Brand Evolution and Research

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Brand Evolution and

Research Integrating Branding Research into the Product & Advertising Concept Development Process

Presented by Power Decisions Group San Francisco, CA

Brand Brand Evolution Evolution

Brand Brand is is at at the the core core of of everything everything you you and and your your company company do do that that touches touches customers. customers. Its Its about about connecting connecting with with people people in in aa way way that that delivers delivers the the essence essence of of your your business. business. AA brand brand is is aa living, living, breathing breathing thing. thing. While While aa brand brand is is not not aa list list of of attributes attributes on on aa research research report, report, astute astute brand brand management management requires requires watching, watching, monitoring monitoring and and learning: learning: to to guide guide brand brand evolution. evolution. Brands Brands evolve evolve as as management management watches watches the the marketplace, and then, generates and marketplace, and then, generates and considers considers new new ideas. ideas. The The Concept Concept Development Development Cycle Cycle is is the the logical logical form form of of this this process. process. Here Here we we show show our our view view of of how how to to best best integrate integrate branding branding research research with with this this cycle, cycle, to to support support and and inform inform decision decision making. making.


Concept Concept Development Development Cycle Cycle and and Decision Decision Making Making

Our Our Concept Concept Development Development Cycle Cycle shows shows aa logical logical progression progression of of stages stages applicable applicable to to … … ••Product Product development development ••Advertising Advertising campaigns campaigns ••Brand Brand positioning positioning


Concept Concept Development Development Cycle Cycle and and Decision Decision Making Making

For For each each stage stage in in the the development development cycle, cycle, we we collaborate collaborate with with you you to to define define Intelligence Intelligence Goals. Goals. These These clarify clarify the the “must “must have” have” information information needs. needs.

Our Our Recommended Recommended Research Research Tools Tools show show our our view view of of the the best best Qualitative Qualitative and and Quantitative Quantitative tools tools to to use use at at each each stage. stage. Selection Selection and and blending blending of of these these methods methods will will depend depend on on unique unique project project and and decision decision making making needs. needs.


Concept Concept Development Development Cycle Cycle 1. 1. Market Market Opportunity Opportunity Scanning Scanning

Opportunity Scanning uncovers and defines product, service, and positioning gaps. Drivers Drivers for for research research method method selection selection are are prior prior market market knowledge, knowledge, data data on on hand, hand, and and the the distance distance of of the the suspected suspected opportunities opportunities from from the the existing existing business. business. IfIf the the focus focus is is new new market market opportunities, opportunities, then then aa logical logical first first step step is is Qualitative Qualitative opportunity opportunity scanning scanning using using Market Market Research Research Online Online Communities Communities (MROCs) (MROCs) or or Discussion Discussion Forums. Forums. IfIf the the focus focus is is existing existing markets markets or or line line extensions, extensions, the the initial initial scanning scanning effort effort will will likely likely be be aa Quantitative Quantitative tool. tool.


Concept Concept Development Development Cycle Cycle 2. 2. Concept Concept Generation Generation

Deep insight from qualitative research feeds concept generation. We We use use online online discussion discussion forums, forums, focus focus groups, groups, or or depth depth interview interview triads; triads; or or MROCs MROCs stimulate stimulate and and harvest harvest external external ideas. ideas. When When extensive extensive qualitative qualitative input input is is desired, desired, then then aa 60 60 to to 90 90 day day tailored tailored research research community community (MROC) (MROC) is is aa method method that that provides provides aa fast-access fast-access research research asset asset of of 100 100 to to 200 200 participants participants for for repeated repeated ideation ideation seeding seeding and and evaluation evaluation cycles. cycles.


Concept Concept Development Development Cycle Cycle 3. 3. Concept Concept Evaluation Evaluation

We We seek seek out out concepts concepts that that ignite ignite interest. interest. Tools Tools recommended recommended for for concept concept evaluation evaluation depend depend on on the the range range and and number number of of concepts, concepts, and and the the desire desire for for customer customer interaction interaction and and qualitative qualitative feedback. feedback.

IfIf the the need need isis to to narrow narrow down down aa large large number number of of concepts, concepts, then then an an online online survey is often the best survey is often the best first first evaluation evaluation step. step. All All online online research research tools tools permit permit graphic graphic and and video video concept concept display display especially especially useful useful for for commercials commercials and and product product prototype prototype showings. showings. AA research research community community provides provides both both qualitative qualitative feedback feedback and and quantitative quantitative indicators indicators at at the the concept concept evaluation evaluation stage. stage.


Concept Concept Development Development Cycle Cycle 4. 4. Targeting Targeting && Positioning Positioning Strategy Strategy

With With refined refined concepts, concepts, the the goal goal is is effective effective targeting targeting and and positioning. positioning. For For the the small small set set of of remaining remaining concepts concepts we we need need to to estimate estimate market market adoption adoption rates, rates, purchase purchase intent, intent, positioning positioning impact, impact, and and market market size. size. We We recommend recommend Quantitative Quantitative surveys surveys to to meet meet these these goals. goals.


Concept Concept Development Development Cycle Cycle 5. 5. Launch Launch Execution Execution

As As the the concept concept migrates migrates to to tangible tangible execution, execution, both both Qualitative Qualitative and and Quantitative Quantitative research research tools tools may may be be deployed. deployed.

The The goal goal is is to to optimize optimize launch launch execution execution to to win win market market share share in in the the target target category. category. We We gauge gauge key key variables: variables: brand brand and and product product awareness, awareness, ad ad recall, recall, and and repeat repeat purchase purchase intent. intent. We We test test execution execution options options using using split split runs runs and and trade-off trade-off analyses analyses that that vary vary messaging, messaging, product product features, features, positioning positioning and and pricing. pricing.


Summary Summary Development Development Stages Stages


SUMMARY SUMMARY Intelligence Intelligence Goals Goals


Summary Summary Research Research Tools Tools


Summary Summary Research Research Integrated Integrated with with Concept Concept Development Development


Research Research Methods Methods & & Capabilities Capabilities

Online Online Forums Forums

We recommend the

Qualitativ Online e OnlineCommunities Communities (MROC) (MROC)

optimum branding research recipe for your decision making agenda.

Depth Depth Interviews Interviews Focus FocusGroup Group Discussions Discussions

11to to11 Interviews Interviews


Phone Phone Surveys Surveys Online Online Surveys Surveys

Hybrid Hybrid Methods Methods

See See our ourpublication, publication, Marketing Marketing Research Research Tools Tools&& Capabilities Capabilities for for aadetailed discussion of these methods. detailed discussion of these methods.


Power Power Decisions Decisions Group Group Call Call for for aa conversation… conversation…

More More information information about about Power Power Decisions Decisions Group Group is is available available on on our our website website and and these these documents. documents. •• “Power “Power Decisions Decisions Group Group ---- Methods Methods and and Capabilities” Capabilities” (PDF) (PDF) •• ••

An An overview overviewof of Qualitative Qualitative and and Quantitative Quantitative research research methods. methods. Includes Includes Project Project Fee Fee Examples Examples

•• “Think “Think of of Your Your Brand Brand as as aa Person”, Person”, Article Article (PDF) (PDF) •• Blog: Blog: Strategic Strategic Brand Brand Research Research (( •• Power Power Decisions Decisions Group Group website website ( ( Call Callor oremail… email…

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