Campus Traditions of Georgia College Part 6
When the time comes, children have to leave their homes. It's a natural process, but nevertheless, members of the family miss each other. That's why Family Day exists. It's a great opportunity for parents and all the relatives to get to know more about their student's friends, activities that are held and university procedures in general. It is held for all parents, siblings, and extended family of all Georgia College undergraduate students as well as almost every university across the US. Parents have an opportunity to enjoy museum exhibits, art shows, and tours of special campus facilities. Speaking of the Olympic Column that theterritory of University I'd like you to know, that:
"On July 13, 1996, 25,000 people gathered on the university front lawn to celebrate the arrival of the Olympic torch as it made its way to the Centennial Olympic Games. The Corinthian column next to the flagpole adorned the stage on which the torch ceremony was conducted. Today, the column stands in honor of the Olympic spirit of excellence and its flame is lit for special campus observances," states the official source, Georgia's Public Liberal Arts University, about this great monument that you can't just pass through without the admiration. If you don't know where spend your free time, there is a great place, which is simply called the Front Campus. It's a home to leisure activities, meetings, graduations, outdoor performances, and even weddings. The colorful front lawn ofGeorgia College bordered by Corinthian column buildings is a popular and famous meeting place for students, faculty, staff and alumni. Sometimes you can find faculty teaching students in this marvelous outdoor classroom. Many active students and alumni state that this place is one of their favorite at Georgia College.
Source of this article is the DCNlive blog. activities, campus, Family Day, Front Campus, Georgia College, Georgia's Public Liberal Arts University