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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year From the PostHorn Team!

Winter 2011/12 Volume 24




The Billingford Horseshoes Bed and Breakfast; Lunch & Dinner Six new Double-Rooms en-suite. Privately owned Free House. Reasonable rates.


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Message from the Editor The chill of the coming winter is now before us and the change of season is here once more. Change is all around us everyday and the PostHorn is no exception. Our Editor of the last twelve editions Chris Earl has decided to stand down to enable him to concentrate on doing the things he most enjoys and that’s creating articles for the PostHorn. On behalf of everyone I would like to thank him for his dedication and professionalism in delivering a great magazine for us all to enjoy! I have now been asked to take hold of the reins once again as the Editor and I’m delighted to be able to try to continue to deliver the very best magazine I can for you, our very valued readers. None of this would be possible without the valued contributions from our Advertisers and the dedication of the rest of the publishing team. Thank you all for making the PostHorn what it is today! Finally, I’d like to bid a fond farewell on all our behalf to ‘Trev the Rev’ who has worked so tirelessly for our community and done so much to comfort us in times of sorrow, and laughed along with us when we felt the need to laugh. Amongst many things, Trevor played a major part in encouraging the establishment of the ‘as then unnamed’ community magazine which we all enjoy today. He will be very much missed, but will be a great asset to the people of Gunton. Thank you for your service, your affections and your compassion. So, another era begins. We all hope you’ll like the new ideas we have in store for the future, and you’ll continue to support us in our efforts. On behalf of the PostHorn team may we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and more prosperous New Year! Roy Philpot

Contents Page Page Page Page Page Page Page

8 14 - 15 22 - 24 25 - 28 30 31 - 35 48

What’s On At The Cinema Billingford News Combine Harvester HarFest and Flower Festival Just For Fun Church pages Parish Council News

plus all the news from clubs and organisations 3



Editor Roy Philpot 01379 670255 E-mail: philpot496@btinternet.com Features Contributor Chris Earl 01379 855416 E-mail: chrisjearl@hotmail.com Main Village Contact & Advertising Co-ordinator David Hillier 01379 740158 E-mail: chocs4@aol.com Advertising Trevor Raven 01379 741285 E-mail: trevor@listangels.co.uk Billingford Correspondent & Thorpe Parva News Sue Redgrave 01379 740837 E-mail: susan.redgrave182@btinternet.com Distribution : Gordon Larkins 01379 742713 E-mail: gordonlarkins@tiscali.co.uk

copy deadlines for editorial:

7 days before copy deadline dates please. (no exceptions)

Spring Edition : 10th February Summer Edition : 11th May Single edition

Advertising Rates Check dimensions and orientation when booking



4 editions
























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“Thanks go to Sue Redgrave, one of the local Parish Councillors, for acting so promptly to my complaint regarding dog fouling. A sign was erected in less than a week in the area where my grandchildren play. My husband was sick of clearing up dog excrement! Needless to say, one dog walker cannot read, it seems! (or maybe they’re foreign?). Upon returning from our holiday, a pile was noticed beside our wall. So on reading this, if you are the guilty party, take your little poochies’ bowel contents home with you instead of leaving it for others to deal with. The sign is still in place. Thanks.” Chrissy Fairweather (Resident)

Harley’s Hints Jobs in the garden for December, January and February December Complete fruit tree pruning { water cyclamen with care { prune outdoor vines { protect delphiniums from slugs { spray fruit trees with tar oil wash { prepare trenches for runner beans { sow onions in heat { topdress fruit trees with sulphate of potash { force rhubarb { prune large flowered clematis { manure fruit trees January Topdress lawns { renew grease bands on fruit trees { prune outdoor vines { replant herbaceous borders { repair lawns { sprout seed potatoes { prune fuchsias { complete gooseberry pruning { prune newly planted fruit bushes { divide herbs February Prune winter flowering shrubs { sow seeds under glass { feed fruit trees { feed spring cabbage { plant lilies { topdress asparagus beds { complete the planting of fruit trees { prune buddleias { sow sweet peas { sow parsnips and brussels sprouts { prune fig trees { sow lettuce and radishes { spray peaches against leaf curl. 6

Peter Hugh Alexander CBE On 9th September 2011 the funeral of Peter Alexander age 88, of Thorpe Parva was held at Billingford Church. Peter came to live at Thorpe Parva Hall in 1928 when his parents took over the lease of the 250 acre farm. After schooling he joined his father running the farm. In 1952 he married Vera, and living in part of the hall, their sons Michael and Phillip were born. Eventually he took over the farm when his father retired. Billingford Church was packed with 125 mourners from all parts of the country. Lord John MacGregor gave the eulogy which reflected on Peter’s achievements as a founder member of Harleston Young Farmers, his captaincy of Scole & Thelveton Cricket Club and a keen member of the Parish Council on which he served for many years as Chairman. He was awarded the CBE for services to the community and the Conservative Party. Peter campaigned with Vera for many years for a Scole by-pass. Eventually they were successful in persuading John Mac Gregor MP, the then Minister for Transport. The huge benefits this decision brought are there for all to see. Peter leaves his wife Vera, two sons and five grandchildren and two fields by the Church awaiting harvesting. As a farmer, Peter would be pleased to know their harvest is now complete.

Painting Demonstration Peter Knight, an accomplished artist, will be demonstrating landscape painting in oils. Come and see his expertise demonstrated in a relaxing afternoon at Scole Community Centre on Sunday 22nd Jan 2012 between 2pm and 5pm. The finished painting will be auctioned at the end with the proceeds going to the charity J.S.T. (Tall Ship Sailing for the Disabled). Book your place now by contacting Pearl on 01379 740753. Places will be limited. Tickets £5 including refreshments. If you’ve ever had aspirations for painting, now is your chance.


What’s on at the Cinema Your movie viewing for December/Xmas 2 December Sleeping Beauty We Need to talk about Kevin Answers to Nothing The Thing 9 December The Sitter Young Adult W.E I melt with you 16 December Alvin and the Chipmunks - Chipwrecked Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows Carnage The Iron Lady 21 December Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 23 December We Bought a Zoo In the Land of Blood and Honey 25 December The Darkest Hour Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close 28 December War Horse 30 December Angels Crest A Separation *Some release dates may change so please check with your local cinema first.

Our film review pick of the month: The Thing (released on 2nd December 2011) For those that remember the original, or the 80’s remake of this sci-fi classic, this Prequel is all set to ignite the interest of many sci-fi/horror fans once again. The synopsis of this film takes up the story of how the Norwegian arctic exploration team find the alien entity and deal with the subsequent events as they unfold. We certainly know the ending of the film, but the lead up to the encounters that they endured will finally be explained to the viewer. The film should do well at the box office, and if it does as well as predicted, the possibilities for yet another follow up might well increase. If you like this genre - Enjoy! 8

50th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall 1961 - 2011 (a personal experience) by Tony O’Shaughnessy For almost the whole of my 34 years Army service I was involved at times in what became known as “The Cold War”. The periods that I enjoyed most were my tours in BAOR (British Army of the Rhine) and my visits, either on duty, for sport, or holidays to Berlin. At that time, Berlin was a fascinating city to visit and even more exciting for the service personnel, the civil servants and their families stationed there. Western forces controlled the western half, with the city located in the middle of the Soviet Occupied Zone of Germany. It was a focal point of tension between The Brandenburg Gate and Berlin Wall the Allies and the Soviets and a place where conflicting ideologies lived side by side. I remember hearing a soldier say “Berlin had the best social life behind enemy lines”. My first visit to Berlin was as part of a reinforcement exercise in 1962, one year after the construction of the notorious Berlin Wall had begun. It was in great secrecy in the early hours of Sunday 13th August 1961 that the barrier was started. It was not a wall as such, but 96 miles of barbed wire. Although a formidable barrier, people still continued to escape to the west. So in 1962, work was started on another fence, parallel to the first but 100 yards further into the east. The area between the two fences was totally demolished and flattened to create what became known as “the death strip”. Over the following years, further improvements were made to seal off the east from the west. Yours truly with guard


It wasn’t until 1975 that the infamous “Grenzmauer,” (Border Wall) was constructed. It was the final and most sophisticated version of the wall, built with 45,000 separate sections of reinforced concrete, each 3.6m high and 1.5m wide, topped with a smooth pipe. The death strip was covered with raked gravel, making it easy to spot footprints. It was mined and booby trapped and offered a clear field of fire to the over 300 watchtowers and 30 bunkers that stretched along the entire wall. It is no wonder that so many would be escapers met their doom. By 1963 I was serving with the Joint Counter Intelligence Section (JCIS) of NATO’s Northern Army Group, as photographic support to the unit, when quite unexpectedly I was offered a place on a brief liaison visit to Brixmis, (The British Commanders in Chief Mission to the Soviet Forces in Germany). It was not until years later that I realised the importance of this outstanding and unique unit. On all of my further visits I travelled on the excellent British Military Train (BMT) “The Berliner” with the exception of my final visit whilst still serving, when I took my wife Georgie by road along the corridor through East Germany for a short holiday, just a few weeks before the fall of the wall on the night of the 9th of November 1989. Getting to Berlin was a bureaucratic challenge. Firstly, Georgie you had to have a good reason to visit and you had to have sponsorship from HQ Berlin Brigade, a unit in the city, or an individual who you were visiting. Documents had to be correct and not folded, as the Russians made a great deal out of checking every detail. The British Military Train (BMT) ran daily with the exception of Christmas Day and during the Berlin blockade period 24th June 1948 to 11 May 1949. It was at this time that the post war frost deepened into the Cold War. The train took about 4 hours to travel from Charlottenburg Station in West Berlin to Braunschweig in West Germany. As my journeys on the BMT always started at Braunschweig, I will relate my journey from this point. When all passengers were accounted for, the train departed at 16.00 hrs. All doors were sealed and chained with the door opening mechanism wedged. The first stop at Helmstedt, the last station in West Germany the engine and train guard were changed for East German ones. Shortly after leaving Helmsted, the train entered the “Corridor”; clearly visible was the wire, guard dogs, minefields and watchtowers.


At Marienborn, the OC train, the train Warrant Officer and an interpreter would alight the train and present all of the documents to a Russian Officer. Whilst this was going on the engine was detached from the train and searched and all passengers had to remain in their seats while Russian soldiers counted us. The armed guard, from one of the infantry regiments in Berlin would stand too at various parts of the train. Once this business was over, everybody relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the journey and the excellent meals that were always served. Part 2 of this story will appear in the spring edition of PostHorn. Crosses commemorating people who had died trying to cross the Berlin Wall

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Diss First Responders Well we’ve done it! After three and a half years’ hard work, wonderful support from many local organisations and individuals, we now have our own dedicated Responder Car. It still has to be sign-written and all the signage approved by the East of England Ambulance Service, so this is the ‘before’ picture. There are so many people and organisations to thank for this but I feel I must make special mention of John Grose, the Ford Dealers in Diss, who have been so helpful and supportive of our aims, have provided us with an ideal vehicle and given us tremendous back up and support. The Responder Car will be dedicated to the memory of the late David Wills who, with his fellow Rotarians and family, did so much to make the purchase of our car possible. In addition to our responding for the Ambulance Service, we have taken part in a couple of quizzes and came 2nd in the EACH quiz in Palgrave and 3rd on the following day in Hoxne raising funds for another Responder group. This prompted us to run our own quiz in November and I’ll do a report on that in the next issue! We are thrilled to have been nominated as their Charity of the Year by the Diss & District Woodturning Club and also to be joint recipients of the funds raised at this year’s Scole Community Christmas Celebration. Thank you all. Rachel Hillier 01379 740158


Billingford Balloon Race The winner of the £50 prize for the balloon race was Mr David Last. Out of the eleven returned tickets, his had travelled the furthest, a distance of 40.2 miles. We would like to thank everyone who bought tickets and who came to St Leonards to support our Race Day and coffee and cake morning.

Engaged! The toilet at Billingford church is now in use.

This is largely due to the endless hours of renovation work put in by John Redgrave, Ronald Batley and Keith Greenard. I was given the brief by the PCC to supply a “loo” at the church. I could do the planning and ordering of materials, a bit of painting, and keeping them supplied with coffee and cake, but without these volunteers the actual work of putting the building in good order was way beyond anything that I thought could be tackled and a few times I thought we had bitten off more than we could chew, but it all came together and we are very proud of the achievement. (see pictures opposite) Of course none of this would have been possible if the good folk of Billingford hadn’t worked together in their usual style to raise the money needed for the project. We have had a Christmas Fayre and Balloon Race and our latest fundraiser was a car boot sale which raised £233.65, an excellent result. We would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped at the events and to those who have supported us by attending. Sue Redgrave



Christmas Lights Competition 2011 This year’s competition will be held between 19th - 23rd December. Last year had several fantastic displays disqualified due to obstacles impeding our photographic integrity. Remember, wheelie bins, skips, cars and bags of rubbish that get in the way will affect the points awarded. Good luck, and we look forward to presenting you with an award!

axmer m
















Winter Winter Offer valid until 29/02/2012


16 15

Famous 17th Century Highwaymen The Gentleman’s ‘Profession’ by Rick O’Shea In the days before Britain had an effective police force, crime was common on the roads and highways. In fact, the masked highwayman still lives on in the public imagination as a gentleman thief who preyed only upon the richest of travellers and who operated to a strict code of criminal honour. In many ways, this view owes more to Victorian romantic literature than to reality. In truth, highwaymen were brutal villains who would think nothing of murdering a lone traveller for a few coins or a pair of boots, regardless of their wealth or social status. Road crime is recorded as far back as Roman times and was certainly prevalent during the Dark Ages and the Medieval era. However, it was during the 17th century that the recognisable figure of the highwayman appears. In the wake of the English Civil Wars, many horsemen who had fought for the King found themselves dispossessed of their property and wealth, many deciding to put their riding skills and pistols to a different use. Successful highwaymen such as Dick Turpin, John Cottington and Claude Duval became household names, even heroes to the general public, mainly because their targets were rich authority figures, but the many hundreds of unnamed 'footpads' who prowled the roadside verges were not so fussy about who they robbed. By the beginning of the 18th century, the 'profession' of highwayman was in decline. Many of the big names pushed their luck too far and were caught, tried and hung. The gradual spread of the Turnpike system imposed a certain amount of order on Britain's roads - toll-keepers would report any suspicious characters to the local Parish Constable. Stagecoaches and Royal Mail coaches carried a 'guard', usually armed with pistols and a blunderbuss for the safety of the passengers and their belongings. In the face of this increased security, some highway robbers came up with ingenious schemes. Contemporary newspaper reports tell of burly felons dressed as women who booked all the inside seats on a stagecoach, then during the noisy journey cut through the seating to access the trunk in which the valuables were stored. At the next stop, the group of 'ladies' left the coach with their haul hidden beneath their skirts! However, by the beginning of the 19th century, highwaymen had all but disappeared from Britain's roads and as banks became a more common feature of industrial towns, people no longer travelled any great distance with their valuables. 17

Isaac Atkinson Isaac Atkinson’s unusual speciality was robbing lawyers. He was born in 1614, the only son of a wealthy Berkshire landowner who provided him with a thorough education, including Oxford University. He never treated his studies seriously and led a degenerate life. His disappointed father removed him from Oxford to work on his estate, but Isaac ran away to London to mingle with low life. Desperate for money, he returned home to rob his father who promptly disinherited him. Back in London, Isaac drifted deeper into crime and became a highwayman. After robbing Charles I’s Attorney-General, Atkinson set his sights at lawyers. In a period of six months he stopped and robbed well over a hundred of them as they travelled around the country’s law circuits. He finally met his match when he changed his tactics to rob a lady near Turnham Green. When ordered to “stand and deliver”, she threw her purse over a hedge and galloped away on her mare. Isaac dismounted and walked over to retrieve the purse. Unfortunately for him, his horse was more interested in the lady’s mare and galloped off in pursuit, catching up with her at Brentford in Middlesex. Realising what had happened, she raised the alarm and a party of men set off to the spot where the robbery had occurred. They found the stranded Isaac Atkinson in a nearby field but he fought fiercely to avoid arrest, killing four of the men and mortally wounding another. He was eventually overcome, tried and condemned to be hanged. In 1640, aged twenty-six, on the way to the gallows at Tyburn, he showed his contempt for the chaplain by stabbing him. Before he was hanged, he is said to have remarked philosophically: “Gentlemen, there’s nothing like a merry life and a short one!”

William Davis A highwayman who had an exceptionally long career of over forty years on the road was William Davis, born in 1627 in Wrexham, Wales. He married the daughter of a wealthy inn keeper and it is recorded that they raised a large family of eighteen children. They successfully turned their hands to farming in the Bagshot region of Surrey and William took to the road in various disguises to supplement their income. He paid most of his debts in gold and so acquired the nickname of the ‘Golden Farmer’, reputedly keeping his criminal activities from the knowledge of his wife and family. Not even his neighbours suspected him over all these years. Davis mainly operated on Bagshot Heath but he also travelled and intercepted coaches as far afield as Salisbury Plain. His downfall eventually came when he attempted to rob a coach near London. 18

He was wounded by a shot from a passenger, unmasked when he fell from his horse, and recognised. He was tried, convicted and hanged in 1690 at the age of sixty-four. Afterwards, the authorities hung his body in chains on Bagshot Heath.

Claude Duval One of the most famous English highwaymen of the seventeenth century was a Frenchman named Claude Duval, born in 1643 at Domfront in Normandy where his father worked as a miller. The village once had a strange reputation, for although the local parish priest baptised many children, he conducted few funerals. It seems most were executed at Rouen! Claude Duval left home when he was about fourteen years old and entered into service. At about seventeen, he was employed by the Duke of Richmond, an Englishman in exile, as a footman. After Charles II returned to the English throne in 1660, the duke, together with other Restoration exiles, including the Duke of Buckingham, returned to England. Duval, who accompanied the party soon succumbed to an expensive lifestyle of wining, dining and gaming. Inevitably he ran short of money, so he took to the road, his favourite hunting grounds being Hampstead Heath and the roads to the north of London. Claude Duval gained the reputation of a gentleman highwayman by being impeccably polite to his victims, always raising his hat to ladies. According to Macaulay in his History of England, he demonstrated his manners in an incident near Hampstead Heath. Together with four companions, he stopped a coach containing a lady, her husband and a servant, having received prior information that the gentleman was carrying £400. In order to prove she was not scared, the lady started to play a flageolet, whereupon Duval invited her to step down and dance with him. This she did, with her husband powerless to intervene. After the dance, Duval chivalrously handed the lady back into the coach and coolly asked her husband to pay a fee for the entertainment. When he handed over £100, Duval thanked him for his generosity and told him to keep the other £300. As a consequence, stories of the dashing young foreign highwayman quickly spread through the drawing rooms of London. On another occasion, Claude Duval and his confederates halted a coach on Blackheath, robbing a lady of most of her valuables, including a silver feeding bottle with which she was nursing her baby. The infant began to cry and the bottle was returned immediately. Later, briefly revisiting his native France, Duval continued to commit various crimes, including a confidence trick. He pretended he had realised the alchemist’s dream of discovering a substance that could turn base metals into gold. He used the ruse to gain access to a rich merchant’s house to rob him of his real gold. 19

Back in London on an early January night in 1670, he carried out a hold-up that was to lead to his downfall. Celebrating his success too freely at the Hole-in-the-Wall tavern in Chandos Street, Covent Garden, he was recognised as a ‘wanted man’ and although armed, he was too intoxicated to offer resistance. He was taken to Newgate Prison and later charged with six indictments and condemned to death. While awaiting execution, many ladies visited him in the condemned cell and a few of high rank pleaded with Charles II to pardon him. No pardon was granted and Claude Duval was hanged, aged twenty-seven, at Tyburn on Friday 21 January 1670. He declined to address the many sorrowful ladies who attended his execution, although the text of such a speech was later found on his body, in which he made many references to his high regard of the fair sex. After execution, his admirers conveyed his body in a coach to the Tangier Tavern in St Giles-in-the-Fields, where he was laid in state. The room was draped in black and eight candles were lit around his bier, guarded silently by a group of men in black cloaks, while a host of people filed in and out to pay their last respects. The following day, Duval’s coffin was taken to St. Paul’s Church, Covent Garden, the funeral being attended by a huge crowd, with many tearful lady mourners. He was buried under the central aisle of the church and an inscribed white marble stone was placed on top. Although no trace of the stone or inscription remained after the church was burned down in 1759, it was recorded that the epitaph read as follows: Here lies Du Vail. Reader, if male thou art, look to thy purse; if female, to thy heart. Much havoc hath he made of both; for all men he made stand, and women he made fall. The second conqueror of the Norman race, Knights to his arms did yield, and ladies to his face Old Tyburn’s Glory, England’s bravest thief, Du Vail, the Ladies’ joy! Du Vail, the Ladies’ grief. The 17th century was a particularly dangerous time for ‘well heeled’ travellers, and some coaching routes in various parts of the country were visited many more times than others due to having many isolated hiding positions along the way. The Scole Inn was visited by a notorious highwayman. He was at one time seen riding his horse up the main staircase whilst in a drunken frenzy, and the hoof prints are there today as proof of his excursion! A woman called Emma was murdered by her jealous partner after he discovered that she was having an affair with the highwayman. The ghostly lady in white now walks the staircase and the first floor, presumably seeking her long lost lover. Perhaps you might see her when you visit? 20

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I’ve got a brand new combine harvester And I’ll give you the key. By ChrisEarl

So the song goes, the original song was “I’ve got a brand new pair of roller skates”. The Worzels heard this and adapted it to the title we all know and love? The name Combine is a contraction of Combined Harvester which originated in North America. The traditional method of cutting cornfields using a Reaper Binder was heavily labour intensive and very slow, particularly in the prairies. The invention in 1834 by Hiram Moore of a machine which could bring together reaping, winnowing and threshing developed into a workable Combine Harvester. These machines were towed by teams of horses, any savings in labour costs were probably negated by livery costs!

Steam engines were tried but they were much too heavy as in the case of the 1905 Holt combine seen below. The petrol engine came to the rescue, first in the form of tractors which could pull the combines replacing the horses, then with engines to power the combine. Eventually, combine harvesters became self propelled.


During the 1950’s I spent my school holidays with my Uncle and Aunt at East Dereham. Here the title of this article becomes relevant as Uncle Freddie worked for Agricultural Engineers J J Wright. At harvest time he commissioned recently sold combines on the farm and instructed farmers in their use; the high point for me was that I could join him in his van each day and travel to farms all over Norfolk. Wrights were agents for Claas combines. Most new machines were self propelled, with a bulk hopper for the grain. These days Claas combines are painted lime green but back then they were painted silver. All the controls were hydraulically operated via a neat six way controller. Some models were fitted with a Buncher this being a crude baler at the rear. A proper baler needs to compress the straw into bales. As this would slow the progress of the combine too much, fairly loose bales were produced. Bunchers were soon dropped in favour of the monster round and square bales we now see.

The first self-propelled Claas combine, the Hercules launched in 1953

The Claas trademark from the early days depicting a knotter mechanism which by chance has an animal-like facial appearance.


It was only when secondhand combines were commissioned did I realise that Claas machines were so far ahead of the old model combines which had manual controls, and were so much slower around the field. Normally these combines were Massey Harris and went to farmers who were making the change from Binders, so a secondhand Massey was a huge step up to them. Some were very old like the model 21 shown left, but the MH 726 made for the European market, as shown in the bottom picture, was the the most popular one we came across.

In the early days, International Harvester was the major US import. Massey Harris was a Canadian import and Claas a German import. Only these three survive in volume production these days. Following mergers and takeovers, the international became John Deere. The Massey Harris became the Massey Ferguson and Claas survived with no name change. Modern combines are a world away from the ones I knew. Speed has increased along with width of cutter bar. They all use GPS computer systems which map out the field, making full use of the available crop.



Thanks for coming!

Scole Flower Festival raises £2,000! Carol Larkins who organised the event consisting of 34 displays says “thank you to all who supported, sponsored and attended”.




Your speeding can kill Socks is saved A plea from Sharron Cripps of Reeve Close: “please slow down in Reeve Close”. Last year she had her cat killed and in September this year her cat Socks was also run over by a hit and run motorist. After treatment by the vet she is now back home, so please remember that Reeve Close is not a raceway - next time it could be a child.

Notice................. Scole Community Singing Group has decided to have a break over the winter and will meet again on March 7th 2012 KJ ACCOUNTANCY A friendly and efficient service for The Self - Employed and Small to Medium Business Bookkeeping - Accounts - VAT Payroll - CIS - Tax Returns Tel: 01379 890502 Mob: 07788 408916

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Just for Fun 1

Who created Dracula?

2 3

Who was the first replacement for Brian Jones in the Rolling Stones? Which two South American Countries have borders with Ecuador?


Which Irish actor played Oliver Cromwell in the 1970 film?

5 6 7

Which boy’s name means ‘handsome at birth’? A roman mixture of vinegar, honey and salt was the first known example of what? Portland Bill is connected by road to which resort?


Which tv series featured the Dove from Above?


Who was married to Hiawatha?


How high is a basketball hoop from the floor? Answers in next edition of PostHorn

Here are the answers to our autumn quiz. 1 2 3 4 5

Wilmington Prince On the moon Marcel Marceau William of Orange

6 7 8 9 10


Gloucestershire Trevor Brooking A half David Copperfield Ankara

Advertise here from £10 per issue.


See all our rates on p4 for single edition and yearly advertising


Thoughts from the Rectory ‘So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David’ Luke 2:4 It is late October as I write these thoughts and I am surrounded by boxes ready to be packed in the next few days. It’s a constant reminder of our journeying to new pastures at Gunton, near Lowestoft, where we go at the end of the month. Over the past twenty four years we’ve moved about six times and it seems to get more stressful and difficult with every move. But journeying and moving isn’t just about the physical - it’s much deeper. Indeed, our lives can be divided as a journey from birth to physical death and for those who are believers in the resurrection, beyond. Life’s journey involves twists and turns, long straights and narrow alleyways to get through etc. Such moments may include celebrations at church - baptisms, thanksgiving and dedications, marriage and death. Over the past six plus years I’ve been privileged to share in many of your lives’ journeyings and I feel deeply grateful. As Christmas approaches, it’s good to be reminded of the journeying that took place two thousand years ago - the Angel Gabriel came to Mary; Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem; the Shepherds came to the manger and the wise men went also. All these people journeyed by faith. They trusted in a God who can do the impossible; in a God who meets us where we are on the journey of life. I have no idea what our journeying to Gunton will hold for myself and my wife Patricia, but we go in faith believing God will be with us and in all that happens in the years to come. I don’t know how things will work out for the churches in the Scole Benefice and for needs the people in the village communities they serve but I trust in God that ‘all will be well’. As we journey on, may your trust in the living God flourish and may you know God’s richest blessings.



Church Contact Details Rural Dean Rev. Canon Tony Billett Tel: 642072 Please contact him for baptisms, banns and weddings Church Wardens Scole Maurice Cormack Tel: 741197 Kay Travers Tel: 741054 Ordinand Sue Auckland Tel: 740325 Reader Lynda Mansfield Tel: 740401 Church Secretaries Scole Angela Rangecroft Tel: 740847 Billingford Sue Thomson Tel: 651362 Church Treasurers Scole Gordon Larkins Tel: 742713 Billingford Jill Mattsson Tel: 741741 Benefice Kay Travers Tel: 741054

From the Records Baptisms: Nil Thanksgiving & Dedication Aug. 14th Robbie and Layla Clarke Marriages: Sept. 24th Warren Gorman & Donna Meek Funerals: Aug 22nd Margaret Durrant (87 yrs) Sept. 9th Peter Alexander (88 yrs)

Various Items The HarFest Event at Scole School on Saturday September 17th went very well. Having everything take place in or around the main school hall seemed to work. A good number of folk turned up to enjoy the Bouncy Castle, Hat Parade, Country Dancing, Vegetable Auction, Blooming Challenge and a Musical Performance by the children. £600 pounds was raised towards the Benefice Parish Share. There were lessons to learn and we hope a similar event will take place next year. Special thanks to Mark Carlyle and the staff and children of Scole School along with Jon and Angela and members of the four local churches. Thank you and well done. Even with everyone’s efforts throughout the year and because of the economic climate, it will be almost impossible for Scole Church to pay its Parish Share in full this year. But we believe in a God who does the impossible, and who knows, you might be part of a miracle that enables the bill to be met! You can always contact Gordon Larkins (Treasurer) on 742713 if you would like to. 32

Boundary Wall at Scole Church - have you noticed the improvement? Thanks go to Brian and Freda Spurling along with Gordon Larkins. Thank you for your labours in the sun!! Talking of labours - thanks to Maurice Cormack for all he does in Scole Churchyard and thanks to the folk of Billingford who maintain the churchyard there so well. Billingford Church now has a WC installed in their ‘restored shed’ and it really is worth a visit!! On Sunday October 16th, presentations were made to Keith Greenard, Sue and John Redgrave, along with Carol and Ron Batley to say a ‘big thank you’ for all their work. During the Interregnum the normal pattern of Sunday services will be maintained by the Benefice Worship team and with support from the staff of St. Mary’s Church, Diss, especially Canon Tony Billett and Revd. John Pares. Our thanks to them. Scole Christmas Celebration - it is service as normal despite Trevor’s departure and takes place on Monday December 12th, 7.30pm in Scole Church featuring Rick Wakeman and the Diss Salvation Army Band. A few tickets costing £6 might still be available from Scole Stores. The event is a Charity Fund-raising event, hosted by the Church. There will also be a Christmas Quiz and Chips in Scole Church on Saturday December 10th, 6.30pm for a 7pm start. The cost will be £6 with a choice of fish, sausages or chicken. If you are interested, contact Sue Auckland, 740325 or Kay Travers 741054. Christmas Services - Carol Services on Sunday December 18th will be at 11 am Scole and 6pm Billingford. On Christmas Eve there will be a 4.30pm Crib and Christingle Service in Scole and a Midnight Holy Communion at 11.30pm at Brockdish Church. On Christmas Day there will be a 10.30am Family Service followed by a short Holy Communion at 11.30am. in Scole. Future Ministry in the Scole Benefice - so far, the Churchwardens and leaders have met with the Archdeacon and Rural Dean (September). Over the next few months, they will be preparing Parish and Benefice profiles ready for advertising in 2012. Later, in January, the Bishop of Thetford will be consulting with the churches before moving forward. A special Interregnum (period of vacancy) prayer is available in all the churches of the Benefice.


Trevor will be Instituted and inducted as Rector of Gunton on Monday December 5th at 7.30pm in St Benedict’s Church, Gunton, Lowestoft. A number of folk from the Benefice hope to be there to see Trevor and Patricia “off”. “Again, may we thank everyone in the churches and within the communities for all their support and friendship. We shall look back on our time in the Scole Benefice with great pride and thankfulness. We are not far away and hope to see folk either in the Benefice or at Lowestoft, especially in the summer. With every Blessing”. Trevor and Patricia.

Memories of Trevor !!! A Farewell to Trevor from all at St Andrews Church

Trevor is leaving – we will miss him so Riding his bike round the houses we know, Every person he met was important to him Visiting so regularly – not just a whim, On down to the shop for his paper each morn Running back home was a sight most forlorn! We saw the white coat when there's work to be done Intent on just helping, it was meant to be fun! Learning our name was his forte – so good Looking of ways to show care where he could Interests are many – great skill in his hands And the fruits of his woodwork remain – we're his fans! Meetings galore he has chaired – what a chore Resolving four PCCs – not any more! Into the school - he has listened and led Encouraging children with the words that he said Scunthorpe's great follower has received a new call So God bless you and keep you and goodbye from us all. A poem by Kay Travers


December Sunday


Services for Scole and Billingford 9.00am Billingford 10 for 10.30am Scole

HC Kaleidoscope



11am Scole

HC & Children’s Church



11am Scole

Carol Service

6pm Billingford

Christmas Eve Christmas Day



January Sunday

4.30pm Scole

Carol Service Crib & Christingle

11.30pm Brockdish


10.30am Scole

FS followed by HC at 11.30

May your New Year be happy & worshipful 1

9.15 for 9.45am Scole 9.00am Billingford

Kaleidoscope HC



11am Scole

HC & Children’s Church



11am Scole

MP & Children’s Church



10.30am Scole 4.30pm Scole



11.00am Scole

Benefice HC with Bishop Alan Celebration Service MP

February Sunday


9.00am Billingford 10 for 10.30am Scole

HC Kaleidoscope



11am Scole

HC & Children’s Church



11am Scole

MP & Children’s Church



11am Scole


4.30pm Scole


Celebration Service

Scole Feather Report by Trevor Raven

The Tits There is a small class of birds that stay with us throughout the seasons. Although primarily woodland birds, they have learned to come into our gardens to find food. They do not fly off to Africa for the winter, but remain here all year, hoping we will leave something out for them to eat. Few gardens in our area are without at least one, and at our feeders on Bungay Road we see most of them every day. Meet the Tit family:- the Great Tit is the largest UK tit - green and yellow with a striking glossy black head, white cheeks and a distinctive black stripe down its front. In winter it joins with blue tits to form roaming groups which scour our gardens for food. If you watch carefully you could see them storing nuts and seeds in your plant pots. The Blue Tit is noticeably smaller than the great tit, with a distinctive blue cap. Very common, feeding on seeds and scraps. Almost any garden with a feeder will attract them and they readily breed in nest boxes. The Coal Tit is smaller even than the blue tit, but not as colourful. It has a distinctive grey back, black cap, and white stripe at the back of its neck. A regular visitor to sunflower-seed feeders, it will store them for eating later. The Marsh Tit has a large shiny black cap, dark bib and pale belly. Despite their name, marsh tits are most often found in broadleaf woodland. In Scole we have them in our gardens especially during the winter months. The Long Tailed Tit is easily recognisable with its distinctive colouring, a tail that is bigger than its body, and undulating flight. Gregarious and noisy, they are most usually noticed in small excitable flocks hanging on to the peanut feeders. For the second consecutive year, a pair have nested in our border hedge. The nest is a work of considerable beauty made from moss and spiders’ web. It is lined inside with hundreds of small feathers. When brooding, the parent bird holds its tail erect, and the top of its head and tail then block the nest entrance. John Clare, the countryside poet called them Bum Barrels.


Finally, they don’t come to gardens, but if you visit the famous RSPB Reserve at Minsmere, (just 45 minutes from Scole), you could see the beautiful Bearded Tit among the reeds. This is an extremely rare British resident bird, and is only found here in East Anglia, and parts of the South Coast of England. (Picture source - RSPB Archive)

The Great Tit If the black stripe down the front is thin and sometimes broken, then it is a female Great Tit.

The Blue Tit

The Coal Tit

Note the attractive colours and vivid blue skull cap.

Note the white stripe on the nape, and dusky-buff underpants.

The Long Tailed Tit

The Marsh Tit Note the large shiny black cap and small black bib.

Note the very long tail, and small round body. Acrobatic, noisy and in groups.

The Bearded Tit Inhabits reed beds along the Norfolk & Suffolk coastline.


Unveiling Ceremony October 27th 2011


28 October 2011

Ceremony marks success of Scole development Orbit East, residents and staff gathered together yesterday with representatives of Scole Parish Council, South Norfolk District Council and developers Baker Construction to celebrate the success of a new housing development in Scole, Norfolk. A ceremonial plaque was unveiled at the 12-residence ‘Flowerdew’ estate, which opened in April, and comprises a mix of leasehold properties, general needs bungalows, flats and houses. Following the official unveiling ceremony, guests enjoyed light refreshments and the opportunity to share feedback with colleagues from the Orbit East Neighbourhood and Development teams. ‘Flowerdew’ was named after the great uncle of local resident Raymond Flowerdew, who attended the ceremony with his wife. Gordon Muriel Flowerdew (January 2 1885 - March 30 1918) was born in Billingford, near Scole, and was the Canadian recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces received for his actions at the Battle of Moreuil Wood. Mr Flowerdew said “I am delighted that my great uncle will be remembered through the naming of the scheme.” Orbit East’s Neighbourhood Manager, Tracey Savory, commented “We were keen to maintain and build on strong local links with the community when we developed this housing scheme. All residents have local connections and we can’t think of a more fitting way to honour a local resident than by naming the development after his relative who fought so bravely for our country.” Susan Redgrave of Scole Parish Council added “We are very proud of the development and the partnership work that made it happen.”

For more information please contact Helen Tavner, Marketing and Communications Manager on 01603 283316


Viennese Mince Pie (makes 18) Pastry

Viennese Mix

8oz self raising flour 3oz butter or margarine 2oz lard or Trex 1oz caster sugar 1 egg yolk and a little water

7oz margarine or butter 7oz plain flour Vanilla essence 2oz icing sugar

Mincemeat - 1 jar Method Make pastry and cut into rounds to fit bun tins. Put 1tsp mincemeat in each pastry case. Beat icing sugar with margarine. Gradually mix in flour and add few drops of vanilla essence. Mix until soft and smooth. Pipe or spoon mixture on top of mincemeat. Bake for about 20mins at 180째/No.5. This could be made as one 8in pastry case. Cover case with mincemeat. Pipe or spoon Viennese Mix round the outside, leaving centre to be filled with whipped cream. Recipe supplied by a WI member

Scole Community Centre has a new Bar Manager and Social Secretary in Ian Constance Ian has grown up in the village and has a young family of his own. Many of you may already know him if you have young children. He is an integral member of the football teams both in training the youth sides and playing for the veterans. Ian is keen for people to get involved with the Centre and welcomes those of you who think you may have something to offer in terms of ideas for events or activities to hold there. New bar volunteers are always needed to join the happy bunch already doing a grand job. The Community Centre is an asset to our village and is widely used. However, new ideas and people are always welcome. For all enquiries contact Ian on 01379 740265 40

Scole Community Centre Available to hire for Parties, Christenings etc with fully licensed bar

Telephone Ian - 01379 740265 Activity




Bowls Club

Matches throughout the summer

From 6.30pm

Robin 740053

Senior Football Club

Training - Tuesday Matches - weekends

7 - 9pm

Vic 740327

Junior Football Club

Training - weekdays Matches - weekends




Pre-School Group

Monday - Friday term time

9.15am to 12.15pm

Over 60s Friendship Club

First and Third Tuesday of month


Joyce 740384

Baby & Toddler Group

Wednesday Term time

1.30 - 3pm

Linda 741187

Gardening Club

Every other month


Pearl 740753 Tom 740176


Ian Logan 741586 Pearl 740753 Shirley 07925 093551 07716 004946 (after hours)

The Grassroots Theatre Company at Scole Primary School On Thursday 13th October the Grassroots Theatre Company visited Scole Primary School. They had flown in from Zimbabwe in Africa and were here to give us a special performance and work with all the school based around the Olympic value of equality. The day began with an assembly when we started clapping to welcome our guests who came into the hall humming and singing. They were wearing their traditional clothes and began playing instruments for us. Then they told us they had a gift for us all and it was the gift of friendship. To everyone’s delight the teachers were asked to come to the front and to dance for us! This was very funny for us all to see. The whole school then had a dance-off with the teachers; fantastic fun! During the day the group worked with every class in turn using dance, drama and story telling. All the classes undertook a drama activity lasting an hour. Class 4 were the last class to work in the hall with the theatre group. We had to pick a King Henry and a Princess. Emily and the rest of the class played villagers in the drama which we worked on. The story of our drama told of a party for the Princess. Unfortunately on the night of the party the Princess was taken ill and all the villagers had to find a different colour flower to cure her. When this did not work we had to work together in groups to find a solution. We came to the conclusion that all the different coloured flowers together were stronger and they made the Princess well again. The theatre company helped us to understand that all colours are the same and it does not matter how you look, it is what is inside you that matters. Report written by Lewis, Carla, Natan and Jack G.


Scole Mothers’ Union Instead of a meeting in August, members were given a conducted tour of Norwich Cathedral by Cathedral Guide, David Fletcher who explained much of the Cathedral's history and many interesting stories. At the September meeting, the speaker, Kay Dorling, Diocesan Faith and Policy co-ordinator, spoke to members about St. George and how he became the Patron Saint of England. A holy Communion service was held prior to the meeting in October. During refreshments, a leaving gift of a case for carrying his robes was presented to Rev. Trevor Riess to thank him for his support shown to the M.U. during his time in Scole, along with a card of good wishes for him and Patricia. Future meetings: 15th December - Deanery Carol Service at Pulham. 19th Jan 2012 - AGM. 16th February - Holy Communion to precede meeting. Scole Mothers' Union wish all readers a very happy and peaceful Christmas.

Women’s Institute The Christmas meeting will be on Thursday 1st December. Elaine Hooton will be playing her harp and the competition is 4 nibbles to share. The New Year starts with the meeting on 5th January when Louise Brundel will give a talk on “Hearing Dogs For The Deaf”. At the meeting on 2nd February, Bernice Wyatt will talk about “Psychyatric Nursing in the Community“ whilst in March, “Old Sayings and their Origins” is the subject of Peter Banham’s talk. Competitions have not yet been decided by the new committee. All meetings take place at “Hopefield” Norwich Road, Scole starting at 7.30pm. Visitors welcome.


Community Centre New Year’s Eve Party 7.30pm - late Bar will be open - just bring a plate of food.

Scole Dominoes Club We are now into the Domino season and the team have made a good start by drawing two games, winning another and losing one - not a bad start. The Domino team will always welcome anyone who would like to meet with us to have a go at this challenging game. For information on when and where the team plays and practises, call June on 740902. Unfortunately our Captain Peggy had a nasty fall some weeks ago and is still being put back together again. She is, we are pleased to say, making progress and we hope will be able to accompany us at our matches fairly soon.

Lost and Found Several stamps from across the world have been found. They are in good condition so someone has collected, tended and looked after them. It would be a pleasure to return them to their rightful owner. If you are the person who has lost these stamps and would like them returned, phone Brian on 01379 740902 describing the container or containers they were found in.


Scole and District Bowls Club

As is always the case, we wonder where the season went; it does seem to pass at such a frenetic pace. They do say that ‘time passes quickly when you are having fun’ and we certainly have had plenty of that this year. The club itself is thriving and we seem to have a steady trickle of new members each year who wish to be part of this happy band. We are still playing matches in the Border League and the E.B.A League and have acquitted ourselves reasonably well. Such is the enthusiasm of our members, that the captains of the two leagues have never had to scratch round looking for numbers to make up a team – they are always over subscribed; everyone who wants to play in matches is guaranteed their turn. Everyone wants to win, of course, but the enjoyment of those playing the game is paramount. It has been rather a frustrating year for our Green keeper, Vic Buckle, what with the hard winter, the very dry spring and the recent heavy rain, but he, and his team of helpers, has managed to produce a bowling green that has been the envy of the many visitors who have played upon it. This is due in great part to the splendid new mower and attachments that were recently obtained from grants from Sport England, enabling us to look to the future with greater confidence. It has been a sense of great pride for the club that our President, Mick Flynn, was chosen to be the current Chairman of the E.B.A. Past Presidents. It made the occasion of our annual friendly match with them at Scole one of very special significance that will long be remembered. Now that the outdoor bowls season is over we shall endeavour to help with club funds by organising the occasional social events, such as quiz evenings which are always great fun evenings and to which everyone in the village is welcome. Do keep an eye out for notices regarding forthcoming social events over the winter period and support them if you can. We hope to see many of you. Thank you. Robin Shortell (Sec.)


Scole and District Gardening Club During the last few months there has been an amount of activity within the club. In September the Club held a meeting at which the talk given was on Winter Colour. Most of us let our gardens go to sleep during this period, tidying up the garden, lifting tubers and tender plants for the long cold winter ahead. What this talk proved to us all was that this is not actually the case; there are plants that can be utilised for interest and colour. There are many plants such as dogwoods, hellebores, winter flowering clematis such as freckles etc which will enliven your garden and bring a smile to our faces. All of those in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the presentation and agreed that the evening was extremely worthwhile. The Community Garden continues to grow and mature. Most of the comments made to date have been positive. To enhance the Garden a number of members met in late September and planted approximately 600 daffodil bulbs and 100 fritillaries. It is hoped that come next spring and at Easter that these bulbs will produce a wonderful colourful display which will brighten up our village. My thanks goes to those who participated on the day, these being Derek and Stephanie Cope, Ron and Pat Humphries, John and Mary Hall and Lyn Williamson.


As the bulbs have been planted and will hopefully show through early next year, we would ask that residents are careful when crossing the road to the site to prevent damage to the flowers. To allow the bulbs to build up strength for future years, there will be a delay in cutting the grass on site. We trust that all residents will understand the reason behind the delay. As well as the central community garden, daffodil bulbs have been planted around the Scole milestone so that when you either enter or leave the village a colourful display will either welcome you or bid you farewell. In November we will have our final meeting of the year which will be about hedge layering. Those older residents may remember that during the winter, farmers and their staff would partially cut down trees, bushes etc and entwine them together. This would result in thick hedge which would keep stock in fields, denote field boundaries and provide havens for wildlife. Unfortunately such work has, due to economics and time, been replaced with modern flail devices which will do the job of a number of people in much less time but can for a while leave the actual hedge looking scarred until re-growth. If you are interested in attending you will receive a warm welcome. The meeting will be held on the 17th November 2011 at 19.30 in the Community Centre. Those who may be interested in taking on an allotment will be pleased to know that land can now be rented at Weggs Farm in Dickleburgh. The allotments are located just off Common Road about 2 miles from the centre of Scole. There is water provided on site and there is a small car park. Those interested should contact John Adlam at Weggs Farm. The autumn would be a good time to take on an allotment as it will give the holder a period of time to prepare it for next spring and the forthcoming growing seasons. In the last issue we mentioned that we were proposing a seed purchasing club. Should you wish to view a catalogue please let us know and we will pass one to you. Also in the last issue of the PostHorn we proposed an Open Gardens weekend to raise monies for charity, both local and Help the Heroes or any other charity. As an additional idea to be considered, perhaps a competition for the best garden both front and rear, could be held in conjunction with the open weekend. All those who visit the gardens could score each garden entered out of 10 points with the gardens attaining the most overall votes being declared Scole Garden of the Year. If anyone thinks that this would be a good idea please contact me. Tom Williamson 01379 740176; E Mail williamsontr@aol.com


Parish Council News for August, September & October 2011 by Sue Redgrave Main Items discussed: Stile - the repair of the stile and replacement of the footpath sign beside the Flowerdew Meadow was discussed but as yet is not resolved. The clerk has been in touch with the relevant department and the PC hopes that the work will be completed soon. The Plaque explaining the reason behind the naming of Flowerdew Meadow should be in place at the entrance of the road on 27th September. Salt Bin - one of the salt bins has been removed from Scole Common Bridge and placed at Reeve Close where, despite talks with Highways to resolve this, the footways are still very slippery in the cold weather. Hopefully some younger caring resident will use this facility and spread the salt on the footways so that our residents may walk safely. Billingford Windmill - Cllrs. asked the question when the sails would be placed back on the mill; as yet no date has been given by the Windmill Trust. Website - the new website is up and running and the clerk will keep it updated. Proposed Pylons through the Waveney Valley - a meeting to discuss this is to be held on October 21st at Wortwell Village Hall. Representatives from Scole PC will attend. Grass Cutting - the contractor apologised for the grass left on the footway at Bridge Road. The rest of the parish have not contacted us with any problems, so hopefully there were none. If you have a query regarding the cutting, please contact Sue Redgrave so that the problem can be resolved quickly. Police statistics - numbers of crimes in the parish have decreased over the last three months. External Audit - Everything has been completed satisfactorily and the accounts signed off by Mazzars, the external auditors. Full minutes can be seen on Parish Noticeboards and on the NEW website (see p50) and also in Scole Stores. We continue to meet on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7.30 in Scole School. 48

Parish Councillors


Tel. No.

E-mail address

Graham Moore (C) Sue Redgrave (VC) Lady Rosie Mann Simon Beckett - Allen Pearl Fisher Ray Franklin Tom Williamson Jackie Jones Corinne Moore

Thelveton Billingford Billingford Scole Scole Scole Scole Thelveton Thelveton

741716 740837 740314 740215 740753 741141 740176 740920 741716

mooregr@btinternet.com susan.redgrave182@btinternet.com sbeckettallen@aol.com pearljoy@mypostoffice.co.uk williamsontr@aol.com thelveton@btinternet.com moorecr@btinternet.com

All parish council information is available at the following office by appointment only: Sara Campbell (Clerk), Woodthorpe Farm, Goose Green, Winfarthing, DISS. IP22 2ER Tel: 01953 861486 E-mail : clerk@scoleparish.org.uk

Mobile Library Van THELVETON & SCOLE


2 weekly intervals on

4 weekly intervals on



Dec 1, 15, 29 Jan 12, 26 Feb 9, 23

09.55 10.15 10.35 10.50 11.15 11.35 11.50

Thelveton Ransome Avenue Reeve Close St Andrew’s Rd Robinson Road Clements Close Karen Close

Upper Street Post box 10am - 10.15 December January February

2 & 30 27 24



Keyboard Tuition


Cabinet Maker


Massage Therapist


Car Sales/Servicing


Medical Records


Cleaning/Laundry services


Paving/Driveways/Asphalt etc


Day Nursery




Environmental Control




Financial Services




Fuel Supplies










Village Stores



VILLAGE DIRECTORY Group/Organisation Scole Pre-School

Contact .......

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu, Fri 9.15 - 12.15 Shirley Shiress 07925 093551

Parent/Baby/Toddler Group


Linda Clay 741187

Friends of Scole School


Helen Clark 740413

Wednesday 1.30pm - 3pm

Scole Mothers Union


Georgie O’Shaughnessy 740127

Scole Women’s Institute


Shirley Hall 740636

Scole Social Club


Pearl Fisher 740753 June Foreman 740902

Scole Domino Club


Peggy Stygall 740986

Over 60s Friendship Club


Joyce Coleman 740384

Scole & Distict Bowls Club


Robin Shortell 740053

Friday Night Youth Club


Sue Auckland 740325

Scole Lads FC (boys and girls)


Ian Logan 741586

Scole United Football Club


Vic Buckle 740327

First Team Manager


James Last 740568

Reserves Manager


Danny Philpot 07795 185671

Scole Parish website



Diss First Responders


Rachel Hillier (Co-Ordinator) 740158

OTHER USEFUL CONTACT INFORMATION Medical Emergency (out of hours) NHS Direct Norfolk Constabulary (non emergency) Gas (emergencies) Anglian Water Home Watch South Norfolk Council Street lighting, pavements, litter Sara Campbell (Parish Clerk) County Councillor (Martin Wilby) District Councillor (Jenny Wilby) Network Rail (enquiries) Borderhoppa Meadow Green Dog Rescue (Loddon) Tim Page - Scole Bridge Ranger

01603 488 488 0845 4647 0845 456 4567 0800 111 999 08457 145 145 01379 650773 01508 533 633 01953 861486

www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk www.norfolk.police.uk www.anglianwater.co.uk www.south-norfolk.gov.uk clerk@scoleparish.org.uk

01379 741504 martin.wilby@norfolk.gov.uk 01379 741504 jwilby@s-norfolk.gov.uk 08457 484950 www.networkrail.co.uk 01379 854800 www.harleston-norfolk.gov.uk 01508 548216 www.dogrescuenorfolk.com 01379 788008


NHS Summary Care Record – Your emergency care summary The NHS is introducing a new electronic record called the Summary Care Record (SCR), which will be used to support your emergency care. About Summary Care Records The SCR will give healthcare staff faster, easier access to essential information about you, to help provide you with safe treatment when you need care in an emergency or when your GP practice is closed. A SCR will contain important information about any medicines you are taking, allergies you suffer from and any bad reactions to medicine that you have had. What are my choices? If you choose to have a SCR, you do not need to do anything. If you choose not to have a SCR, you need to let your GP practice know by filling in and returning an opt-out form. You can obtain an opt out form from your surgery or by contacting the Summary Care Record Information Line on 0300 123 3020. Whatever you choose - you can change your mind at anytime. You will need to let your GP practice know. Children and the Summary Care Record Children under 16 will automatically get a SCR created for them unless a parent or guardian decides to ‘opt out’ on their behalf. Where can I get more information? · Phone the Summary Care Record Information Line on 0300 123 3020; · Visit www.nhscarerecords.nhs.uk ; or · Contact NHS Norfolk Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Monday Friday from 9am to 5pm, on 0800 587 4132 or email pals@norfolk.nhs.uk.


Scole Village Stores Asset House, Scole, Diss Norfolk. IP21 4DR Tel: 01379 741494

Support your Local Shops!

Website : www.scolevillagestores.co.uk

Shop Opening Hours • Mon - Fri

06:00 – 20:00

• Sat • Sun • Bank Holidays

07:00 – 20:00 08:00 – 17:00 09:00 – 17:00

Credit and Debit Cards now accepted

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(Established 1950) Bungay Road Scole IP21 4DT 01379 740255 (tel) 741181(fax) E-mail : mail@awaterfield-sons.co.uk

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