Postnoon E-Paper Dec 10, 2011

Page 1

ONLY `530CR COLLECTED OUT OF `1,300CR The GHMC may be scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to funding, but they seem to like scrounging. According to sources, the Corporation has failed to collect even 50 per cent of taxes due to it. The Commissioner has found that Property Tax, the lifeline of GHMC’s war chest, is not being collected due to the numerous properties in legal dispute. Report on pg4 Hyderabad’s first compact afternoon newspaper


THE KILLING FIELDS As another student goes on a rampage at Virginia Tech, we take a look at the worst masskillings in the last 50 years.


THE LOVEABLE CON-ARTIST Ranveer Singh’s charismatic fraudster tops this weekend’s cinema experience

Richa Gangopadhyay








The city is in for a lunar treat this evening when the last total lunar eclipse of the year takes place. Don’t miss it because the next one comes around only in April 2014! The right time to watch the eclipse is between 7.35pm and 8.28pm. The eclipse will end by 9.48pm. It can be seen from anywhere and no precaution is required.

Page Two


Spirit of Twin Cities

Centre of power, powerless U Srinivas

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All is not well at TTD, says chairman

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TD chairman Kanumuri Bapirapu, while agreeing that all was not well with the TTD, chose not to find fault with the comments of Jeeyar Swamy. Talking to the media in Delhi yesterday, Bapiraju said that Jeeyar Swamy was welcome to make suggestions and that he would strive to maintain the sanctity of the TTD to the best of his ability. The Tirumala shrine will be closed from noon today on account of Chandragrahanam (the lunar eclipse). After the eclipse the temple will be sanitised and re-opened for darshan.

Around the city: Your guide to the Twin Cities A night of ghazals and food


Enjoy live ghazal’s along with authentic Indian dishes at Novotel Shamshabad’s Indian speciality restaurant Haldi. Where: Novotel, Shamshabad When: Ongoing, 8pm-11pm Contact: (040) 66250000

Life in the dark An innovative format to experience and understand the daily life of the visuallychallenged. Get a tour in complete darkness with visually-impaired guides . Where: Inorbit Mall, Madhapur When: Ongoing, 10am to 8pm Contact: (040) 64603341/42

Every Wall has a story A photo exhibition by Alexandra Novosseloff and Frank Neisse depicting different walls, the lives of people who live near these walls. Where: Chitramayee State Gallery Of Fine Arts, Kavuri Hills When: Ongoing, December, 11am to 7pm Contact: (040) 32913922

Jass like that cìåâ=C=Ñìëáçå=Ä~åÇ=g~ëë=_Dëí~êÇë=~ë íÜÉó=éÉêÑçêã=äáîÉ=Ñçê=íÜÉ=NMM=máéÉêë cêÉÉ=_áêÇ=OMNNJmìêÉ=jìëáÅ=cÉëíáî~äK

Where: Fusion 9 , Rd No 1, Banjara Hills When: 10th December , 8:00pm Contact: (040) 66577722

Have paint, will travel The Corner House Gallery brings to you C Chandrasekhar’s travelling exhibition of graphic prints. Where: The Corner House Gallery, Jubilee Hills. When: Ongoing, 7pm to 9pm Contact: 9885288982

So fresh you can taste it To experience a typical seafood market, head to the Simply Fishy Food Festival. Sample fresh seafood prepared with a variety of marinades and sauces. Where: Hyderabad Marriott & Convention Centre, Tank Bund When: Ongoing, 6.30 to 11.30 pm Contact: (040) 27522567

Christmas treat It's Christmas time, Novotel Hyderabad's Le Café celebrates the festive season with a gingerbread house. Goodies such as Christmas Cookies and Moulded chocolate are available at site. Where: kçîçíÉäI=eá=qÉÅÜ=`áíó When: Ongoing, 11 am-11pm Contact: (040) 66824422

A perfect blend Catch Guitar specialist David Kalvin and DJ Krishi as they come together for a live guitar meets live music event . Where: Twister pub, Madhapur When: 10th December, 8pm Contact: (040) 65538558

Art rock!

The art of lost and found

Artist V Narsingha Rao presents Long, Lose Lost an exhibition of sculptural


installation and drawings. Where: Iconart, Banjara Hills When:Ongoing, 11am-7 pm Contact: (040) 32411554

The Buddha statue, lit-up, watches over Hussain Sagar


DJ Mohit and the MTV crew take over Bottles and Chimney with progressive music and a fashion show. Where: Bottles & Chimney When: 10th December, 11 am-6pm Contact: (040) 27766464

Big Cinemas, Ameerpet, 30581470; Cinemax, Banjara Hills, 44565555; Cine Planet , Kompally, 61606060; INOX, Banjara Hills, 447677770, Prasads, Tank Bund Rd, 23448888; PVR, Punjagutta, 08800900009; Talkie Town, Miyapur, 40214175; Tivoli, Secunderabad 27844973

Hyper Local

Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities

The great radium sticker scam U Srinivas


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^qj=íÜÉÑí ÅçãÉë ìåÜáåÖÉÇ Postnoon News


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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities


GHMC coffers half empty If GHMC promptly collects property tax, it could meet its expenses, but collection is lax owing to corruption

The race gets costlier Postnoon news

Inkeshaf Ahmed

HYDERABAD: Tax collection is the lifeline of any governance. For the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), property tax is the bread and other taxes its butter. But, in a shocking observation, the GHMC seems to have failed miserably to collect even 50 percent of the taxes due. The corporation a total of 12.5 lakh properties in its limits. Among these, 11.6 lakh are residential properties and the remaining are commercial ones. If taxes are collected duley and completely, the corporation need not go begging to the state or banks. Since taking charge, the commissioner MT Krishna Babu held a series of review Helpline GAS BOOKING IVRS NO: HP 9666023456 Indane 9848824365 BSNL Complaints HMWS & SB Complaints

198 155313

POLICE CONTROL ROOM: Hyderabad 27852435 Traffic Control Room 27852482 DCP Traffic 23234065, 23243499F Pollution Control Board 23887500 ELECTRICITY: General Complaints Breakdown Section

155333 23431178 23431179 Street Light 155304 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION:

Details of GHMC Properties n Total number of properties-

12.5 lakh n Number of residential proper-

ties- 11 lakh n Number of commercial proper-

ties – 1.5 lakh n Total no. of Properties (as per

census)- 20 lakh households collected during (2010-11) towards propert tax` 530 crores n Target for 2011-12- `1300 crores n Amount

meetings with officials and asked them to collect the dues. He hosted for the first time, on the GHMC website a list of top-1000 property tax default-

Commissioner & Spl Officer 23262266 24166666R ENC 23225267 Engineering 23220418 MCH Tankbund 23225397 Emergency MCH Circle I&II 24525842 MCH Circle III 24736912 MCH Circle IV 23326975 MCH Circle V 23326976 MCH Circle VI MCH Complaints 1100 Head Office 23225397 IVRS CUM MANUAL ENQUIRY PHONE NUMBERS (TRAIN & RESERVATION) RAILWAYS Rail Nilayam 27833150 Railway Information 131 Reservations 135 Recorded Information 1345 Enquiry (IVRS) 1331, 1332, 1333

ers. Incidentally, one of the defaulters is none other than the titular prince of Hyderabad, Mukaram Jha Bahadur. Postnoon, in its columns, exposed this issue,and the AP Lokayukta took up the case suo motu and issued notices to GHMC commissioner. The Corporaiton officials, later slapped demand notices on all the defaulters and asked them to pay the property tax. Speaking to Postnoon, GHMC Additional Commissioner Shiva Parvathi has said that they had issued notices to all the top1000 property defaulters for collection of the tax and added that if the defaulters did not pay the required amount within the stipulated time they would take other steps including seizure of their properties.

WATER SUPPLY: Complaint Cell Sewerage Complaint Hyd. Water Supply HOSPITAL: General Hospital, Sec-bad Niloufer Hospital, Red Hills NIMS, Director, Punjagutta Osmania General Hospital Railway Hospital, Lalaguda Apollo, Jubilee Hills Care Hospital, Banjara Hills Care Hospital, Nampally Care Hospitals, Musheerabad Care Hospital, Sec-bad Kamineni Hospital,

The commissioner found out later that property tax, the arterial blood vessel of GHMC, is not collected fully because numerous properties are in legal dispute. Many structures are unlawfully constructed or violat building norms. And, he knows this could not happen without the involvement of Corporation officials concerned. But, understandably, the commissioner can’t publicly state it. “We are taking all steps to increase revenue from property tax. I have instructed the officials concerned regarding this,” he said. Recently, the commissioner has felicitated an official of the corporation for being instrumental in collecting over `1 crore of property tax from one of the top defaulters.

LB Nagar 155313 23307328 23313163 27505566 23314095 23390933 24600146 27001134 23607777 30418888 30417777 30419000 30416666

BLOOD BANKS: Blood Bank,Narayaguda Chiranjeevi Blood Bank Blood Bank Mediton Goal Red Cross, Vidyanagar ADRM Blood Bank Mythri Charitable Trust NTR Memorial Trust Care Banjara Hills

39879999 27567892 23559555 23226624 27633087 27035588 27550238 30799999 30418296 30417445

AMBULANCES Apollo 23548888, 23607777 Kamineni 24022222 Medwin 23202902, 23204616 Smile Line Dental Hospital 23747979 Red Cross 27627973 Niloufer Hospital 23314095 Gandhi 23320332

HYDERABAD: As the race for mayoral position has heated up, the candidates vying for the seat have resorted to all kinds of tricks. The buzz going around GHMC corridors is how the affluent probables are eager to grab the coveted position at any cost. All India Majlis-Itehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) president and Hyderabad Member of Parliament, Asaduddin Owaisi is shocked to hear of such talks. He condemned the news reports that said the mayor aspirants are ready to buy the seat for `5 crore. Owaisi was particularly aggrieved with a newscast in one of the leading Telugu TV channels recently. “It’s atrocious, strongly condemnable and far from the truth. I think it is not reprehensive talks. I am sure the TV channel has done it to achieve cheap publicity.” “How can you (media) allow this kind of talk to be aired in public?” He enquired. He said his party never sold seats and will not in the future. Commenting on the election of mayor, Owaisi said that his party is yet to decide on the mayor candidate. “ We have not yet started the process of selecting the mayor candidate. There is a lot of time to complete the election process. We will take up the issue after the approval of the present mayor’s resignation,” he said. He has also expressed surprise on media reports on prospective party candidates for the mayor’s post. “Media have the freedom to write anything. But I can’t comment”, he signs off.

AIRLINES Airport Director 27903785, 27906001 For Air India Flight Information Toll free (from any network) for IC Flights 18001801407 And for All Flights: 1800227722 Air India has revised its flight timings. For more information call (Toll free) 18001801407, 1800227722 from BSNL/MTNL 04023430334 from other lines and mobile Website; TOURISM OFFICES AP Tourism, Hyd 23262152/53/54 Sec’bad 27893100 Dept of Tourism 23453110 India Tourism 23261360 AP Tourism information Centre (24x7) 23450444, 23455999 UK Visa Office

VFS India Pvt Ltd Building, 8-2-542/A, Sunil Chamber, Road No. 7 Beside Meridian School, Banjara Hills34. Working hours are from 8 AM to 1 PM And 2 PM to 3PM. MUSEUMS Salar Jung Museum AP State Museum Nizams Museum

24523211 232431300/7641 24521029

Readers’ views We invite you to write to us comments, suggestions, viewpoint or just about anything to or #1246, Level 3, Jubilee Casa, Road No 62, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033 or even by way of a call on 4067 2222

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Campaigns, hard news and spirit of Twin Cities



A virtual ‘coup’ against Kiran A Saye Sekhar


hat would Ghulam Nabi Azad tell Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy? He would explain the amplified dissidence against the latter’s leadership. The growing displeasure over the Kiran’s regime would come in to sharp focus, what with the ‘miscalculation’ of number of legislators sailing with YS Jagan. What drove a wedge between the ministers and the Chief Minister? As a senior colleague of Kiran Kumar Reddy’s Cabinet indicated, the Chief Minister was not amenable to any advise. To say the least, he would brush aside the suggestions and recommendation of his colleagues. Though allocation of portfolios indeed created a chasm between the ministers and

Kiran, it subsided at the instance of the high command. But the rejection of a recommendation to list a neurosurgeon for a ‘Padma’ award was the seed for the differences between the team and the leader. Ever since, the list of woes the ministers had against their boss accrued. The neurosurgeon had the credentials of operating upon an ace tennis player. At least five ministers were gunning for the head of Chief Minister, a few days before the no-confidence. It is a common knowledge as to who egged Chieranjeevi and his group on the Congress leadership to threaten that they could turn the tables against the ruling party. The ministers who have been nursing a grievance against the Chief Minister include Botsa Satyanarayana, D L Ravindra

Reddy, Vatti Vasantha Kumar, Anam Ramanarayana Reddy and Dharmana Prasada Rao. They

‘I Support Kapil Sibal’

Campaign for Internet Freedom Osama Salman


nternet is a powerful tool and we understand the implications that a derogatory comment can make — this is the soft but powerful voice that has to be strained to be heard over the otherwise loud criticism of Kapil Sibal. While the protesters and critics are clearly visible, the supports of the moderated use of internet are outnumbered. They are, however, just as important in the fiery debate. “I support Kapil Sibal, even though I might be one of the few people outside the government. India is a melting pot of cultures, religions and regions and is set in perfect harmony. However, once in a while, it gets disturbed and this is when we realize that things as petty as a

‘status update’ can actually do damage,” said Binit Kaur, a homemaker. The supports of the ‘prescreening of comments and statuses on social networking sites’ are more than estimated, insist this elite group. “Believe it or not, I know at least 25 people out of 104 who support Kabil Sibal’s remarks. We might be overpowered by the majority, but we are large and significant enough,” pointed out Fauzan Khan, an employee of a marketing firm. The man of the hour, Sibal is being attacked verbally through every medium, especially cyberspace. But he finds his supporters in the most unlikely of places- Students. While students are who you least expect to support the moderation of internet, they are

there, few perhaps, but they exist. “I support Kapil Sibal. He is right in what he said,” Yousuf Mouhsen, a class VII student said. Ask him further questions into why he thinks so and he immediately retaliates and says, “Because unmonitored internet use is bad.” Many may think that he is too young to understand what he is saying, which might be largely true, but he adds to the number of supporters to Sibal. “People argue that we are becoming increasing like an Islamist state or like communist state of China. While in a sense that might be true, it is alright to keep a tab to maintain peace and balance in a country like India. There have been famous instances where a single ‘status update’ has created uproars and done terrible damage. Don’t you think that it is important to screen what you put up on the internet?” questioned Ashok Chellam, an IT professional. “Very recently in Hyderabad, there was a video that was downloaded from Facebook and spread through MMS in a junior college that had a communal tinge to it. There were protests later and the police had to interfere to disperse the crowd away. Now had the video been ‘prescreened’, do you think such an incident would happen? Not everyone on the social networking sites come to socialize. Some come just to create a flutter and some do it unconsciously,” added Binit.

are now saying that ‘anybody is ok’ for them, other than Kiran. They successfully injected into

the thought process of the Congress high command that precipice on which the party’s fate is hanging was because Kiran never tried to rope in the Jagan group. On the other hand, he ignored the brewing threat which forced the party to the lean on to the support of Chiranjeevi’s group. The message that they (the ministers) were very much sore with the Chief Minister was aired across to Azad when the latter was in Dubai. When they failed to gain access, the mantra they used to get him on line was that the Kiran Kumar Reddy-led Congress Government was on the ‘death bed’ in the State. Sources told Postnoon that Azad indicated to them to ‘be patient’, as Sonia Gandhi was never inclined to change leaders at the drop of the hat.

Spotlight The web of fashion Vasuki Sunkavalli, Miss India Universe launched the Blenders Pride Hyderabad-International Fashion Week’s website at the Beautiful people Bio Spa and Salon. The fashion week will begin on December 15 and end on December 18.


Showering happiness Guests at the wedding of former Speaker Suresh Reddy’s daughter Shreya with Abhishek at the HICC in Madhapur on Friday.


The coy bride: Shreya


Aparna Reddy

Shailaja Kiran

Subbarami Reddy

Governor Narasimhan

GVK Reddy

Ramoji Rao

Dr Ramanaidu


VENCOBB CHICKEN: Rich in protein, great in taste eat & enjoy. Vencobb's Broiler Hyderabad Zone. Ph: 27992239. SUGUNA CHICKEN: Good quality, high yielding, dou‑ ble breasted, livebirds. Ph: 9390901115

BUSINESS FOR SALE Restaurant For Sale @ Gachibowli, fully furnished, amenities & latest equip‑ ments. Ph:9866340666

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India unveiled

‘Independence fight is on’ RALEGAN SIDDHI: ^ÜÉ~Ç=çÑ=Üáë Ç~óJäçåÖ= Ñ~ëí= Ñçê= ~= ëíêçåÖ= içâé~ä _áääI= ^åå~= e~ò~êÉ= íçÇ~ó= ä~ìåÅÜÉÇ ~= îáíêáçäáÅ= ~íí~Åâ= çå= íÜÉ= ÖçîÉêåJ ãÉåíI=ÅÜ~êÖáåÖ=íÜ~í=áí=ï~ë=ÚáåíçñáJ Å~íÉÇÛ=Äó=éçïÉê=~åÇ=ë~áÇ=íÜÉ=ÚëÉÅJ çåÇ= ÑáÖÜí= Ñçê= áåÇÉéÉåÇÉåÅÉÛ= Ü~ë ëí~êíÉÇI= ïÜáÅÜ= ïáää= Öç= çå= íáää= ÅçêJ êìéíáçå=áë=Éê~ÇáÅ~íÉÇK _ÉÑçêÉ=äÉ~îáåÖ=Ñçê=aÉäÜá=ïÜÉêÉ ÜÉ= ïáää= ÜçäÇ= íÜÉ= Ñ~ëíI= e~ò~êÉ= ë~áÇI pç= ã~åó= ã~êíóêë= äçëí= íÜÉáê= äáîÉë Ñçê= çìê= áåÇÉéÉåÇÉåÅÉ= Äìí= ÉîÉå íçÇ~ó=ïÉ=Å~ååçí=ÉñéÉêáÉåÅÉ=áåÇÉJ éÉåÇÉåÅÉK= tÜç= Öçí= áåÇÉéÉåÇÉåíK tÜ~í= áåÇÉéÉåÇÉåÅÉK= `çêêìéíáçåI äççí=áë=ëíáää=ÜÉêÉK=låäó=Öçê~ë äÉÑí=~åÇ

Protest against the protest NEW DELHI: Some of Hazare's detractors are also planning to stage protest at the same site and raise questions to him but have not received the permission for any demonstration. Hazare has raised the decibel on the issue, bringing Rahul Gandhi under the line of fire and repeating that it was the Congress scion who was behind the watered-down proposals of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Lokpal. He has also warned the government that if a strong Lokpal Bill is not passed in the ongoing Winter Session of Parliament, he will sit on an indefinite fast from December 27 at Ramlila Maidan here and campaign against it in the upcoming Assembly elections in five states, including UP. The 74-year-old activist, who had gone on his second fast in Ramlila Maidan in August for the same issue, has been demanding inclusion of lower bureaucracy under the ambit of Lokpal besides provisions for Citizen's Charter.

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Most bodies of fire victims handed over KOLKATA: `áîáÅ= ~ìíÜçêáíáÉë íçÇ~ó=ëÉ~äÉÇ=íïç=ÄäçÅâë=çÑ=íÜÉ ÑáêÉJê~î~ÖÉÇ= éêáî~íÉ= ^jof eçëéáí~ä=ÜÉêÉ=ÉîÉå=~ë=~ìíÜçêáJ íáÉë= Ü~åÇÉÇ= çîÉê= ã~àçêáíó= çÑ íÜÉ= ÄçÇáÉë= çÑ= íÜÉ= VM= éÉçéäÉ âáääÉÇ=íç=íÜÉáê=êÉä~íáîÉëK qÜÉ= éçëíJãçêíÉã= çÑ= UT= çÑ íÜÉ= íçí~ä= VM= ïÜç= ïÉêÉ= ÅÜçâÉÇ íç=ÇÉ~íÜ=ÇìÉ=íç=íÜÉ=ÑáêÉ=óÉëíÉêJ Ç~ó= ï~ë= ÅçãéäÉíÉÇ= ä~ëí= åáÖÜí ~åÇ= íÜÉ= ~ìíçéëó= çÑ= íÜÉ= êÉëí íÜêÉÉ= ïçìäÇ= ÄÉ= ÇçåÉ= ÇìêáåÖ íÜÉ=Ç~óI=éçäáÅÉ=ë~áÇK qÜÉ= éçäáÅÉI= ÜçïÉîÉêI= ÇáÇ åçí=ÖáîÉ=íÜÉ=åìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÄçÇáÉë Ü~åÇÉÇ=çîÉê=íç=íÜÉáê=Ñ~ãáäáÉëK c~ãáäó= ãÉãÄÉêë= çÑ= SR óÉ~êJçäÇ= _~åÖä~ÇÉëÜ= êÉëáÇÉåí dçìê~åÖ~= jçåÇ~äI= ïÜç= ï~ë ~ãçåÖ= íÜÉ= îáÅíáãëI= Ü~îÉ êÉ~ÅÜÉÇ=íÜÉ=ãçêÖìÉ=íç=êÉÅÉáîÉ Üáë=ÄçÇóK=jçåÇ~äÛë=ÄçÇó=ïçìäÇ ÄÉ= Ñäçïå= íç= Üáë= ÅçìåíêóI= íÜÉ éçäáÅÉ=ë~áÇK qÜÉ= ÄçÇó= çÑ= ~= êÉëáÇÉåí= çÑ qêáéìê~=ïçìäÇ=~äëç=ÄÉ=Ü~åÇÉÇ çîÉê=íç=Üáë=Ñ~ãáäó=íçÇ~óK jÉ~åïÜáäÉI= íïç= ÄäçÅâë= çÑ íÜÉ=ÑáêÉJê~î~ÖÉÇ=éêáî~íÉ=ÜçëéáJ í~ä=ï~ë=ëÉ~äÉÇ=íÜáë=ãçêåáåÖ=Äó Åáíó=ÅáîáÅ=~ìíÜçêáíáÉëK

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Around the World


Beyond Borders

Virginia Tech shooter was a student WASHINGTON: Police on Friday identified the gunman who killed a police officer at Virginia Tech and then killed himself as a 22-year-old Ross Truett Ashley, a parttime student at Radford University. The crime at the 31,000-student Virginia Tech revived memories of the April 2007 bloodbath in which 32 people were shot dead by a student who then killed himself — the deadliest shooting incident by a single gunman in US history. State police said there was “no prior connection” between Ashley and campus police officer Deriek Crouse, who was slain when the gunman walked up to his

Putin faces waves of protest


ladimir Putin is set to face the biggest show of opposition yet to his strongman rule with tens of thousands of Russians promising to take to the streets on Saturday in a popular wave of discontent unseen since he came to power 12 years ago. The opposition coalesced around a set of concrete demands, including the annulment of a parliamentary vote marred by fraud and the holding of new elections. “We expect the biggest political demonstration of the last 10 years,” said Ilya Ponomaryov, a Duma deputy with the Just Russia party and a protest organiser. “What will happen tomorrow is an important step in the development of our democracy.” More than 35,000 people indicated via Facebook that they planned to join the protest in Moscow. After a day of intense negotiations, protest organisers agreed to demands by the city government to move from Revolution Square to Bolotnaya (Swamp) Square, away from the Kremlin. The Kremlin has stepped up security around Moscow since the vote on Sunday. More than 50,000 police and 2,000 interior troops, backed by water cannon, helicopters and reinforced arrest lorries, have been deployed to the capital. The wave of protests has exposed discontent among Russia's middle class, who have begun to decry the lack of democracy and freedom of expression under Putin and the runaway corruption that has flourished under his rule.

unmarked patrol car during a “routine traffic stop” involving a third person. The 39-year-old Crouse “was not able

to return fire or fire his weapon,” state police spokeswoman Corrine Geller earlier told reporters. Ashley has been connected to the theft at gunpoint of a white 2011 Mercedes SUV on Wednesday, the state police statement said. That vehicle was found Thursday on the Virginia Tech campus. The police has stated that an autopsy will be conducted and the investigation was ongoing. Virginia Tech associate vice president Larry Hincker said the university had, once again, been the scene of “a wanton random act of violence.”

Cameron’s veto plunges Britain into uncertainity D avid Cameron plunged Britain’s position in Europe into the greatest uncertainty in a generation as he used his veto to block a new EU-wide treaty and left at least 23 other countries to forge a pact to salvage the single currency. With the apparent blessing of the pro-European deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg – and the subsequent delight of Tory backbenchers – Cameron deployed the ultimate weapon in European summitry at about 2.30am yesterday. EU leaders promptly agreed to bypass Britain and establish a new accord on the euro among themselves by March. The EU appeared poised to line up 26-1 against Cameron in support of the Franco-German blueprint, leaving Britain utterly isolated. The veto was unexpected and was being seen as a watershed in Britain’s fractious relationship with the rest of

Europe. Cameron insisted on securing concessions on, and exemptions from, EU financial markets regulation as the price of his assent to the German-led euro salvation blueprint. The others balked, France most vocally, accusing Cameron of putting Britain’s perceived interests ahead of

resolving the EU’s worst crisis. While Cameron has failed to secure the concessions for Britain’s strong financial services sector, Britain has also forfeited its place at the table where Europe’s future and the new euro regime will be determined. For the first time since Britain joined the European Community in 1973, a treaty that goes to the heart of how the EU works will be struck without a British signature. Arguing he had to protect the City of London, Cameron demanded that any transfer of power from national regulators to an EU regulator on financial services be subject to a veto; the UK be free to place higher capital requirements on banks; that the European Banking Authority remain in London; and the European Central Bank be rebuffed in its attempts to rule that eurodenominated transactions take place within the eurozone.

IT’S BLOWIN’ A HOOLIE Hurricane-force winds battered parts of Britain, closing schools, cutting off power to tens of thousands of homes, and forcing rescue missions. The worst-hit areas are Argyll and Tayside, with parts of the Highlands, the north east, Orkneys and Shetlands were also affected


GLOBE AT A GLANCE EVACUATION AFTER BOMB SCARE AT EIFFEL TOWER PARIS: The Eiffel Tower and its surroundings in Paris were evacuated on Friday evening after an anonymous caller, claiming to be member of terror outfit Al Qaeda, said there was a bomb kept nearby. Police received a call around 5pm from the man. Around 2,000 visitors were asked to quit the 324-metre-tall tower, but police did not find any explosive as mentioned in the phone call.

WOMEN LAUDED FOR BEING CATALYSTS OF PEACE OSLO: Liberia’s president, a Liberian and a Yemeni activist will receive the Nobel Peace Prize on Saturday for demonstrating how women facing war and oppression can shed the mantle of victim-hood and lead the way to peace and democracy. leaders in the world.” Tawakkol Karman, Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Liberian ‘peace warrior’ Leymah Gbowee will be awarded.

The 2011 Nobel Peace Prize laureates, address the media during a press conference AFP

DURBAN UN CONFERENCE STALEMATE CONTINUES China, India, Africa and the EU were at loggerheads on Friday night, pushing UN climate talks into extra time on Saturday as 194 countries attempted to reach a global deal to prevent dangerous global warming.There were signs of movement on all sides. Some longstanding rifts between the developing and developed countries, and between the EU and the US, appeared bridged.

SKYWATCHERS AWAIT THE LAST ECLIPSE OF 2014 Skywatchers in Australia, Asia and North America are gearing up for a total lunar eclipse on Saturday. This is the second total lunar eclipse this year and the last until 2014. This eclipse occurs when the Earth casts its shadow over the Moon. Indirect sunlight illuminates the Moon to a shade of red. The shadow starts falling at 11.33GMT and ends after 17.30GMT.

People walk through a street in Lyon during the ‘Fete des Lumieres’ AFP



Matters of saving and spending

Interest hike affected housing loans: LICHFL

Postnoon News

HYDERABAD: Increase in interest rates by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has amplified the borrowing costs of the housing finance companies. In turn, Net Interest Margin (NIM) and spread has decreased in the sector. Only minimum costs are being passed on to the customer, but a lot of it is burdened by the housing financing companies. This brought them under pressure. The other major challenges

are economic volatility and inflation, said V.K. Sharma, Director and Chief Executive, LIC Housing Finance Ltd (LICHFL) The increase in interest rates or the separate state issue did not show any effect on the end users. There is a lot of demand for loans. The separate state issue, in away, affected the price of the properties and upcoming projects. The property prices in Hyderabad are low compared to Mumbai. The property values are going to rise in the city, said Sharma He

further added that there is only 10 per cent price growth in the Tier 1 cities. It is right to buy and invest in properties of tier 2 and tier 3 cities. There is a high demand and the price growth is about 30 per cent in cities like Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam and Warangal. The LICHFL has targeted to distribute Rs. 3,500 crore towards housing loans in the current financial year, as against Rs. 2,500 crore of last year. Inaugurating a threeday property show, ‘Sonta Inti Sambaraalu’ at Satyasai Nigamagamam here on Friday, Director and Chief Executive of LICHFL V K Sharma said that 39 builders and developers from various parts of the twin cities are showcasing their properties to the customers. The customers would get their loans sanctioned on the spot with new discount interest rate of 10.4 per cent (floating rate).The processing fee is reduced from Rs. 30,000 to Rs 5,000 and service tax for a property worth Rs. 35 lakh. Builders may also provide some discounts.


Students must focus on fundamentals Raghav Avvari Postnoon News

HYDERABAD: Students are urged to get their fundamentals right while appearing for interviews. Raghav Avvari, Deputy General Manager of HR in IBM, said here on Friday that most of those failing to clear the technical round in interviews for recruitments conducted by software and hardware companies were unable to field basic questions. He said lack of preparation and proper understanding would cost them dearly. Raghav was speaking at a seminar on ‘scope of management graduates in various sectors’ organised by Kohinoor Business School, Khandala, at National Institute of Micro, Small

and Medium Enterprises here. Replying to a query from a participant, he said that experience came through a learning process and freshers could not grudge their senior for ‘knocking away’ their opportunity. “Be patient, your turn will come. Hone your skills sets and work on your strengths,” he said. Milind, professor of management in Kohinoor Business School, explained how the stock markets worked. He actually demystified the stock markets by explaining the nuances of the bourses. B. Ratna Rao, CEO of Sabera Consulting, discussed how management education would mold students into good citizens and tomorrow’s managers by citing interesting examples. The final session had a quiz show. Students pursuing their graduation from Govt. College for Women, Begumpet and boys from Pragati College, Koti participated in the seminar conducted by Sewta Balasubramanian and B Maheswaran, students of Kohinoor B school.

Security key to growth of ITeS Postnoon News

Hyderabad’s first afternoon newspaper

e b i r c s Sub DAY! TO

Special Offer

HYDERABAD: Security is the important aspect for the growth of Information Technology and Information Technology-enabled services (ITeS) companies. Global partners need to be kept satisfied by keeping their processed data safe and secure. It is very important for organisations to have a security policy and use the services of data security bodies, said Ravi Shankar, Manager, Auditing and Sales, Trendz Process consulting. He was addressing the 16th conference organised by Hyderabad Software

Process Improvement Network (HYDSPIN) here on Saturday. The HYDSPIN is a forum of software professionals driving the exchange of ideas to bring about process improvements in theior respective organisations. Cloud testing was the emerging trend. By 2014, at least 75 per cent of companies would have moved to cloud. The return on one-time Investment on cloud was 45 per cent every year and companies could count profits after three years, said Raja Neravati, sr. vicepresident, Applabs.

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State Bank of Hyderabad donated net books worth of `50,000 to the students of Aliya Government High School, Nampally, Hyderabad as part of their social responsibility. M Bhagavantha Rao, Managing Director, SBH, Jyoti Ghosh, General Manager (C&IB) and Muneeswarananda, Secretary of Bharat Sevashram Sangha attended the programme.

Playing Field


The games people play


Redknapp slams FA Rooney appeal Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp has accused the Football Association of double standards over their campaign to get Wayne Rooney’s Euro 2012 ban reduced


ooney’s ban for next summer’s tournament was cut from three matches to two after he was sent off for kicking out at Montenegro’s Miodrag Dzudovic during England’s final qualifier in October. The FA had appealed against the UEFA punishment at a hearing in Nyon, Switzerland. Redknapp thinks the FA’s stance is hypocritical as he is sure that had the Manchester United player lashed out in a similar manner in a domestic game, he would be suspended for at least three games. Redknapp, the bookmakers’ favourite to succeed Fabio Capello as England boss, said, “In all honesty it was a threematch ban for violent conduct.”

Khan eyeing the big leagues Amir Khan plans to bid farewell to the light-welterweight division on Saturday night before pursuing mega-fights and superstardom in 2012


he Bolton fighter hopes to successfully defend his WBA and IBF titles against Lamont Peterson in Washington before leaving the 10-stone ranks as the division’s recognised number one. From there, 25-year-old Khan plans to move up to the welterweight division where riches and pound-for-pound kingpin Floyd Mayweather await, and he said, “I’ll probably move up to welterweight in my next fight because there’s nobody out there I can face at light-welter.” He added, “There are big names in the welterweight division and I can work my way towards those big super-fights against the likes of Floyd Mayweather and also Shane Mosley, who is in that division and someone I could probably face. “There are some real superfights for me in that division that people will want to see.” Khan (26-1, 18KO wins) claims the ball is already rolling as they work towards a contest with undefeated veteran Mayweather. “We’ve offered the fight to Mayweather’s team and they are interested in the fight,” he said. “I think that fight could happen in the next six to nine months,

maybe even sooner. It depends how we come through this fight against Peterson. “When I fight Mayweather I’m not going to be fighting for a big payday because I can make that fighting anybody, really. I want to fight Mayweather because I want to beat him. I want to be the first to beat him and I think I’ve got the style to do that. “I want to take away that pound-for-pound world title from him and be known as the best fighter in the world. When the time is right, within the next six to nine months, we’ll jump on that and take the fight against him.” Khan, who weighed in one pound lighter than Peterson at 139lbs, is the heavy favourite for the bout on Saturday night. ES


nited’s 2-1 defeat to Basle on Wednesday meant they failed to emerge from the group stage for the first time since 2005 and the champions suffered another blow today with the news that Nemanja Vidic will miss the rest of the season after rupturing his knee ligament in Switzerland. In contrast, Chelsea went through on Tuesday with a 3-0 win over Valencia, joining Arsenal, who topped their group despite losing 3-1 to Olympiacos. Chelsea were also group winners meaning that the two London clubs will avoid defending champions Barcelona plus Real Madrid, Inter Milan and Bayern Munich in next Friday’s draw. Arsenal and Chelsea have both been runners-up but with three-time winners United out, Wenger senses England’s capital could finally be home to the champions of Europe. The Arsenal manager said, “We were close [to winning the trophy], Chelsea were close too

He added, “You can look at it and say it wasn’t that violent, but it doesn’t matter. If you cuff someone, you get a three-match ban. Those are the rules. If you appealed it (domestically), it would be a frivolous appeal and you would probably get four games if you went to the FA.” Redknapp now expects the FA to be besieged with appeals for domestic red cards. “For them to get it from three to two, it opens up a can of worms,” he said. “There will be clubs appealing against bans and they will want to know why they aren’t getting it cut from three to two for similar situations. “People will look at it and think: ‘hang on, the FA have gone

and appealed against his (Rooney’s) red, why can’t we?’ “From England’s point of view, I’m pleased to see him get two because he’s that important to England, but in all honesty, the rules are supposed to be the rules and they have not been adhered to in this situation.” Redknapp is the second Premier League manager to question the FA’s appeal against Rooney’s ban after Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish did so on Thursday. Dalglish said, “I find it a bit strange. The FA are supposed to be setting an example for things yet they appeal against Wayne Rooney’s three-match ban. I don’t think that’s a good example to set.” ES

Live on ESPN/Star Sports Barclays Premier League Arsenal v Everton, 8.30pm (Saturday Dec10) Liverpool v QPR, 8.30pm (Saturday Dec10) Man Utd v Wolverhampton, 8.30pm (Saturday Dec10)

Arsene Wenger: Man United’s exit helps us — the two teams were very, very close. “You face competition from all over Europe with some massive clubs but maybe this is London’s season, you never know. “When you go out of the Champions League it is, of course, a big disappointment but every team responds in a different way. “You want to play in the Champions League but the risk is that you have to go out

at some stage. You have to deal with the disappointment, that’s part of being a big club. Let’s not forget that Manch es ter United have played in three finals out of the last four, so for them we have to consider it [their exit] as an accident.” United’s focus will now be on trying to close the five-point gap on Premier League leaders Manchester City although they will have to do that without Vidic. The centre-half went down following a tangle of legs with Marco Streller. Manager Sir Alex Ferguson said, “I thought it was a bad injury when I saw it. It’s a bit of a blow.” Ferguson’s side face Wolves tomorrow and the Scot is convinced his side will put their disappointment behind them. He said, “Our young players got a nasty experience on Wednesday but they know they have the trust of myself and their coaches. They will not be hounded because of one bad performance.”


Playing Field


The games people play


New Zealand strike back, gain slim lead

Chris Martin


ew Zealand’s openers built a lead of 43 over Australia by tea after the visiting seam attack had slid the hosts to 136 all out in reply to 150 on day two of the second Test. Led by Chris Martin’s unstinting bounce, movement and accuracy, all the visitors’ bowlers had

moments to enjoy as Australia briefly stared at the possibility of being bowled out for less than 100 for the fourth time in 18 months and the third in the space of a year, reports cricinfo. Peter Siddle and James Pattinson produced the most substantial partnership of the innings from the depths of 7 for 75, but could not

prevent New Zealand from gaining an unexpected first innings lead of 14. Batting a second time, Brendon McCullum and Martin Guptill took advantage of an indifferent start by Pattinson and Siddle to take New Zealand to 0 for 29 and their most promising position to win a Test match over Australia for some years. They did so in conditions that seemed to ease a little for batting, but the bowlers did not put the ball consistently where they needed to. Australia had no such respite in the morning. Usman Khawaja and Michael Clarke fought hardest among the batsmen, but all were found woefully deficient against the moving ball. Following Martin’s example, Tim Southee, Trent Boult and Doug Bracewell all found a hint of deviation either way to exploit Australian vulnerability. Boult pouched three wickets on debut and impressed with his subtle swing and sustained line. Resuming at 1 for 12, Khawaja and David Warner played and missed often amid pushing a few runs, and New Zealand were given the early impression they were well and truly in the contest. This notion was confirmed when Warner walked into a drive at Martin and edged to first slip. Ricky Ponting walked to the middle in a Hobart Test for the first time since his double century against Pakistan in 2010, intent on another score of heft. One or two crisp connections suggested he was in good touch, but he was soon made to look as foolish by Southee as Graham Gooch used to be at the hands of Alderman.

WSH may decide today to postpone the league NEW DELHI: Organisers of the World Series Hockey (WSH) are in a quandary over postponing the league to after the Olympic qualifiers in view of its dates clashing with the national camp. A decision is expected today (Saturday). The Indian Hockey Federation (IHF) and Nimbus Sports, the organisers of the league scheduled to kick off on Dec 17, are conscious of the fact that the Indian players have already expressed their desire to take part in the camp for the Olympic qualifiers in Bangalore starting on Sunday.

The top players have in two signed letters communicated to Hockey India (HI) that they would be at the camp. India captain Bharat Chettri told on Tuesday that the players prefer the league to be held after the Olympic qualifiers. The IHF after a meeting with the sports ministry decided to firm up its mind on Saturday. “We will decide on the future course of action by tomorrow,” a top official of the organising committee, not wanting to be named, told. “The international players and the coaches have started

arriving and will go a h e a d with the camp. But we want our players to play in the league as well. We have spoken to some of the players. We care for them and do not want to create a problem for them. We know how HI made them to sign letters,” he said. The national camp will run from Dec 11–Jan 15. The London Olympics qualifying event is from Feb 15–26. “Nowhere a national camp is run for so many days,” he said. IANS

Anand draws with Kramnik in Classics LONDON: World champion Viswanathan Anand played out a draw with former challenger Vladimir Kramnik of Russia in the seventh round of London Chess Classics here. After a hard earned victory over Nigel Short of England in the previous round, the Indian ace could not do much with his white pieces and decided to split the point on the first all-drawn day in the Classic this year. World number one Magnus Carlsen of Norway had an off day and that paved the way for Hikaru Nakamura of United States to strengthen his position at the top of the table with another easy draw as black against Luke McShane of England. Michael Adams of England had it safe right from the word go against Levon Aronian of Armenia while in the other game of the day, English David Howell signed peace with compatriot Nigel Short. The lead positions changed only a little following a peaceful day as Nakamura stretched himself to be two points ahead of Carlsen, Kramnik and McShane who all have to play

an extra game compared to the American. Aronian and Anand share the fifth spot on six points, two points clear of short who, in turn, is one point ahead of backrankers Howell and Adams. Anand got little with the favourable colour against Kramnik after the latter went for a queens gambit declined. After initial skirmish, Anand had to part with a rook for minor peace even as the position never left the boundaries of a draw. Aronian was quite happy as Adams went for a harmless setup in the Berlin defence. Regulation exchanges led to a level rook and pawns endgame where only Adams, with his listless play, had anything to complain about. Nakamura looks set to cap the year with another big triumph as he now has two white games remaining. Playing black in a closed Sicilian, the American had little trouble in maintaining the balance with his black pieces. Short could not secure his second victory in the tournament as Howell played safe. PTI

India too good for Maldives; face Afghanistan in final NEW DELHI: Five times champions India in a vastly improved performance on Friday defeated their bugbear Maldives 3-1 to enter their third successive SAFF Cup football final here at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium and set up a title clash with surprise package Afghanistan. Afghanistan qualified for their maiden final with a hard-fought 10 win over Nepal in the other semifinal through an extra-time goal by their Norway-based striker Belal Arezou. A back-heel by Sanjar Ahmadi set up Arezou, who made an excellent sprint from the centre-half, muscled past the Nepalese defence and slotted it in. Both the teams came agonisingly close to scoring during the

regulation time. Tempers flayed during the dying minutes of the game and Nepal’s Biraj Maharjan was red carded for a nasty tackle. In the first semi-final, India were impressive and pressed hard right from the start. They should have scored much earlier than their live-wire wing-back Syed Rahim Nabi did in the 23rd minute. The Maldives equaliser in the 60th minute was spectacular, a booming long-ranger by Shamweel Qasim giving no chance to the Indian goalkeeper. Eight minutes later, India struck a second time through Sunil Chettri from a penalty and he scored again in the injury time. He is now the leading scorer with six goals. IANS

Relationships Isha Mukoo


ust like a coin has two sides, so do relationships. It takes a lot of care to maintain one's relations. Being in love is supposed to be one of the most beautiful feelings, as you always have someone you can fall back on. But as the companionship grows steadier, one thing we tend to forget is to let our beloved know of our love. Soon the little gestures which had the couple enamoured like the date night or that thank you note goes into the background. We begin to take our partners for granted. Anchor Mini Mathur who is married to director Kabir Khan for more than a decade now feels it’s the obvious factor that


the ties that bind

allows the 'take-for-granted' attitude to seep into the relationship. "More often that not, it's the assigned domestic duties and pre-conceived gender roles that make you take each other for granted. You start feeling it is his job to get the car washed while the guy might feel it’s the wife who will be doing the cooking. One does not recognise that it is these small and routine acts which set in the boredom," she explains. The actor goes on to add, "I've been married to Kabir for so many years now and the initial heady excitement of falling in love obviously does not keep on forever. One needs to do things together some times out of the normal routine life, like go for adventure sports, or a holiday and

spend some time with each other and not worry about your usual daily schedules and do things that your spouse likes. Sharing each other interests makes you think beyond the obvious and you find new ways to do things you have not done before. It is about growing together," she says and goes onto add, "Also I feel communication is a very cosmopolitan word to use which only outlines the issues. According to me it’s the actions that matter more than the words,” she shares. With time the auto pilot mode of thinking seeps in and the things that used to be special get neglected or forgotten. Singer, actor and dancer, Meiyang Chang who is in a relationship with singer Monali

The most common problem faced in relationships today is that each partner is thought to be taking the other for granted. Postnoon speaks to a few couples who share their insights on how to avoid falling into this trap

Thakur, feels this attitude is not restricted only to a couples, it persists in other relations as well. “It is something that comes eventually as you start getting comfortable and even if you think of doing those special things, you tend to take it lightly. One needs to reinvent and work towards keeping a relationship from getting bogged down," he shares. What are the reasons that lead to such behaviour? "I feel it’s mainly because of the hectic lifestyles that we lead. It tends to take a toll on the our personal life. There is so much travelling and such erratic schedules that spending time together is what starts creating misunderstandings. Spending quality time together and enjoying a healthy sex life plays a major role in one


relationship"says Chang. Actor Pooja Bedi feels doing things out of the ordinary is what keeps the relationship away from the ‘for granted’ attitude. "There is always that initial excitement to woo your partner and cement your relationship. But after one is into a relationship, the security factor sets in and one stops making the effort to keep it going which sets the boredom and casual approach," she shares. So be it the young love or a matured couple, a celebrity or a corporate professional, today’s lifestyle makes it difficult for a couple to enjoy that special evening or that surprise dinner served by your spouse. But as they say, love conquers all, and an extra dime of effort can make the bond even stronger.

Rekindle the magic

HOW TO GET THE ZING BACK n n n n n n n n n n

Begin the day by giving your partner a hug Go out on an unplanned date. Surprise your lover with tickets, for a romantic cruise or a movie. Have a messenger deliver a bunch of flowers to him/her Thank your spouse for the effort they put in to clean the house or make dinner Just crash on the couch or the bed switch off the phones and have a great talk Indulge a whim of his or hers, when there is no occasion to do so Call your partner, if you are going to come home late Pursue a hobby together over the weekend. Snuggle up close



inter, one of the most awaited seasons of the year is here. Hot coffee, bon fire, basking in the sun, winter brings its own kinds of merriment. The cozy season brings with it special


moments and reminds us of some of the most special moments spent with our loved one! But along with all the fun, it brings in some complexities too! The chilly wind and the dry weather often makes our skin not feeling at its soft, smooth and irresistible best! That’s when you need to give it care, pamper and naturally renew the softness of your skin — leaving it feeling delightfully smooth and an invitation to touch!

Some tips to re-discover irresistible skin this winter! n




Moisturising should be a basic body care regime for winters to replenish the moisture skin loses to the harsh weather. Coconut based moisturisers work wonders for the skin as they protect the skin barriers and lock in moisture from escaping the skin’s surface! Take a lukewarm bath daily and include a few drops of coconut oil to bathing water, this works excellent on your skin by keeping it moist and soft throughout the day. Natural oils are a necessary ingredient for the skin in winters and renewing softness in the harshness of seasons. Take good care of your hands and feet especially. Moisturising your hands and feet at least twice a day is very important. Also use gloves while you are doing daily house chores. Avoid using harsh soaps, shampoos and shower gels as they dry the skin tone. Do away with drying products and use mild ones which allow moisture to retain in the skin.





Your skin does not depend only on the external applications but also on the intake of food; it is important to have nutritious food and keep yourself well hydrated by having lots of water and fruits to maintain your moisture balance. Use sunscreen too as it is not just for summer; winter sun along with its slow glare can equally damage your skin. Use a home-made mask for skin during this winter such as - Mix yogurt with ground almonds and coconut milk, then apply the mixture on your face. Wash it off with lukewarm water, after 20 minutes. Blend avocado with a few drops of coconut oil and apply the mixture all over your body. Wash it off after 20 minutes and then take a bath. A good natural oil based lip balm or even applying a few drops of coconut oil will be an effective cover over your lips against the cold weather.


Pamper your skin this winter by going natural No need to fear the winter sun anymore when all you have to do is follow a dedicated skin-care regime. We tell you how

Get glowing skin with Kajal Agarwal’s simple tips! l

Go natural with your skin-When it comes to my skin, I am a firm believer in going natural. To revitalise my skin, I always prefer to use natural fruitbased moisturisers. Coconut-based products are fantastic for my skin as it really penetrates right into the skin,giving it that irresistible hydrated and well moisturised feel all day long.



Protect your skin from sun damage – Yes, winter sun can be equally damaging to your skin! Make sure that you apply sun-screen 15 minutes prior to leaving you home to make sure that your skin is sun protected. Follow a skin-care routine everyday– It is very important to cleanse, tone and specially moisturise your skin


everyday. Moisturising your skin is important, no matter what time of the year. The best are coconut based moisturisers, which give you that indulgent pampering feeling and keeps your skin moisturised and supple all through the day! Eat and drink Healthy —Fruits, dahi and greens – I like natural ingredients


and that’s what helps me stay fit! Also I drink a lot of water as keeping my skin hydrated is very important. Fresh fruit juices and coconut water are also good for the skin as it washes away all the toxins in the body. Exercise regularly: A half an hour daily exercise helps in keeping your mind and skin fresh.

Wacky World


Fun and frolic in a flat world


A unique ‘type’ of painting! I

t might look like just an old typewriter, but Washington-based artist Tyree Callahan has actually converted this antique 1937 Underwood Standard typewriter into an art instrument that makes beautiful paintings. Callahan replaced the ink pads of the typewriter with coloured paint pads and the letters with colour markers, to create a painting machine he calls a Chromatic Typewriter. So instead of creating paintings with brushes, he types them with his unique typewriter.

While it would take a while getting used to, and although it will probably never yield the detailed After all, artists like Keira Rathbone use conventional typewriters to create exceptional works of art using just letters and symbols. Artists have used stranger things to unleash their painting talent (remote-controlled cars or sometimes even their lips!). Tyree Callahan submitted his original creation to the 2012 West Prize competition, an annual art prize which is determined by a popular vote.



he students of the Eastman School of Music, Rochester, New York , learn more than just music. In groups, they are asked to attend classes of a highly different nature. Classes that test and train them physically, and teach them the basic skills of boxing. While it’s perfectly understandable that a musician may enjoy a little physical exercise, the students have taken up boxing not for exercise but to improve their music skills. It all started when their professor, James VanDenmark, took up the sport himself. The world renowned double bass soloist says the classes had a remarkable difference upon his skills on the instrument. He reports better bow control,

more confidence, stamina and energy. Intrigued, VanDenmark began to send a few of his female students to learn boxing, along with some conditioning and strength building. When they displayed the same results, he made this a regular feature. He now sends them in groups to Rochester gym ROC Boxing & Fitness to learn boxing basics and practice strength training. The students, he says, are now able to produce a bigger and more focused sound from the big instrument. According to VanDenmark, Boxing is the most rhythmic of sports, and many of the basic gestures of boxing have an immediate relationship to string playing. Since punching involves a very rhythmic use of the hands and

arms, the effect is immediate. The speed bag used in boxing improves internal rhythm and hand-eye coordination. He says that since boxing provides upper body strength, leg strength and also a cardiovascular workout, there is a huge improvement in playing a large upright brass. The students seem happy too. Danny Ziemann, a 21-year-old senior, says, “I love having this one hour where I don’t have to worry about anything except punching stuff.” Who would have thought that playing a violent sport and a music instrument could be linked? Looks like professional boxers have a new hobby awaiting them post retirement!

An artist who needs no canvas to unleash her creative side!


or a project, short video documenting artist Molly Crabapple locked herself in a hotel room covered the walls with doodles. Molly started wondering as to what happens when an artist leaves their studio, moves out of their cliches, and their comfort zone and draws beyond the limits of their endurance. She also stated that she wanted “to see what tarts and squidbeasts look like frollicking on a massive scale”. She decided to spend her 28th birthday locked in an East Village room, covering the walls with art. She began by launching

a Kickstarter fundraising campaign to help cover the cost of her daring project, including the photographic talents of Steve Prue. In September 2011 she did just what she promised, and spent five days locked in a room making art. Luckily, she wasn’t alone, as she brought along Keith Jenson from Brainwomb to document the experience. She also carried along a “cast of muses, musicians and miscreants” to keep her company. She managed to create 270 feet of art while locked in the room, all of which was presold to her Kickstarter backers.

Brave New World

From the world of science & research



New paper calls for strong steps to tackle antibiotic resistance S hahriar Mobashery, a University of Notre Dame researcher, is one of the co-authors of a new paper by a group of the world’s leading scientists in academia and industry that calls for strong steps to be taken to control the global crisis of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. The group issued a priority list of steps that need to be taken on a global scale to resolve the crisis. The paper is an outgrowth of a meeting the group held at the Banbury Conference Centre in Cold Spring Harbor, NY, to discuss the crisis and it appears in the journal Nature Reviews Microbiology. The group notes that in Europe in 2007, the number of infections by multidrugresistant bacteria was 400,000 and there were 25,000 attributable deaths. In the United States alone, antibiotic-resistant infections are responsible for $20 billion per year in excess health care costs, $35 billion per year in societal costs and 8 million additional hospital stays per year. The problem of resistance is compounded by the fact that we live in a global economy, resulting in a worldwide spread of antibiotic-resistant genes. The Banbury group recommends that research priorities be established to control resistance.

They point out that additional basic information about resistance is required to address the crisis. “Increasing lines of evidence identify the principal reservoirs of resistance genes to be bacteria that live in and on humans and animals, as well as those found in the environment (in soil, water and so on),” the paper notes. “However, there is insufficient information about the condi-

tions and factors that lead to the mobilisation, selection and movement of these bacteria into and between animal and human populations.” The report also calls for increased international funding to enable scientists to track new antibiotic-resistance threats worldwide, in a manner similar to how the World Health Organisation and other agencies track influenza out breaks.

The paper points out that antibiotic resistance is lifethreatening in the same sense as cancer, both in the number of cases and the likely outcome. It therefore calls for a public education campaign about bacteria and antibiotic resistance similar to those that have been mounted for cancer awareness. The study also notes that in some parts of the world, population density, the uncontrolled

use of antibiotics, a lack of both a clean water supply and proper treatment for sewage and industrial effluent create the conditions that disseminate and select resistant bacteria. “Local governments must be encouraged and supported to invest in better sanitation infrastructure and tighter prescription regulations to control the rapid evolution of resistance,” the scientists said. “This is a worldwide, multinational problem and must be treated as such.” The group also notes that it is essential to develop a continuous supply of new antibiotics that are not affected by known or existing mechanisms of resistance. The economics of pharmaceutical drug development offer little incentive for companies to develop new antibiotics, since the drugs are used on an episodic, rather than continual, basis. New public-private partnerships must develop to overcome the economics barriers facing the development o new antibiotics. The Banbury participants also call for better control of antibiotic use, repurposing of old antibiotics to battle resistance and new alternatives to antibiotics. The group’s paper concludes, “The cost of the undertaking that we propose will be infinitesimally small in comparison to the economic and human cost of doing nothing.”

Humble leaders are more effective and better liked


eaders of all ranks view admitting mistakes, spotlighting follower strengths and modelling teachability as being at the core of humble leadership,” says Bradley Owens, assistant professor of organisation and human resources at the University at Buffalo School of Management. “And they view these three behaviours as being powerful predictors of their own as well as the organisation’s growth.” Owens and co-author David Hekman, assistant professor of management at the Lubar School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, asked 16 CEOs, 20 mid-level leaders and 19 front-line leaders to describe in detail how humble leaders operate in the workplace and how a humble leader behaves different-

ly than a non-humble leader. Although the leaders were from vastly different organisations — military, manufacturing, health care, financial services, retailing and religious — they all agreed that the essence of leader humility involves modelling to followers how to grow. “Growing and learning often involves failure and can be embarrassing,” says Owens. “But leaders who can overcome their fears and broadcast their feelings as they work through the messy internal growth process will be viewed more favourably by their followers. They also will legitimise their followers’ own growth journeys and will have higherperforming organisations.” The researchers found that such leaders model how to be effectively human rather than super-

human and legitimise “becoming” rather than “pretending.” But some humble leaders were more effective than others, according to the study. Humble leaders who were young, non-white or female

were reported as having to constantly prove their competence to followers, making their humble behaviours both more expected and less valued. However, humble leaders who were experienced white males were reported as reaping large benefits from humbly admitting mistakes, praising followers and trying to learn. In contrast, female leaders often feel they are expected to show more humility than their male counterparts, but then they have their competence called into question when they do show humility. “Our results suggest that female leaders often experience a ‘double bind,’” Owens says. “They are expected to be strong leaders and humble females at the same time.”

Owens and Hekman offer straightforward advice to leaders. You can’t fake humility. You either genuinely want to grow and develop, or you don’t, and followers pick up on this. Leaders who want to grow signal to followers that learning, growth, mistakes, uncertainty and false starts are normal and expected in the workplace, and this produces followers and entire organisations that constantly keep growing and improving. A follow-up study that is forthcoming in Organisation Science using data from more than 700 employees and 218 leaders confirmed that leader humility is associated with more learning-oriented teams, more engaged employees and lower voluntary employee turnover.



Holistic view of mind, body and soul

Top 5 ways to prevent diabetes

Ranjani Rajendra


ndia has been declared the diabetes capital of the world. A title that we definitely can’t be proud of. What is alarming is that the age of incidence of diabetes has come down by nearly a decade. So we have younger people falling prey to this chronic ailment. So what could be the possible implications of this for a country like ours? The young population that is grappling with the diabetes menace is unwittingly compromising on its most productive years and probably facing a reduced life expectancy. However, while diabetes might seem threatening as there is no known cure for it (it can only be managed through medication, diet and exercise) what most people don’t realise is that it is very much preventable. Given that people with a family history of diabetes are more prone to developing it themselves means that it is all the more important for them to watch out for it and do whatever they can to prevent it. Experts have for long been crying themselves hoarse about the need to prevent the disease and the effective ways by which it can be kept at bay. So here are some ways that you can consider trying to stay diabetes free. =Healthy diet and exercise can help prevent diabetes. “A healthy snack, by definition, is low in fat, especially trans fat, low in calories, low – cholesterol, baked rather than fried. For instance, a multi-grain snack made from oats, corn, ragi, rice, wheat and flax seeds are rich in fibre and provide wholesome nutrition,” says Dr Ritika Samaddar, chief dietician at Max Healthcare. =Burn more calories than you consume. “In addition to a good diet, a good fitness regime is also important when it comes to preventing diabetes. Since obesity and diabetes are interlinked and it can turn into a vicsious cycle it might be a good idea to try and maintain an ideal body weight,” says Hemalatha Rathi, clinical nutritionist at Soul Beauty and Wellness Centre, LLP.

=Size does matter. Sure size zero may not be in or recommended any more. But staying fit also means staying healthier. “A slim waist is not just a cosmetic vanity, it is also a sign of better health. As Indians, we have a tendency to gain weight around our midriffs and thus it’s very important to make an effort to keep the inches off. Experts suggest that women should keep their waist measurement below 80 cm (31.5 inches), and

men below 90 cm (35.5 inches),” says Dr Ritika. =Don’t starve your body, eat small frequent meals. In most Indian households people end up eating three meals a day. And ironically breakfast is usually light, while dinner ends up being the heaviest meal of the day, when it should actually be the other way round. However, eating small and frequent meals is a good way to keep the body metabolism rate going.

Detox diets aren’t great Dr Suneetha Sapur

My friend suggested that I go on a detox diet for weight reduction but I feel weak. Are they healthy? There are various types of detox diets available, but to my knowledge they were never recommended by health care professionals. There are many types of detox diets like having only fruits


or fruit juices, or raw food items, few commercially marketed products with high fiber content, laxatives etc. But they are not recommended as they do not provide the required nutrients. Detox diets are supposed to clean the system and remove all the toxins. Detoxification is a normal process. The body has a defense mechanism, antioxidants, to remove these toxins. Every organ works to clean and clear itself from toxins. Detox diets may cause headaches, weakness, muscle cramps, body aches and diarrhoea. Instead eat healthy. Avoid eating too much, reduce processed food and choose fresh food instead. Wash vegetables and fruits with lukewarm, salt water to remove pesticide.

(The writer is director of Akkshaya Foundation and a consultant nutritionist at LV Prasad Eye Institute)



Because you are what you wear




reamy, ultra smooth and nourishing, this rich, even colour of eyeliner by Maybelline should be your latest pick. Make-up artists have vouched that it is a complete all-day wear and lasts up to eight hours max. It comes with a smooth glidefelt tip, which is flexible enough, for precise control and gives you a smooth, smudge free look. Brand: Maybelline Shade: Brownish Black Price: ` 550

reate smouldering eyes in just one stroke with this lustrous eyeliner that stays true to its name. A colour intense formula, with beautiful soft, colour effects that is smudge-free. This eyeliner glides on smoothly and easily, for a well-defined look that lasts all day long. Brand: Lakme Shade: Black, Purple, Jade Price: ` 195


4 6


liquid liner so slick it almost describes itself. Water-based, water resistant, quick and precise to apply, this eyeliner dries in 15 seconds to provide a sleek, longwearing, wet-look, and no-smudge line. The superior no-fuss, no-wobble application lies in the ‘magic tip’ of the easy-to-control dip-stick applicator. Superslick’s are the game changers. Brand: MAC Shade: Dark blue violet, Hybrid emerald/olive green, Black Price: ` 875



Inspired by Cleopatra, the winged eyeliner was and still is a red-carpet favourite. Wtih stars like Lady Gaga and Amy Winehouse popularising the trend, getting the look is not so difficult. We help you pick the right eyeliners that you may use for the look Compiled by Sana Mirza


5 T

he best thing about this particular eyeliner is that it comes with a sleak eyeliner brush. You can define your eyes as the colour glides on easily and evenly. It creates the much needed subtle and dramatic look. Brand: Elizabeth Arden Shade: Black Pearl, Bronze Pearl Price: `1125


hese items can be picked up from all outlets of Shoppers Stop and MAC beauty products from MAC store at GVK One, Banjara Hills


or an ultra defined line and 15-hour staying power, try this zerosmudge liner by Estee Lauder. With this unstoppable liquid eyeliner, the smudge-free look you see in the morning is the look you keep all day. With a superfine felt tip applicator, you are guaranteed to get the precision line every time you apply. Its waterproof formula glides on, stays on, and won't budge. It is easy to remove with a gentle eye make-up remover or any oil-based eye make-up remover. Brand: Estee Lauder Shade: Brown and Black Price: ` 1050




Movie-making has gone through a massive shift with vast changes in technology. But is this a good thing?

Winds of Change Sony Ericcson Xperia Active


that we’ve seen tough and rugged phones in the past, but none of them are definitely as attractive as this Android-powered offering from Sony Ericsson – the Xperia active. The name alone does give some of the game away, as those who indulge in a particularly active lifestyle will definitely have moments where they might fall or stumble, or make mistakes, dropping their precious smartphone to the ground. And yes, this phone is able to remain under three feet of water for upto half an hour!

Drift HD Action Camera Hemanth Kumar


or more than 80 years, filmmakers explored every possibility of shooting a movie on film and then there was a paradigm shift with the advent of digital era. Now, some filmmakers in the west have pushed the bar. Who would have imagined that one day a feature film will be shot using a smartphone? Yes, a smartphone. Hooman Khalili has an entire film titled Olive using a Nokia N8 and the film is getting a theatrical release later this month. It wasn’t a piece of cake as he had to hack the phone to turn off its auto-zoom and auto-focus features in order to get the technology to behave as he wanted. Hooman is not the only filmmaker who made headlines for the use of latest gadgets for making a film. Earlier this year, Korean filmmaker Park Chan-Wook shot a 30 minute

App of the week

short film, Paranmanjang (Night Fishing) using the iPhone 4. In Telugu film industry, RGV holds the credit of using Steady cam for the first time in Telugu cinema for Shiva, back in 1989. Twenty two years later, he used five Canon 5D cameras to shoot an entire film Dongala Muta and it became the talk of the town. Although the film sank without a trace at box office, RGV’s experiment proved that there is a way to keep the production costs down. “Shooting on film has already reached a saturation point. The advent of digital cameras has opened up a lot more possibilities and we are still trying to figure out how to use them efficiently. Currently, we are learning on a trial and error basis,” says filmmaker Anand Ranga. Technology has not just the way films are shot it has had its impact in several other crafts of film production. The advent of Avid Suit and Final cut pro (FCP) has changed the

way films are edited. “Digital technology just minimized the process to get the output, but you still have to stick to the basics of film making. It did make film making more reachable but it has its pros and cons. Now anyone can make a film, but what people should understand is that the basics of film making will remain the same,” says Dharmendra, an editor. In Hollywood, analysts are already predicting that shooting on film will become a passé in near future. It’s the age of digital cameras like Red One, Red Epic and HD cameras like Phantom camera. “Whether you like it or not, you can't stand against the advent of technology in any field. I feel sad that digital technology in cinema is being welcomed because it’s cheap and not for its excellence in most of the cases. One has to understand the technique before he or she applies it,” says Vijay K Chakravarthi, a cinematographer.

Videogame review

Sting 25: A million dollars to develop and free on iTunes. To coincide with his new album 'Sting 25', the app was released and the app combines music, concert footage, photographs and videos. In addition,the app also includes raw footage from Sting’s performance in October at New York’s Beacon Theatre, which included duets from Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder.

The Bad: n Unbalanced AI nWeak, overscripted n Broken reversal system The Good:

n Enhanced realism n Lots of customisation

WWE 2012:



HE Drift HD is designed to be on the same level as the Go Pro cameras for those point-of-view shots that you see on video-sharing sites. In this case, the Drift HD is designed to travel on the side of the head of a biker, skier, or the extreme sportsman (or woman) for action shots. It comes with a lot of straps and mounts to make this easy to happen,too. Must buy? Definitely!

Website of the week The latest trend of facebook is to update where you are. And everyone will know once place that you aren't... home. The goal of this website is to raise some awareness on this issue and have people think about how they use services like Foursquare, Brightkite, GoogleBuzz etc.

Magic Screen

Modern Warfare


anka is an emotional journey of man torn between the loyalty for his mentor and the empathy he feels for a girl; a journey of a modern-day Asur (Devil) who chose to be a man. Modern day folklore, Lanka is about love, loyalty, betrayal and justice. The film steers clear from other cinematic adaptations of Ramayana and intentionally avoids incorporating Ram as the ideal protagonist and substitutes it with Vibhishan who might not be perfect yet opposes evil. With Manoj Bajpai as Raavan, Arjan Bajwa as Vibhishan along with Tia Bajpai, the film is produced by ASA Production and Directed by Maqbool Khan.

Movie Cast

: Lanka : Manoj Bajpai, Tia Bajpai, Arjan Bajwa Director : Maqbool Khan


The glamour behind the glitz


‘Con’ banega crorepati A charismatic fraudster, the leading man in Ladies vs Ricky Bahl has conned and scorned three beautiful ladies who are ready to settle scores


hoever said ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,’ knew exactly what he was talking about. In the movie, you are introduced to three such women – Dimple Chaddha, Raina Parulekar and Saira Rashid — who have been manipulated and conned by a man, who is known by different names and who has the ability to swipe women off their feet and their credit cards with his charming ways. His caller tune, a dialogue from the movie Baazigar, defines what he does best. A chance encounter is what brings these three ladies together who plan to take down the bloody Kameena as he is not so fondly called, by playing him at his own game. In order to carry out their wicked plan, they hire a young, ambitious sales girl, Ishika Desai, whose smart ways and smooth talking, is guaranteed to have Ricky coughing up every single penny. The Band, Baaja, Baarat jodi comes together again onscreen right from the directors, the lead pair, to the music directors. What lacks in Ladies vs Ricky Bahl, is the entire plot. The screenplay is weak

with some not-so major cons bracing the story line. Habib Faisal's dialogues are interestingly funny and picky. Hats off to Parineeti Chopra whose brash tongue and endearing dialogues gets the whistles from the audience. The soundtrack by musicduo Salim-Suleiman fails to leave a lasting impression with the songs lacking in pulp and energy. Anushka Sharma and Ranveer Singh chemistry onscreen misses the mark. Ranveer Singh's character as Ricky Bahl a.ka. the con-man is enjoyable. Parineeti Chopra however, steals the show with her energetic character and Dilli hindi. Both Dipannita Sharma as a strong and independent woman and Aditi Sharma, as the shy widow, who runs a cloth store in Lucknow, are believable but are shadowed by Parineeti's loud character. All in all it’s a good, fun weekend watch. SANA MIRZA

Movie Cast

: LADIES vs RICKY BAHL : Ranveer Singh, Anushka Sharma, Parineeti Chopra, Dipannita Sharma, Aditi Sharma Director : Maneesh Sharma Rating :

Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz

Pappu Can’t... reminded of my struggling days


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f Sonam and Rhea Kapoor

to launch fashion label


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@bipsluvurself Sad news! Watching reports on the major fire tht broke at Amri hospital in kolkata!Prayers fr all the ppl who r still stuck inside.

@rampalarjun @MaheshNBhatt is just super entertaining, love him and u guys must catch the Frankly,brutally honestly speaking man on #love2hateu Sunday.

@sonakshisinha SOS shoot going great! Sardaaro ke beech sardarni banke bahut mazza aa raha hai :) @ajaydevgn super in a pag!

@reddysameera Back in Mumbai now! on my way to an event for my movie 'Yeh Hausla' wit my director Nagesh Kukunoor! this film means the world to me! :)

@NeilNMukesh Love Christmas carols. Defi one of my most fav festivals and celebrations and time of year

@realprietyzinta Amazing how people r the same everywhere ! We all want 2 show r country 2 R guests with pride in r eyes! Am so touched by all the love here!

@FarOutAkhtar Back in Mumbai. There really is no place like home. Now, if only our plane can get a docking gate and we can get out!!

@udaychopra Smone asked 4 my fav pick up line - I know you are way out of my league but I'm hoping the recession will get you to lower your standards

Magic Screen


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Magic Screen

The glamour behind the glitz


Name: Machine Gun Preacher Cast:GerardButler, MichelleMonaghan,Michael Shannon Director:MarcForster Rating:3/5

Kate Moss strips for Pirelli calendar


upermodel Kate Moss has stripped off for a shoot for the latest Pirelli calendar. She was photographed by ex-boyfriend Mario Sorrenti. The 37year-old had dated Sorrenti in the early 1990s, and he was the man behind the famous Calvin Klein campaign that shot her to fame. In the pair's latest snaps, Moss looks healthy as she soaks up the sun on a rock with her eyes shut. The shots for the 2012 version were taken on the French island of Corsica, reports a website. "I met Kate when we were both at the very beginning of our careers. Somehow we both kind of exploded into the fashion scene at a very young age. She exploded as a supermodel, and things just took off," said Sorrenti.IANS

hen he is not in prison for dealing and other criminal charges, Sam Childers (Gerard Butler) is drowning himself in drugs and alcohol. Tormented by this lifestyle but unable to change, he keeps going through this self-destructive cycle. That is until he ends up in the house of God, where finds his spiritual calling takes which him to Sudan, Africa. In a bid to find redemption, Sam takes it upon himself to join the Liberation Army and build an orphanage in an area brutalised by a renegade militia known as the LRA. Determined to save as many as possible, he turns into a messiah who lives by the gun, in a bid to retrieve kidnapped children, restoring peace to their lives-and eventually his own. The realistic depictions of warzone brutality is not for the faint-hearted. But all in all, Machine Gun Preacher, a biopic on Sam Childers does fair justice to him.



Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz



ctress Hilary Swank is excited about taking her fish for an underwater agility course for their fitness. The Oscar winner admits she loves giving her pets presents, and that her two parrot fish and Japanese fighting fish get presents during Christmas, reports a website. After hearing that the actress was looking for an agility course for her fish, her friend Ellen DeGeneres tracked one down and gifted it to Swank when she appeared on her talk show. Swank was thrilled with the cool present and promised to show off her fit fish during her next appearance on the show. IANS

Swank’s fish to undergo fitness course Santos’ first solo album tops Billboard Latin chart


illboard’s list of best-selling Latin Albums is led this week by Dominican bachatero Romeo Santos’ first solo disc, Formula: Vol. 1. Mexico’s Jenni Rivera likewise retains her grip on second place with Joyas prestadas: Banda, while another of her albums, Joyas prestadas: Pop, climbed from fourth to third. Moving up from fifth to the No. 4 spot is Cristian Castro’s Mi amigo El Principe: La historia, the latest installment in his series of albums paying tribute to Jose Jose. El verdadero amor perdona, by Mexican rockers Mana with an assist from bachatero Prince Royce, tops Billboard’s Tropical Songs chart, where the rankings are based on radio airplay. A Romeo Santos collaboration with Usher, Promise, takes the No.2 spot, followed by Victor Manuelle’s Si tu me besas. Lovumba (Prestige), the latest single from Daddy Yankee, edged up from fifth to fourth, but the biggest jump this week belongs to Tito El Bambino, whose Maquina del tiempo, featuring Wisin y Yandel, vaulted from No. 21 to No. 5. IANS


inger Jennifer Lopez practiced a bit of “capoeira” — a type of Brazilian martial arts dancing with African roots — Thursday on the Montevideo beach along with a group of dancers who are participating in her television talent search programme. Lopez, who in recent days was in Peru and Chile to tape other segments of the TV show, came to the Ingleses beach at midday where a stage had been set up using wooden planks laid out on the sand. The artist, who sported sunglasses and wore her hair up, jeans and a red sleeveless T-shirt, took her shoes off as soon as she got out of her van to watch the dancers perform.

Later, after directing a few words to a television camera, she approached the group and tried her luck at doing a bit of capoeira herself. Dozens of curious onlookers and photographers followed the action from a short distance away, kept back by the security cordon set up by the singer’s team. Lopez is on a tour through the region seeking new talent — singers, dancers, musicians and artists—with an eye toward putting them on ¡Q’Viva! The Chosen. JLo is producing the programme with her exhusband, salsa star Marc Anthony. IANS

Magic Screen


About stars, actors, and a bit of fun

Prabhas adds more muscle for Rebel



@themohanbabu My grand children had their first photo shoot today. They are so natural so soon!


rabhas has one of the best bods in T-Town and he keeps experimenting with his look for almost all his films. Recently, a section of media reported that he’s toning up for S S Rajamouli’s next period film and also stated that the actor is already on a strict diet . However, Rajamouli has denied all these rumours and clarified that Prabhas is toning up for Raghava Lawrence’s next film Rebel. Prabhas, Tamannaah and Deeksha Seth are playing lead roles in the film. “I haven't done the character sketches for my film. Anyways I'll benefit if he puts on muscles, as it will be a period film,” Rajamouli said. Prabhas and Rajamouli are teaming up for a period film after a long time. M M Keeravani is going to compose the music and Arka Mediaworks is going to produce the film.

@shriyasmiling Very sad to watch the images of AMIR on TV. proud to watch people of calcutta, helping each other at the need of hour.

@LakshmiManchu LA brings out the best in me. I am so much nicer when I am .


Richa opts out of Shortcut Romeo


icha Gangopadhyay will have to wait for some more time for her debut in Bollywood. Recently, she was signed for an important role in Susi Ganesan’s Shortcut Romeo. Neil Nitin Mukesh, Amisha Patel and Richa Gangopadhyay were supposed to play the lead roles. However, the latest news about this project is that Richa walked out of the

film citing date issues. In turn, Susi Ganesan roped in F.A.L.T.U star Pooja Gupta to play this role and he went a step ahead and stated that Pooja Gupta is a better choice for the film since she’s already a known face in Bollywood. Meanwhile, Richa Gangopadhyay’s recent Tamil film Osthe has been termed as a time pass entertainer by the critics.

The Businessman’s new trailer hits the web A

new trailer of Mahesh Babu’s upcoming film The Businessman hit the web on December 9. The trailer gives a glimpse of the protagonist’s character. The film reportedly revolves around a guy who arrives in Mumbai

to create a terror unlike most others who go to earn a living. The film was recently shot in Ramoji Film City and preparations are on in full swing to complete the recording of songs on time. S S Thaman has composed the music of

this film. Mahesh Babu and Puri Jagannadh have sung a song in this film for the first time in their career. The film’s audio will be launched on December 22 and the film will be released on January 11.

Crossed the 2 lakh mark..yayyyy..Thank u guys...Love watching my twitter family grow in number ;)

@_Hansika On my wy2 d location of#vettai mannan-my moma always told me dat Im her lil gangsta.Hp I do justices 2dis gangsta dat Im playin.wish me luck.

@bsoumya26 Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality.Brian Tracy.

@actressanjjanaa Disney should make a princess wid no hair so tat every little girl who's fighting cancer can feel beautiful :)spread d word ppl,n gud day al.

@ramsayz The biggest mistake of my Life was that, I was scared to make one! -|2. #RAndoMthoughts

Magic Screen


The glamour behind the glitz


Sameera, Amala Paul

to cheer for Chennai Rhinos


ameera Reddy and Amala Paul have been chosen as the brand ambassadors of Celebrity Cricket League’s Kollywood team named Chennai Rhinos. The duo had earlier teamed up for N Lingusamy’s Vettai. A photoshoot was recently held in Hyderabad on both of them and they were excited to be part of this big venture. “I just couldn’t believe my ears when I got the call from Chennai Rhinos to be the brand ambassador for them in the CCL. God has been kind, I am joining a very big league now,” said Amala Paul.

SMS’ shoot completed


film titled SMS – Siva Manasulo Shruti is going to hit the screens soon. Krishna’s son-in-law Sudhir Babu is making his debut as a hero with this film. He had earlier played a small role in Gautham Menon’s Ye Maya Chesave. Tatineni Satya has directed the film which is

a remake of a Tamil film titled Siva Manasulo Shakti. Sudhir Babu and Regina Cassandra have played the lead roles in this romcom. Recently, a song was shot in Dubai and with this the film’s shooting has been completed. The film is currently under post production.

I never watch my films, says Vishnu A

lmost everyone in film industry believes in some superstition or the other and Vishnu Vardhan, the director of Panjaa, has one of his own. “I never watch my own films. Instead of watching a film with the audience, I end up standing in the projector room and keep observing how the audience reacts. I have been trying hard to come out of this but I still find it very difficult,” says Vishnu Vardhan. After the release of Pawan Kalyan, Sarah Jane Dias starrer Panjaa, he’s all set to work with Ajith next year.

Chai Time 1230 Movie - Deshamuduru 1530 Movie - Happy Days 1900 Movie - Adhurs 2330 Comedy Junction 0700 Silver Screen 0800 Ayurvedam 0900 Comedy Show 0930 Movie

‘Adhurs’ at 1900 Hrs on MAA TV

1200 Movie - Maska 1500 Movie - Allari Aludu 1800 Movie - Sankranthi 2100 Movie - Bangharam 0800 Vendithera 0830 Golden Hits 0900 Vivaha Bhandam 0930 Praja Vedika 1000 Movie - Blade Babji

‘Sankranthi’ at 1800 Hrs on GEMINI TV

1400 [V] Humse Hai Life 1430 [V] Steal Ur Girlfriend 1530 [V] Trailers 1555 [V] Fresh Songs 1600 [V] Zabardast Hits 1800 [V] Dare 2 Date 1900 [V] Steal Ur Girlfriend 2000 NGC Extreme Trail 2100 [V] Style Junkie 2130 [V] Trailers 2155 [V] Fresh Songs 2200 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance 2300 [V] Steal Ur Girlfriend 2355 [V] Fresh Songs 0700 [V] Trailers 0730 [V] Zabardast Hits 0800 [V] Mind Blasting Mornings 1100 [V] Fresh Songs 1200 [V] D3 Dil Dosti Dance

‘[V] Steal Ur Girlfriend’ at 1900 Hrs on CHANNEL [V]

1300 Movie - Fist Of Fury 1500 Aspire 1530 Big Wheels 1600 Bellator 1800 The Defenders 1900 Galileo Extreme 2000 Movie - Fist Of Fury 2200 Big Wheels 2230 The Defenders 2330 CSI - New York 1000 The Defenders 1100 Galileo Extreme 1200 Big Wheels

‘Fist Of Fury’ at 2000 Hrs only on BIG CBS PRIME


Telly sitcoms, news and movie listings

1400 Abhishekam 1430 Aadade Aadharam 1500 Antahpuram 1530 Aakasa Ganga 1600 Prema Mandiram 1630 Jagadeeswari 1700 Ali 369 1800 Mahaveera Karna 1900 Kumkuma Rekha 1930 Manasu Mamata 2000 Chandra Mukhi 2030 Bharyamani 2100 Etv News 2130 Genes 2245 Movie - Pandanti Jeevitam 0800 Movie Mirchi 0830 Pelli Sandadi 0900 Panchatantram 0930 Highlights Of Paaduta Theeyaga 1030 Atm

1300 Movie - Amaravathi 1730 Chittam Chittam Prayaschittam 1800 Veera Naari Jhansi Laxmi Bai 1930 Movie - Aha Naa Pellanta 2230 Movie - 123 From Amalapuram

‘Aha Naa Pellanta’ at 1930 Hrs on ZEE TELUGU

‘Et Insight’ at 2030 Hrs only on ET NOW 1400 Business Saturday 1430 Brand Equity 1500 The Market Makers 1530 Zigwheels 1600 Brand Equity Special 1630 Starting Up 1700 Business Saturday 1730 Google Enterprise Roadshow 1800 Currency Camp 1830 Leaders Of Tomorrow 1900 Business Saturday 1930 Bollywood This Week 2000 Technoholik 2030 Et Insight 2100 The Market Makers 2130 Talking Technicals 2200 Bollywood This Week 2230 Starting Up 2300 Tee Time With Shaili Chopra 2330 Your Trades 0900 Tee Time With Shaili Chopra 1000 Starting Up

1400 Wipeout 1500 Breaking The Magician's Code - Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 1600 Guinness World Records Smashed 1700 Guinness World Records Smashed 1800 The X Factor 1930 Criss Angel Mindfreak 2000 Breaking The Magician's Code - Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 2200 Movie - World Trade Center 0900 Sky Teleshopping 0930 Spring Wipeout 1020 Live To Dance 1200 Wipeout

‘World Trade Center’ at 2200 Hrs on AXN

1400 Nach Le Ve With Saroj Khan 1500 Beendh Banunga Ghodi Chadhunga 1530 Nach Le Ve With Saroj Khan 1830 Ek Nayi Ma Ka Safar 1900 Sawaare Sabke Sapne – Preeto 1930 Ek Nayi Bhor 2000 Mahima Shani Dev Ki 2100 Chandragupt Maurya 2200 Gajab Desh Ki Ajab Kahaaniyaan 2300 Nach Le Ve With Saroj Khan 0900 Box Office India 0930 Baba Aiso Varr Dhoondo 1000 Ramayan

1230 Bade Achhe Lagte Hai 1530 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1900 Adaalat 2100 Comedy Circus Ka Naya Daur 2200 CID 2300 Crime Patrol - Dastak 0700 Telebrands 0730 WWS Sky Shop 0830 Babosa Mere Bhagwan 0900 Comedy Circus Ka Naya Daur 1200 Movie - Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge

1300 Movie - Maine Dil Tujhko Diya 1600 Havan 1800 Parichay - Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka 2030 Badmash Company - Ek Shararat Hone Ko Hai 2100 Veer Shivaji 2200 Bigg Boss - Aapka Farman 0700 Havan 0800 Veer Shivaji 0900 Balika Vadhu 1200 Mallika-E-Kitchen 1230 Badmash Company - Ek Shararat Hone Ko Hai

‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ at 2000 Hrs on STAR PLUS

‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ at 1530 Hrs on ZEE TV

‘Maine Dil Tujhko Diya’ at 1300 Hrs on COLORS

1200 Hitler Didi 1530 Movie - Maine Pyar Kiya 1930 Shobha Somnath Ki 2030 Star Ya Rockstar Grand Finale 2300 Hitler Didi 0800 Joel Osteen 0900 Namaste Cinema 0930 Shobha Somnath Ki 1030 Jalsa - Music for Soul 1100 Pavitra Rishta 1200 Movie - Chori Chori Chupke Chupke

‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’ at 1200 Hrs on SONY

1400 Saath Nibhana Saathiya 1530 Diya Aur Baati Hum 1800 Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hain 2000 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 2100 Masterchef India 2200 Masterchef India Zaykebaazon Ka Safar 2230 Masterchef India 2330 Love2 Hate U 0700 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 0800 Superstar Preview 0830 Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya 1100 Masterchef India


1447 300 1652 Outsourced 1856 The Cave 2100 Harry Potter And The Order Of Thephoenix 2351 Proof Of Life 0750 Friends 0820 Good Morning, Miami 0850 Scooby - Doo 1029 Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past 1229 Batman Forever

1350 Red 1615 Hachiko - A Dog's Story 1820 Valentine's Day 2100 Gamer 2300 Treasure Guards 0800 Octopus II 1005 Problem Child 2 1205 Valentine's Day

Star Ya Rockstar Bigg Boss 5Storyline - Making his very first appearance on national television in India with a rocking rendition of his current cult hit ‘Kolaveri Di’, Tamil singer-actor Dhanush dazzled the audience at the Grand Finale. ‘Star Ya Rockstar’ at 2030 Hrs on ZEE TV

Aapka Farman Storyline - The nominated contestants for this week are Siddharth Bhardwaj, Shonali Nagrani, Amar Upadhyay and Mahek Chahal will be evicted based on audience votes. ‘Bigg Boss 5-Aapka Farman’ at 2200 Hrs on COLORS

1400 Man Vs. Wild 1500 Extreme Bodies 1600 Dual Survival 1700 The Greatest Ever 1800 Wild Discovery 1900 Curiosity 2000 Stan Lee's Superhumans 2100 Man Vs. Wild 2200 I Shouldn't Be Alive 2300 Real Wolf Kids 0700 Hunters 0800 Nature's Greatest Events 0900 Factory Made 0930 Destroyed In Seconds 1000 Extreme Bodies 1100 Man Vs. Wild 1200 I Shouldn't Be Alive 1300 Killing For A Living

1400 Cougar Town 1500 The Big Bang Theory 1600 Californication 1700 $H*! My Dad Says 1800 Body Of Proof 2000 Blender's Pride Fashion Tour 2030 The Big Bang Theory 2100 Private Practice 2200 Californication 2300 $H*! My Dad Says 0800 Body Of Proof 1000 My Wife And Kids 1100 Less Than Perfect 1200 Parks And Recreation 1300 Slot 1330 Just For Laughs

‘Terra Nova’ at 2100 Hrs on STAR WORLD

‘Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma’ at 1800 Hrs on SAB TV 1400 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 1430 Chidiya Ghar 1700 Gutar Gu 1800 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma 2030 Gutar Gu 2100 Sab Ka Evening Show 2230 Lapataganj 0800 Teleshopping 0900 Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma

‘G D K A K’ at 2200 Hrs on IMAGINE


‘Private Practice’ at 2100 Hrs on ZEE CAFE

1400 Necessary Roughness 1500 The Dewarists 1600 Masterchef USA 1900 Breakout Kings 2000 Achievers' Club 2100 Terra Nova 2200 Necessary Roughness 2300 Dexter 0800 The Sheild 1000 Breakout Kings 1100 Extreme Trail 1200 The Big Bang Theory 1300 Home Improvement

‘Wild Discovery’ at 1800 Hrs on DISCOVERY CHANNEL

‘Shootout At Lokhandwala’ at 1400 Hrs on ZOOM 1400 Movie - Shootout At Lokhandwala 1730 Zoom Barabar Jhoom Top 20 1830 Letz Go! 1900 Planet Bollywood News 1930 Page 3 2000 Blenders Pride Fashion Tour 2011 2030 Canviroment 2100 Letz Go! 2130 My Playlist 2230 Letz Go! 2300 Bollywood Bonanza 0700 Letz Go! 0800 Red Carpet 0805 20 - 20 Songs 0825 Letz Go! 1000 Link'D 1021 Letz Go! 1100 Zoom Box 1200 My Playlist 1300 Garma Garam

‘Gamer’ at 2100 Hrs on HBO

1430 Discovery Science Classics 1530 Treasure Quest 1630 How It's Made 1700 The New Inventors 1730 Weaponology 1830 Best Of Discovery Science 1930 Weird Connections 2030 Engineering Earthquakes 2200 Landslide - Gravity Kills 2330 The New Inventors 0700 How It's Made 0730 Weird Connections 0830 Mummy Autopsy 0930 Frontline Battle Machines With Mike Brewer 1030 Engineering Earthquakes 1130 Discovery Science Presents 1330 What's That About?

‘Landslide - Gravity Kills’ at 2200 Hrs on DISCOVERY SCIENCE

‘The Foodie’ at 1730 Hrs only on TIMES NOW 1400 News Now 1430 Total Recall 1500 News Now 1530 Amazing Indians 1600 News Now 1630 Times Now Sport Weekend 1700 News Now 1730 The Foodie 1800 News Now 1830 Times Drive 1900 News Now 1930 Enow Spice 2000 Total Recall 2100 9 Pm 2130 Total Recall 2200 News Now 2230 Amazing Indians 2300 News Now Overnight 2330 Times Now Sport Weekend 0700 News Now 0730 Times Now Sport Weekend 0800 Morning News 0830 Times Now Sport Weekend 0900 News Now 1030 Times Drive

Chai Time


How to Play Kakuro Kakuro is a popular game similar to sudoku in some ways. But is also suitably different. The key question: “How do you play Kakuro?”, well here are the rules of kakuro. The answer: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells - called a run - any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once. Let’s have an example to explain this concept more clearly: In the image above, which shows a section of a kakuro puzzle, you will see the numbers ‘26’ and ‘14’ in the top row. Look at the 14. This means that the total of the three cells underneath must sum to 14. Therefore 9, 4, 1 could be the answer, or perhaps 7, 4, 3 and so on... So, how do you work out the actual combination? Well, this is done through elimination and cross-referencing. For instance, as you work out the answers for other kakuro clues, this will naturally limit the valid combinations, and hence the answer for this particular run. Note the second cell in row two - it contains two numbers, 30 and 11. The 30 refers to the vertical run underneath the number 30 and the 11 refers to the two cells to the right, horizontally, of the number 11.



Number game




Take a shot at the brain game while sipping your cuppa


QUICK CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Abyss 6 Abbr. akin to "alias" 9 Observes Ramadan, in a way 14 Rolls ___ (pricey auto) 15 Zip 16 Pitcher in a suit 17 Drama with music 18 Continental rival, once 19 Boise's state 20 Know-it-all 23 Aussie hopper 24 Big fuss 25 Failed to include 27 Put under water 32 Coal mine find 33 Legendary Bruins defenseman Bobby 34 Morale-boosting meeting 36 Sees 39 Impediment to smooth sailing 41 Part of a mechanic's bill 43 Betray irritability 44 Wicker-worker's willow 46 Fraudulent 48 Down Under runner 49 Las Vegas light material 51 Type of innocence 53 Faint 56 Noon to noon 57 Mo. of Canada's Thanksgiving 58 Have memorized 64 Golfers sometimes fib about it 66 Six-sided game piece 67 Space between buildings 68 Slip-up in the outfield 69 Not sweet, to a wine drinker 70 Amend an atlas section 71 Rat Pack pal of Dean and Frank 72 Ballot option 73 Military march DOWN

1 Cornfield bird 2 Pueblo tribe member 3 Pair for a captain? 4 Haunted house reaction 5 Wander aimlessly 6 Initial poker payment 7 Fuzzy fruit 8 "King of the Hill" beer 9 Pixie dust producers 10 Put in 11 Prudent wagers 12 Lake near Reno 13 Hair holder 21 Happening every 60 minutes (archaic) 22 Bad ___ (German spa) 26 Uses a foot to keep time 27 Like average grades 28 Coffee-shop equipment 29 Think tank product 30 Quarry piece 31 Plumbing piece

35 Stealer of pic-a-nic baskets 37 Change from wild to mild 38 Tater 40 Turns right on horseback 42 Hardly wan 45 Breeding ground for birds 47 Gastropod with earlike tentacles 50 Convent dweller 52 Shoelace hole 53 Sits for a picture 54 Capital and largest city of Ghana 55 Hot ___


(winter drink) 59 Put a mike on, secretly 60 Ottoman Empire bigwigs 61 ___ mater 62 Use a sickle, say 63 Write with a keyboard 65 "CD" follower PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER

THOUGHT OF THE DAY Love your job but don't love your company because you may not know when your company stops loving you. – Dr ABDUL KALAM

Chai Time Aries


áå~åÅá~ä=éçëáíáçå ïáää=ÄÉ=ëçìåÇK=^ää ÅçåÑìëáçåë=ïáää=Çáë~éJ éÉ~ê=~åÇ=~=ÅÜÉÉêÑìä=ëáíJ ì~íáçå=ïáää=éêÉî~áäK tçêâ=íÜ~í=óçì=ìåÇÉêJ í~âÉ=Äó=óçì=ïáää=ÄÉ=ëìÅJ ÅÉëëÑìäKq~äâë=êÉÖ~êÇáåÖ ~å=ÉîÉåí=~í=ÜçãÉ=ïáää ÄÉ=Ñ~îçìê~ÄäÉ=qç=éáÅâ ìé=íÜÉ=ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåí é~íÜI=óçì=åÉÉÇ=íç êÉÇìÅÉ=óç=ìê=~åÖÉêKvçì ã~ó=ÄÉ=ÑÉäáÅáí~íÉÇ=Äó íÜÉ=ÖçîÉêå=ãÉåíK `ÜáäÇêÉå=ïáää=ã~âÉ=óçì éêçìÇ=~åÇ=Ü~ééóK aáÑÑÉêÉåÅÉë=ïáíÜ=óçìê Ñ~íÜÉê=ïáää=ÄÉ=ëçêíÉÇK pçãÉ=ã~ó=ìåÇÉêí~âÉ=~ éáäÖêáã~ÖÉK=tçãÉå=ïáää ÖÉí=ëìééçêí=Ñêçã=ÜìëJ Ä~åÇK=


Weekly look into your future




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THIRUVAIKUMAR 040-27177230 / 9177596118

Date 11-12-2011



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Chai Time Aries


Ten of Cups

Four of Cups


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post noon

Weekly look into your future






Six of Pentacles

Seven of Wands

Ace of Cups

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Date 11-12-2011







Nine of Cups

King of Cups

Three of Swords


Knight of Pentacles

Six of Wands

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