2 minute read



Uptown Market


10 til noon, outside the CRC on Joyce Avenue.


Farmers Market

12:30 to 2:30 pm, at Paradise Exhibition Grounds (inside the quonset hut).

Saturday, February 4

Learn about Psilocybin Mushrooms

1:30 pm. Drop-in at the Texada Library. Local herbalist, author and Ayruveda practitioner Todd Caldecott will share his knowledge and experience with the group of fungi commonly known as magic mushrooms.

Chamber of Commerce Business Awards

6 pm, Dwight Hall

Saturday, February 11

Little Wonders at the Museum

10:30 to 11 am. For kids aged 4 to 8 years old.

Friday, February 17

Pro-D Day Pirate Party!

10 to 11:30 am, Library. Make your own treasure map, fashion a pirate hat, design a jolly roger, answer a pirate questionnaire...and more!

February 17 & 18

MidWinter Blast

At the ARC., 10 am til 4 pm on the 17th – local authors display and Thea White’s tea and goodies. 10 am til 4 pm on the 18th artisan market. 7 pm on the 18th Grapple Bowl Wrestling

Saturday, February 18

Rescue Me: Behind the Scenes of Search and Rescue

2 pm, Library. Cathalynn Labonté-Smith shares her new book of real-life North American search and rescue stories in the most extreme conditions and situations. Introduced by classic Western author Victor Labonté-Smith.


1 pm Lang Bay Hall. Continuing every third Sat until April. $5 a couple. Prizes and refreshments.Contact Carol 604-487-1259 for more info.

Tuesday, February 21

Remember When Club

10 am to 11 am, at Gerry Gray Place. With the qathet Museum and Archives.

Friday, February 24

Food as Medicine: The Theory and Practice of Food

7 pm Library. Local author and medicinal herbalist Todd Caldecott will discuss his book that examines practical questions about what food is and how food impacts your health. Drop In.

Tuesday, February 28

Compassionate Friends meeting

7 pm, 4675 Ontario Unit C. Grief support following the death of a child.

Saturday, March 11

Seedy Saturday

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