The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1 LARGE BROWN-GLAZED STONEWARE VESSEL, SILLA DYNASTY EARTHENWARE (7TH CENTURY) with incurved lip above the straight neck incised with three bands of tight wave pattern, and bulbous lower section - h:7 in. $600-800 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak: In 1958, Dr. Kaj Kalbak went to Seoul Korea to establish the first Korean microbiology laboratory. While engrossed in his work, he discovered a love for Korean ceramics and the Korean culture that defined the rest of his life. With technical precision he visited all of the kilns, burial sites, museums and collectors that he could find in Korea. Dr. Kalbak went on to form an encyclopedic collection of Korean ceramics. He was awarded medals from the Korean government as well as from his own country, Denmark. Some of the most noteworthy pieces of Dr. Kalbak's collection are to be found in the National Museums in Copenhagen and Stockholm. The Potomack Company is pleased to offer for sale a portion of his collection that he left to his daughter. 3 SILLA DYNASTY EARTHENWARE PIECES (7TH CENTURY) including a small circular bowl and cover, the cover with raised ring handle above stepped flaring sides incised all over with interlocking circles, and with allover greenish clear glaze, the unglazed tapering bowl with short upright rim, apparently marked under foot, cover dia: 4 5/8 in.; the second piece an unglazed tapering cup with indented rim and short scroll handle, h: 3 3/8 in.; the last, an unglazed globular pouring vessel with knob handle and short spout, h: 8.75 in. (3) $1,000-2,000
2 GROUP OF KOREAN METALWORK, SILLA DYNASTY (9TH? - 14TH CENTURY) the group containing a circular bowl, dia: 6.5 in. and a domed cover, dia: 6.75 in., and a pair of low gilt metal condiment dishes, dia: 4.25 in. and two bronze serving spoons, one gilded, l: 10.75 and 11 in. (6) $1,000-2,000 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
4 LARGE EARTHENWARE STORAGE JAR, SILLA DYNASTY (6TH/7TH CENTURY) of globular form with short straight rim, the neck incised with two patterned bands, the shoulder with further incised band, raised on a flaring pierced base, misshapen in firing - h:12 in. $200-400 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1) 5 KORYO DYNASTY CELADON-GLAZED CUP STAND AND A SIMILAR CUP (12TH CENTURY) the circular support in a dished saucer with gently notched decoration in imitation of lotus, raised on a flaring foot, covered green celadon glaze, dia: 5.75 in.; the tapering cup with narrow band of incised decoration and paler celadon green glaze, h: 2 1/8 in. (2) $800-1,200
6 THREE CELADON-GLAZED OIL BOTTLES, KORYO DYNASTY (13TH CENTURY) including one globular with upright flaring rim, h: 4.25 in.; and the other two of compressed bottle form, h: 2 3/8 and 2 in. (3) $400-600 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 7 TALL CELADON-GLAZED MOLDED AND INCISED STONEWARE VESSEL, KORYO DYNASTY (14TH CENTURY) with short flaring lip and baluster body molded with ribs and incised with arched panels, tapering to a circular foot - h:11 in. $600-800 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
9 THREE KORYO SMALL CELADONGLAZED DISHES, 14TH CENTURY including one with attractive blue green glaze, and old gold lacquer repair to rim, dia: 4 in.; another similar smaller, dia: 3.5 in.; the last, with shaped everted rim with incised decoration, dia: 4 in. (3) $600-800 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
8 INLAID CELADON BOWL, KORYO DYNASTY (14TH CENTURY) the interior enriched with black and white slip depicting cranes in flight amidst scrolling clouds within a geometric band, the exterior with further slip flowerheads reserved on a foliate band, dia: 7 7/8 in. $1,000-2,000 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1) 10 TWO KORYO CELADON PIECES, 14TH CENTURY the first, finely glazed low dish with notched rim, dia: 5.5 in.; the second, a bowl, the exterior molded and incised with a continuous band of stylized leaf tips, raised on a short foot, dia: 6.25 in. (2) $400-600 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
11 FOUR KORYO CELADON-GLAZED DISHES, 14TH CENTURY AND LATER the first, a low bowl, the interior with faintly incised phoenix, the inner rim with stylized clouds, dia: 7 in.; the second, deeper, the interior incised with phoenix and double lines, dia: 6.75 in.; the third, straight sides tapering to a small circular base, dia: 5.5 in.; the fourth, shallow with everted rim, dia: 5 3/8 in.; together with a later celadon-glazed footed dish, dia: 5 1/8 in. (5) $800-1,200
12 TWO KORYO INLAID CELADON BOWLS, 14TH CENTURY AND LATER the first, with tapering sides, the interior with three slip flowering branches within triple lines, dia: 7 3/8 in.; the second, of similar shape, the interior with six stylized branches within double triple line borders, dia: 7.25 in. (2) $600-800
13 FOUR CELADON-GLAZED DISHES, 14TH CENTURY AND LATER the first, a wide bowl, with incised line on inner rim, dia: 7 7/8 in.; the second, with notched rim and incised line, all atop a short foot, w: 7.5 in.; the third, shallow with stepped flared rim on a short foot, dia: 6 5/8 in.; and the last of similar form, dia: 6.75 in. (4) $600-800
14 TWO PUN'CHONG CELADON-GLAZED BOWLS, BOTH WITH INCISED SYMBOLS? UNDER BASES the first, with a central cluster of flowerheads within a further band of flowerheads and outer patterned band, dia: 7 in.; the second, slightly larger bowl, the interior with a wide flowerhead band and the exterior with repeating scrolls, dia: 7.5 in. (2) $600-800
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
15 TWO SLIP-DECORATED CELADON PIECES including a conical cup with a geometric band at the rim and a stylized flowerhead at tip, h: 3.5 in. together with the second, a dish in the Pun'chong style, with molded bands of decoration encircling a flowerhead, impressed mark under base, dia: 6 in. (2) $200-400
16 TWO PUN'CHONG CELADON-GLAZED BOWLS the first, with incised character mark under foot, with slightly rounded sides, the interior with central flowerhead enclosed within alternating bands of repeat patterns, dia: 7.5 in.; the second, deeper and with similar more geometric bands, dia: 6 5/8 in. (2) $600-800
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 17 KOREAN WHITE-GLAZED EARTHENWARE VASE WITH IRON BROWN SCROLL CLUSTERS MOTIFS, 17TH CENTURY of ovoid shape, with flaring squared lip - h:7 in. $800-1,200 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
18 FOUR PROVINCIAL WHITE-GLAZED DISHES, 15TH CENTURY the first, with a black X mark [10] under foot, the slightly dished surface with potter's thumb print near rim, dia: 7 in.; the next, with crackled creamy glaze and numerous stilt marks to center, dia: 7 in.; the third, a porcelain dish with straight shallow bowl and numerous firing stilt marks, dia: 7.75 in.; the last, porcelain with a bluish-tinged glaze and deeper dish, dia: 7.75 in. (4) $1,000-2,000 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
19 PROVINCIAL STONEWARE WATER CONTAINER WITH CALLIGRAPHIC INSCRIPTION, 17TH CENTURY OR LATER of cocoon form narrowing to small circular mouth with everted lip, one side loosely painted with an exotic bird and the other with calligraphic inscription, and with allover blue lines - h:6 x w:6.75 in. $1,000-2,000
20 TWO KOREAN PROVINCIAL BOWLS the first, with slightly flared rim raised on a short foot, dia: 6 1/8 in.; the second, with molded flared rim, the interior incised with four cloud scrolls, dia: 6.5 in. (2) $200-400 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1) 21 PALE CELADON-GLAZED VASE WITH POTTER'S HANDPRINT, 17TH CENTURY globular with a waisted short upright rim, raised on a short foot - h:7 in. $1,000-2,000 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
23 CHOSON UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND WHITE FACETED PORCELAIN BOTTLE VASE, 19TH CENTURY of octagonal shape painted with four characters, each within a single line roundel - h:11 in. $1,000-1,500 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
22 PROVINCIAL STONEWARE BOTTLE VASE, 19TH CENTURY of double gourd form, the sides with clusters of stylized flowering branches in brown and white, possibly marked under base - h:12.75 in. $400-600 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
24 BLUE AND WHITE WINE BOTTLE AND A CIRCULAR COVER, CHOSON DYNASTY (19TH CENTURY) resting on a short ring foot with tall cylindrical neck ending in a rolled lip, painted in rich tones of underglaze blue with four auspicious character inscriptions within lacy scroll reserves, a single line in underglaze blue encircling the foot, h: 10 1/8 in.; together with a cover, with a central stylized symbol within a band of stiff leaf tips and further scrolling flowering branches and blue line rim, dia: 5 in. (2) $400-600 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 25 KOREAN UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND WHITE BOWL AND COVER, CHOSON DYNASTY (19TH CENTURY) the large and deep bowl set on a recessed ring foot with nearly straight sides rising to the indented rim and fitted with a domed cover, painted about the body in underglaze blue with two large sprays of peony between a single line encircling the rim and another encircling the foot, the cover painted with two matching peony sprays within a single line which center the recessed top of the lid, further painted with a single large auspicious character, dia: 10 3/8 in. h:7.50 in. $20,000-30,000
26 WHITE PORCELAIN BOWL, CHOSON DYNASTY (19TH CENTURY) heavily potted and with deep rounded sides, the interior centered by a single character in underglaze blue, all atop a simple ring foot, dia: 6 in. - h:3.85 in. $2,000-3,000 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction,lot 1) 27 CHOSON UNDERGLAZE MASSIVE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN BOWL, 19TH CENTURY with straight sides decorated on the exterior with four "auspicious" characters within double blue lines, the interior with a similar symbol, all raised on a short foot, dia: 10.5 in. - h:6.75 in. $5,000-7,000 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
28 CHOSON BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN BOWL, 19TH CENTURY with lightly flared rim painted in underglaze blue with floral reserves framed by brackets and attenuated swirled lines between single lines at the rim and foot, the interior rim painted with a band of peony blossom and leaf scroll above another band of chevrons, the well with further spray of four blossoms and leaves within a double line border, dia: 8.25 in. $4,000-6,000 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
29 CHOSON BLUE AND WHITE DEEP BOWL, 19TH CENTURY the deep round bowl resting on a ring foot painted in underglaze blue with four large chrysanthemum sprays interspersed with scrolls and "good fortune" inscriptions between double lines at the foot and rim, and with an additional "good fortune" character in the well, dia: 6.5 in. - h:3.80 in. $2,000-4,000 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1) 31 CHOSON UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND WHITE SCALLOPED PORCELAIN BOWL, 19TH CENTURY with slightly flared lip decorated on the exterior with longevity character, the interior "good fortune" characters centering a further "good fortune" character within double blue lines, dia: 7.5 in. $3,000-4,000 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
30 CHOSON LARGE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN SCALLOPED BOWL, 19TH CENTURY with slightly flared rim, painted in deep tones of underglaze blue with eight longevity characters on the exterior, the interior with eight "good fortune" characters centering a single character within double blue lines, dia: 10 in. $6,000-9,000 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
32 UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND WHITE BOWL WITH EVERTED RIM, CHOSON DYNASTY (19TH CENTURY) the exterior with four auspicious characters in roundels, the interior with a single roundel, the rim with two blue lines, dia: 9 3/8 in. $1,000-2,000 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 33 UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND WHITE BRUSH HOLDER, CHOSON DYNASTY (19TH CENTURY) of ten-sided form, eight sides with calligraphic inscriptions all atop a short circular foot - h:6 in. $600-800 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
37 KOREAN ANCESTOR PORTRAIT, ANONYMOUS, CHOSON DYNASTY (18TH/19TH CENTURY) the delicately painted detail of an elderly gentleman picked out in ink and color on paper, 19.25 x 15 in. sight size, framed $10,000-15,000
34 TWO WATER DROPPERS, 19TH CENTURY AND LATER the first, modeled as a longevity tortoise with a double gourd on its back enriched with naturalistic colors, h: 5.25 in.; the second, modeled as a peach enriched in iron red and blue, h: 5 in. (2) $600-800 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
38 KOREAN SCHOOL CHOSON DYNASTY (LATE 19TH CENTURY) KOREAN SCHOLAR WITH TIGER Ink and color on silk: 49 1/2 x 42 1/2 in. Framed $1,000-3,000
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction,lot 1) 41 THREE KOREAN STONE SEALS AND ANNOTATED WOOD BOX the first, a small agate seal with dragon finial, in silk sheath, h: 1.75 in.; the second, a large mountainform seal of black and red striated material, h: 3 in.; and the third, a seal of "chicken's blood" material, delicately carved with twin fish beneath cresting waves and a full moon, h: 2.5 in., all three seals carved and in annotated wood storage box with translation to underside (3) $400-600
42 KOREAN JEONGJAGWAN (NOBLEMAN'S HORSEHAIR INDOOR HAT), PRE- 1910 the hat woven of horsehair in the shape of mountains, it was considered indecent for a gentleman to show his head so even indoors he wore a hat, 13.25 x 8 in.; together with a circular bronze mirror, dia: 5.25 in. (2) $600-800 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1) 43 KOREAN SMALL CHEST WITH UPPER BRASS HANDLE the case carved with swastika motifs within circles, the front slat lifting to reveal five numbered drawers, with circular apertures in the back of case h:10.50 x w:5.85 x d:5 in. $1,000-2,000 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1) 45 TWO CHINESE SONG DYNASTY CERAMICS the first, a small scalloped dish, covered in palest white blue glaze, dia: 4 in.; and a small saucer dish with flaring sides, covered in a pale blue glaze with the rims neatly left unpainted, dia: 5 in. (2) $200-400
44 KOREAN BANDAIJI (BLANKET CHEST), 19TH CENTURY of typical form, with rectangular case, the upper front panel hinged to open, with iron strapwork and handles h:20 x w:37 x d:17.25 in. $600-800 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
46 CHINESE CELADON CRACKLE-GLAZED VASE of baluster shape with molded faux rings suspended from pseudo masks h:7.75 in. $150-250
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 47 GROUP OF FOUR CHINESE PORCELAINS, QING DYNASTY the first, an underglaze blue and white hexagonal small jar and cover, decorated with fruit and flowers, the jar with alternating panels of beauties and flowers, h: 3.75 in.; the second, a twelve- sided famille rose low bowl, the exterior painted in deep blue with cloud scrolls and peaches, Tongzhi iron-red seal mark under foot, w: 7.5 in.; and a pair of smaller similar bowls, painted all over with scrolling flowers and foliage and similar iron red marks, all three painted to the interior in a thick turquoise glaze (4) $400-600 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1) 49 CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE JAR AND COVER WITH METAL HANDLES, QING DYNASTY (19TH CENTURY) of circular shape with straight sides, and fitted with a domed cover with twin peach spray finial, the sides hung with two U-shaped wire handles, painted all over with a dragon and phoenix flanking a flaming pearl and all amidst cloud scrolls, dia: 7.25 in. h:8 in. $400-600
48 TWO SIMILAR CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE BOWLS, QING DYNASTY, CIRCA 1880 the first, painted on the exterior with a continuous design of butterflies and flowers with four "double happiness" characters in iron red, apocryphal mark in underglaze blue under foot, the interior painted with a bat and a peach, dia: 5 3/8 in.; the second, painted with a similar pattern on the exterior but different colors, the interior with a pomegranate, peach and finger citron in iron red, also with a blue mark, dia: 5.5 in. (2) $200-400 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
50 CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE LARGE VASE WITH CALLIGRAPHIC INSCRIPTION, LATE QING DYNASTY (EARLY 20TH CENTURY) of baluster shape and decorated with a scholar with an attendant and three children in a garden setting, with gilded openwork handles to shoulder h:22.50 in. $600-800
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1) 51 PAIR OF CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE VASES, LATE QING DYNASTY (EARLY 20TH CENTURY) of baluster form, decorated with a profusion of beauties in a garden above a traveler and his pack mule, the neck painted with floral sprays and calligraphy, more inscriptions to the body, the reverse painted with a bird on flowering branches (2) - h:24.50 in. $800-1,200
52 CHINESE EXPORT "100 BUTTERFLIES" PATTERN PUNCH BOWL, CIRCA 1880 the large deep circular bowl painted with geometric groups of butterflies within bands of further butterflies, dia: 18 in. $600-800
53 MATCHED PAIR OF CHINESE IRON REDDECORATED AND GILT-HIGHLIGHTED TABLE LAMPS the slab form vase delicately painted with flowering branches above a patterned band, with gilt highlights and on good wood bases - h:19.50 in. $200-300
54 CHINESE UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND WHITE CHARGER the low circular dish, painted with Scholar's objects within a scrolling foliate border, dia: 14 5/8 in. $200-300
57 CHINESE BRONZE FIGURE OF A SEATED DIGNITARY, MING DYNASTY cast seated and wearing traditional robes with under armor, on later flat base, in fitted velvet-lined box - h:13 in. $800-1,200
58 CHINESE BRONZE FIGURE OF A SEATED DIGNITARY, QING DYNASTY the gentleman dressed in fine neat robes, wearing a domed headdress, with both hands clasped at his waist, seated atop a base with scrolling apron - h:18 in. $1,000-2,000
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 59 CHINESE WHITE MARBLE FIGURE OF A SEATED LADY carved in the Northern Qi/ Tang style, wearing flowing robes and with dirt adhesions - h:8.75 in. $200-300
60 CHINESE STONE HEAD OF A DEMON, TANG DYNASTY the grey stone head carved as a fierce scowling male with bulbous eyes and his hair upswept behind a single triangular crown - h:7.50 in. $600-800
61 STONE HEAD OF THE BUDDHA, NORTHERN WEI DYNASTY carved with a wide face with a solemn expression and downcast gaze, long ear, mounted on black - h:8.25 in. $1,000-2,000
62 PAINTED STONE FIGURE OF THE BUDDHA, NORTHERN WEI DYNASTY the deity standing with arms (missing) presumably at his sides, with downcast gaze and his hair in tight curls, his robes picked out in polychrome, with black base h:35.75 in. $2,000-3,000
64 CHINESE PROVINCIAL BRONZE SEATED BUDDHA the Buddha, Ming dynasty, the base later?, cast as the seated deity with large crown and elaborate necklace, seated upon separate lotus base, marked "right" - h:9.75 in. $600-800
65 SINO-TIBETAN GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF THE BUDDHA seated in the lotus position on a lotus base, his gaze downcast with an alms bowl in one hand, sealed base with a vajra - h:4.75 in. $200-400
66 PAIR OF CHINESE GILT AND POLYCHROME EMPEROR AND EMPRESS STONE FIGURES with remnants of original color, gilding and calligraphy, both carved seated, wearing traditional robes and headdresses (2) $1,000-2,000
67 UNUSUAL CHINESE BRONZE MEDALLION the circular plaque surmounted by a pierced and lobed section, one side with the outline of a horse jumping over a raised boss, the reverse with raised calligraphic inscription, apocryphally stating that the bearer of this plaque is entitled to an exchange of fresh horses, h: 7.1 in.; together with a lacquered wood dish in the shape of a double gourd, decorated with Liu Hai and his toad, l: 12.5 in.; and a bamboo fan with landscape and two-character inscription (3) $600-800 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 68 CHINESE SILK-EMBROIDERED SILK SATIN SKIRT AND VEST, LATE QING DYNASTY (EARLY 20TH CENTURY) the material is dusty pink damask with black borders all embroidered with butterflies, bamboo and flowering prunus branches, and trimmed with embroidered ribbon; together with a deep green satin paneled skirt, embroidered with flowers, butterflies and Buddhistic and Scholar's objects (3) $600-800
69 ZHANG DAQIAN (CHINESE, 1899-1983) LETTER FROM ZHANG DAQIAN TO WANG JIYUAN, POSSIBLY 1967 Ink on paper: 14 1/4 x 35 1/2 in. Letter dated March 11 . Zhang Daqian mentions recent three day trip to New York with Wang Jiyuan. Thanks Wang Jiyuan for helping him with travel expenses as he wouldn't be able to travel without his help, Zhang Daqian is thankful for Wang Jiyuan after decades of friendship. Zhang Daqian also mentioned he will have a small exhibition opening at Stanford University (possibly an exhibition that took place at Stanford in August of 1967) that he is busy preparing for and will earn some of his daily expenses. Asks Wang Jiyuan, who's in New York studio alone must take care of himself for the sake of the Art, dated March 11, signed Yuan. $6,000-9,000
Provenance: Property from the Belfield Collection 70 ZHANG DAQIAN (CHINESE, 1899-1983) LETTER FROM ZHANG DAQIAN TO WANG JIYUAN Ink on paper: 14 1/4 x 35 1/2 in. Letter dated January 11th. Zhang Daqian thanks Wang Jiyuan for poems and books he sent. He is sorry he couldn't meet for more than a few days in Bihuaan. Lang Jingshan (1892-1955) is using a photo of Zhang Daqian for the cover of his new "60 year" album, Zhang Daqian is simultaneously proud and embarrassed. He did the sign for "Dr. Zhu's office" in both horizontal and vertical for him to choose. Zhang Daqian asks Wang Jiyuan who is the writer of the poems of "Ci Zhi Tang"? He is currently selling paintings and is sending 20 works to Wang to see if he can sell. Dated January 11th, signed Yuan. $6,000-9,000
71 TWO CHINESE BOOKS small sketch by Wan XianZe, then comments by collector Li QingFong, TaiYi SanChao Fu inscription. Book of bamboo sketches by ZueZu (2) $200-400 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Provenance: Property from the Belfield Collection 72 CHINESE SCHOOL QING DYNASTY (19TH/20TH CENTURY) CHILDREN PLAYING DOMINOES Ink and color on paper: 21 1/2 x 36 1/4 in. Framed $1,000-2,000
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
73 CHINESE EXPORT PAINTING OF "THE FRAGRANT CONCUBINE", QING DYNASTY (19TH CENTURY) oil on canvas, the beauty shown seated with one arm propped up, dressed in casual Manchu type robes, a Buddhist rosary pinned to her gown $3,000-5,000
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 74 KWONG LO (CHINESE 19TH/20TH CENTURY) CHINA TRADE PAINTING OF AMERICAN CLIPPER SHIP Oil on canvas laid on board, 10 3/4 X 15 in. Framed, lower right signed: Kwong Lo $800-1,200
75 CHINESE HARDWOOD SCHOLAR'S DESK the rectangular top above two short drawers and a carved apron, all set atop simple tall legs - h:33 x w:36 x d:18.25 in. $300-500
Provenance: Property of an Alexandria Collector, Marine Art Galleries
76 CHINESE YUMU CANE TOP LOW TABLE the large square low table with heavy incurved legs $600-800
79 JAPANESE SATSUMA GLOBULAR VASE AND COVER the large vase ovoid form with a conforming cover, painted with gossu blue and a continuous floral design, all atop three short feet - h:10.50 in. $2,000-3,000
80 JAPANESE BLUE-GLAZED RECTANGULAR BOTTLE, EDO PERIOD (19TH CENTURY) the long bottle tapering to a narrow mouth, the long sides incised with continuous fish scale and the shorter ends with carp rising from cresting waves all covered in a rich blue glaze - h:3.25 x w:4 in. $200-400
81 JAPANESE KUTANI BOWL, LATE EDO PERIOD the deep bowl with flaring sides covered in rich enamels of blue, green and gold, the central mountainous landscape enclosed within a band of patterned brocade, green "fuku" mark under foot, dia: 7.25 in. $300-500
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
84 PALACE-SIZE JAPANESE IMARI CHARGER four character signature in underglaze blue, the center panel painted with a male and female dignitary with a "karako" (child) between them all enclosed within shaped brocade roundels, and other floral designs and all reserved on a large flowering sakura tree with ho-o perched on a branch, dia: 23.5 in. $600-800
85 JAPANESE IRON-GLAZED KUNDIKA of typical form, covered in a thick black glaze stopping short of the flaring foot - h:8.25 in. $400-600
86 JAPANESE BRONZE RETICULATED MASK WITH HAIR EXTENSIONS, 19TH CENTURY the mask of Okina, with an articulated jaw, cast as a smiling elderly man with deep laugh lines and gap-toothed smile, horse hair extensions - h:8 in. $1,000-2,000
87 JAPANESE LACQUERED WOOD MASK OF KO-OMOTE, WITH LABELED BOX, EDO PERIOD the theatrical mask with black hair and teeth and a slightly open mouth of typical form, h: 8 7/8 in. w:5.50 in. $1,500-2,500
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction,lot 1); Purchased K. Watanabe Co., Tokyo, July 18, 1961 with certificate of authenticity and invoice.
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 88 JAPANESE BRONZE TRIPOD CENSER AND COVER, WITH MON, EDO PERIOD of lobed circular body resting atop three mask-topped feet, and with elephant handles to sides, the domed cover with karashishi and ball finial, the bronze of deep brown rich tone and with gilt highlights and gilt paulownia crest - h:18.50 x w:15.50 in. $2,000-4,000
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1) 90 JAPANESE TALL BRONZE VASE, LATE MEIJI PERIOD (20TH CENTURY) of baluster form with a lobed body cast with raised borders and flowering vines below animal mask angular handles - h:25 in. $1,000-2,000
91 PAIR OF JAPANESE SOFTWOOD BUDDHISTIC LION ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS, EDO PERIOD (18TH/19TH CENTURY) each deeply carved as a snarling guardian creature, polychrome traces (2) - h:9.50 x w:9 x d:10 in. $2,000-3,000
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
96 SENGOKU (JAPANESE, 19TH/20TH CENTURY) INSTRUMENTS Ink on silk: 54 x 27 1/2 in. (sight) Framed; lower left signed and seal $600-800
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 99 JAPANESE SIX-PANEL SCREEN ink and color on paper, continuous scene of insects, flowers and grasses on plain paper on silver leaf ground, image size: 41 x 17 in. $600-800
100 JAPANESE TWO-PART TANSU of two parts, each rectangular case fitted with plain long drawer and simple metal pulls - h:46 x w:34 x d:18.50 in. $300-400
101 JAPANESE KIMONO STAND of spare elegant black lacquered wood - h:56.50 in. $200-400
112 INDIAN GILT- BRASS CYLINDRICAL DOCUMENT CASE 19th Century, highly chased with numerous exotic animals in landscape reserves, centering a vacant cartouche with heralding angels, and with silvered interior, l: 18.5 in. $500-700
113 COLLECTION OF INDIAN CARVED WOODEN ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS including three carved wood friezes, all mounted and framed, each approx. 43 in. wide; together with another polychromed example (4) $2,400-3,200
116 PERSIAN 13TH OR 14TH CENTURY CERAMIC LUSTER BOWL WITH INSCRIPTIONS IN IRANIAN AROUND RIM, KASHAN 13TH CENTURY STYLE this luster bowl with (probably Persian) inscriptions in Iranian; viewed with the heads of the central "Beloveds" in the center at noon, the main band with palmettes is in two different patterns with an obvious joins and breaks in pattern at noon and 6:35.; the two right sections have blobby white leaves between bits of colored scrolling stems; the left sections have a series of tall verticals with short middle forms descended from an Arabic style pattern; the lower section of the "Beloveds" - h:3.50 x w:13 in. $20,000-50,000
119 ISLAMIC GLAZED EARTHENWARE BOWL WITH INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR BLUE FLORAL MOTIFS, 12TH-14TH CENTURY STYLE of conical form on a tall foot - h:8.50 x w:3.75 in. $1,000-1,500
121 ISLAMIC STYLE SMALL GILT METAL CHASED CUP h:1.80 x w:2.25 in. $200-400
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 124 CALLIGRAPHIC SCROLL, WITH DEVOTIONAL TEXT IN ARABIC, 19TH CENTURY backed with red cloth h:5.50 x w:83 in. $500-800
125 PAINTED SILK PERSIAN TIGER HUNT SCENE, 19TH/20TH CENTURY h:19 x w:28.50 in. $400-600
126 CALLIGRAPHIC SCROLL, WITH DEVOTIONAL TEXT IN ARABIC backed with plain cloth h:9 x w:270 in. $500-800
128 F.T. COLINS (DUTCH, 17TH/18TH CENTURY) A MEDITERRANEAN HARBOR WITH FIGURES IN THE FOREGROUND Oil on canvas: 41 x 50 in. Framed; lower center indistinctly signed and inscribed: F. D/T Colins/ a la....... $8,000-12,000
Provenance: Private Collection 129 CONTINENTAL SCHOOL (18TH CENTURY) CRUCIFIXION Oil on canvas: 49 x 28 in. Framed $500-700
130 ITALIAN SCHOOL (17TH/18TH CENTURY) MARY MAGDALENE Oil on canvas: 27 1/4 x 22 1/2 in. Framed $1,000-1,500
Provenance: Private Collection, North Carolina
131 SPANISH SCHOOL (17TH /18TH CENTURY) SAN FRANCISCO DE PAULA Oil on copper: 7 3/4 x 5 1/4 in. Framed; verso labels $800-1,200
Provenance: Spanish collection until Duran Madrid, March 14 1984, lot. 24; private collection New York 133 ITALIAN SCHOOL (18TH CENTURY) FLORAL STILL LIFE Oil on canvas: 35 x 45 1/2 in. Framed $2,500-5,000
132 ITALIAN SCHOOL (18TH CENTURY) CHARITY Oil on canvas: 37 1/4 x 45 3/4 in. Framed $3,000-5,000
Provenance: New England Educational Institution from 1880 to the present day
134 ITALIAN SCHOOL (18TH/19TH CENTURY) GALILEO Oil on canvas: 39 x 34 in. (framed) Framed $800-1,200
Provenance: New England Educational Institution from 1880 to the present day
135 FOLLOWER OF LUIS MELENDEZ (SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY) STILL LIFE Oil on canvas: 19 1/2 x 24 1/2 in. Framed; verso inscribed on canvas: Luis Melendez $1,000-1,500
Provenance: Property of a Gentleman
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
136 CIRCLE OF SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK (17TH CENTURY) PORTAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Oil on panel: 10 x 7 3/4 in. Framed $1,000-1,500
Provenance: Spanish private collection until 1985; Purchased Duran, Madrid, 1985 lot. 528 Retrato de Caballero; New York Private Collection
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 137 CIRCLE OF PETER PAUL RUBENS (17TH CENTURY) PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Oil on canvas: 23 1/2 x 18 1/2 in. Framed $2,000-3,000
Provenance: Dr. Otto Deutschberger until April 6, 1970 ; April 6, 1970 sold to Mr. Adlman and M. Lebof as "Portrait of a Man in Lace Collar attributed to P.P. Rubens,"; Private Collection, New York
138 WILLIAM DE NUNE (BRITISH, 1729-1750) SIR RICHARD OSWALD (1705-1784) AND MARGARET RAMSAY OSWALD (-1788) Oil on canvas: 29 1/2 x 24 1/2 in. and 30 x 25 in. Framed; painting of Sir Richard Oswald lower right signed and dated: De Nune 1747. Sir Richard Oswald also known as "The Peacemaker" from his role in the negotiations with Benjamin Franklin concerning the Treaty of Independence of the USA. Richard Oswald represented Great Britain in the Treaty (1783). In his "Memoirs" Franklin writes of Oswald, "The Envoy of Shelburne was Mr. Richard Oswald, a retired merchant, whose talent as a negotiator consisted in an absolute honesty and guilelessness which is only to be found in his (and my) dear country." (p. 302) $3,000-5,000
Provenance: The Oswald of Auchincruive, Ayr Family and by descent until June 4, 1980; Mr. Charles Baker June 4, 1980 until June 6, 1980; June 6, 1980 purchased by Mr. Arthur Adlman and Private collection, New York
139 POSSIBLY WILLIAM DE NUNE (BRITISH, 1729-1750) PORTRAIT JOHN DUNDAS OF MANOR (1701-) Oil on canvas: 29 3/4 x 24 1/2 in. Framed; a member of the Oswald family through marriage; his daughter was Margaret Dundas Oswald $1,000-1,500
Provenance: The Oswald Family and by descent until June 4, 1980; Mr. Charles Baker June 4, 1980 until June 6, 1980; June 6, 1980 purchased by Mr. Arthur Adlman and Private collection, New York
140 ALEXANDRE CALAME (SWISS, 18101864) ALPINE LANDSCAPE WITH GOATS AND GOAT HERDER Oil on canvas: 53 x 64 in. Framed; inscribed in pencil on stretcher bar by Calame $20,000-30,000
Provenance: New England Educational Institution from 1880 to the present day
141 CONTINENTAL SCHOOL (19TH CENTURY) PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN WITH FAN Oil on canvas: 42 x 34 in. Framed; in an elaborate fruit carved frame $2,000-3,000
142 ITALIAN SCHOOL (17TH/18TH CENTURY) ENCAMPMENT IN DAMASCUS Pen and black ink and watercolor on paper: 9 3/4 x 13 in. (sight) Framed; inscribed: Accampamento delli P.opei Veduta della Cita Damasco in Lontana/ Gl. Piacenzo Direttore $600-800
143 THOMAS ROWLANDSON (BRITISH, 1756-1827) SYMPTOMS OF SANCTITY Watercolor and ink: 19 x 16 in. (sight) Framed $1,000-1,500
144 JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET (FRENCH, 1814-1875) ETUDE D'HOMME VUE DE DOS ET ETUDE D'HOMME ASSIS Chalk on wove paper: 10 3/4 x 7 in. Framed; Stamped initials J.F.M. (L.1460) $3,000-5,000
Provenance: Private Collection, New York Provenance: Victor Waddington, London; Harvey S. Lubitz, New York; Private Collection, New York Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 145 N. KAUFFMANN (GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY) ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING with PRINT OF EDMUND DEXTER'S RESIDENCE Watercolor and lithograph: 15 x 20 in. (sight) Framed; one signed lower left: N Kauffmann (2) $400-600
146 RAYMOND MORETTI (FRENCH, 19312005) CARDINALS Watercolor Framed; lower left signed: R. Moretti Roma $300-500
147 ROBERT STONE (BRITISH, 1820-1870) PAIR OF HORSE RACING PAINTINGS Oil on canvas: 5 1/2 x 10 1/2 in. each One signed lower left: Stone; one indistinctly signed lower left; verso inscribed on frame (2) $1,000-1,500
148 ADOLF KAUFMANN (GERMAN, 18481916) FARM SCENE Oil on canvas: 23 x 29 in. Framed; lower right signed: A Kaufmann $1,000-1,500
149 EUROPEAN SCHOOL (18TH/19TH CENTURY) ITALIAN LANDSCAPE Oil on canvas: 31 1/2 x 42 1/2 in. Framed $1,000-1,500
150 ERSKINE NICOL (SCOTTISH, 1825-1904) GATHERING THE FAMILY Oil on canvas: 29 1/4 x 36 3/4 in. Framed; lower right signed: E. Nicol $5,000-7,000
Provenance: Purchased ca. 1919 and by descent to the present owner; Private Collection Virginia 151 RUSSIAN SCHOOL (19TH CENTURY) RUSSIAN MAN Oil on canvas: 42 1/2 x 35 in. (framed) Framed; with a label "Russian School" $700-900
152 CONTINENTAL SCHOOL (19TH CENTURY) STILL LIFE WITH NEST AND BUTTERFLY Oil on canvas: 10 x 8 1/4 in. Framed; lower right indistinctly signed and dated: .L.. /187.. $500-800
153 EUROPEAN SCHOOL (19TH CENTURY) SUPPER AT EMMAUS Oil on panel: 7 x 9 in. Framed; lower right signed: D. MacF... $400-600
154 CONTINENTAL SCHOOL (19TH CENTURY) A PAIR OF LANDSCAPES Oil on panel: 6 3/4 x 9 in. Framed; lower left initialed: R.D (2) $600-800
Provenance: Private Collection Provenance: Private Collection, New York
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 155 CONTINENTAL SCHOOL (19TH CENTURY) LANDSCAPE Oil on canvas: 24 x 32 in. Framed $700-900
156 JEAN ERNEST AUBERT (FRENCH, 18241902) PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN, 1892 Oil on canvas: 17 x 9 3/4 in. Framed; lower left inscribed: offert a Monsieur James Parsons/ en Temoignage du bon ... (a)mities / Jean Aubert/ Paris 1892 $1,500-3,000
157 AFTER BOUGEREAU (19TH CENTURY) VENUS AND CUPID Oil on canvas: 10 x 14 in. Framed $600-900
158 FRANCOIS GEROME (FRENCH, 1895-?) LA PLACE DE L'OPERA A PARIS Oil on canvas: 9 x 12 in. Framed; lower right signed and titled: Fr. Gerome/ La Place de l'Opera a Paris $400-600
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 159 HILDA VAN STOCKUM ? (1908-2006)? RED, BLUE AND GOLD Oil on canvas: 21 x 19 in. Framed; lower right signed: BVM $400-600
160 HAROLD CLAYTON (BRITISH, 1896-1979) SPRING FLOWERS IN AN ENGLISH GLAZED PITCHER Oil on canvas: 24 x 20 in. Framed; lower left signed: Harold Clayton $2,000-3,000
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
163 JOHN WILLIAM HILL (AMERICAN, 1812– 1879) WATERFALL Oil on artist board: 24 x 9 in. Framed, lower right signed and dated: J W Hill 1867; the waterfall is possibly Crystal Cascade, White Mountain, New Hampshire $1,000-1,500
164 AMERICAN SCHOOL (19TH CENTURY) A SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN Oil on canvas: 39 1/4 x 39 3/4 in. Framed $800-1,200
165 AMERICAN SCHOOL (20TH CENTURY) LATER COPIES OF THE LEE FAMILY, POSSIBLY EDMUND AND SARAH Oil on panel: 30 1/4 x 24 3/4 in. Framed (2) $600-800
166 POSSIBLY MICHAEL NACHTRIEB (AMERICAN, 1835-1916) MRS. ELIZA ZELLERS Oil on canvas: 23 3/4 x 19 3/4 in. Framed; verso label: "Mrs Eliza Zellers/ Canan Center/ Wayne County Ohio/ artist Michael Nachtrieb/ Wooster, Wayne County/Ohio $500-700
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Provenance: Private Collection, North Carolina
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 167 POSSIBLY DE LANCEY GILL (AMERICAN, 1859-1940) ON THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO CANAL Oil on board: 15 1/4 x 19 in. Framed; plaque reads "On the Chesapeake\ and Ohio Canal\ De Lancey Gill" $500-700
168 WILLIAM MASON BROWN (AMERICAN, 1828-1898) RIVER LANDSCAPE Oil on canvas: 19 x 29 in. Framed; lower right signed: W. M. Brown $3,000-5,000
169 WILLIAM MASON BROWN (AMERICAN, 1828-1898) PASTORAL LANDSCAPE Oil on canvas: 8 1/8 x 12 1/4 in. Framed $2,000-3,000
170 WILLIAM HENRY HILLIARD (AMERICAN, 1836–1905) MARYLAND LANDSCAPE PAINTING Oil on canvas: 16 x 22 1/2 in. Framed; lower right signed: W. H. Hilliard\Kinderhook $400-600
171 ALEXANDER CHARLES STUART (AMERICAN, 1831-1998) BATTLE OF THE MONITOR AND MERRIMACK Oil on canvas: 18 x 30 in. Framed; lower left signed: Stuart; also known as the Battle of Hampton Roads or the Battle of the Ironclads $2,000-3,000
172 EDGAR NYE (AMERICAN, 1879–1943) ROCK CREEK PARK Oil on canvas: 20 x 15 in. Framed; lower right signed: E. Nye $400-600
173 JAMES CARROLL BECKWITH (AMERICAN, 1852-1917) SCULPTURE AFTER PAJOU Oil on board: 13 3/4 x 10 1/4 in. Framed; lower left signed: Carroll Beckwith; upper left: Pajou/ 1730-1809/ Brussels 29 Feb '12; verso inscriptions $3,000-5,000
174 GEORGE HOWELL GAY (AMERICAN, 1858-1931) COASTLINE Watercolor on paper: 13 1/2 x 31 1/2 in. Framed; lower right signed: Geo. Howell Gay $300-500
175 BENSON BOND MOORE (AMERICAN, 1882–1974) PRINCE CHARLES PHEASANT Oil on canvas: 20 x 16 in. Framed; lower right signed: Benson Moore $800-1,200
176 HOWARD DANIEL BECKER (AMERICAN, 1914-1995) LANDSCAPE Oil on canvasboard: 16 x 20 in. Framed; lower left signed and dated: H.D. Becker, 51 $400-600
177 BENSON BOND MOORE (AMERICAN, 1882-1974) CLIFFS AT CHESAPEAKE BEACH, MD Oil on board: 10 x 14 in. Framed; lower left signed: Benson B. Moore; verso inscribed: Cliffs at Chesapeake Beach, MD; verso labels $800-1,200
178 GERALD HENNESY (AMERICAN, 1921-) BESIDE THE LOING RIVER Oil on canvas: 18 x 24 in. Framed; lower right signed: G Hennesy $800-1,200
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 179 LUCA PAPALUCA (ITALIAN, 1890-1934) M.Y. WARRIOR N.Y.Y.C. Watercolor and gouache: 16 x 28 in. Framed; lower right signed: L. Papaluca; lower center titled: M.Y. Warrior N.Y.Y.C.; The Warrior, was one of the yachts owned by Frederick Vanderbilt from 1904 until it sank in 1914. It was a 282-foot, twin screw steel yacht with a breadth at the beam of 32.5 feet. "In the years leading up to 1913, theyhad spent their summers aboard their yacht Warrior off the coast of Europe. Frederick was fifty-seven at the time, and Louise was sixty-nine. With the outbreak of World War I in 1914 and the wreck of the Warrior in January of that year, Frederick and Louise abandoned their summer-long cruises in Europe for the coast of Bar Harbor, Maine.." from "Vanderbilt Mansion a Gilded-Age Country Place - A historic Resource Study," National Park Service, Boston 2008, p. 57. $800-1,200
180 AMERICAN SCHOOL (19TH CENTURY) FRENCH TROOPS AT REST Watercolor and ink on paper: 6 1/4 x 8 in. (sight) Framed $300-500
181 HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY (AMERICAN, 1873–1952) FASHION DRAWING Watercolor on paper: 19 1/2 x 13 in. (sight) Framed; lower left signed: Howard Chandler Christy $1,000-1,500
185 COLUMBIA MOURNS GEORGE WASHINGTON, SILK EMBROIDERED MOURNING PICTURE pensive classical Greek dressed figure leans against the swag decorated urn memorial whose inscription reads, "Columbia Mourns for Washington", with weeping willow tree above, landscape silk on silk ground, flat stitch, colors include golds, greens, ivory, h: 11 x w: 8.75 in. (sight), within an eglomise oval and giltwood frame $1,500-3,000
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Provenance: Chieffo Collection, Christies East, September 28, 1999
186 "CAPITOL IN WASHINGTON" JACQUARD COVERLET, 1846 depicting the first U.S. Capitol surrounded by olive branches, stars, scales of justice. This building was completed by architect Charles Bulfinch in 1829, the successor to the original architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe who began his work in 1793. (Bulfinch's dome was replaced in 1856); navy, green, red, burgundy, ivory, wool and cotton, double weave, two loom width panels joined with fringe - h:72 x w:82 in. $600-800
187 TALBOT COUNTY, MARYLAND, LAND GRANT ABSTRACT, 1663 autograph document signed as land office Register ("John Kilty"), Talbot County, Maryland, February 17, 1663. Synopsis of ownership of the parcel of land "Chance Ridge"; framed and matted, 12 1/4 x 7 1/4 in. (sight) $300-500
188 WILLIAM MARKHAM LAND GRANT SIGNED AS GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1692 autographed document signed as Governor of Pennsylvania ("Wm Markham"), Pennsylvania, April 16, 1692. Land grant on vellum granting 304 acres of land in Bucks County to George Heathcote. Countersigned by Samuel Carpenter, Rober Aesner, John Goodson, Thomas Lloyd, Samuel Spencer, and others. Markham was appointed by his first cousin, William Penn, to serve as Governor of Pennsylvania while he was away in England. As Governor, Markham helped select the site for Philadelphia; framed, 11 x 12 1/2 in. (sight) $1,500-2,500
189 THOMAS MIFFLIN, LAND DEED 1792, SIGNED AS GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA autographed document signed as Governor of Pennsylvania ("Thomas Mifflin"), Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, September 10, 1792. Land deed on vellum transferring 411 acres in Stoke Township to James Wilson for the sum of one pound, twelve shillings, and six pence. Countersigned by Deputy Secretary James Trimble ("James Trimble"), with blind-stamped Pennsylvania state seal. Thomas Mifflin served as a major general in the Continental Army, as Quartermaster General during the American Revolution under George Washington, and as President of the Continental Congress.; framed, 12 3/4 x 16 in. (sheet) $300-500
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 190 PHILADELPHIA & LANCASTER TURNPIKE STOCK CERTIFICATE SIGNED BY WILLIAM BINGHAM, partially printed document signed by President of the Bank of North America William Bingham ("Wm Bingham"), Philadelphia, March 16, 1795, countersigned by bank secretary ("Tench Francis"). Stock certificate on vellum for America's first turnpike, featuring an etched vignette of a horse-drawn passenger coach approaching a toll gate; this certificate is commonly viewed as the earliest vignetted American stock certificate to appear on the market; framed, 7 1/2 x 9 1/2 in. (sight) $500-700
191 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE SIGNER THOMAS MCKEAN AUTOGRAPHED DOCUMENT signed as Governor of Pennsylvania ("Tho McKean"), one page, double-sided, [Philadelphia], October 19, 1804. Document authorizing improvements to Philadelphia's High (now Market) Street. Countersigned by Secretary ("JM Thompson"), with large blind-stamped paper seal of the state of Pennsylvania; framed, 10 x 8 1/2 in. (sight) $300-500
192 JOHN EAGER HOWARD, AUTOGRAPH DOCUMENT SIGNED, GROUND RENT LEASE autographed document signed ("JE Howard"), Baltimore, Maryland, May 15, 1819. Ground rent lease document entering a lease for 99 years, renewable forever, listing Howard along with Talbot Jones et al. as owners of the Federal Hill Sunday School of Baltimore; framed, 11 1/4 x 7 1/4 in. (sheet) $200-400
193 WILLIAM MCKINLEY PARTIALLY PRINTED DOCUMENT SIGNED AS PRESIDENT, 1898 partially printed document signed as President ("William McKinley"), Washington, December 24, 1898. Military appointment on vellum, appointing Woodson Hocker First Lieutenant of Artillery on July 9, 1898. Countersigned by Secretary of War Russell A. Alger ("Russell A Alger"), with blue blindstamped Presidential seal; framed and matted, 19 x 14 1/2 in. (sight) $300-500
194 GROUP OF 13 CIVIL WAR DOCUMENTS group of 12 Civil War letters and documents, including seven soldiers' letters (with content including the Battle of Philadelphia, 1863, prisoners of war, and the general conditions of war); a soldier's manuscript diagram of Lexington and surrounds; the last will and testament of an Officer in the English Royal Civil Service, 1871; two estate documents (circa 1840); an account ledger (1845); and a copy of the Daily Evening Traveller, Boston, November 17, 1861 (13) $700-900
195 HORACE GREELEY, AUTOGRAPHED LETTER SIGNED, 1853 autographed letter signed ("Horace Greeley"), three pages, on a bifolium, New York, July 14, 1853. To an unknown recipient, regarding the Religious Corporation(?) Act and discussing the content of the [New York] Post newspaper and a writer by the name of Baily. Greeley states: "Baily would rather serve God than Satan at the same wages, for which I honor him; but he is so adroit and prudent that I fear the latter employer gets the most out of him for the money. However, I favor prudence, especially that which makes an Anti-slavery paper flourish in Washington..." $400-600
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 196 PRESIDENTIAL AUTOGRAPH ALBUM, 31 SIGNATURES FROM GEORGE WASHINGTON TO FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT, BAYNTUN COSWAY STYLE BINDING 4to, finely bound by Bayntun in Cosway-style binding of crushed red morocco gilt-stamped with American eagle to upper cover, featuring hand painted portrait miniatures of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln under glass within each wing, gilt-decorated and lettered spine, gilt-decorated inner dentelles, red silk pastedowns and endpapers, a.e.g. Rare autograph album with 31 documents signed by each President from George Washington through Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1793-1932), all but five signed while in office as President, each accompanied by an engraved portrait, some colored. Signatures include: George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren (as Secretary of State), William Henry Harrison (as Major General), John Tyler, James Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield (as House Representative), Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover (as Secretary of Commerce and president of the Congressional Country Club), and Franklin D. Roosevelt (as Governor of New York). Detailed information about each document available upon request. $10,000-20,000
197 BAYNTUN COSWAY STYLE BINDING, AMERICAN SOCIETY IN THE DAYS OF WASHINGTON, EXTRA ILLUSTRATED, 2 VOLS. Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. American Society in the Days of Washington. New York: D. Appleton, 1855. 2 vols. 8vo, handsomely bound by Bayntun in Cosway-style binding of brown elaborately gilt-crushed morocco, upper covers with central handpainted portrait miniatures of George and Martha Washington under glass, gilt-lettered and decorated spines, gilt-stamped dentelles, a.e.g. Extra-illustrated with 21 steel engravings of society women by Rogers after paintings by Sully, Copley, Gainsborough, Stuart, Pine, Malbone and others, and over 150 engravings (various processes) and several signatures and documents. $1,500-2,500 Provenance: Property from the Estate of Senator James C. Couzens, Michigan
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Senator James C. Couzens, Michigan 198 BENJAMIN HARRISON AND WHITELAW REED PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN PRINTED LINEN BANDANA featuring jugate portraits of the 1892 Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, surrounded with vignettes of flags, olive branches, and allegorical images of American prosperity; with the printed text "Protection and Reciprocity" - h:20 x w:19.50 in. $200-400
199 TWO WILLIAM MCKINLEY CAMPAIGN RIBBONS including: "Our Standard Bearers: McKinley and Hobart, Protection" (9 x 3 in.) and "Union Veterans, 1900. William McKinley/Theodore Roosevelt Yates/Graff" (8 1/2 x 2 1/2 in.); each with double oval portrait black imprints of each candidate (2) $200-400
200 RARE PRESIDENT AND MRS. COOLIDGE "NORSE-AMERICAN CENTENNIAL" POCKET MIRROR with double portraits of Calvin and Grace Coolidge issued to commemorate a visit by the President and First Lady to the NorseAmerican Centennial held in 1925 at St. Paul, Minnesota - h:1.75 x w:2.75 in. $200-400
201 TWO POLITICAL POSTERS FEATURING DWIGHT EISENHOWER AND ADLAI STEVENSON including "America needs Eisenhower for a Durable Peace," 1952, color lithograph poster (20 x 15 in.); and "For Leadership and Truth VOTE DEMOCRATIC!" Multigate poster featuring Adlai Stevenson for President, Estes Kefauver for Vice President, and six local Democratic candidates, 1956, color lithograph poster (21 1/4 x 13 1/2 in.) (2) $200-400
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 202 BLAIR HOUSE, THE PRESIDENT'S GUEST HOUSE, LEE JOFA "LUDLOW PRINT" BEDROOM SOFT FURNISHINGS COLLECTION DESIGNED BY MARIO BUATTA including two bed coronets (h: 1617 x w: 29 x d: 19.5 in. and includes two pairs of wall metal mounts for attaching the coronets to the wall), one pillow with pleated edging, two 3/4 bed skirts (drop is approx. 13.5 in.), two 3/4 bed headboards, bed hanging for the two beds includes back panel and pair of side panels with a pair of matching tiebacks for each bed (lining is Brunschwig & Fils Peaweed cotton print in yellow), two drapery panels (for one window measuring h: 86.5 x w: 64 in.), and matching valance with 16 bells on the valance painted by noted muralist Robert Jackson and trim by Scalamandre. Mr. Jackson's work appears in the American Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art as ornament in the Gothic Revival Library and the ceiling in the Renaissance Revival Parlor. His mural work also appears in the Diplomatic Reception Rooms at the State Department and the Garden Room, Jackson Place Dining Room and Jackson Place Sitting Room at Blair House. $400-600
203 FRENCH PROVINCIAL CARVED OAK BEDSTEAD, JOHN F. KENNEDY'S BED FROM GLEN ORA 18th Century, the 3/4 canopy richly carved with trailing vines on cabriole legs $3,000-20,000 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
Provenance: Blair House, Washington DC; purchased at auction by current owner for private residence 204 ENGLISH BAROQUE OAK COURT CUPBOARD with a recessed upper cabinet between turned supports above a cabinet on bracket feet - h:63 x w:61.25 x d:25.50 in. $1,000-2,000 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
205 LOUIS XV PARQUETRY AND MARQUETRY INLAID TULIPWOOD COMMODE, FROM JACQUELINE KENNEDY'S BEDROOM AT GLEN ORA mid-18th Century, remounted with a bombe case fitted with three drawers on splayed bracket feet - h:33 x w:54.50 x d:28 in. $2,000-4,000 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
206 LOUIS XV BRONZE MOUNTED TULIPWOOD AND PARQUETRY COMMODE, FROM JACQUELINE KENNEDY'S BEDROOM AT GLEN ORA mid-18th Century, the serpentine paneled top above a conforming bombe case fitted with drawers on splayed legs - h:33.25 x w:50 x d:26 in. $2,000-4,000
207 LOUIS XV PROVINCIAL CARVED OAK ARMOIRE 18th Century, with leaf-tip carved cornice above a conforming case carved with foliage on cabriole legs - h:88.50 x w:52.50 x d:21.50 in. $1,000-1,500 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat 208 DIRECTOIRE MARQUETRY AND FRUITWOOD INLAID SECRETAIRE A ABATTANT with black Belgian marble above a conforming case inlaid with ribbon tied bouquets and urns - h:57 x w:38.25 x d:16.25 in. $1,000-3,000
209 NAPOLEON III BRASS INLAID EBONIZED OCCASIONAL TABLE 19th Century, with serpentine top above frieze drawn on cabriole legs - h:29 x w:24 x d:16.50 in. $400-900 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 210 LOUIS XV ORMOLU MOUNTED KINGWOOD AND PARQUETRY BUREAU EN PENTE mid-18th Century, with a shaped slant front over a case on cabriole legs - h:38.25 x w:31.50 x d:18.75 in. $300-700 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
211 LOUIS XVI STYLE GILTWOOD AND PAINT DECORATED TRUMEAU with a rectangular frame with molded outset cornice over an oil painting of a young lady and child in a landscape surrounded by applied carved and molded decorations over a rectangular mirror plate with conforming decorations - h:47.50 x w:24.50 in. $400-800 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
212 LOUIS XVI MAHOGANY CONSOLE, 18TH CENTURY with shaped guilloche pierced carved frieze on tapering fluted legs with chandelles - h:33.75 x w:75.50 x d:30 in. $3,000-5,000 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
214 RUSSIAN SILVER SANDWICH TONGS marks for St. Petersburg, assay Demitri Ilich Iverskoi, maker’s mark for Carl Magnus Stahle, monogrammed, l: 13.25 in., approx. 9.8 ozt. gross weight $500-700 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
213 SMALL FRENCH SILVER FOOTED COFFEE POT 19th Century, indistinct marks, with hinged cover, turned wood handle and three legs headed by shell panels - h:5.25 in. $200-400 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat 215 THREE GEORGE III SILVER WARES including a footed salt, London, 1763, maker's mark for David and Robert Hennell I, with shell-capped legs and pad feet; the cream jug, London, 1798; the sugar bowl, London, 1809, indistinct maker’s marks, h: 7.5 in across handles (approx.), BOTH rectangular melon-reeded, on ball feet, approx. 14.1 ozt (3) $200-400 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
216 TOWLE SILVER TEAPOT AND COFFEE POT nos. 5530 and 5531, tapering fluted on square bases, including coffee pot, h: 11 5/8 in. and teapot, h: 10.25 in., monogrammed, approx. 43.2 ozt gross weight (2) $800-1,200 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat 218 JOHN F. KENNEDY, ESTATE DEED, SIGNED "JACQUELINE B. KENNEDY" AND "JOHN F. KENNEDY" partially printed document signed as President and First Lady ("John F. Kennedy") and ("Jacqueline B. Kennedy"), 2 pages, [Washington, DC], March 3, 1961. Estate deed transferring title for the Kennedy's Georgetown property located at 3307 N. Street, NW. [Together with:] Western Union telegram from Senator John F. Kennedy to Wychliffe B. Wyse, November 17, 1960, accepting the offer of $102,000 cash for 3307 N. Street NW (2) $2,000-4,000
217 GEORGE III SILVER MUG 1770, maker’s mark TK, pear shaped, the scroll handle with foliate thumb piece on a flaring circular base, monogrammed, approx. 12.2 ozt - h:5 in. $1,000-1,500 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
219 JOHN F. KENNEDY, VERDIGRIS GARDEN FOUNTAIN FROM GEORGETOWN HOME having a metal frame with verdigris finish with an arching back with pierced border over a central dolphin with three small fountain nozzles over a shell shaped fountain reservoir $1,000-2,000 Provenance: Private Collection Literature: 27655841
Provenance: Private Collection
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 220 JOHN F. KENNEDY, PAIR OF OUTDOOR COACH LAMPS OR SCONCES FROM GEORGETOWN HOME each black painted lamp with a finial top over six-sided faceted and tapering base with beveled glass over a lower finial, with porcelain fixture connections (2) $1,000-2,000 Provenance: Private Collection
220A JOHN F. KENNEDY, BRASS CHANDELIER/HALL LANTERN FROM GEORGETOWN HOME having a brass upper collar with turned bracket supports over a lower brass collar around a glass globe surrounding four lights over a brass base (see lots 221A and 222A for Jackie Kennedy's correspondence regarding this chandelier) h:31 x w:15 in. $3,000-5,000 Provenance: Private Collection
221A JACQUELINE KENNEDY, AUTOGRAPHED LETTER SIGNED, 7 PAGES. 1961 autographed letter signed ("Jacqueline Kennedy"), 7 pages, on official blue-colored White House stationery, [Washington, DC], May 26, 1961. With original envelope in Mrs. Kennedy's hand. To Mrs. Dale Ausbrook, appealing to Mrs. Ausbrook to return a chandelier that belonged to the Kennedys and that was accidentally left in their Georgetown home when they moved to the White House. Mrs. Kennedy writes of her sentimental attachment to the home and chandelier, explaining that she was not able to oversee the move and collection of the chandelier due to the premature birth of her son (John) and the recent inauguration of her husband. In the letter she writes, "my sister and I bought it in London for 50 pounds - and she gave it to me as a housewarming present. It was the first thing we had in that house except ourselves and our baby daughter when we moved there - we really lived with bare floors & packing crates that 1st winter! [...] I do wish to appeal to the feeling I am sure you have about a house one has loved - and ask you if you would not please let me have it back..." The chandelier, as well as a garden fountain from the Kennedy Georgetown home that Mrs. Kennedy mentions in the present letter, are being offered in the current auction. $3,000-5,000
222A JACQUELINE KENNEDY, TYPED LETTER SIGNED, ONE PAGE, 1961 typed letter signed ("Jacqueline Kennedy"), one page, on official White House stationery, [Washington, DC], June 21, 1961. With original envelope. To Mrs. Ausbrook, concerning a hall lantern in the Kennedy Georgetown home: "It seems clear from the tone of your letter that you and your husband have no intention of giving back the hall lantern (not chandelier. [...] You know my sentiments for the lantern, and desire to have it back, because only through a sad mistake did it not leave with us..." [Together with:] Autographed letter signed ("Dale Kimble Ausbrook"), one page, s.l., n.d. Draft of Mrs. Ausbrook's letter to Jacqueline Kennedy regarding the hall chandelier. Mrs. Ausbrook tells Mrs. Kennedy she would "be happy for you to have the chandelier as soon as we can find a replacement of equal charm..." expressing that her concern is for not only finding another but for the removal and installation costs. She states: "If you agree to this arrangement, I will start looking as soon as possible. I would appreciate some word that I may act on the basis of this letter. / Sincerely, Dale Kimble Ausbrook." Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ausbrook purchased the Kennedys' Georgetown home in 1961. (2) $400-600 Provenance: Private Collection
Provenance: Private Collection 224 SIGNATURE "JACQUELINE" PERFUME one half-ounce bottle of 'Jacqueline' perfume in original black satin drawstring pouch with gold lettering and tasseled drawstring, developed for John F. Kennedy's 1960 Presidential Campaign by Frank Allen; the perfume was given out during the campaign, however, Mrs. Kennedy thought this was in poor taste and requested that distribution of the perfume end, resulting in a limited production (2) $300-500
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
225 JOHN F. KENNEDY AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOGRAPH framed; inscribed and signed as President: "To Bunnie Arango / with my very best wishes / her friend John Kennedy." $2,000-3,000
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 226 JOHN F. KENNEDY ORIGINAL DOODLE ON SANDS HOTEL NOTE PAPER, LAS VEGAS, [1960] signature doodle of a sailboat and another figure, along with two examples of Kennedy's initials "JFK" and an illegible inscription in Kennedy's hand h:5.50 x w:4.25 in. $600-800
227 ORIGINAL 16MM NEWSREEL OF JFK INTERVIEW "AFTER TWO YEARS" at the White House, December 16, 1962, conducted by William H. Lawrence of ABC, George Herman of CBS, and Sander Vanocur of NBC.; together with transcript of the interview, original U.S. Air Force black and white portrait photograph of John F. Kennedy, and a group of 16 miscellaneous political buttons (19) $300-500
228 JOHN F. KENNEDY MADISON SQUARE GARDEN BIRTHDAY PROGRAM, 1962 four-page program from John F. Kennedy's 45th birthday celebration at Madison Square Garden, "Happy Birthday Mr. President," New York, 1962. The program lists the performers of the evening including: Marilyn Monroe, Danny Kaye, Ella Fitzgerald, Bobby Darin, Maria Callas, Henry Fonda, and others; together with an original JFK campaign tie clasp in the form of the PT 109 Torpedo Boat (2) $1,000-2,000
229 JOHN F. KENNEDY ORIGINAL 35 MM SLIDE FROM THE ZAPRUDER FILM OF ASSASSINATION frame #223, the moment Kennedy is first shot; Abraham Zapruder was a private citizen who filmed the Presidential motorcade on a home video camera; his film is not the only film of the Kennedy assassination but it is considered the most clear and complete, and is the most examined piece of film evidence in investigations of the assassination, the slide is - h:2 x w:2 in. $500-700 Provenance: Erik L. Dorr Collection, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Literature: Certificate of Authenticity, Erik L. Dorr Collection
230 ORIGINAL INVITATION TO CANCELLED TEXAS WELCOME DINNER FOR J.F.K. to be held in honor of President Kennedy on the night of his assassination, Austin, November 22, 1963, 9 3/4 x 7 in. (open) $500-700
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
231 JOHN F. KENNEDY UNMAILED 1963 WHITE HOUSE CHRISTMAS CARD SIGNED BY JOHN AND JACQUELINE KENNEDY IN FACSIMILE featuring an image of the Creche in the White House East Room, with gilt-embossed Presidential seal and engraved holiday message above signatures; rare Christmas card unmailed due to the tragic assassination of JFK in November 1963, 6 1/2 x 4 1/2 in. (closed) $600-800
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 232 JOHN F. KENNEDY MEMORABILIA, A COLLECTION OF 46 ITEMS including: 1 set of 25 duplicate copy black and white slides of photographs taken of the commissioning of the John F. Kennedy ship featuring images of Jacqueline and Caroline Kennedy; 1 Robert Kennedy Senate campaign button; 1 John F. Kennedy Inauguration Day button; 8 black and white photographs of Robert Kennedy signed in autopen; 6 black and white contact sheets of negatives of Robert Kennedy on the Senate campaign trail; 5 large-format black and white photographs of Robert Kennedy on the Senate campaign trail, 1 large-format color picture of John F., Robert, and Ted Kennedy; 1 black and white photograph of Jackie Kennedy; 1 typescript for "Bobby Kennedy: A Love Story," by VV Harrison, n.d.; 18 magazines (Look, Life, Newsweek, Hello); 1 "Assassination of a President," New York, (1963); and 1 copy of The Washington Post, Friday, June 7, 1968 (46) $400-600
233 JOHN F. KENNEDY, GROUP OF 19 BOOKS BY OR ABOUT ROBERT AND JOHN F. KENNEDY, 2 SIGNED including: Gerald Gardner, Robert Kennedy in New York, New York, (1965); Robert Kennedy, The Pursuit of Justice, New York, (1964), signed by Robert Kennedy; Jacques Lowe, Portrait: The Emergence of John F. Kennedy, New York, (1961), signed by Robert Kennedy; Dick Schaap, R.F.K., s.l., (1967); John W. Gardner, To Turn the Tide, New York, (1962); United Nations, Homage to a Friend, New York, (1964); Bill Adler, The Kennedy Wit, New York, (1964); Bill Adler, More Kennedy Wit, New York, (1965); Gerald Gardner, Who's in Charge Here? New York, 1962; John F. Kennedy, A Nation of Immigrants, New York, (1964); Jim Bishop, A Day in the Life of President Kennedy, New York, (1964); Evelyn Lincoln, My Twelve Years with John F. Kennedy, New York, (1965); Joe McCarthy, The Remarkable Kennedys, New York, (1960); Pierre Salinger, A Tribute to John F. Kennedy, Chicago, (1964); John F. Kennedy, The Burden and the Glory, New York, (1964); Benjamin Bradlee, That Special Grace, Philadelphia, (1963); John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage, New York, (1964); Bruce Catton, Four Days, s.l., (1964); Wendell Barry, November Twenty Six Nineteen Hundred Sixty Three, New York, (1964) (19) $200-400
234 JIMMY AND ROSALYNN CARTER SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH AND WHITE HOUSE CARD color photograph signed "Jimmy Carter" and "Rosalynn Carter," together with a Christmas card embossed with the Presidential seal, signed "Jimmy Carter" and "Rosalynn Carter;" framed larger: 7.75 x 10 in. (sight) (2) $200-400
235 WHITE HOUSE STAFF CHRISTMAS CARD AND GIFT PRINTS, ONE SIGNED BY JIMMY & ROSALYNN CARTER, including images of the Red Room, the Blue Room, and the facade of the White House (signed in the margin by Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter), with 14 engravings of Washington, D.C., by the Bureau of Printing and Engraving; together with a bronze 1973 President Richard Nixon Inaugural Medal, and a set of reproduction prints after artists Charles Peale, John Trumbull, and Rembrandt Peale (19) $200-400
236 SABENA AIRLINE/TEL AVIV HILTON MENU SIGNED BY GOLDA MEIR printed in English and Hebrew, Diner-Bal de Gala Traditionnel du Corps Diplomatique menu, December 9, 1972, signed by Meir in English and Hebrew on the final page $200-400
237 DAVID ROBERTS, TWENTY-FOUR LITHOGRAPHS OF ISRAEL, INSCRIBED BY SHIMON PERES Roberts, David. Twenty-Four Lithographs of Israel in the Year Eighteen Thirty Nine. Tel Aviv: Japhet Press, (1971). Folio, contents loose as issued in publisher's black cloth clamshell case. With 24 reproduction plates. Inscribed and signed on the title page: "To Brigadier General Billy Forsman - For his dedicated and gifted service to strengthen the warm relations between the armed forces of the USA and Israel - with high regards and best personal wishes / Shimon Peres / 17.6.76" $200-400
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 238 SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH OF HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE FOR THE IMPEACHMENT OF PRESIDENT RICHARD M. NIXON signed on the mat by at least 30 Committee members and Special Prosecutor Henry Ruth, together with the pamphlet "Congressional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment" and document "Draft Articles on Impeachment," dated July 19, 1974; framed, 13 1/4 x 5 in. (photograph) (3) $500-700
239 WASHINGTON POST NEWSPAPER PRINTING MAT, NIXON RESIGNS original printing mat from which the printing plate for the Friday, August 2, 1974 issue, no. 274, announcing "Nixon Resigns" was produced; framed, h: 23.25 x 15 in. (sight) $300-500
240 FOUR BLACK AND WHITE POLITICAL PHOTOGRAPHS including photograph of young Ronald Reagan inscribed as signed "To Aldie - Ronald" and "& again, Best Wishes/ Ronald Reagan / Jan. 13, 1983"; together with three black and white photographs of Richard Nixon, Ted Kennedy, and one other, 13 1/4 x 10 1/4 in., largest (sight) (4) $300-500
241 COLLECTION OF APPROXIMATELY 465 POLITICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BUTTONS with various campaign stickers and a "Win for Wilkie" campaign bandana; campaign buttons include political campaigns from Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Landon/Knox, Willkie, Eisenhower, Taft, Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, and William McKinley, among others (in one box) $300-500
242 APPROXIMATELY 250 CAMPAIGN BUTTONS AND 18 POLITICAL COAT BUTTONS the campaign buttons including campaigns such as: Eisenhower/Herter, Wm. H. Taft, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Goldwater/Miller, John F. Kennedy, Coolidge/Dawes, Harding/Coolidge, Macarthur, and Woodrow Wilson; in four glass cases (4) $200-300
243 TWO HISTORICAL GLASS FLASKS late19th Century Washington/G.Z. Taylor flask, featuring portraits of each, h: 7.5 in.; and an amber colored Albany Glass Works flask, featuring portrait of Washington and fourmasted ship, h: 6.75 in. (2) $200-400
244 JOHN SARTAIN (BRITISH, 1808-1897) ABRAHAM LINCOLN with LINCOLN AND SON CARTE DE VISITE Engraving: 24 x 17 1/2 in. Framed; with CDV card of Lincoln and Son, published by Matthew Brady, circa 1860 (4 x 2 1/2 in.) (2) $300-500
245 A.H. RITCHIE (SCOTTISH, 1822-1895) WASHINGTON AND HIS GENERALS Engraving with hand-coloring: 27 1/2 x 39 1/4 in. (sight) Framed $400-600
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 246 THOMAS SINCLAIR (SCOTTISH, CIRCA 1805-1881) WASHINGTON'S GRAND ENTRY INTO NEW YORK, NOV. 25TH, 1783 Chromolithograph: 21 1/2 x 27 1/4 in. (sight) Framed $500-700
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
247 AFTER ALONZO CHAPPEL (AMERICAN, 1828-1887) WASHINGTON AT HOME Engraving with hand-coloring: 21 1/2 x 27 1/2 in. (sight) Framed $300-500
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 248 (19TH CENTURY) THREE PRINTS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON Engraving and lithograph Framed; including: "Premier Print for Sartain's Union Magazine, Geo. Washington," engraving (17 x 24 3/4 in.) (sight), "The Life of George Washington, the Christian," lithograph (20 1/2 x 24 in.) (sight), and "Washington Closing the Lodge," lithograph (25 1/2 x 19 in.) (sight) (3) $400-600
251 WILLEM BLAEU (DUTCH, 1571-1638) VENEZUELA, CUM PARTE AUSTRALI NOVAE ANDALUSIAE, CIRCA 1650 Engraving with hand-coloring: 16 x 20 1/2 in. (sight) Framed; double-page engraved map with two decorative cartouches, vignettes of various indigenous animals, a compass rose and rhumb lines. $500-700
252 JEAN MAROT (FRENCH, 1619-1679) FEU d'ARTIFICES SUR L'EAU DEVANT LE LOUVRE QUATRE JOURS APRES L'ENTREE DE LEURS MAJESTES DANS PARIS Engraving with hand-coloring: 12 x 16 in. (sight) Framed and matted $1,000-2,000
253 MAJOR & KNAPP (AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY) "ANCHOR LINE" UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Color lithograph: 21 1/4 x 33 1/4 in. (sight) Framed $300-500
254 AFTER THOMAS WILLIAMSON (BRITISH, 19TH CENTURY) SHOOTING A LEOPARD Hand-colored aquatint: 13 1/4 x 17 1/2 in. (sight) Framed $800-1,200
255 CURRIER & IVES (AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY) LANDSCAPE, FRUIT AND FLOWERS Lithograph with hand-coloring: 21 1/2 x 28 1/2 in. (sight) Framed $800-1,200
256 (AFTER JOHN JAMES AUDUBON) J.T. BOWEN (AMERICAN, 1785-1851) CASTOR FIBER AMERICANUS, AMERICAN BEAVER, PLATE XLVI, NO. 10 Lithograph with hand-coloring: 21 1/4 x 27 1/4 in. (sight) Framed; Imperial Folio from The Vivarous Quadrupeds of North America, Philadelphia, 1839-1844 $1,500-2,500
257 GRANT WOOD (AMERICAN, 1891-1942) DECEMBER AFTERNOON, 1941 Lithograph: 9 1/2 x 11 3/4 in. (sight) Framed; lower right signed in graphite: Grant Wood; published by Associated American Artists; verso label $1,000-1,500
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 260 19TH CENTURY AGASSIZ WATCH CO. LADIES 18K YELLOW GOLD HUNTERCASE POCKET WATCH the pocket watch has a porcelain face with Arabic numerals, the case is heavily engraved, it is marked 18K, movement no. 2661, case no. 18539, it is personalized with the coat-of-arms of the Hume Family of Alexandria and is engraved 'Emma P. Hume', Agassiz, 1883; w: approx. 1 3/8 x l: approx. 2 1/16 in. $300-600
261 GROUP OF ALEXANDRIA ARTIFACTS 2 crocks, 1 jug, and a street sign (4) $300-600
Provenance: the pocket watch was given to Emma P. Hume the wife of Frank Hume, an Alexandria resident, born in 1843 in Culpeper County, VA. Frank Hume served with Company A of the 21st Mississippi Regiment and was a scout for Jeb Stuart and later reported directly to General Lee. Frank Hume served in the Virginia legislator from 1889 to 1899 and was a very successful businessman and contributed greatly to the community. Hume Avenue, in the Del Ray section of the city of Alexandria, is named in his honor. He is buried at Ivy Hill Cemetery in Alexandria. 262 E..J. MILLER & SON STONEWARE CROCK, ALEXANDRIA, VA, LATE 19TH CENTURY having a rounded collar over a bulbous form with cobalt lettering and decorations $300-500
263 REGENCY BRASS-MOUNTED ROSEWOOD INKSTAND early 19th Century, rectangular, the top fitted with two gadrooned glass inkwells centering a covered box with eagle and serpent finial and with two pen trays within a cast border of repeating bellflowers and lyres and fitted with two vine-cast handles, the lower section with a single long drawer, all raised on four stylized foliate scroll feet, w: (over handles) 15.25 in. - d:10 in. $200-400
266 DUKE AND DUCHESS OF WINDSOR, SIMULATED COLORED STONE AND DIAMOND BIB NECKLACE, FRENCH, 1960S the flexible bib is composed of circular red, blue, and green pastes simulating rubies, sapphires and emeralds, accented in the center and at the sides with rows of brilliant cut colorless pastes simulating diamonds, stamped: Made in France, l: approx. 13 in., the necklace is presented in a new red fitted case bearing the cypher WE beneath a crown in gold (2) $1,500-2,000
267 DUKE AND DUCHESS OF WINDSOR, NEOCLASSICAL STYLE RED AND WHITE PAINTED DRESSING TABLE/DESK, PROBABLY JANSEN with a rectangular top with red paint decorated edges over a central drawer flanked by four drawers in each pedestal and raised on tapering legs $4,000-5,000
Provenance: the necklace was sold as part of the Duke & Duchess of Windsor Collections by Sotheby's on September 1119, 1997, it was sale 7000, the lot no. 2766, the estimate was $2,000-3,000
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
Provenance: Sotheby's, The Duke & Duchess of Windsor: The Private Collections, September 11-19, 1997, Lot 3099; Geza Kovacs - sold at Alex Cooper 12/10/2001, Morris Collection
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 270 (BINDINGS) 28 LEATHERBOUND BOOKS comprising: Lowell, James Russell, The Complete Writings. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1904. 16 vols. 8vo, green crushed morocco over decorative paper boards, gilttooled and -lettered spines, t.e.g. Edition de Luxe, number 148 of 1,000 copies. Bancroft, George, History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. Boston: Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1838-1874. 10 vols. 8vo, green morocco over marbled boards, gilt spines, t.e.g. Third edition. John F. Talmage, physician, copy. Sue, Eugene, The Wandering Jew. London: Chapman and Hall, 1845. 2 (of 3) vols. only. 8vo, crushed blue morocco over marbled boards, gilt-stamped and -lettered spines, t.e.g. First edition in English (28) $400-600
271 GONE WITH THE WIND, SIGNED BY CLARK GABLE AS RHETT London: Macmillan, 1939. 8vo, publisher's green cloth. First British edition. Inscribed and signed on the f.f.e.p., "To Dorothy, My best wishes for your happiness / Always, Rhett - Gable." Together with black and white photograph of Clark Gable, signed in blue pen to verso ("Clark Gable"). $1,000-2,000
272 MIMI GROSS & RED GROOMS, A BOOK OF DRAWINGS, WITH ORIGINAL GOUACHE AND TWO INK DRAWINGS A Book of Drawings. Florence: Unione Fotoincisori, (1961). 8vo, original linen, pictorial dust jacket. With original gouache drawing by Gross of a seated Italian peddler on stiff board laid into front of book; together with two original ink drawings by Grooms, each on stiff board, depicting a town scene with a card with a sign reading "Il Picolo Ciro d'Ombra di Firenze," and the other, a self portrait of Red and Mimi, seated underneath a tree overlooking a village. Also with original manuscript note by Gross to the recipient of the book. $400-600
273 JEAN ARP: ONZE PEINTRES VUS PAR ARP Zurich: Editions Girsberger, 1949. Thin 4to, original printed wrappers. One of 250 with original woodcuts by Arp, Leuppi, and Kandinsky, the first two signed by the artists. $600-800
274 JEAN ARP: 11 CONFIGURATIONS Zurich: Allianz-Verlag, (1945). Thin 4to, original printed wrappers. Limited edition, number 74 of 200 copies. Complete set of 11 woodcuts (lacking only signed woodcut), with title, text, and justification page. $600-800
275 LES ARTISTES DU LIVRE, COMPLETE SET OF 24 VOLS. Paris: Henry Babou, 1928-1933. 24 vols. (in 4 slipcases) 4to, original printed wrappers of varying colors, housed in grey cloth clamshell cases with gilt-lettered black morocco spine labels. Each volume limited, with numerous color and black and white illustrations. Featuring work by artists such as Bonnard, Chimot, Legrand, Brissaud, Carlegle, Vertes, Barbier, Sauvage, and more. (24 in 4 cases) $1,000-2,000
276 DIGNIMONT, LIMITED EDITION WITH SIGNED LITHOGRAPH Carco, Francis. Dignimont. Monte-Carlo: Andre Sauret, (1946). Folio, contents loose as issued in original printed paper wrappers with original glassine, with quarter blue cloth over blue paper chemise and slipcase. First, limited edition, number 66 of 386 copies, complete with the original lithograph signed by Dignimont in pencil, and 41 color and black and white plates. $400-600
277 BRUNELLESCHI, UMBERTO, LE SONGE D'UNE NUIT D'ETE by William Shakespeare. Paris: Georges Guillot, 1947. 4to, contents loose as issued in original printed wrappers, blue cloth chemise and slipcase. Limited edition, number 422 of 492 copies. Complete with 12 original color pochoirs by Brunelleschi. $700-900
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 278 VERVE VOL. VII, NOS. 27 ET 28 Paris: Editions de la Revue Verve, 1953. 4to, original pictorial boards. First edition. Complete with 34 pages of original lithographs, of which 21 are in color. This includes the important series of Chagall lithographs. $900-1,200
279 THREE BOOKS WITH ORIGINAL LITHOGRAPHS BY BRAQUE AND CHAGALL including: Braque lithographe. (Monte Carlo:) Andre Sauret, (1963). 4to, original pictorial wrappers. With original lithograph frontispiece; Homage to Marc Chagall. New York: Tudor, (1969). Special edition of XXe Siecle. 4to red cloth, original dust jacket. With original lithograph by Chagall made for this publication; and Jacques Lassaigne, Le Plafond de l'Opera de Paris. Monte Carlo: Andre Suaret, (1956). 4to, publisher's red cloth, original dust jacket. With original color lithograph by Chagall. (3) $600-800
280 PABLO PICASSO LINOLEUM CUTS Boeck, Wilhelm. Pablo Picasso Linoleum cuts. Bacchanals, Women, Bulls & Bullfighters. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1962. Oblong folio, pictorially stamped linen, original slipcase with color pictorial onlay. With 45 inked color plates. $500-700
281 MOURLOT, FERNAND, BERNARD BUFFET: LITHOGRAPHS, 1952-1966 New York: Tudor, (1968). 4to, original lithographed dust jacket, slipcase. Complete with 11 original lithographs, including dust jacket, and numerous color plates throughout. $400-500
282 ANDRE CHEVRILLON, UN CREPUSCULE D'ISLAM S.l.: By the Author, 1930. Folio, contents loose as issued in original printed wrappers, blue cloth chemise and slipcase. First edition, limited to 325 copies, this being number 127 of 150 copies printed on velin d'Arches with the plates in two states. With 36 original etchings by LobelRiche. $400-600
285 TWO DECORATIVE WROUGHT IRON WEATHERVANES one with a metal cow, h: 70 in.; the other with iron scrolls and a rooster, h: 43 in. (2) $150-200
286 CHARLES DARE CAROUSEL LION the very rare carved carousel lion with a mustard ground with red, gold and blue decorated blanket with a shaped brown seat, circa 1880-1890's - h:37 x w:53 in. $1,500-3,000
287 QUARTZ WITH ELBAITE TOURMALINE GEODE, FROM MINAS, GERAIS BRAZIL h:22.50 x w:10 x d:7.75 in. $1,000-1,500
289 QUARTZ, VARIETY AMETHYST GEODE, FROM MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL h:23 x w:26 x d:18 in. $800-1,200
290 QUARTZ, VARIETY AMETHYST GEODE, FROM MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL h:36 x w:12 x d:8 in. $3,000-4,000
291 QUARTZ, VARIETY AMETHYST GEODE, FROM MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL h:35 x w:19 x d:11 in. $4,000-5,000
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 292 QUARTZ, VARIETY AMETHYST GEODE, FROM MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL h:53 x w:40 x d:18 in. $5,000-8,000
297 PAIR OF AMERICAN EMPIRE STYLE BLACK PAINTED AND GILT BRONZE WALL LIGHTS late 19th/early 20th Century, in the manner of E. F. Caldwell, each backplate stamped 5088, each formed as a flaming torch flanked by two swan headed arms, the candleholders cast as stiff leaf tips above gadrooned bobeches on ribbon-tied laurel backplates tapering to an anthemion (2) - h:15.50 x w:15 in. $1,000-1,500
298 PAIR OF GEORGE III STYLE BRASS CARRIAGE LANTERNS SURMOUNTED BY EAGLES the hexagonal globes with two graduated tiers edged with pierced drapery swags surmounted by displaying eagle finials, wired (2) - h:29.25 in. $100-150
299 NEW ENGLAND QUEEN ANNE TIGER MAPLE HIGHBOY BASE, CIRCA 1760 now converted to a dressing table with a later added top over a nicely figured tiger maple case with a single long drawer over three short drawers over a shaped apron with drop finials and raised on long cabriole legs terminating in pad feet - h:36.50 x w:40 x d:21.50 in. $700-1,000
300 CHIPPENDALE WALNUT TALL CHEST OF DRAWERS, PROBABLY MARYLAND, 1780-1795 with a rectangular top with applied and outset molding over two short drawers and three graduated long drawers with period brasses appearing to be original, flanked by quarter columns over a molded base and raised on ogee bracket feet, poplar secondary wood h:44.50 x w:42 x d:24.50 in. $1,000-2,000
301 PHILADELPHIA CHIPPENDALE CARVED MAHOGANY SECRETARY BOOKCASE with an outset stacked and carved cornice over a blind fret work frieze over paneled doors opening to a fitted interior with shelves and drawers over a base with a fall front opening to a fitted interior with carved fret work drawers and valances over four drawers and raised on a molded base with gadrooned ogee bracket feet $1,500-2,500
302 MAHOGANY DISH TOP TILT TOP CANDLESTAND, PHILADELPHIA, 17901795 with a round dish top over a rotating and tilting bird cage mounted on a vase turned central standard and raised on downswept legs terminating in snake feet $500-800
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 303 BOSTON CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY REVERSE SERPENTINE BONNET TOP SECRETARY BOOKCASE, CIRCA 1780 the important Boston, MA Chippendale carved mahogany secretary bookcase with a bonnet top with swan neck pediment and central turned finial over shaped paneled doors opening to shelves flanked by fluted pilasters over two candle slides on a reverse serpentine base with fall front opening to a fitted interior with shell carved prospect door over four drawers over a molded base all raised on tall ogee bracket feet $8,000-12,000
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
303A FEDERAL TURNED MAHOGANY CANDLESTAND, POSSIBLY TENNESSEE, CIRCA 1830 having a hinged and tilting rectangular top with shaped corners over a ring turned baluster and raised on arched legs on small ball feet $500-800
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 304 EAST TENNESSEE WALNUT PRESS CUPBOARD, CIRCA 1830 with a rectangular top with molded edges over two short drawers over paneled cupboard doors opening to fitted shelves and having paneled sides and raised on unique scrolling feet, with small multi tenon rail to stile construction $600-900
305 CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY MIRROR the scroll cut crest over an old and possibly original mirror plate over a scroll cut base with handwritten note on back from Chestertown, MD $200-400
306 CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY TILT TOP TEA TABLE, PROBABLY BALTIMORE OR ANNAPOLIS, 1775-1785 with a round hinged top over central turned columns and raised on three downswept legs terminating in snake feet, retaining an old surface $500-800
307 CHIPPENDALE CARVED WALNUT LOWBOY BEARING PARTIAL LABEL OF MATTHEW EGERTON, SR, NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY, CIRCA 1770 this early Chippendale lowboy with a rectangular top with notched front corners over a case with a long drawer over three short drawers over a shaped apron with central shell carving and raised on cabriole legs terminating in ball and claw feet, labeled inside top right side panel $5,000-8,000
308 FEDERAL MAHOGANY UPHOLSTERED FOOTSTOOL having an upholstered rectangular frame all raised on mahogany square section tapering legs $200-400
309 FEDERAL BLACK WALNUT SPLAY LEG CANDLESTAND, CIRCA 1800 having a rectangular top over a single drawer and raised on square section tapering splay legs, poplar secondary woods, probably PA, VA or MD $200-300
310 FEDERAL MAHOGANY AND CHERRYWOOD SERPENTINE TOP SIDEBOARD, PROBABLY MARYLAND, CIRCA 1795 with a rectangular cherrywood top with serpentine front with banded edges over a conforming mahogany case with a central long drawer over a double cupboard flanked by a deep cellarette drawer and two stacked drawers and raised on square section tapering legs, yellow pine secondary wood h:39.50 x w:72.50 x d:26.75 in. $3,000-5,000
311 FEDERAL PHILADELPHIA PIER MIRROR WITH A SCENE OF MOUNT VERNON, CIRCA 1810 with a molded cornice with outset corners over a scene of Mount Vernon over a mirror plate flanked by reeded columns $200-400
312 NEW ENGLAND FEDERAL MAHOGANY CHEST, CIRCA 1810, POSSIBLY WILLIAM HOOK having a rectangular top with rounded outset corners and ribbed edges over a conforming case with four cock-beaded drawers flanked by reeded columns over a shaped apron with scrolled ends and raised on ring turned legs h:41.50 x w:44 x d:22 in. $1,500-2,500
313 NEW HAMPSHIRE OR MASSACHUSETTS FEDERAL UPHOLSTERED MAHOGANY LOLLING CHAIR, CIRCA 1790 the chair with an arched crest over a long upholstered back and seat flanked by shaped arms and raised on square section legs with connecting stretchers on early 19th Century casters; maple and white pine secondary woods $800-1,200
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 314 SHERATON PROVINCIAL MIXED WOOD MARQUETRY WORK STAND having a rectangular top with inset geometric pattern marquetry with drop leaves over a case with a single drawer and raised on ring turned legs $200-400
315 SOUTHERN FEDERAL MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD, CIRCA 1820 having a rectangular top over a conforming case with three drawers over three paneled cupboard doors with banding and flame grained veneers and all raised on tapering turned legs h:43 x w:55 x d:24 in. $800-1,200
316 NEW ENGLAND FEDERAL INLAID MAHOGANY BOW FRONT CHEST circa 1800, of rectangular form with a bowed front with banded side edges over a conforming case with four graduated cock-beaded drawers with oval brass hardware over a shaped and inlaid apron and raised on French bracket feet, pine secondary woods h:37 x w:41 x d:22 in. $1,200-1,800
317 AMERICAN FEDERAL INLAID MAHOGANY SETTEE the rectangular cresting rail inset with a flame birch panel over an upholstered back flanked by padded sides, over an overupholstered seat, flanked by baluster ring turned supports over flame birch panels continuing to ring turned tapering legs on casters h:35 x w:79 x d:28 in. $800-1,200
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
318 FEDERAL INLAID MAHOGANY CARD TABLE the serpentine top with reeded edge opening to a polished playing surface, the conforming banded frieze raised on ring turned reeded legs ending in top form feet, d: (open) 35 in. - h:29.50 x w:36 in. $500-800
319 SOUTHERN FEDERAL INLAID MAHOGANY AND CHERRY DROP PEMBROKE TABLE with a rectangular cherrywood top with drop leaves with thumb molded edges and rounded corners over an apron with string inlaid drawer and raised on string inlaid square section tapering legs on brass casters $500-800
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
320 AMERICAN FEDERAL INLAID MAHOGANY BOW FRONT CHEST, NEW ENGLAND, CIRCA 1800 having a rectangular top with bow front and inlaid edges over four graduated drawers with line inlay and brass hardware all raised on French bracket feet $1,200-1,800
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 321 AMERICAN FEDERAL CARVED MAHOGANY SOFA with an exposed frame with straight crest over an upholstered back and tight fitted seat flanked by scrolling arms with carved and reeded supports and raised on reeded shaped feet, upholstered in yellow Belgian imported Napoleon Bee Schumacher fabric $400-800
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 322 FEDERAL CARVED MAHOGANY SEWING STAND having a rectangular top with molded edges and drop leaves with rounded corners over a case with two drawers over a basket slide and raised on spiral turned tapering legs on brass casters $500-800 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
323 FEDERAL MAHOGANY CARD TABLE the oblong serpentine hinged top with reeded edge opening to a polished surface over a conforming frieze on ring turned legs ending in ball feet - h:29.50 x w:17.75 x d:36 in. $400-800 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 324 CLASSICAL GILTWOOD CONVEX MIRROR, CIRCA 1830 the circular convex mirror within an ebonized reeded slip and conforming molded giltwood frame inset with spherical decoration, flanked by molded foliate candle arms, surmounted by a spread-winged eagle cresting, with a foliate skirt; with restorations - h:50 x w:42 x d:9 in. $1,500-2,000 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
325 AMERICAN CLASSICAL STYLE CARVED MAHOGANY SOFA WITH BLACK HORSE HAIR UPHOLSTERY, POSSIBLY BALTIMORE, MD the mahogany sofa, with an exposed mahogany frame with molded crest rail with central shell and scroll carved decorations over beading over a patterned horse hair back over a plain horse hair fabric seat and arms with carved swan supports with a molded front rail and raised on ogee bracket feet, from Rosehill Manor, Frederick, MD, lettering on back boards, of Baltimore Cabinet maker, Wm Earnest June 23, 1848, and Isidore Bentier and Magdalene Kehn, June 22, 1848, $1,200-1,800
326 AMERICAN CLASSICAL MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS having a rectangular top with setback superstructure with two short drawers over two short drawers over three inset drawers all flanked by rounded ring turned columns and raised on turned legs - h:42.75 x w:43 x d:19.75 in. $1,000-1,800
327 AMERICAN EMPIRE MAHOGANY SOFA FRAME, CIRCA 1840 the sofa, with an exposed frame and mahogany veneered crest rail over a long back and seat flanked by rolled arms with mahogany veneered supports over a molded front rail and raised on scrolled feet, signature on top proper left arm rest under fabric covering, appears to be Benedict Wurtley or Woodley or Waoadley, 1848 $800-1,200
328 AMERICAN WALNUT SCHOOL MASTER'S DESK OR LECTERN mid-19th Century, having a rectangular figured walnut hinged slant front with inset tooled leather surface opening to an open well over two shaped shelves and raised on heavy square section legs - h:45.50 x w:31 x d:22.25 in. $200-400
329 COUNTRY PINE TAVERN TABLE frieze fitted with two drawers on ring turned legs h:30 x w:46 x d:26.50 in. $300-500
331 REDWARE BOWL WITH SPLATTER GLAZE late 19th Century, indistinctly marked, with upright rim and splashed all over in green and white glazes, dia: 14.5 in. $300-500
332 ROOKWOOD POTTERY LANDSCAPE VELLUM VASE date code for 1925, shape 1356D, unidentified artist cipher, with a continuous harbor scene - h:9 in. $400-600
333 SIX MEISSEN RETICULATED CABINET PLATES underglaze blue crossed swords, the centers with putti in clouds within giltenriched reticulated rims reserved with forget-me-nots in rococo cartouches, dia: 8 in. (6) $1,000-1,500
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 334 EMILE GALLE FAIENCE SQUARE BOX AND COVER inscribed under the cover 'E. Galle a Nancy', the underside of the base with impressed rectangular mark Emile Galle/Nancy Depose centering his cipher and a cockerel in a diamond lozenge, the front with naturalistically modeled and colored cockerels in relief, the trellis-molded cover and sides with loose bouquets and scattered sprigs, raised on bracket feet, 7 x 7.5/8 in. x 7 5/8 in. $300-500
335 CONTINENTAL JACOB PETITE STYLE PORCELAIN FIGURE OF A TURK ON A STAND mid-19th Century, probably Bohemian, incised 6 (?) to both, iron red 18 to top of stand, in colorful gilt enriched robes and ermine-lined blue cape, modeled standing, the blue-ground stand painted with a martial trophy within molded gilt foliage, h: 20.5 in. high overall $400-600
338 AMERICAN SILVER GRAPE STAND AND A PAIR OF SILVER SHEARS the stand marked for Theodore B. Starr, Inc., no. 3525, the shears marked for Gorham, the circular reticulated stand cast with grape clusters and a branch support, monogrammed, dia: 10 in.; the hollowhandled scissors molded with grape branches, 17.15 ozt weighable (2) $400-600
339 TIFFANY & CO. SILVER SUGAR BOWL AND CREAM JUG 1907 - 1938, impressed marks, 17085/11554 and 17085/11556, respectively, with angular handles and reeded rims, monogrammed, h: 4.75 in., the sugar bowl, approx. 15.5 ozt (2) $200-400
340 GORHAM SILVER SOAP BOX TOGETHER WITH A SILVER BRUSH AND A COVER date code for 1896 (?), no. 28, with repousse flowers all over, monogrammed, l: 3 3/8 in.; a Mauser oval silver hairbrush, no. 1658 and a brush cover, no. 1660, both monogrammed, approx. 5.3 ozt weighable silver (3) $300-500
341 VICTORIAN SILVER TWO-HANDLED RECTANGULAR TRAY London, 1898, maker's mark H E & Co. Ltd. (?), with central coat-of-arms, shaped gadrooned rim and open handles, length over handles: 28.25 in.; width: 18.5 in.; approx. 120 ozt $3,000-5,000
342 REED & BARTON SILVER FIVE-PIECE TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE no. 63 A, monogrammed, with a band of repousse flowers on the paneled sides, including teapot, h: 5.5 in.; coffee pot, h: 7.5 in.; sugar bowl and cover, w: across handles, 7 in.; cream jug, h: 3.75 in.; and waste bowl, w: 4.75 in. ; together with an unmarked coin (?) tea strainer, approx. 83 ozt, gross weight (6) $1,500-2,500
343 GERMAN SILVER AND GLASS SWINGHANDLED BRIDAL BASKET .800, and unidentified marks, of typical waisted shape with cartouche shaped relief panels of putti at play within a trailing reticulated band of scrolling flowerheads, the ends with further open trellis, fitted with thick clear glass liner $400-600
344 GERMAN SILVER MOUNTED GLASS CLARET JUG .800, maker's mark for M.H. Wilkens & Sohne, Bremen, no. 60105, with hinged cover cast with grape clusters above an angular hollow scroll handle, the neck with a blank cartouche flanked by putti seated in scrolling foliage, the paneled glass base cut with a narrow band of diamonds - h:13.75 in. $300-500
345 FOUR CARTIER BOXED SILVER CASTERS TOGETHER WITH TWO SILVER SALTS AND LINERS WITH A PAIR OF ENGLISH SILVER SALT SPOONS the casters made for Cartier by Webster & Co., with blue glass liners, in a fitted box; the circular salts, no. 600, with blue glass liners, raised on shell-headed pad feet; and two English salt spoons, Birmingham, 1940, maker's mark WA (?), approx. 6 ozt weighable silver (8) $200-400
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 346 TOWLE "CHARLEMAGNE" SILVER PART- FLATWARE SERVICE including: 7 hollow-handled luncheon knives, 7 luncheon forks, 16 salad forks, 8 hollowhandled butter knives, 8 shrimp forks, 15 teaspoons, a 2-piece salad set, 1 tomato server, 1 gravy ladle, 1 serving spoon, 1 hollow-handled cheese knife, 1 lemon fork, 1 sugar spoon and 1 hollow-handled cake server, approx. 84 ozt weighable (70) $700-900
347 GORHAM SILVER "BUTTERCUP" PATTERN PART-FLATWARE SERVICE marked GORHAM, including 7 hollow handled luncheon knives, 8 luncheon forks, 8 salad forks, 8 hollow handled butter knives, 8 teaspoons, a 2-piece salad set, 1 hollow-handled cheese knife and 1 sugar spoon, approx. 34 ozt weighable silver (43) $400-600
349 GEORGIAN SCOTTISH CARVED MAHOGANY GAMES TABLE, MANNER OF WILLIAM BRODIE, CIRCA 1760 having a hinged rectangular top over a straight mahogany veneered apron and raised on cabriole legs terminating in ball and claw feet with rare inset brass talons $4,000-6,000
350 GEORGIAN ENGLISH OAK PANELED BENCH having a straight crest rail over four raised panels over a cushioned seat flanked by shaped arms over a front rail and raised on turned feet - h:39 x w:72.50 x d:27.25 in. $250-500
351 CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY TILT TOP TEA TABLE with period elements, the circular top with pie crust edge tilting and rotating over an urn form standard on acanthus carved cabriole legs ending in ball and claw feet, h: 29 x dia: 33 in. $500-800
352 CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY TILT TOP TEA TABLE, LATE 18TH CENTURY the circular top tilting and rotating over a baluster form standard on cabriole legs ending in ball and claw feet - h:28.50 x w:31 in. $1,000-1,500
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
353 GEORGE II INLAID WALNUT GAMES TABLE the demilune crossbanded hinged top opening to a polished playing surface over a conforming case fitted with two side hung drawers raised on circular tapering legs ending in pad feet, dia: (open) 32 in. h:30 x w:33.50 in. $800-1,200
354 ENGLISH REGENCY MAHOGANY CONSOLE TABLE having a rectangular top with rounded corners and molded edges with a hinged half leaf all raised on four spiral turned columns on a pedestal base over downswept legs with brass caps and casters $800-1,200
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
355 GEORGE III MAHOGANY LINEN PRESS, CIRCA 1780 in two parts, the upper section having an outset cornice with dentil molding over paneled doors opening to a fitted interior with pullout slides over a base unit with two short drawers over two long drawers on a molded base and raised on bracket feet $1,000-2,000
356 GEORGE III MAHOGANY FIVE-LEGGED CARD TABLE, LATE 18TH CENTURY the rectangular molded hinged top opening to a polished playing surface over a straight veneered frieze with beaded border on square section tapering legs, d: (open) 34 in. - h:28.50 x w:35 in. $400-600 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 357 ENGLISH REGENCY MAHOGANY TWOPIECE CELLARETTE in two parts, the upper with a sarcophagus form with a hinged top with molded edges opening to a red fabric interior over a case with banded and paneled tapering sides on a base cabinet with paneled doors and carved pilasters all raised on turned feet $300-600
358 ENGLISH REGENCY SATINWOOD SOFA TABLE having a rectangular top with drop leaves and reeded edges over a case with two drawers to the front and two faux drawers to the rear all raised on a trestle type base with connecting ring turned stretcher and raised on downswept legs terminating in brass caps and casters $2,500-3,500
359 ENGLISH REGENCY TURNED AND INLAID MAHOGANY CHEVAL MIRROR having a turned mahogany frame with block and spindle turned supports with finials holding a pivoting mirror in a molded frame over two turned medial rails and raised on ebonized inlaid outset legs terminating in brass paw caps on casters $400-800
360 ENGLISH REGENCY INLAID MAHOGANY CARD TABLE having a hinged rectangular top with molded edges and rounded corners over a conforming case with decorative ebony, satinwood and boxwood inlays all raised on square section tapering legs with angled ends - h:28.25 x w:36 x d:17.75 in. $600-900
361 GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETARY BOOKCASE in two parts, the upper bookcase with an outset cornice over two glazed doors opening to a fitted interior with shelves over a fall front desk with a fitted interior over two short drawers over three long drawers on a molded base and raised on ogee bracket feet $800-1,200
362 LATE GEORGE III INLAID SATINWOOD DRESSING MIRROR early 19th Century, with arched mirror over a bowed case with drawers, possibly remounted - h:28.25 x w:21.50 x d:8.25 in. $200-300
363 GEORGE III INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE in two parts, the upper bookcase with an outset molded cornice over a line inlaid frieze over two glazed doors opening to a fitted interior with shelves over a bureau base with pullout secretaire drawer with fold down front with bookmatched, banded and inlaid veneers opening to a leather writing surface and central prospect drawer over three book matched mahogany veneered long drawers and raised on French bracket feet $2,000-4,000
364 SET OF EIGHT GEORGE III STYLE CARVED MAHOGANY CHAIRS the set, with two arm chairs and six side chairs, each with a molded frame with arched crest rail over a pierced back splat over a shaped tight fitted seat and raised on molded tapering square section legs with connecting stretchers (8) $600-900
Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 365 PAIR OF GEORGE III STYLE "CHINESE CHIPPENDALE" GILTWOOD MIRRORS each oblong mirror within a pierced frame, the crest foliate and C-scroll carved continuing to trailing vine-carved stiles, over a similarly carved skirt (2) - h:56 x w:32 x d:2 in. $1,200-1,800
366 GEORGE III STYLE SATINWOOD DESK h:30 x w:59 x d:35.25 in. $400-600
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 367 GEORGE III STYLE BLIND FRET CARVED MAHOGANY ETAGERE 19th Century, the top with a carved and fretwork decorated shelf over a mirror with turned columns on a base with canted sides over two drawers with blind fretwork over a shelf with panels and mirrors on turned feet h:53 x w:42 x d:13 in. $400-600
368 GEORGE III MAHOGANY DOUBLE PEDESTAL DINING TABLE WITH TWO LEAVES AND LATER CENTER EXTENSION with reeded D-shaped top on columnar turned supports, each with four reeded saber legs with brass casters $1,000-2,000 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
369 GEORGE III STYLE BANDED MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD the shaped top over a conforming case with a long drawer flanked by hinged cabinet doors, raised on tapering legs ending in spade feet - h:36.75 x w:74 x d:23 in. $400-600
370 REGENCY STYLE MAHOGANY OCTAGONAL RENT TABLE with a tooled inset leather top over an apron with alternating real and faux drawers mounted on a vase shaped standard and raised on molded downswept legs terminating in brass paw caps and casters h:28 x w:29.50 x d:29.50 in. $300-500
371 GEORGE III STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY DEMILUNE SERVER having a demilune top with line inlaid edges over a conforming case with a central long drawer with line inlay flanked by cupboards and a scrolling apron all raised on square section tapering legs - h:32 x w:38.50 x d:17.50 in. $200-400
372 GEORGIAN INLAID MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD, CIRCA 1800 having a rectangular top with outset center and rounded and blocked ends over a conforming case with long central drawer over an arched frieze flanked by short drawers with ebonized edges and all raised on line inlaid square section legs terminating in spade feet, oak secondary woods $1,500-2,500 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
373 ENGLISH REGENCY INLAID MAHOGANY BREAKFAST TABLE, CIRCA 1815 with a hinged rectangular top with crossbanded edges and raised on a turned central column over four arching downswept legs terminating in brass caps and casters h:28.50 x w:29 x d:44 in. $400-800
374 SET OF SIX ENGLISH REGENCY CARVED ROSEWOOD SIDE CHAIRS each with a carved and shaped crest rail over a carved horizontal back brace over a caned seat and raised on klismos legs (6) $1,000-2,000
375 ENGLISH REGENCY INLAID MAHOGANY BREAKFAST TABLE the hinged and tilting rectangular top with rounded corners and satinwood banding over a turned central column and raised on molded downswept legs h:29 x w:35.50 x d:52 in. $400-800
376 ENGLISH REGENCY STYLE MAHOGANY RENT TABLE, 19TH CENTURY having a round top with conforming tooled leather insert over alternating false and real drawers over a central turned baluster and raised on molded downswept legs terminating in brass caps and casters $1,000-1,500 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 377 REGENCY MAHOGANY DROP LEAF PEMBROKE TABLE, CIRCA 1820 the rectangular top with rounded leaves over a frieze drawer raised on baluster turned legs ending in top form feet, on casters, d: (open) 40 in. - h:28.50 x w:39 in. $400-800 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
378 WILLIAM IV ROSEWOOD TEA CADDY ALONG WITH A MINIATURE BLANKET CHEST the tea caddy of sarcophagus form opening to a fitted interior with two boxes and a mixing bowl raised on ball feet, h: 8.5 x w: 14 x d: 8 in.; together with a miniature inlaid mahogany blanket chest on a molded base with bracket feet, h: 6 x w: 11.5 x d: 5.5 in. (2) $500-700
379 MINIATURE FIGURED AND INLAID WALNUT NORTHUMBERLAND CABINET/TABLE TOP LINGERIE CHEST, CIRCA 1870 having a rectangular top with molded edges and outset front corners over six highly figured, inlaid and crossbanded walnut veneers with hinged locking panel on a molded plinth base $800-1,200
380 SET OF SIX ROCOCO REVIVAL CARVED ROSEWOOD SIDE CHAIRS each with a round crest rail over a carved horizontal back rail over a shaped and tight fitted upholstered seat and raised on cabriole legs terminating in carved feet (6) $500-800
381 PINE STEPBACK CUPBOARD in two parts, the upper section with a molded cornice with outset corners and a pierced frieze over shelves flanked by fluted side stiles over a base with two setback drawers over a double door cupboard on a plinth base $700-900
382 19TH CENTURY KIDNEY SHAPED INLAID AND CARVED CHINESE EXPORT DESK having a top with a kidney shaped inlaid top with writing and shelved superstructure over an inlaid conforming case with arched center with carved corner frets flanked by carved drawers and raised on dragon carved pedestals with pierced back on a kidney shaped platform over turned feet $1,000-1,500
383 BAMBOO TABLE WITH INSET JAPANNED PANEL WITH BIRD MOTIF the bamboo frame with woven edge reserves and having an inset japanned/black lacquer panel with bird and floral decorations raised on a trestle base $1,200-1,800
385 NEOCLASSICAL STYLE CARVED GILTWOOD MIRROR having a crest with carved griffins over a molded giltwood frame surrounding a mirror plate h:42 x w:26 in. $200-400
386 ROCOCO STYLE GILTWOOD MIRROR late 19th Century, with a shell carved pediment over a rocaille carved and decorated frame surrounding a mirror plate with a shell carved base - h:40 x w:32.50 in. $400-800
389 BELGIAN/CONTINENTAL FLORAL PAINTED ARMOIRE having an outset molded cornice over a floral painted decorated paneled door opening to a fitted interior flanked by paint decorated canted stiles and raised on a molded base on bun feet - h:71.75 x w:24 x d:49.50 in. $400-800
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 390 CONTINENTAL ADJUSTABLE BRANDY STAND WITH BRASS GALLERY AND MARBLE TOP having a round marble top with brass gallery on a line inlaid adjustable standard and raised on shaped legs with scrolled feet $200-400
391 LOUIS XV STYLE SUITE, INCLUDING SETTEE AND SET OF EIGHT CHAIRS FOUR OPEN ARM AND FOUR SIDE WITH GREEN AND GILT PAINT DECORATION the Louis XV style suite, all with painted exposed and carved frames with upholstered backs and tight fitted seats over carved and molded front rails and all raised on carved and channeled cabriole legs (9) $2,000-4,000
392 CONTINENTAL FIGURED WALNUT TWO DRAWER COMMODE, 18TH CENTURY in the Louis XV manner, with a rectangular top with book match veneers and crossbanding with shaped and molded edges over two drawers with banded inlays and gilt mounts over a shaped apron and raised on cabriole legs with gilt mounts - h:31.50 x w:25 x d:17.50 in. $500-800
393 PAIR OF LOUIS XVI STYLE PATINATED METAL CANDELABRA each formed as a Bacchic putto holding two cornucopia shaped candle holders and raised on rouge royale columnar marble bases (2) - h:17.50 in. $500-700
394 FRENCH PORTICO MAHOGANY AND GILT MOUNT MANTEL CLOCK, BY COURVOISIER having a rectangular top with molded edges over a frieze with gilt mounts over a round dial with silvered brass face and raised on four columns over a stepped plinth base with gilt mounts $250-500
395 LOUIS XVI WHITE DISTRESSED PAINTED DAY BED WITH BLUE STRIA UPHOLSTERY the headboard with inset upholstered panels surrounded by a carved and channeled frame with finials and fluted columns, with two side rails, base for mattress, tapering fluted legs, and two bolster pillows - h:35 x w:35 in. $400-800
396 DIRECTOIRE STYLE DINING TABLE WITH BRASS MOUNTS having a rectangular top with glass top over a highly figured grain patterned surface with molded edges over an apron with decorative brass banded mounts and raised on tapering reeded legs - h:32 x w:46.50 x d:86 in. $400-600
397 EMPIRE STYLE GILT METAL MOUNTED MAHOGANY BOOKCASE, 19TH CENTURY the shaped rectangular cornice over conforming case with three hinged doors with gilt bronze mounts, raised on short feet $500-800
398 FRENCH DIRECTOIRE STYLE CHERRYWOOD COMMODE WITH MARBLE TOP with a grey marble top with rounded front corners over three drawers with brass hardware flanked by reeded half columns and raised on ring turned tapering legs with brass end caps $800-1,200
399 LOUIS PHILIPPE INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE A ABATTANT, THIRD QUARTER 19TH CENTURY the rectangular top over a conforming case fitted with a long drawer over a rectangular fall front door opening to an elaborately geometric-inlaid interior with a mirror at the back; fitted with an arrangement of eight foliate inlaid drawers, two of which pull out to reveal removable tripartite cubby holes, all over three long drawers ending in cylindrical feet - h:62 x w:43 x d:20 in. $1,000-1,500
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 400 NAPOLEON III EBONIZED BOULLE CABINET, CIRCA 1860 the shaped rectangular top over conforming case with hinged door flanked by gilt mounts - h:42.75 x w:30.75 x d:16 in. $800-1,200
401 FRENCH ART DECO MAHOGANY DINING TABLE having a top with highly figured mahogany veneers with serpentine sides and molded edges over a mahogany veneered apron and raised on a singular central pedestal with rounded and molded ends on a sled base - h:28.25 x w:39.25 x d:78.75 in. $900-1,200 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
404 ITALIAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL GILTWOOD FRAME, LATE 19TH CENTURY, POSSIBLY FLORENTINE with dentiled pediment cornice above a frame applied with Solomonic columns on a shaped leaf-tip, Frame exterior size 70 x 43 in., Frame interior size 35.5 x 22 in. h:70 x w:43 in. $1,500-2,000
405 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CANDLESTICK, TAZZA, INKWELL, AND BELL WITH FIGURAL HANDLE 19th Century; the handbell is probably 15th Century (4) - h:6 in. $400-600
406 BRONZE FIGURE OF A SEATED SCHOLAR, PROBABLY ITALIAN 16TH CENTURY possibly depicting Homer, with traces of gilding - h:7.50 in. $600-800
407 BRONZE FIGURE POSSIBLY DEPICTING DEMOSTHENES, PROBABLY ITALIAN, LATE 19TH /EARLY 20TH CENTURY Demosthenes (384-322 BCE) was an orator and a politician; the present figure relates to a Roman copy of a Greek original statue of circa 280 BCE - h:11 in. $200-300
408 FRENCH BRONZE ALLEGORY OF FISHING, AFTER ALBERT CARRIERBELLEUSE (1824-1887), CIRCA 1900 bearing signature "Carrier Belleuse" $400-600
409 FRENCH BRONZE BARBEDIENNE CAST OF DAVID AND GOLIATH "DAVID VAINQUEUR," AFTER ANTONIN MERCIE (1845-1916) inscribed 'A. MERCIE' and numbered '174', with 'F. BARBEDIENNE.Foundeur Paris', with A. Collas Brevete foundry seal - h:18 in. $800-1,200
411 FRENCH BRONZE FIGURE OF "REINE DES PRES", AFTER AUGUSTE MOREAU (1834-1917) the cartouche indistinctly cast with signature and title - h:38 in. $600-800
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 412 LARGE ART DECO STYLE BRONZE OF A SCANTILY CLAD WOMAN SEATED ON A STOOL, MODERN the reverse signed "F. de Luca" - h:32 in. $300-500
413 ART NOUVEAU STYLE BUST OF A "BOHEMIENNE," AFTER EMMANUEL VILLANIS (ITALIAN, 1858-1914) bearing signature "E. Villanis" - h:11.50 in. $300-500
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
413A LARGE FRENCH BRONZE GROUP OF TWO HOUNDS, CAST FROM A MODEL BY ISIDORE JULES BONHEUR (18271901) signed 'I BONHEUR', stamped PEYROL and with foundry seal of F. P. Sanson Succr. Neuerwall, Hamburg; Isidore Jules Bonheur, born in Bordeaux, was the son of a painter and the brother of Rosa Bonheur. He exhibited regularly at the Salon and won many medals including a gold medal at the Exposition Universelle of 1889. Many of his bronzes were edited by Hippolyte Peyrol, who was his uncle by marriage (See J. Horswell, Bronze Sculpture of "Les Animaliers", 1971, p. 201) - h:17 x w:31 x d:12 in. $5,000-7,000
414 LARGE FRENCH BRONZE GROUP OF TWO HUNTING DOGS RETRIEVING A PHEASANT, AFTER CLOVIS-EDMOND MASSON (1838-1913) bearing signature 'IC. Masson' and 'MON DES BEAUX ARTS' - h:18 x w:28 x d:11 in. $800-1,200
415 FRENCH BRONZE FIGURE OF A HUNTING SPANIEL RETRIEVING A PHEASANT, AFTER EMILE LIENARD (B. 1842) bearing signature "E. Lienard" - h:15 x w:20 in. $400-600
416 BRONZE FIGURE OF "THE RATTLESNAKE,"AFTER FREDERIC REMINGTON bearing signature "copyright by Frederic Remington", mounted on a marble base - h:24 in. $400-600 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 417 BRONZE FIGURE OF "THE BRONCO BUSTER," AFTER FREDERIC REMINGTON bearing signature "Frederic Remington", mounted on a marble base h:24 in. $400-600 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
418 BRONZE GROUP OF TWO AMERICAN SOLDIERS "ON TO VICTORY," BY EUGENE KORMENDI (AMERICAN/HUNGARIAN, 1889-1959) stamped on the edge of the base 'ROMAN BRONZE WORKS" Eugene Kormendi studied at the Academy of Budapest and was a well known artist who worked with August Rodin and Jean Paul Lorenz. In 1939, while visiting America with his wife Elizabeth, a painter and a ceramist, war broke out. The couple was unable to return to home and Eugene eventually accepted a position of artist-inresidence at Notre Dame University. He was considered a brilliant teacher and created many statues, including the 22 foot high bronze statue in Washington D.C. "The Light of the World." According to the "The Art of Eugene and Elizabeth Kormendi", New York, 1951, a four foot version of the present lot is illustrated and described as follows: "His best prize winning group, which has won recognition at the Chicago Art Institute and in New York, in Palm Beach, Florida and other cities, in green bronze, shows two Striding American doughboys marching to Victory. It seems to connote a spiritual rather than martian victory." h:24 x w:23 x d:9 in. $2,000-4,000 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
419 PAIR OF ART DECO EBONIZED WOOD FEMALE NUDE FIGURES BY EUGENE KORMENDI (1889-1959) one signed "Kormendi Frim J"; Eugene Kormendi was a Hungarian sculptor who studied at the Academy of Budapest before moving to Paris to collaborate with Auguste Rodin and Jean Paul Lorenz (2) - h:30.75 in. $800-1,200
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 420A TWO FORNASETTI GRAPHIC SIDE CHAIRS each with a black ground with transfer decorations depicting stylized classical figures (2) $2,000-3,000
421 SIXTEEN PIERO FORNASETTI GLASS TUMBLERS black printed '"FORNASETTI", each with black printed faces on outside base, five patterns (16) - h:4 in. $400-600
421A TWELVE ROSENTHAL PIERO FORNASETTI PORCELAIN MUGS from the 'Termi e Variazioni' set, including two each of motiv 1 - 6, printed in black, h: 3 5/8 in. (12) $200-400
422 TWELVE FORNASETTI MILANO "LE OCEANIDI" PLATES black printed marks and numbers 1-12, printed in black, dia: 8 5/8 in. (12) $500-700
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 423 LEOPOLD GOTTLIEB (UKRIANIAN, 18791934) SEATED NUDE Oil on panel: 20 x 16 in. Framed; lower right signed: l. gottlieb $800-1,200
424 LEOPOLD GOTTLIEB (UKRAINIAN, 18791934) NUDE Oil on panel: 25 x 19 in. Framed; lower left signed: l. gottlieb $1,000-1,500
425 MILTON AVERY (AMERICAN, 1885-1965) BALCONY OVERLOOKING THE BEACH Watercolor, graphite and ink on paper: 10 1/4 x 8 in. Framed; lower right signed and dated: Milton Avery 1956 $2,000-3,000
426 WILLIAM GROPPER (AMERICAN, 18971977) AT THE OPERA Gouache and watercolor on paper: 14 x 16 3/4 in. (full sheet) Framed; lower right signed: W. Gropper $1,000-1,500
Provenance: Purchased in New York in the 1970's and by decent; Private Collection, Virginia
Provenance: Purchased in New York in the 1970's and by decent; Private Collection, Virginia
427 JULIE HEFFERNAN (AMERICAN, 1956-) LANDSCAPE WITH BERRY GARLAND, 2002 Oil on canvas: 12 x 12 in. Verso: J. Heffernan\ 2002\ Landscape w/\ Berry Garland $900-1,200
428 MANON CLEARY (AMERICAN, 1942-) FIGURE STUDY Oil on canvas: 30 x 20 in. Verso signed: M. Cleary $800-1,200
429 CHRIS TUGWELL (SOUTH AFRICAN, 1938-) RIVER LANDSCAPE, SOUTH AFRICA Oil on board: 32 x 42 in. Framed; lower right signed: C. Tugwell $600-800
430 GARY BOWERS (AMERICAN, 21ST CENTURY) OCCASIONAL GLIMPSE, 2009 Oil on canvas: 20 x 24 in. Framed; lower right signed and dated; verso inscribed on canvas $600-800
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 431 LEANN KALITA (AMERICAN, 20TH/21ST CENTURY) BIRD OF PARADISE, 1999 Watercolor: 29 x 21 1/2 in. (framed) Framed; lower right signed and dated: Leanne Kalita '99 $300-500
432 HOWARD FINSTER (AMERICAN, 19162001) THE GREAT AMERICAN OXEN, 1995 and OXEN OF AMERICA, 1994 Acrylic on wood: 11 x 16 1/4 in.; 10 x 15 3/4 in. Inscribed: American Oxen The Great American Oxen by Howard Finster; verso: 36.000.290 works by Howard Finster Mar29-1995. Time to get ready to meet Jesus who is coming back you will face the son of God what can you say oh God thy art right we are wrong. Jesus is real we failed and Jesus will take his people that ready.; with printed label; Oxen of American by Howard Finster; verso: 34.000.356 works by Howard Finster July 29 1994 God bless you all News cast of July 7 to 17 Georgias biggest flood known water was up to house tops 28 dead 12.000.00 vacated no drinking water big wash out bridges roads and caskets larg deep sink holes opened in the earth some under the edges of house its sichns of our times. get ready for the kingdom of God the coming of Jesus Christ be wise be ready; Finster Folk Art Label (2) $600-800
433 HOWARD FINSTER (AMERICAN, 19162001) UNCLE SAM, 1996 along with QUEEN ELIZABETH II, 1993 by ROY FINSTER (AMERICAN, 1941-) Acrylic on wood: 22 3/4 x 10 3/4 in. and 15 x 9 1/2 in. Inscribed: Uncle Sam by Howard Finster; verso: July 24 1996 39.000.444 works by Howard Finster visions of the last days and the end of the world read 2 Peter 10 14 see into it Jesus is coming in clouds with angels in great power and glory the Christians shall be with the Lord in the air and so shall they ever be with the Lord in the air. Be ready to go when Jesus comes in power and great glory; Queen Elizabeth II inscribed; Queen Elizabeth II of England by Roy Finster; verso: Jesus saves souls 1105 Piece Art 12-23-1993 Roy Finster (2) $600-800
434 HOWARD FINSTER (AMERICAN, 19162001) BUFFALO NICKEL, 1996 Acrylic on wood: 13 1/2 x 12 in. Inscribed: United States of America Five Cents; Buffalo Nickel They don't make them no more; verso: A new work I do my first of its kind and only kind in this world at this time\ April-1-1996 38.000.877 works by Howard Finster. Visions of fearless times. Food shortage and more rise ups on streets bad management in our laws and con artist and more pestilences and if USA crouds out the Bible and Jesus Christ things will get worse and worse read the Bible you can learn what happend to all nations that turned from God none of them was spared look at all the citys left in ruin you cant turn God away and get away with it that the way it happend in the past I beg you in Jesus name to turn to God before its to late things is all ready looking bad to me.\ I read the Bible 50 years and all nations that turned away from God was destroyed read the wicked empiers and what happened to them\ its turning time for world $800-1,200
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 435 HOWARD FINSTER (AMERICAN, 19162001) PLAY BEAR, 1999 BULL HEADED, 1995 and GATER DANGERIOUS, 1994 Acrylic on wood: 12 3/4 x 11 1/4 in.; 12 1/2 x 16 1/2 in.; 4 x 13 1/4 in. Play Bear: inscribed Feb 3 1999 44.000.707 works of art Howard Finster The Play Bear Pet comfort he wants to be free now; verso: Feb 3 1998 44.000.708 Howard Finster St. John 8-51 Verily verily I say unto you if a man keep my sayings he shall never see death. Jesus is coming back in great power be ready at all hours. Bull headed: inscribed: Big head little braine bull headed and stubborn stiff necke except you become as humble as a little child you shall not entr the kingdom of heaven by Howard Finster; verso: Aug 14 1995 37.0000011 works by Howard Finster God bless you all the seas shall roar islens in the last days shall flee they shall be love as of pleasures more an lovers of God the gospel shall be preached to all nations Christ shall come be great glory his people will be caught up in the air with the lord. Gater Dangerious: verso: Gater- Dangerious 35.000.975 works by Howard Finster man of visions. Feb 13 1994 the story of the gater. He brings down 900 pound buffalo right in the the water even a deer he can drag a zebra in to the water. (3) $700-900
436 HOWARD FINSTER (AMERICAN, 19162001) DALMATION, 1998 LITTLE HOUND DOG, 1998 and BIRD DOG POINTING HOUND, 1999 Acrylic on wood: 9 1/4 x 16 1/4 in.; 8 x 6 1/2 in.; 3 3/4 x 6 1/2 in. Dalmation: Label; verso: inscribed F April 14 1998 43.000.049 works by Howard Finster St. John 5-29 this is the work of God that ye believe on him who he hath sent; Little hound dog: inscribed Little Hound Dog Howard Finster and Label; verso: Litle Hound Dog 11-1998 43.000.606 works Howard Finster Jesus is coming in great power be ready on that day; Pointer: inscribed Bird Dog Pointer Hound; verso: June 21 1999 45.000.299 works Howard Finster folk art 45.000.299 works hound bird dog (3) $600-800
437 HOWARD FINSTER (AMERICAN, 19162001) SANTA, 1989 and REINDEER Acrylic on wood: 27 1/2 x 9 in. and 8 3/4 x 7 1/4 in. Inscribed: Santa in the kids world. He only teaches kids. Be Good.\ By Howard Finster man of visions Dec. 11. 1989 9:30 PM: Merry Christmas; verso: Key West Florida By Howard Finster Peace to the world; Reindeer inscribed: Merry Christmas; verso: Merry Christmas Joy to the world the lord is come Jesus is coming in great power 45.000.434 Works Howard Finster, Howard Finster (2) $600-800
438 HOWARD FINSTER (AMERICAN, 19162001) MADONNA AND CHILD, 1996 along with STOCKING, 2000 and SANTA, 1998 Acrylic on wood: 10 1/2 x 7 3/4 in.; 9 x 5 3/4 in.; 6 1/2 x 4 in. Verso: Aug-8-1996 39.000.513 works by Howard Finster visions of the last days. Jesus is coming in great power and glory. in clouds with angels- read-2-Peter-3-10-14 and Paul the Adotiply aplyed the gosple will be preached into all the world then the end will comes be ready for that great day. Stocking Verso: June 25 2000 Howard Finster 46.000.1228- works of art Mat-5-8blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. the Bibil by Howard Finster; Santa: Merry Christmas Kids be good; Verso: July 30 1998 43.000.467 works by Howard Finster Jesus is coming in great power be ye ready at all hours for Jesus Christ to come don't be left ever eye shall see him watch (3) $700-900
439 JOHN CHAPMAN LEWIS (AMERICAN, 1920-1994) ABSTRACT Oil on canvas: 51 1/2 x 45 1/2 in. (framed) Framed $200-300
440 JOHN CHAPMAN LEWIS (AMERICAN, 1920-1994) ABSTRACT Oil on canvas: 54 x 51 in. (framed) Framed; lower right signed: Lewis $200-300
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 441 JOHN CHAPMAN LEWIS (AMERICAN, 1920-1994) ABSTRACT, 1978 Oil on canvas: 55 1/2 x 51 1/2 in. (framed) Framed; lower left signed and dated: Lewis/ 78 $200-300
442 GENE DAVIS (AMERICAN, 1920-1985) TWO UNTITLED WORKS Pastel on paper: 12 x 18 in. (each) Framed; lower right signed and dated: Davis 1981; Gene Davis was a prominent member of the Washington Color School (2) $700-900
443 GENE DAVIS (AMERICAN, 1920-1985) TWO UNTITLED WORKS Pastel on paper: 12 x 18 in. (each) Framed; lower right signed: Davis 1981; Gene Davis was a prominent member of the Washington Color School (2) $700-900
444 DEBORAH RUBIN (AMERICAN, 1948-) HOLLYHOCKS Watercolor: 81 1/2 x 56 in. Framed; lower right signed: Rubin $1,500-3,000
445 FRANK CIECIORKA (AMERICAN, 1939-) FERNBRIDGE CALIFORNIA Watercolor on paper: 34 x 62 in. Framed; lower right signed $600-800
446 CHARLOTTE BIXY YEP (AMERICAN, 1958-) ROSES Watercolor: 47 x 95 in. Framed; lower right signed and dated: Charlotte Bixy Yep/ 1989 $600-800
447 JOEL JAECKS (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY) MILWAUKEE HOME Watercolor: 27 1/4 x 40 in. Framed; lower right signed: Joel Jaecks $500-700
448 TADASHI NAKAYAMA (JAPANESE, 1927) RUNNING HORSES Color woodblock: 13 1/4 x 25 1/2 in. (sight) Framed; signed and dated lower left: 1984, T. Nakayama; numbered lower right: 20/95 $300-500
449 RUFINO TAMAYO (MEXICAN, 1899-1991) CABEZA CON PAJAROS, 1958 Color lithograph: 13 x 10 in. (sheet) Lower right signed in graphite: Tamayo $500-700
450 RICHARD HAAS (AMERICAN, 1936-) VIEW OF CHICAGO Color lithograph: 12 3/4 x 47 in. Framed; lower left titled: View of Chicago; center numbered 58 /150 and lower right signed: Richard Haas $400-600
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
451 JACQUES VILLON (FRENCH, 1875-1963) SCHEHERAZADE Collotype: 18 3/4 X 21 1/2 in. (sight) Framed; lower left numbered and blind stamp: 48/150; lower right signed: Jacques Villon $600-900
452 MARC CHAGALL (FRENCH/RUSSIAN, 1887-1985) THE MONSTERS OF NOTRE DAME and QUAI AUX FLEURS Color lithographs: 14 x 10 3/4 in. each (sight) Framed; Edition of 2500, from "Derriere le Miroir" (2) $1,000-1,500
Provenance: Property of a Gentleman Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 453 PAUL CEZANNE (FRENCH, 1839-1906) PORTRAIT OF GUILLAUMIN WITH THE HANGED MAN Etching: 7 3/4 x 6 1/4 in. Framed $300-500
455 STEINWAY MODEL "O" EBONIZED LIVING ROOM GRAND PIANO WITH BENCH having a refinished satin ebony polished case, serial #154583 dating to 1911, with height adjustable bench $4,000-8,000
November 8th Online Auction Lots begin closing at 10am (with lot 1000) on Tuesday, November 8th. Leave your bids online today! Unlike Live Auctions, where all of the bidding takes place at a set time, Timed Online Auctions feature online “ebay-style” bidding. Once registered to bid, you can leave a bid anytime from the auction’s start until the lot you are interested in closes. The highest bidder when the lot closes will be the successful bidder. Please follow these directions for online bidding through First, go to Look in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage and click on CREATE ACCOUNT. Establish an account by registering with a username and password. At the prompt, please provide contact and credit card information. To view our auction and place bids, follow the steps below: On the Invaluable toolbar click “Auctions”. From the “Auctions” page, select “Potomack Company” from the “All Houses” drop down menu. Then select the auction (November 8th Online Auction). To bid, please click on “Register to Bid” (Your request must be approved by The Potomack Company, but you may begin bidding right away). Place your bid using numbers only (don’t use the $ sign or decimals) and follow prompts. If you are outbid, you will receive an email notification prompting you to bid again. The lots will begin closing at 10am on Tuesday, November 8th, with each lot closing staggered by one minute. The bidding time will extend if a bid is placed within five minutes of a lot’s scheduled closing (lots within five minutes of closing are in red, extended lots are noted). Invoices will be processed after all lots have closed. Buyer’s premium will be 28% on all lots in a Design Online Auction due to Invaluable’s 3% bidding fee for timed online auctions. NOTE: Please hit “Refresh” frequently to update the time remaining on each lot, particularly as lots are closing on Tuesday, November 8th. Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are recommended browsers for bidding. Apple Safari and Internet Explorer are NOT supported browsers. We also recommend bidding on a computer, rather than a tablet or smartphone, if possible. Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1000 TWO IRANIAN RUGS, INCLUDING A MALAYAR TRIBAL RUNNER Malayer with repeating medallions has red, ivory, pinks, blue, and brown is 14'4" x 2'3"; the smaller rug with a medallion center on a floral field surrounded by multiple borders and cotton fringe is 2'4" x 2'8", both rugs with Made in Iran labels underside (2) $200-400
1001 CAUCASUS KAZAK WOOL RUNNER colors include gold, blue, rust, taupe, approx. 3'7" x 9'9" $500-700
1002 FLAT WEAVE TRIBAL RUNNER with figures amongst the designs, colors include black, deep indigo, blues, dark rose, taupe, light brown, approx. 13'6" x 3'4" $200-400
1003 ANTIQUE PERSIAN MALAYER WOOL RUNNER all over central design on an indigo ground, colors include reds, blues, ivory, approx. 3'6" x 13'5" $400-600
1004 FOUR MEDALLION TRIBAL WOOL RUNNER colors include reds, blues, taupe, wool fringe to ends, approx 3'3" x 8'2" $300-500
1005 ANTIQUE PERSIAN MALAYER WOOL RUNNER geometric design, colors include ivory, navy, rust, blue, approx. 3'3" x 9'8" $400-600
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1006 TWO TRIBAL OCTAGONAL MEDALLION WOOL RUGS the first with center elongated medallion, corner brackets, multiple borders, colors include reds, blues, aubergine, off white, and orange, approx. 4' x 8'8"; the second with medallion surrounded by primarily black brackets, multiple borders, wool fringe, colors include black and orange is 3'10 x 5'10" (2) $100-200
1007 PERSIAN HERIZ WOOL RUG approx. 30 years old, colors include reds, gold, green, blues, ivory, fringe to ends, approx. 7'10' x 11' $900-1,200
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1008 ANTIQUE TURKISH SILK KAYSERI PRAYER RUG colors include burgundy, olive green/brown, taupe, indigo, black, backed for hanging, two rows of gilt metal woven border on both long sides, off white twill backing with pocket for hanging rod, approx. 36 x 56 in. $1,000-3,000
1009 THREE MEDALLION ORIENTAL WOOL RUG cotton fringe to ends, colors include reds, burnt orange, blue, ivory, approx. 9'9" x 5'5" $200-400
1010 ANTIQUE PERSIAN LAVAR KIRMAN WOOL RUG 1920s, central medallion, colors include pink, reds, blues, tan, taupe, ivory, approx. 9' x 11'9" $900-1,200
1011 PERSIAN PICTORIAL TREE OF LIFE KIRMAN WOOL RUG 1930s, Mehrab design, peacocks, unusual with blues, colors include reds, blues, ivory, approx. 8'6" x 10'8" $1,200-1,800
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1012 HERIZ WOOL RUG center medallion on a red field surrounded by corner brackets and multiple borders, reds, brown on an ivory field, approx. 9' x 6'9" $300-600
1013 MONUMENTAL INDIAN AGRA WOOL RUG fine good quality wool, cotton warp, allover floral design on an abrash golden taupe field, multiple unusual borders including corner designs, colors include teal, navy, soft green and blues, taupe, browns, short wool fringe to ends, approx. 27'8" x 16'2" $20,000-40,000 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1014 LARGE PERSIAN FIGURAL TABRIZ WOOL RUG central medallion with corner spandrels, flora and fauna on an ivory field, colors include blue, green, brick, yellowgreen, tan, cotton fringe to ends, approx 11' x 17'6" $1,000-2,000
1015 PERSIAN MEDALLION SERAPI WOOL RUG central medallion on a rust/rose field surrounded by multiple motifs, surrounded by corner brackets, multiple borders, colors include blues, navy, taupe, rust, rose, peach, short wool fringe to ends, approx. 11'6" x 15' $3,000-5,000 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1016 PERSIAN KASHAN WOOL RUG 1920s, medallion design, colors include rust, blues, taupe, approx. 4'2" x 7' $300-500
1017 TWO CHINESE CARVED WOOL RUGS the first with oval floral design on an open field with a floral border, cotton fringe to ends, colors includes pale rose, green, rust, soft gold, approx. 6'1" x 9"1"; the second with oval floral design on an open field and a floral border, colors include green, ivory, taupe, grey, peach, rose, cotton fringe to ends, approx. 12' x 9' (2) $150-250 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1018 LARGE CHINESE CARVED WOOL RUG floral design as corner brackets on an ivory field, rust border, colors include, peach, green, reds, blues, approx. 11'6" x 9'2" $50-150
1019 LARGE PORTUGUESE NEEDLEPOINT RUG colors include burgundy, pink, lavender, green, yellow, and brown on an ivory field, approx. 9' x 13' $300-600
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1020 LARGE STARK CUSTOM COMMERCIAL MADE FLORAL RUG intertwining leaves, flowers and berries on a dark brown-black ground surrounded by a coordinating border, colors include soft greens, pinks and blues, approx. 18' x 11'6" $200-400
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
1021 LARGE CUSTOM COMMERCIAL PLAID WOOL RUG probably Wilton, plaid pattern with coordinating border, colors include black, green, gold and ivory, approx. 13'4" x 17'7" $200-400
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1022 LARGE CUSTOM COMMERCIAL FLORAL SPRAYS ON A CHOCOLATE BROWN GROUND RUG, CUTOUT FOR HEARTH probably Stark, floral sprays on a brown ground, coordinating border, colors include blues, pinks, greens, and gold, approx. 18'5" x 14'; opening along one long side is 7'4" x 2' $200-400
1025 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED WALNUT SIDE CHAIR the arched pierced back realistically carved with shaped cresting over an oval coat-of-arms flanked by winged maidens, the shaped and relief carved seat over a pierced scroll carved support centering a head - h:44.50 x w:17 x d:15 in. $200-300
1026 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED OAK HALL CHAIR the back with stylized shield supported by griffins over a square splat and shaped seat on a trestle base joined by sausage turned stretchers - h:48 x w:18 x d:18.50 in. $200-300
1027 PROVINCIAL CARVED AND STAINED PINE AND FRUITWOOD HANGING CABINET late 19th Century, of rectangular form with paneled door opening to adjustable shelves, with shaped cresting and skirt and mounted with ball form pendants; relief carved overall with foliate and geometric designs; replacements - h:28 x w:18 x d:9 in. $300-600
1028 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED OAK HALL CHAIR with foliate ears over a rectangular padded back embossed with a griffin, over an overupholstered seat on block and baluster turned legs joined by turned double stretchers on ball feet h:42.50 x w:17 x d:17 in. $100-200
1029 FINE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE STYLE WALNUT THRONE CHAIR upholstered in crimson silk brocade - h:59.25 x w:33 x d:28 in. $1,250-1,750
1030 PAIR OF RENAISSANCE REVIVAL STYLE CARVED OAK ARM CHAIRS with pierced elaborately carved crest with scrolling foliage centering fruit over a padded back with freestanding stiles continuing to scrolling handholds, the padded overupholstered seat over a shaped skirt raised on cabriole legs ending in ball and claw feet (2) - h:50.25 x w:25.50 x d:24 in. $300-600
1031 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED WALNUT CABINET late 19th or early 20th Century, the rectangular dentil molded cornice over a relief carved frieze, over a pair of glazed doors inset with scrolling grillwork mounted with human form stiles; the molded waist over a drawer and a pair of paneled doors, flanked by human form stiles, on paw feet - h:66 x w:30 x d:14 in. $300-500
1032 RENAISSANCE STYLE CARVED OAK TRUNK, PARTIALLY 17TH/18TH CENTURY the rectangular slightly domed hinged top opening to a well, the conforming tapering case carved in relief on the front with stylized foliate fans; fitted on the sides with handles, with a key - h:19 x w:29 x d:18 in. $300-500
1033 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED OAK TRESTLE TABLE the rectangular molded top over a trestle base carved in relief with stylized foliage and shells, the shaped central stretch carved with trellis and central flowerhead - h:31 x w:73 x d:35.50 in. $200-300
1034 JACOBEAN STYLE CARVED LARGE OAK TRESTLE TABLE the two large acanthus carved supports joined by a high stretcher - h:29.25 x w:2.50 x d:84 in. $200-400
1035 SET OF BAROQUE STYLE CARVED OAK SIDE CHAIRS each rectangular padded back within a pierced foliate frame flanked by barley twist carved stiles, the square padded seat on block and baluster turned legs joined by similarly turned stretchers (4) - h:43 x w:18.25 x d:17 in. $400-600
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1036 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED WALNUT TWO-PART COURT CUPBOARD with rectangular molded cornice over a foliate and fruit carved frieze over a pair of grill-inset fabric covered doors mounted with female bust carved engaged columns further over lion's head scrolling brackets and relief carved back; the lower section similar, fitted with two drawers over two cabinet doors, all carved in relief with scrolling foliage and masks - h:84 x w:72 x d:20 in. $500-800
1037 RENAISSANCE STYLE RELIEF CARVED WALNUT CABINET ON STAND, LATE 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY the rectangular molded cornice over a pair of cabinet doors, the lower section with a pair of winged female figures over a platform stretcher; carved in relief over all with masks and figures of Bacchus within stylized foliage - h:47 x w:40 x d:14.50 in. $400-800
1038 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED OAK HALL STAND late 19th/early 20th Century, the foliated molded cornice over a paneled back mounted with turned pegs centered by a rectangular mirror over a central open shelf mounted with a drawer carved with a lion's mask flanked by glass panels and finials, the turned legs joined by a platform stretcher with copper insets, on ball feet; carved overall in relief with scrolls and foliage - h:79.50 x w:42 x d:16 in. $200-300
1039 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED OAK TABLE TOP CABINET, LATE 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY the rectangular three-part top with raised rectangular central section over a dentil molded cornice carved with the head of a king and a shepherd, raised on human and foliate carved supports centering a panel with carved figural scene - h:28 x w:64 x d:17 in. $300-600
1040 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL RELIEF CARVED SIDEBOARD the molded cornice over a frieze carved in relief with scrolling foliage and fruit flanked by C-scroll brackets, the rectangular molded top over a pair of cabinet doors flanked by engaged columns carved with bearded men, on paw feet; carved in relief overall with scrolling foliage - h:64 x w:72 x d:20 in. $400-800
1041 BAVARIAN STYLE CARVED STAINED WOOD TABLE the rectangular top with rounded corners on realistically carved supports in the form of bears climbing tree trunks, joined by similarly carved stretchers - h:24 x w:36 x d:19.50 in. $300-600
1042 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED OAK MIRROR, LATE 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY the cresting carved with a coatof-arms and shields within an arched panel, flanked by male and female soldiers over a rectangular mirror within a foliate carved frame - h:40 x w:26 x d:2 in. $200-400
1043 RENAISSANCE STYLE WALNUT MIRROR carved with griffins and masks h:71 x w:39 in. $750-1,250
1044 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED BENCH with a griffin and coat-of-arms carved back over a seat with a molded edge above legs with a connecting iron stretcher h:31 x w:52 x d:16 in. $300-600
1045 ENGLISH BAROQUE STYLE EBONIZED OAK LIFT-TOP CHEST composed of older parts - h:35.25 x w:45.75 x d:24.50 in. $250-350
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1046 ITALIAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL WALNUT FALL FRONT BUREAU 19th Century, richly carved with lions and masks - h:46 x w:24.50 x d:68.50 in. $700-1,000 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1047 CARVED WALNUT LOUIS XV STYLE LIBRARY CHAIR having a straight crest rail over a Beauvais Tapestry upholstered back and seat over a carved frame and raised on carved cabriole legs with connecting stretcher - h:50 x w:31 x d:25 in. $300-400 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1048 JACOBEAN STYLE CARVED WALNUT THRONE CHAIR having metal finials over an upholstered back over slab arms with carved supports over an upholstered seat over a heavily carved front stretcher with crown decoration on square section legs h:55 x w:24.50 x d:22.50 in. $150-250
1049 REGENCE STYLE CARVED WALNUT THRONE CHAIR upholstered in foliate dusty rose velour - h:52.75 x w:31.25 x d:27 in. $200-300 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1050 PAIR OF SPANISH BAROQUE CARVED WALNUT SIDE CHAIRS each having carved vertical ears over an upholstered back and seat and raised on square section legs with connecting carved front stretcher (2) - h:44 x w:19.50 x d:16 in. $100-150
1051 BAROQUE UPHOLSTERED SIDE CHAIR with an arched crest over an upholstered back and seat with nailhead trim and raised on turned legs with connecting stretcher, possibly French or French-Canadian $200-400
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1052 PAIR OF CONTINENTAL BAROQUE WALNUT THRONE CHAIRS 19th Century, upholstered with foliate burgundy silk (2) h:54.50 x w:30 x d:24 in. $1,000-1,500 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1053 SPANISH BAROQUE CARVED OAK AND COPPER SERVING VESSEL TABLE the table with a rectangular form with two circular cut-outs to store copper vessels/jugs raised on trestle supports with iron stretcher, base is h: 26 x w: 33 x d: 15 in., including the vessels h: 38 in. $150-200 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1054 MAGNIFICENT CONTINENTAL BAROQUE STYLE FINELY CARVED GILT MIRROR 20th Century - h:67 x w:52.50 in. $2,000-3,000 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1057 QUEEN ANNE STYLE DOUBLE DOMED FIGURED WALNUT BUREAU BOOKCASE the secretary, in two parts, the upper bookcase with a double dome cornice with outset molding over arched raised paneled door opening to a fitted interior with two prospect doors, small drawers and letter/document dividers over candle slides on a base; fall front desk opening to a fitted interior with storage well over a long drawer flanked by candle drawers over three graduated drawers and raised on bracket feet $2,000-4,000 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1058 QUEEN ANNE STYLE MAHOGANY STOOL the rectangular slip seat over a shaped rail raised on cabriole legs ending in pointed pad feet - h:19 x w:22.50 x d:18 in. $200-300 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1059 SET OF SIX QUEEN ANNE STYLE CHERRYWOOD DINING CHAIRS comprising two arm and four side chairs, each with shell carved cresting rail over a shaped solid splat, the molded arms continuing to a balloon slip seat raised on cabriole legs ending in pad feet (6) - h:42.50 x w:24 x d:24 in. $400-800 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1060 SET OF EIGHT CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY DINING CHAIRS comprising two arm chairs and six side chairs, each back scroll cresting with flowerhead carved ears over a pierced baluster form splat centered by a patera, continuing to outscrolling arms; the trapezoidal overupholstered seat raised on foliate carved cabriole legs ending in claw and ball feet; arm chairs slightly larger than side chairs; arm chairs, h: 40 x w: 29 x d: 20 in. (8) $1,000-1,500
1061 SET OF FOUR CHIPPENDALE STYLE RIBBON BACK MAHOGANY CHAIRS each with a shaped crest over shaped horizontal slats over drop-in blue needlework seats raised on square section legs with connecting box stretcher (4) $300-500
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 1062 GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR with shaped crest over a pierced baluster form slat continuing to a trapezoidal overupholstered seat on straight legs joined by stretchers - h:38.25 x w:22.50 x d:22 in. $100-200
1063 GEORGE III STYLE CARVED MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR mid-to-late 19th Century, having a shaped crest with large central shell carving and scrolling ears and beading over a pierced splat over a slip-in upholstered seat over a front rail with shell carving and raised on carved cabriole legs terminating in ball and claw feet $400-800 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1064 GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY ARM CHAIR with shaped cresting over a pierced foliate carved splat flanked by shaped arms with scrolling handholds, the overupholstered seat over a gadrooned rail on carved and molded cabriole legs, ending in ball and claw feet - h:38 x w:22 x d:19 in. $300-500
1065 GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY TILT TOP TABLE composed of older parts, the shaped top tilting over a reeded baluster standard on cabriole legs ending in pad feet - h:25.50 x w:22.50 x d:21 in. $200-300
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1066 GEORGE III STYLE SATINWOOD BANDED MAHOGANY BOOKCASE CABINET in two parts; the dentil molded cornice over a pair of cabinet doors inset with banded oval panels; the lower section fitted with two short and two long crossbanded and beaded drawers flanked by canted stiles on bracket feet - h:86.50 x w:60 x d:26 in. $800-1,200
1067 GEORGE III STYLE DEMILUNE BANDED MAHOGANY SIDE CABINET WITH INLAY banded top with fan inlay over a single cabinet door flanked by two oval inlaid panels with urn inlay, raised on tapered legs - h:37 x w:49 x d:20 in. $200-400
1068 GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY BOW FRONT CHEST OF DRAWERS 19th Century, with a rectangular top with bow front over four long drawers over a shaped apron and raised on French bracket feet $200-400
1069 QUEEN ANNE STYLE MAHOGANY TEA TABLE the rectangular top with raised molded edge over a conforming case fitted with a long drawer, over a shaped skirt raised on cabriole legs ending in pad feet h:29.50 x w:31.50 x d:21.50 in. $700-900 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1070 CHIPPENDALE STYLE CAMELBACK SOFA with an arching crest rail over an upholstered back and loose cushioned seat flanked by scrolling padded arms and raised on square section legs with stop fluted legs with connecting box stretcher - h:96 x w:37 x d:39 in. $400-800 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 1072 GEORGE III STYLE UPHOLSTERED WING CHAIR having an arched back over an upholstered back and loose cushion flanked by wings and scrolling arms and raised on short carved cabriole legs with ball and claw feet $200-300
1071 GEORGE III STYLE DIMINUTIVE SETTEE / WINDOW BENCH the shaped padded back flanked by outscrolled arms centering a straight seat on square legs joined by stretchers - h:34 x w:44 x d:19 in. $160-300 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1073 SET OF EIGHT GEORGE III OAK DINING CHAIRS with pierced vase shaped splat (8) - h:37.50 x w:19 x d:16 in. $350-450 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 1074 GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY UPHOLSTERED WING CHAIR BY KINDEL having an arched crest rail over an upholstered back and loose cushion flanked by deep shaped wings over scrolled arms and raised on square section tapering legs with connecting stretcher - h:47 x w:31 x d:31 in. $200-400 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
1075 QUEEN ANNE STYLE MAHOGANY WING CHAIR having an arched crest rail over an upholstered back and tight fitted seat flanked by deep wings over rolled arms over a front rail with central upholstered pendant drop and raised on cabriole legs terminating in pad feet - h:50 x w:30 x d:28 in. $400-800 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1076 ENGLISH REGENCY MAHOGANY TILT TOP CANDLESTAND having a hinged rectangular top with rounded corners mounted on a turned central column on three downswept legs on ball feet - h:28.50 in. $200-400
1077 QUEEN ANNE STYLE WING CHAIR having a rounded crest rail over an upholstered back and loose cushion flanked by deep wings over scrolling arms and raised on cabriole legs terminating in pad feet with turned connecting stretchers $200-400 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1078 CARVED CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY DOUBLE PEDESTAL DINING TABLE having a carved and molded edge and raised on double pedestals with acanthus leaf carved columns on carved downswept legs terminating in ball and claw feet; with two 22 in. leaves - h:30 x w:78 x d:42 in. $350-450
1079 GEORGE I STYLE PARCEL GILTWOOD MIRROR the cresting with spread winged eagle flanked by scrolling pediment over a rectangular mirror flanked by trailing vines over a shaped skirt - h:62 x w:29 in. $200-400 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1080 NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILTWOOD BEVELED MIRROR surmounted by a carved coronet above carved ceremonial style flags and swags, surmounting a rectangular carved frame and similarly carved drop - h:48 x w:29.50 in. $250-350 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1082 LARGE GEORGE III STYLE GOLD PAINTED MIRROR WITH BOW AND APPLIED SWAGS frame with outset square corners surmounted with a pierced bow, the beveled mirror decorated with applied floral swags - h:65 x w:40.25 x d:4 in. $300-500
1081 GEORGIAN STYLE MAHOGANY TEA TABLE WITH INSET AESOPS FABLE FOX AND GOOSE MAJOLICA PLATE, POSSIBLY GEORGE JONES having a deep shaped top with inset fox and goose Majolica plate on a vase turned central column and raised on arched downswept legs terminating in extended pad feet $200-400
1083 GEORGE III STYLE CHINESE CHIPPENDALE CARVED MAHOGANY TEA TABLE the rectangular top with small rimmed gallery and lappet corners over a blind fret carved rectangular case raised on square molded tapering legs ending in block feet - h:30 x w:28.50 x d:19.50 in. $200-400 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1084 PAIR OF GEORGE III STYLE CARVED MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS each chair with a rounded crest rail over a racquet shaped and pierced back splat over a tight fitted seat with brass nailhead tacking and raised on fluted and tapering square section legs with spade feet (2) $300-500
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1086 SMALL HEPPLEWHITE STYLE MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD shaped top above a central drawer flanked by single cabinet doors, raised on reeded turned legs - h:34.50 x w:48 x d:22 in. $200-400
1087 MAHOGANY ENGLISH REGENCY FIRE SCREEN FROM THE SANDS HOUSE, ANNAPOLIS, 1810-1825 having a rectangular form with upholstered panels, the panels slide up and to the sides and raised on trestle style saber legs $160-300
1088 REGENCY STYLE THREE PEDESTAL BANDED MAHOGANY DINING TABLE WITH STRING INLAY AND TWO LEAVES top with reeded edge, raised on three baluster turned legs on reeded tripartite legs terminating in brass paw casters, each leaf is an additional 22.5 in., without the leaves measures - h:30 x w:53.50 x d:96 in. $600-900
1089 EDWARDIAN INLAID SATINWOOD FIVELEGGED DEMILUNE CARD TABLE early 20th Century, the D-shaped hinged top inlaid with bellflowers and opening to a baize-lined playing surface, over a conforming frieze with finished back, on baluster turned and reeded tapering legs, the central back leg sliding back to support the top and to reveal a drawer, all ending in brass casters - h:30 x w:34 x d:16.75 in. $800-1,200
1090 REGENCY STYLE TWO PEDESTAL BANDED MAHOGANY DINING TABLE two D-ends with pedestals, four large leaves and one small leaf that may not be for this table (doesn't exactly match) $800-1,200
1091 REGENCY MEN'S DRESSING TABLE WITH TAMBOUR TOP h:37 x w:58.75 x d:22.50 in. $400-600
1092 REGENCY TURNED MAHOGANY BIDET with a rectangular removable top over a base with a shaped cut out for ceramic bowl and paneled side rails all raised on ring turned feet (missing ceramic insert) $300-600
1093 REGENCY STYLE MAHOGANY SOFA TABLE rectangular top with oval drop ends above two drawers raised on double columnar trestle supports on brass cap casters $160-300
1094 ENGLISH REGENCY STYLE MAHOGANY DRUM TABLE having a round top over an apron with two end drawers surrounded by faux drawers and raised on a turned baluster standard on four reeded downswept legs terminating in brass caps and casters $400-800
1095 REGENCY STYLE MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE WITH SHELF AND TWO DRAWERS stepped top accented with corner decorated blocks, raised on ring turned supports above a lower case with two drawers raised on two turned short legs - h:26 x w:23 x d:19 in. $100-200
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 1096 VICTORIAN PAPIER MACHE SIDE TABLE 18th Century, with Italian pietre dure inlaid top, h: 24.75 x dia: 21 in. $300-400
1097 MID-VICTORIAN MOTHER OF PEARL INLAID PAPIER MACHE TILT TOP TABLE h:27.50 x w:28.50 x d:22.25 in. $100-150
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1098 FRENCH 1940'S BRONZE MOUNTED INLAID MAHOGANY EXTENSION DINING TABLE, POSSIBLY BY LELEU h:29.25 x w:69 x d:38.75 in. $1,000-1,500 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1099 EDWARDIAN PAINT-DECORATED MAHOGANY CABINET ON STAND early 20th Century, the top section with stepped cornice and fitted with a pair of doors, the lower section fitted with three long drawers, the front painted at intervals with oval reserves of musical trophies or fans, on four bracket feet - h:8.50 x w:39.50 x d:23.50 in. $150-250 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1100 EDWARDIAN CERAMIC INSET WALNUT WRITING DESK WITH VILLEROY & BOCH, METTLACH TILES circa 1910, having a superstructure with turned rail over cupboard doors with inset ceramic tiles, one of a boy the other of a girl over a writing surface over a kneehole flanked by short drawers with inset ceramic tiles of flowers all raised on square section legs with connecting stretcher, ceramic tiles marked Villeroy & Boch, Mettlach - h:55.25 x w:33.25 x d:19.75 in. $150-250
1101 VICTORIAN RATTAN MIRRORED ETAGERE late 19th Century, the shaped rectangular frame fitted with a beveled glass mirror plate, the sides mounted with small stepped shelves - h:45.50 x w:61 x d:10.75 in. $250-350 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1102 VICTORIAN MOTHER OF PEARL INLAID ROSEWOOD DRESSING NECESSAIRE late 19th Century, the hinged rectangular box inlaid with trailing flowers and fitted with various sized compartments and a mirror h:3.50 x w:11.25 x d:7.50 in. $150-200
1103 MAHOGANY LAP DESK 19th Century and later, with hinged rectangular cover enclosing a pen tray and two glass ink pots, the hinged slanted writing surface enclosing a compartment above a single long drawer h:6 x w:14 x d:14 in. $100-200
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1104 LIGNUM VITAE CARVED MORTAR 18th Century, of slightly waisted shape and rounded rim, dia: 7.5 in. - h:9 in. $150-250
1105 VICTORIAN PAPIER MACHE GILT DECORATION AND INLAID MOTHER OF PEARL BLACK TRAY ON LATER STAND the black ground shaped tray with gilded floral decorations and inlaid mother of pearl on an ebonized stand with caned seat and raised on turned legs $150-250
1106 ENGLISH SAMPLER DATED 1843 Bridget Bilsborough was born in Lancashire, England in 1832, her father was Guliemi Bilsborough, alphabet and numbers above "Bridget Bilsborough aged 10 Years/1843", urn with flowers and birds flanked by another urn and an antelope with trailing vine, all surrounded by a border, cross stitch on fine woven ground fabrich:0.01 x w:2.25 in. $150-300
1110 LOUIS XV STYLE MARBLE TOPPED BOMBE COMMODE WITH ORMOLU MOUNTS shaped grey veined marble top above a pair of single drawers over two drawers, shaped apron with corner figural mounts - h:34.50 x w:35.50 x d:20.50 in. $400-600
Provenance: The Twig, Junior Auxiliary of Inova Alexandria Hospital
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1112 LOUIS XV STYLE GILT TRUMEAU, LATE 20TH CENTURY the inset canvas reserve painted with a scene of garden follies above a similar reserve inset with a mirror plate h:73 x w:36 in. $100-200 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1114 SET OF EIGHT FRENCH STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY AND GILT METAL MOUNTED CHAIRS each with an arched back over a solid vase shaped and inlaid backsplat over a shaped and upholstered seat over a shaped front rail and raised on cabriole legs with gilt metal mounts (8) h:40.50 x w:19.50 x d:18.50 in. $250-350
1113 LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZEMOUNTED MAHOGANY SHAPED RECTANGULAR CENTER TABLE late 19th Century, the apron fitted with a draw leaf at one end, on four cabriole legs - h:31 x w:56.50 x d:37 in. $250-350 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1115 LOUIS XV STYLE BRONZE-MOUNTED KINGWOOD BUREAU PLAT late 19th Century, the shaped rectangular top inset with tooled leather, the shaped apron fitted with two drawers, on four cabriole legs h:29.76 x w:46 x d:23.50 in. $250-350 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1116 LOUIS XV/XVI STYLE ORMOLU MOUNTED MARQUETRY AND ROSEWOOD CABINET late 19th Century, with liver and gray marble top - h:46.50 x w:43 x d:17 in. $750-1,250
1117 LOUIS XV STYLE BEECHWOOD TABOURET TABLE associated marble top - h:17 x w:21 x d:18 in. $80-150 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1118 LOUIS XV STYLE MARQUETRY AND TULIPWOOD COMMODE with pink mottled marble top - h:35.50 x w:46.75 x d:20 in. $300-400
1119 LOUIS XV STYLE ORMOLU MOUNTED MARQUETRY AND MAHOGANY COMMODE with mottled white marble top $500-750
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1120 MARBLE TOP INLAID SIDE CABINET the cabinet with a rectangular marble top with outset center over a conforming case with a long central drawer over a single cupboard door with inlay and banding flanked by short drawers and cupboards and raised on turned feet $300-600
1121 EMPIRE STYLE PEDESTAL WITH WHITE MARBLE TOP with a rectangular white marble top on a frame with brass mounts and raised on columns over a shaped base $100-300
1122 FRENCH STYLE CARVED MAHOGANY CONSOLE TABLE of small proportions with a shaped top with molded edges over a frieze with central carved shell and raised on tall carved cabriole legs $300-600
1123 PAIR OF NEOCLASSICAL INLAID FLORAL DECORATED END TABLES each with an oval form and pierced gallery over an inlaid and floral decorated top and raised on square section shaped legs with lower shelf and pierced gallery (2) $300-600
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1124 VINTAGE ECLECTIC COCKTAIL CABINET WITH STAINED GLASS DOORS black top flanked by attached guard brass rails, above two drawers over a pair of lead and stained glass inset panel doors with brass latch, plank sides, all with a brass decorated edge - h:39.50 x w:32.25 x d:19 in. $100-200
1127 FRENCH PROVINCIAL CARVED OAK BUFFET with superstructure and side cabinets - h:95.50 x w:75.75 x d:23 in. $1,000-1,500
1128 LOUIS XVI STYLE CARVED MAHOGANY PETIT BERGERE WITH ART NOUVEAU STYLE PRINTED UPHOLSTERY, LATE 19TH CENTURY fitted with a loose seat cushion, crest h: 30.25 in. - w:30.25 x d:18 in. $100-150
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1129 FRENCH EMPIRE OVAL DINING TABLE WITH ORMOLU MOUNTS having an oval formed top with conforming apron and raised on square section legs with gilded mounts and connecting stretchers $200-400 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1130 CLASSICAL STYLE TILT TOP MAHOGANY PEDESTAL TABLE WITH TRIPARTITE BASE circular table with gadrooned edge above a conforming apron with beaded edge, raised on a pedestal carved tripartite base above paw feet, h: 30 x dia.: 46 in. $300-500 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1131 LOUIS PHILIPPE PLUM PUDDING MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE mid-19th Century, the hinged slant front opening to a fitted interior, over a long drawer and a pair of doors, on bracket feet - h:43.25 x w:39 x d:21 in. $200-300 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1132 NAPOLEON III ORMOLU MOUNTED BURL WALNUT BUFFET having a central mirror with arched pediment and ormolu mounts flanked by tall cabinets on a marble top over a case with an inset center with long drawer over double cupboard paneled doors flanked by short drawers and single cupboards and raised on turned feet h:81.75 x w:64.25 x d:24.25 in. $750-1,500 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1133 FRENCH BRASS MOUNTED MARBLE BAKER'S RACK h: 35.5 x w: 43.5 x d: 19.5 in.; with brass and glass shelf superstructure, h: 42 in. or 22 in. higher; w: of glass shelves 51 in. $1,200-1,800 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
1134 ITALIAN EMPIRE PARCEL GILT ORMOLU MOUNTED MAHOGANY CHEVAL MIRROR early 19th Century, the rectangular mirror swiveling between columns on downswept bracket feet - h:73 x w:35 in. $500-750 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1135 CARVED DIRECTOIRE CHERRYWOOD SIDE CHAIR having a straight crest rail over a shaped and fan carved back splat over a plank seat and raised on square section tapering legs $40-60 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1136 PAIR OF RESTORATION DOLPHIN CARVED ARM CHAIRS WITH GREEN WREATH UPHOLSTERY each with a simple crest rail over an upholstered back and seat flanked by open arms with dolphin carved supports and raised on saber legs (2) - h:35 x w:23 x d:21.50 in. $250-350 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1137 LATE EMPIRE ORMOLU MOUNTED MAHOGANY LIT DE REPOS 19th Century, with outscrolling ends on bun feet with wooden casters - h:47 x w:74.50 x d:51 in. $250-400 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1142 ITALIAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL EBONIZED TWO-PEDESTAL DESK IN THE MANNER OF FERDINANDO POGLIANI, Milan, circa 1860-70, with a molded rectangular top, the case fitted with two sets of four short drawers and centering a single long drawer, the tapering square legs fitted with flat shaped stretchers, terminating in toupee feet, the sides inlaid with carved pale wood stylized scrolling foliage; for a similar example, see illustration 1183, p. 405, C. Payne, 19th Century European Furniture - h:31.25 x w:50.25 x d:29 in. $350-500 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1143 DUTCH NEOCLASSICAL MARQUETRY AND MAHOGANY SLEIGH BED 19th Century, with outscrolling paneled ends on bracket feet with wooden casters inlaid overall with trailing foliate panels - h:44.50 x w:38.75 x d:80 in. $300-400
1144 SET OF FOUR CONTINENTAL CHAIRS WITH LEATHER UPHOLSTERY carved crest above an inset leather back above an inset seat both decorated with nailhead trim, carved apron below and raised on cabriole legs (4) - h:36 x w:16 x d:18.75 in. $350-700
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1145 PAIR OF CLASSICAL STYLE BLACK AND GILT COMPOSITION TABLE LAMPS with gilt Corinthian capitals above a columnar base with gold vine decoration (2)- h:22 x w:5 x d:5 in. $100-300
1147 LARGE VICTORIAN GILTWOOD AND COMPOSITION MIRROR, LATE 19TH CENTURY the arched mirrored panel in a conforming leaf-tip molded frame, mirror plate with cutout - h:105 x w:67 in. $500-700
1148 PAIR OF SMALL WALL SCONCES (2) $125-175
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1149 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL GILT BRONZE AND ENAMELED TWELVE LIGHT CHANDELIER late 19th/early 20th Century, the central pierced basket surmounted by six nozzles suspended by twist turned chains and decorated with a band of enamel, h: 28 x dia: 16 in. $400-600
1150 PAIR OF RENAISSANCE REVIVAL STEEL, IRON AND GILT BRONZED TEN LIGHT WALL SCONCES late 19th Century, with handmade beeswax candles (2) - h:49 x w:12 x d:13.50 in. $1,000-2,000 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1151 PAIR OF RENAISSANCE REVIVAL STEEL, IRON AND GILT BRONZED TEN LIGHT WALL SCONCES late 19th Century, with handmade beeswax candles (2) - h:49 x w:12 x d:13.50 in. $1,000-2,000
1152 IRON AND GILT BRONZE FIVE LIGHT CHANDELIER WITH WHITE SLAG GLASS CYLINDER SHADES $500-750 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1153 FRENCH PROVINCIAL GILT BRASS AND FROSTED AND ETCHED GLOBES AND SHADES SEVEN LIGHT CHANDELIER h:38 x w:33.50 in. $150-200 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1155 GILDED BRASS WALL CORONET having a shaped and arching floral decorated motif over a molded band all attached to wall brackets h:23 x w:48 x d:28.50 in. $150-250 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1154 VICTORIAN STYLE ETCHED AND CUT GLASS AND BRASS SIX LIGHT CHANDELIER h:35 x w:30 in. $200-400 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1156 GILT METAL READING TABLE WITH LIGHT having an arching gilt metal frame with attached light fixture over a marble top over a bookshelf and raised on shaped sled feet - h:52.75 x w:26.25 x d:10.75 in. $100-200 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1158 NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILT BRONZE SIX LIGHT CHANDELIER with crystal drop pendants - h:27 x w:24 in. $750-1,000
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1161 NIERMANN WEEKS EIGHT LIGHT CHANDELIER having eight paint decorated scrolling arms, with label: Niermann Weeks metal tag $400-800
1165 CONTEMPORARY SWISS ROTHLISBERGER COMPANY DARK STAINED ASH AND STAINLESS STEEL DINING OR CONFERENCE TABLE, EMBASSY OF SWITZERLAND square ash top (removable) above a rectangular plinth base of ash and stainless steel- h:29 x w:63.25 x d:63.25 in. $300-500 Provenance: Embassy of Switzerland Dining Room 2006-2014
1166 CONTEMPORARY SWISS ROTHLISBERGER COMPANY DARK STAINED ASH AND STAINLESS STEEL DINING OR CONFERENCE TABLE, EMBASSY OF SWITZERLAND square ash top (removable) above a rectangular plinth base of ash and stainless steel - h:29 x w:63.25 x d:63.25 in. $300-500
1167 CONTEMPORARY SWISS ROTHLISBERGER COMPANY DARK STAINED ASH AND STAINLESS STEEL DINING OR CONFERENCE TABLE, EMBASSY OF SWITZERLAND square ash top (removable) above a rectangular plinth base of ash and stainless steel- h:29 x w:63.25 x d:63.25 in. $300-500
Provenance: Embassy of Switzerland Dining Room 2006-2014
Provenance: Embassy of Switzerland Dining Room 2006-2014
1168 PAIR OF EDWARD FERRELL LTD. LOVESEATS straight back behind two upholstered back cushions, above two shaped seat cushions, flanked by rolled arms, above a box pleated skirt trimmed with tassel cord raised on square upholstered legs beneath, braided cord decorated trim including the back of the sofa, yellow tone on tone upholstery (2) w:33 x d:71 in. $600-900
1169 PAIR OF EDWARD FERRELL LTD. EDWARDIAN STYLE CLUB CHAIRS rolled tight back above a loose spring down filled shaped seat cushion flanked by rolled arms, above a box pleated skirt, wide stripe and trellis design woven upholstery (2) - h:32 x w:33 x d:31 in. $400-800
1170 LEE INDUSTRIES LOVESEAT WITH PAISLEY UPHOLSTERY low straight back with two back cushions above a single seat cushion flanked by low upholstered arms, above a box pleated skirt - h:33 x w:58 x d:37 in. $300-500
1171 PAIR OF SCHUMACHER FURNISHINGS PARSONS CHAIRS a shaped tight back above a tight seat, double corded, plaid taffeta upholstery, raised on tapering block legs, joined by an H-stretcher, labeled underside (2) - h:42.50 x w:21.50 x d:22.50 in. $300-500
1172 KINDEL CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY STOOL oval coral velvet seat over a plain rail on acanthus carved cabriole legs ending in ball and claw feet, brass label underside - h:18 x w:20 x d:15.50 in. $100-200
1173 KINDEL WINTERTHUR COLLECTION CHIPPENDALE STYLE WING CHAIR in the Philadelphia style, having an arched crest over an upholstered back and cushioned seat flanked by deep wings over rolled arms and raised on shell carved cabriole legs terminating in ball and claw feet - h:44.50 x w:39 x d:39 in. $400-800
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1174 KINDEL CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY CHEST ON CHEST, IN TWO PARTS pierced scrolling split pediment terminating in flowerhead medallions cornice above dentil molding and blind fretwork carving above canted corners with fluted pilasters flanking 3 small drawers above 2 drawers over 6 graduated drawers, all with cockbeaded edge, raised on a conforming base on bracket feet, stamped label in drawer - h:91 x w:45.50 x d:23.50 in. $400-800
1175 SET OF SIX CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY DINING CHAIRS including one arm chair and five side chairs, all with leather slip seats; side chair crest h: 38 x w: 20 x d: 17 in.; arm chair crest h: 38.5 x w: 25.25 x d: 18 in. (6) $250-500
1176 PAIR OF LOUIS XV STYLE BERGERES floral carved crest above a shield shape inset upholstered back, above a shaped seat with carved apron below, flanked by partially padded arms, raised on cabriole legs, the back of the chair inset in a coordinating fabric and all fabric finished with double piping (2) - h:37 x w:25.50 x d:20.50 in. $500-700
1177 PAIR OF ROBERT ALLEN ARM CHAIRS (2) - h:41 x w:27 x d:20.25 in. $250-500
1178 PAIR OF SCHUMACHER FURNISHINGS HOST ARMCHAIRS shaped tight back above a tight seat flanked by curving arms, raised on square tapering legs joined by an H-stretcher, upholstered in Fortuny style printed damask, labeled underside (2) h:42.50 x w:27 x d:22 in. $300-500
1179 SET OF FOUR BAKER GEORGIAN STYLE UPHOLSTERED SIDE CHAIRS OR CHAIR BACK STOOLS each rectangular upholstered back over a trapezoidal padded seat on acanthus carved cabriole legs ending in pointed pad feet (4) - h:41 x w:23 x d:27 in. $400-600
Provenance: Estate of Janice Olson
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 1180 GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY LIBRARY ARM CHAIR shaped crest above a tight back above a tight seat flanked by partially padded open arms, raised on block legs joined by an H-stretcher, upholstered in an Elizabethan style strapwork design fabric, includes matching fringed cushion h:38.50 x w:27 x d:26.75 in. $200-400
1181 SET OF TWELVE KARGES HEPPLEWHITE STYLE CHAIRS WITH CORAL VELVET UPHOLSTERY comprised of twelve black lacquer side chairs, each with handpainted feathers, flowers, and bow oval pierced back, above the tight shaped seat upholstered in a dimensional tone on tone velvet check, swag nailhead trim, raised on tapering Marlborough legs, brass and fabric Karges label affixed underside (12) - h:39 x w:24 x d:20.50 in. $1,500-3,000
1182 SET OF EIGHT HENKEL HARRIS CHIPPENDALE STYLE DINING CHAIRS INCLUDING TWO ARM shaped crest above a pierced splat over a trapezoidal inset seat above a straight apron raised on square legs joined by an inset box stretcher, Henkel Harris tag affixed underside (8) h:37 x w:24 x d:24 in. $1,000-1,500
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1184 JOHN WIDDICOMB BIEDERMEIER STYLE WRITING TABLE burgundy tooled leather inset top surrounded by contrasting string inlay, above four drawers, raised on trestle legs with inverted scroll feet, brass label affixed in drawer - h:30 x w:64.50 x d:31.75 in. $600-900
1185 OVAL COFFEE TABLE WITH GLASS TOP 5/8 in. glass inset within a bronze finished iron frame decorated with acorn finials, raised on tubular legs ending in stylized paw feet joined by a concave diamond shaped stretcher - h:19.50 x w:43.50 x d:29.75 in. $150-300
1186 CONTEMPORARY METAL AND GLASS SIDE TABLE half-inch deep glass top over an unusual open form X base, h: 25.5 x dia: 18 in. $80-160
1187 MAISON JANSEN STYLE GLASS AND BRASS CONSOLE TABLE 1/2 in. demilune glass top above a lower recessed brass apron with stylized leaf supports, raised on three reeded legs joined by a shaped stretcher - h:28 x w:40.25 x d:13 in. $200-400
1188 DECORATIVE PAINTED CIRCULAR TABLE WITH UNUSUAL BASE yellow painted top with handpainted leaves border, raised on a finial topped cluster leg pedestal base, h: 30 x dia: 30 in. $150-300
1189 POSSIBLY VAUGHAN OF LONDON TRAY TABLE the classical mustard shade oval tray on matching stand $150-250
1190 CONTEMPORARY ASIAN STYLE BRASS SCROLL BASE SIDE TABLE rectangular top over a scrolling pierced support raised on a rectangular plinth base - h:24.75 x w:23.75 x d:10 in. $100-200
1191 PAIR OF FAUX STONE ZEBRA DESIGN GARDEN STOOLS possibly veneer, made in the Philippines, h: 21 x dia: 12 in. (2) $200-300
1192 LARGE SECTIONAL SOFA WITH KRAVET CHARCOAL AND TAUPE INDOOR/OUTDOOR STRIPED UPHOLSTERY in two parts, L-shaped sectional, tall tufted back above a loose bottom seat zippered cushion, hard wearing upholstery in a wide charcoal grey-brown with tan stripes, accentuated with grass green piping, raised on short tapered block feet, each section is h: 34 x w: each section 102 x d: 35 in. $400-800
1193 BAKER GRAY LACQUERED WRITING DESK WITH PINK HARDWARE molded rectangular top above a shell carved central drawer flanked by smaller drawers with pink hardware above a shaped apron raised on cabriole legs, oval label to interior drawer h:30.75 x w:40 x d:21 in. $300-500
1194 SMITH & WATSON MAHOGANY LOW BOOKCASE arched shaped crest above a three section divided case, the middle section flanked by reeded divided sides, adjustable shelves, all above a conforming molded base, brass label "Smith & Watson/New York" on back - h:35.50 x w:53.75 x d:11 in. $200-400
1195 CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY CHINA CABINET WITH GLASS DOORS, ELECTRIFIED in two parts, the top with straight cornice above dentil molding, glass panel doors opening to adjustable glass shelves, above a lower case with two drawers above paneled cabinet doors on a conforming base - h:95.75 x w:53 x d:19 in. $200-400
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1196 PROVINCIAL STYLE MAHOGANY SERVER WITH CABINET DOORS molded top over cabinet doors with shaped inset and tear drop pulls raised on shaped legs h:41 x w:58.50 x d:12.25 in. $250-450
1197 GEORGIAN STYLE WALNUT LINEN PRESS in three parts, with an outset and molded cornice over arched and figured walnut panels over a base with two short drawers over two long drawers on a molded base and raised on bracket feet - h:81 x w:50 x d:23.50 in. $300-500
1198 MILL HOUSE ANTIQUES GEORGIAN STYLE WALNUT AND MAHOGANY LINEN PRESS with an outset molded cornice over figured walnut paneled doors over two short drawers over two long drawers on a molded base and raised on bracket feet - h:79 x w:36 x d:24 in. $400-800
1199 GEORGIAN STYLE MAHOGANY AND GILT EMBOSSED LEATHER GAMES TABLE WITH REVERSIBLE TOP the top with carved molded edge framing a banded top surrounding a gilt embossed leather top designed for chess/checkers flanked by brass finger wells for flipping to a backgammon top, with leather interior, having two drawers, applied medallion molding, above ring turned cluster column legs joined by a shaped stretcher - h:30.25 x w:32 x d:24 in. $600-900
1200 PROVINCIAL QUEEN ANNE ENGLISH OAK TILT TOP TABLE, 18TH CENTURY the circular top tilting over a baluster form standard on cabriole legs ending in pad feet, dia: 26 in. - h:27.25 in. $400-600
1201 QUEEN ANNE STYLE MAHOGANY TEA TABLE dish top above a shaped apron with two pull out slides, raised on cabriole legs h:27 x w:32 x d:19.75 in. $200-400
1202 CLASSICAL STYLE MAHOGANY KING SIZE SLEIGH BED includes headboard, footboard, side rails - h:52 x w:81 in. $400-800
1203 CLASSICAL STYLE ARM CHAIR AND MATCHING ROCKING CHAIR, EN SUITE each chair with a wide molded exposed frame over an upholstered back seat and side panels, with fluted arm supports over an exposed front rail, rocker is h: 33.5 x w: 29 x d: 34 .5 in.; chair is h: 36 x w: 28.75 x d: 25 in. (2) $160-300 Provenance: Estate of Janice Olson
1204 CLASSICAL STYLE SETTEE, EN SUITE with a wide molded exposed frame over an upholstered back, seat and side panels, with fluted arm supports over an exposed front rail and raised on shaped feet h:34.50 x w:61.25 x d:25 in. $100-200 Provenance: Estate of Janice Olson
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
1205 CONTEMPORARY ART NOUVEAU STYLE LATTICE BAR STOOLS WITH UPHOLSTERED SWIVEL SEATS tubular metal design with cresting back flanked by swirling ends, the large lattice woven back above curving open arms above a tight seat, raised on four legs joined by a continuous surround stretcher (3) h:49.50 x w:22.25 x d:16 in. $160-300 1207 MIRROR FRAMED MIRROR 3 in. mirror frame with acid etched scrolling design and corner brass accent, surrounding a rectangular mirror - h:32.25 x w:46.50 in. $300-500
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1208 CLASSICAL STYLE ARCHITECTURAL OVAL MIRROR having stacked and molded cornice over an oval opening with mirror h:38 x w:41 x d:4 in. $100-300
1209 SET OF THREE POLISHED ROSE MARBLE GRADUATED OBELISKS h: 6.5 in., 10.75 in., and 19.75 in.; w: 3 in., 4 in., and 5 in. (3) $125-150 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1216 QUARTZ, VARIETY AMETHYST GEODE, FROM MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL h:19.50 x w:14 x d:10 in. $400-800
1217 QUARTZ WITH RUTILE INCLUSIONS GEODE, FROM MINAS, GERAIS BRAZIL h:20.50 x w:14 x d:11.75 in. $1,000-2,000
1220 QUARTZ, VARIETY AMETHYST GEODE, FROM MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL h:30 x w:15.50 x d:13 in. $1,500-2,500
1222 QUARTZ AMETHYST WITH CALCITE GEODE, FROM MINAS, GERAIS BRAZIL h:27.50 x w:25 x d:4.50 in. $3,000-5,000
1223 QUARTZ, VARIETY AMETHYST GEODE, FROM MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL h:7.50 x w:25 x d:15 in. $1,000-1,500
1224 QUARTZ AGATE GEODE, FROM MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL h:11 x w:11.50 x d:3 in. $300-600
1225 QUARTZ, VARIETY AMETHYST GEODE, FROM MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL h:30 x w:24.50 x d:15.50 in. $800-1,200
1226 QUARTZ, VARIETY AMETHYST GEODE, FROM MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL h:23.50 x w:12 x d:12 in. $400-800
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1227 QUARTZ, VARIETY AMETHYST GEODE, FROM MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL h:11 x w:17.50 x d:10.50 in. $300-600
1233 BAROQUE STYLE VERDE ANTICO AND BLACK MARBLE MANTEL CLOCK BY R. BOUVIER dated 1865, Bruxelles - h:9.75 x w:2.50 x d:10.50 in. $125-175 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1234 TWO WOOD MANTEL CLOCKS one Seth Thomas, in arched wood case, h: 13.25 in.; the second, possibly German, the works stamped, 74267, with brass face and glazed hinged door, in a rectangular case surmounted by a waisted roof and button finial, on a bracket base and flat feet, h: 19 in. (2) $200-400
1235 GEORGIAN ENGLISH MAHOGANY TALL CASE CLOCK, SIGNED J. AYREY HEXHAM silvered dial with Roman numerals on a brass face with seconds dial, eight day movement, with corner spandrels (missing spandrel in image included) surmounted by a silvered plate with "J. Ayrey/Hexham" (J. Ayrey of Hexham, clockmaker died in 1806), the housing having a rectangular bonnet and brass mounted columns above a trunk with molded edge urn topped hinged shaped door flanked by canted corners over a molded base, all with decorative string inlay and marquetry inlay, raised on bracket feet, weights key, and pendulum included$800-1,200
1240 PAIR OF HENRIOT QUIMPER FAIENCE TWO-HANDLED VASES black HENRIOT QUIMPER under bases, of baluster form with stylized tassel handles, painted in colors with couples in traditional costume, the reverse with arms of Quimper or Bretagne respectively and scattered wildflowers (2) - h:11.25 in. $300-500
1241 CONTINENTAL MAJOLICA EWER impressed T3 and with black 11, with foliate spout above a putto riding a hippocamp, the handle with a putto above a satyr, the sides molded with a continuous scene of putti and dolphins frolicking at water's edge held atop three mermaids on a blue cut-cornered base - h:16 in. $150-300
1242 CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN TURQUOISE GROUND POTPOURRI VASE 19th Century, unidentified underglaze blue factory mark, painted with figural reserve, the back with loose bouquet in gilt surrounds, on a later conforming wood stand (h: 2.5 in); h: 13.5 in. , the vase (2) $150-250
1243 VIENNA STYLE GREEN GROUND TWOHANDLED URN LAMP with gilt foliate scroll handles and gadrooned shoulder above a scene of Classical maidens in a landscape, reserved on the green ground enriched with a chevron-chased gilt band between white beading, on a conforming socle and square pedestal base with further reserve after Angelica Kauffmann, mounted on a gilt metal square base, electrified, h: 20.5 in. to top of handle - h:20.50 in. $100-200
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1244 CONTINENTAL PARIAN BUST AFTER M. (AURICE) GUIRAUDE RIVIERE incised signature and depose, of a beauty on a rectangular base - h:8 x w:8.50 in. $80-120
1245 BENNINGTON POTTERY TORTOISESHELL COLORED GLAZED POTTERY with fluted body and octagonal ends - h:25.50 x w:12.50 x d:12.50 in. $100-150 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1246 SOUTHWEST NATIVE AMERICAN BLACK ON BLACK LARGE POTTERY VASE indistinct incised initials, the wide flaring neck decorated with alternating concentric swirls and leaf shaped panels, the shoulder with a further pattern of dots and scrolls - h:9 in. $500-800
1247 TWO FRENCH POTTERY TWO-HANDLED JARS possibly late 19th Century; the larger, with ochre partial glaze, h: 11.5 in.; the smaller, with partial mottled green glaze, h: 7.5 in. (2) $150-250
1248 THREE CERAMIC PIECES including a green-glazed pottery footed bulb bowl, dia: 8.5 in.; together with a porcelain flower pot with gilt mask handles and painted with harbor scene (lacking base), h: 6 in.; and an Italian crackled cream glazed fruit centerpiece, h: 14 in. (3) $150-250
1252 TOWLE SILVER CASTER AND SIX VARIOUS SILVER AND PLATED OBJECTS the caster, no. 7520E, h: 8 in.; together with a silver partial wine strainer (?); a Continental Empire style footed salt, .800; a silver gilt toilette bottle cover; a George III style footed shaped salver, dia: 12.25 in.; a plated vegetable dish and cover with gadrooned rim, l: 10.5 in.; and a plated dish cross (7) $100-200 Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
1253 MID-CENTURY MODERN DANISH SILVER SEVEN-LIGHT CANDELABRUM BY SVEND TOXVAERD impressed S.V.T., 925S, formed as hollow disc-form lily pads, seven pierced for candles, raised on hollow open loop base - h:11.75 x w:12.75 in. $300-500
1254 TOWLE SILVER OVAL HAMMERED FOOTED BOWL, PATTERN 4939H length 9 in., approx. 8.8 ozt $200-400
1255 ENGLISH SILVERPLATED PICTURE FRAME WITH AN AUTOGRAPHED IMAGE OF ROSA RAISA impressed marks and no. 937, chased all over with scrolling flowering foliage, diaper panels, shells and with figures at the corners, containing a signed Mishkin image of Soprano Rosa Raisa - h:14 in. $50-100
1256 ENGLISH SHEFFIELD PLATED COLUMNAR OIL LAMP mid-to-late 19th Century, the knobs marked Messengers Patent, fitted with spiral cut oil font on a stop-fluted columnar support and stepped square base, fitted for electricity, h: to top of oil mechanism, 19.25 in. h:0.50 in. $300-500
Provenance: From Glen Ora, JFK's Middleburg, VA Weekend Retreat
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1257 PAIR OF EDWARD VII SILVER SMALL VASES Birmingham, 1909, maker's mark for Henry Matthews, with flared neck and trumpet stems on weighted domed bases, decorated with bands of stylized scrolling foliage (2) - h:6 in. $200-400
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
1258 FIVE-PIECE DANISH STELTON CLYLINDA LINE STAINLESS TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE printed marks, no. 18/8, designed by Arne Jacobsen in 1967, including a coffee pot and cover, a teapot and cover, a cream jug, a sugar bowl and cover and a circular two-handled tray, dia: 14.25 in., over handles (5) $300-500
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1263 LALIQUE FROSTED AND CLEAR GLASS OCTAGONAL BOWL stenciled LALIQUE FRANCE, the sides molded with quail in panels, dia 11.75 in. $300-500
1264 KOSTA BODA GLASS PIECE BY KJELL ENGMAN printed label and incised mark and maker's name, no. 1228, of flattened flask form in red and green glass, l: 20.5 in. $150-250
1265 LARGE CUT GLASS PUNCH BOWL apparently unsigned, with wavy sawtooth edge above large hobstars alternating with trellis panels of smaller hobstars, strawberry diamonds and fans, the base cut with a large hobstar, dia: 14 in. - h:7.25 in. $200-400
1266 GLASS DOME ON BASE AND A DECALOMANIA GLASS DISH the plain dome on a turned wood base; the glass dish with a central print of a beauty within radiating cigar bands (3) $40-60 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1270 TWO CHAMPLEVE ENAMEL DESK PIECES AND FOUR BRASS CANDLESTICKS including a shaped oval ink stand, w: 8 in.; an urn form lamp on rectangular marble base, h: 7.5 in. including the base; a pair of baluster knopped square-based candlesticks, h: 10 in.; and a pair of faceted knopped circular-based candlesticks, h: 7.25 in. (6) $150-250
1271 RENAISSANCE REVIVAL BRONZE FIGURAL PRICKET STICK cast with figures and foliate scrolls on tripartite base, now mounted as a lamp - h:26.75 in. $125-175 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1272 PAIR OF BAROQUE STYLE WROUGHT IRON PRICKET STICKS (2) - h:56.50 in. $400-600 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1273 PAIR OF GILT METAL ALTAR CANDLESTICKS LATER FITTED AS TABLE LAMPS circa 1900, each with a knopped spiral lobed standard and crenulated drip pan, the domed circular foot each engraved "Mrs. A. Mooney," h: to top of candlestick 28.75 in.; total h: 43.5 in.; foot dia. 8 in. (2) $60-90 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1274 LOUIS XIV STYLE BRONZE PRICKET WALL LIGHT with foliate drip pan on an open scroll arm cast with ribbon and foliage, the backplate cast with strapwork and scale pattern - h:11 x d:12.75 in. $80-150 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1275 LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZE LARGE TEN LIGHT CANDELABRUM mid-to-late 19th Century, the tripod scroll foot headed by cariates holding festoons, the knopped scroll standard headed by cherubim, the ten-light candle branch with leaf-capped scroll arms, h: 35 in., greatest dia: 23 in. $350-500 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1276 TWO DECORATIVE MIRRORS AND PAIR OF SCONCES one in the Louis XV style, the rectangular mirror plate in a conforming foliate frame surmounted by ribbon-tied laurel, h: 34 x w: 24 in.; the second mirror with a basket of fruit crest, h: 25 x w: 16 in.; the gilt bronze sconces with three foliate arms issuing from a backplate cast with ribbon-tied laurel and with urn finial, h: 17 x w: 12.5 in. (4) $300-500
1277 TWO NEAR EASTERN STYLE BRASS OIL LAMPS including one Continental, the urn form font and knop cast with scrolling flowering foliage and a central tall shaft fitted with a snuffer and wick lifter, on a dished base, h: 27.5 in.; the second, plain with turned knops and dished base, with wick lifter, h: 21.25 in. (2) $90-110
1278 LOUIS XVI STYLE GILT METAL OIL LAMP, LATER FITTED AS A TABLE LAMP on a tripod foot, height to top of standard: 19.5 x dia: 6.25 in. $125-150
1279 PAIR OF LOUIS XVI STYLE GILT METAL TWO LIGHT CANDELABRA 20th Century, fitted for electricity, h: 19.25 x l: 13.5 in., over bobeche (2) $200-300
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1280 FRENCH EMPIRE STYLE GILT BRONZE LAMP 19th Century, with three-sided stylized foliate capital above a cluster of three columns on a tripartite plinth cast with urns, laurel, flowerheads and dolphins, on a conforming base and animal paw feet, electrified - h:19 in. $150-250
1281 PAIR OF FRENCH GILT DECORATED OPALINE GLASS VASES FITTED AS TABLE LAMPS late 19th Century, each inverted body with gilt stylized foliate central border and with gilt rims, later fitted on conforming bases, the silk shades with swags, h: to top of body 14.5 in.; total h: 30 in; base dia: 6.25 in. (2) $200-300
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1282 PAIR OF CLASSICAL STYLE TWOCANDLE BRASS SCONCES gold painted, bow and floral carved wood backplate, each issuing two metal candle arms with fluted drip plates and downscrolling flowerheads (2) - h:21.50 x w:10.50 x d:5 in. $100-300
1283 PAIR OF SATIN AND CUT GLASS HURRICANE LAMPS with tulip shades above scalloped bowls cut with diamonds and hung with cartouche and drop prisms, on gilt-enriched pale green satin glass supports and further clear plinths, raised on dolphin feet and shaped-square floralpierced metal bases, electrified (2) $200-400
1284 PAIR OF PINK OPAQUE GLASS LUSTRES enriched with white overlay and gilt decoration (2) - h:14 in. $40-60
1285 PAIR OF CONTINENTAL CAST BRASS HURRICANE LAMPS AND SHADES late 19th Century, of urn form with flowering scrolling foliate handles, on square bases fitted with later engraved glass tulip shades (2) - h:18.50 in. $100-200
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1286 PAIR OF CONTINENTAL GILT AND PATINATED BRONZE FIGURAL TWO LIGHT CANDELABRA circa 1900, each modeled as a child seated on a fruiting vine and holding a similar vine spreading to foliate-cast candle cups and drip pans, later drilled and fitted with electrified wax candles (2) - h:19.50 x w:11 x d:7.25 in. $150-200
1287 CONTINENTAL MIXED METAL OIL LAMP FITTED IN A LATER BRUSHED METAL TRIPOD BASE late 19th Century and later, the base with intricate scroll work, total h: 27.75 in.; base dia: 9.75 in. $60-90 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1288 PAIR OF CONTINENTAL FROSTED AND ENAMELED GLASS VASIFORM TABLE LAMPS 20th Century, each painted with pink rosebuds on a foliate trelliswork ground, with gilt highlights, drilled and fitted as table lamps, with matching pink silk shades, body h: 17.5 in.; total h: 30 in.; foot dia: 7 in. (2) $150-250 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1290 PAIR OF EDWARDIAN BRONZE SINGLE LIGHT SCONCES each shaped rectangular back plate fitted with a switch below an angular candle arm fitted with an electrified candle, the hurricane shades cut with stylized border (2) - h:28.50 x w:6.50 x d:11.50 in. $150-200
1289 CONTINENTAL BRONZE OIL LAMP AFTER THE ANTIQUE the base stamped W & W 1373, formed as a foliate cast "Aladdin's lamp" with bronze shade, now electrified, h: 21 in.; together with an Empire style parcel gilt candlestick, now mounted as a lamp, h: 11.5 in. (2) $300-400 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1291 PIERRE CARDIN BRUSHED METAL TABLE LAMP impressed logo, with rounded shoulders and molded wave pattern - h:14 in. $300-500
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1292 BRADBURN GALLERY PINEAPPLE LAMP painted metal pineapple on a painted stepped plinth base with felt bottom, drum shade, base is - h:22 x w:8 x d:8 in. $100-300
1297 SANDBURG, ABRAHAM LINCOLN: THE WAR YEARS AND THE PRAIRIE YEARS Sandburg, Carl. Abraham Lincoln: The War Years (3 of 4 vols. only) and The Prairie Years. New York: Harcourt, Brace, (1939). 4 vols. 8vo, original blue cloth, gilt-lettered spines. First edition after the Edition de Luxe of 525 copies. $60-80
1298 QUEEN ANNE STYLE MAHOGANY BONNET TOP HIGHBOY, POSSIBLY CENTENNIAL with a broken arched pediment arch, three finials above a conforming case carved with two shells on cabriole legs with ball and claw feet - h:87 x w:38.50 x d:19 in. $500-750
1299 DECORATIVE ARTS NY, FEDERAL STYLE BULLSEYE CONVEX MIRROR American carved eagle crest over a circular convex plate, label on reverse h:35 x w:28 x d:4.50 in. $300-600
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1300 COLONIAL REVIVAL MIRROR WITH FLORAL URN FINIAL $200-400
1301 GEORGIAN STYLE MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD with a rectangular top with bowed center over a conforming case with a single long drawer over a valanced tambour slide flanked by cupboards and raised on square section tapering feet $500-800 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1302 VICTORIAN MAHOGANY SOFA carved with scrolling foliage upholstered in orange velour - h:37.75 x w:80 x d:28 in. $30-40 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1303 ROCOCO REVIVAL ROSEWOOD ARM CHAIR WITH NEEDLEPOINT UPHOLSTERY, CIRCA 1880 having an exposed rosewood frame with an oval back with carved crest over a needlepoint seat flanked by shaped and carved arms over a carved front rail and raised on short carved and molded carbriole legs, needlepoint with initials EDH and dated 1961 $400-800
1305 DUTCH ROCOCO REVIVAL MARQUETRY AND MAHOGANY DINING TABLE h:29 x w:49 x d:58.25 in. $350-450 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1309 CHINESE EXPORT STYLE "PALACE" VASE AND COVER potted in the 18th Century taste, of massive baluster proportions, decorated with spare design of white and iron red scrolling flowers and foliage, with a domed cover decorated en suite, the finial surmounted with a single iron red flowerhead, with stand - h:52 in. $500-1,000
1310 CHINESE BRONZE MODEL OF A HORSE cast as a Tang dynasty caparisoned horse with bridle and full saddle, his neck arched and shown rearing with front hooves raised, on wood base - h:10.74 x w:16 in. $200-400
1311 CHINESE BOWENITE MUGHAL-STYLE CENSER WITH PIERCED COVER AND LOOSE RINGS of domed form and the cover carved with a band of scrolling foliage, with masks and loose rings to sides, all atop a domed base, the material of light yellowish-green tone with scattered areas of "clouds", wood stand, h: 10 in.; together with a Chinese purple quartz flattened jar and cover carved with a large floral spray to one shoulder and finial, wood stand, h: 7 in., and a carved bowenite rectangular plaque with 9K gold bale, 2.5 x 1.5 in. (3) $300-400
1312 CHINESE SPINACH JADE BOWL the material of mottled green, black and white, of bell form with flaring rims, with flat wood base - h:2.25 in. $160-300
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1313 COLLECTION OF TEN CHINESE TEXTILES, QING DYNASTY the first, a maroon felted hanging, stitched with couched gold and silk threads depicting a central dragon in roundel enclosed within a wide stitched border of scrolling foliage and gilt keyfret, the ground stitched with scattered floral sprays and animals; the second, a small silk embroidered purse with cord and reattached grey tassel; the third, a red sateen skirt, embroidered with couched gold threads, and areas of raised stuffing depicting dragons and phoenix, with gilt fringe to hem; the next, two matching panels with multiple borders stitched in satin stitch and depicting figures at leisure in a garden setting, with woven and beaded fringed trim; two hanging flared and embroidered panels, each with a beauty and a deer; a very distressed silk embroidered white robe; and a modern gold satin panel (10) $600-800
1314 CHINESE RED AND GOLD LACQUER TALL CABINET the two tall doors opening to reveal three shelves, all above two short drawers, the case decorated with figures in a landscape setting $300-500
1315 CHINESE STYLE LOW TABLE, POSSIBLY BY GEORGE ZEE h:10 x w:31 x d:24 in. $100-200
1316 CHINESE MARBLE-INSET BLACK LACQUERED LOW TABLE, CIRCA 1920 the low rectangular top inset with a conforming piece of grey-veined white marble above the angular Art Deco style apron and incurved legs - h:42.25 x d:21 in. $150-200 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1317 CHINESE HONGMU SIDE TABLE, LATE 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY the octagonal top inset with mottled marble over a bowed, pierced and foliate carved skirt, on shaped molded legs joined by an X-form foliate carved stretcher, h: 24 x dia: 13 in. $200-300
1318 CHINESE MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE h:31.50 x w:16 x d:12 in. $150-200 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 1319 PAIR OF CHINESE HONGMU TIERED MARBLE TOP SIDE TABLES, LATE 19TH CENTURY each rectangular top inset with mottled marble over a pierced shaped skirt and scrolling foliage over two platform shelves on molded supports ending in paw feet (2) - h:32 x w:16.50 x d:12.50 in. $250-450
1320 CHINESE HARDWOOD INSCRIBED AND LABELED LOW TABLE with rectangular top, raised on short legs $300-500
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1321 JAPANESE WOODBLOCK TRIPTYCH OF A SAMURAI, MEIJI PERIOD framed $160-300
1322 JAPANESE SATSUMA LARGE VASE, MEIJI PERIOD (CIRCA 1880) molded and painted with tube decoration of figures in rice fields all within raised borders, on brocade ground, mounted on gilt bronze base, now mounted as a table lamp and wired for electricity - h:17 in. $160-300 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1323 PAIR OF JAPANESE IMARI COVERED BOWLS, 19TH CENTURY each deep bowl with straight sides and slightly domed cover decorated in underglaze blue, gilt and bright polychrome with a figure on a minogame in quatrilobed cartouches on wave-patterned ground and separated by red and gilt geometric motifs, the covers with underglaze blue 4-character marks, dia: 5 in. (2) - h:4 in. $160-300
1324 JAPANESE SATSUMA PART TEA SERVICE, LATE MEIJI PERIOD (20TH CENTURY) the group including a teapot, creamer and covered two-handled sugar pot, 6 tea cups and matching saucer dishes and 6 biscuit plates, most decorated with an extensive landscape and Mt. Fuji beyond, the biscuit dishes painted with a stand of bamboo (21) $60-100 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1325 JAPANESE SATSUMA STYLE BALUSTER VASE, NOW MOUNTED AS A TABLE LAMP decorated with Immortals and their attributes, on pierced and carved wood base, now mounted as a table lamp h:14.75 in. $30-40 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1326 TWO JAPANESE CHAMPLEVE AND BRONZE VASES, EARLY 20TH CENTURY the first, molded in the archaistic taste with mythical bird handles to shoulders and tiaotie pattern and leiwen masks, h: 12 in.; the second, of baluster form with enameled masks above flanges and patterned ground, h: 12 in. (2) $100-150 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1328 PAIR OF CONTEMPORARY OXBLOOD CERAMIC LAMPS raised on a conforming black metal base (2) - h:19 x w:10 in. $100-300
1329 PAIR OF BLACK OPALINE GLASS VASIFORM TABLE LAMPS each flaring cylindrical body painted in tones of silver, rose green and gilt in Japanesque bird and foliate decoration, drilled and fitted as table lamps, h: to top of vase 15 in.; total h: 27 in.; base w: 6.25 in.; base d: 6.25 in. (2) $100-200
1330 HUH BAEKRYUN (XU BAILIAN) (KOREAN, 1891-1977) LANDSCAPE, 1967 Ink and color on paper Upper left two five character poem and three seals, lower right two seals $1,000-1,500
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1335 "JERUSALEM" MOSAIC PANEL inscribed on verso: Eilon Mosaics / Jerusalem / Designer: M. Yoeli $200-300
1336 "PANARAMA" MOSAIC PANEL inscribed on verso: Mosaics Eilon / Panarama / [Artist Impression of Panarama View of the Land of Israel] 1875 / Craftsmanship: M. Davidson / Israel: 1981 $200-300
1339 METAL FOUNTAIN FIGURE OF CUPID RIDING A DOLPHIN - h:10.50 x w:18 in. $100-150
1341 CAST "MARBLE" BLACKAMOOR PEDESTAL cast in the form of a blackamoor figure doing a handstand on a cushion, foot in bag - h:32 x w:16 x d:12 in. $100-200
1342 BRONZE CARP ATTRIBUTED TO MAITLAND SMITH not signed - h:10 x w:15 x d:11 in. $200-400
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1343 ART NOUVEAU ALABASTER BUST OF A YOUNG WOMAN, LATE 19TH CENTURY with flowers in her hair - h:11.25 in. $100-150
1345 BRONZE GROUP OF A STRIDING GREYHOUND, PROBABLY FRENCH, LATE 19TH/ EARLY 20TH CENTURY h:6.25 x w:9 in. $100-150 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1346 CAST RESIN FIGURE OF A YOUNG GIRL WITH DUCKS - h:11 in. $25-40 Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
1349 PAIR OF VICTORIAN STYLE WROUGHT IRON COFFEE TABLES with inset foliate scrolling panel (2) - h:16.75 x w:40.25 x d:20 in. $50-100 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1350 GROUP OF WIRE GARDEN ORNAMENTS including a pair of wheatsheaf pricket sticks, a pair of scrollwork footed bowls, and a footed urn (5) $60-80 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1352 LARGE PIERCED BRASS TRIVET WITH LOWER SHELF scrolling brass design with facing mermaids and conforming apron, above cabriole legs joined by a lower shelf h:17.25 x w:23.75 x d:11.50 in. $80-120
1351 RUSTIC MUSTARD PAINTED BENTWOOD TWIG ROCKER having a three-tiered back with bentwood twig supports over a plank seat on long rockers h:42.50 x w:21 x d:34 in. $100-200 Provenance: Estate of Janice Olson
1353 PAIR OF WILLIAM IV BRASS ANDIRONS molded with cabriole legs terminating in ball feet, l. over wrought iron log rest 19.25 in. (2) h:21.50 in. $100-150 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1354 PAIR OF BRASS URN FINIAL ANDIRONS TOGETHER WITH A FOUR-PIECE TOOL SET having a turned finial over an urn over a column with ring turnings and raised on shaped legs terminating in ball and claw feet, along with a 4-piece set of fire tools (6) $100-200
1355 PAIR OF BRASS URN FINIAL ANDIRONS on cabriole leg supports, l: over wrought iron log rest, 18 in. (2) h:21.50 in. $100-150 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1356 PAIR OF URN TOP FINIAL ANDIRONS TOGETHER WITH A FOUR-PIECE BRASS TOOL SET the andirons with a turned finial over an urn shaped column on a plinth base with a four piece brass tool set (6) $100-200
1358 LARGE PIERCED BRASS LOW FENDER $100-150 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1359 ART NOUVEAU BRASS AND COPPER FIRE FENDER circa 1900, having an arching front rail with floral decorations over a molded base $100-150 Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1361 ANTIQUE FRANKLIN STOVE WITH FLEUR-DE-LIS PATTERN framed decorated surround with pierced grill, raised on scrolling legs with raised hearth - h:34 x w:33 x d:22 in. $300-500
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
1360 OAK AND BRASS HANGING SHELF AND HAT RACK early 20th Century, with rectangular caned shelf over a beveled mirror back with a frame mounted with brass hat hooks - h:17.50 x w:27 x d:10.50 in. $100-200
1362 STAINED WOOD GLASS FRONT BARRISTERS BOOKCASE of typical form with three shelves with glazed fronts over a drawer on block feet - h:50.50 x w:34 x d:12.50 in. $200-400
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1363 CONTEMPORARY RUSTIC OAK PLANK TOP COFFEE TABLE plank panels surrounded by a conforming frame above a straight recessed apron over block turned legs joined by a shaped cross stretcher h:18 x w:24 x d:42 in. $80-160
1364 JACOBEAN STYLE CARVED INLAID PEDESTAL CIRCULAR SIDE TABLE dish top with Tudor rose and fleur-de-lis marquetry, h: 19.5 x dia: 30 in. $100-200
1365 GEORGE III STYLE FAUX MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE labeled David Cabinet Company, the rectangular top with lappet carved corners over a conforming frieze fitted with a molded drawer raised on beaded legs joined by a platform stretcher h:25.25 x w:20 x d:24.50 in. $100-200
1366 CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD shaped molded top above a central pullout slide above a pair of cabinet doors, flanked by banks of four drawers, above a conforming frame raised on bracket feet - h:34 x w:71 x d:16.75 in. $160-300
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 1367 ROCOCO STYLE GOLD PAINTED COMPOSITE WALL MIRROR floral carved frame - h:32.50 x w:23.50 in. $100-200
1368 OVAL FRAMED MIRROR WITH DECORATIVE ROSETTES burnished metal frame design - h:30.25 x w:19.25 x d:1.25 in. $60-120
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1370 REGENCY STYLE BANDED MAHOGANY TABLE top mounted on white modern urn base $200-300
1371 RATTAN SIDE TABLE WITH GLASS TOP the glass with shaped edge top above a rattan base with decorative box stretcher h:23 x w:28 x d:28 in. $80-120
1372 THREE GEORGIAN STYLE MIRRORS AND ANOTHER, 19TH CENTURY AND LATER including two similar George III parcel gilt mahogany examples, a Chippendale style tiger maple example, and a mid-20th Century Baroque style gilt example, h: 29.5 in. to 38 in.; w: 17.25 in. to 21 in. (4) $500-700
1373 FIFTEEN DRAWER CURIOSITY CHEST having a rectangular and paneled top with exposed joints and a distressed paint finish over three banks of five drawers with iron hardware and raised on suppressed round feet - h:26 x w:35.25 x d:19.75 in. $200-400 Provenance: A New York Private Collection
Provenance: Estate of Janice Olson 1374 FIFTEEN DRAWER CURIOSITY CHEST having a rectangular and paneled top with exposed joints and a distressed paint finish over three banks of five drawers with iron hardware and raised on suppressed round feet - h:26 x w:35.50 x d:19.50 in. $200-400
1375 WOOD BLANKET CHEST OR TRUNK WITH METAL MOUNTS with a rectangular hinged and paneled top over a case with a plinth base with metal corner mount $100-200
Provenance: A New York Private Collection
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1376 CARVED WALNUT HANGING RACK the shaped back board carved with fruit and trellis work and mounted with wooden hanging pegs - h:10 x w:48 x d:6 in. $100-200
1377 OAK SIDE TABLE with triple lobed molded top over a flowerhead carved and scrolling skirt on fluted tapering and turned legs joined by a platform stretcher - h:22.50 x w:15.50 in. $80-120
1378 CARVED AND TURNED WOODEN LIBRARY STEPS comprising seven ladder steps on spiral carved supports joined by stretchers - h:56 x w:38 x d:15 in. $200-300
1383 AMERICAN SCHOOL (19TH CENTURY) PORTRAIT OF MARY ILES Oil on canvas: 30 x 25 in. Verso: inscribed on stretcher: "Mary Iles (nee Thatchway?) died 11 January 1850 wife of Richard Iles of Fishergate House\ York\ Great Aunt of Robert Harrowing of ... Hall near Whiting" $300-500
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1384 PAIR OF PORTRAITS Oil on canvas: 16 x 12 3/4 in. (sight) Framed (2) $100-150
1385 AMERICAN SCHOOL (19TH/20TH CENTURY) COUNTRY LANDSCAPE Oil on canvas: 21 x 32 in. Framed; lower left indistinctly signed $300-500
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1386 (20TH CENTURY) SHIP ENTERING STORM Oil on panel: 8 x 16 in. Framed $300-500
1387 (20TH CENTURY) THREE DECORATIVE PAINTINGS; LANDSCAPE, SEASCAPE AND PARK SCENE Framed; largest painting: 14 x 14 in. (framed) (3) $500-700
1388 GEORGE JAN DISPO (DUTCH, 19221973) CANAL SCENE, SCHREIERSTOREN AMSTERDAM Oil on canvas: 25 x 21 in. (sight) Framed; lower right signed G J Dispo\ Schreierstoren Amsterdam $160-300
1389 NANCY TANKERSLEY (AMERICAN, 20TH/21ST CENTURY) AFTERNOON BREAK Oil on canvas: 16 x 20 in. Framed; lower right signed: N. Tankersley; verso labels $700-900
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1390 NANCY TANKERSLEY (AMERICAN, 20TH/21ST CENTURY) KUDOS TO THE CHEF Oil on canvasboard: 14 x 11 in. Framed; lower right signed: N. Tankersley $600-800
1391 NANCY TANKERSLEY (AMERICAN, 20TH/21ST CENTURY) THE GOOD WAITRESS Oil on canvasboard: 16 x 12 in. Framed; lower right signed: N. Tankersley $700-900
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1392 NANCY TANKERSLEY (AMERICAN, 20TH/21ST CENTURY) PRIVATE CONVERSATION Oil on canvas: 11 1/2 X 16 in. Framed; lower right signed: N. Tankersley $600-800
1393 W. R. HUBBELL FARM HOUSE along with TWO OTHER WORKS Oil on canvas: 15 x 20 in. Framed; lower right signed and dated; House from the Street, Pastel: 8 1/4 x 10 1/4 in. (sight); County Cork Ireland, 7 1/4 x 9 1/2 in. (sight) (3) $200-300
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 1394 R. GREENE (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY) LANDSCAPE Oil on canvas: 20 x 24 in. Framed; lower right signed: R. Greene $300-500
1395 HELENA PAPPAS STILL LIFE along with PALM TREE LANDSCAPE Oil on canvas: 16 x 12 in.; Watercolor: 14 1/4 x 18 1/4 in. (sight) Framed; lower right signed and dated: Helena Pappas 12/81; watercolor possibly signed verso on frame (2) $200-300
1396 (20TH/21ST CENTURY) MUSHROOMS along with another STILL LIFE Oil on canvas: 3 x 5 in. oil on canvas: 10 x 8 in. Framed; lower right signed; Von Krun and F. M. Sulca, "Still Life," Oil on canvas: 10 x 8 in. Framed; lower right signed: F.M. Sulca (2) $150-200
1397 CRISTIN ATEIA PAIR OF STILL LIFE WORKS 31 1/2 x 21 1/4 in. (framed) (2) $100-150
1398 KLINE (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY) CABIN SCENE Watercolor: 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 in. (sight) Framed; lower left signed and dated: Kline 07 $100-150
1399 JOHN CHAPMAN LEWIS (AMERICAN, 1920-1994) HORSES Pen and ink: 14 x 8 1/2 in. Signed, lower right: Lewis; together with scrap album. $100-200
1400 CHRISTINE NICOLL PARSON (AMERICAN, 20TH/21ST CENTURY) MALE WITH ROBE Watercolor: 52 1/2 x 34 in. (frame) Framed; lower right signed and dated: Christine Parson 87 $200-300
1401 COLLAGE Mixed media: 25 x 36 in. Framed; lower left numbered 10/99 lower right signed: Benamin 87? $50-100
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
1402 JOHN CHAPMAN LEWIS (AMERICAN, 1920-1995) ROOSTER along with TWO WORKS Charcoal on paper: 22 x 17 in.; 12 x 11 in.; 17 1/2 x 11 1/4 in. (sight) Framed; lower right, signed: Lewis; oil on canvas board, lower right, signed: Lewis; ink on paper (3) $100-200
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
1404 (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY) ELSIE THE COW and DE VAL CREAM SEPARATORS Colored metal signs: 35 x 35 1/2 in. (Elsie); 32 x 22 in. (De Val) $300-500
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1406 PHILIP CHENEY (AMERICAN, B. 1897) ESTES PARK Lithograph: 9 1/2 x 13 1/4 in. Framed; signed in graphite, lower right: Philip Cheney $80-120
Provenance: Property from the Estate of Dr. Kaj Kalbak (for further description, see Nov. 5th, 2016 auction, lot 1)
1407 VANITY FAIR (ENGLISH, CIRCA 1870) THREE "SPY" PRINTS Chromolithograph: 14 x 9 in. (sight) (largest) Framed; including: "Freddie" (14 x 8 1/4 in.) (sight), "A Master of the Knife" (14 x 8 1/4 in.) (sight), and "'The Lord Advocate'" (14 x 9 in.) (sight) (3) $60-80
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
1408 KARL BAUR (GERMAN, 1881-1968) PORTRAIT along with TWO SIMILAR WORKS BY WILLI GEIGER AND SEPP FRANK Etching: 11 3/4 x 9 1/2 in. (plate); 7 1/2 x 6 in. (plate); 12 1/2 x 9 1/4 in. (plate) Framed; lower right, signed: Karl Baur; Willi Geiger (German, 1878-1971) lower right, signed: Sepp Frank (German, 1889-1970) lower right, signed (3) $80-120
1409 JEANNE HOLGATE (ENGLISH, 19202010) SEVEN FLORA/FAUNA PRINTS, 1975 Color lithograph: 19 1/2 x 25 1/2 in. each (sight) Framed; each signed and dated in pencil, lower left corner (7) $100-200
1410 ABRAHAM MUNTING (DUTCH, 16261683) ALOE VERA COSTA SPINOSA Engraving with hand-coloring: 15 1/2 x 9 in. (sight) Framed $150-250
1411 CHARLES THEODORE MIDDLETON (BRITISH, 18TH CENTURY) SET OF 4 AQUATINTS FROM MIDDLETON'S COMPLETE SYSTEM OF GEOGRAPHY Aquatints Framed; from including "Habits of the Groenlanders," "Various Species of Monkeys in the Island of Cylon," "Japan on a March" and "The Empire of China" (4) $400-600
1412 ALESSANDRE (ITALIAN, 1770) MANGUSTA and PANGOLINO Engraving and etching with hand-coloring: 22 x 18 1/2 in. Framed (2) $40-50
1413 (18TH CENTURY) TWO PORTRAITS OF RENAISSANCE WOMEN Engraving with hand-coloring: 6 1/4 x 4 1/2 in. each (sight) Framed (2) $50-100
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1414 E. BORNE (FRENCH, CIRCA 1930) TWO COSTUME DESIGNS FOR "VENETIAN NIGHTS" Gouache and watercolor: 11 1/2 x 8 3/4 in. each (sight) Framed (2) $150-250
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1415 (DUTCH, 20TH CENTURY) MEFFES HOLLAND AMERICA LINE Color lithograph: 38 1/2 x 25 1/2 in. (sight) Framed $200-400
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1416 IMPRIMERIE LIEVIN DANEL (FRENCH, 20TH CENTURY) LE GROS ELEVAGE Color lithograph: 35 1/2 x 31 in. (sheet) Framed $100-200
1417 AFTER GUIDO RENI, AURORA, FROM THE CASINO DELL'AURORA, ROME Color print: 14 1/2 x 36 in. (sight) Framed $80-120
Provenance: Private Collection from the Historic Edmund Jennings Lee House, Alexandria, Virginia 1418 GROUP OF FIFTEEN CITY AND BATTLE PLANS including 12 engraved, uncolored maps and plans from "Mr. Tindal's Continuation of Mr. Rapin's History of England,"London, circa 1750; with one city plan of Amsterdam from another publication and two colored plans of Ghent and Rhees (largest: 19 x 23 1/2 in., sheet) (15) $200-300
1419 AFTER NEWELL CONVERS WYETH (AMERICAN, 1882-1945) EASTERN HEMISPHERE MAP OF DISCOVERY Photo reproduction: 54 x 60 in. (sight) Framed; this is a one-of-a-kind photo reproduction of one of the Murals at National Geographic by NC Wyeth commissioned, back in the 1920s to paint a number of murals about exploration for the walls of the National Geographic Society's original office building $300-500
1420 GARY HARRIS (AMERICAN, 20TH/21ST CENTURY) TWO ABSTRACT WORKS On paper: 15 x 22 1/2 in. (sight); 24 x 31 in. (framed) Framed; (2) $300-500
1421 AMERICAN (20TH/21ST CENTURY) CAPE FOR ALCHEMY #13 Screenprint: 44 1/2 x 37 1/4 in. (sight); 43 x 49 in. (framed) $160-300
1422 YAAKOV AGAM (ISRAELI, 1928-) ABSTRACT Color print: 31 x 55 in. Framed; lower right signed and dated: Agam 70/144 $200-300
1428 BURLWOOD BRECHE D'ALEP MARBLE TOP SMALL VITRINE with a rectangular marble top over a molded frieze over four glazed doors with burled wood frame on a molded base $200-300
1429 PEDESTAL CABINET WITH MARBLE TOP AND PAINTED SIDE PANEL with a rectangular marble top over a carved frieze over a paneled case with paint decoration and single paneled door $100-200
1430 PAIR OF BURLWOOD EBONIZED PARCEL GILT BRECHE D'ALEP MARBLE TOP SMALL VITRINES bearing label "Made in Italy exclusively for Fifth Avenue Furniture", each of rectangular mottled orange marble top over a conforming case fitted with geometrically etched glass on the door and all sides, on a shaped base; electrified (2) - h:31 x w:14.50 x d:13 in. $400-600
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1431 PAIR OF BURLWOOD MOTTLED GREEN MARBLE TOP SMALL VITRINES bearing label "Made in Italy exclusively for Fifth Avenue Furniture", each with marble top inset within a molded border over a conforming case fitted with geometrically etched glass on the door and all sides, on a shaped base; electrified (2) - h:28.50 x w:16 x d:16 in. $400-600
1432 GOTHIC STYLE WALNUT VENEERED VITRINE CABINET the rectangular case fitted with two pairs of arched glazed doors, the sides inset with arched glazed panels, mounted with brass ball finials - h:52 x w:65 x d:14 in. $200-400
1433 GOTHIC STYLE WALNUT VENEERED VITRINE CABINET the rectangular case fitted with two pairs of arched glazed doors, the sides inset with arched glazed panels, mounted with brass ball finials - h:52 x w:65 x d:14 in. $200-400
1434 DISPLAY CABINET WITH RECTANGULAR GLASS DOORS having a centered glazed rectangular panel flanked by hinged doors $100-200
1435 TOLE AND MAHOGANY FIRE BUCKET SIDE TABLE the circular molded top over a cylindrical painted metal stand in the form of a fire bucket with the number "15" painted within a medallion, dia: 20 in. - h:22 in. $100-200
1436 MODERN WOODEN SCREEN fashioned of four panels, reticulated with modernistic design $300-500
1437 RED STAINED PINE SETTLE/TABLE shaped pivoting top above a lower shelf flanked by side supports - w:35.50 x d:52 in. $100-300
1438 VICTORIAN STYLE BLACK PAINTED CABINET the oblong top with canted corners over a conforming case with central glazed door flanked by open shelves over stretchers and turned feet - h:40 x w:42 x d:17 in. $100-300
1439 OAK EXTENSION DINING TABLE, EARLY 20TH CENTURY the square top opening to receive a square center section over twistcarved legs joined by an X-form stretcher, on ball feet - h:29.75 x w:36 in. $100-200
1441 EMPIRE OAK PEDESTAL TABLE WITH MARBLE TOP top with molded edge above a recessed conforming oak apron and pedestal base h: 30 x dia: 44 in. h:30 x w:44.50 in. $80-120
1442 OAK DISPLAY CABINET 20th Century, with cushion-molded frieze carved with foliage over a pair of glazed doors, glass adjustable shelves within, on stylized paw feet - h:60.50 x w:43 x d:15 in. $200-400
1443 OAK DOUBLE DOOR DISPLAY CABINET having a rectangular top with molded edges over two glazed doors opening to shelves on a molded base on bun feet $200-300
1444 ASIAN CARVED AND DISTRESSED PAINTED MIRROR WITH PIERCED DOORS pierced frame carving surrounding a mirror with hinged shaped cornice above pierced dowel design, pale yellow paint h:31.50 x d:1.25 in. $100-200
1445 LARGE CONTEMPORARY METAL WALL CLOCK WITH PIERCED DESIGN Roman numerals, battery powered, d: .75 x dia.: 40 in. $60-120
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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The Potomack Company – November 5 Live Auction, November 8 Online Auction 1446 MIRROR WITH INSET OIL ON CANVAS PANEL AT TOP having a rectangular molded frame with inset oil on canvas landscape over a mirror plate $200-400
1447 CHIPPENDALE STYLE FAUX FRONT CHEST TO CONCEAL A TELEVISION OR OTHER ELECTRONICS banded top with inlay, the chest with canted corners, the hinged front opening and tucking under the top, the bottom working drawer for accessories, back opening, raised on bracket feet - h:40.50 x w:34.25 x d:20.50 in. $80-120
1448 MODERN DISPLAY CABINET WITH GLASS SHELVES - h:78.50 x w:60 x d:16 in. $50-150
1452 GROUP OF SIX ASSORTED WOVEN TAPESTRY CUSHIONS the three largest with floral sprays on a taupe ground, cord trim and with covered zippers are 18 x 17 in., the rectangular with vegetables is backed with dark blue velvet, cord trim; the smaller two with leaf sprays are taupe fabric backed (6) $40-80
1453 DESIGNER GROUP OF FOUR MATCHING BESPOKE CUSHIONS claret ground with gold, green, and burgundy design, the cushions finished with tassel trim (4) - h:22 x w:8 x d:8 in. $200-400
Provenance: Retiring Antique Dealer of Miami, London, Chicago and Los Angeles 1454 DESIGNER GROUP OF FIVE ASSORTED BESPOKE COORDINATING CUSHIONS, INCLUDING A CONTEMPORARY NEEDLEPOINT the needlepoint, probably from Chelsea Textiles in London, of assorted flowers, beige ground and velvet zippered back is approx. 15 x 15 in.; pair of square claret velvet with appliqued 1.75 in. embroidered ribbon, finished with corded edge are 15 x 15 in.; and a pair of rectangular gold cut velvet cushions finished with silk ball tassel trim and shimmery ribbed fabric back are approx. 13 x 15 in. (5) $160-300
Sale Date - 11/05/2016 (Live, Lots 1-455) 11/08/2016 (Online, Lots 1000-1454)
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