Volume 15

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The Billingford Horseshoes Bed and Breakfast; Lunch & Dinner Six new Double-Rooms en-suite. Privately owned Free House. Reasonable rates. Excellent food served all day. Real Ales, Keg Beers & Wines. On the A143 Harleston Road from Scole. Only 2 miles from Diss.

Open All Day

Tel: 01379 740414 2

Message from the Editor With this edition we have news of success! The return of the Four Churches Festival and the most successful Fête held in recent years. Thanks are due to all those hard working volunteers. We also have a perspective on a trip to the Normandy D-Day beaches. Memories of the passing of the last of the Mallows dynasty - Les, known to some as Mr By-Pass. Michael Hall records the history of the Reading Room; one reason for this establishment was to keep the youth of the village interested and away from “bad habits”. Time changes little as on page 8 we have an article introducing The Scole Friday Night Youth Club with very similar objectives to those in 1908 - we wish it success. Congratulations to Connie Barber, 100 years old in May this year. On page 26 we show her birthday party. Chris Earl

Contents Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page

5 -6 9 - 11 13 - 16 19 - 21 22 - 24 25 26 - 27 28 31 - 34 34 37 38 42 - 43 45 - 47 48

The Passing of Mr. By-Pass D-Day Commemorations Church pages Scole Reading Room Water in Zambia Part 3 Feather Report 100th Birthday for Scole Resident Farming Diary Micky’s Magic Cave Obituary - Lilian Gardiner Independent Custody Visitors Is Scole Terrified of Computers? Four Churches Festival Scole Village Fête Report Council News 3



To be interviewed or submit articles: Chris Earl on 855416 E-mail: chrisjearl@hotmail.com Main Village Contact & Advertising Co-ordinator David Hillier on 740158 E-mail: chocs4@aol.com Business Advertising & Distribution Trevor Raven on 741285 E-mail: trevor@listangels.co.uk Billingford Correspondent & Thorpe Parva News Sue Redgrave on 740837 E-mail: susan.redgrave1@homecall.co.uk Distribution : Gordon Larkins on 742713 E-mail: gordonlarkins@tiscali.co.uk

copy deadlines:

Advertising 7 days before copy deadline dates please

Winter Edition : 7th November 2009 Spring Edition : 8th February 2010

Single edition mono

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4 editions
























The reserves the right to edit any material submitted for publication. While every effort is made to ensure that the contents of the are accurate, no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions. The material printed does not necessarily represent the views of the and no recommendation of products or services is implied. All material submitted for publication may be used on the village website unless otherwise specified. While the takes reasonable care when accepting advertisements for publication, it will not accept responsibility for any resulting unsatisfactory transactions. 4

The Passing of Mr. By-Pass Les Mallows .. 1919 - 2009 It was a summer’s evening sometime in the early nineteen eighties and Chris Brookes and myself were walking our dogs along Low Road. Bill, who used to run the shop on that corner, stopped us to have a chat. In reality, he just wanted to moan about a black M.G. Metro that had been parked unintentionally on his land. There was nothing to say that where the car stood was not part of the highway but Bill was obviously aggrieved by it. I told him I would have a word with the owner Les Mallows, who lived in the end thatched cottage. Seeing Les, I suggested that he parked in our garden as it would be less trouble. For this I am indebted to Bill, for over the years I had some good conversations with Les as he made his way to and from his car. I had known of Les Mallows for many years. At the Primary School it was explained to us how his Aunt Jessie had in the nineteen fifties compiled a history of Scole, and after her death Les used this to publish a book in her memory; even in the sixties the book was sought after.

Gable End Cottage - home to the Mallows family since 1880. George Mallows ran a shoemaking business and later a cycle repair shop in the cottage to the right.

Later I heard the story of Les visiting Scole from his home in London and purchasing a new Fiat from Tom Pretty on the 31st of July. Had he waited one more day the car would have been issued with the latest letter on the end of the registration number. Such petty one-up-man-ship obviously did not interest him. Having spent as much of his spare time as possible in Scole, Les could not wait to retire here. He was very proud of the generations of Mallows that had lived in the thatched cottages. He was a tireless, and it has to be said sometimes a tiresome campaigner for the Scole By-Pass. George Chapman christened Les “Mr. By-Pass,” a title which he accepted. 5

As a member of the Parish Council he would bring the subject up at every opportunity, and as an individual he would over the years write hundreds of letters to our M.P. Mr. John MacGregor, current Minister of Transport at the time. It must have been a godsend to Les when John MacGregor became the Minister. Everyone that has ever used the Scole By-Pass, and every parishioner should quietly thank Les for his efforts. Once the new road had been built, Les stood down from the Council, his work had been done, and he could get back to his other interests. One of these was jazz music, and he was a regular at the local Jazz club. The morning after a particularly good meeting I found a small portion of his record collection on the front lawn. As he wandered his way back from the car, the L.P.s slipped out of their box and on to the grass. As to what happened to those that fell on the pavement I have no idea! With his car parked in the garden, I would often get the chance to chat with Les. The subjects were many and varied - his days in the bank, the Navy, village history and things in general. On Monday morning, Saturday’s Daily Telegraph motoring supplement would appear in our letter box and would be read from cover to cover. Sometimes a cutting pertaining to a conversation weeks before would be included. Over the years I spent a lot of time talking to Les; it was time very well spent! © Leigh Trevail May 2009 This picture of the Scole Reading Room was taken from Gable End Cottage. Turn to page 19 and read Michael Hall’s article about the Reading Room.

Kate & all at Crossways say : Happy 18th Birthday to Jasmine on 22 Sept. Happy Getting Very Old Birthday to Neil on 18 October. Happy Birthday to Dear Friend Sarah on 27 November. & Thanks to all who made the Pre-School Charity Event a success in August. 6

REFLEXOLOGY An alternative way to better health The curative effects of massage have been known for many years and the popularity of alternative therapies has widely spread throughout the western world. Reflexology is no exception to this and it is said to date back many years, possibly to ancient Egypt or to China. It is a particular form of massage which involves working with the thumbs and sometimes fingers on reflex areas of the feet and hands. By massaging these reflex areas it is possible to treat the different parts of the body since every part of the feet or hands (hands are normally only used for self treatment) responds to specific areas of the body. It is a method which is used not only to treat many ailments but also to maintain good health and as a prevention to illnesses. Reflexology is a good all round therapy which helps you relax, enable energy to flow freely around the body and promote self healing. It works well on many conditions such as stress, digestive problems, aching joints/arthritis, asthma, menstrual problems, infertility and a wonderful treatment to have throughout pregnancy. It is also good for helping people with more serious conditions such as M.S and Cancer. The number of treatments varies anything from weekly or monthly, depending on the patients’ needs. If you would like advice or an appointment then call Lisa on 01379 898028 or 07989 565210. There is a 20% discount off your first treatment for all new customers when mentioning The PostHorn. (see advertisement on p30)

DAVID J. PADDISON Electronic Keyboard Tuition for Beginners No Upper Age Limit and Children From Age 7 Welcome

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To Book Your Free Sample Lesson Please Telephone 01379 853029 or email: leadmusictuition@googlemail.com


Our premises have the benefit of disabled access.

Let me realize your ideas 7

1966 and all that!! Were you a teenager in those ‘flower power’ days of the nineteen sixties? If so, we grew up at a very special time, very different to teenagers in 2009. Yes, we grew up with a background of war whether it was Vietnam or the Cold War between East and West, just like our teenagers with daily news of deaths in Afghanistan or Iraq. But we grew up in a relatively safe environment and our parents gave us a freedom that many of today’s parents feel unable to do. Today’s Norfolk teenagers have to live with small roads that are teeming with traffic, including massive juggernauts; a society where violence and disorderly behaviour frequently makes headlines. They live in places where drugs and tobacco are easily come by and they go to schools and clubs where, sadly, it is necessary to check the staff of those organisations for criminal activities, particularly those of a sexual nature. It was concerns for the safety of those teenagers of ours, particularly on a Friday night, when many of them seem to roam around the village and also Diss, which prompted a small group of us to start the ‘Scole Friday Night Club’. The Friday Night Club is sponsored by St Andrew’s Church but it is a club for all young people aged 11 – 16 and meets every Friday night (term times only) at the Community Centre on Ransome Avenue. Over 20 young people, boys and girls, attend each week and they have enjoyed a wide range of activities during the summer term, including, football, cricket, rounders, archery, pool, music, discussion, jewellery making, card-making, films and special events such as a DJ evening, an evening walk and a BBQ. The children pay a nominal sum each week and choose the activities they want to take part in. Their enthusiasm and enjoyment makes it all worthwhile. The club begins again on September 11th with the start of the new school term. If your children need a safe place to go and have fun on a Friday night, send or bring them along – all we ask is that you complete a registration form so that we are aware of any health issues and have an emergency contact number in the event of your child being ill. If you want to know more about the club then feel free to contact one of us on the numbers below. See you in September! Roz & Ralph Barnett Sue Auckland

740303 740325


Ian Constance Anthea Pryce

740265 740903

D-Day Commemorations 2009 65 Years of Peace Through Sacrifice (Lest We Forget) by Roy Philpot June 6th 1944 - 6:30am and the first wave of American troops hit the shores on Utah and Omaha beaches. The British and Canadians assault Gold and Sword an hour later allowing for the tidal reach. Some troops pat the backs of their comrades and wish them good luck as they await their turn on the landing craft to fight before the ramps fall.

A typical house in Normandy with allied flags.

Machine guns chatter from the houses behind the beaches, mortar rounds and artillery shells fall all around them in loud explosions. Sand flies up as bullets kick into the beach, some finding their targets. Naval guns reply from the large Battleships and the smaller Destroyers, some houses erupt in flames as they find the mark from the spotters on board. Men and machines charge up from the sea in their small craft crashing into the surf as they go, some men falling into deep water and drowning with their equipment - chaos all around, but they get a toe hold and push inland. The price has been very high in human life. Today, sixty five years on, I visit a very tranquil scene in St. Aubin-sur-Mer on the borders of Juno and Sword beaches. All that remains of those monumental sacrifices are the plaques and obelisks to mark the achievements of those that suffered for our freedom. If you look carefully below the front window by the door you can see a machine gun slit used by the defenders to cover the beach head! 9

This account of my visit to the D-Day battlefields in 2009 is but a very fleeting glimpse into that epic affair so long ago, but still very sharp in the minds of those veterans who return year after year to pay tribute to their fallen comrades, who fought and died for our freedoms we take so much for granted today. Should you ever take the decision to visit the Normandy area of France on a holiday, I thoroughly recommend that you visit the museums along the coast line of the main landing areas. A visit to the large Arromanche Museum would be an excellent start to your tour. Amongst its exhibits are one of the famous dummies called ‘Ruperts’ which fooled the German defenders into thinking that they were parachutists falling A defensive 60mm naval battery at among their positions, Longues-sur-Mer shooting off pyrotechnics just long enough to draw the troops to them and away from the real parachutists dropping on to key targets elsewhere. Just a few miles further east you can visit the huge defensive bunkers known as the Longues Batterie with their 60mm Naval Guns menacingly covering the ‘Gold’ Beach area where the artificial harbour known as ‘Mulberry ‘B’ was being assembled and constructed. If you have seen the classic war film ‘The Longest Day’, you will have seen these bunkers in the opening scenes as Field Marshal Rommel inspects his troops and defensive positions in expectation of the Allied attack. The observation bunker at Longues which was built to help sight and target allied ships 10

Still a little further along the coast was the American landing beach code named ‘Omaha’. Again, this event was graphically displayed in the opening scenes of the Stephen Spielberg directed war film called ‘Saving Private Ryan’. A visit to the magnificently kept American military cemetery just above the beach at Coleville is another must. A sobering walk along the many lines of gravestones tells the sad stories of many a young life lost in the ensuing battles. During that walk I came across the grave of Brigadier General ‘Teddy’ Roosevelt Jnr, son of President Theodore Roosevelt. The grave of ‘Teddy’ Roosevelt Jnr.

In the film ‘The Longest Day’, Teddy Roosevelt was played by the famous actor Henry Fonda who insisted that he landed on the beach with his men despite suffering from chronic arthritis and fooling his commanding officer into thinking he was fit after a huge argument. At first the assault waves were landed in the wrong positions but it was decided by Roosevelt, who was on the spot despite heavy resistance by the defenders, that the rest of the troops would commence battle from where they had landed. This decision saved hundreds of lives as the original positions were being horribly attacked with huge loss of life. For this he received the coveted Medal of Honour from his country. Of course, this is just one story of that fateful day in June 1944. I have yet to tell about the British and Canadian contributions which were even larger than the American forces. This will be told at a later date. On November 11th please remind yourself of what they did on this day. Lest we forget.

The arboretum at Coleville American Military Cemetery 11

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Thoughts from the Rectory ‘I bring you GOOD NEWS’ When do you read of good news in the papers or hear of good news on the TV or radio? Not very often! Good news has to be sought after and treasured. Bad news is always before us - economic downturn, loss of jobs, vandalism, swine flu, bad weather ....... Let’s focus on the ‘Good News’ and rejoice in it - the children’s awards at Scole School and their outdoor performance; the Scole Fête back in July it was a great day with lots of different activities, games and stalls. A wedding on July 25th at Brockdish Church followed by an ‘Open Air Jazz Festival’. All these things were ‘Good News’ and I’m sure you can add many more to the list. In our recent holiday club (late July) in Scole Church, the theme was ‘Jesus brings good News’ and we looked at the stories of Zacchaeus and blind Bartimaeus with the children. Stanley Gardner, who was born in Billingford in 1916, died this July and a small family funeral took place in Billingford Church on July 27th. Stanley, with his wife Ivy, worked for many years in Norfolk and Suffolk bringing the ‘Good News of Jesus’ to generations of children. Perhaps you were one of those countless children who were touched by his ministry. I hope you have Good News to enjoy at this time and that you can treasure and enjoy it. Remember - ‘Jesus brings Good News’ to a broken world may he bring that Good News to you. With every blessing Trevor

See good news at foot of page 41 13

Church Contact Details Priest-in-Charge Church Wardens Scole Reader Church Secretary Scole Billingford

Rev. Trevor Riess The Rectory, Mill Lane, Scole IP21 4DB

Tel: 742762

Maurice Cormack Kay Travers Sue Auckland

Tel: 741197 Tel: 741054 Tel: 740325

Honor Worthington Brian Nunn

Tel: 687285 Tel: 740723

From the Records Baptisms: Thanksgiving & Dedications: Marriages: Funerals: April 30th Philip Pembleton Funerals: May 5th Leslie Mallows May 18th Michael Robins

Nil Nil Nil (63) July14th (89) July 27th (54)

Lilian Gardiner Stanley Gardner

(73) (93)

Various Items: Lynda Mansfield will be licensed as a Reader on Saturday September 5th in Norwich Cathedral and she will serve in all four parishes of the Benefice. There will be a special service of welcome at the start of her new ministry on Sunday September 6th at 11am in Scole Church.

Film Club restarts in Scole church on Friday September 25th. The first film is called ‘Holes’. Other films in the Autumn include : Down with Love (October 30th) and Madagascar 2 (November 27th)

Church Opening - Scole church continues to be open daily from 8am until 6pm (4pm from the end of October). On Saturday September 12th both Scole and Billingford churches will be open from 9am until 5pm for the Norfolk Churches Sponsored Cycle Ride. Billingford church also has a ‘Gift Day’ on that Saturday.

Benefice Memorial Service - an opportunity to remember those we have loved but see no longer. This year it is in Brockdish church at 6pm on Sunday September 13th. Anyone can come. 14

Celebration Services - restart on Sunday September 27th at 4.30pm. These are informal times of worship - ideal for all of the family. Friday Night Club restarts at the Community Centre, Ransome Avenue on September 14th. All young people aged 11 - 16 are welcome. Please contact any of the following for more information - Roz Barnett (740303), Ian Constance (740265), Sue Auckland (740323) or Anthea Pryce (740903) Harvest Supper - for Scole Church takes place on Friday October 2nd at 7pm. For further details contact Sue Auckland (740325) or Kay Travers (741054) nearer the time. Harvest Thanksgivings Scole Billingford -

11am - Sunday October 4th, We hope to invite the different village organisations again, like last year. 6pm - Sunday October 18th.

Scole Church Quiz and Chips - Saturday October 17th - 6.30pm. Further details from Sue Auckland (740325) nearer the time.

Remembrance Sunday Services (November 18th) 10.45 am starting at Scole War Memorial, followed by a service in church. 3pm at Billingford church.

Billingford and Scole Christmas Fayres Billingford - Saturday November 28th at Brockdish Village Hall. See publicity for details nearer the time. Scole - date to be decided - look out for posters and information boards.

Scole Community Christmas Celebration - a great annual event in Scole Church for the community. A chance to give a little to charities. Monday December 7th - 7.30pm. Tickets will be available from Scole Stores in the middle of November. They will cost about £5 each and will be sold on a first come basis as last year. I guess some folk will inevitably lose out - sorry. Scole Fête - thank you to all who supported our soft toy stall this year, whether by giving toys or by buying the ‘lucky dip’ tickets. The PCC have decided that the profits should be used to benefit the community in various ways. Some of the money will go towards buying books for Scole school and the rest will be put towards the maintenance and upkeep of the churchyard.


September Sunday Sunday

6 13

Services for Scole and Billingford 9.30 for 9.45 am Scole 11 am Scole


11 am Scole


6 pm Brockdish


20 9.30 for 9.45 am Scole 11 am Scole 9.30 Billingford




11 am Scole 4.30 pm Scole

Memorial Service Lighthouse MP MP HC Celebration Service

October Sunday


9.30 for 9.45 am Scole 11 am Scole 9.30 am Billingford 11 am Scole




18 9.30 for 9.45 am Scole 11 am Scole 6 pm Billingford



11 am Scole 4.30 pm Scole

Lighthouse Harvest Thanksgiving HC HC Lighthouse MP Harvest Thanksgiving HC Celebration Service

November Sunday


9.30 for 9.45 am Scole 11 am Scole 9.30 am Billingford



10.45 am Scole 3 pm Billingford

Sunday Sunday

15 9.30 for 9.45 am Scole 22 29

MP HC Remembrance Service Remembrance Service Lighthouse

11 am Scole


11 am Scole


4.30 pm Scole



10.30 am Scole


Celebration Service Benefice Service




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Entering into the spirit! (see full FĂŞte Report on p45 - 47)

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Scole Reading Room by Michael Hall As an introduction to these notes on the history of Scole Reading Room I can do no better than quote from ‘SCOLE from Past to Present’ by Jessie Mallows which was first published in 1962 and sadly, is not readily available today. “The opportunity to do so [to provide an interest to counteract the tendency for the growing lads in the village to drift into the public house, and often bad habits..] came when two rooms in the southern portion of the Inn were available for hire. The upper room was equipped as a Reading Room and fulfilled its purpose. From that came the desire and determination to build a Reading Room. A site was given by Mr. S. G. Bird of St. Edmunds (a large property standing where the War Memorial and Village Sign are now to be found) and, with the support of property owners, tradesmen and members of the parish generally, money was raised to build and equip the Reading Room and open it in 1908. The Trustees were Mr. Roland Wilson, Mr. Thomas Keppel and my father. The room was popular and enjoyed by young and matured men alike. By 1930 the death of the older members and the departure from the village of others, the interest in radio and cinema, reduced the attendance, and it became neglected and in need of repair. During the 1939-45 war it was used by the Home Guard. Following that, a committee under Mr. Walter Smith carried out repairs to make it usable. But much more needed to be done and no money was available. It was then that Mr. William Pretty, builder, and his assistant Mr. Laurence Foreman, offered to give their services and re-floor the room if the material was provided. A meeting was called and a committee formed under the chairmanship of Miss Margaret Ransome and decisions made for the restoration of the building. Every householder received a notice that an auction would be held to raise money for urgent repairs needed to the Reading Room and articles would be welcome for that purpose. There was a splendid response to the appeal and Mr. Jennings presided at a successful auction held in a happy atmosphere. Further money was raised to complete the repairs, and the parish has the satisfaction of seeing the building restored and available for various purposes.” 19

In his “Bygone Memories of Scole”, Jack Leverett recalls that a number of lads would find comfort in the Reading Room playing billiards, cards, dominoes, darts, draughts and chess commenting that at the end of the week would see ‘more professional types perform’. He then names many wellknown villagers of the time and adds that with all the senior members, there was little chance of the young amateurs playing on a Saturday evening. Billiard matches were arranged with the Thelveton Working Men’s Club, with the Y.M.C.A. in Diss and Palgrave Men’s Club. The room was fitted with a ‘Tortoise’ coke stove which sometimes produced enough sulphur fumes to “choke a regiment of soldiers” and the lighting was a petrol lantern which was pumped up to produce a vapour for the gas mantles. After much deliberation and rejection of a site ‘on the churchyard wall’ the War Memorial was originally erected, in the early 1920s, in front of the Reading Room but was moved in 1973 to its present position, at the expense of Mr. Nik Josif who had bought the building a little earlier. By that time the volume of traffic on the A140 together with the fact that neither water nor sewerage were connected to the Reading Room meant that regular usage was highly impractical. However, after the renovations mentioned by Jessie Mallows and with the connection of electricity to the building, the Reading Room had become the regular meeting place for Scole Women’s Institute, Scole Parish Council and the local Conservative Association. The WI had to carry water across the road from the garage on the opposite corner and that was the site for the nearest available lavatory as well. Originally the WI met in the Church Hall (Village Hall) but had held their Silver Jubilee meeting in the Reading Room in 1951 and were meeting there regularly by 1955. They moved back to the Church Hall in 1969. The Parish Council continued to meet in the Reading Room for a while longer as they did not have the same need for water. There had been a Reading Room management committee of which Vera Alexander was Treasurer but by this time the Parish Council were the managers and trustees for the building and they negotiated the sale to Mr. Josif. This was completed in the early 1970s and the Parish Council also then held their meetings in the Church Hall. As a registered charity, the proceeds of the sale could go only to another charity and at that time the only one in the village that was acceptable to the Charity Commissioners was the Playing Field Charity to whom the money was paid. As a condition, the Parish Council also had to appoint ‘five competent persons’ to act as trustees but their first meeting was not until 20th May 1978. 20

In its heyday, members using the Reading Room had to pay a subscription and there was a regular caretaker. One of the regulars, Mr. Claude Bowles who was the landlord of the King’s Head on the Bungay Road, recalled one evening when he was in there. “I used to go down to the Reading Room at night if I had time, to play billiards you see, and one time with an old boy called Tom Finch who kept a farm at Billingford. We got playing billiards and it got to twelve o’clock at night and all of a sudden the door opened and I looked round and what little hair I’d got stood out and Darnegie Mallows stood there, in a big old white nightshirt and a sort of a cornet hat on and a big old candle, against the door and I said to old Tom Finch “Look behind you” and he dropped his cue and ran out and I never see him no more. I said to him (Darnegie Mallows) “What do you want?” and he said “ This place closes at nine” and I said “What at night or the morning?” When the Scole Home Guard was formed, originally the Local Defence Volunteers, they met regularly in the Reading Room. There were some twenty to thirty of them with Sir John Mann the Major and Mr. Proctor Pulman, also from Thelveton, the Captain. They were drawn from Scole, Billingford and Thelveton (a lot of ex-servicemen from the first world war worked on the Thelveton Estate) but according to Peter Alexander who was a Lance Corporal and Tony King-Fisher nothing much happened, they didn’t go on manoeuvres but did once march up to Thorpe Abbotts to look over a Flying Fortress. Today the Reading Room is a private residence having been converted by Richard Josif. A second floor has been put in to make two storeys and the replacement window in the west end of the building has been very skillfully constructed to conceal the floor line without losing any of the character of the original. The addition of both side and roof windows together with a brick chimney have done nothing to detract from the original lines of the building and the cast iron bench mark, used as a datum point for the ordnance survey, is still in place.


Water in Zambia Part 3 by John Baines In May 2009, Liz, Richard (Pither) and I went to Zambia for the fourth successive year. This time our programme was rather different, although the local team was a delight to work with again. We are all now firm friends. John & Liz at the new school

The first task was to attend the creation of a new Rotary Club in Mongu and train them to do the well location work. (First rule in getting a job - find someone to do the work and convert your job to a sinecure!!)

This involved twenty six new indigenous members, including an ex-High Commissioner for Zambia who had been in office in the UK, being inducted to form a new enthusiastic club some four hundred miles from the nearest Club in Lusaka. This was the culmination of three years encouragement. The members invited us to attend Sunday Service on an island in the Zambesi flood plain with their fifty member choir. Except for the birdsong, the weather and atmosphere were delightfully still. The picnic lunch was superb and the choir sang on the boat journey back. The Club was greeted locally and arrangements were made for the three of us for an audience with the local King called a “Litunga” whose title goes back to pre-Rhodes’ time. Surprisingly he was conversant with Rotary affairs and admired its principles. He also expressed his interest and encouragement for the work being carried out - initially without his knowledge and permission. We persuaded him to give his blessing retrospectively (no photographs were allowed). The second task was to attend to villages with problems. One village had water which contained a big quantity of iron which the villagers disliked. A new site was found and arrangements for a new well put in place. A second village, which was located on a sandstone outcrop, required a drilling rig. We collectively dowsed for the edge of the outcrop and found it together with a new location to install a new well. 22

Thirdly, a well had been located on a site with running sand which blocked the pump. The lady expert “Gracious” (lilac headdress and perpetual smile) renowned both as well digger and pump mender, worked most of a day with an admiring Liz. They decided that the existing pump be removed and a new well site found. (Trust the ladies!) The third task came about by accident. We went to purchase some timber. The proprietor asked what we were doing and then explained that he and his wife ran a school for 250 pupils and were in the process of moving from a ‘ghetto’ premises in town to a new site, but it had no water supply. As it was in town (not rural) we could not help, but we were prepared to “moonlight” provided they obtained consent from the local Council. “No problem” came the reply, “I am on the Council!!” We visited the site, found a location and asked for “feedback”. Gracious

At Christmas we received a Christmas Card explaining the well had been sunk. The water flowed as anticipated and they were delighted but had no government support and had not totally paid the contractor. We asked for the detailed invoice and paid off the balance with money that had been donated by a series of supporting individuals, including contributions from Scole. We then suggested they planted a tree near the well and dedicated it to the contributing supporters. When we arrived, the school pupils turned out. They sang songs and expressed their thanks and showed us the tree being cared for from a sapling. Their next task is to obtain an electricity supply. The fourth task was to visit the Orphanage. Liz has organised the hammer mill to supplement income - eight playground units, and this year funded a Bursary for an older pupil to board at a higher school for a year. All this was from funds raised from scratch without a begging bowl. (Liz in the Orphanage playground)


One cannot fail to be moved as each village expressed their appreciation for the well by assembling and giving gifts, (in this case the Headman is pointing to the bunch of bananas) to the whole assembled village. The three Health Visitors who have monitored the village for over a year are included. The members of the Village Water team, two officers and the driver (all now dowsers) have accompanied us each year and are delightful working companions. Village Water has now completed over 100 wells in villages and it seems that the local people are able to carry out the task independently. Will we be going out again? As Bond says, “Never say Never”. May we express our personal thanks to the editors for publishing these events and the readers for courteously viewing ‘holiday photos!!!’

New Year’s Day Scole Stroll.....meeting went very well. 2 routes decided - one just over the hour and for the more energetic, an extended walk by 45 mins. FREE SOUP & BACON ROLLS FOR EVERYONE AT THE CROSSWAYS INN afterwards. Routes available to view in the pub from end of November. Further details in next issue.

Diss First Responders A very busy few months! At the Charity Clay Shoot – held on Wednesday 17th June, we raised £1,400 which will buy a kit for a new group in Norfolk. At Scole Fête on 11th July we did fake wounds for the children and raised £63 and then were delighted to receive a further donation of £190 from the proceeds of the fête. The Big Sing held on 8th August in St Mary’s Church, Diss raised £681.19 for equipment and a contribution to our goal of having a dedicated Responder Car for our area. Very many thanks to all who have helped make this possible. Rachel Hillier 24

Scole Feather Report

by Trevor Raven

There seems to be a lot more swifts around this year. During the daytime they fly very high catching spiders and other small insects that have drifted upwards on the warm air currents. In the evening they swoop low over the roofs in screeching groups, fattening up as fast as they can for their departure during August for the long flight ahead. The recovery of Swifts ringed in the UK show that our birds cross over to Eastern Africa to winter in Tanzania at the southern end of the vast Serengeti Plain. It is intriguing to speculate that they time their arrival to coincide with the return of the immense herds of Wildebeest and Zebra from their mass migration to the northern plains. The young Swallows in Brian and June’s barn have now fledged, but will stay around the breeding site being fed by their parents for up to six more weeks, after which they are then often expelled by their father. They then generally enter a local communal roost for several more weeks, busily catching flies like their parents, and presumably familiarising themselves with the local area to which they will return next summer. The parents may have up to two more broods, but both parents and young must build up their fat reserves for the long and dangerous flight to South Africa. They go further south than the Swifts, but still congregate on the eastern side of the continent. Look out for Field Voles on your country walks. They are plentiful this year, and a favourite food of Barn Owls, forming 90% of their diet. If you are lucky you will see them hunting over the fields in the early evening. Their ghostly white shape and utterly silent flight is an unforgettable sight. Other animals that take the voles include kestrels, foxes, stoats and weasels. Mr Dave Last of Last Motors showed me how to call a Barn Owl by cupping his hands to his mouth, and making a loud sound that really does sound like the ‘spooky’ shriek of a barn owl. I keep trying, but can only make rather rude noises that would scare off any self respecting owl.


100th Birthday of Mrs Constance Barber On 24th May, Mrs Connie Barber, of Reeve Close Scole, celebrated her 100th birthday. To mark this occasion on a warm and sunny day, the bells of St. Andrew’s Church, where Connie regularly worships, rang out a quarter peal welcoming relatives and friends from many areas of the country for a special service conducted by Rev. Trevor Riess. The lessons were read by Grandson Mark and daughter Georgie. In Lynda Mansfield’s tribute, she gave a résumé of Connie’s life which began in Deal, Kent, the first of four children born to carpenter George and Lucy Young. Connie has outlived her brothers and sisters. Connie remembers vividly her life living by the sea, and especially the presence of the Royal Marines whose home was in the town of Deal. To this day it gives her great pleasure to see the Marines on TV. Soon after the 2nd World War began, Connie, who was working for a family as a Lady’s Companion, moved to Chickering near Hoxne where the family had a farm. This move was to escape the German shelling of the coast of Kent from France. It was whilst living there she met her husband George (Dordy) Barber and they married in Wingfield Church. Connie and George had two daughters, Rita and Georgie, and a son, Kenny. She has 6 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren with another expected in September. In 1947 they moved to Lower Billingford where George worked on the farm for Charlie Saunders. After George died in 1972, Connie moved to Scole and has lived there ever since. Connie loves to watch the wildlife in her garden. Her other interests are the daily newspaper and especially the crosswords. She loves to watch sport on TV and has been known to shout at the ref!


After the service, the family enjoyed a a lunch at the Scole Inn where her card from the Queen was proudly displayed along with a bouquet of flowers from her family. Following lunch, guests were invited for tea at the home of Georgie and Tony.

Connie would like to take this opportunity of thanking everyone who sent cards and messages, and for those who gave donations in aid of RNLI in lieu of gifts. The RNLI benefited by ÂŁ400. Great granchildren India - Mae and Rosie

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Farming Diary By Sue Redgrave

Common Farm Billingford In 1916 Edgar Gardner was born to Stanley and Sarah at Street Farm Oakley. In later years, as well as the farm at Oakley, Stanley took over the tenancy of Common Farm, Billingford. The rabbits on the land were shot and sold, bringing in enough revenue to pay the rent for the farm. Sadly, while Edgar was away in the army in 1944 his father died, so Edgar had to come home to work the land. The crops grown at this time were wheat, oats, spring barley and also mangolds, feed for the cattle, of which they had six, with two men to look after them. In all, five men were employed at any one time. Edgar’s grey Ferguson tractor was the first in the area. The corn at this time was cut by binder and the threshing machine was driven by a steam engine. His first combine was a 6’ cut 726 Massey driven by Charlie Bartram. He then progressed to a 10’ cut which was driven by George Elliot. This was indeed progress for a small farmer. In 1951 Edgar married Mary whom he had met through a mutual friend. She had come to Common Farm as housekeeper. In the early sixties, they sold the farm at Oakley and doubled the size of their tenant farm at Billingford by Edgar taking over Brick Kiln Farm. In the late 60’s the farm doubled in size again to 400 acres when he took on other tenant farm land with his. When Thelveton Estate had pheasant shoots in the vicinity of Common Farm, Sir John Mann's chauffeur would bring all the food and ale. This was the best ale ever it has been said, and came from Mann’s Brewery. The lunch would be served in Edgar and Mary's front room beside a roaring fire. After 53 years of marriage, Edgar and Mary passed away in 2004 within weeks of each other and are laid to rest in Billingford churchyard with their youngest son Philip who died in a car accident in 1977 aged 21 years. 28

John the elder son, born in 1952 , followed his father on to the land and trained at Easton College. The crops grown have changed with the introduction of sugar beet, beans and oil seed rape. The machinery and manpower has also changed considerably over the years. The farm now has a 24’’ cut New Holland Combine Harvester and Massey tractors ranging from 65 hp to 230hp. The farm has doubled in size again by John contracting a further 400 acres of land at Oakley where his father originated. This is all farmed just by John and his one employee Stephen, who has been at Common Farm for 25 years. Thank you to John for the information in this article

Billingford Tennis Tournament The first tennis tournament was held in Billingford in 1995. John Hales of Upper Street had just retired from his full time employment and decided to donate a trophy. This has been played for by Billingford folk every year since, (OK, we might have missed one or two because of bad weather!) Over the last few years the tournament has been played at the home of Michael and Sally Goodier. Lunch is organised by a bring-and-share system which has proved to be a huge success over the years. The tournament, although played on a friendly basis, proves a good afternoon’s entertainment and the semifinal and final are keenly fought. August 16th was a glorious summer’s day as villagers and friends turned out to watch and take part. Genny Youngs, winner in 2008, failed to defend her title losing to Duncan Mackenzie in the final. Well done to all who played and thanks to Michael and Sally for their hospitality.

Scole Over 60s Friendship Club In June we had Polly from Diss with gentle exercises to music and the outing was to Hunstanton. July was the month of the Strawberry Tea and an outing to Clacton. Our next outing is to Sherringham on September 8th, price £7.50, children £3. If you would like to join us, please ring Joyce on 740384. Prize Bingo will be on November 27th. 29

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by Rolph Tipoy It seems a long time ago now. The blue moon and scarlet sea are long behind me, but my adventures are just beginning. How could I possibly know what lay between the Great Chasm and the Cantellian Void. I had to make a choice, once made it could not be reversed. The wave overcame everything.

Part 3 Before a Battle Micky lay as quiet as a mouse as the voices continued to fade away as the men finally left the cabin, their footsteps growing quieter on the creaking wooden deck. It was getting rather hot inside the wooden chest, and as his eyes grew accustomed to the dark he noticed some old shirts and trousers at the other end. He wanted to see more, and the only way he could was to change into the clothes and try to blend in with the rest of them. He lifted the lid of the chest, very very carefully to see if they had gone. Yes! All clear, and this was an ideal time to change into the clothing. What a stroke of luck, these were the clothes of a child a little older than himself, but although a loose fit he could get by with them. On closer inspection he noticed he had a white cotton shirt with a large pocket on the left side and some dark blue trousers with a small tear on the right knee, some white stockings were tucked into the pockets. Micky changed quickly and threw his clothes into the wooden chest, he hoped that nobody would look inside while he was out having a scout around. He quickly walked over to the door of the cabin and opened it very slowly. The entrance and hallway were empty of people and he continued his journey looking for any other doors that would give him a way out. He opened a door that lay ahead of him, the scene ahead was unbelievable. Men scurried everywhere, they scampered up rope ladders, they jumped around to orders being barked out by a big man with a blue jacket and gold tassels on the shoulders. Water sprayed across the windy decks as the ship lurched from side to side and up and down with the motion of the busy sea. The man with a blue jacket turned around and glared at Micky, his eyes wild with anger. “You boy! Where have you been?� 31

He stood there terrified at this huge man that looked like he could eat him. “Get down below and see the Leading Gunner, he needs an extra powder boy for the battle”. Micky stood there with his mouth wide open, where did he have to go? “Move, I said boy, otherwise you’ll feel the weight of my leather upon your back!” A scraggy old sailor with a grey beard motioned him over to him. As he grinned, he displayed a smile that showed him that he had hardly a tooth in his head. “Boy, where have ye bin?” He looked into his eyes, “You’d better not displease Mr Atkinson, have you been thieving the rum ration? He’ll know if you have, the last cabin boy to give rum without the Officers say so, got the lash!” He continued with his job of tying a knot in a piece of rope as he sat down by a large barrel. “You run along to the gun deck and see Mr Rivers real quick now, Mr Atkinson doesn’t take kindly to any disobedience!” Micky nodded and ran along the deck and over a large hatch with some boxes on it. Just ahead was a large door to some stairs that led down to one of the gun decks. Men were just as busy down here as they were up on the deck above. He stood and looked at the long line of cannons on both sides. They were being hauled backwards and forwards, four men to a gun. Two burly sailors barked out orders at the men, one on each side took turns to curse them if they got the speed of change wrong. “You’ll curse me soon enough if a shot takes ye heads off!” A man dropped a case shot and was viciously reprimanded by the Leading Gunner, “be sure that if you drop that again I’ll flay you alive!” Micky tugged on his shirt, “Sir, are you Mr Rivers?” The Gunner looked down, then spat on the floor. He turned around slowly and eyed Micky up and down. His face carried a long deep scar from the side of his left eye across to his lower lip, his dark and dirty matted hair fell down over his eyes, at the back tied in a pony tail. “You might say that lad!” he snarled with a wince. “You must be the new powder boy I asked for last night from the W.O.” Micky stood there waiting for the next instruction. This man looked like he could be real trouble if he wanted to be, he treated him with the respect he truly commanded. The other smaller but stockier Gunner approached rubbing his hands. “I’ll take the lad, he can work from number fourteen upwards.” He also eyed him up and down, this man was very different to the other Leading Hand. “Hold your hands out lad” he muttered. His eyesight wasn’t very good but he noticed that he had very soft hands. “Ye have hands like a young maiden,” his gaunt face twisted in a fit of glee. “Don’t worry, I’ll soon get some blisters on ‘em!” The other sailors laughed at the statement.


His hunched back rocked up and down as he chortled. A whistle piped a command to attend the top deck. The rest of the crew downed tools and started to quickly assemble on the deck. Micky ran to the front of the crowd to see what all the fuss was about. There was a large barrel with a man holding a silver ladle right next to it. The lid was cast off and the ladle dropped inside and then drawn up with the contents gently slopping over the edges. The Purser boomed out his message, “Line up you sea lice,” he yelled, “get your tot of rum before it all goes, this’ll be your last few drops a’fore the enemy blows you all to kingdom come!” Five officers on the upper deck glanced down at the ceremony. One of the officers in the centre of the group had a large hat on his head and a large star on his jacket and he also noted that he had only one arm. Micky turned to the sailor who’d spoken to him earlier. “That man up there, is he the captain?” He looked at him with some disbelief. His eyes almost sparkled as he mentioned his name. “Why, he young lad, is none other than the great Lord Nelson himself!” “Those Frenchies’ll know they’ve been in a battle tomorrow all right!” He pushed forward and got into the line, holding his cow horn cup with great vigour as he stretched his arm out to get his share. Micky walked back towards the gun deck, the other sailors too engrossed with their rum ration to notice him. The wind was starting to calm down, the sails billowing gently, the mast crew busy with lashing and trimming the main sails of the great ship ready for the big day. A hand landed on his shoulder. “You boy, make ready with a fishing line, the Admiral requires a fish supper worthy of his grace.” It was the Warrant Officer, it had to be the W.O! “You’ll be fishing in the wake of the ship in the cutter so get you down to the aft end and we’ll drop you into it.” “What” he cried, as he was swept up and carried down to the back of the ship. “But I can’t swim!” he screamed. “Then it’ll be a good time for you to learn lad!” he chuckled. With a flick of his arm Micky was dropped thirty feet down into the small boat. Luckily there were two big bundles of wool in the boat and he fell straight on to them and bounced safely inside. A fishing line fell on to him in seconds together with a reminder that the Admiral expected his dinner within the hour and he’d better have his fish soon. Micky brushed himself off and stared at the huge back end of the ship, the Royal Navy flag flying proudly from the mast. The name of this ship was well known to him from the history books he’d read. It was plain for all to see, and the letters shone brightly in the sunlight. Somehow he’d found himself on the HMS Victory! Micky threw the line overboard after fixing a small piece of dried bread onto the end of the hook and waited transfixed by the waves.


After about twenty minutes of bobbing about on the water he felt a sharp tug on the end of the line and after a quick jerk he had himself a fish! It was a nice one, weighing about a pound and a half. He thought the ship’s cook would be happy with it. Two sailors at the end of the poop deck saw the catch and signalled to him that he should come back to the ship. “How do I get back on board” he yelled back at them. One glanced down and said, “The normal way lad, climb back up the tow rope!” He left the fishing line in the boat and stuffed the fish down his shirt. He’d done some climbing before, up trees and some small cliffs, but this was entirely different to what he was used to! Some of the crewmen from HMS Sovereign, sailing just behind them, started to cheer as he struggled to get a grip on the slippery surface of the rope waiting for him to fall into the water. He was not going to allow that to happen though, he had his pride. Soaked to the skin but happy to have made it, he was hauled back into the ship and proudly handed over the fish that was to be served to Admiral Lord Nelson. The evening of the 20th was fairly quiet and subdued, many sailors talking amongst each other but no singing as usual. Micky made his way on to the poop deck and sat by some raised windows. He overheard the officers planning the battle below in the Captain’s cabin. The Admiral spoke. “Gentlemen, we shall attack in single line and break their column with great vigour. Villeneuve will be greatly surprised to see our tactics.”

Obituary - Lilian Gardiner 1934 - 2009 In July, family, friends and residents of Scole, gathered together to say farewell to a much loved and well respected ‘Scole girl’. Lilian Gardiner was born in Bungay Road, Scole in 1934 and maintained links with the village throughout her life. She grew up in the village and went to teaching college at Avery Hill after being head girl at Diss Grammar School. After teaching at Orpington in Kent she returned home to Scole when her mother died, to help look after her father and brothers. In 1965, Lilian married Ronnie and lived with him on Victoria Road, Diss until her death in July. Lilian was a keen scientist and taught at Palgrave and then Diss Girls’ School where she became ‘Head of Physics’. Later, her caring nature meant she became pastoral head of the first year pupils and this gave her great joy and satisfaction. Hundreds of Scole and other local children were shaped by her teaching and her gentle, caring nature and she will always be remembered with affection and great respect. 34

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If this were you….

Independent Custody Visitors are volunteers from the local community who visit police stations unannounced and in pairs to check the welfare of detained persons and the conditions in which they are held. They play a valuable role in maintaining public confidence in this important area of policing.

Independent Custody Visitors do not need to know why a person is being detained in custody; and they do not Wouldn’t you want someone talk to those held about their arrest or to check on your welfare? follow up on what subsequently happens. The role is purely objective and ensures that the detainee’s legal rights have been explained and given; treatment has been fair and reasonable and that the conditions of the cells are satisfactory. The Police Authority is responsible for establishing and maintaining the Custody Visiting Scheme and, in Norfolk, there are 5 Panels of Visitors covering the County. Each Panel has a volunteer Co-ordinator who ensures there is a rota for regular, unannounced visits to the custody suites at a variety of times of the day and night. Independent Custody Visitors are unpaid, but receive allowances to cover travelling expenses. They come from a variety of backgrounds and sections of the community but must be over 18 years of age and have no direct involvement in the criminal justice system – this is to prevent possible conflicts of interest for the individual and to maintain the independence of the Scheme. If you are interested in becoming a custody visitor or to find out more about the Scheme, please contact Sarah Bryant, Scheme Administrator at Norfolk Police Authority on 01953 424455. Alternatively, the e-mail address is :policeauthority@norfolk.pnn.police.uk Further information can also be found on the Norfolk Police Authority website www.norfolk-pa.gov.uk


Is Scole terrified of computers?! I’m Joe Thompson, I also live in a sleepy Norfolk village and for the past 10 years have made my living helping people tame the beast that is technology, particularly computers and the internet. In trying to keep things simple I learnt a valuable lesson many years ago when our local vicar asked for help setting up his new computer. I felt confident I could avoid jargon and was determined to keep it simple. “First of all, just move the mouse around and see what happens on the screen” I said confidently, to which the vicar's worried reply came “which one is the mouse again?” The lesson was learnt however enthusiastic I may be with the latest wizzy gadget - I try to put myself in the users’ shoes, to understand what they want to achieve and go from there. Many people are now considering computers because they are seeing the value of the internet - you can’t listen to the radio or watch the TV without being told to “log on to our website for more information” or “send us an email...”. The good news is that it is becoming easier to ‘get online’. Many internet service providers send equipment out that sets itself up - you simply plug it into the phone point and a green light comes on to tell you it has found the internet all by itself. Buying a computer on the other hand can be daunting - so many different makes, sizes and prices - where do you start? The key thing is to consider is what you want it for and go from there. Perhaps you like the idea of being able to use it in different rooms and move it easily, in which case a laptop would be worth considering. If you only want to look on the internet and write a few emails, then you can save money by getting an entry level computer with the minimum specification as that will more than cope. We are asking villagers to submit questions to the Editor for future PostHorn issues (or direct to Joe on 01379 652147) and to turn this into a regular feature of the magazine. Maybe the computer fear sweeping the village will abate and be replaced with the ghostly glow of more PC screens!


Scole Mothers’ Union Christian Care for Families At the May meeting members enjoyed another superb talk from June Kooij from Diss. June's subject was "Voices" and explained the different types of voices and went on to recite some hilarious extracts from books by Joyce Grenville and Pam Ayres. The arranged speaker for the June meeting, the Archdeanconry President, Suzanne Jones had to cancel for personal reasons, therefore members entertained themselves by just chatting to each other and catching up on family news. In July, the M.U. hired the Borderhoppa for a visit to Bury St. Edmunds where members thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful Abbey gardens in the lovely sunny weather, explored the new shopping centre and had time for lunch and a look around the Cathedral before returning to Scole. Future Meetings: 17th September - The Speaker will be Christine Virgin from Harleston who will announce the subject of her talk on the day. 15th October - A service of Holy Communion, conducted by Rev. Trevor Riess will precede the meeting. 19th November - This will be the usual business meeting to discuss next year's programme. The Mother’s Union meets at 2.15pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month in St. Andrew's Church and is open to anyone who would like to spend the afternoon with us.

Women’s Institute The October meeting on Thursday 1st will be run by members and not the committee. Details will be given at the September meeting. On Tuesday 13th, the group of Scole, Pulham and Diss Institutes will enjoy a social evening at Diss. Thursday 5th November is the date for another of the enjoyable talks by Mary Keep, this time “The Mighty Volga”. The competition is a Winter arrangement. Our December 3rd meeting will be a return of Val Mullhall with “More Music Hall”. The competition is “4 nibbles to share”. 39


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SCOLE & DISTRICT BOWLS CLUB August is upon us and the bulk of the playing season has already passed; another six weeks and we shall have Finals Day in our sights. We have enjoyed mixed fortunes in our league matches but we are in the final of the Border League Knockout Cup so we still hope to bring home a bit of silver. Playing conditions on the green have been excellent considering the spell of very hot weather that we enjoyed. It was a cause for concern for our club since we don’t have the benefit of an automatic watering system for the green; perhaps one day that might come. The ensuing heavy rain showers that followed were much welcomed and they haven’t interfered greatly with any of our matches. We are looking forward to our friendly home match against the Norfolk E.B.A. Past Presidents team in mid August. We hope also that the long awaited friendly match against the village social club planned for Sunday September 6th at 2.30 p.m. will go ahead and that, through it, more members may be recruited to our club. The village fête this year was splendidly organised and we were happy as ever to be part of the success. The share of the profits that we received will be used to enable us to purchase at least another couple of ‘bowls gatherers’, something the ‘oldies’ amongst us will appreciate. Let’s hope that future fêtes will be equally as well attended and as much fun for all. Robin Shortell (Sec) 01379 740053

NEW! from 13th September CHILDREN’s CHURCH, Scole for 5 - 10 year olds. Every 2nd & 3rd Sunday of the month from 11am - 12 noon. Children will enjoy a variety of activities and join the beginning and ending of the main church service, followed by refreshments. Information from Jamie and Louise on 741437 41

The Four Churches Festival The Festival returned in May running over 4 days but with a total of six shows. Rick Wakeman once again provided a line up of entertainment as well as performing at the keyboard and amusing audiences with his style of humour. Trevor Riess introduced each performance and was often the butt of Rick’s jokes. The banter that ensued between them suggests that a double act should be on the bill at any future Festival! Billingford - Comedy Evening Rick introduced Charles Garland who gave us an insight into his career as an actor and musician and how he came to work for the BBC. It seems you only have to pester them long enough, and have talent of course - Charles certainly possesses this in plenty. The second half featured Joe Goodman, the”King of One Liners”. His quick wit had everyone in stitches and I don’t think anyone left the performance who hadn’t had a really good time. The church was full of laughter for the whole of his performance. Finally, what a couple of perfect gentlemen to meet and if you ever get the chance to meet them or see them perform then DO. Thanks Rick for bringing them to Billingford. Thorpe Abbotts - An Evening with Nicholas Parsons The church was transformed into a concert setting with sound, lighting and flowers and the kind weather enabled an audience of over 70 to mingle over refreshment in the churchyard. Trevor Riess began by welcoming everyone and the performers with Rick then opening the show with his usual repertoire of music and jokes. He was followed by Nicholas Parsons who cheerfully announced that he would not be doing the advertised programme, but instead said that he had a desire to tell us about the life of Edward Lear and would be giving narrations of his verse. We learned that Edward Lear was born in 1812, the 20th child of a middle class family. Largely self educated, he became famous for his nonsense poems and limericks with characteristic illustrations. Once he had got into his stride, we all sat back and listened in awe to the magic of his narrative skills, especially the rendition of The Owl and the Pussycat. The overall comments from many people were the astonishing memory skills of Nicholas in being able to remember the verse and to deliver the oratory at such speed. This was a wonderful performance from an entertainer who has made his mark in popularity as a quiz show host but was able to display those far reaching talents of a true entertainer. 42

Brockdish - Just A Minute This was a fun evening of 2 performances that combined music from Rick and the usual hilarity associated with Radio 4’s Just A Minute. Chairman Nicholas Parsons needed all his 40 years experience of the game to control the Brockdish panel comprising actor Christopher Strauli, Comedy Writer/Producer Charles Garland, Radio Broadcaster Keith Skues and Rick Wakeman. A certain amount of bending of the rules added entertainment value as not all the panellists were that familiar with the game! The audiences enjoyed the evening sunshine during the intervals and the changeover between the 2 shows. 2nd house were content to spend their money whist waiting for the earlier show to end! Scole - Gordon Giltrap, Guitarman The week ended with a warm sunny evening that added to the enjoyment of the audiences for the 6.15 and 8.15 performances as they gathered outside. Rick introduced Gordon and described him as the guitarists’ guitar player. His versatility and range of sound and styles were amazing. These included the theme tune to BBC’s Holiday programme which he wrote and was a Top Ten hit. With a ukelele held above his head, Gordon played the National Anthem producing the sound a heavy metal guitarist would do, by using electronic gadgetry. Rick joined him for Maddie’s Song which is a track on an album they made together called “From Brush and Stone.“ The evening was rounded off with a party that many people attended, and for some people a chance to chat with Rick and Gordon. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves, and the splendid buffet! Proceeds from the Festival were divided between Scole, Billingford, Thorpe Abbotts and Brockdish and will help towards payment of the Parish Share.

Scole Parish Survey 2009 by Corinne Moore The results of the Survey were displayed at the recent Village Fête in the Parish Council tent; these results will be distributed to members of the Parish Council at the meeting of 21 July 2009. The Council is tasked with producing an "Action Plan" which will be appended to the results for the final report to be distributed to every household in due course. Although only 22% of the Parish returned their survey, we would like to thank everyone who made the effort to complete the questionnaire, the results of which, will be of great help to the community. Winner of the £50 prize draw was Louise Worthington, Scole Village. Congratulations to Louise. 43

A Truly Local Pub - by Chris Earl I recently visited The Billingford Horseshoes to find out something of its history. I was joined by a friend for lunch. Licensees Janice and John provided us with much information - John has a very fat file on the bar with a wealth of photographs and information. Eventually we sat down to a very enjoyable lunch, after which we returned to our task of charting the history of the pub which will appear in the Winter edition of PostHorn. Janice and John became licensees of The Horseshoes in February 2002 and have carried out many improvements since then. They have built a B&B block with six en-suite bedrooms including one with disabled facilities. The old cramped kitchen was replaced with a modern efficient one enabling them to cope with an increased demand for their popular meals. Both have been a success with a steady flow of repeat bookings for bed and breakfast. The restaurant is busy all week but always full on Wednesday for Pensioners’ Specials, so book early! With so many village pubs closing, it is pleasing to see one thriving. So what is the secret of The Billingford Horseshoes?

· Open 8am to 6pm 52 weeks/year · For ages 0 to 5 years · Top quality setting with large secure outdoor soft play area

Janice and John have created a relaxed atmosphere entirely suitable for a village pub. They have modernised without stripping the character. I can testify that my lunch hour stretched to about 3 hours by talking to regulars in the bar. This pub has retained a traditional bar culture and the regular clientele whilst being welcoming to all. (see advertisement on p2)

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SCOLE VILLAGE FETE - JULY 2009 This year’s village Fête was voted a great success. The rainbow colours theme made the Fête a very colourful affair and entertainers Sam and Daisy, who opened the Fête, echoed the colour theme on stage. They bravely took on the task of judging the best-dressed stall and presenting the £10 prize, silver cup and certificate to the winners, Scole Juniper Group, before wowing the crowd with their fantastic guitar-playing and singing. Acting as Fête Compere, Peter Auckland did a splendid job keeping everyone informed of events and even discovered Sam and Daisy had both once been his pupils. The under-11s, 5-a-side Football Tournament attracted several school teams and Diss, with Botesdale taking runners-up medals, finally won the Waterfield Shield. Ian Saunders’ picture of Crossways Inn won the Over-16s photograph competition prize of £10 and Chloe Ludkin won £10 in the 15 & under class with her winter scene of Scole. June Foreman’s view of Angles Way was Highly Commended. There were many entries for the children’s rainbow picture competition so ‘well done’ to Maisie Harvey, Beth King-Fisher and Jessica King-Fisher for each winning £5, a rosette and certificate in their respective age groups.

Crossways Inn by Ian Saunders

Diss Meccano Club displayed even more models this year and the working crane and fairground were much admired. Alan Berry and his team brought along their ever-popular miniature train giving rides for the children. Leah Hammond, flying her Harvard plane, gave a wonderful aerial display that added an exciting new dimension to the Fête. Amongst the vehicles being exhibited, the red double-decker bus created a lot of interest for both parents and children. The line-up also included a £50,000 Lotus Evora, loaned by Stratton Motors, classic cars, trucks, hot rods and motorcycles. Even the very busy ice cream van hailed from the 1960’s. As well as Ron Edwards and Peter Charles, several courageous ladies took a turn in the stocks this year and received ‘I Was Sponged’ certificates. So thanks to Ron, Peter, Linda Rawlinson - and Linda Clay and Laura Riches who were more ‘bucketed’ than ‘sponged’! 45

Rachel Hillier and her colleagues from Diss First Responders were kept busy all afternoon applying gruesome and horribly authenticlooking wounds to delighted children. Diss First Responders have been chosen as the first charity to benefit from a Scole Fête and will receive an equal share with twelve other Scole groups and organisations. This year, the Pre-Fête Quiz and Fête raised a total of £2,497.61, Winter scene by Chloe Ludkin giving each of the thirteen recipients £190; the balance being utilised for costs incurred in organising the Fête. Money retained from the 2008 Fête (totalling, £243.06 with interest, ) is being passed on in full to the organisers of the 2010 Fête, Linda Clay and Robert Ludkin. Brian Foreman will continue as Treasurer. Linda and Robert have hit the ground running and already arranged a date for the first Fête meeting for Wednesday 13 January 2010 and set the date for next year’s Fête - Saturday 17 July. The outgoing organisers are delighted the 2010 Fête will be in safe hands and wish Linda and Robert every success. They would also like to extend their gratitude to everyone who attended meetings and gave their wholehearted support in ensuring the success of this year’s Fête. Final thanks go to Gary Waterfield for transporting chairs and tables; to Pat and Francesca who, on the morning of the Fête, kept everyone supplied with endless cups of tea; to Peggy, Wendy and Joyce who provided tasty cheese rolls and to Lindsey who trawled the playing field at the end of the day picking up every last piece of litter - and she even brought her own plastic sack . . . and, if anyone can identify the person who made the chocolate cake, a visitor from Barton Mills wants to know because he’d like to place a regular order!

Raffle Prize Winners 1st Prize £50.00 J. BARTRAM 2nd Prize £30.00 L. CLAY 3rd Prize £20.00 G. MOORE 4th Prize SCOLE INN Dinner for two - L. RUDDOCK. 5th Prize Family car valet inside & out courtesy JADE MOTORS (unclaimed) 6th Prize A selection of beers from GRAIN Brewery - R. YOUNGS 7th Prize Tray of Plants from Bressingham x2 W. CURSON 8th Prize Tray of Plants from Bressingham x2 J. COLEMAN 46

Games and Competition Winners BEST- DRESSED STALL. £10.00. Juniper Group PAINTING AND COLOURING PRE-SCHOOL £5.00 Masie Harvey 5-8yrs £5.00 Beth King-Fisher. 9-11Yrs. £5.00 Jessica King-Fisher PHOTOGRAPHY - 11yrs. and under £10.00 Chloe Ludkin 12-15yrs £10.00 (no entry). 16 & over £10.00 Ian Saunders BOWLING FOR THE PIG ADULT £10.00 Meat voucher + £10.00 L. Rice CHILD £10.00 D. Rice TARGET GOLF - Adult - Terry Fairweather. Child - Harry Dinnage TARGET BOWLS - Adult - Vera Spinlove. Child - Ryan Davies WELLIE WANGING - Adult - Angie Elliot. Child - Louis Riches SWEETS IN A JAR - Angie Elliot NAME THE DUCK (CUDDLES) - Dennis Hughes £1.00 IN THE BUCKET (50/50) £120.00 £60.00 MICK FAIRWEATHER

Scenes from Fête on p18

SQUARES BOARD £30 - Chloe Ludkin. £20 -Chris Bartrum. £15 - Steven Hill

Scole Dominoes Club The finish of the Domino season saw us at the League Presentation evening held at Eye Community Centre. There, to be presented with the Pat and John Ward Shield was our Captain Peggy as the singles winner, and for the same competition June and Mick received the Shield as doubles winners. The evening was well supported by members of other Domino League teams, there to be awarded their respective Cups medals etc. Entertainment was by a group called Country Law with an extensive and varied buffet also. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The League games start again in September and should anyone feel they would like to come along and meet us and play a friendly game then please contact either Peggy on 740986 or June on 740902. We look forward to hearing from you. 47

Parish Council News for May, June & July by Sue Redgrave Inconsiderate Parking in the Parish This is still an ongoing problem and has been discussed with highways. Parishioners are asked to take photographs of vehicles offending and also to contact police as and when it happens. Parish Plan The collating has now been completed and Cllrs given a copy to read. This will have been discussed more fully at the August meeting. . Affordable Housing This is still moving along very slowly. Cllrs have asked for clarification about who will be eligible for the housing. . Highways Cllrs. S. Redgrave and C. Moore spent two hours around the parish with Gary Overland from Highways and our new County Cllr. Martin Wilby, discussing Low Road Billingford ie: state of road, parking near junction and on footway(a traffic count has been in place recently), footpath on A1066 to Diss, bridge at Thelveton over A140 and the state of roads in and around the parish. This proved a very useful meeting for all parties. Accident reports Yet again, only one reported for the whole of the last three months within our parish. Village FĂŞte The Parish Council was pleased to have a stand at the fĂŞte with information on display re: the survey, Village Ranger, grass cutting and affordable housing which was well received by the people who visited. Village Ranger Vic Buckle has held the position for a year now and council agreed to continue to fund the post. Clerk to the Council The position of Clerk will soon become vacant. Please contact the existing Clerk or the Chairman for information. Telephone numbers are in the back of this magazine. Full Minutes can be seen on the notice boards at Scole, Thelveton and Billingford or inside Scole Stores.

PC meets every 3rd Tuesday at 7.30pm in Scole School. We are grateful for the input of those members of the public who attend, but would like to see some new faces. 48

Mobile Library Van THELVETON & SCOLE 2 weekly intervals on Thursdays

Sept 10 & 24 Oct

8 & 22


5 & 19

09.55 10.15 10.27 10.45 11.15 11.30 11.45

Thelveton Ransome Avenue Reeve Close St Andrew’s Rd Robinson Road Clements Close Karen Close


3 weekly intervals on Mondays

Upper Street Post box 10am - 10.15 Sept 14 Oct 5 & 26 Nov 16

Scole Community Centre is host on a regular basis to: Friendship Club - a club for the over 60s that meets twice a month. To find out more, contact Joyce on 740384 Pre-School meets on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings through term time and a Baby & Toddler Group on Wednesday mornings. For contact details see Village Directory on next page.

Parish Councillors

Situated in

Tel. No.

Graham Moore (Chairman)


01379 741716

Sue Redgrave (Vice-Chairman)


01379 740837

Pearl Fisher


01379 740753

Ray Franklin


01379 741141

Alan Frith


01379 742739

Roy Philpot


01379 670255

Corinne Moore


01379 741716

Jackie Jones


01379 740920

Martin Wilby

County Councillor

01379 741504

Jenny Wilby

District Councillor

01379 741504

Marion Cook (Clerk)

Shimpling, Diss

01379 741453


VILLAGE DIRECTORY Group / Organisation Contact Scole Pre-School

....... Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri 9.15 - 11.45 Kim Cattermole (Sec) 741802 or Shirley Shiress 740574

Scole Baby & Toddler Group

....... Every Wednesday in term time 9.30 - 11.30 Laura Barnes 740060

Friends of Scole School

....... Georgina King-Fisher 740249

Scole Mothers Union

....... Georgie O’Shaughnessy 740127

Scole Women’s Institute

....... Shirley Hall 740636

Scole Social Club

....... Pearl Fisher 740753

Scole Domino Club

....... Peggy Stygall 740986

Over 60s Friendship Club

....... Joyce Coleman 740384

Scole & Distict Bowls Club

....... Robin Shortell 740053

Friday Night Youth Club

....... Sue Auckland 740325

Scole Lads FC

....... Paul Partridge 650538

Scole United Football Club

....... Vic Buckle 740327

June Foreman 740902

First Team Manager

....... Ron Edwards 740316

Reserves Manager

....... Paul Edwards c/o Edgars Hairdresser 07768 087144

Scole Parish website

....... scoleparish.org.uk

Diss First Responders

....... Rachel Hillier (Co-Ordinator) 740158

USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Medical Emergency (out of hours)

01603 488 488

NHS Direct

0845 4647

Norfolk Constabulary (non emergency)

0845 456 4567

Gas (emergencies)

0800 111 999

Anglian Water

08457 145 145

Home Watch

01379 650773

South Norfolk District Council

01508 533 633

Street lighting, pavements, litter Marion Cook (Clerk to Parish Council)

01379 741453 scoleparishcouncil @msn.com

District Councillor (Jenny Wilby)

01379 741504

Network Rail (enquiries)

08457 484950


01379 854800

Meadow Green Dog Rescue (Loddon)

01508 548216

Tim Page - Scole Bridge Ranger

01379 788008


Police Mobile Unit Visits Tuesdays 9.20am To 10.50am Sept 1 & 29 Oct 27 Nov 24 The unit will be parked in Scole at the Bungay Road lay-by

Scole Village Stores Asset House, Scole, Diss Norfolk. IP21 4DR Tel: 01379 741494

Support your Local Shops!

Website : www.scolevillagestores.co.uk

Shop Opening Hours • Mon - Fri

06:00 – 20:00

• Sat • Sun • Bank Holidays

07:00 – 20:00 08:00 – 17:00 09:00 – 17:00

Your local Convenience Store for; Newspapers, Tobacco, Off-Licence, Sweets, Groceries, Mobile Top-ups, Faxing, Colour or Black & White copying (small quantities) and much more.

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Excellent Food and Great Atmosphere Family Friendly-toys & playstation Large Garden with Play Area Live music every weekend

Regular weekly activities Tuesday - Darts Wednesday - Quiz Night Thursday - Pool Sunday afternoons - BBQ (weather permitting) 16 Sept. Body Shop Party 8pm 18-20 Sept. Beer Festival weekend with 7 local real ales and offer on Becks Vier at £2.50 pint. BBQs, free camping in garden. Raffles with lots of prizes.

September Sat 5 Fri 11 Fri 18 Sat 19 Sun 20 Sat 26

9pm Bazza Bizzare 8.30pm The Undec?ded 8pm Back Porch Band 8pm Graham McGrotty 6pm Buskers night 9pm Karaoke with Paul

Fri Sat Sat Sat Fri Sat Sat

8.30pm 8.30pm 8.30pm 9pm 8.30pm 9pm tbc

October 2 3 10 17 23 24 31

B4 Karaoke A.J. Steve Pye Walkway Karaoke NEW Band

Monday nights 10oz Steak (rump) chips & peas £6.95 Must book

Mon-Fri 4-6pm Fosters £2.50 pint Wine of the week £8.50 per bottle

November Sat Sat Fri Fri Sat

7 14 20 27 28

8.30pm tbc 8.30pm 9pm 9pm

Fo’c’sle-irish band New Band Graham McGrotty Karaoke with Paul A.J.

SKY TV - Full Menu & Takeaway

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