The NDP’s newly elected leader is positioning her party to drive Ford from Queen’s Park, but first we need to get to know her. We asked the MPP and Toronto mom about her favourite local restaurant, greatest regret, prized possession and why the two people she most admires are her kids. by Ron Johnson
The number of UFO sightings reported in the Toronto area according to a new report, the most in Canada.
What's your daily ritual? Reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee. We’re talking an actual newspaper? Yes, an actual copy of a newspaper. And I alternate which one every year.
What was your first job? Probably babysitter.
What’s the worst piece of career advice you've received? Wait your turn.
What's your fave T.O. restaurant? Oh, my gosh, there’s so many. But I would say, if you haven't tried Donna’s on Lansdowne, then you're really missing something.
Where's the best view in the city?
I think one of the best views in the city is from Ontario Place looking back at the skyline, which is why it’s so important that we keep it public and accessible.
What one thing do you have multiple versions of?
Right now, I have an extraordinary number of blazers, in all colours. I can’t believe how many I have. Marilyn Churley, who used to be an MPP, told me many years ago that in a sea of navy suits a woman has the advantage of wearing a bright blazer.
What is your greatest regret?
Probably not being able to enjoy that time I
had with my kids when they were little as much as I wish. I always regret that.
What book have you read the most? A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.
What living person do you most admire?
I’d say I have to pick two — my two daughters. They’re both young adults now. It’s been a really rough time in the last few years for a lot of those people of their generation, so I’m pretty blown away by them.
What Torontonian would you most like to hang out with?
I’d love to hang out with Rick Mercer. I don’t really know him very well, and I think we should know each other.
What is your prized possession?
All my photos, family photos.
What talent would you like to have? Oh, I wish I could either play the piano or the guitar because I’d like to have an instrument I could play that people could sing along with.
How do you get away from it all? Any place there's a lake and a hammock.
What is your greatest fear? To lose the people closest to me.
What’s your idea of perfect happiness? That hammock and that lake but with all my family and friends.
Why are you the best choice to topple the Doug Ford government? I have the energy and I have the vision for how this province can be stronger and better for everyone.
What went wrong last time around when the NDP actually lost ground last year? The question I ask myself all the time is why did so few people actually vote? I think it’s on people like me to remind people that they can expect more.
The public is focused on corruption in the Ford government. Will that strategy resonate at election time?
I think there’s a lot of really big questions. Something definitely smells pretty fishy around some of what’s happened with the Greenbelt in particular.
Is there any room for health-care innovation in terms of privatization for you?
I think that there are innovations possible within the public health-care system that this government refuses to explore. I mean, they sat on a billion dollars in the last year alone. A billion dollars of money that was allocated to health care they’ve never used. So they’ve been undermining the system, causing this crisis. And now we have a situation where — guess what? — they find the solution is not just private health care, but for-profit health care.
The age at which Drake’s son Adonis gave his first, very funny, interview with Caleb Pressley of Barstool Sports.
The jersey number of new Leafs star Ryan O’Reilly, who tallied 5 points in his first 3 games for the Buds.
Current betting odds of Sarah Polley winning the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay at this month’s Academy Awards.
Hopefully it will not be a repeat of John Tory, who was terrific at good announcements and didn’t have much interest in follow up. Various names are being thrown about as possible (or even) declared candidates: Gil Penalosa who has never served on council and who came a distant second to Tory in the election last year; Ana Bailao, a former councillor who decided not to run last year and has joined a development company as an advisor on affordable housing; councillor Brad Bradford from the Beaches, a close and unimaginative ally of Tory; and councillor Josh Matlow who has made his name as a progressive voice on council. There are probably others assessing their own possibilities. The challenges for whoever gets elected are considerable.
Homelessness is a major problem that requires a mayor who will provide powerful leadership to bring together the development industry, social agencies, homeless advocates and both the provincial and federal levels of government to create solutions.
And to be successful, homing for the homeless must be part of housing for a mix of the rest of society — low-income families and those who can afford to pay close to market rent. Developers will play a large part in providing this housing since non-profits and co-operatives no longer have the staff or the skills to be able to build this housing. You can be
sure that some city residents will oppose this housing close to where they live, and they must be convinced to accommodate new neighbours. The mayor must lead these negotiations to ensure this initiative to build for the 10,000 homeless is successful.
A second significant challenge is that the provincial government, and Premier Doug Ford in particular, has decided that it should govern Toronto. It has interfered with virtually every aspect of life in Toronto. It
demand of developers. It has substantially weakened the protection of heritage structures, and it is attacking the city’s oldest heritage property, Osgoode Hall. Ontario Place is being turned from a public park into a private entertainment place with a steep entry fee. The Ford government interferes on a regular basis with the city’s planning decisions.
The new mayor must deal with these threats and must gather up the forces in Toronto to confront the province. Premier Ford has said he will not “intervene” in the election for mayor, but he has already done so, saying that electing a “lefty” will be a disaster for the city.
And there’s the money problem. Toronto does not have a large enough source of its own revenue to function well. The city needs a new deal on money.
passed the Strong Mayors Act, requiring the mayor to veto any council action contrary to “provincial priorities,” yet to be defined. It passed legislation that dictates that laws can be passed with one-third of the vote of council even if the majority is in opposition.
It has stripped municipalities of a large portion of the development charges needed to fund new infrastructure, (estimated at $200 million a year for Toronto). It has taken from conservation authorities the ability to protect the natural environment. It has reduced the amount of parkland cities can
These are the issues on which to judge our mayoralty candidates: successful plans to house the homeless; opposing the province’s attempt to govern Toronto; and securing serious independent money to fund city programs.
Who is going to be the next mayor?
Whoever it is will need to be ready to stand up to the premier
“The challenges for whoever gets elected are considerable.”
It wasn’t easy for Kaitlin and her husband to find the right couples counsellor. “It took us maybe twoand-a-half years to get in to see somebody,” said the Torontobased freelance human resources consultant, who asked not to use her last name.
Earlier in their search, either prospective therapists didn’t seem compatible with the couple or a lack of health insurance or conflicting work schedules got in the way. But even after Kaitlin settled on the counsellor she ultimately began seeing a month ago with her husband, it took more than a year for a spot to free up. “Even with a referral, it took that long for us to get high enough on the wait list with someone who resonated with us as a provider,” she said.
Long wait times and other hurdles to accessibility, such as cost or language barriers, are far too common for Torontonians seeking mental health services these days, according to some experts in the field — and the problem is only getting bigger.
“[There was a] mental health
crisis even pre-pandemic, but the pandemic, it definitely makes it worse,” said Houyuan Luo, a psychologist practising in Toronto and chair of the Canadian Psychological Association’s Counselling Psychology section.
Worse yet, emerging factors continue to stoke an already high need for mental health services in the city and beyond, said Simone Levey, a clinical psychologist from Toronto. “Now, if you add on high inflation and rising costs of living … the demand is higher — much higher — than we’ve seen,” said Levey, the co-founder of RENNI, a new trauma-informed interdisciplinary clinic in Toronto’s Little Italy neighbourhood.
“There’s definitely a sense that we don’t have enough resources to respond to the need, and people don’t have the funds,” she says of the system at large.
Many people without private insurance or the ability to pay out of pocket are left with a limited number of publicly funded options.
The Ontario Health Insurance Plan doesn’t cover the services of psychologists like Luo or Levey —
or other providers, such as social workers — in private practices. Only medical doctors, like psychiatrists who can prescribe medication, fall under OHIP — and some of those professionals are getting tougher to access.
“A large proportion of psychiatrists are at retirement age, with not enough younger
Luo’s waiting list, meanwhile, ranges from two weeks up to two months, at which point he stops accepting new patients and, like Levey, turns to referrals. “Publicly funded services have a much longer wait list than us,” added Luo, whose rate is $250 per session (about the norm for downtown Toronto, he said).
his colleagues in the field, he said, are feeling “burned out.
When Luo does turn away patients, he said he generally first points them to three online resources to help find the most appropriate care: the websites for Psychology Today, the Ontario Psychological Association and the College of Psychologists of Ontario.
The college’s website is especially helpful, he said. Not only does it have a register of all licensed psychologists in the province, it also lets users filter the pool of specialists by specific criteria to refine their search.
“If a person wants to look for a psychologist who speaks Mandarin, who’s in Toronto, who works with Toronto, they can put so many tags in it to narrow down the pool,” Luo said.
This touches on another component of the ongoing mental health crisis.
“We have a lack of culturally appropriate care in mental health,” Luo said. “For those people who have a diverse cultural background, it’s even harder for them [to find care],” he continued, adding, “Toronto’s a super-diverse city … [but] for a lot of people, if they want to find a psychologist who speaks Mandarin and understands an Asian background, they are going to really struggle a lot.
Levey, Luo and Kaitlin all agreed that something needs to change. For starters, more government funding should be dedicated to mental health services in Ontario, they said.
“I really … believe that mental health should be covered under OHIP,” Levey said.
In addition, unable to foot the bill for a private assessment for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Kaitlin now finds herself on yet another waiting list, one she said will take six months. Her son, she said, is in a similar situation. “In that time, things are just getting harder,” she added.
psychiatrists being trained to replace them,” warned Angela Ho, assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of Toronto and president of the Ontario Psychiatric Association.
Levey said she prefers not to keep a waiting list at all and tries to refer patients elsewhere when she’s too booked: “I don’t want someone waiting for a year — or a month — if they’re in need, so it’s really tricky.”
Having to say no to someone in need never feels good for Luo. Most people only turn to therapy after unsuccessfully trying to deal with their problems alone, he said. “I feel pressured because I want to get them in as soon as possible,” he said. “That is something I’ve been struggling with since the pandemic, particularly, because I can only take on that much,” he said. Luo limits his workload to about 50 or 60 hours a week, partly for his own mental health. Many of
Still, Kaitlin said she realizes that she has been more fortunate than lots of others seeking help. The couples therapy that took Kaitlin and her husband so long to access was more about strengthening a relationship, not saving it.
She’s aware not everyone has been so lucky: “You know, there were a lot of people who got divorced over the pandemic.”
Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care did not respond to a request for comment for this article in time for publication.
There are also a limited number of publicly funded options for those who can’t afford care when they need it most
by Josh Sherman
City faces crisis as psychiatrists retire with not enough new ones being trained to replace them
“There’s definitely a sense that we don’t have enough resources to respond to the need, and people don’t have the funds.”
Yorkville and Summerhill sidestepped the city policy back in 2018
by Eric StoberToronto is moving forward with allowing laneway suites in Yorkville after the area had been exempt from the housing type.
The city was scheduled to hold a public meeting about the proposed zoning bylaw change for the area on Feb. 28. However, the meeting is only a formality, according to local resident and co-president of the ABC Residents Association (ABCRA), Ian Carmichael.
Due to the province’s Bill 23 –the More Homes Built Faster Act – Toronto must allow laneway housing. Local city councillor Dianne Saxe wrote in an email that the bill is being “imposed on the city against the unanimous opposition of the mayor and council.”
“I remain adamantly opposed to [Ontario Premier Doug] Ford’s deeply destructive Bill 23 and the many harms it is imposing on the people of Toronto,” Saxe wrote.
When the City of Toronto first introduced its laneway suites policy in 2018, Changing Lanes, ABCRA, whose jurisdiction is from Avenue Road to Yonge Street, and Bloor Street to the railway tracks in the north, requested an exemption from the blanket policy for its area, which Toronto City Council approved.
Carmichael said residents are disappointed that laneway suites will be allowed in the
neighbourhood without more specific rules laid out in a secondary plan for Yorkville, which was promised 10 years ago but still hasn’t been delivered.
The concern, according to Carmichael, is that those building laneway suites will try to bypass certain rules, such as the height of the structure or distance from other entities, by going to the committee of adjustment.
“Everything becomes a negotiation now,” he said. “It just becomes more onerous from a planning perspective, from a resident perspective, to address all of these exceptions.”
Parking or privacy problems are some of the issues that could arise from the housing, Carmichael said.
Laneway suites were more broadly allowed in the city to help fight the supply and affordability crisis. However, Carmichael contends that laneway suites are not actually helping in the housing crisis because they are often not affordable and not enough are being built to actually make a dent in the city’s housing supply.
Now, with Bill 23, Carmichael said the focus is just more “density, density, density” to fix the housing crisis.
“The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and hoping for different results,” he said.
The University of Toronto (U of T) is working with Mirvish Village developer Westbank to design and build its massive, 960,000-square-foot Gateway project that could breathe new life into the area around Bloor Street West and Spadina Avenue.
The Gateway project, according to U of T, will create significant housing for faculty, staff and student families, academic space focused on lifelong learning, ancillary retail opportunities and enhanced public space at the northwest gateway to the university’s downtown campus.
“The Gateway will significantly address the university’s strong demand for housing, advancing the academic mission by adding hundreds of new units to the campus and to downtown Toronto,” said Scott Mabury, vice-president, operations and real estate partnerships with the university. “We are thrilled to partner with a team so well aligned with the university’s values, with further expertise in design and construction and a solid track record in stakeholder engagement and positive city building. We are excited to bring this project forward and committed to our goal of achieving a climate positive campus by 2050.”
Westbank is one of North America’s leading mixed-use real estate development firms, with three other projects currently underway in Toronto, including
Mirvish Village at the corner of Bloor Street and Bathurst Street, a new purpose-built rentalhousing community.
The move is part of the university’s renewed interest in exploring how the northwest corner of the St. George campus can be revitalized.
“This site, located at a prominent downtown intersection, represents a unique opportunity for U of T to help address its growing need for housing, provide renewed academic space and enrich the
Huron Washington Parkette,” U of T stated in a recent press release.
There is also a commitment from U of T to engage with members of the Indigenous community on the project and how its common spaces can foster “Indigenous acknowledgement and placemaking at the site.”
Shannon Simpson, U of T’s director of Indigenous initiatives, is engaging with First Nations House Indigenous Student Services to help in the process, in addition to consulting with Indigenous faculty, staff, Elders and Knowledge Keepers.
“There was a time when the Indigenous community wouldn’t be brought into conversation early enough — so we would have ideas, but it would be too late to implement a lot of them,” Simpson said. “Now, people at U of T are really embracing bringing us into the conversation early on.”
surrounding neighbourhood,” said Mabury, back in March 2022.
Although no development application has been submitted, last year the university suggested the site could comfortably accommodate two tall residential towers with 600 to 700 apartments. The current surface parking lot on the site would be moved underground creating more open space.
“The proposed development envisions a passageway to connect Matt Cohen Park to the
Other key objectives for the Gateway project include sustainable design, energy conservation and energy infrastructure improvements, integration with existing heritage assets, public realm improvements and commitment to Indigenous engagement, along with “inspiring” architecture and design excellence to create what U of T calls a “seamless and dynamic gateway between the university and the city.”
—Ron Johnson
“A seamless and dynamic gateway between the university and the city.”
A new report from Statistics Canada found investors account for a whopping 36.2 per cent of condo owners in Toronto and for 20.2 per cent of homeowners in Ontario. Jennifer Keesmaat, former chief city planner and partner of rental housing development company Markee Developments, gets into what this means for the city.
What do these stats tell us about Toronto?
It’s a reflection of a significant under building of purpose-built rentals, which creates a market opportunity that potentially can make renters vulnerable. In the absence of having sufficient purpose-built rentals, we've seen investors coming into this space to rent out housing for a return. There’s many who would argue this is a bad approach to housing supply and a risky approach to rental supply because it essentially means that rental housing is purely tied to an under supply of rental.
What about the argument that investors need to buy these condos or they won’t get built?
In the absence of having an economic structure and incentives to build rental housing, we risk having no housing at all. But that dynamic whereby condo builders are building housing
that’s being purchased by investors in order to be rented is an outcome of a broken housing market. And that's not the outcome that we desire. If someone is an investor in housing, that housing is not going to be affordable because the goal of the investor is to be turning a profit.
We’re really good at building buildings, but, for a variety of reasons, the financial structures we have in place are a disincentive to building rentals. And we’ve got to fix that.
What are those disincentives?
The biggest issue right now is interest rates, which spiralled out of control. And as a result, there’s a series of programs at CMHC [Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation] that are no longer viable. We have seen quite a bit of rental housing built in the city of Toronto over the past 10 years, and those buildings were built as a result of the rental construction financing incentive at CMHC. That program needs to be reconfigured to work in the current interest rate environment.
Should we regulate investors?
I don’t think so. If we take care of the root problem by flooding our market with affordable rental housing, then my guess is there will be less of an incentive to treat condo units like an investment.
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Urban homesteading is the latest trend in Toronto, and it’s all about grow-yourown and sew-your-own
by Emma Johnston-WheelerSustainability efforts as we know it might include reusable shopping bags, biking more, shopping second-hand and maybe cutting down on meat consumption. But a new sustainability trend has emerged onto the scene in Toronto called homesteading — and it’s all about returning to your roots.
The term refers to a lifestyle of self-sufficiency and sustainability, which includes practices like growing your own food, producing your own clothes and crafting your own home products. If you search the term on TikTok, you’ll find that the hashtag version has over a billion views. The top videos on TikTok depict families and individuals living away from cities, often on farm properties. They post about things like gardening, creating their own textiles, raising farm animals and baking bread.
That the most viral videos take place on large properties with acres of natural land doesn’t seem to discourage Torontonians. In fact, urban homesteading is a trend in its own right, with city dwellers growing their own food in their backyards, their front terrace, city sidewalk boulevards or even on balconies and windowsills. Other urban homesteaders have taught themselves skills such as sewing or craftwork or even carpentry.
You don’t have to move out of your townhouse or even your apartment to start urban homesteading. You don’t even
have to get your hands dirty.
Alex Filtsos is the creator behind Snake Eyes Shop, an Instagram and pop-up retail brand selling vintage, altered and handmade pieces using one-off vintage fabrics — but it started with Filtsos learning to make her own clothes.
Filtsos is particularly drawn to ’60 and ’70s novelty prints; she started sewing because she came across a mushroom print nurse shirt at a thrift store. The garment didn’t suit her personal style so she bought a cheap sewing machine on Kijiji and consulted YouTube videos to learn how to turn the shirt into a brand new mini skirt.
After that Filtsos began collecting novelty print fabrics and vintage sewing patterns and turned her hobby into a business.
“Being self-taught definitely has its downsides, and I find myself frequently learning from my own mistakes. It takes time and practice, but I really do believe it's worth it to be able to give old fabric or clothing a new life,” she says.
Filtsos’s advice for Torontonians thinking of learning how to sew is to just do it. She advises that upcycling clothes is a good place to start for beginners. “Instead of buying new or tossing old clothing, try making something new out of something old. Something made from you, for you. It’s really a great feeling!” she says.
That feeling is what’s driving the homesteading trend. Tired of
feeling disconnected from everything from the food they eat to the clothes they buy, homesteaders are looking for ways to reconnect. Making her own clothes reminds Filtsos of not only the work that goes into the clothes she wears, but gives her an opportunity to slow down — even the simplest item could take six hours to sew from start to finish.
The same is true for homesteaders looking to grow their own food. Homestead T.O. is an organization founded by Derek
in person and online. The inperson program consists of weekly educational sessions spanning seven months in which the participants learn to grow their own vegetables in the Barbers’ teaching garden plot, located in Downsview Park. At the end of each class, the participants get to bring home their share of the garden’s harvest yield.
“A lot of our students have reached out looking for employment opportunities in the field,” says Barber. More people are
American Canadians, and the gap has been growing since 2006. With urban homesteading in Toronto, it’s community, rather than land ownership, that drives the trend.
The Barbers say their programs, which connect aspiring homesteaders with others, are representative of Toronto. “The other farmers and the students that I interact with are mostly people of colour,” Barber says.
In a city of condos, Torontonians have learned how to make urban homesteading their own and are determined to show you how you can, too.
and Vinyse Barber that facilitates educational programs to teach Torontonians how to homestead, and the pair are hoping to remind participants of the time and resources that go into the food they eat.
Derek Barber says the problem in Toronto is that we’ve become disconnected from our food sources. “We can all name 20 restaurants, even 20 grocery stores, but most of us can’t name a single farm. We don’t know how our food is grown or what’s been put into it.”
The Barbers founded Homestead T.O. five growing seasons ago, and they offer a Grow Veggies program — offered both
opening up their backyards to the possibility of someone else growing food in it, and farmers markets are starting to open up tables to individual backyard growers, where they can sell what they grow.
Urban homesteading offers an alternative to the narrative of TikTok’s most viral videos, showing often white couples moving out of the city to purchase acres of farmland and start anew. Escaping urban centres is a privilege only afforded to some, as is the option to buy up land. A study from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation from 2021 found that home ownership rates were lowest among Black, Arab, Aboriginal and Latin
Emma Biggs is an urban gardener who is working to inspire others to grow at home. At 17, Biggs is the co-author of a selfpublished kids’ gardening book, which she wrote with her father, as well as the co-host of the podcast they produce together, The Food Garden Life Show.
“I’m really excited to see the number of new gardeners and homesteaders there are, and I really hope people stick with it,” Biggs says.
Of the many benefits of homesteading, Biggs is most grateful that growing her own food has allowed her to spend time outside and connect with the greater community. “When you grow a tomato plant, you get to eat those tomatoes, but you also get to share them with neighbours.”
“It’s something made from you, for you. It’s a really great feeling.”
Plus, Toronto doctor/playwright’s new work Rubble, Shakespeare turned inside out and a winter music festival
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Cooking with gas has some advantages over cooking on conventional electric stoves, as gas stoves heat and cool instantly. But it’s not difficult to prepare amazing meals on an electric range, and efficient induction ranges offer even more versatility than gas — without the problems. Those problems are significant, from household pollution to global heating. Gas stoves release dangerous pollutants into homes, buildings and the atmosphere, including nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and particulate matter.
A recent analysis of 27 studies on the effects of gas appliances on children concluded 12.7 per cent of current childhood asthma in the U.S. can be attributed to gas stove use — ranging from three per cent in Florida to 21.1 per cent in Illinois. (The percentage of homes with gas stoves is much higher in Illinois than in Florida.)
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found nitrogen dioxide concentrations are 50 to 400 per cent higher in homes with gas stoves than homes with electric appliances.
Nitrogen dioxide can cause cardiovascular and respiratory problems and exacerbate illnesses like flu and COVID-19. And gas furnaces and water heaters cause less indoor air pollution because many jurisdictions require them to be vented outside — contributing to outdoor air pollution and climate change.”
So-called “natural” gas is almost entirely methane, a greenhouse gas pollutant about 80 times more
potent than carbon dioxide over the short term.
Health issues around gas appliances have been known since the 1980s. But as with other problems fossil fuels cause, industry has put considerable resources into downplaying or denying the dangers, including “influencer” campaigns, lobbying politicians and even outright threats.
Industry argues proper ventilation will resolve indoor pollution issues. Putting aside the fact that this just moves pollution outdoors, most jurisdictions don’t require venting.
Not everyone can immediately replace their polluting gas appliance, but incentives, regulations and building codes can ensure gas becomes a thing of the past. Of course, if you continue to use a gas stove, you should vent to the outside, or at least keep windows open while using it.
As with fossil fuels burned in cars, gas for cooking was never about efficiency or affordability. The goal was to get people to burn more to enrich the most profitable industry in history. It’s time to change that, for the health of our children, ourselves and the planet.
"I have been going to Upper Avenue Dentistry for several years now. Dr Ted Margel and his associates are top notch! Particular, professional and very trustworthy. I wouldn’t put my oral health in the hands of anyone else!" — G.H.
Have you ever considered sleeping in a tree house surrounded by lovable rescue animals? How about spending a night floating atop a peaceful lake in your own little abode? Is photographing animals in the wild or (safely) watching wolves at play in the moonlight on your bucket list? If so, explore these extraordinary immersive experiences that let you get in touch with Ontario’s flora and fauna first-hand — and in style.
Spot moose on a Canadian safari
Spend three days with a professional nature guide and photographer on Voyageur
Quest’s Algonquin Moose Safari. Meet new friends and learn expert photography tips and tricks before venturing by canoe through the backwaters of Algonquin park. Snag magnificent photos of moose in their natural habitat and spot wildlife along the way. Spend one
night in a log cabin and the second camping in the great Canadian wilderness. Paddle through glassy lakes, hike lush forests and stargaze at night. Relax by the campfire and feast on hearty meals prepared with love. This adventure is sure to satisfy any wanderlust spirit. voyageurquest.com
Unwind in nature among the Ontario wildlife Pamper yourself with time at the spa, soak in the steamy Nordic baths, and indulge in gourmet dining experiences at Cedar Meadows Resort & Spa. Pack a camera and a sense of wonder and explore 100 acres of spectacular parkland by wagon. Delight in close encounters with moose, elk
by Rebecca Hesseand bison along the way and appreciate the tranquility of the forest. Choose from several comfortable suites to feel at home in, or rent an entire chalet. Outdoor enthusiasts and those seeking the rejuvenating effects of nature will absolutely love this northern Ontario destination. cedarmeadows.com
Sleep with wolves
an hour outside Ottawa OK, so you’re not actually sleeping with wolves, but you’re pretty close. An hour outside Ottawa in Quebec’s Parc Omega, guests get an immersive opportunity amid 2,000 acres of Canadian parkland with more than 20 wildlife species. Sleep in a whimsical stilt house in the forest or cosy up in a comfy pod. During your stay, observe several varieties of wolves and bears from an observation walkway, or explore the grounds and come upon caribou, moose and arctic foxes. For an up-close encounter
with wolves, reserve one of several luxury cabins offering intimate panoramic window views of the park’s lively wolf enclosure.
Be like the water and overnight on Lake Temagami
Surrounded by beautiful Lake Temagami, Chic Shore’s Water Villas offer an experience that’s nothing short of magical. You can get lulled to sleep by a chorus of bullfrogs and rise to the song of the loon. With each villa built atop a spacious and secluded floating dock, this unique glamping experience connects guests with nature in luxury and style. Stargaze the night away in a chic bubble dome that sleeps five, or opt for an A-frame villa for an intimate couple’s getaway. Enjoy private outdoor space with lounge chairs, a BBQ and water access for those who love to swim.
Family is important to Marcus Carr. When the University of Texas at Austin basketball player and March Madness star is asked what he misses most about Toronto, his reflex is to ask, “Other than my family?” This instinct has been with him from the beginning of his basketball career, going to his brother’s games. “I ended up picking up a ball and was always shooting around on the side, and I really just wanted to be like [him].”
Carr played extensively in Toronto and eventually went to St. Michael’s College for high school, following in his brother’s footsteps. “He would always be going to his games when I was younger, and they were super lit. I didn’t really understand that it was an all-boys private Catholic high school. My mom was happy when she found out I wanted to go there,” he says. “Because, obviously, it’s a great school, great education, networking connections for life.”
STUDENT: Marcus Carr
SCHOOL: St. Michael’s College
BEST SUBJECT: Philosophy and Art
“I was fortunate enough to have good influences growing up, whether it was basketball or just life.” He names his high school coach, Vidal Massiah, as having a significant impact on him. “[He] helped me develop my game and become the person that I am.”
Carr also cites his trainer who he’s been working with for 10
years as another person who has played a massive role in his career. He excelled for his first two years in high school, gaining the attention of Montverde Academy, a high-profile prep school in Florida whose alumni include Scottie Barnes, Precious Achiuwa and Joel Embiid.
“I was already in a good school,
but I wanted to take the next steps to ensure that I had the best possible chance to go to the next level.”
Once he transferred to Montverde, Carr saw an immediate difference in the infrastructure. “We were playing games on ESPN,” he says, with massive audience turnouts for the top teams in the country facing off.
While playing in Montverde, Carr made a name for himself and landed a spot on the University of Pittsburgh roster. He eventually transferred to the University of Minnesota before finding his place at UT Austin.
The 23-year-old has been added to multiple watch lists for national awards in the U.S. this year, including the Oscar Robertson Trophy and the John R. Wooden Award for Player of the Year.
This month offers him another opportunity to shine — March Madness. With high hopes for the
Longhorns and reports labeling Carr one of the team’s “threepoint threats,” it would be understandable to feel pressure to perform on such a big stage.
“I don’t really look at it in terms of pressure. It’s basketball. It’s fun to me,” he says. “It’s what you dream about as a kid when you’re playing in your driveway. Whenever the moment comes, it’s definitely surreal, but I like to just be in the moment.”
Along with his college career, Carr has played for Team Canada twice, in 2015 for the U16 championship and again last year for the U23 team.
“Even if you get a chance to play for Team Canada, it’s not usually on Canadian soil, much less in Toronto, giving my family and friends a chance to see me play when they haven’t seen me play in a while,” Carr says. “Whenever you get to represent your country, it’s an honour. I’m definitely blessed to have been able to do it a couple of times.”
our honeymoon. I was already living in Los Angeles, and we had to fly up for the wedding. We barely had enough money to buy the plane tickets for the wedding, so I timed it as a business trip (although I didn’t have big business then). Mark Breslin of Yuk Yuk’s gave me a feature, and the day after our wedding, she was sitting on a stool beside me on the stage at Yuk Yuk’s, and I explained to the audience that this was my honeymoon show. Again, I’m not a romantic, but this was a moment that she’ll never forget (or she’ll never let me forget!).
The kids
Yes, we have three kids. Two girls and a boy, and we have two grandkids.
Howie Mandel shares the secret to a 43-year-long marriage with his wife, Terry
Toronto’s own Howie Mandel has been making us laugh for decades. Whether you know him from his standup comedy, his self-titled comedy show, his role as a host on Deal or No Deal or as a judge on America’s Got Talent and now Canada’s Got Talent, he’s honed his craft both here and abroad. He performed at Yuk Yuk’s in Toronto before being discovered at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles — and through it all, he’s had his wife, Terry, by his side. The pair started dating in high school and have been together ever since. Ahead of the season two premiere of Canada’s Got Talent on March 21, Mandel shares the secret to success of a relationship that has lasted over 40 years (hint: it’s not him!).
We met in high school. We were in line to buy french fries at the snack shop at the Y, and I didn’t have enough money, so I borrowed a quarter from her, and I’ve been paying her back ever since.
The courtship
This is it! She’s still being courted.
The most memorable moments?
Our three children, which I’m told are mine!
The proposal I was sitting in a deli, and I’d bought a loose diamond, and I put it on the table and said, “I got to go to the bathroom, but if you want to make a ring go ahead.”
The more career I have, the better the marriage is. People ask us, “How do you make it last so long?” My wife says it’s because I’m always on the road. When I’m up in Canada filming Canada’s Got Talent and she’s not there with me, it makes her love me even more.
Shared hobbies and interests
I don’t have a hobby, and I don’t know that she has a hobby! I just work and hang out with my family. But we are interested in each other, so that’s a shared interest.
The secret to success
The secret for me is my wife. People have seen me on television or in concert and think I’m fun, and I probably am for a couple of hours, but living with me is not easy. I have a hard time living with me, and I’m seeing professionals to learn to cope with myself, and I take medication, so the fact that she has put up with me for 43 years is amazing. This question is for her. If there are any awards to be given out, please give them to my wife. She deserves it. I appreciate her and feel like the luckiest guy in the world.
Located in downtown Toronto, Belmont House is a charitable, non-profit, Long-Term Care & Retirement home for seniors. We are looking for members of the community to join the volunteer Board of Directors.
I’m not a romantic; neither of us is romantic. One time in 43 years, I brought flowers home, and she said, “Where did you get these?” The truth is, I did take them from the set that I was working on.
The wedding and honeymoon
We were married in Toronto in 1980. We went to Yuk Yuk’s for
The future
My philosophy is never to look into the future. I just try to make now as good as I can. All I have is now. I don’t know what tomorrow brings or what 10 minutes from now brings. I just try to cope and live and enjoy now. So hopefully in the future, there’s more nows.
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“I bought a loose diamond, put it on the table and said, ‘If you want to make a ring, go ahead.’”© @jackelynshultz
With the Ides of March upon us, we had chef Anthony Rose (a.k.a. Mark Antony Rose) stab his fork into the city’s most delicious Caesar salads.
“This looks gorgeous, I love the thick-cut pork belly and the polenta croutons are great! This is solid: it's got a nice dressing, you can really taste the anchovies and the cheese. It tastes fresh and homemade, I could eat this whole thing.”
Quanto Basta, 1112 Yonge St., $17
“I really like the dressing on this salad. I like the amount of garlic it has, but it could really use some acid. The croutons are nice and crispy and I like that they are baked, but they are lacking in seasoning.”
The Octagon, 7529 Yonge St., Thornhill, $24
“The bacon is really big but it’s not too fatty, which is nice. It’s very, very garlicky, and there’s quite a bit of heat to this. It’s a little overpowering. I like the addition of the crispy fried shallots and the anchovy dressing.”
Chadwick’s, 268 Howland Ave., $13
“I like how soft the kale is, it’s not dense. It has a good amount of cheese and a nice amount of dressing. It tastes fresh and delicious and it’s spot on. The chickpeas are a little spicy, which gives it a kick. I would eat this entire salad.”
Pantry, 1094, Yonge St., $11.59
This Michelinrecognized chef is the creative force behind Fat Pasha, Schmaltz and Fet Zun.
“It’s cool, but there are a lot of extras, and I would say this is the least like a Caesar salad that I’ve tried so far. The egg and chicken are both cooked perfectly, and this would be a great, hearty lunch.“
Aloette Go, 171 East Liberty St., $24.50
“I love the play on the Mexican theme with the tortilla chips and the cheekiness of it. The beans are a nice addition, but the mushroom bacon is extremely hard. I want the dressing to hit me with anchovy, but it tastes more like a lame mayonnaise.” Planta, multiple locations including 1221 Bay St., $15.25
“I appreciate this salad. It needs some more dressing and seasoning, but I appreciate all of the extras in here — the chicken, the quinoa — I think the Caesar has room for all of this. It just needs about two more ounces of dressing.”
Forest Hill Farmhouse, 2 Lola Rd., $15.99
nice for them to also include some romaine. I like the greenness of it. The dressing is a little too thick for a salad like this. I like the addition of the parmesan breadcrumbs and it has a good amount of garlic.”
Parcheggio, 2901 Bayview Ave. North York $17.95
The two-Michelin star winner on closing for the weekends, Toronto’s ‘fake chefs’ and his plans to open new restaurants in the city
by Ben KaplanAfter Masaki Saito received two Michelin stars last winter for his eponymous Yorkville restaurant, the perfectionist will be opening a handful of new eateries in Toronto in 2023.
“It’s true we have five new restaurants coming this year,” said a communications aide at Saito’s restaurant. “We are working on new restaurant developments, and we aim to open them all this year. However, there’s no guarantee, as we won’t open until we are 100 per cent ready to deliver the best to our customers,” the aide went on to say. “ I don’t want to mislead the public, so I prefer to say, ‘Stay tuned.’”
Diners in Toronto who can afford to spend $680 per head will certainly be staying tuned because the most awarded restaurant in Toronto is almost impossible to get into. There was nearly a two-month wait for a reservation at Sushi Masaki Saito before the Michelin stars, and then, in January, Chef did something wild. Due to supply chain problems stemming from air shipments from Japan, Saito decided to close his restaurant on Saturday evenings, which meant that Toronto’s only two-starred Michelin chef is leaving oodles of cash on the table by choosing perfection over mass appeal.
According to the latest update, these five new restaurants will all
serve Japanese food but not of the current Masaki Saito variety. They will be less expensive and less rigorous in their service.
At his high-end sushi restaurant before the December holidays, Saito said he would rather close shop at the height of its popularity than serve something that isn’t great.
“The food in New York is so much better than the food in Toronto, but I don’t accept that — there is no reason why Toronto cannot win,” Saito said gleefully in the tiny waiting room at his immaculate, austere,
Speaking through a translator and surrounded by similarly dressed, similarly clean-shaven sous chefs and aides, Masaki Saito orates like the king of the world. For such an accomplished perfectionist in the kitchen — and someone who routinely battles Canadian food regulators for his insistence on serving his fish aged, as he was taught in Japan — Saito has a light, even goofy vibe.
He talks about his life as a single man living in Yorkville and mentions that he’s having fun, but is not content.
Saito has his stars displayed on the coveted sushi bar, and Chef walks through the quiet, almost mystic second-floor haunt. Tucked up above Avenue Road and just north of Bloor Street, Saito looks out at Toronto and sees so much clay, like his delicate fish inspirations, he’s able to sculpt. Alongside his business partner, William Cheng, the entrepreneur responsible for bringing Saito to Canada, Saito now aims to grow his empire, bring down his costs and prices and educate Toronto’s diners on a different type of Japanese food. He believes the bar should be set higher for Japanese cooking in Toronto and that his adopted hometown needs to be educated on real Japanese food.
minimalist, wood-panelled Yorkville haunt. “To make something excellent, even perfect, requires sacrifice. I just think we need to take care with our fish — in Toronto, there’s too many fake chefs.”
Fake chefs and sushi joints with heavy sauces and inexperienced owners putting discounted fish on plates is causing Saito, 35, consternation. However, he admitted to a very late night recently, and it could have been the sake still milling around in his system that led him to take the gloves off.
“Outside looking in, it might seem like I’m rich and famous, that I have many girlfriends, but I’m not rich and I’m not famous and it’s not enough,” he says and mentions his hard-core work ethic that keeps him in the restaurant most nights past 3 a.m.
“We need power at Japanese restaurants so sushi is respected like French and Italian food, and I think we only get that from better customer education — but I think the Michelin stars at Masaki Saito might be a good place for the education to start.”
At his exclusive restaurant,
With the launch of the five new restaurants — one confirmed by his kitchen aide to be opening in Yorkville — Saito is on a mission to reclaim Toronto’s appreciation of Japanese food.
“I did a lot in New York and want to do a lot in Toronto, but even earning three Michelin stars isn’t success,” he says, with a smile. “Success is more of a mission — my mission — because Toronto customers need an education on how to eat Japanese food.”
With five new restaurants trailing behind him, the mission seems one that Saito is ready to accept.
Executive chef Ryusuke Nakagawa presents a menu that’s guided by the Japanese culinary ethos of seasonality.
Guests are treated to a multicourse fine dining experience with only three tables and a maximum capacity of eight.
Specializing in Edomae-style sushi, Shousin is modelled after the traditional high-end sushi restaurants found in Tokyo.
Diners can opt for a fouror nine-course set menu with sake pairing, with each course prepared by hand right in front of you.
“We need power at Japanese restaurants so sushi is respected like French and Italian food.”
Mezza Notte says ciao to its home of two decades by Jennifer
Following a successful 20-year run, popular Italian restaurant Mezza Notte is shutting its doors at 5304 Yonge St.
Thankfully for the trattoria’s long-time customers, the restaurant will reopen in a new space approximately 20 minutes f rom the original location
According to co-owner Robert Savonarota, the restaurant is moving to a former Bank of Montreal located at 3169 Dufferin St The current strip mall the restaurant has called home for more than 20 years, is being redeveloped to make way for a 33-storey building with 265 units with retail on the ground level and more than 100 parking spaces.
The new digs will be roughly the same size as the current location (approximately 2,500 square feet) with seating for 120 diners.
There will also be a private dining room in the basement — as opposed to the main
“We did a complete renovation and completely gutted out the space,” Savonarota says.
The Yonge Street location is slated to close by the end of March with plans to reopen in the new space around April 11, following Easter weekend.
Although the restaurant won’t see a complete overhaul, Savonarota says there are some changes coming as they want to stay true to their roots.
“We are going to introduce some new dishes and there will be a slight change to the menu,” he says.
As for the decor of the new restaurant, Savonarota says that the space will have urban, industrial and modern elements where guests can enjoy all the classics while listening to traditional Italian music.
In the warmer months, diners will be able to enjoy dining alfresco, thanks to a patio
Schembrithat will be located on the side of the restaurant.
And fans of the eater y’s extensive takeout menu need not fear: Savonarota says the restaurant will be able to keep the current delivery area relatively intact.
If all goes according to plan, in the summer of 2024, plans are in the works to add a rooftop patio. Savonarota says that all of the structural work has already been completed.
Until March 25, diners will have the opportunity to dine at the restaurant owned by siblings Robert and Gus Savonarota.
Over the last 20 years, the brothers have built a large and loyal following of diners, thanks to their menu of classic Italian fare, including pizza, panini and pasta dishes, like fettuccine Siciliana and orecchiette aromantica. Mezza Notte is also known for its extensive wine menu, which pairs perfectly with any dish, as well as its hand-crafted cocktails and a variety of beer.
The menu was created with love for your pooch by Marcus
The Bernese Barista is a coffee shop located in Markham that gives dog owners the chance to enjoy a cup of java with f riends, while accompanied by their four-legged pals too Co-owners and f riends V ictoria Chan and Chanice Dryden decided they wanted more than just an average nine-to-five. And so the pair quit their jobs (at the same employer) and opened up the pet-friendly café last year.
“We have dogs and so do our friends, and during the pandemic we used to joke around and say, ‘Oh if only there was a dog-f riendly place where we could go, hang out and bring our dogs,’” Dryden says. “We decided to take our joke to the next level.”
Once Ontario’s Better for People, Smar ter for Business Act, which Dryden says has “a soft spot for dogs,” was passed and loosened the rules on dogs on patios, the duo wanted to implement a
Mitropolouscafé menu that both stood out and catered to local customers. “Victoria really loves her coffee, so she took charge in terms of making sure we have great options to ser ve,” says Dryden. Dryden and Chan have an auto industry background, an environment that Dryden says revolves around starting your day with a coffee run.
The Bernese Barista offers café staples alongside some c lassic Asian treats. Dryden says that the most popular order is “a pup cup for the dog, a pineapple bun for the human and usually a latte or cappuccino.”
The Bernese Barista is located at 6 Nipigon Ave. and is open Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Wednesday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on weekends f rom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The coffee shop welcomes all pooches — regardless of their size!
Summer’s has been scooping up the most incredible natural ice cream in Yorkville since 1991, and now, the iconic parlour is getting a makeover. Plans are underway for public washrooms (the current ones are located in the back parking area), as well as a new customer service area.
“We’re also freshening up the space, repainting the entire store, adding new tables and redoing the sign boards,” says shop owner Ron Tolkey, who added that Summer’s had just renewed its five-year lease, hence the renovations.
Founded by Len and Helka Tolkey in 1984, Summer’s started as a small storefront on Cumberland Street — a tradition in Helka’s family that began in Czechoslovakia in the late 1930s.
The couple’s eldest son, Ron, eventually took over the business and over the last 25 years he’s seen the family business expand from one location to four — including a retail and production hub in the west end. The shops eventually amalgamated to a single storefront on Yorkville Avenue.
Tolkey also says he hopes to expand with a new store either in Oakville or at King and Portland.
“There’s a row of restaurants there where I think we’d do well,” he says.
The shop closes each year during the winter season, and Tolkey says customers are already asking when they’ll be able to get their mitts on a delicious cone.
“There’s always a lot of hype in the springtime for us,” Tolkey says, adding that new flavours are in the works, including pina colada and pineapple as well as more smoothie offerings. Summer’s is located at 101 Yorkville Ave.
Yorkville’s favourite ice cream parlour is getting a makeoverL-R: Mezza Notte’s patio and one of the restaurant’s many pizza offerings
O ver the last 60 years, Torontonians have continued their love affair with Pusateri's, the gourmet grocer that introduced locals to imported Italian goods and specialty products they couldn't find anywhere else. And now, the glam grocery store is rejoining the community where it all started.
In the summer of 2023, the gentrification of Little Italy will continue as Pusateri’s returns to its roots with the opening of a store on College Street.
Considered to be a very special neighbourhood to the Pusateri family — it's where the original store, Pusateri's Supermarket, opened in 1963 — the new location at 899 College St. will encompass approximately 10,000 square feet and feature sections dedicated to a wide variety of everyday items and specialty products.
And, while the new store will be similar to its other locations it will also include a selection of hot foods that customers can take to go, or enjoy in the store's indoor and outdoor seating spaces. The new location will also include a café concept offering breakfast, and a coffee bar with signature brews with the hopes of creating a neighbourhood hub for the local community.
Promising a more modern, urban format, Paolo Pusateri says it's only fitting that to celebrate their 60th anniversary, they reconnect with
the community they started with in 1963.
"We're eager to once again become part of the fabric of this vibrant neighbourhood with our offer of the best quality products and selection we're known for," he said.
Salvatore Pusateri immigrated to Toronto in 1958 and five years later, opened his first store — a produce market in the Corso Italia neighbourhood. In 1986, Salvatore's son Cosimo transformed the shop from a simple fruit stand to a
gourmet grocery store chain, when he opened a 6,000 square foot location at Lawrence and Avenue Road.
Pusateri’s has seen a number of openings, including its food hall location at Saks Fifth Avenue Queen Street as well as some closures — in 2018, the Oakville location shuttered after a two year run, and just last month, its food hall location at CF Sherway Gardens permanently closed.
“We're eager to once again become part of the fabric of this vibrant neighbourhood.”
A cryptic Instagram post had patrons worried, but the Dundas West spot is just undergoing some changes by Jennifer
An Instagram post from the venerable Lakeview Restaurant on Dundas Street West recently announced the diner would be undergoing some changes.
“Dear Toronto, it’s not you, it’s us. Our relationship has been a wild ride, but it’s time for us to take a step back,” the post read. “We need some room to spread our wings and try new things. But don’t worry, we’ll still keep in touch. Someday - maybe sooner than later - we’ll get back together and rekindle our love... Until then, farewell, fair city.”
This information was reported by local media outlets to mean that the Lakeview is closing. It is not, according to owner Fadi Hakim.
Post City reached out to the owner of the Lakeview who said, “You can quote me if need be. We’re basically going through some changes. We’re taking on some new team members, putting on a fresh face and releasing a new and improved menu to be always open for the next 15 years. We’ll close for a spell on March 1 and plan to reopen in time for March
SchembriBreak. Stay tuned!”
The restaurant is one of Toronto’s most popular late night spots and it has been for over 80 years.
Since 1932, Torontonians have known it as the “handshake” diner: a warm, forever welcoming spot that serves phenomenal food all night long. It was even featured on the TV show Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives
The Lakeview will be open until March 1 when it temporarily shuts down for a revamp.
Summerhill residents can now start their day with a cup of joe from Ethica Coffee Roasters without making travelling far. A new coffee shop has arrived to share the beans, but it’s not like other cafés: MitFar Boutique Café celebrates both coffee and art.
The name "MitFar" comes from the combined first names of the husband-and-wife duo who own the business. Together Mitra Ziaee and Farzam Baghchehsaraei run MitFar Canada Inc., an online store featuring handmade and custom jewelry. When the couple wanted to open a gallery to exhibit the pieces, they decided to use Baghchehsaraei’s background in catering to pair the boutique with specialty coffee.
“It’s a combination of art, jewelry, painting and specialty coffee altogether,” says Ziaee. “It’s for people who love contemporary art and specialty coffee, because I feel they are the same. Coffee and art — it’s all about taste.”
The staff at Mitfar was sent to coffee school and had two weeks of a dry run to ensure they knew how to serve and brew the best coffee.
Ziaee says she notices a lot of people go to specialty coffee shops seeking an experience that goes beyond the coffee. They want to experience something new,
and coffee and art felt like a natural connection to her.
“It’s very important to look at both of them as an art for me,” says Ziaee, “which is why this is the type of environment we are trying to provide.”
The couple spent over a year and a half conceptualizing the space and location. MitFar Café landed in Rosedale on Yonge Street.
With the soft open last month, the boutique began with an exhibit of artwork from Toronto-based artist Leila Refahi. Though she’s participated in upwards of 60 group and solo exhibitions, the paintings on display at MitFar are new and were specifically made for the café.
Called Nature Roots for Us, Refahi’s exhibition, like much of her previous work, presents Canadian landscapes and natural scenes that make statements on environmentalism and climate justice.
For Ziaee, it’s important to showcase Canadian artists. “We’d like to promote their art, their ideas, the way they think.”
If the art builds your appetite, the pastries, including gourmet croissants, served at Mitfar are all made in house, as will be the salads and toasts that will soon be offered.
Mitfar Boutique Café is located at 1098 Yonge St.
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If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that every Toronto doctor is deserving of our thanks and recognition. Post City is grateful to those physicians who graciously nominated their peers for this special edition with this list of 360 doctors from 44 specialties.
Dr. Mark Greenberg
Graduated: U of T, 1988
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Iris Greenwald
Graduated: U of T, 1995
Ontario Addiction Treatment Ctrs.
Dr. Michelle Klaiman
Graduated: U of T, 2008
St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Maria Asper
Graduated: U of T, 1998
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Adelle Atkinson
Graduated: McMaster, 1994
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Stephen Betschel
Graduated: McMaster, 1998
St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Eyal Grunebaum
Graduated: The Hebrew UniversityHadassah Medical School, 1988
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Sari Herman
Graduated: McMaster, 2004 North York Medical Group
Dr. Tracy Pitt
Graduated: Howard U, 2004
Midtown Pediatrics
Dr. Gordon Sussman
Graduated: Schulich School, 1977
Sussman Allergy & Immunology Clinic
Dr. Peter Vadas
Graduated: U of T, 1983
Dept. Of Immunology - U of T
Dr. Asimul Alam
Graduated: U of T, 2007 North York General Hospital
Dr. Fahad Alam
Graduated: McMaster, 2008
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Benjamin Alman
Graduated: Thomas Jefferson University, 1986
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Arsenio Avila
Graduated: Universidad Del Zulia, 1977
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. James Baker
Graduated: Queen's, 1995 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Bok Man Chan
Graduated: U of London, 1987 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Jeffrey Dickson
Graduated: U of T, 1998 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Rolf Gronas
Graduated: U of T, 1976
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Darryl Irwin
Graduated: Schulich School, 2000 North York General Hospital
Dr. Beverly Morningstar
Graduated: U of T, 1976 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. James Robertson
Graduated: U of T, 1997
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Michael Sklar
Graduated: McMaster, 2009 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Behnam Safa
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 1998 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Keith Tanner
Graduated: U of T, 1993 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Shaheeda Ahmed
Graduated: McGill, 1996 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Akshay Bagai
Graduated: U of T, 2003 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Ravi Bajaj
Graduated: U of T, 2010 Cardiac Care North York
Dr. Roland Beaulieu
Graduated: University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine, 1978 North York General Hospital
Dr. Leland Benson
Graduated: Finch University of Health Sciences, 1974 The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Jason Burstein
Graduated: U of T, 1998 Scarborough Heart Health Inst.
Dr. Eric Cohen
Graduated: U of Calgary, 1983 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Eugene Crystal
Graduated: Vitebsk State Medical Institute, 1983 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Loretta Daniel
Graduated: McMaster, 1983
Toronto General Hospital - Peter Munk Cardiac Centre
Dr. Diego Delgado
Graduated: Universidad del Salvador, 1994 Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Paul Dorian
Graduated: McGill, 1976 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Vladimir Dzavik
Graduated: U of Alberta, 1983 Toronto General Hospital
Dr. John Graham
Graduated: U of Glasgow, 1995 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Andrew Ha
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 2002
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Dennis Ko
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 1996
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Ilan Lashevsky
Graduated: Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv U, 1989 Vaughan Heart Institute
Dr. Kevin Levitt
Graduated: UBC, 2006 Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Bhavanesh Makanjee
Graduated: U of Natal, 1994 Scarborough Health Network (SHN) Foundation
Dr. Luc Mertens
Graduated: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1992 The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Melitta Mezody
Graduated: Semmelweis U, 1982 Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Kareem Morant
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 2010 North York General Hospital
Dr. Heather Ross
Graduated: Queen's, 2007 Toronto General Hospital
Dr. John Ross
Graduated: Queen's, 1972 Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Sheldon Singh
Graduated: U of T, 2001 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Mohammad Zia
Graduated: U of Calgary, 2002 Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Anup Gupta
Graduated: Meerut U, 1979
Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Shafqat Ahmed
Graduated: McGill, 1990
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Robert Cusimano
Graduated: U of Calgary, 1983
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Tirone David
Graduated: Universidade
Federal Do Parana, 1968
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. George Christakis
Graduated: U of T, 1981
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Gideon Cohen
Graduated: U of T, 1992
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Marc de Perrot
Graduated: U of Geneva, 1994
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Christopher Feindel
Graduated: McGill, 1976
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Stephen Fremes
Graduated: U of T, 1979
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Osami Honjo
Graduated: Shimane
Ikadaigaku, 1997
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Shaf Keshavjee
Graduated: U of T, 1985
University Health Network
Dr. Michael Ko
Graduated: Schulich School, 2000
St Joseph's Health Centre
Dr. Fuad Moussa
Graduated: McGill, 1997
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Anthony Ralph-Edwards
Graduated: Queen's, 1987
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Steve Singh
Graduated: Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, 2009
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Thomas Waddell
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 1987
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Robert Yanagawa
Graduated: U of T, 2008
St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Kazuhiro Yasufuku
Graduated: Chiba Medical U, 1992
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Jonathan Yeung
Graduated: U of T, 2005
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Trevor Born
Graduated: McMaster, 1990
TMB Cosmetic Plastic Surgery
Dr. David Klein
Graduated: U of T, 1999
St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Phil Shin
Graduated: U of T, 2001
North York General Hospital
Dr. Benjamin Barankin
Graduated: Schulich School, 2001
Toronto Dermatology Centre
Dr. M. Anne Curtis
Graduated: U of T, 1982
Dermatology on Bloor
Dr. Anatoli Freiman
Graduated: McGill, 2002
Toronto Dermatology Centre
Dr. Martie Gidon
Graduated: McMaster, 1977
Gidon Aesthetics and Medispa
Dr. Marissa Joseph
Graduated: Dalhousie, 2004 Midtown Pediatrics
Dr. Jonathan Levy
Graduated: U of T, 2012 Rosedale Dermatology Centre
Dr. Roxana Mititelu
Graduated: McGill U, 2016 Carlton Clinic
Dr. Elena Pope
Graduated: Institute Medicine, Pharmacy, Bucharest, 1990 The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Fara Redlick
Graduated: U of T, 2003 Compass Dermatology
Dr. Nathan Rosen
Graduated: McGill, 2000 Dermetics Cosmetic Dermatology
Dr. Jennifer Salsberg
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 2007 Avenue MD
Dr. Daniel Schachter
Graduated: U of T, 1971 Dermatology On Bloor
Dr. Nowell Solish
Graduated: U of T, 1990
Dr. Nowell Solish Cosmetic Dermatologist
Dr. Scott Walsh
Graduated: U of T, 2000 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Miriam Weinstein
Graduated: Queen's, 1996 The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Bryan Au
Graduated: U of T, 1997 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Emily Austin
Graduated: Queen's, 2011 The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Jennifer Bryan
Graduated: Dalhousie, 2008
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. David Carr
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 2001
Mackenzie Health - Emergency Medicine Department
Dr. Timothy Dalseg
Graduated: Schulich School, 2009
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Sara Gray
Graduated: Schulich School, 1999
Cleveland Clinic
Dr. Walter Himmel
Graduated: U of T, 1976
North York General Hospital
Dr. Laurie Morrison
Graduated: McMaster, 1981
St Michael's Hospital
Ivan George Fantus
Graduated: McGill, 1975
Department of Medicine - McGill
Dr. Ilana Halperin
Graduated: Schulich School, 2007
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Eva Kogan
Graduated: Schulich School, 2004
Oak Valley Health
Dr. Bruce Perkins
Graduated: U of T, 1995
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Annie Sawka
Graduated: U of Manitoba, 1992
Toronto General Hospital Research Institute
Dr. Rayzel Shulman
Graduated: McMaster, 2004
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Rayzel Shulma
Graduated: U of T, 1995
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Oren Steen
Graduated: Schulich School, 2009
LMC Healthcare
Dr. Katherine Verbeeten
Graduated: U of T, 2008 Kidcrew
Dr. Catherine Yu
Graduated: U of T, 2002 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Alyse Goldberg
Graduated: U of T, 2010 Anova Fertility
Dr. Alan Abelsohn
Graduated: U of Cape Town, 1974
Dalla Lana Sch. Of Public Health
Dr. Jeff Ashley
Graduated: Schulich School, 1988 William Osler Health Centre
Dr. Stacy Burton
Graduated: U of the West Indies, 2012
Integra Health
Dr. Stephen Cord
Graduated: U of T, 1992
Forest Hill Family Practice Centre
Dr. Naheed Dosani
Graduated: McMaster, 2011 Inner City Health Associates
Dr. Cara Flamer
Graduated: Queen's, 2006
Dr. Cara Flamer
Dr. Karen Fleming
Graduated: U of T, 1989
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Noah Forman
Graduated: McMaster, 1984 North York Medical Arts Building
Dr. Rajesh Girdhari
Graduated: McGill, 2008
St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Farzana Haq
Graduated: U of T, 2007
Cleveland Clinic
Dr. Liisa Jaakkimainen
Graduated: McMaster, 1995 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Doug Kavanagh
Graduated: U of T, 2011 North Toronto Medical Associates
Dr. Aarti Kapoor
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 2009 Magenta Health
Dr. Fok-Han Leung
Graduated: U of T, 2004 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Gillian Lindzon
Graduated: U of T, 2011 Camp Manitou
Dr. Allyson Merbaum
Graduated: U of T, 1999
Department Of Family And Community Medicine - U of T
Dr. Anjori Pasricha
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 2014
Integra Health
Dr. George Photopoulos
Graduated: U of T, 1990 Avenue Bloor Medical Group
Dr. Gregory Pugen
Graduated: U of T, 1971
Dr. Pugen's Anti-Aging Clinic
Dr. Orit Segal
Graduated: U of T, 2002 Davisville Family Practice
Dr. Puneet Seth
Graduated: McMaster, 2009 Bay College Medical & Lockwood
Dr. Vincenzo Stendardo
Graduated: U of Calgary, 2006
Appletree Medical Group
Dr. Ivor Teitelbaum
Graduated: U of the Witwatersrand Faculty, 1980 Yorkview Medical Centre
Dr. Daphne Williams
Graduated: McMaster, 1996 St Joseph's Health Centre
Dr. Kevin Workentin
Graduated: U of T, 2000 Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Rupert Abdalian
Graduated: McGill, 2003
North York General Hospital
Dr. Yaron Avitzur
Graduated: Tel Aviv U, 1995
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Eric Greenwald
Graduated: Queen's, 2002
Faculty of Health Sciences - McMaster University
Dr. Gabor Kandel
Graduated: U of T, 1978
St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Jeffrey Mosko
Graduated: Schulich School, 2008
St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Morgan Rosenberg
Graduated: U of T, 2009
Toronto Endoscopy Clinic
Dr. A. Hillary Steinhart
Graduated: U of T, 1984
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Talia Zenlea
Graduated: U of Vermont, 2006
Women's College Hospital
Dr. Amit Atrey
Graduated: U of London, 2000
St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Terry Axelrod
Graduated: U of T, 1981
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Sagar Desai
Graduated: U of T, 2008
Humber River Hospital
Dr. David Wasserstein
Graduated: U of T, 2007 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Najma Ahmed
Graduated: McGill, 1992 St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Shady Ashamalla
Graduated: U of T, 2005 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Georges Azzie
Graduated: U of T, 1986 Department Of Surgery - Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. David Backstein
Graduated: U of T, 1993 Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Paul Binhammer
Graduated: U of T, 1986 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Fred Brenneman
Graduated: U of T, 1988 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Mark Cattral
Graduated: U of Alberta, 1983 Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Priscilla Chiu
Graduated: Queen's, 1991 The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Zane Cohen
Graduated: U of T, 1969 Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Preeti Dhar
Graduated: Queen's, 2007 Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Linda Dvali
Graduated: Schulich School, 1996
Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Sayf Gazala
Graduated: U of Al-Mustansiriyah, 2004
Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Thomas Gilas
Graduated: U of T, 1978
Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Anand Govindarajan
Graduated: U of T, 2003
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Barbara Haas
Graduated: McGill, 2006 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Sharifa Himidan
Graduated: King Abdul Aziz University, 1990
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Osami Honjo
Graduated: Shimane Ikadaigaku,
The Hospital For Sick Childre
Dr. Calvin Law
Graduated: U of T, 1994 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Christine Keng
Graduated: McMaster, 2011 Mackenzie Health
Dr. Ian McGilvray
Graduated: McGill, 1993
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Donna McRitchie
Graduated: U of T, 1985
North York General Hospital
Dr. Ashlie Nadler
Graduated: U of T, 2010
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Fayez Quereshy
Graduated: U of T, 2004
Toronto Western Hospital
Dr. Yoga Rampersaudi
Graduated: Schulich School, 1992
Toronto Western Hospital
Dr. Adena Scheer
Graduated: U of T, 2006
St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Carmine Simone
Graduated: McMaster, 1998 Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Jory Simpson
Graduated: UBC, 2006 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Peter Stotland
Graduated: U of T, 2002 North York General Hospital
Dr. Homer Tien
Graduated: McMaster, 1992 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Lorraine Tremblay
Graduated: Schulich School, 1991 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Paul Wales
Graduated: UBC, 1993
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Christopher Witiw
Graduated: U of Manitoba, 2012 St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Frances Wright
Graduated: U of T, 1996 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Shabbir Alibhai
Graduated: U of T, 1993 Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Jillian Alston
Graduated: U of T, 2012 St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Dov Gandell
Graduated: McGill, 2002 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Herbert Lachmann
Graduated: UBC, 1996 Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Barbara Liu
Graduated: U of T, 1987 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Giovanni Marotta
Graduated: U of T, 1986
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Bianca Petrut
Graduated: Victor Babes U, 1996
North York General Hospital
Dr. Jarred Rosenberg
Graduated: McMaster, 2009
Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Samir Sinha
Graduated: Schulich School, 2002
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Sharon Straus
Graduated: U of T, 1990
St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Katina Tzanetos
Graduated: McMaster, 1997
St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Camilla Wong
Graduated: U of T, 2003
St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Helena Dhamko
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 2012
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Yulia Lin
Graduated: U of T, 1999
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Sheila Weitzman
Graduated: U of the Witwatersrand Faculty, 1968
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Daphna Grossman
Graduated: U of T, 1992
North York General Hospital
Dr. Sarah Alison Torabi
Graduated: U of Sydney, 2008
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Upton Allen
Graduated: U of the West Indies, 1981
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Isaac Bogoch
Graduated: U of T, 2005 Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Jerome Leis
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 2008 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Janine McCready
Graduated: U of T, 2007 Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Linda Taggart
Graduated: U of T, 2007 St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Darrell Tan
Graduated: U of T, 2002 St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Shelly Dev
Graduated: U of T, 2001 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Edward Etchells
Graduated: U of T, 1987 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Donald Redelmeier
Graduated: U of T, 1984
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Rebecca Van Iersel
Graduated: Queen's, 2005
Dr. Becky Van Iersel
Dr. Sam Radhakrishnan
Graduated: U of T, 1993
Vaughan Heart Institute
Dr. Harindra Wijeysundera
Graduated: UBC, 2000
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Anne Berndl
Graduated: McMaster, 2005
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Dini Hui
Graduated: U of T, 2002
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Johannes Keunen
Graduated: Maastricht U, 1993 Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. John Kingdom
Graduated: U of Dublin, 1984 Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Sari Kives
Graduated: U of T, 1995 The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Nir Melamed
Graduated: The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical Sch., 2004 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Greg Ryan
Graduated: U of Ireland, 1979 Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Michelle Hladunewich
Graduated: U of Alberta, 1994 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Vanita Jassal
Graduated: Queen's, 1987 Toronto General Hospital
Dr. David Naimark Graduated: U of Manitoba, 1987 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Ron Wald
Graduated: McGill, 1999 St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Jeffrey Zaltzman Graduated: McGill, 1985 St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Victoria Reedman
Graduated: U of T, 2020 St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Michael Sawa
Graduated: McMaster, 2002 Synergy Sports Medicine
Dr. Anthony Lang
Graduated: U of T, 1975
Toronto Western Hospital
Dr. James Drake
Graduated: U of Ireland, 1979
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Suneil Kalia
Graduated: U of T, 2006
Toronto Western Hospital
Dr. Abhaya Kulkarni
Graduated: U of T, 1994
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Lisa Allen
Graduated: Schulich School, 1992
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Tatiana Freire-Lizama
Graduated: McMaster, 1997
St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Elaine Herer
Graduated: U of Calgary, 1982 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Jamie Kroft
Graduated: U of T, 2005 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Taymaa May
Graduated: McGill, 2004
Princess Margaret Hospital
Dr. Colleen McDermott
Graduated: U of T, 2002
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Leslie Po
Graduated: Queen's, 2009
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Rajiv Shah
Graduated: Schulich School, 1996 St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Mara Sobel
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 2007
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Donna Steele
Graduated: U of T, 1980 St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Bruce Thomas
Graduated: U of T, 1962 Women's College Hospital
Dr. Modupe Tunde-Buyss
Graduated: U of Ibadan, 1987 North York General Hospital
Dr. Prema Vaidyanathan
Graduated: U of Calcutta, 1985 Anova Fertility
Dr. Robert Adam
Graduated: U of T, 2005
Toronto Eye Specialists and Surgeons
Dr. Eitan Amir
Graduated: Manchester Medical School, 2003
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Marcus Bernardini
Graduated: Schulich School, 1999 Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. George Bjarnason
Graduated: U of Iceland, 1979 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Genevieve Bouchard-Fortier
Graduated: McGill, 2008
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Manuel Carcao
Graduated: U of T, 1990 The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Neesha Dhani
Graduated: Schulich School, 2001
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Andrea Eisen
Graduated: U of T, 1992 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Sonal Gandhi
Graduated: Queen's, 2005 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Pamela Goodwin
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 1979
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Sumit Gupta
Graduated: U of T, 2005
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Armand Keating
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 1976
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Yoo-Joung Ko
Graduated: U of T, 1993
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Stanley Liu
Graduated: U of T, 2004
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Kathleen Pritchard
Graduated:Queen's, 1971
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Michael Raphael
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 1979
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Rita Selby
Graduated: Nagpur U, 1989
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Danny Vesprini
Graduated: U of T, 2002
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Richard Wells
Graduated: Memorial U of Newfoundland, 1985
Odette Cancer Centre
Dr. Vincent Lam
Graduated: St. George's U, 2008 Lasik MD
Dr. Allan Slomovic
Graduated: Memorial U of
Newfoundland, 1979
Toronto Western Hospital
Dr. Raymond Stein
Graduated: U of T, 1982
Bochner Eye Institute
Dr. Nick Blanas
Graduated: U of T
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Johnny Lau
Graduated: U of T, 1994
Toronto Western Hospital
Dr. Paul Marks
Graduated: U of T, 1986
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Stephen Reed
Graduated: U of Oxford, 1985 Sports & Exercise Medicine Inst.
Dr. Khalid Syed
Graduated: U of T, 1999
Toronto Specialty Rapid Access Clinic
Dr. Sharon Cushing
Graduated: U of T, 2003
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Everton Gooden
Graduated: U of T, 1996 North York General Hospital
Dr. Jonathan Irish
Graduated: U of T, 1984
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Evan Propst
Graduated: U of T, 2002 Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Oakley Smith
Graduated: U of T, 1982
Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Jeffrey Werger
Graduated: U of T, 1991
Mackenzie Health
Dr. Ian Witterick
Graduated: Schulich School, 1986
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Nikolaus Wolter
Graduated: U of T, 2009 Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Andrea Furlan
Graduated: U of Sao Paulo, 1992
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. John Hanlon
Graduated: U of T, 2005 St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Howard Meng
Graduated: U of T, 2014 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. David Sussman
Graduated: U of T, 2011 St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Adriana Krizova
Graduated: Univerzita Komenskeho, Bratislava, 2000 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Zia Bismilla
Graduated: Schulich School, 2002 The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Sheila Jacobson
Graduated: U of the Witwatersrand Faculty, 1983 Clairhurst Pediatrics
Dr. Sanjay Mehta
Graduated: U of Calgary, 1997 Kindercare Pediatrics
Dr. Michael Peer
Graduated: Schulich School, 1990
Dr. Michael Peer
Dr. Alan Gidon Stern
Graduated: University College Hospital Med. School, 1999 Kidcrew
Dr. John Flannery
Graduated: Queen's, 1989
UHN - Toronto Rehab University Ctr.
Dr. Jennifer Gordon
Graduated: McMaster, 2019
The Pain & Wellness Centre
Dr. Farooq Ismail
Graduated: Schulich School, 1999 West Park Healthcare Centre
Dr. Melody Nguyen
Graduated: U of T, 2005
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Ashlin Alexander
Graduated: Queen's, 2006
Ashlin Alexander Facial Cosmetic Surgery
Dr. Robert Backstein
Graduated: U of T, 1994
The Centre For Minor Surgery
Dr. Dimitrios Motakis
Graduated: McGill, 2004
Dr. Dimitrios Motakis
Dr. Blake Murphy
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 2010 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Ron Somogyi
Graduated: U of T, 2008
North York General Hospital
Dr. Michael Weinberg
Graduated: U of T, 1990
The Mississauga Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Clinic
Dr. Ronald Zuker
Graduated: U of T, 1969
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Crystal Baluyut
Graduated: U of T, 2002
Dr. Carole Cohen
Graduated: McGill, 1982
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Anthony Feinstein
Graduated: U of the Witwatersrand Faculty, 1980
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Robert Jaunkalns
Graduated: U of T, 1981 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Marshall Korenblum
Graduated U of T, 1975 SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health
Dr. Anthony Levitt
Graduated: U of Western Australia, 1983
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Achal Mishra
Graduated: Bundelkhand U, 1992 Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
Dr. Hilary Offman
Graduated: U of T, 1992
Department Of Psychiatry - U ofT
Dr. Arielle Salama
Graduated: Queen's, 2008 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Ivan Silver
Graduated Dalhousie, 1975 CAMH
Dr. John Teshima
Graduated: U of T, 1994
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Renata Villela
Graduated: Schulich School, 2009 Ontario Psychiatric Association
Dr. David Dancey
Graduated: U of T, 1994 Oak Valley Health
Dr. Allen Greenwald
Graduated: Queen's, 2011 Oak Valley Health
Dr. David Hall
Graduated: U of T, 2000
St. Michael's Hospital
Margarert Herridge
Graduated: Queen's, 1990
Toronto General Hospital MSICU
Dr. Marcus Kargel
Graduated: U of T, 1999
Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Anu Tandon
Graduated: U of T, 2001
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Rachel Glicksman
Graduated: Queen's, 2015
Department of Radiation
Oncology - U of T
Dr. Padraig Warde
Graduated: U of Dublin, 1977
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Robert Bleakney
Graduated: Queen's, Belfast Sch. of Medicine, 1993
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Petrina Causer
Graduated: U of T, 1995 York Radiology Consultants
Dr. Tae Chung
Graduated: Schulich School, 1995
JDMI - Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Hemi Dua
Graduated: U of T, 2004
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Benjamin Aaron Fine
Graduated: U of T, 2010
Trillium Health Partners
Dr. Leonard Grinblat
Graduated: McMaster, 2002
North York General Hospital
Dr. Kalesha Hack
Graduated: Schulich School, 2004
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Neil Isaac
Graduated: Dalhousie, 2002
North York General Hospital
Dr. Korosh Khalili
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 1994
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr. Ryan Margau
Graduated: U of T, 2001
North York General Hospital
Dr. Derek Muradali
Graduated: McGill, 1988 St. Michael's Hospital
Dr. Linda Probyn
Graduated: Schulich School, 1999
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Mia Skarpathiotakis
Graduated: U Of T 2006
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Adetunji James Ade-Conde
Graduated: U of Lagos, 1996
Halton Fertility
Dr. Ari Baratz
Graduated: Schulich School, 2001 Create Fertility Centre
TOP DOCTORS: METHODOLOGY – To create the Top Doctors list, Post City contracted DataJoe Research, a research company specializing in data collection and verification. For over 20 years, DataJoe has been conducting nominations on behalf of publishers across North America including Boston Magazine, 5280 Magazine (Denver Magazine), and Washingtonian, as well as a host of others.
Dr. Ken Cadesky
Graduated: U of T, 1978
TRIO Fertility
Dr. Robert Casper
Graduated: Schulich School, 1973 TRIO Fertility
Dr. Marjorie Dixon
Graduated: McGill, 1997 Anova Fertility
Dr. Meredith Giffin
Graduated: U of Ottawa, 2009 Anova Fertility
Dr. Ellen Greenblatt Graduated: McGill, 1982 Mount Sinai Fertility
Dr. Claire Jones
Graduated: Schulich School, 2007 Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Kimberly Liu
Graduated: Schulich School, 2001 Mount Sinai Fertility, Sinai Health
Dr. Haidar Mahmoud Graduated: U of Al-Mustansiriyah, 1983 Anova Fertility
Dr. Miguel Angel Russo
Graduated: McMaster, 2012 Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Heather Shapiro Graduated: McMaster, 1983 Mount Sinai Hospital: Sinai Health
Dr. Lori Albert
Graduated: U of T, 1988
Toronto Western Hospital
Dr. Dafna Gladman
Graduated: U of T, 1971
Krembil Research Institute
Dr. Emily McKeown
Graduated: U of T, 2007
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Medha Soowamber
Graduated: McGill, 2010
Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Reshma Amin
Graduated: U of T, 2002
The Hospital For Sick Children
Dr. Douglas Bain
Graduated: Schulich School, 1988
Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Victor Hoffstein
Graduated: U of Miami, 1975
NY Sleep & Diagnostic Centre Inc.
Dr. Brian Murray
Graduated: U of T, 1995
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Jose Silveira
Graduated: McMaster, 1993
Department Of Psychiatry - U of T
Dr. Michael Clarfield
Graduated: U of T, 1980
Cleveland Clinic
Dr. Timothy Rindlisbacher
Graduated: U of T, 1992
The Clinic Health Group Inc.
Dr. Douglas Stoddard
Graduated: U of T 1989
Sports & Exercise Medicine Inst.
Dr. Tony Finelli
Graduated: U of T, 1996 Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Ryan Groll
Graduated: U of T, 2002
Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Robert Hamilton
Graduated: U of Alberta, 1979 Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Jason Lee
Graduated: U of T, 2004
Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Kenneth Pace
Graduated: U of T, 1994 St Michael's Hospital
Dr. Sidney Ben Radomski
Graduated: U of T, 1984 Toronto Western Hospital
Dr. Andrew Dueck
Graduated: Queen's, 1999 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr.
Dr. Mohammad Qadura
Graduated: McMaster, 2011 St. Michael's Hospital
DataJoe's methodology is as follows. They first conduct internet research to identify success characteristics in a top doctor. DataJoe then facilitates an online peer-voting process whereby doctors in a given region vote for one another. Doctors without current, active registration are automatically excluded from the list, as are doctors who have been disciplined for an infraction. DataJoe then presents the re-
sult to our magazine for final review and adjustments.
We recognize that there are many good doctors who are not shown in this representative list. This is only a sampling of the huge array of talented professionals within the region. Inclusion in the list is based on the opinions of responding doctors in the region, and predetermined metrics.
While this issue is dedicated to the city’s top doctors, we realize that nurses are the backbone of the Canadian medical system. In recognition of Toronto’s incredibly dedicated nurses we have made a donation to the following charities.
VON (Victorian Order of Nurses) www.von.ca/en
The Frontline Fund www.frontlinefund.ca
In 1921, two doctors at the University of Toronto, Dr. Frederick Banting and Dr. Charles H. Best, made a life-saving discovery — a drug called insulin. The discovery dramatically added years to the lives of millions of people living with the disease of diabetes. The pair won the Nobel Prize in 1923.
Canada has a long history of innovation when it comes to life-saving transplants, including the completion of the nation’s first successful hand transplant in January 2016. The University Health Network says 18 surgeons successfully attached a forearm and hand from a donor to a patient.
In 1989, doctors at the Hospital for Sick Children, Dr. Lap-Chee Tsui, Dr. Manuel Buchwald, and biochemist Jack Riordan discovered the gene that causes cystic fibrosis. Dr. Tsui was inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame for “the most significant breakthrough in human genetics in 50 years.”
In 1994, Toronto physician Dr. John Dick isolated cancer stem cells, to find that colon cancer originates from a rare type of colon cancer stem cell. His research lay the groundwork for the development of treatments that target and destroy cells that cause cancer.
In 1949, Dr. John Hopps, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Toronto Banting Institute, developed the world’s first cardiac pacemaker. His discovery led to the development of implantable versions using transvenous catheter electrodes, which Dr. Hopps also developed.
In 2014, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto made medical history by live tweeting a heart bypass surgery. During the operation, the team shared pictures and answered questions. The aim was to raise awareness about cardiac disease during February’s Heart Month.
Before you go... we wanted to highlight a few groundbreaking health discoveries made by local scientists and doctors that have changed the world as we know it.
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