StarPhoenix Road to Higher Learning

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Road to higheR leaRning

Immersed in an unfamiliar environment, it’s easy for first-year university students to lose their bearings and feel a bit lost. It’s important to reach out for help, say the authors of the Freshman Survival Guide. G e T Ty I m aG es

The “new” Freshman survival Guide:

Today’s students face new social, emotional and mental challenges

by Hilary Klas sen

Heading into first-year university is an exciting and important step for high school graduates. But a smooth transition is not guaranteed. Nora Bradb u r y - Ha e h l , c o - a u t h o r of the Freshmen Survival Guide, says she’s seen s tu dents s trug gle with the transition, especially t h o s e w h o l e av e h o m e to study. The guide helps new students ease in and be better prepared for campus life. B r a d b u r y - Ha e h l a n d co-author Bill McGarvey shared the vision to create a holistic guide that goes well beyond how to be a successful student. The guide covers social, financial, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of college life. There is a generous amount of fresh material in the second edition. “One big shift was really expanding the section on living in the digital world,” says Bradbury-Haehl. “It’s so fantastic what we’re able to do now.” Bradbur y-Haehl has worked with youth in educational settings in upstate New York for 25 years and sees that a good portion of building and maintaining relationships now happens online. While there are still

cautions about online relationships, she says its good to be aware that sometimes when students are on the phone, they may be supporting a friend who could be having an anxiety attack or whose parents might be splitting up. “It’s one more tool for friendships for giving and getting support,” she says. Bradbury-Haehl “Online is great and in-person can be even better. They’re not opposite.” Another big shift is the way consent is beginning to be handled on college campuses. While there’s still a long way to go, BradburyHaehl says the perspective of colleges has fundamentally shifted when it comes to ideas about dating, sexual assault and safety. She quotes a phrase that is overused but still somehow wise. “’Guys give love to get sex and girls give sex to get love.’ It’s a huge oversimplification and either party can play either role, but it’s something to keep in mind.” Sex isn’t a universal language. ‘Taking it to the next level’ can mean different things to different people. Bradbury-Haehl says it’s good to remember there really aren’ t that many sexual predators out there. “It seems like it when you

look at the rates of sexual assault, but it really is just a few people, usually guys, on each campus. So when somebody tells you about a guy’s reputation, believe them. It is the same guy who rapes 20 women and the statistics bear that out.” Another issue that is creating increasing concern among students is finances. The new guide helps students become more financially savvy. “This is a generation of young people who are going to graduate with more debt than anybody ever has,” says BradburyHaehl. It’s easy to lose your bearings as a freshman, and it’s normal to feel a bit lost. “Everybody at some point during their first semester breaks down in tears out of homesickness, even people who hated being home.” Mourning the loss of what was familiar and getting used to something new is a tricky business, she says. It’s very important to know when to reach out for help. “If you are really sinking or you’re drinking way more than you ever did before and you’re starting to miss class, it’s better to get help sooner than later,” says Bradbury-Haehl. You can save yourself, your family and your bank account a lot

of heartache if you take action once you realize you’re in trouble. The book helps students balance the fun and the serious parts of campus life. Those who were used to helicopter parenting may enjoy a delicious new sense of freedom. “You can get by on the, ‘Woohoo, now I can do anything I want’ for about two weeks and then you can find yourself in a lot of trouble,” says Bradbury-Haehl. It often happens to really bright kids who have gotten by on charm and smarts through high school. “But once you get to university you actually have to do the reading and the homework.” At, the authors include a study budget, which has been called the great equalizer. “There are people who come to university with more money than you and better test scores than you, but everybody has the same number of hours in the day,” says Bradbury-Haehl. Students who schedule in their study time can take breaks without guilt, knowing they’re deserved. The first Freshman Survival Guide enjoyed some unexpected attention on the David Letterman Show. Nora Bradbur y-Haehl,

The authors’ soulful advice integrates the bigger questions of meaning, identity, belief and belonging. “It’s not just about how to get good grades and how to graduate from college. It’s about how to do that while you’re becoming the person that you want to be.”

co-author of the new guide, says you can’t buy advertising like that! The second edition of The Freshman Survival Guide is

enjoying significant uptake as well, offering “Soulful Advice for Studying, Socializing and Everything in Between.”

How to make the most of scholarship opportunities by ryan Hall

Each year, thousands of students graduate from Saskatchewan high schools and start their journey into the adult world. For many, pursuing higher education is the next step. Financing that dream has become increasingly challenging. A survey of 18,000 university grads conducted in 2015 by the Canadian University Survey Consortium revealed that the average student in our country accumulates debt in excess of $26,000. In order to assist as many students as possible pursue post-secondary education, the University of Saskatchewan grants over $12 million dollars in awards, scholarships, bursaries and prizes to current and incoming students each year. These scholarships, bursaries, and prizes are given out based on academic merit, financial need, or for a specific merit such as an exceptional essay, or highest grade in a particular course. Not every award is gran-

With rising student debt, pursuing scholarship opportunities is more important than ever for most students. The University of Saskatchewan grants over $12 million in annual awards, scholarships, bursaries and prizes. GeT T y Im aG es

ted at the same time, as there are different cycles that take place over the course of the year. Overall, the deadlines to apply for awards that are open to all students, regardless of college or faculty are March 1 (entering awards), June 1 (continuing scholarships), and October 1 (continuing bursaries). Additionally, individual colleges also hand out awards to their own students in the fall, winter and spring. To help students identify scholarship opportunities, the

University of Saskatchewan Student and Enrolment Services Division (SESD) keeps an up-to-date and searchable online database. Individual colleges and programs, student recruiters, Prospective Students’ Services, as well as the SESD also advertise awards across campus. Students who are already enrolled at the U of S are advised to check the Scholarship and Bursaries channel in PAWS, the online student portal. “It’s important that stu-

dents have multiple ways to access this information, so they can make the most of the opportunities available to them,” says Wendy Klingenberg, manager and associate registrar, Student Finances and Awards at the University of Saskatchewan. This is especially important since each year one out of 70 awards go unclaimed. Often, this is the result of students not being able to compile all the documents needed to apply for a certain scholar-

ship, or because the award is so specific that no one qualifies. When that happens the award is re-advertised and the competition re-opened, because as Klingenberg says “we want to put the money into students’ hands.” When applying for awards, there are some tips that students should keep in mind to increase their chances of success. FIrst, it’s important to pay attention to each scholarship’s eligibility requirements and to make sure that you are a valid applicant. When choosing which awards to apply for, those that require documents to be submitted are more work, but that also means there will be fewer competitors. Overall, students should apply for any award that requires additional documents, and which they are eligible for, to maximize their chances. Finally, during the application process, students often encounter roadblocks or have questions. To help them along, they can turn to the Student Finance and Awards

This secTion was creaTed by conTenT works, PosTmedia’s commercial conTenT sTudio.

unit of SESD, and the friendly staff there will do their best to provide resources and clarity to the application and awardingprocesses. Students are also encouraged to look beyond the U of S, and to pursue nationally, or even internationally, recognized scholarships. “Often, local students don’t think of applying for these awards,” says Klingenberg. “Given how well they perform academically, they are missing out on great opportunities.” Closer to home, there are several other places that students should be looking for scholarships, bursaries, and grants. Institutions such as banks, service clubs and community or religious organizations often have established awards that are handed out on an annual basis, and these can be an excellent resource for students as well. As Klingenberg says, “Many students aren’t aware that there are a number of excellent scholarships offered locally. We want to encourage them to go looking for them, as they are well worth seeking out.”


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Road to higheR leaRning

A strong culture of mentorship has evolved over the past decade at Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Schools of Nursing and Health Sciences.

sa sk PolyT e cHnIc

Faculty mentorship contributes to teaching excellence of it, for both the mentor and the mentee, Hubbard Murdoch says you have to have a willingness to hear criticisms and grow from that feedback. These days, she and her mentor Lynn Sheridan don’t talk as much as they used to, but Hubbard Mur-

by asHleigH Mat tern

Mentor-mentee relationships are often thought of as teachers mentoring students; at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, teachers mentor teachers. The school’s unique mentorship structure creates a culture where learning new skills applies to everyone, not just students. Natasha Hubbard Murdoch, faculty at Sask Polytech, has experienced this firsthand. She has been in a mentorship under Lynn Sheridan for the past 14 years. “I was brand new faculty when we started that mentorship,” Hubbard Murdoch says. “She mentored me as brand new educator. Coming from bedside nursing, it felt like huge leap, and it was great to have her there.” Hubbard Murdoch was also part of the team that started the mentorship program in the School of Nursing, when first started working there. “Most of us were new, there was a lot of turnover, and we were feeling the need for mentors,” she says. Since then, the teacher-toteacher mentorship structure is available at Sask Polytech campuses throughout the province. New faculty members can be paired with someone more senior, and so are senior faculty members teaching a new course. Hubbard Murdoch has been with the school for more than a decade, but if she taught a new course, she’d be considered a novice, and paired with someone who had taught the course before her. The mentorship helps teachers do their job better, which is especially important at a technical school, where most of the faculty are second career educators with an employer-based background.

doch will still call when she needs advice. “She’s very upfront and willing to challenge me…. It hurts sometimes to hear your mentor doesn’t agree with you, but then you can also grow exponentially if you’re willing to be reflective.”

“They have not had education on how to teach,” Hubbard Murdoch says. “We want our mentors to help transition that learning from being a professional to being a professional educator.” Mentors can also learn from the experience: They might discover that their way of teaching is outdated, or there are new ways of approaching a task. The result is an overall improvement in the teaching abilities of faculty. Through the program, students also see team teaching in classrooms regularly, and Hubbard Murdoch says they carry that forward into their own lives and work experiences. “I’ve seen that role modelling in student councils; I’ve heard stories about how they are out and about with community groups or organizations they’re working with. It’s experiential learning.” Students and teachers still have a special mentorship-like relationship, which Hubbard Murdoch describes as a preceptorship – a term most often used in nursing that describes the relationship between a student and experienced

staff. Hubbard Murdoch says thinking of the teacher-student relationship in terms of a preceptorship is important because the students will become her colleagues in a few years – she’s currently working with students she taught only four years ago. “I love anything that reduces that power differential between faculty and students. Eventually you’re going to be in a professional relationship together as colleagues, so we should be treating you that way from the get go.” Sask Polytech has an online platform to support the people in the mentorships, giving them a place to set goals, assess progress, and address conflicts. To participate in a successful mentorship, Hubbard Murdoch says there has to be some reflection, and the formal parts of the program can help with that. “There does have to be some focus…. How willing are you to share as a mentee? You might not want to share your fears.” A mentorship is more than a friendship, and it’s a professional relationship. To get the most out

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Road to higheR leaRning creative art and technology intersect at the U of R

by JonatHan HaMelin

In a university setting, you usually won’t find computer science, engineering and arts student working together on projects. At the University of Regina (U of R), however, these students now have the opportunity to come together for a diverse interdisciplinary program. The Creative Technologies program gives students a perspective on technology and the arts, teaching them how to be innovative and adept with new technology while integrating new mediums. “Creative technologies is a phrase that’s being used increasingly to describe this intersection of creative art practices and emerging technologies,” said Rebecca Caines, associate professor in Creative Technologies. “Our program supports people who are going to work in computer science and people working in creative fields at the points in which those two overlap.” She adds that “we’re increasingly finding that the skillsets employers are looking for in employees are both creative and technical, and that people need to feel comfortable with and adapt to new and emerging technologies. Some of the places these areas overlap include: digital media content development, app and game design and social media. We’re also finding that more and more of this work is happening in collaborative teams, and a program was needed where students could experience working on projects with people from different backgrounds.” Caines can speak personally to the intersection of arts and technology. She started off in theatre before exploring new media and contemporary art practices, along with using the internet and audio technologies. Caines notes that she would have greatly valued a program that allowed her to explore multiple disciplines when she attended university. In creating this program, she said the U of R is giving students that option. “There are new media and creative digital programs at lots of universities, but they tend to be located in the computer science area. Our program is unique because we’re trying to teach across both areas,” said Caines. “We have a class called The Tablet Orchestra that is

taught by a computer scientist, a musician and an interdisciplinary artist. Students learn about creating media on smartphones and tablets, and learn about the creation, design and marketing of apps. They then use iPads to create music, using instruments and interfaces. One or two students have developed their own apps or interfaces. At the end of the course, we put on a concert where students perform using tablets combining them with other new technologies.” The U of R began running experimental Creative Technologies classes in 2012, including electives in other programs, before creating an official program. Students now have the option to work toward a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts - Creative Technologies or Bachelor of Computer Science - Creative Technologies. There is also the option to receive a minor in the program. In the first year of the program, students take introductory classes that provide a history of creative technologies. As the students progress in the program, they have the option to focus on an area of interest, such as digital manipulation, audio software or graphic design. Students also have the opportunity to develop larger bodies of work to show potential employers, which Caines said is a huge asset. Students in the programs

have access to some innovative facilities, including the Makerspace: a hacking and creating space with access to 3D printing, virtual reality headsets and electronic prototyping. Students can also access the Interactive Media and Performance Labs, which consist of DJ and audio labs. “For students from both the arts and sciences, it can be a challenge to take a step into an unknown, but again that’s the kind of graduates that employers are looking for: people who want to try new things, be adaptable, selflearning, curious, flexible,” said Caines. “Our course is a combination of learning basic skillsets and building confidence to find your own pathway through.” Interest in the program is increasing every day. “The reason we developed these pathways was that we were getting high numbers of students in the experimental process and elective classes,” she said. “People have often had to choose between being a computer scientist and being a creative designer or artist, and now there’s a degree where they get to do both. Students have the opportunity to cross the boundaries between disciplines and take themselves in directions they never expected to go when they entered the program in.” For more information, visit

First year students take introductory classes that provide a history of creative technologies. As the students progress in the program, they have the option to focus on an area of interest, such as digital manipulation, audio software or graphic design. U oF R

Students of the Creative Technologies program have access to innovative facilities, including the Makerspace: a hacking and creating space with access to 3D printing, virtual reality headsets and electronic prototyping. Students can also access the Interactive Media and Performance Labs, which consist of DJ and audio labs. U oF R

This work of art was created electronically by a student of the Creative Technologies program. U o F R

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Road to higheR leaRning How can you adapt to the changing job market? by JonatHan HaMelin

Tradespeople often pride themselves on knowing all of the tricks of the trade. But as one Saskatchewan educational institute stresses to its students, adaptability can be as crucial a skill as any. “In our current economy, there is no guarantee that the demand for a particular trade today will be consistent with the demand for that same trade a few months down the road,” said Brian Gobbett, vice-president of academics at Great Plains College. “Students are prepared for this possibility early on in their training. The institute has a dedicated group of student advisors and program coordinators who work with students to help them develop the skills that will allow them to adapt.” With campuses located at Kindersley, Swift Current and Warman and additional programming at locations in Biggar, Maple Creek and Rosetown, Great Plains College focuses on meeting the needs of learners, employers and communities in western Saskatchewan. As Gobbett notes, the college keeps its finger on the pulse of an ever-changing job landscape and tailors its programming accordingly. “There are a couple ways in which we gauge courses that are needed,” he said. “A lot of it involves being responsive to employers and building relationships in the community. In the past, we were able to train several cohorts of students in our heavy equipment operator program through a partnership with the City of Warman that saw us repair a park for them. With the current downturn in the oil and potash industries, however, it’s recently been harder for heavy equipment operators to find work so we’ve cut back on the number of offerings.” He added that another good example can be seen in the work the college has done in the continuing

Students learn about the technology behind electricity. GR eaT Pla I ns co l l e Ge

Great Plains College monitors the ever-changing job landscape and tailors its programming accordingly. G ReaT Pl aIns co l l e G e

care assistant sector with Cypress Hills Health Region. There was a huge expansion in Swift Current and a brand new long-term care facility was constructed. They needed dozens of continuing care workers, so the college worked closely with them to develop additional programming opportunities and help them meet the labour market demand. It’s a unique, specialized program that addresses very specific needs. “Beyond building relationships in the community, you have to examine the data. There’s national and provincial data on post-secondary education trends and economic trends. Part of my job is to keep up on these trends.” Currently, Gobbett noted that nursing is one of the most stables industries. He said that Great Plains’ nursing students frequently walk right into jobs after completing the program. He said that power engineering is also traditionally a lucrative and employable opportunity. Great Plains offers Third and Fourth Class Power Engineering programs. Continuing care, he added, is another stable field.

Sometimes, adapting to a changing job market is impossible without further education. Gobbett said the college’s student advisers can help graduates work through their options. As well, Labour Market Services has a provincial office in Swift Current on the Great Plains College Campus. Open one day a week, this agency provides expertise to those in need of career and employment advice. Gobbett noted that, “this synergy between educational provider and government support for employment is a natural and efficient relationship that serves our community well. “We sometimes see electricians or people in other trades or professions take a business certificate program, for example,” he said. “They’ll complete one year of electrical work and then take a year of business so they have the skills to operate their own electrical business. They might start off by working for another company, but they have the option to venture out on their own. This type of double credentialing is very valuable in a job market that’s difficult right now.”


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Road to higheR leaRning Advertisement

Weaving careers into curriculum

This spring, a new cohort of University of Saskatchewan graduates will cross the stage at convocation with a diverse set of employable skills. Connecting new grads to their future careers involves more than handing them their parchment, however. Those with a job already lined up when they receive their degrees will have taken advantage of the university’s career planning and skills training resources, and many will be graduating with on-the-job experience built in to their program. Helping students to find a return on investment for their education is a focus at the university’s Student Employment and Career Centre (SECC). For manager John Ault, ensuring students are exposed to career planning and readiness at the right steps along the way is critical to this goal. “Careers are just one part of the student life cycle,” he said. “They’re balancing many priorities and our programming has to be flexible to meet different needs.” While Ault and his team encourage students to engage early and often with the SECC and other campus supports, they recognize that students aren’t always quick to set aside time to come in to the office. Ault and his team work with colleges to embed career readiness pieces into the curriculum, as well as connect students to employers that offer internships and co-ops. AnneMarie Dewar, a chemical engineering student in her final year took part in the Engineering Professional Internship Program (EPIP) last year. Dewar says the internship helped solidify her decision to work in the oil and gas industry. The twelve-month internship, which she applied for through the

Careers are just one part of the student life cycle, they’re balancing many priorities and our programming has to be flexible to meet different needs. SECC, was an eye-opening experience and provided the chance to work with other departments in her industry. “I applied for every internship that was available,” she laughed. “Reading the job descriptions? They were all foreign to me. But working in the job I had, I found different things I liked and I’ve applied for jobs in a couple areas.” Though the EPIP added a year to her degree, Dewar’s work as an intern counts towards her professional designation. “In the end, you’re in the exact same spot as someone who graduated and then got a year of experience. It’s just nice that you’re considered a full-time student when you’re doing it,” she explained. Of the service she received at the SECC when applying for the EPIP and now that she is looking for her first job as an engineer-in-training, Dewar says, “students don’t always recognize how helpful it is until they’re pushed to go. Take the advantage.”

This sTory was Provided by The universiTy of saskaTchewan for commercial PurPoses.

During her final year of studies at the U of S, chemical engineering student Anne Marie Dewar benefited from a 12-month internship. She applied for the program through SECC. U oF s

The University of Saskatchewan Student Employment and Career Centre (SECC) assists students with career planning and job readiness. U o F s

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Road to higheR leaRning Horticulture school a great place to grow your career by ryan Hall

Since bursting onto the scene in 2005, the Saskatoon School of Horticulture (SSH) has blossomed. From its humble origins the SSH has grown and put down roots in the local community, and beyond. From the start, the SSH has been dedicated to offering an education that prepares students to work in their chosen field. To do this, the curriculum is streamlined so that learners only take courses that apply to their program, without the burden of non-related electives. Additionally, by breaking their programs into modules, the school is able to ensure students dig deeply into important concepts, mastering the knowledge and skills they’ll need in the workplace. This approach has worked well, and the school has developed a national reputation for excellence, which has allowed them to attract a wide range of students from within Saskatchewan, and beyond. “When we first began, the majority of our students were local people who were looking for a career change,” says Patricia Hanbidge, founder and principal of the Saskatoon School of Horticulture. “Now we are starting to see people right out of high school and who hail from as far away as Newfoundland.” Looking ahead, the school expects to see continued growth, as more and

more people become interested in environmental and sustainability issues. In order to ensure that graduates are ready to face the challenges of the future, the SSH focuses on teaching the skills and knowledge students need. This is part of the foundational ethos of the school, which prides itself on helping people get, and keep, a job they are passionate about. “We want to be a place where students are equipped for success,” says Hanbidge, “so that they can love their field and enjoy what they are doing each day.” To accomplish this, the school offers a variety of courses and modules, though the majority of students enroll in the full-time two-year program. The school year begins in September and runs until the end of April, with fall being the primary intake period. However, some students are admitted throughout the academic year, on a case-by-case basis, depending on their knowledge and educational background. Additionally, while most students take the summer off to work, some do continue their studies, allowing them to graduate early. All students who complete the program receive a Diploma in Horticulture, professional designation, and graduate as a nationally recognized Horticulturalist. Not all students are in a position to take the full program though, which is why the SSH also offers shorter,

part-time or distance programs. To make sure tuition costs are not a limiting factor, the school does its best to direct students to the variety of scholarships available, as well as highlight provincial initiatives designed to help keep students, and graduates, in the province. This is all part of an intentional effort to meet student needs in as many ways as possible. “We want to offer the best educational experience possible, while still keeping it accessible,” says Hanbidge. Finally, to help their students find employment once they graduate, the school partners with local industries to provide work experience in a variety of fields. This exposure allows them to make better choices about their future career path, while also exposing employers to potential employees. In fact, many industry partners end up hiring students who have worked with them in the past during these experiential learning periods. As a result, the Saskatoon School of Horticulture has developed a reputation for training the type of people that industry leaders want to see running their business, or involved in their organization. The school also works with students to prepare them in other ways, by offering guidance on resume building, cover letters, and interview skills. For those who are interested in striking out on their own, marketing and business courses are available so

that they are ready to hit the ground running upon graduation. An up-todate job board helps students find seasonal or longer-term jobs that fit their current needs. The end result of all this effort is a high employment rate for graduates of the Saskatoon School of Horticulture. Nearly everyone who attends the school is able to find work in the sector, and future projections show

the job market remaining strong. To Hanbidge, ensuring students find employment is the final piece to their program, as “education needs to fill in that end result. Students need to know that if they spend the time and money there will be a career on the other end.” To learn more about the Saskatoon School of Horticulture, visit www.

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Garden produce grown by SSH students was contributed to people in need.




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