P.O.W.E.R. Fundraising doc

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Well Tailored Harmonious Interiors.


International P.O.W.E.R.始s mission is to compel people, around the globe to come to Christ.




P.O.W.E.R. is the acronym for Prayer, Obedience, Worship, EdiďŹ cation and Rebirth. Our editorial mission is to foster goodwill in the community by encouraging family values, spiritual growth, healthy living and overall personal development. We began publishing P.O.W.E.R. in 2001, remarkably, with $27 and a dream. Today, we are proud to announce, that small investment turned into 250,000 readers and the newest addition to our family, International P.O.W.E.R. Published with state-of-the-art-technology, International P.O.W.E.R. is a refreshing departure from other magazines. Our editorials equip readers with the essential tools needed to live a well-balanced life. There is literally no other magazine quite like it. Readers will be able to interact with event calendars, journalists, staff and advertisers. They will be able to listen to audio and in some cases view videos in place of traditional photos. Simply paste this link http://mags.ibj.com/activemagazine/welcome/html/cppower.html into your address bar and you will be able to ip through our pages and see for yourself. For more details or questions, please email us at info@powermagazine. org.

Smart. Fashionable.

Rare Find



International P.O.W.E.R.始s fundraising division is in business to help your business suceed.



What We Expect Of You


Our fund raising program has many benefits. First, there are no up front costs for you. Secondly, we do 95% of the work, leaving you responsible for only 5%, which requires you to: 1. Email your entire database an email containing the particulars of your fundraiser. 2. When you email your database cc P.O.W.E.R. Magazine so that we can make notation of the fundraiser kick-off date and time. 3. Agree to 1 communication phone call a week (over a 30 day period). 4. Send email renewal notice to your subscribers 45 days prior to their subscription expiration date. Thatʼs it! We handle everything else.

What You May Expect From Us • • • • • • • •


Educate. Learn.

Web presence on P.O.W.E.R. Magazineʼs website with dedicated PayPal account. Two dollar donation for every subscriber that subscribes under your organization. Two free pages in P.O.W.E.R. Magazine to assist your marketing efforts. Provide tracking reports Cut a check once gift giving has reached $5,000. Repeat fundraiser the following year Provide a link to your website with payment option on our website year round Reminder renewal emailed 45 days prior to subscription expiration date.

Included in your recipientʼs email will be a link to the magazine, a link to our website, and a link for each of them to subscribe. They will be asked basic information including name and address. They will be directed to a checkout area where they will pay for the subscription. Their credit card information is secure; we donʼt retain it or ever see it. At that point, they will create a user ID and password. They will receive an email every other month reminding them that their new magazine is online and available for them to read. The fundraiser will last between 4-6 weeks, depending on the response. Your organization will receive a check each time the subscription volume reaches $5000. In the event we receive $5000 or more, such as $20,000 in subscription dollars you will of course be paid the entire amount. Therefore, checks might be issued weekly or monthly. You will also receive a report of the subscribers, so that you may keep a record of your supporters. This report will also help us both determine if and when follow up emails may need to be sent.

Reaching Your Goal


When people go to our website and discover that they are able to select your organization to contribute to, you will receive funds there. However, the bulk will come from your personal contacts, relatives, friends and database. In the body of the email that you will send, it request that they forward the email on to at least 20 of their contacts and then their contacts are encouraged to repeat the same steps. Therefore, an organization with 2000 members has the potential to generate $40,000+. The sky really is the limit.


If you are needing to share this information with others in your organization, we would be more than happy to do that for you. We simply need to schedule a 15 minute conference call and require that all parties included in the presentation have access to the internet. If you prefer to deliver the presentation to your organization, below you will find easy to follow, step-by-step directions. 1.

Go to www.powermagazine.org, there you will see multiple flashing images.


Go to Menu bar where you will find HOME, ABOUT US, VIEW MAGAZINE and HELP.




Click on the photograph of the woman (picture).


The cover of the magazine will appear. Above the magazine you will see “Click on image below to read magazine”. Follow those instructions. As magazine loads a smiley face will appear.


A larger image of magazine cover will appear.


A tool bar will appear above the magazine. On the tool bar, starting from left to right you will see the words FILE, VIEW, TOC, SHORTCUTS, SEARCH, LEFT & RIGHT ARROW BUTTONS, NUMBER OF PAGES (example 1 of 122), MAGNIFYING GLASS - (negative zoom out), MAGNIFYING GLASS + (positive zoom in).


Use left or right arrow to flip through the pages.


Some pages have links to advertiser, journalists and staff for readers to interact.


Once you have finished viewing magazine, minimize or close the magazine.


Then close out the main magazine screen to return to the website.


Click on subscribe on the menu bar.


You will see organizations, we are partnered with, their website link and a subscribe button with VISA and MASTERCARD logo. This is where your organizations advertisement and checkout will be located.


Listing to music while viewing magazine or viewing our site, click on HOME on the menu bar and click on IPOD Music box.

See You Next Year.


Kim Stewart powermagazine@sbcglobal.net Phone 317.542.7410


P. O . W . E . R . M A G A Z I N E

3030 E. 35th Street Indianapolis, IN 46216


o get profit without risk, experience without danger, and reward without work, is as impossible as it is to live without being born. A.P. Gouthey

Next Year.


Kim Stewart powermagazine@sbcglobal.net Phone 317.542.7410

P. O . W . E . R . M A G A Z I N E

3030 E. 35th Street Indianapolis, IN 46216


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