Inspired Japan is the perfect partner in delivering tailor-made tours, itineraries and ground handling services for FIT, small groupsandMICEsolutions.
Capable and professional, we have in-depth knowledge, partnerships and experience gained for over three decades and are the go-to experts of Japan luxury tours and one-of-a-kind experiences.
We are a trusted partner with many international travel agents, tour operators, concierge services and corporations delivering bespokeJapanexperiencesthroughouttheyear.
Inspired Japan is a specialist division of Powder Byrne, an internationally respected luxury travel and hospitality group withheadofficesinSwitzerland,LondonandTokyo.
Powder Byrne Group was founded in 1985 and has become synonymous with the highest quality, flexibility and services, deliveringholidaysforthousandsofclientsannually.
Other group companies include a British luxury alpine tour operator, a worldwide consultancy group, a polo estate in Spain andaluxurypropertycompany.
Inspired Japan is the Japanese division of Powder Byrne committed to delivering excellent service as a ground agent specialising in accompanying small groups, FITs and MICE travelsolutionsacrossJapan.
We offer bespoke itinerary planning service, working with our own Japanese office to devise the very best arrangements for your clients, including accommodation, transportation, guided sightseeingandculturalexperiences.
Once your clients' arrangements are secured, we provide an optional pre-travel concierge services to ensure all of the finer detailsaretakencareof.
On arrival, your clients will be supported by the best guides and assistants with expert knowledge who can accompany and overseeallofthearrangementsontheitinerary.
We only work with the best specialist guides, and transfer partners and can support with 24/7 emergency support and conciergeassistancethroughoutyourclientstravel.
Wehavedesignedanddeliveredmanywinterskiingexperiences incorporating transfers, English/German speaking guides and skihostsacrossarangeofthebestsnowresortsinJapan.
Wefocusonmulti-centreditinerariesofferingexplorationacross a range of cities, landscapes and special interest themes. Particular attention is given to new and emerging destinations andexclusiveexperiences.
Our summer multi-centre itineraries are designed around the best adventure travel experiences, summer festivals and cultural toursandartisanandgastronomicdiscovery.
In autumn, we can help you with an array of multi-centre itineraries, guided sightseeing, hiking and biking adventures, the discovery of lesser-known regions, and gastronomic and culturaldiscovery.
Osaka - Amanohashidate - Ine - Kyoto - Nara - Koya SanMaruyama Senmaida - Nakanoshima island - Kumano Kodo pilgrimageroute-Tokyodiscovery
11-night itinerary taking in some of the most celebrated sights and temples Japan has to offer. Highlights include the chance to stay overnight at a Buddhist monastery in Koya-San and walk sectionsoftheKumanoKodopilgrimageroute.
Our private guides will accompany your clients on discovery tours of the mesmerising cities of Kyoto and Tokyo to discover beautiful destinations and enjoy demonstrations from local artisans along the way. Other highlights include the historic waterfront village of Ine, the temples of Nara and overnight staysonNakanoshimaisland.
With English-speaking assistants to meet and greet and organise alltransfers.
A walking guide to accompany the 'off-the-beaten-track' journey tospeciallocationsthroughouttheroute.
With Inspired Japan, your clients can experience the ThreeStar Road, the most breathtaking journey around rural countrysideJapan.
Travel through Nagano and the mountainous Hida region by express train and private transfers visiting the best sightseeing spots such as Matsumoto Castle, Takayama Old Town, and the Miyagawa Morning Market, enjoy the excellent views of the Okuhida Region at the top of the Shinhotaka Ropeway and experiencethefamousUNESCOheritageShirakawa-go.
Your clients will be accompanied by your own English-speaking local guides, so they can walk around and relax on private transfers as the idyllic landscape slides past through the windows.
Experience an afternoon as a Samurai in Kyoto learning Bushido, and cycling the countryside, then explore the Nijo-jo Castle, and the Kinkakuji Buddhist Temple and stroll around the bamboo groves in Arashiyama before returning to the sophisticated area of Tokyo for a wonderful private sightseeing touraroundGinza,Asakusaandmore.
Offer the chance for your clients to explore the incredible ThreeStar Road adventure with all of the details mapped out for you onthisruralexplorationofalifetime.
A tour of highlights, this itinerary is curated around those who want to experience the essence of Japan and the spectacular highlightsithastoofferinarelativelyshortholiday.
It is the ideal itinerary for travellers who are experiencing Japan for the first time, due to the breadth and depth of activities over the course of the nine days. This trip includes nine nights in Kyoto, Ise-Shima and Tokyo, nine nights with ninesightseeingdays.
Ise-Shima is a wonderfully special and legendary region in Japan. Highly recommended for its deep-rooted history and culturebutalsoitsbreathtakinglandscape.
9 nights accommodation in a beautiful hotel or Japanese Inn on abed&breakfastbasis.
English-speaking assistant to meet, greet and assist with checkinforTokyoandKyoto.
Sightseeing experiences each day, including visiting the Ryoanji Temple, the Kinkakuji Buddhist Temple, Nijo-jo Castle, Goza Beach, Shiobotoke, Masaki Island, Asakusa, Shibuya crossing andmuchmore.
The attraction of skiing in the Tohoku region is that thanks to the exceptional bullet train network, there is no need to take an internal flight from Tokyo instead take a train to Koriyama stationwithashortprivatetransfer.
Discover the largest ski area in Tohoku, spanning the 3 mountains of Mt. Bandai, Mt. Nekomagadate and Mt. Umaya, enjoying full ski days in Alts Bandai with our private ski guides. From there, a private transfer (2h 15 mins) transfers to Zao Onsen,alegendaryskiresortincentralTohoku.
Zao Onsen is a unique ski resort with a rich history and natural attractions offering 57 slopes served by modern gondolas and lifts. The town has been welcoming visitors since 860, and its steaming sulphur waters have made it a famous onsen spa town. The acidic baths throughout the resort offer rejuvenating effectsandareamust-tryexperience.
Known for its incredible powder snow, interconnected ski zone and 'Snow Monsters' (trees laden with deep snow and frozen into unearthly forms). The Juhyogen slope stands out as the longest intermediate run in the resort, spanning over 10 km fromthetoptothevillagecentre.
Zao Onsen's rich cultural heritage sets it apart from other resorts. It offers a more authentic experience compared to internationally-styled resorts like Niseko, attracting skiers seekingadeeperconnectiontoJapan'shistoryandculture.
Planning in-depth and bespoke itineraries for your clients, whether they be a solo traveller, a couple, a group of families or alargecorporatetrip.
You can pick and mix from a selection of our well-designed existing tours and itineraries around Japan, or we will create a bespokeexperiencejustforyourclients.
Professional meet and greet assistance and translators who will accompanyyourclientsfromthearrivalairporttotheirhotel.
We hand-picked private guides and driver services and coordinate each element of the itinerary, bringing to life each of the selected tours and experiences with local knowledge and passion.
We offer dedicated ski guides to host skiing elements and ensure your clients ski the best slopes at the best times, whilst coordinating all of the little details like ski passes, ski hire and transportation.
We research each enquiry to fully understand the brief and deliver a tailor-made proposal which exceeds your client's expectations. Often recommending destinations, hotels, experiences and tours which are specially curated for Inspired Japan.
We would love to speak to you about our services and can arrange a video call or in-person meeting at one of our offices in London,SwitzerlandorTokyo.
We will use the time to introduce our services in further detail with example tours and itineraries and establish how we can help you develop an exciting programme in Japan to offer for yourclients.
We look forward to hearing from you and working with you in thenearfuture.