Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows: Part 1 New Trailer Last week a new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows: Part 1 trailer was released. You can view it right here.
I think you'll agree with me completely that it is an awesome video. The directors and editors of this Harry Potter trailer deserved a medal. I've always liked pathos videos, especially with Harry Potter movies, but this one is really incredible. Its well known that trailers play a very important role for the movie success. In my opinion Deathly Hollows is an exception because Harry Potter films don’t need trailers at all. They are so world famous just by carrying the Harry Potter title that most people already know it'll be a phenomenal movie simply because of that fact.. In this case, trailers are not for advertisement, but for making fans happy. This Deathly Hallows trailer successfully accomplishes that mission. If I could, I would watch this Harry Potter trailer everyday until the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 movie.