Postnoon E-Paper - Dec 09, 2011

Page 1

40 dead in Kolkata inferno



t least 40 people are reported to have died after a fire engulfed the AMRI hospital in the southern part of Kolkata early this morning. Fire engines fought the blaze for five hours before bringing it under control.

Hyderabad’s first compact afternoon newspaper






Top party trends



woman found in bag

Vijayalakshmi case adjourned


dvocates representing YS Vijayalakshmi, wife of the late YS Rajasekhara Reddy, refused to argue the case filed by her against former CM N Chandrababu Naidu and several others before the bench presided over by Justice V Eswaraiah.

Eye candy


esidents of the busy Yousufguda area woke up to find the dead body of a woman stuffed in a

bag. The unidentified woman‘s body was found by the police stuffed in a plastic sack near an electric transformer in Lakshminarasimha Nagar. The police said the woman’s throat was slit. According to Sudarshan, inspector of Banjara Hills police station, the woman might have been killed last night somewhere else and the same body then dumped behind the bus-stop in Lakshminarasimha Nagar. The body has been moved to the morgue at Gandhi Hospital, where a post-mortem will be conducted.

‘TTD has become a club’

T P19

ridandi Ramanuja Chinna Jeeyar Swamy has sparked controversy after claiming that Tirumala Tirupathi devasthanam has become a ‘club’. “If one goes to Tirupathi it gives a feeling

as if he is in an elite club,” the Swamy said during a religious discourse at Vijayanagaram. He also claimed the government and temple administration were turning the temple into a

money-spinning tourist centre, violating the purity and sanctity of a great holy place of worship. The BJP spokesperson from Tirupathi, Bhanu Prakash, has demanded the Swamy withdraw his comments.


Page Two


Spirit of Twin Cities

CM in Delhi, Cabinet on his mind U Srinivas


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Crack! Is that the sound of a whip?


o ruling party in India today faces the dilemma AP confronts. Sixteen party MLAs openly defied the party whip and voted against its own government. Rules and the world expect them to be sacked but the Kiran government does not have the luxury to remove them because it would mean a by-poll in six months and the Jagan Mohan Reddy’s YSRC camp, which they sided with, are gloating before the by-elections. While PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana says the MLAs must go, ministers in general have expressed their doubts about axing them as it would only strengthen the YSR Congress further. With by-elections round the corner, political observers feel they cannot afford to boot them out.

Around the city: Your guide to the Twin Cities

Music for awareness

fã~ÖáåÉ=Ô=^å=efsL^áÇëJcêÉÉ dÉåÉê~íáçåW=`çåÅÉêí=_ó=fåÇá~å=lÅÉ~å=C k~íáîÉ=qçåÖìÉ ïáää=ÄÉ=ÜÉäÇ=~í=i~äáíÜ~ h~ä~=qÜçê~å~ãI=k~ãé~ääó=íç=ê~áëÉ ~ï~êÉåÉëë=çå=efsL^áÇë=~ãçåÖ=óçìíÜ=áå ^åÇÜê~=mê~ÇÉëÜK=båíêó=Ñçê=íÜÉ=ÅçåÅÉêí áë=ÑêÉÉK Where: Lalitha Kala Thoranam, Nampally When: December 9th, 7pm Contact: (040) 44767900

Novosseloff and Frank Neisse depicting different walls, the lives of people who live near these walls. Where: Chitramayee State Gallery Of Fine Arts, Kavuri Hills When: Ongoing, December, 11am to 7pm Contact: (040) 32913922


Have paint, will travel The Corner House Gallery brings to you C Chandrasekhar’s travelling exhibition of graphic prints. Where: The Corner House Gallery, Jubilee Hills. When: Ongoing, 7pm to 9pm Contact: 9885288982

Taking the silk route Mala Treon presents her creative interpretations on silk and glass. The breathtaking collections include old British Era coins with old documentation on temple teak. Where: Kalakriti, Banjara Hills, When: December 8–9, 11am Contact: : (040) 66564466

So fresh you can taste it To experience a typical seafood market, head to the Simply Fishy Food Festival. Sample fresh seafood prepared with a variety of marinades and sauces. Where: Hyderabad Marriott & Convention Centre, Tank Bund When: Ongoing, 6.30 to 11.30 pm Contact: (040) 27522567

A night of ghazals and food Enjoy live Ghazal’s along with authentic Indian dishes at Novotel Shamshabad’s Indian speciality restaurant Haldi. Where: Novotel, Shamshabad When: Ongoing, 8pm-11pm Contact: (040) 66250000

The art of lost and found

It’s time to Cancan

Artist V Narsingha Rao presents Long, Lose Lost an exhibition of sculptural installation and drawings. Where: Iconart Art Gallery, Rd No 12 Banjara Hills When: Ongoing, 11 am to 7 pm Contact: (040) 32411554

French comedy drama French Cancan by Jean Renoir will be screened at Prasad's Preview Theatre. The film set in 1890s chronicles the story of a washerwomen who is made a star at the Moulin Rouge. Where: December 9, 6.30pm When: Prasad's Preview Theatre, Rd no 2 Banjara Hills Contact:(040)23608015

Life in the dark

Every Wall has a story A photo exhibition by Alexandra


A biker dons a mask as he promotes a new store at Dilshukh Nagar


An innovative format to experience and understand the daily life of the visuallychallenged. Get a tour in complete darkness with visually-impaired guides as they lead you through real life situations. Where: Inorbit Mall, Madhapur When: Ongoing, 10am to 8pm 0Contact: (040) 64603341/42

Big Cinemas, Ameerpet, 30581470; Cinemax, Banjara Hills, 44565555; Cine Planet , Kompally, 61606060; INOX, Banjara Hills, 447677770, Prasads, Tank Bund Rd, 23448888; PVR, Punjagutta, 08800900009; Talkie Town, Miyapur, 40214175; Tivoli, Secunderabad 27844973

Hyper Local

Empower me, cries out AP Lokayukta lic servants. What kind of cases are received at the Lokayukta office? I think the proactive role of media in highlighting corruption issues and various other public problems led to this awareness. We receive all sorts of complaints on corruption by public servants. Bribe taking and its cousin, favouritism are the chief complaints. Besides this we also take up suo motu cases involving corruption. n Do you think political Interference is also leading to corruption? Yes, political interference also contributes to corruption. This practice is seen in the transfers and deputation of government employees on the basis of recommendation letters of cabinet ministers and other politicians. In a classic case, some government employees got their transfers done on recommendations of politicians despite a ban on transfers. We recommended that the state government takes necessary action against those employees. n What is the basic difference between AP and Karnataka Lokayukta? Delegation of powers as per the Act. While the Karnataka Lokayukta has complete powers over ACB, the AP Lokayukta does not have it. Here, the ACB works under the direct control of the State government. We have represented to the government to get it rectified. If we get these powers, we can also play a pro-active role like our counterpart in Karnataka. n What is your message to people of the state on this occasion ? I call upon the people to utilise our services. They can approach us without any fear and inhibition to redress their grievances. Unlike traditional courts, we only charge a nominal fee ` 150 for filing complaints and sometimes we also waive this amount in special cases. n

Md Inkeshaf Ahmed

HYDERABAD: The recent imprisonment of three Pakistani cricketers by a London court involved corruption. The three had allegedly been party to a spot fixing scandal that took the world by storm. In this case, based on a bet, they would not act as they were supposed to. So, inaction involves corruption and neglect of duty too is a shade of action, so says MVS Krishnaji Rao, UpaLokayukta of Andhra Pradesh, who spoke to Postnoon on the occasion of International Anticorruption Day. He said corruption’s myriad forms can be tamed only with a societal decision to discourage and shame those involved in it. Indifference to corruption charges is fodder for the crime. According to Rao, corruption is just seen as taking and receiving money for doing favours. But that is only one face of the nuisance. All aspects related to public service like wrong action, inaction and omission of duties are linked to corruption. Considering the menace of corruption is so wide spread, how far can the Lokayukta help? And has it made any difference so far? Not by a jug full, and UpaLokayukta himself admits that the main reason for this is that unlike in Karnataka, Lokayukta here lacks empowerment. Rao is saddened when a com-


Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities

parison is drawn between the AP and Karnataka Lokayukta offices. “The Karnataka Lokayukta has complete powers over the Anticorruption Bureau and courts and is mandated to take action against corruption charges, which is not the case here in Andhra Pradesh,” he says.

Lokayukta Statistics n No of cases received in the last two years (since 2010 to till date): 4602 n No of cases disposed so far: 1636

Excerpts What according to you is the most important reason for corruption in public service? I think greed is the most important source of corruption in public service. Government employees and officers resort to corruption to make an extra buck. At the low level of public services, the huge differences in salaries between government and private employees also force them to opt for corrupt means. The second most important reason is lack of accountability on the part of pubn


Corruption is the most important issue in the country. In State however, the Lokayukta is not acting proactively as it lacks powers. The only solution is to implement a strong Lokpal bill. TDP has been at the forefront of raising the issue.

AP is the only State where corruption has been institutionalised. In fact, the constitutional body CAG has said that Jalayagnam has been launched only to benefit contractors. When it comes to Lokayukta, it does not have teeth to bite.

Yerra Naidu, TDP Senior Leader and Former Union Minister

Ch Vidyasagar Rao, BJP Senior Leader and Former MoS Home

Special Report




The Himalayan crossings on city streets Sudeshna Koka


got down from the aero express with loads of luggage, thinking that I could cross the road, but I had to walk for a kilometer to cross the road as there wasn’t any pathway for pedestrians in between. I had to walk till the end of the stretch and then cross the road,” say Padmaja W, a resident of Banjara Hills, sounding exasperated while recalling the plight she recently faced when

she had to cross the road opposite Care Hospital on road no 1 in Banjara Hills. This is a common scenario on most arterial roads of Hyderabad. There are huge dividers across the City that don’t have any space for pedestrians to cross, and this leads to accidents and consequent traffic snarls. “These high dividers are very problematic, especially for ladies and senior citizens. We cannot expect them to walk long distances just to cross the road,” says Visha Arya, a teacher by profes-

sion. Take for example the Taj Krishna to ANR circle to PF office, JNTU to Lakdikapul petrol pump, GVK to Nagarjuna circle, TRS office to Basavatarakam Cancer hospital, ECX ground to Nampally to Mozamjahi, Mehdipatnam bus stop to Rethi Bowli, NTR ghat to Imax, Narayanaguda stretch, KBR park stretch from NTR Bhavan and the Begumpet lifestyle stretch — all of them steadfastly refuse a leeway to the pedestrians. The sad fact is that most of these dividers were built not during the days of the Nizams but

recently and have been carefully designed to “avoid accidents.” But the opposite is true. When Postnoon spoke to CV Anand, additional commissioner (traffic), he agreed to the problem. “The average height of the divider is about 3 to 4 four feet. Ideally, we should provide narrow gaps or low steps at regular distances in between the dividers for pedestrians to cross, but we don’t because we tend to forget,” admitted the traffic chief. “Now with roads being widened we do not have space to

walk, and because of these dividers, we can’t even cross the road. Despite paying so much tax the government does not have any consideration for us at all. It’s very disappointing,” says Poushali Dhar. The senior citizens association had long ago pleaded with the police and GHMC to ensure that there are frequent traffic crossings manned by police. That the road is not just for motorists alone but for everyone is often forgotten by drivers and the road managers, regretted the association.

Guidelines for road markings and divider n Improper crossings and lack of proper markings have lead to several accidents, say traffic experts associated with Indian Road Congress. A sizeable chunk of road victims are pedestrians substantiates this claim. n Pedestrian crossings shall be provided at important intersections where conflict exists between vehicular and pedestrian movements. The site should be so selected that the pedestrians are subjected to minimum inconvenience and the vehicular traffic too is not interrupted very often. n The location of pedestrians crossing at intersections should fulfill certain conditions to ensure safety of traffic. n Adequate visibility so that the driver of the approaching vehicle has a clear view of the persons at the pedestrian crossing and on the pedestrian footpath. n There should be sufficient space on the footpath for pedestrians. n Freedom from obstruction such as trees, sign posts, lamp posts, etc, in the path of pedestrians at either end of the pedestrian crossing.

Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO: HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints

198 155313

POLICE CONTROL ROOM: Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY: General Complaints Breakdown Section

155333 23431178 23431179 Street Light 155304 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION:

Commissioner & Spl Officer 23262266 24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833150 Railway Information 131 Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333

WATER SUPPLY: Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL: General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital, Nampally Care Hospitals, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital,

LB Nagar 155313 23307328 23313163 27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888 30417777 30419000 30416666

BLOOD BANKS: Blood Bank,Narayaguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills

39879999 27567892 23559555 23226624 27633087 27035588 27550238 30799999 30418296 30417445

AMBULANCES Apollo 23548888, 23607777 Kamineni 24022222 Medwin 23202902, 23204616 Smile Line Dental Hospital 23747979 Red Cross 27627973 Niloufer Hospital 23314095 Gandhi 23320332

AIRLINES Airport Director 27903785, 27906001 For Air India Flight Information Toll free (from any network) for IC Flights 18001801407 And for All Flights: 1800227722 Air India has revised its flight timings. For more information call (Toll free) 18001801407, 1800227722 from BSNL/MTNL 04023430334 from other lines and mobile Website; TOURISM OFFICES AP Tourism, Hyd 23262152/53/54 Sec’bad 27893100 Dept of Tourism 23453110 India Tourism 23261360 AP Tourism information Centre (24x7) 23450444, 23455999 UK Visa Office

VFS India Pvt Ltd Building, 8-2-542/A, Sunil Chamber, Road No. 7 Beside Meridian School, Banjara Hills34. Working hours are from 8 AM to 1 PM And 2 PM to 3PM. MUSEUMS Salar Jung Museum AP State Museum Nizams Museum

24523211 232431300/7641 24521029

Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222

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Jeeyar-archak showdown at Seven Hills

Who’s Jeeyar?


ri Tridandi Srimannarayana Ramanuja Chinna Jeeyar Swami is a Hindu pontiff. He is considered the foremost preacher and guru. Jeeyar (Lion) is an ascetic order. He is reckoned very high among the monks of the India and abroad as a crusader of


Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities

Peace. Swami, 55, has mastered different branches of the Vedic Dharma. In 1980, Pedda Jeeyar Swami passed away. Chinna Jeeyar Swami took over the spiritual lineage. In 1981, Swami became the full-fledged head and acharya of Srimad Ubhaya Vedantha Acharya Peetam.

U Srinivas


ndia’s most popular pilgrim centre, Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanam (TTD), is experiencing fireworks over morality ahead of the New Year. A major controversy is brewing between Tridandi Ramanuja Chinna Jeeyar Swamy and the TTD administration. The Jeeyar’s comment that the temple has been turned into a club and much of its sanctity has been lost has kicked up a row that threatens to spread to the seven hills. The Jeeyar, who is held in high esteem and is considered the repository of vedic knowledge is unhappy that the government and administration are turning the temple into a tourist centre, violating its purity and sanctity. But many have expressed shock and consternation at the Swamy’s open criticism of a temple, that is identified with AP’s preeminent place in pilgrimage tourism. The BJP spokesperson from Tirupathi, Bhanu Prakash found fault with the comments of Jeeyar Swamy and said that it is not right on the part of Swamy to find fault with the TTD. He said that comparing the TTD with a club is objectionable and that Swamy must withdraw these comments.

Government should market ‘Brand Hyderabad’ K Prudhvi Raju

HYDERABAD: Government should market Brand Hyderabad to bring companies to the city. When Hyderabad emerged as an information technology hub, there was an incredible marketing campaign about the City along side the infrastructure creation from the government. This changed people’s perception of Hyderabad. Even though, there is infrastructure development in the last two years, there is no marketing about the City. This hinders companies to invest and to start their operations here, said Yoganand, chairman and managing director, Manjeera Group. Stating that the business by his company can be a textbook case to assess how the industry in general is performing, Yoganand said: “When we started business, the margin was of `20 to `30 per sqft. Later, that has gone up to `100 per sqft. During the real estate boom, it also touched `1,000. But now this has fallen to `100 to `200. Sometimes there is no margin at all. However, the sales are exceptionally high with current pricing. We sold a record number of 450 units this year. We did not sell that much even during the peak times. The margins are low but volume is very high.” Telengana issue has only caused a psychological impact on the people. It does not really matter to the real estate industry in the city whether the State is

united or divided. For entrepreneurs who do business on their there has been no effect at all. However, businesses that require facilities from the government may get delayed. The seven million people of the City have their own aspirations. Those dreams are not going to be compromised anyway, even if Telengana State is formed, Yoganand said. “Real estate is a long term investment. But, somehow it is carried away with short term disturbances like Telengana. Hyderabad has the best infrastructure with a world class airport and it is further developing with outer ring road, peripheral ring road and a metro rail project. “In a way, Telengana issue gave an opportunity for investment. The investors are going to make money in the future. If you compare prices of properties in Hyderabad with similar locations in Chennai and Bangalore, the prices there are two to three times higher. There is a psychological feeling in the people that prices may not go up. That will not happen. The costs are not going to come down either. The cost of labour and material is not going to get reduced. In fact, the labour costs have gone up to 50 to 60 per cent in recent times. The price also includes taxation which includes almost 30 per cent of the cost. The costs may go up to 8 to 10 per cent in the future due to inflation, Yoganand added.

Banu Prakash said Tirupati is a renowned place and it would hurt the sentiments of millions across the globe. “Small mistakes here and there will happen in such a huge temple complex. But to compare it with a club is going too far.” But, a member of the Temple Properties Protection Committee NVVS Prabhakar thinks otherwise. He saw in the Jeeyar Swamy’s criticism much truth and wanted the TTD’s ‘dharmic asthan’ to be kept in tact. He found fault with TTD for “going western” like celebrating new year on January 1. For the Telugu people and for religious places, Ugadi is the new year he said. Citing this exmaple, Prabhakar said that taking these kind of things into account, Jeeyar Swamy must have made those comments and there is nothing to find fault


with him, he opined. Another religious leader, who wanted anonymity, said the TTD was being highly commercialised. “Lord is not a money spinner, we should stop this practice.”

What Seer said Jeeyar Swamy said If one goes to” Vatican City it reflects the Roman culture. If one goes to Tirupati it gives a feeling as if he is in an elite club. Church donates and temple accepts. There is a fundamental conceptual difference between the two, so don’t equate the two. He was delivering a religious discourse at Vijayanagaram on Thursday( December 8) when he made the observations.

Objectionable things observed by purists 1. Archakas (priests) deviating from the regular pooja rituals. 2. Some archaks objecting to two Brahmostavams. 3. Some agama pundits against usage of hi-tech systems. 4. Celebrating new year on January 1. 5. Not clebrating Dasavathara utsavams. 6. Allowing liquor and non vegetari-

an items. 7. Some of them using tobacco products on TTD premises. 8. Pilgrims using modern and exposing attire while coming for darshan. 9. Misusing cottages for illegal acts. 10. Blackmarketing of prasadam and darshan tickets. 11. Propagation of other religions on TTD premises

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A fistful of action Hemanth Kumar


awan Kalyan is back with a bang in Panjaa. The film is set in Kolkata and narrates the story about one man’s journey who works for a mafia don. Pawan Kalyan stars as Jai who works for mafia don Bhagwan (Jackie Shroff). Jai is Bhagwan’s most trusted man and everyone in the city fears him. One day, Bhagwan’s son Munna (Adivi Sesh) comes to


India after eight years. Soon Jai, Guru (Bharani) realise that Munna is reckless and shorttempered. When Jai meets Sandhya (Sarah Jane), it’s love at first sight for him. But his childhood friend Jhanavi (Anjali Lavania) wants to marry him. How the conflict arises between these characters and how Jai resolves to be loyal to Bhagwan changes everyone’s lives is what forms the rest of the story. For the first time in several years Pawan Kalyan’s is not the

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only character that stands out in the film. Director Vishnu Vardhan has managed to extract fantastic performances from his cast. Pawan Kalyan underplays his character a lot and delivers a brilliant performance as Jai. He is easily one of the best things in the film. Sarah Jane delivers a good performance in her debut film and it’s good to note that she gets ample screen time. Anjali Lavania sizzles in her role, while Brahmanandam and Ali are hilarious. Among other

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Movie: Panjaa Cast: Pawan Kalyan, Sarah Jane Dias Director: Vishnu Vardhan

characters Advi Sesh is impressive in his short role. Jackie Shroff, Atul Kulkarni and Thanikella Bharani deliver apt performances. Yuvan Shankar Raja’s background score is a huge asset to the film. Shyam Kaushal’s action choreography is stylish. Cinematography by PS Vinod is fantastic. Kudos to Vishnu Vardhan for putting together a good ensemble of actors and technicians to deliver a taut action drama. Panjaa does not take up a

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brand new story altogether but whatever happens in the film happens in style. It’s not the Pawan Kalyan film in terms of entertainment quotient but it’s been ages since we have seen the actor not dominate a film. He begins and stays as Jai throughout the film and therein lies the director’s biggest achievement. Panjaa works thanks to the conflicts between the characters and also what Jai goes through. Go watch it.

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India unveiled


Kolkata hospital fire kills 40 KOLKATA: At least 40 people were killed in a massive fire that broke out at the AMRI hospital in south Kolkata today, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said. “Forty bodies have been taken to the (state-run) SSKM Hospital,” Banerjee told reporters at the spot. “Quick action will be taken against the hospital after proper inquiry,” she added. The fire broke out around 3.30 am in the basement of the annexe block of the hospital, co-founded by Emami & Shrachi Groups along with the West Bengal government in 1996. “The victims mostly got suffocated from the fumes. Many of them were in a serious condition in the ICU,” West Bengal municipal affairs minister Firhad Hakim said, adding that some firemen fell unconscious due to the fumes. “The father of one of my friends was admitted in one of the upper floors. When he heard that I am at the spot he called up his son and told him to ask me to rescue him. I could not do anything. I saw his burnt body just now,” said the minister. There are around 200 beds in the affected block. “At the time of the fire, there were 160 patients, including around 40-50, in the ICU. Eighty percent have been rescued,” the hospital spokesman said. Fire services minister Javed Khan, who is supervising the firefighting operations, said: “Some more people are believed to have been trapped. We have already rescued over 50 people.” An officer manning the city police control room said the fire spread fast and engulfed four floors of the building. “The fire is under control but



Family members vandalise hospital reception


haos broke out on the premises of the AMRI Hospital where a fire broke out this morning with families of patients vandalising the reception counter aggrieved that no list of the dead and injured was provided. Hundreds of family members of patients smashed glass panes at the reception and threw away hospital registers. Some of the patients from the hospital were taken to the state-run SSKM Hospital, the police said. PTI

yet to be doused completely. My men are putting out fire in one spot only to find another area in flames. There is a lot of combustible material,” said Khan. Alleging that the firefighting was hindered due to lack of cooperation from the hospital authorities, a local resident said: “We were not allowed to enter early in the morning. Had we been allowed, more lives could have been saved.” The hospital has two other blocks in the complex where some of the patients rescued from the affected block have been transferred. Around 25 fire engines had been rushed to the spot. The fire fighters were seen using hydraulic ladders to rescue the patients and office staff by cutting open the

glasses with gas cutters. A patient in his 50s admitted in the second floor of the affected building said he was brought down by breaking the glass windows. “Around 4 am when I had gone to the toilet I heard nurses saying that a portion of the building has caught fire. But they did not help me. Finally along with some other patients I came near a window. Then the fire brigade personnel came and rescued me by breaking open the glass windows.” Hundreds of relatives of the patients admitted in the hospital were seen weeping and pleading with the firemen and disaster management personnel for news of their dear ones. IANS

iremen smashed sealed windows to let the smoke out of the annexe building of AMRI Hospital where a fire raged as paramedics rushed to revive patients evacuated out of the critical care units. Thick smoke enveloped the seven-storey building of the hospital after the fire broke out early this morning hindering rescue operations. With patients trapped in the ICU and ICCU located in the building, 50 patients could be evacuated in trolleys and platform ladders, fire brigade sources said. As soon as a patient was brought out of the building, families watching in horror rushed to ascertain if they could identify him, a PTI correspondent on the scene saw. Para medical staff were trying to revive some of the patients evacuated. Firemen from 25 engines using ladders smashed sealed windows in the facade of the centrally air-conditioned building to let the smoke escape. It was not known how many patients were trapped inside as rescuers could not access many of the smoke-engulfed floors. Local residents of Dhakuria area turned out to help the firemen and the Disaster Management Group personnel at the hospital on Gariahat Road South. Fire brigade sources said that firemen were trying to locate oxygen cylinders stocked on the floors, as the fire could make them explode. What was even more shocking was that while the rescue operations were still on, the hospital authorities reportedly fled from the spot.

Alvi, Ahluwalia slug it out over panel leak NEW DELHI: In a major embarrassment for Parliamentary democracy, a scuffle broke out between Congress leader Rashid Alvi and Bharatiya Janata Party leader SS Ahluwalia in the Parliament complex on Thursday in full media view. The two senior politicians were coming out of a meeting of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on unique identity number (UID), when Alvi alleged that Ahluwalia had leaked the committee report to the press. Ahluwalia then tried to snatch Alvi’s mobile phone, and allegedly pushed him. Alvi alleged the BJP leader had leaked the report of the standing committee to the press and he received a call on his phone from a

man thanking Ahluwalia for the report. “Report is confidential unless it is presented in Parliament. But I got calls from some reporters and they talked to me, thinking I am Ahluwalia,” Alvi told reporters later. “I raised this in the meeting (of

Parliamentary Standing Committee), and he tried to snatch my mobile. When I came out of the meeting, a lot of reporters were there. In their presence, he not only tried to snatch my mobile but in a very uncultured manner, he pushed me back,” he said.

“I did not respond... this is against the dignity of Parliament and Parliament members. I think he did not realise what he was doing and what message will go to people,” Alvi said. He added: “I forgive him.” Ahluwalia, however, rebutted the charge of having leaked the report and said he was trying to take Alvi’s phone to see the number. “The charge against me is false, this is my 24th year in Parliament. I have never leaked a report; if I leak a report, I will openly say I have given that,” Ahluwalia said. “He said I have proof Ahluwalia has leaked the report. He said someone called his number and said ‘thank you very much Mr Ahluwalia you gave us

the report’. I asked him to give the number and name of the person, he refused to do that,” the BJP leader told a news channel. “All journalists were standing there, he again dialled some number and said ‘you wanted to talk to Mr. Ahluwalia’. I asked who is the person but he refused to tell. I wanted to take the number from his phone,” he said. Ahluwalia also said he was ready for any media trial. “Ask him which journalist called him, take the number, ask the journalist. I am ready to face any media trial for it,” the BJP leader declared. While Alvi is a spokesperson for the Congress, Ahluwalia is the deputy leader of opposition in the Rajya Sabha. IANS



India unveiled

More trouble in store for embattled PC NEW DELHI: The Opposition’s call for home minister P Chidambaram’s ouster intensified on Thursday with a special CBI court permitting Janata Party chief Subramanian Swamy to prove his claim of the minister’s alleged complicity in the 2G spectrum scam. Sensing that the government appeared to be on the back foot after having given in to Opposition demand of suspending foreign equity in multi-brand retail, the Opposition members again created a ruckus in Parliament on Thursday demanding Chidambaram’s ouster. The NDA had decided to boycott Chidambaram in Parliament and did not allow the Parliament to function when the Winter Session opened November 22. In fact, on the first day of the Winter Session, Chidambaram was not allowed to give an answer as the opposition kept shouting. Sources said the BJP intends to continue to boycott him and press for his ouster. Chidambaram was not in the Lok Sabha in the morning as he was attending an exhibition on homeland security at Pragati Maidan. He refused to comment when journalists asked him about the issue, choosing to walk away and visited several stalls in the exhibition.

But the government fully backed the home minister. Law Minister Salman Khurshid said: “There is no case against Chidambaram. The court has not yet given any indication as to whether it agrees to a case against Chidambaram or not.” The law minister clarified the court had not passed any order against Chidambaram and that it was a procedural step to allow Swamy a right to be heard on his complaint. He lashed out at the BJP and said the Opposition members should first study the order properly before stalling Parliament. Swamy has sought to make Chidambaram — the then finance

minister — a party in the case, saying the decision on spectrum pricing was taken jointly by him and former communications minister A Raja, who is lodged in Tihar Jail. Swamy had earlier deposed before the court as a witness ahead of the chargesheet being filed in the 2G case. The court asked Swamy to get himself examined and record his statement December 17. Swamy had also sought to examine CBI officials concerned “to establish the nexus of accused persons with others, who have intentionally not been made accused by the prosecuting agency”. The CBI clarified that the special CBI court at Patiala House here, hearing the 2G spectrum case, has permitted Swamy to record his statement and not necessarily to examine the witnesses. While the Supreme Court has reserved order on Swamy’s plea for a probe into Chidambaram’s alleged role in the 2G scam, two DMK MPs, former communications minister A Raja and Kanimozhi, who are accused in the case, had also sought the court’s permission to summon him as a witness. Meanwhile, a court in Tamil Nadu is hearing a petition challenging Chidambaram’s 2009 Lok Sabha election. IANS


House panel criticises Coast Guard delays NEW DELHI: A Parliamentary Standing Committee on Thursday rapped the Indian Coast Guard for its poor rate of force accretion, pointing out that it had added only two ships and six boats in the four years since 2007-08. In its report tabled in parliament, the committee on defence noted that though it was given the impression on “a lot of efforts” by the ICG to upgrade its capacity post-26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, the force accretion rate indicated that the progress in this regard is “slow.” It noted that the ICG at present has 44 ships, six hovercraft, 28 Dornier surveillance aircraft, 24 boats, 20 Chetak helicopters and four Dhruv Advanced Light Helicopters. It expressed “serious concern” over almost one-fourth of the total Dorniers and Chetaks undergoing major services and repairs at any given time. On the equipment side, the report noted that the Super Rapid Gun Mounting (SRGM) installed on board ICG ships Samar and Sangram are not working since 2006 and on ICGS Sagar since June 2009. The SRGM on ICGS Sarang is partially operational. It also emphasised that with increasing perceived threat levels from various quarters, the country “cannot afford delay and shifting of deadlines” in respect

CG withdraws controversial idea MADURAI: Against the backdrop of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa’s strong criticism of its controversial suggestion, Coast Guard withdrew a portion from its counter affidavit before the Madras High Court that recommended a No Fishing Zone of five nautical miles along the Indo-Sri Lankan Maritime Border Line. In an affidavit filed before the HC bench here, the Deputy Director General of Coast Guard on behalf of the Centre said that respondents including the Union of India “want to remove para 13 along with its contents from the said additional counter affidavit. Kindly be removed from the additional counter affidavit and order or directions may be passed accordingly”. of acquisition of various types of force levels. The panel noted that over 50 per cent of the 72 commissioned surveillance platforms have exceeded their designated life span. The ICG has about 131 surveillance platforms already under construction in Indian shipyards and another 200 platforms are in the process of being contracted. IANS

Hope for Bapu’s schools

French author Dominique Lapierre visits Asha Bhavan Centre PTI at Uluberia in West Bengal on Thursday.

Swamy slams Harvard decision WASHINGTON/NEW DELHI: The Harvard University in the US has cancelled Janata Party leader Subramanian Swamy’s summer courses over his controversial article in a Mumbai newspaper, prompting him to retort that the move “stifles personal opinion”. “It is a dangerous principle that stifles personal opinion,” Swamy told reporters in New

Delhi Thursday. In a message on micro-blogging site Twitter, Swamy added: “I have been held accountable at Harvard for what I write in India. This means India studies’ Witzel and Eck are accountable in India. Healthy?” Michael Witzel and Diana L. Eck are professors at Harvard. PTI

PATNA: There is new hope for an important but forgotten part of Gandhian heritage. After decades of neglect, the 391 buniyadi vidyalayas (basic schools) that were set up in Bihar to fulfil Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of providing elementary education to every Indian child are set to be revived. The first buniyadi vidyalaya was established by the Mahatma himself in 1939 at Brindavan in Bihar’s West Champaran district. But, since then, the “Mahatma ke school”, as they are popularly known in the State, have been struggling for survival. Major problems include shortage of funds and teachers. In many cases, land meant for the schools are in illegal possession of others. But all that may change soon. An official in Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s office said that

Kumar has asked the officials concerned to come up with concrete plans to revive these schools within a year. Last week, at an official function, Nitish Kumar had said he was shocked to know that out of the 391 buniyadi vidyalayas in the State, hardly any was functional. “I am sorry for it, but I will not tolerate their neglect,” he said. He admitted that he had been advocating the idea to revive basic schools for the past six years, but it had failed to create any impact till date. According to officials, Nitish Kumar has formed a committee consisting of three senior IAS officials — the HRD department’s principal secretary Anjani Kumar Singh and principal secretaries in the health and disaster management departments — Amarjit Sinha and Vyasji, who would work on the revival plan. State HRD minister PK Sahi

said his department is working on resurrecting the schools. “Now, we will do it as per the chief minister’s directives,” he said. He said the government has decided to improve the infrastructure of the buniyadi vidyalayas, about six of which were set up by the father of the nation himself. The schools were started to impart basic education to boys and girls in rural areas. They were also meant to provide vocational training in spinning, carpentry, farming and weaving. But successive State governments have allowed the institution to languish. A few years ago, the Supreme Court took note of the plight of the basic schools. The court had then issued notice to the Centre, the State, the district administration of West Champaran and the NHRC to ensure proper functioning of the schools and preservation of the Gandhian heritage. IANS

Around the World


Beyond borders

Horror of 2007 returns 2 shot in Virginia Tech sáçäÉåÅÉ WASHINGTON: êÉíìêåÉÇ=çå=qÜìêëÇ~ó=íç=sáêÖáåá~ qÉÅÜI= íÜÉ= ëÅÉåÉ= áå= OMMT= çÑ= íÜÉ ÇÉ~ÇäáÉëí= ëÅÜççä= ëÜççíáåÖ= áå= rp ÜáëíçêóI=~ë=íïç=éÉçéäÉ=ïÉêÉ=ëÜçí ÇÉ~Ç=áåÅäìÇáåÖ=~=Å~ãéìë=éçäáÅÉ çÑÑáÅÉêK mçäáÅÉ= êÉÑìëÉÇ= íç= ÅçåÑáêã êÉéçêíë= íÜ~í= íÜÉ= ëÉÅçåÇ= Ñ~í~äáíó ãáÖÜí= Ü~îÉ= ÄÉÉå= íÜÉ= ëÜççíÉê ÜáãëÉäÑI= ÉîÉå= ~ë= íÜÉ= PNIMMMJëíìJ ÇÉåí= ìåáîÉêëáíó= äáÑíÉÇ= ~å= ~ÑíÉêJ åççåJäçåÖ= äçÅâÇçïå= ~åÇ ÇÉÅä~êÉÇ=íÜÉêÉ=ï~ë=åç=äçåÖÉê=~å ~ÅíáîÉ=íÜêÉ~íKÒ _ìí= ïÜÉå= ~ëâÉÇ= áÑ= íÜÉ= ÖìåJ ã~å= ï~ë= ~í= ä~êÖÉI=sáêÖáåá~= pí~íÉ mçäáÅÉ= ëéçâÉëã~å= _çÄ `~êéÉåíáÉêá= ÅêóéíáÅ~ääó= íçäÇ êÉéçêíÉêëW= fåîÉëíáÖ~íçêë= ÑÉÉä ÅçåÑáÇÉåí=íÜ~í=íÜÉó=Ü~îÉ=äçÅ~íÉÇ íÜÉ=éÉêëçåKÒ qÜÉ= ëä~áå= éçäáÅÉ= çÑÑáÅÉêI= ~ ÑçìêJóÉ~ê= îÉíÉê~å= çÑ= sáêÖáåá~ qÉÅÜÛë= çïå= ëÉÅìêáíó= ÑçêÅÉI= ï~ë ëÜçí= ~åÇ= âáääÉÇ= ÇìêáåÖ= ~= åççåJ Üçìê= êçìíáåÉ= íê~ÑÑáÅ= ëíçéÒ= áå= ~ é~êâáåÖ=äçí=åÉ~ê=~=ëéçêíë=Ñ~ÅáäáíóK táíåÉëëÉë= êÉéçêíÉÇ= íç éçäáÅÉ= íÜÉ= ëÜççíÉê= ÑäÉÇ= çå= Ñççí ÜÉ~ÇáåÖ=íçï~êÇ=íÜÉ=`~ÖÉI=~=é~êâJ áåÖ= äçí= åÉ~ê= aìÅâ= mçåÇ= aêáîÉIÒ íÜÉ= ìåáîÉêëáíó= ë~áÇ= áå= ~= ëí~íÉJ ãÉåí= çå= áíë= ïÉÄëáíÉ EïïïKîíKÉÇìFK ^í=íÜ~í=é~êâáåÖ=äçíI=~=ëÉÅçåÇ éÉêëçå= ï~ë= ÑçìåÇK= qÜ~í= éÉêëçå áë=~äëç=ÇÉÅÉ~ëÉÇKÒ kç= å~ãÉë= ïÉêÉ= ÇáëÅäçëÉÇI Äìí= `~êéÉåíáÉêá= ë~áÇ= ~= ïÉ~éçå ï~ë= ÑçìåÇ= ÅäçëÉ= íç= íÜÉ= ëÉÅçåÇ îáÅíáãI= ïÜç= ÜÉ= ÇÉëÅêáÄÉÇ= ~ë= ~ ïÜáíÉ= ã~äÉK= eÉ= ~äëç= ë~áÇ= íÜÉ Öìåã~å= ï~ë= åçí= íÜÉ= ãçíçêáëí ïÜç= íÜÉ= ëä~áå= éçäáÅÉ= çÑÑáÅÉê= Ü~Ç éìääÉÇ=çîÉêK sáêÖáåá~= qÉÅÜ= ï~ë= íÜÉ= ëÅÉåÉ çÑ= íÜÉ= ÇÉ~ÇäáÉëí= ëÜççíáåÖ= áåÅáJ ÇÉåí= Äó= ~= ëáåÖäÉ= Öìåã~å= áå= rp Üáëíçêó= áå= ^éêáä= OMMT= ïÜÉå= ~å båÖäáëÜ= ã~àçêI= pÉìåÖJeìá= `ÜçI OPI=âáääÉÇ=PO=éÉçéäÉ=ÄÉÑçêÉ=í~âáåÖ

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People supporting the Russian opposition during a demonstration in Paris on December 8, 2011. AFP

Police officers are seen in front of Squires Hall on the Virginia Tech campus where a gunman shot two people, including a police officer, on the campus of Virginia Tech. AFP Üáë= çïå= äáÑÉK= qïÉåíóJÑáîÉ= çíÜÉêë ïÉêÉ=ïçìåÇÉÇK fí= ÄêáåÖë= Ä~Åâ= ÇáÑÑáÅìäí ãÉãçêáÉë= Ñêçã= íÜÉ= é~ëíIÒ sáêÖáåá~= qÉÅÜ= éêÉëáÇÉåí= `Ü~êäÉë píÉÖÉê=íçäÇ=êÉéçêíÉêëK qÜÉ=ìåáîÉêëáíó=Ü~ë=ÄÉÉå=ÅêáíJ áÅáëÉÇ= Ñçê= ïÜ~í= ï~ë= ëÉÉå= ~ë= ~ ëäçï=êÉëéçåëÉ=íç=íÜÉ=OMMT=ÄäççÇJ Ä~íÜJéìííáåÖ= äÉëëçåë= äÉ~êåÉÇ áåíç= éê~ÅíáÅÉI= áëëìáåÖ= äçÅâÇçïå ~äÉêíë= Äó= Éã~áäI= ïÉÄ= ~åÇ= íÉñí ãÉëë~ÖÉ= ëÜçêíäó= ~ÑíÉê= Öìå= ëÜçíë ïÉêÉ=êÉéçêíÉÇK qÜìêëÇ~ó=ï~ë=~=ëíìÇó=Ç~ó=çå íÜÉ= ÉîÉ= çÑ= íÜÉ= Ñ~ää= íÉêã= Ñáå~ä Éñ~ãë=ïÜáÅÜ=Ü~îÉ=ÄÉÉå=éìëÜÉÇ Ä~Åâ= ~= Ç~ó= ìåíáä= p~íìêÇ~óK c~Åìäíó= Ü~îÉ= ÄÉÉå= ~ëâÉÇ= íç ã~âÉ= ~ÅÅçããçÇ~íáçåë= ïÜÉêÉ ~ééêçéêá~íÉKÒ låÉ= ìåáÇÉåíáÑáÉÇ= ëíìÇÉåíI ÑáÖÜíáåÖ= Ä~Åâ= íÉ~êëI= íçäÇ= äçÅ~ä

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Matters of saving and spending

Sensex tanks 334 points MUMBAI: The BSE benchmark Sensex tumbled by over 334 points in opening trade on Friday, extending yesterday’s losses on concerns over slowing industrial growth and a weakening trend in the rest of Asia amid renewed worries about the euro zone debt crisis. The 30-share Sensex, which lost nearly 389 points in Thursday’s trade, plunged by 334.27 points, or 2.02 per cent, to 16,153.97 in opening trade on

Friday. In a similar fashion, the widebased National Stock Exchange Nifty index declined by 91.20 points, or 1.84 per cent, to 4,852.45. All the sectoral indices were trading in the negative zone with losses of up to 2.14 per cent, led by financial and metal stocks. Brokers said the market sentiment was badly dampened by reports that industrial output contracted during October, in

US partners India on aluminium trade

Postnoon News

The HYDERABAD: Aluminium Association of India and its US counterpart, The Aluminium Association, on Thursday, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the last day of the sixth International Conference on Aluminium (INCAL 2011) held here. KSS Murthy, honorary general secretary, Aluminium Association of India (AAI) and Charles D Johnson, junior vicepresident (environment, health and safety), TAA signed the MoU. “The aluminium industries of the US and India are dedicated to promoting the benefits of the metal in three major markets – transportation; packaging and building and construction. A key benefit is aluminium’s sustainability and recyclability. The two associations are also committed to developing and improving the end-use market demand information, and health and safety best practices,” said Murthy. The MoU would facilitate exchange of information on effective recycling programmes in the transportation, packaging and building and construction markets; and promote aluminium as sustainable material in the three markets. In addition, there would be exchange of information on end use demand in transportation, packaging and building and construction markets; data gathering techniques to improve the timeliness and accuracy of reports; information on health and safety programs to promote

and improve best practices. The US is one of the largest markets for aluminium. It is the fourth largest producer of aluminium and second largest consumer. In comparison, India is the eighth largest producer of aluminium and fifth largest consumer. The gap, however, is very wide in terms per person consumption of aluminium. While per capita consumption of aluminium in the US is 22.3 kg, the same for India is a dismal 1.8 kg. “The MoU will help increase the per person consumption of aluminium in India over the next few years, as several sectors are driving the growth. In the process, sustainability assumes paramount importance where the US can guide the Indian

We have the fifth largest deposits of high quality bauxite; there are plenty of coal deposits for power requirements Aluminium industry,” observed Murthy. According to the AAI, India has tremendous scope for enhancing aluminium production to meet local demands as well as exports market. “We have the fifth largest deposits of high quality bauxite; there are plenty of coal deposits for power requirements; the cost of producing Aluminium is low. We have to take advantage of these factors and emerge as a global player using the framework of the MoU,” Murthy said. Participants from top aluminium markets like USA, China and Japan participated in the event.

addition to a weakening trend on other Asian bourses following overnight losses in the US on fading hopes for a speedy resolution to the euro zone’s debt crisis. In the Asia region, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index was down by 1.90 per cent and Japan’s Nikkei index lost 1.70 per cent in morning trade today. The US Dow Jones Industrial Average ended 1.63 per cent lower in Thursday’s trade.


Rupee down 52 paise on $ MUMBAI: The Indian rupee plunged by 52 paise to `52.27 per US dollar in early trade on Friday, extending its slide for the fourth straight day amid appreciation of the American currency against the euro and other rivals overseas and a weak opening in the domestic stock market. Dealers attributed the rupee’s fall to dollar gains against the euro on renewed concerns over the debt crisis in

the euro zone after the European Central Bank said it had no immediate plans for a large-scale purchase of government bonds. In addition, a lower opening in the domestic equity market put pressure on the rupee, they said. The rupee had closed 4 paise lower at `51.75/76 per US dollar in yesterday’s trade amid weakness in local stocks and sustained dollar demand from importers.

Kaati Zone plans 100 outlets in 18 months PIC: SRINIVAS SETTY


aati Zone food chain proposes to expand to 100 stores in the next 18 months and go public in the next five years. Kiran Nadkarni, CEO, told K Prudhvi Raju of Postnoon that Kaati Zone currently has 22 outlets in Banglore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Thane. How do you differentiate yourself from other leading brands like McDonalds, KFC or Domino’s Pizza? The key differentiator is the food provided by us doesn’t soil the hands. Quick service in two minutes, convenient to carry and eat on the move, providing of nutritious and healthy diet are our strengths. There is a lot of customisation and personalisation in making the food, according to the customers’ choice. We are building the trust with the customer through these mechanisms in this crowded market.

How is the growth rate since your company began operations? In Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) business, one should analyse the market before expanding. For example, McDonald’s has come to India in mid-’90s and by 2002, they only have 20 stores. Now, you can see where they stand. First five years, we have built up the entire back-end, business model and the supply chain efficiency. There is a lot of science and thinking involved minimising the retail operations by which I can deliver the quick service and deliver the same quality product. Initially, we did not focus on expansion at all. As we have established the scalability of the model, now is the time to expand. It took me six years to build 20 stores. In coming 18 months, I am going up to 100 stores. How is the growth rate in

terms of revenues? I would not able to share the numbers, because I have signed a non-disclosure agreement with the investors in the company. I am clearly multiplying my revenues by five times in next 18 months. I have 22 stores now and 12 projects are under implementation. In the coming two months, I would go up to 34. In 15 months, I should reach 100. When I reach 100 stores, my ability to add another 200 stores in one year is very easy. You can see the exponential growth in coming years. Are the stores coming based on franchise model? We did not want the franchisee model until we establish the whole concept. I could not ask the franchisees to risk their investment before we established the model. Initially, we started our own stores and showed them how it works. Now all are in the franchisee model. There are a lot of concerns from dieticians about the fast food. But you are saying your food is healthy. How do you justify? The fact is that ours is not fried food. But, it is a cooked food. Pakoras and burgers are fried foods. People perceive them as non-healthy food. But the food we serve is cooked. It is ultimately Roti and Sabzi that you eat at your home. Beyond a point, it is the customer who should decide that. Who are the investors and what is the exit route for them? Accel partners, Draper Investment, Ashish Gupta as an individual partner and also an excolleague of mine from ICICI who doesn’t want to reveal her name also invested. Going public in the next five to seven years is not impossible.

BSE – 16,275.276213.14, NSE – 4,882.35661.40, Gold 24k(10g)– `29,400, Silver (1kg)–56,700, Dollar $ – `52.19, Pound £ – `81.50

Playing Field


The games people play


FA defend Rooney appeal T

he Football Association have defended themselves against Kenny Dalglish’s accusation of double standards after Wayne Rooney successfully appealed against his three-match Euro 2012 ban. Rooney’s punishment for lashing out at Montenegro’s Miodrag Dzudovic in October has been reduced to a two-game suspension, with an additional match suspended for four years, a period that only covers England games in UEFA competitions. But Dalglish pointed out that if Rooney had been judged on the FA’s own rules, a three-match suspension would have been automatic. However, Club England managing director Adrian Bevington was quick to point out a major difference that exists between how the FA and UEFA rules. And this has now been followed by an FA statement that read: “To promote speed and consistency, stakeholders in England agreed a standard formula encompassing a fixed penalty sanction should be applied across the game by The FA. The system has been in operation for many years and meets the demands of

the domestic game. “The FA’s system allows clubs to make a claim of wrongful dismissal — to reduce a sanction to zero — or appeal the severity of a sanction, both of these processes are dealt with prior to the player’s next fixture. UEFA chooses to operate a different process for European matches, based on a sliding scale, under which each sanction is determined individually by a disciplinary panel. “In any event a minimum one game ban will always be applied by UEFA. This process meets the demands of UEFA football where the period between fixtures is greater than that in the domestic game.” Still, there is an argument to say the FA should have accepted Rooney’s punishment given, if they had received a similar appeal for a domestic incident, the suspension would have been increased to four matches. Rooney had admitted his actions during the 2-2 draw in Podgorica were “stupid”, but it is believed the FA pointed out that a three-match ban that affects games in the finals of a major tournament is harsher than a suspen-

sion which would affect matches in a qualifying tournament. Rooney’s two-match ban means he misses the Group D opener against France on June 11 in Donetsk and also the second game against Sweden in Kiev on June 15 but can now face Ukraine on June 19 in Donetsk. EVENING STANDARD

Vidic out for months, says agent


wretched 24 hours for Manchester United appears to have got even worse after Nemanja Vidic’s agent claimed the defender ruptured cruciate knee ligaments in Basle on Wednesday night. Vidic immediately signalled he was in trouble after falling awkwardly following a tangle of legs with Marco Streller during the first-half of the shock 2-1 defeat. Sir Alex Ferguson said after the game his captain had suffered ligament damage, but hoped the damage was not too serious. However, speaking to the Italian website, Vidic’s agent Silvano Martina delivered some devastating news. “Unfortunately he has suffered a ruptured cruciate ligament,” said Martina.

In response to a follow-up question asking if the player would be out for several months, the agent said: “Unfortunately so, yes.” If the worst is confirmed by Ferguson, it would inevitably rule Vidic out for the remainder of the

campaign. The Serbian’s return from a calf problem sustained in the opening-day win at West Brom was cited by many as the moment United’s defensive difficulties began to ease. Despite repeated suggestions the player would leave Old Trafford, Vidic remains one of the key figures in Ferguson’s squad and his absence would place additional focus on the younger players such as Phil Jones and Chris Smalling. It would certainly cause Ferguson a major headache given his other defensive stalwart, Rio Ferdinand, is rarely able to string games together due to a series of well-publicised muscular problems. ES

Top duo disciplined by IOC


wo of the most senior figures in world sport have been disciplined by the International Olympic Committee for taking cash payments from the collapsed sports marketing company ISL. Issa Hayatou, a FIFA vice-president and head of African football, was sanctioned with a reprimand. Lamine Diack, the president of the

International Association of Athletics Federations, was not sanctioned but was given a warning. IOC president Jacques Rogge confirmed the action but refused to comment on former FIFA president Joao Havelange resigning as an IOC member last week before the IOC’s ethics commission’s decision on him. On Hayatou, the ethics commission’s written decision says he was given 100,000 French francs (£10,000) in cash in 1995. He has stated it was given for the 40th anniversary celebrations for the Confederation of African Football (CAF). To back this up he presented a certificate from the CAF finance director dated March 29, 2011. The ethics commission said Diack too had “placed himself in a conflict-of-interests situation.”

Playing Field


The games people play

Sehwag slams record 219 s áêÉåÇÉê= pÉÜï~Ö= ã~ÇÉ íÜÉ= ÜáÖÜÉëí= áåÇáîáÇì~ä ëÅçêÉ= áå= çåÉJÇ~ó= áåíÉêJ å~íáçå~ä= Üáëíçêó= ~ë= ÜÉ Ää~ëíÉÇ= ~= êÉã~êâ~ÄäÉ= ONV= íç= éìí tÉëí= fåÇáÉë= íç= íÜÉ= ëïçêÇ= áå fåÇçêÉ qÜÉ=PPJóÉ~êJçäÇI=äçåÖ=ÅçåëáÇJ ÉêÉÇ= çåÉ= çÑ= íÜÉ= Ö~ãÉDë= ãçëí ÇÉëíêìÅíáîÉ= ÜáííÉêë= ~í= íÜÉ= íçé= çÑ íÜÉ= çêÇÉêI= é~ëëÉÇ= Åçãé~íêáçí p~ÅÜáå= qÉåÇìäâ~êDë= éêÉîáçìë ã~êâ= çÑ= OMM= åçí= çìí= ïáíÜ= ~= Ç~òJ òäáåÖ= áååáåÖë= íÜ~í= Åçåí~áåÉÇ= OR Ñçìêë=~åÇ=ëÉîÉå=ëáñÉëK fí= ìåÇÉêéáååÉÇ= ~= ã~ããçíÜ íçí~ä= çÑ= QNU= Ñçê= ÑáîÉI= äÉ~îáåÖ= íÜÉ ÄçïäÉêë=íç=Çáëãáëë=íÜÉ=íçìêáëíë=Ñçê OSR=~åÇ=ëÉ~ä=~=NRPJêìå=ïáå=íç=éìí fåÇá~= PJN= ìé= áå= íÜÉ= ëÉêáÉëK= qÜÉ ÅäçëÉëí= pÉÜï~Ö= Å~ãÉ= íç= Ñ~ääáåÖ ëÜçêí= çÑ= íÜÉ= êÉÅçêÇ= ï~ë= ïÜÉå a~êêÉå= p~ããó= ëéáääÉÇ= ~= ëáãéäÉ Å~íÅÜ=áå=íÜÉ=ÇÉÉé=çå=NTMK= pÉÜï~ÖI= ïÜçëÉ= éêÉîáçìë= laf ÄÉëí= ï~ë= NTR= ~Ö~áåëí= _~åÖä~ÇÉëÜ áå=aÜ~â~=áå=cÉÄêì~êóI=ÄêçìÖÜí=ìé

Records n Highest individual score in an

ODI match 219 against West Indies on Thursday, surpassing previous record by Sachin Tendulkar (200)*. n Fastest 250 in Test cricket in terms of balls faced (207). n Fastest 300 in Test cricket in terms of balls faced (278). n Most Test runs in a single day by an Indian. Sehwag made 257 in a day against SA in Chennai. He

íÜÉ= êÉÅçêÇ= áå= ëíóäÉ= ïáíÜ= Üáë= OPêÇ Ñçìê=çÑ=íÜÉ=ã~íÅÜK=eÉ=ï~ë=Ñáå~ääó ÇáëãáëëÉÇ=áå=íÜÉ=QTíÜ=çîÉê=çÑÑ=íÜÉ ÄçïäáåÖ=çÑ=háÉêçå=mçää~êÇI=Ü~îáåÖ ~äêÉ~Çó= ÖçåÉ= é~ëí= íÜÉ= UIMMMJêìå ã~êâ=áå=lafëK pÉÜï~Ö= ~åÇ= d~ìí~ã d~ãÄÜáê= éìí= çå= NTS= Ñçê= íÜÉ= Ñáêëí ïáÅâÉí= ÄÉÑçêÉ= íÜÉ= ä~ííÉê= ï~ë= êìå çìí=Äó=j~êäçå=p~ãìÉäë=Ñçê=STK pìêÉëÜ= o~áå~= ï~ë= êìå= çìí= Äó ^åÇêÉ=oìëëÉää=Ñçê=RR=íç=äÉ~îÉ=fåÇá~ PNS=Ñçê=íïç=áå=íÜÉ=QNëí=çîÉêI=ïÜáäÉ pÉÜï~Ö= Öçí= ~= êÉéêáÉîÉ= çå= NTM ïÜÉå=ÜÉ=ï~ë=ÇêçééÉÇ=Äó=p~ããó çÑÑ= o~îá= o~ãé~ìäK= oìëëÉää êÉãçîÉÇ= o~îáåÇê~= g~ÇÉà~= Ñçê= NM ÄÉÑçêÉ= pÉÜï~Ö= ëìêé~ëëÉÇ qÉåÇìäâ~êDë=êÉÅçêÇ=íç=ãçîÉ=çå=íç OMNK= eÉ= ~ÇÇÉÇ= NU= ãçêÉ= êìåë ÄÉÑçêÉ=Üáë=Öäçêáçìë=áååáåÖë=Å~ãÉ íç= ~å= ÉåÇI= mçää~êÇ= Ñáå~ääó= ÖÉííáåÖ ëçãÉ=àçó=Ñçê=íÜÉ==táåÇáÉë=~íí~ÅâK _ìí=íÜÉ=áåJÑçêã=oçÜáí=pÜ~êã~=Üáí OT= çÑÑ= NS= ~åÇ= hçÜäá= ~å= ìåÄÉ~íÉå OP= çÑÑ= NN= ~ë= fåÇá~= ÅçåíáåìÉÇ= íç éáäÉ=çå=íÜÉ=êìåëK surpassed this in making 284 in a day against Sri Lanka. He also made a century at faster than a run a ball. n Only Indian batsman to have scored two triple centuries in Test cricket. He is one of the four batsman in the history of Test cricket to score two triple centuries, alongside Australia's Sir Donald Bradman, and the West Indies' Brian Lara and Chris Gayle. n Fastest century in ODI cricket by


sáêì=Éä~íÉÇ=~í ÖçáåÖ=é~ëí qÉåÇìäâ~ê= INDORE: Virender Sehwag, who on Thursday broke Sachin Tendulkar's record of highest individual score in One-day Internationals, said he was elated at going past the cricketing great. Sehwag scored 219, surpassing Tendulkar's unbeaten 200 that he made against South Africa in Gwalior last year. “I was happy when Tendulkar scored 200 not out. I was sitting in the front and clapping and cheering when he did that. I am extremely happy to emulate Tendulkar and to have broken a record held by a great cricketer like him,” Sehwag said. Riding on Sehwag's double century, India defeated West Indies by 153 runs to take an unassailable 3-1 lead in the fivematch ODI series. He said the wicket at Holkar Stadium was a perfect batting pitch.“It’s a true batting pitch. It's a kind of pitch on which you can play defensive shots initially and then play your shots later to score,” he said.

an Indian — 100 runs off 60 balls against New Zealand in 2009. n Second fastest ODI 50 by an Indian — a record, he shares with Rahul Dravid, Kapil Dev and Yuvraj Singh — when he took 22 balls against Kenya in 2001 n Six double centuries — the first three was against Pakistan. Sehwag and Tendulkar are the only Indians to have made six Test double centuries.

Pattison reduces Kiwis to 150


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Holistic view of mind, body and soul


‘I can’t be a surrogate again’ Although she had nothing to do genetically with the child, for surrogate mum Anjali, giving up the baby was the hardest thing to do Ranjani Rajendra


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Postnoon News


hen my wife and I got married 10 years back we were just like any other newly wed couple. We had dreams and grand plans. Having kids was part of the plan or shall I say it

was the integral part of our plan. But things didn’t go as planned,” says Rakesh Sinha (name changed on request), a businessman. His wife, Rupa, had repeated miscarriages. Despite their best efforts and all the medical help they could get, she just couldn’t carry a pregnancy to term.

“The first time she got pregnant we were ecstatic. But before we knew it she had miscarried. We tried again after some time but the same thing happened. It was extremely difficult for us to deal with the loss of our unborn children. But we desperately wanted to start a family and we continued to try. Our repeated attempts resulted in continuous miscarriages and a couple of times in ectopic pregnancies. We were alarmed, disheartened and terribly upset,” says Rakesh. However, it was hardest on Rupa, who had to deal with seeing other women her age settle down to maternal bliss. “We consulted a few local doctors who suggested that she undergo a surgery to solve the problem. Following this we got in touch

with some doctors in Mumbai as well. They said that a surgery was not required and prescribed a few medicines and injections. But nothing worked. Finally two years back we decided to opt for surrogacy,” says the 39-year-old businessman. Rakesh first considered surrogacy when a friend of his suggested it to him. “It took a little getting used to, but by that time we were desperate to have a child of our own. We explained the same to our families and fortunately they understood where we were coming from. They stood by us like pillars, supporting us all through. We found a lady who was willing to be a surrogate mother to our baby. Through IVF cycles she was impregnated with my wife’s oovum

and my sperm. And nine months later we were finally able to hold our bonny little baby,” smiles Rakesh. “While having the baby has changed our lives for the better, we are still not comfortable letting people know how we became parents. It’s just not something we are comfortable revealing. But for the most part, we are just thrilled to be parents. And the smile on my wife’s face is worth everything,” he says.

Dr Kiran Krishnamurti’s column will appear next Friday.

Brave New World


From the world of science & research


New approach to managing overeating in children Overeating, whether in children or adults, often takes place even in the absence of hunger, resulting in weight gain and obesity


urrent methods to treat such overeating in youth focus on therapies that restrict what kids may eat, requiring them to track their food intake and engage in intensive exercise. But for most children, such behavioural therapy techniques don’t work long term, according to Kerri Boutelle, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry and paediatrics at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. Boutelle and colleagues are developing new ways to treat overeating in children and adults. Their study, published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, describes two new methods for reducing overeating. The overall aim of these studies is to improve responses to internal hunger and satiety cues and decrease physiological and psychological responses to foods in the environment. Basically, how

do we learn to stop eating when we are no longer hungry? The first treatment group, called appetite awareness training, trains children and parents to recognize, and appropriately respond to, hunger and satiety cues. The other treatment group, called cue exposure training, trains children and their parents to resist the food that is in front of them. “We teach children and parents how the environment tricks us into eating foods even when we’re not hungry,” said Boutelle, citing examples of food triggers such as TV commercials, the abundance of easy-to-eat and high-calories snacks, and the use of food as a reward. In this study, 36 obese 8-to-12year olds with high levels of overeating and their parents were assigned to eight-week-long training, either in appetite awareness or a cue-exposure treatment. Children were provided a toolbox


of coping skills to “ride out their cravings” — identifying such cravings and learning strategies to ride them out until the urges diminished (but only when they were not physically hungry). Participants also learned how to manage potential overeating situations when they might not listen to their bodies’ signals, because of the availability of foods or even their own moods. While the appetite awareness group focused on training the participants to regulate eating by focusing on internal cues of hunger and appetite, the cue exposure group trained the participants to tolerate cravings to reduce overeating. Children and parents in the appetite awareness group brought dinner into the clinic and practiced monitoring their hunger and satiety cues throughout the meal. Children and parents in the cue exposure group brought in their highly craved foods and “stared them down” — holding, smelling and taking small bites of the food — for up to 20 minutes while rating their cravings, after which they threw away the food. In post-treatment surveys, 75 per cent of the children in the appetite awareness group and more than 50 per cent of children in the cue exposure group liked the program “a lot” or “loved it.” A high percentage (81 and 69 per cent, respectively) reported feeling more in control of their eating due to the program. The researchers assessed the impact of these two different eight-week treatments on body weight, overeating, binge eating and caloric intake in both the children and parents.

Stress reduction and mindful eating curb weight gain among women


any dread gaining weight during the holiday season, but there may be hope for those who find that stress causes them to reach for yet another helping of goodies. In a study by UCSF researchers published online in the Journal of Obesity, mastering simple mindful eating and stressreduction techniques helped prevent weight gain without dieting. Women in the study who experienced the greatest reduction in stress tended to have the most loss of deep belly fat. This deep abdominal fat is associated with an elevated risk for developing heart disease or diabetes. “You’re training the mind to notice, but to not automatically react based on habitual patterns — to not reach for a candy bar in response to feeling anger, for example,” said UCSF researcher Jennifer Daubenmier, PhD. “If you can first recognise what you are feeling before you act, you have a greater chance of making a wiser decision.”Daubenmier led the current study with UCSF psychologist Elissa Epel, PhD. The women who participated were not on calorie-counting diets. Instead, 24 of the 47 chronically stressed, overweight and obese women were randomly assigned to mindfulness training and practice, and the other 23 served as a control group. Although no diets were prescribed, all participants attended one session about the basics of healthy eating and exercise. The training included nine weekly sessions, each lasting 150 minutes, during which the women learned stress reduction techniques and how to be more aware of their eating by recognising bodily sensations. At week six they attended an intensive sevenhour, silent meditation retreat.

They were asked to set aside 30 minutes daily for meditation exercises and to practice mindful eating during meals. Researchers used a scientifically tested survey to gauge psychological stress before and after the four-month study, and recorded the women’s fat and cortisol levels. The UCSF researchers looked for changes in the amount of deep abdominal fat and overall weight. They also measured secretion of cortisol shortly after awakening, a time when cortisol peaks in those under chronic stress. Cortisol secretion runs in a daily cycle and normally ramps up when we awaken. But secretion also is triggered by both real and perceived threats. If we wake up, anticipate the day’s events, and if they are stressful, cortisol secretion may spike even higher, Daubenmier said. Among women in the treatment group, changes in body awareness, chronic stress, cortisol secretion and abdominal fat were clearly linked. Those who had greater improvements in listening to their bodies’ cues, or greater reductions in stress or cortisol, experienced the greatest reductions in abdominal fat.

Smallest electronic circuit developed The Dead Sea, which has been shrinking for decades, may be fated to disappear completely, as it did about 120,000 years ago

Discovery is of a fundamental interest for the advancement of future electronics


team of scientists, led by Guillaume Gervais from McGill’s Physics Department and Mike Lilly from Sandia National Laboratories, has engineered one of the world’s smallest electronic circuits. It is formed by two wires separated by only about 150 atoms or 15 nanometers (nm). This discovery, published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, could have a significant effect on the speed and power of the ever smaller integrat-

ed circuits of the future in everything from smartphones to desktop computers, televisions and GPS systems. This is the first time that anyone has studied how the wires in an electronic circuit interact with

one another when packed so tightly together. Surprisingly, the authors found that the effect of one wire on the other can be either positive or negative. This means that a current in one wire can produce a current in the other one that is either in the same or the opposite direction. This discovery, based on the principles of quantum physics, suggests a need to revise our understanding of how even the simplest electronic circuits behave at the nanoscale.

Food & Wine


All things Italian Sana Mirza


e has been a chef for the past 16 years. But when he introduces himself he floors us. “More than anything else, I love to eat. I love to stay in shape but food is something that makes me weak,” says the Italian Chef Marianno Luizza. Though Italian he lived and grew up in Germany. Marianno’s love for food was developed at quite a tender age and he credits his mother for his love for food. “My mother had a huge influence on me when I was growing up. She would let me come in the kitchen and help her out because I was so curious. She made cooking so much fun. She had a unique palate and to her, taste was very important. I think that is what I picked up from her,” he says. Working under the guardianship of some of the well-known faces in the hospitality industry, Chef Marianno gained experience in the kitchens of Michelin-star restaurants, hotels in Germany and also worked for a cruise line in the Caribbean. Prior to moving to Jakarta and working there, Marianno was a chef in Qatar leading the team of a 66-seat Porcini Italian Restaurant that was awarded The Best Hotel Award in the Middle


Chef Mariano Liuzza is a man of a few words but it is his food that speaks on his behalf

East in the year 2006. It comes as less of a surprise when the smell of mouthwatering Italian dishes waft through Chef Marianno’s kitchen, tempting and tantalising your taste buds. “I love cooking Italian food and that is my forte. But, every time I cook something, it is a recreation of something even better. I tend to modify it just a little bit. If it works, it goes on the menu, if not, I try and experiment some more. But my signature dishes remain the same. With cooking, you never stop learning,” he informs. As a chef, it’s important to have a certain kind of technique that one is accustomed to. This chef however believes that it’s okay to follow certain guidelines but everyone should bring something different to the table. “Techniques vary and they mostly depend upon the kind of menu there is, product availability, who you are catering to, etc. It’s good to sort of bend it a little and then work around it. There should be a variety in what everyone has to offer,” he says. Cooking is just not about creating the best of menus but is a lot more explains Marianno. “For me, cooking is not about just sending food out, but is also about leading a team. When you place exquisite, tasty food on the table, it shows where it has come from. It's all about team work and communication in this line of business,” he informs. Chef Marianno Luizza is on a three day visit to Hyderabad and will be serving exquisite Italian dishes from an appetizing and innovative menu at the Via Milano restaurant in Jubilee Hills from the 9th to the 11th of December.

EATOUT Name: Kaati Zone Locations: Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Outside Airport terminal building, near departure gates Kukatpally Housing Board JNTU Road, KPHB Colony, Phase III, Kukatpally, Hyderabad Ascendas Food Court, VIT Park, Madhapur, Hyderabad Q City Survey Number -109,110,111,112 Nanakramguda village Serlingam pally, RR dist, Hyderabad


ow Kaati Zone the chain of restaurants that specialises in making amazing Kaathi Rolls is now open in your city as well. Apart from serving amazing rolls, Kaati Zone also serves paratha and rice combos for a quick and healthy bite. The variety of starters, side dishes, rolls and desserts at Kaati Zone is simply amazing. With prompt service and amazing food Kaati Zone is one of the few food chains which will be ruling your stomach soon. CEO Kiran Nadkarni at the Taj Deccan announcing their foray into the city.

Name: TGI Friday Place: RK Cineplex, Banjara Hills, Road No2 Phone: 040-40151925 hether you prefer the old classics or are looking for a new smash hit, TGIF's new dinner menu has it covered. Get down to some of the new hits like Spicy Boneless Chicken Wings or try the old favourite like Herb Grilled Chicken. Each portion is large enough to make sure no one goes hungry. On offer is their two course dinner menu for only Rs 299. The menu is available from Monday to Friday from 7pm at all TGIF outlets. Now you know where to head for dinner.




Because you are what you wear


Candice Swanepoel: Turning up the heat, Candice Swanepoel shows why she’s one of the hottest models in the world in her new photo spread from Victoria’s Secret. As the first model from South Africa to become a Victoria's Secret runway stunner, Candice Swanepoel has turned her beautiful pout into a top-notch career.

Simon Nessman: Simon Nessman was discovered when his friend sent his photos to a modeling agency. He has since become one of the faces of Givenchy, appearing in their campaigns since Fall/Winter 2008. He was then a part of campaigns which included Ralph Lauren Rugby, Benetton, Barneys, John Galliano Underwear, Gap, Versace, D&G, Antony Morato and Blanco. Simon has also been featured in many editorials including one in Vogue Paris alongside singer Ciara. Baptiste Giabiconi: Love him or hate him, Baptiste Giabiconi is a solidified star on the fashion scene. He became the new muse of designer and photographer Karl Lagerfeld and then went on to appear in Lagerfeld’s own namesake label campaign, Baptiste has been the face of Chanel since spring 2009 and has also starred in campaigns for Frankie Morello, Just Cavalli, Armani Jeans and Fendi. His most recent campaigns includes spring outings for H&M and Dior Homme.

EYE CANDY They are stunning, they are hot, and they are the faces of 2011. Postnoon lists out the year's top 10 models. Prepare yourself COMPILED BY SANA MIRZA

Julia Saner: Already making great strides during the spring/summer 2011 show season, Saner followed up her Valentino campaign with a turn as the face of Mulberry autumn/winter 2011. Saner has appeared in shoots this year for no less than five international Vogues: American, Italian, German, Japanese and Turkish.

Ben Hill: Ben Hill started his career as a model for Abercrombie & Fitch. He made his runway debut in Milan walking for Dolce & Gabbana and Vivienne Westwood. Ben immediately became a favourite of designers and went on to sign a contract with Tommy Hilfiger in 2009 to become the face of the label. His most recent work includes campaigns for both Hugo Boss and Giorgio Armani. Sean O'Pry: Sean O’Pry was discovered through Facebook by Nole Marin, a judge on America’s Next Top Model. He has since become one of the top male models and has been featured in campaigns for labels including Trussardi, Lacoste, H&M, Giorgio Armani, Bottega Veneta, Calvin Klein, DKNY, Zara and Gap. He has also graced the covers of GQ Style Russia, Numero Homme and Numero Homme Korea.

Nyasha Matonhodze: She was discovered when she walked into Elite model agency in her school uniform, Zimbabwean-born, Northampton-raised Nyasha Matonhodze was quickly booked by Vuitton's creative director, Marc Jacobs, to appear in the autumn/winter 2011 catwalk show at Paris Fashion Week. Next came campaigns for Louis Vuitton and Topshop autumn/winter 2011 and the cover of LOVE magazine all before her 17th birthday.

Zuzanna Bijoch: Following her Prada campaign and Paris Fashion Week Miu Miu exclusive for spring/summer 2011, two major autumn/winter 2011 campaigns (Chloé and Louis Vuitton) have cemented Polish model Zuzanna Bijoch's major league status.


Daphne Groeneveld: This Dutch 15year-old with the unforgettable lips started the season off with a bang as a Calvin Klein exclusive, then went on to hit every major runway in Milan, including Prada, Gucci, and Dolce & Gabbana. Paris Vogue is already on board with Daphne as the cover girl.

Dmitriy Tanner: The Russian born, American bred Dmitriy scored two consecutive exclusives for the Calvin Klein Men's show (Feb and June 2011). Dmitriy is a marine with the USMC.



The Turner


Past nominations for the prize


Damien Hirst One of the most controversial courting was the work of Damien Hirst titled The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living featuring a Tiger Shark encased in a formaldehyde solution. Although he did not win the prize that year, his work was more talked about that year, compared to the winner Grenville Davey. Much later, his Two fucking, and two watching was banned from displaying in New York, for the fear of visitor vomiting on seeing the work!

What makes the Turner prize, one of the most controversial and yet, surprisingly one of the most coveted, is a subject of intense debate. Conceptual art is not for the hoi polloi of the world to comprehend – it was never meant to be Indira Atluri


here are artists and there are the enfant terribles of the art world who owe their allegiance to the world of Tate gallery, attempting to create what in their terminology is termed conceptual, and perhaps more aptly, bizarre for the rest of the world. The Tate Gallery sponsors the Turner Prize in order to promote new developments in contemporary art. The Turner prize saw the dawn of concept art recognition in 1984, when it became the United Kingdom’s most publicised award. The prize is awarded each year to a ‘British artist under 50 for an outstanding exhibition or other presentation of their work in the twelve months preceding’. And this year, the prize was given to Martin Boyce, a Scottish installation artist for his work titled Do words have voices. The prize is said to be very controversial and what makes it so is evident as we unravel some of the

works that were earlier nominated for the coveted prize. Twenty-seven years after it came to being, Turner Prize is one institution, which when one gets to know about, will have an opinion — for or against. The word neutral does not exist in the Tate dictionary. Boyce, 44, is the third Turnerprize winner in succession from Glasgow, after Susan Philipsz last year and Richard Wright in 2009. On the shortlist was another Glasgow School of Art graduate, sculptor Karla Black. Boyce created an installation for the exhibition in Gateshead — the first time the Turner prize has been based outside the Tate family of galleries, and only the second time outside London — that has a feeling of space and mournfulness. Interestingly, each passing year, one or multiple concept art works presented at the Tate Gallery evoke draconian responses from the audience and the critics alike. For instance Fiona Banner in 2002 created a furore with her work

Tracey Emin Tracey Emin, a British artist of English and Turkish Cypriot origin had her share of glory, when she exhibited My Bed, in 1999. Emin displayed her bed and accessorized it with underwear and condoms, which never really won her an award, but catapulted the attendance of the audience to a whopping 2000 a day!

Chris Offli Arsewoman in wonderland that described a pornographic film, in detail. And to take it to the pinnacle of attention, British Porn Star Ben Dover was asked to analyse it, and cultural minister Kim Howells called it a conceptual bullshit. Jake and Dinos Chapman’s work titled Death was yet again, in 2003, not a winner, but had their share of controversy, which seems to have by now become the unspoken dictum of the Tate charisma. Two bronze figures, painted in colour to look like plastic blowup sex dolls were definitely the attention-grabbers. It is only a matter of the coming before another set of art-works present themselves to be scrutinised by those who either romance or abhor the Tate-endorsed concept art.

Equally controversial was the Chris Offli's work on the Virgin Mary with breasts created from elephant dung. So controversial was the work, the mayor of New York was apparently enraged.

Anti-Turners So strong was the tirade against the Turner prize, that K Foundation, an anti-Turner movement of sorts, instituted a prize for the worst artist in Britain, the list of nominees taken from Turner's list itself! Rachel Whiteread was the unfortunate winner of the prize, who took the prize money, but later donated it to charity.

Goodbye conventions, hello future! Sonic Chair:

Shrek Sofa: Obviously inspired by the famous cartoon character Shrek, this sofa and sleeper has lamps that are similar to Shrek's ears. And what's more, they are bendable, making it easy to adjust the focus of the lighting.

What if you could connect your ipod or your notebook to a chair that you sit and augment the experience of listening to music or watching a movie. The Sonic Chair goes all futuristic with this self sustained setting that will make your experience of movies and music an altogether unforgettable one.

Neo Neon: Award-winning English designer Lee Broom's creation uses the concept of encasing neon lights in the sofa, teamed with bulbs all around, except the seating, to give it the unique persona that it so royally represents. And the sofa well-deservedly been doing the rounds in various art exhibits.

Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz


When a movie in Bollywood is released in the South, in all probability, there is a group of people saying, ‘Looks like we've seen this before’! This was a year when Bollywood did not seem shy of remaking any and every Kollywood or Tollywood movie they could lay their hands on. Dearth of ideas anyone?



ne of the most punchy dialogues delivered in the recent times was by the brawny Salman Khan in the movie Wanted, where he emphatically asserts, Ek baar jo maine commitment de diya, to main khud ki bhi nahi sunta. And it entered into the Bollywood Hall of famed dialogues forever. Well, for those who have a strange feeling of deja vu, the dialogue was inspired from the movie Pokiri, in which Mahesh Babu says, Nenu oka saari commit ayipoyaanante, na maata nene vinanu. There is a growing trend of stories being copied from Tollywood and Kollywood into Bollywood. As we speak to a few actors, directors and story writers down south, we find out what makes Bollywood borrow from the once-upon-a-time-dismissed south Indian industry. However, it is worth a mention that our very own jumping Jack Jeetendra, made his career, mostly out of remakes of south Indian films. The consequent hits in

recent times, starting with Ghajini, followed by Wanted, Ready and Bodyguard, ushered in the trend of the remake mania. We spoke to actor Daggubati Rana who is probably one of the very few actors from the Telugu film industry who has his fingers in both the Tollywood and Bollywood pies. He gives us his take on remakes, “It is undoubtedly a strong story line that calls for remakes. However, the trend is today working both ways — like Dabbang is now being remade into Telugu. I believe it is a great exchange of cultural stories really.” The recent hit movie Singham is a perfect example of how a strong story base, can create a stupendous victory, if packaged and presented in the right manner. Agrees actor Sonu Sood, who has worked extensively both in Bollywood and in the south Indian cinema, “The south Indian stories are comparatively more powerful, as the story writers take a lot of time and work hard to bring out novel ideas.” It is also no surprise that the movies that are made in the south are inclusive of the emotional and cultural fabric of the society there.

Some of the movies in the remake line, like Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa in Tamil and Kick in Telugu are examples of movies that are culturally rooted in tradition. Kunal Kohli, the director of Hum Tum, Fanaa and the more recent Teri Meri Kahaani however is neutral in his opinion when he says, “I am neither for, nor against remakes really. If people find a story irresistible, and wish to remake, it is up to them to do so.” Rahul Dev, model and actor, who has played villain in many films in the south however makes a point when he says, “Remakes are a way of reducing the risk quotient. Movies that have done very well in the south are a commercially viable experiment for Bollywood, and a safe mode for the producer. So you see people tapping into the emotional quotient of the nation, and remaking movies from regional cinema. There is definitely a bigger audience for movies remade in Bollywood.” Noted Tamil cinema trade analyst and film critique, Sridhar Pillai tells us his take on the whole remake gamble “Bollywood has changed today. Once upon a time, the South Indian cinema was made a mockery of, with the larger than life projection of the hero. But after the remake of Ghajini from Tamil to Hindi, the whole perspective seems to have changed. Heroism, albeit in an exaggerated way is now the statement factor for Bollywood. And how can we forget mentioning Salman Khan with his spate of remake successes really?” He adds, “The basic structure of the movies are the same. If you are looking at a frame-toframe film, remakes will never really work. There should always be a bit of nativity added to make the movie relatable. However, this whole remake fest is nothing but a trend — a trend that sees the first three day col-

Remakes to watch out for Ko (Tamil): Akshay Kumar is in talks to remake this film Bommarillu (Telugu): Boney Kapoor is remaking this movie with Genelia Vinnaithandi Varuvaaya (Tamil) and Ye Maaya Chesave (Telugu): Made into Ek tha Deewana in Hindi Kick (Telugu): Salman Khan and Sonakshi will starring in the Hindi remake Maryada Ramanna (Telugu): Son of Sardar starring Ajay Devgn and Sonakshi Sinha Agni Natchathiram (Tamil): Ajay Devgn has expressed interest in its remake

lections to judge if a movie is a hit or not. But once the industry witnesses that one mega-budget remake flop, and this entire remake gala will be a history. This will mark the beginning of another trend waiting to happen!” Neutral towards remakes, or aggressively against it, these are

now the order of the day. So if you are listening to dialogues that you heard before, or watching a movie that you think you saw before, blame it on the producer who sold the rights, or just sit back, relax and enjoy your popcorn — brawny Bollywood style, or the over-the-top Tollywood style!

Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz

Kareena and Saif may tie knot after film’s release


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@rampalarjun Happy cause of a super day at the shoot. Sad cause I missed Veru's knock live..congrats Veru Rock On. Super proud.

@RGVzoomin `Marriages are made in heaven` is indicative of the fact that one dies after marriage

@reddysameera I'm now officially an ambassador 4the Celebrity Cricket League!Joining @BeingSalmanKhan @sonakshisinha @geneliad Kangana...It's gonna rock!

@NeilNMukesh Wow ok super set and a great show planned for the release of the Music of PLAYERS. Bunty walia and team rock. Alan ameen stunts are insane.


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Had an awesome surprise party last night for @mariagorettiz at the Taj Village Goa, with all our crazy mad adorable friends...Too much fun


he ‘opening weekend collection’ mindset is an unfair attitude since a film needs time to grow on the audiences, says filmmakeractor Farhan Akhtar, who also stresses that marketing is not just about money but also about out-of-the-box ideas. “It is very unfortunate that the era of films celebrating golden jubilee or silver jubilee is gone, considering the content that is being offered to the audience. We don’t have enough screens that can help a film sustain for a longer period of time,” Farhan said. In the past decade, the economics of filmmaking has got a complete makeover, especially with the box-office business reducing to just the opening weekend collections. “The first weekend has become the deciding weekend, which is unfortunate, although there were films that have done well in the second week like Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara after people went and spoke about it. It is a very trade mindset. One needs to understand that a film takes time to grow,” he added. IANS

@AnupamPkher "If you judge people, you have no time to love them.":) Mother Teresa

@sonakshisinha Hope Andrew Symmonds is taking his bat along to whack some sense into those in the #BigBoss house tonight ;)

@realprietyzinta Enjoying every bit of my "Evening in Paris!" The air is crisp, the mind is relaxed & the Christmas lights bring a smile 2 my face :-) Ting!

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Magic Screen

Simpson, Wentz divorce finalised


The glamour behind the glitz

Gomez, Bieber not engaged


inger Ashlee Simpson’s divorce from husband Pete Wentz has been finalised. The two filed for divorce in February citing irreconcilable differences. According to the court documents, their marriage was dissolved on November 22, reports a website. Simpson and Wentz, who wed in 2008, have maintained a post-divorce friendship for the sake of their son Bronx Mowgli. Wentz has said he has “nothing but love and respect” for his ex-wife. IANS


elena Gomez is not engaged to boyfriend Justin Bieber, says the singer-actress’ representative. The rumours of their engagement started off after the 19-year-old Wizards of Waverly Place star was photographed wearing a diamond ring on her engagement finger. However, Gomez’s representative told a website: “She is not engaged.” IANS


Duhamel ready for kids


ergie’s husband Josh Duhamel can’t wait to have children with his Black Eyed Peas singer spouse. The New Year’s Eve actor has been married to the singer for almost three years and says the next step for them is to have a family together, reports a website. “We hope to have a baby pretty soon. I’ve always loved kids, so I can’t wait to have them myself. I’m excited about it. I think we’ll have two, that’s been the number,” he said. IANS

Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz

Glee to pay tribute to MJ T

he popular musical TV drama Glee is set to pay tribute to late pop icon Michael Jackson in an episode. The episode, to be broadcast on January 24, will centre around some of Jackson’s biggest hit records, similar to previous episodes dedicated to Britney Spears, Madonna and Fleetwood Mac. According to TV Guide magazine, producers are planning to show 12 songs of MJ and are writing the script with plans to shoot the first half before Christmas, reports a website. However, the second half will be completed when the actors return in early January. According to the insiders, Jackson’s family have given “their enthusiastic support” to the project. IANS

Perfume completes an outfit says Klum Supermodel Heidi Klum says perfume helps complete an outfit and makes a person feel more confident. “For me, perfume is something to complete the look. It’s almost kind of like great underwear,” a website quoted Klum as saying. “No one can really see it but it makes you feel sassier and sexier,” she added. IANS

Rowland wants to babysit for Beyonce A

merican singer Kelly Rowland is looking forward to babysitting Beyonce Knowles’ baby. Although the When Love Takes Over hitmaker wants to have kids of her own some day, for now she is excited about being an aunt to her Destiny’s Child bandmate’s baby, reports a website.

“I will babysit and change a diaper or two, and then give it back,” she said. “I do want kids, but every time I think about a little person growing inside of me and getting bigger and bigger and then having to come out... a watermelon coming out of something the size of a lemon is insane to me,” she added. IANS


Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz


Anthony Hopkins to play Hitchcock VON TEESE A LOVES RED V LIPSTICK eteran actor Anthony Hopkins has been roped in to play legendary director Alfred Hitchcock in a new biopic. The film Alfred Hitchcock & the Making of Psycho is based on Stephen Rebello’s book of the same name and will be directed by Sasha Gervasi. Actress Dame Helen Mirren is in talks to play

merican actress Dita Von Teese believes red lipstick is a vital component of looking good every day. Von Teese is known for her 1940s styling and likes to spend time on her outfit. But even when she is in a rush she believes red lips help create a high-impact look, reports a website. “One of the things that I do to have a glamorous day is take a bit of time to put on make-up and chose clothes that I like to wear. It doesn’t mean being uncomfortable, I don’t wear corsets or stockings every day but a little bit of red lipstick goes a long way,” she said. IANS

Hitchcock’s wife, Alma Reville, according to a website. The film will chronicle Hitchcock’s experiences while filming the thriller Psycho in the late 1950s. Psycho became an instant classic when it was released in 1960 and many film fans claim it is the director’s greatest work, reports a website. IANS

Gaga fears dying like Lady Diana

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op star Lady Gaga, set to release a song about the death of Princess Diana, fears she might end up dying the way Diana died. A source close to the singer says that she sees herself as a pop version of Diana, who died at the age of 36 following a car accident in Paris in 1997, reports a website. “Gaga has always been absolutely fixated on Diana and sees herself as a 21st-century incarnation of her. She knows, she is almost as recognisable as Diana and is hounded by photographers and fans on the same level. Gaga has had dreams about dying the same way as her and has genuine fears that her fame could literally kill her, either in a chase or at the hands of crazies,” said the source. The 25-year-old singer wrote the song on Diana’s death after dubbing the Princess of Wales as a “martyr of fame”. Gaga has earlier revealed her obsession with the charity work and fashion sense of Diana. In fact, the idea behind Gaga’s 2009 hit Paparazzi also stemmed from the death of the royal, with the singer saying: “Diana was the most iconic martyr of fame. She died because of it.” Gaga played a piano version of her new song to a select few last month. IANS

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Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz


Vishnu Vardhan, the director of Panjaa, talks about his influences, his deepest fears and Panjaa in a free-wheeling chat

Making Panjaa is a dream come true V

ishnu Vardhan’s tryst with cinema began with Mani Rathnam’s Anjali back in 1990 and exactly 21 years later, his long time dream of making a Telugu film has finally come true with Pawan Kalyan starrer Panjaa. Vishnu seems to be extremely tensed a day before the film's release, although he’s quite candid when he opens up about his journey so far and the people he has worked with. “I must admit that I got scared looking at the crowd which came for Panjaa’s audio launch. Pawan Kalyan was like a child on the sets and we shared a great rapport. I asked him, ‘Is this the kind of crowd I am dealing with?’ He simply smiled and said, ‘I am glad you didn’t know about all this, otherwise you’ll probably have made a film to satisfy my ego and please my fans.’ He was extremely happy after watching the film and said, ‘After several years, I am feeling that I am part of the film.’ This is what you'll see in the film. Making this film is a dream come true because I badly wanted to make a Telugu film,” he confesses. Having assisted ace cinematographer, Santosh Sivan for films like Terrorist, Malli and Ashoka, he confesses that whatever he is today is because of Santosh Sivan. Does he still find traces of his guru in his work? “No. I was very particular that I had to find my own voice. When

I was working with Santosh Sivan, I had to think from his perspective to support his work. But when I began writing Arinthum Ariyamalum I had to struggle for more than a year and a half to start thinking on my own. I began to think what sort of films I would like to make because my films have to reflect me,” he reveals. His interest in cinema began right after he acted in Anjali and Chatriyan in the early 90s and he confesses that he has a lot to learn in filmmaking. “I sincerely believe that all of us are like a drop in the ocean. One hit film will not make you a master, so it’s necessary that you change with the times. I watch all sorts of films and I make it a point to attend film festivals like Cannes every year. That kind of exposure is very important for a filmmaker like me. It’s a never ending journey,” he adds and also says, “Sometimes we get caught in this journey because the system is like that. Once a film becomes a hit, several others try to replicate the formula. We can’t keep thinking about the audience. If I had known what works for the audience, all my films would have been blockbusters.” The success of his subsequent films Pattiyal and Billa catapulted him to fame in the Tamil film industry and now he has worked with Pawan Kalyan in his debut film in Telugu.

“Stars like Pawan Kalyan have built their stardom over the years and I make it a point to discuss about the comfort zones and somewhere we find a sync with the star. Filmmaking is all about collaborating with each other. One man can’t do anything. You have to make everyone believe, what you believe,” he says. We ask him about why most

of his films including Panjaa are gritty dramas. Do raw and realistic films interest him? “My father used to be in the sea food business which took him to places like Vizag, Tuticorin and Royapuram in Chennai. The people from such areas fascinated me and their lives became part of my subconscious. When I begin writing a film, initially it’s never about making action dra-

mas about gangsters. They are all about the characters’ emotional conflicts set in a specific backdrop,” he reveals. Does Panjaa also fall in the same league? “I would say that Panjaa is an action drama and it’s primarily about Jai’s journey. Irrespective of the mafia backdrop, it’s all about human values and the conflicts Jai faces in his journey,” Vishnu says.

Magic Screen Mohan Babu bails out Kona Venkat and BVS Ravi M

ohan Babu is a busy man these days. For the past few weeks, he has been touring all over the US raising funds for underprivileged children and recently his son, Vishnu Manchu and Viranica Manchu were blessed with twin girls. Few weeks ago, he had announced that he’ll make a grand comeback with a film tentatively titled Ravana and popular writers Gopimohan, Kona Venkat and BVS Ravi were chosen to write the script. When Kona Venkat and BVS Ravi came to meet Mohan Babu in New York it turned out to be quite an embarrassing experience. “Both of them were not used to using toilet paper after nature call, so they ended up using the coffee mug in the room to wash. I had to bail them out from facing the wrath of the house keeper lady and ended up paying a fine of $500,” Mohan Babu said recalling the incident.

The glamour behind the glitz

Richa in talks for Venky’s next film




@shrutihaasan If you believe and you see everything you want is yours.its not a secret its a truth we all have within

@richyricha As an actor I strive for versatility and want to try diff roles throughout my career.will keep doing performance & commercial characters :)



icha Gangopadhyay seems to have struck a good balance between her Telugu and Tamil film commitments. A little bird tells us that she has been approached to play the lead role in one of Venkatesh’s upcoming films. When asked if she’s indeed part of the project, she promptly replied, “Nothing has been confirmed yet.” Meher Ramesh is going to direct this untitled film which is expected to kickstart in January. Parachuri Prasad is going to produce the film and Gopimohan, Kona Venkat have written the script for this action entertainer. She’s currently acting in Prabhas’ upcoming film which is being directed by Koratala Shiva. Recently, she made her Tamil debut in Selvaraghavan’s critically acclaimed film Mayakkam Enna and her new film Osthe is off to a flying start at theatres all over Tamil Nadu.

Being surrounded by artists is my higgest joy.. So much creativity flows..Love my friends here. They inspire me so much..

@Actor_Siddharth I worked with Mr. Rishi Kapoor today...what a charmed life to be able to meet and work with one of the greats.Fantastic actor! What a day:)

@trishtrashers Wow its been 100 days already...Congrats team Mankatha...

@RanaDaggubati Ate the most epic lunch in "Raju gari dabha" on RishiKonda beach rd in Vizag. Best Andhra food ever!!

Ram Charan’s new film launched


new film starring Ram Charan Tej in lead role was launched earlier today in Prasad Labs, Hyderabad. Allu Arjun is playing a special role in the film. Dil Raju is going to produce the film under the Sri Venkateshwara Creations banner and Vamsi Paidipally, who had

earlier directed Brindavanam, is going to wield the megaphone. The film made headlines earlier this year since it’ll be the first time that Ram Charan Tej and Allu Arjun are going to act in the same film.Devi Sri Prasad is going to compose the music. The film will go on floors early next year.

@PriyaWajAnand Soo nice to finally be back in Hyd after forever! Looking forward to a fun event tomorrow & then Im headed back home to see my Mom!!

@actressanjjanaa Had a supa long day,jus in need of a tite hug now,its gona b ma fav teddy "pooh":)hehehe ! Exausted lik hell,my bones refuse to function.

Chai Time 1400 Naadi Aadajanme 1430 Pavitra 1500 Movie 1800 Sri Shanidevuni Mahimalu 1830 Vasantha Kokila 1900 Chinnari Pelli Kuturu 1930 Anna Chellelu 2000 Pellipandiri 2030 Edureetha 2100 Money Money 2200 CID 2300 Vasantha Kokila 2330 Alajadi 0700 Slot 0730 Maa Punyakshetralu 0800 Ayurvedam 0830 Real City 0900 Movie

1400 Kannavaari Kalalu 1430 Maavichiguru 1500 Jeevitha Chakram 1530 Movie 1800 Jai Shri Krishna 1830 Shraavani Subramaniam 1900 Mandhara 1930 Auto Bharthi 2000 No. 23, Mahalakshmi Nivasam 2030 Mogali Rekulu 2100 Aparanji 2130 Devatha 2200 Mamathala Kovela 2230 Sree Mathi Sree 2300 Gemini Vaarthalu 0700 Gemini Vaarthalu 0730 Subhalagnam - Live 0800 Vendithera 0830 24 Frames 0900 Special Programmes 0930 Movie 1200 Movie

1400 [V] Behind The Sins 1430 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1500 [V] Humse Hai Life 1530 [V] Trailers 1600 [V] Zabardast Hits 1800 [V] Fresh Songs 1830 [V] Humse Hai Life 1900 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1930 [V] Humse Hai Life 2000 [V] Love Net 2100 [V] Behind The Sins 2130 [V] Trailers 2155 [V] Fresh Songs 2200 [V] Steal Ur Girlfriend 2300 [V] Humse Hai Life 2330 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 0700 [V] Trailers 0730 [V] Zabardast Hits 0800 [V] Mind Blasting Mornings 1100 [V] Fresh Songs 1200 [V] Humse Hai Life

‘[V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance’ at 1900 Hrs on CHANNEL [V]

1300 News Now At 1 1330 News Now 1800 6 PM 1830 Live Report 1900 Primetime 1930 The Game 2000 News Now At 8 2030 Live Report 2100 The Newshour 2200 10 PM 2230 E Now 2300 News Now At 11 2330 News Now Overnight 0900 News Now 0930 The Hidden Truth 1000 News Now

‘The Game’ at 1930 Hrs only on TIMES NOW


Telly sitcoms, news and movie listings

1400 Abhishekam 1430 Aadade Aadharam 1500 Antahpuram 1530 Aakasa Ganga 1600 Prema Mandiram 1630 Jagadeeswari 1700 Paduta Teeyaga 1800 Devimahathyam 1830 Puttadi Bomma 1900 Kumkuma Rekha 1930 Manasu Mamata 2000 Chandra Mukhi 2030 Bharyamani 2100 Etv News 2130 Wow - Game Show 2245 Movie 0700 Etv News 0730 Subhamastu 0800 Jeevana Jyothi 0830 Tollywood Time 0900 Movie 1130 Abhiruchi

1410 Most Shocking 1505 Got To Dance 1700 Top Chef Masters 1800 Wipeout 1900 India's Minute To Win It 2000 Sony Lifestyle Tv Magazine 2030 Ebuzz 2100 Wipeout 2200 Most Shocking 2300 Breaking The Magician's Code - Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 0900 Sky Teleshopping 0930 Ebuzz 0955 Sony Lifestyle Tv Magazine 1020 Live To Dance 1200 Wipeout

1400 Ardhangi 1430 Movie 1800 Veera Naari Jhansi Laxmi Bhai 1830 Kalavari Kodallu 1900 Chinna Kodalu 1930 Pasupukunkuma 2000 Muddu Bidda 2030 Radha Kalyanam 2100 Kanyadanam 2130 Baghyalakshmi Bumper Offer 2230 Shree 2300 Chitrapuri 2330 Latest Songs 0800 Subhamastu 0830 Bhakti Samacharam 0900 Movie 1230 Mee Inti Vanta 1300 Movie

‘Breaking The Magician's Code - Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed’ at 2300 Hrs on AXN

‘Top 10 At 10’ at 2200 Hrs only on ET NOW 1400 The F And O Show 1430 Closing Trades 1600 Business Day 1730 Your Trades 1800 Rush Hour 1830 Tee Time With Shaili Chopra 1900 Global Business Report 1930 Business Express 2000 Business First 2030 Your Trades 2100 Business Tonight 2200 Top 10 At 10 2230 Et Insight 2300 Et Interview 2330 Your Trades 0700 Starting Up 0730 Et Insight 0800 Tee Time With Shaili Chopra 0830 The Market Makers 0900 Your Trades 0930 Investor's Guide 1000 Talking Technicals

‘I Shouldn't Be Alive’ at 2200 Hrs on DISCOVERY 1400 Man Vs. Wild 1500 Dinosaur Planet 1600 Dual Survival 1700 How Sharks Hunt 1800 Killing For A Living 1900 Swamp Brothers 1930 Destroyed In Seconds 2000 Man Vs. Wild 2200 I Shouldn't Be Alive 2300 My Shocking Story 0900 Factory Made 0930 Destroyed In Seconds 1000 Somali Pirate Takedown The Real Story 1100 Curiosity 1200 I Shouldn't Be Alive

‘Chandragupta Maurya’ at 2100 Hrs on IMAGINE 1400 Haar Jeet 1500 Nach Le Ve With Saroj Khan 1600 Haar Jeet 1700 Dharampatni 1800 Beendh Banuga Ghodi Chadhunga 1830 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 1900 Nach Le Ve With Saroj Khan 2000 Dwarkadheesh - Bhagwan Shri Krishn 2030 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 2100 Chandragupta Maurya 2200 Baba Aisa Varr Dhoondo 2230 Haar Jeet 2300 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto

1400 Hamari Saas Leela 1430 Hawan 1500 Veer Shivaji 1530 Uttaran 1600 Phulwa 1630 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 1700 Sasural Simar Ka 1730 Veer Shivaji 1800 Uttaran 1830 Balika Vadhu 1900 Hawan 1930 Sasural Simar Ka 2000 Balika Vadhu 2030 Veer Shivaji 2100 Phulwa 2130 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 2200 Uttaran 2230 Bigg Boss 2330 Balika Vadhu

‘Uttaran’ at 2200 Hrs on COLORS

‘Hitler Didi’ at 2000 Hrs on ZEE TV 1400 Hitler Didi 1430 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1500 Bhagonwali 1530 Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 1600 Pavitra Rishta 1630 Ram Milaye Jodi 1830 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 1900 Ek Nayi Choti Si Zindagi 1930 Choti Bahu 2 2000 Hitler Didi 2030 Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli 2100 Pavitra Rishta 2130 Ram Milaye Jodi 2200 Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein 2230 Bhagonwali 2300 Pavitra Rishta

1400 Saas Bina Sasuraal 1430 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1500 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1600 Crime Patrol - 2 2000 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 2045 Dekha Ek Khwaab 2130 Parvarrish - Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi 2200 CID 2300 Crime Patrol - Dastak 2330 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 0700 Telebrands 0730 Sky Star Advertising 0900 Crime Patrol - 1 1000 Parvarrish - Kuchh Khatti Kuchh Meethi 1230 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai

‘CID’ at 2200 Hrs on SONY


‘Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon’ at 2000 Hrs on STAR PLUS 1400 Sapnon Se Bharey Naina 1500 Navya 1530 Diya Aur Bati Hum 1600 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 1630 Sasuraal Genda Phool 1700 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1730 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 1800 Mann Ki Awaaz… Pratigya 1900 Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 1930 Sasuraal Genda Phool 2000 Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2030 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behnaa Hai 2100 Diya Aur Bati Hum 2130 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 2200 Navya 2230 Mann Ki Awaaz… Pratigya 2300 Maryaada ... Lekin Kab Tak?


1442 Charlie And The Chocolate Factory 1657 Jason X 1846 10,000 Bc 2100 Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire 0922 New Adventures Of Old Christine 0952 A Dennis The Menace Christmas 1137 Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

1420 The Score 1655 Shark Attack II 1855 Whiteout 2100 Red 2320 King Cobra 0725 Shiloh 0935 King Cobra 1140 Whiteout 1350 Red

1400 $H*! My Dad Says 1430 Better With You 1500 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 1600 Body Of Proof 1700 $H*! My Dad Says 1730 Better With You 1800 E News 1900 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 2000 $H*! My Dad Says 2030 America's Funniest Home Videos 2100 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey 2200 Body Of Proof 2300 $H*! My Dad Says 2330 Better With You 0800 Body Of Proof 1000 My Wife And Kids 1100 Less Than Perfect 1200 Parks And Recreation 1300 Slot 1330 Just For Laughs

‘Better With You’ at 23300 Hrs on ZEE CAFE

Lucha Libre Storyline - The Right continued their crusade to put an end to Lucha Libre USA. Petey Williams defeated Charly Malice with help from RJ Brewer. ‘Lucha Libre’ at 2100 Hrs on BIG CBS PRIME

Dekha Ek Khwaab Storyline - Monia comes back to her real home, The Palace where she is completely out of control and she does not want to do anything that is being told to her. ‘Dekha Ek Khwaab’ at 2045 Hrs on SONY

‘The Sheild’ at 2200 Hrs on STAR WORLD 1400 Masterchef USA 1500 Extreme Trail 1600 The Big Bang Theory 1630 Home Improvement 1700 The Sheild 1800 Masterchef USA 1900 Love2 Hate U 2000 Two And A Half Men 2030 The Simpsons 2100 Masterchef USA 2200 The Sheild 2300 The Big Bang Theory 2330 Home Improvement 0700 Dexter 0800 The Sheild 1000 Terra Nova 1100 Love2 Hate U 1200 The Big Bang Theory 1300 Home Improvement

1400 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 1430 Chidiya Ghar 1500 R.K. Laxman Ki Duniya 1530 Lapataganj 1600 Fir 1630 Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo 1700 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 1830 R.K. Laxman Ki Duniya 1900 Chidiya Ghar 1930 Don't Worry Chachu !!! 2000 Chintu Chinky Aur Ek Badi Si Love Story 2030 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 2100 Chidiya Ghar 2130 R.K. Laxman Ki Duniya 2200 Lapataganj 2230 Fir 2300 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 2330 Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo 0800 Teleshopping 0900 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma

‘Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma’ at 2030 Hrs on SAB

‘Ugly Aur Pagli’ at 1400 Hrs on ZOOM 1400 Movie - Ugly Aur Pagli 1730 Star Bonanza 1800 Letz Go! 1900 Planet Bollywood News 1930 The Zoom Review Show 2000 Telly Talk 2030 Letz Go! 2100 Zabar 10 2130 The Zoom Review Show 2200 B - Tonite 2230 Link'D 2300 Bollywood Bonanza 0700 Letz Go! 0800 Red Carpet 0805 20 - 20 Songs 0825 Letz Go! 1000 20 - 20 Songs 1021 Letz Go! 1100 Zoom Box 1200 Garma Garam 1230 Bollywood Big Story 1300 Zabar 10 1330 Telly Talk

‘Red’ at 2100 Hrs on HBO

1400 Weird Connections 1430 Discovery Science Classics 1530 Discovery Science Presents 1630 Understanding 1730 Frontline Battle Machines With Mike Brewer 1830 Best Of Discovery Science 1930 100 Greatest Discoveries 2030 Exodus Earth 2130 Some Assembly Required 2230 Mission Demolition 2330 The New Inventors 0700 How It's Made 0730 100 Greatest Discoveries 0830 Mummy Autopsy 0930 Mission Demolition 1030 Exodus Earth 1130 Some Assembly Required 1330 Is It True?

‘Mission Demolition’ at 2230 Hrs on DISCOVERY SCIENCE

‘How To Be A Gentleman’ at 2030 Hrs on BIG CBS PRIME 1430 Jerry Springer 1530 Aspire 1600 Survivor 1700 Bellator 1800 Galileo Extreme 1900 The Defenders 2000 Entertainment Tonight 2030 How To Be A Gentleman 2100 Big Wheels 2130 Aspire 2200 Lucha Libre 2300 CSI - Miami 0700 Galileo Extreme 0800 CSI - Crime Scene Investigation 0900 CSI - Miami 1000 The Defenders 1100 How To Be A Gentleman 1130 Big Wheels 1200 Galileo Extreme

Chai Time


How to Play Kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: “How do you play Kakuro?”, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells - called a run - any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once. Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two - it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.



Take a shot at the brain game while sipping your cuppa


QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 “___ you!” (“Just try it!”) 6 Toothy look 10 “___ Yellow Ribbon ...” 14 Unnerves 15 Money on the Continent 16 Truth-in-lending figs. 17 Some far-out trips 20 It’s just a crock 21 Doctrines 22 Like days of yore 23 ___ Brothers (“It’s Your Thing” singers) 25 Muppet pal of Elmo 26 Lowly assistant 29 Nelson of South Africa 33 Indian currency 34 New Mexico arts mecca 36 Word on either side of “-a-” (face-to-face) 37 Madonna hit 41 Fish eggs 42 “Planet of the ____” 43 Diane’s foil on “Cheers” 44 Short business trips 47 Shaker shaker 48 Friend’s adversary 49 Memory failure, e.g. 51 Bathroom floor item 54 Disaster grp. 55 Goes downhill 59 Mayor and council, e.g. 62 Med. school course 63 Mine extractions 64 Where deer and antelope play 65 Casino transactions 66 Barely passing grades 67 Poker pot starters DOWN 1 “Provided that is the case…” 2 “James and the Giant Peach” writer 3 Blue, in Barcelona 4 Attorney’s request 5 Boston timepiece setting 6 Members of a gaggle 7 Gin game

8 Eye ring 9 Thumbs-down votes 10 Followed like a sleuth 11 Apple music player 12 Bald eagle’s cousin 13 Gp. of professionals 18 ___ of the valley 19 Any minute now 24 Arcade game: ___-ball 25 Pitts of “Life With Father” 26 “___ Jacques” (children’s song) 27 Vegas hotel shaped like a pyramid 28 Word with “berth” or “deck” 29 Reacts to milking, perhaps 30 Three-time Wimbledon winner Chris 31 French city where de Gaulle was born 32 Comparable, distance-

wise 34 Some recipe amts. 35 “Yes,” asea 38 “Smooth Operator” singer 39 Certain TVs 40 Corporate road warrior 45 Certain music notes 46 Holiday tune 47 Trade jabs or barbs 49 What Don McLean drove his Chevy to 50 Made ___ of things (botched the situation) 51 Bacon quantity 52 Word with “traffic” or “ice cream” 53 “... than


one way to skin ___” 54 Golfer’s warning 56 Superman’s cover name 57 “Bus Stop” playwright William 58 French holy women (Abbr.) 60 Part of TGIF 61 Rifle gp. PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER

THOUGHT OF THE DAY “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” – Buddha



Your tomorrow today̶Star Power and Tarot THIRUVAIKUMAR

Date 10-12-2011

ARIES 040-27177230 / 9177596118

March 20 – April 18 You will receive good news. Money matters are favourable today.Those in romance will be happy as bonding gets more strong. A good day to start learning music or teaching.


April 19 – May 19 Willpower set to rise. Avoid friendship with bad persons. Politicians need to be careful of indirect opposition. Practice yoga to keep yourself fit. Officials to be cautious while talking.





June 21 – July 21

July 22 – August 21

May 20 – June 20

Avoid any new efforts, investments and vital decisions. Officials need to plan and execute their work properly. Avoid friendship with any negative minded persons. Expenses must be kept under control.

Those planning to change a job, need to understand the pros and cons before tak‑ ing a final decision. Expenditure will increase and chance of loss in financial transactions. Colleagues will be helpful.

Mind will be occupied with religious thoughts. Avoid ignoring elders' advice. Officials , if they remain cordial with all, can get promotion soon. Businessmen will see a favourable time.



SAGITTARIUS November 21 – Dec 20

October 23 – November 20

Avoid disputes and taking a controver‑ sial stand. Likelihood of getting blamed but face it with courage and counter them. Avoid making friendship with strangers.

Officials are advised not to misuse their position. Those who are involved in romance wil see favourable developments. Spend good time with family members today.

Put off taking any important decisions for a couple of days. Undertaking jour‑ ney and repayment of debts favoured. Disputes to be avoided. Identify your enemies and keep away from them.




January 20 – February 18 Chances of getting robbed in journey. Officials will be targeted and blamed. Parents health may cause concern. Adopt a patient approach to avoid differences with spouse.




Three of Wands – Success is imminent. All your plans are working out fine and your patience in the last few weeks is pay‑ ing off. Donʼt be in a hurry.

Two of Swords – Extremes are indi‑ cated. You either ab‑ solutely love some‑ one or hate him/her. There is no middle path in your under‑ standing of how thi‑ ngs ought to be.

Judgement – A diffi‑ cult situation comes to a head and it starts to get resolved. It may or may not go exactly as you had planned. But a reso‑ lution comes through.




The Empress – Love is in the air. You plan a string of parties in this happy holiday season and in one of those gatherings you meet the love of your life.

The Emperor – Youʼre in control of all aspects of your life and youʼre admired by your peers for these very qualities. Your lead‑ ership skills are put to the test.

Page of Swords – The focus is on intel‑ lectual conversations. You meet someone who will challenge your intellect and he‑ lp you discover new thoughts and ideas.




The Wheel of Fortune – The only thing permanent is change. If things have been bad, they wonʼt be for long. The days will look up and it all changes for the better.

Seven of Pentacles – Youʼre exhausted by the routine and need a break but find that youʼre unable to slow down because of all the commitments. Use sense of humour.

Four of Swords – Youʼre feeling stable and secure in your current job profile. Youʼve reached a co‑ mfort zone and you really donʼt want to move away from it.




Eight of Pentacles – Try to upgrade your skills or learn some‑ thing new to improve your job prospects. Even volunteer work will do you a world of good.

Five of Cups – Youʼre feeling low and out of sorts because of some disappointment. Som‑ eone you trusted dee‑ ply has let you down. Move on and donʼt get negative about anything.

The Lovers – Deci‑ sion time. You need to decide what you want to do with you‑ r life the next few years. Take a pen and pencil and plan your options. Play your cards right.

February 19 – March 19

Those in the profession of education will be appreciated. Children will make you happy. You will sharpen your skills and scale greater heights with your wise and shrewd actions.

For Better or for Worse Stone soup



Number game



Ink pen


Fred Basset

Dec 21 – January 19 Day to decide your future plans . Pregnant women are advised to get check up done. Officials advised not to acquire wealth illegally. Favourable days for those who are in love.


August 22 – September21

Journey will bring desired results. Businessmen will see growth. Fresh invest‑ ments, purchase of household items favoured. Artists may be rewarded. Avoid getting angry.

September 22 – October 22



Vol: 1, No. 146 RNI No: APENG/2011/39337 Published for the proprietors, Scribble Media and Entertainment Pvt Ltd, by V Harshavardhan Reddy, at #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No. 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad–500033 and printed by him at Jagati Publications Ltd, Plot No D-75&E-52, APIE Industrial Estate, Balanagar, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad–500037, Editor: Prahlad Rao – Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. For feedback, please write to: and for subscription, please call 040-40672222, Fax: 040-40672211



Fashion Town The Manjeera Group launched its Purple Town premium villas in Gopanpally, Gachibowli with a fashion show by designer Sravan Kumar at the Aditya Sarovar on Thursday.



Sravan and a friend

Actor Payal Ghosh at the CMR shopping mall in Kothapeta Dilsukhnagar as it launched its festive offer on textiles and jewellery on Thursday night.


Clothes and glitter


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