Engineering & Geoscience

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S P O N S O R E D BY T H E A S S O C I AT I O N O F P R O F E S S I O N A L E N G I N E E R S A N D G E O S C I E N T I S T S O F S A S K AT C H E WA N ( A P E G S ) A N D T H E A S S O C I A T I O N O F C O N S U LT I N G E N G I N E E R I N G C O M P A N I E S O F S A S K A T C H E W A N ( A C E C - S K )


&GEOSCIENCE WEEK WE SEE MORE Brought to you by Saskatchewan’s Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Most of us don’t pay too much attention to the details of the world around us. Lights turn on. Tap water flows. Buildings stay standing. Roads lead us to where we want to go. All of these things and many others just seem to happen on their own so that we can go on with our day-to-day lives in comfort and safety. But there is one group of professionals who pay attention to all of these details. Saskatchewan’s professional engineers and geoscientists see more. They are trained to apply that insight to protect public safety and ensure our province’s prosperity. Where you see a light bulb, an engineer sees the power generation and distribution system

needed to supply electricity to homes and businesses throughout the province. Where you see an open field, a geoscientist might see the potential for a new potash mine or oil field. Where you see a building, an engineer sees the building codes developed to ensure that the building is as safe as possible even in the face of storms, fires and earthquakes. Engineers and geoscientists also look to the future. By turning their minds to research and development, they see cleaner alternative forms of energy; new, less environmentally stressful ways of extracting minerals; and a host of inventions to make life better,

safer and more productive for farmers, businesses and regular people. Engineers and geoscientists belong to self-governing professions. They are overseen by their governing body, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (APEGS) and the engineering business association, the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies of Saskatchewan (ACEC-SK). These associations use their foresight to develop and enforce one of the strictest codes of ethics of any profession in Canada. From the big picture to the smallest detail: Professional engineers and geoscientists see more.

MES SAGE FROM THE MINISTER OF H I G H WAY S A N D I N F R A S T R U C T U R E I would like to acknowledge the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (APEGS) for their work in Saskatchewan. Despite a downturn in the resource sector, the province continues to grow. APEGS play a key role in helping meet the challenges of growth as we continue to build Saskatchewan. On behalf of Premier Wall and the Government of Saskatchewan, I am pleased to recognize your association through Engineering and Geoscience Week. I look forward to continuing to work together to keep Saskatchewan strong. THE HONOURABLE DAVID MARIT


Minister of Highways and Infrastructure and Minister Responsible for Te Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act

MES SAGE FROM THE MINISTER OF A D VA N C E D E D U C AT I O N On behalf of Premier Brad Wall and the Government of Saskatchewan, I am pleased to recognize Engineering and Geoscience week. The important work engineers and geoscientists do greatly contributes to the lives of Saskatchewan residents. Their knowledge not only helps keep our communities safe, but also ensures our economy remains strong and prosperous. Graduates from our engineering and geoscience programs help improve the quality of life in Saskatchewan, which is why we as a province are proud to invest in education and training programs to support our post-secondary students and institutions. APEGS and its members continue to uphold the highest standards for their industry. Their dedication to quality and excellence ensures that their practice thrives throughout Saskatchewan for years to come. For all you do in this province, thank you.


Minister of Advanced Education



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S P O N S O R E D BY T H E A S S O C I AT I O N O F P R O F E S S I O N A L E N G I N E E R S A N D G E O S C I E N T I S T S O F S A S K A T C H E W A N ( A P E G S ) A N D T H E A S S O C I A T I O N O F C O N S U LT I N G E N G I N E E R I N G C O M PA N I E S O F S A S K AT C H E WA N ( A C E C - S K )

ENGINEERING & GEOSCIENCE wEEk In an increasingly global economy, Saskatchewan’s professional engineers and geoscientists provide the insight, innovation and confidence necessary for sustainable growth. Find out more about APEGS and ACEC-SK at and KEY E CONOMIC SECTORS Professional engineers and geoscientists are lead players in most of the key sectors identified by Enterprise Saskatchewan as having the most potential for economic growth in our province: ■ Agriculture ■ Agri-Value ■ Alternative Energies & Environmental Industries ■ Biofuels & Bioproducts ■ Commercialization, Research & Development ■ Construction, Land Development & Home Building ■ Energy ■ Forestry ■ Information Technology ■ Life Sciences & Biotechnology ■ Manufacturing ■ Minerals ■ Transportation & Logistics

APEGS – ENSURING PUBLIC SAFETY “The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) ensures a high standard of practice and ethical conduct in the professions and regulates the practice of engineering and geoscience in Saskatchewan for the protection of the public and the environment and the benefit of society, said APEGS President Tara Zrymiak, P.Eng., FEC. “Our vision is a safe and prosperous future through engineering and geoscience. Our mandate is laid out in The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act.” The Act states that anyone wanting to practise professional engineering or geoscience in the province must be a member of APEGS. It also restricts the use of the titles

Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) and Professional Geoscientist (P.Geo.) to licensed individuals. Earning the designation takes a university degree combined with a minimum of four years of targeted experience. An individual who has not graduated from an accredited engineering or geoscience program may, through a suitable combination of education and experience, become an Engineering Licensee or a Geoscience Licensee with APEGS. Licensees are full members of APEGS and have the right to independently practise professional engineering or professional geoscience within a specified scope of practice. APEGS also grants Permission to Consult to members wishing to offer consulting engi-

neering and geoscience services, as well as Engineer-in-Training and Geoscientist-in-Training designations to members who have completed the academic requirements and are working through the experience requirements. “It is a rigorous regulatory structure, but this commitment to high standards ensures that professional engineers and geoscientists have the expertise and experience necessary to ensure public safety,” Zrymiak said. “It means that employers can be confident that professional engineers and geoscientists have the right education, the right skills and the right attitude to provide effective and efficient engineering, geoscience and management services that make life better for their clients and for society.”

APEGS President Tara Zrymiak, P.Eng., FEC

ACEC-SK supports stable infrastructure spending Constant fluctuations in government financial resources have been both the root cause of infrastructure deterioration and lack of new infrastructure investment. What has been missing is a holistic governmental strategic infrastructure investment plan to facilitate targeted and cost effective infrastructure spending. Jeff Halliday, P.Eng., the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Saskatchewan (ACEC-SK) Chair sees opportunities for strategic investment to maximize monies spent on provincial infrastructure. “All levels of government, in

partnership with knowledgeable stakeholders, can identify where infrastructure provides the greatest economic return, targets existing infrastructure shortfalls and where lack of investment is creating roadblocks to growth,” said Halliday. “The infrastructure gap could be minimized by stable infrastructure spending as opposed to the current funding volatility.” Governments are the stewards of infrastructure maintenance, repair and renewal but when not deemed critical they often defer its care during times of fiscal restraint. They essentially “open and close the tap” of infrastruc-

ture spending in direct response to their own revenue fluctuations. CMC-Saskatchewan research shows that Saskatchewan requires infrastructure investment over $50B between 2016 and 2025. Given competing interests for limited financial resources, how can the province meet that target? ACEC-SK encourages government to “stay the course” of stable infrastructure spending despite fluctuations of provincial financial resources. It is the most strategic path to halting rapid infrastructure deterioration. It is also the most strategic way to harness infrastructure for economic growth.

Jeff Halliday, P.Eng., ACEC-SK chair

ATTENTION STUDENTS: 16 Engineering and Geoscience scholarships, bursaries and grants available In 2013, the Association of Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) launched 14 scholarships and bursaries and two member grants. The scholarships will be divided equally between the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Regina. ENTRANCE BURSARIES These marks-based scholarships are aimed at encouraging and assisting high school graduates entering the study of engineering or geoscience. These scholarships are particularly aimed at Aboriginal students who are currently under-represented in the professions. ■ Two scholarships of $3,625 (one for each university) to be applied towards first-year tuition in any field of engineering for a self-identified Aboriginal student. ■ Two scholarships of $2,750 (one for each university) to be applied

towards first-year tuition in any field of geoscience for a self-identified Aboriginal student. ■ Two scholarships of $3,625 (one for each university) to be applied towards first-year tuition in any field of engineering for a student of any background. UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS These participation-based scholarships are aimed at encouraging leadership and volunteerism among students currently enrolled in engineering or geoscience. ■ Six scholarships of $1,875 (three for each university) for current students of any field of engineering. ■ Two scholarships of $1,875 (one for each university) for current students of any field of geoscience. MEMBER GRANTS These merit-based scholarships are aimed at encouraging existing APEGS members to further their education.

■ Two scholarships of $7,500 (one for each university) for current APEGS members returning for postgraduate studies in fields of engineering,

geosciences or an MBA program. For more information on these scholarships, please visit the APEGS website at


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S P O N S O R E D BY T H E A S S O C I AT I O N O F P R O F E S S I O N A L E N G I N E E R S A N D G E O S C I E N T I S T S O F S A S K A T C H E W A N ( A P E G S ) A N D T H E A S S O C I A T I O N O F C O N S U LT I N G E N G I N E E R I N G C O M PA N I E S O F S A S K AT C H E WA N ( A C E C - S K )

30 by 30: Promoting women in engineering “Dream It! Believe It! Be It!” That is the message that the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (APEGS) wants to send to girls and young women in the province. Why do we need to send this message? Women make up more than half of the Canadian population but are significantly underrepresented in the engineering profession. Nation-wide, about 17 per cent of practicing licensed engineers are women. Saskatchewan is at 12 per cent. On an encouraging note, in 2016 newly licenced women engineers reached 16.5 per cent, but there is still a long way to go. The professions need women to bring a fresh perspective and ideas to design and the design process. Women will solve problems that others do not see. APEGS has joined Engineers Canada and all other provincial and territorial engineering associa-


tions across the country to commit to a goal of raising the percentage of newly licensed engineers who are women to 30 per cent by the year 2030 – an initiative dubbed 30 by 30. APEGS’s 30 by 30 Task Group is working for ways to support women

to continue a long and successful career in the professions. Some of its recent activities have included: Partnering with government and other organizations to make “Dream It! Believe It! Be It!” a reality. Reaching out to career educators

to help them understand what career opportunities exist for girls and boys in the fields of Engineering and Geoscience. Attending career fairs and providing classroom material that brings awareness to the professions from K to 12.

Fostering an understanding of what engineers and geoscientists contribute to society. Watch for APEGS to appear at festivals and public events in the coming years. Developing new bursaries to be offered at the University of Saskatchewan and University of Regina to encourage women to study engineering and geoscience. Providing title sponsorship for the Saskatchewan Science Centre’s Kramer IMAX showing of Dream Big – Engineering Our World! Sponsoring a “Girls Night Out” – an evening for elementary and high school student to view the IMAX film, try out engineering and geoscience activities and network with women engineers. And much more in development….

The Engineers’ and Geoscientists’ Code of Ethics Members of the engineering and geoscience professions are bound by law to abide by the following principles: 1. To hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and the protection of the environment and promote health and safety within the workplace. 2. To offer services or advice and to undertake assignments only in areas of competence. 3. To act as faithful agents of their clients or employers, maintain confidentiality and avoid conflicts of interest.

GEOSCIENCE – AN ROBB KULLMAN ENGINEERING LLP STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS ADVENTUROUS - Advisory services/rendering professional opinions. PROFESSION - Structural evaluations/failure investigations.

When people hear the word “geoscientist”, they focus on the scientist part and imagine someone in a white coat working with test tubes in a lab. While that is part of geoscientists’ work, another part of the work could be compared to Indiana Jones – camped out in the wild, living in all sorts of environments, searching for hidden treasure. Many geologists in Saskatchewan spend months at a time in the far north, collecting rock samples to look for signs of gold, diamonds or uranium. Others work in the field with petroleum companies, helping to explore for oil and natural gas. One renowned Saskatchewan geologist, Dr. Jack Mollard, P.Eng., P.Geo., has provided advice to NASA on the geology of Mars. Geoscience is a field suited to people who can combine a keen scientific curiosity with a modern sense of adventure and exploration. For more information on the fascinating and diverse field of geoscience, visit

- Feasibility studies/conceptual design/budgeting. - Preliminary design/opinion of probable construction cost. - Detailed design/preparation of drawings, specifications, contract documents. Using current industry standard software including AutoCad and Revit. - Tender services. - General engineering services during construction.

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4. To maintain their own competence and the body of knowledge of their profession by seeking professional development opportunities for themselves and their subordinates. 5. To conduct themselves with fairness, courtesy and good faith towards clients, colleagues, employees and others. 6. To give credit where it is due and accept, as well as give, honest and fair professional criticism. 7. To present clearly to employers and clients the possible consequences if professional decisions or judgments are overruled or disregarded.

8. To report to the Association any alleged illegal practices, professional incompetence or professional misconduct by members. 9. To be aware of, and ensure their clients and employers are aware of, societal and environmental consequences of actions or projects. 10. To build their reputations and offer their services on the basis of merit and compete fairly with others considering all relevant factors, not just fees. Adapted from The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Regulatory Bylaws)



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Our Newest Members Saskatchewan’s Professional Engineers and Geoscientists enhance our quality of

life, meet the challenges of environmental sustainability and protect public safety. Because of their impact on society, the practice of professional engineers and geoscientists is strictly regulated by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan. Join over 12,000 APEGS members in congratulating our newest members – dedicated professionals who have completed a minimum of 8 years of university study and work experience to earn the designation of Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) or Professional Geoscientist (P.Geo.).

Matthew Korneychuk, P.Eng.

Jayson Koroll, P.Eng.

Kai Li, P.Eng.

Brittany MacNamara, P.Eng.

Muhammad S. Afridi, P.Eng.

Zeena S. Alwan, P.Eng.

Aden Arguin, P.Eng.

Rizalito Bautista, P.Eng.

Natanael Melendez, P.Eng.

Brian Meuth, P.Eng.

Tyler Moniuk, P.Eng.

Rubia Nones, P.Eng.

Daniel B. Blais, P.Eng.

Bradley S. Burt, P.Eng.

Tyler Cates, P.Eng.

Sriram Chandrasekar, P.Eng.

Ravenal Osorio, P.Eng.

Pavlo Pantus, P.Eng.

Nataliia Petryshyn, P.Eng.

Lily Quilty, P.Eng.

Dave S. Chilton, P.Eng.

Dwayne Chmiliar, P.Eng.

Andrey Chudaev, P.Eng.

Ian Farthing, P.Eng.

Partha Roy, P.Eng.

Jeanniene Tazzioli, P.Eng.

Victoria Walsh, P.Eng.

Jeannine Yuen, P.Eng.

ensuring public safety

SPONSORED BY: Burns & McDonnell, Gannett Fleming Canada ULC., Corrpro Canada, Inc.,M&S Engineering, Pagnotta Industries Inc., Planview Utility Services Ltd., SaskEnergy Inc., Stantec Consulting Ltd.

Reza Hashemi, P.Eng.

Robert Hegedus, P.Eng.

Zeshan Hyder, P.Eng.

Michael A. Knight, P.Geo.



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S P O N S O R E D BY T H E A S S O C I AT I O N O F P R O F E S S I O N A L E N G I N E E R S A N D G E O S C I E N T I S T S O F S A S K A T C H E W A N ( A P E G S ) A N D T H E A S S O C I A T I O N O F C O N S U LT I N G E N G I N E E R I N G C O M PA N I E S O F S A S K AT C H E WA N ( A C E C - S K )


CELEBRATING TOMORROW’S LEADERS Every year, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) recognizes engineering and geoscience graduates at the University of Regina and University of Saskatchewan for outstanding academic achievements and leadership. Meet the next generation of innovation.

2016 Association of Consulting Engineering Companies - Saskatchewan (ACEC-SK) Awards ACEC-SK Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Meritorious Achievement Award:

ACEC-SK 2016 Brian Eckel Awards

Paul Machibroda, P.Eng., P.Geo., FCSCE, P. Machibroda Engineering Ltd.

Stantec: Project: Five Hills Health Region Regional Hospital Client/Owner: Five Hills Health Region Award of Excellence

Buildings Category

Kyle Cator, P.Eng., Golder Associates

MuniCipal infrastruCture & Water resourCes Category AECOM: Project: Regina North Pressure Zone Client/Owner: City of Regina - Award of Excellence


Associated Engineering (Sask) Ltd: Project: City of Saskatoon Reservoir and Pump Station Upgrades - Implementing Long Term Water Safety and Security Client/Owner: City of Saskatoon Award of Excellence

Graham Kerr -2016 APEGS Gold Medal recipient for Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan

Samantha McMurtry - 2016 APEGS Gold Medal recipient for Geology at the University of Saskatchewan

2016 ACEC-SK Young Professional Award

AECOM: Project: Sask. Landing Regional Water System Client/Owner: Sask. Landing Regional Water Pipeline Utility (SLRWPU) Award of Merit (l to r): Ray Machibroda, P. Eng., accepting on behalf of his father, the late Paul Machibroda, P.Eng., P.Geo., FCSCE, the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Meritorious Achievement Award from The Honourable Vaughn Solomon Schofield, Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan, S.O.M., S.V.M.

ACEC-SK 2016 Mentor Award:

(l to r): ACEC-SK Vice Chair Paul Walsh, P.Eng., presenting the association’s Young Professional Award to Kyle Cator, P.Eng., Golder Associates

2016 ACEC-SK Brian Eckel Memorial Scholarship Award Sarah Keene, University of Saskatchewan, College of Engineering

natural resourCes and energy produCtion resourCes engCoMp: Project: Ammonium Sulphate Plant Expansion Client/Owner: AREVA Resources Canada Inc. - Award of Merit

Dave Kent, P.Eng., FEC., Clifton Associates (l to r): James D. Bugg B.E., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., P. Eng, University of Saskatchewan, Sarah Keene, ACEC-SK Brian Eckel Memorial Scholarship Award Recipient and ACEC-SK Chair Jeffrey Halliday, P.Eng. Suite 12, 2010 7th Avenue, Regina SK S4R 1C2 T: 306.359.3338 F: 306.522.5325 E:

Jordan Matthew Koerner Deane – 2016 APEGS Gold Medal Award recipient for Geoscience at the University of Regina

Caleb Friedrick – 2016 APEGS Gold Medal Award recipient for Engineering from the University of Regina

ACEC‐SK Corporate Members

(l to r): Dave Kent, P.Eng., FEC., accepts the association's Mentor Award from ACEC-SK Chair Jeffrey Halliday, P.Eng.

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AECOM ALFA Engineering Ltd. Allnorth Amec Foster Wheeler Americas Limited Amec Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure Arkenstone Consulting Ltd. Arrow Engineering Inc. Associated Engineering Beckie Hydrogeologists (1990) Ltd. Brownlee Beaton Kreke (Regina) Ltd. Brownlee Beaton Kreke (Saskatoon) Ltd. Bullée Consulting Ltd. Catterall & Wright CIMA+ Clifton Associates Clunie Consulting Engineers Ltd. D‐Code Engineering Ltd. DKM Engineering Ltd. DL Minter Engineering Inc. Daniels ß Wingerak Engineering Ltd. Dillon ENGCOMP Golder Associates Ltd. Greg Daum Consulting Ltd. Ground Engineering Consultants Ltd. HDA Engineering Ltd. ISL Engineering & Land Services Ltd. Inertia Solutions Inc. J C Kenyon Engineering Inc. J. D. Mollard and Associates (2010) Limited KGS Group Key West Engineering Ltd. Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd. MMM Group Ltd. MPE Engineering Ltd. McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. Missinipi Water Solutions Inc. NEES Consulting Corp. P. Machibroda Engineering Ltd. PINTER & Associates Ltd. PSI Technologies Inc. PWA Engineering Ltd.

Prakash Consulting Ltd. R.J. England Consulting Ltd. Rempel Engineering & Management Resource Management International Inc. Ritenburg & Associates Ltd. Robb Kullman Engineering LLP Rockford Engineering Works Ltd. SAL Engineering Ltd. SRK Consulting SNC‐Lavalin Inc. Stantec Consulting Ltd. Tetra Tech Thurber Engineering Ltd. Topping Engineering Ltd. TRON Engineering Inc. Urban Systems Walker Projects Inc. Water Resource Consultants Ltd. WaterMark Consulting WSP Canada

ACEC‐SK Associate Members

Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) Canadian Concrete Pipe and Precast Association (CCPPA) Engineered Pipe Group Expocrete an Old Castle Company IMAGINiT Technologies Ipex Inc. Lehigh Cement Morsky Construction Ltd. Nilex Inc. Saskatchewan Construction Association (SCA) Saskatchewan Environmental Industry & Managers Association (SEIMA) Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association (SHCA) Saskatchewan Masonry Institute (SMI) Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership (STEP) Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) Xylem SASXR251987_1_1


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S P O N S O R E D BY T H E A S S O C I AT I O N O F P R O F E S S I O N A L E N G I N E E R S A N D G E O S C I E N T I S T S O F S A S K AT C H E WA N ( A P E G S ) A N D T H E A S S O C I A T I O N O F C O N S U LT I N G E N G I N E E R I N G C O M P A N I E S O F S A S K A T C H E W A N ( A C E C - S K )


for the K+S Potash Legacy mine, as well as design and construction administration projects around Saskatchewan. Through her work on the APEGS K to 12 Committee, she connects professionals with students at career fairs, presentations and other various volunteer opportunities. She is Chair of the Women in Consulting Committee for the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies of Saskatchewan and is the Chair Elect for the Western Canada Water Environment Association.

Friend of the Professions Award

The Environmental Excellence Award

Located at Innovation Place in Saskatoon, SED designed, tested and constructed three 35-metre wide satellite dishes in Australia, Spain and Argentina to communicate with the unmanned Rosetta probe and its dishwasher-sized lander. Each dish took at least three years to design, build and calibrate. Each massive dish weighs about 500 tonnes and is as tall as a six-storey building. The project required SED teams to push the envelope of engineering innovation, such as incorporating cryogenically cooled receivers, to minimize interference from electronics on the ground.

The McCannel Award

In 1979, Klaus accepted a position in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Regina as a Laboratory Instructor. He obtained a Bachelor of Science in Electronic Information Systems Engineering while working full time. Klaus pioneered many of the labs and lab performance standards in the Electronic Systems Engineering program. Klaus estimates he taught well over 1,000 students during his 22-year tenure. In 1999, he received a University of Regina “Inspiring Teaching Award”. In 2001, Klaus accepted a position with SaskTel Mobility as a Radio Engineer, responsible for planning SaskTel’s new digital network. In 2008, he moved to CUETS Financial as Vice-President and Senior Smart Card Strategist on the Payment Solutions and Innovation team. In 2011, Klaus re-joined SaskTel. He now works as a strategic planner within the Marketing team.

The Brian Eckel Distinguished Service Award Ben Freitag was born and raised in Regina. His passion for science, engineering, and learning was instilled in him at an early age, in large part due to his parents’ careers in education and engineering. Ben began his career as the coordinator of the University of Regina’s Educating Youth in Engineering and Science (EYES) Program in 2009. In this role, Ben led a team to create youth programs to spark curiosity and learning in the fields of science, engineering and technology. His work at EYES also included a strong commitment to engaging under-represented youth and targeting lower-income neighbourhoods. Ben served on the planning committee of the Canadian Coalition for Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology Conference held in Regina in May 2014. Ben has a Bachelor of Science in Physics, a Bachelor of Education and is currently completing a Masters of Education, all from the University of Regina.

The Promising Member Award

David deMontigny, Ph.D., P.Eng. is the Associate Dean, Special Projects and Student Services and an Associate Professor, Engineering at the University of Regina. His background is in industrial systems engineering, and his research program has been primarily focused on the postcombustion capture of CO2. David has a long history of contributing to environmental and community issues. He is a researcher with the Clean Energy Technologies Institute which helps coordinate CO2 Capture and clean energy activities for the University of Regina. He has published numerous papers on carbon-capture technology in peer-reviewed journals around the world. On May 6, 2014, David helped organize the “Greening Professionals for Sustainability” conference. Together with the Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development, the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science co-hosted this roundtable event. Representatives from a range of fields discussed professional responsibilities with respect to climate change and sustainability in their work.

The Exceptional Engineering and Geoscience Project Award

Beatriz de Freitas, P.Eng. was born in Brazil and moved to Canada at the age of two. She graduated with a bachelor of science in Civil Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan in 2006. After graduation, she was hired by UMA (now AECOM). Over the last 10 years, she has worked on many exciting projects including the Circle Drive South utilities design, pipeline condition asset management for the City of Toronto and City of Saskatoon, civil design

Malcolm Reeves, P.Eng., P.Geo., FEC, FGC. is a retired hydrogeologist and geological engineering consultant. He is considered one of the leading groundwater experts in western Canada. Malcolm was born in England. He attended Durham University where he completed his undergraduate degree in Geology and his PhD in Engineering Geology. He worked as an engineer and geoscientist in Britain until 1982. He then moved to Canada when he accepted a position as professor of Geological Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan. He served at the university, in a wide range of roles, from 1982 until 2011. He retired as Acting Associate Dean of Engineering in July 2011. Malcolm also helped found consulting firm MDH Engineered Solutions in 1995. MDH was sold to SNC Lavelin in 2011. With APEGS, Malcolm has served on many committees and as a Councillor. He is currently a member and past-chair of the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. In 2009, he became a Fellow of Engineers Canada and in 2013 became a Fellow of Geoscience Canada.

Albert Munro, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Honorary) is the Vice President and General

Manager of Associated Engineering for the Saskatchewan & Manitoba Region, where he is responsible for the business and engineering operations of the company. He is also the Vice President and General Manager of ATAP Infrastructure Management and the Director of the Asset Management Division for the Associated Engineering Group of Companies. Bert first earned a Diploma in Water Resources Engineering Technology through SIAST before studying Biology at the University of Manitoba. After that, Bert received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan. Much of this work has been in remote locations and for northern and First Nations communities. Bert is a Past President of APEGS, the Western Canada Water and Wastewater Association and the Consulting Engineers of Saskatchewan, and Past Chair of ACEC-SK. Bert has also served as a Volunteer with the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering; the University of Saskatchewan; SIAST; the Columbarium at St. John’s Cathedral; and the Canadian Cancer Society. Bert is a past recipient of the McCannel Award. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering and Fellow of Engineers Canada and a Honorary Fellow of Geoscientists Canada. Bert has been recognized by the American Water Works Association, Western Canada Water, APEGS, the ACEC-SK and the Lt. Governor of Saskatchewan, with the Meritorious Achievement Award. He was also recently honored by the Canadian Cancer Society.

The Outstanding Achievement Award

SED Systems from Saskatoon made major contributions to the European Space Agency’s Rosetta Mission. Rosetta is a space probe built and launched by the ESA in March 2004. Along with Philae, its lander module, Rosetta is performing a detailed study of comet 67P/ Churyumov–Gerasimenko.

Klaus Ottenbreit P.Eng, A.ScT.was born and raised in Regina. He received a diploma in Electronics Technology from the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology in Moose Jaw.

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S A T U R D A Y, M A R C H 4 , 2 0 1 7


S P O N S O R E D BY T H E A S S O C I AT I O N O F P R O F E S S I O N A L E N G I N E E R S A N D G E O S C I E N T I S T S O F S A S K A T C H E W A N ( A P E G S ) A N D T H E A S S O C I A T I O N O F C O N S U LT I N G E N G I N E E R I N G C O M PA N I E S O F S A S K AT C H E WA N ( A C E C - S K )

Wise infrastructure investment saves money ENGINEERING & GEOSCIENCE wEEk by AC E C - S A S k At C h EwA n

Governments own the infrastructure you use every day that contributes to your quality of life. You trust government to invest wisely to take care of these assets, but could they be spending your tax dollars more wisely to maintain this infrastructure? Wise investment in infrastructure should be like appropriately investing in your house. You own your house and you want to take care of it. For instance, you know your roof has an expected life span and every moment of not replacing the roof past that life span leads to increased risk. If you leave it too long you will not only have to pay for new shingles, but also the plywood underneath, new gyprock for ceilings and walls and maybe

new carpets and underlay because of water damage that occurred because you didn’t attend to the roof. What can homeowners do when it comes time to replace the shingles and they don’t have enough money saved for the maintenance bill? One option is for them to borrow the money. At today’s interest rates, and even significantly higher interest rates, the borrowing costs associated with just replacing the shingles will be much less than the repair costs necessary after damage occurs. Right now, governments are paying significantly more for infrastructure maintenance and replacement than they should be because of years of deferring infrastructure maintenance costs. Governments have historically postponed infrastructure maintenance in times of economic slowdown in the name of fiscal restraint. But is this really cost effective?

Much like the homeowner example above, governments end up spending significantly more money than is necessary keeping dated infrastructure operating than if they had simply maintained the infrastructure when it was appropriate to do so. Many homeowners also know that if they invest a little bit now in maintaining systems in their homes, they will not have to replace them as often. Governments have only recently started down this path in a coordinated way of inventorying all their capital assets and determining when they need to be replaced. This process is called asset management. However, the scary fact is that much of Saskatchewan’s infrastructure is already past its useful life. A disproportionate amount of it is at crisis level simply because governments in the past decided they could save some money by deferring infrastructure maintenance and

repair. Members of the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Saskatchewan (ACEC-SK) see the results of this deferred infrastructure maintenance every day. We continue to advance the position that government must sustain its investment in infrastructure or it will incur significantly increased and often

extraordinary maintenance costs that are unnecessary. Investing in timely maintenance and repairs will save taxpayers money which, in turn, could be reinvested in developing new and maintaining current infrastructure. As a member of the public you should tell politicians investing wisely in infrastructure will save them – and you – money.

Environmental Engineers: Saskatchewan’s ecological guardians Most people think of an engineer as someone wearing a hard-hat overseeing the construction of a building or a bridge – in other words, a civil engineer. But there are many other branches of engineering covering the whole gamut of human and economic activity. One important branch in Saskatchewan is environmental engineering. Environmental engineers use scientific and engineering principles to protect the environment and to protect people from negative environmental effects. They help prevent pollution and improve environmental quality both locally and globally. Their work also benefits public health and environmental sustainability.

and reviewed by those working for government regulators. As well, most infrastructure and other major construction projects are subject to the same stringent review. Environmental engineers help ensure the company’s compliance to environmental standards throughout the operation of the well or mine. When a well or mine is shut down, environmental engineers map out the process of remediation, bringing the land as close as possible back to its original condition. w I D E S C O PE

Environmental engineers deal with environmental issues associated with water resources, air pollution, transportation, industrial development and waste management, to F RO M S tA Rt t O F I n I S h Environmental engineers are name a few. an integral part of Saskatchewan’s resource economy at wAt E R M A nAG E M E n t every stage. No resource projOne of the most common ect of any kind – oil well, pot- words used to describe Sasash mine, uranium mine – can katchewan is “dry”. Conseproceed until it has cleared an quently, one of the most imporenvironmental impact study, tant roles for environmental prepared by a team of experts engineers in the province is including environmental engi- managing our precious water neers working for the company resources.

Professional Consulting Engineers and Project Managers

Municipal ! Transportation Project Management

This responsibility has become even more challenging with the growth of solution potash mining and oil “fracking” methods. Both of these resource extraction techniques use large quantities of water as part of their processes. Every resource-oriented water use proposal is reviewed by the province’s Water Security Agency to ensure that it does not threaten drinking water, recreational uses, agriculture, plants and animals or any other water use. F I X I n G PR O b L E M S b E F O R E AnD AFtER

No technology is perfect and we are all aware of times when pipelines or other resource projects have had breaches that have affected the surrounding landscape. Environmental engineers have sophisticated techniques for cleaning up spills and other damages to return the area as close as possible to its original state. In these and numerous other ways, environmental engineers work with other science professionals to protect Saskatchewan’s ecological infrastructure.

Willms Engineering Ltd. Consulting Electrical Engineers

2220 Avenue C North Saskatoon, SK S7L 6C3 Tel: (306) 653!4511 Fax: (306) 664!1933 SAS00369424_1_1


#209 -15 Innovation Blvd. Saskatoon, SK S7N 2X8 (306) 934-8357 SAS00369562_1_1


JC Kenyon Engineering was established in 1995 and provides structural engineering consulting services for the

Bullée Consulting Ltd. is a progressive engineering firm, recognized for technical expertise and client service. Our firm offers complete Professional Engineering services to urban, northern and First Nation communities, as well as various government agencies in the fields of: water supply water treatment fire and distribution systems land development

wastewater collection wastewater treatment storm water management streets and roadways

Flexibility, innovation and quality are the backbone of engineering excellence and we strive to ensure that they are reflected in all areas of our work. Our clients and our profession deserve nothing less.

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