Stopping the Gremlins From Stopping You

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Simon North, cofounder of Position Ignition Ltd, presents some tips for answering the inner gremlins that may be holding you back in your career...

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What’s getting in the way of your career change? You may have been considering changing careers for some time now but something’s stopping you. What is that something? Is there a valid external reason or is it your internal gremlins?

‘Gremlins’ is just an alternative term for limiting beliefs, because that’s what limiting beliefs are - your inner critic that can get in the way of your true potential and what you want from life if you don’t get in its way first. Your gremlin may be telling you it’s not the right time for a career change, that you don’t have the skills for a career change, that you’re current life is too secure to leave behind. However, if deep down you really want that career change, none of these points have to stop you. These arguments aren’t so much based on logic or accuracy as they are on fear, worry, procrastination and self-doubt. These are the gremlin’s weapons, but there are strategies for disarming it. Here are a few tips for answering back to your inner gremlin. Accept you have a gremlin - the first step of solving any problem is to accept that you have a problem. Face up to the fact that it’s self-doubt

Stopping The Gremlins From Stopping You or worry that’s stopping you from changing careers, rather than any legitimate reason. Use this acceptance as a springboard for tackling your inner gremlin. Logically dismiss the gremlin’s points - we’ve seen some of the reasons your gremlin might give you for not changing careers. If you really want a career change, it’s time to sit down and honestly assess these points. You may not have

done this before, instead just accepting their apparent validity. Let’s go through them. It’s not the right time for a career change because of the economy - yes, the economy has been unstable for a while, but if you don’t set a definite time to start the process of changing careers now, you might be forever finding reasons for postponing it. You don’t have the right

skills for a career change everyone has talents but few people realise how extensive and flexible their talents are. Find a new career that plays to your unique talents and strengths. If you don’t know what your talents and strengths are, reflect upon what you enjoy doing because you’re successful at it, what you’re better at doing than your peers and what you’re often asked to

do because you’re good at it. Your current life is too secure to change - you may be hesitating about leaving your law career behind because it gives you security in the form of a routine and regular wage. You have to weigh up how much you want your potential new career. Are you passionate

enough about it to take educated risks, make changes to your routine and put plans in place to ensure some degree of financial security during the transition? If you’re willing to do this, then do so. Don’t feed the gremlin - Even if you’ve dismissed your gremlin’s arguments one by one and you know that rationally they bear no weight, your gremlin can still return, especially if you’re stressed out. Stress can feed the gremlin. Remedy this by concentrating on regulating your breathing whenever you can feel it growing shallower. Know that it’s you who’s in control of your own life and make a plan for working through anything you’re stressed about. About The Author Simon North co-founded Career Change Specialists Position Ignition, to provide high quality careers support to individuals questioning their career choices, wanting a career change or needing help with their career challenges. To request a free initial phone consultation or to find out more contact: enquiries@ Visit their Career Advice and Career Change Blog for more career related articles. www.positionignition. com www.positionignition. com/blog

Contents News Advice Comment

All The Latest Career News PAGES 4-7

Fitness Career Case Study PAGES 28&29

How To Negotiate A Pay Rise PAGES 24-26

Personal Review Of The Year PAGES 8&9

Self Employment

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