September 28 2010

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“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.” Since 1882 ~ Successor to The Poseyville News and The New Harmony Times • New Harmony, Indiana Posey County’s locally-owned newspaper

Tuesday September 28, 2010

(USPS 439-500) Volume 129 Edition 39

SOLDIER LAID TO REST... Viking Class of 85 meets North Posey’s Class of ‘85 is having its 25th class reunion on October 23, 2010 at the Feed Mill restaurant. An informal reception with appetizers and cocktails will begin at 7 p.m. The cost is $10 per person. Please RSVP by October 1. Please contact Paula Stewart at if you have any questions, or if you have not received your invitation.

Flag ceremony set Troop #386 and the American Legion will be having a flag retirement ceremony for American and MIA-POW flags at the Scout Cabin in Murphy Park on November 6, 2010. If you have any flags you can drop them off at 912 E. Steammill or at the American Legion.

Caravan meets The Harmony Chapel Church of the Nazarene invited youngsters from around New Harmony to attend Caravan on Thursday evenings from 6 until 7:30 p.m. each week. A meal is served each week with a lesson to follow. One Thursday a month is a special fun night. If you have questions or your child needs a ride, please call 812-550-2222.

Robin Hill visitation Posey County Young Life invites you to visit the new Robin Hill historical landmark at 917 Mill Street, Mount Vernon, on Saturday, October 9, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sunday, October 10, from 1 to 4: p.m. Tickets are $5 each. Children 12 and under are free. Proceeds to benefit Posey County Young Life.

The family of CIC Mark Henning, 22, of Crossville, Ill., watches as members of his United States Air Force Academy class carry his body from New Harmony’s Roofless Church to the waiting hearse which carried his body to its final resting place at Phillipstown Cem-

etery. His mother, during the funeral, insisted that his life and death not be in vain and that she wishes to carry on his name and legacy by facing up to the grim reality that young people are not seeking and/ or getting the help they need. Photo by Dave Pearce

Poseyville residents request full-time ambulance By Dave Pearce Three Poseyville area businesspeople appeared before the Posey County Commissioners on Tuesday morning and addressed the council in an attempt to get full time ambulance service back into the Town of Poseyville. Harold’s Restaurant owner Patti Wilson appeared before the council with Pearson, Inc., owner Chuck Pearison and former Poseyville real estate company owner Walter Broadhead. All three expressed concern over the fact that Poseyville’s ambulance has been spending time in Marrs Township instead of Poseyville. According to information presented at the meeting, there are times during the week that the Posey County ambulance nearest to Poseyville is in New Harmony. In the event that Mount Vernon has a run and New Harmony’s ambulance

is backing up Mount Vernon, the closest ambulance to Poseyville could be Mount Vernon. “As far as anyone has known, there have been ambulances in Mount Vernon, New Harmony, and Poseyville,” Wilson said. “And it has been a very well-oiled machine as far as response time. But lately we have found that on one shift, at least a couple of times a week, the ambulance has been moved from Poseyville leaving us without any type of coverage.” According to information presented by Wilson, a response time study done some time back indicated that the average response time for an ambulance in Poseyville is 22 to 27 minutes. That response time was twice what the response time is in the Mount Vernon area. “We’d like to see everyone covered. We don’t want Marrs Township people to be without am-

Cynthiana High School will be having their 40th Class Reunion on October 9, 2010 at noon at Wolf’s Barbecue Please make reservations by Oct. 1st. Mary K. Boyle 812422-4043 or Helen Cleveland 812-874-2703

By Pam Robinson The New Harmony Town Council faced controversy and celebration at its Thursday, September 16, meeting. Stacey and Gary Owen appeared to request council reconsider a sewer fee waiver for 1115 Linwood Avenue. Previously, council had denied the waiver. The Owenses said the property holds a garage used for storage with no utilities and constitutes an unimproved lot eligible for a sewer fee waiver. Discussion was cut short when the couple said they had consulted a property law attorney, who believes they have a case. Town President David Campbell tabled the matter, citing the threat of litigation. On a positive note, Martha Raske, representing the current three-member board of the Charles Ford Home, appeared to request council to verify the petition to terminate their trust and pave the way for the Ford Home to become a non-for-profit organization. Raske said the nonprofit status would enable the Ford Home to complete further renovations, to expand its services, and to be eligible for certain donations and grants. Council approved the request in the form of a resolution that will also end the connection between the Ford Home and the council. Councilman Don Gibbs called the move “wise” in meeting the needs of the community’s aging. In other business: •Council announced important dates for upcoming public hearings at

Church chowder set Stewartsville United Methodist Church will be holding its annual chowder Saturday, October 2. Serving will begin at 4 p.m. Bring your container for carry-out or dine in the basement where chowder, hot dogs, hamburgers, pie, cake, and drinks will be served. Whole pies and cakes will also be available. Mark your calendar and make plans to get some of the best chowder in Posey County.

NH Flea Market set

Real Estate Open House Local realtors and for-sale-byowners are teaming up to host a town-wide real estate open house in New Harmony. From 1 to 4 p.m., October 3, house shoppers are invited to stop by the coffee shop, chat with mortgage lenders, and hop on the golf cart shuttle for a walk-through tour of at least 10 homes. Five of the open houses offer incentives, so visitors can enjoy live music, food and drink, a garden tour or a home-buyer blessing. For more information contact Molly Felder at 682-3015 or Laura Spradley at 682-3019.

Continued on Page A6

Two face drug charges Megan Baehl, far right, wass crowned Miss Autumnfest on Saturday while first runner-up is Brianna Perry (in purple) and second runner-up is Jordan Butler. Photo by Connie Pearce

Officer gets two for one arrests Two Posey County residents were arrested within seconds of each other at the same intersection early Sunday morning. On Sunday morning, Sept. 26, 2010, at approximately 1:50 a.m., Trooper Wes Alexander was patrolling in Poseyville when he observed a black 1991 Honda motorcycle ride left of center before stopping in the middle of the intersection at Locust and Oak streets. When the motorcycle stopped the rider almost dropped his bike. As Alexander was approaching the motorcyclist, a 2002 Ford Ranger pickup truck almost collided with the trooper and the motorcyclist. The driver of the Ford Ranger was stopped and identified as

Sheila Schapker, 38, of Wadesville. The driver of the motorcyclist was identified as Ruediger Schrepher, 49, of Poseyville. Further investigation revealed Schapker and Schrepher were both legally intoxicated. Schapker and Schrepher were arrested and taken to the Posey County Jail. Ruediger J. Schrepher, 49, of 67 South Locust Street, Poseyville, Ind., and Sheila L. Schapker, 38, 7206 Pelt Street in Wadesville, Ind., were charged with Driving While Intoxicated, Class A Misdemeanors. The Arresting Officer was Trooper Wes Alexander, Indiana State Police Assisting Officer and Trooper Ted Clamme, Indiana State Police officer.

On Saturday September 25, 2010 at approximately 1 p.m. Posey County Sheriff’s Deputies initiated a traffic stop on State Road 62 and Overpass Road. The suspect vehicle, a Red 1997 Ford Taurus belonging to Lori Cook of Mount Vernon, continued traveling East until finally pulling into the Busler’s Mini-Mart parking lot. As deputies approached the vehicle, they observed the passenger, Thomas Benjamin Smith place something underneath the passenger seat of the vehicle. Deputies also saw two small children in the vehicle a well. One child belonged to Smith and the other small child belonged to Cook. Deputies removed Cook and Smith from the vehicle. Deputies asked the driver Lori Ann Cook if they could search her vehicle and Cook denied Deputies access. A warrant check revealed that the driver, Lori Cook had a warrant out of Vanderburgh County. During the impoundment procedure, deputies located ten individual bags of white powder that tested positive for methamphetamine ranging in weights from 5 1/2 grams to one-half gram underneath the passenger seat of the vehicle in a cigarette package. Deputies arrested Thomas Benjamin Smith and Lori Ann Cook. The children ages 3 and 7 were transferred to the custody of family members at the request of the suspects. The total weight of the suspected methamphetamine was 15.84 grams with an estimated street value of $1,575. Both suspects are being held in the Posey County Jail without bond. Arrested were Thomas Benjamin Smith, 38, of Mount Vernon, Ind. He was charged with Possession of Methamphetamine with intent to distribute (A) felony Neglect of a Dependent (C) felony. Also arrested was Lori Ann Cook, 34, also of Mount Vernon, Ind. She is charged with Possession of Methamphetamine with intent to distribute (A) felony Neglect of a Dependent , a (C) felony and Possession of Schedule II Narcotic without prescription (D) felony.

Inside this issue...


Continued on Page A9

Litigation threat cuts New Harmony dialogue short

Cynthiana class reunion

The New Harmony Business Associates will be sponsoring a Flea Market on Oct. 2, 2010 from 8-4. It will be held in Church Park located at the corner of Church and Main Streets. This is also the same day as our city wide yard sale and the Golden Raintree Auto Show. There will be a raffle for a gas grill, tickets $1 each or 6 for $5.00. Drawing will be held on Oct. 6 for the grill. Food will be available. For more information call Paula at 812-455-7876.

bulance service but we are concerned about the people in and around Poseyville,” Wilson said. “The problem is that just within the last three weeks, there have been at least 13 to 15 times when it has taken an ambulance 20 to 27 minutes to get to calls in Poseyville, Stewartsville, Griffin, or Cynthiana. Then, if someone needs life-support transportation, it takes another 20 to 27 minutes to get back into Evansville. This is causing a lot of concern among the residents of these towns.” Wilson went on to say that there are times when a response car sits idle in the community with no one manning it. Wilson gave praise to the citizens of northern Posey County saying, “We look out for each

Retrospective................ A5 Community........... A7 Social..................... A6 Legals.........................B7-9 Deaths................... A3 Sports.................. B1-6 Classifieds ............... B9-11 School................... A8 Autumnfest............. A9

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