10 minute read
Our gifted writers, artists & musicians
Each July and December, qL runs a round-up of all books, calendars, and albums released by locals over the past six months.
The second half of 2022 was prolific!
If you're stuck on what to give your favourite folks this year, the next 10 pages will surely make you say "Eureka."
Books for young-at-heart people:
Toller Tales: Jigs and Zunga Take a Trip

By Isabelle Southcott | Art by Graham Harrop
What’s it about: This delightful children’s book follows the adven ture of Jigs and Zunga, two Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Re trievers, who live in Powell River, BC as they visit Yarmouth County, NS to meet their rela tives and learn more about their heritage.
Who is Isabelle? Author Isabelle Southcott moved to Nova Scotia in 1993. She owns and writes for qathet Living magazine. She was introduced to Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers at the age of eight when her father brought home a little ball of fluff called Alexander Rufus of Schuben dorf. Her Tollers, Jigs and Zunga, often make guest appearances in the pages of this magazine.
Who is Graham? Artist Graham Harrop grew up in Powell River. His first cartoon ap peared in the Powell River News when he was 14 years old. His work appears in the Vancouver Sun and for more than two decades, his cartoon BackBench appeared daily in the Globe and Mail. He also creates the award-winning online daily comic strip TEN CATS.
Where can I find it? Available at the Visitor Centre, qathet Living, Amazon or the library.
Price: $20 includes tax.
Cozy Spaces: A Colouring Book

By Jenny Allen Taves
What’s it about: The Cozy Spaces colouring book is a collection of eight draw ings of cozy spaces for you to colour! From cozy seats around a campfire to a cozy loft bedroom with an ocean view, have fun colouring each image in with watercolour paint, pencil crayons, or markers.
Who is Jenny? This colouring book was print ed from digital drawings made by Jenny Allen Taves, an artist and illustrator living here in the qathet region.
Where can I find it? Find it and more art gifts at Jennyallentaves.com or at the Raincoast and Cheer on the Pier holiday markets.
Price: $24 each.
Saved by Frost

by Terry Faubert | Illustrated by Draigh Creamer
What’s it about: When sevenyear-old Joey invited his two friends for a sleepover in his little cabin in the forest, he and the girls expected to have lots of fun. But the morning brought danger. What could Joey’s mom do? (Based on a true story). This is a chapter book for ages 6-10.
Who is Terry? Terry Faubert is author of The Way Home and A Cat Called Ballet She worked in daycare and preschool for over 35 years.
Where can I find it? Available at Paper works, Pocket Books at Ecossentials, and Amazon.
Price: $12.
Using Power Well: Bob Williams and the Making of British Columbia

By Bob Williams
What it’s about: Long-time Powell River part-time resident (and BC NDP political guru) tells his sto ry–including his many impacts on BC including Whistler, Robson Square, the Agricultural Land Re serve, and much more.
Where can I find it? Online at Harbour Publishing, on BC Ferries.
Price: $22.95
My Magical Experiences as a Small Town Boy

By Colin Eckstrand

What’s it about: This is my record of the many inspiring, amazing, true-life experi ences I have had throughout my life as a boy growing up in the small town of Powell River. These stories are particularly about the sports that I played, the lessons I learned, and my journey towards a more spiritual way of life. I strove to reach high in life, pursuing my goals and to be joyful as much as pos sible, even through some times that tested me.
Who is Colin? Born in 1961 in Powell River, BC. Got married and moved to Victoria in 1981 at age 20. Present occupations: Home share provider, author. Mar ried, have two adult daughters and two grandchildren. Colin has lived in Chemainus since 2018.
Where can I find it? TAWS Cy cle and Sports and the Tla’amin Convenience Store. Order a print copy or ebook on Amazon. It’s also available to borrow at the James Thompson and Edgehill libraries, plus the Powell River Public Library.
Price: $25.
Don’t Tell: Family Secrets

By Pat Buckna
What’s it about: In Don’t Tell: Family Secrets, 59 writers tell their stories in either prose or poetry, of their own family se crets. So often, mothers bear the burden, stand over time as the keepers of these secrets, trying to keep families intact. Spanning continents, cultures, wars, belief systems, and the private lives of families, the secrets in this book range from over one hundred years ago to the present and include stories some serious, others quirky, some resolved, and still others that remain a mystery.
Pat Buckna’s story in the an thology “A Real Doozie” recounts how he learned about his four siblings over several decades, including a half-sister, whose existence was a secret his mother took to her grave.
Who is Pat? Pat Buckna is a writer and composer from Pow ell River. In 2019 he published “Only Children-A Family Memoir” available locally at Paperworks and Kingfisher Books or directly from Pat.
Where can I find it? Don’t Tell: Family Secrets can be or dered from Demeter Press: demeterpress.org.
Price: $44.95
'Sunshine Coast and Gulf Islands' Paintings by Anna May Bennett

By Anna May Bennett
What’s it about: 12 images of stunning landscapes painted by local artist Anna May Bennett.
Who is Anna? A resident of the Powell River area for 16 years, Anna has been creating images of the local coastal scenery for over a decade. A mother of two boys, she juggles her career as an artist with the operation of a gallery, Turadh fine art, in the Townsite Public Market. Anna’s paintings can be found in private collections in Canada, Aus tralia and the United Kingdom, and can be viewed in the public commissions for the BC Children’s Hospital, Sunny Hill Children’s Health Centre, Powell River Public Library, First Credit Union and Townsite Brewing Inc.
Where can I find it? Copies will be available at Turadh Fine Art, at Town site Market, mid December.
Price: Calendars are $35 and avail able on pre-order via facebook.com/ annamaybennettartist
2023 Sea Forest Photograph Landscape Calendar

By Carl Anderson
What’s it about: The Cal endar features images from qathet. Printed on high-quality stock it includes bonus imag es each month and ex amples of ʔayʔaǰuθəm words. A limited number of calendars are avail able.
Where can I find it? Pickup and delivery can be arranged in qathet. Email seaforestphotography@ gmail.com to order.
Price: $35 each
Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society (PROWLS) Annual fundraising calendar

What’s it about: The beautiful wildlife photos were taken in Powell River by local photographer Michelle Pennell. This year’s calendar features owls, cormorants, herons, otters and much more. Money raised supports the rescue efforts of PROWLS.
Where can I find it? Get your copy at Mother Nature, Paperworks and Springtime Nursery.
Price: $25
Alexine Cleans

Story by Amy Sharp | Animations by Brad Collins
What's it about: Alexine Cleans is a sex-positive web series written and narrated by Amy Sharp fea turing illustrations and sketch animations by Brad Collins, photos by Amy, MOGRTs (mo tion graphic tem plates) along with ample grit and hu mour. The purpose of the project is to uplift working class women over 40, not just moms but all those everyday he roes, through levity and examples of strength.
Who is Amy? Amy Sharp had a 14-yearold son hellbent on trying every street drug he could find, along with her own financial chaos. In an attempt to save her sanity, she started writing a story about the in ner world of a wom an like herself, liv ing on the BC coast while her reality rippled and rolled. A year later, she had a professionally edit ed 93,000 word manuscript. After more twists and turns, she got a Conceptualization grant from Can ada Media Fund and her web series was born. More info: alexinereads.com
Where can I find it? YouTube channel Brace Your self: Alexine Cleans! The second episode should drop before the Winter Solstice. Amy plans to pub lish a hard copy with Brad’s illustrations in 2023.
The price: The episodes are free to view. However, Aubrey and Amy are raising funds with stickers and postcards to go on a Fringe Festival tour with three episodes that Amy will live narrate with the video behind her, TedX style. Aubrey will run the AV. Check out the Super Sharp Fringe Festival Tour Drive on alexinereads.com
Many Axes, Many Styles

By Ron Campbell
What’s it about: I’ve always wanted to record an in strumental album. It’s eclectic Ragtime, EDM, Folk, Rock, Blues, each tune is different. I wrote all the music, and played 10 different instruments.
Who is Ron? For 57 years, I’ve played and recorded all over BC and Alberta, and in Toronto, LA, and New Orleans. But I love playing for my friends here in Pow ell River! I teach guitar and piano at the Academy of Music, and perform live weekly. This is my 6th fulllength album.
Where can I find it? Many Axes, Many Styles is a digital-only release. You can get it on iTunes, Am azon, etc. but the cheapest and easiest is from bandcamp.com
Price: At bandcamp.com, you pay whatever you wish, minimum $7.
Universal Love 2

By Harley Alexander
What’s it about: Harley Alexander returns with his eighth studio album and first project in two years, Universal Love 2, the long-awaited follow up to 2014’s Universal Love. The 14 track album deals with themes of overcoming and processing grief, confronting devastating truths, and self-acceptance. Universal Love 2 is out December 2nd, 2022 via Easy Freaker Records.
Who is Harley? Harley Alexander is the living example of a loose denim sleeve hanging from a suitcase flap ping about in the Canadian winds, delicately walking a tightrope from Halifax to Vancouver, to one side falls levity and the other profundity, and him, bare foot and balanced upright down the middle.
Where can I find it? Bandcamp.com and will also be available on all streaming platforms.