Council asked that a representative from the Wadesville-Center Township Fire Department be at the next meeting to provide additional information on their proposed budget. The Posey County Council will meet again on Tuesday, October 12, 2010, at 9 a.m. in the Hovey House.
Miss Autumnfest, Princess candidates announced Seventeen girls will be vying for the title of Miss Autumnfest and Autumnfest Princess at the Poseyville Autumnfest on September 25 at 11. Miss Autumnfest candidates are: Megan Baehl, 16 year old daughter of Judy and Mike Baehl of Poseyville; Jordan Butler, 15-year-old daughter of Julie and Mike Butler of Wadesville; Alexandra Hanmore, 16-year-old daughter of Bridet and Bryan Cox of Griffin; Brianna Perry, 15-year-old daughter of David and Luann Perry of Poseyville; Rachel Nicole Scheller, 16-year-old daughter of Michael Scheller and
Diana Carroll of Evansville; Mallory Schmitt, 15 year old daughter of Kristy and Gary Schmitt of Wadesville; Hannah Seng, 14-year-old daughter of Jeff and Libby Seng of Wadesville and Harmony. Autumnfest Princess candidates are: Madison Butler, 13-year-old daughter of Julie and Mike Butler of Wadesville; Dominique DePriest, 13-year-old daughter of Michael and Cecilia DePriest of Poseyville; Olivea Glaser, 12-year-old daughter of Kendra and Steve Glaser of Griffin; Jessica Gries, 14year-old daughter of Joe and Susan Gries of Poseyville; Courtney Kissel, 11-year-old
daughter of Ashley Graper and Chris Kissel of Wadesville; Rebecca Korff, 13-yearold daughter of Warren and Mary Korff of Poseyville; Jeri Ann Neuffer, 12-year-old daughter of Dawn and Jerry Neuffer of Wadesville; Taylor Perry, 11-year-old daughter of Wadesville and Hailey Harris, 12-year-old daughter of Charlene Harris of New Harmony. This is the second year for the pageant. Sponsors for the pageant are: Cynthiana State Bank, First Bank, Flowers by Chere’ and The Next Step Dance Studio. Pageant directors are Jennifer Collins and Carol Rodgers.
2nd Annual Community Day Saturday, September 25
10 a.m. - 1 p.m. United Bank’s Mt. Vernon Banking Center Meet Community President Mark Isaac Local organizations will have display booths FREE Popcorn and Sno Cones FREE Hot Dogs and Soft Drinks Performances by Achieve Academy of Dance Talk of the Town Clowns Face Painting by MVHS Cheerleaders Bounce House for the Kids Be our guest and enjoy fun for the whole family!
Regi ste to W r Give in away s!
Member FDIC
SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE A9
United Way sets out to reach 2010 goal
Wayne Games, manager at the Vectren AB Brown power plant, accepts a certificate recognizing Vectren and its employees for their outstanding participation for the United Way of Posey County.
Nelson Christian, refinery manager of CountryMark Cooperative, announces the company’s continued support for United Way efforts in Posey County.
Fran Thoele, New Harmony School Superintendent, accepts a plaque recognizing Leigh Ann Latshaw, Mount Vernon High School teacher and NEA president, speaking at the United Way of Posey County Campaign kickoff on September 16 about the New Harmony School’s efforts from Keith Spurgeon, United Way of Posey County campaign chair. importance of being engaged in the community. About 70 local community leaders and volunteers gathered at the Alexandrian Public Library in Mount Vernon, Indiana, on September 16th to kick off the United Way of Posey County campaign. Steve Bennett, United Way of Posey County President, said that being able to reach this year’s goal will take the hard work of all United Way volunteers. He thanked the volunteers, the local businesses who give the time to listen to the United Way volunteers, and the contributors and Leadership Givers. Old National Bank was recognized for sponsoring the kickoff breakfast again this year. Individuals using the services of local United Way of Posey County agencies spoke of the importance and the impact of the programs on people’s lives. One speaker lived in the Mt. Vernon Homeless Shelter on Kimball Street after the husband got laid off at SABIC and the family fell behind financially. There are 3 children in this family. During their stay at the Homeless Shelter, the parents went through the Neighbor to Neighbor program to learn about how to handle finances and live within a budget. The mother of the family said it was important to have United Way funds available for programs needed in the community that offered services including “giving my family a place to stay when they needed it.” The mother of a 6-year old child who was born with handicaps talked of the great progress her daughter has made through the programs available to her at United Way agencies, including the Rehabilitation Center. Her daughter is now in first grade, has a vocabulary of over 60 words, can sing about any song, rides a therapeutic bike, and a horse. The mother said to the group of United Way volunteers and to the public “Help make this the most successful campaign ever.” Keith Spurgeon, campaign chair, said to the volunteers that the United Way of Posey County campaign “is about Local People Helping Local People and the success of the campaign rests squarely on our shoulders.” He thanked them for working to make this a better community, and said “United Way is about making a positive difference in the lives of local people.” Leigh Ann Latshaw, Mount Vernon High School teacher and NEA president, said
Larry Williams, manager of McKim’s IGA in Mount Vernon, talks about his store and its employee’s support for the United Way and the Posey County community teachers understand the importance of a successful United Way campaign and having programs and services available in the community. She said “We get it.” They have a firm belief that there is a strong relationship between the vitality of a community and the success of students. She said it is important for everyone to act upon their beliefs – to become engaged in the community. She thanked all the volunteers for making a difference and helping the rest of the community get engaged in the United Way campaign. Keith Spurgeon recognized 2010 Pacesetters for the United Way of Posey County including St. Philip School, where the total employee participation increased 50%. St. Wendel School is included in the United Way of Posey County campaign for the first time and has significant response with the campaign not yet finished. St. Matthew School was also recognized. This Pacesetter has offered payroll deduction for several years for its employees. Total participation increased to involve both the school and office. Also recognized was New Harmony School, with Peggy Stewart as the campaign volunteer and Fran Thoele, school superintendent, representing the New Harmony Public School. This Pacesetter employer also offers payroll deduction. Participation in the campaign increased by 69 percent and there are 4 Leadership Givers. Keith Spurgeon also honored the MSD of Mt. Vernon,
represented by Tom Kopatich, school superintendent with Sue Nall and Jan Gmutza as campaign volunteers and the assistance of Mike Wheaton and Leigh Ann Latshaw, and said this Pacesetter employer offers payroll deduction for its employees. There are now 16 Leadership Givers, and this outstanding Pacesetter continues its campaign. The MSD of North Posey was also recognized. Carol Lupfer is the campaign volunteer and Todd Camp, school superintendent, accepted the certificate of recognition on their behalf. This Pacesetter is offering payroll deduction for the third year and the use of it is very popular. Even though its campaign is not yet finished there is already 1 Leadership Giver. Posey County LLC was honored as a Pacesetter. The campaign in this Pacesetter company had a corporate contribution increase of 7%, and with the employee campaign continuing, an increase of 5 percent and 2 Leadership Givers. Vectren was represented by Wayne Games and its campaign will be finishing in a few days, with over $25,000 pledged to date. Proceeds from a special event on-site went up 22%. CGB, represented by Scott Strickland, had another outstanding campaign with a full corporate match and 9 Leadership Givers. Cargill was represented by Donna Whitley and Molly Stalker and had 3 Leadership Givers, increased employee giving of 87%, and a full corporate match both locally and nationally, resulting in a 200 percent match. Keith Spurgeon, campaign chairman, announced an advance gift from CountryMark
Cooperative represented by Nelson Christian who presented an $8,000 corporate check. Phillip Andrews represented WSI and presented a corporate check for an advance gift. Steve Bennett announced that the CSB State Bank corporate contribution will increase by 25%. Barb Tennyson announced a corporate advance gift from Old National Bank Keith Spurgeon announced that Duke Energy Foundation had made a contribution for this campaign that tripled last year’s contribution. Larry Williams of McKim’s IGA announced that October will be United Way month at McKim’s IGA again and if customers turn in their IGA receipt to the store office during October, McKim’s IGA will donate 1 percent of the total receipts less liquor, cigarettes, office services, and taxes to the United Way of Posey County. Saturday, October 30, will be United Way Day at the IGA with local celebrities carrying out groceries. Bennett also announced that the Boogie’s in Mount Vernon will donate 10 percent of the check to the United Way for all customers turning in their receipts on October 4 and October 25, Touch of Home in Mount Vernon will donate 10 percent of the check to the United Way of all customers on October 12, and Tequila’s in Mount Vernon will donate 20 percent on both October 19 and October 26, with coupon required. Agencies funded in 2010 are: Albion Fellows Bacon Center, American Red Cross Posey County Chapter, Boy Scouts of America Buffalo Trace Council, Catholic Charities, Children’s Learning Center, Christian Church Day Care Center, Community Emergency Assistance, ECHO Community Health Care, Family Matters, Homeless Shelter of Mt. Vernon, Indiana Legal Services, Lampion Center, Mental Health America, New Harmony Ministry Association, Posey County Council on Aging, Posey County Rehabilitation Services, Rehabilitation Center, Salvation Army, Visiting Nurse Association of Southwestern Indiana, WNIN Radio Reading Program, and Willow Tree of Posey County. Funds also support 2-1-1, the easy to remember number for assistance and referral. Steve Bennett said October will be FineFree Month at the Alexandrian Public Library in Mount Vernon and those amounts can instead be donated to the United Way of Posey County. Anyone who would like to help may contact the United Way at 838-3637 or uwposey@ sbcglobal.net, or send a contribution to the United Way of Posey County at P.O. Box 562, Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620.
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SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE A10
Kunstfest enjoys record-setting weekend attendance
St. Stephen’s Church sandwiches were a Kunstfest favorite.
Addison Mathews enjoys her first Kunstfest.
Amber Krieger enjoys the Kunstfest cornhole game..
Brittany Rister gets a ‘tatoo’ from New Harmony Artist Guild member Jennifer Blevins.
Krista Wilson, Diana Simpkins, Debra Johsnon, and Scott Champlin at the Tri-Kappa booth Drew Mathews waits around to help celebrate his grandparents’ 50th anniversary.
Krista Wilson cooks the bread.
Marvin Kemper carves on the stock of one of the guns he creates in Posey county.
Martha Feldmeier and Darlene Padgett of Huntingburg manning the Shake Rag loom
Bob Lange dips up ham and beans for the Kiwanis booth at the Kunstfest.
St. Philip annual Burgoo coming to Posey September 26 It’s time to round up the kettles. Every year near harvest time, the members of the St. Philip Men’s Club gather to prepare and sell their famous burgoo. This year’s sale is Sept. 26, and the reputation of the soupy concoction has spread far and wide. Burgoo has been simmering annually at St. Philip for 50 years or so. It’s been the primary fund-raiser of the Men’s Club since 1958; before then, it was cooked at the church’s annual summer social. The church’s men’s club owns a 750 gallon kettle but 20 more kettles are needed to cook the 1200+ gallons of burgoo the club dishes out each year. Farmers used to loan the kettles they used for rendering lard and cooking liver sausage. Now the Men’s Club have all their own kettles which were purchased at various times. St. Philip’s burgoo (either BUR-go or burGOO, depending on who is talking) is composed of chicken and beef, carrots, potatoes, onions, cabbage, tomato juice, canned corn, navy beans, butter beans, pepper, salt, sugar and allspice. This list of ingredients is as
much as Ron Folz will divulge. The exact seasoning and amount of ingredients is secret and Jeff Wildeman is the only person allowed to measure the spices and place them in cloth bags to season the burgoo. The secret to making good burgoo is making it good. That’s all I’m allowed to tell you,” Wildeman said. One thing he will say is that the burgoo tastes the same every year, unlike burgoo made during frontier times, when every meat and vegetable available was thrown into the pot. “We don’t change a thing,” he said. Most of the meat and vegetables are bought now, whereas years ago parishioners donated most of the chicken, beef and vegetables. Each year preparations begin on Friday evening. The meat is stewed and the vegetables are washed, peeled and ground. The guys work through the night. Early Saturday morning volunteers set up all the kettles and clean them, take the chicken off the bones and grind it and the stewed beef. They then carefully parcel the ingredients to be added
to each of the 21 kettles lined up in the back of the church. The actual cooking begins around 11 p.m. after the meat and vegetables have been added along with the cloth bags containing the spices and the secret ingredient. Burgoo veterans have their jobs down pat. Some grind cabbage and vegetables, some stew the meats and others run the automatic potato peeler. The large kettle is equipped with an automatic stirring device, but it’s an all night vigil with the smaller kettles. It isn’t difficult finding volunteers because the event has turned into a social affair. There is no discrimination----teenagers, children and friends of club members offer their assistance. The volunteers stir until early Sunday morning when Folz pronounces the burgoo ready for sale. The burgoo sells fast and is usually gone before noon except for the soup that is held back to be sold in the cafeteria. The Men’s Club would like to make more but they can handle making only so much. Dan Horstman, publicity chairman for
the club, says that this is the sort of project that builds relationships and fellowship and brings about a spirit of cooperation and working together. St. Philip is a close-knit parish with hard working members. The response to the burgoo has been great with people coming from Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee and other places to get the famous St. Philip Burgoo. To sweeten the day, a raffle will climax the event at 1:30 p.m. The grand prize of $20,000 and 20 other prizes will be given away. The tickets are $20 donation for each ticket with only 3,000 tickets being sold. You need not be present to win. (License# 119376) - The sale of burgoo begins at 7:30 a.m. Drive thru and carry-out patrons should bring their own containers or one can be purchased for a small fee. A lunch of burgoo, hamburgers, pie and drinks is sold in the St. Philip Center during the sale of burgoo outside. Volunteers help in the dining room, too. Philip is located six miles west of Evansville on St. Philip Road.
SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE A13
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PAGE A14 • SEPTEMBER 21, 2010
THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS • SERVING THE COUNTY SINCE 1882 • WWW.POSEYCOUNTYNEWS.COM North Posey High School Homecoming candidates are pictured. Front row, from left are: freshman Emma Werry, sophomore - Brianna Brown, junior - Morgan Stierley, senior queen nominees - Kaylee Durchholz, Katelyn Esche and Nichole Perry; junior Megan Cumbee, sophomore - Kendra Brandenstein and freshman - Ali Lupfer. Standing in back, from left are freshman Drake Davenport, sophomore Mitchell Kuhn, senior king candidates - Cameron Calvert, Michael Penner and Carl Seib, junior - Shane Neumann, sophmore Nick Heldt and freshman - Cody Ungetheim. Not pictured: Charles Hempfling. Photo by Valerie Werkmeister
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Wildcats fast start but finish too early in loss to Hatchets By Steve Joos The Washington Hatchets are undefeated and Indiana’s eighth-ranked Class 3A football team. The Mount Vernon Wildcats learned that the hard way Friday night. Joe McCormick rushed for 162 yards and four touchdowns as the visiting Hatchets erupted for 22 third-quarter points en route to a 42-14 victory over the Wildcats. Mount Vernon Coach Paul Maier was impressed with the Hatchets, but he was also highly disappointed with his team played. “We were not disciplined,” Maier said. “I don’t know how many yards in penalties we had tonight, but it was way, way too many. They came out, they lined up and they beat us.” The Cats didn’t execute in the first half and they weren’t focused both offensively and defensively, the coach added. Despite an “ugly” first half, Mount Vernon still held a 7-6 halftime lead, but the Hatchets’ defensive line gave quarterback Jason Stemple more trouble than he had been getting throughout the season and they were covering the Wildcat receiving corps, which also hampered Stemple’s effectiveness. In the second half, the Cats just didn’t seem ready to play, even after tying the game at 14-14 on a 10-yard Stemple to Logan Pace touchdown pass with 8:15 to go in the third chapter. The game was more like flag football—yellow flags, that is. The two teams were whistled for a combined total of 14 penalties and that doesn’t count the five times both squads committed off-setting fouls. The Wildcats had the worst of it, but just slightly, committing eight penalties that lost 69 yards. After having trouble with their first drive of the night, Mount Vernon opened the second quarter with a six-play, 62yard drive that ended with a 55-yard pass play from Stemple to Aaron Straub. Zac Deig’s kick put the Cats up 7-0 with 9:33 left in the period. The Hatchets got on the scoreboard with 2:54 left in the period, when signal-caller Kurtis Anthony hooked up with Brad Thornton on a pass play which covered 60 yards. The potential game-tying kick was blocked, leaving the Cats in front at the break 7-6.
Washington opened the second half with a quick-strike 57yard drive which took less than two minutes and was capped by Anthony’s 10-yard scoring run. McCormick ran the ball this time and his conversion gave the Hatchets a 14-7 lead. Mount Vernon came right back, as Will Terbeck returned the ensuing kick to the Wildcats’ 47-yard line, then Stemple reeled off three completions, as he and Pace polished off the strike with a 10-yard scoring play. Deig’s kick knotted things up again at 14-14, but that would be it for the Wildcats. Washington responded immediately, returning the Wildcat kickoff to their own 44-yard line and then McCormick burst through the defense and rambled 56 yards for the go-ahead score. After Mount Vernon was held on their next possession, Washington’s next possession started on the Mount Vernon 40-yard line. Four plays later, including one where the Cats gave up 16 yards on a penalty, McCormick took it in from nine yards out. Tanner Fritchle’s fourth extra point of the night made the score 28-14 with 4:46 to go. “Their whole offense caused us a lot of problems,” Maier said. “Fundamentally, we did not do what we needed to do to win football games. If you look at just a good overview of the game, fundamentally we broke down, we got rattled.” There were some bright spots (Straub caught five passes for 104 yards), but the Cats just didn’t play well on either side of the ball, according to the coach. The Cats simply failed to match Washington’s level of intensity or their effort, especially in the second half. In the fourth quarter, Dylan Erwin took over for the Hatchets, scoring on rounds of one and 13 yards to finish off the scoring. Maier said that his team was not doing what it needed to do fundamentally from its opening drive. He wasn’t sure what the problem was, but he promised that it wouldn’t happen this week. “Washington’s just a good football team,” the coach said. “And if you don’t come out ready to play, then the results are going to speak for themselves.” Wildcat quarterback Jason Stemple prepares to launch The results didn’t speak too well in Mount Vernon’s favor this pass to his open receivers during Friday night’s home Friday night. conference game with Washington. Photo by Dave Koch
Vikings play better, fall victim to Patriot fourth quarter By Dave Pearce For three quarters, defense was the rule as the North Posey Vikings travelled Friday night to Lincoln City to face the Heritage Hills Patriots. But when the North Posey defense bent a little bit in the fourth period, the always-tough Patriots took full advantage and ran on to a 35-11 victory. The Patriots have lost once (to rival Jasper) while the Vikings fell to 2-3 on the season. The first two scores of the night belonged to the Patriots as Tory Burch hit Drew Rosbottom for a 16-yard touchdown with 5:23 remaining in the opening period and the Patriots led 7-0. In the second period, the Vikings continued to move the ball but defense was the name of the game as the Patriots’ Ethan Coghill scored from two yards out with 4:29 remaining in the half to give the homestanding Patriots a 14-0 lead. But Viking fans can be proud of the way their team fought back. With time winding down in the half, kicker Nick Crumbacher hit a 31-yard field goal to get the Vikings on the scoreboard at 14-3 at half-time. The Viking defense came out of half-time fired up and the only score of the third quarter came on a one-yard run by Colton Motz. When Motz hit receiver Nick Neidig for the twopoint conversion, the Vikings were within a field goal with 3:31 to go in the third period. But in the final period, the Patriots took advantage of a couple of North Posey mistakes and came up with some fine plays of their own to score on an 11-yard run by Ben Hawkins with 10:45 remaining in the contest. The score remained 21-11 until the Patriots put two touchdowns on the board in the final four minutes to make the final score much more lop-sided than the game really was. With 4:03 remaining on the clock, back Ethan Coghill threw a pass to Nick Perkins and the game was all but decided. “It was a nicely executed play,” Gengelbach said, giving North Posey running back Cameron Calvert breaks loose for a short gain while No. 80 Jared Reidford looks to make credit to Bob Clayton’s Patriots. “They had been running the a hole. Photo by Dave Pearce. sweep all night and they came out with that. It wasn’t a pretty pass but it was all they needed.” The final score came when North Posey was forced to punt with 1:25 remaining. The Patriot’s special team (in the form of Coghill, again) ran the punt back 80 yards for the final score and the Heritage Hills win. But Gengelbach was extremely proud of his team and the effort they put forth. “They played extremely hard all game and they played hard all 48 minutes,” Gengelbach said of the Vikings. “That’s something we have been working on and I feel like they improved a whole lot on Friday night.” But Gengelbach pointed out that obviously, the objective of the night was to win the game but that did not take away from the fact that his team grew up a whole lot in a shot time in Spencer County. “They are an excellent short-pass team this year,” Gengelbach said, indicating that they may not have the deep threat going for them that they have in years past. “But they don’t beat themselves. They just don’t make many mistakes.” Both of those statement were verified by the fact that the Patriots hit on 15-of-19 passes, most of them for short yardage, as they accumulated 115 yards in the air. The Patriots were whistled for no penalties while the Vikings were called for four penalties and a total of 26 yards.
Continued on Page B6
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PAGE B2 • SEPTEMBER 21, 2010
Vikings, from Page B1 “It was a well-played ballgame and was a little reminiscent of our 2005 state championship game,” Gengelbach said. “It was close until one big play kind of opened the floodgates.” The Vikings were able to run the ball with some success against Heritage Hills as Wes Harness finished with 75 yards in only 10 carries. Cameron Calvert got loose for 38 yards on 13 carries for the Vikings. Motz completed 8-of-18 passes for 86 total yards as Jared Reidford caught three for 49 yards and Neidig caught three for 28. Calvert caught a couple of passed for nine total yards. Jourdan Cox looked good on kick-off returns as he had three returns for a total of 52 yards while Harness has two for 23 and Cody Voelker had one for six yards. Defensively, senior Alex Maile had his best game of the year as he came up with 12 solo tackles and an assist and a sack. Almost all the Viking defense got in the books as Con-
ner Cain and Neidig had five tackles apiece while Luke Morrow and Brandon Baumgart had four apiece. Calvert, Chris O’Risky and Baumgart each had three tackles while Alec Werry, Kurt Seibert, Derek Voegel, Alex Goebel, Harness, Cox, Tanner Hobgood, Anthony Webb, Orry Weiss, Austin Little, and Reidford were each credited with a tackle. Webb and O’Ricky were credited with three tackle assists while Harness, Cox, Seibert,and Baumgart were each credited with two. The Vikings will hit the road again this Friday night for a 7 p.m. contest at Forest Park where the undefeated (5-0) Rangers await. The Rangers, in only their third season playing varsity football, have been very impressive in their five wins. “They have some big strong kids and I knew when they added football as a sport that if they got behind them like they do in basketball, baseball, softball, and even tennis that it wouldn’t be long till they had a good, solid program,” Gengelbach said. “They have good size and good quickness and we will have to be ready with everything we have.”
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Kyle Swope attempts to retain possession of the ball during a recent Viking match. The Vikings lost last week Tuesday 4-1 to Day school at Day school. The team tied Central at home on Tuesday 2-2. Swope scored all three goals in the week. The Vikings host Mount Vernon tonight (Tuesday) play Thursdays at home against Heritage Hills. Photo by Dave Pearce
On November 2, 2010 the voters of Posey County will elect a prosecutor to serve our great community. There is a growing consensus among residents that new leadership is needed in this office. I believe that my values, experience, and energy make me the person for the job...
MY GOALS AS COUNTY PROSECUTOR: • Make prosecution of serious and dangerous felonies top priority over misdemeanor •
• •
and Protecting off P Posey C County ffrom serious and dangerous d traffi ffic cases. P i the h citizens ii i dd felonies will be my main concern. Take a stand against meth labs and those who sell drugs in our community. Meth use is an epidemic in Posey County. I believe one way to counteract this problem is to be aggressive and prosecute "meth cooks" to the fullest extent. Posey County deserves a prosecutor who will tackle this problem head-on. Increase communication and cooperation with local law enforcement. The officers in this county work hard to protect and serve. As prosecutor, I will work closely with law enforcement to help officers acheive their goals. I will be available for officers 24 hours a day to consult on cases and investigations. Increase child support collections for single parents in our county. I have seen first hand the struggles of single parents not recieving child support and I will make increasing collections a top priority. Reach out to the community and increase citizen involvement in community safety programs. I believe that residents taking ownership and an active role in community safety programs, such as Neighborhood Watch, makes for a stronger and safer community.
VOTE TRAVIS CLOWERS FOR POSEY COUNTY PROSECUTOR Paid for by y Travis Clowers for Posey y County y Prosecutor Committee
SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE B3
Vikings, Wildcats finish fourth, fifth, three solos advance
Members of the Mount Vernon high School golf team just minutes before participating in Saturday’s golf sectional at Fendrich Golf Course are Coach Dave Bell, Carley Redman, Roni Peck, Kay Leigh Albright, Amy Steele, and Kendyl Bourne. Bourne advanced to the Regional on the strength of her individual score. Photo by Dave Pearce
Members of North Posey’s Pocket Athletic Conference championship team and fourth-place sectional team are Kelsey Teel, Allison Koester, Taylor Patton, Maggie Camp, Kendyl Ahrens, and Coach Kevin Wassmer. Koester and Camp advanced to this weekend’s Regional ans the team was edged by Memorial for the final team spot. Photo by Dave Pearce
By Steve Joos Under Indiana High School Athletic Association rules, three teams advance out of the respective golf Sectional tournaments for boys and girls and three players off teams which do not advance to Regional competition. All three Regional qualifiers from the Evansville Sectional are from Posey County. Mount Vernon’s Kendyl Bourne will join North Posey teammates Allison Koester and Maggie Camp this weekend at Eagle Valley as the top three individuals coming out of Saturday’s Sectional at Fendrich Golf course. Not that their teams did not try to make the trip back to Evansville. The Lady Vikings and Lady Wildcats went 4-5 in the Sectional, with North Posey shooting a team score of 340 and Mount Vernon registering a 350. The Lady Vikings were up by five strokes for third place before Reitz and Memorial shot past them for a trip to the Regional. Koester’s 82 (41-41) topped the individuals, with Bourne chipping in an 84 (40-44) and Ahrens an 85 (44-41) to round out the field. Lady Vikings’ coach Kevin Wassmer was pleased with the way his team performed despite the near miss in making the Regional as a group. “We played really well today,” Wassmer said. “We did, we had a good chance and the girls played well. This is only the second year we’ve had a team score and to finish fourth in this Sectional is a good job.” Unfortunately for North Posey, some higher scores on one end of the course or another may have allowed Memorial to sneak past them. Maggie Camp struggled on the back nine and finished with an 86 (40-46), while Kelsey Teel carded an 87 (45-42), but the Lady Tigers may have just been better, especially number-one Memorial golfer Dana Hayden, who finished with a 71 and number-two Kelly Morgan, who added an 81. Most of the Lady Vikings are fairly new to the game, which made their Sectional efforts even more impressive, according to Wassmer. “We shot 170 and 170, so we shot the same on both sides,” the coach explained. “A putt here or a chip there would have made the difference, but that’s part of the game.” Wassmer also encouraged other girls to come out for the team in the future and was proud of the team’s accomplishments for this season, which included a Pocket Athletic Conference championship to go with the regional qualifiers. Speaking of experience, taking in the lessons from a ninetime Evansville City Men’s champion was one of the keys to Koester’s success at Fendrich. “I was hitting the ball well and listening to what the coach told me,” Koester said. “Basically, I was just learning and listening to my coach and all that he’s taught me over the years.” Ahrens finally got her chipping to work Saturday. That part of her short game had been giving the senior trouble for most of the season and she got it to work just in time. “I struggled a lot,” she said. “I just kept hitting everything short and I couldn’t get anything to work.” Ahrens and Teel were the original members of the link Lady Vikings and having one of the seniors represent North Posey at the Regional was also an accomplishment. “It’s great to be playing after three years, but I wish the whole team were going with us,” she said. “All the girls played great, the team played great. It was a lot of fun.” Taylor Patton rounded out the North Posey contingent with a 101 (53-48), chopping five stroke off her score after making the turn. Mount Vernon coach Dave Bell felt that his team did the best it could, although the back nine wasn’t too kind to them. “I was a little disappointed with the back nine,” he said. “I thought we’d play it a little better, but the girls went out and did the best they could. We shot a nice score and came in fifth.” The short game was once again the culprit as three of the five Lady Cats in the Sectional saw their scores go up after
Continued on Page B5
North Posey Junior High runningback Lance Inkenbrandt gets through the HeriNorth Posey Junior High seventh grade running back Josh Cooke turns the corntage Hills line for a big gain during last week’s first game. Photo by Dave Pearce iner suring last week’s game. Photo by Dave Pearce
Motz Is second, Wildcat team third at Princeton Invitational By Steve Joos North Posey’s Hunter Motz was a minute ahead of his nearest competition from Mount Vernon, but the Wildcats had a higher team finish at Tuesday’s Princeton Invitational boys’ cross country meet. The Cats were third at the Gibson Southern Fairgrounds with 106 points, while the Vikings came in eighth with 106. Motz finished second in the boys’ race at Princeton, with a time of 15:56, while Ken Renshaw The Viking senior cam in 22 seconds behind individual champ Josh Genet of Northeast Dubois, while Renshaw gave the county two harriers in the top 10, finishing sixth with a time of 16:51, almost a minute better than any Princeton runners and over 20 seconds better than the time he set in winning the season-opening dual meet at Brittlebank Park. Castle and the Jeeps were far ahead of the rest of the field, with the Knights winning the race 58-60. Mount Vernon was four points in front of Jasper, which nipped Pike Central 110111 for fourth place. Washington (122) and Princeton (168) each came in ahead of the Vikings, while Boonville rounded out the field. The Lady Vikings did better in the girls’ race, finishing fifth with 133 points, while Mount Vernon’s newly established team was eighth (180). North Posey’s Shay Voegel was the lone county runner to make the top 10 at Princeton, finishing fourth in 20:41. Brianna Reis cracked the top 20 for the Lady Wildcats, finishing 18th with a time of 22:19, picking up more than 90 seconds from their debut time. The rest of the team bettered their times, but faded behind Princeton. Olivia Baldwin (23:45) finished 32nd despite lopping 37 seconds off her time, while Ashton Fuelling’s improvement
of over three and one-half minutes (25;25) was only good for 42nd place. Rachel Cash (26:42) and Cally Schisler (26;59) were 4748, with Schisler taking nearly a minute off her time in the season opener. Northeast Dubois seemed to be riding a hot rod instead of running, as the Lady Jeeps sped away from everyone else to win the meet with 22 points, well ahead of runner-up Jasper (55). Castle (104) and Pike Central (120) were 3-4, while the Lady Vikings needed a stronger sixth runner to nip Boonville for fifth place, as each team scored 133 points. Princeton was seventh with 152 points. The county teams went their separate ways Saturday, with Mount Vernon traveling to Crawford County and North Posey heading to South Knox. Motz was third in the boys’ race with a time of 16:49, but the Vikings were 17th in the team standings with 390 points at South Knox. The girls came 12th with 304 points. The Wildcat boys won their season-opening dual meet with Princeton, which came before the girls had enough runners for a team. Renshaw’s thing was wining the boys’ race in 17:12, 13 seconds ahead of Dick (17:25), with D.A. Wilson (17:31) and Ritzert (17:49) finishing 3-4. Dane Wilson was competitive with two Princeton runners and came in fifth (17:59). Bryce Newman was seventh (18:15) and Knight also ran strong races, with Knight coming in ninth with a time of 19:00, something else that Searcy found to be positive. Fink was 12th with a time of 20:30, while Hoehn (21:02) came in 14th and Powell (22:15) 20th.
The girls’ race didn’t take place on a yellow brick road, but the finish seemed like something one would find on the way to Oz, as Mount Vernon took four of the top 10 spots, including a 2-3 finish. “I was very proud of the way the girls raced against the competition,” coach Jenny P1oetz said. “If they were close to a Princeton runner, they challenged them or even passed them, so I was really proud of them. It’s a good start.” Reis was second with a time of 23:54 and Baldwin followed her across the finish line in 24:22 for Mount Vernon’s second score. The other Mount Vernon runners, Schissler (27:45) and Fuelling (29:09), came in eighth and 10th, which Ploetz says puts her team in the mix, once they have enough for a score. Motz did his thing, while the North Posey girls had trouble in the season opener. Motz won the individual race in a boys’ meet which pared two schools without the five runners needed for a team km meet, while the visiting Central Lady Bears parlayed a 1-2-3 finish into a 19-37 dual meet victory. Quirk (22:29) was fourth overall, more than a minute behind Kenny Edmondson, the Central third-place finisher who came in three minutes behind the top two finishers. Ty Shemwell (22:37) was fifth and Will Heldt (26:13) seventh for the Vikings. In the girls’ meet, it was the three (Lady) Bears at the front of the pack as Central took four of the first five spots, led by Kelly Dorgan’s time of 22:55. Sierra Bobbitt (23:01) and Tori Flowers (24:34) were 3-4, coning in ahead of North Posey’s top runner, Goebel (24;45). LaMar was sixth with a time of 25:41, followed by Jessica Smith (25:48) in seventh place, Bender (27:46) in ninth place and Koester (30:46) in 11th.
PAGE B4 • SEPTEMBER 21, 2010
Deer Hunting Regulation Summary for 2010
MV outfitters to host safety course Conservation Officer Dan Belwood will offer the Indiana Hunter Safety Course open to the public. There is no charge for the course. The course is a minimum 10 hours which covers topics dealing with hunter responsibility, firearms safety, water safety, atv laws, archery, muzzleloader hunting handguns, and wildlife management.
The dates for the course will be October 9 and 10 from 8 a.m. till 2 p.m. Attendance each day is required for certification. This course will meet the requirements for youth hunters born after Dec. 31, 1986 that need a certification before they can purchase a hunting license. To sign up for the course call Mount Vernon Outfit-
ters at 812-838-9771 The course will be held at Mount Vernon Outfitters, 1331 E. fourth Street Mount Vernon, Ind., 47620. The class will be held on the east side of Mount Vernon across from entrance to Southwind Maratine Port on the north side of the road at the start of the four lane of State Route 62.
Horth Posey Junior High cross country competes Girls Team: no team score 109th place - Erin Will - 15:52 129th place - Hannah Straw - 17:39 This week our team travels to Toyota for a Middle School & High School 3-way between Gibson Southern and Princeton on Tuesday, then to South Spencer for a Middle School only 3-way between Memorial and South Spencer. The Pocket Athletic Conference race will be held at the Southridge Cross Country Complex on Saturday, October 3. The Middle School Races begin at 10 a.m., then the High School Races begin at 10:45 a.m. (Eastern Standard
Swim boosters sponsor give back night at Bob Evans “Mount Vernon High School Swim Booster Club is sponsoring a “Give Back Night” at Bob Evan’s Restaurant (Pearl Drive) on September 28, 2010, from 4 to 9 p.m. Bob Evan’s will
donate 15 percent of all sales (including gift cards & carry out) to our team. You must bring a coupon with you in order for swimmers to receive 15 percent of the sales. The coupon is available un-
High school swim team hosts car wash Mount Vernon High School Swim Booster Club is sponsoring a free car wash at McDonald’s on Saturday, September 25, 2010 from 8 am until 12 pm. Donations will be accepted. The high school swimmers appreciate our community support!
PAWS Wrestling sign ups October 4 PAWS Wrestling Team will be holding sign-ups on Monday, October 4, 2010 from 6 - 8 p.m. in the Junior High Wrestling Room. Wrestlers in kindergarten through sixth grade are eligible to participate. This team will be competing in the newly formed
Southern Indiana Elementary Wrestling Conference. Meets will be held in Mount Vernon and Evansville. The Conference will run November 1, 2010 to January 3, 2011. Please contact Vicki Bethel at (812) 781-0378 with any questions.
der “Upcoming Events” on our home web page at www. mtvernonswimteam.org . If you prefer, you may contact any high school swimmer who will be able to give you a coupon to participate in this fund raiser. Have a great meal and thank you for your support of our award winning Swimming Wildcats!” JUST ASK US, WE MIGHT HAVE IT.
Have Questions for us? Call 1-812-838-5200
AUTO PARTS OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday: 7:30am - 5pm Saturday: 7:30am - 1:30pm LOCALLY OWNED
On Saturday, September 18, the North Posey Junior High School Cross Country team competed at the South Knox Invitational at South Knox High School for the very first time. There were 26 teams with 148 boys and 138 girls running in the Middle School Race. The results are as follows: Boys Team: 15th place, 427 points 47th place - Zach Goebel - 12:14 71st place - Gabe Mayer - 12:46 77th place - Alex Taylor - 12:58 122nd place - Jonah Cobb - 14:33 126th place - Derrick Davis - 12:45
ment—archery, crossbow, shotgun, rifle or muzzleloader. – Youth must follow all other deer hunting regulations. Archery season starts Oct. 1 and runs through Nov. 28 – New changes allow archery equipment and firearms to be loaded, or capable of being fired, before and after lawful shooting hours. – New changes allow legal archery equipment and a firearm to be possessed during the firearms season, as long as the person possesses both an archery and a firearms license. – New changes also allow legal archery equipment and a muzzleloader to be possessed during the muzzleloader season, as long as the person possesses both an archery and a muzzleloader license. – Crossbows can be used only in the late archery season (Dec. 4, 2010–Jan. 2, 2011), unless the hunter has a special disability permit Urban Deer Zones – New changes allow archery, extra archery, or bonus antlerless licenses to be used to hunt deer in an urban deer zone – The city of Warsaw is now an urban deer zone in Kosciusko County. – A hunter can take 4 antlerless deer (1 per license) or 3 antlerless deer and 1 antlered deer (1 per license) in an urban deer zone; these limits are in addition to the bonus county quotas and other season bag limits. More information: Go to: www.hunting. in.gov or call the deer hotline (812-3343795) or the DNR Customer Service Center (317-232-4200). Media members only: Marty Benson, DNR assistant director of communications, (317) 233-3853, mbenson@ dnr.in.gov.
These two North Posey hotties helped lead cheers during the Southridge contest.
Special Youth Deer Hunting Season - Sept. 25 and 26 Last year’s youth weekend harvest was 1,687, a record that, according to deer biologist Chad Stewart, probably coincided with increasing the age restriction from under 16 to under 18, which happened for the first time last year. Last year, 85 percent of the youth season harvest was female deer, with the remaining 15 percent being button bucks. The first youth season was 2006. These seasons have been exclusively for antlerless only until this coming season. Youth season typically accounts for about 1% of the season’s total harvest. More on the regulations: – Youth under age 18 on the date of hunt can participate. – Youth hunters can take either a buck or a doe; if a buck is taken, it is the only buck the youth hunter can take that year, except in an urban deer zone; a doe is in addition to all other antlerless deer that can be taken in the regular seasons. – Resident youth will need a hunting license (apprentice or regular), such as the resident youth comprehensive hunting & trapping license or a comprehensive lifetime hunting license. – Non-resident youth will need a non-resident youth deer hunting license—firearm, archery, muzzleloader, or bonus antlerless. – An adult that is at least 18 years of age must accompany the youth hunter during this special season, be licensed to hunt (unless hunting on his/her own farmland), stay in close proximity to the youth while in the field, and not possess a bow and arrow, crossbow, or firearm, and not accompany more than 2 youth at a time in the field. – Youth hunters must use legal equip-
SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE B5
Wildcats struggle as ‘mark up’ concept takes a vacation By Steve Joos This was not what Mount Vernon girls’ soccer coach Liz Castle had in mind as she was planning for this season. After the Lady Wildcats posted their best season ever as far as wins and losses were concerned, Castle broke this campaign down into three sections. An easy early portion of the schedule, more difficult in the middle and somewhere inbetween at the end. Things aren’t looking too good as far as the more difficult portion of the Lady Cats’ slate is concerned. Missy Brown scored two goals and Noicole Mercker had two assists Saturday as the visiting Heritage Hills Lady Patriots blanked Mount Vernon 3-0, handing the Lady Wildcats their fifth straight loss. Castle isn’t sure why her team is struggling and it’s frustrating for her since she felt that the Lady Cats had the potential to win as many as 14 games, but now sits at 5-6 on the season. The Lady Cats were competitive in the first half, but a handball in the box enabled Sophie Etienne to convert a penalty kick and give Heritage Hills a 1-0 lead. “We have run through so many things in practice,” Castle said. “Simple things, passing, shooting and trapping the ball in the air. We do them in practice, but when it comes to game time, we just can’t seem to do them.” The Lady Cats also had a number of chances to score
in the in the opening 40 minutes and Castle said that the team could have been up at the end of the game, but in the second half, Mount Vernon’s shots weren’t hitting the back of the net and their defenders weren’t marking up, which enabled Brown to take a pair of passes from Mercker and put them in the back of the net. “Both goals came because we refused to mark up,” Castle said. “If we don’t mark up, that’s who gets the ball, shoots and scores. We have to mark up and that means midfielders and backs as well. We had numerous opportunities to score, we had some easy shots, but we kept trying to make fancy shots which we just aren’t able to do.” The team came out fired up in the second half and had 12 shots on goal, most of them after the intermission. The team dominated the second half, but they still weren’t doing what they needed to do, Castle said. Mount Vernon wore down Heritage Hills after the intermission, but the Lady Patriots’ depth enabled them to avoid getting too tired. Brittany Chastain scored four goals and assisted on another Tuesday as Bosse rolled over the Lady Cats 6-1, at the EVSC fields. Trecia Hart added the other two Lady Bulldog goals, while Alexis Erwin had three assists. Katie Cox scored the lone Lady Wildcat goal off an assist from Samantha Alsop. The early losses, espe-
cially the ones to Jasper and Washington, may have affected the Lady Wildcats, who Castle said stepped on the field looking as if they expected to lose. Cox scored in the first five minutes to give the Lady Cats a 1-0 lead and then Mount Vernon once again had trouble scoring while forgetting to mark up a key player. In this case, it was
Chastain, who played travel team soccer for Castle and was left free to fire off four straight goals for the Lady Bulldogs. “The girls’ definition of marking up is not the same as what it means,” Castle said. “They think that if they’re five steps away they’re marking up and they’re not.” Most of Chastain’s goals came on chip shots that
bounced over the defense and came to her, Castle said. The Lady Bulldogs were only up 2-1 at halftime and then pulled away in the second half. The coach felt that the majority of her team did work hard against Heritage Hills, but weren’t able to do what was necessary to win. The Bosse loss weighed heavily one the team as they took an early lead, but couldn’t hold on.
Castle is also concerned since two of the losses in this recent skid were games in what she called “the up in the air” category. The Lady Cats will have plenty to work on between now and Thursday, when they face South Knox. Like marking up, maybe? The team participated in a community service project Saturday morning, hanging ribbons for the Komen Race for the Cure in Evansville.
Posey Lanes Recap
Wildcat senior Jenny Koch gets ahead of the Bosse defender during Tuesday’s game at the EVSC field.
North Posey reserve running back Eric O’Risky gets to the outside for a big gain during the reserve game last week. The Vikings were scheduled to face Heritage Hills in reserve action on Monday. Photo by Dave Pearce
League: Jolleytime High Game High Series 1. Dorothy Rueger 214 1. Kathy Ridley 558 2. Becky Smyth 210 2. Dorothy Rueger 551 3. Michelle Sollman 210 3. Mary Phillips 531 4. Ginny Murphy 202 4. Ginny Murphy 521 5. Mary Phillips 200 5. Michelle Sollman 510 League: Mini Access Storage High Game High Series 1. Marcia Lange 184 1. Marcia Lange 504 2. Sandy Wilson 171 2. Sandy Wilson 171 3. Debbie Boarman 160 3. Debbie Boarman 462 4. Donna Anderson 160 4. Donna Anderson 442 5. Gaylynn Reese 158 5. Gaylynn Reese 440 League: Men’s Major High Game High Series 1. Cory Kohlymeyer 258 1. Dile Wilson 694 2. Dile Wilson 257 2. Cory Kohlmeyer 679 3. Steve Zink 256 3. Chris Oeth 642 4. Gene Fleming 246 4. Dustin Choate 634 5. Chris Oeth 241 5. Jim Gruber 629 League: First Bank High Game High Series 1. Marge Cordle 198 1. Marge Cordle 569 2. Debbie Boarman 195 2. Pete Rohlman 511 3. Pete Rohlman 186 3. Nancy Renschler 477 4. Wanda Redman 179 4. Naomi Overton 473 5. Nancy Renschler 178 5. Shirley Cordle 470 League: T.M.I. Hotshots High Game High Series 1. Kristi Fallowfield 211 1. Donna DeLong 555 2. Donna De Long 205 2. Joyce Jackson 547 3. Joyce Jackson 201 3. Barb Smith 501 4. Barb Smith 192 4. Gerri Steele 480 5. Gaylynn Reese 183 5. Dana Deckard 460 League: Men’s Commercial High Game High Series 1. Dile Wilson 245 1. Dile Wilson 664 2. Darrell Brown 237 2. Cory Kohlmeyer 626 3. Jerry Ricketts 234 3. Darrell Brown 626 4. Eric Davis 233 4. Brian Schnorr 623 5. Dave Little 233 5. Joe Anderson 623 League: Jr.-Sr. High League: Elementary High Game High Game 1. Logan Cox 225 1. Gary Griffin 197 2. D.A. Wilson 219 2. Matthew Crafton 182 3. John Gruber 217 3. Jake Robinson 147 4. Myles Utley 217 4. Wes Sollman 143 5. Austin Mercer 217 5. Samantha Smith 122 League: Bumpers High Game 1. Adrianna Neave 113 2. Cason Barnett 103 3. Alessandro 102
North Posey reserves have trouble against Raiders 1 2 3 4 F NP
0 8 0 0 8
8 6 8 12 34
Scoring by quarter: First quarter: 7-yard TD run by Luke Mundy, Ben Weber 2-pt. conversion run, SR 8 – 0, 3:21 Second quarter: 2-yard TD run by Mundy, 2-pt. conversion run failed, 4:54, SR 14 – 0; 23-yard pass from Alec Werry to Jake Bender, 2-pt. conversion pass from Nick Crumbacher to Tyler Adkins, SR 14 – 8, 2:45 Third quarter: 4-yd run by Jacob Hildebranski, 2-pt conversion pass from Hil-
debranksi to Weber, 1:02, SR 22 – 8 Fourth quarter: 5-yd run by Mundy, conversion run failed, 8:17; 4-yd run by Weber, conversion pass failed, 3:35, 34 – 8 SR Selected Defensive stats: Alec Werry 5 tackles 3 assists; Derek Voegel 3 tackles 4 assists; Mitchell Kuhn 3 tackles 4 assists; Darren O’Risky 2 tackles, 1 assist; Eric O’Risky 3 tackles, 1 assist, 1 deflection; Jacob Bender 5 tackles, 2 assists; Dylan Wright 1 tackle, 1 assist, 1 sack; Clint Cox 3 tackles 2 assists; Kolby Lary 3 tackles 1 assist, 1 sack; Luke Heldt 5 tackles 4 assists; Tyler Adkins 3 tackles
2 assists; Cameron O’Brien 1 tackle, 1 assist, 1 fumble recovery Game Summary: The game began with neither team immediately gaining the upper hand. Southridge’s first touchdown was set up on a Viking miscue when they attempted a punt. The Raiders quickly scored from the seven-yard line with 3:21 remaining on a Luke Mundy run. The two-point conversion run by Ben Weber made the score Southridge 8 North Posey 0. “We had trouble tackling the Raider running backs during the whole game,” Coach Patrick Rose said. “That bad fumble snap just set the table
for their first TD,” he added. Both coaches praised the Viking spirit however, as the North Posey JV football team refused to give in to the Raiders. The quarter ended with the home-standing Raiders up 8 – 0. During the second quarter, both teams got on the board. The Raiders struck first when Mundy scored again on a 2-yard run over the middle with 4:54 left in the half. Two minutes later the Vikings stuck when Alec Werry connected with Jake Bender for a 23-yard TD pass. On the drive into Southridge territory, Werry threw to a variety of receivers.
son,” Bell said. “We’ve had an awesome season, I’m tickled that Kendall gets to advance. She’s worked very hard to get where she has with her golf game. I’m proud of her and glad that she gets to move on.” And he was happy to have coached her teammates. Bourne thought she was driving the ball well and putted well on the front side. The back side was a different story, especially with the
short game. “I was putting well and my driver was hitting pretty straight,” she said. All of the girls had same goals for this weekend at Eagle Valley. To have fun, try and play their best golf and see what happens from there, while hopefully earning a trip to the state meet. Bourne wanted to reach the low 80s or high 70s In the postseason, that’s all
which can be done. Led by medalist Natalie Schmitt’s 69, North jumped out to an early lead and never looked back, winning with a 321, while Reitz (326) and Memorial (332) came on at the end to overtake North Kendyl Bourne of Mount Vernon takes her time on Posey and Mount Vernon this putt during Thursday’s golf match with Harrison at for a 2-3 finish. Central was sixth with a WHHC. The Wildcats were gearing up for the sectionals score of 402, while Mater match on Saturday. Photo by Dave Koch Dei (422) Signatures (437) and Harrison (473) rounded out the team standings. Located at 408
Golf, from Page B3 making the turn, including Bourne, whose back nine score was four strokes heavier than the front side. Roni Peck put an extra three strokes on the back nine and finished with an 89 (46-43), while Carley Redman added another two en route to a 98 (48-50). Amy Steele dropped a stroke and finished with an 89 (45-44), while Kay Leigh Albright was even on both sides and came in with an 88 (44-44). “We just kept sliding by the hole,” Bell said. “Everytime I’d look up, all five of us, we’d have a nice little two or three-foot shot and we’d be making it a twoputter hole instead of a one putt hole.” The coach was pleased with the way his team played, however, adding that they played well on the front nine. He didn’t know if something got into their heads on the back side, but they had a good round and one girl moving on to the Regional. “I’m tickled with the sea-
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SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE B6
Wildcats makes quick work of Rappites in Posey battle By Steve Joos After five volleys during the first set of last week’s match at Mount Vernon, Kelsey Owen sent the ball into the Lady Wildcats’ zone, just past the reach of a tumbling Meagan Martin for a service point. That was the New Harmony volleyball team’s only score of the first two sets which didn’t come off a Mount Vernon service error. The Lady Cats teed off early on their county rivals, tearing through the first two games before holding off the Lady Rappites in the third set for a 25-7, 25-2, 25-13 victory. “The first two sets we played pretty well,” Mount Vernon coach Andi Allford said. “The third set was a little shaky, but overall we played pretty well.” The Lady Cats were just making good touches on all ends of the ball and that enabled them to reel off some long service streaks in the first two sets. Allford wasn’t happy with the five service errors the Lady Cats were called for in the first set, but everything else went well for Mont Vernon. Not that the first game was all that rough for the Lady Cats. After a New Harmony blocking error and a four-point string by Megan Montgomery ended, they had a 5-2 lead. Another New Harmony miscue gave the ball back to Mount Vernon, and Brittany Wallis. When Wallis’ serve was broken (after recording some of her team-high eight aces), it was 10-3. A six-point run while Martin was at the line opened a 19-4 lead. The second set was even more one-sided, as Wallis dished up 17 unanswered points to all but put that set away. Both New Harmony points scored when the Lady Rappites broke Mount Vernon’s serves. Mount Vernon seemed to lose focus in the third game and that enabled the Lady Rappites to hang around for a while, as they took advantage of a more aggressive attack and hit some shots into the deep corners that the Lady Wildcats were slow to pick up, Allford said. Even with those developments, the Lady Wildcats got another long run at the line, this time four point off Carynn Koch’s offerings, and never looked back, although the Lady Rappites got their licks in, with Morgan Matthews and Samantha Ricketts each serving aces. Koch and Jacey Ritzert finished the night with nine kills, while Martin turned in three digs and 25 assists. Livia Hopper stepped in the front with two blocks. Allford thought that winning their own invitational for the first time in 18 years may have bolstered the Lady Cats’ confidence heading into the match. Owen had four digs and two kills to lead the Lady Rappites, while Sara Smotherman registered nine assists. The Lady Wildcats also captured the reserve meet 25-13, 25-11. The Lady Cats came back Thursday and dispatched Princeton in as comparably easy fashion, rolling over the visiting Lady Tigers 25-5, 25-11, 25-10. The Lady Tigers hung around early in the third set, trailing 6-4 before losing the ball on a volley that Kristen Burell knocked out of bounds, giving the ball back to Mount Vernon and sending Koch to the service line. Koch served four points, a tip kill gave the ball to Mount Vernon and the Lady Cats put four more points on the board off Martin’s offerings. The Lady Cats went on to pull away from the Lady Tigers and clinch the contest. “They played pretty solid tonight,” Allford said. “We were just bundling errors early (in the third set). Just making mistakes and putting in places, so we weren’t picking it up like we should have.” The team stayed in control in each of the sets, Allford said, adding that the team made a few technical errors, but otherwise played a solid game. The Lady Cats have been playing well over the last few contests and have been making smarter decisions. Koch and Martin each registered four aces, while Koch turned in four blocks. Martin also had 36 assists, while she and Stemple each turned in six digs. Ritzert had 14 kills. The reserve match went to the Lady Wildcats 25-23, 25-21. The Lady Rappites have had a tough run recently, with one win among several losses. “It was our second win and it felt great,” coach Elizabeth Pruitt said. “The girls played awe-
some and I couldn’t be more proud.” Ricketts, Abbey Deckard and Brianna Suttles were each trying to learn new positions and each did their best to help the team out. The Lady Rappites won for the second time this season as they posted a three-set victory at Cannelton, winning 25-22, 25-18, 27-25. The reserves won their match 25-16, 25-18. Elizabeth Keller had eight aces and 10 digs as Vincennes Rivet toppled the visiting Lady Rappites 25-10, 25-11, 25-14. The loss to the Lady Cardinals was a hard one, Pruitt said, but it gave the Lady Rappites an idea of what they needed to work on. The Lady Patriot reserves took a 25-17, 25-16 decision in the preliminary. The Lady Rappites had a 7-1 lead in the second set, but couldn’t hold on, as they fell at Princeton 25-16, 25-20, 25-16. Dakota Morris had 14 kills and four blocks for the Lady Tigers, as did Jessica Gonzales. Sabrina Dycus served nine aces, while Molly Moore turned in four. Kayla McRoberts registered 21 assists, while Duncan had 10. Princeton took the reserve match 25-21, 25-20.
North Posey’s Kaitlin Herrmann gors up for the big kill during this week’s win over Pike Central. The Lady Vikings raised their record to 5-11 this week with wins of the Chargers and South Spencer, both conference wins. The loss of the week came against Reitz in four sets. Photo by Dave Pearce
Rangers steal PAC title in battle of unbeatens
Another week, another split for the North Posey girls’ soccer team. The Lady Vikings shut out the Day School Lady Eagles 2-0 Wednesday in Evansville and for the second straight week, split their games. North Posey was shut out by Harrison Tuesday night 5-0, at the EVSC fields. Previously, the Lady Vikings dropped a 7-2 decision at Sullivan and posted a 1-0 win at Boonville. Photo by Dave Pearce
By Dave Pearce The North Posey Viking tennis team decided before this season began that the best way to follow up last year’s perfect regular season was to have another one this year. But on Thursday, they found out how tough it is to repeat as the undefeated Forest Park Rangers came to Poseyville and
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stole the undefeated season and the Pocket Athletic Conference title from the Vikings. With a bullseye on their back in every match they went into, the Vikings found that repeating a perfect season is challenging, difficult, and no longer possible. But before the 3-2 loss to the Rangers, the Vikings took another step toward the perfect season, defeating South Spencer (4-1), Tecumseh (5-0), and a team the will probably face should they make it to the Regional final, Vincennes Rivet. That score was 3-2. Depth proved to be the difference with the win over Rivet as the Vikings lost at No. 2 and No. 3 singles but managed to win at No. 1 singles with Nick Scheller. Ty Butler and Dylan Davenport lost for the first time this season at No. 1 doubles when they fell in three sets to South Spencer. The No. 2 doubles team of Eric Wargel and Brandon Spahn won all
three of their matches while Dylan Krohn and Alex Wade each finished 2-1. The team was to have competed in the Gibson Southern Invitational last Saturday but a rare rain in the area this summer canceled that tourney. The Vikings will carry an 13-1 record into action with week. While first-year head coach Charlie Grimes is optimistic about his team, he also knows they will have to be on top of their game the remainder of the season as on a given day, anything can happen. He also knows that the team cannot afford to allow the one loss to get them down. However, with the experience the two varsity newcomers have gained this season and the varsity experience the other five members of the team garnered in last year’s successful season, it would be hard to bet against the Vikings in the upcoming sectional.
Viking Football, from B1 “It was a well-played ballgame and was a little reminiscent of our 2005 state championship game,” Gengelbach said. “It was close until one big play kind of opened the floodgates.” The Vikings were able to run the ball with some success against Heritage Hills as Wes Harness finished with 75 yards in only 10 carries. Cameron Calvert got loose for 38 yards on 13 carries for the Vikings. Motz completed 8-of-18 passes for 86 total yards as Jared Reidford caught three for 49 yards and Neidig caught three for 28. Calvert caught a couple of passed for nine total yards. Jourdan Cox looked good on kick-off returns as he had three returns for a total of 52 yards while Harness has two for 23 and Cody Voelker had one for six yards. Defensively, senior Alex Maile had his best game of the year as he came up with 12 solo tackles and an assist and a sack. Almost all the Viking defense got in the books as Conner Cain and Neidig had five tackles apiece while Luke Morrow and Brandon Baumgart had four apiece. Calvert, Chris O’Risky and Baumgart each had three tackles while Alec Werry, Kurt Seibert, Derek Voegel, Alex Goebel, Harness, Cox, Tanner Hobgood, Anthony Webb, Orry Weiss, Austin Little, and Reidford were each credited with a tackle. Webb and O’Ricky were credited with three tackle assists while Harness, Cox, Seibert,and Baumgart were each credited with two. The Vikings will hit the road again this Friday night for a 7 p.m. contest at Forest Park where the undefeated (5-0) Rangers await. The Rangers, in only their third season playing varsity football, have been very impressive in their five wins. “They have some big strong kids and I knew when they added football as a sport that if they got behind them like they do in basketball, baseball, softball, and even tennis that it wouldn’t be long till they had a good, solid program,” Gengelbach said. “They have good size and good quickness and we will have to be ready with everything we have.”
SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE B7
MVHS announces 2010 Football Homecoming Court
Pictured are Mount Vernon HS’s football homecoming royalty. In the front row, left to right, are Freshman Princess Shawna Clark, Sophomore Princess Maggie Maier, Junior Princess Jenna Reidford, Senior Queen candidate Tasha Tolliver, Senior Queen candidate Ashley Kniight, and Senior Queen candidate
Carynn Koch. In back are Freshman Prince Joe Irvin, Sophomore Prince Jacob Rynkiewich, Junior Escort Reid Mobley, Senior King candidate Jordan Wooten, Senior King candidate D.A. Wilson, and Senior King candidate Sam Johnson. Photo by Tammy Bergstrom
Homecoming Spirit Week at Mount Vernon High School is here By Haley Oeth It is homecoming spirit week at Mount Vernon High School! The students, faculty, and staff are gearing up for a fun-filled week of activities including Twin Day, Rock and Roll Day, Favorite Sport Day, Class Color Day, and Maroon and Gray Day. The week will culminate on Friday night with the crowning of the 2010 Football Homecoming King and Queen. Homecoming will begin at approximately 6:30 p.m. before the Mount Vernon Wildcats take on the Boonville Pioneers. Mount Vernon seniors will also be recognized as part of Senior Night. During the game, students will be circulating through the stands, collecting monetary donations for Riley Hospital.
With so many events planned, it is a See You At The Pole 2010 is tomorrow Senior High School. Students and club memOeth great time to be a part of student council ByItHaley all started in 1990 with a small group of bers gather weeks before the event to think By Haley Oeth Bradford. This idea is still School, in Garrett, Indiana, It’s a new year for the a work in process. on November 13th & 14th. Student Council of Mount To become a member of If you like to be involved Ve r n o n and have a H i g h say in your School. school then With a new Student President Council is and new the place ideas, there for you. are high “ I t ’ s hopes for good to be a successinvolved ful school in extrayear. curricular “ W e activities, have many especially t h i n g s when you planned can help for this your comyear, inmunity and The Student Coucil Flag hangs high in the classroom. cluding fall school,” and winter Homecoming, the council, students are said second year Student canned food drive, Almost required to attend six con- Council attendee, Maggie Anything Goes, Teacher secutive meetings and 75% Maier. Appreciation Week, and of all meetings in a semesHomecoming is one of attending state conven- ter. Some students decide the biggest projects done tion,” said Student Council to get even more involved by the Student Council. President, John Bradford. by attending the state con- The Council chooses the The Student Council vention. theme, and then plans for volunteers many hours of “State is a two day con- the dance and decorations. their time to help make the vention where all high “Homecoming this year school the best it can be. school Student Councils is Friday, September 24th This year, they have even are invited to attend. There against Boonville. It will decided to team up with the are many workshops you be here before we know it, class officers. New ideas can go to during the event, so we are already planning are being brainstormed at and several keynote speak- out events for the evening. every meeting. ers to listen to,” said Brad- This year’s theme will be “We are planning to have ford. “It helps to improve Rock n’ Roll,” states Brada canned food drive dance, our leadership skills.” ford. after one of the home footStudent Council encourThe Student Council ball games. You would be ages everyone to try and meets every Wednesday at able to bring in canned attend state, although it is 7:20 with Advisors Darla foods to get a discounted not mandatory. This year, it Edwards, and Brenda Canticket for the dance,” states will be held at Garrett High ada.
teenagers that wanted to make a difference of new ways to promote and get as many students to gather on the in their school. They were date, as possible. The so set to the idea that they club also makes signs to went out to the school and hang around the school, prayed for their friends, to serve as reminders for schools and leaders. It the students. was only the beginning The number one goal for See You At The Pole. for SYATP is to bring the On September 11,1991, student body together to at 7 in the morning over pray for a strong adminone million students istration and any other gathered around school needs of their school. flagpoles all across the The hopes of FCA would nation. Scripture readbe that it would continue ings, praise and worship to be a long standing traand praying took place at dition at Mount Vernon schools around the UnitHigh School and other ed States. The epidemic schools across the counspread quickly to several ty. different countries around This year there will the world and has created be a See You “After” the over two million students Pole event to take place from every state joining at Mount Vernon Junior in See You at the Pole. Students gather around the High cafeteria the night This year’s theme is pole each year in observance of of See You at the Pole. “REVEAL” and the event SYATP It will begin at 6 PM for is scheduled for September 22, 2010 for schools all around the world. any junior high or high school student interThis will be the 20th anniversary for SYATP. ested. Dominos Pizza will be served along The flagpole is an easy to identify place to with snacks and drinks. This is a follow up gather, and virtually every school has one, meeting for the See You at the Pole event. There will be a time of praise and worship hence the reason for meeting there. Fellowship of Christian Anybodies pro- led by the General Baptist praise band and a motes the event every year at Mount Vernon message on the power of prayer.
Chris Diaz is Faculty of the Month
By Haley Oeth It’s a new year for the Student Council of Mount Vernon High School. With a new President and new ideas, there are high hopes for a successful school year. “We have many things planned for this year, including fall and winter Homecoming, canned food drive, Almost Anything Goes, Teacher Appreciation Week, and attending state convention,” said Student Council President, John Bradford. The Student Council volunteers many hours of their time to help make the school the best it can be. This year, they have even decided to team up with the class officers. New ideas are being brainstormed at every meeting. “We are planning to have a canned food drive dance, after one of the home football games. You would be able to bring in canned foods to get a discounted ticket for the dance,” states Bradford. From left: Advanced Biology 3 students Jason Stemple, Carynn Koch, Kate Higgins, This idea is still a work in Chelsea Huber, Kaci Turner and Jenny Koch take a short break to pose for the camera. process.
Advanced Biology 3 offers unique opportunities for students By Kaci Turner For 12 years, Mount Vernon Senior High School biology students have been scrubbing in to open heart surgeries and participating in autopsies. They are participants in a unique program offered at the high school known as Advanced Biology 3 that allows students to travel to local medical facilities to learn about the daily activities of medical professionals and get hands-on experience on what to expect in the medical field. “I liked going to the Coroner’s Office [Vanderburgh County Coroner’s Office],” said Senior, Matthew Kuhlenschmidt. “We messed around with a lot of defected body parts. They were nasty, but cool.” Few realize how rare and special this program really is.
“This is the only program like this in Southern Indiana,” said teacher, Bernie Riedford. “Years ago, we started going down to the Coroner’s Office for field trips. While we were there, a Signature School student came in doing an internship. I asked Dennis Bicknell [Vanderburgh County Coroner 12 years ago] what we would have to do to send Mount Vernon kids down there, and he said all we had to do was ask. So, we did.” Many of the current students are not the first in their family to go through the program. “My brother, Tom Kuhlenschmidt, was the first student to go through the program,” said Kuhlenschmidt. Matthew Kuhlenschmidt is the son of anesthesiologist, Dr. Kuhlenschmidt, who has been essential in keeping the program running.
“Castle students had a program like this where they went to St. Mary’s,” said Riedford. “They shut them down due to the Swine Flu. Deaconess sent us an email telling us not to send our kids down anymore. I called [Dr. Kuhlenschmidt] and he talked to Linda White [CEO of Deaconess Hospital]. All of our kids got H1N1 and Flu vaccines and we got to keep on going down there.” Mount Vernon students are getting the chance to see many things at the numerous different facilities they visit. The Advanced Biology 3 program is helpful to students planning on going into the medical field see if it is truly what they want to do. “It’s a really great program and I’m so happy that I’ve got to be involved with it,” said Senior Chelsea Huber. “It’s definitely been worthwhile.”
To become a member of the council, students are required to attend six consecu-
CHRIS DIAZ tive meetings and 75% of all meetings in a semester. Some students decide to get even more involved by attending the state convention. “State is a two day convention where all high school Student Councils are invited to attend. There are many workshops you can go to during the event, and several keynote speakers to listen to,” said Bradford. “It helps to improve our leadership skills.” Student Council encourag-
es everyone to try and attend state, although it is not mandatory. This year, it will be held at Garrett High School, in Garrett, Indiana, on November 13th & 14th. If you like to be involved and have a say in your school then Student Council is the place for you. “It’s good to be involved in extracurricular activities, especially when you can help your community and school,” said second year Student Council attendee, Maggie Maier. Homecoming is one of the biggest projects done by the Student Council. The Council chooses the theme, and then plans for the dance and decorations. “Homecoming this year is Friday, September 24th against Boonville. It will be here before we know it, so we are already planning out events for the evening. This year’s theme will be Rock n’ Roll,” states Bradford. The Student Council meets every Wednesday at 7:20 with Advisors Darla Edwards, and Brenda Canada.
Posey County Younglife Club Dates: •
September 13: Danen Kane performs at North Posey
October 4: Hay Ride at North Posey
October 25: Harvest Party at Mount Vernon
March 7: Talent Night at Mount Vernon
April 11: Coffee House at Mount Vernon (CASA Building)
Younglife will begin regular club dates on September 20 starting at 6 p.m. in Mount Vernon, and 6:30 p.m. in North Posey. Come join us for free food and lots of fun!
SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE B8
Court News tery Resulting in Bodily Injury, Class A Misdemeanor. Dismissed. Little Bear Sullivan, 41, Mount Vernon. Driving While Suspended, Class A Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, driver’s license suspended 90 days. 1 year Posey County Jail, suspended. Kimberly Ward, 50, New Harmony. Operating While Intoxicated, Class A Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, $200 countermeasure fee, counseling, driver’s license suspended 90 days, 1 year probation and fees. 1 year Posey County Jail, suspended. Kimberly Ward, 50, New Harmony. Ct. 1Disorderly Conduct, Class B Misdemeanor; Ct. 2- Resisting Law Enforcement, Class A Misdemeanor. Dismissed. Robert Michael Young, 28, Evansville. Ct. 1- Burglary, Class B Felony; Ct. 2- Theft, Class D Felony. Petition to Revoke. Probation is terminated. 18 months Indiana Department of Indiana Master Trooper Frank Smith speaks to students at North Posey Junior Corrections. High, as a part of Constitution Week. Photo by Dave Pearce.
Superior Court Felony/Misdemeanor Ralph R. Reed, 48, Mount Vernon. Public Intoxication, Class B Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, counseling, 1 year probation and fees. 180 days Posey County Jail, suspended. Joseph R. Rickenbaugh, 31, Newburgh. Driving While Suspended, Class A Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, obtain a valid driver’s license, driver’s license suspended 90 days, 1 year probation. 1 year Posey County Jail, suspended. Matthew C. Allyn Ricketts, 22, Mount Vernon. Operating a Motor Vehicle Without Ever Receiving a License, Class C Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, 6 months probation and fees. 60 days Posey County Jail, suspended. Cody Schmitt, 18, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Attempted Battery, Class B Misdemeanor; Ct. 2- Criminal Mischief, Class B Misdemeanor. Dismissed. Stacie N. Shotwell, 27, Mount Vernon. Bat-
Arrests and Complaints Arrests September 10 Allen Scott Joiner—Evansville—Warrant-Petition to Revoke-Dealing in Methamphetamine—PCS Roy Morris—Sylvania, GA—Operating While Intoxicated—PCS September 11 Christopher Master—Mount Vernon—Warrant-Rape, Criminal Deviate Conduct—MVPD Michael Batteese—Mount Vernon—Public Intoxication— MVPD Julie Ricketts—Mount Vernon—Driving While Intoxicated, Possession of Schedule III and IV Controlled Substance— MVPD September 12 Edgar Hernandez—Mount Vernon—Operating While Intoxicated—MVPD Larry Gashaw—Lurinburg, NC—Operating While Intoxicated—MVPD September 13 Tiffany Kester—Mount Vernon—Driving While Suspended, Burglary—PCS
Shad Hight—Evansville— Residential Entry—ISP September 15 Chad Davis—Driving While Intoxicated, False Informing— ISP Shawn Givens—Mount Vernon—Battery—MVPD Complaints September 8 5:58 a.m.—Car-Deer—Caller called in, advised he hit a deer. Caller had already left the scene—Hwy 69, city unknown 6:36 a.m.—Information— Caller called in stated that a subject was taking pictures of the houses in the neighborhood. Caller advised he knew who the individual was. Caller was advised didn’t think there was a law against people taking pictures of the houses as long as the subject was not on the property but could have a deputy call him. Caller stated he didn’t want a car sent, he thought he could take care of it. Caller will make contact with a deputy and the prosecutor because they have had damage in the neighborhood from this subject’s
son—Parkside Dr, Wadesville 8:18 a.m.—Road Closed— Road closed, Brewery from Tavern to Church until tomorrow morning—New Harmony 2:23 p.m.—Harassment— Female subject keeps calling and harassing her. Wants to speak to someone about getting her to stop—Schisler Road, Mount Vernon 2:48 p.m.—Accident—2 vehicles—High School Road and hwy 165, Poseyville 4:12 p.m.—Fire—Child advised the bus did not make it, can see smoke, does not know what the problem is, advised believes bus driver and possibly a child on the bus, was towards the highway from that residence. School personnel made contact by phone with both school bus drivers that go in that area and they are fine. They have had no radio traffic for help or anything—Area of S Caborn Road, Mount Vernon 6:18 p.m.—Theft—Solar lights have been stolen from mother’s grave site—Bellefontaine Cemetery, Mount Vernon
7:44 p.m.—Accident—Car vs combine, one patient—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon September 9 7:01 a.m.—Road opened— Upper Mt. Vernon form Esche to Stierley, Mount Vernon 7:05 a.m.—alarm—Residential alarm-Hwy 68, , city unknown 8:55 a.m.—Alarm—Business, KT Fire Grill dining room—Main, Wadesville 4:31 p.m.—Theft—Has more items stolen, has found some of the previous stolen items— Schuessler Road, Evansville 5:37 p.m.—Theft—Theft of 4-wheeler—Caborn and Nation Road, Mount Vernon 6:10 p.m.—Information— Caller wants to speak to deputy in reference trouble at his house—Blackford Road, Mount Vernon 6:41 p.m.—Hunting/Gun— Can hear shots being fired in the area—Third and 165, Poseyville September 10 9:36 a.m.—Theft—Stealing aluminum guard rails, loads
Legal Ads 2010-140
Notice is hereby given that on September 10, 2010, Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company d/b/a Vectren Energy Delivery of Indiana, Inc. filed a Petition with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission in Cause No. 42861 ECR 6 for approval an adjustment to its rates through its approved Qualified Pollution Control Property Construction Cost Adjustment applicable to approved projects to comply with the Multipollutant Rules pursuant to the Commission’s Order in Cause No. 42861.
Notice is hereby given that on September 10, 2010, Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company d/b/a Vectren Energy Delivery of Indiana, Inc. filed a Petition with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission in Cause No. 42861 OER 3 for approval of an adjustment to its rates through its Qualified Pollution Control Property Operating Expense Adjustment applicable to approved projects to comply with the Multipollutant Rules pursuant to the Commission’s Order in Cause No. 42861.
Published in the Posey County News September 21, 2010.
Published in the Posey County News September 21, 2010.
2010-141 LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Town of New Harmony Plan and Historic Preservation Commission will meet on Thursday, October 7, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 520 E. Church Street, New Harmony, IN. At this time, the Commission will consider deleting Section 17.12.080 of the New Harmony Municipal Code and amending Sections 17.12.010, 17.12.180, 17.20.030(F), 17.24.080, 17.52.020(B), 17.72.010, and 17.72.040(A) of the New Harmony Municipal Code to read as follows: 17.12.010
Zoning affects all structures and land and the use thereof
No structure, land or premises shall hereafter be used or occupied and no building or structure shall be constructed, demolished, moved or sustain conspicuous alteration except in conformity with the regulations herein set forth. 17.12.180
Improvement location permit and approval
The New Harmony Town Plan and Historic Preservation Commission review and approval is required for any of the following projects: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Demolition of any building or structure; Moving any building or structure; Conspicuous alteration in the exterior appearance of existing buildings or structures other than changes in color; Any new construction of a principal building or accessory building or structure to view from a public street; Any change in the type of material or in the design of an existing sidewalk; and Signs as specified in this chapter.
An improvement permit shall be issued by the Zoning Administrator after the New Harmony Town Plan and Historic Preservation Commission has reviewed the project and approval has been given. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed so as to prevent the ordinary maintenance or repair of any exterior elements of any building or structure. Painting other than painting of a sign is to be considered ordinary maintenance and repair; while review and approval by the New Harmony Plan and Historic Preservation Commission of colors is not required, anyone considering an exterior color change may confer with the Commission with respect to choosing an appropriate range of colors. 17.20.030 F. The construction, demolition, moving or conspicuous alteration of the exterior appearance of buildings shall be effectuated in accordance with Section 17.12.180. 17.24.080
Historic buildings
The demolition, moving or conspicuous alteration of the exterior appearance of Historic Buildings shall be effectuated in accordance with Section 17.12.180. 17.52.020 B. The construction, demolition, moving or conspicuous alteration of the exterior appearance of buildings shall be effectuated in accordance with Section 17.12.180. 17.72.010
Improvement location permits and plans
A. No building shall be constructed, demolished, moved or sustain conspicuous alteration of the exterior appearance until an improvement location permit has been issued in accordance with Section 17.12.180. Application shall be filed by the owner or his representative and it shall state the intended use of the structure and of the land. The application shall be accompanied by building plans and specifications, a plot plan and such other information as may be necessary to provide for the enforcement of this title. Plans shall be drawn to scale and shall show dimensions in figures. Building and plot plans shall be signed by the person preparing them and by the owner of the property or building involved. A fee as set by the town board of trustees to defray the costs of administration and inspection shall accompany any plans or applications. B. The use of any property for other than R-R and R-100 uses as specified shall be permitted by special exception of the board of zoning appeals which shall set without fee subject to the following requirements: 1. Commercial uses shall be approved by the board where such uses are adjacent to and in character with any grouping of existing commercial development. Such uses shall conform to the B-1 business district provisions of this title; 2. Industrial uses shall be approved by the board where such uses are adjacent to and in character with existing industrial uses. Such uses shall conform to the D-1 industrial district provisions of this title; 3. The demolition, moving, orconspicuous alteration of the exterior appearance of historical buildings shall be effectuated in accordance with Section 17.12.180. C. No improvement location permit shall be issued unless the plans and intended use conform in all respects to the provisions of this title. All permits shall expire one year from their date of issuance. A copy of all approved permits shall be sent to the county assessor. 17.72.040 A. Any owner or agent, and any person or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this title or fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall construct, demolish move or conspicuously alter any building or who shall put into use any lot in violation of any detailed statement or plan submitted hereunder, or who shall refuse reasonable opportunity to inspect any premises, shall be liable to a fine of not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) or to imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days, or to both such fines and imprisonment. Each and every day such violation continues shall be deemed a separate and distinct violation. TOWN OF NEW HARMONY PLAN AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION JEFF SMOTHERMAN, PRESIDENT Published in the Posey County News September 21, 2010.
from pick-up and trailers—Water Tank Road, Cynthiana 3:10 p.m.—Small female juvenile got off bus and is standing outside in the rain banging on the door trying to get into the residence and no one is answering the door—Elk Trail Dr, Evansville 4:05 p.m.—Fight—Male subject hit caller’s friend, did not advised a lot number, just advised she was by her car. Caller hung up—S Cale, Poseyville 4:42 p.m.—Disturbance— Girl in green Grand A.m. keeps driving through trailer court causing problems—Cale, Poseyville September 11 12:06 a.m.—Alarm—Industrial Contractors, back door to safety trailer—Zoar Church Road, Mount Vernon 12:33 a.m.—Suspicious— Female subject standing by a truck, female is talking about a male subject that is in the truck. Caller isn’t sure what is going on. Female asked her to call 911. Caller didn’t recognize the female and doesn’t remember exactly what the truck looked like—Base and Givens Road, Mount Vernon 8:42 a.m.—Vandalism— Mailbox and post vandalized. This is her 8th mailbox, would like extra patrol if possible— Wolfinger Road, Mount Vernon 9:53 a.m.—Miscellaneous— Have a city unit head to the jail, might have a problem— O’Donnell Road, Mount Vernon 10:37 a.m.—Domestic—2 people in alley yelling and arguing—S Main St, Griffin 10:52 a.m.—Welfare Check—Wife has been at someone’s house. He can’t reach her and is worried there is something wrong. Wants someone to go check on her. Contacted caller back and advised that everything is okay—St. Wendel/ Cynthiana Road, St. Wendel 12:57 p.m.—Family Fight— Family dispute between 3 females. Caller has power of attorney of her mother and they are not letting them leave with caller. Not physical, just verbal—Knights of St. John, Wadesville 12:59 p.m.—Information— Caller advised her daughter was at her father’s house. Caller picked her 13 year-old daughter up from his residence because of a verbal dispute between the father and the daughter. Father had taken phone from daughter while she was on the phone with her mother. Caller wants to make sure that she cannot get in trouble for taking her daughter. Caller advised she has divorce papers on the daughter that states when it’s okay for her to visit—S Wildeman Road, city unknown 9:37 p.m.—Extra Patrol— Caller advised 4-wheelers are in the park, would like extra patrol on midnights—Ford Road S of Hwy 62, Mount Vernon September 12 1:52 a.m.—Loud Music— Cars parked everywhere and lots of noise. Some type of party. Homeowners are (name). Caller blocked their phone and refused to give name—Mary Anderson Road, Wadesville 11:23 a.m.—Custodial— Caller has not seen his kids in 2 weeks. Found out the mother has taken the kids to her parents house. He has tried to call the children and they will not let him talk to the children. Wants to know if he can go get his children—Scenic Lake Drive, city unknown 1:20 p.m.—Miscellaneous— Elderly female advised she is being abused by workers in many ways, would not tell me how—New Harmonie Health Care, New Harmony 2:36 p.m.—Alarm—Burglar alarm form the front door— Hwy 66, Hoosier Pizza, New Harmony 4:31 p.m.—Custodial—Call-
er called in earlier today about custodial issue. Caller is now trying to pick his kids up from the grandfather and he is refusing to give the kids back to caller. Grandfather states he will release the kids to the police. Contact made with grandfather and he stated kids are with the mother—Scenic Lake Dr, city unknown 10:22 p.m.—Disturbance— Filed a protective order today with attorney. Advised her soon to be ex-husband came to her residence acting violent. He is still there at this time—Weilbrenner Road, Mount Vernon September 13 2:36 a.m.—Prowler—Caller had someone come to his residence, doesn’t know what was going on. Caller tried to talk to the subject, didn’t know what he wanted. Asked the caller if he knew the subject, he said he thought it was (name). The subject just left, caller would like the area checked—Savah Road, Mount Vernon 4:15 a.m.—Medical—92 year-old female has fallen, thinks her arm is broken. Is conscious and breathing—Gries Road, Poseyville 5:33 a.m.—Motorist Assist—Silver Mitsubishi Eclipse, advised he’s stuck in the middle of exit 4 because his clutch went out. He advised that he needs an officer to sit behind him so he doesn’t get hit—I 64, Griffin 5:51 a.m.—Reckless—Semi in front of them driving at high rates of speed and swerving all over the road—Hwy 66, Evansville 8:03 a.m.—Car/Deer— 2008 Pontiac SUV, more than $1,000.00 of damage—AB Brown Guard Shack, Mount Vernon 8:26 a.m.—Miscellaneous— Subject has jumped off of the bridge. Can see him swimming at this time. White male, black shirt, blue jeans, light colored hair—New Harmony Bridge, New Harmony 9:35 a.m.—Drugs—Has baggies, batteries in a motorcycle bag. North side of the road— SR 66, Wadesville 12:52 p.m.—VIN Inspection—Grand Marquis—Posey County Sheriff’s Department, Mount Vernon 5:38 p.m.—Impaired Driver—Black Chevy Blazer—West Franklin, Evansville 7:26 p.m.—Family Fight—23 year-old male out of control— West Franklin, Evansville 7:37 p.m.—Reckless— Caller advised that there were 2 cattle hauling trucks that were driving at high rates of speed—I 64, Cynthiana 8:30 p.m.—Agency Assist— Vanderburgh County needs this address checked for a (name), 14 year-old male subject beat up a 50 year-old female. This assault happened at that address but the female subject left that address and went to Vanderburgh County. If the subject is at this address, contact officer for further information. Advised since this happened in our county, our deputy needs to go to Deaconess and take the report from her—Hwy 66, Wadesville 10:17 p.m.—Disturbance— Caller’s ex is sitting out front of her house in a blue Envoy. He has been bugging her all night— Stierly Road, Wadesville 10:53 p.m.—Suspicious— Caller believes that someone is in her attic. Called back and advised that she went up there and she can see where someone has been but they’re not there anymore. She advised she doesn’t need an officer right now but was advised to call back if she changes her mind—BufkinSpringfield Road, Mount Vernon 10:56 p.m.—Suspicious— Caller advised there is a truck that just pulled up that is parked in the back. She’s afraid to leave, would like an officer to come check it out—Fifth Third, Wadesville
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SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE B9
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ADOPTION A young married couple seeks to adopt. Full-time mom and devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses paid. Mary Ann & David 1-888-770-1107. Adoption Happily married, secure couple desire to give newborn loving family and warm home filled with laughter and joy. Expenses paid. Contact Adeline and Steve (877) 348-7560; adelineandsteve@yahoo.com AUCTION AUCTION BANKOWNED HOMES in this area. Now is the time! The market, interest rates, and opportunities couldn’t be
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Real Estate Continued 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2003 Manufactured Home on 3 acres in Poseyville. Quiet country setting. Home is approximately 1600sqft. With covered front porch, back patio, detatched 2.5 Car Garage and lots of nice concrete work. Call 812-5687531 for more information. 10/5
Gorgeous 3/2 home with laminate living and hall/08! Lighting/09! Kitchen w/island, built-in desk, big pantry & eat-in breakfast! Appliance package & fridge/09! 2 1/2+ detached garage/04 w/9ft back door. Shed/03. Yard nicely treed & deck/07! 1/2 acre lot! $114,900! CALL LAIRD DAVIS TODAY! POSEY COUNTY REALTY, INC. ~ DIRECT 812-598-1052
“When Performance Counts call Team Mileham”
Team Mileham • 453-1068
Rick.Mileham@era.com Mt. Vernon $149,000 3541 Bufkin Springfield Road • 4 br, 2 1/2 bath on 1.48 a with lake • Fin walkout bsmt, big kit, 2 car gar • 48x28 barn, lots of updates in house Call Michelle Hudson @ 457-4928.
Mt. Vernon $34,900 329 West 8th Street • 1 1/2 story alum/vinyl, 3-4 br home • Newly remodeled kitchen & bath • Large lot, short sale, fixer upper Call Delene Schmitz @ 483-0785.
Mt. Vernon $136,900 624 Raintree Circle • 2 story home w/bsmt on cul-de-sac • 2000+ sq ft, 2 1/2 car gar • 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, formal liv & din rms Call Michelle Hudson @ 457-4928.
Log Cabin on 1.07 A $87,900 4312 E. Blackford Road • Log home in wooded country setting • Over 1500 sq ft, 2/3 br, 1 ba, 2 car gar • Newer furn, A/C, roof, windows & more! Call Julia Vantlin @ 455-0461
Mt. Vernon $196,500 1451 Springfield Road • Lovely brick home on 5 A with barn • 3 BR, 2 BA, full part fin bsmt • Recent updates, replacement windows Call Linda Dickens @ 455-1490
Rick Mileham
Tanya Hachmeister
Open Sunday September 26th Open 2:30-4:30 pm
920 Walnut St. • 3 BR, 2.5 BA & 2,096 sqft • Master suite on main floor • Large eat-in Kitchen • Large corner lot. • Many updates with this great home Priced at $119,000 Dir: into Mt Vernon on Fourth, N on Walnut, home on R.
Mt. Vernon $66,900 830 Canal Street • 3 BR, 1 BA, 1624 square feet • Relax on large covered front porch • Many recent upgrades, home warranty Call Linda Dickens @ 455-1490
Open 3:30-5 pm
Mt. Vernon $109,900 729 Smith Road • One owner brick ranch w/2200+ sq ft • 3-4 bedroom, family rm & rec rm • Fin walkout bsmt, lg. deck, garage Call Michelle Hudson @ 457-4928.
Mt. Vernon $124,000 310 The Riviera • Tri-level 4 bed, 2 bath, 2,469 sq ft • Downstairs family room w/fireplace • 2.5 garage, home warranty Call Linda Dickens @ 455-1490
Mt. Vernon $129,900 300 Roosevelt • 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 1/2 car garage • 1672 sq ft, screened porch, dual fireplace • Corner lot, oversized bath, warranty Call Julia Vantlin @ 455-0461
2710 Lisa Lane • 3 BR, 2 BA & 1,620 sqft • Eat-In Kitchen with appliances • Attached 3 Car Garage • Located in Green Acres • 1/2 Acre lot Priced at $150,000 Dir: W on Hwy 62 to Mt Vernon, N Wm K Keck Bypass @ Expressway, N on Blackford, W on Lisa Lane
*Payments based on 30yr fixed rate, 20% down payment, rate at 4.5. APR Rate 4.616. Interest rates are subject to change at any time due to market fluctuations. Loans are subject to secondary market guidelines, credit and property approval. Based on closing cost of approximately $1800, 60 day lock. Payments are rounded to the nearest dollar amount.
Real Estate FOR SALE 11617 BOBERG RD Between Mt. Vernon & Evansville $140,000 607 N. County Line Road • Great brick home / beautiful location • 3 bedroom, 2 full and 1 half bath • Fam rm has vaulted ceiling & firepl Call Monica Kittinger @ 457-9993
Mt. Vernon $196,900 4110 Blackford Road • Brick ranch 4 bedroom, 2 bath • 3.56 acre lot, shared lake • Full walk-out basement w/fam room Call Linda Dickens @ 455-1490
Mt. Vernon $199,900 1105 Tanglewood Drive • 4 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, 2250 sq ft ranch • Full basement, 2.5 car garage, fireplace • Large landscaped yard - fully fenced Call Linda Dickens @ 455-1490
Mt. Vernon $209,900 1708 Greenbrier • 4-5 bedroom, 3 full bath, full bsmt • Large corner lot, 2 1/2 car garage • Extra parking pad, home warranty Call Monica Kittinger @ 457-9993
Mt. Vernon $299,900 4753 Ranes Orchard Road • 7.93 A w/woods. 50x40 barn w/rec rm • Newer 2631 sq ft ranch w/3 br, 2 1/2 ba • Wood flrs, granite counter, fireplace! Call Michelle Hudson @ 457-4928.
330 Mulberry
3 br, 1 1/2 ba
1018 East Sycamore
2 br, 1 ba
331 East Grant Street
2 br, 1 ba
600 East 5th Street
2-3 br, 1 ba
1112 West 2nd Street
2 br, 1 ba
423 West 8th Street
2 ba, 1 ba
41 East 3rd Street
2/3 br, 1 1/2 ba Store/residence
212 N. Main Street
531 E 3rd St.
4 br, 1 1/2 ba
624 E. South St., New Harmony
2-3 br, 1 ba
8720 Boberg Road, Wadesville
2 br on 1 acre
928 East Lincoln
3 br, 1 ba
1841 Allyn Drive
3 br, 2 full ba
745 Smith Road
3-4 br, 2 ba
1651 Holler Road
3 ba, 2 ba
404 N. East St., New Harmony
3 br, corner lot
1210 Cherry Hills Drive
3 br, 3 ba
2009 Greenbrier
3 br, 2 1/2 ba
1800 West Summit
4 br, 3 1/2 ba
2 Old Orchard
5 br, 4 1/2 ba
1 Dogwood Place
4 br, 3 1/2 ba
Residential Lot
Acreage between MV & E’ville
6.636 acres
Zero Down - Eligible buyers could own this home which qualifies for a USDA mortgage and requires no down payment. 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage, and a brick patio overlooking more than an acre of yard. The interior of this home is practically new. $132,000 call RANDY 985-9072 today for an appointment.
HOUSE ON 2.9 ACRES Very nice 2005 modular home with open floor plan located on 2.9 acres. This home has 3 bedrooms ,2 full baths, Dining area, Breakfast nook, Master-bath with garden tub, above ground pool with deck, and a children’s playset. The lot is mostly cleared except for mature trees creating a beautiful country setting. Owner is including a small tractor with several implements. ONLY $94,900 Call RANDY 985-9072 for an Appointment.
139 N CHURCH ST POSEYVILLE 1738 sq ft home includes 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, large living-room, and a very nice kitchen next to a dining area and large 2 car garage and full basement. While this 1957 home offers some nostalgic remembrances, it has since been recently upgraded by the current owner. The original home was added on to in 1998. The garage is heated/cooled and offers a 1/2 bath. The basement offers 2 unfinished storage rooms. Nearly 500 square feet has been finished and makes for a very comfortable TV room and office area. With high vaulted ceilings, ample storage room, and a beautiful setting this is sure to be a nice family home in Posey County. REDUCED TO JUST $145,000 Call Randy at 985-9072
148 MAIN ST. POSEYVILLE Updated Poseyville home with a large kitchen and lots of cabinet space. Home has laminate flooring, 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths. The buyer of this home will also have the opportunity to purchase an investment property located on the property that currently has a tenant. ONLY $120,000 Call Randy at 985-9072
Linda L. Dickens 455-1490
Loretta Englebright 431-8458
Michelle Hudson 457-4928 michellehudson.com
Ken Johnson 985-3280
Monica Kittinger 838-9802
Delene Schmitz 483-0785
(812) 838-4479 431 E. 4TH ST. • MT. VERNON, IN
Julia Vantlin 455-0461
Large 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment. New Furnace/central air. Stove and Fridge included. Washer and Dryer Hookups. Large bedrooms, living room has hardwood floors. Lawn care, trash and water included. Located at the corner of Highway 66 and St. Phillips Rd. $500/ mo. SORRY NO PETS. Call 812-457-7645.
Andy Rudolph Tri County Realty 1-812-449-8444 1-812-426-1426
PAGE B10 • SEPTEMBER 21, 2010
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Custom Cabinets AMISH CABINET SHOP NEEDING WORK: Mention ad and will INSTALL FOR FREE for a limited time!!! Get quotes online: www.CustomHardwoodKitchens.com or by phone: 812-254-3244. Take a look at our display set in Evansville Black Buggy Restaurant! 9/21
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Help p Wanted
Abov Ground Pool 4’x18’ with all accessories. Pump runs Above great. All chemicals included. Reason for selling is allergies to ASSEMBLERS/PRODUCTION: Full-time Substitute custodians for day, evening, and Lost Pets chemicals. All for $75. Call 812-6734761. 9/28 openings with benefits. Must be dependable, night shift (no weekends). Hourly rate $10.00. REWARD: Lost Dog. Golden able to maintain the pace of a high-speed as- Application packet available at www.msdmv. Yard, Garage, Rummage Sales and Misc. Retriever. Lost Approximately sembly line and willing to work any shift. Ap- k12.in.us or MSD of Mt. Vernon, 1000 W. three weeks ago in the Spring- ply in person: Champion Laboratories, Inc. Fourth St., Mt. Vernon, IN 47620, 812-83310/5 field Road Area. 200 S. 4th Street, Albion, IL. 10/21 5114. 9/21 PT work with disabled person OSEYVILLE UTUMN EST Furniture for Sale in New Harmony. $8.50/hr. Call 812-401-9361. 9/28 2 Pc Queen Pillow Top mattress set. New! In 3 Pc King Pillow Top mattress set Still in plasLooking for talented daytic w/warranty Great Deal $199 812-401-4675 plastic $129 Sacrifice 812-401-4675 time bartender/waitress and part-time kitchen8Pc. Bedroom set. Brand New. Cherry finish 6Pc Living Room set SOFA LOVESEAT REhelp. Call for details @ W/Queen Pillow Top mattress set. $699 Better CLINER Stain resistant Micro-Fiber All New Ziggy’s pub 1-812-874Can separate $679 812-483-5029 Hurry 812-483-5029 tfn 2170. Experience necessary! 10/5
FOR SALE OR RENT: 1023 EAST CHURCH STREET, NEW HARMONY EXCELLENT commercial/personal property in historic New Harmony with 1,728 ft2. The upstairs is a nice two bedroom apartment, and the main floor is ideal for a retail shop or could be easily converted to living space. The property has been well maintained, and the owner is willing to help with build-out costs if needed. FOR SALE: Cost of only $29,500! RENTAL INFORMATION: Main floor – retail rent space available 900 square feet – build to suit $500 monthly Upstairs – 2 bedroom, 1 bath, fully updated and like new – $500 monthly QUESTION? Call 1-812-480-0500 for More Information.
For Rent Big Creek Apartments are now accepting applications for nice 1 bedroom apartments. Call 812985-9652 10/12
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Last Weeks Solution
Real Estate Continued
Sat. Sept. 25th, 8am to 3pm at 32 NW Locust Street. SPONSORED BY: Tercera Club to benefit North Posey Scholarships
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APARTMENTS FOR RENT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A NEW PLACE TO CALL HOME? PLEASANTVIEW OF CYNTHIANA Nice, Safe, Clean Affordable Housing... See What We Have For You And Your Family! * * * * * * * *
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1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments 3 Bedroom Townhouses • Total Electric • Water Included • Appliances Furnished • Laundry Facility on Site • Rent Based on Income • Immediate Occupancy with Approved Application
Sudoku of the Week
The solution to last week’s puzzle:
Your Home Should Be Your Castle! For information contact:
Southwind Apartments 465 W. 9th St. Mt. Vernon, IN 47620
Phone (812) 838-2088
Crossword of the Week CLUES ACROSS 1. Melod__: extravagant comedy 5. Christian __, designer 9. Three banded armadillo 13. Whale ship captain 14. LPGA golfer Lorena 16. A spongelike cake leavened with yeast 17. Ancient kingdom near Dead Sea 18. _____ilize: discharge 19. Frosts 20. Funeral fire 21. Sunday 23. ___mp: wetland 26. ___morphosis: transformation 27. So. Swiss city 29. Used for baking 30. Doctors’ group 33. Tsetung or Zedong 34. Temporarily stitches 36. Happy Days actor Scott ___o 37. Take in solid food 38. Scarabs 41. Hearing receptor 42. Romanian monetary unit 43. Terra _____: earthenware 44. Attempt 45. Tooth caregiver 46. Weedy annual grass 48. Extremely unrefined 50. Greek god of war 51. Concealed
52. A series of acts at a night club 56. Siberian river 60. Overgarments 61. Political plot 65. Celt 66. Island north of Guam 67. Space for public entertainments 68. Unstressed-stressed 69. A light two-wheel carriage
70. Bring forth a lamb or kid 71. Ontario Speed Skating Assoc. CLUES DOWN 1. Inclined entrance 2. Hail (nautical) 3. Picasso’s mistress 4. Mother superior of a group of nuns 5. Rumsfeld was Secretary (abbr.)
6. Water in the solid state 7. Physicist George Simon 8. Eleanor or Franklin 9. Baby’s feeding protector 10. Al____: Llama wool 11. Act as an assistant 12. Skin eruption 15. Let up 22. Prohibit 24. Dragnet star 25. Wings 26. Slogans 27. Bleated 28. Douroucoulis genus 30. Plural of 11 down 31. Volcanic craters 32. Ethereal 33. Mix or blend in 35. State Department head 39. A way to make into a print 40. Indian dress 46. Hydrocarbon used on roads 47. Betel palm genus 49. Slow musical tempo 52. Pushed by a person 53. Mirish language 54. ____an Death March: WWII 55. As fast as can be done (abbr.) 57. Netherlands river 58. Jewels 59. Sunrise (Spanish) 62. Spelling championship 63. Professional caregiver’s organization 64. ___cet: puncture blade
SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 • PAGE B11
Around Kunstfest 2010
Thanks to the Baiers, it works for all of us... The United Way Mount Vernon attorneys Don and Elizabeth Baier often take the spotlight for Posey County United Way. Elizabeth became Executive Director of the organization in 1982, and Don has worked alongside her in every United Way campaign since then. Yet, their community outreach extends far beyond United Way. Elizabeth is a former member of the Mount Vernon Optimist Club. She remains active as a member of the board for the Volunteer Lawyer program. In addition, she works with the Mount Vernon Business and Professional Women’s Club and was named their Woman of the Year in 1985. She is treasurer of the Posey County Historical Society. Elizabeth served on the board for the Mount Vernon 175th Birthday Committee, a committee Don served as well. ”We really enjoyed it,” Elizabeth comments. “We were involved in a year-long schedule of events, including a giant birthday party for the city, all funds raised helped to renovate Sherburne Park at the riverfront and we worked with an absolutely wonderful group of people.” Don says he was “very proud” of being a member of the Vietnam Moving Wall Committee also. He is a U.S. Army veteran, serving from 1972-1975 in West Germany. Many readers will also remember his judicial service from 1985 to 2002 as Posey County Superior Court Judge. Don continues as a member of
the Posey County Historical Society board. Together, the Baiers take care of landscaping two areas on the St. Matthew Catholic Church campus, where they are both parishioners. They keep up the area in front of the Child Care Ministry building (formerly the Shrode building) on Walnut Street as well as the small area behind the old rectory on Mulberry Street. When they can find time, the Baiers like to garden, travel, read and watch or attend baseball games. Don is a lifelong Cleveland Indians fan while Elizabeth was raised to be a Chicago Cubs fan. “If the Cleveland Indians and the Chicago Cubs were in the World Series together,” Elizabeth says, “we don’t know what we would do, except we don’t think that is ever going to happen.” When the Indians and the Cubs aren’t
At left: During Sunday’s Kunstfest, Debbie Ricketts shows her colors in anticipation of Sunday evening’s NFL football match-up between Peyton and Eli Manning.
involved, the couple roots together for the St. Louis Cardinals. Both transplants to Mount Vernon, Don and Elizabeth met on their first day at Indiana University’s Bloomington Law School. The two married right after law school in 1979, and immediately following in June moved to Mount Vernon, where Don’s parents had come from Ohio in 1963 when Babcock & Wilcox opened a site here. In August 1979, the Baiers opened their law practice. The couple feels privileged to volunteer. “I get pleasure from helping others and don’t worry about my own problems so much,” Don says. Elizabeth adds, “I like the feeling of knowing that something that I did made a difference.” The Baiers have made all the difference in the quality of life for many Posey Countians.
Below: In celebration of the Kunstfest, Red Bank Reunion Band, plays old time favorites next door to the Mews.
“The Wall” Book is on sale now The Posey County Historical Society has for sale a limited number of copies of "The Wall," the 25th anniversary edition of the story of the Vietnam Wall, both picture and narrative. The book also includes a section on the Vietnam Moving Wall, also included is a photograph of James Alexander Myers, Jr., of New Harmony who was a casualty of the War and one of the seven from Posey County who lost his life in Vietnam. The book is available at Printcrafters in Mount Vernon, 304 W. Fourth Street in Mount Vernon for $43, which includes tax.
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