15 minute read

Thrive On Discover the Unified Field


the sweet spot



by Foster Gamble – Creator, Thrive Movies and Movement

“The better we balance our inflow and outflow of energy, the more centred we are, and the more productive and positive we can be.”

As a drummer, I called it “the groove.” As an athlete I was always looking to be in “the zone.” As an instructor of the nonviolent martial art of aikido, I trained and taught about centring in the “hara” or “dantien” – the “One Point.” I knew this phenomenon was one of the keys to a successful, enjoyable and positive life, but I had no idea how vast the implications were until I started traveling around the world checking out various inventors, healers and shamans. This was the vetting quest that would ultimately lead to my commitment to create THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes. The star of our film is The Unified Field. It turns out that scientists like Einstein, Bohm, Wheeler, Fuller, Russell and Young came to agree with mystics like the Dalai Lama - that we all live within a boundless sea of energy that creates and connects everything. I got to ask the Dalai Lama in person one day, “What is at your leading-edge? What are you most excited about these days?” He answered, “Meeting with western physicists…because they are finally starting to get it!” It turns out that this sea of energy is always in motion, always spiraling in infinite doughnut-shaped vortices – from the smallest Planck Units through the vast clustering of galaxies. Every one of these fractal torus forms is centred by stillness. As individual humans, we too are this fundamental pattern. The better we balance our inflow and outflow of energy – physically, emotionally and mentally – the more centred we are, and the more productive and positive we can be.’ Dr. Todd Ovokaitys showed us his discovery that a “phase – conjugation” of sound waves and laser light could be balanced in such a way that the inflow and outflow ‘created a still point, whose resonance could awaken billions of dormant human stem cells that were capable of astounding physical healing. Think back to a time you were singing in the shower. All of a sudden you hit a particular note that resonated beyond all of the others. The surrounding acoustic energy jumped to a new level. Think of a time when you were watching a sunset or sitting in deep meditation and an unusual level of stillness invited a sense of boundless connection with the cosmos… At once you could hear the birds speaking to one another… or the beating of your heart in rhythm with the cycle of your breath. The shamans and breath workers with whom I have visited have repeatedly spoken of relaxing the body, letting the emotions flow freely, focusing the mind, and opening the portal to cosmic consciousness. This process has been a source of profound guidance and deep healing for me. More than 20 years ago, as

my scientific investigations into the geometric nature of energy began to merge with my societal research into covert agendas that stood in the way of humanity thriving, I kept running up against the limitations of my intellect. In frustration, I would often get up from my desk and just go for a walk, take a nap or meditate. I began to realise that if my burning questions were clearly posed, I would very frequently get full-blown answers from these more subtle states of consciousness. I would be shown patterns in dreams that were exactly the next level of the inner shells of a particular element in the periodic table that I was trying to solve.

A sudden flash while walking in the redwoods would show me the connection amongst various banking, media, health and energy schemes. The process filled me with awe and gratitude as I realised its potential. I made a pledge to the universe that in return for showing me what I was ready for, and needed to know, I would collect and cohere the relevant information and get it back out to humanity in as compelling a form as possible. ‘To this day, I still always carry a recorder with me and have a pad by my bedside to take notes as they come through the portal of stillness from the Akasha. THRIVE reflects much of this guidance. Dr. Robert Young teaches in THRIVE II that a conscious and balanced lifestyle is the greatest healer of all. A wise combination of healthy diet, good sleep, sufficient exercise and managed stress will keep our interstitial fluids in the “zone” that balances our acidity with our alkalinity. This supports the electrical communication between the still points at the center of each blood cell to resonate in harmony with one another, so they can joyously get their job done of supporting our well-being and creativity. All of these instances of the power of tuning to the still point lead inexorably toward an enhanced experience of love in one’s life. When we are in radiant balance, others are drawn to that vibration. When we are truly still enough to fully listen to the communications from a friend, a lover, a work associate or even a plant or pet, we will experience the placid reality of connectedness. The energy will rise to the next level and they will relish being seen, heard and loved. The individual human being is an organic version of the Free Energy devices we show in THRIVE II - a free energy conduit between the atom and the cosmos, between the Earth and the sun. It is the potential into which we were born, and the calling for which we awaken each day.

The great news is that energetically we are already the oak that lives in the still point of the acorn. We are exactly where we need to be in our path of unfoldment. We are held and loved by the entirety of existence. In any moment when we are willing to shrug off unnecessary baggage from the past and useless tension about the future, we can consciously manifest our sweet spot in this miraculous adventure and thrive in a positive life!


“All of these notions of different frequency ’settings’, if you like – 3D, 4D, 5D and so on – they are all collapsing into one infinite slipstream.”

embodying the new human


by Aisling Cronin

Interviewer: Paul Congdon

Jacqueline, also called Oracle Girl, has become a well-known figure over the last few years. She helps people to switch on their own ability to purify themselves and others of the ‘slave self’, which limits and shuts down our infinite being with family patterns, personal issues, and outdated beliefs. Her purification events, videos, tracks and messages have now been seen and heard by people all over the world. During a recent Positive Nights event with Jacqueline, we had the opportunity to speak to her and learn more about her work.

She led the event with a powerful opening message, intended to bring up an energy of deep peace in all who attended.

Real silence is very active. When it’s at the right frequency, it really switches you on, and your self-healing ability will start to strip out the ‘slave self’ automatically. The more we can work with that real silence, the better. When we all join there, everything takes care of itself, so there is nothing to worry about. It’s going to be okay. Your body knows exactly what to do, and you came here for these times.

Just pay attention to your body. There’s no need to change anything. Right now, I am generating a stronger and stronger signal, which a certain part of you is picking up. I don’t ‘go into you’. I don’t take anything out. I’m not a healer. I just emit a strong frequency, like a wavelength, and your body picks it up. It activates an area within your source connection that contains instructions that you brought here for these times. We’re all a bit like ‘sleeper agents’! These instructions are not affected by what’s going on in the outside world. They are already in you, just waiting for the speed of your whole personal field to pick up and oscillate in a certain way. And as soon as it does, your self-healing ability starts to switch on. You start to delete something called ‘the slave self’ from your being. The slave self is a setting that keeps you limited and unable to embody your infinite self.

Paul: We’re delighted to be with you Jacqueline. Let’s talk about patterns. How do they get stuck within us, or within our ancestral line, and how we can shift them?

Jacqueline: Let’s start at the beginning – you are a new embodied human, and within you, you have a fixture, or a setting, that is called the ‘slave self’, which vibrates at a certain frequency. Within that setup of the ‘slave self’, there is a nexus of what you’re calling patterns. All of those patterns mesh together. If you are vibrating at the level of the new embodied human, you start to purify and delete the slave self and automatically erase your patterns. If, however, you are vibrating at the level of the slave self, you start to experience life from inside a kind of box. Then you become consumed by trying to resolve, or get out of, your patterns. Until recently, the ‘default setting’ for most of humanity has been the level of the slave self. What has happened since then is that in concert with the Earth, your own body technology has started to work on a different level, ejecting the slave self. We have two timelines on the planet right now: a timeline where some of humanity are still vibrating at the level of the slave self; and another timeline where humans are upgrading – and they are upgrading physically and biologically. The issue is not about upgrading your consciousness or trying to remove your patterns. You need to upgrade physically, so that your carrier ‘vessel’, if you like, can hold that new high-frequency being that is meshing with this reality. When you start to unravel the slave self, your patterns start to disappear.

Paul: The topic of this conversation is ‘the new embodied human’ – let’s really give people a sense of that new human. Can you talk to us about what that feels like?

“Once you begin to vibrate at the level of the new embodied self … the mind blossoms, transforming from a ‘controller’ into an amazing instrument.”

“Real silence is very active. When it’s at the right frequency, it really switches you on.”

Jacqueline: Definitely! The new human is totally alive. There is still struggle and there is still pain … but you will also be able to feel the directness of reality in all of the positive areas of life as well. And because your biology will be more sensitive, and able to receive a wider bandwidth of frequencies, your physical body will begin to change. Sometimes you will have ‘symptoms’, if you like, of your body starting to manifest different abilities, or the changing of your cellular and skeletal structure. You might feel so much coursing energy, at times, that you won’t know what to do with it! This is a sign of your body ‘revving up’ to carry out those instructions that exist within your source connection: instructions that are physically there for this time. You can also feel, at this time, as though one part of your being is trying to move forward, while another part of you is trying to turn around and move you backwards.

Paul: When you talk about the ‘slave self’, it brings to mind a beautiful statement I once heard about the conscious mind: ‘it’s not real.’ When I said that to myself, it enabled me to allow it to drift away. Do you think that could be applied to the slave self, too? Would you see it as real or not? Jacqueline: It’s a bit of both! Once you start to oscillate and actually exist at the new high frequency level, you experience your mind – which is a part of the slave self – feeling quite unreal, because it starts to slip away and become quieter. While you’re still vibrating at the level of the slave self, however, the mind is incredibly real. It’s a bit like a knot that you can’t slip, because you are vibrating at the same level as the installation that you are fixated on, and actually operating within. Spiritual teachers tend to invest a lot of time in trying to sort out the mind … but you can’t use a robber to catch a thief. Once you begin to vibrate at the level of the new embodied self, what happens is that the mind actually blossoms, transforming from a ‘controller’ into an amazing instrument.

Paul: When it comes to world events, how much attention or resistance should people give to what’s going on?

Jacqueline: You’re asking a question about action, which is a very difficult question to answer in the realm of spirituality sometimes, because there are all sorts of rules and teachings. But from the new embodied human perspective, you don’t really need to ask the question. You don’t need to ask what to do. At that point, the slave self – which blocks your natural sense of spontaneity – no longer has a grip on you. You find yourself naturally doing what you’re meant to do. You don’t need to think about it, because it’s just you being you.

You’re not meditating to find out what your deepest wisdom is, because you are already that wisdom, in human form. So I don’t tell anybody what they should or shouldn’t do. When I speak in my recordings, the words that come out are actually not instructions, even if they might seem so. They are literally just the words that need to be heard in that moment to keep everyone vibrating at the level they need to be at, in order to complete their higher embodiment process.

Paul: How do you feel about the word ‘ascension’ and the term ‘ascension process’? There’s a lot of talk at the moment about humanity moving from 3D to 5D.

Jacqueline: All these ideas are completely obsolete. You’re not diving into different dimensions – you are multidimensionality turning up here, in physical form. You are actually jetpacking all of the different dimensions into you. All of these notions

of different frequency ’settings’, if you like – 3D, 4D, 5D and so on – they are all collapsing into one infinite slipstream.

Paul: Are we stepping into a new ‘lightbody’, do you feel? That’s another very common term I’ve heard.

Jacqueline: Again, this term is part of the current spiritual paradigm. It’s not about taking on a ‘lightbody.’ We are muscling up into a much more physically advanced body, which is lighter, but much denser. That sounds like a contradiction in terms, but let me put it like this: the speed of the body will greatly increase, but the experience of having a body will feel much heavier. However, you will be able to move with it and process everything faster and faster. This is why we’re experiencing time collapsing.

During the second half of our event, participants were given the opportunity to pose questions to Jacqueline themselves. One person initiated an interesting discussion about whether we have ‘souls’, as they have been traditionally understood.

Jacqueline: The soul is a concept or an idea left over from another time, when actually, you could say it was accurate. However, it isn’t anymore. The new set of realities that we’re taking on now … you could point to a certain aspect of yourself where a part of the ‘soul’ teaching might be true, but we’re getting to a point where you have to step away from the old teachings. We can’t just continue to repeat them anymore.

Another attendee asked Jacqueline whether the arts – music, dancing, and other creative pursuits – would continue to exist in our new reality. They beautifully asked her, ‘do we become the new myths?’

“All of these notions of different frequency ’settings’, if you like – 3D, 4D, 5D and so on – they are all collapsing into one infinite slipstream.”

Jacqueline: Yes, lovely question! We are the heroes of our own dramas. I often say, ‘I am my own masterpiece,’ and so are each and every one of you. We are engaged in an epic adventure of redefining ourselves, in a time-lapse reality that is falling away. We are our own legend, but we are also fact made true, in the same breath. We’re writing the greatest story on Earth right now, which is why I often call my events ‘Future re-write’.

Another person asked a question about letting go of relationships that no longer feel aligned. Jacqueline: Let’s keep things practical. You can’t hold onto something that is meant to leave. No matter how hard you try, it will eventually go. So just see what leaves: it’s not so much about letting go. Because we’re in a time where certain things that exist within a particular bandwidth are falling away, you need to make sure that you are moving in a direction that is right for you. When you do that, whatever is meant to leave will leave naturally, and everything that is meant to stay will solidify.

One attendee asked Jacqueline, ‘what is your vision for the future?

Jacqueline: I see it not so much as a vision, but as a reality that is already coming forward. I see humans moving into more communities – both digitally and on the ground. I see humans aligning more with nature’s principles, and they are also thinking for themselves more. You may not see much evidence of that in the bandwidths that are currently leaving, but in the higher frequency ones that are going to be staying, you are freer than you ever have been.

You can watch our full interview with Jacqueline on our YouTube channel – just search ‘Positive Life Magazine’ to find us. We highly recommend checking out the full interview, as it contains a great deal of information that we couldn’t fit into these pages! For more on Jacqueline, go to: oraclegirl.org


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