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Gar Duignam Awakening From The Dream

POSITIVE READING ‘awakening from the dream’

By Gareth Duignam - Excerpt


To say we loved this book would be an understatement! Seek it out...it may just change your life…

I was in the gym one morning. I used to go every day around 7am. It was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining through the windows and there was loud music playing. The place wasn’t very busy and for a split second I stood there and started to ponder. I could hear all the weights clanking and I could hear the loud music and the sound of the people working out and something just made me stop. In that moment something clicked with me that everything I could see and hear, all the noises, the sun shining through the windows, the music, etc., I wasn’t experiencing it outside of me, I was experiencing it inside of me. So everything I was seeing that was going on outside of me was inside of me. It was inside my head or my brain and the noises were inside of me and all of a sudden, once I said that to myself, I heard this noise. It sounded kind of like fabric ripping or velcro, and then this whoosh of reality came in… What happened in the gym was similar to a lucid dream. That’s the only way I can describe it. It felt like a lucid dream here in this reality. So this “Supreme Being” (or the consciousness system or the Universe or whatever you want to call it), God, in that moment of me looking and realizing that everything was going on inside of me, in that moment, it triggered something in that Being to wake up and realize that it was dreaming. There was a rush of reality that came in and in that moment there was a realization that I was this greater consciousness, this Being, this Universe and it knew that it had been dreaming itself into this character Gareth and all of it was fictional, all of it was this ongoing dream... this guy with all his problems and his worries and his anxieties and fears about work and money, etc. There was a realization that none of it was important any longer. So it just looked around for a while taking it all in and started to take it all in that this was a dream…It started to notice that everything it put his attention on was also it; the walls, the weights, they were the Supreme Being as well. So this God Force had woken up in this person and realized that it was the Self. Then it took notice that everything else was also it. In that moment it recognized that everything outside of itself was also it. I could see a guy in the corner, a young guy, and he was lifting up his top and looking at his abs in the mirror in between his sets and all of a sudden there was an understanding that the Beingness had woken up in me in this moment and that this other person was also me. But that character was still dreaming so he was still stuck in the dream. The dream of being a young guy looking at his abs in the gym. I felt this absolute sense of compassion for everything. Every person that I looked at was me. I just knew at that moment that everyone was just this one Being-ness. The consciousness that I had woken up in me was also the consciousness in that guy and all the other people, the people clanking weights around the gym, but they were still asleep, they were still dream characters, they were still caught up in the dream…


“There was a rush of reality that came in and in that moment there was a realization that I was this greater consciousness, this Being, this Universe…”


Workshop/Event Space at The Soul Sanctuary @ Wicklow Holistic Centre

Weekly Yoga & Movement Classes, Weekly Sound Immersions, On- to-One Treatments and Readings

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Margaret Brosnan

Join Master Teacher Margaret Brosnan of the Divine Essence Crystal Healing Academy on Saturday 10 September for Crystal Skull Practitioner Training in The Soul Sanctuary @ Wicklow Holistic Centre.

For information on this in person one day workshop and all of Margaret’s other in person and online workshops contact her on 087 902 9250 or by email magsbrosnan073@gmail.com

Alessandro Olianas

Nuragic Shamanic Healing We look forward to welcoming Alessandro for the first time to the Centre, beginning with a Positive Nights Event on 15 September, followed by 3 x workshops: Friday 16 September: Tarot Workshop (Major Arcana) Saturday 17 September: Nuragic Moon Oracle Attunement Sunday 18 September: Nuragic Medicine Wheel.

For information and bookings contact the Centre on 087 108 4399 or by email wicklowholisticcentre@gmail.com You can find out more about Alessandro’s wonderful work at www.nuragicshamanichealing.com

Jonti Searll

Conscious Sexuality Practitioner & Teacher. We are delighted to be welcoming Jonti back to Ireland for more from The Body of Possibility. Jonti’s visit begins with a Positive Nights event on Thursday, 20 October and continues for two weeks of workshops, events and private sessions.

For schedule information and bookings please email thebodyofpossibiity2022@gmail.com Information on Jonti and ErosLife can be found at www.eroslife.co.za

Now exclusive stockist and wholesale distributor in Ireland of the Nuragic Moon Oracle. For wholesale inquiries and space rental contact Elaine on 087 994 3776 Call/Text/Whatsapp: 087 108 4399 FB/IG: @wicklowholisticcentre Email: wicklowholisticcentre@gmail.com

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