September 7th 2010 - The Posey County News

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“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.” Since 1882 ~ Successor to The Poseyville News and The New Harmony Times • New Harmony, Indiana Posey County’s locally-owned newspaper

(USPS 439-500)

Tuesday September 7, 2010

Volume 129 Edition 36

Wall, tank welcomes all to River Days Class of 62 meets Come to River Days in Mount Vernon, Sept. 10-12, 2010 Plan to join us at Western Hills Country Club on Friday, September 10 at 6 p.m. for an informal get together. Please call Marsha (Miller) King at 838-5160 or by e-mail by Sunday, September 5 if you plan to come.

PCCF benefit auction set Join your friends at the Posey County Community Foundation for the first annual benefit auction, For Good, For Ever on October 28 at 5:30 p.m. at the Posey County Community Center. Help celebrate with foundation board members and other attendees who are committed to our community’s future. Tickets are $25 per person. Ticket includes dinner and entertainment with a cash bar. Get yours by stopping by the Foundation office, calling 812-838-0288, or online at our website

South Terrace Open South Terrace School will hold an Open House on Tuesday, September 7. Visitors may come from 6:30-8:30. Everyone is welcome!

Class of ‘61 to meet The Mount Vernon High School Class of 1961 will meet on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall of the First Presbyterian Church of Mount Vernon, 120 E. Sixth Street to plan the 50th Reunion. Please contact one of the following classmates if you have any questions: Ruth (Jeffries) Fosse at 812-422-5609, Diane (Feldbusch) Heberer at 812-838-0154, or Sondra (Naab) McNamara at 812-838-4020.

Honaker reception changed Martha Honaker’s retirement reception has been changed to be held at the Granary, 413 Granary Street New Harmony, instead of the Gym Annex.

Cook-off with apples This year’s theme for the recipe bake off will be apple! It will be on Sat., September 25. Entries will be accepted from 9-11:30 am with judging at noon. Must have apple as one of the ingredients. Please bring your finished entry to the Poseyville Community Center. Only entries presented on disposable containers will be accepted. Exhibitors name and phone number must be clearly marked on the bottom of the container. The judges will select the top three entries. Prizes will be awarded. All entries will become property of the Kiwanis for sale in slices or pieces after the judging. The judge’s decision is final. Happy Baking. For more information

Cruise-in planned Kiwanis Club of Poseyville will have a Cruise In on Saturday, September 25 starting at 6 pm in the North Elementary parking lot. The first 25 vehicles will receive dash plaques. For more information please contact Matt at 874-2024

Special to the News On Sept. 10, 11, and 12, Mount Vernon’s Riverfront will again host a major “Community Pride” event River Days 2010, “Saluting Posey County Heroes.” The fun will begin on Friday at 11 a.m. on Friday, with opening ceremonies featuring remarks by Mayor John Tucker and River Days chairman Becky Higgins. The Pledge of Allegiance, led by a student volunteer, will be following with the American Legion Firing Squad acting. The 2,200 gallon ORSANCO Aquarium will show “Life Below the Waterline,” with 30 different species of river inhabitants taken from the Ohio River in front of Mount Vernon’s riverfront. The Aquarium, which will be located on the west end of Water Street near the Water Department building, will be open for viewing all three days of the festival. Food booths will line both sides of Main Street between Second and Water streets, while vendor booths will be placed along Water Street. Historic demonstrators will be situated in Sherburne Park, with Jerry and Marsha King portraying Gov. and Mrs. Hovey, and Neal McCutchan portraying Andrew “Tweedle-de-dum” McFadin. Larry Harms will be present in his authentic Civil War uniform and gear and

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Mount Vernon veteran Bob Beste visits with other visitors after the ceremony at The Moving Wall, a half-size replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. Photo by Jenny Koch

New Harmony prepares for Sept. 18-19 Kunstfest Special to the News Black, red, and gold will be the prominent colors of fall in New Harmony on Saturday, Sept. 18, and Sunday, Sept. 19, when the town’s business associates kick off the 29th Annual Kunstfest celebration. Lively German folk music and delicious food will be featured throughout town. During Kunstfest, the town’s streets will be lined with booths selling bratwurst, kuchens, cider, apple butter, crafts, art and flow-

ers. The distinctive German flag and buntings will grace buildings and homes in celebration of New Harmony’s rich German heritage, and merchants will offer an array of “all things autumn.” Historically accurate pioneer crafts of the 1860s and 1870s, such as blacksmithing, rope making, beekeeping, butter churning, candle making, quilting, basket making and wood working will be demonstrated by skilled craftsmen dressed in period costumes.

In addition, liars are being sought for the 21st annual “Big Whopper” Liars Contest. Folks who would like to tell a fun, clean story that is not on the up and up should contact contest sponsors at 812-682-4219 or 618-3958491. The event will be held at Murphy Auditorium on Saturday at 7 p.m. On Sunday morning, an interfaith church service will be held at 8 a.m. at the Roofless Church in New Harmony.

United Way Leadership Giving dinner celebrated Special to the News The United Way of Posey County recognized more than 330 local people who were Leadership Givers in last fall’s campaign at an August 31st dinner celebration at the Mount Vernon High School Cafeteria. Sponsors of the dinner, who made this donation in addition to their usual USI President Linda Bennett United Way contribution, are Bob and Sue Boerner/FC Tucker, Consolidated Grain & Barge Company, Countrymark Cooperative, Inc., CSB State Bank, Expressway Auto – Mount Vernon – Evansville, Fifth Third Bank, First Bank, Bill and Muriel Gillenwater, McKim’s IGA, Old National Bank, SABIC Innovative Plastics, United Fidelity Bank, Vectren Corporation, and WSI. Posey County businesswoman Michelle Hudson presents the Elizabeth Baier After an invocation by Fr. Tom Kessler of St. Philip Spirit Award to Johnathan Bradford during the united Way Leadership Giving Continued on Page A10 Dinner held on Wednesday at Mount Vernon High School. Photo by Dave Pearce

Vietnam vet Roach enjoys freedom

Imagination Station Imagination Station’s 10th anniversary is here! The playground fund is accepting baskets, gift cards, etc for silent auction & rededication party at Alexandrian Public Library Sept. 26. Please contact me to make a donation to help with its upkeep. The playground has provided 10 years of service for families to date and hopefully, we will be able to sustain its existence for many more years. We already have commitments for baskets from some businesses and candidates. This opportunity to open to everyone. We would use your help. Thank you for your consideration. Postal Carrier Mike Roach

By Pam Robinson Mount Vernon native Mike Roach says “being free” is the best part of his job as a letter carrier for the United States Postal Service. Once he hired on in April 1985, he spent his first one-and-onehalf years as a swing carrier in Mount Vernon, walking a different route each day on co-workers’ scheduled days off or their vacations. Since then, he’s walked his own route, winding down East Fourth to McDonald’s, then over the neighborhoods to Davis Drive. He has averaged walking eight miles a day in the great outdoors during the 25 years he’s been on the job. As is often said, freedom carries a price. For Roach, it means, of course, weathering rain or hail, sleet or snow, heat or cold (although his work ends well before gloom of night). He prefers cold to heat and plans a vacation in August to avoid working at least some of the hot, humid days here. More importantly, Roach has paid for his freedom by serving his country. He deferred his child-

Inside this issue...


For more information about Kunstfest or to participate as a vendor or period craft demonstrator, visit the New Harmony Business Associates website at www. or contact the New Harmony Visitors’ Center at 800-231-2168 New Harmony is located approximately 30 miles northwest of Evansville, Indiana, just west of Indiana Highway 69 on Highway 66. From Interstate 64, take Exit 4 to Indiana Highway 69 South to Highway 66.

Retrospective............... A5 Community........... A7 Social..................... A6 Legals........................ B5-9 Deaths........ A3 & A11 Sports................. B1-5 Classifieds ............... B9-11 School................... A8 Business................. A9

hood dream of becoming a letter carrier until after his three-year Army tour immediately following his graduation from Mount Vernon High School in 1968. One of those three years he fought with the First Infantry Division in the Vietnam War and survived a wound from a bomb attack during a bunker search mission. His dream was deferred several more years once he returned to the States and adjusted to civilian life again. Roach was deeply moved by his visit to the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. in the early 1990s and by his two visits to the Vietnam Memorial Moving Wall—one of those visits just this past weekend in Mount Vernon. He is as loyal to the postal service as he was to the Army and believes wholeheartedly in his role as public servant. Roach pulls out a 1985 poster to express his deep pride and satisfaction in being a letter carrier. The poster depicts the letter carrier as “carrier of love and sympathy, messenger of

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