To Hire or Not to Hire a Real Estate Agent

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To Hire or Not to Hire a Real Estate Agent: Part 1

Some people wonder: “Is it necessary to hire a real estate agent in order to sell a home? If I don’t hire him, I will save a lot of money. So, maybe, it would be better to do all by myself?” As a matter of fact, it isn’t necessary for a home seller to hire a real estate agent. And there are home sellers who do all on their own. But trying to sell a home on your own probably ill advised. It is especially so if you are a firsttime home seller. The real estate agent will help you to set a home price that will be fair and competitive in your area. Thanks to it your home will attract more homebuyers, and it will probably be sold faster. If you don’t use the services of a real estate agent, you still have to set a fair and competitive price of a home. Otherwise you will have to wait a long time before transaction will take place. Or, at worst, no one will even be interested in the transaction. On the other hand, you can set a price of a home that will be lower for the prices of other homes in your area. It will increase your odds of a quick sale, but you will lose money. So, you save money from not hiring a real estate agent, but lose money from don’t be able to set a fair and competitive home price. If you don’t sure

you can set such home price, or you haven’t any experience in selling a home, it will be better for you to hire a real estate agent.

To Hire or Not to Hire a Real Estate Agent: Part 2

The reason why some home sellers decide to not hire a real estate agent is the hefty commissions. Usually they are about 5-6% of the sale price of a home. So, if you won’t use the services of real estate agent, you will save thousands of dollars. But, as the matter of fact, your saves won’t be equal to the entire commission. If the homebuyer has the real estate agent, this agent will expect to be compensated. According to this you will need to pay about 1-3% of the sale price of a home to him. Also if you decide to sell a home without the help of real estate agent, it will be better for you to consider hiring a real estate attorney. He will help you with the finer points of the transaction and escrow. It won’t cost much money and will be helpful for you. Even so you will save some money from not asking a help of real estate agent, consider hiring him. He will really help you a lot. He will help you in setting a home price, in negotiation, in making a transaction. Real estate agent is familiar with all the paperwork and pitfalls involved in real estate transactions. He can help you make sure the process goes smoothly.

Also don’t forget that there are some problems can crop up during the process of selling a home. And no one can handle with them better than professional real estate agent.

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