Volume 28

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The local magazine for Scole & District

Winter 2012/13

Volume 28

Cover graphic designed by Scole Primary School Class 4




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Message from the Editor For the keen eyed amongst you there is something slightly different to the cover design for this issue. All credit must be given to pupils of Class 4 at Scole Primary School who got together and gave us their version of what they would like to see. A big thank you to them for a very different and interesting scheme which the PostHorn Team asked them to do. We hope you like their efforts and trust that they will do another one on a future occasion, which I’m sure will be just as good! So, here we are approaching Christmas already and the year seems to have flown by. There’s plenty of great reading here to last you over the festive season, so I hope you enjoy its contents until next year’s Spring edition is available. Also, a very warm welcome to all our new residents. Please feel free to contact us with any extra information you might need. The PostHorn Team wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year! Happy reading! Roy Philpot. (Editor)

Contents Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page

6-9 10 12 - 13 16 19 - 20 23 - 26 28 30 - 31 34 42 - 43

How many pubs in Scole? The Reverend Nigel Tuffnell Is Community Spirit Alive in Scole? Clever Clogs Solar Panels Church pages 70 Years Ago Feather Report Famous Inventors Parish Council News 3



Editor Roy Philpot 01379 670255 E-mail: philpot496@btinternet.com Features Contributor Chris Earl 01379 855416 E-mail: chrisjearl@hotmail.com Main Village Contact & Advertising Co-ordinator David Hillier 01379 740158 E-mail: chocs4@aol.com Advertising Trevor Raven 01379 741285 E-mail: trevor@listangels.co.uk Billingford Correspondent & Thorpe Parva News Sue Redgrave 01379 740837 E-mail: susan.redgrave182@btinternet.com Distribution : Gordon Larkins 01379 742713 E-mail: gordonlarkins@tiscali.co.uk


copy deadlines for editorial:

7 days before copy deadline dates please. (no exceptions)

Spring Edition : 10th February Summer Edition : 12th May Single edition

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How many pubs in Scole? The Scole Inn

by Chris Earl

In Victorian times pubs and beer houses flourished in every town and village. Some villages have now lost all their pubs. In Scole we have two but within living memory we have identified five. In age order the Scole Inn heads the list. Built in 1655 by John Peck as a coaching inn and originally known as the White Hart, it has a memorable past including King Charles II as a guest, and a highwayman by the name of Belcher who rode his horse up the stairs; there are various tales of ghostly apparitions. The building is Grade 1 listed and has had many owners since John Peck in 1655. At some time the inn was bought by Norwich Brewery. Later, the inn became a free house with a succession of owners amongst them Waveney Catering, Fidelity Hotels, Old English Inns, Swallow Hotels and currently Oxford Inns. Three members of the Webb family were appointed as managers; William Webb 1864, Melissa Webb 1871 and another William Webb 1916 -1922. It was during this period that Tim Riches fell for William Webb’s daughter Gracie who was working as a barmaid at the inn. Tim Riches’ family were outraged that their son was involved with a barmaid and when they finally married he was disinherited by his wealthy family. Their son Peter still lives in Bungay Road. In 1922 Captain A Wade-Palmer bought the inn becoming the owner and licensee. He re-decorated and installed a new electric generator but did not update the water supply which continued to be accessed from a well via a hand pump in the kitchen. By all accounts he was a colourful character, one of the wealthy 1920’s set, an associate of “The Bentley Boys” the group of wealthy young men who drove Bentley sports cars to victory at Le Mans from 1927 to 1930. The Scole Inn became a weekend retreat for many of these famous drivers. It is likely that they were instrumental in the installation of the petrol pumps at the front of the building. The Bentley boys at Le Mans 6

The inn prospered under Captain Wade Palmer, a feat only equalled once more as we will see. In the 1950s, a Swiss manager by the name of Minary seems to have built up the Scole Inn’s reputation for fine food, bringing diners to Scole from far and wide, particularly at lunchtimes for business lunches. 1916-22 when William Webb was licensee. A brewery dray delivers to The Scole Inn.n In the 1960s, Rex Rubens was manager and he encouraged the younger lads to use the games room at the Southern end of the building where a juke box was installed. Brian Foreman remembers a skiffle group being formed with Revis Leeder as the drummer. Rex was followed by Dick Whittington and around 1969 Flo Herring became manager. In 1973, ownership of the inn passed to a consortium of business people including the publisher Douglas Blain. They ran rock band concerts on Friday nights attracting huge crowds to the barn at the rear of the car park. One of the most popular acts was The Hank Wangford band who still perform today (but not at the Scole Inn!). Business at the inn was building up again. Don Bateman was the first manager in 1973 but only for a few months. Next came Barry Dewing a successful manager but he later did time for driving the getaway car in an armed robbery. It was generally accepted he was taken for a patsy by the gang of robbers but he still went to prison! He was not replaced as shortly after in 1978, ownership of the inn passed to the Walker Brothers, farmers from Hethel who had recently sold land to Lotus for the establishment of their car factory. The brothers did not employ a manager but became licensees running the inn themselves. At that time, the inn contained many valuable antiques and the Walker Brothers defrayed the cost of purchasing the premises with the income from the sale of its contents.


In the 1980s the inn was sold again this time to Bill Hopewell-Smith, owner of Bounty Box UK, a company in Diss. A new company Waveney Catering was formed to run the inn. At the time a very real offer was made to the Walker brothers for the premises from a group of antique dealers wishing to convert the building into an antique warehouse. To the Walkers’ credit and luckily for Scole this bid was rejected. Bill Hopewell-Smith found a saviour for the inn’s fortunes by appointing a manager he found running a steak restaurant in London. As far as we know he had no knowledge of running a hotel but it was an inspired choice as Bob Nylk proved to be a very able and popular manager, building up trade to a level not seen since the 1920s. This time the trade came not from the rich and famous but mostly from local trade. On Saturday night the inn was always full especially when the lottery was drawn. Special events were held at Halloween, Christmas and New Year. Mrs Hopewell-Smith insisted that the disgusting outside toilets be closed and replaced with modern facilities. (Everyone spoken to agrees they were disgusting!) Brian Spurling remembers that at Christmas lunchtime, the first round was always “on the house”, and for customers at Scole Inn at midnight on New Year’s Eve a bottle of Champagne would be delivered to each table. It has emerged that Bob had bought a large consignment of Champagne for this very purpose. 1980s Christmas Party with Gwen Webster, Brian and Freda Spurling Sadly this era ended when Waveney Catering ran into financial difficulties. A receiver was appointed who in turn passed the management to Lyric Hotels. Conrad Fleming was manager followed by a succession until Richard Josef took over, who previously ran The Crossways Inn Scole.


With Oxford Inns, the current owners, we hope for an even longer life for The Scole Inn. With acknowledgements to: Bygone memories by Jack Leverett. Thanks to Roy Waterfield, Ken Bright, Leigh Trevail , Brian Foreman, and Brian Spurling for helping to unravel this account. CE A Scole Inn matchbox from the 1970s

Windows 8 – the new kid on the block by Barry Woods Microsoft have been at it again so that it is out just before Christmas – welcome to Windows 8, the new Operating System, coming to a store near you. The new Windows Operating system is supposed to be available from the end of October, to catch the Christmas rush? So what is it? It is essentially a ‘touch screen’ operating system that will work on mobiles, computers, tablets, etc. The important words being ‘touch screen’. In computer terms, if you buy a new laptop, or tower plus ‘touch screen’ monitor it should work fine. Note – plus ‘touch screen’ monitor. This system is designed to work with a touch screen, like the ‘smart’ mobile phones. The system should work with an ordinary monitor but how well it works with the conventional mouse and monitor has yet to be established by the home user. We’re told it will work, but not as efficiently. You can upgrade to Windows 8 too, but consider what this means in terms of hardware. Don’t get caught by being told that it will be just fine on a ‘non touch screen’ system, i.e. conventional hardware. Insist on a proper ‘touch screen’ for a laptop, and query the price of the new monitor you will need for a tower. So with Christmas coming, consider carefully what you buy. Be aware that the new system will be the one being hyped for major sales. Forewarned, is forearmed as they say, so now you are armed.


The Reverend Nigel Tuffnell I have been asked to let you all know a little more about me; Nigel the person rather than just Nigel the minister. It is difficult to know where to start. I have many interests; in fact life itself fascinates me, and is given meaning by an appreciation that there is a Creator within it all. This appreciation that there is a value to life and to the world has led me to be involved in environmental issues, and I am an active member of the group in this diocese that seeks to promote responsible and practical care for the earth as a matter of Christian faith. I am a bee-keeper. The complex lives of bees, and other social insects, have always intrigued me. So, it seemed natural to me to take up bee-keeping a few years ago. In fact it seems odd now that I didn't do so sooner. I am able to observe the way these creatures live and work together, and even get honey as a reward. The fact that I am also helping to protect these important pollinators and so help the natural world is an added bonus! I love reading and literature. There is so much knowledge out there, online, and in books (physical and electronic), so much to learn, and so little time in which to absorb it all. If you ever visit me at the Rectory in Harleston, you will see that my study is lined with shelves and shelves of books. Christian books, church books that I need for my work as a minister, but also books on science poetry, fiction, humour, language, martial arts etc. I also like to feel alive and martial arts are one way that I can feel a little more alive. I am currently too busy to train with an instructor, but I still try and keep up as much of the training and drills as I can. I am not a violent person, but sadly self-defence is sometimes needed. I simply see gaining these skills as part of my being a good citizen. The training also helps to keep me fit! Last but not least of my interests is motorbikes. I got my first bike when I was 17 and only learned to drive a car when my daughter was born. I now ride a CBR1000 which is not a hobby in itself but is certainly a very pleasurable way to get around. As I seek to find what God's path is for me, I try to enjoy all that life brings to me, because life is a gift. I contracted TB meningitis as a child and very nearly died. So perhaps that is where I learned to appreciate each new morning, and not to take the next breath for granted. But, whatever the cause I do see life as a gift; a divine gift to be accepted, lived to the full, and shared with others. What better way is there to say thank you to the giver?


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Is community spirit alive in Scole? by Pearl Fisher

I have often heard that Scole lacks community spirit. Is this true? I find this amazing when I constantly see people who volunteer, often without being asked, doing lots of good deeds around our delightful village. I would like to highlight a few who have touched my world. The Waterfield family are a prime example. Roy does sterling work keeping the area around the Memorial spotless, sometimes scrubbing off the excesses of a Saturday night binge, raking up leaves, cutting grass and generally keeping an eye on things. His grand daughter Victoria Owen painted all the faded lettering on the Memorial and the rest of the family are always on hand and willing to do little and sometimes big jobs within the realms of their business, filling holes, carting, digging and transporting wherever necessary without charge. People such as Brian Foreman (Memorial maintenance), Stan Harley (the church footpath), the Community Garden volunteers and Ray Constance with his floral displays at the school all help to keep the village looking good. Several locals can often be seen clearing debris at Scole Bridge helping the River Waveney Trust clean up our river which we are lucky to have on our doorstep. Mick Fairweather trims the stingy berberis bushes at the end of Ransome Avenue and he also keeps the area around the recycling centre tidy. Ronald Batley and John Redgrave can be seen mending styles, trimming hedges and clearing footpaths. Another familiar face until she was restricted by her fall was Shirley Hall who was seen regularly with her bag and litter picker clearing other people’s mess on her way down the village. Many groups have their own volunteers like the Playing Field, which has a dedicated band ensuring the smooth running and maintenance of a large recreational area (often littered with dog excrement despite the notices) and also the Community Hall. The Church also has their own people maintaining our lovely Church for all to enjoy. Individuals step up to the mark as demonstrated at the Jubilee celebrations when Kelly held the reins and this has been shown in the past over the years with different people taking on the Fête organisation. Our School Governors give up their time and experience to make sure our School runs smoothly. The excellent Ofsted report is just reward. Another band at the School are the people who hold the after School clubs like lace making, cookery and gardening and I am sure there are many more.


We are privileged to have our own team of First Responders in the village, saving lives on our doorstep and only minutes away! There are many organisations, sport or otherwise, that have their own committees of volunteers whilst meeting socially and carrying out jobs that ensure smooth running. All the activities in the village are reported along with other interesting articles by our dedicated PostHorn team which is delivered by yet more volunteers. I have an elderly mother in our local Residential care home. There are those that put in many out of work hours like Margaret and husband Tony who have collected many archive articles to make the residents (particularly Alzheimer sufferers) feel at ease, plant the gardens and organise fund raising to finance this. There is also an eagerly awaited regular visit from the Pat Dog. The delight on the residents’ faces is reward enough! Another vital band of volunteers whose work is often unseen is the Parish Council who give up their time to sort the problems that are brought to their attention as well as the boring stuff like street lights etc. and other challenging work like traffic concerns, parking issues, planning and management of unauthorised travellers. My thanks go to all these people who have touched my life and made our village a nicer place without monetary reward. I am sure there are many many more examples in your lives or community. I apologise if I have missed anyone who is deserving of a mention. Finally I would like to add a thanks to our Village Ranger who is employed by the Council so doesn’t come under the heading of volunteer but has made such a difference in keeping the village tidy. May our community continue to thrive under all this selfless dedication and be appreciated by all who chose to make their home within.

Community spirit is thriving in Scole

A beautiful range of thermally efficient blinds and shutters Transform your rooms or conservatory and stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer Call Amanda or Alastair for more information on:

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Harley’s Hints Jobs in the garden for December 1st week

Prune outdoor vines. Complete fruit tree planting and pruning. Destroy big bud on blackcurrants.

2nd week Keep greenhouse glass clean. Burn fruit tree prunings. Sow onions in heat. Inspect fruit tree stakes. 3rd week

Force rhubarb. Prepare trenches for runner beans. Apply tar oil winter wash. Prune vines and peaches under glass. Top dress fruit trees with sulphate of potash.

4th week

Spray fruit trees with tar oil wash. Top dress hardy primulas. Prune large flowered clematis. Manure fruit trees. (January and February hints on p27 and p33)

St Andrew’s Church, Frenze Carols by Candlelight 7pm Tuesday 18th December Frenze church can be found in the farmyard adjacent to Frenze Hall, next to the Bouddicca Way not far from the Diss Business Centre. The church is in the parish of Thelveton with Frenze. The building is redundant and looked after by the Churches Conservation Trust. It can be visited at any time as it is kept unlocked. There are some fine oak pews, and interesting brasses. The brasses are late 15th and 16th century in memory of the Blennerhasset family. In the civil war the church was used for storing grain, and the overwintering of cattle. In the churchyard is a memorial to the Victorian entrepreneur William Betts and his family who made “Betts bricks” and had a market garden business in Frenze. An expensive railway system was installed to connect the area to the station at Diss. Services are held in the church once or twice a year and collections are made for the work of the Churches Conservation Trust. The “Carols by Candlelight” is a beautiful occasion. There being no electricity, the church is lit by over 100 candles in bottles. Visitors need to wrap up warmly, but there is also the offer of a warm punch to drink after the singing, and seasonal mince pies to add to the festive atmosphere.


Thelveton Carol Service Sunday 23rd December 11am A Carol Service will be held in Andrew’s Church Thelveton on the Sunday before Christmas – turn west down New Road and go on for about a mile, and you will find the church on your left. We will be retelling the age old story of the birth of Christ and we will build the Christmas Crib. As always, there will be a warm drink and seasonal nibbles to follow the service. Children in the congregation can take home a special “Christmas Angel”. Those of you who have been before can add a new angel to your growing collection. Our Christmas Communion will be on the Sunday after Christmas at 11am.

Re: Billingford Windmill The Norfolk Windmills Trust (NWT) is looking to create a project working with the local community to work towards replacing the stocks and sails and to get the mill open to the public again. The Trust needs to raise the finance needed to carry out the works and letters have been sent to the residents of Billingford by Sir Rupert Mann on behalf of the NWT and along with the PostHorn, asking for residents to come forward with offers of help. The Trust has allowed time for offer letters to come in and these are still being received. So far, 17 responses with 22 offers of help and donations of £180 have been received. The next stage will be to arrange a meeting locally with the intention of forming a group of people who could help put together funding applications and arrange fund raising events. Amanda Rix, Historic Environment Officer (Projects) Norfolk County Council (tel: 01362 869394)

Brome & Oakley Community Recycling Centre

Open every day except Wednesday Closed 24 - 26 December and 1 January Opening hours 9am - 5pm Sundays 10am - 4pm Bank Holidays 10am - 2pm 15

Clever Clogs Page! Or, So you think you know all the answers? 2 points for each correct answer. 10 points = quite clever 16 points = very clever 20 points = extremely clever 24 points and over = genius!

1 Who laid out his BBC boss with a turkey? 2 What has 336 dimples? 3 What is a cupel used for? 4 Whose 2001 album was titled ‘Fever’? 5 Jennifer Ehle is the daughter of which actress? 6 On which river does Newbury stand? 7 Which band’s first hit was ‘Pictures of matchstick men’? 8 How many players are there on a basketball team? 9 Who was the original choice to play ‘Frank Spencer’? 10 In which country is Odense? 11 Who was always coming up with cunning plans!? 12 Which African country was ruled by Idi Amin in 1970? 13 Bismark is the capital of which American state? 14 Whereabouts in the human body is the lacrimal gland? 15 The Needles can be found on which island? 16 Which town in North Yorkshire is famous for its annual bed race?

Answers on page 21 16

PostHorn Party

Ray Hubbard entertains PostHorn distributors and contributors at Scole Community Centre

Winter Winter Offer valid until 28/02/2013



Scole War Memorial The Scole war memorial has recently been refurbished. Roy Waterfield volunteered to steam clean away years of grime but this sadly left the wording rather faded. On seeing this, Roy’s granddaughter Victoria Owen (17) stepped in and painstakingly painted all the lettering back to its former glory. Thanks to Roy and Victoria the war memorial was ready for the Remembrance Day service in November.


Are Solar Panels still the great investment they’re cracked up to be? I’m looking forward to passing on some ways you can become energy efficient, and how you can save money. But first let’s tackle an issue that for many people is more about investing money than saving the planet. My aim here is to take a cold hard look at the maths, remove the hyperbole and help readers make an accurate judgement. Since the start of the solar Feed-in Tariff scheme, designed to encourage people to install solar panels and generate renewable energy, 325,616 solar installations had been completed by the end of September 2012. There has undoubtedly been a huge decline in solar panel installations since the end of August 2012, and the reason for this collapse is directly linked to a succession of cuts in the Feed-in Tariff. So is it game-over for investing in generating your own energy? Ok, here’s how the numbers worked at the start of the scheme. The first rate change that occurred was this April 2012, and the tariff went down from 45p/kWh to 21p/kWh. Ouch! This acted as a trigger sending the number of new domestic installations into free fall. Quite a significant number of the installations in those first two years at 45p/kWh were part of the “Rent a Roof Scheme”. Homeowners signed a deal to allow solar panels to be installed on their south facing roof free of charge, under an agreement that will last for 25 years. The Feed-in Tariff income is all paid directly to the owner of the panels who paid for their installation. Meanwhile, the incumbent benefits from the electricity they generate on site - worth about £200 per year based on the average cost per unit of electricity. At the time the scheme started, and up to the end of 2011 the cost of a typical 4kW installation (16 panels) was £12,000 to £15,000. If we take an average of say £13,000 per installation at 45p/kWh the investment will be working out as follows. Payback of the original capital in 6.8 years Benefit over 25 years: £63,481.00 ROI 19.5% pa CO2 savings: 40.3 tonnes over 25 years In all fairness, as investment decisions go, that ain’t all bad.


In fact as far as the new Government who inherited the scheme from Labour made abundantly clear – it was far too generous and they wasted no time in cutting it as soon as they could. Following a couple of serious haircuts we now have a much lower rate which is 16p/kWh for up to a 4kW installation (soon to be 15.3p/kWh from 1st November 2012. Therefore, having gone from 45p down to 15.3p in November, the conclusion you would expect is thumbs down for this once lucrative investment. But wait a minute - the game changer is not the lower Feed-in Tariff but the reduction in the cost of the solar panels. Since the start of the scheme in 2010 solar panels have reduced by up to 60%. At 1st November 2012 the cost of a typical 4kW installation was down to £6,000. The following return can now be expected: Payback is now 7.4 years. Benefit over 20 years: £19,221. ROI 16.1% pa CO2 savings: 33 tonnes over 20 years Let’s face it this is still a very good, safe, 20 year, fixed index linked return, and for a much lower capital risk. Whilst the domestic market for solar may be suffering the same cannot be said for the farming and business community. Take for example your typical warehouse, factory, farmstead owner with a large empty roof space or perhaps the odd unused corner of a grass field occupied part of the year by a flock of sheep. From November 2012, a capital outlay of about £60,000 will produce a benefit estimated to be worth £245,000 over a 20 year period or ROI of 20% per annum. The £60,000 capital is returned in 6 years. Put it this way; for all types of solar installation you will need to be a very experienced investor to match this sovereign backed index linked fund, guaranteed for 20 years. Therefore, next time you’re in the pub or at a dinner party and the conversation turns to trashing solar PV as an investment, you may want to put the critics right. By David Raven Renewable Energy Consultant Email: draven@mtm247.co.uk (David has spent the past 8 years immersed in the marketing and sales of air source heat pumps and solar PV)


Frangipane Mince Pies Ingredients 750g shortcrust pastry 200g unsalted butter 200g castor sugar 200g ground almonds 50g flour 2 large eggs 2 tbsp rum or brandy 1 jar good mincemeat Flaked almonds to decorate and icing sugar to dust Pre - heat oven to 180°/Gas 4 Butter a 12 hole bun tin

Method Roll out pastry quite thinly and cut rounds just larger than holes in tin. Press each round gently into each hole. Place in fridge for ½ hour to relax. Beat butter until very soft. Gradually add sugar and ground almonds. Mix in flour, eggs and rum or brandy. Put a tsp of mincemeat in each pastry case and cover with frangipane mixture. Sprinkle with almonds and bake for about 20/25 mins. Recipe supplied by a WI member

Clever Clogs Answers 1

Alan Partridge



A golf ball




Assaying gold




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The eye


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Rev. Nigel’s Christmas Message As I write this I am not in the Christmas spirit at all, in fact I feel like Scrooge and want to cancel the whole thing. Christmas is a time of cold and wet and ice but rarely snow, not pretty weather and not weather for getting out on the motorbike. But as I let the grump go, I can start to look forward to all that Christmas means. I start to think of all the carols and special services. Jesus may not be the household favourite that he once was, but at Christmas we still remember him, at least in passing, perhaps on the way to a second helping of Christmas pudding. Sometimes Jesus even appears on a Christmas card or two, usually those left in the bottom of the box, reserved for friends that are 'religious' (i.e. a bit odd), and elderly aunts. Strangely, I often get the Jesus cards, I can't think why. So amid all the excitement, the parties and the presents, Jesus is there. Being reasonably normal, I love the excitement and fun of Christmas. Being a little strange, I really value the reminder of who it is that gives meaning and value to all the things I love at Christmas, and throughout the year. The highlight of Christmas for me is the Midnight Eucharist (Midnight Mass). I think part of it is memories of having been out partying, then, a little tipsy, going into church to continue the celebration. In church on each Christmas Eve night the divine joins the party. It is like being back 2000 years in Cana, where Jesus kept the party going by changing water into wine. The Christmas hymns and carols are old and comfortably worn, and the words are familiar. But, for me, it is the Gospel reading the really sends shivers down my spine, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men�. I hear those words from the very beginning of John's Gospel and I remember what it is all about. I remember that the party started at the beginning of time, when all creation began. I remember that in Jesus God became part of his creation, so that I, all people, and all creation could become one with God once again. I remember the power of God to change my life, and all lives for the better. For me, remembering what Christmas is really about makes me want to celebrate all the more, and I hope it has the same effect on you who are reading this. Whether you agree with me or not, I wish you a Happy Christmas! God bless you now and throughout the New Year. Nigel.


Church Contact Details Priest in Charge

Rev. Nigel Tuffnell Tel: 308905 The Rectory, Swan Lane, Harleston IP20 9AN Rev. Clive Hudson Tel: 853284 Rev. Sue Auckland Tel: 740325 Rev. Gerald Epps Tel: 854532 Lynda Mansfield Tel: 740401

Assistant Priest Curate Honorary Curate Reader Church Wardens Scole Church Secretaries Scole Church Treasurers Scole Benefice

Maurice Cormack Kay Travers

Tel: 741197 Tel: 741054

Angela Rangecroft

Tel: 740847

Gordon Larkins Kay Travers

Tel: 742713 Tel: 741054

To arrange Baptisms, Funerals or Weddings, contact Lucy Elton Benefice Administrator Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm Tel: 851148 or e-mail lucy.elton9@hotmail.com

From the Records Marriages: Baptisms:


None August 26th September 9th October 7th November 5th

Ella MAY Toby JACK Sam John CHURCH Stella McQuade (89)

Various Items Benefice Administrator - Lucy Elton has been appointed Administrator for the 8 parishes of the new benefice, working in St John’s Church, Harleston. To post anything to her, please send to Lucy Elton, c/o Revd. Nigel Tuffnell at the above address. (Lucy’s other contact details are also shown above). Scole School - Scole School enjoyed their Harvest Festival Service held in St Andrew’s Church and gifts were given to the Waveney Valley Foodbank. They will be holding their Christmas Carol Service on Thursday December 20th at 9.30 am in St Andrew’s Church, Scole. Christmas concerts are by ticket only admission on Wednesday 12th December at 1.30pm onwards and Thursday 13th, December at 6.30pm onwards.


There will be a monthly Meditation Group at the Rectory in Harleston, 7.30pm to 8.30pm beginning Wednesday December 5th. Meditation is ‘pure prayer’ which involves coming into a place of stillness and peace of both body and spirit. To know more, please contact Lucy (851148) or Sue (740325). Cake and Coffee Mornings - 10.00 am - 12 noon on the first Saturday of each month at the church. If you enjoy homemade sausage rolls, scones, cakes and a good chat, you won’t be disappointed! Instead of this on December 1st, we invite you to a ‘Winter Warmer’ - a pre-Christmas light lunch of soup, bacon butties and a ‘pudding’ from 11am to 2.30pm with stalls, including crafts, cakes, books, tombola and a raffle. All are welcome. Donations of cakes, books and nearly new items gratefully received. Scole Harvest Supper was a most enjoyable feast. Many thanks to all helpers and to all who came to make the evening an occasion to remember. Billingford Harvest Festival was particularly special this year. The Recording group from Diss presented folders - the result of 18 months of hard work that recorded everything in St Leonard's Church. Rev. Nigel Tuffnell thanked them on behalf of the parishoners. Before the service, the ladies of Billingford provided afternoon tea which everyone enjoyed. Changes - From January, all regular morning services will start at 11am in Scole, including Kaleidoscope and 9.30am at Billingford. Benefice services and occasional special services may be different but will be advertised. Scole Community Christmas Celebration will be on December 10th at 7.30pm in St Andrew’s Church, Scole. Rick Wakeman, Diss Salvation Army Band and other local talent will once again lead us into the ‘Spirit of Christmas’. Tickets are £6 and might still be available from Scole Stores. Billingford Autumn Fayre was held at Billingford Church on October 20th and was a great success. The weather was kind and a steady stream of visitors enjoyed stalls such as Bric-a-Brac, Nearly New, Cake, Tombola and a Raffle as well as some wonderful refreshments. Thanks to all organisers and helpers on the day, from baking cakes, cooking the soup and bacon rolls, making teas and coffees, selling items offered for sale, to the marquee erectors and dismantlers and of course a special thanks to all who came and visited us which made a profit around £700. A grand effort for a small village! Grass Cutting - Thanks to everyone who has kept the churchyard at Billingford so neat and tidy this year; the new burial area has been cut by our willing team - Stephen, John H, John R, Ronald, Malcolm, Ann and Michael. The conservation area is now cut, thanks to John R, Ronald and Robert. The hedges and garden look grand due to hard work by John H. 25


Services for Scole and Billingford



10 for 10.30am Scole



11am Scole

16 Sunday 23 Sunday

9.30am Billingford


Christmas Day Sunday


HC & Children’s Church MP

11am Scole

MP & Children’s Church

11am Scole

Carol Service

6pm Billingford

Christmas Eve


4.30pm Scole

Carol Service Crib & Christingle

11pm Thorpe Abbotts Midnight HC


11am Scole

Short FS followed by HC

Benefice Service of HC - 10.30am at St John’s, Harleston

January 6 Sunday Sunday

13 20

Sunday 27 Sunday

9.30am Billingford


11am Scole


11am Scole

HC & Children’s Church

9.30am Billingford


11am Scole

MP & Children’s Church

11am Scole


4.30pm Scole

Celebration Service

9.30am Billingford


February 3 Sunday

11am Scole




11am Scole

HC & Children’s Church



7.30pm Scole

Ash Wednesday Service


9.30am Billingford


Sunday 24 Sunday

11am Scole

MP & Children’s Church

11am Scole


4.30pm Scole


Celebration Service

Jobs in the garden for January 1st week

Top dress lawns . Renew grease bands. Prune outdoor vines. Stake indoor bulbs.

2nd week Prepare lawns. Force rhubarb. Sprout seed potatoes. Prepare ground for spring sowings. 3rd week

Prune fuchsias. Tie in raspberry canes. Complete gooseberry pruning. Keep on with the digging when the weather is good.

4th week

Plant herbaceous borders. Divide herbs. Prune newly planted fruit bushes. Make first greenhouse sowings. (February hints on p33)

Diss First Responders As Responders we only drive under normal road conditions, obeying the law of the land, however critical the emergency we are attending. However, part of our training is to go out with ambulance crews as observers, which involves doing a 12 hour shift with the crew. More experienced Responders can go out in a Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) with a single Emergency Care Practitioner (ECP) or a Paramedic where, under their supervision, we assist them with patient care. We then get to travel with blue lights and sirens to life threatening emergencies. This can involve a speedy dash to such incidents as a Road Traffic Collision (RTC), an ill baby or young child under 8 (both of which are incidents we are not called to as Responders) to someone who has fallen in the street, suffers chest pain or a stroke, a drugs overdose, severe bleeding, etc. And, yes, there are those who abuse the system too – our ‘frequent fliers’. We see at first hand our colleagues skills and ability to react to so many different incidents with consummate skill and professionalism. All the hospitals in this region are a good distance away from here; our roads aren’t the fastest and, even on ‘blues and twos’ many drivers seem incapable of reacting quickly and safely enough to allow the vehicles to get through! How can you miss seeing the vivid blue lights and hearing the sirens? cont’d over


The cynics may say that the crew are going on a break – well that’s not so – the rules are very clear and strict if they abuse the lights and sirens. If you are following an emergency vehicle and the lights and sirens go off, then it is more than likely that a nearer resource to the incident has been found and that particular crew has been stood down. Our Quiz on 10 November raised £260 – very many thanks to all who took part and supported us. Rachel Hillier 01379 740158

70 Years Ago by Ronald Batley 2013 will be the 70th anniversary of the opening of Thorpe Abbotts Airfield. The area on which it had the most impact was the little hamlet of Upper Street Billingford. This was where all of the accommodation and communal sites were built which included mess halls, recreation building, shower, bathrooms etc - in all enough for 3000 plus personnel. At the time, there were 15 houses in the village for about 20 families. Up until the start of the construction of the airfield in the later months of 1942, this area was somewhat shielded from what was happening in main land Europe. Yes there was rationing on everything, but the population was going about its daily tasks without too much disruption except for the odd enemy aircraft that might turn up anytime and cause some excitement. Yet there was still the fear that things could get worse. It is hard to imagine just what the locals thought when the first construction gangs arrived with heavy bulldozers, trenchers, trucks, concrete mixers - machines some of them had never seen before. By June 1943, much of the work was completed, enough at least for the arrival of the 100th Bomb Group personnel and the B-17 Flying Fortresses from the United States. The villagers then lived side by side with the base personnel for around 2½ years. Not much is left now, the most recognisable parts are the concrete roads, a sure sign that an airfield existed here. Across the other side of the airfield is the control tower museum where you can learn something about the day to day activities on the base. On 30th June 2013 the museum will be having an Open Day which will feature re-enactment groups, period stalls and demonstrations etc. More information will be available in the New Year.


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Scole Feather Report

by Trevor Raven

I don’t think I’ve seen our garden so busy with birds at any time all this year. There are birds we have never seen before, such as a pair of nuthatch who have taken up residence in a large oak tree at the edge of the garden. They are chaffinch size birds, famous for walking up and down a trunk, then along a branch upside down. Common in the damp oak woods of the west coast, they are quite rare along our drier east coast. Extremely active all day, our two nuthatches pick out a sunflower seed or peanut then fly fast and straight down the garden to their tree and stash it in a crack in the bark. A caché of food for the winter ahead. It’s fascinating to watch them, but our feeders are emptying at an alarming rate. Goldfinches (collectively called a charm) continue to be the star bird in Scole, Billingford and Thelveton. This is one of the largest of the finch family and is highly coloured and sociable. There can’t be many gardens or hedgerows where they don’t visit. Many goldfinches winter in southern Spain, but ours seem content to remain here and rely on the feeders in our gardens. Even though the summer visitors have now left, we still have 28 different species of bird coming to our garden. Daily visitors are: Nuthatch, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Great tit, Blue tit, Coal tit, Marsh tit (one only), Longtailed tit, Great spotted woodpecker, Wren, Blackbird, Robin, Dunnock, Starling, Wood pigeon, Collared dove (two only), Black headed gulls, Rook and Jackdaw, and (regretfully I have to say), the Female Sparrowhawk. Less frequently we see: Green woodpecker, Song thrush, Pheasant, Moorhen, Magpie and Jay, and in the sky Buzzard. At night in December, tawny owls can be heard calling. Both sexes make a sharp loud ke wik contact call. The male then makes the classic long quavering Hu hu hooooo, with a similar but shorter reply from the female. On a calm moonlit night, in the fields around Thelveton, and across the flood meadows of the river Waveney at Billingford you can see the ghostly flight of the white barn owl - very spooky and not recommended at hallowe’en. The cuckoo, warblers, swallows, swifts, and house martins may all have gone (although I saw three swallows at Minsmere on 3rd November). Now the winter visitors are arriving back in Scole: fieldfare, redwing and brambling have already been spotted flying over Ransome Avenue. Soon they will be in the fields and hedgerows all around us. Lapwings can be seen around Thelveton, and golden plover will soon be in the fields. Siskins may return to our feeders again. Waxwings have been reported in Lowestoft (3rd November). It really is an exciting time.


One factor is clear; many of these birds are relying on the food they find in our gardens for their survival through the winter months. Now is the time to feed the birds. It is not necessary to go miles to get it, our village shop has supplies of wild bird food at very competitive prices. Roy is a keen bird watcher and will advise you what to select. This female sparrowhawk prefers collared dove for dinner. We had ten in our garden earlier this year but now we only have two.

Defiantly she sits on our shed roof scanning the feeders. The female sparrowhawk is noticeably bigger than the male - 41cm length compared to his 34cm. This allows her to catch pigeons, and especially collared doves. The male has to contend with the smaller blackbirds or starlings, but not in my backyard.

The Nuthatch

I took this vivid sunset outside our home in Scole on Saturday 20 October. It rained all night and the morning after, and the forecast said to expect rain all day. Is this really the shepherds’ delight?


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John and Liz Baines with their Roy Talbot Award from the British Society of Dowsers For over 6 years, John & Liz Baines took part in a Rotary project using their dowsing skills to find clean water for poor communities in Zambia. Working with a charity called Village Water, over 100 wells are now helping to improve the quality of life by providing clean water and better sanitation which has resulted in a reduction of illness.


Eye Equestrian Centre This can be found just outside the beautiful market town of Eye. With easy access routes off the A140 it is ideally situated and surrounded by beautiful countryside, with access to quiet lanes and tranquil bridleways. Established in 2002, proprietor Helen Gould and her team are proud to offer riding for all ages and abilities, and specialise in offering tuition to nervous and first-time riders. The ethos of the centre is that everybody should have the opportunity to enjoy horses regardless of age, ability or background. They can even help you to find your First Pony, with lots of advice and tips on how to make the transition from horse Rider to horse Owner! We have a fun packed programme of events all year round which can be found on our website www.eyeequestriancentre.co.uk But, why not come along and meet the team & the ponies at our Christmas Evening on Thursday 6th December, 6-8pm. There will be secondhand & new equestrian equipment for sale, mulled wine, mince pies, Christmas gifts and even Father Christmas will be there! See our advertisement opposite

Jobs in the garden for February 1st week

Prune winter flowering shrubs. Make and plant rock gardens. Start dahlia tubers. Prune cobnuts. Feed fruit trees.

2nd week

Feed hardy herbaceous plants and spring cabbage plants. Plant lilies. Top dress asparagus beds. Complete the planting of fruit trees.

3rd week

Prune buddleias. Take fuchsia cuttings. Prune autumn fruiting raspberries. Transplant autumn sown onions.

4th week

Prune willows and dogwoods. Sow sweet peas. Start begonias and gloxinias. Sow parsnips and brussels sprouts. Prune fig trees. Sow lettuce and radish. Spray peaches against leaf curl. (December and January hints on p14 and p27)


Heartstart is a British Heart Foundation initiative which teaches people what to do in a life-threatening emergency – simple skills that save lives.

being before

Throughout the UK, Heartstart Schemes like ours are teaching Emergency Life Saving skills and lives are saved by someone at the scene in the few minutes before professional help arrives. Contact : Rachel Hillier 01379 740158

Famous Inventors of the 19th Century Barthelemy Thimonnier First Functional Machine and a Riot The first functional sewing machine was invented by the French tailor, Barthelemy Thimonnier in 1830. Thimonnier's machine used only one thread and a hooked needle that made the same chain stitch used with embroidery. The inventor was almost killed by an enraged group of French tailors who burnt down his garment factory because they feared unemployment as a result of his new invention.

Walter Hunt & Elias Howe In 1834, Walter Hunt built America's first (somewhat) successful sewing machine. He later lost interest in patenting because he believed his invention would cause unemployment. (Hunt's machine could only sew straight steams). Hunt never patented, and in 1846 the first American patent was issued to Elias Howe for "a process that used thread from two different sources." Elias Howe's machine had a needle with an eye at the point. The needle was pushed through the cloth and created a loop on the other side; a shuttle on a track then slipped the second thread through the loop, creating what is called the lockstitch. However, Elias Howe later encountered problems defending his patent and marketing his invention. For the next nine years Elias Howe struggled, first to enlist interest in his machine, then to protect his patent from imitators. His lockstitch mechanism was adopted by others who were developing innovations of their own. Isaac Singer invented the up- and-down motion mechanism, and Allen Wilson developed a rotary hook shuttle.


We are open Monday to Friday 9.15 - 12.15. Our fees are £7 per session. The term after your child’s 3rd birthday qualifies for government funding for 15 hours a week, so that means it will be FREE. All children are welcome between the ages of 2 years 6 months and 5 years of age, even if they are not yet potty trained. They have a snack time in which we offer a selection of fruit and vegetables and a glass of milk. Water is readily available to them throughout the session. We have three members of staff who will be willing to answer any questions you may have, so please feel free to contact us by phone or text and request our prospectus. All we need is your address and we will pop a prospectus through your door, or if you prefer, pop in and see us to have a look round and see how we run.

TELEPHONE NO. 07925 093551

Scole based



Scole Mothers’ Union No meeting was held in August. At the September meeting Sue Auckland spoke to members about the life of St. Julian of Norwich - the first English woman to write a book. Sue also showed images of St. Julian in the Cathedral, St. Julian's Church and Ditchingham chapel - a very interesting talk. Prior to the October meeting Rev. Nigel Tuffnell conducted a short service of Holy Communion. Future meetings: 13th December will be the Deanery Carol service in Scole Church and anyone who wishes to attend will be most welcome to join us for readings and carols. In January 2013 we will hold our AGM and in February there will be a short Holy Communion service prior to the meeting. The Mothers' Union meets every 3rd Thursday of the month at 2.15pm and all are welcome to join us to listen to our speakers. Scole Mothers' Union would like to wish all readers of the PostHorn a very happy and peaceful Christmas and send our best wishes for 2013.

Scole Women’s Institute On Thursday 6th December Brenda Shortell will be making Christmas flower arrangements. The competition is for four nibbles to share. The New Year starts with our meeting on 3rd January with a show and tell of quilts by Meg Brown. The competition will be a quilted item. Sue Heaser will show us how she makes silver clay jewellery or polymer clay beads when she comes on Thursday 7th February. The competition is for a piece of silver jewellery. Cheese is the subject for 7th March when Katherine and Jason Salisbury will talk about their “Suffolk Cheeses”. The competition will be for homemade cheese biscuits. All meetings are held on Thursdays at 7.30pm at Hopefield, Norwich Road. Visitors most welcome.


Scole Community Centre We are looking for more volunteers to help with bar work. If you have any free time during the evenings or at weekends and are over 18 please contact Ian. You do not need any previous experience as training will be given. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me this year with running the bar - June Foreman, Vic Buckle, Ron Edwards, Shane Hughes, Steve Bartram & Mick Fairweather. Everyone gave up their time to help and without them we wouldn’t be able to keep going. We will be holding some more music events next year and it would be good to see more people from the village supporting us. If you would like to hire the hall for any event contact Ian on 01379 740265. Ian Constance

Scole United Football Club Providing local football for the lcoal community

We have started this season with a total of 17 teams in the Club, from under 7’s up to Veterans. This includes 4 adult teams and 3 girls only teams. We play our matches at Ransome Avenue Scole, Shelfanger Road Sports Ground, Diss and the Playing Field at Dickleburgh. Most of our teams now train at Hartismere High School, Eye on the Astroturf. We are always looking for more players, coaches and helpers. This could be with administration work, website, promotion, sponsorship etc. If you are interested in helping contact Ian on 01379 740265. If there are any companies in the village who would like to sponsor a team in the club with maybe kit, training tops, jackets, match balls or anything, just let us know. Our website address is www.scoleunited.co.uk where you will find details of all our teams, fixtures, results, league tables and upcoming events.


Scole and District Gardening Club As alluded to in the last edition of PostHorn, the September meeting of the Gardening Club was our second outside visit of the year to the Will Giles Exotic Garden in Norwich. Those who attended were given a guided tour by Will Giles himself who explained about the plants and general design of the Garden. Everyone agreed that the visit itself was extremely enjoyable and worthwhile. Furthermore, they would recommend that other Scole residents avail themselves of a visit either in the evening or at weekends as the Garden makes a memorable trip. This year, as everyone was aware, the Community Garden was surrounded by daffodils. All who commented were appreciative of the display and effort put in by the club. In 2013 we are hopeful that the daffodil display will be even more colourful for those persons passing the Community Garden and that it continues to brighten up our village. We therefore ask that should you cut across the grassed area that you are careful not to damage or destroy the bulbs as they come through. If we are careful, the display will grow yearly and become a focal point. Christmas will soon be upon us and perhaps we should ask whether the Community Garden could be utilised during the Christmas festival. Would anyone be interested in building a nativity box which could be placed upon the site? If local children are interested in filling it by making some figurines depicting the Christmas Story, then please let me know. Our first meeting of 2013 as usual will be held on the fourth Thursday of January, which will be the 24th January. This is our Annual General Meeting where membership for existing members can be renewed and new members can join. We look forward to seeing old and new friends on that date. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our fellow residents from all members of the Gardening Club. For further information please contact Tom Williamson on 01379 740176 or Pearl Fisher on 01379 740753.


SCOLE AND DISTRICT BOWLS CLUB And so ends another outdoor bowling season; one that will be long remembered as having the most erratic weather conditions where, each day, we never knew which season we were going to see. Never has Vic Buckle and his helpers had more to contend with endeavouring to keep the green in playable condition. Not only did they achieve this, but each visiting team made a specific point of praising the high standard achieved. We were quite happy with our match results in the two leagues we play in, finishing in 3rd place in the E.B.A. Division South Two league and Runnersup in the Border League. It is the ethos of the club that, although we like to win each match, it is the joy of playing rather than the necessity of being ‘top of the pile’ that matters. It is the policy of the Captains that everyone, beginner or otherwise, who wants a game, will get a game in turn. It is this way of operating that helps us keep up our membership numbers when other clubs are struggling. As I have said in recent editions of PostHorn, the coming 2013 season will be a particularly important one for the club; the Golden Anniversary of when our green first opened for play in 1963. We intend celebrating this to the full. Firstly, our sponsor of the last six years, David Aldous, of A.C.Aldous, Auto Repairs, Harleston, will be providing us with a new club strip that we are looking forward to wearing with pride from next April. Secondly, we have arranged three major friendly matches with the ‘Friends of English Bowling’, an ‘E.B.A. Presidents Team’ and a ‘Past Presidents and A.M.B.A. team’. In each of these matches, ladies as well as gents will be playing, so involving all our members. We also have a new club flag, specially designed, that we shall fly during the season on our new flagpole. All we hope for now, of course, is that the weather will do its part and make this big occasion memorable. It would be splendid if we could mark this historic event with an influx of new members. You know you will be most welcome, whether you are male or female, young or not so young, beginner or experienced. We shall, as normal, have a few social events between now and April so keep your eyes open for notices in the Scole shop and Community Hall giving details of these. Please support us if you can. Thank you. Robin Shortell (Sec.) 01379 740053


Christmas is coming! by Class 4 at Scole Primary School When we close our eyes at this time of year we think of‌ Me laying the table for Christmas dinner and helping mum with the turkey. (Carla) When all my family gets together on Christmas Eve and we sit by the fireplace and see where Santa goes. (Molly) Roast dinner on the 25th, staying up until midnight to see New Year in whilst all the fireworks go off. (Stephen) Decorating the tree, writing lists, getting Christmas things from the loft, playing in the snow. (Bill) Decorating the tree, playing in the snow and having Christmas dinner. (Ryan) Playing twister as we all fall in a heap, then my mum can’t stop laughing! (Elizabeth) The build-up to Christmas, seeing the big tree in the market place and going for a hot drink and mince pies. (Emily) Things that make people happy‌the tree, decorating the house and playing in the snow. (Vanessa) Buying things for friends and family and give, give, giving. (Natan) Playing in the snow and being with friends and family. (Holly) Decorating the Christmas tree with shiny baubles and tinsel with friends and family. (Ben) Eating Christmas dinner and putting out carrots, milk and mince pies. (Libby) Playing in the snow with my best friend and family. (Rebecca)


Christmas day at my grandparents’ house with all the family; “Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat”. (Lydia) Going to the supermarket and seeing all of the preparations they have made for Christmas. (Owen) The fun of decorating the tree with tinsel, shiny baubles, lights and the star. (Eva) Sitting by the fire whilst listening to carol singers sing carols. (Jack) Decorating the tree, wrapping the shoe boxes for the appeal and getting things out of the loft. (Laura) Putting decorations all over the tree and making it look magnificent! (Ciaran) Going to see my family and playing in the snow with them. (Daisy) Choosing presents for my friends and family and watching snowflakes fall to the ground. (Madison) As the gleaming snow falls gently into place, being with my family. (Rosie)

Over 60s Friendship Club Sadly as I write this report we have lost two committed members - these were Eleanor Kerry and Stella McQuade, both long standing members who will be sadly missed. Our last outing to Wells and Hunstanton was on a warm and sunny day. On October 2nd our new Deacon, Sue Auckland, came and showed us how to make Christmas cards. On December 4th we will be going to the Kings Head at North Lopham for our Christmas Lunch. Thanks to everybody who has supported us on our coach trips. Joyce Coleman (Sec)


SCOLE VILLAGE FÊTE NEEDS YOU!!! The village is looking for people to organise and run the annual fête in 2013. The fête is supported by all organisations who take part with enthusiasm and enjoyment to raise much needed funds for their respective clubs. There are limited funds available to assist with planning the event, and past organisers are willing to help and support where needed. For those of you who relish a challenge and would like to know more, please call either Robert Ludkin on 740659 (e-mail robertludkin703@btinternet.com) or Linda Clay 741187 (e-mail l.clay007@btinternet.com) - both will be pleased to hear from you. Your reward at the end of the day is having the satisfaction of bringing the village together for a fun filled day to remember. Sadly, if no volunteers come forward, the fête will not unfortunately take place and the existing funds will need to be allocated somewhere in the village. For this, Robert or Linda welcome suggestions as to how and where the money can be allocated. SO...... OVER TO YOU !

Parish Council News August, September & October by Sue Redgrave

Main Items discussed: Bridge Road - things are still moving along slowly - the PC have hopes that gaining planning permission to erect a height barrier is not too far away; this would mean that the bund which is now very unsightly can be removed. Stile – the stile on the footpath beside Flowerdew Meadow has been moved to its new position and is now dog and human friendly, no barbed wire etc and also the footpath has been trimmed. The PC wish to thank John Redgrave and Ronald Batley for their work. Telephone Box- the box situated at Upper Street Billingford is now decommissioned and the PC wishes to thank Michael Goodier for cleaning and maintaining the box.


Street Lighting - we have 53 street lights in the parish for which the PC is responsible and several are in need of some repair. The most urgent will be done within 2012 budget and the remainder will be done when we have money in the budget, some of which will be included in 2013/14 precept. By-Law for Playing Field- it was agreed unanimously for the PC to proceed with implementing a by-law to keep dogs off the Playing Field. Dog faeces are a real health hazard and with so many children using the field for sport and play, the PC feel obliged to move this on as quickly as possible. There are signs already displayed “No dogs allowed on the field” but it is surprising how many owners seem to think it does not apply to them. Also elsewhere in the parish the situation is terrible - Norgate Lane is particularly bad and also the footpath beside the A140. Bins are provided at great cost to the PC, so dog owners PLEASE CLEAR UP AFTER YOUR PET. Planning Applications- these can be viewed on line at the SNC website. Police statistics- numbers of crimes in the parish has increased over the last three months. Footpath - the footpath and hedge beside the bowling green will be cut back making it an easier and more pleasant place to walk. Cycling on pavements- please be reminded that cycling on footways is illegal. Potholes - there are many pot holes in the roads around the parish, details have been passed on to highways of those reported to us. Jubilee Mugs - there are still a few mugs left so if anyone would like to purchase one the cost is £3.88. Please contact Sue Redgrave 740837. Parish Cllrs - we still have vacancies for Cllrs. Please consider coming to a meeting to see what it’s all about. We continue to meet on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7.30 in Scole School. All welcome. The full minutes can be seen on Parish Notice boards, the PC website and also in Scole Stores.


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Parish Councillors


Tel. No.

E-mail address

Graham Moore (C) Sue Redgrave (VC) Lady Rosie Mann Pearl Fisher Anthea Pryce Tom Williamson Jackie Jones Corinne Moore

Thelveton Billingford Billingford Scole Scole Scole Thelveton Thelveton

741716 740837 740314 740753 740903 740176 740920 741716

mooregr@btinternet.com susan.redgrave182@btinternet.com pearljoy@mypostoffice.co.uk thea588@live.com williamsontr@aol.com thelveton@btinternet.com moorecr@btinternet.com

All parish council information is available at the following office by appointment only: Sara Campbell (Clerk), Woodthorpe Farm, Goose Green, Winfarthing, DISS. IP22 2ER Tel: 01953 861486 E-mail : clerk@scoleparish.org.uk

Mobile Library Van

Dec Jan Feb



2 weekly intervals on

4 weekly intervals on



13, 27 10, 24 7, 21

09.55 10.15 10.35 10.50 11.15 11.35 11.50

Thelveton Ransome Avenue Reeve Close St Andrew’s Rd Robinson Road Clements Close Karen Close

Upper Street Post box 10am - 10.15 Dec Jan Feb

28 25 22

ADVERTISERS’ INDEX Builder Cabinet Maker/Carpenter Cafe/functions/weddings Car Sales/Servicing Cleaning/Laundry Services Coach Travel Day Nursery Electrician Environmental Control Equestrian Financial Services Fuel Supplies Hairdresser

p44 p5/22 p11 p2/47 p29 p48 p35/47 p44 p44 p32 p29 p22/29 p17/44

Heating/Plumbing Home Furnishing IT Services Paving/Driveways/Asphalt etc Pubs Reflexology Restaurant Stonemason Taxi Service Travel Accessories Tree Surgeon Undertaker Village Stores


p5/22/44 p13 p44 p44/47 p2 p5/11 p11/29 p11 p44 p22 p35 p5 p48

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Group/Organisation Contact Scole Pre-School

....... Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu, Fri 9.15 - 12.15 Shirley Shiress 07925 093551

Parent/Baby/Toddler Group

....... Linda Clay 741187

Friends of Scole School

....... Helen Clark 740313

Wednesday 1.30pm - 3pm

Scole Mothers’ Union

....... Georgie O’Shaughnessy 740127

Scole Women’s Institute

....... Shirley Hall 740636

Community Centre

....... Ian Constance (Manager) 740265

Scole Social Club

....... Pearl Fisher 740753

Scole Domino Club

....... Peggy Stygall 740986

Over 60s Friendship Club

....... Joyce Coleman 740384

Scole & District Bowls Club

....... Robin Shortell 740053

Friday Night Youth Club

....... Sue Auckland 740325

Scole Lads FC (boys and girls)

....... Ian Logan 741586

Scole United Football Club

....... Vic Buckle 740327

June Foreman 740902

First Team Manager

....... James Last 740568

Reserves Manager

....... Danny Philpot 07795 185671

Scole Parish website

....... scoleparish.org.uk

Diss First Responders

....... Rachel Hillier (Co-ordinator) 740158

OTHER USEFUL CONTACT INFORMATION Medical Emergency (out of hours) NHS Direct Norfolk Constabulary (non emergency) Gas (emergencies) Anglian Water Home Watch South Norfolk District Council Street lighting, pavements, litter Sara Campbell (Parish Clerk) County Councillor (Martin Wilby) District Councillor (Jenny Wilby) Network Rail (enquiries) Borderhoppa Meadow Green Dog Rescue (Loddon) Tim Page - Scole Bridge Ranger

01603 488 488 0845 4647 0845 456 4567 0800 111 999 08457 145 145 01379 650773 01508 533 633 01953 861486

www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk www.norfolk.police.uk www.anglianwater.co.uk www.south-norfolk.gov.uk scolepc@btinternet.com

01379 741504 martin.wilby@norfolk.gov.uk 01379 741504 jwilby@s-norfolk.gov.uk 08457 484950 www.networkrail.co.uk 01379 854800 www.harleston-norfolk.gov.uk 01508 548216 www.dogrescuenorfolk.com 01379 788008


axmer m
















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Great value, great offers, and great service.... with a smile!

Scole Village Stores Asset House, Scole, IP21 4DR Telephone 01379 741494 Shop Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 06:00 - 20:00 Saturday 07:00 - 20:00 Sunday 08:00 - 16:00 Bank Hols 07:00 - 17:00

The team at the shop wish you a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and more prosperous New Year!! Thank you for supporting us in 2012 and we hope you will continue your support in 2013. Thank you everyone!

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