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Positive Therapy Kinesiology
your body tells a story KINESIOLOGY LISTENS.
by Alison McEvoy What if … you could ask an expert, when you are feeling unwell or ill at ease, and find out what your body needs, what it wants and how best to serve it, at this moment in time? Systematic Kinesiology does just that. It’s hard to fathom and yet, it is perfectly observable as the Kinesiologist tests your body’s muscles for answers to better understand where you’re at. ‘The magic of Kinesiology’
At a small gathering of Systematic Kinesiologists, Siobhan Guthrie, principal of KinesiologyZone, and graduates Pam McMinn and Roberta Branagan, the chat was mighty. These three ladies burn with the passion of Systematic Kinesiology. They shared story upon story of how this whole-person approach, and its plethora of accompanying tools, have restored balance, ease, health and peace to the lives of those who pass through their doors. From anxious children and teenagers, and those who want out of pain or improved energy, to elders who found a renewed sense of appreciation for their bodies, Systematic Kinesiology is a unique health care system which knows no bounds in whom it can support.
“Parents often present their kids with some issue, and end up coming back for themselves when they see the change,” says Roberta, who is on the Council of the professional Association. The body speaks
There is not only beauty and magic in a modality which consults directly with the body, there is also an enviable precision to what Systematic Kinesiology is about to identify. The Kinesiologist seeks to find the root cause of an issue and identify what is most appropriate for its healing process.
“Kinesiology is often thought of as a diagnostic tool but that’s just part of the story,” says Siobhan. “In the midst of a lot of confusing and often conflicting advice, muscle testing gives clarity. Definite direction for the individual. When we balance the body’s energy, that’s where the magic is. It feels like magic, but is more like relief. Relief from pain, whether physical or emotional, and acknowledgement.” Time & Space
At a kinesiology session there is time and space for you to be heard and understood. Each muscle relates to an organ, a specific vertebra and meridian circuit. This gives many clues to what’s out of balance from the whole-person approach that’s fundamental to how Kinesiology works.
“We want to understand our clients as much as possible, this often brings our work much deeper than the presenting problem, and you don’t have to wait for an illness to occur to make you want to improve your health,” says Pam, who helps her clients who previously struggled to lose weight. Toolkit for life & living
Many who have their health turned around are curious to learn it for themselves and to help others. At KinesiologyZone, you can dip your toes into the 3 month part-time training called Balanced Health. The course is hands-on, making it much easier to learn and get comfortable in practising the muscle testing, and is jam-packed with techniques that can really change things in people. The course is extremely beneficial to its students, many of whom find all kinds of health issues improve. The website has videos, information, graduate stories and a list of graduates who are busy at work helping people improve their lives.
askireland.ie kinesiologyzone.com
Carmel Rose Systematic Kinesiology Clinic
Green St. Callan Co.Kilkenny Phone 056 7725777
Systematic Kinesiology is a gentle non-invasive therapy suitable for all ages, helpful in dealing with issues such as food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, stress, anxieties, self-esteem and structural imbalances.

Catriona Walsh Ballyknock upper, Kilgobnet, Dungarvan, Waterford 0877743640

A one stop treatment that looks at all imbalances in the body. After my very first visit to a Kinesiologist I said I am going to study this. I knew there and then that if my body was ever going to heal it was going to be true Kinesiology.

After years of trying to get to the end of my health problems with rashes, inflammation, pains and aches. My first visit highlighted:

Association of Systematic Kinesiology
The Association was established in Ireland in 2000.
Members abide by a code of ethics and aim to work with clients using the whole person holistic approach.
Our Professional Practitioners undergo extensive, thorough training through the Association’s approved Systematic Kinesiology schools.
Back & Joint Pain Stress/Anxiety Digestive Issues
For more information on Systematic Kinesiology and where to find a practitioner check out our webpage and Facebook page