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Black History Month


February 1

Green Comet Closest to Earth

If its clear, you may be able to see it with the naked eye for the first few days in February. It’ll be between the big and small dippers. You can also catch it online from York University’s observatory: yorku.ca/science/observatory/.

February 2

Groundhog Day

February 4

Chamber of Commerce Business Awards

Doors open at 6 pm, dinner at 7 pm. Dwight Hall.

February 5

Full Moon

This is a micromoon. It’s also known as the Snow Moon.

February 14

St. Valentine’s Day

February 17

SD47 Pro-D Day

February 19

New Moon

February 20

BC Family Day Stat

February 21-25

Heritage Week

Events at Henderson House

February 21

Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday

Pancakes and sausages

February 22

Pink Shirt Day (Anti-bullying)

Ash Wednesday

March 3

UN World Wildlife Day

March 10

Last day of school before Spring Break

March 27

Schools re-open after Spring Break

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