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South Carolina State R esources

South Carolina State Services

 The Alston Wilkes Society alstonwilkessociety.org


The A lston Wilkes S ociety operate s Re sidential Reentry Centers for federal offenders. These facilities provide 24- hour supervision, employment assistance, counseling, life skills training (finances, parenting, etc.), family reintegration and other supportive services to facilitate a successful transition back into the community.

 Angels Charge Ministry angelschargeministry.org

Angels Charge Ministry works solely with women, providing housing, assistance with finding & using community resources & healthcare, education and mental health services, job skill development, and job search assistant.

 Battered But Not Broken batteredbutnotbrokenministries.org/services/

A faith - based organization, with a mission to effectively combat recidivism and support ex - offenders and their families, Battered But Not Broken offers job training, counseling, food/clothing assistance, education assistance, and mentoring.

 Turning Leaf turningleafproject.com/

Located in North Charleston, this small but mighty team offers classroom training in addition to job skills training and job placement opportunities.

 Jumpstart jumpstartvision.org

This organization offers a religious studies and discipleship program for inma tes. Once prisoners are released, the organization provides assistance related to housing, healthcare, transportation, and substance abuse.

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