Posh Abilities is a not-for-profit extension of Anything is Posh Able! We Exist to Assist – Supporting Central Florida charities by providing FREE event planning and public relations services. Plus, through our ever-expanding strategic partnership network, we connect Orlando area charities with volunteers who donate their time and with vendors who donate their talents.
NON PROFITS - Thank you to everyone who submitted the 2017 Posh Abilities charity application package during the application period. Please follow us on Facebook to find out which exciting charities we are working with and be the first to know when the 2018 charity application window opens
VOLUNTEERS - Through the Posh Abilities volunteer program, we provide an easy way for Orlando-area students, retirees and community members to get involved with local charity events and projects. Posh Abilities Vendor Registration
VENDORS - Our Vendor Partnership Program offers Orlando-area event and creative service vendors the opportunity to connect with local business and community leaders by strategically donating their products and services to Central Florida events. Our Posh Abilities Community Coordinator will be in touch with next steps.