Ukrainian Co-op

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The Ukrainian Cooperative Association celebrates 80 years

Recognizing the value of co-operatives, members of the Ukrainian community in Regina responded by establishing an organizational committee. The committee met for the first time on July 11, 1937, with the objective of forming the Regina Ukrainian Cooperative association. Ph o t o : U k r a i ni a n C o o P e r ati v e as soCi ati on

Congrats from

As we, the members and customers of the Regina Ukrainian Cooperative Association initiate activities to celebrate our 80th anniversary, we also take time to reflect on the enterprise, its struggles, its growth, and those of the community who recognized the need for such an endeavour and of its role in our community. History shows that growth of our early communities, large and small, relied on individuals and groups working together and supporting each other. Members of our Ukrainian community were aware of cooperatives as a means of sustaining the community and providing knowledge, education and experience for their membership. Michael Babey, a member of that community recognized the value of the cooperatives to the Ukrainians in the Regina community and proceeded to research Canadian cooperative practices, rules and regulations. He visited the various organizations and high-

Congratulations Ukrainian Co-op on Celebrating your 80th Anniversary!

lighted the merits of cooperative economics for their memberships. The community responded by establishing an organizational committee, composed of A. Topolnetsky, Rev. A. D. Polilski, P. Ivanyiski, S. Zaharuk, N. Kostyniuk and E. Kutsan, to assist Mr. Babey. The founding meeting was held on July 1, 1936 at which N. Kostyniuk, S. Zaharuk, K. Hneda, J. Feduschak, P. Ivanyiski and M. Arganischuk became the first members. They also were instrumental in making application to the government for the Charter which was received on February 26, 1937. At that time membership was 80 members and assets were $350. Where was our first Cooperative facility? Records indicate that the Board rented a building at 922 Victoria Avenue and operated it as a store until May 1937, at which time they moved to 1801 Winnipeg Street. However, the Cooperative moved again in 1940 to

Congratulations on Your 80th Anniversary


The Ukrainian Co-op opened its doors at 1801 Winnipeg Street in Regina in 1937.

The Regina Ukrainian Co-op & boutique has expanded over the past eight decades, to offer a diverse selection of imported european food, grocery items and one-ofa-kind boutique items. Ph o t o : U kr a i n i a n C o o Per at i v e as so C i at i o n

P hot o: Ukr ainian CooP er at ive a s soC iat ion

1777 Quebec Street where it continued operation until 1945. At that time, the Cooperative decided to buy their own building. Receiving donations ranging for $100 - $800, they collected the $8,200 required to pay for the building at 1801 Winnipeg Street – where it continues to operate to the present day. In subsequent years, the growth of membership and the demographics, lifestyles with changing wants and needs, the building became taxed to continue to provide the services and products of its mandate.

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“We wish you continued success.”

P: 306-781-7770 E:

from 306-525-4260 Regina, SK

In 1957, the Cooperative bought the adjoining property and, under the supervision of S. Zaharuk, a new building was constructed by B. Ariychuk. This store was further extended in 1973 and allowed for a greater variety of products in the meat and grocery areas and volume of services. However, the growth continued so that in 2005, renovations were undertaken to fully modernize the meat and deli areas so that the Cooperative was able to meet the growth in demand for the variety of meat and other products

by the evolving client community. The building at 1801 Winnipeg Street is the physical representation of the Ukrainian Cooperative, but it is also the reflection of a community who saw a need, reviewed its options and worked to support the establishment of the Ukrainian Cooperative – volunteering as directors on the board, as staff in the business operation (managers, butchers, bookkeeper and clerks), and as leaders in the community. These were followed by new generations who continued the dedication to its community by volun-

teering to be the builders – members who have unique training and expertise in changing work and business environments – to assist the Cooperative in its continued growth, continuance of adapting services and products to meet the changing demographics, regulations, knowledge and work needs. Included in this human element of the Cooperative are the staff members – who continue providing the services to the membership and who assist the Board in ensuring that the Cooperative is able to meet its regulatory and member services.

Congratulations ON 80 YEARS

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Congratulations! Ukrainain Coop

Congrats to Ukrainian U krraiinian Coop on yourr 880th 0tth aanniversary nnivversary from the sta staff afff off Deluxe Meats!


Don Allin

on your 80th





To stay up-to-date on the news while you’re on the go, download our mobile app for iphone and android.



Proud Supplier of the Ukrainian Coop.

ThiS SToRy WaS pRovided by The Regina UkRainian CoopeRaTive aSSoCiaTion foR CommeRCial pURpoSeS.

Partners to Canada’s Food Industry



Proudly serving Regina for 80 Years!

781-2575 or 533-9966

Congratson Your 80th Anniversary



616616-4 6-4 Ave. E., Regina Sask. S4N 4Z 4Z5 p. (306) 721 1972 f. (306) 721-6368 e.

Congrats to


4615 Albert Street 306.789.8384 302 University Park Drive 306.791.3474 Protection For What’s Important Since 1936 REG00254094_1_1

Ukrainian Co-op



HWY #2 South Prince Albert SK


Located at The Floor Store

306-922-3567 Shop Online

Congratulations on your

Estabilished in 1937

Ukrainian Ceramics, Art, Music, Souvenirs & Giftware



Box 400 Quill Creek, SK S0A3E0

y r a ivers

Phone 306-383-2520 Fax 306-383-2555

P Proud d supplier li to the Ukrainian Coop.

Congratulations! Многая літа! to the

Ukrainian Co-op on your

80th Anniversary REG00253197_1_1


from the

to Ukrainian Coop on 80 years

Handmade Perogies, Cabbage Rolls and Borscht.

UkrAiniAn CAnAdiAn Congress - regina Branch -

All our products are proudly handmade right here in Saskatchewan and always available at the Ukrainian Coop.

720B 51st Street East, Saskatoon, SK

1737 St John St, Regina, SK S4P 1R8

(306) 522-6822

306-933-4280 REG00252941_1_1

Ukrainian National Federation – Regina Branch



Proud to have the Ukrainian Co-op as a member of our organization for the past 77 years 1209 Winnipeg st. 306-757-8835


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