Introducing PeakTo Profession

A unique summer activities programme designed to provide expert training and qualifications in canyoning, river rafting and rope activities. Applications for Peak to Profession are open.
Introducing‘PEAKtoProfession’the UltimateSummerProgramme
After the incredible success of our exclusive winter ski programme, we are delighted to introduce the new Peak to Profession summer gapyearcourse.
The Peak to Profession programme offers students a unique and broadly diversified pathway to become outdoor guides in one of Europe’smostspectacularregionsintheheartoftheSwissAlps.
Famous for its endless opportunities for outdoor activities, the Interlaken region is the epicentre of commercial adventures and hoststhebiggestcommunityofoutdoorguidesinCentralEurope.
From June through to August, this is a 10-week programme in the middle of the summer season where students train with experienced instructors to gain industry-recognised qualifications, new lifelong friendsandanexperienceofalifetime.

Our10-weekprogrammecommencesfromthemiddleofJunetoneartheendofAugust andisdesignedforyoungadultstoexplore, trainandgainqualificationsintheSwissmountainsasamountainprofessionalwoulddo.
During the programme, individuals will take part in many different summer outdoor experiences and activities, and train withexpertinstructorstogainthefollowingqualifications.
The Swiss Outdoor Association (SOA) is the national body for all certifications in various outdoor activities. Rescue 3 is an International Organisation which is highly recognized for setting worldwidestandardsinrescue.
Individuals will learn the skills and knowledge required to succeed in these thrilling activities, providing a lifetime of opportunities andreal-lifeexperiencesthroughoutthesummer.
We are proud to work with the best instructors and team experts on the programme with profound knowledge to ensure you have thebestpossibletimeexploringtheoutdoors.
Individuals require no prior training or experience and the programme starts with the basic techniques and knowledgetostartyourjourney.
Alongside many special activities and opportunities, during the programme you will follow through modules designed to cover basic training, practical experiences and training trips and finish with exams and qualifications - giving you full confidence when taking yourexams.
Rafting Modules - approx. 7 days (plus 3 days Rescue 3) followed by 5 days shadowing experience and 1 day assessment.
Canyoning Modules - approx. 8 days followed by 10 days of practical experience including trips to 5 different canyons,finishingwitha3dayassessment.
Rope Activity Module - approx. 3 days of SOA Seilpark Operatorfollowedbypracticalexperience.

Thenext steps...
As with the Piste to Profession, there is so much to talk about with the new Peak to Profession programme so we are happy to arrange a call to go through as much detail as possiblewithyou.
All applicants are asked to submit a cover letter and CV for us to interview everyone and to ensure you will get the mostoutofthisprogramme.
The Peak to Profession 10-week programme starts from Chf17,000plusVAT andincludesalltransportation,selfcatered accommodation, all equipment, programme leaders andexpertinstruction.

PisteTo Profession

A once-in-a-lifetime ski adventure to gain snowsports instructor qualifications, develop professional skills and enjoy unique experiences you will never forget!

“I had such a great time and did some amazing things which I could have only dreamt of doing myself!”
Introducing‘PISTEtoProfession’the ExclusiveGapSeasonSkiProgramme
Since 2008, Powder Byrne has offered our students a real mountain ski programme with a chance to start your journey becoming a qualified ski instructor, and enjoy a lifetime experience you’ll never forget! Piste to Profession is an educational and developmental programmedesignedspecificallyforadultsbetween18-23years.
The programme combines a multitude of ski industry disciplines, a unique all-round snowsports experience, and sought-after development opportunities, designed to challenge students both on andofftheslopes.
Choosing Powder Byrne provides students with added peace of mind. Piste to Profession students should complete the programme with recognised ski instructor qualifications, first aid qualifications, new lifelong friends, incredible mountain memories, and snowsports experience,withanimpressivesetofskillstoaddtotheirCVs.

Our nine week programme commences from the end of December to the beginning of March and is designed for young adults to live, train and explore the Swiss Alps as a mountain professional would do. Gaining invaluable qualifications, ski training and professional skillsthroughouttohelpinfuturecareersandlife.
During the programme, individuals will take part in many different snowsports experiences and activities - some of which we mustkeepasecret!
Individuals are offered comprehensive ski instruction coaching to preparestudentsfortheirskiinstructionexaminations.
Individuals are given the chance to gain recognised ski instruction qualificationsduringtheprogramme.
We are proud to integrate our individuals alongside our partnered Swiss Ski School from day one. We offer all participants unique skischoolshadowingexperiencesaspartoftheprogramme.
Offering a range of other snowsports tasters and lessons to prepareyouforanyfuturequalifications.
We believe a great skier can tackle anything so we give youlessonsandtrainingtoexploretheentiremountain.
Opportunities to join operational teams specialising in children’sskidevelopment.
Learning about equipment, maintenance and life operationalknowledge.
Individuals are introduced to many other activities across the resorts - many unique experiences that encourage teambuildingskillsandgeneralmountainfun.
We believe that you can not cut corners when designing the ultimate gap ski season course and we try our best to ensure that individuals get the best training possible to become the best skiers possible during their time in Switzerland. We do this by operating an exclusive programme and focusing on the individuals with plenty of one-on-one feedback. We always say that your ski journey trulybeginsonceyouhavecompletedthePistetoProfessionprogramme.
Modest shared self-catered accommodation near lifts and amenities
Special offers and arrangements for parents and friends visitingthroughouttheprogramme
Aftercompletingtheprogramme,manyindividualshavewishedto continue gaining further qualifications with us or choose to apply to work for Powder Byrne and partner ski schools, subject to requirements.

W H E R E I S T H E P R O G R A M M E R U N ?
Our programme is based in the heart of the Jungfrau Region, in Grindelwald with opportunities to travel to different Swiss ski resorts through the programme. In previous seasons this has includedZermatt,Adelboden,Flims,Laax,ArosaandAndermatt.
Grindelwald offers an expansive ski region, connecting Grindelwald to Wengen, all the way to Murren and the famous Schilthorn - a wonderful snowy playground full of adventures and snowsportsofferings.
The Piste to Profession programme is a total of nine weeks in Switzerland starting in late December through to the end of February or early March - ensuring we enjoy the best snow conditions!
Whilst Piste to Profession is an international educational and developmental programme, in most seasons the majority of the individualsontheprogrammeareBritish(only)citizens.
As a British citizen, time spent in the Schengen Region is limited. After extensive feedback, we know that individuals prefer the nineweek timeframe as this allows more freedom to continue travelling in the Schengen Region outside of the programme dates during theirgapyear.
For those who have EU citizenship or wish to stay longer in Switzerland,wecanassistwithindividualarrangements.
D O I N E E D A V I S A ?
Most international individuals do not require a visa to traveltoSwitzerland.
If you are travelling from a third-party nation (including the UK) you will be completing the programme on a tourism visa allowing you access to be in the Schengen Regionfor90daysina180-dayperiod.
It is the individuals responsibility to know what tourism allowancetheyhavetotravelintheSchengenRegion.
As an educational and developmental programme, individuals may wish to apply for an Educational Visa for their time on the programme. Powder Byrne has successfully helped individuals apply for this type of visa inpreviousseasonsbutitisoptional.
The benefit of an educational visa is that it covers any period of days on the programme so these days do not count to your total tourism allowance in the Schengen Region. Successful visas are not guaranteed as are down toindividualapplications.
No. We do not allow students to work and earn money whilstontheprogramme.Youwillalsobetoobusy!
The programme is designed to be full of activities, exciting and full on! The structure may be subject to change depending on circumstances, including weather. The following is simply an exampleofhowthecoursemaybestructured.
The first days - welcome and introduction to the resort and FirstAidqualifications.
The first few weeks - intensive ski instructor training modules followed by an examination week alongside team building activities.
The middle weeks - commencing ski instructor shadowing experience,SOSshadowingandmulti-disciplineskimodules.
The final weeks - ski tour operator experiences and allmountainskimodules.
We run a modular-based programme which includes many snowsports activities designed to give you a flavour of something new-forexampletelemarkorsnowshoeing.
The modules help to give individuals structure in the course and developskillssuchastimekeeping,preparationandorganisation. H O W I S
H O W G O O D A S K I E R D O Y O U N E E D T O B E ?
We are passionate skiers and the programme is designed for skiers of an advanced level who want to train and get better. The ski instructor training modules can be intense so we expect individuals to be of a certain level to get the most out of the training and to feel confident before their qualificationexamweek.
Individuals join the programme with a mixed background of ski experience. Some have raced in clubs or for school or universities, whilst others have been skiing on holidaysfromacertainage.
We accept individuals from all backgrounds but expect them to be confident black run skiers and have a minimum of 8 weeks' skiing. As part of the application process, individuals have to talk about their ski history in detailtogiveusaflavourofwhattheirabilityis.
Rememberwearenotnecessarilylookingforexpertskiers - the aim of the programme is to take great skiers and turnthemintobetterskiersandqualifiedskiinstructors.
Individuals have the opportunity to complete First Aid and Swiss SnowsportsInstructionL1Qualifications.
The programme is full of fun and adventure so individuals who are engaged, enthusiastic and raring to go certainly get the most outoftheexperience.
It is also a busy programme so it does require a level of commitment and dedication to the tasks and following the programme leader's guidance. It is called ‘Piste to Profession’ as we try to gain professional traits through the programme which can help you in further careers and life - so you will need to show willingness to learn, a good training ethic and organisational skills.
Finally, everyone is part of a much wider team - whether it be with other individuals on the programme, living together or shadowing ski instructors at our partnered ski school - we are a socialprogrammeandeveryoneshouldbeeagertomakefriends.
We work hard to try and find the best candidates who are best suited for the programme and can enjoy this lifetimeexperience.
This is an adult programme so we treat individuals as such. For this reason, there is no boarding matron, parents evening or hand-holding on the programme but we do have a clear structure to follow with solid informationtomakeyourliveseasier.
We also expect all individuals to take part in each element of the course, unless for a reason such as injury etc.
W H A T I S T H E C O H O R T D Y N A M I C ?
From experience, we know the individuals make the experience. Each season we have a wonderful group of individuals and aim to haveanicesplitofcharacters.
In most years, we aim to have as close to a 50/50 gender split (where possible) and a nice split of school leavers to university leavers(again50/50wherepossible).
W H O L E A D S T H E P R O G R A M M E ?
Our programme is designed by leading experts in the ski and travel world and focuses on the little details which make all the difference.
Our ski instruction elements are led by top qualified and experienced instructors and our wider leadership team includes operationalpersonnelinthebaseresort.
W H A T I S T H E L I V I N G A R R A N G E M E N T ?
When in Grindelwald, the accommodation is near the new multimillion Swiss Franc ski terminal so there is no excuse to missthefirstlifts!
The accommodations are modest, shared and self-catered apartmentswithsharedkitchensandbathrooms.
There is access to the ski boot room, ski storage space and a laundryroom.
We initially assign shared single-bed bedrooms for individuals - some rooms have bunkbeds. Rooms are gendersplit. W H A T I S T H E S L E E P I N G A R R A N G E M E N T ?
The accommodation is self-catered so individuals will need to cook themselves. Sometimes the group create an apartment food budget with cooking rotas - however is leftuptoindividuals.
There are opportunities to prepare food to take on the mountainwithyouduringthecoursetocontrolbudgets.
This is hard to gauge but we expect individuals can comfortablygetwithChf210andaboveperweek. W H A T I S A R
U D G E T ?

Thenext steps...
There is so much to talk about with our Piste to Profession programmeandweknowyouwillhavelotsofquestions.
We would be delighted to schedule a call to share further information and we invite individuals to apply for the programme by submitting an introductory cover letter and CV. W
L E T T E R ?
We want to find out about you - your likes and interests and what you would like to experience on the course and are excited by. This helps us get a good understanding of the mix of characters on the programme in order to give youthebestexperiencepossible.
Of course, we also want to get a good flavour of your ski experience so give as much detail as possible on where you have skied, for how long you have skied, what slopes you are confident in skiing and crucially what type of skier wouldyoudescribeyourselfas?

OtherExclusive Adventures
Once in a Lifetime Japan Ski SafariPost Winter Programme Tour
When it comes to skiing in Japan, many British skiers will think ofthenorthernislandofHokkaidoandthevastbackcountryskiing opportunities around Niseko. However to truly experience the breadth and variety of skiing in Hokkaido, you need local expertise to unlock the best skiing, the hidden gems and smaller resorts wherethebackcountryisdeepandsteepandtheslopesarequiet.
Accompanied by your Powder Byrne ski guide, we will show you the very best skiing, hosting you and coordinating all your transfers and accommodation arrangements in hand-picked properties.
Our Hokkaido Ski Safari is for experienced skiers who want to ski thedeeppowderthatHokkaidoisfamousfor.
D A Y 2 & 3
Your Powder Byrne ski guide will meet you after breakfast and introduce you to the best slopes in the Niseko United resorts with hand-picked lunch and dinner options.
D A Y 4
You will travel by private vehicle to Rusutsu (45min) and enjoy a full day skiing. Rusutsu offers the largest number of lifts in the region and is famous for powdery treeline skiing. Return back to Niseko for a relaxing onsenanddeliciousdinner.
D A Y 5
Arrive at Tokyo Haneda International Airport and connect to the domestic terminal for your flight to the New Chitose Airport in Hokkaido. You'll be greeted by your English-speaking assistant and escorted to your private transfer to Niseko (2h15mins). You'll meet your Ski Guide at your hotel on arrival who will assist you withallyourrentalrequirements.
Depart Niseko for Kiroro (1hr) to ski this exceptional backcountry resort with your guide. Enjoy the largest terrain of regulated off-piste, a magnate for experienced skiers. Late afternoon you'll depart for Furano by private transfer(2h45min).
D A Y 6 & 7
After a hearty breakfast, you'll head out onto the slopes of Furano with your Powder Byrne ski guide to enjoy the excellent terrain infamous with experienced skiers and boarders who come in search for the fabled Hokkaido powder. Overnight in Furano. The followingdayyouhavethechoicetocontinueexploringFurano,or an optional excursion to Asahidake, where quiet backcountry bowls provide a playgound for advanced powder skiers in search ofvirginterrain.OvernightbackinFurano.
D A Y 8
After breakfast you will depart Furano for Sahoro by private transfer(1hr10mins).YourPowderByrneskiguidewillintroduce you to the best of the advanced skiing, with spectacular views across the Tokachi plain below. Late afternoon private transfer to Tomamu(35mins).OvernightTomamu.
D A Y 9 & 1 0
Your next 2 days will be spent exploring the skiing available in Tomamu with your private ski guide including the treeline skiing andsanctionedoff-pisteterrain.OvernightTomamu.
D A Y 1 1 +
Return back to New Chitose Airport and fly to Tokyo Haneda airport where we can arrange an extension to your programme withafewnightsinTokyowithaprivateguide.
Alternatively, fly to Osaka Itami airport and we will arrange an extended itinerary in the awe-inspiring UNESCO World Heritage cityofKyoto,Japan'soldImperialcapital.
Extended itineraries are subject to availability and additional cost.
Our Hokkaido Ski Safari is designed to provide expert skiers with the ultimate experience in Hokkaido, away from the masses, experiencing authentic ski resorts, enjoyinghand-pickedRyokans,3and4starhotels.
ThepriceisfromChf8,275plusVATperperson based on 2 people sharing a double or twin room on a bed & breakfastbasis.
Price includes 10 nights accommodation in hand-picked hotels.
Dedicated support from Powder Byrne client concierge to prepareyourbespokeitinerary.
All transfers and private drivers (excludes international and domesticflights).
Dedicated Powder Byrne ski guide to accompany the group and show you the best slopes and the best conditions throughoutthesafari.
Rental ski equipment is not included and is payable locally, your ski guide will return all your rented equipment back to theshopinNisekoafteryouhavedeparted.
Optional tour of Asahidake back-country skiing from £790 per person, includes back-country ski guide, lift passes and additionalprivatetransfer.

Exclusive Polo Valley Experiences
Give Polo Valley a week of your time, and we’ll teach you to ride and hit the ball! This is truly a life-changing experience. Once you immerse yourself in this lifestyle, you’ll be hooked.