Haute Stone Jan 2014

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New Years Edition January 2014


KITCHENS & sit amet lorem ipsum dolor BATHROOMS

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Kitchen by VESTA Chicago 2

Turn your home into a dream home with an updated kitchen and bath. If you are thinking about making some home improvements, the kitchen and the bathroom are the two big rooms in your home that if updated, will actually pay you back in the long run. Whether it is a complete kitchen renovation or a small do-it-yourself makeover, a fresh update will not only add value to your property, but also make the space more enjoyable to live and entertain in.

Project #1: Upgrade Your Bathroom Remodelling your bathroom is one of the most profitable home improvement projects. As far as getting a return on your investment, the best money is in upgrading or remodelling your bathroom or kitchen. Any realtor will tell you that you have the greatest chance of getting your money back on these two areas of your home.


Take your kitchen to a whole new level with a minimal investment. For a bathroom improvement you have the option of doing a total renovation (replacing toilet, tub, vanity, floor, etc.), or you could do a simple upgrade, which is much less expensive. Just replacing the fixtures and putting in a feature wall of wallpaper or a fresh coat of paint costs much less but will still add value to your home.

Project #2: Upgrade Your Kitchen The kitchen is the soul, heart and hearth of the home. This is one of the most important spaces in your property that people live in - so having it updated is very important. A house with an outof-date kitchen is very hard to sell – so make this a priority in your home. New stone countertops can transform your kitchen completely. New updated appliances are also really important. If you are on a tight budget, you can repaint your cupboard doors and get new hardware. Whether you fall into the designer or budget makeover with updating your kitchen and bath, keeping it fresh and alive is the key for aesthetics and value adding. Go to www.houzz.com for many great ideas in renovating and decorating your home. Kitchens by Gillman Builders


The kitchen is the Hearth of your home.

Kitchens by VESTA Chicago


“Design is in everything we make, but it’s also between those things. It’s a mix of craft, science, storytelling, propaganda and philosophy”.


Kitchen by VESTA Chicago


Haute Wallpaper Butterfly series wallpaper available at www.fineartwallpapers.com 8


Custom designed stone tables by Beckerworks. 9

Bathe me in Onyx 10



lorem ipsum

Haute Stone Magazine Our monthly magazine will be available online every month on our website. Simply log onto our site and sign up to be on the mailing list to automatically receive your complimentary issues. www.beckerworksltd.com


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