4 minute read
THREE THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT JIM BYRNES, AND TWO YOU PROBABLY DO: 1. His legs are amputated; he lost them in an accident north of Parksville in 1972, when a car hit him as he was trying to help a stalled truck. 2. He starred in Highlander: The Series as Joe Dawson, a Vietnam vet who lost his legs (Jim really is a Vietnam vet, too). 3. He was born in Missouri, but has lived in Vancouver since the 1970s. 4. Jim has won three Junos for Blues Album of the Year. 5. In 2021 he acted in his first Hallmark movie: Sister Swap: Christmas in the City. Jim Byrnes plays the Max Cameron on December 3
Saturday, November 5
May Ling Kwok, Piano
2 pm, James Hall. $25.
Saturday, November 5
Graham Brown Band
7 pm, Forest Bistro. $20.
Sunday, November 6
Sunday Social – Renelle and Dawson
7 pm, Wildwood Pub
Friday, November 11
Carolyn Mark, Hush Hush Noise and the Loose Tights
8 pm Wildwood Pub
Saturday, November 12
Harmony Vespers with Roy Carson & Friends
4 pm, Powell River United Church
Saturday, November 12
Whatever Four
7 pm, Wildwood Pub. Walter Martella, Sasha Uhlmann, Jacob Krauss, Karina Inkster
Sunday, November 13
Blue Moon Marquee in concert
Cranberry Hall. With the swinging, stompin’ and hollerin’ vocals/bass/drums of Jasmine Colette (a.k.a. Badlands Jass) and driving groove vocals/guitar of A.W. Cardinal. Tickets $30 in advance/$35 @ door. Tickets at www.eventbrite.ca
Sunday, November 13
Sunday Social – Annie Simms
7 pm, Wildwood Public House
Tuesday, November 15
Last day for choirs to apply to be in the 2023 Kathaumixw Choral Festival
See kathaumixw.org for more
Friday, November 18
Chris Andres
Rock-Blues at Forest Bistro.
Saturday, November 19
Real Classic Country Night
7 pm, Forest Bistro.
Completely Creedence
8 pm, Carlson Community CLub. $30/$35 non-members
Sunday November 20
Sunday Social – Tyler Bartfai
7 pm, Wildwood Pub
Monday, November 21
Relive the Music 50s & 60s
7:30 pm, Evergreen Theatre. Tickets at the Rec Complex. 485-2891.
Friday, November 25
Cranberry Hall/HOME ROUTES presents: Sherman Downey
Sherman’s last visit was 2019 to a “turned folks away” sold out performance. He is full-on folk, brimming with fun, warmth and stories. Be sure to bring your welcome back best and tell your friends! Follow us on FB, or info@cranhall.org. November 25th $25+GST/$30+GST Get tickets in advance!
November 25 & 26
I’m Prov – an exploration of musical improvisation with members of the experimental music project Ultraviolet
Concert Friday Nov 25, 7-9 pm with Ultraviolet Workshop Saturday Nov 26, noon -3: a spontaneous composition workshop demonstration of concepts used in creating musical compositions in real time performance. Brittany Bowman – bass, Oscar Robles Diaz – touch guitar and Beau Stoker – drums will employ unconventional instruments, electronic/digital techniques and rhythmic cells. All ages. 604-414-5780
Saturday, November 26
Rebel Heart 2
7 pm, Forest Bistro.
Remembrance Day for Lost Species Storytelling & Aerial Performance
4 – 5:30 pm at the Max Cameron Theatre. Collaborative storytelling with Naomi Steinberg, aerial performance choreographed by local aerialist and trainer Keely Sills, collective shrine building, Q&A with performers. www.eventbrite.ca
BC Top (ZZ Top Tribute)
7 pm, Royal Canadian Legion. $15 members / $25 non-members. Available at the bar. Food music & dancing.
Sunday, November 27
Sunday Social – KP Duty
4 pm, Wildwood Pub
Saturday, December 3
Jim Byrnes & Friends
7:30 pm. Max Cameron Theatre. Tickets at maxcamerontheatre.ca
Sunday, December 4
Powell River Chorus Christmas Concert
2 pm. Doors at 1:30. Dwight Hall. Tickets $20 (kids 12 and under free). Available from Chorus Members and at the door.
Sunday, December 4
Sunday Social – Spud and Turnip
6 pm, Wildwood Pub