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Sexual Illumination Kali Kavara
By Kali Kavara Kalí Kavara is the Author of the book Sexual Illumination: A Pilgrimage Within to Remember Who You Are. Sample a taste in the excerpt below.
“I have seen the grid of light that forms this natural world. It is a matrix of pixelations that shapes the visualizations you perceive. The physical plane is like a simulation. Your reality weaves itself together into what you experience from an endless array of light potentials. Your experience is determined by your filters. You radiate your beliefs out from yourself and attract like energy back as colored threads of light that initiate form. To expand your reality, you must break down your walls and open your mind to allow your perception to evolve beyond your current framework. As you receive more energy by opening to it, you expand your experience of reality. It is all a matter of awareness. Your conditioning determines your filters, so when you clear your shadow, you release your limitations of perception and are able to awaken to greater realities you experience as your life. The capacity of your energy is limitless. You can expand beyond any framework you’ve created for yourself, but you cannot do this without self-love. Love is the transformational fuel required for inner alchemy. It is the highest expression of consciousness. Love inspires Freedom, and your sexual energy is the source. Sexual energy is life force and is the universal consciousness that flows through you. It provides the momentum you need to transform your energy from denser, known as ‘sin’, to higher states of vibration, known as ‘grace.’ Sexual energy is experienced as Love and inspires Freedom. We are all here on the Earth plane as alchemists, constantly transforming energy and, thus, ourselves. We are learning to master this process consciously to increase our levels of perception and power. There is no force more powerful than life force, i.e. your sexual energy, which is Love incarnate. To awaken your sexual energy to Dragon potentials of universal sexual energy as life force, or Love, you need the Goddess. Experiencing self-love happens organically when you receive sufficient life-force. The complete energetic spectrum exists within the electric and magnetic combination of energy as life force and this flows into you as unconditional Love, helping you evolve into greater Love and Freedom. To receive self-love, you require self-worth. Self-worth is the belief that you are worthy of love. Embodying ‘I am worthy of love’, as a core truth, is empowerment. When you innately know you are worthy of love, then you open to receive it from the universe. Many have been conditioned to believe they are not worthy of love, subjugating their feminine channel for receiving, and so they are not receiving all the life force meant for them as their birthright. This diminishes the amount of power they are capable of embodying… The feminine energy within you is the pathway that magnetizes and thus receives. If you are not receptive to the universal Love that wants to come into your energy system at its full potential, because you are shutting yourself off from it in resistance to your feminine, then you are not receiving all the sexual energy as life force, i.e. Love, that is meant for you. When you resist the universal, you also resist yourself, for we are all but microcosms of All That Is… By reawakening your Triple Goddess within through positive action as you are taught to in this book, you remove veils of limitation to activate your highest light potential to embody your Soul, remembering who you are.”