6 minute read
Positive Prayer Allowing rather than achieving enlightenment
mastering the art of allowing SIT BACK & SHINE YOUR LIGHT.
by Alison McEvoy Interviewed by Paul Congdon
Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe are a husband and wife team, united in marriage for the last 44 years, and united in purpose and passion in the form of the Crimson Circle. The Crimson Circle, based in Golden, Colorado, is a connecting point via internet broadcasts, intimate gatherings, webcasts, live events and so many more ways which enable Geoff and Linda to reach the consciousness of people who are “allowing their enlightenment in this lifetime”. Geoff primarily channels the communications of Adamus in his work with those committed to realisation.
Life, work, people and commitments so often require us to ‘get off the bench’ - to stand up and act, so to speak. Do something. Make it happen. Shake those trees because those oranges aren’t going to drop themselves off the branches.... Enlightenment, however, lies in an entirely different direction according to the wisdom of Adamus as channelled by Geoff. It requires that we “sit on our park bench and shine our light”. That is all. I remember hearing, early on in my yoga journey, that Shavasana is the most challenging pose of all. Oh no, I thought, surely a headstand has to be much harder than Shavasana. Yes, if you are looking from the standards of achievements that can be gained by human effort. Enlightenment requires an entire shift of perspective however, which sees that surrender into allowing as the true journey. Enlightenment simply cannot be gained by human effort.
Remember...when you are tempted to jump into the fray. When you are so disturbed by something that you just must take action. When you begin to get in the game of thinking what needs to happen, to formulate strategies and plot and plan... this is when it is most important to ‘sit down on your bench and shine your light’, says Geoff. “Sit back. Take a deep breath and just allow. When I do this my nonmental systems, my divine systems take over and bring things into balance and then I feel, ‘OK, I can handle this’, because I’m not trying to do things - mentally or physically.” This applies to whether you are concerned about outer events in the wider world, or the closest event to home – your own enlightenment. When it comes to things like what is going on in the Ukraine, we could be tempted to set our minds plotting but, Geoff reminds us, this is not what is going to change the world. “Those who are addicted to power are going to try to grab more – because they feel it slipping from their hands....They had power in past lives and they have come back for more. It’s ultimately not going to work though. People will reject it and realise it is a farce. It’s a power-play.” “The best thing you can do is not to put your energy into Russia, etc. Get on your park bench and shine your light. Don’t get in the game. Don’t be a player or a pawn. Sit above the chess board and shine your light...The best thing you can do for the planet is shine your light. When you do this you are doing something very important. You are putting down your agendas, your swords, your causes...People will then get sick and tired of going along with these [dictator power play] programs and say ‘no more’.”
Geoff gives an overview of what leads us on the road to enlightenment.... We have lived lifetime upon lifetime – a general count of 1,200 according to Adamus. In these lifetimes we tend to be born into the same soul families and in the same general geographical locations. When we get tired of the ‘merry-go-round’ and decide to wrap it all up, get off the ride, that is when we awaken and feel the call to enlightenment. “The awakening is a joyful experience, like ‘Ah, I’m done, I’m going to be free’. But then the hard part hits – because you have to integrate all those past lives before realisation can occur. And release all of your guilt and shame that you’ve accumulated over many lifetimes.” “We call it the encounter with the dragon. It’ll tear you up. It’s tough. It’s really tough because you are holding things inside you in the dark...guilt and shame about things you’ve done, things you haven’t done. You go through this
whole, rough, dragon period until you’re finally cleared out. You realise you have no more battle. No more fight. Whether within yourself or with the outside world. I am that I am and I’m at peace with it. And that’s when realisation occurs.”
“Stop thinking you’re going to facilitate your realisation. It is only by being in a state of allowing and clear about what allowing really means,” says Linda. “Allow”, reiterates Geoff, “leave it to the soul. We are here as humans to experience it [realisation] but not to make it happen.” “Going from awakening to mastery is incredible but brutal,” says Geoff, referring in more depth to the encounter with the dragon. This is not something we need to seek or make happen. “Once you say I’m ready, the dragon is going to come in and find all that crap and put it right in front of your face.” All we need to do is give permission to the dragon which is in fact a part of your own Soul. Allow the dragon to do you the favour of bringing up and releasing all the old junk we are carrying around so that we can “gracefully go into realisation”. “You cannot take your junk through the threshold of Enlightenment,” says Geoff, so be ready for a big clear out.

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