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My mission is to give everyone a message of hope and help people transform their lives in a peaceful, powerful and positive way. To help people become mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually free and in turn survive overcome and thrive. Once we have these freedoms, we can truly be a force for good and impact lives positively.

My name is Saf Buxy. I am a motivational speaker, a recovered addict, a radio presenter, an abuse victim, and above all a survivor.


My mission is to give everyone a message of hope and help people transform their lives in a peaceful, powerful and positive way. To help people become mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually free and in turn survive overcome and thrive. Once we have these freedoms, we can truly be a force for good and impact lives positively.

I act as a motivational speaker, a mentor and as someone who understands how to rebuild a life, even if you think there's no way back. About me: addiction, survival and recovery

Even a loving husband and father with a great family can find himself ensnared by addiction and I am a living example that it doesn’t discriminate.

I could use multiple excuses for the things I did. I was adopted. I was abused physically, racially, verbally and sexually. I was diagnosed as bipolar.

I suffered wounding bereavements, I had an inferiority complex and I could have blamed my circle of friends, but ultimately it all came down to fear and survival.

I don't know if I was born an addict but I do know that I am

an addict. After 33 years of using, I hit what I thought was rock bottom several times, only to find new depths to sink to. I was bankrupt: emotionally, physically and financially.

My mental health, selfdestructive behaviour, dishonesty, selfishness and irritability made my life unmanageable, but eventually led me to recovery.

Acceptance is the answer to all of my problems today. It was scary for me to ask for help, but in all honesty it was more scarier to continue to do what I was doing.

I find that it helps enormously to talk about my trauma, mental health & addiction and subsequent recovery and my philosophy is that if I can spare even one person from going down the path I did, then everything I do will be worth it.

If I could do this I know anyone can too. Once you accept you have a problem, that's your first step to a new way of life free from drinking and using. It's empowering to know and see what I have accomplished. I now work as a volunteer speaker for “The Children's Society”, I have my own radio show called “Saf’s Surgery” which is dedicated to trauma, mental health and addiction, I’m a Trustee of Aspire2Be Recovery Community (A charity that helps people in recovery from addiction and mental health who have suffered from trauma), I’m an Drug and Alcohol Practitioner, I’m a Counsellor, I’m a mentor, I’m a motivational speaker, I’m studying a Master’s in Addiction Psychology, I’m an author of an autobiography

“Out of the Madness”, I perform ‘Spoken Word’, I help talented artists who have experienced trauma, mental health and addiction to express their talent in a way they find comfortable to them and I intend to spend the rest of my life helping others to overcome, survive and ultimately thrive.

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