S A T U R D A Y, M A R C H 1 8 , 2 0 1 7
S A T U R D A Y, M A R C H 1 8 , 2 0 1 7
I N T E R N AT I O N A L D AY F O R T H E E L I M I N AT I O N O F R A C I A L D I S C R I M I N AT I O N Spring Free From Racism family day celebration Around March 21, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we see more education in the school system and the media but this education needs to be happening all year round. We need to move from images of historical racism that spring to mind – such as slavery in the United States, apartheid in South Africa or the Holocaust in Europe – to current images of racism – what is happening on the streets of Regina with racial gang related crime, events or simply what is happening in our education, justice, media, immigration and employment systems. This includes all forms of hate activity, government policies or even equal rights in political activity. The Spring Free From Racism Committee believes that by bringing all cultures together in celebration and fun it is easier to recognize the creativity of our diversity. In 1995, the first Spring Free From Racism Committee was formed to address the racial issues of our First Nations people, new immigrants and visible minorities. Now the committee celebrates the importance of diversity and culture. This is the 18th year that the SFFR committee has put together the Family Day program and it continues to grow each year in performances and attendance. In 2016 the attendance at the Italian Club exceeded our expectations which resulted in standing room only at times. The 2017 program is larger and represents many different performances from various cultures and of various sizes – from large groups to solo performances. One can tap to a fiddle or Irish jig, dance to a polka, or be entertained by a Lion dance, or Chilean, East India,
SPRING FREE FROM RACISM SCHEDULE MARCH 19, 2017 12:00-12:10 p.m. 12:10-12:20 p.m. 12:20-12:30 p.m. 12:30-12:45 p.m. 12:45-12:55 p.m. 12:55-1:10 p.m. 1:10-1:15 p.m. 1:15-1:25 p.m. 1:25-1:35 p.m. 1:35-1:45 p.m. 1:45-1:55 p.m.
2:00 p.m. Opening Ceremonies Sean Hall- Piper introduction of Vaughn Solomon Schofield, Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan, committee and dignitaries Brian and Aaron Sklar and Tara Bast – O Canada Blessing – Elder Lorna Standingready Introduction of Committee Greetings: Honourable Vaughn Solomon Schofield-Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Mayor Michael Fougere- City of Regina Mr. Mark Docherty-Provincial Government MLA for Regina Coronation Park Mr. Trent Wotherspoon-Leader of Opposition NDP- MLA for Regina Rosemont Mr. Ralph Goodale –MP Regina Wascana Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and MP Regina Wascana Multicultural Council of Sask.- Mr. Neeraj Saroj-V.P. Regina Police Service- Chief Evan Bray Sask Culture-Ms. Joanne McDonald Introduction of other Special Guests Chung Wah Kung Fu Centre - Lion Dance and Kung Fu Demo
Spring Free From Racism Family Day Celebration showcases the diverse cultural landscape of Regina on March 19. Explore food, dance, music and culture starting at noon at the Italian Club, 2148 Connaught Street. P H O T O S : BA R B D E D I
Filipino, Scottish, Greek, belly dancing, African, Latino, Austrian, Caribbean, German, Romanian, Metis, Italian, Ukrainian, Scottish, Chinese, Ukrainian, Polish, Irish, Hungarian and Punjabi, pow wow and bangla dancers, and more. While watching this multicultural array of talent you can take time out to taste food from around the world with our largest ever selection of different cuisines or visit the displays and craft booths. We believe Saskatchewan needs to be dedicated to bringing about a more harmonious province which acknowledges its racial past, recognizes the pervasiveness of racism today, and is committed to a future in which all Saskatchewan people are treated equally and fairly.
Welcome remarks – Barb Dedi Blakey School of Irish Dance Bangla School of Regina Regina Association of Middle Eastern Dancers Poltava Ensemble Dancers German Canadian Society - Heart of Harmonie and Sparklers and German Canadian Society – K-G Harmonie Sparklers Meenakshi Bollywood Dancers Clark’s Clan of Scottish Dance Seven Stones Steppers Regina Highland Dancers Polonia Polish Folk Art Dance Ensemble
The Spring Free from Racism Committee and Saskatchewan Association On Human Rights welcome you to enjoy this celebration of diverse cultures at the family day celebration, March 19, starting at noon at the Italian Club. Barb Dedi President Spring Free From Racism
3:00-3:10 p.m. 3:10-3:20 p.m. 3:20-3:30 p.m. 3:40-3:50 p.m. 3:50-4:00 p.m. 4:00-4:10 p.m. 4:10-4:30 p.m. 4:30-4:40 p.m. 4:40-4:50 p.m. 4:50–5:00 p.m. 5:00-5:10 p.m. 5:10-5:20 p.m. 5:20-5:35 p.m. 5:35 -6:00 p.m. 6:00-6:10 p.m. 6:10-6:20 p.m. 6:20-6:30 p.m. 6:30-6:40 p.m. 6:40-6:50 p.m. 6:50-7:10 p.m. 7:10-7:20 p.m. 7:20 p.m.
Latin Fusion Studio Dancers Regina Austrian Edelweiss Dancers The Maharlika Filipino Youth Dance Group Chinese Dance School Intermission Regina Scottish Country Dancers Ranch Ehrlo Pow Wow Dancers Prairie Gael School of Dance Daughters of Penelope Hellenic Dancers Ethiopian Dancers Balaton Hungarian Dancers Chaban Ukrainian Dancers Spirit of the Drums Wildfire Tribal Vibes Natya Sudha Dance Group Caribe Dance Troupe Miorita Romanian Cultural Society Dancers Yallah Habibi Tribal Belly Dance Flamenco Regina Regina German Club-Die Kleine Pakete (Small Packages) and Das Volle Lederpakete (Full Leather Packages) Elaine Yaling-Chinese Singer Closing Comments
c a is m R m o r F Spring Free
Racism: a complex and layered issue JONATHAN HAMELIN
The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission defines racism as “a combination of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination that makes some people think they are superior to people of other ancestries.” However, as Chief Commissioner David Arnot notes, racism is a complex issue that goes beyond a single definition. “Racism comes in many forms,” he said. “Sometimes it can be blatant and identifiable and other times it can be not so blatant and nuanced.” As Arnot explains, many people have experienced or witnessed overt racist behaviour, because it’s out in the open and hard to avoid. It could be a sign that says “No Foreigners Need Apply”, name calling or physical assault. Covert racist decisions, on the other hand, often take place away from the public eye, such as a real-estate agent making a deal with a seller not to show a house to visible minorities. Whatever the form of racism, it can have a lasting effect on the victim. “Having to live and work in an environment of overt or covert discrimination can cause victims to suffer a range of physical and mental health problems,” Arnot said. “Racism is hurtful behaviour that can scar people for life.” And according to Arnot, the causes for racism can be as complex as the issue itself. “One of the things we see in racial discrimination is that it’s often based on a fear of difference and a lack of knowledge, and when I refer to lack of knowledge I’m really talking about ignorance,”Arnot said. “It can very much be a one-size-fits-all mentality.” According to data from public input surveys, Saskatchewan has some work to do when it comes to combatting racism. In June 2016, Environics Institute for Survey Research released a report called Canadian Public Opinion on Aboriginal Peoples. The report found that in Saskatchewan, “Positive views about Aboriginal peoples generally,
Chief Commissioner David Arnot and Archbishop Donald Bolen (January 19, 2017) – Presentation of framed print to Archbishop Donald Bolen after his presentation, “Reconciliation and Healing: Churches and the TRC Process Moving Forward” as part of the SHRC’s speakers’ series at First Nations University of Canada (Regina). P H O T O : S A S K AT C H E WA N H U M A N R I G H T S C O M M I S S I O N )
and with respect to reconciliation, are least evident.” According to a NRG Research Group and Peak Communications poll that came out a month later, nearly half of Saskatchewanians (46 per cent) think racism is a big problem.” Saskatchewan does have laws in place that protect people from racist attacks. Under The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, it’s illegal for any employer, educational institution or service provider under provincial jurisdiction to discriminate on the basis of race or perceived race, colour, ancestry, nationality, place of origin, or religion in schools, housing, public services, contracts, or publications, or on the job. But as Arnot notes, it takes more than legislation to combat a problem like racism. “We need to have informed and courageous conversations to deal with the issue,” he said. “Saskatchewan is a very diverse province, which is reflected in our motto:
“...serving the community since 1988” Working towards a better future for individuals and families by bridging the gaps in our community.
Serving our Community since 1976
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Sunday March 19 2017 12:00pm-8:00pm Italian Club 2148 Connaught St. FOOD FOR SALE AT BOOTHS Ethnic performances all day FREE Face painting! Fun for ALL!
cism and do nothing about it we become part of the problem. Everyone has a responsibility to reject racism and to support those who are victimized. It’s time to take that responsibility seriously.” The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission enforces the Code to protect victims of discrimination. If you believe you are a victim of racial discrimination, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission can help. Visit http:// saskatchewanhumanrights.ca for more information.
The Circle Project Assoc. Inc.
Immigrant & Refugee Service Agency
FREE Admission
call the five E’s: enlightened, empathetic, ethical, engaged and empowered,” Arnot said. While there are many long-terms plans in place to deal with racism, Arnot explained that there are also actions that can be taken on a dayto-day basis. He said the struggle to eliminate racism really starts with the individual. “Whether you are a victim, witness or perpetrator, it’s your responsibility to say no to racism, to reject it and to fight against it,”Arnot said. “The truth is, when we see ra-
18th Anniversary! “Cultural Diversity Enriches Lives”
Come celebrate a Family Day in recognition of International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
‘From Many Peoples Strength’,” We need to embrace that diversity because it makes us strong.” One of the key areas the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission is focusing on when it comes to combatting racism in the provinces is education. Through its Citizenship Education program, it is developing education resource materials to fit within the existing provincial curriculum. The material aims to: add a preventative component to the existing education programs at the Commission and to provide web-based education to residents throughout the province; build a culture of respect for human rights and an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship; and reduce the number and nature of complaints at the Commission. “When a student graduates from Grade 12, we’re hoping to create a citizen that embodies what I’d
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Be yourself and soar with us Your individuality is an asset Be distinct. Be original. Be yourself. Recognize March 21 as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. fcc.ca/Careers
For more information please contact Barb Dedi 537-9509 ssfr@sasktel.net SFFR and Italian Club are not responsible for lost or stolen articles Printed by University of Regina