26 minute read

Judith McAdam Visualise the bridge to your dreams

the bridge



by Judith McAdam

I’d love to do a study on how many resistant thoughts we, as human beings, think in just one day. You know those thoughts yourself – all of us do. It’s the constant voice of fear, anxiety, doubt, and lack of self-worth, among other things, that seem to never give up. The chitterchatter of ‘I can’t do that course, I wouldn’t be good enough, I was terrible in school’ or ‘I’d love to change job but…’ ‘I’m never going to be able to…’ ‘I’m sick of being broke,’ ‘the kids are driving me mad, I’m a terrible mother.’ The list of mental abuse we give ourselves is endless. It wouldn’t be so bad if this barrage of negativity didn’t create anything, but it actually does. These resistant thoughts stop you from moving forward. They block your way and keep you stuck, sometimes for years. These resistant thoughts keep you in jobs where you are being bullied, in marriages that are not working, in friendships that have long since served their purpose, or in a state of lack. Lack of happiness, joy, money that ultimately can lead to severe anxiety and lack of good health. So, how do you change this? It’s easier than you think. All you have to do is create non-resistant thoughts and everything will unfold accordingly. This is where your imagination comes in, and we are going to use The Bridge Visualisation you are moving in the direction of your creation. Draw this image of you on the bridge in your journal – even colour it in – and know that as you do this simple nonresistant visualisation and drawing, you are imprinting upon your subconscious mind a clear path to your desire. You can see what you want on the other side, waiting for you, and all you have to do is Just Keep Stepping… This visualisation is available on my website below, or join me on Insta Live every Wednesday night at 9 pm (@ judith_mcadam). Never underestimate the power of your imagination.

to help you do this. I’d like you to think of something you want to create in your life. It could be anything, from a new washing machine or car, to a beautiful baby, because it’s the same energetic-mental-emotional process. Now close your eyes. Listen to your breath ebbing and flowing. Visualise yourself in a beautiful field near a river. It’s a gorgeous day. You can feel the warm sun on your face. The birds are singing and there are the most vibrant flowers leading down into a flowing river. As you get closer to the water, you see a bridge. This is an old, strong, sturdy bridge that will easily take your weight. Think about what you want to create in your life. You are on one side of this bridge, and what you want to create is on the other side, waiting for you. It could be a lover, a new house, or good health. Start walking slowly toward the bridge and take just one step onto it. Don’t worry – just see yourself taking that one step. If you are nervous or afraid of taking the step, tell yourself it will be okay. The bridge is strong and will support you. The way is very clear and your desire awaits you on the other side. All you have to do is Just Keep Stepping. Well done! You are now on your way. You’ve stepped on that bridge, and now


“The way is very clear and your desire awaits you on the other side. All you have to do is Just Keep Stepping.”



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bring in the new


by Amanda Sophia


Spring Equinox / Ostara – March 2021

Welcome to the Spring Equinox, a time that brings energies of blossoming, rebirth, renewal, and awakening your inner child. Day and night are of equal length in perfect equilibrium; nature is coming alive. Dark and light, masculine and feminine, inner and outer are all in balance.

Some powerful questions for self-inquiry

What is stirring within you and wants to be born and blossom? What needs grounding or feels unsettled? Where could you find more balance? Journal about this and let the magic flow.

A Spring Equinox Ritual Using Nettles for Healthy Boundaries, Empowerment & Grounding

Medicinal nettles have been used by our ancestors for centuries. Nature offers us an abundance of this deeply nourishing wild plant that symbolises healthy, strong boundaries. It’s a superfood and spring tonic. It supports kidney and liver function. The leaves contain vitamins A, C, and many B complex vitamins, in addition to beta-carotene, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. Nettles are healing. They can be applied to cuts, wounds, and burns. They also treat hay fever, asthma, anemia, cystitis, high blood pressure, and eczema. Nettles teach us about boundaries, protection, and the empowerment of standing in one’s truth. If you touch the leaf, you get a sting, caused by formic acid from the leaf. But to cure a nettle sting, you rub a dock leaf over the irritation, and dock leaves tend to grow next to nettles. Mother Nature gives us exactly what we need, as long as we are willing to tune in. Three doses of nettles in Spring will prevent any disease for the rest of the year. “Nettles teach us about boundaries, protection, and the empowerment of standing in one’s truth.”

How to perform the Tea Nettle Ritual

1. When gathering, ask the land if you can pick them, then honour the answer.

Be careful to hold the centre of the leaf or wear gloves, as their sting can leave blisters on your hands.

2. Bring them home to dry in a warm window.

3. You can also get organic dried nettles at your local health food store.

4. Alone or in a circle with your beloveds, call upon your ancestors who have walked the path before you and would like to join for the highest good.

5. Set the intention to create healthy boundaries in both your human and spirit forms.

6. Light a candle.

7. Set the tea table, and if you have fresh nettles, place them in a vase as a centrepiece, or burn dried nettles, as they also clear the energy of the space. 8. Use spring water for the tea. As you brew your tea, bless the spring water and give deep gratitude to the waters and the earth and ask that it bless you with love, peace, and grace for the highest good on your journey.

9. If more than one is experiencing the ritual, request that it be done in silence.

10. Brew the tea and allow it to sit for eight minutes.

11. Pour the tea for each beloved.

12. Holding the cup with both hands mindfully, feel the heat of the tea and allow the warmth to drop you into the present moment.

13. Look at the tea and notice everything you can about its appearance, how the leaves gather in the bottom of the cup.

14. Feel the magic of every sip as the tea moves down through your throat and brings you into your body and empowerment. Smell the aroma.

15. Feel the nettles filling you with the strength to speak and stand in your truth.

16. Close the sacred space by giving thanks to your ancestors and the spirits of the tea, to communicate that the ritual and line of energy are closed until next time.


real world realisations


by Sandy Newbigging

Words cannot describe the relief that came to me the day I discovered that my memories from the past, irrespective of how bad or sad, were only accessible now via my imagination. Shockingly, the same went for my fears about the future.

For years I had literally been scared by my mind and imagination. From that moment on, any therapy to find peace with past memories and future concerns became so much easier, and less daunting, once I played with the possibility that the past or future was nothing more than imagined stories in my mind.


“my fears exist mainly in my mind...rarely in the real world of this moment.”


When I was a child, I snuck into the television room late one evening and watched the movie ‘Jaws’. It scared me to death! For weeks after seeing the movie I couldn’t sleep; I was convinced the massive shark from the movie was hiding in my bedroom wardrobe, waiting for me to go to sleep before it came out to eat me. Now, looking back on it, I can’t help but laugh at the thought of a giant fish living in my wardrobe, but at the time it felt so real that I would sweat and shake from fear. When my parents tried to tell me it wasn’t real, it was just my imagination, I didn’t believe them because it felt so real. But they spoke the truth, and gave me one of the most important lessons of my life. I’ve now discovered that my fears exist mainly in my mind – in either my imagined past or future – and rarely in the real world of this moment. Please take a second to consider this possibility. Although the perceived problems that appear to cause us emotional stress may feel real, they exist more in our imagination than in reality. Just because a problem feels real, it doesn’t mean it exists in the reality of now. I appreciate this might be a bit hard to swallow at first, in particular if your memories feel real and appear to be impacting your peace today. However, for the sake of your health and happiness, I invite you to explore whether much of your stress and negative emotions are caused by over-thinking about the past and future. When we are upset about things that have happened before, or might happen later, we are essentially ‘feeling our thinking’. Therefore, if we want to fear less and experience more peace in daily life, then we must master our imagination. If we aren’t careful, we could spend years trying to fix, and find peace with, stuff that’s happened in the past, when all the time, we can find peace far more quickly by no longer letting our imagination get the better of us. We can spend more time in the reality of the present moment.


Irrespective of where you are reading this, take a moment to stop and have a look around. Right now, wherever you happen to be, is ‘your world’. We tend to leave ‘our world’ and reach into ‘other worlds’ that are not actually happening right here or now. We reach into the ‘news world’ and accidentally start believing the news is happening in our living room. Or we reach into the ‘social media world’, read about other people’s worlds, and again, can bring things into ‘our world’ that are upsetting or unsettling, for example. Staying in our personal world is not about spiritual bypassing or denying reality. Quite the opposite. It’s about returning to ‘real reality’ and not letting our mind and imagination negatively impact our inner peace and empowerment. Try this quick Reality Check protocol for letting go of the mind and returning to the moment:

• Visual: Notice an object that is currently in your field of vision that you were unaware of previously. (Do not look at it directly. Use your peripheral vision.) • Audio: Notice a sound that is currently occurring in your proximity that you were unaware of previously. • Touch: Notice something that you are physically touching that you were unaware of previously.

Becoming attentive to these visual, auditory and kinaesthetic things in your immediate environment helps you to tune into ‘your world’. The power of this protocol comes from noticing what’s already present, that we’ve been missing because we’ve been too caught up in our mind. This protocol requires a higher level of present moment awareness, which also causes a calmer and clearer mind. By staying in our ‘here-and-nowworld’, and not spending our days lost in our imagination, we can even find that we already have ‘world peace’. Before rejecting this possibility, give this awareness-raising exercise a go and see what you discover.

Sandy is the creator of the popular Mind Detox and Mind Calm methods. Visit his website for more on his online mentoring sessions, club and academy. sandynewbigging.com


supporting community wellness


by Aisling Cronin

Maintaining great health and supporting small businesses have emerged as top priorities for many of us over the last year. Communities all over Ireland have come to deeply appreciate the dedication, care and expertise offered by small, independent health stores. These stores have, in many cases, served as community hubs, connecting people who share a passion for optimising their wellbeing, while also supporting local producers. Small health stores are the places that many of us visit for food and care products that will nourish us, and conversations that will sustain us. The friendliness and knowledge levels of small store owners and staff are second to none. With this in mind, I was pleased to chat with Alan McGrath of Health Stores Ireland, to learn more about the association and the role they play in supporting independent health stores across the length and breadth of the country. ‘We represent over 70 retailers, from Bandon to Buncrana,’ he explained. ‘This would include individual “mom and pop shops”, with maybe one or two people on staff, to groups like Health Matters in Leinster, Evergreen in Galway, or Horans in Munster, who would have a few stores. Our role as an association is primarily to give people a network. So we have a members’ forum that enables people to exchange ideas and information, and we also do surveys and training programmes to benefit our members and give them new skills and information.’ A core part of the group’s ethos is to ensure that health store staff are fully trained in hygiene and safety protocols. ‘The primary aim of our health food stores is the promotion of natural foodstuffs, organically grown where possible, as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle,’ Alan told me. ‘We have a rigorous hygiene protocol in place to ensure high standards of safety in our stores. We have a specific code of ethics, helping our stores to trade responsibly, and we are proud of that.’

Community resilience has emerged as a strong theme for societies around the world over the past year. Moving forward requires that we work together – on an international scale, right down to small towns and villages – and pool our resources. Alan believes that the greatest strength of the Irish Health Stores association is its spirit of cooperation and inclusiveness. ‘We give store owners a space to share and learn from other stores. The nature of the group is that people are very generous with their time and advice, so anybody who comes into the group finds very quickly that it adds an incredible value to their business model.’ ‘We’ve found that over the last few years, the local health store has begun to play a role that is similar to the one corner shops would have played two or three decades ago,’ he added. ‘More and more often, the local health food store is turning into a small community hub, and we are here to support that.’

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spirit-infused creations


by Aisling Cronin

Tahnee Morgan is an award-winning milliner and designer who creates beautiful semi-precious gemstone necklaces, beaded bracelets, cashmere, wool and silk scarves and other accessories through her company, 7th Heaven. Her spiritual journey took an extraordinary turn after she had a near-death experience in 2009, following complications from a surgical procedure. Tahnee found her psychic powers increased and she acquired the ability to heal and even predict some future events.

This very personal, life-changing phenomenon inspired Tahnee to visit India for mindfulness retreats and engage in soulful meditation, in order to reconnect with her true Divine self.

I was thrilled to talk to Tahnee about her beautiful experiences.

How did your journey begin?

Over ten years ago, I went through a neardeath experience, after I got my tonsils removed and ended up getting a clot in my throat. I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance. The minute the ambulance doors closed behind me, I had a seizure – it was very sudden, and although I could hear what was going on, I was going in and out of my body. I could feel my spirit moving towards a place that was filled with beautiful golden light.

I felt like I was embraced in the breast of a very large swan – which was Archangel Michael – and the divine lights of heaven. To me, they looked like sparks: little flares of light orbs. Archangel Michael’s colour was a gorgeous cobalt blue, like the blue part of a flame. I talked to the angels – I told them I wanted to go back to my life – and we agreed that I would work with them once I went back to earth. So I ended up returning to my body very suddenly. From that time onwards, I found myself spontaneously channelling messages for people I would meet, people at the supermarket till, people who would come to see me through my millinery business ... and my intuitive third eye grew so much that I knew I had to really commit to my spiritual journey. I was lucky enough to travel to the Himalayas in India with a pilgrimage group, and I found it deeply spiritual and grounding. I’ve been over and back many times since then.

“I told the angels I wanted to go back to my life – and we agreed that I would work with them once I did.”

I know that you have experienced many powerful spiritual realisations over the years, and you were involved in the discovery of Kingdom Water. Can you tell us more about that?

What inspired you to create 7th Heaven?

The thing that really inspired 7th Heaven, for me, was a trip to Mary Magdalene’s grotto in France. During the time that I was there, I was woken up one night by a voice of an angel, repeatedly saying the words ‘seventh heaven.’ I didn’t know what they meant until I returned home. Two days later, I was awoken in the middle of the night by an angelic voice saying, ‘work with us using our colours.’ I asked, ‘what do you mean?’ and they responded, ‘we will guide you to choose the right colours that represent our energy.’

That night, they channeled through me the whole night to create seven scarves, which would correspond with the seven colours of the Archangels. This later expanded into bracelets and jewellery.

Yes, that happened in 2018, when my son and I went down to visit my friend Michelle Keane (founder of Kingdom Water) for a few days. She lives in a gorgeous part of Kerry. I remember one evening after supper, I was drawn to open

a bottle of Archangel Michael holy water from Ballinskelligs well, that had been sitting in a press. When I opened the cap, I got unbelievably hot, and I knew from my many past experiences that I was about to be channelled.

I felt a flood of angelic messages come through, telling me about seven ancient spring wells – three grouped in one area and four grouped in another area – which had been buried for hundreds of years, deep under Michelle’s land. They gave me the names and the descriptions of Michelle’s ancestors. During that angelic channelling, Michelle was able to validate who these ancestors were. It was a fascinating couple of hours – Michelle tells the whole story in her book, ‘The Discovery of Kingdom Water.’

You can find 7thheaven.ie on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Our full interview with Tahnee is available on our YouTube channel – just search ‘Positive Life Magazine’ to find us. For more on Tahnee and her beautiful accessories, go to: 7thheaven.ie COMPETITION TIME Tahnee has generously offered the following competition prizes: - Angel Raphael Peacock Green Cashmere

Wrap Scarf for Healing, Travel & Guidance - Men's Green Malachite bracelet for Growth,

Abundance & Healing - Men's Matte Black Bracelet for Strength,

Power & Protection - Angel Raphael Green Bracelet for Healing,

Travel & Guidance - Angel Michael Blue Bracelet for Protection,

Strength & Courage

How to Win: We will post this article to our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages shortly after the magazine goes to print. To win, just go to any of our social media pages, find the competition post, then share it. Make sure you tag us, so we know you’ve done it. Winners will be selected through a random draw in May. Good luck!


imagine orgasm


by Dawn Cartwright

“There’s a part of your brain that has never forgotten who you truly are … and this part of you is ready for action, anytime, any place. For real.”

You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one I hope some day you’ll join us And the world will be as one

~ John Lennon ~

There’s a sort of exquisite agony at the turning point in orgasm. That teetering moment when we finally let go and open to the wild expanse of who we truly are. Scientists have done MRI studies of the brain during orgasm, showing us this teetering process from the neurological perspective. During sexual pleasure, the MRI shows that the brain glows and fades like clouds on a stormy day until, all at once, it lights up – the entire brain lights up! – at the moment of orgasm. It’s the same kind of brain activity that occurs during deep meditation and flow states and any time we gain access to the unfiltered experience of being ourselves. Already, reading this, you may have discovered your body coming alive – just a little. This is because there’s more than just the body involved when it comes to pleasure, orgasm and self-discovery. Our imagination (our knowing and remembering) is an important part of the experience too.

What?! Orgasm and Imagination? How Is That Even Possible?

It’s sort of mind-blowing to consider imagination as a doorway to ecstasy, yet it’s true. Your imagination is one of your super powers and it works like this . . . Say you wake up in the middle of the night with an overwhelming desire for a midnight snack. In total darkness and sleep-infused grogginess, you navigate your way through the house and end up at the fridge. This is possible because your brain has a map, including obstacles (if you have kids, errant Legos are not part of this map), laid out from past experience. Your brain knows how to get you there because it contains a map from your past experience. It knows where ‘there’ is without the usual sensory input – like seeing the door, the stairs, the kitchen, etc. Now we’re going to activate this super power you’ve always had, yet have taken for granted, in a way that’s even more precise. Imagine you had pizza for dinner last night and there’s one last slice in your fridge right now. Imagine that pizza. See it in your mind’s eye. Take in the aroma. Taste it. (Don’t just read this exercise, do it now.) What did you experience? Yep, about 75% of you were able to taste pizza without even taking a bite. Or, at the very least, saw pizza without even seeing pizza. Right? How did that happen? It happened the same way imagination, pleasure and orgasm happen. There’s a part of your brain that has never forgotten who you truly are (by the way, in case you haven’t already figured this out, orgasm is the all-too-brief experience of your totality) and this part of you is ready for action, anytime, any place. For real. All you need to do is trust. Try this. Here’s a real life orgasm experiment created by the great orgasm research scientist, Barry Komisaruk, at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey. Tap your thumb with your middle finger for about 30 seconds. (Are you tapping? Tap, people!!!) Then, stop tapping your thumb with your middle finger and imagine you are tapping your thumb with your middle finger. Stay focused. Have a little faith. Did you feel your middle finger tapping your thumb? (If not, keep practising.) In a very short time your brain will map out the feeling of your middle finger tapping your thumb and you’ll be able to access that feeling anytime you wish. In fact, the parts of your brain that light up when your middle finger is tapping your thumb will light up even more when you imagine the tapping than when the tapping is actually happening.

(Bet you never thought orgasm research could be this exciting.)

While I’ve got you here in the lab, let’s try one more experiment.

Get some privacy. Touch your body right now in a way that is pleasurable. Take some time, not a lot, not a little. Give yourself at least 3 minutes to experience the pleasure of your own touch. Then, stop. Sit back. Imagine you’re touching your body in that same way. Feel the same pleasure. If you don’t feel anything right away, don’t be discouraged. Each time you practice, you’re reinforcing pleasure pathways in your body and brain. Hidden super powers ready to be revealed. So, to review. One way we experience orgasm is through the senses. It happens when we see, taste, touch, hear, smell or feel sensations that bring pleasure and we allow those sensations to build. Your imagination is one of your many super powers. It’s the part of you that has never forgotten who you are and knows, deep inside, the pleasure and freedom of being you. The ecstasy and bliss of orgasm. Even when you’re not being touched. Even in the dark. Even with Legos strewn all over the floor.

Dawn Cartwright is a Neo Tantra visionary, sacred writer, world traveler, and innovator in authentic lovemaking and Neo Tantra fusion. dawncartwright.com

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