3 minute read
CAPTION KICKER: Artist Sabrina Upton and her six-year-old son Emery, enjoyed working on the legacy mural project along with Family Place volunteer Susan Oldale. The mural was commissioned by Powell River Town Centre and created by Sabrina Upton in celebration of Literacy Week. In partnership with Lift Literacy out of the library, the celebration included a week of fun events and entertainment. Stay tuned for the announcement of when the mural will be officially hung and presented to the community as a legacy for qathet.
Tuesday, November 1
NaNoWriMo Write In
3:30 to 5 pm, Library. With Writer in Residence Gabrielle Prendergast. For more information about PRPL’s NaNoWriMo Write in, or to sign up, contact edgar@prpl.ca.
Wednesday, November 2
Celebration of Writing
6:30 pm, Library. Gabrielle Prendergast invites any local writers who have attended her events or a one-on-one consultation to share their work in this closing celebration of the inaugural residency. For info mmerlino@prpl.ca
Friday, November 4
The Beatin’ Stick: Thoughts on Restorative Justice from the Indigenous Heart of Old Europe
7 pm Friday night ($25 suggested donation). Saturday 9:30 to 2:30 pm. Powell River United Church,With Tad Hargrave. Powell River United Church.
Friday, November 4
Learn about Psilocybin Mushrooms
7 pm, Library. Local herbalist, author and Ayurveda practitioner Todd Caldecott will share his knowledge and experience with this group of fungi commonly known as magic mushrooms.
November 9 & 10
Advance Care Workshop with Hospice
Nov. 9 from 10:30 am – 12 pm and Nov. 10 from 6:30 pm – 8 pm at qathet Art Centre. Advance Care Planning is a process of thinking and talking about what’s important to you. This helps you, and those closest to you, prepare to make future health-care decisions.
Saturday, November 12
Susan Simmons Swims Powell Lake
2 pm at the Library. Ultra marathon swimmer Susan Simmons will tell the inspiring story of her journey with MS and her recent swim down the length of Powell Lake. For info mmerlino@prpl.ca
Saturday, November 12
Little Wonders: learn & play at the Museum
For kids aged 4-8 years old. From 10:30 – 11 am. This month’s theme is Fossils and Dinosaurs!
Thursday, November 17
Remember When Club: Gas Stations
Socialize and reminisce. For adults and seniors. From 10 – 11 am at the Museum.
Saturday, November 19
Fall Speaker Series: Texada Mining History
1 to 2 pm, qathet Museum & Archives. With the Texada Heritage Society.
Sunday, November 20
Green Burials in qathet with Julia Adams, Laurie Norman and Anna Byrne
1:30 – 3 pm at qathet Art Centre. Are you interested in green burials? Come and learn about local options in qathet, including caskets, shrouding, and natural burial sites available in our region.
Saturday, November 26
A Boat to Take You There: The Story of Smith Inlet
2 pm at the Library. Gayle Goertzen presents her new book about her life growing up on a wild remote logging camp, in an area known for its shipwrecks, breaking swells, courage and friendship. For info mmerlino@prpl.ca
Sunday, November 27
Bear Trek Screening
1 – 3 pm at the Patricia Theatre. Followed by panel conversations and interactive information booths. www.eventbrite.ca/e/ remembrance-day-for-lost-species-tickets-405-699-115977