25 minute read
from The Rebirth
There is a lot of talk now about leaders needing to be authentic. But what does that really mean?
I have heard people misconstrue the meaning. They take the word authentic, to mean, I can just be myself. But just being yourself is not that simple.
There can be a difference between being truly authentic and just being yourself. The question here is, what is driving ‘being yourself’? Are you being a reflection of your inner self or are you a reflection of the people around you?
Authenticity is a continuous connectivity between the head, the heart, and the soul. Understanding, and then living that, makes one truly authentic. If you continually see yourself through the eyes of others, then that will change the equation.
Seeing yourself through others means you become a person who is not staying true to
themself, but a person staying true to other’s expectations. How often do we see executives continually rate themselves against others for the wrong reasons? Playing office politics, winning at the expense of others, and the list goes on.
Don’t get me wrong, you can be influenced by others, having mentors and role models are healthy learning opportunities. But that’s just it, it is for your personal development, not for you to be a replica of someone else. Competition is healthy also, but not at the expense of others. A behaviour which also leads to misalignment of strategic objectives. So the being an authentic leader is something that comes from within you.
When your heart, soul and inner self are connected you will have good thoughts. Over the years coaching numerous executives, I have never met anyone, that once they are connected their to inner self, that is, recognising their deep feelings about themselves, have they wanted to treat people badly. Where thoughts to compete, seek revenge, I am better than him/her etc., come when they are in their head space, not when they are connected with their inner feelings.
An exercise I have done may times as a coach is to help people get in touch with their inner self. Its amazing how much people get out of that exercise. It quite often liberates them. They like the energy that it provides, and they work hard to be more in this mode of behaviour. That is taking regular time out to meditate and reflect. So, with continual
encouragement and selfdiscipline they start to change. It may be a long journey for some but at least they have started.
But I will admit, some bounce back to their old behaviour of headspace living and stay there for a variety of reasons. Luckily, they are the minority I have worked with.
A very important outcome of being one’s true self, is that you are more conscious of your impact on others. It’s not, “I need to be myself so I can say what I want.” Yes, you need to say what needs to be said, but in a more diplomatic way. Its just takes a little patience and discipline, something you have more of when that desire comes from within.
Keeping in touch with your own feelings enables you to better understand other people’s feelings. That’s what tends to motivate you to be conscious of others. A heightener for your emotional intelligence.
The last point regarding authenticity I want to make, is about ego. To me, we have two aspects of ego. Your inner and outer ego.

Your outer ego is fueled by your thought’s, not your feelings. It gets back to what I mentioned before, the desire to compete and feel superior to others. That’s head space thinking only. You may think you are feeling it, but no, you are thinking it. The feeling you are getting is only a reflection of your thoughts, such as: “yes I am better than they are, yes aren’t I good”!!!
In their mind, an Olympic athlete does not compete against others, they compete against themselves and strive for their personal best. Yes, physically they compete, but mentally they are not. They do not outwardly think they are the best, but they definitely do inwardly. It’s that inner strength that gives them the drive to compete day after day.
The same is for authentic leaders. To be authentic
you need to have that inner strength not to bow to other people’s opinions as to how you should be leading. Yes, your need to be open minded to other ideas but not a direct reflection of them.
Your inner ego comes from being confident and feeling that you are okay and that you can stand tall in any crowd. But that should come from your inner self, not an outer expression where you feel the need tell everyone. Your inner self does not compete with others it competes only with yourself. That is the foundation of being authentic.
So how do I work on my authenticity?
Firstly, you need to desire which comes from within, not a desire driven by the outside environment. That is, “authentic leadership is what I am reading about so I must become one.” The problem here is that as soon as you meet a roadblock you will move to another fad because it may be easier to do. Your desire needs to come from within. You can do this through meditation or mindfulness. The key here is to just take the time out to reflect on how you want to behave as a person and are you doing that, not how you think you should behave, but how you really feel. When you compete with yourself you win, only when you compete with others do you loose.
Taking that regular time out is fueled by the desire from within. If it’s difficult to find the time, then question where your desire is coming from. Your inner being or your outer thoughts. Get that right and you can be truly authentic So, to summarize, true authenticity is about feeling it not thinking it.
Ross is a perceptive and responsive leadership consultant, coach and trainer, with broad experience in varied industries worldwide, including financial services, construction, energy, beauty products, logistics, distribution, retail, engineering, hospitality, airlines, and manufacturing.
Ross is also a dynamic speaker and podcaster with outstanding skills in communication, presentation, training, teambuilding, and interpersonal relations. He works internationally, spanning a variety of industries around the globe with his projects encompassing many diverse cultural backgrounds. Throughout the years, Ross has developed a growing desireto put an ongoing emphasis on bringing more soul into business and he believes that the most effective leaders are soul inspired.
You can catch Ross at www.soul-inspiredleadership.com

1. PLEASE TELL READERS MORE ABOUT YOURSELF. people lives using my talents and gifts.
Hello! My name is Britney Baker. I am the CEO of L’arome Factory, Inc (Est. 2016). which produces a line of NICHE/ premium fragrances and more scented products. I am also a preacher, mentor and public speaker. I am a complete enthusiast and creative. I love empowering and impacting
2. What makes you a Visionary?
I believe my ability to be creative in the midst of chaos and to see something great in moments when there does not seem to be nothing to build from. A visionary should be able to see the finished
masterpiece on a blank canvas. That is actually when my vision awakens. I like to help lead people into the better version of themselves by helping them awaken their own vision.
3. What inspired you to create your premium fragrance company called L’arome Factory?
L’arome Factory was started in 2016. L’arome is “Aroma” in French... I was sitting in the DMV with a friend of mine and we begin to talk about fragrances. I begin to tell her how I couldn’t wear certain fragrances because I have sensitive skin. I remember walking out of the DMV with her that day and meeting up with her husband in the parking lot and I just burst out and said, “I AM GOING TO START MY OWN FRAGRANCE LINE!”. That was in 2015! So, I did a full year of research, found a perfumer, saved money and gathered all necessary resources and information. When 2016 came I launch a fragrance line that was harsh alcohol free. I could wear my fragrances and others with sensitive skin could wear my fragrance line also. It’s been a blessing and a journey of growth and learning in the fragrance industry.
4. Congratulations!!! Britney on your new signature fragrance called “31” Eau De Parfum that sold a large amount in 30 minutes of launch. Please tell us more about it and how readers can support and purchase?
Thank you! When I originally started my fragrance company in 2016, I launched 2 perfumes (Fervent and Amour Grace) ... After selling out of those inventories I discontinued those fragrances and wanted to start fresh because of so much I had learned about the fragrance industry, branding, marketing, trail and error. I decided to rebrand with a new signature fragrance. I had already told my mom that my 3rd fragrance would be called 31 after the scripture in the bible Proverbs 31 that talks about a “Virtuous woman” and it reminded me so much of my own mom strength, but kind nature and that is were “31” Eau De Parfum “A soft scent, for a strong woman” came from. It is a nice soft oriental scent and this time you can buy either the travel size, the full bottle (available soon) and/ or the matching scented lotion. It can be purchased at www. LaromeFactory.Shop 5. What are the key steps that helped you achieve your goals?

For me it is simple. I practice discipline because nobody will accomplish my goals but me. My tribe (the people I have around me) are important to me because it is important to have like-minded and positive people around to keep you encouraged. I refuse to quit; I study and remain a student of what I want to accomplish and I congratulate myself when I accomplish getting one step closer to my goals.
6. What can we expect from you in 2020?
I am currently working on my book releases 2020 and I am also looking forward to producing a cologne for men as well.
www.powerhouseglobalmag.com BRITNEY D. BAKER BIOGRAPHY
Britney Baker is a vibrant and driven 31-year-old inspirational mentor, pastor, motivational speaker and businesswoman. She is a current resident of Florida, but she is setting an example for women all around the world. Britney has been a public speaker 11 years’, workshop facilitator, seminar teacher and personal mentor. She is also the CEO of a thriving premium fragrance company called L’arome Factory. Inc.
Britney is also an ambitious author with books entitled “10 Keys to start a business with NOTHING!” and “Thinking in High Definition” due to
be released 2020. Britney is always in awe of opportunities to mentor and guiding promising individuals to awaken their creative ability, find their identity, maximize their purpose and guide them in the right direction of becoming the world’s next great innovator. Many people reach out to Britney for her experience in starting businesses, her creative direction and to help them turn a good idea into a great idea. She is a true voice in the marketplace.

Britney has received the ACHI Magazine “Editor’s Choice Award” out of 100
phenomenal women and The Eddy Awards “Providence” Award. She has appeared on various TV networks, magazine covers and articles such as the cover of Glambitious Magazine, the cover of MizCEO Magazine, featured in SwagHer magazine, and Courageous Woman top 30 speakers to book. She is a highly sought-after speaker and business mentor who has mentored individuals like Olympic Gold Medalist and more. In addition to all of her accomplishments, Britney loves helping others. She is determined to use her gifts to help change lives of dreamers all over the world.

We are living in a unique time that the world has never experienced before and may never experience anything like it again. Most of the world is in lockdown and fear is running rampant. However because there is so much

uncertainty, we need "HOPE" more than ever before.
Wikipedia defines "hope" in the following way.:
Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large. As a verb, its definitions include: "expect with confidence" and "to cherish a desire with anticipation." https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki Hope - Wikipedia
Here is my definition of HOPE for this time. HAPPY, OPPORTUNITIES, PEOPLE, EXPECTATIONS
People are saying that at this time you need to be happy. Everyone one wants to be
"Happy" and although that is a noble pursuit in and of itself; happiness is fleeting. You see "Happy" is a feeling. That means one small thing can make you happy and just as quickly one small thing can make you unhappy. Just like that, in an instant your happiness has gone.
I want to challenge you not to be happy but to discover "Joy". Joy is a deep seated joy that goes beyond happiness, feelings and situations. Even in the most dire, miserable and darkest of situations you can have joy. Whereas any happiness has evaporated at this point. Joy remains because it is not based on feelings. It is based in your gratitude and knowing who you are. Knowing your identity.
When you are steadfast in having an Attitude of Gratitude and the knowledge of who you are you can have hope and face today, no matter what is thrown at you. Hope will rise in you for today and for tomorrow. In my opinion this is the birthplace of hope. When you are joyful in the world no matter the circumstances then real hope can arise.

I spent ten years living in Taiwan. The first bit of advice I received was this: "You need to be flexible and adaptable like water". Now people are confined to their homes. Thousands of people have lost their jobs. People are in shock. Governments may be able to help some for a short time but it will not be able to sustain that level of help. You need to be flexible and adapt to the current situation.
I have adapted and many opportunities have opened up for me. There are many opportunities out there even in the midst of this pandemic. There is a TV show called "Once upon a time". In one
episode one of the seven dwarfs had made candles. However no-one was buying his candles. So he gets his pickaxe and destroys the electricity box plunging the whole town into darkness. When asked "Why"? He replied something like, "I am creating my own opportunities." If there are no opportunities opening up for you then create your own opportunities. Now is the time to do this.
With most of us housebound due to the lockdown in our country this could go two ways. One way is where we will go stir crazy and our household will drive us mad. Another way is that we can use this time to build better relationships with our family. You can have family times where you play games together. You could watch a movie but if like my household (I have four kids) no one can decide what movie to watch as our movie tastes are all completely different.
In the Bible there is a verse that says "Iron sharpens Iron". That means there is conflict and sparks fly. With everyone cooped up on top of each other I know tempers will fray and the whole iron sharpening iron will come into play. I would like to suggest that you can instead be like pebbles. The small stones are made smooth by the water washing over them. The rough edges are smoothed away by the water and pebbles coming onto contact with each other. Just like these pebbles we in our homes can smooth out any rough parts in a much more gentle way than clashing with each other all the time. Who wouldn't want the gentle way?
Don't see this time as time served in prison but a time to deepen your relationship with your family. It does not have to stop with your household. Do check up on other family and friends. Check in on them to see how they are doing. Also you could offer to help if you can. Go buy their food, collect their medicine and other things. Show your love and support to people including those working on the front line to stop this virus.
home so there are expectations from your boss. These you will need to do if you want to keep your job. Children have some expectations from their teachers to do some work and to some degree these too need to be met.
On social media some people are saying if you do not come out of this time with new skills then you have wasted your time. Please do not put yourself under this heavy yoke. If you want to learn new skills then great, well done you. If you need this time just to rest up then great well done you. DO NOT GIVE INTO ANYONE FORCING YOU DO MORE THAT YOU NEED YOU. your health and wellbeing is paramount at this time and do not be guilted into do anything you cannot handle.
Let HOPE arise in you during this time. Embrace it for this too will pass. This state of lockdown and the virus will not last forever. Live and walk in HOPE.
During this time manage expectations. These include expectations you put on yourself as well as those put on you by other people. Some people are now working from
We are in unpresented times and never before since world wars one and two has leadership been so critical. I perceive leadership to be about creating space for people to be their best thus maximising potential. Leadership is about being: very aware, flexible, empathetic, courageous, communicative with excellent relationship skills and with vision for the future underpinned with optimism.
A great leader is highly aware of vision, values, ethics, passion and what s/he stands for, is forthright, communicates with soul and recognises that every person has a gift. The challenge of leadership is to be: strong, able to think with the heart, feel with the head, humble but not timid, acknowledge one’s achievement without arrogance and learn from mistakes. Great leaders remember that expectations determine outcomes.
Currently, most of the world is in lock-down and leaders need to be emotionally intelligent demonstrating high levels of flexibility, leading through uncertainty, balancing strategic planning with contingency planning and caring for the workforce.
The world is calling out for Integrity in leadership. So how might leaders lead with integrity?
Firstly, in the current climate leadership demands leading with purpose and passion to save lives. We see first responders in health and community services risking their own lives in order to save the lives of others.
“The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionable integrity. Without it, no real success is possible.” – Dwight Eisenhower
Leading with integrity requires leaders demonstrate distinctions between what is right and what is moral. An action could be the right action but not moral. In the self-isolation, is it moral that an elderly person within a
nursing home with symptoms of COIVID-19 be left to die without available medical intervention?
Your leadership requires you to inspire, empower and unite people. In your leadership role you are creating a culture that is exciting, value driven, effective, fun and worthwhile in your enterprise. Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. For decades there has been discussion on flexible working, some organisations and businesses have made varying progress. Suddenly, the lock-down require us to work flexibly from home, while in some cases supervising the education of children.
Are leaders sufficiently aware of the social and domestic issues that are faced by some employees? Sadly, the reports are rising on domestic abuse during this pandemic Imagine if you will, you being courageous. "The original definition of 'courage' is from the Latin word 'cor,' meaning 'heart.' The earliest definition was to show you who you are by telling your story with your whole heart.
Are you holding back from taking the courageous path because of fear? • Where in leadership in business and in your life do you need to be more courageous? • How is this current
COVID-19 storm affecting your business, work or personal life? Where do you need to be anchored? • Do you have the courage to follow your intuition? Do you have the courage to be flexible and adaptable and to let your creativity shine?
Leading your business and your life requires courage. Yet you may not be achieving your full potential because of fear. Marianne Williamson says:
Our Deepest Fear - is not that we are inadequate... Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us….. A Return To Love' (1992) by Marianne Williamson
Courage is the key to excellent leadership. Excellent leaders demonstrate bold reasoned
Leading in the current pandemic requires leaders to lead through a period of uncertainty. That requires courage, By courage I mean the ability to face down those imaginary fears and reclaim the far more powerful life that you've denied yourself. A leader sometimes needs to go

judgment, spirited but calculated risk-taking and a confident reflective disposition. Aristotle called courage the first virtue, because it makes all other virtue possible both in business and in life.
Most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. • Steve Jobs, Stanford commencement speech, June 2005
There are times when you may find that you allow fear to rob you of your courage.
Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of going broke, fear of being alone, fear of humiliation, fear of public speaking, fear of being ostracized by family and friends, fear of regret and fear of success.
Within your life or within your business, is there a catastrophe

waiting to happen because you lack the courage to do the right thing?
It takes courage ... to endure the sharp pains of selfdiscovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives. • Marianne Williamson

Listen to your staff and care for them. Your people are your greatest resource; listen to their feedback, ensure that you as a

leader do everything to enable their safety. This may mean speaking truth to power.
To lead people, walk behind them. • Lao Tzu
Lead with communication in your strategic contingency
planning, listen to people and seek to understand the issues, understand what is needed for innovation, what is working well, what is not working, how resources can be better utilized and harnessed.
always adapts to global audiences. When you invest time in listening to people’s concerns and ideas you fuel your leadership with communication because you remember that communication is a two-way process. In so doing you are also leading with recognition, valuing and treating people the way that makes them feel valued; as well as leading with connecting for when you surround yourself with quality

connection to people and you invest time in building genuine relationships, you then extend your leadership beyond your personal strengths.
Effective communication is base of all relationship building. An excellent leader and a master communicator not only has the mastery over the functional skills of communication but also mastery of personal qualities such as interpersonal communication which involves interaction between persons.
Dr Neslyn Watson-Druée
CBE FCGI FRCN M: +44 (0) 7768000321 Awarded Best 100 Global Coaching Leader International Professional Speaker https://www.beaconorganisationaldevelopment.com/ Dr Neslyn’s Published Books: http://goo.gl/zLHfeS



COVID-19 FEED THE CHILDREN PROJECT This mission was lead by the Vice President of Powerful Global Women Foundation (Mrs Josephine Itsuokor) and her team.
Our first point of call was an ophanage home followed by visitation to families with children. We are so grateful to have been able to achieve this during this time. We will continue to reachout to others with the support of our Global partners.


Powerful Global Women Foundation (Powerhouse Charity) was founded in 20l6 in Nigeria, West Africa, by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw. The core objective of this organization is to transform the lives of women and children, through various projects centred around the need of the service group.

In 20l6 Lady Anita single handedly fed over 400 children as part of “project feed l000 children globally”, and held an empowerment conference for the women. Through this project, so many women have gone to do great things with the knowledge they gained from the event. She recently held a life transforming event for women in Lagos, Nigeria as part of International women’s month celebration 20l8. The turnout was very encouraging. She is working towards supporting more families to keep their children and wards in school through” project back-to-school” starting in September 20l8. We are seeking for global support from individuals and organisations who would love to be a part of this service to humanity.

Meet the African Representative of Powerful Global Women Foundation (Mrs Evelyn Emeka). A woman with the heart of putting smile on faces of others. A great entrepreneur in the network marketing industry. She is also a Powerhouse Speaker.
To support us, please visit: www.powerhouseglobalwomen.com or email womanthepowerhouse@gmail.com or powerhouseglobalmag@gmail.com

Charity Project: As part of our Global Annual commitment, we were able to successfully complete project feed the children 2019 mission. Over 150 children were fed at this year’s event. Powerful Women Global Foundation (PGWF ) is a charity set up by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in 2016. The service users are women and children. To support PGWF, please email womanthepowerhouse@gmail.com


Summit 2020
21st and 22nd September 2020 Time: 9 AM - 4 PM DAILY Networking continues until 5.30 pm on both days

Exibition • Panel Sessions •
Masterclass • Book Launch • Talks • Networking •
Opportunity to Feature in • Powerhouse Global Magazine Food and Drinks •