7 minute read

Off-leash dogs make some hikers & bikers growly


With more people visiting and moving to qathet, you’re more likely to come across another hiker, mountain biker, hiker with a dog, or horseback rider on the trails today than you were 15 years ago. More contact means more tension in the woods.


When Facebook posts blast people for hiking with dogs off-leash on the trails, they’re talking about me. I am one of “those” people. I own two Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers and I hike with them offleash.

Encountering someone who doesn’t like dogs, is genuinely scared of dogs, or doesn’t think dogs should be allowed off-leash on a trail is challenging. While the goal should be to get along, people hiking with dogs have just as much right to be on the trails here as those without dogs or those riding mountain bikes or horses – as long as they have control of their dogs. Furthermore, those dogs do not have to be on leash in the qathet Regional District (though they do within City limits, except in a few designated areas). If you can control them.

And herein may lie one of the problems. Just as some parents are not objective when it comes to their own children, some dog owners are not objective when it comes to their own dog. They might believe their dog is friendly, but if their dog jumps up and bowls over a child, then ‘friendly’ means something different to the dog owner and the parent of the child.

Wayne Brewer, retired lawyer and one of qathet’s renowned trail builders, spends a lot of time hiking and building trails in the back country. “I have built dozens of trails over the past three decades as well as improving and maintaining many more. I have always had a dog with me.”

Wayne’s dog Abner has been an excellent set of eyes and ears, which means Wayne can focus on trail work. “A few times he chased away bears and cougars, and always comes back when I call him as he simply wants them to keep their distance.”

Although Wayne hasn’t had any recent negative encounters with other dogs, he recalls a serious incident that occurred several years ago.

“A pit bull tried to lock onto Abner’s neck and then turned on me and tried to lock onto my legs, but my thick leather boots protected me. The pack mentality was my biggest concern as this dog was with a black lab and a small swiffer and they all behaved aggressively. Owners were nowhere in sight, appearing only several minutes later.”

He recalls another incident, when he came across a professional dog walker using the Duck Lake Trails and some of her dogs were quite aggressive.

“I scolded her and warned her of consequences if it happened again and just as I did, one of the dogs attacked us.”

Wayne says he’s noticed comments on social media saying dogs should be on-leash even on the trails. “If they are aggressive, yes, that would be appropriate. I do not agree with that as a rule. Many trail runners and bike riders take their dogs along with them and a leash is not practical or necessary. It has never been the practice here in our area. I think we can expect that with the influx of new residents this issue may arise more often,” he says.

“I do have a serious concern about some trail users who are not familiar with the culture and origin of our trails system, so they react to what they believe are infringements. They may scream at mountain bikers for riding on “their” trails – which happen to be built in an area that has been developed by mountain bikers such as Mt. Mahoney. Yes, they also scream that the dogs should be on leash.

“A similar issue is the recreationists who are writing to City Hall complaining about logging across “their” hiking trails such as Hokitika in the Powell River Community Forest, a trail built by a mountain biker who supports the forest industry and whose dog is out there daily off-leash,” says Wayne.

OFF-LEASH IN THE BACK WOODS: These dogs enjoy a splash in the lake during an off-leash hike on the trails of qathet with Brenda Clarke of Doggie Be Good.

Trail walking with dogs is an essential part of many locals’ lifestyles – and for some, it’s a business. For example, the St. Bernards of Lasqueti Island, which is part of the qathet Regional District. The award-winning champion pack is more than 40 “Saints” strong, and owned by Tikki Smith. Although these dogs live on an acreage, she walks them all together off-leash on the island in the woods.

Kuxy Doell, professional dog walker and owner of Pegabo Pets (not the walker Wayne had a run-in with) has been hiking the woods of qathet with a pack of dogs for 30 years. Her pack varies depending on how many clients she has, but some days she may have up to 15.

Brenda Clarke, owner of Doggie Be Good, also hiked with 15 dogs when she took her pack out before she had a bad fall last year. Both say they want nothing more than to get along with those they share our woods with.

Brenda says most dogs that hike with professional dog walkers have been to obedience training and love people. Because of this, they love to meet people on the trails. They come when called or when she blows her whistle. “Dogs are extremely sensitive to the emotions of humans, particularly negative ones. Dogs respond well to happy voices. They do not respond well to bikers who stop and pick up their mountain bikes, shake them and yell,” said Brenda.

If you meet an off-leash dog on the trail, and get a fright, take a breath and “give yourself a count,” advises Kuxy. “Don’t let fear turn to anger, it only makes things worse.

Instead, say: “Hello dogs, how’s it going?” or “What a good dog, what’s your name?” Keep your body language friendly, don’t wave your arms and act aggressively. This can be confusing and frightening for the dog. You are the human, the one with the big brain, don’t let your amygdala spoil your day.”

And if you meet Kuxy and her pack on the trails, know that she has done everything she can to avoid you.

“I have gone as far into the bush as I can without meeting logging trucks and other industrial traffic. I will go into some of the more popular trails on days that I have only a few dogs, or it’s pouring rain. I do not try to spoil your day or give you a fright. My pack will be chill and cheerful if you are chill and cheerful with them.

“If you scream and shout, they will get scared and this may get them barking. My dogs have passed the ultimate temperament test by getting into the van with eight, or ten, or twelve other dogs, and driving for half an hour into the bush.”

If you walk your dog off-leash, it should come when you call it. Find a trail that isn’t well-used by others or hike at time of day that isn’t popular. Most mornings I walk my dogs off-leash at 7:30 am in the woods near Haslam and I rarely run into anyone else.

If you have an aggressive dog, don’t let it off leash and don’t go into trails where people have their dogs off-leash. Stay on trails or streets where other dogs are leashed. You cannot expect to go into the Penticton Trails and not have other dogs come up to your dog. The people in those trails have the right to know that the dogs are safe. You may also consider putting a muzzle on your dog.

In other words, we are all here to stay. Most dog-walkers do their best to ensure a positive interaction. Most other users are accommodating and respectful of the shared trails. || isabelle@prliving.ca

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