Color Security Camera vs. Black and White Security Camera: Part 1 When speaking about video surveillance systems, there is one question you need to address: do you choose color surveillance cameras or black and white surveillance cameras? The security camera market mostly offers color cameras. It is obvious that color security cameras seem better than black and white ones. From a color freeze frame you can collect more evidence of a scene. For example, color image can provide you with information about the color of the suspect’s clothes or the color of their car. Of course in this case, color security cameras are much better than black and white security cameras. When making a full comparison, we have to mention the operating conditions of the surveillance cameras. The main security camera operating condition is the ambient light level. If the color security camera works in situations with good lighting there is no doubt you’ll have excellent image quality. This means that during the daytime your color surveillance camera will completely satisfy your security needs, but when it’s getting dark a color surveillance camera will not work well. The cause of the problem is that the color image depends upon the sufficient illumination in the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Even the best color cameras will not be able to provide you with an acceptable quality image at nighttime, while black and white cameras can easily handle it. This goes to show that even though color cameras are more modern they are not always better than black and white cameras. However, this is not the only one advantage of the black and white security cameras. Look for our next posts about more advantages of black and white security cameras.