Making a Difference SPONSORED CONTENT
in the lives that follow
LUNCHEON featuring guest speakers
Henry and Cheryl It feels good to give! Kloppenburg THURSDAY MAY 19, 2016
12 noon – 1pm (doors open at 11:30 am)
Saskatoon Prairieland Park, Hall B
Studies have proven it, and you’ve felt it yourself. No matter what cause is closest to your heart, it feels great to know you are making a difference.
The ripple effect of your generosity is huge. The individuals who benefit from your support feel grateful that someone has made the decision to invest in them. The organizations that you support are humbled and honoured to make good use of funds you have entrusted to them.
TICKETS: $30 per person, $240 for table of 8 Tickets available through picatic:
By continuing to support organizations you care about beyond your lifetime, you will ensure that they will be able to provide the same support to people in your community and beyond for years to come. Making a legacy gift is not hard to do … and it will give you such a good feeling to know you are making a difference in the lives that follow!
FOR MORE INFO CONTACT Tammy Forrester at: 306-244-5700 ext 110 or
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SponSored by Leave a Legacy™ SaSkatoon
Legacy™ Month
Henry and Cheryl Kloppenburg share their love of the arts through charitable giving
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Henry and Cheryl Kloppenburg share many passions in life. They are passionate about the law. Collectively, Henry Kloppenburg, QC and Cheryl Kloppenburg have practiced law for 84 years. In 1977, they established their own firm in Saskatoon: Kloppenburg & Kloppenburg Barristers and Solicitors. They are passionate about their home province of Saskatchewan. Henry was born and raised in Humboldt, Saskatchewan. Cheryl grew up in Saskatoon and Regina. Both attended the University of Saskatchewan. In 2007, Cheryl was recognized as one of the university’s 100 Alumni of Influence. Postgraduate studies took Henry to Oxford University, as a Rhodes Scholar at Exeter College. The couple also shares a longheld desire to support and advance arts and culture in Canada. Their generosity is expressed through gifts of art, financial donations, the establishment of scholarships, and time and expertise volunteered to numerous organizations, serving as board chairs and directors. “The first gift that we made was when my family celebrated the 50th anniversary of having settled in Humboldt as emigrants from Germany. We endowed a scholarship at Humboldt Collegiate Institute where I had gone to high school,” says Henry. The couple gifted 160 acres near Humboldt to the government, to create a wildlife refuge. Since then, the wildlife refuge has expanded to 600 acres and is home to moose, deer, burrowing owls and other prairie species. “Of all of the gifts that we’ve made, this has been one of the most gratifying,” says Henry. The University of Saskatchewan is another beneficiary of the Kloppenburgs’ generosity. The couple has endowed three prizes in the U of S College of Medicine, awarded to a deserving M.D. in Psychiatry, and two
Henry and Cheryl Kloppenburg are passionate supporters of the arts. Their generosity is being expressed through gifts of art, financial donations, scholarship endowments and community service on the boards of numerous organizations. ( S u ppl i e d ph oto)
post-graduate research projects in surgery and medicine. “We’ve also funded a lecture theatre and more recently a classroom at Exeter College, at Oxford University. We did that because I felt I had derived great benefit and gratification from my experience there,” says Henry. In 2010, Cheryl and Henry established the annual Kloppenburg Award for Literary Excellence, to support and celebrate talented Saskatchewan writers. The inaugural award was presented to Guy Vanderhaeghe, followed by Lorna Crozier, Sharon Butala, Diane Warren, Sandra Birdsell and David Carpenter. “We have always felt that the arts community – be it music, drama, visual arts – has a tough go in terms of getting public support. We have attempted to give recognition to them,” says Cheryl. Henry and Cheryl began collecting art in the early 1970s. “Every year, we spent a fixed amount of money on art,” says Henry. Their collection includes works by the Group of Seven, as well as
acclaimed Saskatchewan artists, among them Allen Sapp, William Perehudoff, Dorothy Knowles and Ernest Lindner. “Once our collection grew beyond what we were able to handle, we sought ways to gift it. The premise of our gifting, by in large, was that we want to make it visible and accessible,” says Cheryl. The couple donated over 50 paintings to the U of S College of Agriculture and Bioresources, where they are permanently on display and available for public viewing. Art works donated by Henry and Cheryl are on display in several unexpected places, including the Humboldt Public Library and the surgeon’s lounge at St. Paul’s Hospital. “We’ve also contributed art to the national Canadiana fund. As a result, our donated paintings can be seen in Rideau Hall (the Governor-General’s residence) and the Prime Minister’s residence in Ottawa,” says Henry. The Kloppenburgs are quick to shrug off the designation of
“philanthropist,” preferring the term “gifting”. “We enjoy making the gifts, not because of any great honour that’s come to us by it. It’s because we know that most of the gifts we have given are being put to good use,” says Henry. Cheryl and Henry Kloppenburg will be the featured guest speakers at this year’s Leave a Legacy™ Luncheon, taking place Thursday, May 19 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Hall B, Saskatoon Prairieland Park. “We’re going to give vignettes of our own experiences in donating, including some amusing anecdotes. We’ll talk about what, in our view, donors should be aware of, and things we appreciate as donors,” says Cheryl. Having a plan for charitable giving is important, adds Cheryl. “No matter how great or small, I think one makes much more of an impact with their gift if it is a thought-out gift and also if it is a continual kind of gift.” To attend the Leave a Legacy™ Luncheon, purchase your tickets online at eventleavealegacy.
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Lasting legacy for specialized health care important to Saskatoon’s quality of life,” says Arla Gustafson, CEO, RUH Foundation. “His legacy will live on through his decision to support RUH. Floyd’s legacy gift of $237,500 supported the purchase of a state-of-the-art auto-dose packager for the new Hospital Pharmacy at RUH. Because of Floyd’s gift, children and adults will be ensured of receiving their
medication safely, accurately and efficiently.” Are there any healthcare priorities you’re passionate about and would support in this way? Consider including RUH Foundation as part of your legacy like Floyd did. Contact your financial advisor or call Lisa Laskowski, RUH Foundation’s Chief Development Officer, at (306) 655-0628.
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Floyd T. McNabb (1922-2013)
in the ocean in front of his and wife Ariana Sheran’s winter home in Kauai. Floyd passed away October 29, 2013, in Saskatoon. “Floyd was a true community leader and his volunteerism and commitment to philanthropy were This sTory was provided by royal universiTy hospiTal foundaTion To promoTe awareness of This Topic. posTmedia’s ediTorial deparTmenT had no involvemenT in The creaTion of This conTenT.
St. Ann’s Senior Citizens Village Corporation Help St. Ann’s Senior Citizens Village Corporation continue the healing and caring ministry of Jesus Christ by making a gift to define your legacy. St. Ann’s Senior Citizen Village Corporation 2910 Louise Street Saskatoon, SK S7J 3L8 Phone: (306) 374-8900 Fax: (306) 477-2623
CREATE A HUMANITARIAN LEGACY OF RESPECT, DIGNITY AND CARING FOR ONE ANOTHER include the Canadian Red Cross as a beneficiary in your will.
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When he was a boy in Lethbridge, Alberta, Floyd McNabb’s exercise of choice was swimming at the local YMCA. Upon graduating high school he served in the Canadian Air Force for five years during World War II before he began his life-long career in Saskatoon in the travel business and also met and married Elizabeth (“Libby”). Libby passed away in 1994 and to honour their years together, Floyd decided to leave a legacy donation of life insurance to Royal University Hospital Foundation in memory of her. Many people like Floyd include RUH Foundation in their legacy plans because they care about specialized healthcare priorities that are important in their lives. There are many ways to leave a legacy that conveys what we value in our lives. The one chosen by Floyd speaks to a life story through a planned gift of life insurance, a gift that can be made in either your name or that of a loved one. A gift of life insurance is popular among donors who want to make a significant gift, but may not have a large amount of disposable income at that time. It’s a practical way to leave a larger legacy donation while gaining immediate tax savings. J. Herb McFaull, President of McFaull Consulting of Saskatoon and a Volunteer Chair of the RUH Foundation Planned Giving Advisory Committee, wishes more people would arrange planned legacy gifts to realize tax credits now while making a significant impact on chosen areas of health care. “I had the pleasure of knowing Floyd since I was a young boy and his consistent and caring commitment to our community was always apparent to me,” says McFaull. “Today, our province is greatly benefitting from his thoughtful foresight to put in place a life insurance policy listing RUH Foundation as the beneficiary, ensuring that his spirit of generosity will live on.” Floyd remarried, and at age 90 was still swimming 30 to 40 laps at the pool and enjoying long swims
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BUILDING BETTER FUTURES FOR SASKATCHEWAN CHILDREN It’s one of the largest health care projects in a generation in Saskatchewan, and increasingly, donors with ties to the province are turning to legacy giving to make a difference for children and families in need. As one of only two provinces in Canada without a dedicated children’s hospital, the push for a dedicated hospital for Saskatchewan’s youngest citizens began over a decade ago. Fully supported by the provincial government, health regions, and the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan, construction began in September 2014. Jack Creber, former mayor of Carrot River, thoughtfully added the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan to his will prior to his passing in 2014. Creber, a dedicated gardener and community booster, moved to Saskatchewan after retiring from farming and local business in Newdale, Manitoba.
Legacy donors like former Carrot River mayor Jack Creber are helping the Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan meet their funding goals to create a special place for kids, moms-to-be and their families. ( P H O TO : C H I LD R EN ’ S H OS PI TA L F O U NDATI O N OF S A S K ATC H E WA N)
“During his lifetime, Jack was an avid supporter of children’s charities. This gift is a continuation of his lifelong commitment to caring for those who need it most,” say family members Bruce and Carol Dalgarno. “He thought about donating the balance of his estate to other charities but upon hearing about the proposed children’s hospital, he quickly decided to support this local project.” The new hospital will help children like ten year-old Cohyn Wells of Moose Jaw, who has already had 15 surgeries in his short life. Cohyn was born with spina bifida, hydrocephalus and a chairi malformation, which means that he was born with a structural defect in the part of his brain that controls balance. Cohyn has also since developed syringomyelia, a rare progressive disease that affects his spinal cord. Every one of his surgeries has been accompanied by a lengthy hospital stay
and recovery period. Cohyn is one of the many children who will, on occasion, call the new children’s hospital home. With the capital campaign for Saskatchewan’s new maternal and children’s hospital in full swing, there are many ways for donors to make an impact on the health of children like Cohyn, including a gift of life insurance, RRSPs or RRIFs, endowments, bequests, or a donation of securities. With the help of legacy donors like Jack Creber, the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan is committed to raising $75 million to ensure that the new maternal and children’s hospital will be a special place for kids, moms-to-be and families when the doors open in 2019 and for generations to come. Find out how you can make a difference by calling 1-888-808KIDS (5437) or by emailing info@
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Legacy™ Month
100% private rooms Room to treat over 21,000 children each year in the new pediatric emergency department The province’s first dedicated pediatric surgery suites Dedicated space for children fighting cancer Space to care for over 6,000 pregnant women per year Home to Saskatchewan’s first dedicated pediatric sleep lab
Saskatoon Community Foundation introduces the Rob Dumont Fund Dr. Robert Dumont, renowned building scientist and engineer, grew up in Vancouver, BC with his parents, Dr. Hubert Dumont ,MD and Margaret (Winterburn), and eleven siblings. After graduating from Vancouver College and UBC in mechanical engineering, he volunteered for CUSO International for two years in Nairobi, Kenya. In 1970, he moved to Saskatoon and received his MSc and PhD at the University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Dumont was an early advocate of super-insulated high efficiency buildings. He was fortunate to be part of a bright innovative team of building scientists based in Saskatoon, first with the National Research Council and later, the Saskatchewan Research Council. This collective embarked on demonstrating that high energy, super-insulated buildings, were not only a viable alternative to conventional construction, but if constructed on a large scale, would assist to reduce the negative affects of carbon causing climate change. Dr. Dumont was so convinced of the importance of this research, he and
his wife, Philippine, built their own super-insulated, highly efficient home on Main Street in Saskatoon. When finished in 1992 it was recognized as the most energy efficient building on this planet – an achievement indeed. His personal life choices truly reflected his values. He rode a bicycle to work, drove a Toyota Prius before they became as popular as they are today, and was always willing to generously share his expertise. He has been a long time supporter of the Saskatchewan Environmental Society and Development and Peace. Dr. Dumont was a charter member of Saskatoon’s Energy Management Task Force (EMTF), a group that was formed in reaction to the OPEC oil crisis in the mid-1980s that resulted in alarmingly high energy prices. The EMTF was formed with the backing of the federal government with chapters across Canada. Voluntary members who are committed to energy issues, education, information transfer, and advocacy relating to residential, commercial, industry and
community support EMTF’s mandate. Dr. Dumont played a major role supporting and developing initiatives that enabled the Saskatoon EMTF to remain a fully active and vibrant organization. Today the Saskatoon EMTF is the only surviving chapter in Canada. In commemoration of Dr. Dumont May 2015 passing, the EMTF held the first Dumont Energy Management Awards on October 15, 2015, at which over 200 friends and colleagues attended. Dr. Dumont was honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award in conjunction with the formation of the Rob Dumont Fund with the Saskatoon Community Foundation, as legacy and recognition of Dr. Dumont immense contribution to building science and his passion for saving our planet earth. Dr. Dumont’s wife, Philippine, continues to live in their energy efficient home, dedicating her time to volunteering, traveling, painting and sewing. Their daughter Marie is pursuing her Master’s degree at the University of Ottawa.
At a recent EMTF meeting, the group honoured the late Dr. Robert Dumont with the formation of the Rob Dumont Fund with the Saskatoon Community Foundation, as legacy and recognition of Dr. Dumont immense contribution to building science and his passion for saving our planet earth. ( PH OTO: SA SKAT OON COMMUNIT Y F OUNDAT ION)
Continuity works with clients to define their succession and estate planning goals. As part of this process, we work with clients to develop creative gifting strategies customized to their unique situation.
YOUR WILL IS Plan for or a Miracle IMPORTANT! Making a will ensures that your wishes are carried out: 1. Make a detailed list of what you own (your assets). This includes financial, real estate, vehicles, jewellery, collectibles, musical instruments, etc. 2. Decide who you would like to receive these assets – family, friends, loved ones 3. Make a list of organizations or causes you would also like to support 4. Set up an appointment with your professional advisor (i.e. financial advisor, lawyer) to discuss your options. Your advisor(s) can help you decide which option(s) will work best for you and your family.
We all benefit when we give back to the community. 306.668.7575
A planned gift to Telemiracle, whether it’s made during your lifetime or after, is a tremendous way to make miracles happen for people right here in Saskatchewan. There are so many, young and old, who can’t afford the specialized medical care they need. Telemiracle provides funding for things like medical travel and specialized equipment—wheelchairs, scooters, lifts, handi-vans and much, much more.
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By planning your gift today, you can realize some valuable tax benefits; more importantly, you can make miracles happen tomorrow.
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Legacy™ Month
Hospitals always need updated equipment and technology, and that’s quite important to me .LioneL GiLbertson
Couple’s lives intertwine at st. paul’s Hospital Gwen Wurm and Lionel Gilbertson have lived and worked in Saskatoon for 50 years, but they only found each other as husband and wife later in life. Both lost their spouses in 2007, in the same month, and close to the same day. They buried their spouses on the same day, in the same cemetery. They met through mutual friends a couple of years later, though it wasn’t an immediate connection. “He took me out for supper one night, and I said to him, I hope you’re not looking for a wife because I’m not interested in getting married,” Wurm says. “And I said, that’s fine, neither me! I just wanted somebody to go out for supper with once in awhile,” Gilbertson adds. After they started dating, they found out they married their spouses on the same day at the same time nine years apart. They also discovered a shared interest in philanthropy. Wurm and Gilbertson have decided to leave gifts to St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation as part of their wills. They have separate estates and wills, and are both independently giving gifts to the Hospital. “We can be Jesus’ disciples,” Wurm says. “We can’t directly heal people in today’s world as Jesus did in His day, but we can enable our doctors and nurses to heal the sick for us by providing them with the best equipment to diagnose and treat people who are sick.” “Hospitals always need updated equipment and technology, and that’s quite important to me,” Gilbertson says. Gilbertson also says he’s interested in the tax breaks charitable donations can provide. He’ll be working with his financial advisors to help make decisions about how he can best donate to St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation. While they see the good St.
Gwen Wurm and Lionel Gilbertson found their lives intertwined at St. Paul’s Hospital and as a result are working to leave legacies to support St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation. (P hot o: s t. Pau L’s h osPi taL F oundat ion)
Paul’s Hospital does in many areas of care, they’re especially interested in Palliative Care and Hospice Services. Working as a registered nurse specializing in senior care, Wurm also saw many of her own patients navigate end of life care. Wurm’s mother and first husband were palliative so Wurm understands this difficult and challenging time. As well Gilbertson helped his first wife navigate her end of life care. “Choosing to support St. Paul’s
Hospital Foundation gives us an opportunity to ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’” She wants to see everyone treated with the same high level of care she would want if needed. They, too, have been cared for at the Hospital: Gilbertson had surgery there, and both have received emergency care at St. Paul’s. “If you got the means to donate, do it, because if you ever wind up as a patient there, you’ll understand why,” Gilbertson
says. “You can really appreciate the staff after you’ve been there. I had excellent care.” He would like to ensure that all people continue to receive the same excellent care well into the future. They’re also happy to give a gift to a hospital that so closely represents their faith values. St. Paul’s is an independently owned Catholic facility. “When we give a gift, we are helping others, and you’re saying thanks to God for His blessings,” Wurm says.
This sTory was provided by sT. paul’s hospiTal FoundaTion To promoTe awareness oF This Topic. posTmedia’s ediTorial deparTmenT had no involvemenT in The creaTion oF This conTenT.
, we can t wait to build healthier futures
The Elizabeth Evelyn Schollie Scholarship enables students like Shelby Lechman to focus on their studies, rather than worrying about financing their dreams. The fund was established through a will gift from George Paterson Schollie to honour his daughter. ( Ph oto: u oF s)
Scholarship student paints a brighter future A gifted artist with a passion for painting, Shelby Lechman (BFA ‘15) leaves the University of Saskatchewan, degree in hand, and ready to tackle the new challenges of the art world. While a career in arts is something she has always strived for, Shelby is aware of the struggle that young artists often face when trying to make a name for themselves in a competitive industry. “Everyone has heard of the term ‘starving artist’,” she says. “Unlike other professions, career options with a fine arts degree can be uncertain and quite limited.” Determined to complete her undergraduate degree without the staggering student debt that plagues many of her peers, Shelby relied heavily on donor support throughout her five years at university. She says, “The number of awards gifted to me throughout the years have allowed me to spend less time at my part-time job and more time devoted to my studies and studio practice.” Thanks to her hard work, talent and passion, Shelby is no stranger to scholarships and awards and has benefited immensely from their impact. Shelby credits specifically, the Elizabeth Evelyn Schollie Scholarship, an award she received two years in a row. This fund was established through a Will gift from George Paterson Schollie, in honour of his daughter. The Elizabeth Evelyn Schollie Scholarship provides funding for Fine Arts students, with preference given
to students engaged in the study of painting. Receiving this award in both 2014 and 2015 has allowed Shelby the opportunity to invest more time in her work and focus on her grades. “As an artist, the number of scholarships on my CV will hold great weight in my future,” she says with gratitude. “Winning these awards will give me a wider range of options when I pursue graduate school and career opportunities, as they allow me to be seen as an artist worth investing in.” “The awards have obvious financial benefits,” says Shelby. “But there is also a lot of self-satisfaction and motivation that comes with winning them too. Knowing these awards were available pushed me to work harder and not give up.” Now that she has graduated, she employs the same ‘work hard’ philosophy from her studies as she starts her career as an artist. In July 2015, Shelby was named one of 12 regional winners from across Canada in the 13th annual BMO Financial Group’s 1st Art! Invitational Student Art Competition. She also continues to work as a studio assistant for University of Saskatchewan art professor and figurative painter Allyson Glenn and has recently completed an artist residency at the Kent Sutherland Group (KSA) in Saskatoon. Watch Shelby talk about her creative process For more information about including the University of Saskatchewan in your will, please contact the Gift Planning office at 306-966-2416 or
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What Will You Leave Behind?
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Couples’ gifts of insurance equal assurance for hospital Tom and Stella A. had a particular motivation for donating to Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation. So did Lyle and Dorothy Broadfoot. The couples also found a common vehicle for planned giving – both opted to designate the Foundation as a beneficiary of life insurance policies. “The policy was from my employer and was originally designated to my mom and then Stella. We decided that we didn’t really need it anymore,” Tom says of their motivation. “The hospital does good work for people in the community. We knew they could use it more.” Tom knows. He had both his knees replaced at Saskatoon City Hospital. The first was in 2011, the second just last fall. “The time I spent there left me even more determined to help the hospital,” he says. While they haven’t been patients recently, the Broadfoots began donating to the Foundation more than 20 years ago. In 1999 they named the Foundation as owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy. They’ve been faithful followers since, regularly attending events such as donor recognition or presentations from medical staff, Lyle reports. “We enjoy learning about the hospital and do what we can to help out.” “Life insurance is a widely held investment in Canada and, because of special tax treatment to life insurance policies gifted to charity, it’s an excellent gift planning choice,” reports Tracy Boyle, director of Major and Planned Gifts with Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation. “Donors receive several benefits by gifting an existing, paid up policy,” she explains. “A charitable tax receipt is issued for the cash surrender value of the policy, the gift doesn’t affect the donor’s estate
Top photo: Having had two knee surgeries at Saskatoon City Hospital, Tom A. and his wife Stella wanted to give back to the hospital. Bottom photo: Dorothy and Lyle Broadfoot say donating is also their way of helping. Both couples named Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation as beneficiary of life insurance policies. ( P hotos : sa skat oon Cit y h o s Pi ta l F o u ndati on)
plan, and the gift’s ultimate value has a tremendous impact on the future funding provided by Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation.” For new policies, Boyle adds, “it
turns a modest, short-term investment into a large, meaningful future gift with many benefits. Donors receive a charitable tax receipt equal to the annual premiums paid. Dur-
ing the time it takes to pay off the policy, the resulting tax credit can help defray approximately 50 per cent of the premium cost. The gift doesn’t affect the donor’s estate plan
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Legacy™ Month
and its value creates a lasting legacy for the foundation. Of course each individual’s financial circumstances are unique and we advise consultation with a qualified professional advisor.” Saskatoon City Hospital is a leading centre of ambulatory care, performing almost half of all day surgeries in the Saskatoon Health Region. An estimated 130,000 people will visit the hospital this year – 95 per cent of them will return home the same day. The hospital also offers advanced research, teaching, diagnosis and treatment in the areas of rehabilitation, orthopedics, sleep disorders, geriatrics and multiple sclerosis. One vehicle that the Foundation raises funds through is Equip for Excellence, a multi-million dollar campaign designed to enhance every area of the hospital. Since being created in 2013, almost $4 million has been raised. Major capital equipment purchases include a state-of-the-art, 3D mammography unit, an endoscopic ultrasound, a point-of-care ultrasound in the emergency department, and a vein viewer. The campaign also enabled a $2 million upgrade and modernization of the hospital’s Surgical Pathology Lab. “By supporting the Foundation through planned giving like these couples have done, donors are helping us plan for the future. With income we know is forthcoming, we can plan more effectively for the acquisition of equipment, technology and resources,” Boyle says. “A legacy gift helps people see better, walk better and live better not just today but also in the years to come.” For more information about the Foundation and planned giving opportunities, visit or call 1-800603-4464.
This sTory was provided by saskaToon CiTy hospiTal FoundaTion To promoTe awareness oF This TopiC. posTmedia’s ediTorial deparTmenT had no involvemenT in The CreaTion oF This ConTenT.
Saskatoon’s three hospitals share a long legacy of care. It’s a legacy made possible by your parents, grandparents, great grandparents ... and you. Legacy gifts fund vital hospital equipment, facilities, programs, education and research. They put advanced equipment in the hands of medical professionals and hope in the hearts of people depending on hospitals for life-saving care. There are many ways to leave a legacy. Remember Saskatoon’s hospitals in your will. Make them a beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Establish a charitable annuity or make a gift by transferring shares. Legacy planning can have tax benefits. Talk to your financial advisor. To make a legacy gift, or for more information, call one of our hospital foundations.
“I wanted to honour my dad who died of cancer.” Many people like to include RUH Foundation in their will because they care about the specialized healthcare priorities that are important in their lives. Are there any areas like Emergency and Trauma, Cardiology, Neurology and Oncology that you’re passionate about and would support in this way?
St. Paul’s Hospital has maintained a legacy of compassionate, holistic care for more than a century. A progressive teaching hospital, St. Paul’s is known for its leadership in palliative care, renal care, spiritual and cultural care. We are grateful to our donors who contribute to our vision of a community of health, hope and compassion for all.
Your legacy helps Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation purchase equipment, resources and technology, giving patients state-of-the-art health care. Gifts also support advanced research, teaching, diagnosis and treatment in areas such as rehabilitation, orthopedics, sleep disorders, geriatrics, MS and others. By planning now, you can help people see better, walk better and live better today and tomorrow.
Royal University Hospital Foundation Lisa Laskowski Chief Development Officer 306-655-6530
St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation Lecina Hicke Manager of Major Giving 306-655-5832 or 1-888-345-0330
Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation Tracy Boyle Director of Major and Planned Gifts 306-655-8538 or 1-800-603-4464 SAS00347877_1_1
Making a Difference
in the lives that follow TOP10 THINGS YOU CAN DO TODAY
1. Prepare a will.
im Bindley loves to coach, not just because he loves soccer, but because he believes sports can teach important lessons. To continue these lessons, Jim placed a bequest to fund soccer camp scholarships in his will. Thanks to Coach Bindley, a few more kids will reach their goals. Include your favourite cause in your will or estate plan. Contact your estate advisor or favourite charity to learn how.
Leave a LegacyTM
LEAVE A LEGACY™ Saskatoon is a public awareness program that encourages people from all walks of life to make gifts through a will or other gift planning instrument to the charity or non-profit organization of their choice. LEAVE A LEGACY™ Saskatoon does not solicit gifts for any particular organization. The goal of this program is to raise awareness of the importance of thoughtful, well-planned, tax-preferred gifts and their impact on the quality of life for everyone in our community. LEAVE A LEGACY TM
2. Leave a gift in your will for the notfor-profit organization that makes a difference in your life. 3. Leave a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your assets to a notfor-profit organization. 4. Consider using assets for your legacy gift. 5. Name a not-for-profit as a beneficiary of your RRSP, RRIF or pension plan. 6. Name your favourite not-for-profit as the beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy. 7. Purchase a new life insurance policy naming your favourite not-for-profit as the beneficiary. 8. Remember loved ones with memorial gifts. 9. Encourage family and friends to leave gifts to not-for-profit organizations in their wills. 10. Ask your financial or estate planning advisor to include charitable giving as part of your financial plan and to incorporate in their counsel to other clients.